It seems an opportune time to put up the link to the Governments’ Formal Consultation on the future of the BBC Again so here it is :
People who object to being forced to pay for its’ Far Left anti British propaganda can tell Number 10 what they think before the end date on 31 March 2020.
Look. I have nothing against transgender people but hang on a minute why do they get preferential treatment on the BBC. Anyone watching Mastermind tonight will know what I’m talking about.
Get rid of this agenda driven drivel now !!!
If you are looking for comedy tonight C4 is doing a labour leaders ‘ debate for a whole hour. They can prepare for government in 46 months …
UPDATE : One person got one point in general knowledge…..guess who.
Halifax – can it be surmised that that girlboy went to the same school as Lammy ? ( where does cheddar cheese come from ?)
Tesco ?
The other ugly sister channel 4 revelling in climate drum banging re the floods. Then the reporter let drop the river wye at its highest level for 200 years.
Hang on 200 years? Were there any cars, planes, electrical gadgets, coal fired power stations, oil wells, plastics, gas heating etc. 200 years ago?
Now they have a lady vicar on talking about eco churches for gods sake.
The science is settled, except that it has all happened before and dear old planet EARTH goes on and on regardless. I can never understand why the climate fanatics make a point then shoot it down in flames.
Lol if you get the chance watch Mastermind as Steven wins it… the end the others congratulate him…….heavily edited or what lol…watch what happens when “Suzanne” goes to kiss him then he goes to kiss Kate…….best editing since Homer Simpson’s alleged sexual harassment gummi bear police interview !!!
Gummi Di Milo
I think that Mastermind has replaced merit with identity politics.
Because under the old fashioned merit based system it had an average of three white males to one white female.
Under the new system the BBC has a 50/50 Male/Female Gender quota, with a token LGBT, BAME or disabled contestant replacing mostly a White Male, sometimes a White Female, which is now the only time you get more than one White Male contestant. It means that only one White Male and one White Female qualifies on merit. Its why the scores are so low, and why the token LGBT/BAME/Disabled usually comes last, with usually about half the score of the winner. Although the BBC has accidentally made it easier for the token merit based White Male on the panel, who would have qualified with the old rules anyway, but now has two weaker contestants to beat. Although, this week, even the White Male struggled to win with twenty points, there was one who won with 30 points a few weeks ago, like the old days. But it looks like the next round is going to be very white, male and stale.
You are right, it has become painfully obvious that Mastermind is deliberately selecting women, BAME and now trans contestants. Ordinary white males are clearly not wanted. Sadly for the BBC, the ones who do slip through the net keep on winning, so in future I expect they will be banned outright.
I cannot stress too highly the importance of watching yesterdays (Monday 17th) Mastermind….just watch it at the end as they congratulate each other….the editing is amazing
“Cambridge’s Trinity College lawn dug up by Extinction Rebellion”
Referred to as ‘activists’ but In their true colours they are Anarchists.
They have an ulterior motive .
They only cause trouble in this country because they are allowed to.
They should try their stunts in the countries that are the biggest contributor to greenhouse gases not one of the least.
Boris says he wants to trim down the BBCs ridiculous over expanded size and as you might expect the cowardly useless incompetent Tories react in the way you would expect.
MP Robert Halfon perhaps reflecting his roots, having spent much of his early life in Hampstead has called for a ‘referendum’ of the licence fee payers. Doesn’t this fool realise that the market, and people choosing how they spend their own money is the heart of conservatism, and what he is advocating is pure Socialism ?
The BBC has without a doubt been allowed to over expand. The ethos of Socialism means an ever expanding empire, which has ultimately resulted in the butter being spread too thin, and now despite being one of the wealthiest broadcasters in the world there isn’t enough funding to carry out the core business correctly.
It seems BBC management is completely incapable of reducing the corporation size – over 100 radio stations is ridiculous.
There are far too many socialist Labour Blairists in the Tory party now. The BBC is already on the offensive, and alas many of the cowardly useless incompetent Tories just don’t want anything to change, despite the BBC actively campaigning against them.
There’s still too many people in that party who belong in Labour, and are only members because they attended expensive public schools – time for a root and branch deselection campaign again.
BBC doing a proper hatchet job on Amazon via its dumbed down Panorama show . Capitalism isn’t favoured by the Far Left BBC – surprisingly .
Maybe Amazon can buy the BBC ?
The BBC have never forgiven Amazon for taking Jeremy Clarkson onboard, after they sacked him for the ultimate hate crime of being a White male.
#OpenBorders : Romanian girls trafficked to be prostitutes in London
eg 13 year olds
Ilford and Edmonton … Romanian police come across to do raids
but the pimps just bring in new girls
There is a BBCnews story, but really it’s just a short trailer
Wokest bits of 7:30pm’s Inside Out
East – Stevenage chef goes to The London Muslim Centre for Onion Bhaji record of 175Kg
London : – *how one young entrepreneur is making a mint from designer trainers
..that’s the black Newcastle student we’ve seen before *
Northwest – “We find out what it is like to be elected to Parliament by following Liverpool’s first black MP”
… (who looks blonde and white)
Southeast – Trawling for plastics in the Thames … researcher says “IF we” if he hasn’t found any danger yet
Southwest – Investigating the plastic pebbles that look like real pebbles washing up on south west beaches.
