The Government has announced the formal consultation on decriminalising not having a TV licence . In view of that I would ask that those with an interest in ending the BBC in its’ current form consider submitting their views to the government .
It is the most practical first step to achieving our aim
The link to the consultation is here –
“The third person in the UK to be diagnosed with coronavirus did not catch it in mainland China, England’s chief medical officer has said.
The patient, who caught the infection elsewhere in Asia, was diagnosed in Brighton, it is understood.”
How’s our so called Border Force doing ?
There’s a very addictive channel on YouTube, Taff called Danger TV They have a number of videos on the workings of the UK Border Force, which show their attempts in Calais to stop clandestines reaching the UK and hunting illegals and over stayers working illegally in the UK.
They also show the workings of the Customs and Immigration Officers at a number of airports. Worth a watch to see the sniffer dogs in action. Sadly, the episodes seem to be over ten years old, things seem to have changed during this time. Winter nights just fly by here!
President Trump broadcast on BBC news – I’m surprised they didn’t have him voiced by an actor in view of the amount of acid they throw at him …..
…and whilst the Democrats are still recounting Iowa … it looks like Comrade Bernie Sanders won it . If he’s really unlucky Corbyn will endorse him.
I’m sure it has probably been mentioned but Nancy Pelosi really is THE embodiment of a bitter old bitch ????
That little stunt that she pulled by physically ripping Trump’s speech in two was about as childish as they come ????
It was brilliant. The President could not have wished for a better moment. It will win him the election.
Nancy’s first day as Speaker of the House.
A proper journo from – funnily enough from The Boston Globe – said yesterday, that Americans are stuck with voting for Sanders as he admits to being a socialist (whatever that means in the US), or any other sort of democrat (ditto).
Being a simple bloke, I’d have thought that all this ‘splitting between factions’ means that President Trump is feeling pretty good at the moment, with all the lefties arguing amongst themselves which is a common occurrence when it’s other people’s money involved.
I suppose that, like in the UK, the US has its problem leftie organisations like colleges, quangos etc, who may give a few dollars, but also I bet that the charities, like the one ‘headed up’ by our own favourite banana-man, David Miliband are rushing around like farts in a colander, throwing money at the failing parties like men with no arms!
I’m sure most friends here have seen this, but for the few who may not have, just check out this great website and see what real Americans like to understand!
Not BBC but reflects the malaise.
British Gas TV advert:
White father, black wife and three mixed kids at bath time.
Gas Boiler fails.
To the rescue at the door is…
a British Gas woman plumber!
How many female British Gas plumbers are there? Might be worth finding out?
Reminds me of the AA advert, where the AA van arrives to the rescue driven by a black woman. And how many in reality?
Advertising agencies are dreadful centres of Wokeness.
I expect you cannot get a job at one without conforming to the template. That they will run out of talent is axiomatic.
One day I had two advertising mailings from two different companies and they both featured the same elderly woman of colour. What are the chances of that?
(I expect she is actually some woman from Detroit that a free-lancer photgraphed five-years ago to flog to a picture library, i.e. not a customer and not British.)
Advert Disproportionately again
Expedia advert : wife and 3 kids are black
..husband is white
Was it on here that I read that someone had sent off a memo to the DFS sofa company, asking if they only sold sofas to mixed relationship couples, as inferred by their tv adverts ?
British Gas: “We don’t want the custom of ordinary British people. We’d much rather lose money”
British People: “No problem – your wish is our command”
etc etc
Excellent article by Dominic Sandbrook in today’s D/Mail on the BBC.
..”The obsession with diversity, meanwhile, is even worse than people imagine. I’ve lost count of the number of times researchers have rung me up to ask if I could suggest a historical expert — ‘preferably a black woman’.
I mean, this is the concrete evidence of what we’ve all believed.
This is the man to thank, Briss, from 2015 and he was still saying there wasn’t enough of it 2 years later!
Well, I blame the one who fired off the memo in the first place to the Commonwealth requesting help to rebuild Britain after the war. So the 802 who travelled from the Caribbean on Windrush are those we have to thank for giving birth to subsequent generations and the problem we have now with gangs and drugs. Oh and the rest of the half million from the rest of the Commonwealth who pitched up that we never got rid of.
Dover Sentry
This has been annoying me for sometime now …….its a rare treat when there’s no brown faces ! . If you are sat in a war torn hell hole somewhere and looking to escape ..” oh look the UK has people like us that’s where we will go then ” . To be honest I never used to notice this and has just crept up all of a sudden…or is it just me ?
There where lots of brown faces at Dunkirk. Lots of soldiers were covered in oil and smoke, unable to clean their faces due to an extreme shortage of water. Pictures of these soldiers and others obscured by shadows are used as an excuse to teach children about Black soldiers at Dunkirk. A film about Dunkirk even included a black actor who commented that he saw lots of Black faces in footage taken at Dunkirk. I think it’s a sign that the Dunkirk veterans are now to few, frail or dead to answer back.
That #FiveThingsILoveAboutTheBBC hashtag
tweets with more than 50 likes
some replies
1/ Overpaying fees & wages to celebrities.
2/ Wasting £100 million on a digital service it scrapped.
