The Far Left Biased BBC is feeling the pain as more and more taxpayers tell it the truth – that it is just not wanted in its current form and financed through compulsion . So it is trying to fight back – mainly on the internet . But the current Government consultation could lead the way to ending the BBC – The sooner the better .
And with a bit of luck Channel 4 will get dumped as well .
Wa-hey again.
Backlinks to Weekend thread pages
– page 3 began Sunday 4pm
– page 2 began 3pm on Saturday
Got them on the Beeb, though.
BBC News
“Wallis Simpson, of course she was mistreated by the British press, but it was never to the same extent [as Meghan].”
Wallis Simpson was disliked on principle. A marital status of twice divorced did not go down well in 1936 and it was unthinkable that someone who was virtually a whore could marry our king. She was disliked even before the public realised she was a vulgar social climber who never even loved Edward VIII.
Meghan’s case is different. She was initially welcomed by the Royal Family, the press and the public. If people no longer see her in a favourable light, it is not because of her race but because she has shown herself to be a malignant narcissist who has manipulated a popular prince and turned him against his own family and his country.
It was the Dominions that forced Edward to abdicate in the end. Canada and Australia and NZ would not accept him as king.
All this reporting of Harry wanting to ‘protect’ his wife and child, er from what ??? The Coronavirus ? She is no shrinking violet and canny enough to stand her corner, she is also 100 times more worldly and savvy than he is, and didn’t he say when he got engaged that “she was one who was used to being in the limelight so wouldn’t be fazed by all the attention and publicity” ?
Strikes me he’s the one who’s in need of ‘protection’, from all her agents/publicists/lawyers/ fixers/and PR people, they’ll have him strung up like a kipper, and he wont know what’s hit him.
Well Harry should have read his Uncle Andrew`s well researched book “How to give an interview to the press and get away with it” and then he wouldn’t be in this mess.
Well Harry should have read his Uncle Andrew`s well researched book “How to give an interview to the press and get away with it” and then he wouldn’t be in this mess.
Edward was morally no better than Wallis.
Who at the BBC would remember that. Was it a ten year old boy called David Attenborough. I thought they said that only the American press reported on it until he Abdicated. Only then did they turn nasty. So with Wallis Simpson the press went from censorship to nasty, but with Megan the press went from nice to nasty.
Comrade Corbyn has been recorded using the same technique to dilute ‘blame ‘ that he used when excusing IRA terrorism in relation to racist paedophile rape by Pakistani gangs – in essence – white men commit crimes against women too – so there’s no need to single out a group . ( like third world Pakistani muslims preying on white girl children – my comment).
Strange that comrade Corbyn – so long the champion of minority groups- like the IRA -cannot find it in himself to do anything to save those kids . Same as the luvvies and BBC really.
That’s because Socialism is about hate and envy and does NOT include genuine empathy with the deprived and abused. They just use these people to justify their lust for power and control.
Why is the government hiding the report into Rotherham and other cases?
Nothing has changed – Islam will be protected at all costs. It will be protected even by Boris Johnson and Priti Patel, in whom so many had placed their hopes. But the fact is that neither Patel nor Johnson can tell us the truth, because that would mean admitting what they’ve done. The Tories have overseen mass immigration just as Labour has, and are equally to blame. It is their failure that is being disguised here, and rape victims are merely collateral damage.
Open-border globalism has brought brutal savagery to our country, the kind of which we have never known before. The Conservatives know this. They know they’ve allowed people to come here with attitudes that we left behind in the stone age, but they do it anyway. The victims of that stone-age attitude will be our young girls, and our government doesn’t care. It has chosen to allow this in the name of mass migration, just as governments across Europe have knowingly allowed the same.
Also here , Island
I wonder whether “Toady” will headline with this news story today.
So the recent Government report about the ethnicity of rape gangs is not to be published after all, as apparently Ministers need a ” safe space” to formulate policy – just a pity the rapists (of undisclosed ethnicity!) didnt give a safe space to their victims.
You really couldnt make this stuff up.
Maybe R4.s “Wimmins Hour” will be doing a “special” on this – I wouldnt hold your breath, I suspect the victims are too white, and not middle class enough.
If anyone here still thinks that the Tories are “conservative” and wants to give Boris “the benefit of the doubt” perhaps this should be a wake up call.
Didn’t think Id be back here anytime soon… but…..It’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen….The God awful BBC are finally gonna be put out to pasture.
Dazed , that if something is done about the BBC I suspect that it is because of the attacks the BBC has launched upon Boris and the Tories rather than any concern about the damage that Aunty has done to the country as a whole.
Davina McCall – who I think is someone who advertises shampoo – has tweeted that she has signed a petition directed at BoJo to ‘stop attacking the BBC’. This is the Link
If it doesn’t work I don’t care – but I put it up because even the language of the petition shows the Bias of the BBC in the comment that he is ‘copying the Trump playlist ‘ . So BBC supporters are anti President Trump,- official .
Maybe they’ll need another petition to stop the sell off of Channel Four – who is going to miss that ?
Ah yes. Another one of those faces and voices that always had me reaching for the off switch.I’m sure she still would if I could be bothered to watch.
