Isn’t it great to see the fortunes of the Far Left Biased BBC taking a turn for the worse? Challenged at home over compulsory funding for the monster as well as seeing its biased agenda being undermined ;ranging from stopping Brexit to minimising Islamic terrorism as well as its hatred for the American President running into the sand . We are winning .
Weekend Thread 8 February 2020
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Just listened to parts of ‘Any Questions’ on Radio 4.
What is the point of these panel shows if everyone agrees.
They all agree that we have only 11 years to reverse climate change.
They all agree that Gaydom is wonderful and no one could object to gay marriage.
They discuss whether those who commit terrorist incidents can be de radicalised. The word islamist was mentioned but there was a common reluctance to separate out the islamic types from the rest. Right wing terrorism is a growing threat, apparently.
They don’t bother to qualify ‘climate change’ with ‘man made’. What if we balance the carbon cycle and then Yellowstone erupts?
We seem to be sliding into a worrying group think that you challenge at risk to, well what?
Despa, they obviously had the assistant producers’ & researchers’ ‘filters’ set to 11 in true Spinal Tap-fashion for today’s programme. I listened from 2pm but quickly hit the OFF switch twice and the second time it remained off for the duration.
Switched back on for the Afternoon Play. It was a repeat.
OFF switch.
Totally agree. This week was so overtly bias (in a metro liberal sense), even it, plunged to new depths.
Here’s a brief Panel list.
Lord Deben = Pro European, internationalist, Climate change Committee chair.
John Denham = Socialist, Globalist, Pro European.
Olivia Utley = Metropolitan tabloid Journalist.
Owen Jones = Metrosexual Globalist Liberal Pro European.
It was just pathetic metro-backslapping love in, conducted in an intolerant liberal echo chamber.
Totally bias.
Listened to the actual QT programme on Friday night. Another OFF Switch moment came when Lord Deben answered the final question on the BBC Licence Fee. If I had wanted to make myself throw up I would not, at that point, have needed to put my finger down my throat.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee Yyukkkkkkkk!
The worst Any Questions ever. I switched off half way through too.
FGM : Doctors in Britain are making money from mutilating girls’ genitals
Times letters on BBC from media bigwigs.
Channel5’s Elstein suggests that subscription should be slowly introduced for entertainment that would
#1 Get around the over 75’s complaining
#2 The BBC could take money from worldwide subscibers
Rushbridger says
– don’t say that UK newspapers are struggling cos of the BBC
cos US newspapers are struggling as well.. and there is no BBC competing against them.
well the US is a totally different market.
Times on Muslims running prisons
Prisons are breeding a new wave of terrorists
A series of attacks by Islamists released from jail highlights the failure to turn them away from extremism
Sean O’Neill @TimesONeill Chief Reporter, The Times
Maldives heavy handed policing
Of course in an Islamic country you shouldn’t make the mistake of walking down the street in a bikini ..but
Sexual suppression and sexual obsession go together in muslim countries.
Also in Maldives ..ISIS are stabbing tourists
Yep another pervy top doctor struck off
Jonathan Fielden spying on a 15 yo as she showered
The Times leader on the BBC
She has a point.
It also turns out that the point Dale was making was correct, but the wave of lefty wibble was allowed to crash down.
Nihal might need to take a Mid-Asian stroll and have a word with himself.
#CCBGB, except from Nimra, who knows she is golden.
They really are banging away on this.
Who in their right mind would join a sinking ship?
Telling stories eh?
telling stories =
Lying; Making stuff up that’s not true.
A, “story” – “a description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events”
Problem for him is, he doesn’t know the difference between, true or imagined.
“Telling stories” indeed!
Who in their right mind would join a stinking ship?
But he’s correct to say that the racist far-left bbc are masters of storytelling.
PS and his stunning and brave choice??
Did he jump or was he pushed
If he was looking to do work for the BBC, he now fits some of the SJW tick boxes. Before ‘coming out’ he would have been classified as a middle aged white haired British working man. CV binned , end of story.
One thing puzzles me about this business. He has come out as gay after 30 years of married life. Now, has he indulged in affairs with men during this period, which I imagine would have been called out on long before now. Or is it just naughty thoughts of men that means he’s gay. He was asked whether he would now embark on a relationship with a man (um, eh?) to which he replied he’s not ready for that yet.
Carole Malone succinctly puts her own spin on this in today’s d/express. Sorry I cant find the link.
BBC nature programmes narrated by the authoritative-voiced David Attenborough used to have a worldwide market.
