I’m guessing the events you describe at least happened in daylight.
On BBC London the other night we had a report about floods from Henley. A reporter was standing in wellington boots in water.
But it was pitch black ! Or these days since that might be a waaayyycist comment maybe I should say non-daylight.
An outside broadcast where nothing could be seen.
He could have been standing in a paddling pool.
Such is the quality of insightful ‘‘journalism’ we get for £4bn a year..
Lorry driver jailed and banned after U Turn on motorway….BBC don’t name him…….here you go it’s Leonid Papachin.
Now why would the BBC not name home….let me think….
Thank you – I spotted that excellent ‘bias by omission ‘ example . I was going to look it up…
It’s very sad when you know – instinctively – that if a fact which would normally be left in a report – is left out of a report – that will be because it doesn’t accord with the snowflake propaganda policy . And people pay for it !
Yes I saw the footage and postulated
that to come down the up slip road means you must have been driving around the roundabout the wrong way.
So it was likely that a continental lorry driver had been driving up a small quiet road in the dark and forgotten what side of the road he was driving on.
And then having reached the roundabout instinctively turned the wrong rotation and then turned right to exit the roundabout and thus down an UP ramp.
Friday’s Times leader says the Arts industry in Britain is riddled with self censorship
.. partially cos they all depend on grants no one want raise their head and risk being seen as separate from the herd.
It’s not BBC directly – but for those such as me who waited so long to get us out of the EU – isn’t great to see the remaining mini states of their Federation arguing about their budget now that we are starting to pull away from it …. if only one of those mini states would talk about leaving …..
I don’t know, for years the LibDems/Guardian/BBC constantly told me we get far more back from the EU than we pay in. If anything those lucky Germans and French are going to have more money than they know what to do with, now that we’re not drawing from the well!
Joking aside I genuinely cannot wait to see how that budget story is ultimately explained given that I’m not far from the truth there.
You know how YT ‘throw-up’ certain videos it thinks you like. Well, one extract from Blackadder I think about quite often when the subject of continuing to repeat a task in the same manner in which it had always been carried out – and always failed. Thanks YT.
So glad to have found this one.
Thanks – two non BBC free view programmes this week on military history – one explaining that the reason so many died on the Somme was that the Germans listened to uncoded comms chatter by the British .
And in the Second World War the reason Rommel was the ‘desert fox ‘ was because the Germans listened in to uncoded comms chatter by the British ….. repeat please ….
Disappearing into ‘Regions’ at the speed of light is the story of Muslim convert Safiyya Shaikh who plotted an attack on St Paul’s.
“I want to kill a lot,” she told an undercover officer. “I would like to do church… a day like Christmas or Easter good, kill more.”
Merry Christmas to you too, sweetheart.
So she wanted to attack a high profile, landmark church – a bit like, say, Notre Dame in Paris?
Except we know the arson attack – sorry, accidental fire – in Paris was not terror related because the French authorities, and Al-beeb, told us with absolute certainty it was an accident within minutes of the arson – sorry, accident – while it was still burning and before there had been any sort of investigation whatsoever. With threats against anyone casting doubts about the official lie – sorry, version of events.
Case closed.
“St Paul’s bomb plot: IS supporter Safiyya Shaikh pleads guilty”
Good question. The company was dissolved but is now run as a shadow version in a charitable bubble without paying tax. Apparently
Rather than the BBC just report the facts that both victim and alledged knifeman were both Muslims they prefer to report the victim is a Muslim but the knifeman “had been attending the mosque for a number of years.”
You can always rely on the BBC to distort the facts to push their pro Muslim agenda.
The earliest reports went out of their way to describe the aggressor as white – funny how the colour-blind beeb become colour-conscious when it suits their agenda. Subsequently removed.
Richard Pinder says “No” I do not deny that the Climate exists, Climate Change or Global Warming. But I do deny Radiative forcing because they couldn’t give me any evidence from an Atmospheric chamber, only highly complex bullshit in the form of the imaginary Arrhenius law and Stefan-Boltzmann formulas based on dreamed up assumptions, pumped up into believability by computer models.
But Mars was ideal to test this theory. It has a carbon dioxide atmosphere equivalent to four times doubling that on Earth, which produces 33 Kelvin. The Black Body Temperature of Mars is 81.5 percent that of the Earth at 207 Kelvin, so according to the Global warming theory, Mars should be over 27 Kelvin warmer. But in fact it is only 3 Kelvin warmer at 210 Kelvin. Its why scientist like Ferenc Miskolczi gave up trying to calibrate carbon dioxide warming on Venus, which has a quarter of a million times more CO2 than the Earth.
