Watchers of the Far Left Biased BBC will be heartened by the fear of cut backs and , hopefully , job losses . Perhaps their world isn’t as cosy as they assumed with the accompanying shock that a growing number of people just see its’ bias and care less for it .
Start the Week Thread 27 January 2020
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Britain will share its independence day with Nauru.
The Guardian covered the trial live and published the 8 hr video –
The BBC only provided a live broadcast and if you missed it it’s gone
Naturally, both are biased
The site seems to have been down for a while but someone has put a shilling in the meter . It might even have been a Brexit 50pence or 2 20p pieces and a 10p – or 15p if it’s Diane Abbot …
Al Beeb using Huawei ?
Remember ‘Ethical man’?
He’s going to ‘explain’ things. Again.
Looks like Sir. Boaty’s dabble with the 110 Citizen’s Assembly hit a berg.
Why does the BBC make stories about thing melting so negative ? Think of the opportunities – pulling ice bergs to Australia – of the pure bottled water industry . People actually but bottles of water ! Then there are countless opportunities for descendants of Attenborough to make award winning nature porn films .
Burn that diesel …
Still a ridiculous amount on the bBBC sports page about some black basketball player who died a few days ago. Far more in fact than when Martin Peters sadly passed away. But then again Martin was English. And white.
Following on from the BBC using footage of another black basketball player instead og]f the dead one – the met police has offered its new ‘facial recognition community safety ‘ equipment to help the BBC identify black faces …. ( this May be false news ) .
As an aside – on QT last Thursday Trevor Phillips ( a member of the race industry I have time for ) forecast that by the time of the next edition 3 more people would be murdered on London streets . So far he is 66% right …. Clapton …Croydon …
Some one at OFCOM likes Jo Brand ( realnames josephine grace yexley Brand ) – a hatee type creature who has made a bitter living for far too long .
Anyway – yesterday – OFCOM released its finding that it is okay to suggest throwing acid over a human being rather than milk shake . Below I have republished an extract – the full ( pages ) of the report are available on the OFCOM site-
‘We concluded that Ms Brand’s comments had clear potential to offend listeners. However, we considered a range of contextual factors, including the likely audience expectations of this well-known comedian, and long-running comedy programme, which aims to challenge generally accepted ideas through satire. We also took into account that Ms Brand immediately qualified her comments, making it clear they should not be taken seriously or acted on.’
So that’s okay then – how far does the anger go ? Okay do a gag about replacing a string vest with a suicide vest ? [ but don’t do this at home ]. Or – why not form a paedo gang but only go after Pakistani girls under 16?] — don’t do this in the Chicken shop . Oh how we would laugh …. it’s ok it’s only satire .
So we see how the BBC / OFCOM sing from the same values sheet . A wrong word used in the wrong place is a career ender – but acid attacks – or even milk shake assaults – That’s ok .
Has Jo Brand and John Sergeant ever been seen in the same room? Discuss.
Not bias and I don’t normally do this kind of thing . Remainers are pushing to get Ode to Joy at No1 on the iTunes Charts, please everyone go online and buy Dominics 17.4 million F*** Offs. As of this morning Ode is 2nd and Dom is 3rd
I was sickened when the despicable EU adopted Beethoven’s wonderful 9th Symphony which is all about love and peace between nations as their ‘national anthem’. They have no right to it as they embody the things that Schiller and Beethoven hated.
i’m still waiting for the eu.bc to report ANY good news on brexit.
I guess if your sponsored by a foreign power, you won’t find any
Andy – it seems Heath took a 1.5 million bung from Brussels in 1973 to buy a new boaty. No surprise . Pity the BBc doesn’t put a nice countdown clock showing until 2300 Friday ….
Ever wondered what really drives the ER loonies?
Look no further… this report in the new Scientist paints a picture for you….
A co-founder of the Extinction Rebellion environmental movement has called for a mass ingestion of psychedelic substances in protest against the criminalisation of drugs.
“I would support a mass civil disobedience where we take medicine to tell the state that they have absolutely no right to control our consciousness and to define our spiritual practice,” Gail Bradbrook said in a press briefing as part of Breaking Convention, a conference on psychedelics in London on 16 August.
Bradbrook, a former biophysicist, said it was not Extinction Rebellion’s policy to promote the use of drugs, (despite doing exactly that in the paragraph above!) but they had played a role in her personal journey towards founding the movement.
Read more:
Aaah, I see…. so they are all zonked out!
I’d be interested to know if all the woke folk who cheer them on agree with this as a plausible and realistic way forward?
I can only assume that these loons have no qualms about dying in the back of an ambulance in the queue outside an A and E.- if indeed an ambulance turns up ,
Mrs kitty ,
I’m glad you don’t normally do this kind of thing . I think the idea of battling remainers over tunes , fifty pence pieces or even Big Ben gongs – is just a waste of energy and plays into enemy hands .
I’m more than eager to rub their noses in their defeat and really hope it hurts for a long time . But the other stuff – nah – just get on with burning the EU flags and getting them off public display – they are foreign -after all.
