I am attaching a link to a survey being conducted by conservativewoman website concerning the bias of the BBC and its’ output .
Start the Week Thread 10 February 2020
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I am attaching a link to a survey being conducted by conservativewoman website concerning the bias of the BBC and its’ output .
LBC : Ferrari laying into the lawyers & HO for not deporting the 25 crimbos
“Don’t Like Jamaica oh no I love her”
Stew- Good on him.
But we all knew, didn’t we, what would happen once the announcement of the deportations was made?!
Although I understand the plane has taken off?
With 17 on board, while 25 remained behind because of the injunction.
Listened to David Lammy rant and rave in parliament about “when will black lives matter?”
He reminded me very much of another parliamentary race-baiter, Julius Malema in the South African parliament.
Excepting for the fact that Malema is usually calling for the killing of whites, or encouraging the grabbing of their property. So really, white lives don’t matter at all, once the numbers game has changed.
Hate speech? Perish the thought. Malema never suffers any consequences.
Two sets of rules, you see, when it comes to racism.
Don’t expect to find Malema being quoted on the beeb.
In fact, expect to find very little about the Kleptocracy that is now SA!
350 years to build, 25 to destroy.
So Boris is to go ahead with HS2. The BBC gives its usual ‘balanced’ report.
In the report it lists the detractors as… NIMBY MPs and environmentalists. WTF? Not the other 60m people who simply think its crap.
The problem with the BBCs ‘devils advocate’ approach to every controversial subject is this is predicated on an assumption that every argument is equally balanced and, therefore, of equal value. They use this formula in radio and QT debates on Transgender issues, immigration, (etc, etc..endless) and now HS2.
It’s deliberately manipulative and effective in the sense it helps legitimise power and policy abuse and cloud the judgement of the feeble minded.
The tail has wagged the dog in the UK for too long. Enough is enough.
HS2 is a costly waste of money and time. It would never get through any national referendum. It’s a flagrant abuse of power and use of our money without consent. Elected to office is not an endorsement to put in hock generations to get to London a bit quicker.
Wrong on Huawei. Wrong on HS2.
Successive Conservative governments are given trust by the people only for it to be abused. All Tory governments get flaky and fail. This one is true to form. The EU and fishing will be next.
The political choice facing Britain is the unelectable political wing of ANTIFA or front men for Globalist multinationals.
A rant is not a revolution but by god we need change in our media and our politics.
I think most people only voted for Boris for 2 reasons.
One was to get Brexit and the other was fear of a labour government.
When May got to be PM her first few speeches all sounded good and it looked like Brexit would be done as we voted. After about 6 months we realised she was useless and a ditherer, that Brexit, if done, would be brino.
Well, Boris hasn’t been in long yet every decision has been the wrong one.
No more cars (ice) from 2035
Replace all gas boilers
Mansion tax
Pension tax
Hammond, Clarke, Morgan ennobled
And now it looks like he has decided to go ahead with hs2 to make a few fabulously rich people even richer and to make some gullible followers think a rich mans train set is a good thing.
It will cost well over 200 billion, we all know that and is that worth getting some rich people to a place 15 minutes away from the current railway station 15 minutes earlier.
If these things were in the conservative manifesto he would not have his 80 seat majority and he will not get re elected in 2024
Also, a bridge between Scotland and Ireland!
What another waste of money. Will it be used by the current few ferry loads each day?
Why not use 100 billion to reduce the national debt if we are awash with all this money. It’s a few billion a year savings in interest alone.
So now, how long before Boris reneges on Brexit.
Will he betray our fishermen in the first probable test.
He’s no different from his predecessors, just another wet liberal.
A disappointment.
*just read your post Venutius. Fully agree with you.
Hey come on – they are only building a new train set so that BBC staff can get back to Londonistan from salfordistan 10 minutes quicker . Judging by the timescales which will be using the ‘ cross rail ‘ / third runway model Greta will be a grannie and the last white Hetero man on the BBC will be ‘axed ‘ to improve diversity .- I reckon 2070 ?
Then they’ll start building the trains
Anyone wanna bet when the first deported yardie will be arrested in London ? I reckon 3 months ….
Seems pointless deporting them when they can just go to France and then get on a dinghy…..