Can we have another petition to get rid of Davina McCall (ex heroin user), Gary Lineker, Claudia Winkleman, Carol Vorderman, all water aid/save the children/funeral plans/ negative release/life policy ads, Yasmin Alibaba, Bonnie Greer, Huw Edwards, Simon Cowell, Ant & Dec, Afua Hirsch, June Sarpong, The One Show, – its most of those on the box actually.
And Dimble Davidby please…
I quite agree. Let’s replace them with real adults who can entertain and inform us and enthrall us with mind boggling talent and wit.This bunch of overgrown kids are an absolute shower who act as though they believe their audience consists entirely of those under 12 years of age. God alone knows where they learned their trade -or rather didn’t.
could comment but as ever you sum it up better:-)
They are allowed to have a fantasy that Trump suppresses the media
so they can say that is their Fantasy Trump’s playbook
..Yet in the real world Trump is super powerful
but DOES NOT close down any media
all he has done has prevented a disruptive CNN reporter from coming into his press conferences.
The US press are still super free
Yet The California tech giants are a different matter
they Twitter/Facebook/Youtube do interfere and have excluded particular non lefty voices whose speech broke no UK or US laws
There is Validated Science and there is PR science
There are Validated Petitions and there are PR Petitions
.. 38 Degrees petitions are NOT Validated ..anyone in the world can sign it multiple times if they have multiple emails and can input any old valid postcode
My friends Jimmy and Rolf signed
and their names are on the petition
BTW the petition doesn’t say who wrote the petition script.
The name of the email Rob-in Priestley is the Head of Campaigns at 38 Degrees
I didn’t hear Dr Adam Rutherford’s How To Argue With a Racist and so I listened carefully to the discussion on Feedback about it. What a waste of time! I was none the wiser as Roger Bolton and his ‘mixed-race’ guest skated around ‘the issues’ that were never actually mentioned!
Reading between the lines I guess Rutherford has pushed the line that ‘race’ doesn’t exist ‘scientifically’, yet somehow people can indentify it. That would suggest to me that the science isn’t complete. I am sure that ‘science’ couldn’t tell the difference between a loud sound and a quiet sound before the invention of the microphone, for instance.
Well assuming that I have got Rutherford’s ideas right and that there is no such thing as race, why is the BBC obsessed about it? What with ‘mixed race’ guests and, a first for Countryfile a ‘black’ vet. Perhaps Rutherford should have a word to the BBC about it?
On the subject of Countryfile, what is this ‘carbon’ that the poor farmer was being taken to task about? Does soot (or diamonds!) spew out of the ground when he ploughs?
Dead organic matter lies beneath the soil surface
when it comes to the surface it can start to decay with oxygen and release CO2
If you deep plough you speed up that process .
Separately the prog mentioned that the farmers new surface crops emit CO2 if he leaves them to decay
.. but failed to mention that such crops only just absorbed the same CO2 from the atmosphere a few months ago.
My point is that carbon is an element that doesn’t exist in a natural state in the atmosphere.
It does exist naturally in various compound states of which only the gaseous compounds are being blamed for ‘climate change’, ‘carbon’ itself is not (yet) ‘problematic’.
Carbon is a building block for all life, plant and animal, on this planet so it is ridiculous to label it as a problem.
Of course once the farmer has grown his crop, carefully stopping the ‘carbon’ from escaping, harvested and sold it, it will be eaten by animals and humans who will, if they are mature animals, breathe out ALL of the carbon dioxide that went into making that plant! Clearly all adults (animal and human) must be eliminated.
For the increase in Atmospheric CO2 from 300ppm to 400ppm. If you analyse the Earths Atmosphere you will find that isotopic evidence proves that only 4 percent of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide is from human and volcanic emissions and therefore at least 84 percent of the emissions must have been from the Oceans. The mass of the Oceans is about 270 times that of the Atmosphere. So in Thermodynamics you can ignore the third of a percent influence of the Atmosphere and that’s why the Medieval warm period has caused the increase. This is because the thermal inertia of the Oceans is about 800 years, and the Medieval warm period peaked about 800 years ago.
So its why even the increase in CO2 was a natural increase, and why man-made emissions are made irrelevant by the mass of the Oceans.
I think that’s a better explanation than Piers Corbyn on this issue. Because Piers always gets rather technical and emotional about it.
I find the same with Piers; his website could be very good if he calmed down and re-read his statements to extract the more ‘ranty’ bits and curbed the use of so many fonts, point sizes and colours to make the thing more readable.
The layout is as ’emotional’ as he is.
The complicated subscription information for his forecasts on the main page seems to overshadow anything he is trying to say. I think he needs a good sub-editor.
Piers’ approach is as an astrophysicist where, in his view, the weakening sun’s reduced calming influence on the jet-stream is allowing it to swing about wildly with sudden shifts leading to exaggerated natural climate variations.
CO2 and mankind have very little, if anything, to do with it.
Does that mean (excuse me, I am dense) that variations in the amountof CO2 in the atmosphere are the result of changes that took place centuries ago? How have we been panicked into these drastic policies for which (it seems to me) there is no need?
