The BBC seem to get worse and worse with everything they do – in their efforts to be woke. I can only assume that they think that the people of the UK voted for Brexit, voted for Boris, etc because we haven’t been educated enough. What will it take for the BBC to realise that the more they push woke issues , the more people switch off.
As discussed on the video segment toward the end of the previous thread – those who have taken over the BBC are either so detached from everyday common sense that they don’t realise the effect they are having or believe the British Public is Just Wrong . Their epitaph
Notice how those civil service mandarins think so highly of themselves that they call their trade union the First Division Association .*
It should really be called Fived Column , the amount of damage they do to our interests .
* they haven’t noticed weve got a premier league .
Absolutely not should the Home Secretary resign or step-aside on this recent issue-that Civil Servant, goodness I can’t recall his name, simply pathetic. I cannot really believe that this individual who is apparently thought of so highly by the Civil Service, was unable to cope with a strong-minded detremined lady, whose job is under immense pressure from all quarters just now. One word Pathetic- surely he could have arranged an appointment with the PM inclusive of the Home Secretary to sort it out rather than going public. Oh but don’t the BBC enjoy this predilection.
She has also tweeted the following beside a photo of Rutnam: “He oozes disdain like a corpse, softly leaking its faecal load”
That description fits many other people and organisations.
Pretty good going using a near two year-old Guardian article to counter a story from this year!
I guess if enough farmers get murdered there comes a point when the number of new deaths becomes minimal?
Free speech, such as remains, increasingly comes with losing one’s job it seems.
Katie Hopkins is brave enough to give her own opinions under her own name, unlike the cowards at the BBC who re-tweet, push propaganda as questions, (“Should the age of consent be lowered to 4?”), and quote the anonymous ‘some say’, (i.e. them and their mates in the BBC pub).
She’s correct. A South African white family has just moved next door to my sister. They have 3 boys and the oldest about 8 or 9 looked in amazment that the back doors are not locked during the day, and there are no electric fences and rolling shutters for the windows. After speaking to the parents they only got 5% of there house value because they are white and told me some horror stories. So I rather trust them than the Guardian any day. Ohhh remember how crime in this country kept dropping the the safe levels now…
@Maxi said Re: No freedom of speech
“Yeah right; here’s Katie on Sky News Australia ”
She was on a prog which is rather special, it’s called OUTSIDERS
..cos it airs voices that are normally kept on the outside.
Freedom of speech means having fair access, not just niche
.. and we know that Rachel Riley and a Muslim activist group just got major restrictions placed on Hopkins Twitter account, tweets were deleted and she was locked out for a while.
Also as we discussed, in OZ a feminist academic just received an MBE eqt for a lifetimes work , yet when she sent one tweet quoting a policeman most politicians said her award should be removed.
That is a message to Australians that they must self censor or the Wokemob will get you.
This week on Countryfile Adam took us back to see the flooded fields of Lincolnshire. Fortunately the waters had receded enough for them to walk the field margins and for the farmer to start clearing a drainage ditch.
So far so good.
Except now that there wasn’t water everwhere it was possible to see the river, ‘that had broken its banks’ , was ten foot or so up the hillside on the left while to the right, ‘as far as the eye could see’ was a flat-bottomed valley. I wonder what had created that valley in the past? How was it possible to have a river on the side of a hill and not down in the valley?
I don’t suppose that historically the river had formed an alluvial flood plain but the hand of man had canalised it and created an artificial bank.
Probably not, I expect ‘climate change’ is making water run down hills.
Exactly what I shouted at the TV before my wife got the straight jacket out again..
I have had a whole week away from BBC – oh so delightful
but back and nothing changes – Marr this morning taking digs at Dominic Cummings and predictable
A lot of the people in Snaith who have been flooded out feel that the flood prevention measures that were brought into use in Leeds contributed greatly to the floods downstream.
Just a wird if advice to readers as the coronavirus scare spreads.
It really has nothing to do with the virus, but please note the propaganda of the MSM in terrifying the public over something which is inevitably going to spread like well – the plague.
