The BBC is navel gazing this week . 8pm Wednesday night . I’ve never heard this programme but I think this one has value for users of this site to see how our enemy is ‘ feeling ‘ at the moment – terminal – one hopes ….
The MM is the last of the BBC progs that allows unwoke voices
cos it has has a 4 person panel, some voices are pro Brexit or non-Lefty
Tonight : The Moral Purpose of the BBC
chaired by Michael Buerk. With Giles Fraser, Melanie Philips, Matthew Taylor and Andrew Doyle
Government is consulting on decriminalising the licence fee;
450 jobs are being cut from BBC News to help meet a huge savings target;
gender pay disputes are never far from the headlines;
and audience figures reveal that the Corporation is struggling to connect with many British people
– especially the under-35s and those from poorer socio-economic backgrounds.
Meanwhile, the Director-General, Tony Hall, will step down in the summer after seven years in the job.
If this is a crossroads, what should be the future direction of the BBC?
There are loud voices calling for an end to the licence fee, calling it a poll tax, an outdated funding model overtaken by the streaming giants.
Is it fair, they ask, to be forced to pay for a service you don’t want?
Supporters point out that the BBC reaches 91% of adults every week and is the envy of the world; a unique and valuable service meant for everyone
– that’s the point of it – which therefore must continue to be funded by everyone.
They believe it is uniquely able to unite a fragmented nation and that the founding Reithian aspirations – to inform, educate and entertain – have never been more relevant in this era of fake news and social media echo chambers.
The BBC’s severest critics, however, believe it no longer acts either as ‘cultural glue’ or as a touchstone of impartiality and truth.
Instead, of leading us higher, they say, the BBC is sinking ever lower in pursuit of ratings.
Bloated and greedy or lean and beleaguered?
Perhaps we won’t know what we’ve got ‘til it’s gone.
What, now, is the moral purpose of the BBC?
Fresh from their success in regulating the BBC and returning to a non biased level of broadcasting, I hear OFCOM are to police the internet. I can’t think of a more qualified organisation to do that…………
I notice the BBC weasel word – ‘reaches’ 91% of population – so what? Most TV and radio signals ‘reach’ a lot of teh population..doesn’t mean they are watching – like that new Scottish TV station that nobody watched – it reached them…
Basically as far as I can see the BBC is fighting a rear guard action using those luvvies that have milked it and continue to do so
I’m currently reading the book Twenty Years Of TalkSport. A recurrent theme is how TalkSport gradually grabbed exclusive rights for many sports from under the nose of the BBC and then went on to give better and more comprehensive coverage of those sports on a shoestring budget than the bbc ever did. Last night I read of how Talksport sent a team of 5, or was it only 3, people to the 2011 Rugby World Cup in New Zealand which was a far smaller contingent than the bbc sent EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD NO RIGHTS TO BROADCAST THE EVENT!! Hilarious tales of last minute organising, horrible accommodation, begging, stealing and borrowing equipment and help makes the Talksport story a lot of fun and while no one is suggesting a radio station lives so close to the knife edge, the theme is that they held themselves accountable for every penny and what they lack in money they make up for with skill talent and effort.
With a bit of luck BBC sport will degenerate further as the new ‘under 35 policy ‘ means more experienced sports commentators ( white chaps ) are replaced by wimmin – blacks – black wimmin- whose on,y knowledge in playing a sport at third rate level or knowing what they know because someone is talking into their ear .
It’s a bit like footy pundits of all types who have never managed a club or even played top level footy and won something ..
Five Dead have got rid of Sportsweek which used to be on Sunday morning, and which I enjoyed listening to.
Instead they have some rubbish lifestyle show presented by an Irish girl, who flies in from South Africa where she is also presenting Love Island. Climate hypocrisy anyone?
Then there is some sort of football talk show which I find absolutely unlistenable. It seems to consist of several young black Londoners using the multicultural jive talk which makes my ears bleed.
Well done Five Dead. Keep on alienating the hated white folk until all your listeners are gone. Only the BBC can do this, thanks to its unique funding system. Other broadcasters have to produce programmes their listeners and viewers actually want, but not the good old BBC. The sooner it is gone, the better.
Speaking of sport, please can anyone on here explain to me the possible reasons for the BBC to have an obsession with the retired footballer, Peter Crouch?
Interesting Stew Green-well it might help to stop paying enormous amounts of money to people who really do not warrent it, such as Garry Lineaker-Match of the Day wouldn’t fade away without him. I’m not a follower of Soccer, and feel there is far too much coverage on this particular sport. My game was and I’m still a supporter of Rugby football, which suffers far less in the promotion stakes-Money of course is the driver for Soccer. Aside from Lineaker there are others whose pay level is just unreasonable for what they contribute, but who sets the remuneration level one may ask? Would you struggle on £200K per annum? I certainly would not! And that’s some distance from the top earners.
Sophists swelled with insolent conceit. This surely must be aimed at the controllers of our Television viewing, and also at those that produce, and those that dain to present such awful programmes, that we the viewers are expected to meekly accept. Of course it is appreciated the pressure applied from the commercial world upon this most powerful of media, however we can’t help but ask as to whether all is being served for the minority and not the true majority?
Jon Sopel BBC News
“Bernie Sanders has run the most consistently focused campaign, he stays on message and has maintained an energy mostly unmatched by the other candidates.
He’s got these core beliefs that people seem to like, particularly the young voters who turned out in large numbers to support him.”
1.BBC upbeat about Comrade Sanders winning the New Hampshire thing – they love a loser – the BBC
2.Followed by the commonwealth secretiate being so corrupt that the UK government is stopping giving £5 million a year until the Blair appointed head – mrs Scotland – stops giving contracts to her friends .
3. The government thinks the internet can be regulated by OFCOM – when it cant even regulate the BBC bias .
Rather than make a positive case for their bloated and increasingly out-of-touch broadcasting empire, unrepentant, arrogant BBC cronies instead choose to fearmonger by issuing George Osborne-style speculative “punishment budgets”.
Ofcom is expected to become Britain’s first internet watchdog.
Andy Burrows of NSPCC says they hope the regulator will have a “stringent package of enforcement measures” including criminal charges and the UK could set the “global standard”.
Ofcom is expected to become Britain's first internet watchdog.
Andy Burrows of @NSPCC says they hope the regulator will have a “stringent package of enforcement measures” including criminal charges and the UK could set the “global standard”.
Re OFCOM policing the internet…
One has a rule of thumb. If there’s news of a government initiative and the BBC doesn’t reflexively oppose, then it’s likely a bad move.
Maybe the NSPCC would do better fighting real child abuse rather than ‘online ‘ stuff – see Rotherham. Et al. – but there is always the push to censor – and the freedom never comes back .
What’s her present job roles ?
“She is also Civil Service champion for diversity and inclusion. ”
She’s put that at the top of her Twitter bio as well
I’m delighted to be joining @Ofcom and honoured to be appointed as the new Chief Executive. With a big agenda ahead of us, I’m looking forward to getting started soon.
Think we have all had Diversity up to our necks-Diversity is the child of Multiculturalism, which has been the cause of so much trouble in this United Kingdom and the BBC have been one of the main carriers and supporters of this duplicitous invading blight over our land. Multicuturalism leads as we are seeing day by day to confusion and its inability to bring cultures together that are so alien to each other.
Oh marvellous! (Sarc).
Well just watch them being a lot more pro-active in censoring the internet than they are at censoring the biased BBC.
#common purpose.
“…and the UK could set the “global standard”.”
Not without importing ex-BBC staff to help in that battle to spread a little ‘BBC’ishness’ Worldwide.
This peculiar Phillip Schofield affair I see as indicative of the disconnect in attitudes between media and our wider population.
Specifically in this case the media demand homosexuality be preferentially celebrated rather than the more general attitude of toleration existing outside their bubble.
Another example would be the media’s signature theme of diversity. Meaning so-called BAME people ought to be preferentially celebrated and gifted with quotas rather than treated as equal members of society with equivalent rights and obligations.
You see a good example of relaxed obligations in the recent story of the school girl given a free pass to break school dress and appearance rules – because she happens to be black.
I say these attitudes come from the media and not from politicians who these days follow rather than lead. Further I say the BBC in its powerful state-sanctioned position leads the media.
In the early 2010s when I still bothered to tune into Radio 4 I recall being amazed at the level of anti-conservative content. Back then I couldn’t understand how the Tories could tolerate such bias – maybe they were too disconnected or too busy to listen. I daydreamed David Cameron might be locked in a room with nothing but Radio 4 for 24 hours in order that he properly understand the problem.
Now I realise Cameron and his ilk were perfectly content for the socially liberal greenie leftward bias to ooze freely from the BBC. It meant a more lazy, quieter, more comfortable indeed rather lucrative life for himself and a Tory party by necessity gradually shifting leftward in order to keep up with the leftward propaganda.
And we’re not out of the woods yet. Maybe the liberal media have overstepped the mark siding with Brussels over Britain, but I doubt it. Afterall there are still very few voices who, for instance, see and bother to call out the reality of the king with no clothes (who blithely informs his queen he wishes to bang a boy) in the Schofield story.
The insatiable appetite for ‘news’ by the public, has turned the media into a behemoth that’s unstoppable. Had the media failed to report the deportation of criminal aliens back to the West Indies, there is no doubt that shedloads of flights could be winging their way to various countries, with thousands of deportees ejected from this country with minimum fuss – and away before appeals and further appeals could be lodged in the law courts.
Not so sure ASI. Like you I have been puzzled by the evident bias, but if you look at it from the perspective of Government/Civil Service – those that actually make the rules and pull the strings as opposed to supporting any particular party loyalty – then, long term, it could simply reflect aspirational directions for the public, a drip-feed of imposed ‘normality’.
So, what we – essentially and inevitably the older generation – see as the absurd imbalance of mixed-marriage on-screen propaganda and Islamic tip-toeing, along with all the other febrile enthusiasms for multi-culture and integration, the eventual aim is still integration, even if the aspiration, naïve and charming though it may be, is only to prevent or forestall insurrection.