I worked on HS2 phase 2b at Snow Hill until I tired of the joys of Birmingham city centre , it was frightening how much they were spending before a track was laid, gravy train but not a real train in sight, it was 57 billion then, I predicted that would double… they were regularly running out of fag packets and biros with their calculations,
Shall we build a tunnel here or cut and cover ? I dunno just add a few milion, oh theres a road here needs to be diverted, oh right how much will that cost I dunno just add another few million (BTW an extra lane on 27 km of the M25 cost 300 million go figure
£100bn thru 25 millon households
= £100,000 thru each 25 households
= £4,000 per household
While I broadly agree, Emmanuel, the hard inescapable fact is that the burden of UK overall taxation has been increasingly weighted toward the low paid and least wealthy in the UK since the start of the 1970s. The best example of this is the Fuel Duty Escalator introduced by the Conservative Government in 1992 by Major and Lamont.
The Bank of England was well nigh bust, our reserves had gone, due to John Major’s foolish attempt to pander to the European Community that culminated in Black Wednesday in September 1992. The correct place to look for replenishment were the high incomes of the high earners and to the assets of the wealthy. The UK had already been struggling along almost in and out of recession since the end of the Thatcher era.
Major and Lamont thought that an extra tax on top of the existing Fuel Duty (already high) plus the VAT payable on top would enhance the Conservative Government’s credentials with the increasingly strident ‘Green Lobby’ and would bring in lots of money. It did and it didn’t. It created inflation. That with the tax itself hit the poorest earners and the pensioner hardest. Bus fares in London tripled within a couple of years and a Conservative Government then had to start obscenely subsidising private bus companies around the UK with public (ie. more taxpayer) money.
In addition, the inflation increased the costs of Government, especially the Benefits bill and that at a time when people were increasingly becoming unemployed.
The FDE Tax, as it became known, did not help the Conservatives ‘Green’ credentials at all. What is more this foolish measure plunged the UK into a proper recession that inevitably helped lead to a Labour Government in 1997. We now know how well that went.
The various taxes and duties on road transport raise a lot of money for HMG but those are coming to an end. If we really are going to have a Conservative Government for fifteen years or more, then whoever is Chancellor is going to have to shift billions of taxation from the motorist to other forms of taxation. It really needed to be started under the May administration and they were advised to do so but ….. . Now the end of Fuel Duty is set for 2035 but in reality the receipts will collapse before then. They are already in decline.
The UK tax system requires re-balancing and the tax burden moved up the income and wealth ladder. Sajid Javid is a Thatcherite by inclination so he has a difficult and no doubt unwelcome task ahead of him. There is really no option but to gradually increase the higher rates of income and wealth taxation.
The old idea that high earners and wealthy people create jobs and enterprise has been blown out of the water so many times in my working lifetime that I have lost count. Some people cling on to it, usually for ‘personal reasons’ but it is just plain wrong.
It is notable that the high paid presenters on Radio 4 have already been at pains to mention the comments about a possible Tory raid on pensions and mansions and the tone of voice used has been interesting.
I would ask him to define “racist” thanks blair for giving intolerant racist homophobic sexist individuals a way to protect themselves from being held to account
The deportation law comes from 2007 time of the Labour government.
so Blair must be part responsible.
I’ve lost count of the times the BBC and MSN allow their guests to repeat the climate alarmist crap that the ‘world is on fire’ etc. Yet if they’re so keen to counter all the ‘fake news’ out there, these nutters should be challenged.
It takes 2 minutes to scan the US temperature records (dating back over 130 years) to disprove the ‘house is on fire’.
And here’s how…
The number of US States setting a record high temp in the last 20 years is … 4 – yes, that right, just the 4.
Yet, in the 1930s 24 US States set a record high temp that has yet to be beaten.
The alarmists get all worked up about global temp rises yet it’s an AVERAGE. I believe Paul Homewood has highlighted the fact that the average is rising because there a FEWER cold days, and not MORE hot days.
The US temp records can be found at
– https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._state_and_territory_temperature_extremes
Sorry RobRoy but climate alarmists don’t do FACTS!
TOADY Watch #2 – Project Fear has been resurrected
A completely absurd item with a surprisingly willing vetenarian woman (sorry, forgotten name) came up in the second hour, I think, of today’s programme. Apparently UK vets may have to inspect ham sandwiches imported into the UK after 31st December this year (when we properly leave the EU – I hope) and there are not enough vets to do so.
