Pick your favourite Far Left BBC propaganda theme -Genders -Diversity – islam – climate change – EU – President Trump -bojo – or combination thereof . No wonder people are switching off and refusing to pay for it .
Midweek Thread 19 February 2020
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Turning on the BBC news, it really cheeses me off to see that every piece of bad weather is used to push the climate change hoax. Predictable, of course, but a reminder why I usually avoid it these days. It’s taken as a given that these floods are down to climate change, as if we’ve never had floods before.
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Just think about the blessed Greta. Blond, pigtails, a desire to orders others around. I blame the genetics, must be tough when your maternal great grandmother is Eva Braun.
However she does have the cure for climate change worked out. Not flying. All we do is add BBC employees to the no fly list as soon as they jet off long haul, and they have to walk or swim back. Job done. Problem solved.
First time poster on here. Great to find some like minded people. Pleae excuse if already posted elsewhere, but found this little gem on youtube. As if the left wing bias isnt enough to contend with, this former bbc empoyee gives us fact after fact about dear old auntie.
Thanks for the link Roscoe.
nice to hear from an ex bbc worker “come out”
Thanks! Only downside is that i may have to watch and listen to the bbc to be able to comment on the far left bbc bias. No different from anyone else on here i guess!
Roscoe – welcome aboard . Thanks for joining .
Thank yoi! Hopefully more and more of us will begim to take a real stance against the marxist bbc. Tv tax will hopefully be a thing of history., sooner rather than later.
Personally, i cant wait to see the smug grins wiped off their presenters faces when they realise that the champagne socialist gravy train has hit the buffers. Karma or what!
How Beauty and The Ems navigate their pond relay will be interesting.
A Fiat 500 might struggle crossing the Atlantic.
I hope that someone somewhere is compiling a website setting out all the things that will need to be done to achieve the pixies and unicorns of “net zero” and the cost to the public of so doing.
The media certainly isn’t going to tell us so it’s going to be up to the rest of us.
Seems Bezzo is committing ten bill to ‘save the earth’.
Which is nice
Roland Deschain
Don’t forget Hens teeth and Rocking Horse poo !
So this is what, half a mill on the hoof. Plus travel?
Guest Who
……And Donald Trump irks the guy with the dyed black hair .
He looks worn out poor fellow.
And now the news is falling over itself to play some black rapper on the Brits going on about Boris being a racist.
I’ve never understood how rap is treated as music. It seems to me it represents a distinct lack of music.
Well I watched a clip of the Brits, of a black man not really playing the piano but speaking words – (is this rap ?) and surprised he got away with what he said. If you or I walked into a tv studio or a shop and spouted such abuse surely it would be classed as slander. But no, this was classed as ‘rap’ and it was a black man spouting the claptrap. Boris is a racist – sue him Boris ! the way we treated Meghan as opposed to how we treat Kate. Jesus, if this isn’t the Kings New Clothes as far as music is concerned, then I don’t know what is.
At least when Lee Marvin did the same thing in speaking the words when he was “Born Under a Wandrin’ Star” in Paint Your Wagon, at least he had a voice worth listening to. Perhaps him and Rex Harrison – the master of the spoken ‘sung’ word were the first genuine rap artists 🙂 but those idiots tonight wouldn’t see the irony.
Sorry Brissles I accidently covered the wrong section ‘Report’, anyway I am of the same mind -I don’t understand what Rap actually means or can follow the words or their meanings, perhaps as those words are not in a language format I can understand it should nor be surprising. But it is simply incomprehensible that such an amount of publicity be given it. Again it appears the coloured/Caribbean input of what is given praise in those areas of the world must therefore, with the help of the biased BBC et al be accepted irrespective like it or not. Of course no comparison with Rex Harrison or Lee Marvin in their projection of the speaking word with song.
No worries Tarien. I’m a bit discombobulated with the Like button changing to the right hand side. My brain doesn’t like change.
Me too tarien,BRISSLES & others.
always wary of moving my trigger finger from the left to right.
played to many FPS games I quess!!!
(Sorry, clicked “report” instead of “reply”.) Is Lee Marvin the “deck of cards” man?
No, that was Wink Martindale.
Lee Marvin – you’ve never heard of him ??? usually played hard men (in a sexy sort of way) in thriller films, in the Jack Palance era (you’ll have to Google him) think Dirty Dozen,
The BBC are reduced to going back to Abbott as the current new crop are young but even more nuts.
Lammy may even be wheeled out to improve the gravitas and intellectual tone.
Shouting “dog whistle” doesn’t invalidate a point.
.. Labour guys shout “big corporations, man” etc.
In a similar way.
just listen to what they say, and ask the question. Why are they complaining about paying more for their servants?
I would like to see someone score Miss Abbott and Mr Lammy against this points system to see if they would qualify to be let in.
Does the new procedure include IQ and negative attitude towards our country in the criteria? Because it should.
Dawn Butler can be called in for intellectual reinforcement.
@Guest Who
so she’s finally resurfaced – thought she was dead in the water!!!
Is this worth posting ?
Stepping into the comments of Ms Saini (who?) is an utterly surreal experience. It’s like you’ve entered Opposites World where everything is interpreted as the opposite of reality.