Bear in mind that advertisers’ sole concern is profit and by promoting transparent fantasies, their sales are unlikely to be enhanced – except if they are told the way things must be, with some favourable taxation to help oil the wheels.
Up to one fifth of the Amazon rainforest is now emitting more CO2 than it absorbs, according to new research.
Unpublished data, seen by Newsnight, appears to show that the south-eastern portion of the rainforest – which is heavily deforested and makes up around 20% of the total area – has now become a net source of carbon.
Any untouched mature rainforest will contain equal quantities of healthy growing timber and rotting fallen trees, that’s the natural growth cycle, so CO2 emissions/absorptions are – and always have been – near enough equal.
I think this simple equation deserves to be named The Attenborough Factor.
You have to laugh, on one hand save steel works/car industry in the UK at all costs.
then shut it down in xxyrs time because we are leading the world in something called the climate change crisis?
Jolly good – life benefited thousands of years ago when CO2 levels were about 7000 ppm. At the current 400-ish ppm, we really ought to be more interested in at least doubling it, rather than trying to hide it, and pretending it’s poisonous…
Jolly good – life benefited thousands of years ago when CO2 levels were about 7000 ppm. At the current 400-ish ppm, we really ought to be more interested in at least doubling it, rather than trying to hide it, and pretending it’s poisonous…
Effin’ stupid website – why does it not post, then post twice?
In addition to my above post, pampas also absorbs CO2, whether it is grazed or not, although I understand that grazing + set-aside is even more effective in grasslands absorbing CO2.
Am not sure about the quality of the science behind this assertion that part of the Amazon basin is now emitting CO2. In addition, some hundred year old scientific research recently re-discovered, is looking into whether trees breathe OUT as well as IN and the breathing out may well be methane plus, possibly, CO2.
I’m in a bit of difficulty over the luvvie you mention as I don’t know who he is – I think he once presented kiddie shows but that’s it .
As for your substantial point about the relationship of the BBC with the Tory Party – much of it stems from the reality that the Tories haven’t been very Tory for a long time – as the likes of “thoughtful” who regularly posts here Says .
Even with an 80 majority there isn’t much of a sign of the Tory party becoming a Conservative Party – but I suppose the real indication will be the budget on March 11. If you read my posts I am far to the Right of the current Tories but live in hope that the State might be cut down and that state debt levels be truly cut – call that true austerity .
Concerning the Tories and the BBC – as was once said of John Cleese’s Basil Fawlty: ‘there’s enough there for an entire (psychoanalysis) conference’.
Just on the word ‘austerity’ – when our government simply managing within the budget of tax income became named austerity by the left, and then the Tories themselves accepted the word, then we conservatives knew we were in looking glass world.
I could add Mrs May gifting to the Left the soundbite Nasty Party.
Speaking of off the shoulder dresses, it was the suspiciously newly publicised Tracy Brabin who asked a “timely and important urgent question” in the HoC last Thursday morning about the government’s plans for the future of the bBC licence fee.
No doubt she was just following orders because she cannot think for herself.
The whole segment was largely pointless apart from a contribution from Sir Christopher Chope (Con): “I thank the Government for their wisdom in bringing forward a consultation to remove an anachronistic privilege. Does not the hysterical reaction of defenders of the BBC speak for itself?”
Thank you for the link . I will be going on and on in this site about the need for people to submit their views to the consultation – which I think is open until the 1st of April .
Brabin is obviously after a job at the BBC to supplement the MP pension ….or she might go back to playing but parts in BBC soaps like eastenderistans
There was an important video by Sargon
about TR haters running around after the Indy published an article about the convicted terrorist saying TR really understands Islam.
See last nights thread. – page 3
Yes I’m a week late due to other stuff but I sat down last night to watch the final 2 episodes of the current run and here I am reporting for duty.
There wasn’t too much to pick up on but there were still pickings to be had. First of all the police. For once operating singly as opposed to in pairs, the first senior officer was what the bbc would call, and we on here laughingly refer to as, “a man”. Next we had a young mixed race lady, followed up by an older black or possibly mixed race lady. Well done bbc, three out of three, hat trick. Well not quite. There was a fourth senior officer who turned up in full dress uniform, so a Chief Constable I think, who huffed and puffed, didn’t know what they were talking about, hadn’t been briefed or hadn’t bothered with a briefing. Basically this character got handed their backside on a plate by the “finger on the pulse” older black lady. Do I REALLY need to tell you he was an older grey haired white man?
Anyway the story itself revolved around current day deaths linked to a nerve agent, In part 2 we learned that there was another link to a 40 year old MOD trial on 5 guinea pigs. 3 had died within a few years of lung cancer, a 4th has died within just the last few years, a 5th (lets call him Fred just because I can’t be bothered to check his name in the listing) was in his late 60s frail and ill with lung disease himself and responsible for the murder of the scientist who’d run the tests. So that explained the few scenes of Fred next to a gravestone, the gravestone belonged to the 4th victim and Fred was being an Angel Of Death.
Anyway as the episode ran to its conclusion, the character Clarissa explained that Fred had killed the scientist as revenge for the death of his partner. CLANG!!!!! We never met the 4th victim. Nothing in the story pointed towards anything at all, it would have been just as easy if not easier to describe him as his mate, friend, comrade, brother in arms, or even just refer to him by name. But no, this is the bbc and you can visualise the script editor with his/her/their diversity stick spying an opportunity to insert a bit of, well, diversity. So partner it became, another unlikely event just like the other week where a 20 year old murder had the team pitch up at a house belonging to a pair of married lesbians unrelated to anything, now a 40 year old nerve gas trial gives us 2 ex army homosexuals in their late 60s. Good effort.
in other news, McCains chips are now on the Woolwich family’s no buy list. If they want to make an advert screened in the early evening showing two boyish lesbians feeding chips to their “daughter” by mouth (the way a bird feeds it’s chicks) then they have to take the rough with the smooth. You can’t please everyone and if their marketing team values the custom of a tiny niche (lesbian couples with children) over everyone else then let them have that niche of sales because I’m not giving them any more money.
Well done on banning McCains from your household, and I hope you have contacted them to tell them of your displeasure. Not that Mrs Loather or I ever use their products but Quorn had a snotty message from me after they tried to tell me what to do and think with this particular guilt trip broadcast earlier this year:
I heard this yesterday on France Inter (radio):
“There was no violence against the staff, but the premises were ransacked by a few dozen people who chanted “BlackRock assassin” and “Macron assassin”. Under the eye of the benevolent cameras of the so-called militant journalists, they were permitted to write messages such as (according to the Novethic site), I quote, “kerosene is not for planes, it’s to burn cops and bosses”.
The operation of these anarchists who hate capitalism but love Facebook is of course reprehensible, but it illustrates a slide towards dangerous violence. By successive shifts, we go from demonstrations to peaceful occupation, then from civil disobedience to material degradation. Each time, “good” souls justify what is happening.“
Can you imagine if the “Far Right” had done something similar?
I was intrigued.
Despite (thank goodness!) finding some positive reactions, I was appalled at some of the aggressive, juvenile, woke (+ racist) attacks on this guy after writing the letter:
“She’s right… your wrong. It’s as simple as that I’m afraid. She fights for a better safe world. You are filled with small minded hate. She is younger than you… but you are immature. You fight for nothing… yet you have a big mouth vomiting up garbage. SHUT UP Hill! You opinion means nothing & counts for nothing. You are not helping anything or anyone. If you are mot a part of the solution, you are part of the problem… SO SHUT UP!“
“Shouldn’t he be picking cotton somewhere?“
“What an incredibly hateful, arrogant, nasty, unpleasant diatribe – complete with divisive tweets pre-packaged and ready to click, unbelievable. Talk about weaponized propaganda. Anti-youth, anti-climate change, admits to no problem and has not one positive challenge or solution in it. It’s all hate and disparagement. Shame on you.“
(Says it all really). But doesn’t that show what we are up against and how “brave“ one needs to be to speak out against “man-made“ climate nonsense?
He DOES seem quite outspoken. Last year his students set up a petition against him (and claimed victory):
“Students at DePaul University are outraged at the pattern of racist, anti-Palestinian, xenophobic, sexist, and Islamophobic statements of Philosophy Professor Jason D. Hill. He has used words such as “uncivilized,” “barbaric,” and “primitive” in his tweets to describe Middle Eastern and Muslim people. In a recent article in the Federalist he has said, “…only a policy of radical containment or expulsion [of Palestinians] remains a viable option.” Professor Hill’s rhetoric is representative of a growing global far right movement that serves as inspiration for perpetrators of racist violence, such as that of the Christchurch massacre.
We, the students of DePaul University call upon the administration to censure Professor Hill for his heinous statements against marginalized communities. His comments create unsafe and uncomfortable spaces for everyone, especially Palestinian and Muslim students who now all refuse to enroll in a class that is taught by Professor Hill. We are not only seeking censure, but for Professor Hill to commit to racial sensitivity training and to release a public apology for his immoral conduct.“
His reaction: “I think we live in an age where there is an abysmal lack of intellectual and moral leadership,” Hill said. “I take myself to be such a leader, and I have no intentions of issuing any apologies. I’ve spoken what I believe to be the truth, and I stand firm in what I believe in.”
“… Who was made to feel unsafe here?” Hill told The DePaulia. “The professor who wrote an article and needed [police] protection, or the students [Students for Justice in Palestine] who claimed to feel unsafe but were free to roam around campus and take over buildings with impunity?”
“I think they’re missing one important fact,” Hill said. “Whatever they’re taking offense to, it’s protected by free speech. ”
Referencing a small walk-out at DePaul’s forum on Middle East and freedom of speech, Hill wrote: “Intimidation by thugs/moral cowards chanting like pseudo rappers about me hiding is all amusing. At 19 I was an investigative journalist in Jamaica busting up a mafia ring–these children and their antics are just that–children at play. Finals are coming up. Find the library“
I’m reposting this at the suggestion of FedUp2 as it got orphaned at the end of the start week edition. (Must get up later!)