Yes, honestly.
She really said that.
I don’t think I have ever seen the BBC’S fanatical obsession with
diversity go as as far as it is right now . And that’s saying
something. From black school girls disregarding rules about hair.
To demanding that the film academy in both the UK and the
USA give awards to women or ethnic film makers irrespective
of the quality of their work, as they do in their own corporation.
Supporting foreign criminals as the government invokes laws made by a Labour government. Just because they come from
Jamaica. The list goes on and on. And WE have to pay for this
I use the word racist in reference to the bbcs output is for many reasons, but our professional race baiters be they mps with fraud convictions who have no sense of honour to resign, or msm journalists, seem to allow for that natural criminal nature of many of our immigrants, is there any sane person who would allow a “carnival” with hundreds of sexual assaults and mugging and even pay them hundreds of thousands ?
yet every year they are allowed to demonstrate their criminal nature in publc and paid to do so, not just notting hill but luton also
I demand that they are all recruited as morris dancers before they are allowed out of jail
of course that may well come with the need to learn an instrument instead of nicking a tune off the internet, tough shit
A decent accordion runs at about £500, so our yardies should manage that, not too sure about the bells on the trousers
Not strictly BBC but has me worrying . It seems the government / MSM seems intent on not alerting the public to taking action to prevent a rapidly spreading SARS 2 – perhaps because they are gambling that this bug will be like SARS 1.
I fly a lot – and even use airplanes – and to add to that I use the Londonistan tube . Two of the best places mankind has devised to spread diseases . Yet at the moment not much is being said yet alone being done .
If you listen to ‘health professionals ‘ they seem so laid back it really is time to worry . It was a nice touch that a GP surgery helped spread the bug in Brighton .
Well TFL is on the case, last time I was at their head office in Stratford I was informed over and again via their posters “what can we do to help our BAME employees
which suggests they are not fit to occupy their position
and BTW I had a quick look at their incoming complaints, hundreds of racism and sexism complaints and not a white employee involved
A Nigerian employee who needs to be helped according the the TFL accosts a chinese teenager whos ticket did not work: where are you from and informs her “all Shanghia peope are criminals”
over thirty complaints about a black female when asked for information states “read the board are you stupid”
“not alerting the public to taking action”
Some may also be gambling on the assumption (hoping) that indigenous Britons will be the least resistant to the virus and therefore our numbers could be usefully and ‘naturally’ reduced.
Too cynical?
HS2 is just a means of wealthy people working in London to live further away and buy bigger houses for less money because they can commute more quickly.
It will be a means of landlords buying up properties further from London but still being able to service them.
Most normal folk hardly ever use a train.
Less well off people who can’t afford cars use the train everyday.
Less well off people who can’t afford cars use the train everyday.
‘Fraid not, Lucy. That’s a belief held by the Green Party and the Labour Party and the LimpNonDems together with City Mayors but the opposite is actually true. If you are affluent, in a well paid job, you can afford to leave the car in the garage and commute to work by rail. If, on the other hand, you come from a poorer background and are desperate for work then you may well use powered transport: human, powered but shared, car but shared or car or motorbike or scooter used solo.
I think the evidence is against you, whether it is insurance company and ONS statistics (most cars spend most of their lives standing still), or empirical.
Major issue for the editors on the BBC 1 pm news is the deporting of Jamaican criminals
Evidently from the prioritisation of the issue the BBC don’t like the idea.
Mail : “Brexit: The Movie producer is jailed for nearly four years after faking documents to con Dragons’ Den entrepreneur James Caan’s company out of £519,000 loan”
David Shipley, 37, was one of the leading voices behind the pro-Leave film
Today he was disqualified from being a director for seven years and was jailed for 3years 9 months
He came up with a plan for a financial recruitment firm, and made up accounts that he was an expert and had earned loads of money so proposed creating a new firm Spitfire Capital Advisors Ltd.
and then with fake documents got a £519,000 loan from backers like James Caan’s company
It’s not near how much the backers have lost
cos the firm is still going and in its claim says that Shipley’s crime cist them £20K
Shipley certainly did a criminal act
and if Caan does end up losing money, he is a victim.
The judge said Shipley was facing a stiffer sentence cos he first plead not guilty and tried to pass it off as a white lie.
