The BBC has a policy line that it is doing ok because it is attacked by left and right . So the challenge is – list those policies of the Right to which the BBC is biased or supports . And I write that as a challenge to readers and users of this site . Who are the right wing BBC journalists ? And explain why they are ‘right wing ‘ Where is the anti left wing bias ? Oh yes – show all ‘workings ‘ in your answers….
Weekend Thread 25 January 2020
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“Brexit day 50p coin unveiled by Chancellor Sajid Javid”
Get Britannia back on our coins Sajid.
Sadly, the coin does look rather like a Victorian temperance token, but since it appears to have raised that buffoon Heseltine’s blood pressure to new heights, it has its merits.
The coiffed idiot apparently complains that the coin ‘rubs our noses (in the defeat)’ but I wonder how much he’d have spent on BBC champagne had the result gone his way?
This coin is causing a lot of angst with the Remoaners, Remainers, Rejoiners and Snowflakes. They are all crying in their beer/milk.
They come from a generation that were not taught that sometimes you just can’t have your own way . They don’t like losing and they are not used to losing.
That’s all we hear from them is that the 2016 referendum was “divisive”. Well, all elections, ballots and referendums are divisive.
A Reminder to snowflakes etc , a 50p coin was minted when we joined the Common Market . There was no crying then .
Repeat, they just don’t like losing. Democracy won !
Great Britain, against all odds proved that democracy is still alive . The world’s democratic nations are proud of us .
BBC News
Country music has deep roots in African-American culture, but the genre is dominated by white artists.
We head to Nashville to speak to Jimmie Allen about representation in country music.
Bet they rowed there too.
Guest Who
Erm …..\\The most significant impact of Celtic music on American styles, however, is undoubtedly that on the evolution of country music, a style which blends Anglo-Celtic traditions with “sacred hymns and African American spirituals”. Country music’s roots come from “Americanized interpretations of English, Scottish and Scots-Irish traditional music, shaped by African American rhythms, and containing vestiges of (19th century) popular song, especially (minstrel songs)”//?
There is also Anna Soubry and the notion of Andrew Marr not in his jammies, if you can stomach it.
I’d prefer Gollum in a mankini.
It is a mystery.
Whenever I encounter a remainer ‘heartbroken’ at the ‘broken European dream’ I point out that we never bought into the Euro nor Schengen. At best we were half in. Come January 31 we’ll be half out.
No doubt the campaign to remain will turn into the campaign to rejoin. Will it be all in next time?
As I plan my personal celebration of our first stage of leaving the ReichEU I was thinking about the way the BBC will ‘cover ‘ it .
I’m guessing that they’ll be looking for drunken middle aged white men having a scrap and confirming the stereo type the BBC prefer for leavers .
I understand that Heseltine has written something about ‘not wanting remainers’ noses being rubbed in it ‘ . Once upon a time I’d have agreed . But the way the BBC/Soros/bercow conspiracy has conducted itself he and his type ( major , Blair , brown , may, grieve , letwin ,Soubry , Corbyn et al ) deserves all the bitter tears they shed .
Although I think they’ll try to pretend nothing will ever change .
My view Fed, is that the BBC will move to Phase II.
I’ve already seen an online petition that is circulating on Facebook. It’s slant is that ‘We’ll see EU again’ when we rejoin. Please let us back etc.
Vomit inducing in my opinion. The pure hatred for Democracy and also for Brexit voters is out there.
There are those of the middle-ground who are playing a game of wait-and-see. Much of the south-east voted for remain as they feared a drop in precious house prices. If they increase, which is likely, we should see support for Brexit and perhaps a few red faces 🙂
The pressure on the ReichEU is only going to increase -min my opinion . I am assuming social cohesion is going to get even worse as the recession comes leading to more ‘populism ‘ . Brussells won’t be able to bribe their way into compliance .
