It has been 1316 days since the EU referendum . In that time – and before – we have witnessed the biased Far Left BBC running anti brexit stories every day all the time; and it has failed . It may show the decline of the BBC on shaping and influencing public thinking and public life . Let’s celebrate a new sort of Freedom .
The EU Free Thread 31 January 2020
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Whoo-hoo, what a thread to be first on ????
Happy Independence Day tomorrow everyone ????????
The left
Can I echo that sentiment . There is a weather forecast being broadcast on Twitter warning of flooding in London on Friday because of Remainer tears . Much sadness at BBC HQ.
Fedup, because we both support the same team you may do as you please ????
Great comment on those remoaner tears ????
Wot’s this? “EU Free Thread”? Surely we need to throw in a £39 Billion contribution?
Good one – I’m glad you spotted the ‘dryness’ in the heading . Perhaps if the trade deal and stuff fails he can escape fully from their grip – but every one knows the krauts need out trade more than we need them .
I’m waiting today – for even more good news – the democrats failing to nobble President Trump again . That really will make it a Good Friday .
I’m preparing for the BBC gloom fest that will the ‘leaving special ‘ tonight and trying to produce the traitor . ‘mouths’ the BBC will be giving airtime too- any which will be duly recorded here .
We’re not free yet.
Remainrers, the BBC and Brussels have a year for more stalling, warnings of disaster for the UK, and threats of embargo, unless we kowtow. They have a year to think up more rules in the EU book our PMs signed us to, without knowing what they were doing, which may carry more financial penalties. Who knows what bags of worms will come up.
It will be up to our PM and MPs to tell them to stuff it.
The jury is still out if B Johnson’s heart is genuinely with Brexit. So far he has signed up to Huawei, forsaking our genuine allies, and also signed with the EU’s HS2 link. £100bn and counting, at over £1bn per mile, for a link that was part of the EU transport structure.
Its up to Nigel Farage to keep the Remainer Con party honest.
I have often seen a number of ‘lefty posters’ on various blog sites and twitter sites, accusing Al Beeb of being guilty of its right wing bias .
Except for maxi, they never post here ?
Happy Brexit Day !
Free and fair discussion is not part of the libmobland
They prefer safe spaces like the Guardian, where discussion is controlled by often deleting comments that challenge their narrative.
and where libmob bad behaviour is not policed. I have even seen death threats made by a libmobber.
Wow I’m third…..Happy Brexit day my friends, although nothing on BBC headlines perhaps it’s cancelled?
“UK interest rates held as economy shows signs of picking up”
Despite Brexit ?
More good news, Carney is leaving, Lord Hall Hall is leaving and tomorrow we will have Brexit .
I believe that Lady Hale steps down from Tony Blair’s Supreme Court tomorrow. Probably to be replaced by another like-minded soul. Unless Boris and Dom have other ideas!
You mean Brenda the black widow?
It’s a shame she couldn’t sit down beside little miss muffet Thunderberg. And frighten her away.
David Starkey raises a point I had never considered – that the EU is a collection of defeated nations, at least the important ones. A defeated nation has to come to terms of its defeat, something akin to PTSD for nation as a whole. Its a harrowing process. Something that Britain and the USA have no inkling of.
These defeated nations were reconstituted by the victors, USA and the UK, as diplomatically as possible, but the defeated knew who were the boss.
For Britain, a victor in both world wars, full of unspoken confidence in itself, to be part of a group such as the EU, would always be very difficult for the rest of the group.
The EU, understandably, has a grudge against Britain and America, as they are in a debt they cant repay. Even if the UK behaved with utmost humility, it would not work. In fact worse, as everyone would know that it was a false humility of a victor. So it is that France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, are always at war with us in the EU. They have to prove themselves- again and again.
I’m glad we are out, as our presence in the EU is bad for us, and much worse for the EU.
The Daily Telegraph:-
“”Downing Street cuts out BBC as Boris Johnson films Brexit Day address to the nation””
BBC Question Time: Just one day until Brexit… and Remainers still the majority on panel.