(AFAIK plastics are made from a natural product oil/gas and can be burnt safely in high temp incinerators)
West – *eco-anxiety* , from the birth strikers to the pyschotherapist helping people overwhelmed with worry about the future of the planet.
Yorks – Intersex item with Stepen Fry : “two women who found out as adults that they were born physically different from their peers. “
Macron wants the UK to be a voiceless adjunct to a more centralised military EU. The UK media don’t report it this way because they don’t understand the work of our own Civil Service to put us in EU schemes.
Chief among the civil service voices for military integration is ex-Blair aide Angus Lapsley.
Watch him here and here
This nasty piece of work needs to be removed, along with Sedwill.
Cerys Mathews on Radio 2’s The Blues Show has Adia Victoria on as a guest.
This ‘person of colour’ has discovered the Blues as a result of hearing The Black Keys (‘non-persons’ of ‘non-colour’). Although she likes their music she is miffed because the ‘white man’ has made far more money out of the Blues than the original artistes. In passing she tells us that ‘the South’ was built by ‘her people’.
It is a pity that neither she nor Cerys Mathews are old enough to remember the British artistes that ‘discovered’ the Blues and exported it back to the USA, selling it to a largely ‘white’ audience. As a result many of the ‘originals’ were able to perform to audiences beyond their wildest dreams, both in North America and Europe.
My impression was that there was great mutual respect between musicians on both sides of the Atlantic. It is a pity that there is now a younger generation, aided and abetted by the BBC, that wants to create divisions and ghettoise culture.
A fact also recognised by some jazz musicians, e.g. the greatest of them all Louis Armstrong, for which he was regularly called an “Uncle Tom”
Beeb stumbles across an unexpected bonanza, or:
“Have we finally discovered the formula for killing, not two, but THREE birds with one stone?”
Listening to R4 “news” at 10pm, I felt this might well be the question a (nearly) jubilant beeb are asking themselves. One could almost hear Ritula permitting herself a little smile as R4 led with a clumsy attempt to implicate Boris (who wasn’t ‘distancing’ himself), by nailing Cummings (who had appealed for weirdos etc.) via the resignation of Sibasky, or whatever his name is.
Show up the latter as a racist (etc), link him to Cummings (QED) and bingo, you potentially have the non-distancing “No10”!
Now THAT we didn’t expect to fall into our laps! So, let’s make the most of it…
It’s worth checking Sargon’s daily videos
eg He has one with Kate who at 18 was groomed/raped by the Teleford gang
\\The UK “must have the ability to set laws that suit us,” the PM’s chief Brexit negotiator has said in a speech in Brussels. //
That goes without saying , it shouldn’t even be on the table.
We are are a great country but IMHO our leaders are selling us short .
Why ?
I dont follow all this social media s*** and the love life of luvviees, but If he (the boyfriend didn’t want charges pressed, then why go to the rozzers in the first instance?
The whole sorry affair seems to me to be just another ‘Look at meeee’ opportunity for those involved.
Getting sick of the deification of a female accused of smacking her boyfriend over the head with a standard lamp, I wonder whether Schofield, the professional telly weeper would have as much sympathy with an accused abusive male, and the twiitter twats would be tweeting about a “show trial” ffs ??
Its now ok for Schofield to blub like a baby cos he’s come out. Not terribly ‘manly’ to be tearful and heterosexually married. Watch for weekly weeping by Schof. An embarrassment to his kids.
But the one thing today that has truly convinced me this country has gone to the dogs is the ignorant rabble scum allowed to do the following with NO ACTION from the police:
Extinction Rebellion activists rip up garden around apple tree that descended from the one that inspired Sir Isaac Newton outside Trinity College in Cambridge in protest over plans to turn farmland into lorry park
One activist was chained to the historic tree outside Trinity College, Cambridge
Protestors said the college is colluding in the ‘destruction of farmland in Suffolk’
Claim college-owned Innocence Farm is also being turned into housing estate
Here in Lincolnshire Cambridge colleges own dozens of farms
My Great grandfather would travel once a year to pay the rent.
Why dont they target property developers who are continually lobbying to tarmac over more & more green fields, usually flood plains, and the local authorities that support the application?
David Baddiel on Holocaust deniers –
Palestinians have the highest percentage (80+), Baddiel gives them a free pass, even funny.
Oh, and he thinks God wasn’t there 75 yrs ago
The World Service has a huge amount of SJW programming that I never listen to.
I just heard this item
After a gunman linked to al-Qaeda killed Latifa Ibn Ziaten’s son in France, she decided to reach out into deprived communities to help similar young men at risk of radicalisation
The prog played her saying that she went to an immigrant suburb and everyone was celebrating her son’s killer, saying what a great martyr he is.