The Reich will also be dealing with another 4 years of President Trump ( unless there are goods reasons to see him lose the November election )
If the EU races towards ever closer this that and the other in the period after we leave – and stop subsidising them – it will make any attempt to rejoin at the cost of all our sovereignty . Currency , tax , finances , military and relationship with our real friends ( again ). There will need to be compelling reasons for that as opposed to some soppy guardian mindset about ‘globalism ‘.
I agree on the point that the poisonous BBC will campaign for rejoining “ is only were we in the EU will be the refrain “.
Who knows, the BBC could be a very different beast in the near future? Or perhaps a deceased beast of mythical memory?
“A deceased beast.”
Should have been put down long ago.
t – A diseased beast.
Mariella Frostrup, not the woman born in Oslo, Norway, a non-EU country, by any chance?
Frostrup first went Godwin by comparing Brexit to the holocaust
and then deleted her tweet.
.. Then weirdly she retweeted a screenshot of her original tweet
Note her new tweet has a spelling mistake as well
Her deleted tweet had 1,300 replies
For which #CCBGB was coined.
She should maybe quit while already well behind.
Joining the ranks of Grant, Lammy, Femi, Adonis, Heseltine and others is not a great look.
Thanks for the tweet – if you want to read the tweets of upset lovers of the BBC take a look at the Sanchia Berg tweets ….
.. I’ve often wondered why the BBC seems like a secretive monolith that never leaks but it seems as though The Mail has a snitch .
It also reports that they want Tourette’s Robinson to do the toady show from Manchester because he is a professional Northern – seems he is too fond on bohemian London and doesn’t want to go .
Piece of cuck Nish posts…
Sounds a bit racist to me. Imagine had it been for only white people of colour?
Stewart Lee writing in the Guardian does an acrid and bile-fuelled assassination attempt on Laurence Fox.
Having watched again the footage in question that spotlighted Fox I am at a total loss to see how this can possibly be justified.
Fox was subjected to a very clear BBC ambush and unlike so many “keep your head down and pretend to be woke” types floating around the entertainment sector he just plain said what he thinks without animosity.
He sounded reasoned, sensible and just plain exasperated with the artificial attacks inflicted on so many innocent people, usually male and white who are seen as legitimate targets for this and have no right to defend themselves. In fact have no rights full stop.
I hope Mr Lee is rewarded by the adulation of the ranks of the woke crowd he is so desperate to show he is on the right side of. I think sensible folk will see right through this posturing.
This says so much about The Guardian.
From the “If you can’t think of anything to say throw dirt” school of journalism.
Politics of the sewer. And this is State Broadcaster’s house journal?
I read the Stewart Lee article and understood hardly any of it.
The independent rushing to defend the BBC license fee..
I can’t think why this should be for the life of me!
It’s premium but the bit they do show free tells you all you need to know about which way it’s going…
Climate and XR nutters a bit unusually quiet right now. All on their way back from Davos? ….or perhaps waiting for the cold, wet normal late January weather to finish!
Foot of snow predicted in Scotland, don’t think they will be best pleased.
Some are as noisy as ever.
I find it reprehensible, even disgraceful, that any parents let their child, who is clearly mentally and socially challenged, be part of a weird sect of disturbed and socially lightweight idiots, and be plonked in front of a screen and emit gibberish such as espoused by the fear-mongers of so many despotic regimes and their ilk.
The kid is clearly not of sound mind, and has severe psychological issues which do not bode well in the future for similar children, who are put into positions they are unable to control, owing to their inability to communicate anything with normal people.
The dreadful consequences of exposure to these fanatics who are in control of this sad little kid are never even approached by the harridans of fake ‘truth’, like the Guardian, The Observer, the BBBC and the usual journals of left-wing monsters which infest our ‘universities’ and ‘academies’.
Luckily, the majority of any populace ignores such behaviour, and the ‘norm’ of sensible debate, so often pooh-pooed by a left-wing and wildly inaccurate BBC, is left to normal citizens to decide what utter rot all these maniacal diatribes amount to.