Somehow I can’t see Cities – Nature’s New Wild on BBC 2 having much of a market ‘art sahd uf streffum’.
Posted 2hrs ago. No response.
A woke leftist La-La luvvie? Whatever next?
I remember, back in the day, Hillary Clinton getting all the A list stars/singers up on her platform.
found it condescending/sickening that they really think we will be swayed by Fame!!!
I tried to get this passed the moderator in the mail online comments and sadly failed
Schofield is so far up himself that there wouldn’t be room for anyone else
Wow it’s been a bit quiet
from 4 to 7 there was almosts 3 hours before the first new opening comment.
I think there’s a bit of a lull in real news. And we’ve had a shed full of the real stuff over the past few months.
It says something on a Saturday night when I’m having to resort to old editions of Midsomer Murders to watch on ITV3 because out of the hundreds of channels there is sod all else to watch ! Most of the films are fantasy only suitable for 12 year olds, and shouty reality shows are the pits, so its Barnaby and vintage Port.
BRISSELS – Only my opinion, but if you pop over to You Tube and pick a topic of your choice, I’m pretty sure you will find a great deal of interesting stuff on offer!
The vintage Port will go down a lot better as well.
In their report on the mass shooting in Thailand, Al-beeb breezily mention that ‘gun crime is not uncommon in Thailand’.
Indeed not – and who is responsible for thousands of such murders over the years? Why, none other than the beeb’s favourite religionists – a fact they don’t seem to think is worth mentioning.
I feel that characterisation is wrong.
It is not the case that gun crimes in Thailand are all done by Muslims.
There is the insurgency in the south and fighting with police/army etc.
but most deaths appear to be of Muslims.
Meanwhile in other parts of Thailand there is gangsterism.
You’ve got drug growing areas like the Golden Triangle in the north etc.
NYT: ‘In Thailand, a country where most weapons are in the hands of the police and the military, mass shootings are extremely rare.
An exception is in Thailand’s south, where an ethnic Malay Muslim insurgency is battling the majority Buddhist state.’
Hmm I still don’t agree with the NYT
cos AFAIK most murders done by insurgents are done by bombing.
They do have some shootouts with police.
But I didn’t hear of mass shootings when I have been in that area.
Now the Telegraph Even privatisation may come too late to save an increasingly irrelevant BBC
I can see it with my free account
There are over 1,000 comments
The BBC is like a *welfare system* FOR the middle class
……….. PAID for by the POOR
Some say the BBC should be like netflix.they might change their minds if the watch the drama the stranger. No fewer than three mixed race couples a woman lead detective and plenty of black people playing the good guys. Woke city. Oh and a plot with more holes than a sieve
We know it is not just the BBC but a cancer of groupthink throughout most media.
However I want to think about entryism
Leftists have used Alinsky tactics to infiltrate charities and NGOs and put a few of themselves in key posts to hijack traditional orgs supported by tens of thousands of people.
I wonder if there has been planned entryism in some BBC departments in order to hijack them ?
Defo. At least since the 60s.
Without a doubt Netflix is becoming more woke. Perhaps anywhere which requires artistic creativity is vulnerable to wokeness.
The Stranger was made by a UK company in the UK, and will thus be wholly drowned in wokeness.
The speed at which even US Netflix drama is being dragged down the same absurd woke BBC street is astonishing. There is a series called Unbelievable, in which every single white male is stupid and/or complicit in wrong doing. Every female character is bright, intelligent and morally sound.
Fortunately there are many programs in Netflix’s library that are not contaminated by this ludicrous development.
Irish general election: Exit poll predicts ‘tie’ between three main parties
Coalition? Are they stuck with Varadkar?
Remember the UK referendum on PR v FPTP?
Evidence is now clear to condemn PR. Take a look at Europe: All ‘arrangements’ and ‘accommodations’ between parties – a haven for political chameleonic turds on the gravy train. All displaying Marxist principles.
Starkey commented on this and he supports the positiveness of FPTP. Problem is, as the Liberal/Marxist grouping spreads it will inevitably reject FPTP as, in effect, it did during the 2016 EU Ref.
BBC ‘Viewing the Future’ excerpt from The Times ‘leading editorial’ dated 6th February 2020. A few salient facts that the BBC try to hide are now on the political forefront on major changes to the BBC ‘structure’. At last, we have some consensus amongst the new government that BBC change is not just about the ‘license fee’. As in so much of our ‘British’ (oft abused by the BBC ‘way of life’, many things don’t get done until a ‘crisis’ emerges. And the BBC has a long list of (self -made) ‘crises’ which includes its dwindling UK audience which makes the fading TV license seem a side issue.