The point is though that people are going to react to the scare stories by emptying the supermarket shelves.
Several weeks ago I saw a cash and carry emptied of FFP3 masks and a case of 30 was selling on Ebay for over £400 !
The government is advising people to stock up, and this is probably good advice (for a change). While I’m not advocating panic buying, a few extra toilet rolls, UHT milk and tinned food would be a wise precaution against the loons who will strip those shelves bare based on the medias scare stories.
It’s already happened in Italy and there are food shortages, so a few precautions would be wise indeed.
Thoughtful – yes – wise words – I’ve already noticed depletion of cold type remedy stuff in local supermarkets . Another hummus or avocado shortage will be just too much for many snowflakes . The Guardian will run a series on ‘alt organic-Dairy Free -fair trade – super foods -without allergies ….
Thoughtful and Fed, was in a crowded supermarket (no-one wearing masks) on Saturday and the honey stock was all gone, set and runny. I did wonder if people had been stocking up for medicinal reasons.
The advice you give is wise and good.
The BBC N&CA need to be advised to ask better questions of invited contributors.
I’ve been looking at the issue of hand gel. Confusing: Non-alcohol or alcohol versions? Both apparently doing the job. But no. World Service during the small hours, I just caught some ‘expert’ saying that the alcohol version should be the only one but, > 60% alc content. Seems the Corona virus has a fatty exterior which is the infectious part. Alcohol hand gel will erase/destroy the fatty exterior if it comes into contact. Ebay 303500120385 best deal
Thanks – maybe muslims will have a higher level of infection due to the use of non alcohol based disinfectants – and if I recall that’s the stuff the NHS has in hospitals so as not to upset the muzzies .
I’ll switch to using cheap vodka when my cleaner stuff runs out next year – makes a change from drinking ….
\\A 16-year-old boy has died in a stabbing after a large house party “got out of hand”.//
“Two 17-year-old boys have been arrested on suspicion of murder.”
And the Liblabs want to give “16 Old Boys” the vote.
One minute they are “boys” when it suits them and the next minute they are old enough to vote . You can’t make it up .
There are spoof Guardian headlines on social media, but it gets harder and harder these days to tell the real from the fake.
I wouldn’t bother reading this article — the gist is promoting self-sacrifice for the good of the party err… I mean public health. Bit of respect shown for the brutal quarantine methods in China (harsh but fair) but while “the concept of collective sacrifice for the communal good is drummed in from childhood, [it] won’t translate easily to European democracies.”
Lashings of Guardian sauce on everything… nasty Brits, their lack of community spirit engendering a pandemic, plus a thumbs up for totalitarianism.
10pm news Sunday night BBC1 and Orla showing us film of refugees trying to get into Greece. Two of the families she highlighted were Afghans. One family had Dad being carried on his son’s back. How far is it from Afghanistan to Greece? It is too far for google maps to measure, it cannot find a route. People would have to travel through Iraq, Iran and Turkey at the very least. The old man could not have been carried that distance. Nor did Orla explain why refugees from Afghanistan should go through the hell that the BBC tells us that Syria is.
Afghanis travel into Pakistan
Then into Iran
Then right across Iran into Turkey
I lived near the Syrian border and never met an Afghani that came that way, just Syrians
The ones I knew actually tended to moved gently over the years living in each country for a while..
And wanted to move to a western dream country.
Have Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan got something in common ?
Oh one extra thing there was hospitality but those countries want to preserve their own ethnic groups so asylum seekers are treated as second class.
Can one ask as to why these fleeing Syrians do not track towards countries who are of their own faith/Islam-what about Saudi Arabia, who have adequate facilities to accom, further why don’t they move to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and all the other Stans-plenty of room, good weather and all followers of Islam? We all know quite well the result of what upwards of 4 million immigrants would do to Europe-the results would I suspect cause Civil Strife turning much nastier as the full force of the invasion falls upon the unsuspecting. One has to wonder as to what on earth are those Bureaucrats in Brussels thinking, or are they just mesmerised by it all?
why these fleeing Syrians do not track towards countries who are of their own faith/Islam
I think vast majority do stay in Lebanon and Turkey
Europe gets a fraction who are economic migrants
-what about Saudi Arabia
It’s a special case cos it limits refugees severely
otherwise pilgrims would never go home.