They can fill any studio with screaming apostles of the ‘godperson harrabin’, but that won’t change the minds of the people who actually work for a living, and disregard such pathetic posturing.
As many have said, ‘it’s no coincidence that the solution to so-called climate change appears to resemble communism.’
Here’s a guaranteed money making scam that would suit little miss muffet down to the ground.
Charge people £5 to stand in front of her and tell her to eff off.
There would be queues around the block wherever she went. It might help with her mental conditions too, perhaps.
No sign of bias at BBC says BBC
Raymond Snoddy. That’s a name from a long time ago. I actually thought he was dead.
He’s not gained any common sense with advancing years though, has he. Still, haters gotta hate.
For all the old-timers on here. I just had a quote to fit a new shower in my bathroom and it’s almost exactly the same amount that I paid cash for my first semi-detached house in 1976….
I sold that house 4 years later and used the proceeds to buy a plot of land and build a detached house with double garage!
Those were the days.
Well done that man!
A Daught sold her London flat a couple of years ago, and realised that over the many years she had lived there, it hadn’t cost her a bean, as she had all the profit to buy a new place elsewhere!
Looking at showers (not bbbc autiocue readers), they are getting even better, and when the asses in W1A have to go subscription, they may well consider lots of ads for these items!
Good evening everyone. Anybody seen anything about the Italian election? It seems to have disappeared off the BBC faster than a female BME Grenfell enquiry team member “resignation”…..
“Society is ‘badly tilted in favour of women, disadvantaging men’.”
WHAT? You mean the Beeb have been LYING to us for years?
Well, as I’ve said before, we are having a matriarchy imposed on us.
If men don’t start fighting back, it’s going to get a lot worse.
No probs, the invading religion will put them back in their place.
Posted without comment.
Ok, maybe a titter.
Wendle ye not.
It won’t end well. A black racist the head of BBC. Black quotas over white people.
Let’s reverse that and see how it looks.
I haven’t watched BBC1’s Countryfile for months. A previous anti-Brexit episode last year where they said Muslim’s might save the British lamb industry was the final straw for me.
Thought I would watch the last 15 minutes of tonights episode to catch the 5 day weather forecast. I was treated to a black man and Indian woman presenters drinking, what looked like water, in a pub. Then a bit about how great Indian food is followed by the end meetup of everyone where the Indian lady said “all we need now is some Bhangra dancing”.
You don’t get any more British countryside than that!
You missed the bit where Tom Heap had a punt at President Trump threatening to poison us with chlorinated chicken..
see my comment below
Al Beeb’s agenda – Social Engineering.
They have been at it for years.
Another interest-conflicted pompous analysis of how the failing BBC gets paid, versus whether its output warrants it, in any form.
Lewis Goodhall liked this
Lisa Nandy is, he hopes, going to be PM.
The Marie-Antoinette FakeGreens say about the poor Africans
“Let them have solar and wind gimmicks * ”
.. not the reliable on demand power that we have in the West
* EXPENSIVE solar/wind gimmicks,
that supply intermittent power & strain the grid
Look – they have to get the fossil fuel to run all those private jets to Davos from some where . And I felt sorry for that nice Prince Charles ( 74) doing 16000 miles in 3 days and not shaking the US Vice Presidents ‘ hand on purpose while he was there ( but got a grip of President Putin though – he had to do that or it was the complementary sarin donation )
Rugby League, a minority sport.
Also three months since the end of the major UK league.
But AlBeeb have Rugby League headlines.
“Sonny Bill Williams: Toronto Wolfpack cross-code star allowed to cover gambling logos”
That Bill Williams, the one nobody has heard of.
The Super League is sponsored by BetFred and some players do not like it.
However they like it sufficiently to sign on knowing the regulations.
Then, less than a week before the start of the new season, the issue is raised!
Yes, Bill Wiliams converted to the religion of rape years ago!