But then some scientists found an amazing coincidence on Venus. The temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth. But if this coincidence with pressure is universal then we have a Unified Theory of Climate. Which is what Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller’s theory is called. And why carbon dioxide warming is a hoax.
So will A Green Boris Face Macron’s Fate. Will Piers Corbyn set up a new “Truth Party” and become Prime Minister? See below
Sorry if someone has already made this point, but will all the parents of kids going on the school strike in Bristol next week be fined like parents who take kids on holiday during term time?
Better still, perhaps St Greta should bear all the fines for encouraging them? And those teachers encouraging them?
This: BrexitDirectAction @ActionBrexit
Perhaps the BBC might blast the Tory Government for not releasing the report on grooming gangs
Come on Priti we expect better. Home Office and BBC share the desire to conceal.
Meaning it’s not in the interest of CERTAIN SECTIONS of the public (guess) that the rest of the public learn just how widespread the grooming gangs are, and who’s in them (guess).
A passport is only worth the rights it confers. It means nothing inside ones own country. This passport is weaker than the one it replaces, symbolising the removal of our rights to move and operate freely across our own continent. It therefore represents abject political failure.
Yep I’m blocked by BC
just cos I expressed a different opinion
when he moaned that Britons would have a £6 EU visa fee I pointed out the Green Energy policies he supports cost each family an extra £1,000 /year
I can imagine him holding that distasteful rictus grin on his face while he typed that.
When was the last time he did anything related to his PhD? Or does he spend his time strumming his guitar or tinkling with his ivories? What did Homer Simpson say? I don’t wannabe a wannabe rock star, I wannabe a rock star.
I hope friends here won’t mind if I c+p a comment which I rather like on Raedwald’s excellent Blog, which I definitely do like!
“Jack the dog said…
The interesting thing [about the BBC] is their automatic assumption that switching to a subscription model will mean that nobody will want to pay for their content.
They know that, and they cynically adopt the language of protecting something precious which in fact has been irredeemably tarnished years ago.
I would have some respect for them if they came out and said “subscription model? bring it on! we can produce better content than netflix” and the absurd thing is they can – the BBC’s production values in a technical sense are quite superb. It has been ruined by the woke twats at the top (like Dimblebore) and all the humanities grads in the “artistic” side. But when it puts its mind to it, and if it could drop the woke shite, it is indeed a world beater.”
It’s not a very long video. Viktor Orban reveals that the attempted invasion of his country by muslims is being planned and coordinated.
And by extension, it is being done all across Europe, including here in the UK ( this is my opinion).
Like most misdeeds, we probably all know this to be true but knowing and proving are not the same. And knowing and proving are worthless unless measures are taken to oppose it and punish those who are ordering it and paying for it.
Maybe there should be a ban on public organizations like the BBC or NHS (and their associated industrial complexes) from politicking and campaigning. This is the problem with behemoth public services – they take on a life of their own, quite distinct from their original charter.
A typical ostrich response to the reality – fact the #BBC@bbcpress has lost touch with its audience, if it truly provided a public service it would not be so #woke and #biased – it’s editorial policies are completely out of sync with the population. Reform or die
“The reality is that the bbc represents very good value for money”
Which reality is this?
Define good value? I don’t watch it, why should I be legally obliged to pay for it? Why should I have to pay at all?
Regardless, lets accept the premise true, whats the worry? Make the bbc subscription only, if its such good value jack the price a little and people will pay, wont they?
All I would like is the freedom of choice whether to pay or not.
Weird to see Mike Graham just inventing reasons to be angry with me at 1am. I’ve never followed him – in fact, for the most part, I keep him muted.
I wonder if @talkRADIO have a code of conduct for their presenters, and if incessant verbal abuse online counts as a breach of it?
It is a lovely day. It is a Sunday. What better thing to do as an overly paid BBC scribe than leave things alone and just have a nice rest. NO CHANCE. A telephone call from comrade line manager” Get Tyson at all costs” diversity man/woman no.157.5 will demand a two thousand piece lambasting why white idiots do not deserve to become heavyweight champions of the world. Clearly they are phobes and isitists Tell me if I am wrong and the BBC do for once, celebrate a British victory.
They are proclaiming openly that the rules are gone, they will do what they want, the government will be turned against you if you stand against this president. That is not a warning. That is where we are.
BBC1 ‘The Big Questions’ on at 10:00 to 11:00am today was discussing is racism due to the British Empire. A nice balanced audience of 5 white men versus the other 95 Indian and Muslim persons.
The most pernicious aspect of wokeism is that it relies on the inherent laziness of those who support it, those who if they had any credibility and self-respect would read, digest and understand articles like this from Boris, and attempt to gain a balanced opinion as a result.
Instead they pick out the easy bits, the ones that without the boring hassle of analysis will flip the right switches and provide a gullible audience with all the false fodder it needs.