She found that lads in those suburbs think their own lives are a kind of lives and have no optimism about whether they will get into a good career. She spoke about how they have a very disrupted family life. .. feel hated by their mothers etc
Latifa Ibn Ziaten, a Moroccan mother to five has been awarded the highest honour in France, the Legion of Honour, and has been nominated for a Nobel
Peace Prize.
Latifa’s son, a French soldier, was murdered in Toulouse in 2012. Since then, Latifa has reached out to her ‘enemy’, working closely with people at risk of radicalisation in prisons and schools, and has convinced at least three young men not to go and fight in Syria. She spoke to Jo Fidgen.
Convinced 3 ?? , but she says she spoke to hundreds. how many have gone off to ISIS ?
The WS news says that gave headline Sabisky has resigned
then we got a Labour voice for comment
I think she said “He’s a witch. he’s a witch, he’s a witch .. burn him”
The contradiction
Now that he’s solved knifecrime
Stew – which leads to the Nandi principle that make rapists who self identify as Wimmin can go to a woman’s prison . The outcome of declaring that daytime is nighttime if that’s what you say it is .
Insanity .
Perhaps the way to resolve this is to have a special ward for rapists inside wimmin’s prisons. It could be called ‘The Ruth Ellis Ward’.
And pigs born in a stable are horses.
The emir might want to run that one by allah, who is pretty strict about these things.
Then again, there is always this little thing called taqiyya.
If we have diverse media i the UK why don’t we hear voices like Paul Murray ?
Wokemedia report the world as they wish it was, rather than what the world really is
What applies to ABC applies to BBC
Helping refugees for longer ‘could save UK money’
“reports” the beeb
I wonder if the Isle of Bute since 2015, is now twinned with Malmo Sweden!
The ‘report’ says that it could benefit the economy by £7 million year. Here’s another way to save £7 million – stop paying foreign ‘aid’ for approximately 4 hours (currently running at £14 bilion a year, £1.6 million an hour, £26,000 a minute).
Anything the Anti-Beeb produce with the word ‘could’ in is not journalism or reporting.
Its just good old fashioned speculation at best. At worst it is insidious propaganda that would put Goebbels to shame.
BBC Reporting the aftermath of the bushfires in Oz. Expert Chappie on the Ozy end all upbeat, everything returning to normal. Louise, what should tourists do? Expert Oz Chappie – only 3% of the land was affected so not affecting tourism at all plus everything is growing back fast now….
… Thanks – cut-off – over to the football quick….
bBC reports..
Andrew Sabisky: No 10 adviser resigns over alleged race comments
ALLEGED, but guilty
What is Mr Sabisky believed to have said
BELIEVED to have said
Guilty, thats it!
The Guardian is campaigning for someone to get into the House of Lords – a place it obviously fully supports . Indeed it even interviewed him with one of their NKVD stormtroopers – comrade Owen Jones .
The person they are so eager to become a peer ? ( not schofield or the TV presenter woman ) -no – it’s Berkow – who accuses his bullying accusers of being “snobs”.
The article doesn’t address Berkow s conduct in the Commons but it wouldn’t would it ?
BBC news watch
The BBC continues to experience the grief of losing its EU membership . Today it shocked that the UK negotiator has said that the UK is not going to follow EU ruled because that’s what brexit was all about .
The BBC is shocked by this . Surprised . And seems to be living in a ‘wish world ‘ where nothing will change .
It is often raised here that the BBC has never put out a pro Brexit programmes but has it ever been ‘anti ‘ the EU ? I’d say ‘no’.
I heard this on the car radio Fed, whilst stuck in traffic. Why for goodness sake why would we re-align ourselves to a foreign powers rules and regulations just as soon as we voted to LEAVE ?
I imagine a collective of Anti-Beeb employees all sat around the planning meeting table trying to how best deal with this latest piece of – to them bad news (to normal people common sense),with their soy lattes and beards, eyes closed and hands over ears muttering as one ‘we can’t leave, we must have alignment, we must not leave our safe space, we must not leave…
I think they are truly suffering from BDS and they should seek help. Years of being told they are all winners and they are always right has left them with serious mental health issues.
Fed, to answer that question you would have to go back beyond this century. I remember the BBC covering negative news items on the EC (as then was) and also allowing negative OpEd voices, if I recall correctly, including that of our present PM as a young journalist.
I remember how they covered the Falklands war. So the rot in the hive started many decades ago.
At that time they should have been renamed ABC – the Argentine broadcasting company.
JIC… that was very much a ‘road to Damascus’ conversion to me. Even as a youngster it struck me quite forcibly that the BBC reports during the Falklands campaign would use language such as ‘the British said’ and ‘the British claimed’, rather than more natural and appropriate terms such as ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’.
That was apparently a deliberate editorial policy at the time. Although they are nominally the British Broadcasting Corporation, they did not want to seem to be taking sides!
But we wouldn’t expect anything else from Al Beeb whose sole refrain for the last 4 years has been that those who want to leave are stupid, old and racist. They never accepted the premise that the majority hated being dictated to by an unelected Commission and that was why we voted Leave.
The Grauniad, aka the print wing of Anti-Beeb.
The Berk cow was a hero to the remain traitors.
It is of course the bubble interviewing the bubble.