After tomorrow they will be termed as “Rejoiners” .
Beware Al Beeb and Rejoiners will not give up easily.
I hold the BBC, Taff, more than any other body, including those in the last parliament, responsible for the prevention of us leaving on my birthday in March of last year. Their wall to wall negativity, with presenters and hand picked talking heads, knocking the UK down at every opportunity was only relieved by their obsession with climate change, gender issues and how bad “whitey” is. In more enlightened times they would have been put against a wall and shot for treason!
Re Katie Hopkins
Is Rachel Riley the new self appointed Witch-finder-general ?
I think POTUS follows Katie Hopkins so he ll be impressed that a moral guardian like Rachel Riley has deprived us of true reports the MSM refuses to cover .
Someone inform Katie that she has a place here .
KT has a Gab account
but she is not using it right now
The Gab search appear to be broken
It’s only working for acccount name, hashtages etc.
eg I can find some discussion under #censorship
The hashtag #BBC does work on Gab
The UK was never properly in the EU being outside of The Euro and Schengen.
We decided to leave yet our State Broadcaster hasn’t shifted from remain. ‘We lost the argument so let’s make a go of it’ doesn’t figure in their thinking.
QT is from Buxton – high peak which went tory from labour and I think was the only ‘ remain’ constituency in Derbyshire . BBC audience and panel fix .
After tomorrow they will be “Rejoiners” and “Remoaners”.
We should start to call them Slaves of the EU.
That’s too clumsy.
Slavoids? Or Slave-u-likes?
I’m sure someone else can be more creative in producing an appropriate word for these self-hating low IQ drones.
EUnuchs? ????
EUnarks ?
from : narky /ˈnɑːki/
bad-tempered or irritable.
“she got narky with this bumptious little prat giving her lectures”
The economy will either stay the same or soar.
Who in their right mind would want to return? Oh, wait…
Found this elsewhere and agree with it fully:
Here’s my list:
1) Elton John..
For his angry insults to Brexit voters and anti democratic thinking, but we should all listen to a bloke who dresses like a lampshade, and had a drug problem and an eating disorder.
2) Theresa May for misleading and lying to the public for being a wet ar*e and a total waste of time as a Home Secretary and PM. Cynthia Payne could have done a better job.
3) David Cameron, for lying and walking away.
4) The BBC for their bias and idiotic thinking. Remember, these clowns gave us Jimmy Savile as a children’s entertainer.
5) The luvies..too numerous to mention for their uninvited political opinions and insults. You’re over paid and over bearing. Just entertain and shut the f**k up
6) The mainstream media for project fear and time wasting
7) Gina Miller..for being a globalist mouthpiece and probably making a shed load to boot.
8) Guy Verhofstadt ..for being insulting a pro federalist who interfered with our election and campaigned for it.
9) Extinction Rebellion , because they’re just weird tw*ts
10) Last but by no means least Bob The bloody N*b Geldof for being a scruffy ar*ed self righteous pr*ck amongst pr*cks from pr*ckville and annoying to**er.
Well said Dover Sentry, there is a list of people I will forgive and a list I will never, and al beeb should never be forgiven for their shenanigans over the last few years ????
I’d strip the word British from them for starters but I think they’re imploding so who cares ????
What goes around, comes around ????
XR is easy to deal with. Just follow the guidance of the blessed Greta, Great granddaughter of Eva Braun on her maternal line.
As soon as they jet off long haul add them to the no fly list. They can walk/swim back.
What’s better than experimenting on willing volunteers to see what the effects are.
1. But we should pray for the children that this Prevert and his co-conspiritor have brought up.
11. Mark Carney – Goldman Sachs lackey and globalist follower of anti- Christ.
12. Philip Hammond – treacherous piece of shit
13. Mark Sedwill – fifth columnist and traitor
14. Christopher Steele – conspirator probably at the instigation of unnamed members of our elite class to try to remove President Donald Trump
15. Judge Morson – for jailing Tommy Robinson on trumped up charges
16. Priti Patel – for upholding the extradition request for Julian Assange
In short the swamp has not gone away. It’s as wide and deep as it ever was.