@JimS “Calling CO2, carbon”, *that horse has already bolted*
just like people say “led in the pencil” when it’s actually graphite
But other PR phrades need to be resisted
like “net zero” …. There is not likely to be a zero fossil fuel economy until a real breakthrough like getting fusion and implemented.
Like “zero carbon vehicles” … they don’t exist cost CO2 is used in their manufacture
..neither are they “zero pollution” they still stir up road dust and have tyres that decompose .. at a higher level than an ICE vehicle cos they are inherently heavier cos of the gigantic batteries they carry around.
Like “Climate crisis” .. like really has anyone this year in your village had “Climate Change” written on their death certificates ?
Even someone who died in a flood, died in a natural event similar to those that have always happened except such deaths are 100 times less likely due to the better tech we have evolved.
@JimS re Rutherford saying that “race” doesn’t exist
and then next moment saying “racism” is a huge problem.
A lot of such arguments are WORD GAMES
ie twisting the meaning of words instead of using consistent definitions.
I colloquial use : “race” is a group of people which have obvious physical distinctions that means that they can be easily distinguished from another group.
If you mix up a group of people from an Inuit Island and a group of people from a particular Borneoan mountain tribe, you easily be able to redivide them into 2 groups, by looks alone.
And at a genetic level you could find differences even though they’d be 99.1% the same just as a cabbage has 90% the same genes as a human or something.
Racism is when you act on someone purely cos of what racial group you assign them to … like if you want someone to work in an icehouse, you can’t say a person would be no good just cos they are not an Inuit or vice versa.
The thing about word games is that the power-labels that are used by ON-people by Rutherford and friends are not the same as people use on-THEMSELVES.
eg When team- Rutherford label Brexiteers, people who don’t want open borders and people who don’t want grooming gangs covered up , all as “racist”.
It’s weird that the libmob themselves shouting “racist” is itself racist.
ie If a white person has certain political views they are labelled “racist”
yet if a non-white had the same views they would NOT be labelled “racist”.
I Noted the woman (expert) in this report was from another – ” nonprofit organization (NPO), also known as a non-business entity,[1] not-for-profit organization,[2] or nonprofit institution,[3] is an organization dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a shared point of view. In economic terms, it is an organization using its surplus of the revenues to further achieve its ultimate objective, rather than distributing its income to the organization’s shareholders, leaders, or members. Nonprofits are tax-exempt or charitable, meaning they do not pay income tax on the money that they receive for their organization. They can operate in religious, scientific, research, or educational settings.”
wonder if she works for nothing & who pays her bills?
Obviously no news on Sunday evening. BBC1 10pm news spent 10 minutes telling us how dreadful conditions are for the jihadis fighting Assad. It wasn’t news, just a propaganda piece. Quinton Somerville did tell us how cold it was in Syria, presumably in spite of Climate Change.
Of course I feel sorry for the children, but the conditions the BBC keeps showing us are no different to last year, or the year before that or indeed five years ago. If conditions are different the BBC is not explaining why.
The birth of a narrative…
“TV | We’ve been contacted by BBC Newsround to see if there would be any children that they could come and film with tomorrow that have been affected by the floods?
Maybe your family farm has been affected or a family business or school? Obviously parental permission would be needed.
Interested? Contact Davinia on 07769177686 or
Whether your story appears or not likely very much depends on how well it serves.
“Davinia, you have stolen my dreams and my childhood!”
Are they planning to drown any of them in front of the cameras?
I hope Dom Cummings listens to the Westminster Hour . The narrative is that the Civil Service is a benign ‘best in the world ‘ outfit which should be left alone . 5 bubble dwellers with collective amnesia over how the civil service rolled out Project Fear and fought brexit until it was put in its box by the Electorate . Off switch time .
Naturally they get someone called ‘ Bonnie Greer ‘ to speak American .
The BBC seems to have a harem of coloured Wimmin to put on expensive seats on the programmes – ash the moustache – alibi brown – hershi bar and others with no mandate but just part of the race industry . Ching ching .
Dazed and Confused
Drain the swamp!
Does anyone know the true reason why Lord Hall was ‘let GO’ ?
“Brexit: Emmanuel Macron ‘not sure’ of UK-EU trade deal by end of year”
\\Mr Macron said negotiations starting in March will be “tense”, with fishing rights a key point of contention. //
They want our fish, our fish!
Then they can pay for it and from the profit the UK can build more trawlers and naval patrol boats for fishery protection vessels. This in turn means more sailors for the Royal Navy, more boat builders and the conservation of our fish.
If Libmob had succeeded in their plan to ban KTHopkins from Twitter
she wouldn’t have been able to tweet this.
The problem of Whiteness was caused by people from Africa evolving over 40,000 years in a much colder and less sunnier environment. However a colder environment allowed a more active brain to evolve, unrestricted by the need to cool in a hot African environment. This lead to these people being more intelligent so that by 12,000 BC, what some scientists call a rewiring of the brain, caused Whiteness to create the first advanced human civilisations.
On the other hand. The problem of Blackness, as I have heard the Chinese comment about, is that they are the oldest type of human in existence, that has not yet become extinct. Also I believe one of Dominic Cummings assistants was sacked for commenting on the results of hundreds of IQ tests which identify the problem of Jewishness as slightly higher than the problem of Whiteness. A problem that the Nazis solved with more than speeches.