I’m looking forward to the live coverage of our leaving the EU on Friday – black tie for Huw ? Somber / sombre studio sets with Emily sitting at a table with a box of tissues nearby for a gaggle of defeated remainers ? Soubry blubbing in the corner … ? Bercow denying bullying ( again) . I would t be surprised that the ReichEU theme tune gets played from a BBC output and definitely C4 at the stroke of 11pm .
I will force myself to watch but I will probably be on my second bottle .
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ for the silly pop “competition”.
I am concerned about the mental state of the losers,
Headline on Saturday?
“5 Million Remainer suicides, 6 million unwanted hominims leave.”
I’d put money on the BBC reporting that the ‘Samaritans ‘ have a ‘surge ‘in calls . I realise such a serious subject should not normally be addressed so flippantly but I plead guilty as thar is the type of propaganda weapon the BBC and its fellow traitor travellers will use . – as well as- for instance – all the lights in Brussells being switched off and candles being lit . Popcorn sales increase…
Again I hope to be wrong .
I suppose it might be rather distressing to be a recipient of 17 million you-know-whats.
The national broadcaster of the UK, uniquely funded by force.
Yes. Justin Rowlatt, along with some other environmental nut job scientist, fresh from his Antarctic adventure terrorising the BBC breakfast audience with his doom laden report about the imminent collapse of the Thwaites Glacier in Western Antarctic. ‘Sea level rise is going to happen and we must all be prepared for up to 3% of sea level rise from this one glacier alone.
He then slips in. ‘We are talking decades or maybe centuries for this to happen.’
By this time the damage is done and everyone believes we are doomed. We’re doomed..
I just recall his air miles then. Now?
Does he park his Fiat e500 next to Soapy’s at Heathrow short stay?
davy, the fact that sea level rises at best @ 3mm per annum was lurking at the back of a brain that was wishing it was still asleep, so when I heard the ridiculous claim at 7a.m. that the melt from the Thwaites Glacier contributes 4% to sea level rise prompted a laugh. Or was it a smile? I’m not sure. I was busy wishing I was still asleep.
Rip van Winkle will be OK and will not have soggy socks when he wakes up in a few hundred years time.
Looks like Laura needs to do another in-depth with Nanny, Burgermeister, Bex and the Blob.
Could help.
We are all going to perish because the ice is melting and the oceans are likely to rise by up to a metre.
So I did a bit of maths with data I found on surface areas.
The Oceans cover approx. 139,000,000 sq. miles
The Ice covers approx. 280,300 sq. miles
My calculations therefore show that the oceans are around 500 times larger in surface area then the ice fields.
So the way I see it, for every 1mm rise in the oceans you would need 500mm of ABOVE SEA LEVEL ice to melt across every ice field in the World.
Hence a 1000mm ocean rise would need 500,000mm depth of ice to melt across every ice field in the World.
This would mean that every area of ice would need to be on average 500,000mm above sea level right now.
I am an arts graduate so cannot claim to be a maths wiz, so can any maths experts out there double check my figures for me because they appear to prove we are being systematically lied to in a massive way.
digg, maths is my weak point, too, so I haven’t checked your calcs.
4% of world sea level rise is 4% of 1.7mm* which according to my Abbotticus comes out at 0.0068 which is not eleventy of very much really. And that is if the whole glacier melts to nothing.
How likely is that?
I smile that after a skim read of Justin Rowlatt’s article, he doesn’t mention that it is summer heading toward autumn in Antarctica right now. We know that the southern hemisphere has had a bit of a heatwave this summer. The BBC told us. Correction : he did here “They do not have long.
All the delays mean there are just a few weeks of the Antarctic summer left before the weather starts to get really bad.
How do we know that they might not have a string of some terrible winters?
(* The generally agreed average for 20th century. It’s claimed that sea level rise has accelerated during 21st century to approximately 3mm p.a..)
I’m no expert and I’m meant to be at work right now, but doesn’t water expand as it turns into ice? Meaning that when a block of ice measuring 10cm by 10cm by 10cm melts, it doesn’t melt down to 1 litre of water? If so that means the figures would be smaller than you calculated. I think.
Liberal media in Murica.
There’s also one of a Republican young spokeswoman taking apart a BBC ‘source who says’, namely a Libby ditz ‘reporter’.
There are reports today that Boris the bottler is going to go ahead and compromise the nations security by giving the green light to Huawei over 5G.
This is in defiance of our allies and the Tory back benches and you have to wonder what’s in it for Boris by taking this route.
Given the allegations surrounding Boris over dodgy dealings with Iran, and his support foir the Ayatollahs gaining nuclear weapons I think the only explanation can be the personal gain of the man at the top.
Of course if anyone else has a better theory as to why the PM would take such an odd decision I’d be glad to hear it.
Silent Witness Watch – Taking One For The Team So You Don’t Have To
So last night’s Silent Witness, it actually contained only the one jarring PC Woke Virtue Signal, however its did also have me questioning myself, am I paranoid or is this happening?
