Start the week Thread 17 February 2020

It seems an opportune time to put up the link to the Governments’ Formal Consultation on the future of the BBC Again so here it is :

People who object to being forced to pay for its’ Far Left anti British propaganda can tell Number 10 what they think before the end date on 31 March 2020.

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341 Responses to Start the week Thread 17 February 2020

  1. Thatcherrevolutionary says:



  2. Halifax says:

    Somebody a few days ago posted a picture used by the BBC showing soldiers helping residents near me . Needless to say the picture was of a BME soldier moving a sand bag.
    I would just like to point out that the BBC have adressed the issue and published another picture of another soldier moving a sand bag, this time it’s a white soldier., albeit a women. So nearly there. If the floods hold out till Wednesday we should see a picture of a white male soldier, who do seem to make up the vast majority of those helping, but sadly again underepresented on the BBC and MSM as a whole.


    • Celtic_Mist says:

      Halifax, I also noticed the ‘person of color’ soldier – begging the question, what’s the motivation?

      The percentage is perhaps 1 in 10 according to some (confusing) statistics –

      Ah, the answer is, ‘identity politics’ – (the article is from The Guardian)

      This has also lead to the adverts we see because the companies are running scared…


      • G says:

        “…begging the question, what’s the motivation?”
        ‘Normalisation’ of something that can never be normalised and never will.


    • Foscari says:

      Halifax-the BBC researchers are told by BIG BROTHER at
      the diversity dept. To use everyone other than white
      males to be “experts” members of the general public
      to interview. Show film clips of. BIG BROTHER is
      attempting to “Whitewash” now that’s an anachronism BBC TV,
      of white males in as many aspects as he, she or it, can!


  3. Celtic_Mist says:

    Ester Mc Vey, now out of the cabinet, claimed in a tweet –

    “After 2020, all EU members will have to adopt the euro”

    The BBC fact checkers said –
    “The short answer is no.
    Some European Union countries have negotiated “opt-outs” in areas of EU policy they do not want to join.”

    I’m not convinced she was incorrect because the EU in all likelihood might have forced us to join


    • john in cheshire says:

      Who do you believe, Esther McVey or the racist far-left bbc?

      I know which one I don’t believe and it isn’t Mrs McVey.


  4. taffman says:

    Before long the entire staff at Al Beeb will be BME and the only positive images broadcast will be BME. If the broadcaster is to be funded by subscription it better change its ways or it will go under. It does not represent the majority of the people in Great Britain.


  5. Right Angle says:

    The early morning news from the DM:
    (How did it reach almost 100 comments already?)

    There’s also an older article in The Sun which has an even more cheering statistic:

    “Almost 3.5 million Brits cancelled their TV licence fee between 2014 and 2018 — a rate of almost one million a year.”

    So, perhaps the end is really in sight for the licence fee!


  6. JamesArthur says:

    Morning All..I thought I might be first..:-(
    My watching of BBC has decreased by 95% as I shout at TV too much..however I am a skier and used to love ski sunday..alas no more….it is now an advert for all that is woke ..and FFS climate change !
    Last night a blond female boarder climbs up to a modern wooden building on top of a mountain bemoaning climate change.
    She is too thick to realise that putting it on top of a mountains took a helicopter and she is surviving because of the nasty carbon based wood burner..
    Then at the end a ‘viewers’ question was how can I reduce my carbon footprint when choosing a ski holiday? I had the answer – don’t go on one or walk to the resort and up the mountains…FFS did a viewer really ask it – I don’t think so..
    BBC knows how to ruin a good programme


    • Deborah says:

      I posted the same as it happened. Did you notice how the item started with the statement that it was unarguable that Climate Change is happening. I then couldn’t keep up with the number of times the words Climate Change were repeated in the article for reinforcement.

      And Mr D has been ranting all morning about how the BBC ruined a programme that could have been a celebration of what the human body could achieve.


    • Halifax says:

      The BBC have previous on this type of thing
      Let’s go back to Blue Peter gate……it’s a good read.

      The hosts of BBC children’s programme Blue Peter have apologised to viewers after the results of a competition were faked last November.

      A technical problem meant viewers calling for the Whose Shoes contest did not get through to the studio.

      Instead, a visiting child was asked to pose as a caller, and won the prize.

      Host Konnie Huq said: “We’d like to say sorry to you because when this mistake happened we let you down.” The BBC did not profit from the calls.

      BBC Children’s controller Richard Deverell called the incident a “serious error of judgement”.

      The contest, on 27 November, was raising money for children orphaned by Aids in Malawi.

       I would like to apologise unequivocally to viewers 

      BBC Children’s controller Richard Deverell

      Callers were asked to phone in and identify a mystery celebrity’s shoes. More than 13,800 people entered, with calls costing 10p each, including 3.25p for the Unicef charity.

      But an “unavoidable technical difficulty” meant producers were unable to access the callers’ details and so found a stand-in. The winner could select a prize from a list of children’s toys.

      The child they found was already in the studio because she had won a separate competition.

      Premium phone line regulator Icstis is investigating the incident, which was discovered when another visitor to the programme set, Mona Zahoor, wrote to the BBC’s Have Your Say messageboard.

      Falling short

      “We were all quite horrified when it happened,” she told the BBC News website.

      An internal investigation confirmed the error and a separate independent review will be carried out into the circumstances surrounding the competition.

      “This edition of the programme fell short of the high standards Blue Peter viewers quite rightly expect,” Blue Peter editor Richard Marson said.

      “We are very sorry for the way this competition was conducted.”

      Blue Peter will celebrate its 50th birthday in October 2008

      The competition has been re-run, with a new winner chosen from the original callers. The problem will “never happen again”, viewers have been told.

      “I would like to apologise unequivocally to viewers, to all the children who took part in the competition,” Mr Deverell said.

      “We have already apologised directly to the child involved and her family for this incident.”

      Mr Deverell called the faking of the competition an “exceptional incident”, and said the person responsible had acted “in a panic”.

      But speaking to Radio Five Live, he refused to rule out the possibility that staff would be sacked over the incident.

      A freephone number – 08000 565 363 – is available for viewers who took part in the competition and would like more information.

      Viewers can also find information on the Blue Peter website.

      But Ms Zahoor, whose information led to the discovery, said she thought the BBC’s reaction was “silly”.

      “I didn’t realise that it would be blown out of all proportion,” she said, adding that she had refused to lodge a formal complaint about the


  7. taffman says:

    “France warns UK of bitter post-Brexit talks.”
    Well that works both ways Mr Le Drian. How many English tourists go to France each year? How many French cars are exported to the UK ? Let’s hope for France’s sake it’s not too “bitter”.


    • taffman says:

      Oh yes , and there’s a little question of French wine I forgot to mention.


    • andyjsnape says:

      Difficult to sell French cars to the UK in the future then.. sounds like a bit of scaremongering from the eu.bc

      I’m sure even the French aren’t that stupid. At its peak over 16000 cars sold in March 2019 for example


    • john in cheshire says:

      Is Spain building another Armada? Who’s going to be our Francis Drake this time around?
      The French tart thinks he’s Napoleon but is as ignorant of history as most of the population of Europe, including our country. It didn’t end well for Napoleon or the Vatican for that matter.


