Prediction – The Biased Far Left BBC will ,from Friday , be supporting the interests of a foreign power against those of the UK . Along with friends in the Civil Service and metro bubble it will do all it can to undermine our success outside the EU.Please let this prediction be wrong .
Midweek Thread 29 January 2020
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FakeNews : :Tommy TRIAL ENDS BY ERROR.
Judge derides prosecution for ‘abject failure’ to conduct case properly as key witness goes on holiday by mistake
Judge awards Tommy full travel expenses.
That’s fakenews cos actually that happened to 5 XR direct action people.
Bystanders would ask why such errors always work in the favour of libmob
and not in favour of people who oppose libmob ?
R4 Laurie is doing a special on gays and their historic secret language Polari
Some of the recent times R4 also discussed Polari
– Jun 24, 2019 #Polari Prof Paul Baker spoke about his new book on the subject with @BBCMarkMardell The World This Weekend.
– Aug 29, 2017 ‘Public Indecency: Queer Art in Britain’ features Polari expert @jezdolan chatting to @SimonCallow
– Aug 6, 2017 Take a crash course in Polari courtesy of Paul O’Grady and @BenInLDN #GayBritannia
– Jul 25, 2017 The history of Polari:
– Feb 4, 2017 8:31 in, bbc report on #polari in CofE service Today
– Aug 27, 2014 Word of mouth
Laurie Taylor knows nowt!
We all learnt Polari 50-odd years go whilst listening to Julian and Sandy on Round The Horne on the BBC. As Julian would say “Hello Mr. Horne. I’m Julian and this is my friend Sandy. How jolly to bona your jolly old eke!” ie.” How good to see your jolly old face.”
Do you oil your dish for someone ?
Half an eye on the Parliament channel has a live ‘goodbye’ form the European Parliament – plenty of sad speeches from riders on the gravy train . In English . It’s a pity we can’t take our language back from those scoundrels . Let them use German or French since they’ll be in complete control now – and it will re I force the foreignness of the ReichEU .
Decriminalisation of the Licence Tax will add a 0 to that 450 number.
Subscription would probably double that again still leaving 9000 of the rascals!
A new report claims that Climate Change is causing gender Violence against Women.
The report was lead-authored by a woman called Cate Owren who works for the “IUCN’s Gender Environment Resource Centre”
(IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature)
Prior to shifting activist hobbies toward being her professional focus, she was a member of a New York City theater company with whom she performed and produced for 10 years.
A look at their website…
Makes me wonder how many people there actually are out there being plonked into probably lucrative jobs with all these hazy organisations connected to saving the World – and who is funding all this stuff!
These people and their claims are getting crazier and crazier. I know I wont get, it but some informed public debate would be a refreshing change. So this stuff for a May morning wont go unchallenged.
Tragic. However, really ‘news’? And is the message for the weak to steer clear or realise Amazing Primo delivers?
It’s tweeted cos it’s a link to local radio prog they made
.. rather than a news story.
No I’m sorry, I would be ashamed if any child of mine was using heroin. Celebrating his use of a drug.
BBC Women giving advice and support to Talk Talk executive taking company to tribunal over equal pay claim
The claim is the poor cyber security executive woman was only paid £110K
and other group executives were paid more.
As ever was she paid less cos she was a woman
.. or cos she was a worse negotiator ?
Getting paid £110K for cyber security in a company like Talk Talk is pretty impressive!
The Times page 11, has two different black gang murder stories.
More Guardian Climate bell-ringing and the culprit?
The odds are that most people in the UK live within 50 miles of the cow that produced their milk and would continue to produce it whether they bought it or not.
Milk from the Cow arrives pretty much without any further hassle or manufacturing. But it’s so much better to drink milk-alike made from products shipped from all over the globe and then re-manufactured to look like as much like real milk as possible!
They are just unhinged!
Oxford ENGLISH Dictionary adds 29 NIGERIAN words
Stew – when you put that up I instantly wondered what those Nigerian words are -?