A good start, but one could add so many, many more.
You left off SOROS
Some can be forgiven. Others need to go on trial…
Dover, you forgot Vince Cable who, using his privileged position via the BBC, insulted every elderly person who chose to vote for Brexit.
Sargon guard against censorship
by puttting his vids on Youtube
and then on Bithute : What is Woke Culture
99% choose Youtube
Ah Sargon has a recent video about how Google hide his Youtube channel now
.. and Youtube demonitised it
forcing him to move over to his Akkad Daily channel
Sargon makes a good point
What does this new word “hate” mean ?
Hate spreader = an accusation similar to “racist” that is used by libmob to uneven the debate playing field ,
in fact to remove non-woke / non-libmob from the debate playing field.
It was just used on Alastair Stewart on Katie Hopkins and George Galloway
as it was used on TR.
Now “Pym Fortuyn was assassinated during the 2002
by a left-wing environmentalist and animal rights activist.”
No doubt influenced by lefty political hyperbole
Debate that should not be banned, it was OK to challenge Fortuyn
But note when people challenge libmob’s dogma
libmob disempower them by shouting HATE SPREADER
and saying that those people should not even be allowed on the field of debate
Yet those same libmob are themselves so full of hate that they do either join Antifa violence or fail to properly call it out.
Marx and Goebbels had a handle on this when they said something similar to, “The sociopath will always accuse you of doing the very thing that they, themselves are guilty of. They do this to deflect the attention from themselves.”
Yet according to the media the ones causing all the trouble/violence are the “extreme far right”.
He now has 172K followers on Twitter
Shots fired.
ITBB was there first.
And Andrew seems… feisty… at the mo.
The beeb were always going to sneer at waving the Union Jack.
Orwell captured the spirit of British intellectuals’ anti-patriotism in his famous essay of 1941, even if some of the details are now dated:
“In intention, at any rate, the English intelligentsia are Europeanized. They take their cookery from Paris and their opinions from Moscow. In the general patriotism of the country they form a sort of island of dissident thought.
England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution, from horse racing to suet puddings. It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during ‘God save the King’ than of stealing from a poor box.
All through the critical years many left-wingers were chipping away at English morale, trying to spread an outlook that was sometimes squashily pacifist, sometimes violently pro-Russian, but always anti-British.”
― George Orwell, England Your England
HIGNFY = Have we (the BBC) got a mob of woke bigots for you
The battle for the Freedom of Speech begins here ………
Over to Al Beeb for their support for Freedom of Speech, if they indeed support it ?…………….
Thank you for the link . I don’t normally sign petitions – but this one – I did . This time Friday night – we are gone ….
Boycotting ITV is a better weapon. I don’t watch ITV so I’m there already ….
It’s interesting that you say that about ITV, Fed, as Senora O’Blene and I were only discussing this the other day…
We wondered where all the ads we used to watch had gone, and it suddenly dawned on us that we haven’t in fact seen anything on ITV for years! (maybe some of the Rugby was on, but that doesn’t count).
It sounds so trivial to admit that now, but as the awful bbbc doesn’t have much more than a casual 6:00pm airing once or twice a month either, we have ‘morphed’ into another world which has moved on to proper blogs – like here, some political stuff from Guido and others and the online rags!
Seeing the ‘news’ about the panic in W1A about being well and truly stuffed soon, and their shenanigans in trying to shed a load of autocue readers and their shags, is, I suppose, a start, but today, I’m afraid that I will alter my ‘habit’ and be watching how they deal with such a momentous celebration, and will cheer their fading, negative rictoid mugs!
You’ll need extra staff/tinctures etc tomorrow to deal with all the comments! Bring it on!
I think all advert production has now been outsourced to Kenya so you wouldn’t recognise any of them anymore.
Should you happen to watch the BBC you will find that they now run as many adverts as ITV used to. I think they have outsourced their advert production to Kenya too.