    • Woolwich says:

      No French cars to me Taffman!
      As previously highlighted, I’ll never buy a Clio because you need to be a lesbian to buy one according to their recent campaign. You also have to do a reverse Schofield, i.e marry a man have children then leave him for your lesbian girlfriend and live happily after after with her parents/your children’s “new” grandparents.
      I’m also not the target demographic for their electric Zoe car. Their radio advert is aimed at the attention deficit generation who eschew music in exchange for the sound of a programmed drum beat which a black man with a heavy patois “sings” (by which I mean quickly talks) over.
      So how about Peugeot owned Vauxhall? Well I’m not a Corsa customer because according to their new advert I’d need to be in an interracial relationship with a younger boyfriend, FYI I’m Male just so you get the drift.
      I could buy one of their Grandland X cars I suppose. But having downloaded and watched 4 episodes of Channel 4s Deadwater Fell that featured 3 mini ad breaks per episode, 11 of which were exclusively the same short advert featuring a lesbian taking her pregnant girlfriend to hospital, then obviously that’s not for me either.


      • john in cheshire says:

        Not having a TV licence I’ve never seen any of these adverts. How lucky am I? And I’ve saved £150 or so each year as a reward.
        Thank you bbc!


      • Nodding Dog says:

        Woolwich.I take it you won’t be flying with Emirates Airline very soon either.Mixed race girl telling us how her family loves them that’s her black mother white father his parents and her white uncle and his oriental wife.I’ve had a look at the ad on Emirate’s Youtube channel.Just over three million views and open to comments.First one ‘more mixed than a bloody mary.’ Scrolling down almost all the other comments are in the same vane.Still if it makes them feel good sod all the comments from people who are threatening to boycott them!


        • Woolwich says:

          Yep, that advert first reared its multi culti head several months ago and has for some reason been rebooted. Not only will I not fly Emirates, I’ll also not not book it via Expedia and their white father, black mother, white daughter, black daughter and black son completely unrepresentative of anyone family.


  8. taffman says:

    How much Foreign Aid will be sent to help Wales in the flood crisis, or does that only work one way ?


    • Scroblene says:

      Dear old Brecon gets a pummelling as usual, Taff, I reckon you’re right, there’s never enough investment going to places like Tewkesbury, Yalding (Kent), most of the River Severn as well.

      They’ll go through the hoops to get flood alleviation in some hellhole in Africa though…


      • Charlie Farley says:

        Tewkesbury has always flooded apart where the Cathedral was built ……those monks weren’t daft , some of the land around there has now been built on and of course they have problems……the land was always regarded as Flood Meadows…..the clue is in the name !


      • Charlie Farley says:

        Tewkesbury has always flooded apart where the Cathedral was built ……those monks weren’t daft , some of the land around there has now been built on and of course they have problems……the land was always regarded as Flood Meadows…..the clue is in the name !


        • Scroblene says:

          Thanks, Charlie.

          Getting the Environment Agency to actually do something here is an uphill struggle as always!

          UK Inc never seems to spend money on its own citizens, preferring to line the pockets of ugly despots in s***holes elsewhere.


  9. Doublethinker says:

    It is clear that the government is at least toying with the idea of doing something about the BBC and that the first phase of this great and long overdue project will be decriminalisation of non payment of the License Fee. When decriminalisation occurs we must all show our support for further action against the BBC by mass refusal to pay the LF. To help do this the government should advise us what any fine might be, how will the BBC take us to civil court for non payment, how much will it cost the BBC to drag us through the civil courts , how much of any resulting fine will find its way back to the BBC. I suppose it would be asking too much for the government to also publish advice on how go about thwarting the BBC’s attempts to force us to pay.


    • Fred Stubber says:

      You can’t be fined for a civil offence.



    • dfhunter says:

      what a lousy bunch of questions at the header post link!!!

      I had to answer most with – “not sure what your question means”

      have they employed ex trolley people for a defunct airline to put together this poll?


  10. andyjsnape says:

    Daily lecture, how the beeb knows best

    Crossing Divides: Why ‘cartooning’ political opponents is bad for us

    The out of touch beeb


    • dfhunter says:

      well they have one point correct –
      “What you can do to change the way you see others
      Don’t let politicians, propagandists, and political elites manipulate you. Refuse to accept their cartoonish depictions of the opposition”


  11. JamesArthur says:

    Yep lecture time….
    Typical BBC click article isn’t really about the title – and the hypocritically the BBC seem quite happy to lampoon POTUS on most TV and radio shows
    But to make things worse – we paid for this piece of poorly put together tripe…
    “This analysis piece was commissioned by the BBC from experts working for an outside organisation.”


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hi James

      you made me laugh (doesn’t happen very often when referring to the bBC).. you mentioned Experts 🙂

      Hey the beeb is doing comedy again


  12. AsISeeIt says:

    There are a couple of interesting parallels between the BBC and the Labour Party.

    Both institutions are presently headless; their respective leaders in place but on notice of stepping aside.

    Each is leaving his job with a record of failure. Both leave their organisation in worse shape then when they took over. Neither cared to heed the public mood. Both pandered to a small noisey group within the bubble of their own organisations. Each enabled extreme, unpopular and ultimately self-destructive ideologies to take hold in their institutions. And were keen to press these ideas on the rest of us. As they step aside the future of their respective institutions is in doubt and both require a root and branch clear out of those self-destructive elements that have burrowed in to use these institutions as comfortable safe havens for their nonesense that would never be tolerated in the outside world.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I ve expressed the same view here a few times recently . I think the fatal element of both organisations groupthink is that they do not realise why they no longer have widespread public support …..


      • JimS says:

        The Labour party suffers from having the wrong voters and the BBC from having the wrong listeners and viewers.


      • dfhunter says:

        what has happened to “momentum” ?
        strangely quite for some reason!!!


  13. Fedup2 says:

    Toady watch
    Happy days , Sopel interviewing a press photographer bleating that number 10 doesn’t give access to his members any more in order to look for something to undermine it – as well as make a living of course .

    But if the bubble delivers anti democratic propaganda for years – eg brexit – the press can’t be expected to be welcomed – there is no entitlement . Why bother with them ? Publish in house stuff on the internet for free.

    The public will take its ‘ own view of whether the government is delivering without the bubble telling us it isn’t ….

    And as predicted the BBC has found a remainer Tory to come out to defend it . It’s someone Called

    Huw Merriman MP

    Who should be ashamed of himself . Maybe he ll come out as a liberal too.


    • theisland says:

      As @HuwMerriman tweeted yesterday:
      I’m not sure this vendetta against the #BBC is going to end well. No mention of it in our manifesto (where we actually promised to work with BBC to build new partnerships across globe) so I won’t be supporting it.

