There is still a way for the BBC to dig itself out of the hole its in.
The BBC should start by being a bit more fair about Global Warming
– Climate Change.
They need to tell the public that recent evidence from serious scientists around the world indicate that Global Warming is not as pronounced as before.
They should broadcast that recent evidence indicates that average global temperature has risen by around 0.1 C per decade- which is well below measurement uncertainty. Both of which are actually true.
Slowly, step by step the BBC should get back to broadcasting a more balanced view of a subject which is controversial to say the least.
If the BBC makes a start of the above, it will show the public that they are at least making an effort to try and become a truthful and balanced broadcaster, and thus gain public support
I support these important pledges without the slightest hesitation. To my LGBTQ comrades in Labour, in the country and around the world I say this: I’ve got your back, I will always support you. You matter.
“Cummings is now back with a vengeance after orchestrating a cabinet reshuffle which shook the Conservative Party” – The BBC’s Nicholas Watt profiles UK PM Boris Johnson’s closest political adviser.
Odds on the likely impartial tenor of Nick’s ‘profile’?
It’s good to listen and hear the machinations of Al Beeb regarding Mr Cummins.
I don’t recall such angst or indignation when the war criminal and so called spin doctor, the depressed chemical ‘Ali Campbell’ was running the place back in the 90’s. If memory serves him and the Bliar stuffed the judiciary and civil servants full of common purpose drones.
An entirely valid point WW, though it will be interesting to see how many of our respected pundits make the comparison. We should probably not expect too many of the names we have come to love and admire appearing on the list.
At the moment the passing of someone I’ve never heard of is on the front page of the BBC website, (although to be fair it’s on the front page of quite a lot of other news websites as well).
I wonder what treatment would be handed out to a male presenter who assaulted his wife or girlfriend? Certainly not the glowing eulogies we are getting for this violent woman. BTW, I’d never heard of her.
Seems like the BBBC will hang on to this tired story for ages yet.
I thought Love Island was some sort of antidote to the kids prog Tracy Island, where everyone does feck all but think it’s ‘entertainment’.
This predilection for pseudo-bonking is rife in rubbishy TV progs these days, and the BBBC with enormous, bloated tax funds are the worst offenders!
Why they can’t use up a year’s ‘funds’ and make one huge shag-fest for all their twenty-five adult ‘viewers’, and get it out of their systems is beyond me, but as they’re not going to be around much longer, they may not have the time to order all that champagne-flavoured viagra.
PETER HITCHENS: Who let the IRA gangsters take over Ireland? We did
I note the BBC, tireless in getting everything wrong, has taken to describing Sinn Fein as ‘Left-wing’.
Well, its supposed leader (we will come to this) Mary Lou McDonald cannot be accurately described as Left-wing. It’s another wing that she stands on.
Well, on this occasion, the lies have come back. We sold Ireland to gangsters for a few years’ respite. Now we see exactly who we sold it to.
We worry whenever some tiny band of neo-Nazis win a few votes in a backward corner of Germany. But this is as nothing to what is now happening in Dublin. Actual gangsters are now close to the offices of real national power.
I note the BBC, tireless in getting everything wrong, has taken to describing Sinn Fein as ‘Left-wing’.
Well, its supposed leader (we will come to this) Mary Lou McDonald cannot be accurately described as Left-wing. It’s another wing that she stands on.
In August 2003, Ms McDonald stood willingly beside the grisly apostle of violence and convicted IRA bomber Brian Keenan. But that wasn’t all.
Both were there to ‘pay respect’ at the statue of one of the nastiest people who ever lived.
The memorial to Sean Russell in Dublin’s Fairview Park is, as far as I know, the only monument to a Nazi collaborator still standing in democratic Europe.
Russell, the IRA’s Chief of Staff in 1939, travelled on the eve of the Second World War to Nazi Germany to offer his services to Hitler. They gave him the use of a villa in Berlin, and provided him with a car and chauffeur.
He was taken to the Brandenburg military camp to study the latest techniques in sabotage and guerrilla warfare, and met Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop.
After the fall of France, Russell urged the Germans to use the IRA to strike at British forces in Northern Ireland.
A detective who climbed over seats in a cinema before he swore at and “technically assaulted” a 14-year-old boy has been given a final warning.
A Hertfordshire Police misconduct hearing examined the actions of Det Con Ian Stubley at Cineworld in St Neots, Cambridgeshire, on 28 July.
It was told the off-duty officer confronted a group of teenagers for being too loud and pushed one of them.
Chief Constable Charlie Hall found his actions amounted to gross misconduct.
Mr Stubley was visiting the cinema with his wife when he told the teenagers to be quiet as the film had started but the 14-year-old swore at him, the session at the force’s headquarters in Welwyn Garden City heard.
Packet of crisps
Mr Stubley then “climbed over seats, put his hand on the side of the boy’s face and they both swore at each other”, the hearing was told.
The teenager poured a packet of crisps over the detective before leaving the cinema and calling his parents, who reported the incident.
Cambridgeshire Police investigated and the officer was issued with a community remedy order and wrote a letter of apology to the boy.
While the 14-year-old told police Mr Stubley put his hand on him and pushed him, the detective told officers he pointed at the boy but denied any physical contact.
Life went downhill as soon as kids were given ‘their rights’. This led to a complete breakdown of discipline in schools. Years ago when the act came into force, an art teacher friend said his hands were tied when it came to reprimanding unruly kids, because they then went and told their parents, who would immediately march up to the school for a confrontation. Mealy mouthed parents are just as bad.
We have come to something when we ‘are instructed’ to apologise to delinquent little b……ds.
Exactly, it started when capital…sorry corporal punishment was abolished and in my school years caning was the deterrent and it worked . You didn’t dare go home and tell your parents because they would punish you again . Wooden board rubbers thrown with great accuracy……some of the masters had obviously had practice with grenades in WW2 …..Kids today what !
Can it really be true? Do we really have a Tory government with the courage to take on the over mighty BBC? Well if this briefing really did come from No10 it would seem that the government is going into battle with the foul corporation and scraping the LF and replacing it with a subscription model. Which is exactly what this site has been campaigning for for years. ( My favoured option of abolition, obliteration and erasure of its memory may be too radical even for Dom Cummings) Perhaps the real plan is to force the BBC into accepting something less than full subscription but even so this is great progress. Reducing the malign influence of the BBC on our daily life is long overdue, so Boris go to it and slay the beast, you have our full support.
I was content with subscription approach prior to the events of the last election and our subsequent leaving of the EUSSR. This headline if to be believed, well it’s a start, and the juries out on Boris, so this is a good litmus test.
Post election having witnessed everything from the Beebs shameless approach to destroying all things English, the constant pro EU narrative to the constant diatribe of BAME, woke and minority sports and made up race baiting ‘questions’, personally I now just want them gone.
If they leave a vacuum, so be it, rest assured it will be filled.
Behind our democracy lurks a powerful but unaccountable network of people who wield massive power and reap huge profits in the process.
For example 24% of the population think that British society is Muslim, the figure is actually 5%. 31% believe the British population are immigrants when it’s 14%, 27% believe social security money has been fraudulently gained when the figure is 0.7%. statistics that distort the truth such as 41% of the public believe all social security money goes to the unemployed when it’s actually 3% and 29% of Britons think more taxpayers money goes on jobseekers allowance than on pensions – when 15 times more money is spent on pensioners.This clearly demonstrates just how much the media/BBC controls the minds of the general public. It is how propaganda is peddled so effectively by the very rich and very powerful to reach their goal of attaining even more wealth and power and to stay there. Just 5 billionaires control all the media and all of its out put to ensure they keep the power as is now.
Double, appreciate that you and others on here want “abolition, obliteration and erasure” but we all – if you have ever paid for a TV Licence (even if only once) have shares in the BBC. It is ours. It belongs to us. We financed all its assets. (Exactly the same as with the EEC/EC/EU.) If it is sold off, in whole or in part, we should receive the proceeds.
The other alternative, especially now that we have a slightly better idea of what it costs to run a section of the BBC (whether TV or radio) might be to drastically reduce the size of the Corporation so that, say, one national TV station and three radio networks could be run on a small Licence Fee which is just that – as described in the name – and not a major tax outlay for many households.
Assuming that only about 90% of the UK’s households pay the Licence Fee (I know the BBC claim varying figures, currently at least 93% – down from 95% a couple of years ago) then a £10 Licence Fee would bring in a guaranteed income of £234,000,000. That’s getting on for an operating budget of a quarter of a billion pounds. Many large businesses ‘would kill for that’ size of guaranteed turnover in the uncertain real world of real business.
And that is really the root of the BBC’s problem: it has never, ever, operated in the real world. Hence the failure of an old boy, Tony Hall, as D-G. His mindset was all BBC, so he thought life was – as Del Boy would say – cushty.