To address that first. Every week features a different guest police duo, probably to emphasise that the Silent Witness team cover a large area. I hadn’t really registered this until halfway through, but last nights was a white female senior officer and a black male junior officer. Last week was a white male disabled senior and a black female junior. The week before was a white female senior and a black male junior. Always permutating race and gender, if you’re an aspiring actor auditioning for the junior part and you learn that the person playing your senior officer is the same sex or colour then you might as well just go home, you’re not allowed to get the job……or maybe I’m paranoid.
Anyway, the clanger. The Team found a person’s remains encased in a concrete pillar. After chipping the skeleton out, forensically examining it, and cross referencing it with missing persons reports they narrowed the identity of the victim down to one person. They had his name, his wife’s name and her address. The Police turned up to interview the woman and the scene cut to an interview in the kitchen of the address. The wife had sold up years earlier, the new owners we’re a married couple……of lesbians. When I say you couldn’t make it up I’m not sure if I’m refereeing to the wokeness of the script or the chances of this occurring in real life. To make matters worse, one half of the couple was Beeb approved comedienne Rhona Cameron. She can’t act. At all. The director should have canned the scenes or re cast. Her “performance” was of the highly mobile faced overacting technique typified in school plays. Fortunately their role was more or less a cameo, however in the end titles they had bothered to give our two narrative devices names as opposed to Householder 1 and 2. And they shared the same single barrelled surname. How does that work? Or maybe I was wrong, maybe they were actually sisters, even though only one was Scottish. Yes, perhaps I was jumping to conclusions and being unfair.
Nah, it’s the BBC, they were married lesbians.
I’ve also noticed that the ‘sidekick’ of any detective duo barely utters a word. In last nights he didn’t say anything, but ‘looked’ a lot.
In Vera, her ‘jnr’ Aiden has the easiest part in any popular drama, all he does is stand around like a spare prop while Vera does all the questioning. He does a bit of running to catch a villain, but in the main its “Aiden get yer coat” and off he goes. Learning his half a dozen lines in a 2 hour show must be a doddle, and getting well paid for it !!
I notice things like that.
BBC 1 running a feature on “Crime, are we tough enough?” Interviewing and sympathising with a poor woman who ended up in Prison for not paying a bill.
Don’t think it was for her TV license though!
Another day, another…
Martin Howe, Lawyers for Britain, states the obvious:
we failed to foresee the sheer scale, effrontery and persistence of the Remainers’ multiple legal chicaneries and parliamentary stratagems …
nor did we anticipate the sheer unadulterated and persistent incompetence, vacillation, self-delusion and deception of the May administration
Because of the tortuous and narrow path which Boris Johnson and his Government had to tread, Howe says he is forgiving of the Prime Minister for having concluded a Withdrawal Agreement which, despite the removal of the original Northern Ireland backstop Protocol, still contains many shockingly bad provisions left over from Theresa May’s negotiations.
The removal or neutering of these provisions – most importantly, those which provide for long-term binding ECJ jurisdiction over the UK – remains unfinished business for the next stage of the negotiations with the EU. … Despite the political and legal significance of us formally leaving the EU on 31st January, we will not get back control of any of these things until the all-enveloping so-called ‘transition’ period ends on 31st December.
Howe is promising that LfB will be keeping watch and not declaring “job done” until we are confident that we have actually secured the return to this country of independent democratic control over our laws, money, borders and international trade.
Let us hope so.
He also claims that LfB have received many emails and telephone calls from strong Brexiteers in chambers or law firms who do not feel able to “out” themselves due to the prevailing culture in some parts of the legal profession. I’m guessing this applies to many professions.
I think we can all identify a major facilitator/influencer pushing the ‘prevailing culture’.
“We can all identify…” Can you give us a clue?
‘Could John Bolton be an impeachment game-changer?’ asks the beeb hopefully.
The Today Programme, and a quote:
“This is about Trump. This is about Netanyahu. It isn’t about peace”
Palestinian ambassador Husam Zomlot says Palestinians are rejecting President Trump’s Middle East peace plan because the president wants them to give up all their rights.
That is what they chose.
Sorry I am repeating myself but I know this means as much to many of the readers of this website as me:
Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to get “17 Million Fuck Offs” to number one. The Remainers, who will be spewing their hatred for the rest of their lives, are looking to get Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, the EU anthem, to number one. Not a bad ditty, I’m sure you’ll agree, but even Beethoven might have bought “17 Million Fuck Offs”.
You don’t have to dig deep. A mere 99p. Go on, make a Remainer miserable:
Here’s Guido’s take:
here’s the Amazon link:
Take comfort in the fact that the Rhodesian nation anthem – “Rise, O Voices of Rhodesia” was based around the same piece of music by Beethoven. So, whenever you hear the EU anthem, think of all those remainers paying homage to that wonderful nation and all it stood for, and imagine them joyfully singing the following words under a large poster of Good Old Smithy:
“Rise, O voices of Rhodesia,
God may we Thy bounty share.
Give us strength to face all danger,
And where challenge is, to dare.
Guide us, Lord, to wise decision,
Ever of Thy grace aware,
Oh, let our hearts beat bravely always
For this land within Thy care.
