Isn’t it great to see the fortunes of the Far Left Biased BBC taking a turn for the worse? Challenged at home over compulsory funding for the monster as well as seeing its biased agenda being undermined ;ranging from stopping Brexit to minimising Islamic terrorism as well as its hatred for the American President running into the sand . We are winning .
Weekend Thread 8 February 2020
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Just heard the Bach Collegium Japan render the Ode to Joy on Radio 3’s Early Music Show. Only a millennial or perhaps Stormzy would call Beethoven “Early”. It is his 250th year anniversary and the C Minor Symphony is a great piece, and the wonderful Bach Collegium do not only do Early Music.
But having heard the choral bit many times on Radio 3 this year I begin to wonder if there is a message from the Beeb that I’m missing. Could anyone suggest one?
Obviously the BBC do not realise what music, when they were all Wagnered out, the National Socialists in Germany in the 1930s would turn to. If I recall correctly, Beethoven’s Third and Ninth ranked fairly high on their playlists, not that anyone had playlists back then.
Not good connotations, BBC.
But then you may have known that, eh, BBC and chose to overlook it for other reasons?
Thanks to the actions of the Marxists in all their manifestations, Britain is now at the Weimar stage. Stupid arseholes the lot of them.
Didn’t we use the first few notes of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony over the wireless during the War? I always thought that was an unusual choice.
More BBC defensive navel-gazing in lieu of actual news.
Speaking of Newsnight, guess what has cheered up ex-Editor and frequent guest no end…
Guest – I said the BBC and it’s fellow travellers would be happy knowing the IRA party had done well in the election .
People forget -or have no history . I suppose the queer fella will do a deal to keep shouting abuse at the enemy – Britain .
Syriza? Syriza?
Yeah, we know how well that worked out.
Strange how the BBC assumes that the new government want a relationship with the MSM . Why would it ?
It has 4 years to deliver . If it doesn’t well find another brand . Why give the BBC ministers to Rip into – as Emily of Tourette’s Robinson would do . Abusive biased confrontation as opposed to reasoned exploration or challenge to political assertion .let them boil interviewing fellow far leftist snowflakes of various hues .
Newsshite: they’re rattled. Good.
BBC Breaking: ‘London’s “Extraordinary” Mayor!’
Can’t wait until Far Easton ‘analyses’ this one.
The ‘stone cold loser’ has it covered.
When the mosques control their electorate and the muslim council of Britain runs courses on how to complain and harrass the media ..what does one expect?
It would be interesting to find how many muslims complain to the BBC and other MSM about their editorial policies on reporting muslim criminals as the bbc seem to be unduly lenient in this direction
I maintain that rape gangs are racially aggravated crimes as anyone who knows details of the abuse given to the victims will find clearly apparent therefore their “cult” is a significant factor, as relevant as german war memorabilia or book on Hitler in the home of a supposed far right criminal joyfully reported time and time again by the bbbc
And I don’t know about the rest on this site but I find it highly strange that our prisons are full of islamic individuals actively recruiting, how many other highly religious people make up the rest of the prison population ? Quakers. Mormons, etc ? religious people but all criminals ? hmm so much for their morality
Religion ? or a political extremist organisation ?
There is a group known as Skeptical Science which has taken it upon itself to make a blacklist of any academic that opposes the climate change madness. It has been endorsed by such as Michael Mann.
Their website has been hacked and revealed the disturbing lengths they will go to to shut down any debate. I’m sure the investigative journalists of the BBC will be all over it in 3, 2, 1…..
A Climate Blacklist That Works: “It Should Make Her Unhirable In Academia”
What can they be hiding?
Note the PR trickery there
It’s an ambush name,
they are NOT skeptics, … they are a PR site aimed at smearing Skeptics
they are NOT pro-science, they are pro alarmist DOGMA
Thus this new list shows they tried to smear this scientist as” UNHIRABLE” ..FFS
” Professor Judy Curry, formerly the chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech,
and a Fellow of both the American Geophysical Union and American Meteorological Society.”
