There are plenty of signs that the Far Left biased BBC is rattled by lack of public support for the propaganda it regularly throws out to those who have to pay for it. Some might say it is too late to try to reform it and more radical change is needed . It’s not ‘Aunty’ any more …
Weekend Thread 15 February 2020
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The Army have been called in to help with storm Dennis. The Beeb have found a suitable pic.
How dare Russia and China spread lies. That’s the BBC’s job!
My son is taking part in a social experiment, he’s wearing a Jeremy Corbyn hat. So far he’s been punched, kicked, and spat on….
…..should be interesting to see how he gets on once he leaves the house.
Dover Sentry
I say old chap that seems a bit harsh. Couldn’t you just force him to wear a MAGA hat and walk through the streets?
Just heard the 1700 news on the radio. I heard someone, presumably a senior WHO man who stated that individual countries were not doing enough in relation to the Corona virus. Hang on there WHO! Developed countries are taking their share. Like the UK, they’re not exercising as much caution in restricting movements into the country so as to increase the risk of infection. But why? Well, you don’t need an ‘O’ level in maths to understand if the virus is hitting the old and infirm i.e. not wage earners disproportionately, therefore, more virus = more elderly deaths. A good clear out I’d say. Saving on pensions paid, hospital / nursing home beds, more houses on the market to help our continuing flow of immigrants have a roof over their heads. Indeed, more immigrants, particular muslim, to, ‘stock up’. I could go on with the benefits but you all get the point. Earlier in the week a statistician put the likelihood of well in excess of a 100,000 deaths, mainly elderly folk.
In the first World War, it was known as, “Cannon Fodder”.
The virus could be a problem for those who like to congregate in large numbers within confined and enclosed spaces four times a day.
Dover Sentry
But I thought it was transmitted from mouth to mouth, not backside to the mouths in the next row.
That’s most lifts then !
Oh dear. I shall be 80 years of age in a few weeks so I’d better say my goodbye’s now. Don’t tell my sister Dolly though because she’s an awful worrier. Anyway, just in case, I’ll say” toodlepip” and if I don’t come out alive keep up the good fight.
Lefty – hopefully an unnecessary fair well . I , too , have a weakness to my resistance to such infections so I should say fair well too . Having flown into Heathrow yesterday and then spent an hour on the tube I may self quarantine ….
Be like the man in the Matt cartoon and avoid all human contact by hanging around in the diesel showroom.
Or turning up at a lady Nugee campaign rally …
I wonder why it is not widely known that people over 65 are entitled to the pneumococcal vaccine? Also over 65s only get flu jabs that protect against 2 kinds of flu virus while under 65s get the one that covers three?
As long as I’m not asked to be Canon Fodder, I’ll be OK.
The BBC do love to do dodgy geography:
At a push, I’d say two of the five are not really coastal and judging by the photos for nos. 4 & 5 they are not really visually gripping. Three of the five are not really Irish Sea, either.
Girvan is well worth a visit along with nearby Ayr and Troon but Ailsa Craig? Really? The Electric Brae is about the most exciting thing in the area, along with Nardini’s Cafe. (Yes, that Nardini, as in Daniela) The coastline is pretty spectacular – closest we have to Highway 1 in California – but is more Scotland than Irish Sea.
The gap between mainland Wales and Anglesey? Really? Is that the best you can do, BBC, for £3.5bn? On the evidence provided there, I think the Licence Fee should be cut to £20. No.
Make that £10.
It seems that another soul ill-equipped for the spotlight and amplification of the business that is show has erred, failed to cope and foundered under its malign glare.
And so the vultures feed.
Interesting times, and in a Chinese way.
Hope this works out well.
Bio Journalist & filmmaker @bbcstories / @bbcnews
I seem to recall that in the US there was a similar case where a young girl got a kick of contacting couples and offering them false hope.
Lewis is delivering nicely still. Craig has noticed.
One is sure if any senior bbc bod was tempted out to explain, they would say this is all about right.
Toady this morning (Saturday) and after 8am news interview with David Miliband. He said that temperatures in Syria at night are falling to -11 degrees Celsius. They don’t tell us that when they are talking climate emergency. I think they could do with some 4x4s driving around.
The link goes to firewall but Wrong Daily wants the BBC to be self selecting in its leadership making it even more inbred than it already is . The Labour idiots must be competing to show how disconnected from both reality and the public they are .
The BBC and RLB… potent combo.
With a proven record thus far.
A face that sank a thousand ships.
When she was a teenager, her friends called her seaweed. Not even the tide would take her out…
Daily Express:
“Why was Germany’s £3.6 TRILLION war debt to Britain secretly written off in 1990? Asks MP”
“They are very keen to tell us about the £40billion we supposedly owe them for Brexit, not to mention the countless billions we’ve already paid in, but they refuse to pay for the terrible destruction they caused to this country.”
Only in 2006, did Britain finish paying off US loans taken out in WW2 – 61 years after the end of the war.
I don’t anticipate the BBC fighting for Britain’s money. Nor protests in the street from the usual Left wing agitators.
Radio4 now “now drama a series of 5 episodes about an immigrant take aways in Leeds”
Each week seems to be with different owners
This week it’s Polish owners
… Ah the series is from 2007
The hypocrisy of the wokerati or wokemob that rule over us
That’s not the only celeb caught out preaching LOVE now when 5 minutes ago they were preaching HATE a none woke
David Baddiel was one of them
I sometimes take myself back to the BBC coverage of the General Election in December last year, just a minute or two before the Exit Polls were released.