Rise, O voices of Rhodesia,
Bringing her your proud acclaim,
Grandly echoing through the mountains,
Rolling o’er the far flung plain.
Roaring in the mighty rivers,
Joining in one grand refrain,
Ascending to the sunlit heavens,
Telling of her honoured name. ”
Ian – Of course, politically very incorrect, but under Good Old Smithy the average black Rhodesian was miles better off than at present. For one thing, there was food. Now most of them are ‘free’, but hungry. Rhodesia was a food exporter. Zimbabwe a corrupt basket case. The corrupt ANC in SA is following the same path, trying to force white farmers off the land etc. MSM coverage thereof: zero.
Ian – Of course, politically very incorrect, but under Good Old Smithy the average black Rhodesian was miles better off than at present. For one thing, there was food. Now most of them are ‘free’, but hungry. Rhodesia was a food exporter. Zimbabwe a corrupt basket case.
The corrupt ANC in SA is following the same path, trying to force white farmers off the land etc. MSM coverage thereof: zero.
Ian – Of course, politically very incorrect, but under Good Old Smithy the average black Rhodesian was miles better off than at present. For one thing, there was food. Now most of them are ‘free’, but hungry. Rhodesia was a food exporter. Zimbabwe a corrupt basket case.
The corrupt ANC in SA is following the same path, trying to force white farmers off the land, etc. MSM coverage thereof: zero.
Insurer Aviva apologises to mistaken Michaels
I clicked on this thinking “I doubt the BBC can force there agenda onto us with this article”…. but the 2nd photo is of black basketball played Michael Jordan. The most tenuous of links to the actual article justified the BBC’s choice of the photo.
Not only that ‘random’ sports photo but it was accompanied with the text: “Perhaps inspired by Michael Jordan, it has been a popular first name” just in case dear reader didn’t recognise him. I am not convinced that a U.S. basketball star inspired that many Michael namings in the U.K., if true then surely we would have many more children called Tiger as well
Some facts the bBC/LK fail to point out or ‘analyse’ in their Varadkar story.
The UK’s population of 66.3 million is 14 TIMES that of Ireland’s 4.8 million
The UK’s economy (GDP: $2.825 billion) is over 7 TIMES the size of Ireland’s ($0.382 billion)
Varadkar did NOT mention Ireland’s reliance on the UK to support its farming sector
Beef – 51.4% of Irish beef exports are sold to the UK
Pork – 43.5% of Irish pork exports are sold to the UK
Cheese – 50.2% of Irish cheese exports are sold to the UK
Neither did Mr Varadkar mention defence, for which the EU needs the UK
Ireland effectively relies on the UK for its defence, as it is not a member of NATO
Ireland spends the smallest proportion of GDP on defence of any EU country
It spent just 0.3% of GDP on defence in 2018 – €0.94 billion
The UK spent 2.1% of GDP on defence – €50.5 billion – that’s 53 times more
From an article in the Express, it seems that kuentsberg woman, she of the permanent sneer, is now presuming to dictate to Prime Minister Johnson how he should conduct foreign relations and negotiations with the EU thugs.
This woman’s talents are limitless. Maybe she should be appointed head of the negotiating team; I’m sure Dominic Cummings would welcome her involvement and sage counsel.
And perhaps along the way she could deliver some real news to her faithful followers.
Now that “ just a minute “ has lost its old world chairman there’s a gap for amol , nish or Shabi to get the job .
In the next round talk about Pakistani paedo rape gangs for just a minute Starting now …
RIP mr parsons
The final line in the BBC’s obituary reads :
” … his sugary image on Sale of the Century, made him a dapper reminder of a bygone age and a ripe target for other comedians. ”
Lovely BBC. Please change it to celebrate the life of a man who had survived all the ludicrous changes to Radio 4 comedy to remain popular with a fresh generation of students.
I remember seeing Nicholas Parsons at the London Palladium in, I think 1963, on a school trip to the white capital of our country. He was the straight man for Arthur Haynes.
I think he was in the wonderful “Much Binding-in-the-Marsh”.
Dr who latest
the show is nearly perfect now. Shame about the viewing figures
Fortunately (for the BBC), it doesn’t actually need any viewers. “Unique form of financing”, don’t you know (aka “We play, you pay. Else you go to jail”)
I’m actually a bit disgusted. I followed the link you posted and it takes you to the bbc Newsround page, news aimed at children.
Scroll down to other featured stories and you see “Are these toys diverse enough” and a story about climate change and melting ice caps. Aimed at our children. No wonder mental health issues are on the rise, confusion, propaganda and being told by the world’s most trusted news provider that you are going to die!!!!
Woolwich, I agree it’s a disgrace and one of the reasons last April I said to my family that we weren’t paying for this sh*t any more and cancelled the telly tax!
Our daughter was constantly getting drip fed all sorts of nonsense that she didn’t need to know from ‘kids’ shows like Newsbeat etc.
I remember one where the TV was on and the lead story on Newsbeat was Trump going up the aeroplane steps with some white toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Absolute rubbish which they hope kids won’t see through!
To paraphrase, it takes years to build a reputation and minutes to lose one ????