Her bio mentions that she’s a journalist for, amongst others, the BBC. That, I can believe.
is it just me or how do you see twatter posts without having to sign up?
Normally if I post a reply tweet the original base tweet shows up as well
Since it didn’t this time , here it is
(I think it could be a setting at Twitter’s site as if they have put AltNewsMedia on the deboost list )
It was there last night when I posted my reply!
How will wokemob report on Plaid Cymru getting a big fine from the Electoral Commission ?
Plaid Cymru are completely out of touch with the Taffmen of Wales.
They are completely are deluded about their past .
taff – never fear you still have –
“Stephen Nathan Kinnock (born 1 January 1970) is a British Labour Party politician who has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Aberavon since the 2015 general election. His wife is the former Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt. His father, Neil Kinnock, is a former Leader of the British Labour Party and was a European Commissioner and Vice President of the European Commission. His mother is a former Labour Party MEP.”
“Average weekly wages in the UK have reached their highest levels since before the financial crisis.”
Me thinks Al Beeb is worried , very worried, how can they link it to a negative story about Brexit ?
Where is our world class bbc when you need them ??
Seven men abused schoolgirls aged between 12 and 15 in ‘truly appalling ways’ after grooming them by ‘making them feel special’
The girls suffered abuse between the ages of 12 and 15 between 1995 and 2007
Leeds Crown Court heard the girls were targeted by older men in Huddersfield
Abuse often happened in hotel rooms and the girls would be given drugs
BTW you will never guess their culcha / religion
3 unnamed. That means they are on further charges.
It’s there but hidden on regional pages. Meanwhile BBC up top their usual tricks — local TV news promoting segregation as a feel good story:
Had to leave the room when I saw this. Grooming case in the local Crown Court ignored but down the road to film this. It’s getting a regular occurrence now on Look North, stories about minorities. It looks like if you come up with some “initiative for the community” the local council throw money at you and the BBC fall over backwards to film you in bright lights.
A Twitter search shows that every few days BBCLookNorth post or mention an item sympathetic to Muslims
..I’ll just run a search on what they say on groomNraping gangs.
Do they read this site ?
At 10:32pm they posted this tweet
” Huddersfield grooming: Seven convicted of rape and sex assault ”
Their tweets don’t always reflect what gets on the prog
as some items run as web items only
Tweets specifically from them on the Pak/Bangla gangs
..Tweets from the public TO them on the Pak/Bangla gangs shows people complaining they never see much mention on the show.
wonder who pays for this & if the locals agree it’s money well spent!!
“BTW you will never guess their culcha / religion.”
I am surprised that it was ever mentioned.
Chris Packham and Roger Harrabin
A certain organisation that is profligate wastes thousands of trees by turning them into paper that is printed on to churn out the same threats monthly .
The pollution caused must be enormous in a country that attains to be carbon neutral in 2050 . No problem for a country like China that has no pretence that growth usurps environment and doesn’t bother .
Even when you say to the organisation that you are prepared to see them in court , and thus end the wasteful polluting correspondence , the organisation backtracks and just go to its status quo ; bullying .
So CP and RH can you take this organisation to task and make it environmentaly friendly
The BBC are delighted to report that some black (c)rapper at the Brits called the PM ‘racist’ – ooo, so edgy. While another outstanding artiste, who was once denied entry for his vile lyrics, insulted Theresa May.
Oh, and some woman with yellow hair won something and cried for some reason – presumably she’s some sort of ‘victim’ or other.
The beeboid reporting on the whole sorry, political, angry, smug, self-righteous maudlin-fest couldn’t resist sneering at the bad old days when it was won by the likes of the Beatles, Procul Harum, and Benjamin Britten. ‘These days the artists are more contemporary, and increasingly speaking out’, he said approvingly.
Yep, we’ve come a long way. Now it’s all Rap, Crack and Smack.
We’ve come a long way alright —DOWN.
Surely yellow hair disqualifies you from any kind of victimhood.
can’t watch any award’s on any channel any more.
love good music,film etc but hate the grandstanding/political/race
orientated speeches that the “stars” feel obliged to spout”.
take the award, say thanks & f**k off (you were ok in a kid on role/song & that’s it)
Aunty (with a little help from her friends) is currently very busy trying to save her own jobs and salaries. Lots on R4 yesterday about Cummings and his appointee (obviously the Devil Incarnate) and certainly Aunty doing her best to lever Cummings out so Bojo can listen to its “wiser” council.
I imagine Dominic is now getting a bit of the same treatment it dished out to us brexiteers for the last 3 years. Whilst I am sure Cummings is fairly robust, Boris is not so and I am sure it will only be a matter of time before he has to go.
Nice article in the Mail online today by the obviously “clear eyed” ex editor of the Gaurdian Alan Rushbridger that if we abolish the licence fee Britain will become more divided.
Eh? so the little matter that the BBC has spent the last three years telling the rest of the world and its metropolitan supporters that those of us who voted “leave” were a bunch of racists who wanted to pitch this country into permanent economic stagnation for generations – of course that was not divisive. Some interesting logic at work there.
Nice touch also that the article was published in the Mail. Still at least these days we know who our friends are, and the Mail ceased to be one of those as soon as Geordie Greig was parachuted in.
