According to Twato just, Javid resigned because, on instruction from Boris to fire all his advisors and refusing to do same, he had little option.
The burning question is, who were his advisors and what did Boris dislike about them. It couldn’t be, oh ah, it couldn’t be…… Could it?
Wonder if the ‘advisors’ slunk off to the Quiet Room six times a day with a mat under their arms.
Don’t laugh cos Smart Energy GB run Climate doom adverts on TV and radio
… the org is entirely funded by the taxpayer
It’s job is to promote smartmeters
A similar org called Go Ultra Low .. promotes electric cars by running Climate doom adverts
The Londonistan evening standard reports that the latest person to have the sars2 bug turned up at Lewis Hamilton A and E in an Uber taxi . Said Lady is a chines national and recently arrived in UK from China . At this rate of bio insecurity it will be widespread here in a week or two . No cause for alarm is the government song ….
This is from the Silver doctors website so take it with a pinch of salt. Nevertheless, it’s food for thought about what might be going on behind the scenes with regard to this virus:
Can I nominate Laurence Fox as an Honorary Member of this site ? (unless he already contributes !)
Just read further evidence of his excellent bluntness…….
“Glamour magazine disputes ‘anti-woke’ actor Laurence Fox’s response to its description of him as ‘a white male with lots of privilege’, after he retorts:……..
“I’ve been a guest at two of your awards ceremonies. I’ve never seen so much privilege, whiteness, mountains of cocaine and, consequently, uneaten and wasted dinners in my life”
Well, well. Rishi Sunak. Looked a bit lightweight as Secretary to the Treasury. Now to be Chancellor.
So I hope my first impressions were way off the mark.
fnw, Sajid Javid was SttT under George Osborne. He faithfully did his master’s bidding back then.
I wonder if the reason for No.10 putting the pressure on Javid to sack his advisers was because he had been ‘got at’ by Brussels, maybe his advisers too, and that they might have spoilt our negotiating capability this year?
Sajid Javid has always said he respected the vote to leave the EU although he prefered to and I think actually voted Remain in 2016.
It’s ‘low-calorie’ because you end up walking around all those shops that you never normally visit trying to find saffron threads, baharat seasoning and pitted olives!
What ‘the plebs’ really need is a simple alternative to ‘woke’ oven chips, 12″ deep pan pizza, two-litres of ice-cream and frozen jam doughnuts, washed down with two litres of full-sugar coke. Easy to buy, easy to ‘cook’ and oh so easy to eat. Only 1800 calories too!
It looked like a very conventional chicken casserole (or tray bake, if you will) to me. Altough out of frame, to the right or left, there could have been a bowl piled high with mashed potato, mashed with lots of butter and cream cheese with garlic and chives.
andy – think I forecast here yesterday that the Dems impeachment game won’t stop, and why. They have nothing else.
The NYT, WP, CNN, BBC etc simply hate Trump. He knows it, and likes winding the media up. So they hate him even more, cos he’s supposed to believe what they think is their God-given monopoly on the Truth. He exposes them as so much hot air.
As to the Dems, they hate him as they have no policies of their own worth mentioning, no candidates that can even remotely be taken seriously, and many skeletons in Clinton and Biden cupboards, which Trump could easily expose if he wanted to. So he winds them up too, and THEY hate him even more.
Also, he’s not their idea of a politician: smooth, eloquent, economical and flexible with the truth, Politically Correct – as dictated by the Left, both politicians and media. He’s ‘down to earth’ when he should be a slick willy like William Jefferson Clinton, or a big BS talker like Barack Obama.
So, you have to play impeachment, impeachment, much like little girls take out their plastic tea-sets and play ‘house, house’ (assuming they still do that).
The MSM including the BBC mulling over the FSA move to regulate the CBD cannabis based products market.
They quote lots of “people” who say they can verify that it is all “Safe” with no real opposing voices.
In my mind there is absolutely no doubt that the CBD industry is actually the Cannabis Industry in disguise. CBD is s trojan horse to move towards the end game which is the legalisation of Cannabis in the UK. This is already happening in Canada.
It is worth noting that the epicentres of the CBD outlets are close to our Universities where it is touted as a cool option. CBD “Bars” are all over the university cities in a mirror image of the vaping lounges of a short while back. (Get ’em young!)
This trend is almost certainly being pushed along by a combination of the trendy rich’s habitual use of recreational drugs , probably already common in broadcasting and the media and the faceless, borderline criminal moguls behind cannabis and other drugs who want to make a killing Worldwide. Cannabis use also has the added benefit to these people of rendering the user more tractable to their World views.
Any reputable national broadcaster would be set against this slide into the eventual mire and mental and actual devastation that will follow.
I have witnessed the horrible effects of habitual cannabis on people I knew in my youth, many of whom are consequently no longer with us in mind or body, an ex-partner became bi-polar, neurotic and violent after years of it’s use, directly leading to a relationship breakdown so I have witnessed the effects close-up.
Once CBD is established as a “safe” and possibly “beneficial” substance it will be much easier to push for cannabis de-restriction.
What follows that… Heroin, etc?
This lifestyle goes hand-in-hand with the groups of people who are most vocal right now, XR, Climate Hippies, Show biz types, Antifa, and possibly quite a few politicians et. al….
Stand by for the sharp elbowed middle class mums wanting to end drug control because their kid has a malady . These mums always seem to turn on Toady – guess they’re on the producers’ dinner party circuit …
Ask a parent who thinks legalisation of cannabis and cocaine is a wonderful idea whether they would be happy for their child to take it regularly and you get a lot of huffing and puffing.
Proportionality in child rape trial reporting
The Yorkshire Post has a page 2 article about a perverted monk at a Catholic boarding school whose offences seem to be 33 to 40 years ago .. he’s 80 now has just got another 20 years for about 15 indecent incidents including 2 rapes
He’d previously been jailed in 2005
He’d been removed from the school 33 years ago.
Yesterday they also had a front page article about this court case.
Interesting to listen to the lying BBC on Radio 4 PM post the cabinet reshuffle.
We are told Boris has gone ‘full Trump’ – of course he hasn’t and one of the guests took issue with this. The reality is that he’s gone full BLiar, but the BBC aren’t going to say this.
They talked about Sajid Javed resigning which in most cases would have brought cries of waycism, but the BBC don’t like him so the meaningless bully word doesn’t apply. In fact they went so far as to mock his continual reference to his father being a bus driver etc.
They also commented that it is wrong and dangerous to try to run everything from number 10 which is odd because they weren’t saying that when they evil troika of BLiar Mandelson, and Campbell were doing exactly that, and although at the time there was widespread gossip about spin doctors they weren’t attacked in the way Dominic Cummings has been.
Boris Johnson is Tony BLiar Mk III the sooner people wake up to that the better.
BBC = a UK based Tele-evangelist networkdevoted to pushing Woke sermons
Local radio
5:05pm Sermon : ClimateChange
“There is a plan to turn the North Sea into a lake by damming it at the Noth and south ends
… a believe in fairies idea of course
They got two thirds into the item before the researchers admitted it was not a proper idea , but rather a way of alerting the public to the seriousness of Climate Change.
5:20pm Sermon : ClimateChange
Item from board a night train in Germany.. a tale of how some Wokepeople are taking the €350 train as an alternative to much cheaper flights, cos they want to save CO2
The item concluded that really you need to arrive fresh for a meeting you need a shower and that train doesn’t have them.
