Prediction – The Biased Far Left BBC will ,from Friday , be supporting the interests of a foreign power against those of the UK . Along with friends in the Civil Service and metro bubble it will do all it can to undermine our success outside the EU.Please let this prediction be wrong .
Midweek Thread 29 January 2020
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The majority are so bad for voting out, we know that because the eu.bc OFTEN tells us about the “benefits” of staying in the eu..
oww I wonder whats happening with the riots in Paris, the fights between police and firemen didn’t looks good – still waiting for the beeb to report it!
I found an interview on the beeb why a man likes to wear makeup, such a “report” and well worth paying the tele tax for anyone that does
The Economist used to be a worthy read; I subscribed once. Now it is a joke. However I have seen its tainted legacy still invoked by the BBC’s finest ‘sources who sayers’ when it has penned a Piece that suited the narrative.
So… what to make of this, when viewed through the squinty prism of a permanently upset Swedish moppet?:
“Locked down
China’s coronavirus semi-quarantine will hurt the global economy
It may affect industries from tourism to plastic flowers”
And Brexit was bad for the environment?
OK back to the day job after Brexit…. BBC climate b*ll*x…
Jan 28th, Carol Kirkwood says We are all going to freeze.
“Britain engulfed by snow as Atlantic storms spark February -6C freeze”
Jan 29th, Hold the press!.. Nope! Carol now says we are all about to suffer as a heatwave threatens the uK….
“BBC Weather: Carol Kirkwood warns of rising temperatures as mini winter heatwave hits UK”
One day apart ffs, they must think we all have the memory of a goldfish!
They still can’t predict the weather 48 hours ahead with certainty yet they are certain that the climate will be adversely changed by human activity a 100 years from now . They don’t know what they don’t know yet their group think wants to control our behaviour and freedom
Hear Hear.
“One day apart ffs, they must think we all have the memory of a goldfish!”
Yeah! but the important thing to remember is, in 2030 IT WILL BE…..
Sorry, G. Brexit is tomorrow at 2300, but what is it that happens tonight at half-past eight?
Orwell’s protagonist, Winston Smith, uses the phrase to wonder if the State might declare “two plus two equals five” as a fact; he ponders whether, if everybody believes it, that makes it true. The Inner Party interrogator of thought-criminals, O’Brien, says of the mathematically false statement that control over physical reality is unimportant; so long as one controls one’s own perceptions to what the Party wills, then any corporeal act is possible, in accordance with the principles of doublethink (“Sometimes it is a freezing blizzard. Sometimes it is a heatwave. Sometimes it is both of them at once”).
(With apologies to George Orwell and Wikipedia)
(“Sometimes it is a freezing blizzard. Sometimes it is a heatwave. Sometimes it is both of them at once”).
CSI:W1A Episode ‘Got it about right’ has Gil Unsworth over a corpse with its head in an oven and feet in a freezer, ramming a thermometer into the liver and proclaiming the stiff perfectly healthy.
Al Beeb & HS2
Save money and scrap the lot,
BBC News
There are rising levels of discontent with democracy — particularly in the UK and US.
The BBC are still pushing this ‘study’.
Meanwhile at W1A and in Venezuela the new systems of governance are proving a massive hit, clearly.
Massive cull at Radio 5 Live due “to listening habits” ????
Yeah, no fuc*ers tuning in
Could I rewrite that to say :
Only Effers are tuning in
Speaking of what the BBC pushes, vs. Reality, this is a LinkedIn post:
I’ve seen some PR own-goals in my time, but Ann Francke, head of the Chartered Management Institute doing the media rounds (including a stint on the @Radio4 Today programme) saying chat about football or cricket in the workplace should be cut down on as it is “a gateway to more laddish behaviour,” has to be up there. She said that such talk makes women in particular left out,
This whole PR initiative has, in one fine stroke, made her organisation feel utterly outdated, out of touch with modern women (and men).