On an almost daily basis I’m texting a couple of friends of mine with what I believe are humorous texts outlining which services, shops, phone networks, takeaway business etc etc I can’t use because myself/my wife/my offspring are the wrong colour and/or sexuality.
Currently on my no fly list is Expedia. Black wife, white husband, two black kids, one white kid. Seriously what are the chances of that? And while Tesco is the best of a bad bunch I learned yesterday that my wife is the wrong colour to buy her clothes from them. Oh well, their loss. We’re also too heterosexual to ever buy a Clio or bank with HSBC (not to mention too English for HSBC) and there’s a VW SUV doing the rounds which I also can’t buy because according to the advert it’s a car for a woman. Oh well, their loss.
Interestingly I’ve found that the only adverts that don’t adhere to the new multi culti multi sexual rules are those awful dubbed ones usually advertising toothpaste, cleaning products or confectionery that I believe are filmed in Germany or another EU country. Funny that.
Another story on Big Tech Censorship
Avi shouts that lawfare is being used against him
As the police loaded him with charges
..costing him time and money
Then when it came to court on Jan 24
they simply dropped all charges rather than allow him to question the charges in court.
Next On Jan 27th He went to interview antifa at a demo
and the police first arrested him , saying such questioning would cause a Breach Of The Peace
but then instead charged him with HINDERING police instead.
“Brexit: Lib Dems ‘will never stop fighting’ for close EU ties”
Al Beeb, the MSM and the LimpDems are being Divisive!
The fight back begins ! – use their own language against them.
I am now informed by a reliable website that I am descended from apes !
An even more reliable source of truth is the Koran, where we are told that Jews are descended from apes and pigs:
“… They are those whom Allah has cast aside and on whom His wrath has fallen and of whom He has made some as apes and swine…” (5:60); ”
…You have surely known the end of those from amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath, in consequence of which we condemned them: Be ye like apes, despised” (2:65);
“when, instead of amending, they became more persistent in the pursuit of that which they were forbidden, we condemned them: Be ye as apes, despised” (7:166).
taffman, you can’t make a monkey out of me!
BBC1 Brexitcast tonight was opened by Jeremy Vine with a “welcome to the Brexitcast celebration”.
Is the BBC now pretending that Brexit is now a celebration?!? For the last 4 years they appeared to be on the other side of the fence. It’s almost like they must win back the public support and noone will notice their two-facedness.
Notice, there have been some ‘changes’ at Al Beeb.
Al Beeb, the MSM commentators and reporters are painting themselves into “racist” corner. Who will be the next one to Alistair Stewart to ‘resign’ ?
The fightback for The Freedom of Speech begins !
It started here ……………..
1st February is World Hijab Day.
Let’s see if the obsequious Al-Beeb grovel to the Religion of Misogyny and ‘celebrate’ the symbol of oppression.
(As in previous years.)
9Well it’s today. Just been reading the newspaper headlines The Observer goes with “Small Island” ……May I suggest that it should be “Small Circulation”…..but the best headline goes to the Daily Star !!
Tried to attach a url looks like I’ve done a Gina.
“Tonight is a TRULY HISTORIC moment for our great nation….That’s right, it’s the end of Dry January!”
The Papers BBC News
With the utmost respect to all the lady commenters here, January was a wash-out as Vaginary…
Senora O’Blene stared at me with some awe, (pity), when I kept thinking that Veganuary wasn’t about that, or vegans, but veggies!
After the initial moments for this to sink in, I became even more confused, and that really started the discussion, and added several tinctures to the space by the elbow…
As for a ‘dry’ January, my doctor, a charming, beautiful lady, told me that I really should cut out the sauce for a couple of days a week. Funnily enough, it is quite a pleasant sensation, being able to shop in the afternoon, go for a bike-ride after lunch etc., but giving up all that vag/veg/viagra stuff is just a silly idea really…
A good friend used to stop the tincturing during January. He was a sorry, lost soul, and while I never asked him if he gave up everything else, he did admit that he once stayed up to one minute past twelve, and hit the red with a vengeance!