I have a problem which is 64 percent higher than the average Whiteness problem. So I fear the BBC would want to solve this problem by putting me in a gas chamber.
In fact when I was little my mother said “the Nazis would have put me in the gas chamber”. I then found out that I have a Great Great Grandmother with the surname Pyrah, in Leeds. Which I presume is the Jewish connection. Maybe Emmanuel Goldstein could confirm this. So I do hope they can abolish the BBC before its to late.
I’m afraid I can’t confirm any of this but if I hear anything I’ll let you know.
You don’t mention your IQ but it sounds jolly high. Beware!
A story that seemed to get buried
‘Toxic’ Islamist terror website editors jailed
13 February 2020
Buried, eh?
Don’t tell Lisa Nandy.
According to her, no one has mentioned the flooding.
Doing as well as Krankie. Wicked skills.
BBC News
As more young people shun physical spaces of worship like the mosque or church, some turn to social media to explore their faith; however researchers say that this does not encourage inter-faith dialogue.
(via BBC Stories)
Just yer typical bbc youngsters. Apparently.
And the bbc Moaning Email, penned by a typical bbc cubicle garden youngster…
Mind the gap
The housing gap – the difference between the current stock and the number needed for everyone to have a decent place to live – is more than one million homes, according to BBC research. At current building rates it will take at least 15 years to close that gap. A lot of the pressure falls on people renting privately, and according to a survey of 2,000 people for the Affordable Housing Commission, one in four of those in unaffordable accommodation say their mental health has suffered as a result. The government says it’s committed to delivering a million more homes over the next five years.
In the latest of our in-depth guides, BBC Briefing, we’ve looked closely at the whole UK housing landscape. Pressed for time? Read six key facts on the sector.
‘According to BBC’ research – 🙂
Pressed for time? Cancel your licence fee… you can’t afford to Iive in London anyway.
Whitehall tensions
Home Secretary Priti Patel has criticised media reports that MI5 bosses are holding back security information and intelligence from her because of a lack of trust in her abilities. The government has also strongly rejected accusations of bullying of civil servants within her department.
Last week, Ms Patel was accused of trying to force out the most senior Home Office civil servant, Sir Philip Rutnam, but on Sunday, a government spokesman insisted the pair were focused on delivering their department’s “hugely important” policy agenda despite being “deeply concerned” about “false allegations” in the media. The Home Office also said Ms Patel and MI5 had “a strong and close working relationship”.
The allegations come amid wider reports of tensions between the civil service and the government over recruitment and treatment of staff. The Cabinet Office is recruiting a new civil servant to oversee HR policy .
‘Allegations’ from ‘reports’ in the media, using ‘accused of’, including…..?
‘We are trapped in the house that killed our son’
When Kye Gbangbola and Nicole Lawler moved into their house on the banks of the River Thames in Surrey, it looked like the perfect place to raise a family. Sixteen years later, it stands as a reminder of Zane, the son they lost, while their fight for answers continues over what caused his death. On 7 February 2014, Mr Gbangbola spent the evening working upstairs in his study, where he was writing to the Environment Agency requesting an urgent meeting about the effects of several weeks of flooding, which had left the basement of the house under water.
Read full analysis >
Tanya Gupta
What… the heck is that about? ‘Analysis’ my shiny glowing screen…
Monkey Brains at ITTB takes this further…
Great pic too.
Guest, aaah!
The face that launched 1,000,000 (not just 1,000) ships.
I have to admit to being a mite confused about the ‘Housing Crisis’, or should that be ‘Homeageddon’?
Don’t get me wrong, houses are ridiculously expensive, and it’s tough on the youth trying to get a foot on the ladder.
However, the facts just don’t seem to add up:
1. The birth rate in this country is allegedly falling, to the extent that some people are talking about incentivising child bearing.
2. There may not be tens of millions of new ‘homes’ being built nationally, but there are certainly many hundreds of thousands of rabbit hutches… sorry ‘executive homes’, being thrown up all over the floodplains and water meadows locally, and where ever I drive around England and South Wales it seems to be the same.
3. The number of people per household fell through the 60s-00s, but has since stabilised and started to climb again.
There must be some other factor I can’t place my finger on…. oh, I know, it’s obviously because old people are greedily refusing to die and free up their mansions for younger people who deserve them more? But, life expectancy is stagnating… ah…that’s not it then.
The Labour Party very generously sent me a leaflet before the GE asking what I’d rather have ‘sorted’ by them, which seemed pretty decent of them. One of the questions was ‘the housing crisis OR immigration?’… so clearly not immigration either?
Wonder why our ‘world class journalists’ aren’t investigating this one?
BBC, I can definitely concur with your point no.2. Walking my dog yesterday around my once ‘small’ village, I spied yet another field in the process of having a development of hutches being built. The field abuts a stagnant stream , but on the edge of the building works a lake had emerged, due to the recent heavy rain. Yep, another flood plain was being built on.