And paramount among the purveyors of this fallacious and deliberately spiteful and destructive mode of presentation is the BBC. The World’s Most Respected etc., etc.
History will define the attitude as shameful – but history relies on understatement.
Asian racists, what does the muslim council of Britian and the BBC have to say about this:
Woman is savagely beaten in Birmingham ‘coronavirus rage’ attack after stepping in to defend her Chinese friend from racist abuse
Trainee lawyer Meera Solanki, from Solihull, was at Ana Rocha Bar and Gallery
She was celebrating her 29th birthday with friends at popular Birmingham bar
Miss Solanki defended her Chinese friend Mandy Huang, 28, from racial abuse
West Midlands Police are investigating the assault and appealing for information
Miss Solanki was inside the venue with her friends including Mandy Huang, 28, who was visiting from London, when the group were targeted by a group of Asian men.
‘For some reason he got really angry with her. He started abusing her calling her a dirty c****.
‘He said ‘take your f****** coronavirus and take it back home.’
Miss Solanki told how she was ‘shocked and angry’ and shouted at the man to stop while she tried to push him away.
‘He punched me in the head, I hit the pavement and was knocked unconcious,’ Miss Solanki said.
An ambulance was called to the scene and a witness said: ‘What I saw was beyond despicable. A totally vicious assault.’
‘As I lay unconscious he continued to threaten my friends and abuse them before walking away calmly with his group of friends who did nothing to stop him or help me.’
“West Midlands Police are investigating the assault and appealing for information”.
As soon as the police understand the victim is simply a kafir they’ll lose interest.
If this fails to appear on the BBC I will be complaining and accusing them of racism and encourage all far and wide to do the same as they seem obsessed with only one kind of victim : black
The blacks who can be the most racist and intolerant of minorities among us here and abroad yet allowed free reign to do this without our world class broadcaster even mentioning it yet giving a front page platform to any black calling anyone racist
There’s also this story about school based revisionist history and antisemitism in the UK.
In just two months two school textbooks have been withdrawn by their publishers. Both were full of historical errors, both spread lies, anti-western ideology and antisemitism. IT IS ENOUGH and we have a right to demand action. How many more are out there?
School books should be vetted. The problem is most of the people doing the vetting would also be hard left and wouldn’t see a problem.
NF and David Davis on the Huawei decision.
This was also discussed on Nigel’s LBC show this morning.
What is Boris playing at? More dirty deeds by Whitehall?
Hello @JuliaHB1 , hope you are well . Your comment about @GretaThunberg is un-researched , ill informed and from my perspective insulting too . You are most welcome to try to exploit and manipulate me on your programme , but please note , the likes of Greta and I are a tad sharp
I’ve just watched the first topic of the Big Question recorded earlier today.
It’s about racism.
They have found a (question time type audience) new way of holding debate programs.
Everybody agrees with each other.
All those picked to speak were given lots of virtue signalling applause for saying all the ‘right’ things and being righteous against whitey who is invariably a racist.
Except for one brave chap who mentioned a couple of truths.
Patel and Sunak holding 2 of the 3 top jobs in the land and Harry marrying mixed race Merkel.
They also mentioned muslim being a race so if any of you reading this converts to Islam you immediately become a different race.
Chiles is one of those useful BBC droids who can be held up as an example of bias against Blighty – he made money during the traitor parliament period going on about getting his nice Croatian passport
At least his home country won’t be subsidised by the UK taxpayer much longer . It doesn’t look like the divorce money is going to do much the expansion of the Reich .
Left Charlie has just listed the three Blair-enabled entities trying to screw over the country.
Judges to have wings clipped, senior civil servants on hit list, BBC to have funding slashed. PM does everything to stifle and weaken those he knows will challenge and expose the superficial unthought out unreliable self serving unlawful diet this government serves up.
“Woman knocked out defending Chinese friend in racist ‘coronavirus’ attack”
Much of the media reporting the attack on 2 women in Birmingham by ‘Asian men’. We know what that’s code for: somehow I doubt they were Japanese, or Indian.
Nothing as yet on Al-beeb, surprise surprise. If and when they get round to reporting it, chances are they’ll minimise or omit the ‘Asian men’ bit, and try to make it sound like a ‘racist’ attack.
Already the Metro are lumping the story together with other shocking examples of ‘racism’ such as: “One woman described how a passenger had moved away from her on the Tube”.
Switching seats isn’t quite the same as beating the crap out of someone, is it?
Michael Portillo is wrong about BBC World News. We're very proud of it – the BBC's most-watched channel. Not only the editorial teams who make it but also our commercial teams who ensure it reaches 101m people a week without costing the Licence Fee a penny.
