Prediction – The Biased Far Left BBC will ,from Friday , be supporting the interests of a foreign power against those of the UK . Along with friends in the Civil Service and metro bubble it will do all it can to undermine our success outside the EU.Please let this prediction be wrong .
Midweek Thread 29 January 2020
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Sorry if this has been covered before, but listened a bit to R4 yesterday (I know I shouldnt, but it is our guilty secret) Aunty very vexed that so few “MEN” were convicted of rape last year.
Maybe Aunty should have pointed out to plod that if he looks properly in some Northern towns (and perhaps even London) there should be some low hanging fruit ripe for the picking as I heard that these places are full of “MEN”
Shant hold my breath on that one though, I suspect the police are still at full stretch detecting “bacon” crime or similar.
By the way has Alastair Stewart been interviewed by the police yet? I am thinking of making a hate crime accusation just for the hell of it and because I can.