Doesn’t she still get it all at school, or are you more fortunate?
I followed the link and went down to comments. I was confronted by a sentence telling me “ sorry it looks like you are not the right age to comment”!
Is ageism not illegal?
I watched Dr Who from the start, right up to about four Drs ago, still have loads of old programmes on VHS tapes, creaky scenery, silly aliens and worth watching.
If you had been the right age you might have been the wrong colour.
They’ve obviously never been told the story about the goose that laid golden eggs.
It’s taken a while but the hive has finally finished eating their goose.
Odd, the BBC shared its great joy at a black, female Dr Who with the nation. Its headline was: “Will you be watching the new Doctor Who?”
Sadly the responses were so unWoke that many were deleted and the BBC quickly shut down the message board, after a mere 8 responses. But don’t worry, the BBC aren’t going to trouble its Identity Politics driven mindset with the small matter of what those who pay for it actually think.
That was hateful and disgusting.
When will Dom get rid of Mark Sedwill?
What a great way to begin renewing and strengthening relationships with our historic partners; didn’t at least the USA and Australia warn against giving these contracts to the Chinese?
Our Civil Service is replete with treacherous arseholes.
Prime Minister Johnson, drain the Swamp!
To be honest I am not surprised .
What better way to try and sell a BRINO deal to the electorate than by deliberately upsetting the POTUS and the US. He knows Sedwills views on Huawei yet he still appointed him.
We also today had the news from Aunty that the “Independent” Migration Advisory Committee recommends lowering the salary cap, I bet pro migration Boris cant wait to “accept” that recommendation.
I can now quite confidently predict that Boris is also very likely to sell us out on our fishing rights and I think it will not be too long before UK armed forces will be undertaking a lot more “joint” exercises with our European “friends”.
Delinpole on Breitbart a few days ago wrote that the green “blob” is still very active in the Civil Service. I would now argue that Bojo is a proud member of the same.
Yet again we have a leader in Bojo, who is a remainer at heart. Bojo only started wearing leave togs in order to get the top job. His only loyalty is to his globalist class and certainly not his nation.
Maybe he should start wearing some of Theresa Mays dresses instead, at least that would appear to be a lot more honest, and who knows maybe at last the “real” Boris could finally “come out”.
Beeb TV news says Boris says Huawei is OK for the UK. Silly boy. Clueless.
Bit like UK letting the Nazis take part in the development of the Spitfire in the 30s?
The Abwehr would have loved it.
This was a lose – lose for Boris.
Sign up with Huaway and get “Now the US trade deal is under threat!”
Don’t sign up with Huaway and get “Kow-towing to Trump”
He’s just gone the hard businessman route….
I feel a bit sorry for boys and girls at Cheltenham who monitor sites like this for ‘extremism’ – knowing their kit will now be able to send stuff straight to the Chinese without anyone being bribed for it .
At least we can blame someone else the next time the site becomes unavailable .
I’d back stuff up this week if I were wise as Friday Saturday will be ideal days for viruses other than Chinese exports .
Fed – always taken it for granted this site is being monitored for extremism of the ‘right’. I still consider myself to be merely a conservative and a democrat– a long way from the real ‘far right’, which would have totalitarian inclinations. However, Europe, UK, much of US/Canada have now moved so far to the left that a conservative, say of the Thatcher brand, would probably be ‘far right’.
This becomes clearer when you look at eg Germany. In theory, Merkel’s party is ‘conservative’. In practice, even a ‘socialist’ like former Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt (SPD) would probably blink in astonishment at developments there, since Merkel has actually outflanked him on the left.
As for the Chinese, they remain Communist, regardless of impressive economic reforms/progress. Huawei can be called on at any time to provide info; do you think for one second they’d refuse?
Comrade Xi will inspect British infrastructure and interfere with it whenever he wishes. Simple.
If you notice I refer to the ‘Far Left Biased BBC ‘ on purpose . This is because as far as my views are concerned it is ‘Far Left ‘ .
One of the most painful things about it is that the BBC staff don t even realise where it is on the spectrum .
Fed – trying to figure out what is ‘left’ or ‘right’ is tricky these days, especially when you add the term ‘far’. I did a number of Politics degrees at uni, worked in the field, and I am constantly baffled by the speed with which these concepts change. They seem to have become terms of abuse, rather than of political philosophy. (It all started off with who sat where in the French N Assembly during the Revolution).
What clears my mind is getting back to basics: I prefer a sovereign state, which EXERCISES control over its own borders. If that state is ‘essentially white’, centred on the Judeo-Christian tradition, I see nothing wrong with keeping it that way, any more than I would have a problem with Nigeria remaining essentially black, or Saudi remaining essentially Moslem.
I see this as a centrist and conservative position. It is not ‘far’ anything. I see anyone attacking this position as problematic; ‘subversive’ seems an appropriate term. I recall a book entitled: “Teaching as a subversive Activity” I read in1971. Looking at present-day Western Universities, I’d say ” Job done”. (To which we can add ‘publishing and broadcasting’ as subversive activities…)
When I studied politics, ‘far left’ was Communism of various flavours, e.g. Karl Marx with Lenin’s ‘vanguard party’, allegedly heading for a classless worker’s ‘paradise’ with the state ‘withering away’!