Bank account number
Sort code
PIN number
Lottery winner
So long as none were appropriated, culturally, in the process… of adopting words… to an English… Dictionary.
I hope the BBC have contributed to this enrichment of the English language through their highly-acclaimed Pidgin website:
Youtube has banned The Iranian government London based propaganda station Press TV
… It provided a platform and salary to people like Corbyn
Grenfell cladding
The suppliers and installation contractors are saying in court that they always said that ACM cladding is not fire resistant
… so it is the fault of the buyer who installed without extra fire protection measures.
My PC is restoring data fir two days. So I have social media for company.
And entertainment.
Trying to think back to when the Guido and Mason line met…
Interesting timing — with the asylum seeker grooming gang being hushed up in Scotland this week (to add to Manchester, Rotherham etc) the UNHCR are pushing a tweet at me featuring a Hollywood celeb and a Syrian refugee now making Yorkshire cheese.
My agenda alarm is ringing.
I’ve long thought and said that these invaders might be the nicest people in the world.
I just want them to go and be nice somewhere else.
What does it smell like?
Cate Blanchett smells of lilacs and hope. No idea about the cheese though
So buying my candles from her in future.
Cate’s vagina, no doubt.
Blessed are the cheesemakers.
Have just recorded Nigel Farage’s last ever speech in the European Parliament. Was live on BBC Parliament Freeview channel 232. Pro-European MEP’s now expressing hatred for small people outside of Europe.
Amol has brought James OB to discuss the new Times online radio station
he said he’s not worried
claims Emma Barnett is his worst competition
and that Talk Radio isn’t
… that idea is contradicted every day on Twitter at 10am as people announce they are changing over from LBC to TRadio
Stew: “claims Emma Barnett is his worst competition”
I’d agree that JOB and Barnett provide truly awful competition for each other
By worst I mean toughest competition
Twitter says otherwise cos it never says someone is switching from LBC to Barnett
the tweets always say they are switching to Mike Graham on T Radio
Stew, I know, just being silly…
Laura Towler dealt neatly with Mike Graham the other day
Two faux geezers fluffing each other.
Jon’s a nutter
“I deal in facts and there is not one shred of evidence for optimism for Brexit”
.. The stock market index is evidence of optimism.
Then the Express guy tackled him
“Do you think it’s a fact that the nation is completely divided, cos that’s not what I see on the streets”
… that of course is true there actually huge amounts of middle ground people who are not opposed to Brexit being implemented
.. The Remainer fundamentalist are not nearly like 50% of people on the street.
typo JOB’s a nutter
The Times reports on the 450 BBC job cuts…
and ends with…
“The bosses say the cuts are necessary to save £80”
That’s under 18p per news person per year, I wouldn’t have really objected to these reporters if I had known that!
£80m is £4 per UK household pa
Has maxincony lost his part time job ?
I haven’t seen Diane Abbott at PMQ’s or in the chamber this year, could she be moonlighting at the Times?
Toobi – she did a thing today debating policing – she didn’t look very well and seems to have developed a more ‘eccentric ‘ style than before . Debate was a waste of oxygen .
Or at the ONS?
BBC ‘listen this lady saying don’t talk sport in the office , is important news.’
Whereas Nelson Mandela said
“sports has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. sports can awaken hope where there was previously only despair.”
EU organised corp is to a pay a €3.6bn fine for bribes.
thats a UK record
..and one years profit for the corp.
It will be paid over a number of years.
that corp : Airbus
BBC Job Cuts ? The first one I would send packing is ORLA
9pm Brexit progs on two channels
Channel 90 min doco on Farage
” a tragic figure outsmarted by Boris” says the Times reviewer
BBC 4 Double Edition of Kuenssberg’s The Brexit Storm
Stew – so glad I don’t indulge in Murdock products . The left / remainers can say and write anything they want about Mr Farage but has a single individual achieved so much with so little since 1945 for Britain ?