Well we are leaving… I expect that the BBC will have a blackout to avoid filming celebrations.
Tomorrow the forecast is a huge recession and a meteorite is heading towards us as a punishment for voting to leave.
In other news Boris Johnson’s honeymoon is over according to one journalist. Funny I read the exact same thing in an (online) report from the Independent. Funny one poll now has the Tories 20 points ahead of the dying Labour Party.
At least this week there will be no Champaign bottles lining the BBC corridors but rather bottles of gin as the BBC drown their sorrows
Poor Alistair Stewart! But quoting from Shakespeare in this day and age is always going to get you into trouble sooner or later, as I know from bitter experience. Academics and luvvies have devoted years and years to re-interpreting, obscuring, mystifying and generally rendering Shakespeare as inaccessible to the common man as they can. They can never forgive him for being an Englishman.
And a white one at that
As someone that obtained good passes in both ‘Eng. Lang.’ and ‘Eng. Lit.’ in the days when grades meant something I find Shakespeare totally obscure.
It possibly has something to do with the fact that half the words he used are obsolete and the other half have changed their meaning.
Many on this site may not be concerned about this and particularly today . But the BBC’s distortion of history needs to be reported.
The BBC documentary film, “Bombing Auschwitz,” was broadcast in the United States by PBS on January 21 and is being screened at various venues. This BBC documentary about the question of bombing Auschwitz deserves an award—for creative fiction.
Through omissions, distortions, and “re-enactments” of conversations with imaginary dialogue inserted for effect, the BBC has made a shambles of the historical record concerning this important issue.
Let us all hope that within the next 1316 days we are celebrating the demise of the BBC. I am certain that over the past forty years , ever since the election of Lady Thatcher, this organisation has done incalculable damage to this country. It has moulded , perhaps warped is a better word, the minds of millions with its 24/7 leftist and more recently Wokist propaganda which permeates all of its output from news and documentaries through to drama. No programmes are free from a large dose of Wokism.
Freeing the country from the BBC would be the equal of freeing the country from the EU. Millions of people can see now see how biased the BBC has been over Brexit and are ready to see it got rid of. The time to strike at the BBC is now so come on Boris kill off the foul corporation the first step to which is decriminalisation of non payment of the LF. Give the people the tools and they will bring down the BBC for you at little or no political cost to yourself.
My message to the bbc regarding their brexit polls is it’s over ,move on, the european country project of socialism does not include the uk anymore.
The BBC website is currently running a doom’n’gloom article on the Coronavirus, explaining how it is all down to ‘climate change’. In a relatively short article, it manages to use the phrases ‘climate change’ or ‘environmental change’ no less than seven times. Because of ‘climate change’, we can apparently expect many more infectious diseases from now on. And some of the consequences will be truly disasterous e.g. “It becomes harder to cross borders” and “seasonal migrant workers can’t relocate”. And whilst ‘climate change’, globalisation and urbanisation may well be factors, a curiousity remains. Coronavirus has so far killed a few hundred people (although the number is likely to rise significantly), whilst the closest analog in recent times, SARS, killed 774. And yet the Spanish flu, cited in the article, killed between 50-100 million people. Presumably 1918-1920 were particularly bad years for global warming, right?
The article was commissioned by the BBC and penned by Professor Timothy Benton of the infamous Chatham House. As the BBC coyly states: “(it)describes itself as an independent policy institute helping to build a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world.” It has three presidents, currently John Major, Alistair Darling and Elizabeth Manningham-Butler (former head of MI5). Draw your own conclusions.
“In a statement, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn urged the country not to “turn inwards” and instead “build a truly internationalist, diverse and outward-looking Britain”.”
AKA more alien rapists, thieves and murderers.
“Boris Johnson Cuts Out Mainstream Media, Will Address Nation via Social Media for Brexit Day
It was later revealed this would take the form of a “fireside chat” with the nation, recorded in the Prime Minister’s official residence, Downing Street.”
Eliminate the treasonous BBC, excellent.
Fireside chats, were the speciality of the mass murdering Communist FDR.