There was no talk of ‘multiculturalism’, ‘tolerance’, ‘openess’ etc. There were ‘superstates’, but the EU wasn’t one of them, and didn’t exist in its present form; nor did ‘ever closer and deeper union’. These seem recent inventions, designed to undermine what I have described as my basic position (and con the populace out of power). They are all part of a new ideology, I will simply call PC. The first three form a ‘new’ component, ‘virtue-signalling’ and are essentially found in the ‘West’. This component sets us all for ‘self-destruct’.
(All of these PC concepts are now spearheaded by the MSM: the NYT, WP, CNN, Guardian, Independent, BBC etc. I merely name the more obvious ones. )
Are they ‘far left’? After all, no sign of pushing a ‘vanguard party’. Not many ‘workers’ about? Lenin gone? But much concern with ‘social justice’ ‘equality’ and ‘internationalism’, all good Marxist ‘leftovers’ rehashed. ‘Green’ is relatively new. Still quite moderate in Britain, its German counterpart is more obviously of the ‘left’. Add to the rehashed Marxist leftovers to change their reddish colour. (I think you get brown, which -thinking of WW2- is uncomfortable.)
What about ‘far right’? There are still ‘fascists’ and neonazis’ about, but they are mostly subdued. MSM support is virtually zero. Many hide away in ‘reputable’ parties, possibly not even admitting to themselves what they are. Because of the immediate association with a certain WW2 figure, they have to keep a low profile. A much more dreadful WW2 figure from the former Communist USSR has -by comparison- got away unscathed. Witness international Auschwitz commemorations; but for the Gulags, only silence.
The propaganda fight is more vicious than ever. This is where the beeb comes in, i.a. It spearheads the PC agenda. It strives to be internationalist. It intends to subvert a moderate centrist position. It wants to re-educate us. Note how it likes to claim the centrist ground ‘because both left and right’ criticise it.
But we know better. And, as you say, its own staff don’t even realise how eagerly it subverts…
Now THAT is what I would call an effective propaganda machine! Which is why it needs to be vigorously exposed and opposed.
Getting rid of its cash flow, obtained by menaces, would be a good start too.
For the Left I think it is about redistributing economic and social power to those it approves of – in the case of UK – anyone but the white working class . The consequence has just been witnessed in the General Election .
Much of the content of this site is discussing the ‘social power ‘which the likes of the BBC push for the ascendency of Rights of Wimmin , Coloured of various types including Muslims , and perverse sexuality – not necessarily in that order whilst undermining the ‘normality ‘ of White UK- for which it has no regard – as evidenced by the absence of British history from the TV / radio .
Again the current questioning of the BBC by far more people than this website would serve as a warning to any sane powers in the BBC but will be a reason to push the agenda even further .
I don’t think the government will have the courage to do anything in real life to change the BBC and will rely on licence attrition to undermine it slowly – far too slow for this site .
You mention about the EU. ‘The ever closer union ‘ has always been there . But I see it as moving forward in ‘jumps ‘ a bit like new technology coming along from nowhere and changing things rapidly for a while .
The ultimate aim of a Federal United States of Europe may well be accelerated as the UK leaves and Franco Germany really do call all the shots . But with a bit of luck one or two nation states will get Fedup by being ordered about by the Krauts ( again ) and rebel and attempt to escape in the same way we are about to .
I tend to have a Thatcherite view really – small state – enable people to keep and use their own money as opposed to the state stealing it as taxes and squandering it .
Lineacker says that the LF should be made voluntary! I would of course welcome this because there wouldnt be many volunteers and the few that there were would soon stop paying when they realised people were watching for free. I think that he means that the BBC should become a subscription only service, which of course people on this site have been advocating for years. I have noted that since the GE last month there has been a column in most papers most days about the future of the BBC. I am beginning to believe that the very muted support that there is for the continuation of the LF will encourage the government to firstly decriminalise non payment which will result in a mass refusal to pay it. This in turn will force the BBC themselves to request a move to subscription.
Graun Senior is impressed.
Very sad news that Nicholas Parsons has died. He was perhaps one of very few broadcasters for the BBC who never had any edge to him, and remained a gentleman throughout his career.
He was of a different generation back when the BBC was a little more trustworthy and honest. It is a sad loss, a link to the past is now gone forever.
I note the BABC fail to mention Huawei’s history of sustained Intellectual Property Theft particularly in the US. From something I saw on YT, the Chinese have even stolen information and replicated Russian military kit (‘no honour amongst thieves’!). All very well and good restricting their access to sensitive areas involving UK security but, hey, hang on a minute, what about the universities carrying out State-of-the Art research (eg. Graphine)? There are other sensitive matters not just confidential info of the public. BABC reporting fails consistently to take a broad view of the risks. Is the BABC lining themselves up to form a bond with another Communist broadcasting company in China? Wouldn’t put it past them, ‘All brothers in the great struggle’ and all that.