3/ Paying £1.75 million to Gary Lineker for reading a few autocue lines.4/Diversity cons.
5/ Hiring the working class to clean its floors & do security but denying real access!
1. The news presenters faces on 23rd June 2016
2. The news presenters faces on 8 November 2016
3. The news presenters faces on 12th December 2019
4. The news presenters faces on 31st January 2020
5. The news presenters faces on 6th Feb 2020
… when Trump was acquitted and he was not impeached
Dave S, he’s 8/13 from Evens (1/1) a month ago to win in 2020, so the bookies agree with you ????
BBC2 Ed Balls
” finding out how years of austerity* have affected politics across Europe. In Italy, he compares the lives of multimillionaire fashion entrepreneur Valeria Marini, who lives in Italy’s wealthiest city, Milan, and a farming family from Calabria, one of the poorest regions.
Ed ends his trip in France, where Marine le Pen has increased the vote for her rebranded National Rally party”
Isn’t “Austerity” a Labour party PR word ?
Is the whole of Europe really in austerity ?
I think countries are still spending more money than they earn ?
The BBC press office is leading a rear guard offensive because of the growing movement to defund the BBC . On twitter Kate Hoey lays into it and the comments of support she has must be 95% against the BBC – mainly on the basis of having to pay for the licence in order to watch Sky .
The best comment was something like. -‘ it’s like having to pay for Tescos when I only shop at ASDA ‘
Another said ‘ only watch ‘ call the midwife ‘ and can get that on DVD why should I pay for the rest of the dross ?’ We are winning …
ITV local news South Yorkshire Fire Service received criticism last year after spending resources painting rainbow fire engines
.. So now they done fancy video micking to criticism
The thing is the vid calls the criticism Homophobic
.. Of course actual singling out gay people for humiliation is wrong
.. but criticising spending money on virtue signalling is exactly. that.
.. calling it homophobia is the sin/crime of bearing false witness
and is itself discrimination.
A MAN and a woman have been arrested in #Rotherham on suspicion of facilitating #female #genital mutilation (#FGM)
Police said the arrests came after a woman attended a police station in Rotherham and reported she had been subjected to FGM,two-arrested-in-rotherham-on-suspicion-of-fgm-offences_35106.htm
And the IRA – or a brand of it – tried to send a lorry bomb to the mainland aimed at detonating at the time we left the ReichEU.
That should play well with those intending to vote for the‘ political ‘ wing of the IRA in the Irish election this week end . The BBC always liked the IRA and got most upset when our soldiers put a few in their coffins .
Wonder if the democrats will have finished the IOWA count by then ?
The BBC always liked the IRA
I bet Corbyn has more than a few of the boyos on his Christmas card list as well, Fedup2.
And Krankie.
Me either.
I used to listen to BBC Radio 5 back in the days when it was known as ‘Radio Bloke’. Now that the restyled version ‘5Live’ is effectively ‘Radio Woke’, it rarely gets an airing. I know their other listener, and he feels the same.
Imagine my surprise when tuning in during the afternoon school run to hear the start of an article greatly discussed in the circles within which I trot: the Nike Vaporfly shoe controversy. Essentially, Nike have tuned the energy return system (foam and carbon plate) within the sole of this shoe to give up to a 4% speed advantage to those willing to stump up large wads of cash. Eliud Kipchoge used a pair for his recent sub-2 hour marathon, and they’re very expensive, so you can imagine the furore with regard to turning a simple sport into one of ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’.
I eagerly turned up the volume… what great pearls of wisdom will I hear to shed like on the main points of the discussion within the athletic community? The presenters Chris Warburton and Sarah Brett seemed to have little clue, so turned to someone from BBC Sport who pronounced:
“…so, like, if you run 5k in 25 minutes, that can bring your time down to 20 minutes…”
Well, no. Actually, that would be, like, a 20% advantage (akin to knocking an outlandish 24 minutes off the marathon world record). They then went on to discuss whether these expensive shoes had become must-have fashion items. Dumbed-down crap for the masses.
Off switch.
BBCRadio5Live =Radio
Bl(W)okeThe Biased BBC took Radio Bloke ,
and made it broke
by turning it into Radio Woke
and now it’s a complete joke
Not watching QT tonight ……its so good to stay calm !
Irish elections: Is there a push to the left? – BBC Newsnight
Whichever way Al Beeb is pushing the propaganda go the opposite?
Usually they are always wrong.
IE, Brexit , Trump , 2 general elections and hopefully the Telly Tax .
Been doing that for years, Taff. ????
“Boris Johnson nominates Brexit critics Hammond and Clarke for peerages”
Surely that accolade should go to Nigel Farage for showing the Tory Party the way to Freedom and Independence?
Jon Sopel, one-time University Labour Club Chair, signals his liking of an anti-Conservative skit, replete with aggressive offensive language, directed against Priti Patel.
“More gold from one of the funniest men on twitter…” says Jon.
Yep, another beauty Jon.
Trending in the US –
Starts with a reference to Brexit and the disinformation campaign. The BBC will not be doing a Panorama special anytime soon!
(Could be BS but nevertheless interesting)
Something about IMF loans near the end (1:10)
R4 – giving lots of sound bites to Labour MPs who are challenging the drive to change the BBC..getting in a Trump comment – funny that..