5:30pm Sermon :The white British are evil sinners who business was slaveryof the average black man
..but then 300,000 white women created a sugar boycott which ended slave use.
Last night’s ITV local news had a long item evagelising about using less plastic and recycling
.. ended by the female presenter saying that she does her bit by visiting the glass bottle bank a lot, .. hic.
Now 6:15pm
a Sermon on the Evil bombing of Dresden
#1 The evi white British fid it
#2 Now the evil “far right” in Germany is growing and mentions it in their PR
Of course the AfD are not far right
it is the BBC using smear words
Now Look North are running the North Sea lake idea
…. Paul Murphy the local Environmental correspondent and Climate Change evangelist is presenting it with a straight
.. he has not yet mentioned he knows it is a BS, PR stunt
Stew – being a bit of a historian on the Great War Part 2 my read of it was basically a race to the atom bomb . If the Germans had put more effort into it , got it first and stuck it on top of a V2 or Heinkel 111 the result might have been ‘different ‘ and Earl Harris et al would have been tippexed ….
So going on about Germany as a’victim ‘ is a bit rich for me .
If I recall Goebells wrote that a couple more raids like Dresden could have collapsed the Reich – but instead air resources were switched to killing the French ( collateral and a lot ) in prep for Normandy ……
Rita the News seems fixated on telling us that Dresden was an East German city, while in fact it is an eastern German city. At the time of its flattening Germany was battered but still entire. Historical accuracy was never a high BBC priority.
The next local news item is incestuous where they talk about another BBC show
‘ Steph McGovern visited our local police admin office to talk about desk-acise .. more exercise in the workplace’
..blah blah blah for 5 minutes
.. That police office seems to have 1 man and twenty women in
Next the Grimsby Labour MP who lost her seat has just got a new job as head of Renewables UK.
… Incestuous relationship between Greenblob subsidy mafia and politicians.
Look North at 6.30 led on these North Sea dams. I lasted 30 seconds before the off switch. I decided to forgo the local weather forecast and warnings about storm Dennis. The more the BBC push an agenda the more they are making themselves less relevant,
Sanity 4 Sweden.
The incident of the young Swedish boy being tortured and a muslim animal pissing in his mouth was covered by Vlad Tepes a few days ago. The young Swedish boy being tortured in the school playground and probably his life being saved by the quick action of his mother is a new one to me:
These muslims will only stop when they are stopped. And there’s only one way to stop them. Deportation will be the least messy solution for everyone. But I wonder if that will ever be enough.
In all the excitement of poor old Javid deciding to walk and provide our world-renowned newsmaker with a fresh source of negativity, the BBC seem to have overlooked the fact that the pound in now running at over £1.20 to the euro.
Some might say the one is a consequence of the other. I couldn’t possibly comment.
Twitter : ‘cultural Marxism’ is trending
due to lefty trickery “Suella Braverman was strongly criticised for using the antisemitic term ‘cultural Marxism’. “
The BBC fail to mention that Dresden was bombed equally by the Americans during the day. The civilian deaths have been revised downwards drastically since the end of the Cold War. Stalin exaggerated the death toll to divide the west. It was indeed a transport hub and a manufacturer of war materials.
The Germans have seized upon Dresden to portray themselves as ‘victims’ and the Left/BBC here use it to bash the white British military.
Half of RAF bomber crews were killed during WW2. That was about 56,000 of our best. 95% of men who joined RAF Bomber Command in 1940 were dead by 1945. You won’t hear the BBC/Left mentioning that fact.
The "unnecessary lawsuits and harrassment" referred to here probably mean the investigations into Trump's personal finances and business/charity conduct that New York state is conducting.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn – Gulag Archipelago. And if you need a soft introduction to the left logic :
Alexander Solzhenitsyn – A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch.
The evil sons of bitches haven’t gone away. They’ve just merged into the shadows. But like cockroaches, they’re sitting there watching, plotting and waiting to crawl out into the light again.
Only Jesus Christ can defeat evil.
I understand that Boric acid can be used to kill cockroaches. Let’s hope that our updated version “Boris Acid” is just as effective.
I’m a patient man so I will wait and see. However, I don’t hang about forever.
Bit strange that at a time the libmob is screaming ‘Barr is so bad, he’s Trump’s lapdog’
that Barr puts out a comment that distances himself from Trump.
.. We know Team Trump play a deep game
so it maybe something that they have cooked up.
????AG WILLIAM BARR: “Trump's tweets attacking DOJ officials and lawyers make it impossible for me to do my job… I'm not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody." ????
The BBC and Netflix/Sky are not directly comparable. The BBC is an independent public service multi channel broadcaster across radio, tv & digital outlets. In any case Sky is much more expensive & Netflix is heavily in debt. The BBC model is the envy of the world.
“In any case Sky is much more expensive & Netflix is heavily in debt. The BBC model is the envy of the world.”
The BBC is heavily in debt – heavily in debt to all the old people that paid for the BBC’s decent content a few decades ago.
The BBC ‘repays’ that debt by metaphorically spitting in the faces of the people that paid, and in many cases still pay, for its services by pandering to a minority consisting of mentally derranged Marxist racists, probably none of whom pay, because they are still living at home with their mums.
Whenever I see remarks like Jason Dean’s I want to reply. I don’t want or need a multi channel multi cannel broadcaster paid for by me on pain of incarceration if I refuse to have it. The BBC is like Microsoft’s operating system in some ways, providing bloatware that clogs up the system with stuff that is never used or even heard of.
I quite like LK because imho she does ‘try’ to be fair, however, her idea of what is fair is probably not the same as mine.
BTW, this was really only a test post using Firefox instead of Chrome and it still took over a minute to complete before crashing out of the site.
I’ve become suspicious of Chrome lately because it is reluctant to play certain YouTube videos or even access the Wayback Machine. It probably is, as suggested in ‘help’ somewhere, due to having too many cookies which should be deleted…
By our tally the number of women with full Cabinet jobs has gone down from 7 to 6 – number or other ministers allowed to attend Cabinet has gone down from 10 to 4
I had wanted to see if anyone else had an opinion on the Dresden thing. That lead to mention of David Irving, the Holocaust denier, whom I had never heard of but I do remember the fake Hitler dairy controversy. It’s only since just before the Brexit referendum, when I discovered how uncivil so-called liberals can be, that I came to understand how precious the idea of free speech really is. I had found some Irving related material on YouTube and was surprised how unwilling Chrome was to play it…
I don’t believe left liberals even want free speech because they seem to prefer a sort of ‘socially acceptable’ view of the world. This is the GroupThink idea which you see evidence of in the likes of The Guardian. Many leftist media articles start off by saying “This is what you need to Know..” and the BBC tends to be similar at times. I suspect though that there is some sort of evolutionary trait behind it to protect the well-being and survival of the ‘tribe’
I didn’t watch in depth the BBC’s coverage of the Cabinet reshuffle yesterday. But they did portray Saj as a victim. A man who had stood by his team etc. and had been sacked as a result of it. In the same way, the BBC portray criminals as being victims of society.
One interesting comment from LK. She described Mogg as ‘hanging on to his job’. Really?
In essence, the BBC regarded Boris’s considered decisions as a disaster unfolding.