As the Times points out: ‘The BBC should end the anachronistic license fee and move to a subscription model’ is now hardly in dispute. All parties (except the camp Liberals) now realise the BBC need a radical reform. Today I found some compelling reasons why this will happen and why the BBC are powerless to prevent it…
These are the salient facts that will decide the BBC’s future:
(a) You don’t go to Jail for refusing to pay for NetFlix or Sky!!
(b) 120,000 UK national are hauled before the Court each year. For such ‘non-payment’
(c) The threat of ‘imprisonment’ is highly unlikely for under 24 or over 75 if convicted
(d). The BBC uses the courts as a ‘threat’ but the Courts are clogged up with single mums who have been ‘convicted’, this wastes Court time and pushes the poor into poverty.
(e). Over 18,000 people under 20 years of age have been prosecuted in the past five years. Making mockery of the BBC drive to serve the ‘under 24 ‘yoof’ market.
(f) Threatening the ‘over 75’s’ with non payment fines has already alienated Age Concern and elderly groups who now campaign against the BBC for making a move on the housebound elderly as a ‘quick cash’ fund when it wasted Millions on programs targetted at idle ‘yoof’ such as ‘Sounds app and You tube videos that are not what older people pay for.
(g) The BBC claims that it stands to loose £20 million takes no account of those that will not pay or cannot pay or even if the ‘audience’ figures it quotes are accurate. As this includes online viewing on mobile phones, you-tube and internet devices (which are bundled into ‘audience’ even if listening for less than 20 seconds).
(h) Draconian measures will not be supported in the Courts. It will be de-criminalised, and effectively nobody but the Liberals will be left funding it. As they also don;t pay for most of the printed issues of the Guardian either, the future is predictably bleak.
(i) Boris Johnson has hinted at ‘other’ broadcasters being also awarded the ‘public service’ broadcasting badge. So the threat to the BBC is real, competition is on the doorstep.
(j). The BBC is not the bastion of ‘high quality’ programmes any more. What ‘quality’ it has had has long gone. So has the audience for such programmes on ‘national TV’. Its all subscription now.
(k). Amazon Prime and NetFlix have filled the void of the former BBC with ‘watchable’ programmes and the public are willing to pay for it. In 2019 Netflix had 158 million subscribers. Very few (if any) will go back to BBC watching staid safe ‘homes under the hammer’ type programmes.
(l). The last and most serious claim that has been proved true by OFCOM (radio and TV) is that the BBC uses its vast reserves of money NOT to improve its output but to extend it ‘reach’ and undermine commercial rivals. This the BBC denies but its clear that the BBC has tries to ‘copy’ both the formats and styles of its rivals. It also owns most of the Radio networks and TV channels.
(m). The BBC uses ‘BUZZ-FEED’ listicles (trade name for rubbish feeds) in the same way as Newspapers ‘online’ struggle for existence in falling Adverting fees. The BBC uses that to further its own online position (hence the low quality of BBC online news).
(n) Falling audience figures cannot be concealed as the BBC are forced to lay-off 450 BBC radio journalists, more sure to follow in key areas. Many senior News staff have taken early retirement and are critical of the BBC management ‘style’ sponsoring ‘yoof’ style programs.
Finally the BBC Charter is being debated well in advance of the 2027 Charter, not being left to the BBC to fob off any changes. This is now seen as a national issue. Lady Morgan (newly entitled) to complete the job that Lord Hall never completed is to ‘overhaul’ the BBC and warn that if it fails to innovate, it runs the risk of becoming as redundant as Blockbuster video stores.
We live in interesting Times. The Left are increasingly out of pocket. And its about time their flagship was closed down. But that may be a big ask. I’ll settle for ‘downsized’ to what it should be (about 8% of the electorate of the UK). Not 98% as it claims to be.
@Philip_2 (g) typo .. £200m not £20m
screenshot … from the tweet I mentioned above.
If you see his tweet you’ll see that in his reply he put a screen shot of the letters about the BBC.
Yup Stew. Your right, Typo 200million quid it is. My typing skills need an upgrade. That or new keyboard.
But surely, Al Beeb is so good that it would make loads of dosh if it was funded by subscription.
Yes ?
As moderator – reading the anger every day – I notice thar people want immediate change . So do I . But we have to live in the real world as far as ending the BBC is concerned . The skirmish taking place in the lead up to the 2022 mini review is just that . But the real battle will be the Charter review of 2027 .