Excellent news
Apparently the new Doctor Who is going to be a woman and black . Well that will really send the ratings up and reach out to a more diverse audience , get huge overseas earnings thus making the licence tax unnecessary – in fact they’ll be giving people money to watch the BBC…..
… I’ve not seen Doctor Who for a long time – but had a little look at Jodie but she spent all her time running around with Mike Reid in tow .
I understand the latest stuff has political messages laid on with a trowel about how bad whitee is .
I suppose the new one will be stopping genocide in Rwanda , Ebola , idi amin , mgabe, slavery , tribal massacres , aids and other nasty constructs of whitee society .
But is s/he trans?
All sounds a bit binary-hetero-normative to me.
Wicked, wicked beeb.
G, is there anything to stop Huawei – at some point in the future – ‘throwing their toys out of the pram’ because of the restrictions placed upon them by HMG? I can imagine them suing the UK in some Court or other and claiming discrimination. If they lose, they disable their bits of the network. If they win, well, you can imagine what will then happen.
Really cannot understand 1. our various governments’ lack of technical understanding, 2. its touching faith in ‘five being better than four’ because it is a later number, a higher number, and, 3. its lack of confidence in the UK Telecoms Industry to create our own kit for 5G.
Nothing on the BBC news website about Friday.
Has it been cancelled?
Almost 30,500 people have signed the Save the VD Show petition
that’s the equivalent of 4 million say the Remainers who submit their own counts of their Remain marches to the press.
“Almost 30,500 people have signed the Save the VD Show petition”.
OK that’s fine by me but let them pay for it, why should I ?
I don’t watch the rubbish.
If you agree , sign this petition instead………………
Ok – do the sums – that 30500 comprises
22000 BBC employees
8499 relatives of BBC employees
1 person who thought they were signing to get brexit done .
And another who thought he was voting to keep his STD clinic open.
BBC: “Meuve along here, ladies and gents… nuffink to see ‘ere… Oo… look… a House Democrat taking!”
Oo-la-la, gay Paree.
Pompiers circumstances?
Black Dr Who ? well I suppose it’ll keep 10% of the population happy.
I can’t help but notice the growing trend for Climate Activists to take action against news outlets including Google that gives any space to the people who cast doubt on their claims.
Surely if they are so convinced of their position they should be prepared to have it examined so that they have the opportunity of demonstrating why it is fact rather than resort to censorship and gagging orders.
Most sensible people will digest the information and then come to their own conclusions.
Yet the default posture is to try to silence any opposition, in my view a solid admission that they are not sure of their cause but want everyone to blindly accept and follow it, no questions allowed.
It all smacks of we are going to tell you all what to do desperation and will eventually bite them back big-time.
What is to follow? Activists with sticks in the street whacking anyone who disagrees, there are many civilisations out there right now that demonstrate where that approach leads.
If we don’t have free speech we don’t have freedom at all.
Let not Greta see your Yucca.
Re my last post, the article on says
“Climate Committee Chair Kathy Castor penned a letter to Google, requesting the company take action against disinformation related to climate change.”
So thought why not do the same and try to point out to Google that in my opinion following this lady’s demands would be a serious attack on free speech.
The answer is, you can’t write to Google unless it’s chosen from a series of selected topics related to their services so how did Kathy manage it?
Maybe she slipped the note to the Google CEO at a White House do?
“The answer is, you can’t write to Google unless it’s chosen from a series of selected topics related to their services so how did Kathy manage it?”
One piece of paper, one pen, one envelope, one stamp.
Write on the envelope:
Google Mountain View (Global HQ)
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
and pop it in one of those red pillar boxes.
P.S. I thought I would give Maxi a break.
Yet another story about Muslim grooming gangs targeting young girls and the authorities keeping it quiet – this time in Glasgow.
Yes, it’s everywhere – a shocking, national scandal that demands a public inquiry and a story that should be plastered all over the BBC.
However, there’s not a mention on the broadcaster’s website, not even in its Scotland coverage. Meanwhile, a basketball player is still dead…..
It gets worse: they were all asylum seekers – you know, like the ones the luvvies were virtue signalling to let in.
And “all were from the Kurdish, Afghani, Egyptian, Moroccan, Turkish, Pakistani or Iraqi communities”.
Hallelujah, true diversity at last. Al-beeb should be rejoicing.
But hang on, if nationality wasn’t the common denominator, what could it possibly have been?
AMW and others are calling for a full Public Inquiry but surely we need some quicker action.
We already know who is doing it and we know why.
All we ask is that muslims are subject to the same laws as the rest of us.
Yet if we refer to them as animals, we’re the ones in the wrong ! Quite rightly there is a public outcry when a paedophile ring is exposed, and historically they’ve generally been ‘white’ , with headline news for days when the news has broke, together with camera shots of lots of banging on the side of the prison wagon once the perpetrators have been caught.
Compare that to the muted news of Asians who are gang raping all over the country, and its only when they are sentenced does it make the 2nd or 3rd news item.
So, teamBBBC… odds on a Jon, Katty or Nick RT?