What’s going on there ? Did he set out to make money by fraud or did he set up a deal and forge documents to get it over the line ?
Probably the latter, so that should’ve made a difference to the sentencing.
It is interesting the spin the Metro puts in by calling him “The Conservative activist”, “the Tory” in every sentence
So glad you have uncovered the political conspiracy RE far right and far left bakers the flour is in the bin now
Address: Cakes to Please,
13 Kirkgate,
Beeb lunchtime news: I see we are getting detailed, blow-by-blow accounts of the US Democratic nominees by Chris Buckler, for the New Hampshire primary, Iowa having been done. Sopel must be on holiday in the Caribbean.
Anyway, we did get a piece of a Trump rally, to balance things out. Could this be a promising sign of things to come?
Ooooooh, we have now gone back to New Hampshire and O’Donoghue, to report on Biden and Sanders in New Hampshire. O’D tells us African-Americans tend to vote for Biden. This time nothing on the Trump rally….no balance.
I got optimistic too soon.
Maybe Buckle got rapped over the knuckles for presenting ‘balance’?
Shouting “what about Rolf Harris ?” is whataboutery
The law is that a non-British criminal, who has done a serious crime, and could present a danger to the public gets deported.
This is not a sudden change, it is known when the crimbo is sentenced by the judge.
The law is colourblind and would apply to Harris if he met the conditions.
It’s not necessarily an extra punishment, cos a judge in sentencing might decide to give the non British a lower sentence, cos he knows the guy won’t be out on British streets at the end if the sentence.
Harris took British citizenship
was in jail from 2014 to until 2017 and needed to be in Britain for the next trials.
He was expected to go back into jail but those cases collapsed.
That why he’s free on British streets.
Is he a danger to the British public ?
one can argue that at 89 he isn’t.
Stripping Harris of his British citizenship is more complicated cos one of his parents was born in Wales.
had to go down to manc local news for this one
“Mrs Tabbal had been receiving tax credits, child and housing benefit of about £550 a week, even though she left the UK for Libya in October 2016”
Kaiser – I wonder who got the ‘bung’ for not checking that one ? How many are taking part in ‘Operation Easy Touch ‘?
One law for some – no law for others.
I also wonder how many millions of people dont get £24k a year net
What possible reason could their be for those Channel migrants not accepting asylum on the continent but instead trying to smuggle themselves in the UK ?
“Amber alert in place for heavy snowfalls in southern Scotland”
More global warming, this time its Scotland .
The BBC sets its stall out on the UK hame page…
HS2 go-ahead controversial and difficult
But hang on, click to the story and the headline changes to:
HS2 go-ahead controversial and difficult, admits Boris Johnson
Notice the use “admits” as if already found out… Slyly, slyly they proceed. Expect Chris Packam to be all over the BBC with this now….
“Trump defends”
… #bbcCliche .. psychological framing tricks
O/T but …
The Times gives space to a black author to plug his new podcast
where he says that the old dead classic white writers are crap.
If so, reason enough to avoid The Times in future. No surprises, though. The new obsession is taking root everywhere. The fools need to spend a bit of time on other continents, looking into how things are going….
It might go some way to curing the new obsession. Then again, they will see what they want to see, something to match their narrative? So, possibly waste of time…
There are alternatives to The Times. No, not the Guardian. Nor the “Independent”. The Times apparently aspires to get onto their bandwagon anyway.
How long will it be for the bBC lines up MaryLou and Wee Krankie in a dual assault on all things British?
What does the recent Irish vote say about the Irish……….when that number have voted for the political wing of the IRA?
Mind you that clown Varadkar was played like a fiddle byBarnier and Co. What you might call the very essence of the village idiot.
Times : Scotland to water down trans rules
Lowering the formal age to 16, and living 6 months as trans in order to get a recognition certificate.
… Means girls will be able to travel up to Gretna Green and 6 months later return as MEN.
Many, many thanks Fedup. I only hope the holy alliance backing this survey will bite not just bark. Cane could train them.
Thank you cane – we will win .
This Harra tweet about the climate assembly tells you all you need to know:
… You may choose death by hypothermia or starvation.
…….. Choosing life is not an option.
To my mind State Broadcaster should employ an ‘anti Harra’ and allow them to promote alterative views. They won’t of course.