I think the truth is that Farage outfoxed Cameron to get us where we are .
Apparently Farage is a failure. In the TV Choice magazine it questions whether the UK will ever buy Brexit. It gloomily says “is December 2019’s general election result the event that finally persuades Farage that the UK will never buy what he’s selling?”
Farage’s Final Speech In The 4th Reich EU. The end is good!
The Irish woman in the chair sounds like a nasty piece of work. No class.
If she’d taken the speech, the cheers and the flags in good spirit, I think quite a few people would have felt a small amount of softness towards the EU.
But no, she couldn’t resist one last attempt to bully us.
Haters gotta hate; leopards cannot change their spots. And rats can’t help pissing and shitting on everything.
Farage’s Final Speech In The 4th Reich EU. The end is good!
Dover – the BBC does do comedy – the fairwells from MEPs is popcorn gold . A liberal girl even blubbed ! The Scots national socialists weren’t far away either .
Haven’t laughed so much since the election result .
Thanks for posting the clip – I doubt the BBC will show it much if at all.
The flags stunt, obviously not in the EU rule book, was a touch of genius from Farage. Underlined every word he had just said…. The headmistress was NOT amused though!
Good quote from Nige: “You may loathe populism, but I’ll tell you a funny thing: it’s becoming very popular!”
BBC Online News:
“Farage Silenced For Waving Flag”
The slimy anti-Brexit BBC gets a dig in against him by twisting the facts of the video.
Yet mr Farage got 4 minutes to give the Reich two fingers whereas the repulsive Irish speaker woman ( bercow2?) was only giving a minute to the blubbing liberals and IRAsinnfein
BBC News
French Asians have complained of a backlash against them following the coronavirus outbreak in China.
Interesting what words the bbc dig out of genealogical edguds bucket when they can be redirected to suit.
Presumably a few Pierres and Lucs have looked askance at the takeaway delivery bloke in the tear gas mask as they pause setting fire to Renaults in le hood.
Classic BBC attempt to create further discord out of a febrile situation.
Ours were at an independent school with a high % of pupils from HK, China, etc. Even in term time the number travelling at CNY was significant.
I would have felt questions were legitimate simply on a sensible, contingency basis.
Where goeth one cheek, so wobbles the other.
You mean those racist French aren’t enjoying the cultural benefits of Coronavirus, along with the cultural benefits of car burning, church burning, antisemitism, suicide belts and car-ramming?
Shame on them.
OTish, but twitter can see those being stupid suffer consequences for ‘views their own’.
At some broadcasters.
Later than planned but did anyone watch the a National Television Awards on ITV last night? Very much the Beeboids circling the wagons.
I was in another room and didn’t see, but I heard someone from Peaky Blinders picking up an award. I’m not exaggerating when I say that he praised the BBC in something like 5 different ways within 30 seconds, he sounded manic and even my wife who isn’t as interested as me in this type of thing wondered what he was playing at on an ITV programme. The parting shot I heard was about how only the BBC could make a show like Peaky Blinders. Well let’s not let the fact that HBO, Sky, Sky Italia and probably a few others could.
I was in the room when Ruth Jones picked up an award for Gavin And Stacey. Not quite as manic, probably impossible to be fair, but again gushing, repeated and embarrassingly obvious praise for the word BBC.
I get the feeling they think that if they repeat “the world’s greatest broadcaster” often enough the general public will fall for it. I Hope it’s too late.
Having now witnessed the joke afternoon as politicians in Brussels blub over the end of the expense accounts – I turned my head to what the BBC is putting out on Friday night –
It looks like the monster maitliss is running the show with the Katty one and the token white make one Christian ? Someone
Sniping from the sides .
I still thinking of hoping to Parliament Square but in the end o think I will be monitoring the bias without a TV licence …
I fear the website is a bit shaky again so if it dies and doesn’t come back – farewell ….and keep the fight going .