Toady watch
The traitor MP Teresa May raised one of her lackies – traitor Gavin Barwell to the Lords . The BBC now uses Barwell as the remainer anti boris mouthpiece . Barwell doesn’t have to accord to his Party so can ‘mouth off ‘ to his hearts’ delight .
Today he was on the BBC chatting with Sopel who is desperate to undermine the BoJo /Cummings government and -indeed – target
them .
Talking of undermining – I’m guessing that the likes of Heseltine , Major and Blair have all returned to their respective coffins after failing to persuade good people to remain paying members of their Brussels club..
Makes one wonder what Sopel is doing in the UK when he is meant to be the Democrat spokesman to the BBC . Maybe he is getting therapy for he and his partys ‘ continuous failure to bring down President Trump.
There’s grounded planes, chaos in the streets, unpaid workers, crippling strikes, a faltering economy, riots in the streets, snipers on rooftops and a complete buffoon running the country…
Dear God what a poisonous old bag Polly Toynbee is. Her green ink offering on Sajid and the re-shuffle in the Guardian – where else? – is simply an extended exercise in spiteful verbosity. And to think she gets paid for her absurd opinions too.
Mishal interviews, via telecomms, a Mr Wang in China who is in a Coronavirus affected area. The streets are empty, everyone is staying at home and if shopping for food and other essentials is required then people maintain a two metre cordon of personal space and hold out their own bags for goods to be dropped into by the seller. Quite what they do about money (a big carrier of germs) Mishal is not sharp enough to ask.
Mishal is after a negative story; she wants to find a fault. Is it the powerful Government? Is it on the part of communities, this awful quarantine? Mr Wang thinks only of the positives: he has seen his baby son take his first few steps, he has spent lots of time with his wife and family, they have enjoyed their time together watching movies, playing games.
End of interview – nothing negative to promote here – move on.
Fed, yes Mishal didn’t ask about what they were eating, whether this young family ever consume ‘bush meat’. Mind you, the BBC might not want to ask about ‘bush meat’ consumption too often in case persistent questions arise about it happening in the UK. Vibrancy and diversity an’ all that, y’know.
“EU deliberate awkwardness seems an odd thing to crow about.”
If the EU messes about with British tourists, its the EU countries that will lose out .
British holiday makers will spend their money elsewhere .
Take note Spain, Greece, Italy etc, etc ………
Shooting ourselves in the foot – One of the reasons British tourists might be flying to Schipol is to obtain cheaper flights to the USA, including Orlando, not the least because of UK Air Passenger Duty.
We could start by at least ‘levelling the playing field’ in our direction!
Guest, you help to introduce …..
TOADY Watch #2 – An inadvertent pointing of a finger of accusation?
Cannot remember who did this interview, I think it was Soapy. He’s good at that sort of thing (with added bitterness on behalf of US Democrat Party) although Mishal is shaping up nicely in his wake. The subject under consideration was a film made by the son of a murdered Maltese journalist about the death of his mother. It is asking questions about wider corruption in other European countries, especially in that instance, France.
It really pointed out, inadvertently, that the EU is evil and that the so-called ‘Four Freedoms’ (inviolate among the EU hierarchy) really only exist to favour and facilitate crime and corruption.
As thirty-nine dead Vietnamese still eloquently testify from beyond the grave ……
Please Prime Minister, listen to that excerpt from the TOADY Programme and remember it together with the dead bodies in an artic trailer in Grays, Essex when you next negotiate with the EU.
Am sure Soapy and the BBC did not intend to send a negative message about the EU … or did they? Perhaps they are seriously worried about the future of the Licence Fee and wish to make up for their past pro-EU bias.
“Mumps cases hit decade high in England”
Never mind about Olly Finch, how many immigrants, illegal or other, have had the MMR jab?
taffman – you naughty boy, you are thinking about migrants again; don’t you know such thoughts are strictly forbidden? Go and wash your mouth out with soap. Oh, no -wait a minute, I will get back to you on that one.
I think Quantum Mechanics can reach the naughty cells in your brain, but I’m still working on it. Meanwhile, since you reside in the mountain fastness of Wales, I’m going to let you off.
Once I have fully developed the antidote to migrant thoughts, I shall be offering it to our thought police for a small price.
And do you really think they might be bringing in diseases? Gosh, that is going to rock our Border Force Taxi Service to the core! Temperature checkers could mushroom in Dover. Swabs. Cat-scans. X-ray machines. All sorts of racist stuff. Antifa and Refugee Action are going to get truly pissed off.
Next thing you know, they’re going to start taking migrants back to France. At least that is a safe country, ably ruled by the virtuous sun-king, Macron, neighbouring another safe country, ruled ably by the undisputed Empress and mightiest woman in Europe, Angela, bride of Honecker.
Back to france, to which the migrants would have come through the safe country of Italy.
The last person who had bad thoughts about migrants there was interior Minister Salvini, who had the audacity to apply Italian law in the migrant issue. Now he faces prison for it. Shows you how dangerous such thoughts are!
Small wonder Europe is ready for takeover! Stay safe in Wales buddy.
In today's @Independent column, I get misty-eyed over the BBC which is highly skilled at shooting itself in the foot but also gives us all superpowers.
Guess which newspapers the BBC could not manage to acquire (in central London!) and photograph/scan for the web-site? Yes, the Daily Telegraph, The Times and the Sun are all missing.
Apparently in Vietnam there is a village of 10,000 that has been put into quarantine because of this virus outbreak. Probably forcefully rather than voluntarily.
Here’s a little of our own history of selflessness in the time of the plague:
We get daily updates on the coronavirus deaths and new cases.
Does anyone know how long it lasts and if all these cases still have the virus or are they better now.
For instance, if China says there are 50,000 cases of this coronavirus does that include those who had it and are now ok.
How long does it last and after you get better are you immune from it.
How are the 9 cases in the UK doing, are they still ill or are they getting better.
Why are face masks no good. They say it stops carriers from spreading it but doesn’t stop wearers from getting it. Surely wearing a mask will cut down the chances of any contamination that was not stopped by the carriers (same) mask.
Does it take 15 minutes with a carrier to get the disease or just being in the same room is enough to get it. I’ve heard both being said and that it’s highly contagious.
Are they anywhere near getting a jab to prevent or cure it.
A public information piece on tv would be very helpful.
EG, as I understand it & have been told, a face mask does two things: stops nasal drips from hitting patients during surgery and enables doctors and nurses to talk (which is essential) during surgery. When a person speaks moisture is expelled from the mouth and the human airwaves carry all sorts of bugs.
The Covid-19 might not be contained in respiratory moisture, possibly, hence masks being ineffective. I would have thought that if handwashing is recommended then a facemask would be effective as well. Covid-19 does appear to have a pneumococcal factor to it, so I would have thought a facemask when in arm distance conversation with a person or in crowded situations on public transport (wear gloves, too) would be a good idea. I know I have caught the common cold virus back in my London Underground commuting days and possibly mononucleosis as well.
That old Northern Line has a lot to answer for: Secombe and Sellers from Finchleeeee!!!
It could be the BBC being careless with their news. Highly likely. We saw that with the very strange Skripal Affair. It could also be that the BBC want the virus to spread. At times, they seem eager to talk up war and conflict. So, the same with a virus, perhaps? It gives the BBC something extra to justify their bloated, over-manned, excessively paid, news and executive structure.