This PR story will have gone through a number of hands at the Chartered Management Institute before it found its way onto the airwaves. Why on earth did no one speak out? Have none of these people heard of the #thisgirlcan movement. Has the rise of women’s football, cricket etc (yes this is yours truly playing the latter) passed this lot by? #cricket #PR #womeninsport
This is from an eco PR woman.
When the BBC will shunt out any #prasnews tripe as ‘news’ that smacks the gob of their core, you know they are toast.
Baroness Scotland,
“Baroness Scotland criticised for awarding contract to friend’s firm”
You can take the person out of Africa but you cannot take the African out of them……………
News item quickly whisked off the main news page on the website. Announced earlier this morning, disappears (only found by searching) within a few hours. Why? I wonder.
I think she is from Dominica.
Today’s Sun tells its readers that France is tearing itself apart and remainer Broadcasters like the beeb are deliberately hiding the embarrassing truth.
People are catching on and waking up.
Scrap the tax!
A BBC editor responds:
‘Where is the evidence that France is tearing itself apart? That would only be true if, say: there had been widespread protests in Paris ever weekend for 14 months; if just over 50% of the French army had been deployed to help keep peace and order; if more than 10,000 cars had been torched during the past year; if 80 churches had been set alight during 2018; more than 250 people murdered in terrorist incidents since the beginning of 2015. If these things had happened we would have reported them on the BBC, which is the ‘Gold Standard’ for truth and integrity in news
creationreporting.”Were it that asking BBC Editors for evidence resulted in a coherent reply rather than a blocking or banning.
There must be some sort of government level D notice on French protests. To be brutal – the footage available of Twitter is great TV . Firemen being hit with police water cannon – yet the MSM is suppressing it ,
I suppose the UK powers that be are frightened of battles between remainers and brexiters .
More #PRasNews. The latest ‘Media Masters’ podcast blurb:
Mike Gunton
Creative Director, BBC Natural History Unit
Mike Gunton is creative director of the BBC’s Natural History Unit, and has been in charge of its programming for over a decade. Responsible for bringing new and pioneering stories about the natural world to global audiences, he has worked on more than 300 documentaries during his 35-year filmmaking career. In this in-depth interview, Mike explains how an “idiot” weaver bird inspired him to make documentaries entertaining and relatable, discusses the groundbreaking new technologies developed to film the plant world for the upcoming series ‘The Green Planet’, and outlines the challenge of showing audiences the reality of climate change without “being preachy”.
Well, Mike… given Sir Boaty has gone dark after being one of the 110 at the Citizens’ Assembly gabfest that flat out lies through its teeth, with the bbc not feeling the misinformation is worthy of coverage (see: gilets jeunes), preachy idiocy may tarnish the legacy a tad.
Lewis Goodhall liked this.
Newsnight still golden?
Perhaps I shouldn’t gloat over the demise of Today editor, Sarah Sands, but…
I used to love The Telegraph. It was my go to newspaper. It had some cracking journalists and some pithy columnists and then she became editor… Blimey, it went down the plughole overnight. All my favourites disappeared, Kevin Myers, Mark Stein and a few others. It became a sort of soft left version of Woman’s Weekly. Dreadful.
Looking at her Twitter account I see in November she’s bigging up the Today programme’s Christmas editors. Among the great names are Greta Thunberg, Baroness Hale, George the Poet (apparently a black bloke who can string a sentence together without resorting to “You know wot I mean?”) and that geezer who dresses in women’s clothing and makes vases.
And now, with listening figures plummeting, for some inexplicable reason, she’s “decided to move on.”
I am certainly one who no longer listens to Today. I had been listening from being a small child. I sort of missed it for about a week after moving the dial on the alarm radio – and then I realised that I wasn’t learning what was happening in the world from the Today programme anyway. (Here and Guido does quite well). Now I don’t miss it and probably (ie very likely) won’t go back to it ever (Unless Charles Moore decided to do it after his stint at Christmas).