Instead colours are nailed to mast regardless of what else the taxpayer thinks.
The whole Climate Assembly idea is creepy. Parties should campaign and win support for their proposals not ceed government to special interest groups.
Citizens Assemblies were in the earliest XR manifestos.
The outfit that had and still has the unreserved credulity and uncritical support of the bbc.
Ironic given a certain farming novel by a bloke whose statue is at the front of the HQ.
Jordan Peterson
His family say he physically addicted to tranquillisers
.. so in the end they took him to a detox clinic in Russia for severe treatment.
..which worked but will take a while for recovery from the treatment.
Jeremy Vine runs a story predicting another financial crash.
Yet again he tells us that he can’t afford the car that he has on lease, (Jeremy, ‘man of the people’!). I can only think that he runs a gold-plated Tesla, (to avoid the London Congestion Charge).
This bloke?
‘A small waffle machine to the left’ perfectly describes the BBC N. America Editorial team.
Nick was in full pro democrat flow this morning . I don’t think the BBC has decided who to support yet . The Gay JFK is fashionably but I think the BBC heart is with old man Sanders – the rich mans corbyn .
Bryant gave POTUS a small nod saying they were queuing round the block to get into his latest bash in frozen manchester .
The democrat must be trying to cook up another spoiler – maybe they’ll try the Russians again ..
Make no mistake, the Dems will be hard at work, cooking up something in their kitchen of skulduggery. Remember that Obama is still in his ‘war room’, as he referred to it, when Trump was elected.
They’ve had a go at the President with Mueller over Russia, and Pelosi/Schiff over Ukraine; they’re not going to stop now. They also need to keep the smokescreen across the dubious activities of the Clintons and the Bidens.
My guess it could revert to something over ‘racism’ or immigration; or some personal issue to be dredged up.
What they will not be doing is working on legitimate policy on behalf of the people of the US. That would be too much like hard work, and they’re too divided, hacking at one another over the election.
So, the BBC has a ‘reporter’ in a hall reporting on two French people not in France having riots the BBC does not report upon?
Got it.
The image likely cost £10k.
OT, unless is the new source of unique funding behind the BBC’s bonkers output of late.
The Uk press gazette reports that BBC economics editor kamal Ahmed ( £209k pa ) has apologised to BBC staff for accepting a £12k speaking engagement with a hedge fund the day after he helped announce 450 job losses from the BBC propaganda department aka ‘ news’ .
Our Kamal has now said he won’t take the £12 k .
Special K is likely to soon learn that you do not apologise to the BBC.
He is now in worse shinola and £12k down.
Market rate twat.
Guest – it’s encouraging that the likes of pseudo royalty and bbc types are taking money from banks . Maybe they are now redeemed after the 2008 crash .
As for Kamal – I’d have taken the £12k ( I suppose he’ll get it anyway after the dust settles )
Popcorn time when a sack of rats alumnus gets on the case.
BBC News
President Trump initially said no US troops were injured in the Iranian attack on US bases in Iraq.
Interestingly, even Trumpophobes are calling out bbc TDS on this one.
Guest – I think someone lied to him because he has getting ready to drop something big on the Iranians …
Then once things calmed down they drip him the bad news slowly ….
Pro tip: if coining a stupid sound bite, don’t let bbc subs at it.
Starting to think bbc staff use Chinese knock off voice to text software to compose their tweets.
Remain stuck three women against Boris at the Wembley debate and lost.
Thornberry has a memory problem.
Lady squeegee did ask one good question (twice) and that was about the people who decide the cost estimate of projects such as hs2.
She asked if they were incompetent or didn’t know what they were doing.
The conservative chap tried to say there were tunnels and other things making the cost increase but squeegee said did they not realise that when making their cost estimate.
They should have asked anyone on here. We would have given a far more accurate estimate. Mine is £200+ billion.
I refer the honourable member to my previous comment having six months experience of that unqualified and overpaid shower of sh@t
maybe not a woman problem just fat ugly woman who is an anti semitic (IE racist) who would probably be happy on her knees in any mosque in this country if it got her a few votes, as the rest of them maintain a stunning silence on their endemic racism for votes from the imans
they got one in as the mayor of London, thats gone well with crime reduction, stabbings, muggings, homophobic attacks etc etc
They all came from a crime ridden racist sexist corrupt hell hole and well on their way to create a similar environment for themselves
At the end of the article –
“The emissions from travel it took to report this story were 0.7kg CO2, travelling by train, tube and bus. The digital emissions from this story are an estimated 1.2g to 3.6g CO2 per page view.”