Anyway for those who want a laugh and a reminder of how the metropolitan echo chamber thinks – here is the link.
Oak ash – thanks for the link – read it – ironic that a ‘has been ‘ from the printed version of the BBC ( Guardian ) appears in The Mail – hated by snowflakes in order to do a panicky sounding piece to defend the BBC and attack BoJo/Dom .
So that’s the strategy – put up metro lefty bubble dwellers like Rusbridger to do defend the BBC.
The idea that making the BBC change – downsize – or hopefully disappear into paid for TV ‘dividing the nation ‘ is laughable when that is what it has been doing for so long and causing the likes of me – who doesn’t do social media otherwise than here – to want to do something about it – apart from refusing to pay the licence .
I’ll be putting up links to various consultations periodically because we should (imho) say what we think else than this site .
Got to be honest FE2 I couldn’t believe my eyes this morning when I read this metropolitan bubble dweller bilge!
Londonistan really is is some sort of parallel universe where I suppose the immense gravitational forces present seemingly able to bend the truth at will and rewrite the laws of logic!
Not BBC at the moment
I hope everyone is going to put their flag up today because it’s Prince Andrews ‘ Birthday . Happy Birthday Andy – hope you get your Admiral thing soon . No sweat ….
At first I thought it was ‘blokes and slags’, but it ended up just blokes.
Funny how the BBC manage to find a fact to highlight
” blokes “( all down with kids eh..not males, men ) which probably means it was higher for ‘ Sheilas, ladies, girlies, strumpets’ or simply females ( which the picture shows!!)
Typical agenda
Talking of which I have listened to R4 for 30 minutes and so far
not a positive about Government, Boris or UK just moaning minnies
And why have they sent whatshername from R4 to a flood area to do the show? Extra cost to us and takes rooms local people could have used, increases carbon footprint..hypocritical idiots
“Last year 50% of flights taken by 20-45 year old blokes were for stags”
Given that the most people have few close friends and only some of them will get married doesn’t that mean that ‘blokes’ don’t fly very much?
Contrast that to a BBC employee that ‘works’ in Salford. Five times a week they fly from London to Manchester and five times per week they fly back. Let’s say 100 flights per year.
Once a year they ‘do a hen’, but being part of the BBC set they don’t go to Dublin but Los Angeles.
Unlike those naughty fifty-percenter ‘blokes’ our BBC gal is a mere one-percenter!
Do BBC people really fly from Manchester to London? Is that what moving to Salford means?
Pug – I agree with Wrong Daily – let’s have a ‘people’s BBC’ run as a charity with voluntary contributions to fund it . Adverts on the daytime TV like those for black babies , donkeys or cats homes appealing for cash to pay for hard up sports presenters and girly autocue readers …..
If the BBC had to rely on voluntary contributions, I think there will only be enough money for a 5 minute programme once a week. So an excellent idea.
Deborah – you’re so wrong – all those luvvies and politicians and other swamp dwellers will be more than eager to pay for a ‘world renowned deliverer of truth dedicated to bringing The People Together “ they love so much …..
Then who? Fedup2 would be this nations main broadcasting organisation if the BBC is disbanded-I could then see the billionaire media moguls gobbling up the customer base and swamping us all with vomit worthy diatribes and worse, it that is possible. Indeed there is a case for re-inventing the BBC-complicated unless Government supported, which means the tax payers, who are not happy as it stands now; a conundrum me thinks.
I’d privatise it and let billionaire moguls as you describe do anything they want with it. The market will decide if stuff is any good – just look at what HBO can put out .
The money raised from breaking it up and selling bits off can be used to cut the national debt .
Point taken Fedup2- pretty alsoran market, but no doubt it will bring something to the table that is worth listenting to or watching, can’t be much worse!
Surely the profits from sales of the Guardian would more than pay for a people’s bbc.
TOADY Watch #1 – Mishal is out and about on a CO2 spreading exercise
Mishal is out looking at the floods along with several other Beeboids. None are asking the tough questions: “Have the rivers been cleared of debris? Have the rivers been dredged?”
Instead, a farmer tells of a locked dam (yes, really) on a river on his land. He used his brain and his initiative when the dam was blocked by timber debris and broke the lock open and cleared the debris to enable the water to flow downstream.
The fact that the BBC presenters and journalists are not asking the important questions, the hard questions, makes Snuffy very suspicious. They cannot all be that stupid, can they?
Snuffy is wise to be suspicious.
Did Mishal fly there again?
One of the greater ironies as we shovelled sand into wheelbarrows was low flying helicopters overhead from media companies getting the climate change money shot.
Surprised the BBC did not get Beauty and the Peroxide Pepperoni over by Virgin Galactic for a low orbit Oo, and Ahhh on how wet it is down amongst the poor people.
Our MP and local BBC radio are not quite getting the reaction expected to the climate change narrative, so have shunted the need for carbon taxes away from sprinkling Window over China at £10B a pop to how wonderful the EA has been and how they need more munny to ‘defend’ affordable housing on flood plains.
I’m not sure if this is of any interest to anyone here as we’re told, by bBbc “experts” especially, that an independent united Ireland, something that has never actually existed before, is simply a vote away, a mere formality.
It seems that no-one has told the people who will actually decide this and that the bBbc, as I can’t find any mention of it on their BBC NI webshite, have no interest in these findings at all.