Kary Mullis ithe Nobel Laureate is on the bloody list
Also now reposted at
Amazingly the BBC thought a picture of trump with tan lines ( worthy of comment in the World News bulletin. But to compound their obvious show of anything anti-Trump, they informed us that it was receiving much comment on “social media”, using as example ” You can never get rid of the stain of impeachment” i.e. again the BBC & lefties have variable rules. In other circumstances an acquittal would be end of story.
Its an ultra violet photoshop trick
Whatever .
US Presidential Election 2020,
Trump odds are given at 4/7.
Looking good !
UV photoshop is familiar to the BBC as it turns black into white sometimes, useful to the BBC when they display library pics of hands holding knives on their website when reporting stabbers in London,
for some inexplicable reason the BBC then become suddenly aware of the fact that there are more white people than black in this country
“the BBC & lefties have variable rules”
For sure. Look at how quickly a convicted liar was stuck in front of the microphone as an economic expert.
Forgiveness is accorded to the like minded with indecent speed.
Trump uses a tanning lamp? (Well who knew?)
Impeach him!!
Re Antarctic temperature claims Paul Homewood has a new article
.. about the Greenpeace mouth pushing the claim.
bottomline : temporary anomalies are WEATHER not CLIMATE.
The longer you look at a place and the more samples you take the more an anomaly will be likely.
In this instance yes a warm wind can come in from somewhere else and push the reading up temporarily.
I thought he made cakes or something ? well Paul stick to baking I say, if you cant stand the heat etc.
Had a Sunday afternoon drink ?
Paul Hollywood is a TV chef
Paul Homewood is a good guy.
1 yes
2 yes
3 Never tried his cakes, too expensive, but I am sure he is a good guy, does he do coffee and walnut ?
Whats next …? Mary Berry gluing herself to an Eddie Stobart truck ? where will it end ?
Although the thought of Jamie Oliver tied to tree does have its charms
Varadkar is now an ex MP – but it’s just replacing one enemy with a worse one .
sometimes better an overt enemy, like some of the Labour leader candidates, easier to confront
Darcy – some would see the IRA vote as a kind of Far Left Populism – but I’m sure the BBC won’t describe their Republican friend in such a way .
I think we are going to hurry up increasing the Royal Navy to support our fishing rights ….
UK prepares for new EU fish war
“The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has hired two extra ships to bolster the Royal Navy Fishery Protection Squadron, which already has four River-class offshore patrol vessels and a helicopter. More than 20 other patrol boats are believed to have been put on standby.”
F2 far left and populism is possibly an oxymoron, the MSM and social media are full of shouty opinions which have been proved over and again, to be at odds with the electorate,it may be frustrating to see anti white male racism in action over and again but when it comes to the ballot box….
I can appreciate the arguments against extreme nationalism, but I also have opinions about what my taxes go towards and the importance of my culture, it is indeed informative how the bbc goes on and on about our minorities’ cultures and condemns the majority of British who wish to celebrate and protect our culture as racists
Darcy here here – an alien examining ourselves ‘ small country ‘ would be astounded by the self destructive streak which has infected the country and its organisations .
I wonder what will happen when it is stressed ? Perhaps SARS 2 is about to do that …. judging by the lack of precautions being taken it’s only a matter of a couple of weeks before the ‘ isolation ‘ capability is put under stress .
Rome would be a prime example of that self destruction once it became open to all
I see Friday 3pm Katie Hopkins appeared back on Twitter
about a week after Rachel Riley bragged she’d got KThopkins thrown off.
..US conservative actor also got back on on Thursday night after been locked off for 9 months.
In neither case was a clear explanation given
Trump immediately tweeted congratulations to Woods.
I wonder if Twitter made KT make a non-disclosure agreement as to the reasons.
This applies to both the BBC and Democrats with regard to their joint hatred of Trump. From Fox News:
“The strategist warned that Democrats have no choice but to continue pressing the president.”
“They don’t have another alternative,” Bannon said, adding that “Trump triggers them.”
Labour/BBC and the Democrats don’t have candidates that can either beat Boris or the Donald at the Ballot Box. So, they will try to destroy both.