Flack : alleged domestic abuse where were the demands she resigned? instead whining about a show trial
This has annoyed me as on TalkRadio this morning there was a talking head/correspondent who clearly hadn’t done any researchand was full of “maybes, if he’s , they says” and didn’t advance the discussion one iota.
This in contrast to the Conservative minister who’d done his homework on Dan Wooton’s show on TalkRadio LAST night taking what has been been reported in the media and comparing it to what Andrew Sabisky ACTUALLY said. To say that his words have been twisted to an extreme is an understatement. To paraphrase one example, he was criticised for comparing women’s sport to para sport, so the inference being that he thought women were like disabled athletes. What he’d actually said was that rather than lumping women’s sport in with men’s sport (me paraphrasing here, it would be overrun and die) it should be given a special protection as a stand-alone activity in the same way that para sport is. So basically he was making an inclusive and noble point that has been twisted into the opposite of what he said.
As for his eugenics opinion about compulsory contraception to prevent the rise of an underclass, has anybody here NEVER seen a large family of dirty, badly dressed misbehaving young children in a supermarket or on the street, had thoughts of what the future holds for these poor kids through no fault of their own and shouldn’t someone somewhere at some point have discussed contraception with their parents? To use a word currently doing the rounds, perhaps it was unkind of him to voice the opinion publicly but that doesn’t make what he may have said any less valid and it’s certainly something talked about between friends at the public bar or in the family home.
I detailed the Sabisky case last night at 7:30pm
… today’s Yorkshire Post has an info box which features a lot of quotes from Radio4 beeboid Adam Rutherford saying Sabisky’s “thoughtcrime* is repugnant
… this is wrong ..cos one is allowed to have incorrect thoughts, one doesn’t just leap straight to truth, it is a journey.
The thought exercises of lefties are o course even worse as they speculate on how they would kill Trump/Farage etc.
No putting meat on expenses, says property firm
is it april the 1st!
Downsize the bBC ffs
At the BBC, it is always April 1st in Year Zero.
Incidentally, the BBC article quotes the similar policy of a company called WeWork, citing research that going vegetarian could save the lives of 15,507,103 animals over five years. This figure is highly controversial – separate studies have suggested it may be as little as 15,507,102.
I have read that towards the end of WW2 there were concerns that farm yields were going down, the land was losing its fertility. That was because the ‘quick win’ at the start of the war, to save importing food, was to eat the farm animals.
Plants like nitrogen, most get it from the soil, but that source is limited which is why plants grow better when nitrogen fertilisers have been applied. Animals breathe in nitrogen which they excrete onto the soil. Farmers help the process by moving animals around the farm and by muck spreading.
No animals, no plants, no food.
And if we all became vegan, the number of farm animals would become….? WeWork need to work on their maths.
Just imagine how they would deal with that story if the company only allowed expenses if they had meat. Not so sympathetic, methinks. In fact I’m sure the outrage bus would be boarded.
If they were really consistent, they would ban expense claims for meals involving rice. The greenhouse gas Methane is not just producing by cows farting – according to the United Nations, flooded rice paddies produce 500 million tonnes of it per annum, which around 20% of the total manmade emissions for this gas. Someone really needs to have a word with the Chinese, Indians, Bangladeshis, Thais etc…
Being vegan is a protected characteristic
therefore by extension being a meat-eater is the same
So they can’t discriminate AGAINST meat-eaters
Wokes reap what they sow
Ian some argue that in practice methane has zero effect as a greenhouse gas
..cos the atmosphere already has a jacket of water vapour which traps the heat at the same frequency. So removing the methane jacket merely means the same molecules hit the water vapour which then traps their heat.
Whereas CO2 acts at a different frequency
I have no doubt you are correct (probably)
but how then do you explain the cattle farts make the world warmer reporting/meme?
see from your link –
“Development surveyor Kate Marfleet, 28, is head of the firm’s values team”
not sure what her real job really is from that description but they only have “30-strong company regularly work outside of the office”
sounds like virtue/marketing ploy & the Beeb love it.
TOADY Watch #1 – Dominatrix
Haha! That got you all interested. At the BBC, if not on this web-site. Mishal Husain is Presenter again this morning having taken the majority of the days last week.
I’m left wondering whether all is still not well behind the scenes at TOADY, despite Sarah Sands departure last year. Perhaps the men will have a complaint against BBC management and get back their pay differentials. Or maybe they will just leave, leaving Mishal to get on with it.
Her co-presenter today is Simon Jack who is meant to be Business Editor but rarely seems to do that job, if any work at all.
Having listened to Toady on and off since I was a kid ( no Tony Blackburn Radio 1 breakfast show for me ) I detect a wonderful decline in style and content . Once upon a time it had authority . But no longer . It fills time with nature nonsense , arty nonsense and tedious puzzles – as well as saying “ we asked a minister to come on the programme but they declined “ .
Sow and Reap comes to mind .
With a bit of luck meeshaal will be the last presenter which will enable the Toady programme to be put on the ‘ asia network ‘ whatever the hell thats about ..