If the BBC really fought back, I would hope Boris would have the guts ‘to do a full Conservative’ and part privatise the BBC. Sell off bits of the BBC such as Radios 1 and 6, CBeebies, Channels Two, IIIi and Four TV and give the money to the public, keep a national Broadcaster for some national radio and a bit of TV.
I’m sorry but I Remain a purist in this matter. I accept that a fully commercial subscription model is really the best that we can expect but would prefer total abolition and obliteration etc. My real fear with your suggestion is that with change of government the LF will be increased and before we know it the BBC will be back to full strength. This would be much more difficult to do starting from a commercial subscription model. But it would be impossible with my abolition obliteration model.
BBC Newspaper front page round up quotes the Observer:
a cabinet minister is a member of a “controversial” religious sect which venerates its founder despite allegations he was a serial sexual predator
But wasn’t Sajid Javid given the sack this week?
Oh, silly me, they refer of course to ‘Suella Braverman… [who] is a mitra – sanskrit for friend – within the Triratna order, one of Buddhism’s larger sects’
Or ‘Could it be my arse or someone else’s’, as a helpful headline to get a few viewers, Vlad!
I suppose they have a special wooden box for Sopel to stand on when he’s in a room with proper journalists, but his expenses for this campaign must be around £100,000 for this campaign, which will see Donald Trump re-elected with a thumping majority.
These proposed changes to the BBC look pretty sensible to me, forcing the Corporation to narrow down to more of a public service ethos, just as long as that stuff remains publicly funded.
At a time of climate emergency, widespread poverty, a housing crisis, ruined local & city government, an ever-ageing society, huge changes to the world of work… they decide to go after the BBC.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating, but if Boris does this then he can be forgiven for HS2, Green nonsense and failure to tackle the other issues. The BBC is Ground Zero: it the centre of the Woke virus in the same way as Wuhan is the centre of the Coronavirus. Bring down the BBC and then the rest of the existential threats to the nation can be tackled.
What a wonderful and historic year this may turn out to be if Prime Minister Johnson is true to his word: we’ll finally be out of the EU and we’ll be released from the clutches ofracist far-left bbc.
The superstitious are known to say things come in three, so there must be another piece of good news waiting to be revealed to us. My choice would be to deport all the illegal invaders from our country.
John in Cheshire: My choice would be to deport all the illegal invaders from our country.
And all persons who engaged in the rape Jihad on vulnerable girls in the country.
This was an act of war on the country that gave them the opportunity to live in a civilised country. And they repaid us by raping tens of thousands of young girls.
John in Cheshire: My choice would be to deport all the illegal invaders from our country.
And all persons who engaged in the rape Jihad on vulnerable girls in the country.
This was an act of war on the country that gave them the opportunity to live in a civilised country. And they repaid us by raping thousands of young girls.
What fails to amaze me is the number of ” ordinary people ” that think the BBC are pro Conservative and Nigel….I know how we see them……am I missing something somewhere in the Media ?
@CF The “show me the bodies” rule applies
If they say the BBC has been pro-Conservative ask them where ?
I ask them to show me where the BBC has been pro-Trump or Pro-Remain, on air or in staff tweets.
They reply that “of course no one should be pro-Trump”
They might say “look how every MEP on Question Time is a UKIP MEP”
.. I point out that is a cherry pick and that you have to count every category not just MEP
..if you only count MPs then that’s zero UKIP MP appearances on QT compared to 800 from other parties.
Some older people remember the BBC as a pro-London establishment org..and to them that means Tory
but most on Twitter are actually PR triksters.
As night follows day, 38 Bee Gees crank up another daft petition…
Dear Rube,
BREAKING – Today the hated government has declared war on our BBC, who normally we claim supports said government. [1]
Boris Johnson’s plans would scrap the majority of BBC radio stations and TV channels, scrap the licence fee and more. It’s a thinly veiled attempt to dodge accountability, a bit like when DGs send out an anonymous spokesweasel to say ‘we got it about right; try and do something about it, peon’. Already MPs, including several (unnamed, or wet) Conservatives, are up in arms about this attack, but to stop it, it’s going to take a huge amount of public pressure. [2]
Doofus will you please sign and share this petition right now. As soon as it gets to 100,000 signatures we’ll deliver it straight to the Prime Minister’s office, like alllll the others that pay our Kennington rents but achieve diddly squat.
Campaign created by Robin Priestley
Sign the petition
To: Prime Minister Boris Johnson
What: Stop your political attack on our BBC. Stop attempting to undermine the BBC and the role it plays in independently (fingers crossed behind my back) holding the government to account. Don’t scrap the licence fee, don’t cut TV & radio stations, don’t cut services.
Why is this important: The government have declared war on our BBC. It’s a thinly veiled attempt to clamp down on being held to account, like when the BBC shuts down those raising concerns on twitter by blocking or via Complaints by banning those who get past the defence pickets. They’ve pledged to scrap the licence fee and cut dozens of TV & radio stations, they want to “prune” its reach into people’s homes.
Our BBC is a world leading public service. We know this because they #tellusoftenenough. The way that it is funded (uniquely, by compulsion) means that it’s independent of government and corporate pressure, and if you believe that there is some land in Florida I’d like to sell you. At a time when fake news can spread like wildfire, from Cebeebies to Newsnight, and when so much is at stake, this is a dangerous attack on our democratic right to subvert policy by lying to you.
We need to protect the BBC from this political attack. Not the ones we like. The Prime Minister has already tried to ban journalists who grandstand gotchas from No.10 briefings, now he and his close advisers are going after our public broadcasters… us… the chosen ones! This is a move straight out of…. ta-da…. Donald Trump’s playbook.
Already MPs from all parties, well a few, are up in arms about this attack, but to stop it, it’s going to take a huge amount of public pressure. Please sign and share this petition.
I’m not sure this vendetta against the #BBC is going to end well. No mention of it in our manifesto (where we actually promised to work with BBC to build new partnerships across globe) so I won’t be supporting it.
I hope the Sunday Times story about the BBC is kite-flying. Destroying the BBC wasn’t in our manifesto and would be cultural vandalism. “Vote Tory and close Radio 2”. Really?
38 Degrees has no big donors or corporate sponsors except Soros’ proxies. Everything we achieve together is only possible because of fivers and tenners from ordinary people like you and Momentum.
Please will you consider chipping in a fiver, a tenner or whatever you can spare now? A pint near our office is like £10 now.
They reply that “of course no one should be pro-Trump”
But Donald Trump was elected president by the freest democracy in the world.
Clearly the BBC does not respect results of elections – as further evidenced by the Brexit referendum.
So the question is why should the public pay for a broadcasting behemoth that does not respect the results of elections, unless they are results they like.
Yes indeed. The BBC costs over £3bn oer year, and also creates mayhem in the country by its incessant propaganda of Global warming hoax. Because of BBC propaganda children skip school, instead of learning some basic Physics like law of gases and thermodynamics, for a start. Of course this relies on teachers knowing some thermodynamics at a proper degree level.
The problem seems to be someone illegally spray-canned the motto ‘BCC Wankers’ over the ummm… precious illegally spray-canned picture.
Help me out here… BCC…? The dyslexic community protesting the TV LIcence Fee? Don’t think that’s the case here.
But what’s this… ‘The British Somali Community Association, based in Barton Hill, tweeted that the vandalism was “shocking” and it was “sad seeing the devastation”.’ Well, if this little incident looks like devastation to a Somali, boy must their homeland be a peaceful quiet place.
Anyway, does a Somali group represent the City of Bristol now? Or is there some meaning to BCC which is obviously upsetting the Beeb but about which they fear to explain? Anyone have any thoughts?
The BBC have of course heavily cropped their pic but the Sun web site shows us the mysterious initials
Bristol, another achingly woke place, full of bearded hipsters and soy latte boys. I believe the local council are trying or may have banned the internal combustion engine from the city.
I used to visit there but now my money and I will happily stay away.
BCC = Bristol City Council (not popular with locals, for pretty much the same reasons as Mr Khan, the BBC, knife wielding drug dealers, child rapist gangs etc…)
Banksy was Bristol born and bred, albeit from (very much) the ‘posh end’ of town, and isn’t too popular with most of the longterm Bristolians either. These days he’s very much of the London Luvvie set, and seems to have crept up his own anus.
It did amuse me a bit that one kind of graffiti is ‘art’, and another ‘vandalism’, personally I think the artist with the pink paint improved the quality of the composition no end, perhaps Mr Gompertz would care to comment?
‘Its time people realise that without ICE, the population of this lovely planet earth will drop by around 90%, mostly due to starvation.,
Well children there used to be a time long ago when at the ‘flick of a switch’ you could get heat and be able to cook your food. Then the GREENS came to power ‘to save the planet’. I know its cold my little ones don’t cry have a spoonful of soy milk that I’ve warmed under my armpit. Never mind eh.
