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– page 3 started Tuesday afternoon 4:30pm
Talk about BBC Diversity whilst it airs the same narrow cliche again and again
.. and about David Steel protecting Cyrill Smith
– page 2 started Tuesday about 6pm
Guest Who-Can you imagine who is going to be in the
next production on the BBC of the ” Six wives of Henry V111
Which black actor do you think should play the king? And
how many ethnic wives should he have?
The BBC is giving a whole new meaning to Black and White TV.
But really isn’t positive discrimination a good thing?
I still remember the improvement in my mood when I stopped listening to the Today programme on my way to work. This started a migration from all BBC Radio to Classic FM , often turned down during the news of course, and a reduction in watching the BBC to the point where I almost never watch it.
I wonder if other people have also experienced the liberating and uplifting feeling of living a BBC free life. (I know some brave souls on this site still subject themselves to the BBC in the interests of keeping the rest of us informed. I salute you) If so another line of attack would be to claim, with in my case complete honesty , that the BBC is having an adverse impact on people’s health. Being so Woke I am sure that the foul corporation would be full of remorse. This would also be a good reason for the government to make the BBC a subscription only service with of course a health warning, This Subscription Will Damage Your Health.
Doublethinker we too gave up on Today late last year (soon after the general election had been announced). I sometimes put Radio 4 on in the car, but usually for a very short time. I switch off when Climate Change is mentioned, or emergency or whatever they chose to call it this week. I switch off if the play is set in Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan. I switch off if Woman’s Hour is discussing woman as victims or black women as role models (women should decide in this day and age what they want and go for it, failure is because they are not good enough not because of their gender or the colour of their skin). I never now listen to a whole programme.
But yesterday after about 5 minutes of Radio 4, I switched to Classic FM. I realised how much calmer I felt, and in spite of the awful weather, just how much better one feels for some excellent music. I am not talking avant garde which is rarely or never played on Classic FM.
Deborah, yesterday Radio 4 was morning, noon and night and wall-to-wall carpeting with women (on low incomes) as victims of vicious Torreee Cuttz and austerity and suffering a fall in life expectancy as a result.
Agree that Classic FM is pleasant to travel to, especially driving over some distance and not just a ten minute commute or a trip to the shops. Used to keep Classics loving Dad happy on long journeys with Cfm on radio instead of my tape collection.
Do you remember when Classic fm started, they broadcast only birdsong and sunny meadow sounds for the first three months as a trial?
My refusal to watch virtually anything from the BBC, is akin to my refusal to partake in either Twatter, or Farcebook. Removal (or non -participation, in the first place) from all three, is far more enriching than a few boatloads of immigrants.
Doublethinker, i could not have put it better myself. Impossible to measure the impact (negative imo) that the BBC has had and continues to have on the people of our nation, get kids thinking the BBC way via cartoons etc and they are much easier to “educate” as adults. Lets hope Bojo delivers in this parliament and the tv tax is consigned to history ????
BBC lies as usual: Shrewsbury flooding: 'Highest ever' peak could be recorded” For the record: 1795: level 5.70m at Welsh Bridge (climate crisis!) 1946: level 5.43m 2000: level 5.25m …floods significantly every approx 10 years. Facts matter. @BBCNews nb
Fourth day of the week, third working day, during winter with some extreme weather conditions. BBC weather forecasts, broadcast in conjunction with the Meteorological Office and under the control (to best of my knowledge) of the Controller of BBC Radio4. The weather forecast at any time of year is a matter that has strong public safety and health links.
I’ve listened to some BBC R4 early morning weather forecasts this week that have completely ignored two areas of the UK. Guess which ones?
Why are the BBC insisting on having a reporter (and team) flown out to report live from almost every Coronavirus hotspot all over the World normally just standing outside a hotel or hospital.
And as for those luvvies pointlessly walking across the desert in Namibia (with their teams)!
digg, you definitely could not make it up. The Bee Lady has just been talking to the boss of Heathrow Airport about possibly closing the airport because of coronavirus.
Double thinker – it being Lent – I’ve given up all BBC current affairs and news for the next 40 days and
(Hopefully) permanently . If I could cut out all BBC product I would but it was become so built into the fabric that this is hard to do – eg match of the day .
I have recently been listening To, and regularly recording the sins of ,Toady out of duty but won’t be doing this now . Speaking of which – our Justin has given an interview to the Radio Times pleading for funding cuts not to be applied to his source of income ( reported in UK Press Gazette ) .
The first line of attack is hit their funding and then delicence the whole thing .
As for your observation about being ‘uplifted’ through lack of contact with the Biased BBC – I’m sure this is correct . The onslaught of snowflake multicultural propaganda now is quite incredible . Even people who just casually take BBC output notice it .
It seems that the BBC has thrown away the Dr Goebells Propaganda handbook and gone off on its own . I think this is good for us because I once ‘admired’ the way it insidiously put its anti British pro colour propaganda into its product but now it doesn’t even bother with nuanced methods – it lays it on with a trowel . Let’s kill it .
Match of the Day? YouTube has condensed highlights of every Premier League match, the goals, the VAR balls-ups, all that you really need and seemingly edited by Sly or the League themselves half-an-hour to an hour after the final whistle.
No need to put yourself through the contrived controversies and faux bonhomie of Lineker et Al. When was the last time you learned anything from them, were impressed by their insight or even agreed wholeheartedly with their analysis or viewpoint on a contentious decision? Have you ever watched a game and then watched the highlights on MotD and wondered if It was the same match you had seen? When have you ever heard them really condemn or criticise a nasty challenge or unsportsmanlike behaviour?
I recommend watching the “expert” – free YouTube highlights, and you can get your Champions League, Europa League and Championship goals the same way because there’s no chance you’re going to see them all on the bBbc.
I truly am grateful and had no idea such thing existed . Anything to get away from that bloody ‘all in it together group thing ‘ they put up at the beginning to make us good socialists .
I can just about avoid the crisp salesman on BT Sport . ….. and I’m still waiting for a someone who has won the World Cup presenting it …
We as a family, a married couple and three teenage daughters, haven’t watched or listened to anything on the bBbc since we cancelled our direct debit in May or June last year.
None of us miss it in anyway at all and now actually enjoy a more selective,interesting and varied viewing and listening experience than before.
Like Rich I have teenage kids, and through them have discovered the ever expanding and diversifying world of Youtube videos.
There’s loads of rubbish on there, but you can find some real gems too, well worth getting it up on your big screen and searching through, you’ll be surprised what’s there, and like Netflix, so much more (real) diversity (of interests, tastes and opinions) on offer than the BBC, and free (so long as you have internet).
We now have a Chromecast chip, after advice from chums here, and it’s just fabulous for anything from a decent rock concert to ‘Willo the Wisp’, which Mrs O’Blene and I watched yesterday with a tincture and a huge laugh as Kenneth Williams was just perfect!
Any new BBC stuff is not bothered with – we don’t do ‘woke’, diversideee or virtue signalling here in ‘The Turrets’, it’s so much better for the well-being of normal people!
Has anyone noticed the amazing pro-Liverpool bias of the pundits? Before the Shrewsbury game we were being told that even their apprentices were world class. The result 2-2. Pity Shrewsbury didn’t turn them over.
Also I suspect something is not right. Liverpool are not as good as their league position suggests. I truly hope that there has not been any match fixing and, as an Arsenal fan, am hoping that they will not go the season as invincibles.
Comparing the two teams to select a combined eleven: Henry, Pires, Viera, Bergkamp and Sol Campbell are in. Van Dijk is the only Liverpool player definitely in. All the other places are debatable.
The Bee Lady is talking to a guest in a holiday hotel in Tenerife. She prefaces her item with the instruction that is being proposed by ‘health chiefs’ that anyone who has travelled and returns home with influenza-like symptoms should self-quarantine.
Martha is obviously unaware that 1. anyone with half a brain who develops ‘ordinary’ influenza will do the decent thing and isolate themselves to prevent spread of ‘flu’ to others, and 2. by the time symptoms develop, it will be too late, you will have spread the germs but at least you will limit the spread in the first three days of symptoms.