In recent years I have seen 4 massive building developments surround the village, yet has there been an increase in clinicians at our village surgery ? NO. With an average of 2 people per dwelling, there is roughly another 16,000 bodies descending on 6 doctors and 4 nurses, thus making it virtually impossible to see a doctor.
We can refuse to pay the tv licence to bring about change, but we cant do sod all about the never ending house building that is blighting our land.
Another BBC ‘reporter’ of colourful interpretation of facts gets the full bbc complaints support…
And so, it is written. Which BBC programme will solicit his expertise first in punditry?
Paul Mason (ex-Newsnight) : Keir Starmer “… a left wing Labour leader…”
– implying there’s a Labour candidate out there who isn’t pandering to the raving lefties ?
Even lisping Andy Pandering (or whatever her name is) who is regarded as the relative moderate wants us to treat men as women – just because they say so, punish those who question the science and the logic of that nonsense and by the way wants to scrap the monarchy.
‘ treat men as women ‘ Can’t understand that.
I know quite a few women who should be treated as men though.
BBC 1 breakfast asking all of the right questions this morning. Following a report on the new blue passport introduction.
‘Can you still ask for a burgundy passport?”
BBC: ‘Can you still ask for a burgundy passport?’
Can we still ask for a black & white TV Licence?
Will the blue ones be the proper shade of really, really dark blue, so blue that many people thought it was black? And I suppose a stiff cover is too much to hope for?
Why can’t we ask for a passport displaying appropriate colours of our gender orientation or sexual preferences?
davylars, I thought the preferred British passport colour for a beeboid would be ‘off white’.
It’s all they have.
Boris is a tool, but this is desperate stuff.
Guest, ‘Part-time’ was still on her half-term hols judging by the telephone link and her home office PC pinging constantly with ‘You’ve got mail’ tones.
Looks like Starmer will get the top job by pretending to be Corbyn with Nandi as shadow home sec and with a bit of luck Red Dawn as the deputy – they’ll need a few blacks in their shadow joke candidate …. I really hope that Wrong Daily gets the top job. The socialists deserve her .
Toady watch
Very worrying development – an intelligent discussion between Toby Young and Trevor Phillips on freedom of speech . Mr Young is starting an association online to support free speech . The first problem is that people will be frightened to join because it will be hacked .
Anyway – they gave a bit of time to the discussion and I think Justin realised he couldn’t use his usual entitled flippancy and had to engage as opposed to the usual sneering and interrupting ala Robinson .
I fear that this little bit of discussion was a sign of the fear which has hit the BBC that it has gone too far in its hateful groupthink where it is acting like an inquisition to banish any view of which it doesn’t approve ( see Charles Moore ).but for the BBC it is far too late …..
…. as for far too late – the Sunday Times reported widespread corruption by peers stealing taxpayers money through expense claims – but it seems this is not news . Bias by omission ?
Particularly since the traitors infesting the Lords – and making money from their titles – will be blocking the government panic measure to stop Muslim terrorists getting out of prison to attack you and me . Now wheres that death penalty ?
It is a bit annoying being asked to pay £25 p.a. to press for something that ought to be taken for granted as part of the normal conditions of British life.
TOADY Watch #1 – Changing but not changing
Leaders in the Labour Party. Corbynism has clearly affected each of the Labour leadership candidates with the possible exception of Lisa Nandy. On the programme this morning Der Vague Starmer is certain about what needs to be done but in the face of non-fierce, smiley, questioning from Mishal Husain he rolls back on his initial statements. Now who does that remind me of in the Labour Party?
I wonder …
You could hear that starkers heart isn’t in it . He’s a liberal pretending to be a momentumer er….. in order to get Comrade Corbyn s chair . Poor Mishal didn’t have a clue so it was a nice chat – including the overblown trans subject just to cheer up the perverted. The bubble is obsessed by a few queer people who have mental issues about ‘trans’ though . Normal people must just eye roll.if you were born with pecker you use the Gents – if not you use the ladies . End of .
Fed, I was thinking (thinking? singing!) ‘Meet the new Boss. Same as the old Boss.’
I think they’ll get fooled again ….
Our ‘working class hero’ Starmer is a member of the ‘European Group’ of the Trilateral Commission. This appears to be a shady and secretive organisation similar to the Bilderberg Group, which aims for the formation of global government and a new world order run by the ‘elite’. The emphasis is on economics and it contains many bankers. You have to be ‘invited’ to join. David Miliband is also a member.
Perhaps the bBC would like to further investigate, educate and inform us.
[The membership list can be found as a pdf but it won’t copy across as a link].
R4 8:30pm Analysis : It’s Not Easy Being Green
If the future of politics includes tackling climate change, why isn’t the future brighter for the Greens?
Professor Rosie Campbell goes in search of the Green vote
#CCBGB though.
At least the food crisis is solved.
They are eating themselves.
With some Fava beans and a nice chianti.
First the Meet and Greta flights. Now this. Mishal really not scoring on the eco front at all is she?
Maybe some donation tips form Kamal?
The BBC does seem to have hired those with an eye for money opps.
Guest who
Being a bit of a zealot I used to think it was just plain wrong that BBC droids like Mishal should experience self enrichment through her position at the BBC .