Walking through my home city centre of Liverpool last Saturday and homeless people are a common sight nowadays as I believe they are in most places. They have their pieces of card with words on explaining their situation generally, but to my disbelief this one twat had written ‘Trump is the new Hitler’ on his and nothing else!
Call me cynical but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if lefties are bunging some of these a few quid to ‘inform’ us ignorant folk how we should be thinking ????
Headline of the day must surely go to the DM:
“BBC license fee should be voluntary… says Lineker! (So he’ll need 11,327 of us to pay his £1.75m salary).”
Maybe the reason why the BBC are totally ignoring the Gilet Jaunes activities in the EU wonderland country called France under the charming Macron is because we might start seeing disgusting stuff like this!!!
For a long time I would watch the BBC news as well as local London news at 6pm or later . Now – I just turn on the freeview or watch a film .
Sad really – I get news from other sources and have no desire to be on the receiving end of propaganda delivered as though the autocue reader is talking to an 8 year old .
Apparently someone called a Terry Christian delivered a hate filled Remainer rant on day time TV . Some one on the twitter found a picture of him with jimmy saville . Maybe jimmy fixed it for him ..
Someone should point out to ‘Terrah’ that the recently departed Mark E. Smith – whom he fawns over in his article referenced by his pinned tweet – was a Brexiteer.
Let’s not forget those words of sheer profundity from Simon and Garfunkel:
” I get all the news I need from the weather report. I can gather all the news I need from the weather report “.
And who’s to say they are wrong?
I need to clarify one thing; S&G and Paul Simon in particular is one of my favourite singers/songwriter.
j-i-c, that’s great song with the most incredible bass line. Paul Simon should have received the Nobel Prize instead of Bob Dylan.
The loathsome Terry Christian did Brexiteers a great service with his ranting. Mark Francois just had to sit there waiting for him to finish, and everybody must have drawn the right conclusion.
Oh hang on…. the BBC are talking about whats going on in Europe..
Brexit: How will it affect my holidays to Europe?
I stay abreast of this guy, but as arguments go… ‘unique’.
That fan of capitalism – the Daily Mirror reports that Richard Branson – a BBC favourite – has not paid any corporation tax on the 2 billions pounds worth of deals his awful ‘ virgin’ brand has done the the beloved NHS . Branson’s corporation is registered to his private island .
I wonder if was a neighbour of Jeffrey Epstein ?
I’m sure Panorama will do an investigative piece on this – although they may still be busy plotting revenge on TR – which they’ll think is a higher priority .
Why should I pay my license fee to see a foreigner
Orla Guerin slagging off Israel? She is entitled to her
own views . But we all knew what these were nearly 20
years ago. We thought we had seen the last of her. But
back she has come to insult Israel with her snide comments
on Holocaust Memorial day . AND now on the 6PM national
news. Just who is the producer who sent her there to
be biased against Israel?
Totally agree. Racism only goes in one direction when the BBC is involved.
I watched the film ‘Darkest Hour’ (2017) last night. It was about Churchill and the fight he had with Parliament after he became PM.
His biggest fight was against his own party who wanted a ‘vote of no confidence’ and came close to it. Large elements of the Tories wanted appeasement with Germany and had no stomach for a fight against European domination.
The King decided to support Winston and the rest is history.
The BBC were not a problem then.
The scene with the ‘little ‘boats’ heading for Dunkirk was inspiring.
You can see where I’m going with this, can’t you?
Here’s a review of the film.
I think the BBC are going to create a remake of The Darkest Hour with Lenny Henry as Churchill and Stormyz as Lord Halifax. All will be lost until Churchill’s wife saves the day by forming an all female Parliament. All Germans will be played by white males but the BBC won’t mention that they are Germans seeking to dominate Europe with the help of France. When Churchill’s wife wins the day they will all form the EU as a celebration.
The Tories always have been cowardly useless and incompetent, and although they laud the two right wing free market capitalists as their best leaders, the stabbed both Churchill and Thatcher in the front as well as the back,
I love the term ‘biased by omission’
Where our beloved tax payer funded broadcaster can chose not to report on what’s going on under it’s own nose.
I’ve posted this clip before and it’s taken from the ‘bbc journalism guide’ page one.
News is everywhere and you can choose what to listen to and make your own informed judgement.
But there’s only one ‘news’ outlet that I know of who constantly tries to remind me how trusted it is.
Horrid droning sound coming from another room, made me fear the house was under attack from a rogue V1, fired in a fit of pique from the EU epicentre.
But it was only the telly, with Orla ‘reporting’ from Palestine again. No wonder poor old Fergal got PTSD, maybe they shared too many hotel rooms?
Notice one of Orla’s interviewees muttered something about doing what Nelson Mandela did in SA. The Israelis would be extremely foolish to replicate FW de Klerk’s chosen option of ‘negotiating’ away power. You can see why the Palestinians would love to copy the ANC formula. Take a close look at collapsing SA, and you could figure out what would happen to Israel.
Can’t see Bibi going for it. Or any of his successors. I’m old enough to remember Moshe Dayan, let alone Arik Sharon; they didn’t strike one as quitters. Abbas is going to have a tough job, if his answer is ‘NO’.