Naga of BBC Breakfast Slothness, was gleefully telling us that the results were going to be close between Labour and the Conservatives. And could not be predicted.
Moments later…tumbleweed contorted slowly across the studio floor. A distant sad bell chime could be heard. The Exit Polls had arrived on the noon train. (Homage to High Noon).
Let’s run that memory again and again shall we 🙂
Some useful information.
Melanie Phillips is of course the wife of the BBC’s chief legal correspondent
Thank you for the article – I wonder who ordered the the offending officer – PC Gul – to visit Mr Miller at his workplace or , indeed , to contact him at all . PC Gul’s comment –
‘I need to check your thinking ‘
should be a phrase tattooed on that statue of George Orwell the BBC laughingly have installed in the HQ.
The police apparently police by consent – but bit by bit I think the likes of PC Gul and his thinking – is removing that consent and turning that organisation into a Stasi – and very quickly .
As this case is going to Tony Blairs political court – the Supreme Court where the ‘president ‘ can get away with wearing a ‘spider and web ‘ piece of jewellery and get a way with it – we might see the supreme judges overturning this finding casting us – yes us – into targets of PC Gul and his type . How’s your thinking ?
I wonder who ‘us’ is?
So, ( there’s that word again) 1% of 1% of the population ( though the percentage was said to be 10% in my youth) are exerting their disproportionate and completely undeserved influence to prevent Franklin Graham preaching in our country. And the Anglican church is standing shoulder to shoulder with these meatheads.
Is the racist far-left bbc covering this abomination, perhaps in one of their many religious programmes?
I wonder how much more intolerance we, as a nation, will tolerate before these freaks are put back in their closet?
I believe that Billy Graham was a 33rd degree mason so it’s not clear to me if he really was a Christian. Maybe his son is also a mason but notwithstanding it shouldn’t be down to a few troublemakers, and their supporters in the established churches to decide who is allowed to preach and who isn’t.
Here’s another news item that caught my eye. Google shows that both the loss making, low circulation guardian rag and the racist far-left bbc have covered it. For me, it shows that justice does happen every now and then. Mr Avenatti was Stormy Daniel’s lawyer when they were trying to trash judge Kavenaugh last year.
Well Mr Avenatti will be sentenced in June, I think, and could face up to 40 years in prison after he tried to extort $25 million from Nike ( another beauty, to use President Trump’s famous phrase about our own favourite propaganda machine).
Someone called Caroline Flack has committed suicide.
She appears to be famous for a. Being famous b. Winning Strictly Come Dancing c. Being a presenter on ‘love island’, a show whose barely concealed objective is to pair off scantily clad 20 something totty, hopefully with lots of racy sex along the way.
It says a lot for our society and the BBC that this event warrants headline news. That is, the first headline. That is, more important than anything else.
Cue mass outrage, mass wailing, cue each worthy person trying to outdo the previous one in sanctimonious, self-righteous virtue about how utterly totally devastated they are and how sorry they are and how immensely wonderful she was.
Anyone heard of words such as proportionate and perspective?
Clearly not at the world’s finest impartial broadcaster.
I think it is the desperate BBC group think which has decided to appeal to the ‘under 35s’ more than any other age ‘group’ . I don’t know who this lady was either – but it gives twitter types something to chatter about instead of stormy Denise / Dennis if it’s a tranny …. which I always thought was a wireless set …
If the BBC was neutral organisation – examining both sides of a view – this documentary would be on BBC4 . But as we know there is no other view than ‘the man made climate change religion ‘.
BBC now linking directly to the Guardian –
“The Foreign Office told the Observer it was “working around the clock” to ensure the welfare of Britons onboard.”
“working around the clock” is the link
Also, it leaves out the bit (rightly or wrongly) where the UK passenger was told by the UK ambassador that the World Health Organisation advises against repatriation.
The latter was in the lastest video interview this morning
The video clip –
The Guardian:
“‘Fighting like ferrets in a bag’ as EU tries to plug Brexit cash hole.”
“UK’s withdrawal has left £62bn hole in bloc’s purse for the next seven years ”
What a pity. How sad. Never mind. ????
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– Downing Street Plans to Abolish TV Licence
– TV Licence Publicity Sparks Fresh Wave of BBC Social Media Misinformation
Read about the heinous, overzealous way the BBC enforces the TV licence fee: TV Licensing Blog Quick Guide
BBC Online News:
“Brexit: France warns UK of bitter trade negotiations”
“The EU has repeatedly warned that the UK cannot expect to enjoy continued “high quality” market access if it insists on diverging from EU social and environmental standards.”
More Project Fear from our BBC. Refusing as ever to stand up for our interests.
BBC Online News:
“French ski resort uses helicopters to deliver snow for bare slopes”
“Milder weather and a lack of snow during winter are trends that meteorologists have linked to climate change.”
“France experienced its mildest January since 1900, according to Meteo-France, the country’s national forecaster.”
The subject of Climate Change is ‘settled science’ for the BBC and no debate is allowed. However, the last line in their feature about the year 1900 having a milder January, does call everything they support into question.