Jeff, I was interested to read that the D/Telegraph has ‘gone down hill’ under a new editorship. For decades the D/Mail was my paper of choice, but also had a new editor a couple of years ago, and as a result I find very little ‘news’ to read about.
Yes its almost 100 pages thick, but the content is mainly worthy D/Mail ‘projects’, endless diet pullouts with recipes nobody cooks, then the fillers of fashion/health/dating/business/sport, but mostly its the inane and ridiculous like yesterday’s article on a double page spread of faces of the modern Mona Lisa – who the hell is interested in such dross is beyond me. And journalists get paid for this. When they put their mind to it, there are some excellent columnists and good investigative journalism, but the current editor appears to be taking the red top comic route which is regrettable.
Yes BRISSLES, another paper that’s gone rapidly down hill.
I occasionally buy The Mail on Saturday, mainly for the TV guide, Monty Don and Bel Mooney….though she’s never responded to my particular (ahem) problem…
Last weekend was appalling. At least half the paper seemed to be given over to propaganda about recycling plastic. There were numerous pages full of it. There’s no escape. If I turn on the telly I’m confronted by old “whispering death”, David Attenborough, gloomily showing me film of oceans over loaded with plastic cartons, crumbling icebergs and starving polar bears. And now I’m looking at it while I’m munching my Frosties.
The other half of the Mail seems almost exclusively given over to advertisements… holidays…chair lifts….mobile scooters and walk in showers.
Oh, and there was a full page spread offering us cheap funeral arrangements.
Really set me up for the rest of day…
Glad we’re on the same ahem, page, Jeff !
Jeff – perfectly acceptable to gloat – but it’s still not enough . The replacement ( black ) woman coming to be in charge of Toady will have exciting great ideas with guest editors all the time – a guest listener each day – guest nature notes , quizzes and other fun .
The guests will be ‘bbc approved ‘ of course . And Charles Moore need not apply for a rob .
There won’t be many listening of course .
I’ve tended to avoid referring to the race of people working for the BBC – but it has become so obvious that the rules are now prejudiced against the white British that it becomes increasingly relevant . It’s almost a racial purging .
I thought ‘Alan’s Snack Bar’ had long replaced ‘God’ at the BBC?
I doubt most of the racist far-left bbc believe in God, so I’m puzzled which god she is invoking.
Happy Brexit Eve everyone! It’s shaping up to be quite the week. Loved Farage’s closing speech to the EU protection racket, and the sour faced Irish headmistress sucking lemons at his brilliant flag waving.
Am disgusted that the woke brigade at ITV have ruined the career of Alistair Stewart for indirectly offending a twitterati nobody. It is NOT racism, but quoting Shakespeare in the context of being obviously more intelligent in response to someone else. He should absolutely take ITV to court for unfair dismissal. This awful culture of offending has spiralled out of control, and it’s made people afraid to share an opinion.
However, I can’t wait to go down to Parliament Square tomorrow night and rightly celebrate what we democratically voted for in 2016. It’s been a sh*tshow of delays and protests, but I look forward to sharing the moment with the few friends In London that voted leave.
I hope everyone has a great night!
The twitterati have made a niggardly claim in a successful attempt to blacken Alastair Stewart’s name. It is a dark day for freedom of speech.
Stewart’s accuser has actually made lots of seemingly “racist”tweets himself
When a libmobbers throws out an accusation
they are usually PROJECTING their own flaws
So someone wisely checked the old tweets of that guy who was quick to shout “racist” at Alastair
In grownupland context matters
and shouting “racist” when no racism was intended is “bearing false witness”
It’s playground stuff, like if there is a mob shouting “racist” at the spotty kid
.. that mob is just as evil as a group of white kids shouting a racist label at a black kid.
I err on the cryptic at times, deliberately so.
That quote had a fatal flaw I would have noticed and avoided.
One day I will miss something utterly bizarre but that triggers a bot, and they will get me.