Just add oil to the fuel of The World Most Biased (and corrupt) UK Broadcaster is the news that the Taxpayers Alliance is formulating it own strategic challenge to the claims (wheeled out each BBC Charter Review – by Lord Hall et al) as the BBC being (somehow) – despite all UK statistics pointing ‘South’) is ‘vital’ ‘trusted’ (not) and ‘popular’ (not) and therefore ‘indispensable’ (not) as ‘vital’ to the NHS (to use its own (BS) metaphor) of its own wastefulness and financial incompetence going back decades and costing BILLIONS. The time has come for change and its a Taxpayers revolt A proper democratic instance on abolishment of the slave trade of false news of all (not so hidden) liberal Marxist agendas….pedalling.
No Taxation without representation! (Heard in the US a long time ago) is just as valid when dealing with the BBC and the likes of the EU. We the paying (often as not not-willingly) the UK (real) taxpayer have a right to be heard and vote, and not fringe deficits that populate every level of the BBC and plunder the TV license fee as an ‘endorsement’ of their talent for ‘entertainment’.
The time has come. The battle has only just started and its highly likely, this time, with all £3.9 Billion of legal (TV license) fees they will put into fighting it, they have already lost.
Axe The Tax. Support the UK Taxpayers in this campaign. We must win this. We cannot presume that we will win automatically – it not a ‘fair’ fight as they use our own money against us to keep the status-quo That is why the TV license must be stopped.. Its a fight for accountablility and democracy and we have been here before. The BBC cannot be reformed, that is now clear.
I urge all right thinking people to watch this Peter Whittle YT video:
A tad long but nevertheless extremely important. Remember the Miller case a few weeks ago? The ‘Thought Police’ and a Judicial Review?
Mr Miller himself relates the story.
I for one (and I think I’m far from alone) have no faith whatever in the police and those making ‘laws’ i.e. the current crop of Marxist politicians totally biased in line with another ‘arm of the state’ the BBC.
“Policing By (public) Consent”? Hasn’t been happening for years. Ban any use of this assertion I say and revise the Police ‘Code’.
I could be wrong but there’s one question that is never asked and that is who gives the orders to the ordinary low-level cops to behave the way they do?
These low-level cops may love persecuting individuals ( and that seemed to be manifest on the faces of those cops who arrested Tommy Robinson in Leeds ) but someone is ordering and authorising them to carry out those actions. So, where do the orders originate because they are the ones who should be booted out of the forces up and down our country.
Thank you for providing this it is chilling to hear this detail. I no longer recognise the methods of the police nor do I recognise many aspects of the country in which I now live.
The rumour has it that after WW1 Hitler lived in Liverpool trying to save and get a passage to America. The last house bombed in Liverpool in WW2 was supposed to be the digs he lived in with his Austrian relatives…..
It’s not even under Birmingham. The beeb will do their usual trick of waiting till the story’s gone a bit cold before sticking it under Regions (if at all), and / or leaving out the ID of the attackers, and / or making it sound like a ‘racist’ attack against Asians rather than BY ‘Asians’.
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Newspaper photos : In heavy rain areas of Wales residents put up barriers in front of their homes.
…. unfortunately it didn’t prevent Corbyn he still climbed over them for a photo opportunity.
I’m guessing the events you describe at least happened in daylight.
On BBC London the other night we had a report about floods from Henley. A reporter was standing in wellington boots in water.
But it was pitch black ! Or these days since that might be a waaayyycist comment maybe I should say non-daylight.
An outside broadcast where nothing could be seen.
He could have been standing in a paddling pool.
Such is the quality of insightful ‘‘journalism’ we get for £4bn a year..
Lorry driver jailed and banned after U Turn on motorway….BBC don’t name him…….here you go it’s Leonid Papachin.
Now why would the BBC not name home….let me think….
Thank you – I spotted that excellent ‘bias by omission ‘ example . I was going to look it up…
It’s very sad when you know – instinctively – that if a fact which would normally be left in a report – is left out of a report – that will be because it doesn’t accord with the snowflake propaganda policy . And people pay for it !
Yes I saw the footage and postulated
that to come down the up slip road means you must have been driving around the roundabout the wrong way.
So it was likely that a continental lorry driver had been driving up a small quiet road in the dark and forgotten what side of the road he was driving on.
And then having reached the roundabout instinctively turned the wrong rotation and then turned right to exit the roundabout and thus down an UP ramp.
“Lithuanian Leonid Papachin, 51, has been handed a suspended prison sentence after he admitted dangerous driving”
If it were you, making a mistake, you’d be hung drawn and quartered. But TR, that’s another matter…………
Friday’s Times leader says the Arts industry in Britain is riddled with self censorship
.. partially cos they all depend on grants no one want raise their head and risk being seen as separate from the herd.