Should the BBC investigate the alarming upward trends for self-harm and suicide amongst depressed young people and any links to the doom-mongers like Greta and her flat-earth brigade before they forge ahead with their great Greta show?
A 10 minute google brings up the following random comments… It was difficult to find the latest figures but the trend seems clear and is probably rising into 2020.
From the NHS
Self-harm in girls and young women rising at ‘alarming’ rate,
A study based on 3 surveys of people in England aged 16 to 74 found a worrying rise in people who say they have ever self-harmed.
The overall numbers rose from 2.4% in 2000 to 6.4% in 2014. The increase in reported self-harm was biggest among women and girls aged 16 to 24, with 19.7% of those questioned in 2014 saying they’d self-harmed.”
From the Samaritans
“UK: rising suicide rates in under-25s
The rate of deaths among under 25s increased by 23.7%”
From the Guardian
Rise of 11.8% includes a 19-year high in rate of deaths among young people aged 10 to 24
“Last week the Telegraph reported on “soaring” suicide rates among young people in the UK based on data from 2018.
The article says: “There were 6,507 suicides registered by coroners in 2018 – a rise of 11.8% on the previous year.”
Of course there may be other factors such as social media pressure etc. but I would have thought it is worth spending some time analysing – but then again that would be objective balance and I don’t think the BBC do objective balance do they?.
The Left has a vested interest in encouraging gloom, doubt and misery particularly among our youth,so that only THEY can appear to have the answers to the problems that they themselves have largely created. They are con men of the highest order who have captured the dizzy heights in our communications media. They would ban the use of the off switch if they could.
Cant understand it !
You mean people , young people , aren’t happy ? In this new age of liberalism , permissive progressive globalist times ?
I thought people were supposed to be unhappy in the fifties when we were not so enlightened .
@digg – Michael Buchanan, Social affairs correspondent, BBC News is certain to cover it/maybe/not.
he only seems to report (one sided) on the BBC health/poverty agenda.
funny how on climate you can only trust the experts opinion, but on medical/how poor some are issue’s we get the “heart strings” pulled by interviewing grief stricken parents who seem to blame the experts!!!
Dave Clementi – the chairman of the BBC is going to give a speech tonight saying decriminalising the no TV licence offence will weaken the nation . Ergo – he sees the BBC and the UK as ‘one ‘.
Perhaps he doesn’t use his own product . How could the BBC possibly claim it is part of the UK anymore ? It has been part of the EU for over 4 years – and still is . And the UK and EU are not together anymore . It even claims that it’s frankly embarrassingly bad ‘world service ‘ is the ‘worlds radio station ‘ – as opposed to being British .
Have I proved my case ( might tempt a troll with that one ..)
JHB just dismissed Trump out of hand
.. that is certainly not balance
I switched her off she blabbed on about the Democrat nominees to the Democrat
David Baddiel apparently is a hugely successful comedian who was on the Today program this morning at about 08.17. It seems he now specialises in taking on internet trolls and is hoping to get noticed by Trump so that he can tell him a thing or two.
At 08.39 the most boring Breakfast show happened to be on, and the same David Baddiel was on talking about holocaust deniers. Apparently he has been doing his own research, and a lot of the holocaust wasn’t reported during the war. This is to the subject of a documentary he’s doing for the BBC.
Intrigued as to who this David Baddiel is I looked him up on Wikipedia (not the most accurate of sources) and everything fell into place. Although he has a Jewish background he is also a patron of Humanists UK, maybe doesn’t agree with Isreali politics, is a labour supporter, has done a lot of (failed) work for the BBC.
It mentions ‘the Mary Whitehouse experience, some sort of reboot of spitting image which btw I’m convinced was originally conceived to attack Margret Thatcher.
Further gems on BBC One after that was makeup for men and advertising a new program about the ‘troubles’. I expect that will be very enlightening and no doubt I will find out a lot about it I didn’t know at the time.
PS. My better half has heard of him so it must just be me and my twisted idea of what isn’t funny.
1. If you could have any parents for a day, who would they be? I’d like to go for some of the parents in The Parent Agency. Probably Mama Cool and Lord Rader Well-Orff. 2. Is it harder to be a comedian or an author? I don’t quite recognise the difference as everything I do as a comedian I write. But stand-up is quite hard, as it can make you very nervous. Writing is more like just hard work a lot of the time. 3. Do you have a favourite place to write (like a shed, garage or shop?) I write in my study, which very luckily for me overlooks water, which is kind of calming when you get frustrated not being able to think of anything. 4. Did you have any difficulties in school? I pretended to be ill for a whole term in my second year of secondary school. I ended up in hospital…I basically just didn’t fancy going
I think Dorothy and Arthur Strawbridge appear to have fab parents, and who wouldn’t have a great childhood with a Dad who can turn his hand to anything and builds them a helter skelter in their bedroom, a Mum who is cuddly and makes playtime fun, acres of grounds to play in, both parents who include them in cooking or painting, and both learning dual languages. (Escape to the Chateau)
They need flushing away same as that Alibaba Brown who was on Vine today…2 seconds and off ….don’t even bother with R2 anymore …looks like Classic FM from now on
Holding power to account? Or advocacy via unique editorial?
"Launching #HS2, after launching the #COP26 summit, when Boris said he understood the need to repair damage done to the environment,…the two are not compatible"
Environmentalist @ChrisGPackham tells the BEEB we made a mistake when that Beeching guy cut the rail network and let wildlife back in many places in the UK!!!
lets face it the beeb likes womens football, its down to very little sponsorship and they dont have to spend much, unless its on the likes of lineker of course
I didn’t know any of them, but thought i’d better vote 🙂
Andy – how could you vote at all ? It only encourages them . I ‘ enjoy’ it when they talk about a girl game – say man citeh v Chelsea and then mention in passing 500 watched the match . Which probably works out at 25 friends and family turning up for the silly kick about.
But boy does the BBC push third rate girl sport .
After the latest trial of a muslim terrorist – or ‘man’ as Al-beeb prefers to call them – David Wood (below) takes the p*ss out of the pusillanimous British courts and press, including the BBC.
Unbelievably, the ‘man’ (Mohiussunnath Chowdhury) had previously slashed police officers with a sword outside Buckingham Palace while shouting “Allahu akbar”, but was CLEARED BY A JURY (of who – fellow Jihadis from Luton??) after he denied attempting an act of terror and claimed he was just trying to make the police shoot him dead because he was depressed. (!?!).
Have we gone stark staring mad? Was there even any outrage when he was acquitted? Have we become so submissive that we meekly accept this insanity?
Islam means submission. I think they’ve already won.
We sent British students to South Africa to save the world In a devastating blow to a charity programme in the city, 13 British student teachers were robbed at gunpoint in Port Elizabeth.
The students, along with their supervisor and a tour guide, were stripped of their valuables by six armed men in KwaDwesi on Monday morning.
This is not the first time international volunteers have been attacked in the city.
In May last year, German volunteers Nikolas Marth and his friend, Eva Nauta, both 20, were attacked while on their way to the Lamani Public Primary School in New Brighton.
Local newspaper via PressReader
It’s something to do with Sheffield University
although they are keeping quiet about this. facebook
BBC R4 doing a Palm Oil investigation. Apparently its very bad for deforestation etc. as well as having to be towed half way round the World. The problem was described by an American Lady Expert who knew exactly what the problems were but was totally unable to come up with any suggestions or solutions.
The growth of Palm Oil was fuelled by the Veggie/Vegan nutters who decided that anything coming from a cow was VERY BAD, even if the end product would only need to be transported a few miles down the road. Plus Oil Seed rape was not good for the newts and birds etc. only benefitting nasty white farmers on gas-guzzling tractors.
So we are now seeing Vegans V Environmentalists, well at least they are leaving all the normal balanced folks alone while they scrap with each other.
Palm oil sales are partially driven by a 27 country organisation that mandated 5% of all vehicle fuel must be biofuel
and rising to 10%
prog forgot to mention that.
Here’s a claim
“Two-thirds of palm oil consumed in the EU was burned as energy last year, according to the European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E).”
I’ve just seen a freight train with several carriages signwritten, advertising that they contained bio fuels for renewable energy.
All being pulled along by a dirty diesel engine!
Do top actors believe in diversity ?
… each drama or film that come out they same to use the same names
… It’s like there are only 10 actors in Hollywood
If they want diversity, then why do always accept the roles
instead of letting someone else have them ?
“Petrol and diesel car sales ban could start in 12 years, says Shapps”
Once again the operative word is “could”.
More importantly ……………….
Do we have enough batteries and will our power stations have the capacity to supply all the chargers ?
The answer is no, you won’t have to do that, because you won’t have a car.
The plan is to reduce massively the number of proles who have private transport. You will be expected to get to work by HS2 or bendy bus. Only the Common Purpose class will have the approved eco-cars.
I remember ten or so years ago there was, I think, a UN report that in the future, utilities; gas, electricity, water, other fuel sources etc; will be supply managed. So instead of the customer, us, determining how much there will be of these things, we will be told how much we will be allowed to have.
This is the goal these commies, fascists, globalists and their running dogs and lickspittles are relentlessly working towards. Serfdom for us, the proles, and luxury for the elite.
If i was younger i would seriously take up horse riding. A great way to get about but slow of course. Soon build stables etc and a whole new industry can get started.
Correct, Kaiser.
Note the roll out of HS2, better bus services and more cycle lanes announced s by Boris. Then ban diesel and petrol cars whilst introducing electric cars that won’t work due to lack of batteries and charging point. Oh well, you might be able to get a free bike like David Lammy!
This is the bit many haven’t considered yet. If in doubt as to the future planned for us – check the noises State Broadcaster web page has been trumpeting today.
Given the news that internal combustion engined cars could be banned ‘earlier’ it is worth looking at an interesting presentation by Professor Gautam Kalghatgi at the GWF.
(Not the most fluid of presenters, but worth the effort).
As the BBC would say: ‘Is The Future Electric’?
Maybe not!
• A 36 tonne, 500 mile range lorry needs 1,000 kWh battery of 6.4 tonnes weight, costing some $180,000+, charging time 12 hours.