      It looks like he is one of the many who should not still be in parliament. He has been there since 2015, voted three times for Treezer’s deal, and twice for a 2nd referendum.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I think we will be seeing a lot of Mr Merriman on the BBC in coming days and weeks – QT , Toady , Daily Biased Politics , the whole lot ….
        As you say it’s a shame he has a safe southern seat – bexhill – I think …… on the ‘chief whips’ ‘watch ‘ list !


        • Scroblene says:

          With Scrobs living a few miles from Bexhill (well, enough really), he seems the sort of bloke who realises that God’s waiting room is perfect for the sort of voter with an old black and white TV set and a Zimmer, so he’s only looking after his flock, rather like Father Jack might!

          Nobody really goes there any more, they just sort of pass on…

          Battle is a much better place though, and really doesn’t need this sort of chap, but there you go, that’s Love Island for you!


    • dfhunter says:

      you may not like Trump but he started cutting the MSM out for a good reason (they have an agenda & are now never unbiased)

      never mind draining the swamp in the UK just pull the plug on the biased BBC.


  14. JamesArthur says:

    I am sorry Caroline Flack killed herself but do we have to have incessant media outpouring
    Now a woman on BBC saying it it was show trial….shouldn’t have gone ahead –
    But let me turn it around…famous/wealthy man attacks wife /girlfriend..what would they be arguing?
    I am pretty sure they wouldn’t let mental health be an argument against ripping him apart..
    And they wonder why most of country doesn’t care about the views of bubble..


  15. AsISeeIt says:

    Did we elect an actual conservative or just another superstitious crank who puts his faith in a millanairian doomsday rain-dance cult?

    Visiting the North where it’s rained a lot this winter… ‘New Environment Secretary George Eustice… blamed the “nature of climate change” for the scale of the damage, adding: “These weather events are becoming more extreme…”‘

    Well, Mr Eustice, I guess there’s not much point sandbagging against the present puddles etc. Afterall if you reckon it’s all inevitably going to get more extreme then there’s probably a mega tidal wave on its way so better just build an arc and sacrifice a few maidens to the sun god – if you can find any maiden up North these days.

    Read it and weep


  16. JamesArthur says:

    Too right.. I have been listening to R4 since 5am (working from home) and basically Climate change – climate emergency – climate blah blah is repeated every real discussion on other reasons for the flooding….
    and the BBC idiot thinks that the Government should be able to say they can protect EVERY home from flooding…


  17. AsISeeIt says:

    Picking up here on the subject of certain luvvies circling the wagons in defence of the BBC.

    There are of course a couple of major flaws in their Tweet bleats.

    Significantly, they are well and truly on the payroll vote. Although they likely have more canny arrangements than our actual PAYE they do however, despite their worthy Tweets, suck hard on the Licence Fee teats.

    Then we come to the international institution, duty to the world line of argument. Yeah, but just suppose for a moment we’re fed up to the back teeth giving the world a nice ungratefully received freebie.


    • Guest Who says:

      Quite a few pensioners too.

      Hope Botney chimes in.

      A £6,000,000 and rising pension pot for a person whose contribution is at best niche will play well in the £20kpa household sector.


    • dfhunter says:

      who are the luvvies circling the wagons in defence of the BBC?
      can guess but would like a list.
      without the bbc rebooting/running another adaptation of old stuff
      these people would have to serve hamburgers.


  18. Fedup2 says:

    Toady 2

    Sopel interviews a German girl who decided to spy on ‘extremists ‘. As usual the term ‘extremists’ is not defined . However she referred to the killing of Muslims by some madman in New Zealand in the 5 minutes she was interviewed so we know where the BBC was going . No surprise .

    She did not produce any evidence of criminality during her self spying mission in order to produce a book .

    As she droned on about ‘extremism ‘ I thought “ well if you want to be exposed to ‘left wing extremism ‘ just turn on Radio 4 every day – no need to do spying there …..( I’m waiting for a visit from PC Gul to “check on my thinking – see Miller v Humberside Plod ).


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Fed – Yes, it was Julia somebody who wrote a book called ‘Going Dark’ and also saw some connection between gaming and ‘ethno fascism’.
      It was very noticeable how the only connection she had to violent extremism was the NZ attack on a mosque. There are hundreds of other examples, which make for a far clearer pattern, but in her mind, these didn’t seem to exist. Talk about bias!
      Needless to say, this went down very well with the biased beeb, as the ‘extreme right’ hardly needed to be mentioned, but was constantly there, by implication!
      Then again, I wonder if I am getting confused with Marr’s programme. He also had two ladies who hated borders, one of whom had ethno-fascism on the brain. Andrew was very happy with this, as he ranted against ‘borders, borders, borders!’
      They were talking about the border chaos in the former Yugoslavia, including Albania, but managed to make it sound as if all borders everywhere were equally arbitrary and invalid. Conclusion, I presume: do away with them! A good morning for beeb and its propaganda.
      They would love to see borders disappear at beeb, it seems, but haven’t begun to think of the implications!
      And if you want to listen to the Albanian ‘Two Lake’ lady (who now lives in Scotland), you have all week, as her book is the 9.45 am book of the week.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Fake – I didn’t want to put up her name or the book title – or indeed her CV which I had a quick look at . The term ‘extremist’ appears to be defined as anything the bubble doesn’t like .

        As for Marr – for me it’s just ‘off switch ‘. I overheard him interviewing Grant Shapps whose ego can’t keep him off the BBC and mr interruption was in full flow ….

        The other battle going on appears to be a sinister attempt to end doing the census because it’s too expensive (£900k). ?

        This was floated last week to gauge public reaction and it didn’t get much because it was between one luvvie ‘coming out ‘ and another topping themself so we can expect formal plans to stop counting people in Britain to come along soon .

        The major minorities will be pleased …..


        • fakenewswatcher says:

          Fed- I keep thinking of Marine Le Pen and Alice Weidel.
          R4 has hours of wimmin presenting leftists points of view as outlined above, so I have to start thinking: are there any of the fairer sex left who are of the Right (basically conservative, because ‘the Right’? is a much-abused term.)
          So I come up with those two. Not in my wildest dreams could I imagine an interview with either of them on R4!
          Of course, there are many others, some on this site, but they wouldn’t get to chat to Webb or Sopel or Marr either.
          Not if they support national sovereignty or border control…


  19. taffman says:

    In the interest of impartiality, is there any reader out there that has evidence of Al Beeb Pro Brexit or Right Wing Bias?
    Over to you Champions and supporters of Al Beeb…………….


  20. taffman says:

    If Al Beeb is as good as its champions say it is let them pay for it . (by subscription)
    Why should people that don’t watch it pay for it ?
    I am off to bed .


  21. AsISeeIt says:

    It’s nice to share
    You’ll remember Bob Mortimer, a comedian who was on tv a lot and was the short one in Reeves and Mortimer.
    Well, he composed this spoof power ballad, slightly surreal but I think I know what he’s getting at.

    Mel Gibson, with his powerful arms, lifting up the back of a Volvo Estate
    Bernard Cumberbatch, with his piercing eyes, cutting through steel like a laser beam
    Brad Pitt, yeah, with his powerful anus, straddling the world feeding all the boys and girls
    Idris Elba, with his powerful chest, winning a race with a kestrel on his shoulder
    They are powerful men, they are powerful people with powerful vehicles, and powerful friends – such as eagles
    And every single night and single day, you need to listen to what the powerful actors say.