Apparently, about hundreds of people die from influenza in UK every year but in some years it can be many thousands.
Whether it is the common cold, ordinary ‘flu’ or a more modern virus, self-isolation or self-quarantine is the decent, public-spirited, thing to do.
Um, what about all those migrants who are here who cannot speak English, and whose lack of hygiene and their habits are less than impressive. I’ve witnessed only using a hand for nose blowing, spitting in the street, and covering their mouth when coughing is an alien concept to them! We have seen a recurrence of TB, and that’s certainly not due to self isolation ! So, if we don’t have confidence in those that speak English, then we have no chance of containing any disease with those that cant speak or understand it.
We need to talk about "queerness" as a band-aid for "whiteness", and its role in the explosion of TQ2S identities & support.
Never before have white people been able to self-ID their way into minority status–w/ virtually no cost, inconvenience, or change to their daily routine.
BBC in full Labour motivated NHS attack mode all morning. They even let someone get away with saying the UK now has a third-world health service.
This is just blatant lies, of course the NHS comes under more pressure at this time of year but to push these ‘lies’ is no more than an attempt to get at Boris and the Conservatives.
This is a table of the ranking of Global health service quality.
The independent inquiry into child sexual abuse concludes there is no evidence to back Tom Watson’s 2012 claim in parliament of a powerful paedophile network at the heart of political life.
BBC News – Volkmarsen attack: Angela Merkel is blocking the release of the killers name and religious beliefs as she believes informing the public, "could cause further concern and division"
This is from the Vlad Tepes blog. It’s about eight minutes long but has statements by people who were in the vicinity at the time of the killings in Hanau. What these people say does beg some questions for the German state and its current leader Bloody ( Angela) Merkel:
My Toady gem of today:
Just before the Toady weather at 0757 –
“We asked the Health Minister, Matt Hancock, to come on the programme and be interviewed but, he REFUSED TO SPEAK TO OUR LISTENERS”.
I’ll leave the BBC/Marxist translation to others here.
G, do you not mean ‘leave the non-BBC/non-Marxist translation to others’ ?
I wonder how long the Conservatives in Government will go with this BBC boycott. Think it was the ‘B’ lady who made it; if the BBC are going to get waspish like that it will merely be another way of poking fun at the Beeb:
Listeners, listeners, Martha? Really? More than one?!
Once upon a time I used to listen to Feedback on Radio 4, and the most familiar line was from the presenter was “ we asked the BBC for a response – but no-one was available “ followed by a boilerplate written statement. Total hypocrites.
Last night I watched an episode of ITV’s Maigret with Rowan Atikinson. I had seen it before a couple of years ago but I still enjoyed it and began to wonder why I did. I cam to the conclusion that it was because there was no Wokism in it and the story was left pretty much as Simenon had written it . Madam Maigret has a bigger role than in the novels but apart from that the series seems authentic. If only all TV drama was left alone. I noted the other day that Endevour had aWoken and I won’t bother to watch it again. As to the BBC’s drama offerings, well they are complete rubbish even good stories are ruined by large doses of PC and end to end Wokism, they are unwatchable!
I think Maigret is excellent. It’s probably the best thing I’ve seen Rowan Atkinson in and it doesn’t do any harm that “Mrs Maigret” is very easy on the eye.
I just can’t sit through any of the other period detective dramas these days. Endeavour has been hi-jacked by PC ism. It was fine when it started, but now it always has a woke story line. He has a number of ethnic girlfriends and there’s a constant sense that I’m being lectured about certain unpalatable opinions that need to be sneered at.
Granchester and Father Brown are now both almost unwatchable. They come under the heading “cosy crime”. The sort of thing you can watch mid afternoon with a cup of tea and a chocolate digestive. But they are gut wrenchingly “woke”. They get the hair styles, the cars and the clothes spot on and then they imprint modern attitudes on people from over half a century ago. It’s just so bloody tiresome and predictable. It feels like the 2020’s lecturing the 1950’s.
It’s now everything they touch. Late last year they gave us A Christmas Carol. It was arse achingly bad. Is no one supposed to notice that Tiny Tim is white and his mum’s black? What’s the bleedin’ point?
The latest Agatha Christie mystery was an appalling mess. Lots of totally unnecessary effing and blinding and black people shoe horned into roles they are clearly unsuited for. And we’re supposed to sit there and swallow this guff.
These trendies will tell you that it’s “colour blind casting”. Utter nonsense. It’s colour obsessed casting.
In the last few years we’ve had a black Friar Tuck, half the cast of Merlin seemed to be mixed race Rastafarians and now there’s an ethnic ingredient in Oliver Twist and David Copperfield
I don’t watch period drama to be lectured by some woke sprog who’s still wet behind the ears.
Well, these days, other than the aforementioned Maigret, I just don’t watch them.
At all…
Here’s something that makes the whole shambles look even more stupid.
A family friend is with an agency and does a bit of work as a tv extra for fun. She told me how she gets emails with specifications for people with particular looks, an example being hair colour and styling, some women can very easily be made up by wardrobe to look like they belong in a different decade because their hair is already dyed in a certain way, while others look like they belong in 2020 so wouldn’t get the call for a Grantchester or Father Brown for example. So the programme makers go to all that trouble and filtering only to go with lead casting that hasn’t been held to that same standard and scripting that doesn’t accurately reflect the times in which the show is set.
The pc virus is winging its way across the world. In the early episodes of the Murdoch’s Mysteries – (a police comedy/drama set in Toronto at the turn of the 20 cent), seeing a black cast member was a rarity, but 8 years later we now see that a black constable has been hired, and this is around 1912. Er, don’t think so. It might be made in Canada but there is an ITV collaboration, and it tells.
At least a lot of the Australian programmes haven’t succumbed ‘yet’, but there’s still time.
Wasn’t the ‘Scandinoir’ BBC Four slot taken over by an Australian female detective investigating the death of her homosexual brother?
Deep Water – “The drama is based on the historical, unsolved hate murders of possibly 30 to 80 gay men in Sydney’s eastern suburbs and beaches in the 1980s and ’90s. SBS broadcast a documentary of these events, Deep Water: The Real Story (2016), in conjunction with the miniseries”
We are now promised Safe Harbour – “The friends come to the aid of a group of asylum seekers on a broken-down boat, but this encounter leads to a series of events that change their lives irrevocably.”
Rice imported from Italy is an important part of Kellogg's supply chain. @rachelburden asked if they were worried about the #coronavirus cases in the country.
Managing Director Chris Silcock says: "It’s not affecting us yet but we’re monitoring the situation really closely"
On today’s #Politicslive all female panel: A) it wasn’t by design, just fell that way this morning B) the presence of women doesn’t make it like Loose Women so drop that one lads C) we measure sex balance on the show and it’s usually about 50:50 D) it was really good.
Ah, our own dear Samira. I’m afraid she was one of the final straws that broke the camel’s back as far as me at long last doing my own version of cancel culture on my licence fee direct debit.
Can’t really say I miss our irregular rendezvous on the oddly timed and blink or you miss it BBC Newswatch.
I guess I only put myself through it since I must have been interested to hear new ways for BBC news managers to say we think we got it about right.
But our Samira, surely one of the most insipid vacuous personality-void and unengaging of presenter/interviewers ever to graduate from the BBC school of charm extraction.
Something about her always hinted to me that she was never really concerned with sticking up for us licence payers when it came to her lackluster performances in interview with those slippery BBC news top nobs.
Then came the transgender loos at the Barbican Theatre incident – look it up if you’re bothered. Suffice to say our Samira was inconvenienced somewhat and she Twittered about it. Told me she was not even really a social justice warrior – for our Samira it was simply all about Samira.
It was bad enough financing the anti-conservative Twittering of the big-eared chrisp-endorsement-crunching ex-footballer. But when I found out I would soon be contributing to our Samira’s ill gotten additional wads – well, it had to be direct debt cancelled forthwith.