The “President” who would have starved the Japanese population, who caused the Pearl Harbour attack, who involved the USA in WW2 despite his many lying statements to the contrary.
The FDR policy being to support the USSR in its attempt to Communise Europe.
So I am very concerned about this Boris development.
I don’t want a diverse country. I want a cohesive monoculture.
Unity is strength. As the truism says, divide and conquer, which is what the collectivists have been trying to do to us for half a century or more.
If you live in the same town as your ancestors have lived for the last 200 years, and the same is true for your neighbours, and the authorities want to put a motorway through it, then everyone complains.
When 45% of the people in ‘your’ town were born umpteen thousand miles away who is there to care what the authorities do?
Quite so. A nation is more than a piece of real estate to camp on. It’s also history, tradition, culture, law, language, religion, unwritten conventions and customs, a countryside and environment. Without a deep knowledge and appreciation of them, who will protect and preserve them?
Tonight, in the words of the great Martin Luthrr King, we will be able to say “Free at last! Free at last!”
I bought a bottle of champagne for the occasion, the first and probably last real champagne bottle I have bought. Ironic of course being French but I needed to celebrate independence somehow. It’s been cooling for over a week and will taste so sweet tonight.
A well known manufacturer of Cornish pasties in my neck of the woods recently ceased trading, blaming it on ‘continued uncertainty about Brexit’. I expect Brexit will be the go-to explanation for everything that goes to pot over the next few years. So we must assume that prospective pasty buyers were thinking “Oh, I’d better not, without all those wise EU rules the pasties will be inedible, even toxic. I might die! Damn you Boris Johnson!”
– Victoria Derbyshire Show petition 64K
– Reinstate Alastair Stewart petition 36K
Stew -then the Al Stewart petition went up by 6000 overnight . I fear though , that ITV news is just a mirror of the BBC , with the same people calling the shot and out snowflaking each other . It’s the same reason that the very few adverts I see tell me that I’m living in Africa .( which here in London isn’t that far off ) That gives me a mental list of goods and services I won’t be using .
Toady watch
I turned on the radio and noticed that there was a strange smell coming from it . It is the smell of the BBC pouring poo on the democratic decision to get out of the BBCs favourite club .
And my god they even put their very own EU spokesman – Katty Adler on the airwaves pretending to be a BBC reporter .
Happy Brexit Day everyone!! Don’t forget everyone the “cliff-edge” the Remainers warned we are about to jump off.
I have a busy day planned today, I will be stocking up with 2 months worth of canned food, 6 months worth of prescriptions, protective riot gear and for good measure I will be building a nuclear shelter in my back garden!
Local new surprisingly did not follow a formula
– Radio Humberside led with Brexit, but chose two voices a local Super Remainer, and a local uncertain businessman
– Radio Lincolnshire led with Brexit, but chose to open with Farage, then a local Brexiteer who’ll be in London celebrating, then a local EU immigrant organiser saying today is just another day.
Are we still PAYING the EU tomorrow ?
Yes not a lot will change during transition . The ReichEU will be desperate to extend it on the never ending Article 50 method .
Fishing rights will be traded off for financial services
Bad deals / sell outs happen . BoJo will get the blame – particularly by the BBC
The ReichEU has infected the UK for nearly 50 years so it’s going to take a bit of time and I reckon there will be unexpected consequences . (Where’s my ‘duty free?).
But the thing is – we can say ‘ screw you ‘ to the un unDemocrats in Brussels , close our borders , control. Who comes in and throw them out when needs be .
Although today is a good day, I wish I was as optimistic as some here.
Senior civil servants continue to work against the interests of our country.
Parliament (although somewhat improved) is still full of traitors, lunatics and cowards.
The ‘institutions’ have been well and truly infiltrated.
The bBC will still be permitted to be a monopolising mouthpiece for alien interests and lies. Our schoolchildren will continue to be fed Newsround.
There’s a long, long way to go.
Practicalities – Re the coronavirus – I assume nothing is being done about quarantining all the illegals sneaking over from the Continent? What about the people they come into contact with?