Bureaucrats want to continue going to dinner parties with their woke friends, instead of properly policing these queue jumpers and prioritising honest refugees.
Also hard to believe it’s real — while the MSM report softly on the situation in Greece — this from Oulu, Finland where migrant rapes have included one girl aged 10 and one who committed suicide.
This apparently part of a campaign by the city in response. According to the poster “The woman in glasses in the front is a former social democrat candidate who [previously] denied such problem even existed and claimed migrant rape gangs are just a lie made up by racists.
My home town has launched a 2,5 million euro project called Safe Oulu that aims at combating the (migrant) rape crisis.
This is where the money goes.
Kill me now.
At least, be kind and lobotomize me so I won't have to live with this image in my head.
Has anyone noticed the propensity that Al Beeb has for using the Royal “We” in the last year or two.
Ie. “what we know”…..
“Where are we” …….
“what we should do…… Etc .
Its as if they are on our political side, when its clear to all that they are Not.
”..When women explode and do violence against their own family
people often ask ‘was she driven too far ?’ “
Not when they murder their own children; what a ridiculous thing to say.
“So when an Australian father killed his family
a police officer asked that question.”
Your initial proposition is patently false, therefore there is no; “so…”.
“Trouble is the wokemob were already looking for something to beat her with cos she’d just won an MBE for her lifetime of equality work and she is not a lefty. ”
Another ridiculous statement. The opposition to Bettina Arndt receiving an MBE is nothing to do with her, *not being a lefty*; it’s because of her repeated victim blaming of women and children who have been raped, as well her attempts to justify the crimes of convicted paedophiles.
“And they were the only ones who voted that her tweet was free speech.”
Stripping Bettina Arndt of her MBE doesn’t take away her freedom of speech; it just means she can continue to spout whatever nonsense she wants without a few extra initials after her name. But such tiny details would interrupt the myth of your own permanent victimhood.
@Maxicony I already answered your point above when I answered, your first comment/
We already know it is quite common for women to be treated lightly for killing their partners , citing coercion.
Killing their own children as well is less common
but the policeman though it was a point worth considering
And Arndt quoted him
.. that is free speech
and hitting her causes future people to self censor
..and that is a loss of free speech.
Greta is slamming white men with physics degrees who deny her beliefs in the Climate. Piers Corbyn has just been slammed for comparing her to Hilda Goebbels. But we have hope. Naomi Seibt to the rescue. She graduated school with a first place in Physics and second in Mathematics. Greta has no known achievements due to going on school strikes against those who deny climate science. But has been given many honorary qualifications for which they have waived all of the usual requirements, such as knowledge, education, attendance, course credits, a dissertation, and the passing of examinations.
So the future of Western Civilisation could either be with thousands of ignorant morons like Greta with honorary Physics and Mathematics qualifications who think they do not deny the science, even though they are to thick to be interested in the science, or with intelligent people like Naomi with real Physics and Mathematics qualifications, who Greta thinks do deny the science.
I bet Sir Calamity and the Civil Service will lose due to a calamitous incompetence. Then incompetent Civil servants will either go on strike with Greta or if they accidentally sack themselves due to a moment of calamitous misjudgement, join the calamitous LibDems with Sir Calamity. “Carry on Calamity (2017)” A pantomime with cross dressing Civil Servants.
These creatures wouldn’t have got to the top unless they knew the laws of self preservation – so it is unlikely to see the First Division Association resign En mass to be replaced by Even slightly brexit / right sympathetic types yet alone Cummings approved ‘radicals ‘ .
47? Years of incest between the EU and UK civil service coupled with the Snowflake Deep State will lead to a battle to disable the new governments .
Plenty more leaks on the way with Labour as accomplice . All that stuff about about a neutral professional civil service . What a lie .