EG gives a summary with some basic facts if you look back at some of his earlier videos on the subject.
On facemasks I have seen one explanation that shows that the way the virus spreads is also airborne via droplets from coughs and sneezes. It can get into the body via any orifice such as the eyes. So just a face mask won’t give 100% protection.
gb123, yes that’s right for healthy people. The mask will not protect against skin splatter. If hand-washing is being recommended then I would have thought that the Covid virus can survive even on clothing and handkerchiefs in cold weather.
The best use of a mask over nose and mouth is for those who are asymptomatic ie. who have Covid-19 but do not yet feel unwell or demonstrate signs of being unwell. Then there are those who are suffering the common cold and whose symptoms might be deemed threatening but do not want to be treated like first century lepers.
EG, the numbers given are for the total number of people who have been diagnosed with the virus to date and includes those who have been discharged from hospital following treatment.
Time precludes me from going into detail, but the reality is that other countries (including China) are far better than the UK at providing information to their citizens. Moreover, the authorities here prioritise patient confidentiality over public health, which is all too typical of the bone-headed culture that prevails in modern Britain.
We’re currently at the peak of the flu and respiratory virus season, so things should start to improve in the not too distant future. Meantime, remember that this virus can be killed with soap and water and avoided with common sense.
I understand that the Corona virus is fatal in about 2% of cases. (By comparison, Flu is fatal in about 1% of cases). Those in danger are the elderly and those with respiratory issues.
Some thoughts on the Deportation of non-citizen criminals.
Are British citizen people different from foreign citizens ?
.. Yes the British Government has some responsibility to and FOR British citizens that it doesn’t have to foreign citizens .
If I go off to a country and do a crime, the British Government would be quite right to accept deportation and put me in a British jail.
So the same applies the other way.
You have people who belong to your house and visitors.
Even if someone from outside is working they are still a guest
..even if it is 1 year 2 years, 5 years.
If say someone comes in from Pakistan or Russia etc. odds are they are unconnected to the UK by birth.
So if a Russian couple come in they are still Russians
And even if they have children even if born in the UK then those children are still Russians and on an extension of their parents guest status.
Given time the parents might go through the steps of taking British citizenship and then the children can too as well.
If they don’t they are still guests ..and still their ancestoral country has some responsibility to them.
The UK law seems to have the rule, that even if a foreign citizen is granted citizenship , there are circumstances whereby if they commit a major crime.. they can be rescinded back into guest status stripping them of their British citizenship ..and deport them back to their first country.
But by extension since their British born children were born with GUEST status, if they commit a major crime they can have their citizenship and revert back to ancestoral citizenship of their parents even though they have NEVER been to that country .
That to me is the circumstances of Shamima Begum.
As I said the circumstance of Rolf Harris is different cos he does have an ancestoral connection to the UK.
So If you revert him back to guest status in the UK, Australia could argue
‘don’t dump him on us, cos ultimately he is the responsibility of his British born parents.. and therefore responsibility of the British government’
Similarly for those Jamaican serious criminals that came here at 3 or 4 years old.
who say “but I’m as British as Geoffrey Boycott”.
No you parents arrived as Jamaican British guests on UK soil, so you do still have a connection by ancestry to Jamaica, so the Jamaican government has some responsibility.
True the parents arrived with British granted passports , but there is a difference between Jamaican British and UK British
.. it’s not like today UK British can get Jamaican passport at a whim.
Is that all tough on on the Jamaican government ? Maybe but the UK has not only historically taken from Jamaica but similarly put resources back into Jamaica through aid and development.
Likewise Britain’s request to the Bangladeshi government that they keep Bangladeshi terrorists off British streets is reciprocated by Britain’s tradition of aid and development to Bangladesh.
Briefly heard Sopel again on R4 this morning sniffing around ( oh do excuse me, probing) around any mischief he could create on Reshuffle/Cummings/Trump bashing etc.
He was partnered by the lovely Mishal who spilled the beans with almost her first puff with the question( or should that be assertion)……that inevitably with Sinn Fein’s poll success how long would it be before a referendum is held on Irish unification.
The bBC,s likely commingling of Irish Republicanism and SNP Brigadoonery is sure to gather pace.
Surely another reason to close it down for good.
PS Anyone know if this Sopel is being jetted in Business Class and if so why?
All part of the Marxist service perfected by the BBC that many pay for. Undermine everything, condemn all, criticise all that passes. In the Marxist World of the BBC, it rates as the most applied technique: ‘Critical Theory’
TalkRadio @Iromg is talking about Fake-Tory George Osbourne and his eco-taxes
Now he has on Harry Fone from the TPA talking about local councils wasting huge amounts of money on jollies and £100K+ salaries
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
According to Twato just, Javid resigned because, on instruction from Boris to fire all his advisors and refusing to do same, he had little option.
The burning question is, who were his advisors and what did Boris dislike about them. It couldn’t be, oh ah, it couldn’t be…… Could it?
Wonder if the ‘advisors’ slunk off to the Quiet Room six times a day with a mat under their arms.
Imagine that happening here.
I wonder if Justin is getting Barry and Michelle’s little production outfit to do a Canadian version of Who Gretas Wins?
Don’t laugh cos Smart Energy GB run Climate doom adverts on TV and radio
… the org is entirely funded by the taxpayer
It’s job is to promote smartmeters
A similar org called Go Ultra Low .. promotes electric cars by running Climate doom adverts
I still watch question time but tonight I’m giving it a miss.
4 whingeing jocks including that sour cherry wimmin.
The BBC.
One look at the Roger Stone sentence and you just knew something was fishy.
The Londonistan evening standard reports that the latest person to have the sars2 bug turned up at Lewis Hamilton A and E in an Uber taxi . Said Lady is a chines national and recently arrived in UK from China . At this rate of bio insecurity it will be widespread here in a week or two . No cause for alarm is the government song ….
This is from the Silver doctors website so take it with a pinch of salt. Nevertheless, it’s food for thought about what might be going on behind the scenes with regard to this virus:
For some reason the spell check turned Lewisham into ‘ Lewis Hamilton ‘ ! I’ll leave it for posterity …( see above )
I did wonder :o)))
Fed, are you and Stew sharing the same iPad?
Up2 – hang on a minute – he just popped out of the room – I’ll ask him …..
This lady is the BBC’s female Toenails.
Can I nominate Laurence Fox as an Honorary Member of this site ? (unless he already contributes !)
Just read further evidence of his excellent bluntness…….
“Glamour magazine disputes ‘anti-woke’ actor Laurence Fox’s response to its description of him as ‘a white male with lots of privilege’, after he retorts:……..
“I’ve been a guest at two of your awards ceremonies. I’ve never seen so much privilege, whiteness, mountains of cocaine and, consequently, uneaten and wasted dinners in my life”
Well, well. Rishi Sunak. Looked a bit lightweight as Secretary to the Treasury. Now to be Chancellor.
So I hope my first impressions were way off the mark.
fnw, Sajid Javid was SttT under George Osborne. He faithfully did his master’s bidding back then.
I wonder if the reason for No.10 putting the pressure on Javid to sack his advisers was because he had been ‘got at’ by Brussels, maybe his advisers too, and that they might have spoilt our negotiating capability this year?
Sajid Javid has always said he respected the vote to leave the EU although he prefered to and I think actually voted Remain in 2016.