Exactly, Fed !!
BBC Online News:
*Trump impeachment: Major blow for Democrats in witnesses battle”
Not a good day for the BBC. The Bigoted Bile Corporation.
Very important
Tonight around 11pm – if you have pets or know remainers – it would be safer to keep them indoors as they may be upset by Democratic British people celebrating . Burn those flags – drain the swamp . ✌️
The pound starts to surge (1.19136) – Rejoice !
How does our damp squib broadcaster headline it ? ………
“Bank of England: City watchdog looks into pound’s jump”
I am off to bed.
James Napoleon O’Brien said on the Media Show
.. that “is not one singe sign of optimism about Brexit”
So @Taffman you’d better cure your mind of your wrongthink.
A Democrat Congressional committee is demanding YouTube censor videos that contain “climate misinformation” as part of a new purge that would basically eliminate skepticism about man-made global warming from the platform.
In a letter sent to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on the Climate Crisis claims that YouTube has “been driving millions of viewers to climate misinformation videos every single day.”
It demands the following list of action items ..
An odd thing…
I don’t feel wildly triumphant about Brexit. I feel as though I’ve just stepped off a four year battlefield and would now like to be with my wife and kids eating warm meat pies in front of an open fire.
Like that thought, Dover ….
2 Corona cases in England, unknown location.
LBC got the news out 10 mins before the BBC did
I’ve got a case left over from Christmas What should I do ?
What a momentous day in the history of this great nation today is. In the spirit of that Norwegian football commentator from 1981, I give you this:
Robert Schuman can you hear me?
Charles DeGaulle, can you hear me?
Edward Heath, Helmut Schmidt, Jacques Delors, can you hear me?
John Major, can you hear me?
Michael Heseltine, can you hear me?
Tony Blair, Jean Claude Juncker, Gina Miller, Can you hear me?
Guy Verhoftwat, Jo Swinson, Anna Soubry, Dominic Grieve, can you hear me?
Gary Lineker, Bob Geldof, Terry Christian, can you hear me?
You bastards took one hell of a beating!
I know I’ve missed loads out.
Happy Brexit Day everyone.
God save the Queen.
Can they get anything right?
One for Rog, David, Sir Boaty, XR and Greta to get their pretty little heads around.
BBC News
Videos of pop star Dua Lipa at a strip club provoked a question: can a feminist go to a strip joint?
#CCBGB mainly from actual women.
There seems to be alot of black clothing been worn on bbc news channel today. Wonder why that is?
And you’d never know that to our credit, citizens of the UK haven’t resorted to actual violence against each other despite the division and doom mongering stoked by not just the BBC but the entire media, while in France after over a year of protests soldiers are fighting with firemen on the streets.
If you live around the border of Notts/ S.Yorkshire , my brother would love you to join him for his celebration firework party tonight !
Does anyone have Gina Miller’s email or Twitter account ? I so want to gloat and rub it in that all her efforts to quash the will of the people amounted to bugger all ! and I would just like to see her without that rictus grin she wore permanently on the steps of the law courts.
Scales fallen from her eyes or a Pauline Conversion, Briss?
Don’t be so silly. They’ll be demanding banning words like surrender next
Oh hold on.
For a broadcaster purporting to be professional, impartial and trusted…. so much so it is taking by every measure… brave.
Interesting that Twitter suspended Katie Hopkins the day before her account would have been full of POSITIVE tweets about Brexit.
That would be like suspending Jeremy Corbyn’s account the day before The Labour Party conference.
It’s not like Riley is a super-Remainer
…or is she ?
BTW Riley’s tweet got just 4,600 likes
And the comments on the tweet could certainly have gone better. A jumped up Countdown presenter and someone who left her husband for the man she got paired with on Strictly or the ice dancing or whatever.
One day they’ll come for her and neither Katie Hopkins nor George Galloway will be there to speak for her.
re Katie Hopkins: I cannot find what she said, can anyone enlighten me?
Also is account just banned in the UK or world wide?
David Vance put out a 23 min video last night