It seems an opportune time to put up the link to the Governments’ Formal Consultation on the future of the BBC Again so here it is :
People who object to being forced to pay for its’ Far Left anti British propaganda can tell Number 10 what they think before the end date on 31 March 2020.
I see the metro elite, and the media, are gathering their forces to fight any suggestion that the gravy train, which is the BBC, should have to try and earn their keep in a competitive market place, rather than feed off the licence fee like some huge, blood-sucking leech. No doubt they will use nostalgia to invoke the idea that ‘Auntie Beeb’ is a trusted, treasured institution, a bastion of impartiality and a beacon of enlightenment to the rest of the world. Let those who want it pay for it. I am sick to death of its mediocre output, it’s virtue signalling, its preference for minority groups, over the majority, and its plethora of overpaid nonentities. I should imagine the vast amount of its income, via the licence fee, is paid for by the very people it does not represent. The sooner it goes the better.
Maybe it should be called Auntiedemocratic Beeb.
Nicely put, Up!
Sums them all up, really…
Can I copy that for others please?
The Today Programme
“Now parliament has declared a climate emergency, we need ministers to act differently, and more of the same is not protecting the communities that are currently underwater”
???? ???? Listen to the #r4today podcast
Complete and utter tripe from start to end.
All the mess created around here is down to council greens and Tory ministers bowing to bbc misinformation supplied verbatim from the XR bookie wookie of world domination by avoiding folk voting.
Can you dig it?
Guest Who
I heard that nonsense line about the ‘climate emergency ‘ declared by the last ridiculous Traitor Parliament and wondered at the insanity which overtook them as they desperately fought against the democratic Will of the voters of the UK.
One day , after I think , we are all gone – more sane and informed people will look back at this time and say ‘how could they all have been so stupid and have got it so wrong at such cost ?”
In the meantime we suffer snowflake psychosis leading to the digging up of lawns …. and whatever nonsense they are yet to get up to – particularly getting into the heads of the young …
In the DE the latest wheeze by the eu to get their way (fish) is by threatening not to take back all these channel crossers and those coming in the back of lorries. They will refuse to accept them. (Do we actually send any back?)
Just like a divorced couple using the children as bargaining chips.
Anyway, we are consistently told that they are a positive contribution to our tax collection so it’s the eu that will lose out (sarc)
So it’s their threat not to take back all of these wonderful wealth creators.
Something doesn’t add up.
More warnings about Angus Lapsley’s ‘advice’.
BBC are getting their digs at Boris – at every opportunity. What good would he do by going to the flooded areas…he goes he gets lambasted by locals for not doing anything – he doesn’t go he gets lambasted by BBC..sooner BBC goes the better
I really don’t know how often they can say climate change – I think they are on a bonus for getting it in..
Local news is going to be a nightmare
– The Business and Energy minister, Kwasi Kwarteng, has launched a new 7 and a half million pound project in Grimsby, which aims to help power the Humber refinery near Immingham.
The Gigastack scheme will see wind turbines off the Humber creating hydrogen.
– Hull’s blades to power hydrogen production as Humber wins share of £90m govrnment funding:
Bottomline if it works SUSTAINABLY
why does it need government funding ?
People mistakenly think hydrogen comes from electrolysis
but that’s too costly
So commercially it comes from treating methane with steam
People mistakenly think hydrogen comes from electrolysis but that’s too costly. So commercially it comes from treating methane with steam.
“As part of the initial feasibility phase of the Gigastack project, completed last year, 2004-founded ITM Power developed designs for a low-cost modular 5MW electrolyser ‘stack’, working with Ørsted to understand the potential synergies with offshore wind. It also explored business models for the first industrial-scale 100MW electrolysers.”
“As part of the second phase, ITM will also install and trial both their next-generation electrolyser stack and the semi-automated manufacturing machines required for large-scale, high-volume manufacture of them. It will help prove a complete production system capable of delivering hundreds of megawatts of electrolysers per year.”
Some people mistakingly don’t read the stories that they link to!
Someone has used a time machine to get this footage of a BBC Look North programme from 2030
BBC local journo is preparing a story about how horrible Hull NHS is for only producing leaflets in English
Oh look more minorities stories being prepared
Local news promise item
Maureen Lipton says “don’t you ever call me an ACTOR”
.. as she takes on the woke community.
takes on woke culture
.. not community.
The item was them reading out the Mail article
then doing a Vox pop
.. everyone agreed with Maureen.
UKPressGazzette reports that the 200 complaints against one of their reporters – one of the guru Murphy caste – have been turned down .