Anonymous25 February 2020 at 23:51
While checking out recent comment columns in the Evening Standard, I came across one by Matthew D’Ancona about the BBC licence etc, in which he made this surprising disclosure:
‘(Full disclosure: I have contributed to a number of BBC programmes in recent years, and have acted as an occasional adviser to Lord Hall, the outgoing Director-General . Needless to say, I write in a personal capacity).’
What would be advising Sir about, I wonder. He’s a political journalist. Strange are the ways of the BBC. Who else advises him, that we don’t hear about?
And paid what, given such advice seems to be at best pants.
EA say that when barriers are overtopped that is NOT A FAILURE,
… cos they are designed to stop full high level coming into the town
…And letting a couple of inches into the streets is part of that.
The latest photos show they are doing that job of keeping the vast majority of water inside the river and out of the streets.
At #Bewdley as the Severn approaches its peak. Highest levels for 20 years.
Bevan must go. Defences don’t work. Dredging and clearance does work. It also benefits the natural world: Water always goes in one direction only: downhill. It cannot be made to stay uphill without severe danger. Bevan must go.
She probably won’t go back to Guyana because there are fewer opportunities to stand in font of cameras wearing multi-thousand pound power suits. Also no BBC appearance money and free publicity.
Come to think of it. She could take the power suit diversity theme up in Guyana.
Everyone back from hols now hits the nhs for a check?
Thoughts go to all those on NHS frontline working to keep us safe from coronavirus. Thanks to staff at @WhitHealth who tested me last night on return from great holiday in Vietnam & Cambodia. Routine precautionary check on doctors advice. Hope for all clear within 48 hours
Both @jonsnowC4 and @bbcnickrobinson are self-quarantined because at potential risk of Covid19. "I think Dominic Cummings would like to quarantine us all" says Robinson, down the line from home.
I called them to say I don`t watch live TV anymore, only downloads.
Now I don`t pay
Its simple.
Please, Please, Please, pass the word
Public interest news plays a vital role in strengthening democracy and holding leaders to account. But the way we consume news is changing, and we need fresh new ideas to fund and produce engaging stories that matter to communities.
The Future News Pilot Fund is supporting a diverse range of projects to find new ways to transform the way public interest news is created, distributed and sustained.
“Public interest news is part of the immune system that keeps our democracy healthy.”
Tortoise is a media publisher on a mission to slow down and open up journalism. It is working with Nesta to trial its unique membership model for news, where members actively contribute to the stories they write through live discussion events called “ThinkIns”, in partnership with local newsrooms Grimsby Live, Plymouth Live and East Marsh United. The idea is to pave the way towards a sustainable future for local journalism, based on real-life conversations in communities.
Tortoise is rammed to the gunnels with ex-beeboids, doubtless on ‘market rates’ to match the talents that saw them leave.
Why is the taxpayer propping up yet more such purveyors of propaganda? I find out what I need just fine without such nonsense.
Trans : Last week’s R4 Media Show was a special on the editor of the Yorkshire Post
That editor made the claim that the YP is in touch with the public.
FFS as a reader the paper seems to be Wokemob and with a special relationship with its green product advertisers like Drax woodburning.
Here’s the story he was promoting yesterday
ecstatic they have found a trans teacher to interview.
The first transgender headteacher to transition in post in the UK: "It's been a gender safari: fraught with awe, wonder and danger."
Boris Johnson’s government have declared war on the BBC. Top officials have said they want to “whack” the broadcaster. [1] The new minister in charge of the BBC has described its demise as a “tempting prospect”. [2] And now there are plans to cut its funding and scrap radio stations and TV channels. [3]
If these plans go ahead, our BBC (c) Support Our Lefty, could be changed forever.
The only thing preventing Boris Johnson’s government from gutting our BBC is us, and Compass, and a few other lefty outrage NGOs, plus some luvvies worried about their index-linked millions. The government know their attacks on the BBC might (c) BBC (ie: we dare not check) be unpopular. [4] ‘We’ need to show them that they’re toxic. If we build a huge campaign to drive the message home – that the public won’t allow ourBBC to be taken apart – we could even stop the plans for good. And ‘we’ at 38 Beegees are golden for life on studio fees alone.
This could be the biggest ever fight to protect the BBC. And it won’t come cheap. But there are thousands of us reading this email right now. And we think some of you are minted, stupid and actually dumb enough to swallow this. If we (well, you) each donated a few pounds, we could build a massive campaign fund.Together we could prove to Boris Johnson that he won’t get away with destroying our BBC, or set it free to be self funding as it is so great. Or something.
Will you be a part of it – and chip in now?
Your contribution will go a long way. Together we could ((c) BBC) Commission hard-hitting polling and research to show how much the public uses the BBC, and prove that we need to protect it, like the BBC does, only even more bent.
Splash our message across major newspapers and online – so Johnson can’t hide from the bad headlines. Like has been happening already. No, really. We do think you will believe that.
Use technology to make sure we send our message directly to the Prime Minister and the people he listens to, like our MPs – to make sure he’s getting pressure on all fronts. You know, that bot thing that we created that pissed everyone off, and scored us a nice little vig off the top.
The BBC is not perfect – and we might not all agree on everything it does. Just the bits where they do not utterly defer to Trots, climate loons, every ism outfit hater is, etc. But it plays a huge role in the lives of people across the whole UK, except those cancelling TVLs in droves and not watching. Boris Johnson’s plans could scrap the majority of BBC radio stations and even TV channels. From news broadcasting of propaganda, settled science, to prime-time entertainment shows like Strictly Come Diversifying or The Woke Archers, and online content such as BBC Bitesize (us either)- the proposed cuts could affect us all. [5]
The government are gearing up to dismantle our BBC right now, so there’s no time to lose. Rube, will you chip in now to fund a massive campaign to protect our national broadcaster?
Thank you for all you do,
Robin, Sarah, Maggie, Stewart, Matt and the 38 Degrees staff team in our nice offices in the beating heart of Khan’s London.
And beware of Britbox, a joint venture between ITV and the racist far-left bbc. It is a subscription service, probably being used to practice for the inevitable abolition of the TV tax.
I have also noticed that the racist far-left bbc are putting short videos on YouTube, clips of their past efforts, I’m assuming to try to tempt the gullible to hand over money to them to watch stuff that we’ve probably already paid for.
Guest, this site – once its prime objective of holding the BBC to account and severely modifying its behaviour/moved to subscription/sold off/closed down – could be a very worthwhile internet-based news station.
We already have UK wide/world-wide (with some gaps) coverage of correspondents. Registered users to this site are often posting better, more accurate (?) news than the Beeb. I really enjoy the witterings* er, pardon me, writings of all on here. The humour is often great and really cheering. I’ve had a good laugh reading some of the posts above.
What do others think about competing in the mediafishbowl?
I used to get really upset by so much of the propaganda output so have cut down a lot .
I try now to play Bull S bingo and find comedy in the now ridiculously transparent devices the BBC uses to push the agenda – eg black faced actors in white roles . Revision of history to suit the snowflakes .
UK does need a right wing – conventional broadcaster akin to what seems to show up on Sky Australia .
In the UK it’s just inbred bubble swapping between the BBC C4 ITV and Sky . Same old same old . Strange really that they drone on about diversity all the time when there is no diversity of view .
Home Office worker accused of faking immigration papers.
This kind of thing suggests that other bits of hocus pocus is going on in the Home Office.
Clear the swamp Boris and Priti or get out
I so wish I could find a traceable record of the following, but alas my memory will have to do.
In the early 2000s we had the famous case where Steve Moxon, a civil servant I think, spilled the beans on the mass issuing of UK visas at the Romanian Embassy – an early proof that Labour and the Home Office were in cahoots in terms of supporting unfettered mass immigration.
At about that time they wanted to get a minister to speak about the general issue and no-one was available but they did manage to get a Home Office mandarin to speak. He gave the most unapologetic justification imaginable for unfettered mass immigration. This was THE watershed moment.