Its playground stuff alright, but when it means people losing their jobs for uttering a few words that ONE person doesn’t like then we are on a handcart to hell.
Diamond – I’m so excited I might put up the ‘special ‘ commemoration thread a day early – especially since comments are double the average and I worry about the health of the software supporting our site ….
Glenn on the fence?
Meanwhile, who cannot wait for a sagely nodding Laura K ‘interviewing’ this giant of politics seeking to govern the land.
Not, Andrew Neil or, if so, safely tucked away where no one seeking VD will find it.
The New Statesman is a Labour propaganda organ
I note that the BBC news website only reports Alistair Stewart’s downfall on the Entertainment & Arts section. The departure of the failed editor of the Toady programme makes the front page
The end of the Sarah Sands show – aka Toady – not lefty enough ? . More broadcasts from the Antarctic , lefty polys , more interupting rude interviewer with Tourette’s , more Wimmins issues as the listening numbers decline .
I suppose she was one of the outgoing DGs girls . It’s neither good nor bad and not news .
When hs2 was first proposed there must have been discussions and arguments over the cost and eventually £36 billion was accepted as a fair price by all parties for this rich mans train set that nobody else wants.
Now that the price has almost tripled to £106 billion what do we get for the extra £70 billion. Will the lines be gold plated?
This common practice of putting in a bid for a fraction of the real cost and then increasing it repeatedly to a huge sum should have consequences.
If I sign a contract to buy a house for £150,000 and pay a deposit, I don’t expect the seller to keep upping the price to about £500,000 as it’s being built.
We all know that this hs2 (as with other government projects) is a money making scheme for a few at the top to make fabulous amounts of money to add to their already fantastic wealth and these are the people who will decide if hs2 goes ahead.
If hs2 was put to the population of the UK in a referendum I doubt if more than 10% would vote for it but because a handful of our ‘elite’ want it there is no chance of a referendum. We will have no say in this. The rich will decide (they have already)
Why are these frauds who say one price to get the contract then keep on increasing it not tried for fraud, stripped of their wealth and locked up.
Rhetorical of course.
The people who decide who gets tried are in the same gang as the fraudsters.
They are all in it together.
If the bbc was any good it could do an investigation into this and reveal the true goings on but I fear they are part of the ‘gang’
Finally, I estimate the cost will rise to £200+ billion.
I think the costs have risen because it is being constructed from the south to the north.
If it had been started in the north either fewer objections would have been raised or they would have been quickly ignored. By starting in the south lots of money has been spent on dealing with objections, either by facing legal challenge or by mitigation works. I believe that as a result of that 60% of the line will now be in cuttings or tunnels. Tunnels increase the eventual running costs and reduce energy efficiency. Modern ‘high-speed’ tunnels have to be wide-bore, lit and to have proper evacuation routes and refuges, the ‘sentry box’ in the wall is no longer good enough.
I was in a baker’s shop in London and in front of me in the queue was, from his phone call, a lawyer acting for someone whose business was on the Hs2 line. It didn’t sound as though the purchase of the business was going to be done on the cheap.
Jim, you may have a point there but the big problem with HS2 is that it is the wrong line, built in the wrong place and will not deliver what it is supposed to do – extra freight and passenger capacity – over a new line running all the way north somewhere between the ECML and WCML.
I fully expect numerous delays and problems on the build to Birmingham and a future government will be forced to ‘can’ the northern forks. Saving 20 minutes on the journey to Brum is no good if ordinary people cannot afford a ticket and have to spend a further wasted hour on delays travelling to and from the termini.
I haven’t followed HS2, as someone living in the North East I’m probably paying for it through my taxes but will never use it. However what I have picked up about it is that it’s benefits are overstated. Yesterday I travelled from Newcastle to Kings Cross in a handful of minutes over 3 hours. That’s quick. If HS2 was linking Newcastle to London then the law of diminishing returns would suggest that pumping hundreds of millions of pounds in would result in a saving measured in minutes and I believe it’s a similiar argument about the route that HS2 is actually taking.