Whatever happened to the intelligent debates in parliament?
Being quite young in my seventies, and with a quite-young, normal wife, we only like to see the programmes when ordinary people did or said funny things, or acted well. It’s a fact, and no new wokey stuff on the BBC or anyone else will tempt us to waste time looking at it.
Daughter has suggested that we get a Firestick, as we could then use YouTube to see excellent programmes like ‘Ripping yarns’, or ‘Minder’, without the dead hand of sjw diversity controlling the normal enjoyment of normal life in Great Britain.
Apart from TV tax issues, is anyone using this way to watch proper entertainment? I reckon that I’m pretty well clued up on much of the IT stuff up to a point, but as we really need to plan ahead for when the BBC is kicked into touch forever, hopefully soon, we are looking at alternatives which actually entertain normal people!
For just a few quid, we could join the new era, and that’s really something to look forward to!
Scrob We have been using fire stick for a couple of years since Mrs Swelter got fed up with my rants at the MSM. Get one you wont regret it. Although it means you cant comment so often on this excellent site.
Likewise Swelter and my in-laws in their 70’s watch more youtube than BBC.
What I love about R4 is whenever they introduce their new ‘comedy’ shows they always preface it with words like great, amazing, hilarious – which invariably they are not
– I don’t recall any of the truly great comedy shows in the past being introduced like that – they let the viewers and listeners decide…
Thank you too, James!
New ‘comedy’ means anti British, President Trump, normality, loving families etc.
Too right about great progs like ‘Take it from here’ etc! We just knew it was going to be funny, and didn’t need a twonk telling us!
Thank you Swelter!
I understand about the rants too, we always got so heated listening to idiots like Sopel and Mishal, and since we gave up the ‘news’ years ago, have only watched a handful of bulletins when we knew the bbc would be squirming like at the GE, or leaving the EU!
I’m sure I’ll find time for this site, as I often listen to R5Dead at night…
Scrob – I found myself buying a DVD player and buying DVD s from charity shops as there is little on TV for me . I’ve been an on and off political anorak for ever but I don’t take much MSM output any more .
I got amazon prime cheap – which is OK and might so for a better one like Netflix . Never ever Sky . Radio is listened to mostly to report to this website because frankly it lost the PC plots across the last few years . – including what was once the previous World Service .
Fed, ‘snap’!
Amazon Prime just gets a look-in when I forget to tick the tiny box about eight yards down on the left, but we get lots of DVDs from our favourite charity shop, and Mrs O’Blene is still in a hump about me buying ‘Hustle’ when we agreed that we both wouldn’t watch it again…
I did buy her ‘Larkfield to Clumberbitch’ though…
I have a Roku stick through which I can stream Netflix, Prime, YouTube, NowTV as well as catchup from BBC, ITV and Channels 4 & 5.
I can also stream music from Spotify. It’s been a great investment.
My family, and I (3 generations in one household these days), can always find something to watch on Netflix, and it’s remarkably cheap compared to the licence fee.
Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of rubbish on Netflix as well, but you can pick through a massive catalogue, aided to some extent by the predictive program which tries to select what you might like. That doesn’t always work, especially where we all use the one userId and have quite different tastes, but I like that it costs nothing to try something new and if you don’t like it, just switch and find something different.
There are quite a few good international documentaries/films/series on Netflix, especially if you don’t mind subtitles. I tend to find the international stuff is free from the weird PC-identity politics that plague the BBC, and increasingly Hollywood, it really shows when you watch anything BBC afterwards tho’!
My mum (late 70s) really likes Bollywood films, even tho’ she’s English, and older comedies, like Monty Python, my dad, political and science documentaries and histories, and old comedies, the missus likes realistic, in-depth crime dramas and documentaries, my young daughter, disney and fantasy films, my son, like me, historical, generally military, and science documentaries and dramas – we all seem to be able to find something we like.
I’ve been recommending Netflix to a lot of friends and family, of all ages and personalities, who’re fed up with the BBC in recent years, and most are happy once they’ve got used to it. If you’re looking for an alternative, it’s well worth a try.
I only keep half an ear on Toady these days , but I felt sorry for our Justin interviewing people in Nottingham . He was just from another planet compared to them . Common sense met BBC think . Poor Justin asked the tired old questions about ‘redistributing wealth ‘ and got hit with – wealthy people create jobs . ‘ and ‘ a lot of people don’t want to work’ ; they even said they like bojo . You could hear Justin wishing he was back in London with all his friends Who Know Better .
The disconnection between the views of BBC / Labour Guardian groupthink and decent people – who actually pay the wages – is very big .
The people of Nottingham are obviously thick and not worthy of a royal visit from the BBC – now that we know the BBC budget is moving from the News to Propaganda department I think there will be less jollys to Lefty colleges to interview incoherent Meeja Studies students dreaming of working for the BBC .
Nottingham – by the way went from insane labour to Conservative brexit at the last election and the BBC just cannot understand ‘why’. ?
By the way – I could 90 seconds of Lady Nugee on some politics programme desperately appealing to the Left Wing by say she wants the State to confiscate land and dwellings which are left empty .