And ever since then, I have felt sure that the Home Office is a law unto itself on the issue, riddled with groupthink, and doing everything it can to undermine attempts at control. Even John Reid, Labour Home Secretary tumbled them, famously declaring them ‘not fit for purpose’
I don’t know if Priti will get the measure of them but I hope she does.
I’m sure Comrade Sayle s bank balance and investments reflect his pursuit of Communism and his kids go to ‘ bog standard ‘ comprehensive schools . One website estimates comrade sayle a wealth at 6 million pounds ….
Communism on the BBC is getting to be a crowded field what the homosexual Owen Jones and The dusky Ash kidult.
I kind of think it doesn’t quite reflect the voting record of the electorate … but it is the Far Left BBC …
On politics live today a health expert was talking about the coronavirus.
Joe Corbyn asked why it was so much worse in Italy.
The expert said “they can’t find patient 0”
That is, the person who came in with the virus and started infecting the others.
What I thought was, who arrives in a country and you have no idea where they are from and you know nothing about them.
Who doesn’t arrive in an airport and get checked through customs.
On another totally unrelated subject.
Anyone know who and how many are arriving across the channel and in the backs of lorries, and when here, disappear amongst the general population to enrich us with anything they bring or carry with them.
A young teacher I know has an autoimmune condition, nothing life threatening but she has to manage it through medication that suppresses her immune system, and she used to work in the Greater London area.
She was advised that she should be inoculated against TB before taking up employment in Twickenham.
Italy (and the rest of the word) could learn a lot from Singapore’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
The Singapore authorities publish details (excluding name) of every person diagnosed with the virus and explain how that person is linked to other cases.
They’ve even devised a test for detecting whether a virus-free person has previously had coronavirus and have used it to fill in missing links in the infection tree.
I rather suspect that Patient 0 in Italy is now free of the virus and that’s why they can’t find him or her. Using the Singapore test on likely candidates for Patient 0 might well yield the information they’re looking for.
There’s one more thing that Singapore is doing that others should replicate: if a patient is believed to have been less than truthful about their movements prior to diagnosis then they’ll be facing criminal proceedings once they’ve recovered, as a Chinese couple (now recovered from the virus) have just found out.
Of course, it does help that Singapore actually still has control of its borders…
4pm R4 Laurie will yet again be pushing the positives of immigration into the UK I guess.
On #ThinkingAllowed#Radio4, at 4pm today '#UK#Citizenship: Laurie Taylor discusses recent changes in British Citizenship and society's attitude to the UK Citizenship Process with Prof Carol Vincent and Prof David Bartram'
BBC are still obsessed with Obama – ignored something more significant –
Last month, President Donald J. Trump signed the Hidden Figures Congressional Gold Medal Act. The legislation awards four female African-American NASA mathematicians, engineers and researchers, highlighted in the 2016 book and movie “Hidden Figures,” with congressional gold medals. The highest civilian award will be given to Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson and Dr. Christine Darden, individually. The women worked at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia in the late 1950s
It’s not just the BBC, The Times wrote this headline
Diesel is NOT subsidised at all
Red diesel fuel duty tax is 11.14p pence per litre
diesel/petrol fuel duty tax is 57.95 pence per litre
on both there is a mining tax
…and VAT (probably claimed back)
Maybe the raw cost would be 30p per litre.
Can you blame any Government for jumping surreptitiously on any bandwagon which increases the tax take irrespective of whether they understand the futility of trying to ‘change the climate’?
Tuesday Hull news – Edward Leigh MP was being very sensible
saying The Environment Agency blaming Climate Change was a copout,
when actually it’s their fault for not maintaining the drains
presenter’s actual words ”
“You said blaming Climate Change is a copout
but it’s a FACT, it’s accepted”
“Do you have a doubt about Climate Change even though it is well documented and accepted ?”
Leigh “Don’t try and catch me out, Climate C is not happening that fast and didn’t cause these floods”.. cyclical rainfall did.
I note in his own tweet he links to Dellers article in Breitbart
It's always rained in England: blaming climate change is a total cop-out. The problem in Lincolnshire and elsewhere is that the @EnvAgency have consciously failed to clear our rivers and dykes.
For a Tory there seems to be a lot of sense in his Twitter output .
Nigeria must be held to account over Christian persecution This description of the devastation of Christian communities in Nigeria was delivered in the British Parliament earlier this month by Sir Edward Leigh @EdwardLeighMP
I keep expecting to hear the Anglican Church speak out against the systematic murder of Christian brothers in Africa and the Middle East. Silence. I guess, like the Biased BBC, they would rather stay silent than ‘give the wrong message’.
“Move on folks, nothing to see here, just an everyday rollerblade High St. stabbing… to repeat, nothing to see here, and definitely, 100%, completely NOT terrorism related, you’re quite safe and have nothing to worry about… now move on.”
DoublethinkerMar 6, 16:15 Midweek 5th March 2025 One development in recent days that has surprised me is that the number of new members joining the Reform party…
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 The child killer on a sports field by a BMW yesterday was aged 10 and has been named . The…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:42 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Between 2019-2020, when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister, taxpayers were charged £141,380 for HOPE not hate charitable trust (which funds…
popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot.
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
Let us start with a question unlikely to be asked of their guest by any at the BBC.
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 3 started Tuesday afternoon 4:30pm
Talk about BBC Diversity whilst it airs the same narrow cliche again and again
.. and about David Steel protecting Cyrill Smith
– page 2 started Tuesday about 6pm
Corrected links
– page 3
– page 2
Sorry I must have missed a space or something the first time.
darn they both go to page 2
This is page 3
Is Greta really a teenager? She looks about 7!
Cabbage-patch dolls are ageless.
Another neatly pithy comment, in complement.
Guest Who-Can you imagine who is going to be in the
next production on the BBC of the ” Six wives of Henry V111
Which black actor do you think should play the king? And
how many ethnic wives should he have?
The BBC is giving a whole new meaning to Black and White TV.
But really isn’t positive discrimination a good thing?
Surlenny a shoo in.
Maybe Glenda Jackson back as Cromwell?
“I say, I say, I say.”
“What do you say?”
“What do you say to Greta Thunberg on Shrove Tuesday?”
” I don’t know, what do you say to Greta Thunberg on Shrove Tuesday?”
“Don’t panicake, don’t panicake!”
“I don’t wish to know that, kindly leave the stage.”
[Excuse me while I go in search of my outdoor apparel.]
Mr D says, ‘I don’t give a toss’.
We will collect our coats on the way out.
Ooh, a very sharp reply. At least it wasn’t syrupy.
A further line of attack on the BBC.
I still remember the improvement in my mood when I stopped listening to the Today programme on my way to work. This started a migration from all BBC Radio to Classic FM , often turned down during the news of course, and a reduction in watching the BBC to the point where I almost never watch it.
I wonder if other people have also experienced the liberating and uplifting feeling of living a BBC free life. (I know some brave souls on this site still subject themselves to the BBC in the interests of keeping the rest of us informed. I salute you) If so another line of attack would be to claim, with in my case complete honesty , that the BBC is having an adverse impact on people’s health. Being so Woke I am sure that the foul corporation would be full of remorse. This would also be a good reason for the government to make the BBC a subscription only service with of course a health warning, This Subscription Will Damage Your Health.
Doublethinker we too gave up on Today late last year (soon after the general election had been announced). I sometimes put Radio 4 on in the car, but usually for a very short time. I switch off when Climate Change is mentioned, or emergency or whatever they chose to call it this week. I switch off if the play is set in Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan. I switch off if Woman’s Hour is discussing woman as victims or black women as role models (women should decide in this day and age what they want and go for it, failure is because they are not good enough not because of their gender or the colour of their skin). I never now listen to a whole programme.
But yesterday after about 5 minutes of Radio 4, I switched to Classic FM. I realised how much calmer I felt, and in spite of the awful weather, just how much better one feels for some excellent music. I am not talking avant garde which is rarely or never played on Classic FM.