• A320 aircraft carries 266 MWh of fuel energy. A battery pack carrying same energy would weigh 1,640 tonnes – 19 times the maximum take off weight. At 1MW it would take 11 days to charge.
• Container ship Benjamin Franklin carries 4.5 million gallons of fuel, 170 GWh. A battery pack would weigh over 1 million tonnes, or 5 times the dead weight tonnage.
I expect the real plan is to convert the motorways to ‘Zil Lanes’ and only give cars to the worshippers of Greta.
Will the diesel ban apply to Fire service, Ambulances and Police cars? Will they be allowed a hybrid for when the battery dies during an emergency?
“Sorry madam we can’t come and rescue you until our vehicle is fully charged”..
BBC chairman Sir David Clementi warns over subscription fee
Sir David Clementi will say putting the broadcaster’s services behind a paywall would lessen its ability to “bring the country together”.
Not everybody would be able to access the “live important moments we enjoy as a nation”, like Royal weddings and Olympic successes, he will tell staff.
They sure as hell tried to Bring the Country together with their total support for shackling the UK to the EU and trying hard to get a Marxist Government elected.
The majority in this Country ARE together Mr Clemati, it’s you lot who are only together in your own lefty, diversity-crazed, climate-crazed, vegan-crazed, gay and trans-crazed anti-normal, anti-white people bubble!
And if it means less BBC reporters scrambling after Royal dirt scoops (as you all hate the Monarchy so why not admit it?) and a few hundred less BBC folk jetting to the Olympics for a jolly, it’s a price well worth paying to see the end of your warped organisation and it’s obscene tax on the public.
I’m guessing that David Clementi (PPE, Lincoln College, Oxford) isn’t very bright or simply hasn’t read the BBC’s own charter. If so, he would know that the BBC has the power to waver the need for a TV license for specific events of national importance. This ‘right’ was exercised for the wedding of Ginger and Sparkle, thereby enabling us all to “access the live important moments we enjoy as a nation”. (No, me neither).
Petrol and Diesel cars to be banned as Boris shows his green credentials before the UN conference. I don’t trust this man any more than freezer. An acceptable face of the left elite
Now on BBC R4 – incoming Ofcom commandant oberfurer Julian Knight claiming that if Ofcom had been watching over the internet during the EU referendum remain would have won…. The interviewer accepted this as a sad fact!
They cannot and never will be cured, get them out!
As some are noting, by the sheerest of coincidences this is at the same time as the BBC is being assisted with notions of equally ‘unique’ but alternative funding streams that also remove any option but to pay by anyone.
This happens and the Tories will never get my vote gain.
The gift that keeps on giving… next up on BBC R4, “looking at authors who faced the most thorny gender issues!”.
And sounds like it’s presented by a girl behind the till at Costa.
2020-02-12 09:22
UK universities ‘gagging’ student sexual assault claims
By Rianna Croxford
The Next Episode
Long article with reports on specific cases.
It is strange that the BBC is so concerned.
When rapes took place in every city in the UK.
When those raped were children.
When those raped were gang raped.
When the gang rapes occurred multiple times.
When the parents of those raped were threatened with imprisonment by the police.
When those raped were beaten up.
When those raped were threatened with acid attacks.
When there were millions of rapes.
The BBC was so interested that it covered up the very existence of the rapes. Self gagging.
Mass raping, mass terrorist murders, burning Christian Churches throughout Western Europe, is acceptable to the BBC.
Yet a report concerning an alleged sexual assault, which supposedly took place twenty five years ago, in the USA, which was not reported at the time, the evidence for which varies from non-existent to clearly fabricated to inconvenience a political enemy, is BBC headlines for days.
Enough of BBC R4 off to make a cuppa in the kitchen, TV on BBC1 – Doctors. Set in an English surgery the place is staffed by a weird cross-section of nationalities, The usual African, Asian etc. including the Jewish receptionist. So today in walks a Catholic nun in full habit…. I really would not find it strange if the patients waiting to be seen included an eskimo, an Inuit Indian in full head-dress….
Oh no I bank with them…..suppose the next time I’m there will I have to fill in a Gender identity form and then just step behind the screens and nurse will confirm either way Sir… will I have to have a colour change to get better rates !
Rumour has it they are going to replace the black horse with a white winged horse like the one the prophet Mohammed (piss be upon him) rode over the moon….or maybe for a unicorn.
“In this timely and important film, David Baddiel explores the multi-faceted nature of Holocaust denial –
(This programme will be available shortly after broadcast – 17 Feb)
A declaration of a Climate Emergency is the responsibility of the Met Office, not Jeremy Corbyn. I think the reason why Jeremy wants to declare a Climate Emergency is because his brother must have told him that temperatures will increase by ten degrees in the next six months.
A case of careless talk by Piers, and misunderstanding and ignorance by his idiot brother.
Today I had the horror of listening to the tail end of TWATO and a spokesweasel for the cowardly useless incompetent Tories and boy did he live up to the epithet!
It wasn’t Helen Morgan who currently holds the post but some underling whose name I failed to catch.
His fawning adulation of the BBC was untrammelled, to the point he was so incapable of uttering any criticism about the corporation that the presenter (Sarah Montague) had to help him !
His mealy mouthed cowardly description of Brexit bias amounted to “we need an open discussion about such things” in full knowledge that in the UK today there is no such thing as an open discussion.
If this is the best the Tories have to offer, and I for one believe it is, then we are in for 5 years of hopeless idiocy – something we have already seen evidence of, followed by years of Labour, wrecking the country.
wife of a husband on a list of people funding Islamic terrorism.
Birmingham Muslim School closed down after head teacher 'put pupils as young as four at risk of radicalization' & whose husband was accused by US of funding #AlQaeda linked terror
Queer clothes swaps, talks on subversive queer culture, parties and wholesome family get togethers – Find out how you’ll be spending LGBTQ+ History Month this February
These are the cyclists that were attacked in Cambridgeshire this year
By coincidence Start the Week on R4 on Monday was mostly about the evil far right AfD. Four guests on the programme and, guess what, all four were against the AfD and its “extremist” policies. Zero balance once again from the impartial state broadcaster.
4:30-pm will Amol drop a chance to signal diversity ?
Course not.
I'll be on @BBCRadio4's Media Show with @amolrajan at 4.30pm today – discussing podcasting and its role in the media landscape, the business of podcasting etc etc. ????️
Tune in if you're missing my dulcet tones whilst my own podcast is on a break ????
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
Is it possible, is this my second first?
Would an off the shoulder dress be acceptable for the award ceremony.
Anne G.
An off the body dress would be better. I’ll get me coat, as Lobby would say.
Catchup with last thread
Some important stuff came in last night
– page 3 started 9:30am Tuesday and went until midnight
– page 2
followed by a bungie jump of big ben?
Early to bed,
Early to rise,
Still makes me first to be second,
I surmise.
In the words of the Immortal Bard: “Am I bovvered?”
Actually, I sort of am a bit in that I was going to try for three in a row ….. 🙂 …. but I’m happy for AnneG, dress or no dress.
“I got in hot water with my dad when I told him he was a liberal and I was a progressive.”
This US family is divided over which Democrat to support for president.
BBC News goes full Monty Python.
Moral Maze watch
The BBC is navel gazing this week . 8pm Wednesday night . I’ve never heard this programme but I think this one has value for users of this site to see how our enemy is ‘ feeling ‘ at the moment – terminal – one hopes ….
If the bbc, Immoral Gaze seems more likely.
Like Sauron only without the cheeky wit.
The MM is the last of the BBC progs that allows unwoke voices
cos it has has a 4 person panel, some voices are pro Brexit or non-Lefty
Tonight : The Moral Purpose of the BBC
chaired by Michael Buerk. With Giles Fraser, Melanie Philips, Matthew Taylor and Andrew Doyle
Government is consulting on decriminalising the licence fee;
450 jobs are being cut from BBC News to help meet a huge savings target;
gender pay disputes are never far from the headlines;
and audience figures reveal that the Corporation is struggling to connect with many British people
– especially the under-35s and those from poorer socio-economic backgrounds.
Meanwhile, the Director-General, Tony Hall, will step down in the summer after seven years in the job.
If this is a crossroads, what should be the future direction of the BBC?
There are loud voices calling for an end to the licence fee, calling it a poll tax, an outdated funding model overtaken by the streaming giants.
Is it fair, they ask, to be forced to pay for a service you don’t want?
Supporters point out that the BBC reaches 91% of adults every week and is the envy of the world; a unique and valuable service meant for everyone
– that’s the point of it – which therefore must continue to be funded by everyone.
They believe it is uniquely able to unite a fragmented nation and that the founding Reithian aspirations – to inform, educate and entertain – have never been more relevant in this era of fake news and social media echo chambers.
The BBC’s severest critics, however, believe it no longer acts either as ‘cultural glue’ or as a touchstone of impartiality and truth.
Instead, of leading us higher, they say, the BBC is sinking ever lower in pursuit of ratings.
Bloated and greedy or lean and beleaguered?
Perhaps we won’t know what we’ve got ‘til it’s gone.
What, now, is the moral purpose of the BBC?
Fresh from their success in regulating the BBC and returning to a non biased level of broadcasting, I hear OFCOM are to police the internet. I can’t think of a more qualified organisation to do that…………
Background : @andrewdoyle_com Writer & comedian. Good friend of @TitaniaMcGrath
Tickets for Resisting Wokeness at
Now on tour with Douglas Murray
I notice the BBC weasel word – ‘reaches’ 91% of population – so what? Most TV and radio signals ‘reach’ a lot of teh population..doesn’t mean they are watching – like that new Scottish TV station that nobody watched – it reached them…
Basically as far as I can see the BBC is fighting a rear guard action using those luvvies that have milked it and continue to do so
Sooner it goes the better –
Monthly Reach is the standard BBC statistic
It means that a listener dipped into Radio 4 for 5 mins each week
So it is a BS metric
Avg genuine Listener hours per day would be a better metric
I think Newsnight get stats like 60K viewers for some episodes
that’s just 1 in 1,000 people
I’m currently reading the book Twenty Years Of TalkSport. A recurrent theme is how TalkSport gradually grabbed exclusive rights for many sports from under the nose of the BBC and then went on to give better and more comprehensive coverage of those sports on a shoestring budget than the bbc ever did. Last night I read of how Talksport sent a team of 5, or was it only 3, people to the 2011 Rugby World Cup in New Zealand which was a far smaller contingent than the bbc sent EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD NO RIGHTS TO BROADCAST THE EVENT!! Hilarious tales of last minute organising, horrible accommodation, begging, stealing and borrowing equipment and help makes the Talksport story a lot of fun and while no one is suggesting a radio station lives so close to the knife edge, the theme is that they held themselves accountable for every penny and what they lack in money they make up for with skill talent and effort.