The complaint was about her description of the crown in parliament square as the UK finally escaped from the flag of the ReichEU . She refered directly to the colour of those present being er …. white .
This of course follows up the refusal of complaints against the reverend Jon snow referring to ‘hideously white ‘ during a C4 news broadcasts .
So there we have it . If you describe a black gang of robbers as ‘hideously black ‘ that is ok. The same goes for the colour of other racial groups .
Another example of snowflake logic leading to an adverse effect on race relations . Race is now being overtly used against white people with the blessing of the BBC and OFCOM .
This Ratings Guru tweets viewing stats
..and often mentions that it is weird there is so much PR about PRIME TIME shows
… cos actually viewing always peaks at the 6:30pm BBC local news slot ..closely followed by ITV local news
That times of day always gets around 5.6m viewers
and later much hyped shows almost always get less
5.9 million out of nearly 75million?
Mmmm, time to go subscription methinks.
I usually work on about 60 million
So yes only 1/10 th of the UK watch peak time BBC Telly these days
Delingpole: Britain’s Floods Have Nothing to Do With Climate Change
Boris Johnson’s Greenest Government Evah has come up with a brilliant new excuse to duck its responsibilities for all the floods now swamping parts of Britain: climate change ate our homework.
Now that we have left the EU there is no excuse to follow the European Water Framework Directive, which considers dredging rivers to be environmentally unfriendly.
(Reported in error… oops).
Errrr. Smith. Another ‘Lord’ and utterly useless during his tenure at the EA.
Made up photo? No life vest and a superimposed background, or just another bubble dweller with no idea of life outside of the M25.
It looks like a cropped shot of him on a big boat
maybe even a London River bus. So he wouldn’t need a life vest.
Getty data “Chris Smith MP, Lord Smith of Finsbury, chairman of the Environmental Agency, poses for a portrait on the River Thames, on November 14, 2010 in London, England. (Photo by Andy Hall/Getty Images)”
Gotta love the subs.
How is this news Anti-Beeb?
From an odd corner.
He ll be in trouble with the hierarchy for that one – clear grounds for dismissal .
Fed, Imagine if he’d done a post ref dredging rivers and how the Somerset floods of a few years ago have not been repeated on such a scale this time following decent river management or how local authorities have refused to implement basic maintenance of drains and ditches over the years…. Shot at dawn!
The west
Yes – any weather event now plays into the human climate change narrative . Beast from the east cold winters – hot summers – anything with ‘ since records began ‘ or ‘ once in a generation ‘ or ‘ once in a hundred years event ‘ plays to that .
The flooding is obviously horrible and it maybe that the Environment agency may have failed but to attribute the whole thing to humankind is just dumb .
I saw that the met office is buying a billion pound computer to do better forecasts – suggests they’re not on the case either .
Surely it’s a trick post ?
.. bridge arches had to be as high as the highest mast at low tide.
Maybe even higher if the river was in a valley and the road/railway came across at a high point.
That was my understanding, plus a bit of physics of bridge building back in pre-suspension days.
So, yes. Odd.
Look at Sadiq’s recent tweets
#SinceSadiqSolvedKnifeCrime he’s decided to do Brexit negotiations direct with EU
.. usurping the Boris government that WAS ELECTED to do that job
Sadiq thinks he is #SadiqMayorOfBritain
Not the bbc but how is this (C)rap allowed on national television.
A black rapper called “Dave” has just been ‘singing’ that the Prime Minister is racist. Banging on about Jack Merrit and saying black means you are guilty until proved innocent.
What a load of virtue signalling, victimhood, racist bullsh1t!!
It’s about time we got a leader with a backbone who put and end to this blatant activism.
Eastenders tonight portrayed a white gang beating up white lad called Bobby because he is a Muslim. Typical BBC bubble world bullsh1t.
Hey BAME in the Tory Party … Bercow says you are all “Uncle Toms”
Interviewed by Owen Jones, John Bercow declares his admiration for Corbyn & McDonnell
.. and says the Tories only accept people from ethnic minorities that are “conformists”.
If they don’t play by Tory rulebook, they are “frozen out, rubbished or destroyed”.
The Save The BBC petition has almost 182K sigs
I put a fake one signature in , to see if they screen them out
A message appeared saying “Mr Fake has signed the petition”
BECTU asked its members to sign and there are 40,000 of them
The explanation of this from any medium citing it will be interesting.
Election commission fines
Plaid Cymru fined £29K for hiding 500K of state funds.
Ok, I’m not happy about hiding half a million but don’t get why the state, ie me and you, are funding Plaid with £500 million. Do other parties get these sums?
I must be missing something?