Deborah, yesterday Radio 4 was morning, noon and night and wall-to-wall carpeting with women (on low incomes) as victims of vicious Torreee Cuttz and austerity and suffering a fall in life expectancy as a result.
Agree that Classic FM is pleasant to travel to, especially driving over some distance and not just a ten minute commute or a trip to the shops. Used to keep Classics loving Dad happy on long journeys with Cfm on radio instead of my tape collection.
Do you remember when Classic fm started, they broadcast only birdsong and sunny meadow sounds for the first three months as a trial?
I loved that.
Slow movements from Romantic symphonies. Oh, and also, “Let’s take a ride with the Valkyries.”
My refusal to watch virtually anything from the BBC, is akin to my refusal to partake in either Twatter, or Farcebook. Removal (or non -participation, in the first place) from all three, is far more enriching than a few boatloads of immigrants.
Like the Tony Hancock sketch, Old, ‘That could have been me saying that’!
Doublethinker, i could not have put it better myself. Impossible to measure the impact (negative imo) that the BBC has had and continues to have on the people of our nation, get kids thinking the BBC way via cartoons etc and they are much easier to “educate” as adults. Lets hope Bojo delivers in this parliament and the tv tax is consigned to history ????
Fourth day of the week, third working day, during winter with some extreme weather conditions. BBC weather forecasts, broadcast in conjunction with the Meteorological Office and under the control (to best of my knowledge) of the Controller of BBC Radio4. The weather forecast at any time of year is a matter that has strong public safety and health links.
I’ve listened to some BBC R4 early morning weather forecasts this week that have completely ignored two areas of the UK. Guess which ones?
No, wrong.
They were London and the south-east of England.
Why are the BBC insisting on having a reporter (and team) flown out to report live from almost every Coronavirus hotspot all over the World normally just standing outside a hotel or hospital.
And as for those luvvies pointlessly walking across the desert in Namibia (with their teams)!
You couldn’t make it up!
Good example?
digg, you definitely could not make it up. The Bee Lady has just been talking to the boss of Heathrow Airport about possibly closing the airport because of coronavirus.
Double thinker – it being Lent – I’ve given up all BBC current affairs and news for the next 40 days and
(Hopefully) permanently . If I could cut out all BBC product I would but it was become so built into the fabric that this is hard to do – eg match of the day .
I have recently been listening To, and regularly recording the sins of ,Toady out of duty but won’t be doing this now . Speaking of which – our Justin has given an interview to the Radio Times pleading for funding cuts not to be applied to his source of income ( reported in UK Press Gazette ) .
The first line of attack is hit their funding and then delicence the whole thing .
As for your observation about being ‘uplifted’ through lack of contact with the Biased BBC – I’m sure this is correct . The onslaught of snowflake multicultural propaganda now is quite incredible . Even people who just casually take BBC output notice it .
It seems that the BBC has thrown away the Dr Goebells Propaganda handbook and gone off on its own . I think this is good for us because I once ‘admired’ the way it insidiously put its anti British pro colour propaganda into its product but now it doesn’t even bother with nuanced methods – it lays it on with a trowel . Let’s kill it .
Match of the Day? YouTube has condensed highlights of every Premier League match, the goals, the VAR balls-ups, all that you really need and seemingly edited by Sly or the League themselves half-an-hour to an hour after the final whistle.
No need to put yourself through the contrived controversies and faux bonhomie of Lineker et Al. When was the last time you learned anything from them, were impressed by their insight or even agreed wholeheartedly with their analysis or viewpoint on a contentious decision? Have you ever watched a game and then watched the highlights on MotD and wondered if It was the same match you had seen? When have you ever heard them really condemn or criticise a nasty challenge or unsportsmanlike behaviour?
I recommend watching the “expert” – free YouTube highlights, and you can get your Champions League, Europa League and Championship goals the same way because there’s no chance you’re going to see them all on the bBbc.
I truly am grateful and had no idea such thing existed . Anything to get away from that bloody ‘all in it together group thing ‘ they put up at the beginning to make us good socialists .
I can just about avoid the crisp salesman on BT Sport . ….. and I’m still waiting for a someone who has won the World Cup presenting it …
No problem.
We as a family, a married couple and three teenage daughters, haven’t watched or listened to anything on the bBbc since we cancelled our direct debit in May or June last year.
None of us miss it in anyway at all and now actually enjoy a more selective,interesting and varied viewing and listening experience than before.
Like Rich I have teenage kids, and through them have discovered the ever expanding and diversifying world of Youtube videos.
There’s loads of rubbish on there, but you can find some real gems too, well worth getting it up on your big screen and searching through, you’ll be surprised what’s there, and like Netflix, so much more (real) diversity (of interests, tastes and opinions) on offer than the BBC, and free (so long as you have internet).
Too right, Big!
We now have a Chromecast chip, after advice from chums here, and it’s just fabulous for anything from a decent rock concert to ‘Willo the Wisp’, which Mrs O’Blene and I watched yesterday with a tincture and a huge laugh as Kenneth Williams was just perfect!
Any new BBC stuff is not bothered with – we don’t do ‘woke’, diversideee or virtue signalling here in ‘The Turrets’, it’s so much better for the well-being of normal people!
Prager University delivers fantastic lectures on current affairs – mostly around 5 minutes, and always fascinating.
I think that this could be a blessing.
Has anyone noticed the amazing pro-Liverpool bias of the pundits? Before the Shrewsbury game we were being told that even their apprentices were world class. The result 2-2. Pity Shrewsbury didn’t turn them over.
Also I suspect something is not right. Liverpool are not as good as their league position suggests. I truly hope that there has not been any match fixing and, as an Arsenal fan, am hoping that they will not go the season as invincibles.
Comparing the two teams to select a combined eleven: Henry, Pires, Viera, Bergkamp and Sol Campbell are in. Van Dijk is the only Liverpool player definitely in. All the other places are debatable.
TOADY Watch #1 – Dumbing down and dumbing down
The Bee Lady is talking to a guest in a holiday hotel in Tenerife. She prefaces her item with the instruction that is being proposed by ‘health chiefs’ that anyone who has travelled and returns home with influenza-like symptoms should self-quarantine.
Martha is obviously unaware that 1. anyone with half a brain who develops ‘ordinary’ influenza will do the decent thing and isolate themselves to prevent spread of ‘flu’ to others, and 2. by the time symptoms develop, it will be too late, you will have spread the germs but at least you will limit the spread in the first three days of symptoms.
Apparently, about hundreds of people die from influenza in UK every year but in some years it can be many thousands.
Whether it is the common cold, ordinary ‘flu’ or a more modern virus, self-isolation or self-quarantine is the decent, public-spirited, thing to do.
Um, what about all those migrants who are here who cannot speak English, and whose lack of hygiene and their habits are less than impressive. I’ve witnessed only using a hand for nose blowing, spitting in the street, and covering their mouth when coughing is an alien concept to them! We have seen a recurrence of TB, and that’s certainly not due to self isolation ! So, if we don’t have confidence in those that speak English, then we have no chance of containing any disease with those that cant speak or understand it.
What on earth is he talking about?
Yep. I’m going to self identify as a black man and get my kids to self identify as mixed race. Then I can pursue a lucrative career doing tv ads.
BBC in full Labour motivated NHS attack mode all morning. They even let someone get away with saying the UK now has a third-world health service.
This is just blatant lies, of course the NHS comes under more pressure at this time of year but to push these ‘lies’ is no more than an attempt to get at Boris and the Conservatives.
This is a table of the ranking of Global health service quality.
The UK stands at 13 in the World out of 93 countries rated, ahead of for instance the USA, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, Italy and most of the others.
Not fit for purpose despicable BBC!
And as expected their house journal the Guardian is right here handing over the bullets.
Must check back on how the BBC ‘reported’ Mr. Watson’s efforts at the time.
BBC has Mutti’s back.