By the way – isn’t it nice to see Maxi back – spitting from the sidelines as usual with no original thought but skilled in ‘cut and paste’. ?
I’ve posted before of my many years in private industry but having to work closely with the so called civil servants in a certain branch of ‘government’. I never met a more self entitled, lazy, lefty, jobs for the boys, militant bunch.
They’d spend all their time moaning about the private sector, working out best how to claim yet more travel expenses, attending diversity workshops and union gathering. The office dress code was appaling with some looking like they were attempting to keep the local rag n bone man employed and others fitted out for a trek around the Lake District whilst sat at a desk.
Most used our facilities as a convenient bolt hole because their actual place of work was an hour plus drive from their residence but would then moan to the leadership because we hadn’t provided enough desk space for them.
I have no time or sympathy for them at any level. My old boss described them as unemployable in any other walk of life.
I wonder why Mark Sedwell hasn’t been booted out of the building? Will he just hang around like a serpent, whispering dissent into every ear and slither under a rock and watch the discord he’s created?
Or will Dominic Cummings focus his fire on him once and for all?
Good on you Priti, go for it, shake the up the lazy buggers, make them work harder for their money and tolerate no CS who is still with a remainer stance-oust him or her. Take no prisnoners girl.
I`m getting on a bit, but I have an idea for a smashing new Christmas gift which the BBC long suffering public are well overdue to enjoy from their grandchildren. I will register it as “Oh no not another one – turn them off !” Simply put, it will require dexterity to access the remote control, point it at any BBC television output and press MUTE. Bonus points if you get a lunatic BBC favourite professor, emeritus, dead or otherwise. Price ? Well it will be a hell of a lot less than a TV licence.
Capstan – I got one of those new fangled amazon dot things and wondered if it could be wired into the TV to automatically edit out the long list of stuff I neither want to see or hear . ….
Some one could make a fortune – jeff bezos – perhaps …?
Capstan, I think you have the makings of an idea there that would sell. It needs a clever young person who can do computer stuff and another clever young person who can make computer games.
Between them they could turn any TV programme into a computer game. So, when for example Jon (eff the Tories) Snow is back at work, we could turn his puerile interpretation of a news programme into a shoot-em-up game. It could be a team game with competitions on who zaps the highest number of talking heads.
“The residents of Fairbourne, a village in Gwynedd, have been labelled as such after the government announced they would have to leave their homes.”
“They’ve been told the area – 450 houses, a pub, post office and several shops – will be decommissioned by 2054 because of the threat of sea-level rise and coastal flooding linked to climate change.”
“It’s been seven years, and house prices in the area have plummeted. Residents don’t know when or where they will have to move, who will pay, and they haven’t been offered any compensation.”
Danny Shaw, BBC Home Affairs correspondent wants to tell us about research that says:
‘”Equally it is evident that British Muslims appear to be just as willing to step up and report concerns about an individual at risk of being radicalised as everybody else.”
‘The research was funded by a charitable trust with an interest in policing and crime reduction which for security reasons does not wish to be identified. ‘
Confused? You will be. The BBC article first dutifully lays out the happy clappy steady as we go research about the Government’s Prevent thing then our Danny quotes the Muslim Brotherhood – sorry the Muslim Council of Britain – telling us pretty much the opposite. I’m none the wiser.
Surveys are notoriously loaded so as to prove what their authors want them to prove. And then there’s that Taqiya thing.
Actions speak louder than words. You just can’t trust what people say.
My favourite Family Fortunes moment was when Les Denis (I think) asked a contestant to name something green. The answer she gave – my cardigan.
Why is it that on R4? Every bloody story/book is about Muslim /Islamic society…..what is it with them? Can they not find anything else to talk about…how about Buddhism?
TOADY Watch #1 – Some ‘signs’ (Melvin Bragg pronunciation) matter, others do not
There’s a distinct whiff of Skripal emerging around the BBC with this Coronovirus/Covid-19 thing. Our Mishal spoke with an expert and was amazingly unquestioning. I’m developing a list of questions as the outbreak goes on but the supposed journalists and journalist/presenters at the BBC don’t do science and are obviously not at all curious about it.