But now , playing the ‘long ‘ game – I think it helps our cause in further undermining the position of the whole BBC . I think our Justin did something for a fag company not long ago too .
With a bit of luck they;l be the last of a long line getting wealthy working for the state broadcaster ….
The same happens with Channel 4 as well . Guru Murphy regularly does gigs where he trousers thousands ….
Elderly hack and sage, one time a BBC ‘expert’, shares wisdom and insight into journalistic practices.
Guest – yes Mr White – who spent the last 4 years on twitter pouring vitriol over brexiters in volumes which would make Ms Jo Brand wince . Mr white seems to think he has a ‘fan base’ but falls into the same entitled class occupied by the likes of the dimbleby PLCs …
His editorial integrity makes him real BBC panel guest or even DG contender.
Lives on twitter – tick
Freely admits he doesn’t really worry about checking before posting opinion – bbc
Schools have a duty of care to their pupils, or students as we are increasingly obliged to call them.
This duty of care is taken very seriously, and Safeguarding is these days a huge topic. Indeed OFSTED can and do fail schools or prevent them gaining high ratings if Safeguarding standards are deemed poor, even if everything else is deemed to be excellent.
As a part of safeguarding, attendance rates are monitored and schools may feel obliged to contact parents whose children fail to show up. Meanwhile, parents can be fined for taking their children out of school to go on holiday outside the peak school holiday times.
Will all of this in mind, why is the BBC not bringing these (usually very) serious matters to public attention in the context of St Greta of Thumberg’s proposed attendance at a children’s climate change strike in Bristol on Friday and what are Bristol Council, OFSTED, and the DFE doing to safeguard our children? Who will get the blame if a child is injured or worse?
No mention of these issues in the fawning adulatory BBC article.
The hypocrisy may be predictable but is no less staggering and disturbing.
This former school governor, 25 years in total including 8 in charge of finance and 9 as chairman, could not agree with you more.
I have had to deal with assaults, theft, financial fraud, blackmail, alcoholism, absenteeism by staff, absenteeism by pupils, extortion, misappropriation, oportuning in a public place and examination fraud; I would have to consult my records for a complete list.
Adding climate activism and strikes to the list of problems that schools have to contend with on a daily basis will make a difficult job even harder.
Perhaps that is the intention – an uneducated proletariat is, after all, a sine qua non of the left’s agenda.
I think I can trump that. At my brother’s school they had one child paid by another to perform a sex act and video it. Video leaked. Parents called in etc. The parent of the child who performed said act was extremely pissed off. Why? Junior hadn’t been paid.
Second the school trip to France. Got back at 2 am in the morning, They were organised got the kids to line up one side, parents in their slippers on the other. Check the lists, had one left over at the end. Couldn’t work it out. Eventually one said, lets ask which parent they were waiting for. After all, its not going to be a good day with missing people etc. The reply came back, I claim asylum. Just when you thought your day couldn’t get any worse.
I think I can trump that. At my brother’s school they had one child paid by another to perform a sex act and video it. Video leaked. Parents called in etc. The parent of the child who performed said act was extremely pissed off. Why? Junior hadn’t been paid.
Second the school trip to France. Got back at 2 am in the morning, They were organised got the kids to line up one side, parents in their slippers on the other. Check the lists, had one left over at the end. Couldn’t work it out. Eventually one said, lets ask which parent they were waiting for. After all, its not going to be a good day with missing people etc. The reply came back, I claim asylum. Just when you thought your day couldn’t get any worse.
I think you win with those two, My Lord – although I can also offer a boy (if that term is still permissible) emerging from the ‘gents’ – see comment in brackets above – to throw a cup of urine over a new teacher on her first day at school?
Not as good as yours, but I must hide behind legal requirements!
RT or Russian Television apparently has been modelling its approach to Tommy Robinson on the Guardian/BBC.
A serious attempt to undermine his presentation in Russia. But TR holds his corner well.
That is me finished with RT
Let’s be clear: RT is a propaganda arm of Putin’s tyranny, and as such hates the West and will do anything to undermine our way of life.
Just occasionally it is spot-on in highlighting some news item or opinion that our own msm are avoiding, if it suits its overarching, anti-Western agenda.
Gosh, that woman could teach Emily Maitlis a few things about interrupting and talking over.
What a slippery apologist for muslim paedo gang rape she is.
She should be given a job at Al-beeb, pronto.
Is the msm covering this story anywhere?
I can’t see any mention of it in the papers.
The only other place I’ve seen it is on a Katie Hopkins Facebook post.
It’s worth a read and as for the comments (over a thousand as of this morning), I can’t recall any supporting the decision to keep this secret and to cover up the continuing government acceptance that the enrichers can do as they please with little white schoolgirls (or slags, as they are usually referred to)
The odd fleeting headline with a handful of them being charged doesn’t really address the tens (hundreds?) of thousands of rapes, gangbangs, drugging and torture of these little girls.
I still can’t understand how any relative (father, mother, brother, sister or even friends) have not gone after these criminals.
Unlike so many government reports which get ‘leaked ‘ I get the feeling that this one won’t see the light of day – even if is given to the normal portal – the Guardian – the Guardian would rather bin it than report on the savagery .