Yes – it’s 7 long years and a General Election away – but the agreement in the last Charter will stand whether we like it on not . So the next best is to complete the current consultation the Government is conducting . If anyone who writes on this site doesn’t complete it they may as well expect no change .
If the consultation freezes further increases in the licence fee an a ‘review ‘ of operations ( internet – local news – number of channels – income – advertising – vanity projects – ) then that will be a start .
The bias issue is more difficult because of party political battles and trade offs as well as specific incidents of corrupt editorial lines . Which is where websites like this one comes in. Should there be a call for evidence – in – say an inquiry leading up to the Charter review – then we can produced detailed reports of BBC lies and ‘omissions ‘ . It will take some doing but I think can be done .
The stakes are very high because we are witnessing the effect of the Liberal ‘do what you want ‘ culture as Blighty is being dragged into an amoral gutter .
Apologies if a. Late b. Repeating any earlier comment c. Possibly not totally accurate.
This morning on Toady around 0740 I was half asleep but I think I heard an extraordinary ‘interview’. JustRemainin Webb was interviewing’ someone about Universal Credit. It sounded like a comedy straight man feeding lines to his partner, because the interviewee responded to every ‘question’ with the word ‘Yes’.
‘Would you agree that the Tory government is evil incarnate?’
Not a single awkward question was asked, no challenge was offered, just a whole sequence of easy lobs.
Jeremy Vine, lunchtime Friday, Radio 2, had a non-item about people who suffer from loneliness at weekends.
There was some discussion between a caller and the resident fake ‘relationship counsellor’ about how to find some new friends.
To the amusement of his expert and her caller ‘our’ Jeremy suggested that she used ‘grindr’. He was told that he meant ‘tinder’.
Maybe he didn’t? Maybe he will be the next man with wife and two daughters to ‘come out’? Maybe all those female hormones sloshing around the home aren’t good for a man?
I wonder if the evil Russians are poring Hormones into the Thames Water Ring Main. Turning BBC Metropolitan London Liberals into lonely divorced sexually confused, but enthusiastic, LGBT rights campaigners.
We don’t needthe Russians to do that. As the old joke goes, London has the purest water in the world, it has been filtered through seven sets of kidneys. All that Wimmins Wee in the Thames Valley must have some effect, after all, no percent of nothing of carbon dioxide is killing the planet!
I expect all of the BBC drinks bottled water. Perhaps the French are behind the plot? If they can sell ‘Evian’ perhaps we could set up a business selling ‘Diputs’, de-hydrated water powder, two for the price of three, special rate for Guardian readers!
There was the theory that the eostrogen being passed into the water supply by the invention of the Pill would affect male gender numbers …..
Richard Pinder
I don’t think wimmin’s ‘ormones are being poured into London’s water supply otherwise we would ‘ave millions of black, screaming ‘omosexuals. As far as I know most black males prefer the pink to the stink.
Just my opinion o’ course innit. Are we still permitted to have our very own opinions without being incarcerated in Wormwood?
Late Nite on R4 – hoping to relax with a little poetry or something straightforward….
But this is the bbc, and there is an agenda (how unusual). So, nothing straightforward. Alan Dean is calling people on the internet, worldwide ‘at random’ , and they all turn out to be Trans or LGBT or similar…all coming out or ‘finding out who they really are’, etc etc
‘Magic and Chaos’ – ‘Don’t log off’.
Apparently there are many ‘don’t log offs’ on Sounds.
Not surprised.
Very soon, almost every R4 programme will need to make that appeal. In vain, I suspect.
My sentiment would be: ‘log off’ and ‘don’t pay’…And it gets stronger every day.
BBC World News this evening featured an interview with ‘legendary’ film director Spike Lee.
Apparently he’s a ‘cult’ filmmaker because (presumably) his work is about promoting black art.
A recent success is called ‘Shes gotta to have it’ and I’m sure it’s very good –
When I googled for more information I found this Newsnight interview which suggested that Donald Trump and Brexit are examples of white supremacy.
No need to search any further.
I didn’t get to see this most recent interview however I can find it later on the Internet Archive –
Described as – Content from BBC News. The content in this collection is provided for research, educational and information purposes (at present no content is available for viewing).
If this does not preserve the daily bulk order, what will?
I expect they pay the full cost of each rag, Guest, instead of buying those little prepaid tickets, and sending Master Botswana down the road each morning, with a sackful of the things and asking Mr Fagdribbler for three-thousand copies, and a taxi back.