  22. Invicta 1066 says:

    Not BBC but ITV last night, one of my favourite detective programmes, Endeavour, thee minutes in and I gave up. Oxford 1970 s and racism.
    BBC 10 pm News, had an item about £ millions being spent on community reconciliation programmes to bring disparate populations together, those divided by race religion etc.
    Went to Blackburn. Lots of pictures of happy youngsters, many dressed in their cultural clothing, all saying very positive things, managed to slip in some disparaging comment about Far Right Tommy Robinson.
    No other opinions asked for, nothing about abuse of white girls and the authorities ignoring these crimes so as not to disrupt community cohesion. Nothing from long term inhabitants, who have seen their town change beyond recognition in parts, nor concern for the growing proportion of non English inhabitants due to more immigration and high birth rates.
    We should here a balanced view from the BBC, even if it does not represent their dogma.


    • john in cheshire says:

      It seems a lot of these racists would be lost without racism. Maybe they should embrace a chant such as:

      What do we want
      When do we want it?

      And if that was chanted at the beginning of each programme and during the intervals/ continuity piece, the producers could then be left to make watchable entertainment. And we could put on the kettle while they have their 15 second rant.


  23. Doublethinker says:

    Something strange is taking place in the newspapers on the proposed whacking of the BBC by the government. . The arch Remainer Times seems largely supportive of the government , the vigorously pro Leave Telegraph seems to support the BBC. The stance of the Times might be to do with Murdoch scenting money for his empire. But Even odder is the fact that there have been plenty of columns highly critical of the BBC in the Telegraph in the past few months but now, when its support is most needed by the government , it withholds it and gives space to a pro BBC Tory MP to defend the foul corporation! This pro BBC idiot thinks that millions of Tory voters love the BBC , particularly radio 2, and won’t vote for the Tories if they attack the sacred cow. How can he be so out of touch with what the Tory base think?


    • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

      It’s a wonderful telegraph article, Doublethinker! Actually I haven’t read it because it is behind a paywall. But I did read the comments.
      They take the dopey Tory MP to task and they show their loathing and disgust at the BBC. Not all, but around 98% of the responses.
      Could I suggest that anybody feeling a bit despondent at the moment check out those comments. It will show you that we on this site are not just a bunch of out of touch curmudgeons talking to ourselves. Our views are shared by many more than we thought.
      For the BBC ‘CCNGW’ (ie Comments could not get worse)
      Look them up folks,


      • Doublethinker says:

        You are spot on, the comments in the zDT are brilliant. These folks should visit this site, of course some of them may well do so.


    • Deborah says:

      Daily Mail website saying that there is a backlash amongst the backbench MPs re changes to the BBC. I have just written to my MP saying I support the government.


  24. andyjsnape says:

    GM scraps historic Holden car brand in Australia, “reports” the beeb

    Despite Brexit 🙂
    No mention of Brexit, usually this is something they would mention, about everything from the shortage or sandwiches to this weekends weather


    • Woolwich says:

      Blimey, and there’s me further up the page mentioning the now Peugeot owned firmer GM brand Vauxhall.
      I see it’s on the business pages so fair play, but a news story about a car brand on the other side of the world that hardly anyone in the uk has heard of? I’ll show my geek credentials by pointing out that the Vauxhall Monaro was a larger engined muscle car spun off from a Holden model, but how many of those has anyone ever seen anyway?


      • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

        My Holden suddenly died a fortnight ago. I’m selling it for parts tomorrow. Perhaps it got wind of the news lost its will to live?
        I have to say it was a bit of a poncy car. No real guts. A poor sad descendent of the V8 leviathans that were numerous in my younger days roaring around Adelaide and Auckland.
        Farewell to a once great brand


    • Banania says:

      Would that have been because of or despite Brexit? Perhaps they couldn’t decide.


  25. Jeff says:

    I got to thinking the other evening about how our notions and attitudes have changed. Back in the 1970s, as a young lad, if I thought about Swedish women (and I did, often!!) top of the list would be the nubile blonde, Britt Ekland. By George! She wasn’t just gorgeous, we always thought she was a saucy wench…
    Nowadays if I think about Swedish women at all (and I try not to) I automatically get an image of groaning Greta telling me I’ve stolen her childhood, giving me that terrifying death stare and lecturing us that we’re all going to die. What a bleedin’ contrast.
    On Saturday evening, the wind and rain lashing outside, I decided that I’d watch a film I recorded the other week and first saw in the 70’s as a teenager, The Wicker Man. To be absolutely honest it ain’t great. However, it does boast both the beautiful blonde Britt and the gorgeous Ingrid (sex on legs) Pitt. Back then my mate and I had to bunk in to see it because we were about fourteen and this was an X rated film. We sat there on the edge of our seats, our eye out on stalks, munching our popcorn, as the lithe Scandinavian beauty danced around naked, displaying her delightful derriere. My mate and I thought we’d died and gone to heaven and talked of little else for weeks.
    Last Saturday I sat by the fire with a glass or three of Merlot, poking the glowing embers and smiling at the warm memory of that long ago Saturday evening. Britt cavorted across the screen as stunning as she had been nearly fifty years ago. Her delightful derriere was wiggling and her pert breasts were heaving…
    And the really tragic thing is…
    I nodded off.
    Oh, the shame…


    • Fedup2 says:

      Jeff – getting ‘X’ rated ? You must calm down. – why not think about Emily Thornberry ? Ha ha


    • BRISSLES says:

      Jeff, stick with your memories. I saw the once gorgeous Ms Eckland in a touring play production at our local theatre, and um, well, time had taken its toll on her face, – more wrinkles than a Shar Pei, so clearly any recent photos in the press are airbrushed to retain her past beauty.

      Saw a photo of Sally Thomsett (toothy lovely from Man About the House and Railway Children), in a Sunday Supplement, – didn’t recognise her either. Ah well, at least we’re still here.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Sorry Jeff,

      Fake news. The wiggling derriere belonged to a local Scottish woman who replaced Britt Eckland in that shot.


    • Lefty Wright says:



    • Banania says:

      Do you remember how we used to chase the girls?
      Yes, but I can’t remember why.


      • BRISSLES says:

        God Banana that is so desperate !
        I just wish there were enough of us girlies on here that we too could share reminisces of eyeing up the fellas in the Wimpey bar, and comparing how they would “try it on” on the first date !!!


        • Scroblene says:

          Best thread here for ages!

          Hilarious, and a great chuckle to start the day – thanks all!


          • Celtic_Mist says:

            Great thread folks – it made my day! 🙂
            “You’ve stolen my childhood!!” lol – I can’t get it out of my head!