And why does it not cut both ways? This week Hitachi in Newton Aycliffe lost out to Switzerland on a huge contract to build rolling stock. So British money that could have been injected back into Britain and recirculated saving jobs and creating wealth is being siphoned away out of this country. I’m not suggesting that the successful contractors will amend their price as time passes and the trains will end up costing more than what Hitachi bid, but unless the bids were massively different why didn’t the buyer say they would exercise their own discretion and not necessarily say they’d go with the lowest bid? I know I don’t base my buying decision on what’s cheapest, value for money and quality come into it. Not to mention in this case jobs for North Eastern skilled workers, expansion and money injected into a not very wealthy area.
It’s also being funded with money we don’t have.
But Mr Javid has obviously found the computer that adds zeros to the government’s bank balance. So, it’s really costing us nothing.
HS2 should be cancelled and the £3 billion, as I have read, that has already been spent, written off. After all wasn’t there some computer system the government paid for ( was it the last Labour lot?) that never worked and has never been used, that cost us more than this?
Temporarily putting aside the consideration that HS2 was partly (if not substantially) in response to the EU’s TEN-T Directives (Trans European Network for Transport), the financial ‘benefits’ were originally calculated more than 20 years ago. I no longer have a copy, but they went something along the following lines:
Suppose half a million executives a month travel between London and Birmingham. Their time is worth £100 an hour on average. Whilst they are travelling they can’t do anything at all. If we shave an hour off the journey, that’s equivalent to ‘saving’ £50 million of their time per month, or £600 million a year. In a few decades, it will have paid for itself.
At the time I read it, circa 2000, I was travelling on a train and had a laptop and one of those damn-fangled new mobile phones that connected it to the internet thingy, so it seemed anachronistic already. It was obvious that within a couple of years, anyone who wanted to could be permanently in touch and connected, and hence ‘productive’ at all times. The various civil servants and highly paid consultants lacked any ability whatsoever to see what was obviously just round the corner. The past two decades have largely been about covering their own arses, whilst appeasing Brussels.
Fatty Boulton had chief remoaner Hereditary Hilar(it)y Benn on this morning. Benn the Younger pointed out that he was in favour of HS2 and ‘don’t forget it was a Labour minister who proposed it’, one Screaming Lord Andrew Adonis no less.
Given the negative cost-benefit I was never much for HS2 but given that these two perennial f-wits could never get anything right, I’m very much against it.
Fatty Boulton didn’t ask Hereditary Hilar(it)y Benn how he thought Brexit was going, which surprised me given that said Benn had been little seen on our screens or heard, thank goodness, telling us how everyone was in favour of scrapping Brexit since BoJo’s win.
Probably just Fatty not wanting to make Benn look a bigger idiot than he is.
I see Fatty Boulton is getting rapidly worse in his huffing and literally puffing his way through interviews. The man is chronically obese. His eyes also appear to be getting smaller as he looks upwards to the camera. A heart attack waiting to happen.
As the chant goes: Who ate all the pies?
Report on why some women go to strip cubs…
Much made of how these women are not sending the right message and of course much dung dropping on the “patriarchal” men who go there but little mention of the women “performers”, no doubt they are forced into it somehow…
Even the women doing the research was a stripper for 10 years herself!
Men watching unclothed women – bad!
Women watching unclothed women – bad!
Women stripping for cash – poor things!
Monetizing Greta….
“When Harry and Meghan Met Greta”
Earlier I posted about PR misfires.
Pa Thunberg has just holed everyone from Rog and David to XR and Sir Boaty and Net Zero below the waterline.
Hope Sir Boaty and that bloke doing the Media Masters talk don’t have to revise their scripts at the last minute now.
Unions have been so deft in sussing how Labour issues in the media play to the bubble, vs. the working public voters.
I surf various industries.