It’s not BBC directly – but for those such as me who waited so long to get us out of the EU – isn’t great to see the remaining mini states of their Federation arguing about their budget now that we are starting to pull away from it …. if only one of those mini states would talk about leaving …..
I don’t know, for years the LibDems/Guardian/BBC constantly told me we get far more back from the EU than we pay in. If anything those lucky Germans and French are going to have more money than they know what to do with, now that we’re not drawing from the well!
Joking aside I genuinely cannot wait to see how that budget story is ultimately explained given that I’m not far from the truth there.
You know how YT ‘throw-up’ certain videos it thinks you like. Well, one extract from Blackadder I think about quite often when the subject of continuing to repeat a task in the same manner in which it had always been carried out – and always failed. Thanks YT.
So glad to have found this one.
Gosh, those people really annoy me.
Thanks – two non BBC free view programmes this week on military history – one explaining that the reason so many died on the Somme was that the Germans listened to uncoded comms chatter by the British .
And in the Second World War the reason Rommel was the ‘desert fox ‘ was because the Germans listened in to uncoded comms chatter by the British ….. repeat please ….
Disappearing into ‘Regions’ at the speed of light is the story of Muslim convert Safiyya Shaikh who plotted an attack on St Paul’s.
“I want to kill a lot,” she told an undercover officer. “I would like to do church… a day like Christmas or Easter good, kill more.”
Merry Christmas to you too, sweetheart.
So she wanted to attack a high profile, landmark church – a bit like, say, Notre Dame in Paris?
Except we know the arson attack – sorry, accidental fire – in Paris was not terror related because the French authorities, and Al-beeb, told us with absolute certainty it was an accident within minutes of the arson – sorry, accident – while it was still burning and before there had been any sort of investigation whatsoever. With threats against anyone casting doubts about the official lie – sorry, version of events.
Case closed.
“St Paul’s bomb plot: IS supporter Safiyya Shaikh pleads guilty”
David Vance Retweeted
Alex Belfield @celebrityradio
My most trending Television video today.
‘Scrap The BBC Licence Fee Explained’…
The abuse of our money is shocking:
From 29 Jan 2020 so apologies if everyone has already seen it.
Excellent. 9 minutes of pure, well informed, gold.
Smash the beeb. Now.
OTish, but this is who the BBC have on with the specific intention of creating heat over light, as with ex-colleague Mason, etc.
Perverse does not come close.
Notice the useless, politicised, emasculated police standing around looking useless, politicised and emasculated.
Because they’re useless, politicised and emasculated.
Did I already say that?
BBC beginning to realise that sleeping with fleas is not champion?
They do associate with funny folk.
London Central Mosque stabbing: Man in court over attack
Rather than the BBC just report the facts that both victim and alledged knifeman were both Muslims they prefer to report the victim is a Muslim but the knifeman “had been attending the mosque for a number of years.”
You can always rely on the BBC to distort the facts to push their pro Muslim agenda.
The earliest reports went out of their way to describe the aggressor as white – funny how the colour-blind beeb become colour-conscious when it suits their agenda. Subsequently removed.
Melanie Phillips does not agree with Greta and the BBC. See below
Greta thinks Richard Pinder is a Climate denier.
Richard Pinder says “No” I do not deny that the Climate exists, Climate Change or Global Warming. But I do deny Radiative forcing because they couldn’t give me any evidence from an Atmospheric chamber, only highly complex bullshit in the form of the imaginary Arrhenius law and Stefan-Boltzmann formulas based on dreamed up assumptions, pumped up into believability by computer models.
But Mars was ideal to test this theory. It has a carbon dioxide atmosphere equivalent to four times doubling that on Earth, which produces 33 Kelvin. The Black Body Temperature of Mars is 81.5 percent that of the Earth at 207 Kelvin, so according to the Global warming theory, Mars should be over 27 Kelvin warmer. But in fact it is only 3 Kelvin warmer at 210 Kelvin. Its why scientist like Ferenc Miskolczi gave up trying to calibrate carbon dioxide warming on Venus, which has a quarter of a million times more CO2 than the Earth.
But then some scientists found an amazing coincidence on Venus. The temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth. But if this coincidence with pressure is universal then we have a Unified Theory of Climate. Which is what Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller’s theory is called. And why carbon dioxide warming is a hoax.
So will A Green Boris Face Macron’s Fate. Will Piers Corbyn set up a new “Truth Party” and become Prime Minister? See below
Thank you for the link and the info.
Sorry if someone has already made this point, but will all the parents of kids going on the school strike in Bristol next week be fined like parents who take kids on holiday during term time?
Better still, perhaps St Greta should bear all the fines for encouraging them? And those teachers encouraging them?