This is from the Vlad Tepes blog. It’s about eight minutes long but has statements by people who were in the vicinity at the time of the killings in Hanau. What these people say does beg some questions for the German state and its current leader Bloody ( Angela) Merkel:
My Toady gem of today:
Just before the Toady weather at 0757 –
“We asked the Health Minister, Matt Hancock, to come on the programme and be interviewed but, he REFUSED TO SPEAK TO OUR LISTENERS”.
I’ll leave the BBC/Marxist translation to others here.
G, do you not mean ‘leave the non-BBC/non-Marxist translation to others’ ?
I wonder how long the Conservatives in Government will go with this BBC boycott. Think it was the ‘B’ lady who made it; if the BBC are going to get waspish like that it will merely be another way of poking fun at the Beeb:
Listeners, listeners, Martha? Really? More than one?!
Once upon a time I used to listen to Feedback on Radio 4, and the most familiar line was from the presenter was “ we asked the BBC for a response – but no-one was available “ followed by a boilerplate written statement. Total hypocrites.
‘How do I convince the Home Office I’m a lesbian?’
Can anyone explain to me the newsworthiness or the general licence fee payer public interest in this BBC report?
Barring a few immigration lawyers keen to coach their clients.
Last night I watched an episode of ITV’s Maigret with Rowan Atikinson. I had seen it before a couple of years ago but I still enjoyed it and began to wonder why I did. I cam to the conclusion that it was because there was no Wokism in it and the story was left pretty much as Simenon had written it . Madam Maigret has a bigger role than in the novels but apart from that the series seems authentic. If only all TV drama was left alone. I noted the other day that Endevour had aWoken and I won’t bother to watch it again. As to the BBC’s drama offerings, well they are complete rubbish even good stories are ruined by large doses of PC and end to end Wokism, they are unwatchable!
I think Maigret is excellent. It’s probably the best thing I’ve seen Rowan Atkinson in and it doesn’t do any harm that “Mrs Maigret” is very easy on the eye.
I just can’t sit through any of the other period detective dramas these days. Endeavour has been hi-jacked by PC ism. It was fine when it started, but now it always has a woke story line. He has a number of ethnic girlfriends and there’s a constant sense that I’m being lectured about certain unpalatable opinions that need to be sneered at.
Granchester and Father Brown are now both almost unwatchable. They come under the heading “cosy crime”. The sort of thing you can watch mid afternoon with a cup of tea and a chocolate digestive. But they are gut wrenchingly “woke”. They get the hair styles, the cars and the clothes spot on and then they imprint modern attitudes on people from over half a century ago. It’s just so bloody tiresome and predictable. It feels like the 2020’s lecturing the 1950’s.
It’s now everything they touch. Late last year they gave us A Christmas Carol. It was arse achingly bad. Is no one supposed to notice that Tiny Tim is white and his mum’s black? What’s the bleedin’ point?
The latest Agatha Christie mystery was an appalling mess. Lots of totally unnecessary effing and blinding and black people shoe horned into roles they are clearly unsuited for. And we’re supposed to sit there and swallow this guff.
These trendies will tell you that it’s “colour blind casting”. Utter nonsense. It’s colour obsessed casting.
In the last few years we’ve had a black Friar Tuck, half the cast of Merlin seemed to be mixed race Rastafarians and now there’s an ethnic ingredient in Oliver Twist and David Copperfield
I don’t watch period drama to be lectured by some woke sprog who’s still wet behind the ears.
Well, these days, other than the aforementioned Maigret, I just don’t watch them.
At all…
Here’s something that makes the whole shambles look even more stupid.
A family friend is with an agency and does a bit of work as a tv extra for fun. She told me how she gets emails with specifications for people with particular looks, an example being hair colour and styling, some women can very easily be made up by wardrobe to look like they belong in a different decade because their hair is already dyed in a certain way, while others look like they belong in 2020 so wouldn’t get the call for a Grantchester or Father Brown for example. So the programme makers go to all that trouble and filtering only to go with lead casting that hasn’t been held to that same standard and scripting that doesn’t accurately reflect the times in which the show is set.
Apropos the previous Thread where mixed relationships in ads were discussed.
The Skipton B.S has gone further, and features the now ‘norm’ mixed relationship, but its a black man and a …….. white man !
The pc virus is winging its way across the world. In the early episodes of the Murdoch’s Mysteries – (a police comedy/drama set in Toronto at the turn of the 20 cent), seeing a black cast member was a rarity, but 8 years later we now see that a black constable has been hired, and this is around 1912. Er, don’t think so. It might be made in Canada but there is an ITV collaboration, and it tells.
At least a lot of the Australian programmes haven’t succumbed ‘yet’, but there’s still time.
Wasn’t the ‘Scandinoir’ BBC Four slot taken over by an Australian female detective investigating the death of her homosexual brother?
Deep Water – “The drama is based on the historical, unsolved hate murders of possibly 30 to 80 gay men in Sydney’s eastern suburbs and beaches in the 1980s and ’90s. SBS broadcast a documentary of these events, Deep Water: The Real Story (2016), in conjunction with the miniseries”
We are now promised Safe Harbour – “The friends come to the aid of a group of asylum seekers on a broken-down boat, but this encounter leads to a series of events that change their lives irrevocably.”
The sickness is endemic in The White World.
The BBC plumbs depths unimaginative.
Monitor it closely enough and you’ll catch it.
Rob’s back. And feisty.
Was that the episode with the UNSPEAKABLE Helena Kennedy?
Worth every penny.
Ah, our own dear Samira. I’m afraid she was one of the final straws that broke the camel’s back as far as me at long last doing my own version of cancel culture on my licence fee direct debit.
Can’t really say I miss our irregular rendezvous on the oddly timed and blink or you miss it BBC Newswatch.
I guess I only put myself through it since I must have been interested to hear new ways for BBC news managers to say we think we got it about right.
But our Samira, surely one of the most insipid vacuous personality-void and unengaging of presenter/interviewers ever to graduate from the BBC school of charm extraction.
Something about her always hinted to me that she was never really concerned with sticking up for us licence payers when it came to her lackluster performances in interview with those slippery BBC news top nobs.
Then came the transgender loos at the Barbican Theatre incident – look it up if you’re bothered. Suffice to say our Samira was inconvenienced somewhat and she Twittered about it. Told me she was not even really a social justice warrior – for our Samira it was simply all about Samira.
It was bad enough financing the anti-conservative Twittering of the big-eared chrisp-endorsement-crunching ex-footballer. But when I found out I would soon be contributing to our Samira’s ill gotten additional wads – well, it had to be direct debt cancelled forthwith.
Aaah, but she is a looker though, AISI
BBC News
“We’re talking about a virus that doesn’t respect borders.”
BBc quotes as headlines are great. Idiotic and wisely unattributed.
I’ve seen that quote attributed to the Italian health minister, and I’ve also seen it used as an argument for not closing borders, bizarrely.
Yet some countries like Austria ARE closing borders.
Incidentally I wonder if all those who habitually squeal for a borderless world are having second thoughts in the light of Coronavirus?
From Anon on latest ITBB Open thread:
Anonymous25 February 2020 at 23:51
While checking out recent comment columns in the Evening Standard, I came across one by Matthew D’Ancona about the BBC licence etc, in which he made this surprising disclosure:
‘(Full disclosure: I have contributed to a number of BBC programmes in recent years, and have acted as an occasional adviser to Lord Hall, the outgoing Director-General . Needless to say, I write in a personal capacity).’
What would be advising Sir about, I wonder. He’s a political journalist. Strange are the ways of the BBC. Who else advises him, that we don’t hear about?
And paid what, given such advice seems to be at best pants.
Guest Who
Well someone must have advised Lord Hall that it’s time for him to Foxtrot Oscar.
Dr. Dave has views. That are his own.
Even if he is not sure.
EA say that when barriers are overtopped that is NOT A FAILURE,
… cos they are designed to stop full high level coming into the town
…And letting a couple of inches into the streets is part of that.
The latest photos show they are doing that job of keeping the vast majority of water inside the river and out of the streets.
Good luck any living downstream without barriers.