I agree, Fed. I was just old enough to be around – and a ‘Home Service’ listener – when the programme started with Jack de Manio eventually joining the show with his G&T voice.
Think the TOADY prog always did have a light-hearted, ‘magazine’ approach to News but it did not always dominate R4 and used to be much shorter. It could usefully be cut back to an hour or maybe two. They have no trouble covering news on a Saturday with a two hour programme.
It obviously has a ‘propaganda brief’ these days and has to push a certain ‘line’. An up-to-date example would be the current promotion of the idea that water can be made to run uphill by making farmers do things differently. Complete nonsense, but the BBC are pushing it yesterday and today.
They are also attacking the F&CO at present, probably as a means of attacking HMG on the side.
In the days of Jack de Manio on the Today programme we had Monty Modlin to do the light hearted stuff.
I can tell you what the bbc asian network is : a muslim network with a bit of Bhangra thrown in i.e. according to the bbc all asians in the UK are black, forget about the the quarter of the world population many over here quietly getting on with their lives, pretty racist of the bbc that
So Mishal Husain was off
is that why they had Sopel on ?
I did wonder why they paid him a huge salary of £1,000/day cos he has to be in America
.. and then brought him back to sit in a London studio reading an autocue which plenty of beeboids do for £100/day.
TOADY Watch #2 – A Double Diamond Geezerette
Dharsini David has been promoted. She has moved up to Global Economics Correspondent from Economics Correspondent and is probably taking home even more Licence Fee taxpayers’ money. I am so glad that the Snuffy household is TV free.
DD is all over the programme just like DD (that’s Diana Dors for the ‘yoof’ on here) used to be all over the newspapers when I was a child.
Prior to 8am DD had a chat with a Mr Hahn (or Hann) who is Dean of a Banking Business School in the City of London. DD did not really need to have an interviewee available. She asked a series of leading questions and Dean Hahn merely repeated her questions back to her with an occasional embellishment.
BBC have story : Criminals end up with ‘smaller brains
and it is weird how so many who tweeted the story add “yeh Donald Trump”
Stew – ffs – from your link
“Adolescents showing antisocial behaviour that began in childhood, who were at an increased risk of incarceration and poor physical and mental health later in life, may be dealing with “some level of disability”.
And they could benefit from more support throughout their lives.
‘Need help’
Lead author Dr Christina Carlisi, from University College London, said: “There may be differences in their brain structure that make it difficult for them to develop social skills that prevent them from engaging in antisocial behaviour.”
And co-author Prof Essi Viding said it was important this group was not “demonised” but seen as people who “need help and compassion” to stop their behaviour becoming entrenched.
Dr Graeme Fairchild, from the University of Bath, said the research was an “important contribution”.
But it was not possible to tell whether the differences in brain structure had been present in early life and led to lifelong patterns of antisocial behaviour or reflected “lifestyle differences like drug or alcohol use, smoking and poor diet”.
everybody needs nurtured by the state it seems.
parents need not worry the NHS will parent your kids for you in this brave new world!!
35, 000 job losses announced at HSBC, that’s 15% of the workforce.
The reasons given are lower profits (30% less than expected) and difficult trading conditions etc but a part of me likes to think that it’s horrendous “Britain Is Not An Island” advert in which a Channel 4 comedian listed all the British things that aren’t British and the “fact” that Great Britain isn’t an island (even though it is, or a collection of islands at least) had something to do with it. I don’t have an HSBC account, but if I did I most certainly would have switched banks, if possible I’d have done it in branch telling them why I was doing so too. Iit’s so easy to switch these days and there’s always money to be made as banks provide incentives to move. So maybe some switchers did provide the last straw.
Changing banks might be easy, changing supermarkets not so much.
But no-one needs to buy oven chips, except, apparently, Muslim lesbians.
You’re right, these days it’s down to picking the best of a bad bunch. However surprisingly, or perhaps not, it’s our German friends from Aldi and Lidl who use the least amount of woke imagery and messaging in their advertising
I have not been an HSBC customer for many years but if I was I would have walked as I too found that ad campaign repugnant and insulting especially coming from a Hong Kong based bank. As we know the Hong Kongers arent too happy at being told what to do by the Chinese right now either!
Considering that HSBC is Hong Kong based and how they are being dictated to by the Chinese right now you would think they of all people would understand. I am not an HSBC customer but would certainly have walked after that repugnant ad campaign if I was.
If the drop in profits is down to the ad in any way then as far as I am concerned it’s very good news!
Sorry to double post this site did it’s vanishing act on me!
TOADY Watch #3 – Now there’s a surprise!
The TOADY prog did actually inform me of something this a.m. – we are contributing a bit of kit to the International Space Station and it is some high-tech, hi-speed, broadband telecomms kit.
Now, why oh why, if we (the UK) can design and build that, can we not design and build right here in the UK – avoiding all that transport CO2 – our own 5G telecomms network?
A question not asked by increasingly highly paid Mishal Husain. Or Simon Jack.
Kind of BBC related , bear with me.