Londonland : I always thought Woman’s Hour was often broadcast from Salford, but the Times says since 2014 it’s been entirely London based.
Wimmin’s Hour is a state of mind, not a place. No matter where it is broadcast from, it’s always broadcast from London. More specifically, from a couple of square miles encompassing Hampstead and Islington.
The Beeb run an article titled “Coronavirus: Denmark in cartoon bust-up with China over flag.”
But in their usual cowardly way omit showing the cartoon in question.
So here it is.
I was going to say that 15% of BBC podcasts are on Climate but it may be more than that
cos even innocuous titles hide it.
There are dozens and dozens of them.
Survival and revival in the Torres Strait
The Documentary Podcast
The islanders of Poruma are fighting to save their home from climate change, and their language from extinction
Patrick Suckling: Is Australia becoming a climate pariah?
Will the destruction wrought by bushfires in Australia lead to a change in direction?
The country’s **former** Ambassador for the Environment analyses the government’s approach
4 episodes !!!
The road to Glasgow
Discovery2020: A Year to Save the Planet Episode 1 of 4
Across 2020 Matt McGrath will be reporting on what is happening to save the planet
“Coronavirus: Britons on Wuhan flights to be quarantined”
Quarantined : Will this rule apply to non-Brits sneaking illegally across the Chanel from France ?
The Channel has been our natural border/moat for thousands of years but it needs to be manned to be secure.
But is our so called ‘Border Force’ up to it ?
British lives are at risk.
BBC Radio 4
LBC radio presenter James O’Brien says it’s a coincidence that Brexit has been good for his career because too much of the media was responding to public opinion rather than giving people the information to make an informed decision.
The BBC knows who likes… to quote.
The MEPs sang Auld Lang Syne. All very touching.
But they sang one verse in French. ‘Ce n’est qu’un au-revoir’ means it’s only a goodbye… and you’ll be back.
Don’t hold your breath.
Any chance Fedup that I can put a bounty (jokingly) on Terry Christian’s head for say £1,000, for the first person to punch the twat square in the face and knock him down, and film it ????????
What a complete performance on GMB this morning as watched on YouTube ????
No objections in principle . However – I’ve seen the footage on the YouTube too and came to the conclusion that Mr Christian has ‘personal issues ‘ and didn’t look very well at all .
Also _ Mark Francious ( spelling )MP Brexiter was sitting next to him unable to get a word in . Mr Francious didn’t deck him which I put down to knowing that all the anger filled grief being expressed by snowflake remainers counts for nothing .
Thursday the ReichEU takes the final step for withdrawal and there will be more despair from remainers . I really hope it hurts .
We are in a good place – the BBC wondering who is going to get the chop next – and the EU still in disbelief that we really are pulling out . I wonder if Mr Farage and the brexit party unified the majority of the EU parliament as hate figures .
All that ‘warm’ water about, don’t know why Justin didn’t send a bucket down the ice cliff and haul it up to wash it off:
\\TN’s Alastair Stewart steps down after social media ‘errors of judgement’//
Why ?
Quoting Shakespeare, Taff.
Look what happened to Enoch for repeating the Virgil he heard from one of his constituents.
It appears things got Shakespearean.
This might explain if, inevitably, not excuse.
Yet again, the MSM goes full MSM.
What was that about ‘gotcha’ culture?
I saw this as retweeted by Newsround blog.
Something is going to blow soon.
A whole, new meaning to the term “bog standard”!
Almost cannot believe what I am reading-Schools warned that they could be prosecuted if they fail to allow transgender pupils to use their preffered toilet!!! Oh my good God, what on earth have we come to- surely until a pupil is considered an adult (18 yrs old) it should continue to be considered, by the powers that be, that if born a boy you stay in the sex until 18 and the same for a girl-what may one ask are the parents of these children thinking about allowing their children to disrupt their schooling and society, or perhaps they don’t think, just follow the crap spewed out from their mobile phones.