Just look at all those cute furry animals scampering about outside our hovel.
An MP told me last year that he takes an interest if he gets several letters/emails on the same topic, I think it is time for us all to write to our MPs to say we support the government on this.
We know the BBCs bias, how bloated it is. I would say my final straw was the studio decked out as the EU flag on 31 January. The BBC is a habit for me but the time spent between switching on and hearing one of their pet themes (climate change, LGBT, Islam, black superiority ie why BME people should be prioritised etc) is now down to seconds on Radio 4.
‘Swiss Crypto AG spying scandal shakes reputation for neutrality’
Tell us more…
‘From the Cold War into the 2000s, Crypto AG sold the devices to more than 120 governments worldwide. The machines were encrypted but it emerged this week that the CIA and Germany’s BND had rigged the devices so they could crack the codes and intercept thousands of messages.’
And remind me why it might be that Donald Trump suggested we here in the UK avoid a link up with Huawei to build our 5G Network?
Let’s face it, the Chinese can hack our systems and infrastructure any day of the week, if they choose too. It’s matters not if they have embedded hardware in the system now or the future.
What’s more concerning is the health risks posed to us and the environment by having short range very high power transmitters on every street corner bombarding us with these new microwaves that 5G utilises.
Col. Richard Kemp mentioned this story yesterday and gave a link to The Washington Post (paywalled) but can also read here.
… Crypto AG was secretly owned by the CIA in a highly classified partnership with West German intelligence. These spy agencies rigged the company’s devices so they could easily break the codes that countries used to send encrypted messages.
The decades-long arrangement, among the most closely guarded secrets of the Cold War, is laid bare in a classified, comprehensive CIA history of the operation obtained by The Washington Post and ZDF, a German public broadcaster, in a joint reporting project.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy, science, maths, journalism…
They do a ‘narrative’ of their choice superbly however.
As for flood defences, well preventative maintainence is the answer, but this approach tends not to fit the Beeb agenda, usually because of the positive environmental impact it brings, or thatthey can’t stiff the evil tories, because the local authority must take responibility for not clearing ditches, watercourses etc.
Old saying in this neck of the woods, ‘wether it be black, or wether it be white, then February will fill the ditch and dyke’
Ms Frostropy takes money from the BBC as well as the Guardian yet advises a parent to turn off the Toady Programme to stop the kid from losing the ‘will to live ‘.
As a non combatant in this area it seems the BBC is part of the sickness which causes kids to stop being children far to early in their lives – and I know the internet must be a nightmare for parents too.
You’ve made my morning if this Sunday Times al beeb story is to believed! ????
On a sad note the death of a celeb should never be disparaged, but….. the reaction and outpouring of grief from her fellow celebrities is sickeningly shallow ????
All they care about is THEIR image, THEIR careers and THEMselves
If you ever need any proof that the bbbc is biased and completely woke, look at the people who defend it.
Had they been impartial (not left wing, anti Brexit and so on) the Tories would have no need to go after them and they could carry on.
No wonder labour are furious, their great asset and supporter looks to be getting a long overdue seeing to.
Positive comments? The country would be a better place without Anti Beeb pushing its pro Woke, pro BAME pro LGBT agenda all day every day, at the licence fee payers expense.
It would be nice if there wasn’t a need for this website anymore but I guess Dom and BoJo and just testing the waters for public reaction ( real ) to the BBC having to change its ways .
On BH on R4, someone is actually agreeing to the subscription model, although saying ‘how much Britons love it the BBC’. (Keep kidding yourself). Someone else actually calls it a ‘socialist’ institution’ (I think he means publicly funded) but never a truer word spoken. As yet, no one has admitted to its wokeness and the constant FALL IN QUALITY! Not to mention that it is a set of non-stop propaganda channels, pushing various kinds of ‘minorities’ down our throats.
This is not old-fashioned Tory grumbling about the BBC. This is Trumpian vandalism. And if you think a ‘subscription system’ will deliver anything like the world’s greatest public service broadcaster, think again.
The BBC is a noble thing. It educates, informs, entertains the whole nation. It is Britain. Has it got faults? Don't get me started. But sending in the wrecking ball would be an act of spiteful madness. #SavetheBBC
Guest – ‘shouldn’t that be re-educates and misinforms’, John? And as for ‘noble’, programmes have deteriorated so badly over the last few decades, it’s as far away from ‘noble’ as you can possibly get.
Now they have Polly weighing in as only a deranged wealthy Graun finger wagger can.
War against the BBC steaming up. SueCameron just now unchallenged on BH says a hundred go to jail for not paying licence fee. Real number 5,all serial fine defaulters,fee just minor one,judged well able to pay. See how often Tory croc tears for poor used to attack BBC
The tunnel vision and restricted thinking of these people is breathtaking. No, it’s not that we don’t think a subscription system will deliver anything like the world’s greatest public service broadcaster – we don’t want a public service broadcaster.
Or, Ian, what we really want is a Public Service Broadcaster that provides a Service to the Public in its Broadcasting, not one serving its own narrow interests of the day.
The BBC has always looked down on its ‘Public’ and has thought continually and even said on occasion ‘We know what is best for you.’
An epidemic of fake news is a great moment to scrap the one publicly-held and universally available source of broadly reliable and trusted news. Unless confusion about what’s true is the end you seek.
@GuestWho you have just shown 3 top members of totalitarian British-Woke Party putting out tweets to defend the BBC status quo
.. Orchestrated ? I wonder
An epidemic of fake news is a great moment to scrap the one publicly-held and universally available source of broadly reliable and trusted news. Unless confusion about what’s true is the end you seek.
Raheem Kassam
52 mins · The story is a black student standing up in the middle of a room and yelling “Frankly, there’s just too many white people in here” and BBC News goes for “Race row at university built by slaves” as its short headline? Wow.
Whole incident is more proof, as if it was needed, that when the left say “diversity” they mean “lose the whites”.
It does not have that headline currently. Newssniffer may assist?
By “its short headline?” Raheem means the short headline that pops up in Social media like Twitter ..see below
The Twitter synopsis headline comes from secret info inside the BBC webpage coding
specifically this : >meta name=”twitter:title” content=”Race row at university built by slaves”<
I saw posted just the video of what is outlined in with a misleading, typically white-resentment racist intro, I contemplated about replying with some context but on second thought I just blocked the piece of trash
And the obfuscation begins to ramp up, the issue is an illegal compulsory tax imposed on the British public and nothing else. bbc content is irrelevant, when it becomes subscription based it can broadcast what it wants. The freedom of choice to subscribe or not is the only change required. Perhaps Mr. Rusbridger would like to supplement sky/virgin/bt customers viewing too.
@DV asks “Is the end in sight ?”
as the Sunday Times speculates about #10 saying the Licence Fee will be scrapped
Is the License fee the problem ??
The problem is symbolised by the grooming, raping , trading and prostituting of thousands of UNDERAGE girls ..and no one doing anything about it.
How’d that happen ? cos Britain became Orwellian effectively under-control of The-British-Woke-Party a party that actually operates in the way it thinks The British National Party operates.
That is so certain of its superiority it will pull on black masks and carry sticks to stop people demonstrating against grooming gangs etc.
Now the BBC is a strong arm of The-British-Woke-Party pumping out propaganda every minute
but it is not the only arm pretty much dominates the rest of the media, universities & the education system, the charity-sector, Westminster and all the political parties ..although there are honourable resisters to wokeness in all parties.
It is good that people have a wide variety of political views , it is the TOTALITARIANISM of wokeness that is the problem.
Outside the BBC we have the woke-supremacist Guardian & Independent pumping out their daily propaganda.
We have woke-supremacist propagandists like JoB on LBC and he’s not the only one.
The groupthink controls censorious Twitter & Facebook.
The problem with the BBC is paradoxically diversity
When you have a media system which is so undiverse that you have a huge behemoth like the BBC it is much easier for groupthink to take over perhaps aided by deliberate entryism, than if there was true diversity in media.
Daring to challenge the licence fee is nowhere near the end of restoring sanity, it is just a start.
So a BBC without the licence fee could still become an international souped Guardian
Grant Shapps MP described the bBC as a “much loved national treasure” on Sophy Ridge (Sky) today.
"I'd be pretty cautious of some unattributed comments"
When asked about a newspaper report quoting a "senior Downing Street source" saying there should be a "massive pruning back" of the BBC, @grantshapps says there is no "preordained decision" about the corporation's funding
"Execution first, then trial" – that's what I say "We are having a consultation and we will whack it" These consultations are SO much easier when you know the result in advance #SavetheBBC
Why give them airtime, its like they are throwing their dummies out the pram, it sounds like they want to come home, WHAT and potentially infect everyone else. As far as i’m concerned they are in the right place – quarantine
The message I receive sometimes! LOL Martin Hughes doesn't like my campaign so I should immediately stop it! Doesn't matter that 386,000 people disagree with him!