I rest my case
I’m starting to really enjoy that there environmental madness . Some bank was apparently monitoring the amount of pollution being put out by the Chinese as a true indication of how bad the flu is and how much they are lying .
World shocked by iPhone shortages. Christmas cancelled .
Please read.
And this
by Aaron Brown
We could have relied on the beeb to dredge up the whole ‘Windrushh scandal’ in an effort to thwart the current deportation of foreign criminals (in accordance with the LAW, as was emphasised in parliament yesterday).
Step up Adina Campbell to do just that, with some weak story about lack of mobile phone access to legal representation. Lotsa coverage of ‘protestors massing’.
We could also have relied on our useless courts NOT to enforce the law, something which is apparently no longer of importance, especially if someone can play the race card.
If people chose to commit serious crime, they should think about the implications first! No use crying afterwards.
BBC one show getting all fuzzy and cuddly over South Africa ending apartheid and Nelson Mandela’s release with a nice old lady remembering how it was helped by activists like her in the UK at the time.
They just forgot to add that today South Africa is number 1 in the World for rapes per head of population and number 2 for murders and has a massive problem with police and government corruption and knife and gun crime. Many of the guns handed over to the criminals by the police themselves.
Yes BBC and stupid ignorant do-Gooders you can all give yourselves a massive pat on the back for “freeing” these poor people to a better life, even if it is now a short one for so many.
Look up “South Africa crime” on wiki if you need to see the appalling stats since 1980.
Sorry if already posted – quite a long read but worth it
There could be a new ‘ biased ‘ site . BNC . Black News Channel . Apparently this is an American thing but it must be due in Blighty .
Whitee need not apply ?
I believe this has already existed, thought it was on Freeview, and called “Alight News” or something dreadful. I thought it concentrated on Africa, but can’t be sure.
I think he is shouting against the current infantile group think . Recession or resource shortages will kill that thought off . In the meantime burn those hydrocarbons – shut those nuke power stations -burn that coal !
Got the wood burner going full pelt!
digg – Crime is out of hand, but -by far- not the full picture of what ails SA today.
The sort of utterly superficial and sentimental look at the past (which -as regards Mandela and the ANC- is also extremely dishonest, but no time to go into that now) which the bbc One Show dishes up is completely valueless. Without doubt, there was much injustice under Apartheid, but in 1994 the National Party handed the ANC a country with a solid first-world foundation to build on. But everything from ESKOM to SAA has been systematically destroyed in only 25 years, to name but two well-known examples. (Sadly, there are hundreds).
The Third World beckons.
Read respected historian and analyst RW Johnson or simply the SA press on the current situation – the low economic growth (below 1%), unsustainable population growth (above 1.6%), the massive unemployment 30-40%, the escalating fiscal deficit, the soaring debt, the endemic corruption and looting of the state, parastatals (and in the private sector), the racist employment policies (disguised as black economic empowerment), the infrastructure collapse (e.g. no electricity-no economic growth), the overpromotion (and overpayment) of people incapable of doing their jobs — the list is endless.
No point even in discussing appeals to kill the whites, and grab their land, which are uttered in parliament and go unpunished. (Expropriation without Compensation -EWC, is now official government policy). This naked black racism is -by definition- not racism, because it can’t possibly be. It’s not even hate speech. But beware of the reverse – unthinkable anyway. The model to follow is Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, apparently.
None of this will-unsurprisingly- be presented to you by the beeb. No, its cheers for tears.
If you want to know what goes on in SA, subscribe to ‘Politicsweb’ and/or the ‘Daily Maverick’. For crime, ‘SA Today News’ will give you the sad daily litany of murder and mayhem. (@ za is the country code)
Just don’t expect anything of value, current relevance, balance, or even just basic honesty from the bbc.
I have a delightful chum in SA. We send each other Christmas cards every year.
I once Googled his address, and was absolutely horrified to see the height of the security walls, the barbed wire topping, the recollection that all cars have some sort of location implants.
How sad.