Someone asked her – ‘if you start doing that – what else are you going to confiscate ?’ She then had to explain why she owns three properties . I thought it was more than that so maybe she’s hidden them in a property company to get around it . And would pay a lower tax rate of course.
So if you intend to go out you might come back and find the Labour state has seized control of it .
Here we go again
BBC: Climate change: Loss of bumblebees driven by ‘climate chaos’
I carefully read through this BBC report but fail to find quite why it is that bumblebees don’t like warmer weather.
Knowing that researchers are desperate to tick the climate change box in order to get their funding I now don’t trust their research. Knowing that the BBC will never publicise research which fails to highlight climate change as a scary problem is just another reason not to trust the BBC. I also note the constant recent ramping up of the language so that climate change becomes climate chaos.
Climate change is the new marxism. A pseudo-scientific theory deployed as a political force. At the moderate end it is a theory used as the honey to justify nasty-tasting new taxes and increased central control of the economy. At the more extreme end it demands wealth transfer from the west to the third world. The sting is in the tail. It is a critique of capitalism and an attack on western civilisation as a whole.
Asiseeit – I half listened – I thought he claimed bees don’t like ‘extremes ‘ and suggested providing shade in the garden for bees on hot days . Perhaps a swimming pool and a fan should be provided too . I used to keep bees . Some liked me – but a lot didn’t .
Didn’t we have the same story a few years ago? Then the year after suddenly it has been a great year for bees…
AsIseeit – yep most of this research is poor quality written to gain funding…
By coincidence I just got an email from The Sierra Club headed:
“You can protect dying bees with a MATCHED gift”
They also recently asked me to donate my car to them.
I thought it was the pesticides (sprayed en masse on those environmentally friendly vegan foodstuffs) that were wiping bees out?
My mistake, it was actually ‘climate chaos’ to blame all along.
Not been seeing much climate chaos around here that I recall, perhaps the ‘horror’ of Storm Ciara on Sunday is a taste of it?
A little melodramatic perhaps? With all that global warming I very much doubt we will have any snow… right?
Still, I do like bees, so I’m going to do my bit by carrying on eating beef and lamb.
The BBC article refers to the research published in
The abstract states:
“Climate change could increase species’ extinction risk as temperatures and precipitation begin to exceed species’ historically observed tolerances. Using long-term data for 66 bumble bee species across North America and Europe, we tested whether this mechanism altered likelihoods of bumble bee species’ extinction or colonization. Increasing frequency of hotter temperatures predicts species’ local extinction risk, chances of colonizing a new area, and changing species richness. Effects are independent of changing land uses. The method developed in this study permits spatially explicit predictions of climate change–related population extinction-colonization dynamics within species that explains observed patterns of geographical range loss and expansion across continents. Increasing frequencies of temperatures that exceed historically observed tolerances help explain widespread bumble bee species decline. This mechanism may also contribute to biodiversity loss more generally.”
The BBC article quotes “climate chaos”, where the scientific paper only uses the term ‘climate change’.
I’m wondering how it is that so many bumble bee species managed to make it to the present day having previously had to negotiate the Roman Warm Period, Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age, etc. I think we need to be told – perhaps it could be the next episode in Sir David’s walrus cliff diving series.
Bet she does.
Not bad for a bunch of folk who only exist in a bubble. What is Newsnight’s reach again?
Likely the comments will not go on the letterhead.
“Giving” people things they don’t want does not translate into good value for money.
Exactly right. Better one good channel than a hundred dross.
If only we could have system of “Pay as you go” TV the same as my mobile phone (which incidentally costs me less than a fiver a year.) For myself, the only program I would pay to watch is “Our Yorkshire Farm” on channel 5. For the rest my OFF button would be permanently active. Am I a miserable bugger? Well maybe but I’m as happy as a pig in spite of that. A walk in the hills beats all that junk TV.
Lefty, ” A walk in the hills beats all that junk TV.”
And as Dr Beebeebceeb regularly advises us, a good long walk helps remove depression of the knees, obesity and cardboard of the scrunge and will help you live to the age of 137 and ¼ in order to help pay John Humphrys’ £1 million per annum pension.
Ah yes but does Mr Humphries take a daily “good long walk”? If not he may not live long enough to draw his pension.
There are rumours that Mr Indeterminate Age Humphrys has been drawing his pension – both of them – and a colossal BBC salary for the past eleven years.
A man has been despatched to saw off a leg, count the wrinkles and measure their depth and the distance between them to establish his exact age.
Yes, I’ve also heard that rumour. Apparently it was started by the same person that started the story about climate change being something new and is set to kill us all very shortly.. When I use the term ALL of course I am referring to the followers of Mr White. As we are all assured by our MSM day in and day out, the rest of humanity does not stink the place up the way Mr White and his adherents do so they’ve gotta go. However, Mr White is armed to the teeth and can take care of himself. Just so that Mr Black is aware.
Well in 1995 I used some of 7 out of 9, in 2020 I use some of 7 out of 27.
Radio 1 has completely gone, Radio 2 is down to Cerys Mathews, Mark Radcliffe and Bob Harris. The off switch is getting a lot of use with Jeremy Vine.
Radio 3 survives as long as there is no screeching, from the music or lefty-guests.