586K is that the biggest petition ?
I know the government closed the official one down at a quarter a million
that’s genuine UK signatures cos others can be signed from multiple email accounts and from abroad.
Welcome, I’m quite a newcomer too, and bless all the folk in this and other organisations who’ve campaigned against the licence fee for a long time. I particularly like the “spokeswoman’s” commitment to improve the World Service. This used to be good for insomniacs – it’s now as dire as much of the rest of Beeb Radio.
All remember to sign up to
Going to go a bit left field on this.
There was a very good article several months ago by the (I think) CEO of the Scottish Mortgage Trust. He bemoaned the lack of innovative entrepreneurship in the UK. The reason the Dow Jones has out performed the FTSE100 is because of Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft. All new high growth businesses that barely existed 20 years ago.
Remember ICI? It was one of our global scale chemical companies. Now? It doesn’t even exist. Appalling management cockups resulted in a sell off in parts to the likes of Henkel, Akzo, Ineos. Only the much maligned Jim Ratcliffe has given us some chemical industry residue.
So to the BBC. It sees licence abolition as a threat. It should be an opportunity!!!!! With its history and know-how from the time before it decided on a strategy of endless politically correct left liberal narratives it still retains some strategic strength. Get ambitious! Get global! Grow balls! Needless to say, none of the current apparatchiks are up to it but somewhere out there is an alternative future where the UK has a global British broadcasting business, especially in the provision of English language, British themed content.
On 6 Feb in the HoC James Cartlidge (South Suffolk) (Con) said: Surely this is an incredible opportunity for the BBC. The licence fee restricts its paying base to the UK, but if it had a subscription model, it could export to the entire world. As the Minister said, the BBC’s own prediction is that it will have a global audience of a billion people a week by the end of the decade. If just 5% of those people were to take out a subscription to the iPlayer at £6 a month, the BBC would recoup the entire £3.7 billion that it gets from the licence fee, but as export income instead of a tax on the British people.
It’s some wacky Indian HINDU sect college
You could do such articles 20 times a day if you consider Africa Pakistan etc.
So I don’t see why the BBC are using OUR money to highlight this non-British issue.
AFAIK The article has always had the title
: ‘ Period-shaming’ Indian college forces students to strip to underwear
On Sunday’s @MalleusEpiscopo tweets the religious items that the BBC RELIGION progs CHOOSE not to mention.
He tweets underneath the BBC’s own tweet
But Twitter deboosts his tweets.. ie they hid ALL his replies to the BBC under the “Show More Replies” button
There is a Twitter pile on against @piersmorgan
Caroline was a fun, bright & sparky person whose whole world collapsed recently, both professionally & personally.
She told me it had been the worst time of her life, and was clearly struggling to cope with losing everything she held dear.
This is such sad, awful news.
Bottomline people do often say vile ans sometimes vile things against people on trial, but that should not trigger suicide in the accused cos they should be adequately protected
.. in this case ITV had profitted from Flak
so just they same as they supply bodyguards to protect her from external threats they should have supplied body guards to protect her from herself.
BTW suicide is not universally deserving of sympathy cos it can be a selfish act used to punish others.
I have read the comments in the Times re the possible abolition of the LF and move to funding the BBC by subscription only. My crude analysis of the comments and ‘likes’ is that about two thirds are in celebratory mode along the lines that ‘ they have brought it on themselves and it’s long overdue’ and one third are outraged that anyone could even imagine touching the sacred cow , ‘ cultural vandalism ‘ or ‘right wing suppression of the truth ‘ . The Times leader broadly welcomes a debate on the way the BBC is funded which surprised me because the Times has been staunchly a Remain but perhaps Murdoch sees opportunities if the BBC is brought to heel.
What is clear is that the BBC defence will be two pronged, firstly attacking the BBC is cultural vandalism and secondly attacking the BBC is an attack upon free speech. I know it’s hard not to laugh but I’m sure that this will be the two main defence lines. We can look forward to an endless parade of luvvies and academics manning the first defence line , probably working shifts, and judges , charity bosses , opposition politicians , the Noble Lords and journalists manning the second . Nearly all the defenders of the foul corporation will be Remainers.
They simply don’t seem to understand that their extreme anti Brexit bias for the last three and a half years has been the main cause why so many of the general public has turned against the BBC. Being supported by Arch Remainers will only reinforce the view of the public that the BBC no longer deserves their support and that they are no longer prepared to pay a compulsory fee to watch other TV channels.
The entertainment world is full of ‘vulnerable’ people. It always has been. And sad though it is that Flack took her own life, she is not the first and wont be the last. I remember the utter shock when Tony Hancock took his own life at age 44, and was found in a flat in Sydney. There was no ‘protection’ for people back then, so why should it be necessary now ? We all know that drugs are rampant in the industry, and this only exacerbates the ‘vulnerability’ in individuals if they are that way to start with.
Someone replies to Emma With luck better than the holding power to account of the BBC,
where staff can block questioners on whim #viewstheirown
and BBC Complaints and ECU can arrange those they can’t fob off are banned
.. using blanket #FOI exemptions
.. whilst breaching DPA rules the @ICO cannot enforce.
Does the public support Emma ?
Her tweet has 348 Retweets … 1.6K Likes
190 people replied to her, two thirds disagreeing
Only 1% of her-followers bothered to Liked her tweet
The world needs more journalists, not less. On a weekend where BBC reporters on local radio will be providing Storm Dennis updates that will impact thousands of lives, this will be evident. It’s not a fatted cow, it’s an institution that provides incredible value for money.
Talking of more journos – the Mail reports that the BBC has at least 13 of their staff covering an election in a foreign country – it’s America – Naughtie , Sopel , Bryant , Maitliss , Katy , Christian , Gary et al . No need for cutbacks -right ?
Can anyone guess whose side that lot of beauties are on ? Drain the swamp
Standing with my colleagues at the BBC. The corporation is the envy of the entire world, who are mystified at what we are doing to it. We will ALL miss it when it is gone.
Why not name your ‘senior source’? We all know who it is. He says they’re going to have ‘a consultation’ but has already decided the outcome. Sounds like a banana republic.
Fedup2Mar 3, 14:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Confusing … but X reports that the US is no longer interested in signing a mineral deal with Ukraine ……
MarkyMarkMar 3, 14:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 3, 14:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Some in the RN of the early noughties were seriously talking about wheelchair access on warships… One career officer I…
Ian RushlowMar 3, 14:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let’s put this in context: Number of Germans killed in attacks by migrants during past 12 months = 15 (at…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 14:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 2017 …. “President Trump caused confusion during a Saturday rally in Florida when he said: “You look at what’s happening…
tomoMar 3, 14:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The top photo made me think of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg who gathered the Battle Creek Sanitarium staff for a…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 14:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Blind fighter pilots! DO IT! “An Army that is justifiably recognised as a demonstrably inclusive employer that respects difference, attracts…
Ah, second, ironically.
Just when Keir thought the bbc was in the bag.
Oops. Legacy link. I’ll leave it up as #CCBGB
There is still a way for the BBC to dig itself out of the hole its in.
The BBC should start by being a bit more fair about Global Warming
– Climate Change.
They need to tell the public that recent evidence from serious scientists around the world indicate that Global Warming is not as pronounced as before.
They should broadcast that recent evidence indicates that average global temperature has risen by around 0.1 C per decade- which is well below measurement uncertainty. Both of which are actually true.
Slowly, step by step the BBC should get back to broadcasting a more balanced view of a subject which is controversial to say the least.
If the BBC makes a start of the above, it will show the public that they are at least making an effort to try and become a truthful and balanced broadcaster, and thus gain public support
This is the one I meant to bookend.
David Vance
I really do hope that this is true?
Has anyone wondered why Lord Hall Hall jumped ship so suddenly ?
“Lord Hall quits as BBC’s director-general after ministers threatened to appoint a Tory as next chairman”………..
BBC News
“Cummings is now back with a vengeance after orchestrating a cabinet reshuffle which shook the Conservative Party” – The BBC’s Nicholas Watt profiles UK PM Boris Johnson’s closest political adviser.
Odds on the likely impartial tenor of Nick’s ‘profile’?
I predict that Al Beeb will begin to lampoon and vilify Cummings .
They will know he is their Nemesis .
What say you maxincony?
It’s good to listen and hear the machinations of Al Beeb regarding Mr Cummins.
I don’t recall such angst or indignation when the war criminal and so called spin doctor, the depressed chemical ‘Ali Campbell’ was running the place back in the 90’s. If memory serves him and the Bliar stuffed the judiciary and civil servants full of common purpose drones.
An entirely valid point WW, though it will be interesting to see how many of our respected pundits make the comparison. We should probably not expect too many of the names we have come to love and admire appearing on the list.