I wish he was back here, enjoying a British environment, preferably in the countryside where his mum lived.
Scroblene – sad stuff. I know of someone leaving the once beautiful city
of Cape Town for the US. Simply not worth looking over her shoulder all day, listening out all night.
The really big criminals, however, are sitting in government.
Greta won’t be mentioning this on her BBC debut I’ll bet.
I have changed my mind over HS2. Predictably the BBC is against it. One reason is that I have been looking at the beginnings of the railway age and come to the conclusion that it was the comstruction of the lines from the mid 1820s onwards that ended the terrible depression post 1815 and the end of the war. So much capital both borrowed and actual was employed that the country was lifted out of poverty into the modern age. The line will cost a fortune but the wealth created and the high paying jobs will make a real difference as we battle globalism and it’s effects. In addition I am now much more convinced that the capacity problems are real and that the West Coast main line is at at it’s limits. There is a new factor. Freight trains are beginning to run direct from the docks to huge warehouses – Doncaster for example and the growth potential here is significant. At the moment there is just not room for more . HIgh speed passenger and freight trains just do not mix. The latter are speed limited by the need for safe braking distances. This difference in average speeds has steadily increased over the last fifty years.
I know environmental matters are problematic but this has been true of this country since the industrial revolution and we are much more conscious of it now.
Dave, well done for being prepared to admit to a change of mind but I think you are making the same mistake as the Government. The railway industry want extra capacity on a line that can carry freight.
As you rightly point out HS2 will not and cannot really do that. I think I heard that they plan to run four freight trains on the HS2 line every twenty four hours but will need ‘lay-bys’ to enable that to happen. I gather that what the rail industry want is a line between the WCML and ECML that will take freight for about nine to ten hours overnight, thus enabling vital maintenance work to be done on the ECML & WCML and also allowing for the possibility of upgrade work on those two lines.
HS2 is a complete vanity project. If the project had been limited to HS1 speed or even standard 125 speed it would have come in at a fraction of the cost. (Statement on TWatO – I think – today from Peer who was part of Review Panel.) In addition, there would probably have been less resistance, less objections, and the build might have been well underway by now. The locomotive power might have been entirely British instead of part or entirely Japanese.
What I think is really chronic is the lack of vision from the Labour Party (who originally proposed this – yes, it is that old!) and the Conservative Government and the UK’s Civil Servants. A conventional speed line could not only have carried a lot of freight but it could have been linked to the UK’s dock networks which are currently booming.
One of the best ways of fighting globalism is, in my view, via globalisation and increasing the UK’s trade with the world while cutting back on our aid to the world.
Best part is that the environmentalists have extracted a promise that HS2 will not run at full speed – for economic, safety and environmental reasons. So all the money spent on top-speed trains and rails is entirely wasted before we even start. Typical government.
HS2 a bribe to the BBC in a cowardly useless incompetent naive attempt in thinking that providing a new transport solution which gets them from the hated Salford studios back to Islington & Hampstead 30 minutes faster will be welcomed by them?
They’ll probably appreciate it and it will be the TV tax payers who will bear the cost, because lets face it, this shower are never going to have the courage to end HS2
Hardly an argument more of a rant.
Apparently, an ex-child “star” has died, and not that I would want to belittle anyone’s death, but the smug look of him, beside his “hero” Chris Packham, has to be seen to be believed. It looks that he was the VERY definition of that great word that the “right” uses in America to call these people; a “puke”. White, privileged, never worked a day in his GD life, from London, and at the end of his life, being an “eco-warrior” for Extinction Rebellion.
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Plans to bring Shamima Begunm back to the UK are underway. All sorted out by Dianne Abbott.
Cardiff City football club are organising the flight
Prince Philip is picking her up from the airport, and Kate and Gerry McCann are adopting the kid !
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Daniel Kawczynski The Tory MP is accused of associating with fascists.
It is completely untrue.
Seems to me the main reason why the wokemob are angry “Trump lies all the time” is cos he has stolen their over-claiming trick
Meanwhile the Conservative Party is really The Wokeservatives
subservative to the Wokecracy
R4 news tonight discussing how far one ‘should co-operate with populists’ in the political arena. (Germany? Thuringia? Empress Merkel?)