This one often has stuff that seldom gets beyond a twitter summary on the MSM.
People are noting where the BBC purges are happening, and where not.
Maybe some at the foyer hog roast are now regretting telling those howling from Asian Network that their noses are offended to close the windows?
Awards… Awards Everywhere!
Just goes to show that the Royal Television Society is as bent as the BABC is.
This is what awards for the beebs and media are really like! With some interesting clothing choices as well.
What was the advice Ricky Gervais gave to award winners?
Is there any hope this lot will heed it? Not that I care either way.
The BBC is imploding and Brexit is imminent.
Sounds like a GOOD NEWS day to me.
Daily Politics today..
Panel of five: four Scots and a one Pakistani (ex-BBC).
Bloody John Redwood had to spoil the diversity – but only for a few minutes!
Despite the comments, which…. well… this has been axed. I know, amazing.
I guess she is able now to argue she was the media?
Are we actually expected to know who this person is ?
A choice of male or female would be a start…….
Are we actually expected to know who this person is ?
A choice of male or female would be a start…….
…if likely now a hate crime for assuming in a binary manner.
Careful, the guy who got Alistair is en route, with Lammy and YAB and Vile and VD in tow.
You’re right.
It’s a fair cop.
Shall I hand myself in and give the cops an easy win and a break from all those knife crime investigations……..
“I’m faghtin fo da democrasee of wot Londoners want”.
You ain’t no Londoner bruv!
The BBC is now beyond parody.
She’s actually sitting there listening to this div.
I thought Ali G was supposed to be a wind up…
I saw a bBC name Glenn Campbell…..bBC Scotland Disc Jockey….mentioned in connection with cringeworthy scenes by these SNP at EU exit speechday.
This sly ***tard fronted one of the final debates on Scottish referendum….SALMOND v DARLING…the former facing a list of sex crimes….that latter…NOT!!
Anyway the audience at this event run by Campbell was so loaded with SNP and a sprinkling of hard left Glasgow Republicans it was even worse that the QT mix.
Here’s hoping the redundancy wave spreads to Pacific Quay , Glasgow where there are hordes of Anti British personnel currently in residence.
Unrelentingly stupid BBC upsets the farmers, now…,
Can we perhaps have a new specific thread?
‘Which BBC employee would you like to see lose their job in the current round of redundancies?’
It’s Stephen Sakur for me.
Thatch, I have ‘my scalp’ already: Sarah Sands. But I would echo Brissles’ choice of individual on salary and existing wealth terms but not axe many of the others in sport. After all, the grouping of sports pundit would include the TMS crew. Before those go, then surely the other overpaid Beeboids like Vine, Norton, Naughtie and Lady Brooke should be shown the door.
Orla Guerin
Orla Gurning, more like.
It’s about time the annual yawnfest that is the Eurovision “Song” Contest was binned, this would save a few bob in the entry fee and cost of all the staff, transport, accommodation, etc. I’ve been trying to find a cost for this beanfeast but the only costs so far have been for 2012.
From the D Express
“t has not been revealed how much the UK paid to enter Eurovision in 2019.
(I wonder why) However, in 2012, the Adam Smith Institute revealed the BBC paid £310,000 to the European Broadcasting Union for Eurovision.
According to a blog from the think tank, this pays for“the right to show the programme and it buys us a guaranteed place in the final.”
The blog also adds: “BBC officials say that their EBU membership also buys it other things.” These include: “Membership of a news exchange, rights to concert broadcasts and activities around the [2012] Olympics.
“But broadcasting the Song Contest also imposes other costs on the BBC, including travel, hotels and incidentals for its broadcast staff.”
The UK is one of the so-called Eurovision ‘Big Five’ who get a guaranteed place in the finale due to the financial contribution they make to help stage the contest.
The other four of the ‘Big Five’ are France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
I think these costs will have increased “slightly” in the interim.
Gary Lineker – and every sport ‘pundit’
I think Fed’s prediction in the header to this Midweek Thread may be already true.