Is Al Beeb providing all the news from Europe or is censorship the name of their game ?
At the moment the passing of someone I’ve never heard of is on the front page of the BBC website, (although to be fair it’s on the front page of quite a lot of other news websites as well).
We may not recognise this poor woman but it seems the behaviour of the Crown Prosecution Service has played a part in her death.
I think that’s where the true story lies.
The CPS should be abolished as a failed experiment and the role of prosecutors returned to local control as it used to be.
Indeed, I had to ask my partner ‘who is Caroline Flack’ ? An island was mentioned…
Sad for those involved, but….
I wonder what treatment would be handed out to a male presenter who assaulted his wife or girlfriend? Certainly not the glowing eulogies we are getting for this violent woman. BTW, I’d never heard of her.
Get the candles out ready for the snowflakes.
Mass hysteria for the luvvies who never really knew the person .
Seems like the BBBC will hang on to this tired story for ages yet.
I thought Love Island was some sort of antidote to the kids prog Tracy Island, where everyone does feck all but think it’s ‘entertainment’.
This predilection for pseudo-bonking is rife in rubbishy TV progs these days, and the BBBC with enormous, bloated tax funds are the worst offenders!
Why they can’t use up a year’s ‘funds’ and make one huge shag-fest for all their twenty-five adult ‘viewers’, and get it out of their systems is beyond me, but as they’re not going to be around much longer, they may not have the time to order all that champagne-flavoured viagra.
Twitter attacking the papers for “hounding” said celebrity. A bit rich coming from people who hound anyone whose views differ from their groupthink.
Hee-hee, well said EricW ????
PETER HITCHENS: Who let the IRA gangsters take over Ireland? We did
I note the BBC, tireless in getting everything wrong, has taken to describing Sinn Fein as ‘Left-wing’.
Well, its supposed leader (we will come to this) Mary Lou McDonald cannot be accurately described as Left-wing. It’s another wing that she stands on.
Well, on this occasion, the lies have come back. We sold Ireland to gangsters for a few years’ respite. Now we see exactly who we sold it to.
We worry whenever some tiny band of neo-Nazis win a few votes in a backward corner of Germany. But this is as nothing to what is now happening in Dublin. Actual gangsters are now close to the offices of real national power.
I note the BBC, tireless in getting everything wrong, has taken to describing Sinn Fein as ‘Left-wing’.
Well, its supposed leader (we will come to this) Mary Lou McDonald cannot be accurately described as Left-wing. It’s another wing that she stands on.
In August 2003, Ms McDonald stood willingly beside the grisly apostle of violence and convicted IRA bomber Brian Keenan. But that wasn’t all.
Both were there to ‘pay respect’ at the statue of one of the nastiest people who ever lived.
The memorial to Sean Russell in Dublin’s Fairview Park is, as far as I know, the only monument to a Nazi collaborator still standing in democratic Europe.
Russell, the IRA’s Chief of Staff in 1939, travelled on the eve of the Second World War to Nazi Germany to offer his services to Hitler. They gave him the use of a villa in Berlin, and provided him with a car and chauffeur.
He was taken to the Brandenburg military camp to study the latest techniques in sabotage and guerrilla warfare, and met Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop.
After the fall of France, Russell urged the Germans to use the IRA to strike at British forces in Northern Ireland.
Sounds like “The eagle has landed”. Donald Sutherland.
A detective who climbed over seats in a cinema before he swore at and “technically assaulted” a 14-year-old boy has been given a final warning.
A Hertfordshire Police misconduct hearing examined the actions of Det Con Ian Stubley at Cineworld in St Neots, Cambridgeshire, on 28 July.
It was told the off-duty officer confronted a group of teenagers for being too loud and pushed one of them.
Chief Constable Charlie Hall found his actions amounted to gross misconduct.
Mr Stubley was visiting the cinema with his wife when he told the teenagers to be quiet as the film had started but the 14-year-old swore at him, the session at the force’s headquarters in Welwyn Garden City heard.
Packet of crisps
Mr Stubley then “climbed over seats, put his hand on the side of the boy’s face and they both swore at each other”, the hearing was told.
The teenager poured a packet of crisps over the detective before leaving the cinema and calling his parents, who reported the incident.
Cambridgeshire Police investigated and the officer was issued with a community remedy order and wrote a letter of apology to the boy.
While the 14-year-old told police Mr Stubley put his hand on him and pushed him, the detective told officers he pointed at the boy but denied any physical contact.
Life went downhill as soon as kids were given ‘their rights’. This led to a complete breakdown of discipline in schools. Years ago when the act came into force, an art teacher friend said his hands were tied when it came to reprimanding unruly kids, because they then went and told their parents, who would immediately march up to the school for a confrontation. Mealy mouthed parents are just as bad.
We have come to something when we ‘are instructed’ to apologise to delinquent little b……ds.
Exactly, it started when capital…sorry corporal punishment was abolished and in my school years caning was the deterrent and it worked . You didn’t dare go home and tell your parents because they would punish you again . Wooden board rubbers thrown with great accuracy……some of the masters had obviously had practice with grenades in WW2 …..Kids today what !
So who to believe, a 14 year old little scumbag or a policeman ???
Hard call that !!
Its a sad day that I have to say that.
Can it really be true? Do we really have a Tory government with the courage to take on the over mighty BBC? Well if this briefing really did come from No10 it would seem that the government is going into battle with the foul corporation and scraping the LF and replacing it with a subscription model. Which is exactly what this site has been campaigning for for years. ( My favoured option of abolition, obliteration and erasure of its memory may be too radical even for Dom Cummings) Perhaps the real plan is to force the BBC into accepting something less than full subscription but even so this is great progress. Reducing the malign influence of the BBC on our daily life is long overdue, so Boris go to it and slay the beast, you have our full support.
I was content with subscription approach prior to the events of the last election and our subsequent leaving of the EUSSR. This headline if to be believed, well it’s a start, and the juries out on Boris, so this is a good litmus test.
Post election having witnessed everything from the Beebs shameless approach to destroying all things English, the constant pro EU narrative to the constant diatribe of BAME, woke and minority sports and made up race baiting ‘questions’, personally I now just want them gone.
If they leave a vacuum, so be it, rest assured it will be filled.
Behind our democracy lurks a powerful but unaccountable network of people who wield massive power and reap huge profits in the process.
For example 24% of the population think that British society is Muslim, the figure is actually 5%. 31% believe the British population are immigrants when it’s 14%, 27% believe social security money has been fraudulently gained when the figure is 0.7%. statistics that distort the truth such as 41% of the public believe all social security money goes to the unemployed when it’s actually 3% and 29% of Britons think more taxpayers money goes on jobseekers allowance than on pensions – when 15 times more money is spent on pensioners.This clearly demonstrates just how much the media/BBC controls the minds of the general public. It is how propaganda is peddled so effectively by the very rich and very powerful to reach their goal of attaining even more wealth and power and to stay there. Just 5 billionaires control all the media and all of its out put to ensure they keep the power as is now.
Double, appreciate that you and others on here want “abolition, obliteration and erasure” but we all – if you have ever paid for a TV Licence (even if only once) have shares in the BBC. It is ours. It belongs to us. We financed all its assets. (Exactly the same as with the EEC/EC/EU.) If it is sold off, in whole or in part, we should receive the proceeds.
The other alternative, especially now that we have a slightly better idea of what it costs to run a section of the BBC (whether TV or radio) might be to drastically reduce the size of the Corporation so that, say, one national TV station and three radio networks could be run on a small Licence Fee which is just that – as described in the name – and not a major tax outlay for many households.
Assuming that only about 90% of the UK’s households pay the Licence Fee (I know the BBC claim varying figures, currently at least 93% – down from 95% a couple of years ago) then a £10 Licence Fee would bring in a guaranteed income of £234,000,000. That’s getting on for an operating budget of a quarter of a billion pounds. Many large businesses ‘would kill for that’ size of guaranteed turnover in the uncertain real world of real business.
And that is really the root of the BBC’s problem: it has never, ever, operated in the real world. Hence the failure of an old boy, Tony Hall, as D-G. His mindset was all BBC, so he thought life was – as Del Boy would say – cushty.
If the BBC really fought back, I would hope Boris would have the guts ‘to do a full Conservative’ and part privatise the BBC. Sell off bits of the BBC such as Radios 1 and 6, CBeebies, Channels Two, IIIi and Four TV and give the money to the public, keep a national Broadcaster for some national radio and a bit of TV.
I’m sorry but I Remain a purist in this matter. I accept that a fully commercial subscription model is really the best that we can expect but would prefer total abolition and obliteration etc. My real fear with your suggestion is that with change of government the LF will be increased and before we know it the BBC will be back to full strength. This would be much more difficult to do starting from a commercial subscription model. But it would be impossible with my abolition obliteration model.