Luckily, I’ve never read the Grauniad, is it as bad as they say it is? I know The Observer is pretty dire as I found an old copy on a train years ago, but the pong of chips was just awful!
Being slightly more serious though, I do fear that all the drip drip drip of anti-beeb rhetoric coming out of No 10, is just some sort of salve, like Anusol. The real issue isn’t being addressed – yet!
Clearly they know their audience.
So, we now know what fired him up.
But does he know what got him fired?
It’s like it’s a bubble and those inside have no clue.
As The Observer and Guardian are fighting for the BBC, that’s empirical proof of Left wing BBC bias.
An easier way would be to do an FOI again of how many Guardian Subscriptions / copies of the Guardian the BBC buys – versus – say The Telegraph . Should be an equal number -right?
Scanning the online today Peter Hitchens has ‘come out ‘ against the BBC . I read his rationale and could only conclude that if it has taken so long he is not the sharpest knife in the box . – he goes on a bit about knife possession as well – and drugs – and Marion and Stacey – or is it Gavin and Stacey . ?
And also, how many copies of The Sun are bought? This is the newspaper with the highest circulation figures by far.
Or should I say, how many are not bought 🙂
….and I think the second highest circulation daily rag is the much hated right of centre Mail.
But that’s OK. Increasing numbers are wise to them. By supporting the Guardian and Observer lines and treating Sun and Mail readers with barely concealed derision they just keep digging their own grave.
Personally I still think the Electoral Commission should be on to the Labour Party for not declaring the £4bn cost of the BBC as an election donation.
I don’t think the wretched BBC should be purchasing ANY newspapers. They should instead order all their reporters/journalists to get up off their flabby arses and get out in the world and find the f—–g news and not just spout what they read in the stinking press.
Guest – thank you for that excellent link . The Three reasons the article gives for ending the licence fee and ( hopefully ) the current BBC is excellent for those submitting replies to the government consultation – which I am going to bang on and on about here .
I am going to put the link you gave onto the Start The Week Preamble for Monday 10th of February – I hope the ‘Conservativewoman ‘ website won’t mind . Thank you once again Guest Who .
Fedup – site moderator
No probs.
CM seem sound peeps… sure they won’t mind.
The BBC seems hell bent on self-toasting. My arrival to this site was as a result of the behaviour of the then CECUTT cabal, and the new CECUO incarnation is if anything worse.
God help John Lewis.
I don’t think many BBC types would know what The Sun is – Mirror maybe . ….
I’ve always had a bee in my bonnet about the amount of taxpayer cash spent on buying The Guardian – or in fact any newspaper by public bodies such as the NHS , Local Councils , BBC …..
It may not necessarily be cash Fed. Like so much of the establishment’s infrastructure, the unimpeachable probity of those organisations created to prevent or stifle criticism is ever paramount. Thus the ABC (Audited Bureau of Circulation) figures are sometimes conveniently based on numbers of copies supplied, as opposed to sold, and if the figure for the Guardian is artificially swollen by the thousands of gratis copies supplied to the BBC, so much the better for the ‘health’ of the circulation.
This perpetuates the fiction behind what is seen as the ‘Nation’s Barometer’, even if only by those who write for it and continue – just like so many BBC employees – to be absurdly overpaid.
Sadly, in the Guardian’s case, the circulation remains risible – a tiny fraction of other mainstream newspapers – hence their continuous bleating for funds, and the delicious irony of a situation which has created such an immense echo chamber for its small number of disciples – so perfectly illustrated by the comedic figure of ‘Professor’ A C Grayling.
Point taken Beltane .
My local council still puts out a weekly Pravda – funded by council taxes -to say how great it is , what parking fees it is increasing – as well as what roads it is closing for ‘ bicycles ‘ to make the snowflakes feel morally superior to real people trying to make a living by getting to work …..
The pink Tory government before May was meant to have banned such spending ….
On the Sunday Programme, R4 at 0740.
The presenter (Edward Stourton ?) was ‘interviewing’ Billy Grahams’s son who is over here but has had various venues cancel on him ‘because of his views’ i.e. preaching the teachings of the bible.
The tone of the presenter was aggressive throughout. At one point he called Graham out for referring to the 9/11 attackers as Muslims!!!!!
Incredible, appalling, anti-christian bile from the BBC even on its religious programming.
That’s part of my BBC rationing – it seems strange that a “Sunday “ programme should be ‘anti – God ‘ god but it is . And the I think the stourton fella worships the BBC as opposed to anything else . I think he was meant to be a ‘left footer ‘ at some stage . ….
