Watchers of the Far Left Biased BBC will be heartened by the fear of cut backs and , hopefully , job losses . Perhaps their world isn’t as cosy as they assumed with the accompanying shock that a growing number of people just see its’ bias and care less for it .
Start the Week Thread 27 January 2020
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Palestinian spokeman on R4Today on Tuesday morning
‘Orangeman bad, cos whatever his solution it will not offer East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital’
… news of peace plan comes out and Trump & the Israelis are offering East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital.
R4 News at 10 Palestinian spokeman
‘Orangeman bad… this peace plan is a non-starter’
“Wales to bring in smacking ban after assembly vote”
The Welsh Assembly is out of touch with the people of Wales and should be abolished. Like Al Beeb, it is not fit for purpose.
Whilst I agree this Blair legacy proves that the devolution ratchet only works one way.
Newsnight puts BBC resources at Greenpeace’s disposal
Newsnight has combined with Greenpeace Unearthed in a ‘special investigation
which is actually lobbying to stop the UK government making its own decesions on export guarantees
BTW a typical Greenpeace ship

and its diesel exhaust
“French police clash with firefighters at Paris demonstration”
Has Al Beeb covered this ?
Nope – and not likely to either if previous non coverage is any guide
“Stay European”:
“After Brexit day, millions of UK citizens will lose our European citizenship. Stay European is the campaign for an EU associate citizenship scheme that would give us the option to continue as EU members as individuals.”
So, in addition to member states, there will be member individuals?
Get over it, kids. Move on.
New Thread now up. A creaky website platform but we make the best of what we’ve got . Thanks .