    • Fred Stubber says:

      Well you know, I happened across that Channel Four programme where they all take their clothes off. It’s killed it for me. I used to have this thing where every woman I met I visualised her vagina (based on a generalisation that stood upon my previous experience of vaginas and their owners), but that programme has ruined it for me. All the women on there have shaved their fannys. How gross is that? To any normal bloke a hairless fanny means ‘prepubescent’ and therefore it’s a massive no-no. I mean, the only hairless fanny you’re going to see in normal life is your sister’s when you’re both in the bath as children.
      So this has traumatised me and I want compo off Channel Four. I meet a woman and I try hard to visualise her vagina and I immediately think she might have shaved it, and all I can think about is our conversation and other mundane stuff.

      Yours in despair, Fred


      • Scroblene says:

        Best thread here for ages!

        Hilarious, and a great chuckle to start the day – thanks all!


      • BRISSLES says:

        Oh Fred ! bring your thoughts back in line ! Just imagine how us women would feel having to see on screen a waggle of willies that were shaved to within an inch of their ………………. Oh God, lets not go there.


    • Demon says:

      Due to see Miss Ekland in a touring production of the Cat and the Canary in the next couple of weeks. And yes, I have seen the Wicker Man more than once and realise that she will not be the same as she was. We saw Juliet Mills as the title character in The Lady Vanishes recently too.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Due to the prominence of the discussion on Miss Ekland – I was thinking of putting up a separate thread ….


  26. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    A great feeling at the start of the week.
    Feels like the tide is turning, and the vile BBC is on the ropes. Need to keep punching and get it put out of it’s misery.
    Beautiful irony in the Scottish media, SNP sheep think the BBC is biased against them, but if it’s what the Tories are proposing then it must be baaaaad.


  27. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “Brexit: France warns UK of bitter trade negotiations”

    “The EU has repeatedly warned that the UK cannot expect to enjoy continued “high quality” market access if it insists on diverging from EU social and environmental standards.”

    More Project Fear from our BBC. Refusing as ever to stand up for our interests.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Given that we have a trade deficit with the EU in the order of £80 billion pa, isn’t the question whether we want to allow them free access to our markets?

      There is very little that the EU produces that cannot be sourced elsewhere. They ought to be forcibly reminded of that.


      • Dover Sentry says:

        And… Why doesn’t the BBC on the UK’s behalf warn France of ‘Bitter Negotiations’?

        Would never happen. The UK is always at fault in BBC la-la-land.


  28. StewGreen says:

    Are Cambridgeshire Police using emergency powers to REOPEN the roads after XR started to occupy them for ONE week ?

    No, they tweeted this instead
    “We are using emergency police powers to CLOSE two city centre roads.”


    • StewGreen says:

      Twitter gives me a photo of the protesters blocking a blue light ambulance.
      I’ve see no video so far
      The strong evidence that XR blocked a blue lights ambulance is that when XR_Cambridge put up a tweet denying it, they actually then quickly deleted it.


    • StewGreen says:

      BBC Cambridge reporter “Not everyone is happy with the XR roadblock …
      the police say there is nothing unpeaceful about blocking a highway”

      … does that sound impartial ??

      – Then a Labour Party activist states he is opposed to this strongly action
      audio 2h48m

      – There is a lorry driver is heard speaking against the increase in carbon caused by the XR diversion.

      – Then interview with one of the protesters who has travelled from Birmingham for the protest


    • JamesArthur says:

      Not many messages of support….maybe the general public isn’t as dumb as the BBC think


    • StewGreen says:

      You know that sacred college green grass in Cambridge that students are not allowed to walk on ?
      .. XR are digging it up …
      …. cos no one listens to them


      • Dave S says:

        University towns like Oxford and Cambridge are lost to reason so who gives a FRA. ER dare not go to a shire working town. Gutless wonders.


        • john in cheshire says:

          And they had better not climb onto the top of any tube trains if they know what’s good for them.


    • Dave S says:

      What is it with our police? The rights of free passage for all need to be upheld. I would love to see ER try this in the far East . Say Japan or Singapore.


  29. StewGreen says:

    TalkRadio now presenter Cristo is trying to pick a fight with Harry Miller

    Harry says “humans cannot change sex, cos no mammal can change sex
    … clownfish can change sex ..they are not mammals
    hence my joke about me changing species to fish
    cos a human cannot change species and neither can they change sex”

    Cristo “but I have all these stats here about the high levels of abuse that trans people get”
    Harry “I bet your hyperbolic stats comes fromStonewall they are always rubbish, and anyway that’s besides the point”
    Cristo “yes my stats are from Stonewall”


  30. Scroblene says:

    I’ve never understood why the BBBC open their doors to so many people to ‘present’ or just squawk, when they should really use their bloated tax-funds to get the very best, not just the mediocre lot with quotas for lbdgfbhrttyu, colour, size, ignorance, stupidity, ugliness etc., all built in to their motley crew of pretty awful people.

    They don’t seem to want real style, presence, correct delivery, strength of character, intuition, a disregard for political views and just the best available, it’s always more of the same old twaddle-merchants spouting drivel.

    I suppose we’ll still have to pay Pienaar’s pension too, even though he joins Times Corblimes soon, (dunno when, he may have already gone judging by the comments on Guido, quite a few more won’t either), I won’t listen anyway.


    • Rick Bradford says:

      “Strength of character” to the BBC is like sunlight to Count Dracula.

      They might say the wrong thing (aka the truth) instead of toeing the wokeist Party line.


  31. StewGreen says:

    Talk Radio have just put up this discussion


    • Old Goat says:

      That’s a big NO from me. I have little, or nothing to do with the BBC, and that situation will continue, subscription, or not.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      I have qualified for a free license now for the past five years and I have never or very rarely been tempted to view, so I will not subscribe. I’m afraid it would take a total revolution in the BBC output to change my mind. Shut it down and start again with different people and different ideas and I might sample it. What a miserable gloom and doom laden outfit they are.


  32. StewGreen says:

    Ofcom : Gallloway not impartial 3 times so fined £75K
    Under Ofcom rules, all broadcasters must remain duly impartial when covering matters of major political controversy. Talk Radio failed to do so in three episodes of the George Galloway programme during discussions about the poisoning of Yulia and Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, and allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party.


  33. digg says:

    BBC R4 just had a foreign sounding lady expert on talking about how we must do a lot more to combat climate change.

    Her ideas included incredibly legally limiting women in the UK and other developed countries to having no more than 2 children.

    She then went on to say this should not apply to women in undeveloped countries as the older people there rely on having a large family for their future security.

    I think we all know where that’s going and it’s nothing to do with climate change!


    • StewGreen says:

      It was Christiana Figueres on Woman’s Hour


      • Old Goat says:

        That hag is unlikely to have babies, and I would be surprised if she ever has had. Former UN loudmouth, and damned ugly to boot.


    • JimS says:

      Wouldn’t it be better to pay the Africans to have no babies and to guarantee them pensions when they get old?

      That would leave plenty of space for elephants, which would please David Attenborough!

      But where would we get all the actors for TV adverts? Damn, I didn’t think that one through!


    • Banania says:

      Would these undeveloped people still be allowed to come here? I bet they would.