Bevan must go. Defences don’t work. Dredging and clearance does work. It also benefits the natural world: Water always goes in one direction only: downhill. It cannot be made to stay uphill without severe danger. Bevan must go.
Bbc wheeled her out yet?
She’s like XR and Greta, only without the wit and charm.
Isn’t there anything, anything at all, happening in Guyana that she can sod off back there and cause trouble over?
She probably won’t go back to Guyana because there are fewer opportunities to stand in font of cameras wearing multi-thousand pound power suits. Also no BBC appearance money and free publicity.
Come to think of it. She could take the power suit diversity theme up in Guyana.
gb, our Gina is very demanding, is she not?
“demand” who the fk is she ? Comwell ?
Everyone back from hols now hits the nhs for a check?
Given the location, guessing another BBC staffer likely to dodge the meet and Greta?
Bob feeling his pain.
“I think Dominic Cummings would like to quarantine us all”
Nope, just the racist far-left bbc. In their case, I think the word quarantine means something slightly more permanent.
I’d like to know what are these thoughts that Mr Robinson mentions and without knowing what they are, what are people supposed to do with them?
Maybe Nick thinks he is Oddball from Kelley’s Heroes and can change things with his positive waves.
I called them to say I don`t watch live TV anymore, only downloads.
Now I don`t pay
Its simple.
Please, Please, Please, pass the word
Often best not to tell the SS anything, once they have your details they dont give up.
I ignore the letters, dont reply to any – simply throw in the bin
Its like a window salesman saying if we dont hear from you,we WILL send someone around – no further action required 🙂
Radio 3 has just made a cultural mistake, the presenter said ‘Hurrah for Borodin who insisted on letting women take chemistry courses’.
No Borodin, no Margaret Thatcher!
It is a bit like those philosophical discussions, ‘If you had access to a time machine would you murder Hitler?’ (Why not Mo?).
Fact : watching live broadcasts without a TV licence is illegal .
Fact : I haven’t bought a TV licence for over 14 years .
So why am I not hauled before the courts , fined and/or imprisoned ?
Fact : I dared the BBC to set a court date and contest me .
Fact : They didn’t dare .
Fact : The BBC is a bully , liar , mendacious organisation .
Fact : the country would be better off if we didn’t have a Gramscian infected organisation as our state broadcaster .
I subscribe to Nesta for science stuff.
Future-proofing public interest news
Public interest news plays a vital role in strengthening democracy and holding leaders to account. But the way we consume news is changing, and we need fresh new ideas to fund and produce engaging stories that matter to communities.
The Future News Pilot Fund is supporting a diverse range of projects to find new ways to transform the way public interest news is created, distributed and sustained.
“Public interest news is part of the immune system that keeps our democracy healthy.”
Amount awarded: £50,000
Tortoise is a media publisher on a mission to slow down and open up journalism. It is working with Nesta to trial its unique membership model for news, where members actively contribute to the stories they write through live discussion events called “ThinkIns”, in partnership with local newsrooms Grimsby Live, Plymouth Live and East Marsh United. The idea is to pave the way towards a sustainable future for local journalism, based on real-life conversations in communities.
Tortoise is rammed to the gunnels with ex-beeboids, doubtless on ‘market rates’ to match the talents that saw them leave.
Why is the taxpayer propping up yet more such purveyors of propaganda? I find out what I need just fine without such nonsense.
Speaking of immunity.
At least they are consistent; they fail miserably in their coverage of everything.
Despite, in some cases, budgets of £5,000,000,000
the Grimsby Telegraph. Part of
It’s the only surviving daily newspaper in the entire county of Greater Lincolnshire
Been doing that Tortoise tie-in for 5 months, see Nov 12th grimsby thread
Absolutely nothing to do with Al-beeb.
Trans : Last week’s R4 Media Show was a special on the editor of the Yorkshire Post
That editor made the claim that the YP is in touch with the public.
FFS as a reader the paper seems to be Wokemob and with a special relationship with its green product advertisers like Drax woodburning.
Here’s the story he was promoting yesterday
ecstatic they have found a trans teacher to interview.
That’s Peter Kaye !
Imagine my surprise.:
Dear Rube,
Boris Johnson’s government have declared war on the BBC. Top officials have said they want to “whack” the broadcaster. [1] The new minister in charge of the BBC has described its demise as a “tempting prospect”. [2] And now there are plans to cut its funding and scrap radio stations and TV channels. [3]
If these plans go ahead, our BBC (c) Support Our Lefty, could be changed forever.
The only thing preventing Boris Johnson’s government from gutting our BBC is us, and Compass, and a few other lefty outrage NGOs, plus some luvvies worried about their index-linked millions. The government know their attacks on the BBC might (c) BBC (ie: we dare not check) be unpopular. [4] ‘We’ need to show them that they’re toxic. If we build a huge campaign to drive the message home – that the public won’t allow ourBBC to be taken apart – we could even stop the plans for good. And ‘we’ at 38 Beegees are golden for life on studio fees alone.
This could be the biggest ever fight to protect the BBC. And it won’t come cheap. But there are thousands of us reading this email right now. And we think some of you are minted, stupid and actually dumb enough to swallow this. If we (well, you) each donated a few pounds, we could build a massive campaign fund.Together we could prove to Boris Johnson that he won’t get away with destroying our BBC, or set it free to be self funding as it is so great. Or something.
Will you be a part of it – and chip in now?
Your contribution will go a long way. Together we could ((c) BBC) Commission hard-hitting polling and research to show how much the public uses the BBC, and prove that we need to protect it, like the BBC does, only even more bent.
Splash our message across major newspapers and online – so Johnson can’t hide from the bad headlines. Like has been happening already. No, really. We do think you will believe that.
Use technology to make sure we send our message directly to the Prime Minister and the people he listens to, like our MPs – to make sure he’s getting pressure on all fronts. You know, that bot thing that we created that pissed everyone off, and scored us a nice little vig off the top.
The BBC is not perfect – and we might not all agree on everything it does. Just the bits where they do not utterly defer to Trots, climate loons, every ism outfit hater is, etc. But it plays a huge role in the lives of people across the whole UK, except those cancelling TVLs in droves and not watching. Boris Johnson’s plans could scrap the majority of BBC radio stations and even TV channels. From news broadcasting of propaganda, settled science, to prime-time entertainment shows like Strictly Come Diversifying or The Woke Archers, and online content such as BBC Bitesize (us either)- the proposed cuts could affect us all. [5]
The government are gearing up to dismantle our BBC right now, so there’s no time to lose. Rube, will you chip in now to fund a massive campaign to protect our national broadcaster?
Thank you for all you do,
Robin, Sarah, Maggie, Stewart, Matt and the 38 Degrees staff team in our nice offices in the beating heart of Khan’s London.
[1] BBC: The Papers:
[2] Radio Today: John Whittingdale back at DCMS as Minister:
[3] The Sunday Times: No.10 tells BBC licence fee will be scrapped (paywall):
The Guardian: No. 10 could scrap BBC licence fee in favour of a subscription model:
The Guardian: BBC’s demise is ‘tempting prospect’, jokes John Whittingdale:
[4] The Independent: ‘Save our BBC’: New petition gets 108,000 signatures after Downing Street ‘vows to abolish licence fee’:
The Express: ‘Save our BBC’ Furious 140k sign petition demanding Boris stops ‘attack’ on the Beeb
[5] BBC: Do I need a TV licence and what does it pay for?:
The Guardian: BBC chairman warns end of licence fee would mean no CBeebies:
38 degrees is a LEFTY FUNDRAISING site masquerading as a petition website.
.. Its petitions are not validated and therefore full of fake signatures.
And beware of Britbox, a joint venture between ITV and the racist far-left bbc. It is a subscription service, probably being used to practice for the inevitable abolition of the TV tax.
I have also noticed that the racist far-left bbc are putting short videos on YouTube, clips of their past efforts, I’m assuming to try to tempt the gullible to hand over money to them to watch stuff that we’ve probably already paid for.