This applies to both the BBC and Democrats with regard to their joint hatred of Trump. From Fox News:
“The strategist warned that Democrats have no choice but to continue pressing the president.”
“They don’t have another alternative,” Bannon said, adding that “Trump triggers them.”
Labour/BBC and the Democrats don’t have candidates that can either beat Boris or the Donald at the Ballot Box. So, they will try to destroy both.
In the words of Donald they are “losers”.
Double post by me ?? 🙁
It was a single post when I left it, but when I returned it had bred.
I blame Russian meddling….
4 times today I have tried Radio 4. 12.50 switched on for the end of the Food programme. A young man with a strong accent, possible Caribbean, saying we had to go vegan to stop the world ending in 10-12 years. If it really is the case, may I suggest it is already too late. Switched on later to learn that farmers shouldn’t spread human waste on their land even after treatment, it is not suitable to be spread on food producing land. I could have told them that years ago, but apparently it is all due to vicious Tory cuts. Then switched on to hear an excerpt from a Radio drama about two Muslim women. Finally switched on to hear about women being physically abused by their partners.
Not once a programme without a woke message.
Each time I have switched off within a couple of minutes of switching on. Note to self: retune to Classic FM sharpish.
I agree about classic FM, and would love to inform the woke generation about the root cause of our environmental problems : overpopulation, and who’s doing all the breeding ? tumbleweed moment for the bbc their usual refusal to apportion social responsibility to Africans and the middle east which in itself is racist assuming they are primitive and uneducated, otherwise, why do not challenge them and hold them responsible ?
human waste and chromium poisoning known 20 years ago etc etc moron bbc journalists
I’ve turned to Talk Radio (guided there by posts on this site.) They always seem interesting even if I don’t agree with them.
Guest – the tide it turning for us . Please god let it wash the monster BBC away ….
It’s a shame though that this comment will be rubbished as ‘ Murdock press ‘
I remember the fine journalism of Tony Parsons, as a music fan I was quite upset to buy the NME after attending Led Zeppelin at Knebworth in 1979 to find his paper refused to acknowledge and preferred to review a local pub punk concert, and find a two page review of “wimbledon tennis” within which Mr Parsons siad nothing about tennis but said “anyone who does not vote labour is a stupid bastard”, well done Mr Parsons
and we all remember all the punky w@nkers begging to get backstage tickets to the Zep reunion at the O2 in 2007 yeh Jonny Rotten you bloody hypocrite how do you sleep at night ? gobshite
“John Bercow: Ex-Speaker says he is victim of a conspiracy in peerage row”
Me thinks he is an expert on conspiracies ?
He’s not a happy bunny .
I fear number 10 will let the dust settle and then stick him in with the rest of the traitors . I’d like to be wrong . He really is the most repulsive of creatures . He’d make a killing in Panto…or maybe the next Dr Who – if he blacked up .
F2 I was in Parliament square brexit night, there were no “knuckle dragging ” people there as reported by the lying independent reporter, if I had the ability to convert phone videos to this media I can prove that, but there were thousands and thousands as not reported by the bbc
Just tweet or facebook your videos
then pickup your posts’ URL
You do that by mousing over its timestamp and right clicking
and selecting “copy URL”.
The in a comment box here click ctrl-V to drop the URL
When you click post, your tweet or FB post will auto embed here.
Thanks for the advice I will join twitter just to do that to prove to everyone here that the bbc lied about “hundreds” at the event, it takes time but I think it is worth it to prove the bbc as liars
Darcy – congratulations on being there . I sat flicking between ITV and BBC coverage out of duty . Both ended their coverage at 2314 .i reported it here. I have to admit that at the end I sat there in disbelief that such a momentous event be treated by them as it was . .
I watched the live internet feed of speeches as well – which the MSM chose not to broadcast .
And it was something I shall never forget or forgive . I stiffened my resolve to do any thing I can do to destroy it
I will attempt to put some video on here which will be wildely different from anything the bbc chose to show.
it took us 10 minutes to get from parliament square to Westminster tube station a 1 minute journey usually and they had to close all the roads around the square as they were swamped by people
Unity News had a good photo of how many people were there.