On the Home Page it is UK; click on the link and the otter suddenly becomes ‘European’.
Back in 2008 when I was made redundant in the last recession..
The bBC carried on as normal, the redundancies they now face is long overdue and welcome to the real world
Did you post a post about yourself getting an award?
Emily M liked this:
If they are all fired and fail to find jobs, they could always build Pyramids.
BBC1 1 pm news.
A fine example of priorities and abject navel gazing.
News of the resignation of the editor of Toady is FOLLOWED by a story on annual rape cases, prosecutions, and conviction rates.
“Ze wagons… zay circle!”
Question: Why are so many people offended by Apes ?
Depends on which planet they are on.
Personally, I’m offended if a Darwinian tries to make a monkey out of me.
It’s funny Taffman I often edit my comments not to offend
anybody on this website. So I might start calling Pakistani
Muslim raping gangs, Pakistani Muslim raping gangs.
Then I might edit it to ” gentlemen.”
Apes are highly intelligent animals. So are many birds.
So really saying someone is an ape. or bird brain are really
anachronisms. One has to be careful what one writes on
Social Media. “Gentlemen” no. Pakistani Muslim is better
than the BBC’S Asian men, adult men, or gentlemen.
I am an ape. A Great White Ape. Apparently I am offensive. I am the type of monkey that certain people want to see become extinct. We will not go quietly.
Lefty, have you got any clothes on?
If you have, you have probably offended Attenborough.
Well done!
Yesterday someone kindly put up the response by the BBC about the term ‘gammon ‘ which the BBC says is fine to use .
But it’s a sad world when a persons long career is terminated because of a tweet .
Some “foreigners” say that Taffmen’s Front Row are like apes?
It fires them up and gets them get more tries .
Note the year, 1990. Thirty years ago — not long, but light years away from life as we know it today. The blacks and easily offended now were barely a gleam in daddy’s eye back then, and the potential parents were only young themselves, who just got on with life – like the rest of us.
I can see the time coming when the dementing elderly are hauled up in court for ‘offending’ some BAME doctors and carers. Don’t laugh – it could happen !
Brissles -I agree with you 100%.
I will need to check, as definitions these days vary by the hour, but…
…what counts as irony?
I wonder if the bbc flew American Beauty over to be snubbed here too?
Way to go, Bojo.
Just ignore them.
It’s about time that the far left biased BBC realised that there will be consequences for its conduct against the Conservatives and Brexiters .
The BBC is a state broadcaster – but to me the state the BBC represents has been and is the ReichEU . It can’t even see that .
If you remember – before the General Election those who voted to leave I]in the referendum were thick , racist ‘little Englanders”.
The vote was invalid because of cheating ,
The young couldn’t vote
The old should die cos they are brexiters
But the consequence of the Election is that none of that nonsense is worth remainers repeating it .
Bojo is right to bipass the Brussells Broadcasting Corp. and tomorrow night I am steeling myself for the dreadful sneering maitliss to oversee the transit from prisoners of the EU to a better Britain .
For what it’s worth – if the BBC plays up tomorrow – they’ll be getting their first complaint from me . And will be based on clear idenfiable breaches of the OFCOM Code . It’s the least I can do.
The Battle for democracy is almost won (31 Jan 2020)
The Battle for Freedom of speech is about to begin (30 Jan 2020)
The USA could put a man on the moon in 1969, but the civil servants in the UK can’t get Big Ben to chime.
Disgraceful to all our ancestors who fought two world wars for.
Over to you maxincony and Al Beeb…………..
I do hope the BBC plays the Ode to Joy as a farewell to the EU. Here is my favourite version. Enjoy.
For a moment there I was getting ready to exercise my over powerful moderator power to ‘delete’ … and then ….. ha ha ????
Meanwhile his missus, Dora the ‘where is the spare bedroom’ Cooper, still can’t find it.
This programming is a work of genius to kill them off by next week.