I’m torn between my ‘duty ‘ to record the sins of the enemy and my desire not to receive Far Left biased BBC output …..
The solution is to multi-task.
In the above example, snoozing post alarm call.
Or listening to the news while making or eating a meal.
Though this can be dangerous when you choke on your food as particular bias catches you unawares.
Talking of religion – or not, and on a lighter note, one of the better comedy shows aired last week on Sky Comedy – The Righteous Gemstones – starring a very slim John Goodman as the patriarch preacher making millions from punters along with his dysfunctional family. I haven’t watched any comedy for decades as its all puerile compared to the stuff from years ago, but I actually laughed out loud out this. Worth a watch.
What were the attackers then?
Then tell me, where do the boats come from that ferry these immigrants across the Channel? who is supplying the life jackets seemingly by the thousands? Is there a special meeting place off the coast of France for these people? I like many cannot believe that there isn’t an organisation behind all this and one that is closer to France than at first meets the eye; of course the Traffickers will have a hand in the plans and in the financing but knwoing that they would prefer to hide in the shadows some other enterprise is providing the necessary. Nasty or not the UK has to take a very firm measure here and immediately return these boats once sighted back to the French coast-this might give the message that as the UK is no longer a part of the European Union it will not accept illegal immigrants no matter the situation. It looks to me like there is a massive operation instrumental all along the European Med coastline, with these immigrants being shoved from one country to the other with the intention of pushing them over here. The PM et al have to grab this by the short and curly’s NOW, or weather the storm of the electorit whose anger will not easily be abatted.
One name?
Soros. I’d put a safe bet on his financial tentacles at work.
The Mail is reporting today that far left Boris the bottler and his band of useless incompetents are so hooked on Tony BLiars failed time in office that he is considering extending Gordon Browns raid on pensions!
He is also considering intoducing Ed Millibands mansion tax as he needs the money for a leftist tax and spend policy not even seen under new Labour and last seen when Harold Wilson was PM.
Britain needs a conservative party not some blue Labour Fascist oppressive losers like this whose only desire is to grow fat at the public’s expense. We now have two left wing main parties and that can only end in disaster for Britain.
All it needs is for 1 of these boat people (or 1 of the many others coming in undetected, such as in backs of lorries) to have this coronavirus and all the quarantining and other measures will be for nothing.
Huddled together on the way over, the virus is shared and once they get to London they can enrich everyone else with the powers that be having no idea who they are looking for.
If they are collected by the Channel daily pickup service, are the ‘taxi’ operators protected?
Perhaps those who send our boat taxis out to collect as many as possible of those, fleeing the oppressive French regime to our safe Country, can give our sailors some protection against the coronavirus or do they not care.
To add to that these illegals will also tend to be fitter than most so better able to fight the virus but do a really good job transmitting it .
However – now that infections are being reported in places like ski resorts it’s going to speed up quickly . Stand by for the panic buying .
Seems as though government media strategy is to ignore it and hope warmer weather will make it go away or it will become less fatal and as much as a nuisance as regular flu. Big gamble though .
Surely we can control this ? ……as you say it’s the ones that come over undetected and possibly spreading all sorts of disease like Corona virus and TB and who knows what else .
Not wishing to be too harsh but put them into outside open cages and get this on the News and Internet so they can see it’s not the Country to come to …..
I don’t suppose the racist far-left bbc are covering the trial; another one, it seems; of Geert Wilders in the woke Netherlands?
They may be young, but they have crammed every bbc trick into one tweet.
BBC News
“I was constantly having to clean up after them – to explain that what they were saying wasn’t true.”
MSBNC presenter Rachel Maddow is one of Donald Trump’s most populist and influential critics. Early on in his Presidency, she decided to stop broadcasting content from the President and his administration.
Had the misfortune of accidentally watching a few minutes of some BBC doco on the detention camps in Syria. Typical BBC tricks of lingering shots of cute children, sad women, and then the comment that these camps are a black mark on the conscience of the world.
Not in my name, beeb.
Off switch.
Dawn Butler – a protege of comrade Corbyn – is always good for comedy . There is a bit of a sky interview where she says not giving traitor bercow a peerage is ‘ a form or bullying ‘ .
Now I know she is not that bright but truly – this one wants to be deputy leader of the Labour Party after sitting next of Corbyn at PMQs being the ‘ woman with black face ‘ required now for box ticking purposes . Sad
Looks like today could be on of the few recent good days for the BBC if the IRA Party gets some power after the Irish elections . The BBC will be celebrating along with Mr Adams and ‘ the boys ‘
Won’t it be something if the republic is ordered to put in border controls by the ReichEU if there is no deal by the end of the year …?