BBC Newspaper front page round up quotes the Observer:
a cabinet minister is a member of a “controversial” religious sect which venerates its founder despite allegations he was a serial sexual predator
But wasn’t Sajid Javid given the sack this week?
Oh, silly me, they refer of course to ‘Suella Braverman… [who] is a mitra – sanskrit for friend – within the Triratna order, one of Buddhism’s larger sects’
For a moment there, I thought…
“Could it be Bernie Sanders v Donald Trump?” asks the headline.
Or, in BBC parlance, “The Socialist Saviour v The Evil One”.
And if it is, I’m sure the Impartial, Free and Fair Sopel will cover the contest in his usual Impartial, Free and Fair way.
What a beauty.
Or ‘Could it be my arse or someone else’s’, as a helpful headline to get a few viewers, Vlad!
I suppose they have a special wooden box for Sopel to stand on when he’s in a room with proper journalists, but his expenses for this campaign must be around £100,000 for this campaign, which will see Donald Trump re-elected with a thumping majority.
The VP position is the important one if Sanders is elected in the Dem Primary and POTUS.
IF Bernie hitches himself to Hilda, most Americans would advice good security.
Not keen.
But good try.
Redeemed a bit in replying to this clown.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating, but if Boris does this then he can be forgiven for HS2, Green nonsense and failure to tackle the other issues. The BBC is Ground Zero: it the centre of the Woke virus in the same way as Wuhan is the centre of the Coronavirus. Bring down the BBC and then the rest of the existential threats to the nation can be tackled.
What a wonderful and historic year this may turn out to be if Prime Minister Johnson is true to his word: we’ll finally be out of the EU and we’ll be released from the clutches ofracist far-left bbc.
The superstitious are known to say things come in three, so there must be another piece of good news waiting to be revealed to us. My choice would be to deport all the illegal invaders from our country.
John in Cheshire: My choice would be to deport all the illegal invaders from our country.
And all persons who engaged in the rape Jihad on vulnerable girls in the country.
This was an act of war on the country that gave them the opportunity to live in a civilised country. And they repaid us by raping tens of thousands of young girls.
John in Cheshire: My choice would be to deport all the illegal invaders from our country.
And all persons who engaged in the rape Jihad on vulnerable girls in the country.
This was an act of war on the country that gave them the opportunity to live in a civilised country. And they repaid us by raping thousands of young girls.
Apparently on the radio this morning during the papers review, Downing Street has been warned that ‘80%’ of those asked see the Beeb as a good thing….
Nothing to worry about when you have to go subscription then, hey Al Beeb?
What fails to amaze me is the number of ” ordinary people ” that think the BBC are pro Conservative and Nigel….I know how we see them……am I missing something somewhere in the Media ?
@CF The “show me the bodies” rule applies
If they say the BBC has been pro-Conservative ask them where ?
I ask them to show me where the BBC has been pro-Trump or Pro-Remain, on air or in staff tweets.
They reply that “of course no one should be pro-Trump”
They might say “look how every MEP on Question Time is a UKIP MEP”
.. I point out that is a cherry pick and that you have to count every category not just MEP
..if you only count MPs then that’s zero UKIP MP appearances on QT compared to 800 from other parties.
Some older people remember the BBC as a pro-London establishment org..and to them that means Tory
but most on Twitter are actually PR triksters.
The obvious thing is if the BBC were a Tory puppet
..they wouldn’t be talking about slimming it down
… would they ?
Stew… interesting who is up in arms…
As night follows day, 38 Bee Gees crank up another daft petition…
Dear Rube,
BREAKING – Today the hated government has declared war on our BBC, who normally we claim supports said government. [1]
Boris Johnson’s plans would scrap the majority of BBC radio stations and TV channels, scrap the licence fee and more. It’s a thinly veiled attempt to dodge accountability, a bit like when DGs send out an anonymous spokesweasel to say ‘we got it about right; try and do something about it, peon’. Already MPs, including several (unnamed, or wet) Conservatives, are up in arms about this attack, but to stop it, it’s going to take a huge amount of public pressure. [2]
Doofus will you please sign and share this petition right now. As soon as it gets to 100,000 signatures we’ll deliver it straight to the Prime Minister’s office, like alllll the others that pay our Kennington rents but achieve diddly squat.
Campaign created by Robin Priestley
Sign the petition
To: Prime Minister Boris Johnson
What: Stop your political attack on our BBC. Stop attempting to undermine the BBC and the role it plays in independently (fingers crossed behind my back) holding the government to account. Don’t scrap the licence fee, don’t cut TV & radio stations, don’t cut services.
Why is this important: The government have declared war on our BBC. It’s a thinly veiled attempt to clamp down on being held to account, like when the BBC shuts down those raising concerns on twitter by blocking or via Complaints by banning those who get past the defence pickets. They’ve pledged to scrap the licence fee and cut dozens of TV & radio stations, they want to “prune” its reach into people’s homes.
Our BBC is a world leading public service. We know this because they #tellusoftenenough. The way that it is funded (uniquely, by compulsion) means that it’s independent of government and corporate pressure, and if you believe that there is some land in Florida I’d like to sell you. At a time when fake news can spread like wildfire, from Cebeebies to Newsnight, and when so much is at stake, this is a dangerous attack on our democratic right to subvert policy by lying to you.
We need to protect the BBC from this political attack. Not the ones we like. The Prime Minister has already tried to ban journalists who grandstand gotchas from No.10 briefings, now he and his close advisers are going after our public broadcasters… us… the chosen ones! This is a move straight out of…. ta-da…. Donald Trump’s playbook.
Already MPs from all parties, well a few, are up in arms about this attack, but to stop it, it’s going to take a huge amount of public pressure. Please sign and share this petition.
Read more if you are that dumb…
Sign the petition
Thanks for being so credulous,
Robin, Ellie, Mike, & the 38 BeeBees team
[1] The Sunday Times – No.10 tells BBC licence fee will be scrapped (paywall):
[2] Huw Merriman MP:
Damian Green MP:
38 Degrees wouldn’t exist without you, sucker.
38 Degrees has no big donors or corporate sponsors except Soros’ proxies. Everything we achieve together is only possible because of fivers and tenners from ordinary people like you and Momentum.
Please will you consider chipping in a fiver, a tenner or whatever you can spare now? A pint near our office is like £10 now.
They reply that “of course no one should be pro-Trump”
But Donald Trump was elected president by the freest democracy in the world.
Clearly the BBC does not respect results of elections – as further evidenced by the Brexit referendum.
So the question is why should the public pay for a broadcasting behemoth that does not respect the results of elections, unless they are results they like.
Off with their head.
Yes indeed. The BBC costs over £3bn oer year, and also creates mayhem in the country by its incessant propaganda of Global warming hoax. Because of BBC propaganda children skip school, instead of learning some basic Physics like law of gases and thermodynamics, for a start. Of course this relies on teachers knowing some thermodynamics at a proper degree level.
Champagne bottles will be strewn about my gaffe , if you see what I mean .
BBC expresses outrage that someone has had the audacity and bad taste to have graffitied over… a piece of [BBC-approved] graffiti
‘Bristol Valentine’s Day Banksy mural vandalised’
The problem seems to be someone illegally spray-canned the motto ‘BCC Wankers’ over the ummm… precious illegally spray-canned picture.
Help me out here… BCC…? The dyslexic community protesting the TV LIcence Fee? Don’t think that’s the case here.
But what’s this… ‘The British Somali Community Association, based in Barton Hill, tweeted that the vandalism was “shocking” and it was “sad seeing the devastation”.’ Well, if this little incident looks like devastation to a Somali, boy must their homeland be a peaceful quiet place.
Anyway, does a Somali group represent the City of Bristol now? Or is there some meaning to BCC which is obviously upsetting the Beeb but about which they fear to explain? Anyone have any thoughts?
The BBC have of course heavily cropped their pic but the Sun web site shows us the mysterious initials
Ignorant scribble by the likes of Banksy and Strormzy (are they the from the same sort of stable), is an expensive pain on normal society.
Of course it’s call ‘diversideee’ by the similarly stupid ‘journos’ on the tax-funded bbbc, so is made to look important.
Bristol, another achingly woke place, full of bearded hipsters and soy latte boys. I believe the local council are trying or may have banned the internal combustion engine from the city.
I used to visit there but now my money and I will happily stay away.
BCC = Bristol City Council (not popular with locals, for pretty much the same reasons as Mr Khan, the BBC, knife wielding drug dealers, child rapist gangs etc…)
Banksy was Bristol born and bred, albeit from (very much) the ‘posh end’ of town, and isn’t too popular with most of the longterm Bristolians either. These days he’s very much of the London Luvvie set, and seems to have crept up his own anus.
It did amuse me a bit that one kind of graffiti is ‘art’, and another ‘vandalism’, personally I think the artist with the pink paint improved the quality of the composition no end, perhaps Mr Gompertz would care to comment?