Katty gets paid for simply RTing the Hill anyway, so the addition of a word should see her made DG.
Seems like Katie Hopkins has been suspended from Twitter – if not banned from it . It seems the truth hurts . It’s not my place to give advise – but I will anyway . If you have avoided twitter upto now – stick with it . I’m a watcher and have never tweeted , I don’t even endorse tweets .
But with the Alistair Stewart debacle I wonder if it’s worth being on it at all. What does it achieve . ? At least this site has a clear purpose – twitter – it’s just a school shouty playground for many and a powerful communication source for others – such as `president Trump – until he gets banned .
“Seems like Katie Hopkins has been suspended from Twitter”
Perhaps she will post here ?
What ya think maxi ?
No BBC content.
Months ago I acquired a bus pass, not expecting to use it.
Today I used the pass on which It states :-
“Concessionary travel funded by HM Government and your local authority”
Funded by the Government? This is EU type nonsense.
July 3 1982, in a speech from Cheltenham Saint Margaret stated :-
“And we can’t avoid one unchallengeable truth. The Government has no money of its own. All that it has it takes in taxes or borrows at interest. It’s all of you—everyone here—that pays.
Of course, there is another way. Instead of taking money from our people openly, in taxation or loans, we can take it surreptitiously, by subterfuge. We can print money in order to pay out of higher inflation what we dare not tax and cannot borrow.
But that disreputable method is no longer open to us. Rightly this Government has abjured it. Increasingly this nation won’t have it.
Our people are now confident enough to face the facts of life. There is a new mood of realism in Britain.”
We need this realism now.
Today is the last full day of being in the EU.
“PG Tips could be sold by Unilever as cuppa goes out of fashion”
Could this be something to do with the ‘stars’ taking part in the adds of the 1970’s and the 80’s?
BBC HYS reader comment re PG Tips:
Take a poll of UK drinking habits.
Preference for Tea = voted Brexit
Preference for Coffee = voted remain
My own poll confirms this is true…!
I remember BBC “Arts editor” Will Gompertz being on , I Think, Pointless celebrities (how well titled) & failing to identify a popular opera. On the 6pm BBC News he tells us that Queen Anne was a “late Tudor monarch” – what a thicko & where is a (sub) editor to be found among the 3000 remaining BBC news staff?
You won’t hear the Kinks record being played anymore. Apeman
6:37pm Strange item dropped into Hull LOCAL news
.. “gay men are having body image problems” led by a black reporter
This looks dead like this is an AGENDA pushing item .. that London has ordered be dropped into all local news editions
Let me check
BBC news item
written by Ben Hunte @BenInLDN
March 2019 This week I’ll finally start as the BBC’s first LGBT Correspondent!
????️???? So here’s a video about me, my parents & my hidden talent
The black guy’s item was followed by the local presenter visiting a local gym ..the first 3 minutes was spent interviewing 3 BAME people, before he moved onto a white bus driver.
The Indy accepting the inevitable.
‘ News
‘Game over!’ Trump likely to be acquitted as impeachment trial draws to a close’
Any comments from Soapy and the BBC?…
This circus and in particular, its timing, have never been about impeachment. Knowing that the Democrats were on a hiding to nothing in November, it was simply their attempt to try and make Trump unelectable. He will never be forgiven for the crime of defeating H Clinton.
They are so screwed.
Guest – and on that happy note – I’m gonna put up another thread . For me – it’s the big one …
Just watching BBC News Channel and their Live Brexitcast. It’s 100% anti Brexit, not one consideration towards the positives of Brexit. The BBC desperately needs sorting. Hoping Boris gets stuck in and addresses such a curropt organisation.
Oh by the way, the selected audience was also biased against Brexit. The BBC just don’t get it!
Globalist Big Brother Twitter shuts down Katie Hopkins’ freedom of expression.
Much to the glee of the BBC.
“Katie Hopkins’ Twitter account suspended”