Talking of thicko s America has its fair share . The AOC on has gone on twitter talking about her favourite economists – apparently it is
‘ Milton Keynes ‘
When I first watched it I thought someone one had dubbed it in those false news which a few people pollute this site with occasionally ,
Anyway – it’s seems AOC – a prospective democrat candidate one day – really said it .
Some wag commenting amongst the laughter helpfully put up a map of Englandistan showing where Milton Keynes was before being renamed meccatown.
They rarely leave the US, I have been told that it is because so may are too wide to fit into the passport photo booth, I could not possibly comment
Having banged on about the ‘lack of diversity’ at the BAFTAs, the bBBC has moved on on to the supposed lack of diversity at the Oscars.
The idea that the BAME films just weren’t good enough clearly hasn’t hit them.
Nor has the fact that the UK, amazingly, is still about 87% white. Not that you would believe that number was anywhere near so high, judging from the BBC’s relentless pro-BAME positive discrimination.
In other words, a lack of BAME actors in the main BAFTA acting categories is simply a statistical norm.
Having banged on about the ‘lack of diversity’ at the BAFTAs, the bBBC has moved on on to the supposed lack of diversity at the Oscars.
The idea that the BAME films just weren’t good enough clearly hasn’t hit them.
Nor has the fact that the UK, amazingly, is still about 87% white. Not that you would believe that number was anywhere near so high, judging from the BBC’s relentless pro-BAME positive discrimination.
In other words, a lack of BAME actors in the main BAFTA acting categories is simply a statistical norm.
Having banged on about the ‘lack of diversity’ at the BAFTAs, the bBBC has moved on on to the supposed lack of diversity at the Oscars.
The idea that the BAME films just weren’t good enough clearly hasn’t hit them.
Nor has the fact that the UK, amazingly, is still about 87% white. Not that you would believe that number was anywhere near so high, judging from the BBC’s relentless pro-BAME positive discrimination.
In other words, a lack of BAME actors in the main BAFTA acting categories is simply a statistical norm.
Having banged on about the ‘lack of diversity’ at the BAFTAs, the bBBC has moved on on to the supposed lack of diversity at the Oscars.
The idea that the BAME films just weren’t good enough clearly hasn’t hit them.
Nor has the fact that the UK, amazingly, is still about 87% white. Not that you would believe that number was anywhere near so high, judging from the BBC’s relentless pro-BAME positive discrimination.
In other words, a lack of BAME actors in the main BAFTA acting categories is simply a statistical norm.
Apart from Idris Elba, I think many people in this country would be hard pushed to name any regular English black actors who appear in films. Yes we see a few recognisable others, but with hard to pronounce names i.e. David Oyelowo, and Chiwetel Ejiofor, then of course there’s Lenny Henry who only appears in adverts.
I don’t know what the percentage of young BAMEs who attend drama schools are, but over the past decade or so I would have thought that we would have heard of any rising young stars, if they were good enough.
The same applies to America. Looking at the size of the country with a much higher black population, most can still only name a handful of good black actors who have made the grade in the film world. Clearly decades ago discrimination was rampant, but the likes of Sidney Poitier, Cicely Courtledge managed to get to the top, because they were good. In recent years the likes of Denzil Washington can get bums on seats, so if he can do it, then so can any young black actor who proves his worth.
Hopefully readers will correctly deduce the difficulty I had of actually posting the above……
I am concerned about the lack of diversity in basketball teams and the 100 metre dash, county line drug gangs,London stabbers and rappers shouting about smakin’ their bitches up, I have asked the BBC to investigate, luckily there is plenty of wind to urinate into today
A noble sentiment Darcy, but those you hope to inspire at the BBC will simply face the other way, their wind-assisted piss spraying their critics with carefree abandon.
Only 4 of Glasgow’s 71 Muslim Refugee Child Rapists Have Gone to Prison
Posted by Daniel Greenfield
We don’t expect the BBC to draw attention to this, but condemnation of leniency with rapists is seen throughout the civilised world.
Come on Boris and Priti, do something.
In this article, it is clear who’s side Nick Bryant, the New York correspondent, is on.
He talks about democracy but doesn’t accept the result of the ballot box – sound familiar?
He’s on a mission to get Jon’s slot.
The BBC has been at pains to explain that the impeachment was all ‘just politics’.
Trump, however, nailed it when he said it wasn’t about politics but about removing a duly elected president.