BrexitDirectAction @ActionBrexit
Greta would only turn to Soros to pay the fines anyway.
Perhaps the BBC might blast the Tory Government for not releasing the report on grooming gangs
Come on Priti we expect better. Home Office and BBC share the desire to conceal.
Meaning it’s not in the interest of CERTAIN SECTIONS of the public (guess) that the rest of the public learn just how widespread the grooming gangs are, and who’s in them (guess).
G.W.F., and not only that, also allow Parliament to have the report on Russian interference in the EU Referendum and the 2017 General Election.
@Richard Pinder, somewhere above this post,
That study is so damning. It rips apart the fallacy of excess CO2 causing the atmosphere to heat up.
It needs to be accepted at Governmental level and widely publicised.
All we ever get is the XR version of ‘science’ and our BBC refusing to have a debate. The BBC of course are Climate Change zealots.
I did not know she was a KGM sibling
So Omar did marry her brother!
I suppose we may be seeing some kiddie-winks with two heads and webbed fingers soon then?
That bbc gobshites are allowed #viewsmyown advocacy like this is bad enough. That they can block anyone from taking legitimate issue is very bbc.
Yep I’m blocked by BC
just cos I expressed a different opinion
when he moaned that Britons would have a £6 EU visa fee I pointed out the Green Energy policies he supports cost each family an extra £1,000 /year
I can imagine him holding that distasteful rictus grin on his face while he typed that.
When was the last time he did anything related to his PhD? Or does he spend his time strumming his guitar or tinkling with his ivories? What did Homer Simpson say? I don’t wannabe a wannabe rock star, I wannabe a rock star.
The boast about an environmental friendly passport tells us all we need to know about this green government.
What’s all this passport nonsense? Just grab a dinghy,climb aboard with your family and friends and you can go where you like. Apparently.
What was it about mentally unstable publicity hounds the Griswalds that first attracted the national climate obsessives the BBC to them?
Maybe the House journal can offer insight?
So, bbc paper review; leading with which title?
Her daughter’s battle with autism etc is nothing to the battle she faces in 20 years time when the climate cult she represents is lampooned
Guest Who
Her daughter’s battle with autism etc is nothing to the battle she faces in 20 years time when the climate cult she represents is lampooned
Followed by a troubled youth?
I hope friends here won’t mind if I c+p a comment which I rather like on Raedwald’s excellent Blog, which I definitely do like!
“Jack the dog said…
The interesting thing [about the BBC] is their automatic assumption that switching to a subscription model will mean that nobody will want to pay for their content.
They know that, and they cynically adopt the language of protecting something precious which in fact has been irredeemably tarnished years ago.
I would have some respect for them if they came out and said “subscription model? bring it on! we can produce better content than netflix” and the absurd thing is they can – the BBC’s production values in a technical sense are quite superb. It has been ruined by the woke twats at the top (like Dimblebore) and all the humanities grads in the “artistic” side. But when it puts its mind to it, and if it could drop the woke shite, it is indeed a world beater.”
Thanks Jack, that’s a great comment in my book!
News editor to trainee reporter: Dog bites man, that’s not a story anyone wants to read. Man bites dog, that’s front page news.
BBC editor to trainee BBC journo: Muslim stabs man, that’s not a story we want anyone to read. Man stabs Muslim, that’s a headline.
This is news. That the racist far-left bbc has most likely not chosen to recognise:
It’s not a very long video. Viktor Orban reveals that the attempted invasion of his country by muslims is being planned and coordinated.
And by extension, it is being done all across Europe, including here in the UK ( this is my opinion).
Like most misdeeds, we probably all know this to be true but knowing and proving are not the same. And knowing and proving are worthless unless measures are taken to oppose it and punish those who are ordering it and paying for it.
One name, again: Soros.
Hellfire, they are bricking it.
Imagine running a press release about, of all things, a poll… the bbc is now worried about poll phrasing!
BBC: “…people give different answers when relevant context is given to the questions.”
Hoist by one of their own most cherished petards…
It is ‘unique, isn’t it?
Soon they will have Nish presenting Newswatch on half pay.
Market rate talent scoring well across the board.
“The reality is that the bbc represents very good value for money”
Which reality is this?
Define good value? I don’t watch it, why should I be legally obliged to pay for it? Why should I have to pay at all?
Regardless, lets accept the premise true, whats the worry? Make the bbc subscription only, if its such good value jack the price a little and people will pay, wont they?
All I would like is the freedom of choice whether to pay or not.
So keeping this one for future use.
Seems the bbc likes fellow travellers who like money in equally unique ways to their staff.
How are Botney and Camilla Batty doing, btw?
Vicky Pryce and Keith Vaz up for the next QT?
Popcorn time.
John Sweeney might not have liked.