I was trying to figure out if any of the letter writers supporting the BBC had anything in common apart from being paid in some way be the BBC ……
Countryfile producers scared stiff that they might not meet their BAME quotas
lead with 2 BAME presenters Anita Rani & Sean London Fletcher
and end the prog with an item about “The taste of the Punjab”
.. a tenuous link to countryside is that someone in that village cooks Indian food.
#1 Community owned pub where villagers raised £1/4m to buy it
#2 Stanage edge walkers
2.1 Men’s mental health group
2.2 The Right To Roam activists
(all was perfunctory)
#3 Local-Source food delivery business
3.1 Sean uses a hand flour grinder like they use in India
at the water mill
3.2 The oilseedrape pressers
#4 The caving couple
18:16pm #5 “Will it pay for farmers to think Green in the future ?”
.. with GreenReligion Tele-evangelist Tom Heap
“IN ENGLAND the future is Green with ELMS
Enviro Land Management Scheme (subsidies)”
#5.1 Dartmoor NP peatland restoration slowing water runoff to preserve more peat
Heap questions if the ELMS is ready
5.2 He asks the leading questions (with obligatory sneer at Trump) for smiley Tory minister Theresa Villiers
“We will NOT be importing chlorinated chicken, we will NOT be importing hormone treated beef, cos we will be maintaining our food standards. We are importing the EU law into our domestic system”
#6 Helen Skelton with OAP climbers (OK that is proper country)
back to mention of the 2000 Countryside Act
#7 Adam’s Farm
– throwing 2.5 tonne of grain onto his farm hedges
(he thinks he is feeding birds, but he’ll be feeding rats)
– Gives his pregnant sheep a Brazilian
-injects his animals to prevent disease spread
#8 community artist
#9 Curry On Cooking with the Spice Sisters
doing an Indian Harvest Festival
..everyone making chapatis
(Bhangra music was promised, but we got none)
Camera focuses specially on sole black visitor in the crowd ..end
I have friends and family in Farming…….they gave up watching this so called Countryfile a long time ago . It’s a mixture of Breakfast TV ,The one show and Blue Peter……Managed not to watch Dr Who as well . BBC at it’s best !
Mrs. Farley just reminded me that the BBC still use ” The Generation Game ” theme in their programmes……..
Meanwhile on Countryfile Ellie is going to try her hand at artificial insemination………more bull—- anyone ?;
Maybe, if Nish was brought in?
\\Unite general secretary Len McCluskey said such actions were “despicable” but added that the party “never handled the anti-Semitism issue correctly”.//
So, what was The Chakrabarti Inquiry all about?
“Anti-Semitism claims used to undermine Corbyn – McCluskey”
Ah so when anti-semitism happened in the labour party
.. the REAL VICTIM was Corbyn
BBC 2 pm Ski prog
That will be mostly white people ?
No BBC start with a feature about London black guy an ex-knife youth who’s taken up snowboarding
Time for the new thread – as the world goes into mourning for a dead retired American sports man who I have never heard of .
Meanwhile Monday is Holocaust Memorial Day . Which I fear the BBC will make even more painful – if that’s possible .
When I opened this thread I set a challenge to evidence the BBCs bias toward the Right . No one has posted one piece of evidence – not even a troll .
Hey maxincony , can you give us all an example of Al Beeb broadcasting a positive and impartial report on Brexit?
No, then vote here ……………
Well maxi. From your reply to Pug
I think we can gather where your position stands with regards to Israel.
As you obviously endorse the BBC, and never give any examples of their bias No doubt you follow their support for Palestine and Hamas.
Anyway with the insomnia that you obviously suffer from, I suggest you have a read of this. 400 pages of an alternative view that the BBC and Jeremy Bowen have never researched..
“Well maxi. From your reply to Pug
I think we can gather where your position stands with regards to Israel.”
“We” can gather nothing seeing as I said nothing about Israel.