The only hope is that someone gets it to the Telegraoh reporter who has been after the story …. but he’ll be as wired up as a Tory Home Secretary …. or government advisor with a name such as ‘dom’ ..
The bBC mentions a BuzzFeed report –
A senior Whitehall official has told BuzzFeed News that Mark Sedwill is advertising for a Special Advisers’ HR Policy Lead in response to high-level concerns within the civil service about the treatment of special advisers by Number 10, and fears that the prime minister’s team has broken employment law.
Dom C has correctly identified that the civil service needs to be purged, and this appears to be one of Sedwill’s feeble retaliation attempts. As noted by Fedup2 (above) the bBC will be dragging out supporters of the ‘best in the world’ civil service, which they recognise as being on ‘their side’.
As predicted on this site, Al-Beeb are completely ignoring the savage attack in Birmingham by ‘Asian’ men on 2 other Asian women (Indian and Chinese).
Normally the Biased Broadcasting Corp would be all over a story of so-called racism. But in this case the racism was on the part of ‘Asian’ men, so news blackout on Al-beeb.
Incidentally the vicious attack is being reported as over Coronavirus. It was nothing of the sort. The ‘Asian’ men first made numerous crude ‘advances’ at the 2 women, which were rebuffed. Only later was Coronavirus mentioned.
So the real cause of the violent attack was ‘how dare you infidel sluts turn down the master race?’
I’m starting to see why Al-beeb don’t want to go near the story, which brings up so many repulsive aspects of their favourite religion.
Once again: bias by omission.
Smash the beeb!
“Woman is savagely beaten in Birmingham ‘coronavirus rage’ attack after stepping in to defend her Chinese friend from racist abuse”
A case of “Dog bites man, is NOT news” ?
Meanwhile the BBC is on top for reporting ESSENTIAL Birmingham news.
The racist attack is not on the BBC Birmingham page
Nor on the BBC local Twitter accounts
– @bbcmtd The “Midlands Today” Evening news to be fair is more concerned with today’s Shrewsbury floods than other agenda pushing
– The radio @bbcwm .. is more concerned in selling tickets for the Jeremy Vine live show
It’s NOWHERE on the beeb website. Try typing the names of the victims in the search box and you get zilch.
Samira Ahmed reaches settlement with BBC
Self entitlement reaches new levels. We can only guess the settlement figure but it will be multiplies of £700k for each year she was “underpaid”.
Good job the license fee rose by £3 to help pay for this.
I’m sure all those breadline OAPs will be delighted to be forced to start paying the extortion tax to pay millions to poor little Samira.
Definitions and word games
On TalkRadio Mike Graham has his terrorist expert on
“Hey what about the far-right”
Expert : “The far-right have shrunk from national level, have no politicians and couldn’t raise a crowd of a 100, but at the sametime those in have become more hardline, they are certainly not patriots
Te context is this, his century the far-right have killed 3 people whereas Islamists have killed 91”
.. I can tell that is not the answer Mike wants, cos he is looking for people like Katie Hopkins, TR, Sargon etc. to be labelled right,
One thing Mike is such a committed Tory, he seeks to be abled to dismiss people who call out the Tories, either as lefties of far-right.
A thought exercise : should BAME be afraid of “far right attacks” ?
The fact is an attack is an attack but there are two different classes : attacks rooted in mental illness and attacked rooted in just ideology.
I couldn’t even think of any named person that would target BAME purely on ideological grounds. But I can imagine that some psychos could be swayed from walking UP the street to attack Arsenal fans, to instead go DOWN the street and attack a group of Indian guys.
So since basically BAME are 1 in 10 people
If there were 10 people on the street, the ONE that was BAME might think that there is a small chance that some of 9 white people on the street might be a psycho who might attack them purely for their skin colour
Whereas each one white person might think that there is a small chance that just one BAME the street might be a psycho who might attack them purely for their skin colour .
ie on the street a white person is far safer from psychos affected by race issues
than a BAME is
Maybe that proportionate perceived risk is why authorities are disproportionately concerned about BAME.
However one more thing, if the one BAME on the street is a racially motivated psycho ..then actually he/she is more dangerous, purely because he has 9 potential victims on the street, so actually authorities should spend more money per head in preventing anti-white racial attacks.
Now when it comes to Islamist terrorist attacks rooted in ideology
such terrorists might be predisposed to target places where there are white people like concert venues, pubs, clubs and not mosques or even temples. But I still reckon that a well integrated BAME would be as the same risk as whites.
And since Islamist attacks are overall more deadly than racially motivated psycho attacks, a BAME person is far more likely to be killed by the former just like white people are.
So if authorities are interested in protecting BAME they should be focused on Islamists
Durkin and Dellingpole have started a crowdfunding scheme for a movie ‘Climate: My Ass.’ It looks to dispel all the pseudo-science crap etc and looks well worth a contribution. No minimum is required.
More info at
Hopefully, they’ll reach out to Tony Heller.
I would hope so – they’ve got quite a number of skepical scientists to choose from.
Why “ass”. What have donkeys to do with it?