He’s got back up.
And this is from a lefty who has blocked me on twitter.
It is a lovely day. It is a Sunday. What better thing to do as an overly paid BBC scribe than leave things alone and just have a nice rest. NO CHANCE. A telephone call from comrade line manager” Get Tyson at all costs” diversity man/woman no.157.5 will demand a two thousand piece lambasting why white idiots do not deserve to become heavyweight champions of the world. Clearly they are phobes and isitists Tell me if I am wrong and the BBC do for once, celebrate a British victory.
She and Dimbles need to get a room.
Only a matter of time before it, ‘kicks off’ bigtime in the US. It certainly can’t go on this way.
BBC1 ‘The Big Questions’ on at 10:00 to 11:00am today was discussing is racism due to the British Empire. A nice balanced audience of 5 white men versus the other 95 Indian and Muslim persons.
Tabs – I didn’t listen, but do wonder: do they ever discuss anything else? Is there ever real, genuine ‘balance’?
The most pernicious aspect of wokeism is that it relies on the inherent laziness of those who support it, those who if they had any credibility and self-respect would read, digest and understand articles like this from Boris, and attempt to gain a balanced opinion as a result.
Instead they pick out the easy bits, the ones that without the boring hassle of analysis will flip the right switches and provide a gullible audience with all the false fodder it needs.
And paramount among the purveyors of this fallacious and deliberately spiteful and destructive mode of presentation is the BBC. The World’s Most Respected etc., etc.
History will define the attitude as shameful – but history relies on understatement.
I wonder if Douglas Adams had the EU’s thoughts on us leaving in mind when he came out with the title ‘So long and thanks for all the fish’
(Hitch hikers guide to the Universe trilogy, book 3)
Asian racists, what does the muslim council of Britian and the BBC have to say about this:
Woman is savagely beaten in Birmingham ‘coronavirus rage’ attack after stepping in to defend her Chinese friend from racist abuse
Trainee lawyer Meera Solanki, from Solihull, was at Ana Rocha Bar and Gallery
She was celebrating her 29th birthday with friends at popular Birmingham bar
Miss Solanki defended her Chinese friend Mandy Huang, 28, from racial abuse
West Midlands Police are investigating the assault and appealing for information
Miss Solanki was inside the venue with her friends including Mandy Huang, 28, who was visiting from London, when the group were targeted by a group of Asian men.
‘For some reason he got really angry with her. He started abusing her calling her a dirty c****.
‘He said ‘take your f****** coronavirus and take it back home.’
Miss Solanki told how she was ‘shocked and angry’ and shouted at the man to stop while she tried to push him away.
‘He punched me in the head, I hit the pavement and was knocked unconcious,’ Miss Solanki said.
An ambulance was called to the scene and a witness said: ‘What I saw was beyond despicable. A totally vicious assault.’
‘As I lay unconscious he continued to threaten my friends and abuse them before walking away calmly with his group of friends who did nothing to stop him or help me.’
“West Midlands Police are investigating the assault and appealing for information”.
As soon as the police understand the victim is simply a kafir they’ll lose interest.
If this fails to appear on the BBC I will be complaining and accusing them of racism and encourage all far and wide to do the same as they seem obsessed with only one kind of victim : black
The blacks who can be the most racist and intolerant of minorities among us here and abroad yet allowed free reign to do this without our world class broadcaster even mentioning it yet giving a front page platform to any black calling anyone racist
“Tread on a worm and it will, (eventually) turn”.
There’s also this story about school based revisionist history and antisemitism in the UK.
School books should be vetted. The problem is most of the people doing the vetting would also be hard left and wouldn’t see a problem.
DAVID DAVIS: Huawei deal is the most devastating security blunder since MI6 hired Philby, Blunt and Burgess”
NF and David Davis on the Huawei decision.
This was also discussed on Nigel’s LBC show this morning.
What is Boris playing at? More dirty deeds by Whitehall?
‘Views his own’ no doubt?
Thing is, bbc, these are two people you have hired to promote ‘settled science’.
Issuing dark muttering to any unimpressed is a concern to a public already noticing one power not held to account: the bbc.
‘Sharp’ is not a word I would associate with either of these media inspired personalities.
I’ve just watched the first topic of the Big Question recorded earlier today.
It’s about racism.
They have found a (question time type audience) new way of holding debate programs.
Everybody agrees with each other.
All those picked to speak were given lots of virtue signalling applause for saying all the ‘right’ things and being righteous against whitey who is invariably a racist.
Except for one brave chap who mentioned a couple of truths.
Patel and Sunak holding 2 of the 3 top jobs in the land and Harry marrying mixed race Merkel.
They also mentioned muslim being a race so if any of you reading this converts to Islam you immediately become a different race.