Radio 4 only gets a listen while driving but the USB stick often does better. I have pretty well given up on ‘Ahplayah’ and ‘Sounds’ sounds positively Orwellian. BBC ‘Online’ is usually getting my ‘hits’ as links from here!
I am even less that 7 out of the 2020 choices – I have virtually given up on Radio 4 (apart from 10 minutes of Toady in car to go to a class and back again twice a week – and that is enough to post on here usually), the headlines at 10pm on BBC1 (we have given up on the rest of the programme), even given up on Ken Bruce – now whether his choice of music has changed or mine but Classic FM seems a lot more appealing these days. So £153 or whatever seems expensive. I think I better go and fill in that consultation.
R4.. the Islamic attack last sunday has been turned into a Muslims are victims article – sombre sounding R4 presenters and a link back to the van driver killing one muslim last year and what is the fear….yes the rise of Far Right…WTF
the BBC just can’t help it can they…
I really hate to think how they would cope with a Gay Muslim attacking a Christian Trans parade…
Same on the pledge (Sky tv) last night.
Boris’s lefty sister Rachel started to talk about the early release of the rop prisoners and in the first sentence she managed to turn it round completely saying that far right terrorism was increasing the most and not to have revenge attacks on the rop.
I think she sees leaving a sausage somewhere near a mosk and blowing up concerts full of little girls in Manchester as being the same thing. Just like murder and dropping litter are the same thing, both illegal.
There was one sensible person on the panel, Michelle Dewberry, who picked her up on this.
Stella Creasey said on QT that far right terrorism was just as big a danger as the moslem kind. A Lady something or other on Politics Live said the Streatham terrorist was mentally ill – he MUST have been, or why would he have talked about beheading people? These people are in their own way as dangerous as the terrorists themselves.
The court would hear that Shakur and Juli had an arranged married in Bangladesh in October 1999 and she had subsequently sponsored his free visa so that they could return to the UK
The court heard that police were called to the family address in Nelson Street, West Ham at around 12:35 on Wednesday, 1 January 2007 after a concerned family member had not seen or heard from Juli for around ten days, and the children had not returned to school after the Christmas break.
Police attended and forced entry to the address.
There they found the bodies of Juli, Anika and Thanha concealed under a duvet in a rear bedroom.
Detectives had launched a murder investigation and Shakur was quickly identified as a suspect after it emerged that he had purchased a one-way ticket to Bangladesh at the time of the murder.
The following day he went to a travel agent in Bethnal Green and ordered a one-way ticket to Bangladesh.
Several years passed by without any trace of Shakur
Toady watch
And the winner is —— a piece at the end of the show explaining how Islam is so good . They dug up the Imam from the Finsbury Park mosque – but curiously didn’t mention it was used for plotting terrorist attacked by the like to disciples of Abu hamza . Missed that out .
We even got a bit of Muslim singing and being told that ‘everyone is the same ‘, I bet the boys listening in belmarsh busily plotting the way to kill the most kafirs laughed
‘Actually the BBC does do comedy “
This is only a part of what wiki says about said mosque –
’The mosque rose to notoriety after Abu Hamza al-Masri became its imam in 1997.[8][9] In the late 1990s and early 2000s, he consolidated his control of the mosque, with his followers preventing anyone they did not trust from entering it.[8] According to the mosque’s current administration, although originally appointed by the trustees, Abu Hamza gradually took over the mosque from them.[4] When the mosque’s trustees asked him to leave, they allege that he resorted to intimidation.[10] In October 1998, the trustees went to the High Court to stop Abu Hamza from preaching at the mosque.[10] They were granted an injunction, but it was not enforced. Many trustees reported being barred from their own mosque by Abu Hamza’s supporters and even being assaulted.[10] In April 2002, the Charity Commission for England and Wales suspended Abu Hamza from preaching,[10] but he continued anyway.[11] Djamal Beghal used the mosque as his “base,” as he planned a foiled 2001 suicide bombing of the American Embassy in Paris.[12][13]‘
Some one Called ‘seema catecha’ delivered the message on this PC driven propaganda piece – spluttering ‘far right ‘ every other sentence, it was done as a remedy to the Streatham attack if last Sunday which the bbc will make you forget by the end of next week . Until,the next one . . She said that the chap with the van who tried to attack Finsbury Park mosque did so during the ‘holy month of ramdam’ . Which implies that the other 11 months are ‘unholy’…. did I get that wrong .
Wow – then they went on to bow to the Sainted Doreen of Lawrence on why there aren’t enough non whitee journalists .
I’m still angry that there are still white faces at the BBC ? ( that’s my line – but it might as well be doreens ) This must be stopped . Despair .effing off switch
Ok – that’s it – a 48 hour Detox from the BBC ……
BBC Radio 4
How similar is our world to the dystopian vision in George Orwell’s books…
Rather sweet the BBC still thinks the world it inhabits is the same as the one those they seek to propagandise and censor live in.
Schhh! Don’t tell em , but Al Beeb’s propaganda is counterproductive. They live in their own broadcasting comfort bubble .
Desert Island disc.. For a change a good show with Sonita Alleyne the black Master at Jesus college. Intelligent, thoughtful, humorous and didn’t rise to any of the typical BBC rule book questions about race and Brexit just answered them with a practical and common sense approach – had a great choice in music too.