  34. andyjsnape says:

    bBC worried?
    BBC licence fee: Tory MPs warn No 10 against fight

    MPs are in support of the beeb – well the 1’s they have asked

    Try asking people on here, but the truth hurts


    • Fedup2 says:

      Damien Green MP( remainer ) a former BBC / c4 employee has also come out to support the BBC – well he would – wouldn’t he . ?


    • taffman says:

      Then they can’t be true Tory MPs.


  35. Fedup2 says:

    John Pienaaaaar – famed for his overt bias – to leave the `bBC and go over to Rupert Murdock s new radio station . It sounds like a failure even before it starts if it is just going to import BBC exports .


    • StewGreen says:

      Some presenters transferring from BBCradio4Wokes to TimesRadio4Wokes


    • john in cheshire says:

      Is Mr Murdoch giving John Sweeney a job too?

      With my warped mind, when I read your comment, I thought maybe it’s a cunning plan. The hive knows its days are numbered. The likes of Mr Murdoch have been a target for the hive for decades. Would Mr Murdoch create a new radio station to attract many hive drones and once they are all in place, close it down and fire them all?


    • Fred Stubber says:

      They all know which side their bread’s buttered. They know which tune to dance to. People will always forget their principles when their money is at stake. I know. I’ve prostituted myself lots of times.



  36. StewGreen says:

    Friday’s YouAndYours item .. ‘Look secondhand electric car sales are taking off”

    Monday’s YouAndYours item .. ‘Look commercial fleet electric car sales are taking off”

    ..Doesn’t look like #BBCimpartiality
    It makes it look like they are in league with PR people funded by subsidy biz to push an agenda


    • Dave S says:

      Until we know the life and replacement cost of the battery we will not see any real market formed. This is pure propaganda .Modern petrol and diesel cars have long had failures built in to keep the market alive. Expect no change .


      • JimS says:

        Fleet buyers usually sell a car on after running it for a year. An electric car fleet is good PR.

        A friend of mine bought an electric car that was ‘only’ two years old, it had a range of 75 miles on full-charge. When the friend complained to the dealer they said that there was nothing wrong, it just needed a new battery!


  37. Stevie m says:

    Thanks to the many contributors on here, I have finally broke free from the shackles of the telly tax.
    God it feels good. It’s looking like we have them on the run at last


    • Fedup2 says:

      Stevie – you need to realise that you will never be alone now – you’ll be getting regular letters from TVLicencing . I look forward to them now – the latest version tells me the ‘investigation number ‘ assigned to my home for an ‘inquiry ‘ .

      I much preferred the weather know where you live’ letters and posters from a few years again which have sadly disappeared – perhaps because they were close to ‘threatening ‘.


      • JimS says:

        Yes the latest style of threat-o-gram is quite boring, just a number in a window.

        I am sure they must be employing ex-Readers’ Digest competition marketeers. Whatever else Stevie can look forward to more variety than there is in BBC ‘comedy’!

        Here is an idea for them: “Congratulations! You have won a Golden Ticket! Just return the Golden Ticket in the envelope provided, along with a cheque for £160, and in return you will receive a whole year of Climate Change, European Union, Black Supremacy, Transgenderism and Marxist advocacy!”


        • Rich says:

          They were at my door about an hour ago!!

          Our licence expired at the end of December, we stopped the direct debit by going through the bBbc website in May or June, and they’re after us already.

          I answered the front door to ‘Paul’, an English chap, who asked to speak to my wife using her maiden surname, without her Christian name, asked if she was here and asked me when she would be in. He wouldn’t tell me what it was about or who he worked for and did not produce an id card despite me asking. He received no information from me. He then stated he would be leaving a note to which I replied, “Do what you like” and closed the door.

          Obviously, had I been aware it was Crapita I wouldn’t of bothered my arse opening the door in the first place and I will be prepared for their next visit, supposedly soon, but to be honest I wasn’t expecting them to be quite so desperate for money, even in this, their hour-of-greed. I don’t think that “Paul” wasn’t expecting to be met by a 14 stone, bearded, touching-six footer when he came to harass a Miss either, although if he continues in this line of work here in Northern Ireland, especially with his accent, he might well be met with some rather more unpleasant surprises when he next turns up at someones address unannounced making idle threats.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Rich – sounds like he was well dealt with … I’m looking forward to my first visit . Depending on the circumstances it can be difficult saying nothing and closing the door on someone . But if I remember it’s not a human being – it’s a tax collecting prosecutor I reckon I’ll be ok.


          • taffman says:

            Tell them nothing , answer no question, have no communication with them. Above all don’t let them in to your house.


    • Stevie m says:

      I live in a first floor apartment which has a intercom system and is first line of defence. I cancelled my licence via a hand written note which was sent using recorded delivery. Never use the online cancellation form I was told and never listen to the scare stories was the other good advice I will heed. I will spread the word to family and friends and keep you all informed if I manage to convert any of them


  38. G says:

    The, ‘Ying & Yang’ of nonsense?
    Will the UN/Soros and its, ‘Migration Compact’ which most European countries (including the UK) willingly signed up to, concern itself with the European Court of Justice and its case decisions? I suggest not, therefore, ‘business as usual’ then……………..


  39. john in cheshire says:

    With regard to this new virus problem, whatever happened to that Zika virus? The one that was going to infect South America and produce malformed babies. Nothing in the news for ages now so did it ever exist, has it now burned itself out?


  40. Sluff says:

    For the first time in ages I watched a bit of Countryfile last night, BBBC1, around 6pm.
    God it was awful.
    From the presenters, 1 white mail, 1 asian female. And ludicrously 1 wheelchair-bound male ….in fields FFS .
    Then the choice of right-on ‘initiatives’ featured. A farmer allowing an ingress of sea water onto his presumably subsidised land – nice income if you can get it, to the virtues of Hemp, yeah very scalable for a 65 million population.
    The whole thing was a public sector diversity issues and eco-warriors save-the-planet dream.
    For the rest of us, it’s the off switch for another several months.


  41. Sluff says:

    Here’s today’s BBC story about their favourite topic-transgender.

    But by contrast, some real journalism by way of an excellent column by Janice Turner in ‘The Times’ on Saturday.

    She bemoans Lisa Nandy signing up to a loopy Labour trans pledge. Quotes…
    ‘Nandy is not the first politician who, sucked into the gender vortex, loses all reason……How have LGBT issues become such a moral test of politicians in progressive parties……Purity Spirals is when a group grades its members by a single value, which has no upper limit or agreed interpretation. those who seek power must demonstrate their purity in ever more abstruse ways, those judged impure are denounced and destroyed. Labour…..has several concurrent purity spirals….no- border immigration policies…….the trans issue, specifically gender self ID, is the purity spiral du jour’.

    Some nice definitions in there.


  42. scribblingscribe says:

    Arts and humanities students and anti capitalists have been digging up a garden as a protest to something or other. The police have decided to stand next to them and observe. Ray Bisby, the acting Police and Crime Commissioner for the area said:

    “The constabulary is in a challenging position where they will work in partnership to provide a proportionate policing response to the protest, balancing the needs and rights of protestors with those impacted by the protest.”