BBC News
At least 10 people died when ethnic Kazakhs clashed with members of the Dungans, a Muslim group of Chinese origin.
I avoid commenting on these BBC FB posts, because noting a few basic, repeated facts tends to see posters with remarkably similar names turning up to prove the points being made.
I just took s look at sister site Going Postal
The blog part has some relevance eg a post with a rundown of last week’s Question Time
… with 5,000 comments
but when I checked they are all just 1 or 2 lines
..many with stupid pictures
Making Willy Gompertz look normal in comparison takes wicked skills.
I wonder how he got there?
Oh, and… who?
This is almost Emily M self-adoration level.
Never go full Ems.
Meanwhile someone liked this…
Sweeney writes
” But in Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan, you have a helmet, a flak jacket, perhaps a security officer.
Suddenly *the dangerous* place is just outside your own front door.
I’m cycling around London and people are shouting:
‘Fuck off Sweeney! Tommy Robinson owns you!’..”
duh ..People shouting at you NOT dangerous
VD has circled it in red.
Reinstatement petitions
Alastair Stewart 88K, Victoria 69K
There’s been more progress towards the destruction of the dreadful BBC in the past two months than ever before.
Onward and upwards !!
You’re Right Dover . Onwards and upwards to a new Thread …
Fed, Taff, Stew, Brissles and all you gals and guys wishing for the demise of this irritating intolerancy known as the bbbc; can we perhaps do a post where we all agree that after the hated crappery of the state-funded tosserati is consigned to some sort of third-form history, a proper New World informative, interesting and Pro-British service is designed to reflect the thoughts and aspirations of real British People?
Years ago, I had to attend a ‘management course’ (huh) where we all had to describe how we had all succeeded after a particular business situation, and how we got there to achieve success.
It was an enlightening experience, and good people here are much better qualified than me to have ‘been there’ as well, but assuming that the bbbc will soon be a thing of the past, I’d love to understand how we actually did it! Answers on a post near me…
We will, of course, win the battle, but this dear site will be foremost in my second chapter on how we dealt with the problem the bbbc has.
(My first chapter will be how I enjoyed chatting with good chums here to understand some inventive sort of interest in this momentous issue..)!
(And I’m a much better interviewer than Nick Robinson, and the rest of the weedy pillocks infesting W1AA – you have to ask questions, not tell them).
It’s not just the BBC
The problem seems to a woke-ism cult that is totalitarian and intolerant that has taken over the media, and Westminster and the education system and services like police and fire
Entrapping many good people who cannot speak the truth, for fear of losing their jobs.
A modern form of McCarthyism that caused a blind eye to be turned to grooming raping gangs whilst TV cameras go to Calais refugee camps at any excuse.
.. A cultism that means rich people get £5,000 SUBSIDIES for their luxury cars and solar panels
whilst every poor granny pays for them.
Breaking : on count 5, Leo Varadkar finally gets a seat
I think that’s their PR system works
I took him that long to get enough second preferences.
Apparently BBC was stuff wrong like misspelling Sinn Féin etc.
Answers on a post:
It is pretty obvious, You want to object to muslim rape gangs not being reported: Complain to the bbc why do you think they are not reported ? because the mosques and the muslim council of britain make all their attendance complain en mass about negative reporting about their “faith” and etc etc go figure, COMPLAIN OFFICIALLY to the bbc
otherwise just whine on here and guess who wins ?
BBC ‘News’ (inc. ‘quotes’)
The lawyer of a fired senior US official hits back after President Trump attacks his client’s record.
The BBC is the mouthpiece of the centre left liberal elites, it belongs to them and promulgates their world view.
If you want a vision of the future imagine a BBC boot stamping on a white British face – forever.
The weekend has ended
…. The Start The Week thread has started now
well took stews advice on how to put a video on here it did not work so will try again now:
Tweets by Darcy28551249
What you will NEVER see on the bbc