Do we really not have any competent Englishmen to hold these significant positions?
Is Sunak not an Englishman?
Is he?
Born, bred and Winchester educated, old boy!
Thanks for the heads up that the SNP gas bag and busybody Joanna Cheery Wimmin is on QT.
What I,d like to know is what strings were pulled that she got the prorogation plug through the Scottish “high court”… jig time…..
Another reason the forthcoming review must seek to eliminate political bias from the senior judiciary.
You can bet on one thing though………….she will not be one of the women who are about to take the stand and face Alex * The Slug) Salmond.
Can anyone here explain what is ‘lower calorie’ about this?
Linked to from here: under ‘Food’
The BBC are really losing the plot at the present time. Maybe they are getting really rattled over their future?
It’s ‘low-calorie’ because you end up walking around all those shops that you never normally visit trying to find saffron threads, baharat seasoning and pitted olives!
What ‘the plebs’ really need is a simple alternative to ‘woke’ oven chips, 12″ deep pan pizza, two-litres of ice-cream and frozen jam doughnuts, washed down with two litres of full-sugar coke. Easy to buy, easy to ‘cook’ and oh so easy to eat. Only 1800 calories too!
Jim, that gave me a chuckle, ta!
It looked like a very conventional chicken casserole (or tray bake, if you will) to me. Altough out of frame, to the right or left, there could have been a bowl piled high with mashed potato, mashed with lots of butter and cream cheese with garlic and chives.
Too much to hope the reference is purely geographical?
the beeb doesn’t like President Trump, who would of guessed it!
Trump impeachment trial: Is US politics beyond the point of repair?
andy – think I forecast here yesterday that the Dems impeachment game won’t stop, and why. They have nothing else.
The NYT, WP, CNN, BBC etc simply hate Trump. He knows it, and likes winding the media up. So they hate him even more, cos he’s supposed to believe what they think is their God-given monopoly on the Truth. He exposes them as so much hot air.
As to the Dems, they hate him as they have no policies of their own worth mentioning, no candidates that can even remotely be taken seriously, and many skeletons in Clinton and Biden cupboards, which Trump could easily expose if he wanted to. So he winds them up too, and THEY hate him even more.
Also, he’s not their idea of a politician: smooth, eloquent, economical and flexible with the truth, Politically Correct – as dictated by the Left, both politicians and media. He’s ‘down to earth’ when he should be a slick willy like William Jefferson Clinton, or a big BS talker like Barack Obama.
So, you have to play impeachment, impeachment, much like little girls take out their plastic tea-sets and play ‘house, house’ (assuming they still do that).
Interestingly the BBC claim that the 48 senators who voted to impeach represented 16 million more voters than the 52 who didn’t.
Mmmmm 48 versus 52 those numbers ring a bell!
We demand and another impeachment….
The MSM including the BBC mulling over the FSA move to regulate the CBD cannabis based products market.
They quote lots of “people” who say they can verify that it is all “Safe” with no real opposing voices.
In my mind there is absolutely no doubt that the CBD industry is actually the Cannabis Industry in disguise. CBD is s trojan horse to move towards the end game which is the legalisation of Cannabis in the UK. This is already happening in Canada.
It is worth noting that the epicentres of the CBD outlets are close to our Universities where it is touted as a cool option. CBD “Bars” are all over the university cities in a mirror image of the vaping lounges of a short while back. (Get ’em young!)
This trend is almost certainly being pushed along by a combination of the trendy rich’s habitual use of recreational drugs , probably already common in broadcasting and the media and the faceless, borderline criminal moguls behind cannabis and other drugs who want to make a killing Worldwide. Cannabis use also has the added benefit to these people of rendering the user more tractable to their World views.
Any reputable national broadcaster would be set against this slide into the eventual mire and mental and actual devastation that will follow.
I have witnessed the horrible effects of habitual cannabis on people I knew in my youth, many of whom are consequently no longer with us in mind or body, an ex-partner became bi-polar, neurotic and violent after years of it’s use, directly leading to a relationship breakdown so I have witnessed the effects close-up.
Once CBD is established as a “safe” and possibly “beneficial” substance it will be much easier to push for cannabis de-restriction.
What follows that… Heroin, etc?
This lifestyle goes hand-in-hand with the groups of people who are most vocal right now, XR, Climate Hippies, Show biz types, Antifa, and possibly quite a few politicians et. al….
Stand by for the sharp elbowed middle class mums wanting to end drug control because their kid has a malady . These mums always seem to turn on Toady – guess they’re on the producers’ dinner party circuit …
Ask a parent who thinks legalisation of cannabis and cocaine is a wonderful idea whether they would be happy for their child to take it regularly and you get a lot of huffing and puffing.
Deb, is that before or after the mountains of cocaine have been consumed?
“But I thought it was only a sherbet dip.”
Proportionality in child rape trial reporting
The Yorkshire Post has a page 2 article about a perverted monk at a Catholic boarding school whose offences seem to be 33 to 40 years ago .. he’s 80 now has just got another 20 years for about 15 indecent incidents including 2 rapes
He’d previously been jailed in 2005
He’d been removed from the school 33 years ago.
Yesterday they also had a front page article about this court case.
Corona virus. If you are technically minded and don’t mind coping with the simple technical vocabulary used here, I highly recommend this website:
And in particular this update – 16
Oliver Dowden is the new ‘culture secretary ‘ the 5th one in 3 years. It’s my go next month …
G, thanks for that, it pressed all my inner geek buttons! 🙂
Interesting to listen to the lying BBC on Radio 4 PM post the cabinet reshuffle.
We are told Boris has gone ‘full Trump’ – of course he hasn’t and one of the guests took issue with this. The reality is that he’s gone full BLiar, but the BBC aren’t going to say this.
They talked about Sajid Javed resigning which in most cases would have brought cries of waycism, but the BBC don’t like him so the meaningless bully word doesn’t apply. In fact they went so far as to mock his continual reference to his father being a bus driver etc.
They also commented that it is wrong and dangerous to try to run everything from number 10 which is odd because they weren’t saying that when they evil troika of BLiar Mandelson, and Campbell were doing exactly that, and although at the time there was widespread gossip about spin doctors they weren’t attacked in the way Dominic Cummings has been.
Boris Johnson is Tony BLiar Mk III the sooner people wake up to that the better.
Thoughtful – I don’t think the BBC can say too much about replacing a Muslim with a Hindu – but the ‘girl ‘ card will get played sooner or later …
BBC = a UK based Tele-evangelist networkdevoted to pushing Woke sermons
Local radio
5:05pm Sermon : ClimateChange
“There is a plan to turn the North Sea into a lake by damming it at the Noth and south ends
… a believe in fairies idea of course
They got two thirds into the item before the researchers admitted it was not a proper idea , but rather a way of alerting the public to the seriousness of Climate Change.
5:20pm Sermon : ClimateChange
Item from board a night train in Germany.. a tale of how some Wokepeople are taking the €350 train as an alternative to much cheaper flights, cos they want to save CO2
The item concluded that really you need to arrive fresh for a meeting you need a shower and that train doesn’t have them.
5:30pm Sermon :The white British are evil sinners who business was slaveryof the average black man
..but then 300,000 white women created a sugar boycott which ended slave use.
Last night’s ITV local news had a long item evagelising about using less plastic and recycling
.. ended by the female presenter saying that she does her bit by visiting the glass bottle bank a lot, .. hic.