With a bit of luck BBC sport will degenerate further as the new ‘under 35 policy ‘ means more experienced sports commentators ( white chaps ) are replaced by wimmin – blacks – black wimmin- whose on,y knowledge in playing a sport at third rate level or knowing what they know because someone is talking into their ear .
It’s a bit like footy pundits of all types who have never managed a club or even played top level footy and won something ..
Five Dead have got rid of Sportsweek which used to be on Sunday morning, and which I enjoyed listening to.
Instead they have some rubbish lifestyle show presented by an Irish girl, who flies in from South Africa where she is also presenting Love Island. Climate hypocrisy anyone?
Then there is some sort of football talk show which I find absolutely unlistenable. It seems to consist of several young black Londoners using the multicultural jive talk which makes my ears bleed.
Well done Five Dead. Keep on alienating the hated white folk until all your listeners are gone. Only the BBC can do this, thanks to its unique funding system. Other broadcasters have to produce programmes their listeners and viewers actually want, but not the good old BBC. The sooner it is gone, the better.
Speaking of sport, please can anyone on here explain to me the possible reasons for the BBC to have an obsession with the retired footballer, Peter Crouch?
Interesting Stew Green-well it might help to stop paying enormous amounts of money to people who really do not warrent it, such as Garry Lineaker-Match of the Day wouldn’t fade away without him. I’m not a follower of Soccer, and feel there is far too much coverage on this particular sport. My game was and I’m still a supporter of Rugby football, which suffers far less in the promotion stakes-Money of course is the driver for Soccer. Aside from Lineaker there are others whose pay level is just unreasonable for what they contribute, but who sets the remuneration level one may ask? Would you struggle on £200K per annum? I certainly would not! And that’s some distance from the top earners.
Sophists swelled with insolent conceit. This surely must be aimed at the controllers of our Television viewing, and also at those that produce, and those that dain to present such awful programmes, that we the viewers are expected to meekly accept. Of course it is appreciated the pressure applied from the commercial world upon this most powerful of media, however we can’t help but ask as to whether all is being served for the minority and not the true majority?
Lineker is – of course – a production company on low corporation tax rates -rather than a BBC employee .
Fed, it is one of R4’s programmes that I still attempt to make sure I do not miss.
(The site software has stuck me here, and not underneath RiC’s post.)
Jon Sopel BBC News
“Bernie Sanders has run the most consistently focused campaign, he stays on message and has maintained an energy mostly unmatched by the other candidates.
He’s got these core beliefs that people seem to like, particularly the young voters who turned out in large numbers to support him.”
wonder who that reminds me of?
Ironic. Analysis of bbc analysis.
Toady watch
Another good day –
1.BBC upbeat about Comrade Sanders winning the New Hampshire thing – they love a loser – the BBC
2.Followed by the commonwealth secretiate being so corrupt that the UK government is stopping giving £5 million a year until the Blair appointed head – mrs Scotland – stops giving contracts to her friends .
3. The government thinks the internet can be regulated by OFCOM – when it cant even regulate the BBC bias .
Nish and Nihal bookending every show with a diverse history lesson based on Koranic editorial guidelines. Apparently.
What could possibly go wrong?
Interesting, so the bBC actually agrees that most people would not buy its subscription.
Unlike at the moment where some people may get criminal records, pay or else
The Today Programme
Ofcom is expected to become Britain’s first internet watchdog.
Andy Burrows of NSPCC says they hope the regulator will have a “stringent package of enforcement measures” including criminal charges and the UK could set the “global standard”.
Read more:
It might behoove the Conservative Government to ponder how being in perfect lockstep with bbc ambitions works out once secret ballots are counted.
Re OFCOM policing the internet…
One has a rule of thumb. If there’s news of a government initiative and the BBC doesn’t reflexively oppose, then it’s likely a bad move.
Maybe the NSPCC would do better fighting real child abuse rather than ‘online ‘ stuff – see Rotherham. Et al. – but there is always the push to censor – and the freedom never comes back .
What’s her present job roles ?
“She is also Civil Service champion for diversity and inclusion. ”
She’s put that at the top of her Twitter bio as well
On twitter EVERY month she’s doing something big on diversity for the last 5 years.
I can pull up pics of her on a diversity panel with Emma Barnett
…Wokemob are a colonial power ruling over us.
Think we have all had Diversity up to our necks-Diversity is the child of Multiculturalism, which has been the cause of so much trouble in this United Kingdom and the BBC have been one of the main carriers and supporters of this duplicitous invading blight over our land. Multicuturalism leads as we are seeing day by day to confusion and its inability to bring cultures together that are so alien to each other.
Diversity and Inclusion Champion? In other words: a DIC-Head
Oh marvellous! (Sarc).
Well just watch them being a lot more pro-active in censoring the internet than they are at censoring the biased BBC.
#common purpose.
I guess that the NCPCC want to bid to provide some of the enforcement measures or training for OFCOM.
That’s the Communist way, everyone gets to be punished. That’s their definition of equality for all.
“…and the UK could set the “global standard”.”
Not without importing ex-BBC staff to help in that battle to spread a little ‘BBC’ishness’ Worldwide.
This peculiar Phillip Schofield affair I see as indicative of the disconnect in attitudes between media and our wider population.
Specifically in this case the media demand homosexuality be preferentially celebrated rather than the more general attitude of toleration existing outside their bubble.
Another example would be the media’s signature theme of diversity. Meaning so-called BAME people ought to be preferentially celebrated and gifted with quotas rather than treated as equal members of society with equivalent rights and obligations.
You see a good example of relaxed obligations in the recent story of the school girl given a free pass to break school dress and appearance rules – because she happens to be black.
I say these attitudes come from the media and not from politicians who these days follow rather than lead. Further I say the BBC in its powerful state-sanctioned position leads the media.
In the early 2010s when I still bothered to tune into Radio 4 I recall being amazed at the level of anti-conservative content. Back then I couldn’t understand how the Tories could tolerate such bias – maybe they were too disconnected or too busy to listen. I daydreamed David Cameron might be locked in a room with nothing but Radio 4 for 24 hours in order that he properly understand the problem.
Now I realise Cameron and his ilk were perfectly content for the socially liberal greenie leftward bias to ooze freely from the BBC. It meant a more lazy, quieter, more comfortable indeed rather lucrative life for himself and a Tory party by necessity gradually shifting leftward in order to keep up with the leftward propaganda.
And we’re not out of the woods yet. Maybe the liberal media have overstepped the mark siding with Brussels over Britain, but I doubt it. Afterall there are still very few voices who, for instance, see and bother to call out the reality of the king with no clothes (who blithely informs his queen he wishes to bang a boy) in the Schofield story.
The insatiable appetite for ‘news’ by the public, has turned the media into a behemoth that’s unstoppable. Had the media failed to report the deportation of criminal aliens back to the West Indies, there is no doubt that shedloads of flights could be winging their way to various countries, with thousands of deportees ejected from this country with minimum fuss – and away before appeals and further appeals could be lodged in the law courts.
Not so sure ASI. Like you I have been puzzled by the evident bias, but if you look at it from the perspective of Government/Civil Service – those that actually make the rules and pull the strings as opposed to supporting any particular party loyalty – then, long term, it could simply reflect aspirational directions for the public, a drip-feed of imposed ‘normality’.
So, what we – essentially and inevitably the older generation – see as the absurd imbalance of mixed-marriage on-screen propaganda and Islamic tip-toeing, along with all the other febrile enthusiasms for multi-culture and integration, the eventual aim is still integration, even if the aspiration, naïve and charming though it may be, is only to prevent or forestall insurrection.
Bear in mind that advertisers’ sole concern is profit and by promoting transparent fantasies, their sales are unlikely to be enhanced – except if they are told the way things must be, with some favourable taxation to help oil the wheels.
BBC News
Up to one fifth of the Amazon rainforest is now emitting more CO2 than it absorbs, according to new research.
Unpublished data, seen by Newsnight, appears to show that the south-eastern portion of the rainforest – which is heavily deforested and makes up around 20% of the total area – has now become a net source of carbon.
“Unpublished data, seen by Newsnight, appears to show”
BIJ sourced?
Is it news or is it PR ?
Any article that begins with the zombie-word “upto” is BS
“emitting more CO2 than it absorbs,”
.. another BS metric since it lumps in a hectare which emits 1g of CO2 with ones that emit one million
If 1% of the forest is emitting a million grammes per hectare then that is clearly worse
than a forest where 20% emits 1g/hectare
#BBCdoesPR #BBCdoesentDoScience
Any untouched mature rainforest will contain equal quantities of healthy growing timber and rotting fallen trees, that’s the natural growth cycle, so CO2 emissions/absorptions are – and always have been – near enough equal.
I think this simple equation deserves to be named The Attenborough Factor.
Maybe the UK should buy electric cars, this will offset what going on the other side of the world?
Not sure how much else this small island of the UK can offer, to maybe offset the Chinese building coal fired power stations
Its is possible the countries causing these problems could actually sort them out??
Maybe the bBC and Greta have the answers
You have to laugh, on one hand save steel works/car industry in the UK at all costs.
then shut it down in xxyrs time because we are leading the world in something called the climate change crisis?
