The Government has announced the formal consultation on decriminalising not having a TV licence . In view of that I would ask that those with an interest in ending the BBC in its’ current form consider submitting their views to the government .
It is the most practical first step to achieving our aim
The link to the consultation is here –
‘Black Studies’ Prof: British Empire Worse Than Nazi Germany, ‘Whiteness’ a ‘Psychosis’
“Kehinde Andrews …..”
Time to expel the blacks.
Sorry Adam Hart-Davis, the BBC has no plans for :-
What the Africans did for us.
What the Muslims did for us.
Referendum on this PDQ Boris.
Ask British people what they would really like.
“What the Muslims did for us”.
First man to fly for one thing, (allegedly) What is it with roof tops and Muslims?
Today’s progs
1pm Woke At One
6pm BBC Woke at 6
.. 6:30pm BBC Wok-all News … or WokeFull News
7pm BBC1 The Woke Show
7pm Channel4 Woke-News
10pm BBC Woke at 10
10:30pm BBC2 WokesNight
6am R4Wokay
6:30 BBC1 Woke-fast prog
A fox walked into the Parliament building
.. cos it heard it was full of vermin
True story ..doesn’t say much for security that it wasn’t spotted until was on the second floor
..and then ran upto the 4th floor
Bercow in disguise !
At the end of today’s TWATo there was a trailer about an upcoming review into what went right and what went wrong with BoJo’s election. They contrasted Johnson’s focus on ‘Getting Brexit Done’ with the focus on vile Labour being Magic Grandpa Steptoe’s ‘honesty and integrity’.
Excuse my French but what f….ng integrity and honesty has Steptoe got, and just how much did he ever have, if any?
Peter, I see the BBC haven’t explained it fully to you. Labour won the argument but lost the election. Once the country understands the BBC’s logic on that we can understand its love affair with the EU, its hatred of the people of this country and its joy of Diversity.
So in this upside down world, a man who consorts with murderers, commemorates a man who tortured people to death because they were Jews and takes money from Gay killers has integrity.
It says it’s a parody Twitter account
but I’m not so sure
.. but it’s only been gong a few days
R4 Drama : “Wheatish : Sabina contemplates becoming a single mother, despite what *her community* might think. ”
* What community ?
The author Yasmeen Khan is an award-winning broadcaster and writer. She has made documentaries for Radio 4 and has written for theatre
She is currently writing for EastEnders.
Director Aisha Khan currently Co-Artistic Director of Freedom Studios in Bradford,
Sabina – Mina Anwar
Amber – Nadia Emam
Sarah – Jeanette Percival
Mum – Rani Moorthy
Nadeem – Esh Alladi
“our culture” , “Muslim single mums”
Thursday’s drama was all about immigrant black family running a Jamaican cafe in London.
– The hero on was revamping the cafe after a sudden fire had burnt it down killing his mother
.. The rogue son turned up he was a typical wideboy black drug dealer into money and guns
.. At the end we find he had started the cafe fire intending to scare his own Mum.
.. I guess the BBC commissioning editor hadn’t read that far.
Wednesday’s play was about Hong Kong lefty playright now based in Britain
Tuesday’s play was about trafficking of foreign migrants in Northern Ireland
8pm Radio4 Any Questions? from Winchester University. (ha ha)
– Lord Deben (You know the head of the HoC Committee on Climate change who happens to have a number of green consultancy businesses and a lot of GreenBlob friends)
– Professor John Denham ( from the Centre for English Identity and Politics at the University of Southampton
– Owen Jones Guardian columnist
– Olivia Utley Sun journalist
20:50 A Point of View : Will Self opinion piece
Poster Girl Begum pops up complete with age to remind us how horribly unforgiving we are to our enemies.
And we certainly won’t have heard the last of this member of the Bethnal Green three mosqueteers…
BBC: ‘Ms Begum’s lawyer, Daniel Furner, said his client would “immediately initiate an appeal” against the decision “as a matter of exceptional urgency”.’
I’ve made a little bet with myself that one way or another within, let’s say three years, she’ll be safely back in Blighty.
Nothing to worry about ?
Here’s an angle the bBC will never investigate , particularly the Scottish bBC ….who have been neutralised by the provision of the £32 million white elephant with no viewers.