Now 6:15pm
a Sermon on the Evil bombing of Dresden
#1 The evi white British fid it
#2 Now the evil “far right” in Germany is growing and mentions it in their PR
Of course the AfD are not far right
it is the BBC using smear words
Now Look North are running the North Sea lake idea
…. Paul Murphy the local Environmental correspondent and Climate Change evangelist is presenting it with a straight
.. he has not yet mentioned he knows it is a BS, PR stunt
Stew – being a bit of a historian on the Great War Part 2 my read of it was basically a race to the atom bomb . If the Germans had put more effort into it , got it first and stuck it on top of a V2 or Heinkel 111 the result might have been ‘different ‘ and Earl Harris et al would have been tippexed ….
So going on about Germany as a’victim ‘ is a bit rich for me .
If I recall Goebells wrote that a couple more raids like Dresden could have collapsed the Reich – but instead air resources were switched to killing the French ( collateral and a lot ) in prep for Normandy ……
Rita the News seems fixated on telling us that Dresden was an East German city, while in fact it is an eastern German city. At the time of its flattening Germany was battered but still entire. Historical accuracy was never a high BBC priority.
The next local news item is incestuous where they talk about another BBC show
‘ Steph McGovern visited our local police admin office to talk about desk-acise .. more exercise in the workplace’
..blah blah blah for 5 minutes
.. That police office seems to have 1 man and twenty women in
Next the Grimsby Labour MP who lost her seat has just got a new job as head of Renewables UK.
… Incestuous relationship between Greenblob subsidy mafia and politicians.
typo the ‘evil white British did it’
Look North at 6.30 led on these North Sea dams. I lasted 30 seconds before the off switch. I decided to forgo the local weather forecast and warnings about storm Dennis. The more the BBC push an agenda the more they are making themselves less relevant,
Sanity 4 Sweden.
The incident of the young Swedish boy being tortured and a muslim animal pissing in his mouth was covered by Vlad Tepes a few days ago. The young Swedish boy being tortured in the school playground and probably his life being saved by the quick action of his mother is a new one to me:
These muslims will only stop when they are stopped. And there’s only one way to stop them. Deportation will be the least messy solution for everyone. But I wonder if that will ever be enough.
Absolutely shocking. I detected almost a choked up tear.
In all the excitement of poor old Javid deciding to walk and provide our world-renowned newsmaker with a fresh source of negativity, the BBC seem to have overlooked the fact that the pound in now running at over £1.20 to the euro.
Some might say the one is a consequence of the other. I couldn’t possibly comment.
Twitter : ‘cultural Marxism’ is trending
due to lefty trickery
“Suella Braverman was strongly criticised for using the antisemitic term ‘cultural Marxism’. “
FFS the term is not anti-Semitic
Anna Soubry has gone men… more mental of this appointment.
Predict a bidding war between broadcasters to get in the bitter old hag to stir up as much heat as possible.
The BBC fail to mention that Dresden was bombed equally by the Americans during the day. The civilian deaths have been revised downwards drastically since the end of the Cold War. Stalin exaggerated the death toll to divide the west. It was indeed a transport hub and a manufacturer of war materials.
The Germans have seized upon Dresden to portray themselves as ‘victims’ and the Left/BBC here use it to bash the white British military.
Half of RAF bomber crews were killed during WW2. That was about 56,000 of our best. 95% of men who joined RAF Bomber Command in 1940 were dead by 1945. You won’t hear the BBC/Left mentioning that fact.
Dover Sentry
Without the British Military Al Beeb would not exist .
If it did exist , it would be broadcasting in German.
Channel5 doco : Martyrs or Maniacs?
Inside Extinction Rebellion… (Channel 5)
Sun, Feb 16, 9:00 PM
… Documentary featuring unique access to content ..
video trailer
Neither Channel5 nor RadioTimes listings give much more detail
Martyr the bastards
Bet none have real jobs.
This could escalate nicely.
He really is a one trick pony.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn – Gulag Archipelago. And if you need a soft introduction to the left logic :
Alexander Solzhenitsyn – A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch.
The evil sons of bitches haven’t gone away. They’ve just merged into the shadows. But like cockroaches, they’re sitting there watching, plotting and waiting to crawl out into the light again.
Only Jesus Christ can defeat evil.
I understand that Boric acid can be used to kill cockroaches. Let’s hope that our updated version “Boris Acid” is just as effective.
I’m a patient man so I will wait and see. However, I don’t hang about forever.
“MP Tracy Brabin’s off-the-shoulder dress sells for £20k.”
Diane Abbotimus must have bid for it ?
I am very surprised that Al Beeb have not picked up the William Barr – Trump spat yet ?
Bit strange that at a time the libmob is screaming ‘Barr is so bad, he’s Trump’s lapdog’
that Barr puts out a comment that distances himself from Trump.
.. We know Team Trump play a deep game
so it maybe something that they have cooked up.
Seems smitten.
Why do the images of RLB used by the beeb always look like she has trodden on a drawing pin?
If Thornberry trod on a drawing pin she’d pop.
If Thornberry trod on a drawing pin it would no doubt be her first prick for quite some time.
Radio 3 now : Queer history special
.. well that’s breaking new ground NOT
BBC have a lot of queer history specials.
Jason knows that ‘tell it often enough’ works.
Well, used to.
“In any case Sky is much more expensive & Netflix is heavily in debt. The BBC model is the envy of the world.”
The BBC is heavily in debt – heavily in debt to all the old people that paid for the BBC’s decent content a few decades ago.
The BBC ‘repays’ that debt by metaphorically spitting in the faces of the people that paid, and in many cases still pay, for its services by pandering to a minority consisting of mentally derranged Marxist racists, probably none of whom pay, because they are still living at home with their mums.
Whenever I see remarks like Jason Dean’s I want to reply. I don’t want or need a multi channel multi cannel broadcaster paid for by me on pain of incarceration if I refuse to have it. The BBC is like Microsoft’s operating system in some ways, providing bloatware that clogs up the system with stuff that is never used or even heard of.
I quite like LK because imho she does ‘try’ to be fair, however, her idea of what is fair is probably not the same as mine.
BTW, this was really only a test post using Firefox instead of Chrome and it still took over a minute to complete before crashing out of the site.
I’ve become suspicious of Chrome lately because it is reluctant to play certain YouTube videos or even access the Wayback Machine. It probably is, as suggested in ‘help’ somewhere, due to having too many cookies which should be deleted…
I had wanted to see if anyone else had an opinion on the Dresden thing. That lead to mention of David Irving, the Holocaust denier, whom I had never heard of but I do remember the fake Hitler dairy controversy. It’s only since just before the Brexit referendum, when I discovered how uncivil so-called liberals can be, that I came to understand how precious the idea of free speech really is. I had found some Irving related material on YouTube and was surprised how unwilling Chrome was to play it…
I don’t believe left liberals even want free speech because they seem to prefer a sort of ‘socially acceptable’ view of the world. This is the GroupThink idea which you see evidence of in the likes of The Guardian. Many leftist media articles start off by saying “This is what you need to Know..” and the BBC tends to be similar at times. I suspect though that there is some sort of evolutionary trait behind it to protect the well-being and survival of the ‘tribe’
“I don’t believe left liberals even want free speech”
I think this is true.