Admittedly OT but indulge me because I am confused and would appreciate assistance.
The Scottish Government finance minister has been sacked for repeatedly contacting a 16 year old boy, calling him cute. The inference is grooming of an impressionable boy too young to make mature decisions for himself.
Yet the SNP were very keen to allow 16 year olds to vote in the Scottish referendum. And 16 is after all the age of consent, and was made so by Labour in 2000.
I don’t for a second condone the Finance Minister’s action but both the SNP and Labour show immense hypocrisy by defining 16 year olds as either mature adults or vulnerable children when it suits them.
Sluff, Labour in Scotland also used the resignation for their own political advantage.
And the Labour Party wonders why it is losing support.
Is not one of these bonkers barracking bookends not also a bbc Teflon gob?
Never saw this coming; shocked I tell you, shocked!
Toady came from Nottingham today. They showed a vox pop aimed at ‘working class’ people who voted Tory. I bet the Beeboids were hoping to patronise the locals and find some good Jezza supporters. They were in a for a surprise.
The values of these people must have shocked the BBC wokerati to the core. Not worried about any of the BBC’s favourite topics and minorities. Not worried about the wealthy who were self made and created jobs, not that worried about the presumed inequality that goes with it, not at all protective of the idol who choose living off the state as a lifestyle choice, just wanted decent jobs, decent schools and hospitals, worried about crime. All backed up by the very sensible feet-on-the- ground TORY MP of this former Labour heartland mining area.
In short, the opposite of almost all the things the BBC and Labour now stand for.
The mail has a piece about the utterly useless Sharon White being appointed as Chair of John Lewis, and the comments are worth reading.
Of course the cowardly useless incompetent Tories thought Sharon White was a wonderful and effective civil servant because she didn’t actually do anything effective – much like their own party, and we have seen the state she allowed the BBC to get into.
Well, the general concensus is that a Tory supporting loon from John Lewis believed the party hype about her, and he secured her the position.
As people have commented we can now expect non gendered kids clothes, unisex toilets, diversity quotas and staff who can’t speak English ! She will not be able to save the store from the difficulties in the retail sector because she has zero experience of this challenging field.
I honestly expect that she will drive John Lewis into financial ruin the quote go woke go broke has never been more appropriate than in this situation.
Lloyds of London had Inga Beale as the CEO for 5 years. Trouble was that her only obsessions were getting more women in Lloyds and pay equality and LGBT issues (although at the moment she is married to a man she claims to be bisexual). What she was not obsessed about was driving forward Lloyds in the insurance market or any strategic planning to grow the business. I don’t think Lloyds will behaving another woman in the role any day soon.
I wouldn’t be surprised if after Sharon White, John Lewis won’t be having another person without retail experience as their CEO again. And I don’t care about her colour.
Does anyone else think that the furore north of the border over Derek MacKay sending leary texts to a 16 year old “boy” exposes the rank hypocrisy of the left in general and Nicola Sturgeon in particular?
Sturgeon and her left wing cohorts have reduced the voting age in Scotland to 16 and have continually pressed for the same reduction for the rest of the UK.
The age of consent for all sexual activity, including homosexual, is now 16 across the board.
Whether or not one considers MacKay’s conduct as sleazy and inappropriate, the law cannot impose one person’s self righteous morality over another.
On numerous occasions, when it suits their argument, Sturgeon and her colleagues have argued that 16 year olds are adults and should be treated as such in law. Now she calls this 16 year old a “boy”.
As recently as November 2017 Sturgeon, in a speech to the Scottish Parliament (apologising profusely on behalf of the Scottish Government for the historical unfairness of having the age of consent for homosexual sex at 18 while, at the same time the age for heterosexual sex was 16) had this to say:
“Scotland has travelled so far in recent years in relation to LGBTI equality but it still shocks us to recall that as recently as 1980, well within my lifetime, consenting sexual activity between men was still classed as criminal activity and the age of consent was only lowered to 16 in 2006…before then, hundreds of people in Scotland were liable to be convicted as criminals simply for loving another adult”
She continued:
“so today, as first minister, I categorically, unequivocally and wholeheartedly apologise for those laws and for the hurt and harm they caused to so many.”
So Nicola, and the rest of you, please explain what Derek MacKay has done wrong. You have pushed for and implemented various pieces of legislation that say 16 is old enough to be considered a “man” and you’ve also said a number of times that sexual activity between men of any age is absolutely fine irrespective of whether there is an age difference in the parties to that activity.
You have now been complicit in hanging a man out to dry for doing something which the laws that you implemented say is acceptable.
Blatant hypocrisy which smells like someone using foul means to put a potential future rival out of the game.
Andy – the Scottish Sun Said there would be more revelations – do you know of any ? Not a great week for the Scottish national socialists ….what’s next drop the age of consent ‘ voting to 14? Sure the mums and dads will like that one – makes it easier rapists of various sexual preferences –
“It still shocks us…” Whom is she presuming to include in that “us”?
Career move???
Phillip Schofield: ITV presenter comes out as gay
But the presenter said he is not ready yet for a relationship with a man.