I wonder why?
I’m originally from Portadown – doubt the BBC will report it
The BBC’s worldview is shown clearly in the way it prioritises certain news stories over others.
Take today’s news website, and the very different way in which it treats two items about risks to children.
On its home page, just below an over inflated story about a black rapper who has slandered Boris Johnson as being “racist”, you’ll find the following item: “Children facing uncertain future, experts warn”.
It’s about World Health Organization “experts” who claim that “climate change” and harmful advertising are “putting children at risk”. It is, of course, all conjecture and scaremongering.
Yet, a true story on our own doorstep about children who really are at serious risk is only available if you can be bothered to delve all the way into the local regional news section of the website.
There, in the West Yorkshire section, you’ll find the latest story about yet another so-called “grooming gang” being convicted of raping young girls. Offences took place between 1995 and 2007.
The tie that binds these evil child rapists is not mentioned.
The industrial scale rape of our children by largely Pakistani gangs is so prevalent that it should be subject to a national inquiry. The BBC remains complicit by downplaying its importance.
Many liberal historians agree that one of the major causes of the Second World War was the ethnic nationalism of minorities trapped within the boundaries of countries re drawn at the Paris conference after World War One. I think almost everyone agrees that the ‘trapping ‘ millions of ethnic Germans in the Sudedaten land or in western Poland was going to be a problem sooner or later.
Move on to the dawn of the new century and we have Blair , Merkel and liberals in general bringing millions of ethnic aliens into what were settled ,peaceful , stable and fairly homogeneous countries. These aliens had cultures and value systems much more at odds with those of the host nations than were those of the Czechs and Germans. Yet those same liberal historians deny that this policy is/ was damaging or stupid. Liberals are astonishing , they seems able to live quite happily with multiple cognitive dissonance in their heads. I wonder if they even notice them?
Uptick for “homogeneous”, a dying word.
Who is the most famous Homo Genius?
Alan Turing?
TOADY Watch #2 – Counting but not counting
If you are unemployed and you are British then you don’t count. You do not matter to the BBC. You are a statistic and there are 1.3 million of you statistics out there. You do not count as far as the BBC are concerned.
The only value you have to the BBC is when they can point to an increase in unemployment and attack the government, or Brexit and the government.
The BBC are attacking the new immigration rules that come into force today. They have not mentioned the UK unemployed once during the time I have been listening (since 6.30am) and they have covered this news item several times in an hour and a half.
One of the proposed requirements for a points award is a PhD in a discipline relevant to the job offer. Bang go all of those jobs for Polish/Albanian PhD’s pulling coffee for MW (plus bennies of course) who Al Beeb were so fond of interviewing.
“Soros Asked Obama to Investigate Somebody?”
“Somebody” – guess who.
Wow! that Barsteward Soros has his fingerprints on everything evil in the World.
State Broadcaster TV annoying just now for banging its Climate Change drum in response to flooding which quite honestly is nothing like the claimed exceptional when the history books and old flood marks are consulted.
Selective facts are the tool of choice. Changing our behavior by softening our resistance to bow to unelected quango authority the objective.
Earlier in the week, on Toady, I listened to the resident muslim – the female one – Mishal – and mentally plotted the course of her interview with a ‘victim’ of the floods who lives in a rural location. We heard how the family had to eventually evacuate their home after shifting valuables upstairs. All the usual stuff. I waited patiently. Then following the ‘victim’s explanation, the muslimette asked directly: “Are the Government doing all they can”. This massaging, coercion, had the desired effect. The interviewee then, as prompted by Mishal, the well trained Marxist starts a rant about how the money on flood defences is spent in towns and cities but not on the rural community. Double the victimhood for the price of one. For the Marxist BBC, job done. In fact, ‘Job well done’.
The Caroline Flack suicide, generously covered by the BBC for several days, this morning reached Thought for the Day on Toady, where we were told of the evils of social media.
Is this the same social media where Caroline Flack posted a photo of herself on instagram posing nude in the bath, covered only in soap suds?
Should your email say if you’re he, she or they?
What happens if you dont know what you are?
The anarchist hierarchy at the BBC are encouraging
incitement by making a feature of the vile comments
at the Brit music awards to be given prominence in
their news reports.
Let’s see if the Orwellian “thought police” pay
a visit to BIG BROTHER at the BBC diversity dept.
Boris is racist, apparently
Because a rapper said
I say he isn’t, so this cancels out the argument
ah! but the rapper has a card that allows him to say what he likes you don’t!
It appears that the Brit music awards have nothing to do with music. I don’t follow such things but isn’t this the second time that that ghastly Stormzy has won? Has true innovation in real pop music stopped?
They’ve sent Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein out from London !!!!!!!
Out to gorp at the flooded houses next to rivers in Hereford and Worcestershire.
Incisive investigative journalism features such probing questions as ‘how did you feel when water came flooding into your living room destroying all your possessions’, ‘do you blame the government’ , ‘should the government have spent more money on flood defences’ and the like, all aimed at those flooded. The answers were…..ahem……fairly predictable and thus totally uninformative.