Jolly good – life benefited thousands of years ago when CO2 levels were about 7000 ppm. At the current 400-ish ppm, we really ought to be more interested in at least doubling it, rather than trying to hide it, and pretending it’s poisonous…
Jolly good – life benefited thousands of years ago when CO2 levels were about 7000 ppm. At the current 400-ish ppm, we really ought to be more interested in at least doubling it, rather than trying to hide it, and pretending it’s poisonous…
Effin’ stupid website – why does it not post, then post twice?
Guest, ah but, no but, yes but mature trees absorb very little CO2. Most CO2 is absorbed by young, growing trees.
Or so I was told or taught or something.
In addition to my above post, pampas also absorbs CO2, whether it is grazed or not, although I understand that grazing + set-aside is even more effective in grasslands absorbing CO2.
Am not sure about the quality of the science behind this assertion that part of the Amazon basin is now emitting CO2. In addition, some hundred year old scientific research recently re-discovered, is looking into whether trees breathe OUT as well as IN and the breathing out may well be methane plus, possibly, CO2.
Then there is the colour of trees to consider:
it will be another “leaked document” to the beeb.
they seem to have a lot of leakers on tap?
nobody seems to ask “who the f**k is giving the beeb this bullshit, it was only a quick chat with no policy implications”
find & sack the leakers.
I’m in a bit of difficulty over the luvvie you mention as I don’t know who he is – I think he once presented kiddie shows but that’s it .
As for your substantial point about the relationship of the BBC with the Tory Party – much of it stems from the reality that the Tories haven’t been very Tory for a long time – as the likes of “thoughtful” who regularly posts here Says .
Even with an 80 majority there isn’t much of a sign of the Tory party becoming a Conservative Party – but I suppose the real indication will be the budget on March 11. If you read my posts I am far to the Right of the current Tories but live in hope that the State might be cut down and that state debt levels be truly cut – call that true austerity .
Concerning the Tories and the BBC – as was once said of John Cleese’s Basil Fawlty: ‘there’s enough there for an entire (psychoanalysis) conference’.
Just on the word ‘austerity’ – when our government simply managing within the budget of tax income became named austerity by the left, and then the Tories themselves accepted the word, then we conservatives knew we were in looking glass world.
I could add Mrs May gifting to the Left the soundbite Nasty Party.
BBC News
Senator Bernie Sanders wins the New Hampshire primary and declares the “beginning of the end” of President Trump.
If Jon clicks his blue heels together and wishes….
I once had a blue heeler, an Australian breed of dog. I regret to say he was intensely “homophobic”.
Speaking of off the shoulder dresses, it was the suspiciously newly publicised Tracy Brabin who asked a “timely and important urgent question” in the HoC last Thursday morning about the government’s plans for the future of the bBC licence fee.
No doubt she was just following orders because she cannot think for herself.
The whole segment was largely pointless apart from a contribution from Sir Christopher Chope (Con): “I thank the Government for their wisdom in bringing forward a consultation to remove an anachronistic privilege. Does not the hysterical reaction of defenders of the BBC speak for itself?”
Thank you for the link . I will be going on and on in this site about the need for people to submit their views to the consultation – which I think is open until the 1st of April .
Brabin is obviously after a job at the BBC to supplement the MP pension ….or she might go back to playing but parts in BBC soaps like eastenderistans
is there a link anywhere to submit views on BBC?
Because of Brexit?
There was an important video by Sargon
about TR haters running around after the Indy published an article about the convicted terrorist saying TR really understands Islam.
See last nights thread. – page 3
Yes I’m a week late due to other stuff but I sat down last night to watch the final 2 episodes of the current run and here I am reporting for duty.
There wasn’t too much to pick up on but there were still pickings to be had. First of all the police. For once operating singly as opposed to in pairs, the first senior officer was what the bbc would call, and we on here laughingly refer to as, “a man”. Next we had a young mixed race lady, followed up by an older black or possibly mixed race lady. Well done bbc, three out of three, hat trick. Well not quite. There was a fourth senior officer who turned up in full dress uniform, so a Chief Constable I think, who huffed and puffed, didn’t know what they were talking about, hadn’t been briefed or hadn’t bothered with a briefing. Basically this character got handed their backside on a plate by the “finger on the pulse” older black lady. Do I REALLY need to tell you he was an older grey haired white man?
Anyway the story itself revolved around current day deaths linked to a nerve agent, In part 2 we learned that there was another link to a 40 year old MOD trial on 5 guinea pigs. 3 had died within a few years of lung cancer, a 4th has died within just the last few years, a 5th (lets call him Fred just because I can’t be bothered to check his name in the listing) was in his late 60s frail and ill with lung disease himself and responsible for the murder of the scientist who’d run the tests. So that explained the few scenes of Fred next to a gravestone, the gravestone belonged to the 4th victim and Fred was being an Angel Of Death.
Anyway as the episode ran to its conclusion, the character Clarissa explained that Fred had killed the scientist as revenge for the death of his partner. CLANG!!!!! We never met the 4th victim. Nothing in the story pointed towards anything at all, it would have been just as easy if not easier to describe him as his mate, friend, comrade, brother in arms, or even just refer to him by name. But no, this is the bbc and you can visualise the script editor with his/her/their diversity stick spying an opportunity to insert a bit of, well, diversity. So partner it became, another unlikely event just like the other week where a 20 year old murder had the team pitch up at a house belonging to a pair of married lesbians unrelated to anything, now a 40 year old nerve gas trial gives us 2 ex army homosexuals in their late 60s. Good effort.
in other news, McCains chips are now on the Woolwich family’s no buy list. If they want to make an advert screened in the early evening showing two boyish lesbians feeding chips to their “daughter” by mouth (the way a bird feeds it’s chicks) then they have to take the rough with the smooth. You can’t please everyone and if their marketing team values the custom of a tiny niche (lesbian couples with children) over everyone else then let them have that niche of sales because I’m not giving them any more money.
Well done on banning McCains from your household, and I hope you have contacted them to tell them of your displeasure. Not that Mrs Loather or I ever use their products but Quorn had a snotty message from me after they tried to tell me what to do and think with this particular guilt trip broadcast earlier this year:
Two topics, bear with me! (only indirectly linked to BBBC ;o)
1.) I looked to see if there was anything on the BBC site about Monday’s attack on BlackRock by yellow vests / anarchists /extinction rebellion– but couldn’t find anything …
I heard this yesterday on France Inter (radio):
“There was no violence against the staff, but the premises were ransacked by a few dozen people who chanted “BlackRock assassin” and “Macron assassin”. Under the eye of the benevolent cameras of the so-called militant journalists, they were permitted to write messages such as (according to the Novethic site), I quote, “kerosene is not for planes, it’s to burn cops and bosses”.
The operation of these anarchists who hate capitalism but love Facebook is of course reprehensible, but it illustrates a slide towards dangerous violence. By successive shifts, we go from demonstrations to peaceful occupation, then from civil disobedience to material degradation. Each time, “good” souls justify what is happening.“
Can you imagine if the “Far Right” had done something similar?
2.) Thanks very much to Guest Who / PRW for yesterday’s link to the open letter to Greta
I was intrigued.
Despite (thank goodness!) finding some positive reactions, I was appalled at some of the aggressive, juvenile, woke (+ racist) attacks on this guy after writing the letter:
“She’s right… your wrong. It’s as simple as that I’m afraid. She fights for a better safe world. You are filled with small minded hate. She is younger than you… but you are immature. You fight for nothing… yet you have a big mouth vomiting up garbage. SHUT UP Hill! You opinion means nothing & counts for nothing. You are not helping anything or anyone. If you are mot a part of the solution, you are part of the problem… SO SHUT UP!“
“Shouldn’t he be picking cotton somewhere?“
“What an incredibly hateful, arrogant, nasty, unpleasant diatribe – complete with divisive tweets pre-packaged and ready to click, unbelievable. Talk about weaponized propaganda. Anti-youth, anti-climate change, admits to no problem and has not one positive challenge or solution in it. It’s all hate and disparagement. Shame on you.“
(Says it all really). But doesn’t that show what we are up against and how “brave“ one needs to be to speak out against “man-made“ climate nonsense?
He DOES seem quite outspoken. Last year his students set up a petition against him (and claimed victory):
“Students at DePaul University are outraged at the pattern of racist, anti-Palestinian, xenophobic, sexist, and Islamophobic statements of Philosophy Professor Jason D. Hill. He has used words such as “uncivilized,” “barbaric,” and “primitive” in his tweets to describe Middle Eastern and Muslim people. In a recent article in the Federalist he has said, “…only a policy of radical containment or expulsion [of Palestinians] remains a viable option.” Professor Hill’s rhetoric is representative of a growing global far right movement that serves as inspiration for perpetrators of racist violence, such as that of the Christchurch massacre.
We, the students of DePaul University call upon the administration to censure Professor Hill for his heinous statements against marginalized communities. His comments create unsafe and uncomfortable spaces for everyone, especially Palestinian and Muslim students who now all refuse to enroll in a class that is taught by Professor Hill. We are not only seeking censure, but for Professor Hill to commit to racial sensitivity training and to release a public apology for his immoral conduct.“
His reaction: “I think we live in an age where there is an abysmal lack of intellectual and moral leadership,” Hill said. “I take myself to be such a leader, and I have no intentions of issuing any apologies. I’ve spoken what I believe to be the truth, and I stand firm in what I believe in.”
“… Who was made to feel unsafe here?” Hill told The DePaulia. “The professor who wrote an article and needed [police] protection, or the students [Students for Justice in Palestine] who claimed to feel unsafe but were free to roam around campus and take over buildings with impunity?”
“I think they’re missing one important fact,” Hill said. “Whatever they’re taking offense to, it’s protected by free speech. ”
Referencing a small walk-out at DePaul’s forum on Middle East and freedom of speech, Hill wrote: “Intimidation by thugs/moral cowards chanting like pseudo rappers about me hiding is all amusing. At 19 I was an investigative journalist in Jamaica busting up a mafia ring–these children and their antics are just that–children at play. Finals are coming up. Find the library“
He seems spot on to me! … he doesn’t tick quite enough boxes for BBC (
I’m reposting this at the suggestion of FedUp2 as it got orphaned at the end of the start week edition. (Must get up later!)