SackOfRats Normal, All Fully Understood.
I read that the “victim” himself said that a private apology would have satisfied him, but the “culprit’s” bosses insisted on public dismissal.
It is to be hoped bbc employees have purged all copies of Desmond Morris books from their shelves when June Sarpong and the girls come in to turn over their offices.
And the women.
Too late . Sack more of them. Destroy the BBC .
Hold on to your hats.
I am indebted to Paul Mason !!!!!
He shows a copy of a slide presumed to represent BBC news strategy.
In case the above link fails, I list the ‘story teams’ the BBC seem to think will define the stories of interest to us.
On the Day
Technology and Innovation
Health and wellbeing
Money and work
So, with a couple of exceptions, all the public sector, socialist, tax spending Guardianista ideals the Libtards love. Written down in black and white, as we used to be able to say, absolute proof of the BBC agenda.
Mason’s actual point is that elsewhere in the diagram there is only a small section for investigative journalism.
I never thought I’d be able to write ‘I agree with Paul’, even if not for the same reasons..
@Sluff the Mason tweet was discussed further up the page at 4:29pm
Isn’t it the case, rather than you agreeing with Mr Mason, that for once, Mr Mason agrees with you, and me and the rest of us who have these opinions.
To give Mr Mason credit is to legitimise his opinions.
“News becoming an announcement board for business, the monarchy and the state…”.
It’s the State Broadcaster, Mr Mason – it’s what they do and always have done. Just happens to be staffed with idiots who don’t understand their role in it, and who are mentally and politically frozen in time somewhere between the summer of love in San Francisco ’67 and the Paris riots of May ’68.
But, even a stopped clock is correct twice a day, as his comments prove.
A different slant on the Australian bush fires. It is argued that the eucalyptus tree is a killer to other trees animals and humans. It uses fire to eliminate competition from other trees.
It is also claimed that these trees have been exported to Spain and the USA because they are a fast-growing hardwood but that they spread fire there too. Not an argument that will be heard on the BBC ‘because trees burn as a result of global warming’.
The terrible fires in Portugal 2017 were largely down to this. Traditional trees had been replaced by vast numbers of non-native Eucalyptus trees in the preceding decades to support the paper-producing industry, despite the warnings of environmentalists and foresters.
One cannot help feel that there is a moral here, about what can happen when plants, animals and people are transported in large numbers to a totally different country from where they originated…
interesting red herring
The first Tweet that mentioned the “ape” tweet was 5:19pm
first tweet that postulated Stewart have said
‘there are some absolute pr*cks at the BBC”
was at 4:57pm
However I find no evidence that AS actually did tweet that
450 redundancies at our beloved world leading trusted broadcaster.
The battle for brexit has been won so the propaganda department is not needed anymore.
Anyway, whenever I’m on call at night these stories usually appear;
“I was sacked and silenced for being trans”.
This is a story about someone (doesn’t give their real name) who claims the company (doesn’t name the company) hurt their feelings.
Apparently the bbc has seen evidence. Doesn’t share the ‘evidence’ with us so there’s probably a claim in there.
The article goes on about someone else who’s wedding tackle got touched, again gives the ‘victim’ an alias.
This is not news.
It’s hearsay and gossip.
If their serious about reporting these crimes against humanity name names, get it out in the open or do they know the saying;
After the announcement that our beloved and trusted broadcaster is to make 450 people redundant (because of brexit).
Could maxicony end his/her posts with;
Practice makes perfect.
The graduate with a science degree asks, “Why does it work?”
The engineering graduate asks, “How does it work?”
The accounting graduate asks, “How much will it cost?”
The graduate with an arts degree asks, “Do you want fries with
However, in the UK, if the arts graduate has been to Oxbridge, it goes like this:
The science graduate asks, “Why does it work?”
The engineering graduate asks, “How does it work?”
The accounting graduate asks, “How much will it cost?”