Try DuckDuck. I’ve been using it for a couple of years now and I find it faultless (if there is such a thing!)
I didn’t watch in depth the BBC’s coverage of the Cabinet reshuffle yesterday. But they did portray Saj as a victim. A man who had stood by his team etc. and had been sacked as a result of it. In the same way, the BBC portray criminals as being victims of society.
One interesting comment from LK. She described Mogg as ‘hanging on to his job’. Really?
In essence, the BBC regarded Boris’s considered decisions as a disaster unfolding.
Daily Express:
“Euro crisis: Markets sink just two weeks after Brexit as key industry marker plunges”
“In contrast to the slump in the European market, the sterling saw a two-month increase against the euro. ”
Despite Brexit….
Toady watch
The traitor MP Teresa May raised one of her lackies – traitor Gavin Barwell to the Lords . The BBC now uses Barwell as the remainer anti boris mouthpiece . Barwell doesn’t have to accord to his Party so can ‘mouth off ‘ to his hearts’ delight .
Today he was on the BBC chatting with Sopel who is desperate to undermine the BoJo /Cummings government and -indeed – target
them .
Talking of undermining – I’m guessing that the likes of Heseltine , Major and Blair have all returned to their respective coffins after failing to persuade good people to remain paying members of their Brussels club..
Makes one wonder what Sopel is doing in the UK when he is meant to be the Democrat spokesman to the BBC . Maybe he is getting therapy for he and his partys ‘ continuous failure to bring down President Trump.
Tomorrow it will be a fortnight since Brexit.
There’s grounded planes, chaos in the streets, unpaid workers, crippling strikes, a faltering economy, riots in the streets, snipers on rooftops and a complete buffoon running the country…
…but, hey, that’s enough about France!
Dear God what a poisonous old bag Polly Toynbee is. Her green ink offering on Sajid and the re-shuffle in the Guardian – where else? – is simply an extended exercise in spiteful verbosity. And to think she gets paid for her absurd opinions too.
Hell would be her – Owen whatever – ash something – and the alibi who hasn’t gone home yet – chaired by a dimbly plc . ..
TOADY Watch #1 – A piece of work
Mishal interviews, via telecomms, a Mr Wang in China who is in a Coronavirus affected area. The streets are empty, everyone is staying at home and if shopping for food and other essentials is required then people maintain a two metre cordon of personal space and hold out their own bags for goods to be dropped into by the seller. Quite what they do about money (a big carrier of germs) Mishal is not sharp enough to ask.
Mishal is after a negative story; she wants to find a fault. Is it the powerful Government? Is it on the part of communities, this awful quarantine? Mr Wang thinks only of the positives: he has seen his baby son take his first few steps, he has spent lots of time with his wife and family, they have enjoyed their time together watching movies, playing games.
End of interview – nothing negative to promote here – move on.
I’m guessing chinese ‘ culture ‘ won’t be being changed to stop bugs jumping from animals to humans any time soon…
Fed, yes Mishal didn’t ask about what they were eating, whether this young family ever consume ‘bush meat’. Mind you, the BBC might not want to ask about ‘bush meat’ consumption too often in case persistent questions arise about it happening in the UK. Vibrancy and diversity an’ all that, y’know.
BBC alumnus finds a tweet to comment on.
They might rehire him based on this.
EU deliberate awkwardness seems an odd thing to crow about.
“EU deliberate awkwardness seems an odd thing to crow about.”
If the EU messes about with British tourists, its the EU countries that will lose out .
British holiday makers will spend their money elsewhere .
Take note Spain, Greece, Italy etc, etc ………
Shooting oneself in the foot? Orlando here I come.
Shooting ourselves in the foot – One of the reasons British tourists might be flying to Schipol is to obtain cheaper flights to the USA, including Orlando, not the least because of UK Air Passenger Duty.
We could start by at least ‘levelling the playing field’ in our direction!
Guest, you help to introduce …..
TOADY Watch #2 – An inadvertent pointing of a finger of accusation?
Cannot remember who did this interview, I think it was Soapy. He’s good at that sort of thing (with added bitterness on behalf of US Democrat Party) although Mishal is shaping up nicely in his wake. The subject under consideration was a film made by the son of a murdered Maltese journalist about the death of his mother. It is asking questions about wider corruption in other European countries, especially in that instance, France.
It really pointed out, inadvertently, that the EU is evil and that the so-called ‘Four Freedoms’ (inviolate among the EU hierarchy) really only exist to favour and facilitate crime and corruption.
As thirty-nine dead Vietnamese still eloquently testify from beyond the grave ……
Please Prime Minister, listen to that excerpt from the TOADY Programme and remember it together with the dead bodies in an artic trailer in Grays, Essex when you next negotiate with the EU.
Am sure Soapy and the BBC did not intend to send a negative message about the EU … or did they? Perhaps they are seriously worried about the future of the Licence Fee and wish to make up for their past pro-EU bias.
Sweeney sure is entitled …perhaps he’d been on the Kia Royales again …and having to stand with ordinary people … how tiresome …
I’m flying on a plane today and factor in an hour wait to get the bag – hour to get through immigration – the traditional strip search …..
…. I’m more worried about the hygiene on the plane now …..
“Mumps cases hit decade high in England”
Never mind about Olly Finch, how many immigrants, illegal or other, have had the MMR jab?
taffman – you naughty boy, you are thinking about migrants again; don’t you know such thoughts are strictly forbidden? Go and wash your mouth out with soap. Oh, no -wait a minute, I will get back to you on that one.
I think Quantum Mechanics can reach the naughty cells in your brain, but I’m still working on it. Meanwhile, since you reside in the mountain fastness of Wales, I’m going to let you off.
Once I have fully developed the antidote to migrant thoughts, I shall be offering it to our thought police for a small price.
And do you really think they might be bringing in diseases? Gosh, that is going to rock our Border Force Taxi Service to the core! Temperature checkers could mushroom in Dover. Swabs. Cat-scans. X-ray machines. All sorts of racist stuff. Antifa and Refugee Action are going to get truly pissed off.
Next thing you know, they’re going to start taking migrants back to France. At least that is a safe country, ably ruled by the virtuous sun-king, Macron, neighbouring another safe country, ruled ably by the undisputed Empress and mightiest woman in Europe, Angela, bride of Honecker.
Back to france, to which the migrants would have come through the safe country of Italy.
The last person who had bad thoughts about migrants there was interior Minister Salvini, who had the audacity to apply Italian law in the migrant issue. Now he faces prison for it. Shows you how dangerous such thoughts are!
Small wonder Europe is ready for takeover! Stay safe in Wales buddy.
I must admit like Mrs May, I do take the occasional walk in the mountains. Not today though , its far too cold and wet .
In the interest of impartiality.
Do visitors to this site have any evidence of Al Beeb right-wing bias to report ?
taffman – Nil.
No I’ve not seen a pro right complaint or a pro brexit complaint .
The Far Left have a technique of complaining that the BBC is ‘ right wing ‘ because it is not Far Left enough for them .
Clearly the evidence is clear as with the Sweeney Twitter here today showing where his bias lies .
Faint praise.
Is the Indy even a paper still?
Funny thing but after the PM’s Cabinet re-shuffle guess which newspaper is top of the pile?
You didn’t need to look, did you? 🙂
Guess which newspapers the BBC could not manage to acquire (in central London!) and photograph/scan for the web-site? Yes, the Daily Telegraph, The Times and the Sun are all missing.