Should the BBC investigate the alarming upward trends for self-harm and suicide amongst depressed young people and any links to the doom-mongers like Greta and her flat-earth brigade before they forge ahead with their great Greta show?
A 10 minute google brings up the following random comments… It was difficult to find the latest figures but the trend seems clear and is probably rising into 2020.
From the NHS
Self-harm in girls and young women rising at ‘alarming’ rate,
A study based on 3 surveys of people in England aged 16 to 74 found a worrying rise in people who say they have ever self-harmed.
The overall numbers rose from 2.4% in 2000 to 6.4% in 2014. The increase in reported self-harm was biggest among women and girls aged 16 to 24, with 19.7% of those questioned in 2014 saying they’d self-harmed.”
From the Samaritans
“UK: rising suicide rates in under-25s
The rate of deaths among under 25s increased by 23.7%”
From the Guardian
Rise of 11.8% includes a 19-year high in rate of deaths among young people aged 10 to 24
“Last week the Telegraph reported on “soaring” suicide rates among young people in the UK based on data from 2018.
The article says: “There were 6,507 suicides registered by coroners in 2018 – a rise of 11.8% on the previous year.”
Of course there may be other factors such as social media pressure etc. but I would have thought it is worth spending some time analysing – but then again that would be objective balance and I don’t think the BBC do objective balance do they?.
The Left has a vested interest in encouraging gloom, doubt and misery particularly among our youth,so that only THEY can appear to have the answers to the problems that they themselves have largely created. They are con men of the highest order who have captured the dizzy heights in our communications media. They would ban the use of the off switch if they could.
Cant understand it !
You mean people , young people , aren’t happy ? In this new age of liberalism , permissive progressive globalist times ?
I thought people were supposed to be unhappy in the fifties when we were not so enlightened .
@digg – Michael Buchanan, Social affairs correspondent, BBC News is certain to cover it/maybe/not.
he only seems to report (one sided) on the BBC health/poverty agenda.
funny how on climate you can only trust the experts opinion, but on medical/how poor some are issue’s we get the “heart strings” pulled by interviewing grief stricken parents who seem to blame the experts!!!
Digg – excellent . Thank you .
Dave Clementi – the chairman of the BBC is going to give a speech tonight saying decriminalising the no TV licence offence will weaken the nation . Ergo – he sees the BBC and the UK as ‘one ‘.
Perhaps he doesn’t use his own product . How could the BBC possibly claim it is part of the UK anymore ? It has been part of the EU for over 4 years – and still is . And the UK and EU are not together anymore . It even claims that it’s frankly embarrassingly bad ‘world service ‘ is the ‘worlds radio station ‘ – as opposed to being British .
Have I proved my case ( might tempt a troll with that one ..)
JHB just dismissed Trump out of hand
.. that is certainly not balance
I switched her off she blabbed on about the Democrat nominees to the Democrat
BBC Babe is the new face of integrity.
£12k a pop. Refundable on demand.
Yeh that’s right Newsnight in 2019 broke the story of poor care in Children’s Homes /sarc
other media mentioned it years ago
And people dismissed as “far right” were probably shouting years before that.
David Baddiel apparently is a hugely successful comedian who was on the Today program this morning at about 08.17. It seems he now specialises in taking on internet trolls and is hoping to get noticed by Trump so that he can tell him a thing or two.
At 08.39 the most boring Breakfast show happened to be on, and the same David Baddiel was on talking about holocaust deniers. Apparently he has been doing his own research, and a lot of the holocaust wasn’t reported during the war. This is to the subject of a documentary he’s doing for the BBC.
Intrigued as to who this David Baddiel is I looked him up on Wikipedia (not the most accurate of sources) and everything fell into place. Although he has a Jewish background he is also a patron of Humanists UK, maybe doesn’t agree with Isreali politics, is a labour supporter, has done a lot of (failed) work for the BBC.
It mentions ‘the Mary Whitehouse experience, some sort of reboot of spitting image which btw I’m convinced was originally conceived to attack Margret Thatcher.
Further gems on BBC One after that was makeup for men and advertising a new program about the ‘troubles’. I expect that will be very enlightening and no doubt I will find out a lot about it I didn’t know at the time.
PS. My better half has heard of him so it must just be me and my twisted idea of what isn’t funny.
1. If you could have any parents for a day, who would they be? I’d like to go for some of the parents in The Parent Agency. Probably Mama Cool and Lord Rader Well-Orff. 2. Is it harder to be a comedian or an author? I don’t quite recognise the difference as everything I do as a comedian I write. But stand-up is quite hard, as it can make you very nervous. Writing is more like just hard work a lot of the time. 3. Do you have a favourite place to write (like a shed, garage or shop?) I write in my study, which very luckily for me overlooks water, which is kind of calming when you get frustrated not being able to think of anything. 4. Did you have any difficulties in school? I pretended to be ill for a whole term in my second year of secondary school. I ended up in hospital…I basically just didn’t fancy going
Nuff said
I think Dorothy and Arthur Strawbridge appear to have fab parents, and who wouldn’t have a great childhood with a Dad who can turn his hand to anything and builds them a helter skelter in their bedroom, a Mum who is cuddly and makes playtime fun, acres of grounds to play in, both parents who include them in cooking or painting, and both learning dual languages. (Escape to the Chateau)
Jo Brand Defender
David Baddiel and Jo Brand. Leftist peas in a pod.
Or turds in a sewer as the old saying goes.
They need flushing away same as that Alibaba Brown who was on Vine today…2 seconds and off ….don’t even bother with R2 anymore …looks like Classic FM from now on
Holding power to account? Or advocacy via unique editorial?
Environmentalist @ChrisGPackham tells the BEEB we made a mistake when that Beeching guy cut the rail network and let wildlife back in many places in the UK!!!
“….Investigations matter. Original journalism matters.”
No kidding?
DJ Sopel announces a WIN IS A WIN IS A WIN……on Bernie Sanders IOWA narrow result.
Sopel ( another beauty) lives up to his name……………..but omits 2 words from his pronouncement
“For Trump”
I would pay 2 licence fee taxes to see this bandit modernized!
Vote for the women footballer of the year
lets face it the beeb likes womens football, its down to very little sponsorship and they dont have to spend much, unless its on the likes of lineker of course
I didn’t know any of them, but thought i’d better vote 🙂
Andy – how could you vote at all ? It only encourages them . I ‘ enjoy’ it when they talk about a girl game – say man citeh v Chelsea and then mention in passing 500 watched the match . Which probably works out at 25 friends and family turning up for the silly kick about.
But boy does the BBC push third rate girl sport .
After the latest trial of a muslim terrorist – or ‘man’ as Al-beeb prefers to call them – David Wood (below) takes the p*ss out of the pusillanimous British courts and press, including the BBC.
Unbelievably, the ‘man’ (Mohiussunnath Chowdhury) had previously slashed police officers with a sword outside Buckingham Palace while shouting “Allahu akbar”, but was CLEARED BY A JURY (of who – fellow Jihadis from Luton??) after he denied attempting an act of terror and claimed he was just trying to make the police shoot him dead because he was depressed. (!?!).
Have we gone stark staring mad? Was there even any outrage when he was acquitted? Have we become so submissive that we meekly accept this insanity?
Islam means submission. I think they’ve already won.
We sent British students to South Africa to save the world
In a devastating blow to a charity programme in the city, 13 British student teachers were robbed at gunpoint in Port Elizabeth.
The students, along with their supervisor and a tour guide, were stripped of their valuables by six armed men in KwaDwesi on Monday morning.
This is not the first time international volunteers have been attacked in the city.
In May last year, German volunteers Nikolas Marth and his friend, Eva Nauta, both 20, were attacked while on their way to the Lamani Public Primary School in New Brighton.
Local newspaper via PressReader
It’s something to do with Sheffield University
although they are keeping quiet about this.
BBC R4 doing a Palm Oil investigation. Apparently its very bad for deforestation etc. as well as having to be towed half way round the World. The problem was described by an American Lady Expert who knew exactly what the problems were but was totally unable to come up with any suggestions or solutions.
The growth of Palm Oil was fuelled by the Veggie/Vegan nutters who decided that anything coming from a cow was VERY BAD, even if the end product would only need to be transported a few miles down the road. Plus Oil Seed rape was not good for the newts and birds etc. only benefitting nasty white farmers on gas-guzzling tractors.
So we are now seeing Vegans V Environmentalists, well at least they are leaving all the normal balanced folks alone while they scrap with each other.
Palm oil sales are partially driven by a 27 country organisation that mandated 5% of all vehicle fuel must be biofuel
and rising to 10%
prog forgot to mention that.
Here’s a claim
“Two-thirds of palm oil consumed in the EU was burned as energy last year, according to the European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E).”
I’ve just seen a freight train with several carriages signwritten, advertising that they contained bio fuels for renewable energy.
All being pulled along by a dirty diesel engine!
Do top actors believe in diversity ?
… each drama or film that come out they same to use the same names
… It’s like there are only 10 actors in Hollywood
If they want diversity, then why do always accept the roles
instead of letting someone else have them ?
“Petrol and diesel car sales ban could start in 12 years, says Shapps”
Once again the operative word is “could”.
More importantly ……………….
Do we have enough batteries and will our power stations have the capacity to supply all the chargers ?
..and will I need to run an extension cable from my bedroom window to my car in my terraced street, if I can find a space to park outside?
The answer is no, you won’t have to do that, because you won’t have a car.
The plan is to reduce massively the number of proles who have private transport. You will be expected to get to work by HS2 or bendy bus. Only the Common Purpose class will have the approved eco-cars.
Greta will be so proud of us.
and what’s to stop the guy/girl next door plugging into her car your changing unit in the middle of the night?
“Do we have enough batteries and will our power stations have the capacity to supply all the chargers ”
Yes , because the idea is for you not to have a car
I remember ten or so years ago there was, I think, a UN report that in the future, utilities; gas, electricity, water, other fuel sources etc; will be supply managed. So instead of the customer, us, determining how much there will be of these things, we will be told how much we will be allowed to have.