Questions not asked. ‘Why do local councils give planning permission for housing on flood plains’, ‘why do people who choose to live next to rivers not take their own responsibility for the integrity of their homes’, ‘how is the government supposed to know where the heaviest rains will fall’, ‘will a £1 bn new computer make a blind bit of difference’?
Remember the Somerset levels flooding a few years back? No mention this time round.
In other words it’s probably quite a complex issue, and as today’s ‘reporting ‘ shows, well beyond the journalistic capability of the BBC, Mischal and her lightweight colleagues.
Sluff, our Mishal can only ask money-related questions. (Having just typed that I wonder if that is why she seems to be presenting the TOADY Prog five days a week? More money?)
When she asks a flooded person or council official or environment agency bod “What do you want from Government?”, I think Mishal is hoping for the ‘More money’ and ‘Compensation’ answer. As far as Mishal and the BBC are concerned the United Kingdom taxpayers are a bottomless money pit to be mined at every available opportunity.
Hence the current size of the BBC Licence Tax.
One red flood warning in Somerset last I looked. The levels flood every year to a lesser or greater degree, but there is an element of design in this.
The issues of a few years back have been dealt with (rivers and ditches cleared) and the whole system is now managed by the drainage board with powers rested from the EA. Some land is flooded all winter, sluices and rhynes are maintained and levels controlled accordingly. Some of the upper reaches of the main catchments (Yeo, Parrett and Isle) need some attention but in the main its about normal for the season.
It is complicated, but its not rocket science. But don’t expect a beebiod to understand. Especially when there is a narrative to push.
Either WW is really Edwin White of Easton, Somerset, or writers to this esteemed website have once again provided more knowledge and insight than the entirety of the BBC.
Let the record show that, one day after the above post, the said Mr White writes as follows in the Telegraph letters.
‘Until the turn of the century the Somerset Rivers Authority…..had kept waterways in good order. Then along came the Environment Agency, in thrall to the conservation bodies, systematically failing to carry out the most rudimentary river maintenance. When Owen Patterson came on the scene he listened to local people and the SRA was reborn……..Somerset is now wet but not drowning’.
‘Vegans need their own shelf in the office fridge’
BEEB ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when will this crap end
Why dont they stay at home, use their own fridge
Yes because not only are a huge percentage of the population vegan, an equally huge number work in offices with a fridge……or is this aimed at Guardian readers?
No problem.
If the carnivore shelves in the fridge have no space left, then simply ‘self identify’ as vegan and use that shelf instead!
Might cause apoplexy and mouth foaming among the BBC editorial team but, other than that, sorted.
What’s the process or link to anonymously reporting hate crime! I think that if all of us complain about rapper Dave’s hate crime of slandering the Prime Minister then either something will have to be done against him…….or tellingly it won’t.
The BBC like to be anti-divisive when it suits them but …..
The photo is hugely enjoyable, too (probably more so than the comestibles), as you can spend an idle moment or two wondering which bit of it is fake.
Fake photos? The BBC? Surely not.
I see that article claims there are 600, 000 vegans in the UK. First I don’t believe that figure, I’ve got no statistics or proof of my own I just don’t believe it. Secondly if true, then assuming a population of 60 million, that’s bending over backwards, making shelf space and refraining from jokes for 1% of the population. Divisive because that in turn is assuming that every vegan would be offended by a joke (the bbc don’t do taking things in good humour) and wouldn’t politely compromise with fellow office workers. For the record I have black and Asian colleagues and we make jokes about ourselves and each other, and a friend who’s been vegan for over a year, never told anyone and I found recently out just by accident.
Dave the rapper slags off Boris by throwing racist accusations and guess what… an hour later the BBC have found an old white granny lady rapper and haul her in for an very extended, jovial interview just to let you know how cuddly rapping is. (And therefore how nice Mr Dave must be and how horrid is Boris!) I wonder if she is carrying?
They are so transparently biased at the BBC it’s insulting and obscene!
9pm Channel4 “Tackling climate change is quite rightly a major theme of this likeable tech magazine show
…. Kevin McCloud sends three celebrities around the world to take a light-hearted look at some of the planet’s biggest issues and the technology that could offer solutions
In Florida, an extended first report from Richardson comes from a new town powered by its own colossal solar farm: “Wow,” says the wearily cynical comedian when he sees it, before noting that this might be the first time in his life he’s said that word.
Wang, meanwhile, investigates Shanghai’s low-waste shopping, and the city’s fancy recycling bins, which recognise your face and then automatically pay you the digital equivalent of getting 5p for taking a bottle back to the shop. “
TOADY Watch #3 – Billie overlooked, BBC bothered, not bothered
The main News, repeated several times this morning, was that a rapper called Dave called a PM called Boris “A racist.” last night. The obvious disconnect between the claim and reality did not enter the brains of either the BBC or ‘Dave’.
The BBC have been fervently promoting Billie Eilish for a couple of years now but, strangely, they tell me she performed her new Bond Film theme song at the Brit Awards but they only play a tiny bit on the news which appears to be from the end, maybe the middle or beginning, I can’t tell because it is covered up by screams from the seven to eleven year olds in the audience.
Screams of pain?
Have the floods cured the Corona Virus? Nothing on the BBC anymore.
Live news feed on Pompeo’s comments warning about the expropriation of white farmer’s land in SA. BBC choice of photo is revealing… they look a happy bunch, what could be the problem? Other, more graphic photos are available online but I won’t post them here.