Guest, this site – once its prime objective of holding the BBC to account and severely modifying its behaviour/moved to subscription/sold off/closed down – could be a very worthwhile internet-based news station.
We already have UK wide/world-wide (with some gaps) coverage of correspondents. Registered users to this site are often posting better, more accurate (?) news than the Beeb. I really enjoy the witterings* er, pardon me, writings of all on here. The humour is often great and really cheering. I’ve had a good laugh reading some of the posts above.
What do others think about competing in the mediafishbowl?
* only Snuffy witters
I used to get really upset by so much of the propaganda output so have cut down a lot .
I try now to play Bull S bingo and find comedy in the now ridiculously transparent devices the BBC uses to push the agenda – eg black faced actors in white roles . Revision of history to suit the snowflakes .
UK does need a right wing – conventional broadcaster akin to what seems to show up on Sky Australia .
In the UK it’s just inbred bubble swapping between the BBC C4 ITV and Sky . Same old same old . Strange really that they drone on about diversity all the time when there is no diversity of view .
I’ve found some positive news on the beeb website
Queen’s Gallantry Medal for dramatic rescue sailor
Well done beeb, and I dont say that very often
Home Office worker accused of faking immigration papers.
This kind of thing suggests that other bits of hocus pocus is going on in the Home Office.
Clear the swamp Boris and Priti or get out
I so wish I could find a traceable record of the following, but alas my memory will have to do.
In the early 2000s we had the famous case where Steve Moxon, a civil servant I think, spilled the beans on the mass issuing of UK visas at the Romanian Embassy – an early proof that Labour and the Home Office were in cahoots in terms of supporting unfettered mass immigration.
At about that time they wanted to get a minister to speak about the general issue and no-one was available but they did manage to get a Home Office mandarin to speak. He gave the most unapologetic justification imaginable for unfettered mass immigration. This was THE watershed moment.
And ever since then, I have felt sure that the Home Office is a law unto itself on the issue, riddled with groupthink, and doing everything it can to undermine attempts at control. Even John Reid, Labour Home Secretary tumbled them, famously declaring them ‘not fit for purpose’
I don’t know if Priti will get the measure of them but I hope she does.
At this rate, it the bbc is around by summer I’ll be impressed.
Phew… saved…
Guest Who
No need to use public toilets, take it home with you, fertilize the garden as you walk around the flowers.
The BBC imploded when they turned up the wokeness and ridiculousness to 11
Portable loo’s? We can’t see the pipe
Can you imagine the squeaking sound as his thighs rub together when he walks?? hehehe
Just heard a taste of Alexei Sayle so-called comedy by accident on R4
Possible nothing says more about BBC bias than its choice of ‘comedian’
For those who didn’t know (me included)
I’m sure Comrade Sayle s bank balance and investments reflect his pursuit of Communism and his kids go to ‘ bog standard ‘ comprehensive schools . One website estimates comrade sayle a wealth at 6 million pounds ….
Communism on the BBC is getting to be a crowded field what the homosexual Owen Jones and The dusky Ash kidult.
I kind of think it doesn’t quite reflect the voting record of the electorate … but it is the Far Left BBC …
Jon’s team operating at expected levels.
I suspect that Trump deliberately tries to look less polished, cos that gives him a connection with the common man/woman.
#2 I suspect Zurcher and other beeboids have also spelled words wrongly in tweets.
Comcast own SkyNews
On politics live today a health expert was talking about the coronavirus.
Joe Corbyn asked why it was so much worse in Italy.
The expert said “they can’t find patient 0”
That is, the person who came in with the virus and started infecting the others.
What I thought was, who arrives in a country and you have no idea where they are from and you know nothing about them.
Who doesn’t arrive in an airport and get checked through customs.
On another totally unrelated subject.
Anyone know who and how many are arriving across the channel and in the backs of lorries, and when here, disappear amongst the general population to enrich us with anything they bring or carry with them.
A young teacher I know has an autoimmune condition, nothing life threatening but she has to manage it through medication that suppresses her immune system, and she used to work in the Greater London area.
She was advised that she should be inoculated against TB before taking up employment in Twickenham.
You can just smell that enrichment can’t you.
Italy (and the rest of the word) could learn a lot from Singapore’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
The Singapore authorities publish details (excluding name) of every person diagnosed with the virus and explain how that person is linked to other cases.
They’ve even devised a test for detecting whether a virus-free person has previously had coronavirus and have used it to fill in missing links in the infection tree.
I rather suspect that Patient 0 in Italy is now free of the virus and that’s why they can’t find him or her. Using the Singapore test on likely candidates for Patient 0 might well yield the information they’re looking for.
There’s one more thing that Singapore is doing that others should replicate: if a patient is believed to have been less than truthful about their movements prior to diagnosis then they’ll be facing criminal proceedings once they’ve recovered, as a Chinese couple (now recovered from the virus) have just found out.
Of course, it does help that Singapore actually still has control of its borders…
Just had a young lady call to inform us that Channel 4 will be filming a new series in our area and that there might be an increase in traffic etc
When asked about Boris’s intention to sell them off she replied ‘The BBC might go first’!
4pm R4 Laurie will yet again be pushing the positives of immigration into the UK I guess.
BBC are still obsessed with Obama – ignored something more significant –
Last month, President Donald J. Trump signed the Hidden Figures Congressional Gold Medal Act. The legislation awards four female African-American NASA mathematicians, engineers and researchers, highlighted in the 2016 book and movie “Hidden Figures,” with congressional gold medals. The highest civilian award will be given to Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson and Dr. Christine Darden, individually. The women worked at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia in the late 1950s
The EU’s primary negotiating “mandate”. A mere 46 pages.
Click to access eu_negotiating_mandate_250220_st05870-ad01re03-en20.pdf
Laugh? It’s the way I tell ’em………
It’s not just the BBC, The Times wrote this headline
Diesel is NOT subsidised at all
Red diesel fuel duty tax is 11.14p pence per litre
diesel/petrol fuel duty tax is 57.95 pence per litre
on both there is a mining tax
…and VAT (probably claimed back)
Maybe the raw cost would be 30p per litre.
“Maybe the raw cost would be 30p per litre.”
Can you blame any Government for jumping surreptitiously on any bandwagon which increases the tax take irrespective of whether they understand the futility of trying to ‘change the climate’?
Been out today.
Come back.
Have a quick look at biased BBC webshite.
Now what propaganda left liberal narrative do they have for me today?
Why, it’s…..’How do I convince the Home Office I’m a Lesbian?’
Giving the green light for almost every gay person in the whole of Africa to be granted asylum in the UK.
Thanks a bunch.
Problems on the Greek islands of Lesbos and Chios as locals push back on government plans for the construction of new migrant centres.
Talk radio now asking is the bbc biased? 03444991000
Sir Robin Gibb taking calls soon
Vote also on Talk Radio twitter feed.
The Times just announced it has 300K PAYING online-subscribers
Tuesday Hull news – Edward Leigh MP was being very sensible
saying The Environment Agency blaming Climate Change was a copout,
when actually it’s their fault for not maintaining the drains
presenter’s actual words ”
“You said blaming Climate Change is a copout
but it’s a FACT, it’s accepted”
“Do you have a doubt about Climate Change even though it is well documented and accepted ?”
Leigh “Don’t try and catch me out, Climate C is not happening that fast and didn’t cause these floods”.. cyclical rainfall did.
I note in his own tweet he links to Dellers article in Breitbart
For a Tory there seems to be a lot of sense in his Twitter output .
Al beeb don’t care about Christians. Only muslims.
I keep expecting to hear the Anglican Church speak out against the systematic murder of Christian brothers in Africa and the Middle East. Silence. I guess, like the Biased BBC, they would rather stay silent than ‘give the wrong message’.
“Move on folks, nothing to see here, just an everyday rollerblade High St. stabbing… to repeat, nothing to see here, and definitely, 100%, completely NOT terrorism related, you’re quite safe and have nothing to worry about… now move on.”