Richard Osman of BBC One’s Pointless said: “When you create a new entertainment show and start discussing who should host, the first name on the list is always Phillip Schofield. That’s a fact”
What does his new after shave smell of?
First he comes out of the ‘broom cupboard’,
now he comes out of ‘the closet’.
What next? Gordon the Gopher Reveals All!
Phillip Schofield has apparently come out as being gay, despite being married for about 30 years I think!
PR stunt? Virtue signalling? Woke tosser? ????
No. 3 unnecessary surely given resources in any studio.
Lots of ‘love’ and hugs being banded about for Schofield, but what about his wife ? she must feel she’s lived a lie for a third of her life, either she’s had her suspicions for years, or its come as a thump in the stomach. Either way his daughters must be in turmoil, but no doubt his PR machine will make out that his family ‘support’ him. I suspect there’s been a lot of tears and rows behind closed doors. Bad enough when your old man has affairs and sods off with a younger model, but to be abandoned for another bloke ! I hope she gets a great payoff.
Schofield latest advert for ” We Buy Any Man . Com “
He also accused Dale of a ‘fit of pique’.
Doubtless Owen Jones’ efforts in BBCbubble was a ‘noble statement of courage’.
Those two faces really are two cheeks…
Grace Blakely’s rasping voice sends a shiver up my spine.
If Dan is the best they have got, making the best case they have got, the BBC will be gone by lunchtime.
Netflix and prime offer me all the entertainment and some information and education I could wish for.
For news, information and education the BBC is the last place I would consider, and the web serves me fine.
Entertainment-wise, BBC Press Office on twitter is as funny as it gets, and is free.
He’s making a big point of naming the Manchester *victims* one by one in individual tweets.
… As if he and BBC care about Northern Girls
He has mentioned Rotherham once .. in 2014
When the ALLEGED perp was *WHITE*
.. There was no followup tweet when that guy was CLEARED
Make sure people pay?
Revoke their set top box decryption card if they don’t.
It’s not still 1935.
TOADY Watch #1 – And the winner is …..
The programme this a.m. was able to tell me, at last (not the BBC’s fault), the winner of the Iowa Democratic Party Caucus. Unfortunately, the BBC were not able to tell me what his policies are but the only salient thing about him, as far as the BBC appear to be concerned, is that he is ‘openly gay’.
He beat Bernie Sanders, the nearly octogenarian millionaire Socialist/Communist, by a tenth of a per cent or something. Now, Sanders policies are quite well known. Why not Mayor Pete’s policies?
@Up2Snuff on Saturday we mentioned how R4Today kept mentioning Pete Buttigieg
I said
The Times is already annointing Pete Buttigieg as the new Obama
Stew, I seem to recall Obama didn’t have many policies either.
Apparently, he mislaid them somewhere and had to spend at least three days a week looking for them on a golf course. Perhaps they were in the deep rough, over to the right of the fourteenth green?
Ha someone complained about this site having too many tweets and videos
So at 9:09 am above instead of posting the video I posted the Dale story from the Express which has the GMTV video
but an hour after that 2 people have posted the video here.
I see Guido didn’t post until 9:49am
From the Express transcript
Nihal jumped in as well, saying:
“But he [Bravery] went on his own – *presumably* because there wasn’t somebody who would accompany him at all times.
“To just sweep that away without any *facts*, and say:
‘Oh it’s not about resources,’ is just ridiculous!
Do you want the data for lack of resources?
Do you want *the data *? “
The state of Nihal
Who put’s OPINION ahead of facts ?
Nihal, does
.. About lack of resources he says *presumably* and then mocks Dale saying he is not using “facts” and “data”
“Presumably” shows, that he Nihal is not dealing with facts/data
As usual in their accusations wokemob are PROJECTING
With no Piers there today on GMTV, wokemob were in charge
So they had a studio full of wokemob and sandwiched the non-woke Dale between two wokes, so they could stitch him up.
Yes entirely good to have ONE woke and one non-woke forr counterbalance
but why would you have 2 woke-folks on against one non-woke ??
In fact Newsnight also used the woke-sandwich technique on Dale
when they tried to stitch him up in a Brexit talk
Cummings and Boris are quite right in avoiding wokemob shows
..cos the shows are inclined to go for stitchups
Dale’s error was going on in the first placewithout checking if the place would be full of woke-folks.
FFS what’s up with Guido’s moderation ??
I reposted this post in a Guido comment even replacing the url with “see link at bottom of page”
and it still went into moderation.
… Yet my next comment has got straight through
Being a bit out of the loop I don’t know much about mr dale apart from being on LBC – which is not for me – same as ITV.
But I saw the footage on twitter and thought mr Dale should just go quiet , let the mouthy snowflakes rant and take the appearance money – which I guess is around £1000.
But walking out doesn’t harm the career I suppose .
Elsewhere here there is debate about someone callec”dan Johnson “ could someone explain who he is as I have no clue …
Stew – as you say in your point about government people avoiding the MSM – absolutely right – it’s not about ‘accountabilty ‘ it’s about giving biased snowflake metros the opportunity to have a dig, get a strike ,and thereby further their wretched careers on the licence fee dime …
He’s a BBC hack, ringer and sockpuppet who likes to tweet with ‘News’ in his name like PaulMasonIdiot.