Photo caption: “Land is a deeply emotive issue in South Africa.”
Global analysis written by 8 year olds
Farmers and horticulturists one and all pictured there.
Lets take a minute to look at Zimbabwae as an example of how to manage a once prosperous and fertile environment shall we?
Repost cos @Cetic_Mist posted it last night at the end of the old thread
Might I suggest that each organ of the “people’s bBC” opens and closes each day with the hearty salute;
We Are the People
The BBC felt the need to draw attention to a positive article about the BBC this morning. It was in the Daily Mail and written by Alan Rusbridger, the former editor of The Guardian.
Jon Sopel was given the task to say the following on Today:
“He conceded that many people are very cross with the corporation but that it is as good a news organisation as any on the planet. He cites the BBC’s accountability, transparency, and scope of reporting as reasons why it should be protected. He adds that making the BBC a privatised subscription service would mean an end to the glue that binds us, in time making people more doubtful about whom to believe”
Strangely the BBC decided not to mention any negative articles about the BBC.
How long will it be before the bBC is embroiled in some public sector vegan dispute over the segregated office fridge scenario….
You can just imagine some personage having to deal with the complaint…
” His faggot gravy has dripped down onto my slice of nut pie” in the fridge
Because I’ve had a long drive this morning I’ve been doing some maths.
If you accept my earlier point that 1 in 100 people is vegan.
Imagine 5 offices each containing 20 people
4 of those offices won’t have a vegan in them
1 will
A domestic fridge typically has 4 shelves
So 19 people will share 3 shelves. That’s 95% of the office getting 75% of the space.
1 person will get a shelf to themselves. That’s 5% of that office population getting 23% of the space.
Hardly fair, but from an organisation that thought 48% was greater than 52% I’ve never considered maths to be the BBCs strong point.
15 in my office floor-plate and none are vegan or vegetarian.
We have a fridge and its not good.
I’d me more concerned about botulism or listeria.
Been lurking on and off on the site for a few years now but with the momentum to rid ourselves of the licence and hopefully then the BBC itself I thought it was time I actually registered on here too.
It is noticeable that the divide between the for and against the licence/BBC sides corresponds very closely to the Brexit and Remain divide.
We won against the odds with Brexit and I’m hoping that although the fight will be tough after Brexit it’s something that should be very achievable.
PS that ridiculous figure for people viewing the BBC as positive that it’s supporters are claiming has no more validity than those ridiculous polls we used to see published by Remainer parts of the MSM that used to suddenly trumpet “85% now want to stay in EU”. These sources always get the results they require and it doesn’t take much imagination to work out how the pro-BBCers could fix the questions to make it good for them.
I should also imagine that if the simple question “do you or do you not want to scrap the tv licence?” was asked no massaging at all of figures would show about 80-20% for scrapping it.
hope all is well and cheery. its been a while since i’ve posted, today is as good as any day.
Cannot wait for the license Fee to be axed, so i can stop paying for something that
1 Does not represent my views
2 Something ill never listen too (radio)
3 Factless News that’s not news but opinions
4 Pushes an agenda for changing society to how it believes society should be run.
to think the BBC could of avoided this by just reporting the FACTS, but instead they took a side, pushed an agenda and self imploded, but whats worst is to this day they are still blind to it all.
Get rid throw it in the bin, turn it into an optional subscription service & allow people to choose.
Welcome back Vonbedda – things are looking up eh?
Hey Fed, things are looking up indeedy.
cant wait for the BBC to be a thing of the past.
The political colossus that is Kenneth Clarke has been given more space – in the Independent, so it doesn’t really count – to warn of the malign influence of Dominic Cummings, suggesting that his retreat into the background would be of benefit to Boris.
Not long, I’m sure, before this is echoed and given even more publicity by the BBC, an organisation which gave and continues to give indecent amounts of airtime to alcoholic depressive bully Alastair Campbell, a man whose duplicity and fundamental dishonesty has been exposed on enough occasions to fully establish his credentials and whose influence over Blair and promotion by the BBC throughout his career with ‘New Labour’ ought to leave Clarke floundering – should he have any conscience, rather than attempting to continue the myth of his statesmanship.
Roland Deschain
Don’t forget Hens teeth and Rocking Horse poo !
Flood preparations working at Bewdley , River Servern
These guys put up a time lapse photo
Looks to me what happens is that the river gets high
See that bin at the bottom right, the water comes up higher than the banks and up it.
But you have to guard against high tide surges pushing through.
So along the bottom left you can see the temporary flood wall barriers being built up.
Likewise top right you can see the blue wall going up on the opposite bank.
The barriers clearly work
Twitter says that on the 13th they didn’t get them up on time and there was a bit of a flood
At Bewdley the surges are more to do with upstream run off filtering through and sometimes meeting the tide coming the other way.
Unfortunately more heavy rain is forecast
Er, Stew, is the Severn really tidal near Birmingham?
Just in case maxi is lurking in the hedge or under a stone, nearby.
It is tidal below Gloucester.
That’s what I always thought although the Bore Race (guys & Gals on surfboards riding the Bore) finishes at Gloucester does it not or is it before that?