Mr Derek MacKAY….. there is an on-going inquiry into the shambles surrounding the build of 2 passenger vessels to service the outer isles….a write off of around £200 million…seems inevitable…
They should have been in operation 2 years ago…they are rusting on the Clyde to a specification which has been declared unbuildable.
The guy who bought the shipyard to build these is one of Scotland’s richest men………….he has threatened to sue MacKay for defamation…..MacKay blamed his organisation for the fiasco….while it is otherwise reported that the root of the problem was an SNP quango overseeing the project.
It may therefore transpire that the removal of MacKay was convenient…………particularly with the NicolaKnew trial coming up
#Green #Ferrygate I just had a look at the BBC article on why the SNP so wanted green ferries and chose to make the world’s first LNG powered ferry.
Basically it’s the PioneerFallacy when you say
” our country has to be a world leader at this”
then you find it’s not that easy and make a lot of costly mistakes
While the rest of the world sits back and learns for free.
I made a long comment at BH
“Cathays murder: Three men jailed for life after killing teen”
Nice Welsh boys ?
As ever BBC stories are just cutNpastes of stuff the police have already posted
This tweet links to what the police have posted on their FB page
There is something interesting cos the local Labour MP tried to connect the murder of Nur with an attack on people outside a mosque.
“Q7. Last weekend my constituency suffered yet more serious violent crime, some in the public domain and some not, including the murder of 18-year-old Fahad Mohamed Nur and a knife attack on the congregation leaving Dar Ul-Isra mosque following Ramadan prayers.
Since 2010, under Liberal Democrat and Conservative Governments, South Wales police funding has been cut by nearly £61 million.
Police officers in Cardiff are running on empty.
What will it take for this shambles of a Government to accept responsibility for public safety and give South Wales police the funding it desperately needs?
( she’s condemning the government rather than the thugs)
Mr Lidington :”South Wales police is actually receiving up to £290 million of funding in the current financial year, which is an increase of £19 million on the last financial year”
The mosque one is interesting cos it was by two white brothers , BUT the judge & media decided to spin it a drunken lout thing.. rather than do the normal thing of hyping it up as racial crime
The judge specifically said it wasn’t.
I am sorry for those mosque victims, but it was the right thing to keep communities calm by being equal and this time not awarding the Muslims special victimhood status.
They look so very Welsh……….I have Welsh ancestry…….my skin colour is not the same ……now I’m feeling that perhaps I’m not really Welsh after all !
Telly Tax pays for ‘cut and pasters’.
My wife, Roobi was talking to a friend awhile back Taff, on about how the friend should cancel her TV licence if she didn’t like what she saw on the box of late. Her reply was ” you can’t cancel the licence, how will they fund the NHS?” And she’s a teacher!
QT last night was its usual lousy self.
I thought having 5 panellists was meant to give us a diverse set of views about the various topics but of course it doesn’t work like that.
Who would have thought that every one of them (and the ‘selected’ audience) would all be Trump haters and see how much bile they could spew out against him.
No need to answer that one.
The best president since Reagan or possibly the best ever and this bunch of virtue signalling twats could only sneer and play to the ‘selected’ audience like performing seals by seeing who could be the most anti Trump.
I wish he was our PM.
How to Find Out if Someone Has Died Online
The best way with BBC staff is to follow their twitter feeds.
BBC House Journal
On Facebook it struggles to get double figures of any kind of response in days.
I read it for the comments, which seem to be from Roger Harrabin’s idiot cousin on Paul Mason’s side.
Ladies and gentlemen , boys and girls , others of non specific gender , trolls and members of the SNP . It’s time for the unimpeachable Weekend Thread
This so called professor should be kicked out of the country , definitely not to the standards of my past . It’s no wonder that these insidious people are turning our young against everything that this once great land has achieved in the world
Fed, ‘snap’!
Amazon Prime just gets a look-in when I forget to tick the tiny box about eight yards down on the left, but we get lots of DVDs from our favourite charity shop, and Mrs O’Blene is still in a hump about me buying ‘Hustle’ when we agreed that we both wouldn’t watch it again…
I did buy her ‘Larkfield to Clumberbitch’ though…
Ha ha – I should have kept shtum about the charidee shops – picked up a whole West Wing box set for 5 quid but the last ones were missing – I take it Alan Alda took over from the lefty ?
I’m looking for someone to convince me to sign up to Netflix …