The graduate with an Oxbridge arts degree says:
“Have the answers to all of these questions on my desk by Monday
At least the arts graduate working for McDonald’s knows what to do with the answers.
This hypothetical everyman arts graduate is also likely to ask:
” How does it make people feel, especially minorities?”
” Will it hurt the environment, climate, gaia, and other natural gods and shouldn’t we forbid it”?
He’s in his “safe space”.
“…Structural changes in the industry, Brexit uncertainty, and weak exports were all factors, the trade body said…”
State Broadcaster (News front page) doesn’t mention uncertainty about petrol and diesel cars proposed bans – nor what taxes and restrictions in use are to come in the meantime.
A quick look at the beeb Home page reveals Saint Kobe of the Basket is still there… and the devastating news that a waiter / waitress was allegedly sacked for coming out trans.
Enough wokeness for one day. Off.
Steeleye Span too. Now that doesn’t happen every day. Clickbait into a ‘how we celebrated going into Europe’ piece.
Then a lot, on Friday not much – not officially in any event.
The BBC has a certain unthinking colonial streak which has been exposed by SARS 2 in China . UK citizens in China are to be shipped ‘ home ‘ .
But the BBC champions poisonous globalism . Why are they to be bought ‘back’ to Blighty . The risk of transmission of the illness on the flight must be severe and where is there a guarantee that quarantine will be effective ?
Yet the BBC is fixated on a UK chap who married a China girl and has a month old baby with no registered nationality . Said chap is regularly popping up to moan and the BBC is loving it . Bit like the Iranian woman banged up in Iran who is married to a UK chap .
Meanwhile – of course – the real story is the spread of the disease and what controls will be put on animal markets in the future to stop SARS 3 – the due full pandemic 1919 style which is due and might kill millions …. the failing , declining BBC chooses not to report this .
How do you mean “which is due”?
Banania – there is a theory that there is a ‘natural cycle ‘ to pandemics – the last big fatal one was the one which originated at the end of the Great War – there hasn’t been a big fatal one since ( I mean a pandemic where a big proportion of those infected die ) . There might be a virologist or similar on the site will support me – or indeed knock me down … that’s what a mean
The ‘victims ‘ of each pandemic also appear to be different – the 1919 one hit those in their 20s for some reason whereas the more ‘common’ one in very young or very old .
Jo Brand to play Kobe Bryant in new BBC biopic? Unsubstantiated rumours are circulating on the internet that alleged comedian Jo “battery acid” Brand is being considered for a new BBC film about the world’s greatest ever sportsman, who recently died in a tragic helicopter crash. Whilst there have been no discussions about a possible film within the BBC and Ms Brand has not actually been contacted, the internet is in meltdown – much like the polar caps – with excitement and speculation. A senior BBC executive (Oxford, PPE) who wishes to remain nameless, said: “We are aware that, if this happens, some people may question the choice of Jo Brand to play an attractive, athletic, black man. However, in the BBC we practice what we preach and can never be accused of hypocrisy. We have long advocated that casting should be race-blind, gender-blind and talent-blind. Anyone who questions this is, er, motivated by hate. Now, I have a flight to catch as I need to be in my Tuscany villa before the UK crashes out of the EU.”
And now for some good news courtesy of the DM:
BBC bloodbath: High-profile presenters are tipped to be among 450 jobs axed – with Newsnight, Radio 5 Live and the World Service hit hardest – as insider claims: ‘No one is immune’
“Staff were left reeling at the scale of the cutbacks, which will see around one in 13 roles go and are part of an £80million savings programme. Newsnight, BBC2’s flagship current affairs show is among the programmes bearing the brunt of the cuts, along with popular radio station Radio 5 Live and the World Service, which will lose 50 roles…
On a dramatic day for the corporation, Victoria Derbyshire confronted the BBC news boss Fran Unsworth about why her show had been axed while there was fury that the corporation was slashing the number of journalists while continuing to pay a fortune to sports and entertainment stars, such as Gary Lineker.”