This is the goal these commies, fascists, globalists and their running dogs and lickspittles are relentlessly working towards. Serfdom for us, the proles, and luxury for the elite.
If i was younger i would seriously take up horse riding. A great way to get about but slow of course. Soon build stables etc and a whole new industry can get started.
Correct, Kaiser.
Note the roll out of HS2, better bus services and more cycle lanes announced s by Boris. Then ban diesel and petrol cars whilst introducing electric cars that won’t work due to lack of batteries and charging point. Oh well, you might be able to get a free bike like David Lammy!
“the idea is for you not to have a car”
This is the bit many haven’t considered yet. If in doubt as to the future planned for us – check the noises State Broadcaster web page has been trumpeting today.
Did we really vote for this?
If voting changed anything, they’d ban it.
Given the news that internal combustion engined cars could be banned ‘earlier’ it is worth looking at an interesting presentation by Professor Gautam Kalghatgi at the GWF.
(Not the most fluid of presenters, but worth the effort).
As the BBC would say: ‘Is The Future Electric’?
Maybe not!
• A 36 tonne, 500 mile range lorry needs 1,000 kWh battery of 6.4 tonnes weight, costing some $180,000+, charging time 12 hours.
• A320 aircraft carries 266 MWh of fuel energy. A battery pack carrying same energy would weigh 1,640 tonnes – 19 times the maximum take off weight. At 1MW it would take 11 days to charge.
• Container ship Benjamin Franklin carries 4.5 million gallons of fuel, 170 GWh. A battery pack would weigh over 1 million tonnes, or 5 times the dead weight tonnage.
I expect the real plan is to convert the motorways to ‘Zil Lanes’ and only give cars to the worshippers of Greta.
Is that going to be pedal cars ? , just think of the health benefits with all that exercise !
Will the diesel ban apply to Fire service, Ambulances and Police cars? Will they be allowed a hybrid for when the battery dies during an emergency?
“Sorry madam we can’t come and rescue you until our vehicle is fully charged”..
The clear answer is no . Which leads me to suspect the motives.
BBC chairman Sir David Clementi warns over subscription fee
Sir David Clementi will say putting the broadcaster’s services behind a paywall would lessen its ability to “bring the country together”.
Not everybody would be able to access the “live important moments we enjoy as a nation”, like Royal weddings and Olympic successes, he will tell staff.
They sure as hell tried to Bring the Country together with their total support for shackling the UK to the EU and trying hard to get a Marxist Government elected.
The majority in this Country ARE together Mr Clemati, it’s you lot who are only together in your own lefty, diversity-crazed, climate-crazed, vegan-crazed, gay and trans-crazed anti-normal, anti-white people bubble!
And if it means less BBC reporters scrambling after Royal dirt scoops (as you all hate the Monarchy so why not admit it?) and a few hundred less BBC folk jetting to the Olympics for a jolly, it’s a price well worth paying to see the end of your warped organisation and it’s obscene tax on the public.
ITV will do nicely thanks!
I’m guessing that David Clementi (PPE, Lincoln College, Oxford) isn’t very bright or simply hasn’t read the BBC’s own charter. If so, he would know that the BBC has the power to waver the need for a TV license for specific events of national importance. This ‘right’ was exercised for the wedding of Ginger and Sparkle, thereby enabling us all to “access the live important moments we enjoy as a nation”. (No, me neither).
PPE and Oxbridge puts him in Cameron/Miliband territory.
Hope this answers the first part of your first sentence.
another “Sir” !!!
how many are there in this country?
Petrol and Diesel cars to be banned as Boris shows his green credentials before the UN conference. I don’t trust this man any more than freezer. An acceptable face of the left elite
Now on BBC R4 – incoming Ofcom commandant oberfurer Julian Knight claiming that if Ofcom had been watching over the internet during the EU referendum remain would have won…. The interviewer accepted this as a sad fact!
They cannot and never will be cured, get them out!
As some are noting, by the sheerest of coincidences this is at the same time as the BBC is being assisted with notions of equally ‘unique’ but alternative funding streams that also remove any option but to pay by anyone.
This happens and the Tories will never get my vote gain.
Dom… strategise that.
The gift that keeps on giving… next up on BBC R4, “looking at authors who faced the most thorny gender issues!”.
And sounds like it’s presented by a girl behind the till at Costa.
FFS, FFS, FFS, FFS…. Make it stop!
2020-02-12 09:22
UK universities ‘gagging’ student sexual assault claims
By Rianna Croxford
The Next Episode
Long article with reports on specific cases.
It is strange that the BBC is so concerned.
When rapes took place in every city in the UK.
When those raped were children.
When those raped were gang raped.
When the gang rapes occurred multiple times.
When the parents of those raped were threatened with imprisonment by the police.
When those raped were beaten up.
When those raped were threatened with acid attacks.
When there were millions of rapes.
The BBC was so interested that it covered up the very existence of the rapes. Self gagging.
Mass raping, mass terrorist murders, burning Christian Churches throughout Western Europe, is acceptable to the BBC.
Yet a report concerning an alleged sexual assault, which supposedly took place twenty five years ago, in the USA, which was not reported at the time, the evidence for which varies from non-existent to clearly fabricated to inconvenience a political enemy, is BBC headlines for days.
Enough of BBC R4 off to make a cuppa in the kitchen, TV on BBC1 – Doctors. Set in an English surgery the place is staffed by a weird cross-section of nationalities, The usual African, Asian etc. including the Jewish receptionist. So today in walks a Catholic nun in full habit…. I really would not find it strange if the patients waiting to be seen included an eskimo, an Inuit Indian in full head-dress….
And an astronaut.
OT. June would approve, but… #CCBGB
The horse was clearly not an issue before.
Treating the public / staff with equality is just the law
it’s not a special virtue.
Bit people point out the bank is choosing to EXCLUDE rural customers.
There’s a bank that won’t getting my business.
Oh no I bank with them…..suppose the next time I’m there will I have to fill in a Gender identity form and then just step behind the screens and nurse will confirm either way Sir… will I have to have a colour change to get better rates !
For those who want to show their support for ‘diverse Britain’, here’s a quick guide to changing your bank. Go on – don’t be selfish, Lloyds need to free up some accounts to serve their new customers (both of them).
Rumour has it they are going to replace the black horse with a white winged horse like the one the prophet Mohammed (piss be upon him) rode over the moon….or maybe for a unicorn.
“Petrol and diesel car sales ban could start in 12 years”
Sorry mate if I’d wanted Green I’d have voted Green.
A political opportunity opens up. Who will be brave enough to stand against the Green/Red tide?
I voted on a triage basis given #politicsoftheleastbad options.
It achieved a non-optimal but better than hoped outcome.
With luck better choices will present in future, and no BBC-style ‘unique’ Citizens’ Assemblies being imposed.
“In this timely and important film, David Baddiel explores the multi-faceted nature of Holocaust denial –
(This programme will be available shortly after broadcast – 17 Feb)
The BBC got itself into trouble quite recently –
“BBC admits it underestimated the Church’s opposition to Hitler”
The BBC report has vapourised –
BBC Go-to Greta seems good on sums given her reduced school attendance.
A declaration of a Climate Emergency is the responsibility of the Met Office, not Jeremy Corbyn. I think the reason why Jeremy wants to declare a Climate Emergency is because his brother must have told him that temperatures will increase by ten degrees in the next six months.
A case of careless talk by Piers, and misunderstanding and ignorance by his idiot brother.
Today I had the horror of listening to the tail end of TWATO and a spokesweasel for the cowardly useless incompetent Tories and boy did he live up to the epithet!
It wasn’t Helen Morgan who currently holds the post but some underling whose name I failed to catch.
His fawning adulation of the BBC was untrammelled, to the point he was so incapable of uttering any criticism about the corporation that the presenter (Sarah Montague) had to help him !
His mealy mouthed cowardly description of Brexit bias amounted to “we need an open discussion about such things” in full knowledge that in the UK today there is no such thing as an open discussion.
If this is the best the Tories have to offer, and I for one believe it is, then we are in for 5 years of hopeless idiocy – something we have already seen evidence of, followed by years of Labour, wrecking the country.
Why was the school even allowed to start ?
wife of a husband on a list of people funding Islamic terrorism.
Not the bbc obviously but, a typical example of the msm, from a news outlet that assumes to report on a city close to my heart
All the Cambridge LGBTQ+ history month events coming to you this February
Queer clothes swaps, talks on subversive queer culture, parties and wholesome family get togethers – Find out how you’ll be spending LGBTQ+ History Month this February
These are the cyclists that were attacked in Cambridgeshire this year
Not a mention of the pedestrians injured by cyclists, one takes a big risk crossing a road in Cambridge without getting assaulted by a gobby cyclist
Tuesday’s Times said Kamal Ahmed has agreed to repay his £12,000 talk fee.
Yes, this is the word used.
Oxfam director investigated over bullying and harassment was allowed to stay in post after an investigation partially upheld a claim against him.
Inquiry finished in June
was asked to stay until September
He’s still in office.
You are not surprised.
Roger Boyes of the Times writes that the AfD and Neo Nazis are the same thing.
What a nasty ifiot.
By coincidence Start the Week on R4 on Monday was mostly about the evil far right AfD. Four guests on the programme and, guess what, all four were against the AfD and its “extremist” policies. Zero balance once again from the impartial state broadcaster.
If green stuff like Electric Cars are so good
.. why does the government have to shout that it is banning their competitors ??
Plus most are diesel.
Tempted once but £40,000 (used) buys a lot of holidays in the sun via those things Jon, Emily, Clive and Mishal use. A lot.
VW and Merc and Fiat are going to be p*ssed.
Also if we are supposed to be going all electric what about towing Caravans ……haven’t heard that being talked about yet
Beeboids don’t tow caravans to their villas in Tuscany.
4:30-pm will Amol drop a chance to signal diversity ?
Course not.
Did her African sounding name stop her from getting a job?