Tesco to sell plasters in racially diverse skin tones…..BBC approves obviously
Now what about bandages ?? The last time i looked they were white……as is a plaster cast, sheets in hospitals etc ……
Halifax, funny thing, when I was young and very, very, white I didn’t worry about putting a brown plaster on my white skin. I was just anxious to stop that red stuff – you know, the red stuff common to all human beings irrespective of skin colour – from leaking out.
Red, eh? Better check yoiur thinking.
I hereby submit my application for today’s ‘You can’t make it up’ award.
The BBC is today making an issue of the housing shortage and lack of ‘affordable’ housing.
See for example
This was a main item on the 1 pm news. A reporter carried out an ‘interview’ predictably with a couple of sob story individuals before, surprisingly mentioning, albeit in passing, the ‘rising population’.
Yet strangely there was not a single mention of 300,000 a year unfettered mass immigration.
Does anyone else share my view that 300,000 extra people per year expecting to have a roof over their head might just be a teensy weensy bit relevant to the issue?
The BBC clearly don’t and in any event are scared witless to mention it.
And they call themselves journalists. Pathetic.
Chris Mason appealing for your local venue to host R4 Any Questions
.. to be fair they do seem to have a made a big effort to get out of cities.
But since they mostly use school and community halls, they do seem to be more often lefty atmospheres.
He says things like
“Our audience is entirely self selecting.
I have no idea who is in front of me until I’m on the radio.”
cos .. People keep getting Question Time and Any Questions mixed up.
Hey Ash Sarkar was on the Question Time panel last week
… yet she was only just on the R4 Any Questions panel last month
Fri 10 Jan 2020
BTW Owen Jones was on Any Questions Fri 7 Feb 2020
Caroline Lucas was on 6 Apr 2019 then 14 weeks later on 30 Aug then again 10 weeks later on 15 Nov 2019
(She has been on about twice as often as Farage
41 hits vs 24 .. some of those are duplicates)
At time of writing, still zilch on Al-beeb about the vicious attack by ‘Asian’ men on an Indian and a Chinese woman in Birmingham.
The London Metro has it on their front page, but completely fail to mention the ethnicity of the attackers, giving the impression that it’s nasty racist whities. “Coronavirus race assault” screams the headline.
(In their online edition, it is mentioned that the attackers were ‘Asian’, but not in their print version. Anyone in the London area, check for yourselves.)
Breaking …………..Car drives into 10 people in Germany.
Motive unknown ?
Most likely the Religion of Bad Drivers.
I notice the BBC have put in their news article
“In a Twitter post, police called on anyone with pictures or videos of the incident to send them to officers, and urged people not to speculate about a motive.”
The car was driven around the barriers and then accelerated, aiming at a group of children.
The police say they are “not sure” if it was an accident or if it was deliberate.
They were super quick to come out with it a few days ago when it was a white bloke who shot some people, his mum and then himself so I expect we will be hearing who it was shortly.
I reckon it will be a ‘man’
The other way they might describe it is ‘a car’ drove into a crowd of children.
If it’s a white supremecist we will have his life story before you can say ntdwi.
Can’t have been a very significant incident. Looking at the ‘Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung’ (equivalent to Daily Telegraph, perhaps), the incident ranks only third after two large articles on the dangers of the Coronavirus!
Yup, it’ll be a “man” of “undisclosed ethnicity” again.
Was the car shouting Allahu Akbar?
You mean the ‘call sign’ of the most welcome, ‘religion’ in the West. ‘Cordin to BBC & all Western Governments that is.
That is a standard accessory on these driverless cars.
I wonder if Mark Sedwill has plans to destroy Britain and Boris. Or if its just Boris. First, Huawei then HS2, then funding left-wing teachers to brainwash children to lobby government to fund left-wing teachers to brainwash children to lobby government to fund left-wing teachers to brainwash children to lobby government to fund left-wing teachers to brainwash children to lobby government to fund left-wing teachers to brainwash children to lobby government to fund left-wing teachers to brainwash children to blep blep error.
Now thanks to angry children and scientifically ignorant morons lobbying government, Boris, impressed by how posh these morons are, intends to solve a problem that does not exists, by destroying Britain and the Tory Party with the most loony left-wing policy in history.
R4 Trailer
“There a crisis with a loss of TRUST by the public in ..
mediapoliticians ”..In a new series Laura K considers..
R4 now on about Crypto currency mining going to areas where where there is cheap power
eg old US industrial towns near hydro plants
Some crypto machines are hidden in Iranian mosques cos they benefit from cheap leccy
same for Korean chicken farms.
“Snow: Showers bring disruption to England and Scotland”
Five years ago the ‘AGW warriors’ were telling us that we might never never see snow in the UK again.
Also said nearly 20 years ago in an article in The Independent:-
“According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.”
Article has since disappeared from Indies archive!
Might have known it would be someone from UEA and the much revered (for their climate predictions) CRU!!
Oaknash and others
Has the Beeb reported anything about our Government’s cover-up of the report into muslim rape gangs? Are they a medium charged to report news in the public interest?
I believe PM today spent much time reporting a case of a man (Harvey Weinstein) found guilty of 2 sexual offences in the USA.
Proportionate journalism?
Ah, but Weinstein is rich, fat, and worst of all, hideously white – therefore fair game.