Several years ago I switched career to work in an industry allied to healthcare. I genuinely believed , and for a short while it was actually the case, that even though I wasn’t a doctor or nurse I could in my own small way be a contributing factor to improving the quality of people’s lives, maybe even being a small cog in the machine that went on to save a persons life! The passing years have sadly taken the shine off my rose tinted prediction and in my experience there are a handful of people I’d be happy to be treated by, a handful I’d avoid like the plague, and a bigger group who like me wanted to do the right thing but have been ground down by the system and now simply do what they’re told, watch the budget, don’t innovate and basically just keep their heads down. I can hardly blame them as I pretty much do the same 🙁
So to gain some job satisfaction and give back I’ve recently been looking into working as a phone line volunteer with the Samaritans. The same thought process applied, helping people when they’re at their lowest, metaphorically if not literally talking someone off a ledge when they’re at their darkest times. But what have I seen over the last few days? Exhortation from the media including the BBC to ring helplines or the Samaritans if they’re affected by the suicide of Caroline Flack. Don’t get me wrong, if someone feels that life isn’t worth living, and if the solution an attractive and outwardly successful young woman came to was to kill herself then maybe it’s time to do it too, then any help anyone can give should be given. But another part of me feels like I would end up like that group of people who just keep their heads down, and instead of helping people at their lowest ebbs I’d be fielding calls from people upset that a celebrity had died.
BBC Licence Fee Watch #1
Apologies for duplication if someone else has put this up. The Thunderer is helpfully adding a front page ‘divide and rule’ item on the PM’s and Cumming’s SPADs line on the Licence Fee:
The Times article includes an extensive reference to John Whittingdale’s comments on Freeview, which were actually made more than two weeks ago and hence are not ‘news’. However, they are likely to be recycled by the supporters of the BBC so it is worth understanding them. Mr Whittingdale said that the BBC could not move to a subscription model as many households receive their television via Freeview, which does not feature the ability to disable/encrypt channels, thus there would be no way to ‘switch off’ users who have not paid their subscriptions. A figure of 18 million households has been cited (this is probably derived from figures produced by BARB). Furthermore, that this situation would prevail for many years.
However, this is not strictly accurate. The majority of televisions which have been sold in the UK since 2008 have sockets for Conditional Access cards, which are specifically designed for enable subscription channels. It is mainly low-cost standalone Freeview boxes, which add digital TV capabilities to older televisions, which do not feature Conditional Access capabilities. Moreover, many households are watching Freeview channels via other means, such as BT, TalkTalk, YouView and out-of-contract Sky boxes that provide control via other means. The bottom line is that the number of households affected is probably in the low millions. It is not exactly a major operation to replace the remaining Freeview adapter boxes during the course of a few years and to suggest otherwise is simpy defeatist.
The BBC itself has demonstrated how matters can be done. The BBC 3 TV channel used to be broadcast on Freeview. It had few viewers, such that it was disproportionately expensive to operate, so they moved it to an online service (they also considered doing the same with their ‘news’ channel). The same approach can be done on a progressive basis with its other channels, until only the news (sic) and parliament channels remain, maybe supplemented with an ad-supported derivative of BBC1/BBC2 if necessary. Viewers will, of course, still have access to dozens of free channels from ITV, Channel 4, Sony/CBS Group and others.
In the longer term, it is inevitable that conventional broadcast television will vanish altogether, and be entirely replaced with online services. Access control is inherent in all such services, enabling the BBC and others to introduce paywalls to their hearts’ content. If the government really wants to be on the ball it should be planning for the broadcast switch-off date, similar to how analogue television was switched off in 2012.
BABC tell me Amazon boss has pledged $10 Billion of his personal fortune to “fight Climate Change”.
Well, Mr Jeff ‘Canute’ Bezos, good luck with that…….
Bezos is only a letter or two away from bozo, a word that serendipitously is mainly used by our American cousins.
TOADY Watch #4 – Another Question Not Asked – Knowing what the answer will be, perhaps?
I feel for all the people who are suffering flooded homes and businesses. On yesterday’s and today’s TOADY Progs there have been invited experts on the UK environment. I have not heard one TOADY Presenter nor Ed Stourton presenting TWATO or Ritula Shah doing TWiT yesterday ask any of these environmental experts (including the Boss of the English Environment Agency) whether the nation’s streams or rivers have been cleared of debris since the flooding five and nine years ago? Not one question about that most important of river and stream issues.
When I was at school we were taught about widlife and the environment. We were taught about what otters and beavers do in streams and rivers. This was at Primary School, not serious A-level science stuff at Secondary School. It is also common sense to realise what a shopping trolley can do with an accretion of natural debris together with discarded drinks bottles and tin cans in a city or town centre river, some months after it has been chucked in there ‘for a bit of a laugh’ by drunks or vandals.
It is an obvious question to ask.
But not if you are a BBC News presenter, apparently.
Regarding any Brexit deal.
Is this too simple.
Tell the eu that we will mirror all import duties they decide to impose on our exports to them.
If (for example) they put 5% import duty on their imports from us, we will put 5% duty on our imports from them.
That is completely fair.
Things like reciprocal medical treatments, pet passports, extradition and other issues not directly trade can be negotiated but with a ‘we will impose exactly what you impose’ position.