    So I suggest everybody in the area get round to Ray Bisby’s home and vandalise his home, before getting back any rates/tax money paid to the police.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      scribe- when I was young, the police would have had me down at the station pretty sharpish, had I decided to block the road for a cause I had thought virtuous! Preventing people from going about their legal business, causing an obstruction etc etc.
      As for the digging up lawns, ditto. Trespass? Damage to private property?
      Was that bearded plod really a Commissioner? (I could still make it to Queen of England, then.) Crikey, how nice to have the police around, enforcing the law (Not), making us feel safe (Not), exercising good judgement (Not).
      And I’m as anxious to breathe and survive as the next man/woman/anything in between/both at the same time/unable to distinguish etc etc.


      • Banania says:

        In living memory a young person committing vandalism on public property could be taken to the town hall to be birched. Was life so much worse then?


    • PRW73 says:

      Sorry scribs, but you have missed the point! Hold up all the traffic in Cambridge so more CO2 belches out warms the climate. FACT (as they say)
      Since we can no longer import fresh food from Spain (because of Brexit – FACT) we need to grow our own.
      Dig up Trinity Lawn (Kings next!) and plant peach trees, undersown with peppers, tomatoes, lettuce etc which will thrive in hotter climate in Cambridge FACT
      Flog produce in Cambridge market (just over the road) and bingo, problems caused by Global climate catastrophe and Brexit are all solved!
      Greta’s childhood saved!!


  43. Jack in the Green says:

    Reading between the lines of the latest Government spout about this appalling organisation, it seems to be the same old, same old, ie all show and no punch together with the usual knee-jerk backsliding towards the status quo. I wouldn’t trust this lot as far as I could throw them. At least this website will be going forever and a day. As for Gallic grandstanding, what’s new? At least it shows the real nasty face of the EU, sorry, Franco – German Empire. Don’t buy their ludicrously overrated products and steer clear of their ludicrously overrated country. Go on – you know it makes sense! Pip – Toodle!


  44. Sluff says:

    Snowflake alert.
    BBC1 6 pm news still banging on about Caroline Flack suicide.
    But get this. At the end of the report they then announce ‘ if you have been affected by this story please contact the BBC Action Line , with a website and phone number provided.
    Words totally fail me.


    • StewGreen says:

      @Sluff wokemob are suddenly shouting “how dare the NEWSPAPERS go on and on about CELEBRITIES and hound them to death
      .. There has to be a NEW LAW ”

      That’s funny Wokemob, cos when it’s not celebrities you don’t care
      Tommy could have committed suicide after his ILLEGAL trial in Leeds and you wouldn’t have cared.

      Likewise that human rights lawyer who got drunk on a plane and started mouthing of racism
      .. you wanted her lynched
      ..Well she was jailed in April 2019 released after 6 weeks and then suicided at Beachy Head 13 days later
      .. I never noticed your outcry then

      I bet dozens of working class people commit suicide before trial each year and wokemob never noticed .
      There are about 100 suicides each week in the UK


  45. NISA says:

    Dom got the BBC on the run? Time in the BBC1 6pm News for new computer at the Met Office ( whose services are not used by the BBC) & the killing of birds of prey, but no mention of Andrew Sabisky. Surely the bulletin should have featured CINO , Labour , Lib Dem & SNP MPs blue in the face calling for his sacking?


    • StewGreen says:

      £1.2bn spread thru 24 million households
      .. means £50 per household
      just for the computer

      I’d rather they’d spend the money on provactive weather coping measures
      like dredging rivers and opening sluice gates at the right time
      … and not giving planning permission for new housing estates in flood meadows.


    • taffman says:

      I understand Sabisky has resigned ?


  46. StewGreen says:

    Local news is as ever counting a promo item about their 7:30pm magazine prog tonight , as news.
    cos it features a Hull intersex person with Steven Fry.

    The presenter opened with the line
    “the UN says that upto 1.7% of the population is intersex”
    What almost 1 in 60 people ??
    .. that’s 1 in every 2 classes of kids
    … That number is obviously wrong,
    and was debunked by More or Less
    .. whose expert said it was like a hundreth of that”


  47. StewGreen says:

    The Times made the remarkable claim that the BBC has an approval rating of 80%
    I asked supporters to give me a source
    They instead gave me a YouGov poll about BBCnews only
    where young “boomers ” give BBCnews a 71% rating
    and don’t even rate it as #1
    as we know ITVnews is rated higher
    Overall it gave BBCnews a 67% rating



    • john in cheshire says:

      The racist far-left bbc will play as dirty as they can get away with to try to stop them being sent to the subscription wilderness.

      After the 2016 EU referendum I opined that time would be of the essence to get the exit done.
      I’m saying the same thing now about the racist far-left bbc. The longer the government delays changing the way they are funded, the longer they will have to try to stop it. Where lefties are concerned I don’t think they should ever be forewarned of what is going to be done to them


      • Fedup2 says:

        John – agreed the time to get something done is now by number 10 will be up against the kind of vested interest which we experienced during the War for Brexit .

        The current enemy scheme is to undermine Dom and try to isolate BoJo – it’s a bit too early to refer to ‘ bunker mentality ‘ but I bet the enemy press are preparing their headlines already .


  48. StewGreen says:

    Outrage bus just started against an associate of Cummings
    .. WokeSupremacist offence-archaeologist have been digging and found he said something about race in a 2014 blog

    As ever their own labels and accusations are projections of their own behaviour
    .. as they leap to call him a “white supremacist” and make out he is a Nazi
    .. The only evidence is this phrase which doesn’t even have quotation marks
    ‘Very real racial differences in intelligence’
    and then name him as Number10press adviser #AndrewSabisky
    ah I found the long quote

    “There are excellent reasons to think the very real racial differences in intelligence are significantly – even mostly – genetic in origin,
    though the degree is of course a very serious subject of scholarly debate.
    “That debate busily bustles on, and I’m sure we’ll have more precise answers in another 5 years or so, though whether the politicians will pay any attention is debatable.
    “It would be nice if they did from the standpoint of immigration control (in the UK, that is).”

    To me only the last bit is strange and could be perceived as saying immigration entry should be partially decided by the candidate’s ethnic groups average intelligence
    Which is ridiculous you should treat people as individuals.

    BBC run with : No 10 refuses to condemn adviser’s remarks


    • StewGreen says:

      Ah the offence archaeologists who did the digging were SkyNews
      or more likely a massive Momentum team who fed details for SkyNews to cutNpaste
      Sky News uncovered a comment underneath a blog post in January 2014.
      The comment is made by a user named “Andrew Sabisky” and using the same avatar as a Twitter account said to belong to Mr Sabisky.

      Here’s a link to the original quote in full
      it looks like a blogpost about how wokemob MISREPPRESENT their enemies …#irony


    • StewGreen says:

      A blogpost started yesterday by someone who has met him
      makes it clear that this latest gotcha is the last in a long line of attempts to get him


    • Richard Pinder says:

      “To me only the last bit is strange and could be perceived as saying immigration entry should be partially decided by the candidate’s ethnic groups average intelligence”

      It could be a reference to “Regression to the Mean”. Immigrants of European dissent would produce an average IQ for children having a regression to a mean of 100. Those of African dissent would produce children with a regression to a mean of 85. So even if you ban African immigrants with an IQ below 100, their future generations would still pull down Britain’s average IQ.