I wonder why?
or is it feint praise ?
… “a deceptive or pretended blow, thrust, “
It is still a paper. Could be shipped off to China, though, where -I gather- they are having loo issues.
Apparently in Vietnam there is a village of 10,000 that has been put into quarantine because of this virus outbreak. Probably forcefully rather than voluntarily.
Here’s a little of our own history of selflessness in the time of the plague:
We get daily updates on the coronavirus deaths and new cases.
Does anyone know how long it lasts and if all these cases still have the virus or are they better now.
For instance, if China says there are 50,000 cases of this coronavirus does that include those who had it and are now ok.
How long does it last and after you get better are you immune from it.
How are the 9 cases in the UK doing, are they still ill or are they getting better.
Why are face masks no good. They say it stops carriers from spreading it but doesn’t stop wearers from getting it. Surely wearing a mask will cut down the chances of any contamination that was not stopped by the carriers (same) mask.
Does it take 15 minutes with a carrier to get the disease or just being in the same room is enough to get it. I’ve heard both being said and that it’s highly contagious.
Are they anywhere near getting a jab to prevent or cure it.
A public information piece on tv would be very helpful.
EG, as I understand it & have been told, a face mask does two things: stops nasal drips from hitting patients during surgery and enables doctors and nurses to talk (which is essential) during surgery. When a person speaks moisture is expelled from the mouth and the human airwaves carry all sorts of bugs.
The Covid-19 might not be contained in respiratory moisture, possibly, hence masks being ineffective. I would have thought that if handwashing is recommended then a facemask would be effective as well. Covid-19 does appear to have a pneumococcal factor to it, so I would have thought a facemask when in arm distance conversation with a person or in crowded situations on public transport (wear gloves, too) would be a good idea. I know I have caught the common cold virus back in my London Underground commuting days and possibly mononucleosis as well.
That old Northern Line has a lot to answer for: Secombe and Sellers from Finchleeeee!!!
It could be the BBC being careless with their news. Highly likely. We saw that with the very strange Skripal Affair. It could also be that the BBC want the virus to spread. At times, they seem eager to talk up war and conflict. So, the same with a virus, perhaps? It gives the BBC something extra to justify their bloated, over-manned, excessively paid, news and executive structure.
Please substitute airways for airwaves in line 3 above.
EG gives a summary with some basic facts if you look back at some of his earlier videos on the subject.
On facemasks I have seen one explanation that shows that the way the virus spreads is also airborne via droplets from coughs and sneezes. It can get into the body via any orifice such as the eyes. So just a face mask won’t give 100% protection.
gb123, yes that’s right for healthy people. The mask will not protect against skin splatter. If hand-washing is being recommended then I would have thought that the Covid virus can survive even on clothing and handkerchiefs in cold weather.
The best use of a mask over nose and mouth is for those who are asymptomatic ie. who have Covid-19 but do not yet feel unwell or demonstrate signs of being unwell. Then there are those who are suffering the common cold and whose symptoms might be deemed threatening but do not want to be treated like first century lepers.
EG, the numbers given are for the total number of people who have been diagnosed with the virus to date and includes those who have been discharged from hospital following treatment.
Time precludes me from going into detail, but the reality is that other countries (including China) are far better than the UK at providing information to their citizens. Moreover, the authorities here prioritise patient confidentiality over public health, which is all too typical of the bone-headed culture that prevails in modern Britain.
We’re currently at the peak of the flu and respiratory virus season, so things should start to improve in the not too distant future. Meantime, remember that this virus can be killed with soap and water and avoided with common sense.
From The Birmingham Mail – Horror at West Midland Safari Park as wild dogs escape and kill 16 animals.
Import wild animals and they behave as wild animals, they don’t become British just because they live here.
I understand that the Corona virus is fatal in about 2% of cases. (By comparison, Flu is fatal in about 1% of cases). Those in danger are the elderly and those with respiratory issues.
SARS is about 10% fatal.
Zaire Ebola virus species has the highest mortality rate (60%-90%)
followed by the Sudan Ebola virus species (40%-60%)
Some thoughts on the Deportation of non-citizen criminals.
Are British citizen people different from foreign citizens ?
.. Yes the British Government has some responsibility to and FOR British citizens that it doesn’t have to foreign citizens .
If I go off to a country and do a crime, the British Government would be quite right to accept deportation and put me in a British jail.
So the same applies the other way.
You have people who belong to your house and visitors.
Even if someone from outside is working they are still a guest
..even if it is 1 year 2 years, 5 years.
If say someone comes in from Pakistan or Russia etc. odds are they are unconnected to the UK by birth.
So if a Russian couple come in they are still Russians
And even if they have children even if born in the UK then those children are still Russians and on an extension of their parents guest status.
Given time the parents might go through the steps of taking British citizenship and then the children can too as well.
If they don’t they are still guests ..and still their ancestoral country has some responsibility to them.
The UK law seems to have the rule, that even if a foreign citizen is granted citizenship , there are circumstances whereby if they commit a major crime.. they can be rescinded back into guest status stripping them of their British citizenship ..and deport them back to their first country.
But by extension since their British born children were born with GUEST status, if they commit a major crime they can have their citizenship and revert back to ancestoral citizenship of their parents even though they have NEVER been to that country .
That to me is the circumstances of Shamima Begum.
As I said the circumstance of Rolf Harris is different cos he does have an ancestoral connection to the UK.
So If you revert him back to guest status in the UK, Australia could argue
‘don’t dump him on us, cos ultimately he is the responsibility of his British born parents.. and therefore responsibility of the British government’
Similarly for those Jamaican serious criminals that came here at 3 or 4 years old.
who say “but I’m as British as Geoffrey Boycott”.
No you parents arrived as Jamaican British guests on UK soil, so you do still have a connection by ancestry to Jamaica, so the Jamaican government has some responsibility.
True the parents arrived with British granted passports , but there is a difference between Jamaican British and UK British
.. it’s not like today UK British can get Jamaican passport at a whim.
Is that all tough on on the Jamaican government ? Maybe but the UK has not only historically taken from Jamaica but similarly put resources back into Jamaica through aid and development.
Likewise Britain’s request to the Bangladeshi government that they keep Bangladeshi terrorists off British streets is reciprocated by Britain’s tradition of aid and development to Bangladesh.
Briefly heard Sopel again on R4 this morning sniffing around ( oh do excuse me, probing) around any mischief he could create on Reshuffle/Cummings/Trump bashing etc.
He was partnered by the lovely Mishal who spilled the beans with almost her first puff with the question( or should that be assertion)……that inevitably with Sinn Fein’s poll success how long would it be before a referendum is held on Irish unification.
The bBC,s likely commingling of Irish Republicanism and SNP Brigadoonery is sure to gather pace.
Surely another reason to close it down for good.
PS Anyone know if this Sopel is being jetted in Business Class and if so why?
All part of the Marxist service perfected by the BBC that many pay for. Undermine everything, condemn all, criticise all that passes. In the Marxist World of the BBC, it rates as the most applied technique: ‘Critical Theory’
TalkRadio @Iromg is talking about Fake-Tory George Osbourne and his eco-taxes
Now he has on Harry Fone from the TPA talking about local councils wasting huge amounts of money on jollies and £100K+ salaries