Rather neatly filleted by Pugnacious below.
Happy to help.
Guest a thank you – I’m getting to be out of touch these days on who is meant to be known .
I take it that on the subject of some lovey declaring his sexual orientation -is there another set of text messages on the way ?
Suppose it keeps people distracted from more serious stuff .
One imagines Ben Hunte has been scrambled and Newsbeat prepped for blow by blow updates.
“Cummings and Boris are quite right in avoiding wokemob shows”. I agree and hope that they continue to do so.
Political interviews by the likes of Marr are all about Marr.
PS I hit ‘report comment’ by mistake. Sorry.
Breaking news! One more ‘home grown’ terrorist not coming back in to Blighty.
But she’s appealing . Not that type of “appealing”.
taff, who picks up the costs 🙁
the solicitor will be fine
Who pays the solicitor ?
Take a wild guess. ????
Ha Dale’s problem was that the show has two Woke-Anchors
.. if only there was a way of shortening that expression
… W-Anchors
BBC shows are all rubbish cos they are presented by W-Anchors
h/t @Ivanhoe
Good pun 🙂
“Ms Abimbola said: “I found a number of barriers to entering the profession because I had an African name and am a black woman, without any doubt.””.
Could it be the one that was filmed recently peeing on a London bus right on a disabled bay?
And in yet another triumph for the world’s finest international health care system, the NHS now brings you…..
‘GP Manish Shah jailed for 90 sex assaults on patients’
The offences go back to 2009.
Clearly the NHS’s accountability standards are up to their usual level. Which is exactly what you would expect in a nationalised industry. You’ll find the same over at Network Rail. There’s another beauty.
Sluff – I wonder if he got his medical degree at the university of doesntexistabad like I did ? ( £200 ) as the NHS has gone through a long period of being to embarrassed to really career records for punters looking for a £200k job … never trust em .
I highly recommend having your say on the government consultation on decriminalisation of TV licence evasion (and funding).
It’s quick, easy, and anonymous.
It’s also extremely therapeutic – cheaper than a shrink and much more satisfying.
A golden opportunity to have your say and make a difference.
Thank you for the link provided top of this thread.
BBC Moaning Emole
Tate balcony attacker told carers of plan to kill
Story detail
The autistic teenager who threw a six-year-old boy from the 10th floor of the Tate Modern in London had spoken about plans to push someone off a high building months earlier, it has emerged. A joint BBC News and Daily Mail investigation has obtained a recording taken by a care worker, in which Jonty Bravery says: “In the next few months I’ve got it in my head I’ve got to kill somebody.” At the time of the attack, Bravery lived in a west London flat with round-the-clock care. The former care worker who made the recording says he told a more senior colleague what Bravery had said and played the recording to someone else involved in his care. They both deny this.
His care provider, Spencer & Arlington, says there is no record of the disclosure in any care plan, care report or review from managers or his care workers, psychologists, or health workers. The company says it believes it “acted entirely properly in managing and reporting in its provision of care”. Bravery, 18, admits attempted murder and is due to be sentenced this month. The victim, a French tourist, suffered a “deep” bleed to the brain, from the attack last August. At the time, Bravery was on bail for an alleged attack on another care worker during a day out.
Covered already, but so much more to this than classic BBC ‘allegations’ from sources go near.
Coronavirus kills whistleblower
The number of people affected by the new coronavirus continues to rise, with some 31,161 confirmed cases in mainland China. Another 73 deaths were reported on Thursday, taking the total to 636. And the doctor who first tried to sound the alarm about the outbreak has died, the hospital treating him has said. Li Wenliang contracted the virus while working at Wuhan Central Hospital. But when he warned fellow medics on 30 December, police told him to stop “making false comments”. The virus is present in 25 countries around the world. Meanwhile, the number of cases among passengers quarantined on the 3,700-capacity cruise ship, Diamond Princess, off Japan, has risen to 61.
Classic sloppy subbing.
Contraception shortage
A shortage of contraception is causing “utter chaos”, according to the gynaecologist who heads up the Royal College of GPs’ sexual health faculty. Women are being “sent away with prescriptions for unavailable products and end up lost in a system”, says Dr Asha Kasliwal. Sexual health organisations have written to ministers about the problem, which is thought to affect a number of types of daily pill, as well as the long-lasting injectable contraceptive, Sayana Press. The shortage could lead to a “rise in unplanned pregnancies and abortions”, their letter says. The government in England says it’s working with manufacturers and expects the shortages to ease soon.
More BBC ‘quotes’ hyperbole. Plus #couldfiles
Non optimal but ‘chaos’? No.
Durex PR stands ready.
A truly sad and pathetic illustration of insidious political correctness is to compare the ‘artist’s impression’ of Jonty Bravery from his court appearance, showing a relatively normal if thuggish individual with two eyebrows with the unbroken line of photographic reality.
Twato just: Fatty Lardell gives the headlines:
1. Concerning the doctor in China who first alerted the World to the C virus;
2. How can anyone tolerate novels written by men.
Clearly the most important news in the BABC’s World view.
45/50 seconds? Maximum, then OFF.