They should ban all ICEs ,and any method or activity that has taken advantage of the ICE.
And no aid should be given to Bristol when they start starving to death.
Its time people realise that without ICE, the population of this lovely planet earth will drop by around 90%, mostly due to starvation.
‘Its time people realise that without ICE, the population of this lovely planet earth will drop by around 90%, mostly due to starvation.,
Well children there used to be a time long ago when at the ‘flick of a switch’ you could get heat and be able to cook your food. Then the GREENS came to power ‘to save the planet’. I know its cold my little ones don’t cry have a spoonful of soy milk that I’ve warmed under my armpit. Never mind eh.
Just look at all those cute furry animals scampering about outside our hovel.
An MP told me last year that he takes an interest if he gets several letters/emails on the same topic, I think it is time for us all to write to our MPs to say we support the government on this.
We know the BBCs bias, how bloated it is. I would say my final straw was the studio decked out as the EU flag on 31 January. The BBC is a habit for me but the time spent between switching on and hearing one of their pet themes (climate change, LGBT, Islam, black superiority ie why BME people should be prioritised etc) is now down to seconds on Radio 4.
Continued switching-off doesn’t do much for the old Carpal Tunnel or the Dupuytren’s, Deborah, so you take care!
Much better to just ignore the rubbishy ‘news’, and get on with life!
Actually, we could claim on insurance for this, then get our licence tax back in compo!
Fear not BBC, throw your resources behind Bex and you are golden.
The one sure way to destroy freedom of the press is to let a political party or politician the power to comprehensively organise the media.
She sounds like a Stalinist.
“Well, there’s a thing”
– highlighting moments where a bright shaft of reality shines through the otherwise thick smog of BBC narrative and agenda.
And we’re off to Switzerland for this story.
‘Swiss Crypto AG spying scandal shakes reputation for neutrality’
Tell us more…
‘From the Cold War into the 2000s, Crypto AG sold the devices to more than 120 governments worldwide. The machines were encrypted but it emerged this week that the CIA and Germany’s BND had rigged the devices so they could crack the codes and intercept thousands of messages.’
And remind me why it might be that Donald Trump suggested we here in the UK avoid a link up with Huawei to build our 5G Network?
Let’s face it, the Chinese can hack our systems and infrastructure any day of the week, if they choose too. It’s matters not if they have embedded hardware in the system now or the future.
What’s more concerning is the health risks posed to us and the environment by having short range very high power transmitters on every street corner bombarding us with these new microwaves that 5G utilises.
Col. Richard Kemp mentioned this story yesterday and gave a link to The Washington Post (paywalled) but can also read here.
… Crypto AG was secretly owned by the CIA in a highly classified partnership with West German intelligence. These spy agencies rigged the company’s devices so they could easily break the codes that countries used to send encrypted messages.
The decades-long arrangement, among the most closely guarded secrets of the Cold War, is laid bare in a classified, comprehensive CIA history of the operation obtained by The Washington Post and ZDF, a German public broadcaster, in a joint reporting project.
Flood defences in England get 1% of infrastructure spending
Just over 1% of government infrastructure spending in England will go towards flood defences, analysis by BBC News has found.
Yes just 1% – wouldn’t a better headline state the amount actually being spent
I could win 1% of the lottery, but the 100% is £10. or a different day win 1% of £250million
Al Beeb don’t do comedy, science, maths, journalism…
They do a ‘narrative’ of their choice superbly however.
As for flood defences, well preventative maintainence is the answer, but this approach tends not to fit the Beeb agenda, usually because of the positive environmental impact it brings, or thatthey can’t stiff the evil tories, because the local authority must take responibility for not clearing ditches, watercourses etc.
Old saying in this neck of the woods, ‘wether it be black, or wether it be white, then February will fill the ditch and dyke’
I used to hide behind the sofa back in the day.
BBC News
If you’ve been affected by Caroline Flack’s death, help and support is available from the BBC action line.
The BBC sofa now on double duty?
Well, well!
“New Brexiteer Attorney General Wants to ‘Take Back Control’ of Power from Courts” (et al.)
One can only hope this is not another wind bag.
There, ‘quick as a flash’, the Guardian crank up their Marxist machine you know the principal one, “Critical Theory”: drag everything down, condemn everything –
“Attorney general Suella Braverman belongs to controversial Buddhist sect”
Likely not the advice the bbc was hoping for in response.
Ms Frostropy takes money from the BBC as well as the Guardian yet advises a parent to turn off the Toady Programme to stop the kid from losing the ‘will to live ‘.
As a non combatant in this area it seems the BBC is part of the sickness which causes kids to stop being children far to early in their lives – and I know the internet must be a nightmare for parents too.
You’ve made my morning if this Sunday Times al beeb story is to believed! ????
On a sad note the death of a celeb should never be disparaged, but….. the reaction and outpouring of grief from her fellow celebrities is sickeningly shallow ????
All they care about is THEIR image, THEIR careers and THEMselves
If you ever need any proof that the bbbc is biased and completely woke, look at the people who defend it.
Had they been impartial (not left wing, anti Brexit and so on) the Tories would have no need to go after them and they could carry on.
No wonder labour are furious, their great asset and supporter looks to be getting a long overdue seeing to.
This page is gold dust.
Positive comments? The country would be a better place without Anti Beeb pushing its pro Woke, pro BAME pro LGBT agenda all day every day, at the licence fee payers expense.
Maybe the BBC can get Wossy and Russ back in to make some calls for the lolz?
Hi, all. My first post here.
Reading The Times article today makes me think there is
a God after all. 2020 is shaping up to be a good year after all.
Happy to share my favourite quote:
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of
ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”
Thomas Jefferson.
The end of this sinful tyranny is now truly in sight. 🙂 🙂
Well done Boris and Dominic.
Welcome Dentine
It would be nice if there wasn’t a need for this website anymore but I guess Dom and BoJo and just testing the waters for public reaction ( real ) to the BBC having to change its ways .
On BH on R4, someone is actually agreeing to the subscription model, although saying ‘how much Britons love it the BBC’. (Keep kidding yourself). Someone else actually calls it a ‘socialist’ institution’ (I think he means publicly funded) but never a truer word spoken. As yet, no one has admitted to its wokeness and the constant FALL IN QUALITY! Not to mention that it is a set of non-stop propaganda channels, pushing various kinds of ‘minorities’ down our throats.
All the right, well, left folk getting triggered.
Matt goes full TDS too.
Gets better.
Wyre Davis liked it too.
Guest – ‘shouldn’t that be re-educates and misinforms’, John? And as for ‘noble’, programmes have deteriorated so badly over the last few decades, it’s as far away from ‘noble’ as you can possibly get.
The BBC is stuffed.
Now they have Polly weighing in as only a deranged wealthy Graun finger wagger can.
Quite the backing force so far.
The tunnel vision and restricted thinking of these people is breathtaking. No, it’s not that we don’t think a subscription system will deliver anything like the world’s greatest public service broadcaster – we don’t want a public service broadcaster.
Or, Ian, what we really want is a Public Service Broadcaster that provides a Service to the Public in its Broadcasting, not one serving its own narrow interests of the day.
The BBC has always looked down on its ‘Public’ and has thought continually and even said on occasion ‘We know what is best for you.’
@GuestWho you have just shown 3 top members of totalitarian British-Woke Party putting out tweets to defend the BBC status quo
.. Orchestrated ? I wonder
They release pheromones when threatened the herd can detect globally in hours.
Like #FBPE picket vultures on twitter when an immigration line is mentioned.
‘Broadly reliable and trusted….’ what a delightful oxymoron, under the circumstances.
Certainly on #littlebitpregnant territory.
“broadly reliable and trusted news” – you have to laugh.
Indeed you do.
Raheem Kassam
52 mins ·
The story is a black student standing up in the middle of a room and yelling “Frankly, there’s just too many white people in here” and BBC News goes for “Race row at university built by slaves” as its short headline? Wow.
Whole incident is more proof, as if it was needed, that when the left say “diversity” they mean “lose the whites”.
It does not have that headline currently. Newssniffer may assist?
By “its short headline?” Raheem means the short headline that pops up in Social media like Twitter ..see below
The Twitter synopsis headline comes from secret info inside the BBC webpage coding
specifically this : >meta name=”twitter:title” content=”Race row at university built by slaves”<
The BBC, trustworthy as ever. Tx, Stew.
And the obfuscation begins to ramp up, the issue is an illegal compulsory tax imposed on the British public and nothing else. bbc content is irrelevant, when it becomes subscription based it can broadcast what it wants. The freedom of choice to subscribe or not is the only change required. Perhaps Mr. Rusbridger would like to supplement sky/virgin/bt customers viewing too.
@DV asks “Is the end in sight ?”
as the Sunday Times speculates about #10 saying the Licence Fee will be scrapped
Is the License fee the problem ??