Leave the eu to decide what it wants.
Although they export far more to us than we do to them we will generously allow them the same duties even though they gain more from it.
What could be more simple.
Well it is fair and it is simple and if the EU negotiators are interested in jobs inside the EU offers the best possible deal. But it undermines the bureaucracy of the EU and it’s mantra of ever closer union, so it’s non starter. The Bureaucrats of Brussels put the survival and strength of the institutions of the EU above all else even the well being of the citizens of the EU. They can’t allow the UK to be seen to make a success as an independent sovereign countrybecause this would undermine the ever closer union theme, perhaps fatally.
I am certain that Remainers in the UK still share that view and that they will conspire with Brussels to do everything they can to undermine the British position in the negotiations. The Remainers hope that we will be forced into Rejoining within a few years. The struggle for freedom is far from over.
This clear difference in the goals of the EU bureaucrats and the wellbeing of the people of Europe has been seen before in Greece and the long term unemployment in Italy , Spain etc . It will be interesting to see the extent to which the individual states of the EU push this difference in negotiating goals.This difference may in its self create a substantial crack in the EU edifice and one that any UK negotiating team worth it’s salt will be looking to exploit.
French farmers hold the key to UK/EU problems.
google it, they want the money to keep flowing.
Reciprocate. “That is completely fair.” And would be part of the so-called, “Level Playing Field” they talk so much about.
I watched the recent reports about the horrendous flooding in parts of the UK. Notwithstanding the lack of curiosity with regards to river dredging, etc, it appears that all correspondents on ALL channels believe that if we enact hardcore green environmentalism on these islands, somehow the less than green activities of China, India, etc will not affect the UK, and by some quirk, that it respects the borders of countries.
In the lands of the summer people, the floods have been manageable so far this rainy season. The rivers dredged and the ditches cleared. Why? – now run by locally accountable drainage boards rather than the next to useless Environment Agency.
The local authorities (mainly Illiberal Undemocratic controlled councils) refuse to sweep and clear the road sides gutters and drains of leaves and other winter debris, McDonald wrappers, discarded plastic and other rubbish, rather preferring to go woke and claim climate emergency or blame evil toreee cuts to funding…
However, the real lack of scrutiny will not come from Anti-Beeb as they wont want to finger their bessie mates in the EUSSR, who passed laws many years ago, that identified dredging material from rivers to be treated as hazardous waste and had to disposed off in line with expensive standards and inefficient process. Subsequently rather than pay the costs, the practice was just stopped by the landowners.
At the risk of getting a ticking off for yet more none BBC posting, a recent snapshot from work.
We attended a meeting held by our pension provider to outline our benefits and choices etc. During a session about how pension providers invest our money to grow the pot, one of my fellow attendees raised his hand and asked for confirmation that all investments were going into ethically based companies. Politeness prevented me from raising my hand and expressing the opinion that surely the primary concern when it comes to using MY money for MY future is investing in companies that give the biggest return. I’m not saying that I want to investigate everything in a company making landmines, but if a company is working legally then I don’t want my pension provider avoiding investing in them based on the flavour of the month objection, be it C02, veganism, gender activism etc.
‘Politeness’ isn’t the word I’m afraid.
Why is your fellow attendee’s opinion worth more than yours? It surely would have been perfectly possible to politely express your opinion.
You could have used the BBC trick and made it into a question, “Don’t ‘some say’ that high growth is important?”!
Courage mon brave!
A thought-provoking contribution on its origins from Bill Still (starts at 0.50).
Reported by mistake.
The current rash of woke anti-meat, climate garbage infecting some companies can be easily explained. I work in IT for a number of companies and I have noticed this trend in a lot of them.
It is all coming from their marketing and personnel departments, usually staffed by striving young Uni-leavers fresh out of their Uni indoctrination.
The bosses go along because any resistance is highlighted as ignorant and dangerous. No-platforming usually follows.
They are taught this by lefty lecturers intent on creating above all a Marxist state.
I hope Boris trains his sights on Uni’s and the damage they are causing in time. The BBC are stuffed full of these zombies.
Imagine how furious you will be if you no longer have other people paying to serve you…
First world problems. Boo hoo.
That video ought not make me angry but I immediately thought of someone very close to me was in so much agony he couldnt stand for longer than 5 minutes. It was 6 months before he shared his problem with me, and only when I asked him to help me carry something.
This lad whould get his whiney arse down to a cancer ward. There are plenty of subjects worthy of poetry, where you get your haircut is not one of them.
No, I’m sorry, I still don’t get this non-binary stuff. Binary is a counting system using two numbers, used by computers. People tend to count in decimal, because we have ten fingers. Octopuses would, presumably, count in eights if they could. Doesn’t that mean that all people (and octopuses) are automatically non-binary? What would a binary person be – someone with only two fingers (actually, one would suffice) – that they stick up at the rest of us?
Well you might be beyond confused as to which box to tick and in what colour. Well I am in no doubt should you want someone to help make your mind up for you.
what a nob – makes you wonder what else is hidden away on the BBC mega channels/outlets.
and puts BBC1 docs on Amazon in perspective!!