A NOTORIOUS jihadist has been preaching hate to an army of followers on YouTube just days after the Streatham terror attack, it can be revealed today.
Shakil Chapra, 46, is an associate of ISIS recruiter Anjem Choudary and featured in the infamous Channel 4 documentary The Jihadis Next Door where he was seen calling for gay people to be thrown from buildings.
n a video posted on Wednesday, just days after the Streatham terror attack he claimed to followers that a passage of the Koran says: “We will strike terror into the hearts of the kuffar [non-Muslims].
“We will strike terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve!”
One speech on there preached hatred towards non-Muslims and was called “You Will Be Replaced, Islam Will Be Superior”.
In it, he recounts a story from the Koran about beheading non-believers.
Chapra then claims the Islamic prophet Mohammad ordered Muslims to make the religion “superior over all other deens [religions]”.
The video carried a warning from YouTube that the content had been flagged as “inappropriate” by some users.
Chapra is also operating a Facebook account, which he started a week ago that includes many of the videos seen on YouTube.
He opened a Twitter account on 31 December, despite having previous accounts shut down after returning to the platform after a three-year break in May last year.
In the C4 documentary, he was seen sniggering while watching an Islamic State execution video.
It also featured Khuram Butt, who took part in the 2017 London Bridge terrorist attack.
During the film, Chapra said homosexual people should be executed in public.
Asked what the punishment would be, he responded: “Well, one of them is obviously chucking them off high buildings.”
In a March 2015 YouTube video called “Sharia over your noses” Haleema warned: “Soon we’re going to see the black flag of sharia in the White House.
“We’re going to see the black flag of sharia over Windsor Castle.”
For a second I thought the BBC wasn’t biased, then I realised this is a damage limitation article.
Nah, the BBC isn’t biased, it simply makes new things up to suit being caught red handed, so the stats still say they are.
‘Common parlance in the industry’ for… ‘MSM version inaccurate’, indeed. Trust them.
Typical response from BBC complaints department –
/BBC Watch submitted a complaint pointing out that the BBC had corrected a similar misrepresentation of Mr Zomlot’s title in 2018 and that although the UK does not currently recognise a Palestinian state, by referring to Mr Zomlot as an ambassador the BBC suggests that it does and therefore misleads audiences.
On February 6th we received the following reply:
“Thank you for contacting us regarding the Today programme and Newshour, both broadcast on Tuesday 28th January.
We have spoken with senior staff about your concerns. We acknowledge the point that Husam Zomlot is not strictly speaking an ambassador, although the phrase is in common parlance in the media. We will remind editors of his actual title, but it is clear from our wider reporting that the UK does not recognise Palestine as a state.”
In other words the BBC is obviously not concerned by the fact that members of the public who access any of those three programmes during the time they are still available online will be misled by the misrepresentation of Zomlot’s title because it is “common parlance in the media” – which apparently takes precedence over BBC editorial guidelines on accuracy. /
I have some fairly common parlance to describe the biased bbc’s general output on their website and their clumsy and inexcusable attempts at social engineering, from the Anglo Saxon,unfortunately the bbc would likely regard it as “inappropriate” a catch all term generally used by local authorities and similar skivers such as the bbc, like the Daha protekshun Akt, and ‘elf and safety, to avoid responsibility
unless it is approving and chucking hundreds of thousands towards the annual mugging / sex assault fest, the Notting Hill carnival, elf and safety concerns brushed under the carpet for that one
it appears that we are in a society that values that sickening and racist word “diversity” over and above rape victims (including children), mugging / stabbing victims and ensures that incompetents are given jobs beyond their capacity ( I have seen this in local authorities across the country) who can behave as they like without one iota of a chance of being disciplined (again I have witnessed this on a number of occasions), and now demanding awards at the Oscars cos they is black innit
Where is my 100 yard sprint medal ????
OT but reading reviews and comment about the Scotland v England rugby match yesterday.
It was widely noted that the Scottish crowd are being increasingly unfriendly to visiting English supporters, and booing all English penalty kicks.
Now while this is normal for football it is pretty much unheard of in rugby.
Many are attributing this behaviour to the increasing casual anti-English racism, itself a product of the SNP government in general and wee crankie in particular.
Nice to see that more and more are seeing Sturgeon for what she is.
Time for Joxit,
Please remember that, whilst noisy like many an empty vessel, these people are a minority and do NOT represent most Scots. Sadly, First Past the Post has given the SNP an overwhelming presence that their support does not deserve. Aided and abetted by useless opposition and craven media.