      Books like “Racial Differences in Intelligence” By Professor Richard Lynn, and “The Bell Curve” have collected together most of the scientific studies.


  49. digg says:

    Interesting to see the stark similarities between the lefty media in the UK and the lefty media in the USA right now.

    In the UK they are currently trying to paint Johnson as racist because he hasn’t made any response to some stuff an aide of an aide supposedly posted 6 years ago. The headlines in The Guardian, The Independent and the BBC are almost indistinguishable from each other.

    In the USA they are trying to paint Trump as a villain because one of his blokes, Barr is accused of interfering with the prosecution of one of his friends.

    This “guilty by association” attack method is obviously a new and desperate weapon of the lefty media because it gives them the ability to create nasty mud-slinging, vilifying headlines.

    I don’t think they have quite gotten over Johnson’s approach of just not talking to them so this is their spite and bile coming out.

    “When did you stop beating your wife” comes to mind. This article covers the tactic nicely…


  50. Fred Stubber says:

    Noticing that the back gate had come loose in the gale and concerned about a sheep invasion I forsake my afternoon snooze and gathered together the necessary items with which to carry out a repair. I clamped my Bluetooth phones on my head to help keep the wind out of my ears and found myself listening to BBC Radio 4. I had switched on half way through The World at One, and there was an item about a junior school. The school was desperately short of money (because of Tory cuts). It had special problems that money could solve. Half the children were from abroad, and many of them didn’t speak English. There were also difficult cultural issues to contend with. About a quarter of the kids were Special Needs. Nothing was said about the fact that this could have been a perfectly happy school with adequate resources (like most schools) were it not for the difficulties resulting from the excessive and indiscriminate immigration this country has suffered for the past thirty years. And I did wonder how many of the Special Needs kids were the result of first-cousin marriages. So, no background, no research, merely the message that the government and everyone who voted Tory were a set of absolute rotters for allowing this school to be in such a bad way.

    Next up was a little programme about GB Shaw’s Pygmalion. As it happens I had to learn about this play for A Level. However I hardly recognised it from this programme, which put a weird 1970s-style women’s lib slant on it. This programme wasn’t really about the work of one of our great playwrights; it was just the vehicle for fifteen minutes of rather stale right-on anti-man claptrap.

    I didn’t really pay any attention to The Archers. I haven’t bothered with it since they reduced the farming issues to almost nothing in favour of storylines about homosexuality and global warming and similar inappropriate, incongruous, nonsense.

    Next up, Glenda Jackson, wrinkled pin-up of the extreme left, featured in a drama — which turned out to be a sort of general-purpose, one size fits all, omnibus exercise in left-liberal proslytism. They really did crowbar every woke issue known to man into this three-quarters of an hour. The anti-hero was a male (bad) white (bad) rich (bad) hard working (bad) ambitious (bad) entrepreneur (bad) with a knighthood (bad) who was in oil (bad) and plastics (double bad). Somehow racial prejudice, global warming, pollution, misogyny; the whole gamut of liberal-left sacred cows in fact, were crowbarred into this little drama. I seriously did start to wonder if it was a BBC attempt at self parody. In fact it might have been for all I know because the gate was mended before the programme ended so with great relief I switched off. I must have missed the bit about the glories of veganism.

    As a Yorkshireman I hate to think that I’m wasting money, so when I’ve paid for my TV licence I do feel obliged to consume some BBC output. It’s getting harder and harder though. The BBC just doesn’t seem to cater for ordinary guys like me who haven’t swallowed their strange slanted take on life. I dip into Radio Four hoping for something that isn’t riddled through and through with leftist claptrap, and I’m nearly always disappointed. I endure a programme hoping the next one will be better and I’m nearly always disappointed yet again. I can’t take much more. I think I’m going to have to join the ranks of the many who listen exclusively to LBC, Talk Radio, and Classic FM, and who watch nothing but You Tube and Netflix. I’ll just have to accept that the TV licence is an unjust tax that I have to pay on pain of imprisonment, even though it buys me nothing, relentlessly propagandises views opposed to my own, and allows no contrary view.



    • Halifax says:

      Fred. Did you sort the gate out ?


      • BRISSLES says:

        Hal, you never cease to make me chuckle – the master of the understatement.

        (must admit I wondered the same, my tally is 2 fence panels that have disappeared in the hurricane and have probably joined Dorothy and Toto down the yellow brick road in Oz !)


      • Fred Stubber says:

        Well, there were two problems. It’s a steel farm gate 16ft wide. The post where it’s hinged is a steel girder set in concrete. The other post is an extremely ancient length of oak, so old that it has none of the original surface. For some time the gate has drooped a bit so it hasn’t met the thingy on the post that holds it shut. But today I found the gate ajar (and two big tups thinking about invading my orchard), and on closing it I saw that the spring loaded sliding bolt wasn’t meeting the fastener on the oak post. Something must have moved but I couldn’t figure out what. The ‘hinges’ are those long threaded eye bolts, so I loosened them off (with great difficulty) and moved the gate along both, in order to move it sideways so it met the fixture on the post, and also by differential adjustment of the two bolts I raised the latching end of the gate so it met the thingy on the post. The spring-loaded sliding bolt was then working but there wasn’t much tolerance so I put a jubilee clip around it so the spring so it had a shorter distance of free travel. I had intended to put a bolt through it but decided a jubilee clip would be just as good and less trouble.

        I felt like a proper farmer doing this job. I used my baby tractor to carry all the tools. It was fun.


        • Halifax says:

          Fred. That’s bordering on pornographic I must admit i was getting worked up.
          Have you considered putting a wheel on the bottom of the closing post on the gate?


        • BRISSLES says:

          Fred, I had EXACTLY the same problem with the double gates at the end of my drive. The wood has sodden with the rain and they’re over 20 years old, so the hinges were iffy at best, and because one gate had ‘dropped’ the ‘thingy’ just about fitted. Sadly at the weekend I accidently rammed it in the car, so it ended up hanging on one huge hinge. Got fixed yesterday by a good friend and bolted back the bottom hinge. Job done

          No-one wants to read this I know, but I just wanted to extend my solidarity with Fred.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Great post, Fred. A really good read.

      You can legally give up the TV tax – you do not have to pay it to watch Amazon & Netflix ‘down the line’. You only need a TV Licence to watch real-time TV broadcasts on any terrestrial channel and BBC TV on iPlayer. If I recall correctly, you can even watch ITV & C4 & C5 catch-up TV without a TV Licence.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Fred , you’ll be getting the gate police around soon . The BBC don’t like gates , borders or any kind of barrier to stop foreign invasions .so their police will also come and ‘check your thinking ‘.

        They’ll probably bring a few of their friends – climate terrorists to did something up ……you’ll also get ritual condemnation by the three loons standing to be Comrade Corbyn the younger …. hope the gate is okay now …..