But then, finding out more about the science would get in the way of The Agenda. The Agenda is finding something to attack Bojo and the Government with.
If some academics do some research into ‘Why dogs have cold noses’ at a Scandinavian University – yes, honestly – Mishal is suddenly very interested in the so called ‘signs'(Melvin Bragg pronunciation) and has all sorts of questions for the contributor. But not on Covid-19. Hhmmmnnn.
So, Last Tango In Halifax watch, don’t worry it’ll be a one off post.
We got round to watching the first episode of Last Tango In Halifax last night, it’s a show that despite its’ obvious BBC agenda we did used to enjoy, not essential viewing but watchable. Not any more.
The first or second scene in the first episode was in Sarah Lancashire’s (Racquel off Coronation Street) kitchen. She’s a lesbian headmistress (strong female character) living with her young daughter who at first I thought was black or mixed race but might actually be South East Asian. So a normal BBC family group then.
She was in discussion with her mother. Helpfully the pre credit sequence had shown a scene from an earlier series where her mother admitted to her shocked husband Derek Jacobi that she had voted Conservative. Credit where credit’s due, her follow up line of “who did you expect me to vote for? Michael Foot?” was a good one. However this set up was there to explain how her character has gone from being a bit overbearing, to now being thoroughly unlikable and money obsessed, unlike fluffy hubby Derek Jacobi who rescued a young boy who had shoplifted (no doubt anyone who continues to watch will find that he has a disabled mother he’s caring for) and is generally nice. So more of the BBC approved line of Socialist=Nice, Conservative = Bad.
On to Sarah Lancashire’s school. The scenario being that she books inspirational, empowering women to give talks there. I think it’s a mixed school so why she doesn’t book men too is an odd one but hey ho, BBC line and all that. Anyway her ex husband (weak male character) is now living with comedienne Ronni Ancona who plays a successful and rich authoress of teen fiction about a character called Ruth, one of Robin Hood’s Merry Women (strong female character). There’s talk of getting Ronni in as their next guest but Sarah is worried that she won’t live up to the previous speakers Michelle Obama and Baroness Chakrabarti. I actually laughed at this point.
But there’s more. The teacher Sarah was talking to is a female in her late 20s or early 30s and is doe eyed over her 50+ year old Head. As the discussion ended she said that her husband was “still in the spare room”. And from the advertising for the show I know (and even if I hadn’t seen it it’s obvious) that the two will soon be in a physical relationship. Which had me thinking, if I pitched a story about a Headmaster in his mid 50s taking advantage of the marital difficulties of an adoring vulnerable female teacher 20ish years his junior, then it would get written as a psychological crime drama not a lovely Sunday evening romance.
There was other stuff I think but basically it was more of the same. The thing is though, this wasn’t the worst of it. Yes it was primarily lefty liberal LGBT London Bubble Dwelling Elite Colour Blind Virtue Signalling, but ‘twas ever thus and I was expecting it. The problem was that the programme was just very badly made. Most of the scenes simply went on too long, I’m no expert but I could just “tell” that scenes were badly written clunky and carried on when a judicious edit should have been in place. Furthermore, most of the scenes were discussions between only two people. On the occasions a third person was involved they were there merely as scenery. Lots of set up to events which probably won’t amount to much anyway and no forward motion in the narratives.
A half hour in my wife said that the trouble was that there was just too much happening between pairs of characters. But in contradiction to that, even though there were all of these story arcs (and I’m being more than fair in using that term) nothing was actually happening. So a programme we’d invested time in over several series plus 30 minutes last night is now dead to us, bizarrely not because of its BBC political stance but just because it was so so so badly made and scripted. And I’m glad because if I was called out by a lefty liberal LGBT London Bubble Dwelling Elite Colour Blind Virtue Signalling type, I could look them in the eye and say that I reached for the off button not because of political beliefs and my bias………but because put simply the once irreproachable BBC are making shows that are bad on a technical level, something that despite their other faults they didn’t used to do.