The Independent banging the climate drum…
“Food produced in Britain could be contributing to deforestation and the loss of wildlife overseas, campaigners have warned.
Environmental group WWF has urged the government to prevent companies importing soy, palm oil and other products that have been linked to the loss of forests across the globe.”
This is happening of course because the Vegan mob need this stuff fetching half-way round the World to manufacture their meat-less foodstuffs rather than eating food produced right here in the UK
The Independent don’t mention that!
Apols if posted, but… lol.
Oh, bloody shock horror. Because Immigration is being overhauled with non skilled workers from ‘everywhere’ not being allowed in, the news channels are in overdrive complaining there will be nobody to serve high tea or turn the beds down in hotels, nobody to wipe the bums of the elderly, carrots will rot in the fields, and worse still no baristas to man the coffee machines for the nations obsession with lattes !!!
Sky’s Gamul Forambullah really gave Nigel Farage a rough ride this morning, and (I thought) was aggressive in his questioning, despite Nige giving adequate answers based on fact.
None of the channels bothered to ask joe public their opinions on the intended points system, but instead gave air time to opposition politicians, think tank directors, and school leavers – well they looked like it. Joe public would have been chuffed because this is what they voted for in leaving Brexit, but the media know better don’t they.
3pm news was the headline ?
#1 Priti praised for strong action on immigration, here is a Tory voice.
#2 Priti defends immigration policy,
here is a Labour voice
4pm news “The government has DEFENDED …”
… “he is a voice from the builders association saying they won’t have enough workers’
TalkRadio’s take on the story as the leading item on the news was “The Labour Party have condemned…..” as opposed to The Conservative Party have proposed. They’re all as bad as each other.
I just heard a high pitched squeal coming out of the radio. It was Radio Two and the squeaks turned out to be coming from a singer called Sam Smith.
The song was truly miserable. It seemed to sum up today’s plaintive “poor, poor me” snowflake generation.
The lyrics went: “As I wander down the avenue so confused, guess I’ll try and force a smile…..I just want somebody to die for.”
It was sung with all the gusto of a wet rag.
It turns out that Smith is very popular, gets loads of BBC air time, wins awards and is known for having announced that he/they(?) is of “non-binary” gender. All very BBC, then.
It certainly made me yearn for days of old, when British rock music poked you in the eye with genuine outrage and was sung in belligerent, angry tones by guys who sounded like they’d fight you in the street to get their point across.
Lyrics like: “Why don’t you all f-fade away, and don’t try to d-dig what we all s-s-say …..Yeah, I hope I die before I get old.”
Visceral music that would peel the walls, but also music you could dance to.
The Who, maximum R’n’B: let’s hear it for the old chops, nothing like the new sops.
Won’t get fooled again…
Well, I revel in the thought that here we are, 2 years away from when the Beatles had their first hit with Love Me Do in 1962, and a group who are still remembered almost 60 years later.
Likewise the Stones. Now, will say First Direction, or Sam Smith, or Windy/Stormzy whatever, be remembered in 60 years time ?
I suppose some will say that Boyzone or Take That or Robbie Williams and Kylie may well be, but somehow I cant see it. Even Kylie who has had a couple of memorable hits, promoted as a pop princess and filled huge arenas, may not be as memorable to her generation of followers of say Dusty is to hers 60 years later.
Problem is, they all get away with it because they can. No challenge. But when, rarely, challenge comes their way if they are not in a mob, they run for the hills pronto. Can’t take it. Take the politician who, interviewed on Toady or Twato who, fed up with constantly being interrupted, says firmly, “Do you want me to answer the question or not?”. What happens then? Normally silence and respect.
Leadership need to take a grip on all the nonsense and, I believe it will fade away equally as quickly at it arrived.
Coincidentally here’s a video I’ve been sharing with friends today to illustrate that exact point. Okay not British but a part of my formative years and a song and banned video that scream F U N. Not the rapper called Dave , but the REAL Dave, Diamond Dave Lee Roth.
I don’t think Sam Smith will be making a video like that anytime soon.
Sadly, neither will anyone else. Music has been neutered by the wokists. Any self-confident displays of heterosexuality such as shown here are totally forbidden. He even managed to get dwarves in black face in the video!
Political correctness must die, it is so damned boring.
I loved that Dave Lee Roth video with the 4 songs
If you’re talking about the VHS cassette with the songs and interviews I’m pretty sure I still have it in a box in the garage. I’ve also got a VHS player in there too! One day.
Suggest you listed to the late great Merle Haggard. Or Waylon Jennings or Johnny Cash. ‘The Fighting side of me ‘ _ a liberal’s worst nightmare. Would make them cry.
Even this man
As the least woke individual in the wokist industry in the world – media and advertising, I have the misfortune of encountering a near torrent of wokist nonsense on a daily basis. As a result it takes real effort for my days not to descend into a rage against the machine. I mostly console myself with the view that in the real world a lot of this doesn’t really matter – it doesn’t impact real people’s lives or have economic outcomes.
Only I think it is definitely getting worse. Take this article today in The Drum: https://www.thedrum.com/news/2020/02/19/climate-change-denial-brand-safety-issue Even I had to read the headline a couple of times – and I’m afraid actually go there – to ‘get’ it.