So: massive cutbacks and massive infighting.
Why aren’t they axing the Asian Network, or Radio6?
These channels are divisive, racist and should never have been created in the first place.
“there was fury that the corporation was slashing the number of journalists while continuing to pay a fortune to sports and entertainment stars, such as Gary Lineker”
I think this is a fair point. Should State Broadcaster be in the entertainment business at all?
Not gwent
Anything which depresses morale within the BBC is welcome , and uncertainty about who is getting sacked is even better .
Toady 2
The Toady programme was wall to wall project fear for over 3 years . We reported it all here . The usual suspects were rolled on every day and given free rein to fight the referendum – as well as – of course – during the campaign before it .
Yet now – anything on the BBC about leaving tomorrow ? No . Any attempt to bring leave MPs on to talk about what is happening during this year ? No .
It’s as though – institutionally – their failure to stop Brexit has led the BBC into denial – one of those stages of grief .
They cannot accept their disconnect to decent people who had their say – again – in the General Election when the sewage of Berkow , Soubry et al were finally flushed away .
“W1A: Sack of Rats” meets ‘The Apprentice’.
Having been shafted more than I care to remember before I started my own business, I take no pleasure in this, mainly because it is clear the turds who have floated to the top are the ones who will remain and are sacrificing all below to bask in lucrative, if rotting, uniquely-funded splendour.
The so called entertainment is click-bait for the propaganda.
I’m sure readers & posters hereabouts will have seen our Nigel’s excellent exit speech to the EU so-called Parliament. [Really we English long ago ought to have copyrighted the word Parliament & we should sue the Eurocrats for misuse – mind you, our case would obviously fail in the European Court] But I digress.
I also have to thank dear Mairead McGuinness the Vice-President of the European Parliament for giving us such a wonderfully apt send off. In a few words and a prissy rebuke she sums up the European Project and it’s antipathy to Britain :
“If you disobey the rules you get cut off. Could we please remove the flags.”
We don’t like your rules so we are leaving your protection racket and no, we won’t remove our flag.
“we won’t remove our flag.”
But we will remove your flag. Many people find the flying of the EU flag in Britain to be deeply offensive, invoking the same reaction as in seeing the swastika or hammer-and-sickle flag fluttering.
I caught the whole session at the Brussels parliament by accident . The speaker woman has been taking lessons from Berkow – hideous – and without class .
The who ‘ goodbye ‘ thing just re enforced the wise choice of British voters to get out of something we should never have joined in the first place .
The BBC repeated some historic documentary about the road to our joining . There was a piece with Enoch Powell predicting that by using fraud and lies to get us in – one day it would be ‘ pay back ‘ like so many things – Mr Powell was right . ( troll fodder )
I think Mr Farage and the other UK MEPs did an excellent job in ridiculing this Potemkin Parliament.
They even rubber-stamped their Withdrawal Act.
The place deserves all the contempt and ridicule it attracts to itself. And from 11pm tomorrow, we don’t have to care one jot about them or their futile facade of democracy.
I watched Alan Dershowitz yesterday giving the US Senate a lecture on their Constitution. It was rivetting. And amazingly, he made reference to our own Parliament and significant figures in the 18th and 19th centuries whose writings on UK legalities helped the US Founding Fathers produce the US Constitution.
Mr Dershowitz and his reasoned advice, was in sharp contrast to the emptiness of the EU and all its constituent parts.
Agree John, but unhappily the contentious withdrawal Agreement will mean that the UK continues to throw mountains of money at that contemptuous duplicitous bungling shambles in Bussels, and yet the UK will not be allowed to have any say in what is done by the EU with that money. Cannot understand in view of this awful arrangement why the UK did not leave the EU without a deal. The EU will eventually collapse as those other member nations realise that their sovereignty is being shot away-note the only flag allowed is the EU flag-what does that tell you?
That woman’s face would turn the milk sour.