Will be interesting to see whether ‘populism’ is defined in any coherent way, or whether- like ‘far right’- it simply remains an ill-defined/vague term of disapproval and/or abuse, freely bandied about by beeb.
Worth a listen, but no prizes for guessing.
Nope, R4 got no closer. Even Sinn Fein, apparently, are ‘populists’. Ritala Shah (or was it Razzia Iqbal?) thinks populists are defined by ‘simplistic electoral slogans’.
I am thinking now of the most simplistic (and empty) electoral slogan of all: “Yes, we can!”
That would make Barack Obama the No.1 populist of all time.
Think again, beeb!
Diane Abbott press release, there are now 8 cases in Britain of Panda bears with flu, 8 could soon become dozens, and there are only so many numbers in the alphabet !
8? So it’s already quadrupled since yesterday when it was 4.
Or should that be quadruped – I get my numbers confused.
Is it called a pandemic cos panda bears get it?
It is not April 1st
the story is a Jihadi bought a signed copy of TR’s Koran book
.. and said how good it is.
And this story comes from Tommy hater Lizzie Dearden of the Independent “news” paper
It is mentioned that TR Exposed put up the post and then there was a frantic comment to delete it
which they did
.. screenshot here
That he is considered eye candy in W1A explains so much.
I can appreciate the economic benefits of chucking billions towards HS2, the only doubt I have is quicker access for Slade and Black Sabbath to the rest of the country
Sadiq : white nudes bad
… black nudes good
An interesting presentation by Professor Gautam Kalghatgi at the GWF.
As the BBC would say: ‘Is The Future Electric’?
Maybe not!
• A 36 tonne, 500 mile range lorry needs 1,000 kWh battery of 6.4 tonnes weight, costing some $180,000+, charging time 12 hours.
• A320 aircraft carries 266 MWh of fuel energy. A battery pack carrying same energy would weigh 1,640 tonnes – 19 times the maximum take off weight. At 1MW it would take 11 days to charge.
• Container ship Benjamin Franklin carries 4.5 million gallons of fuel, 170 GWh. A battery pack would weigh over 1 million tonnes, or 5 times the dead weight tonnage.
Should the BBC investigate the alarming upward trends for self-harm and suicide amongst depressed young people and any links to the doom-mongers like Greta and her flat-earth brigade before they forge ahead with their great Greta show?
A 10 minute google brings up the following random comments… It was difficult to find the latest figures but the trend seems clear and is probably rising into 2020.
From the NHS
Self-harm in girls and young women rising at ‘alarming’ rate,
A study based on 3 surveys of people in England aged 16 to 74 found a worrying rise in people who say they have ever self-harmed.
The overall numbers rose from 2.4% in 2000 to 6.4% in 2014. The increase in reported self-harm was biggest among women and girls aged 16 to 24, with 19.7% of those questioned in 2014 saying they’d self-harmed.”
From the Samaritans
“UK: rising suicide rates in under-25s
The rate of deaths among under 25s increased by 23.7%”
From the Guardian
Rise of 11.8% includes a 19-year high in rate of deaths among young people aged 10 to 24
“Last week the Telegraph reported on “soaring” suicide rates among young people in the UK based on data from 2018.
The article says: “There were 6,507 suicides registered by coroners in 2018 – a rise of 11.8% on the previous year.”
Of course there may be other factors such as social media pressure etc. but I would have thought it is worth spending some time analysing – but then again that would be objective balance and I don’t think the BBC do objective balance do they?.
It’s time for the new thread
I think the suicide rate is a ‘canary ‘ signally how the country really is – as opposed to how the likes of the BBC see it .
The internet is meant to ‘empower’ and ‘inform ‘ – yet does social media do more harm than good for kids under 35?
But perhaps Coroners are changing the way they work . I have anecdotal evidence that the stigma and consequences of a suicide finding led to coroners trying to find ‘ alternative ‘ verdicts to avoid the truth .
Perhaps the term ‘blissful ignorance ‘ has more value to it than previously thought .
I think all this ‘Greta ‘ nonsense does far more harm than good as it kills optimism about the future and just burdens people , in the worst case , for living and ‘ polluting ‘ the planet – which I believe is evil .
As an aside I am sorry that your post is at the end of this thread as I get the feeling a lot of people will miss it as ‘events’ happen which occupy the next thread . Maybe it can get re posted …