The problem is symbolised by the grooming, raping , trading and prostituting of thousands of UNDERAGE girls ..and no one doing anything about it.
How’d that happen ? cos Britain became Orwellian effectively under-control of The-British-Woke-Party a party that actually operates in the way it thinks The British National Party operates.
That is so certain of its superiority it will pull on black masks and carry sticks to stop people demonstrating against grooming gangs etc.
Now the BBC is a strong arm of The-British-Woke-Party pumping out propaganda every minute
but it is not the only arm pretty much dominates the rest of the media, universities & the education system, the charity-sector, Westminster and all the political parties ..although there are honourable resisters to wokeness in all parties.
It is good that people have a wide variety of political views , it is the TOTALITARIANISM of wokeness that is the problem.
Outside the BBC we have the woke-supremacist Guardian & Independent pumping out their daily propaganda.
We have woke-supremacist propagandists like JoB on LBC and he’s not the only one.
The groupthink controls censorious Twitter & Facebook.
The problem with the BBC is paradoxically diversity
When you have a media system which is so undiverse that you have a huge behemoth like the BBC it is much easier for groupthink to take over perhaps aided by deliberate entryism, than if there was true diversity in media.
Daring to challenge the licence fee is nowhere near the end of restoring sanity, it is just a start.
So a BBC without the licence fee could still become an international souped Guardian
Grant Shapps MP described the bBC as a “much loved national treasure” on Sophy Ridge (Sky) today.
Another pensioner.
Coronavirus: Couple quarantined on cruise ship criticise UK government
Why give them airtime, its like they are throwing their dummies out the pram, it sounds like they want to come home, WHAT and potentially infect everyone else. As far as i’m concerned they are in the right place – quarantine
You rang?
The reason for being given airtime are the magic keywords: ‘….criticise UK government’.
That’s all the justification needed
Seems petitions are only valid if…
586K is that the biggest petition ?
I know the government closed the official one down at a quarter a million
that’s genuine UK signatures cos others can be signed from multiple email accounts and from abroad.
ha my typo 386K not 586K
Welcome, I’m quite a newcomer too, and bless all the folk in this and other organisations who’ve campaigned against the licence fee for a long time. I particularly like the “spokeswoman’s” commitment to improve the World Service. This used to be good for insomniacs – it’s now as dire as much of the rest of Beeb Radio.
All remember to sign up to
This is local.
Meanwhile the national MSM is rammed with equally thick Labourettes spouting sound bites to dumb blondes. And Marr, who is not blonde.
Going to go a bit left field on this.
There was a very good article several months ago by the (I think) CEO of the Scottish Mortgage Trust. He bemoaned the lack of innovative entrepreneurship in the UK. The reason the Dow Jones has out performed the FTSE100 is because of Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft. All new high growth businesses that barely existed 20 years ago.
Remember ICI? It was one of our global scale chemical companies. Now? It doesn’t even exist. Appalling management cockups resulted in a sell off in parts to the likes of Henkel, Akzo, Ineos. Only the much maligned Jim Ratcliffe has given us some chemical industry residue.
So to the BBC. It sees licence abolition as a threat. It should be an opportunity!!!!! With its history and know-how from the time before it decided on a strategy of endless politically correct left liberal narratives it still retains some strategic strength. Get ambitious! Get global! Grow balls! Needless to say, none of the current apparatchiks are up to it but somewhere out there is an alternative future where the UK has a global British broadcasting business, especially in the provision of English language, British themed content.
On 6 Feb in the HoC James Cartlidge (South Suffolk) (Con) said:
Surely this is an incredible opportunity for the BBC. The licence fee restricts its paying base to the UK, but if it had a subscription model, it could export to the entire world. As the Minister said, the BBC’s own prediction is that it will have a global audience of a billion people a week by the end of the decade. If just 5% of those people were to take out a subscription to the iPlayer at £6 a month, the BBC would recoup the entire £3.7 billion that it gets from the licence fee, but as export income instead of a tax on the British people.
BBC News
College students complained they were made to strip and show their underwear to female teachers to prove that they were not menstruating.
Doesn’t say in the headline or caption. Bradford?
It’s some wacky Indian HINDU sect college
You could do such articles 20 times a day if you consider Africa Pakistan etc.
So I don’t see why the BBC are using OUR money to highlight this non-British issue.
AFAIK The article has always had the title
: ‘ Period-shaming’ Indian college forces students to strip to underwear
What’s happening? I ‘like’ new comments, they pop up to ‘1’ and when I look again, they are back on ‘0’….?
Not a clue but your comment has 3 likes as I write and I will add a like to it too like …
On Sunday’s @MalleusEpiscopo tweets the religious items that the BBC RELIGION progs CHOOSE not to mention.
He tweets underneath the BBC’s own tweet
But Twitter deboosts his tweets.. ie they hid ALL his replies to the BBC under the “Show More Replies” button
– A French teenager who criticised Islam on Instagram has moved to a new school after receiving death threats.
– Muslim school in Birmingham shut down after ‘serious incident’.
– MP calls for tougher controls on Muslim schools and security checks on imams.
– Pakistan court validates forced conversion & marriage of Christian girl.
– Catholic monk who abused boys jailed for 20 years.
– He did also tweet an extremely old story about Muslim girl dying from lashing
There is a Twitter pile on against @piersmorgan
Caroline was a fun, bright & sparky person whose whole world collapsed recently, both professionally & personally.
She told me it had been the worst time of her life, and was clearly struggling to cope with losing everything she held dear.
This is such sad, awful news.
Bottomline people do often say vile ans sometimes vile things against people on trial, but that should not trigger suicide in the accused cos they should be adequately protected
.. in this case ITV had profitted from Flak
so just they same as they supply bodyguards to protect her from external threats they should have supplied body guards to protect her from herself.
BTW suicide is not universally deserving of sympathy cos it can be a selfish act used to punish others.
I have read the comments in the Times re the possible abolition of the LF and move to funding the BBC by subscription only. My crude analysis of the comments and ‘likes’ is that about two thirds are in celebratory mode along the lines that ‘ they have brought it on themselves and it’s long overdue’ and one third are outraged that anyone could even imagine touching the sacred cow , ‘ cultural vandalism ‘ or ‘right wing suppression of the truth ‘ . The Times leader broadly welcomes a debate on the way the BBC is funded which surprised me because the Times has been staunchly a Remain but perhaps Murdoch sees opportunities if the BBC is brought to heel.
What is clear is that the BBC defence will be two pronged, firstly attacking the BBC is cultural vandalism and secondly attacking the BBC is an attack upon free speech. I know it’s hard not to laugh but I’m sure that this will be the two main defence lines. We can look forward to an endless parade of luvvies and academics manning the first defence line , probably working shifts, and judges , charity bosses , opposition politicians , the Noble Lords and journalists manning the second . Nearly all the defenders of the foul corporation will be Remainers.
They simply don’t seem to understand that their extreme anti Brexit bias for the last three and a half years has been the main cause why so many of the general public has turned against the BBC. Being supported by Arch Remainers will only reinforce the view of the public that the BBC no longer deserves their support and that they are no longer prepared to pay a compulsory fee to watch other TV channels.
The entertainment world is full of ‘vulnerable’ people. It always has been. And sad though it is that Flack took her own life, she is not the first and wont be the last. I remember the utter shock when Tony Hancock took his own life at age 44, and was found in a flat in Sydney. There was no ‘protection’ for people back then, so why should it be necessary now ? We all know that drugs are rampant in the industry, and this only exacerbates the ‘vulnerability’ in individuals if they are that way to start with.
Indeed. Emma also a peroxide poisoning victim?
Someone replies to Emma
With luck better than the holding power to account of the BBC,
where staff can block questioners on whim #viewstheirown
and BBC Complaints and ECU can arrange those they can’t fob off are banned
.. using blanket #FOI exemptions
.. whilst breaching DPA rules the @ICO cannot enforce.
Does the public support Emma ?
Her tweet has 348 Retweets … 1.6K Likes
190 people replied to her, two thirds disagreeing
Only 1% of her-followers bothered to Liked her tweet
Here’s a circle the wagon graphic
Not enough wagons…
Talking of more journos – the Mail reports that the BBC has at least 13 of their staff covering an election in a foreign country – it’s America – Naughtie , Sopel , Bryant , Maitliss , Katy , Christian , Gary et al . No need for cutbacks -right ?
Can anyone guess whose side that lot of beauties are on ? Drain the swamp
Yes we need more journalists , perhaps the BBC will campaign for Tommy Robinson next time the establishment try to take him out of circulation .
“The corporation is the envy of the entire world” So there won’t be a problem finding willing subscribers then?
“We will ALL miss it when it is gone”
Need to show the working out on that one.
Joe vs. The Volcano.
With a bit of irony.