If you are struggling with the headline, let me paraphrase it for you: ‘Should brands be allowed to advertise anywhere near opinions that don’t conform to woke-world worldview groupthink?
The background to this is that over recent years major brands have had to go to efforts to prevent their ads appearing next to – for instance – Jihadist videos on YouTube. Now look where we have got to.
To me the suppositions in this piece are pretty much as sinister as having a policeman turn up at your workplace to ‘check your thinking’ about transgenderism.
Those suppositions include:
• All climate change is man-made (hence no distinction ever needs to be
made between natural and anthropomorphic climate change). It’s all covered by the term ‘climate change’.
• Tucker Carlson and President Trump are ‘climate change deniers’ (when in fact both are very explicit about believing climate changes but being doubtful about anthropomorphic climate change.)
• All doubt about anthropomorphic climate change must be referenced as ‘climate change denial’ and ‘fake news’.
• The BBC and Guardian are doing the right thing by battling ‘climate change denial’ by banning dissent and promoting mere climate change to ‘climate crisis’.
• The BBC and Guardian are founts of undeniable truth and beacons of moral certainty.
• “Climate change is the single biggest threat to humanity and all businesses” (Unilever’s digital media boss”.)
• Australian bush fires were ‘caused’ entirely by climate change – this scientific analysis has been dangerously challenged by ‘far-right’ conspiracy theorists spreading fake news that ‘mis-directed blame away from climate change’.
The ‘answer’ to this threat of proximity of brands to departures from libmob groupthink is ‘blacklists’ and censorship. The author is clearly encouraged by Google’s policy of ‘burying’ content that doesn’t conform to groupthink. Thus the tech, advertising and media industry’s can impose their views on the world in the name of ‘saving the planet’.
This article will itself go completely unchallenged in the industry.
We have seen some wonderful winds of change blowing our way with Brexit, the election, Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes and Laurence Fox on QT. However, in some places there is a long way to go. Oh well I guess the darkest hour is before the dawn?
We could be back to ‘Samizdat’ stuck on trees and lamposts, soon, Kafir
I think we are the ‘Samizdat’ carriers on this site Up2. We must pick our battles but fight back we must.
I have a feeling that the BBC would like to take away our phones, tablets & computers – oh and probably our internet access, too.
Start saving up for a Petite Junior typewriter from a Charity Shop. 😉
Today’s R4 drama/SERMON was about a BAME football family
the young footballer is secretly GAY
and is just about to sign for Arsenal
but a pap has a pic of him kissing a guy in the gay club.
The old school father was scared of fans shouting, so he wanted to cover it by putting out photos making out the is really a ladies man.
The son sacks the father as his agent.
The father regrets and puts the young BAME woman in charge if his football management business.
3:30pm trailer started with the words
“her mother was murdered by white supremacists”
.. the prog is Over ten episodes, Stanley Tucci tells the real story of California: a story littered with dead bodies, disasters and duplicity
It will run at 13:45pm every weekday for 2 weeks.
Not in my house.
They filed this one on under ‘Europe’ –
Mary Lou McDonald told BBC Newsnight that the EU “needs to take a stand in respect of Ireland in the same way that it supported the reunification of Germany, in the same way that it has a position on Cyprus, for example, and a positive approach to the reunification of that country”.
A future Irish government including Sinn Féin might make more headway encouraging the EU to make clear that financial support will be forthcoming in the event of unification, rather than getting it to take sides directly ahead of a any border poll.
Former MEP Naomi Long said it is unlikely the EU will break from its support for the Good Friday Agreement
Not much balance there
Further to the gate
Me and the dog felt like a walk, so off we toddled. We went through the back gate, around a field, and back the way we’d come. When I got home I put the kettle on and as I did so it occurred to me that I’d twice used the gate that I’d so laboriously repaired only a couple of days before, with ne’er a thought. So it is with so many jobs. A job needing doing reminds you of itself all the time; a done job maintains a low profile; so low that you forget about it altogether. Washed pots, darned socks, emulsioned walls, completed paperwork, laid bricks, vacuumed carpets, no-one celebrates the toiler who produced them, including himself. When I was working I often did jobs that were not visible unless you looked hard or had special access, or both, and anyway who looks at cables and suchlike? I used to think, “I made a good job of that, but no-one including me will know I’ve even done it by this time tomorrow (and ever after) because I’ll have forgotten all about it and no-one else will ever think to look at it.” Which is a bit sad really: all those hours of work going unrecorded and unremembered. Maybe in a hundred years’ time when the building is demolished someone will get a glimpse of a bit of cable or something and say, “I wonder what became of the cove who installed that?” Or, more likely, no they won’t. Only the great artists can immortalise themselves in their work; it isn’t a possibility for the common man.
Fred – thank you for the update . I think we should just give up on this biased BBC thing and switch over to you and your gate . Far less stressing than what some self serving BBC drone is going on about – ‘the government hasn’t done this or hasn’t done that ?” Or Gay black trannies changing the climate in a mosque Grenfell windrushing Lawrence ….yawn
There’s a sermon in that!
The Times front page : Fears Over Jihadist Attacks In Jail.
Killer attempts to stab prison staff in latest incident to raise concern about radicalisation behind bars
As ever TR is way ahead of The Times.. he mentioned this stuff years ago