Chiles is one of those useful BBC droids who can be held up as an example of bias against Blighty – he made money during the traitor parliament period going on about getting his nice Croatian passport
At least his home country won’t be subsidised by the UK taxpayer much longer . It doesn’t look like the divorce money is going to do much the expansion of the Reich .
Left Charlie has just listed the three Blair-enabled entities trying to screw over the country.
“Woman knocked out defending Chinese friend in racist ‘coronavirus’ attack”
Much of the media reporting the attack on 2 women in Birmingham by ‘Asian men’. We know what that’s code for: somehow I doubt they were Japanese, or Indian.
Nothing as yet on Al-beeb, surprise surprise. If and when they get round to reporting it, chances are they’ll minimise or omit the ‘Asian men’ bit, and try to make it sound like a ‘racist’ attack.
Already the Metro are lumping the story together with other shocking examples of ‘racism’ such as: “One woman described how a passenger had moved away from her on the Tube”.
Switching seats isn’t quite the same as beating the crap out of someone, is it?
BBC Racism.
It’s OK when they do it.
Don’t. Care.
Let’s see…..
Just add oil to the fuel of The World Most Biased (and corrupt) UK Broadcaster is the news that the Taxpayers Alliance is formulating it own strategic challenge to the claims (wheeled out each BBC Charter Review – by Lord Hall et al) as the BBC being (somehow) – despite all UK statistics pointing ‘South’) is ‘vital’ ‘trusted’ (not) and ‘popular’ (not) and therefore ‘indispensable’ (not) as ‘vital’ to the NHS (to use its own (BS) metaphor) of its own wastefulness and financial incompetence going back decades and costing BILLIONS. The time has come for change and its a Taxpayers revolt A proper democratic instance on abolishment of the slave trade of false news of all (not so hidden) liberal Marxist agendas….pedalling.
No Taxation without representation! (Heard in the US a long time ago) is just as valid when dealing with the BBC and the likes of the EU. We the paying (often as not not-willingly) the UK (real) taxpayer have a right to be heard and vote, and not fringe deficits that populate every level of the BBC and plunder the TV license fee as an ‘endorsement’ of their talent for ‘entertainment’.
The time has come. The battle has only just started and its highly likely, this time, with all £3.9 Billion of legal (TV license) fees they will put into fighting it, they have already lost.
Axe The Tax. Support the UK Taxpayers in this campaign. We must win this. We cannot presume that we will win automatically – it not a ‘fair’ fight as they use our own money against us to keep the status-quo That is why the TV license must be stopped.. Its a fight for accountablility and democracy and we have been here before. The BBC cannot be reformed, that is now clear.
I urge all right thinking people to watch this Peter Whittle YT video:
A tad long but nevertheless extremely important. Remember the Miller case a few weeks ago? The ‘Thought Police’ and a Judicial Review?
Mr Miller himself relates the story.
I for one (and I think I’m far from alone) have no faith whatever in the police and those making ‘laws’ i.e. the current crop of Marxist politicians totally biased in line with another ‘arm of the state’ the BBC.
“Policing By (public) Consent”? Hasn’t been happening for years. Ban any use of this assertion I say and revise the Police ‘Code’.
Is the worm beginning to turn ? Will Al Beeb discuss ?…………….
I could be wrong but there’s one question that is never asked and that is who gives the orders to the ordinary low-level cops to behave the way they do?
These low-level cops may love persecuting individuals ( and that seemed to be manifest on the faces of those cops who arrested Tommy Robinson in Leeds ) but someone is ordering and authorising them to carry out those actions. So, where do the orders originate because they are the ones who should be booted out of the forces up and down our country.
Thank you for providing this it is chilling to hear this detail. I no longer recognise the methods of the police nor do I recognise many aspects of the country in which I now live.
TR interviewed On Russia Today By Oksana Boyko On The Worlds Apart Programme.
It can also be seen on
TR is currently in Russia. Brian of London says he expects to hear he is arrested on his way back into the UK.
The rumour has it that after WW1 Hitler lived in Liverpool trying to save and get a passage to America. The last house bombed in Liverpool in WW2 was supposed to be the digs he lived in with his Austrian relatives…..
STILL nothing on the BBC front page: asians in racist attack on chinese woman and her asian female friend defending her
Join the fightback and complain about bbc racism : imagine if it was a muslim women attacked by white males it would be headline news
It’s not even under Birmingham. The beeb will do their usual trick of waiting till the story’s gone a bit cold before sticking it under Regions (if at all), and / or leaving out the ID of the attackers, and / or making it sound like a ‘racist’ attack against Asians rather than BY ‘Asians’.
Smash the beeb!
The BBC really do know how to pull in a mass market audience with their TV programmes.