Just listened to Posh (dour?) Ed Stourton question Al Beeb’s (fake) Fact Check (non) expert on TWATo (my excuse is that I was eating lunch). Posh Ed led said non-expert to confirm whether or not we would get a deal like those ‘promised’ before the Referendum. Howtf is this non-expert expected to know at this stage what type of deal we might or might not get, and the one fact which Al Beeb will never mention on air is that much, perhaps most, of the country would be happy with a WTO exit given the shenanigans and threats from the EUSSR.
This site looks odd on my mobile phone today, with very large print. Is there something up with the site or have I accidentally tweaked a setting?
Me too on an iPad. The recent posts have moved from the top right of the page to the bottom
Yes same on an Android tablet ( except the font looks OK)
but I can get the conventional top right view
by selecting Desktop in the browser options.
Top tip thank you
I can tell you why this is … the plugin which provided the mobile version of the site has been deprecated, and it’s now relying on the “responsive” desktop theme instead. I will do a few more updates in the next few days which might hopefully iron out some of the oddities.
Thank you very much because when the questions come along I can’t deal with them …. there’s also the fear that one day this site might just disappear ….
I hope not! Though of course if the BBC disappears…
Thanks Rufus.
If donations are required to bring this site up to date and provide some stability, I’m more than happy to chip in. It’s kept me sane over the years, realising I’m not alone.
Rufus, don’t understand a word of your post, but as it is obvious you are one of the back room boys who keep this site going, thank you.
Eco-fascists don’t get it
A democratically government can close a road
but ec-protesters closing stuff is not democratic
This bloke Siberski (or something like that) certainly was the wrong choice of person for the job.
If he doesn’t know by now that telling the truth is not allowed he must be a bit naive.
Anybody given a job by Dom Cummings will have their complete life history put under the microscope by the lefty, woke, virtue signalling snowflakes for anything that can be used against them and hopefully get them sacked.
Some girl from the government has just been on (Sky) and the newsreader was feeding her all the proper woke questions aimed at trying to get Cummings sacked next.
Red-io Humberside the BBC station that works in conjunction with the Labour Party, didn’t have their favourite Diana Johnson MP on today.
… Instead they had the 2 loser ex-Labour MPs from South Humberside with a discussion “what do youth want from a Labour government” .
Ah, but they will no longer be ‘youth’ by the time there is a Labour government…
I once threatened BBC Humberside at a meeting with keeping a diary of how often Diana Johnson was on compared to other MPs. At the time she was on almost daily. It reduced her appearances for about a year.
2:15pm Radio 4 drama part 3 of the 6 part drama
How did they manage to get Glenda Jackson the ex LABOUR MP
.. to narrate this 4.5 hours that portrays Tory policies like Right To Buy and Immigration Checks as evil ?
eg just now the drama failed to say that if you are caring for a family member you can get a carer’s allowance
“You get nothing” the character said
Wokemob media write the headlines they WISH to be true
.. rather than what is true in the real world.
Do a twitter search on Johnson “faces Tory backlash”
to see a multitude of stories
The Independent does on every week.
Today’s Yorkshire Post has :
Johnson faces Tory backlash over BBC licence plan
The sources it quotes are Tory MP Huw Merriam’s Telegraph article and Damien Green
The-i has :
Boris Johnson facing Tory backlash over scheme to scrap BBC licence fee
which is the same article but with a few extra quotes
BTW it’s weird how those free-standing pillars around that BBC building resemble what is used at a lot of mosques.
The Damien Green quotes are entirely lifted from his Sunday tweet
As I wrote earlier – Mr Green worked for both the BBC and C4 in the past so his opinion can be discounted at first instance – just another swamp dweller in the wrong Party …
‘Backlash ‘ – a word one only hears / reads in newspapers – meaning some people don’t like the idea . Feels like the brexit campaign again …
Undesirable Labour MP deported on arrival in India.
.. seen as friend of Pakistan
Reading in the Guardian that folk are worried that Shakespeare performances are in trouble with new actors unable to properly use his prose. So they are considering a Shakespeare “Gym” to get them up to speed.
They say…
“But I think we should be wary of this phrase ‘Shakespearean verse-speaking’. It is often used by audiences hankering for a mythical golden age of the voice beautiful and received pronunciation. The fact is, as the culture changes, there has been a tectonic shift in the approach to verse-speaking.”
But has it been a shift for the better or the worse? One idea that should be quickly scotched is that diversity in casting has diluted the quality of verse-speaking.”
Of course in reality its nothing to do with a mythical golden age… Its just bad, untrained actors not understanding what they are doing…
They seem to conclude that the problem isn’t with the new breed of actors, many of course now BAME. It’s Shakespeare’s fault for penning difficult prose!
Alternatively of course it could be that they are just untrained and crap.
Down and down we go but its all in the noble cause of diversity and levelling!
I have just found out that London jive talk now has a name: MLE.
This stands for Multicultural London English.
I don’t laike it, innit?
Stoke psycho killer , was drugged up yet police let him go before he raped and murdered girl.
His parents are both police officers