I’d say that annoying ‘ditto’ thing because it’s annoying . I’ve given up most of the BBC and most MSM for Lent and no `toady ‘. I’ve even left the country so have joined the ranks of those finding out what’s going on through this site . …..
Well said Wooly ! I was also staggered at the size of Sarah Lancashire ! When I saw her play the part of Home Secretary in a tv drama starring (gorgeous) Richard Gere some time ago, I thought she had been padded out for the part. Clearly not. Sadly us females can become broad of beam in middle age, but remembering a much slender Sarah – as she was in earlier series of Tango, and seeing her now came as a bit of a shock (and her severe hairstyle doesn’t help either).
Brissles, we both noticed too especially in the scene where she was full in shot in the school. My wife commented on how she wears big clothing to disguise her size, but which actually only draws attention to it, and then I noticed her face and head too.
The only reason I left it out of my post was because I was digging at the poor scriptwriting, but I did metaphorically bite my tongue when writing so didn’t say what if her part was played by a 50+ obese man taking advantage of a vulnerable female 20 years his junior.
Brissles, I have to say Priti is another Priti in a tight head shot but she looks very mumsy in three-quarter length shots wearing winter overcoats. Age happens but the trick as Sir Rod sang is to ‘wear it well’. 😉
Another point on the Covid 19 cornavirus pandemic.
When visiting the cash and carry last time I noticed far more ‘Chinese’ / Far Eastern people shopping there than normal. It was a puzzling nagging thought as to why there were such unusual numbers, but coronavirus hadn’t really risen to the front of the mind at that point.
It turns out that around December January as it became known in China, thousands fled the country and the majority came to England. This has been suppressed by the MSM and the government, both China and Britain.
We are being told now that we can expect the figures in the UK to rise into the thousands in the next couple of weeks and after that it will become very widespread.
There are a couple of issues here. Workers will be forced to take at least a couple of weeks off work affecting every industry in the country. Supply chains will be pressured like never before and certain supermarkets might be forced to close store because of staff illnesses.
Then there is the massive over reliance by UK companies on Chinese production, we haven’t really noticed the coming issues because good are in the pipeline, but soon those will run out and will not be replaced. China is apparantly on lockdown with many factories not producing anything, add into that the shipping times needed and it could be months before certain products come back onto the shelves.
Companies like Amazon are really going to suffer as the stock shortages hit their warehouses.
Many of these products are unlikely to be life and death, and a little unfulfilled desire might be no bad thing, but some are food stuffs, shipped to the UK frozen. Thailand is one of the worlds biggest producers of chicken, and most canned Tuna originates there too.
We know the UK has not been able to feed itself for centuries and has always relied on imported food, if that chain from farm to home cupboard is affected in any way people will inevitably starve.
With more and more companies operating ship to stock policies there is little resilience in the system, and the only way the government might have to prevent a ridiculously over sized populace from starving is rations set aside for times of war.
Thoughtful, one of the questions that is nagging me is that this might not be an ordinary virus. As I understand it, normally cold and influenza type-viruses (as Covid-19 was originally stated to be) cannot exist outside of a host for any length of time. They need a human or animal to occupy and mutate in or they fade away. Think the maximum life was up to three days outside a host (any medics on here to confirm or correct, please?) and transmission has to be by close proximity or by contact.
I’m starting to wonder, especially as this Covid-19 mimics full ‘flu’, whether the inevitable under-reporting at first means this virus can last outside a host much longer than typical ‘flu’ viruses and possibly survive in the atmosphere for a long time and therefore move worldwide on air currents. In other words, Covid-19 breaks the usual rules.
Obviously, this has not occurred to the Beeboid journalists as I have heard no questions to that effect. No, not a single one. Pretty pathetic.
Thoughtful, your penultimate paragraph raises an interesting thought in my mind: it will be important for people to look out for their neighbours and be ready to share supplies if necessary, if that stage in the outbreak is reached.
Most viruses do not present immediately (as I understand it) and that is often when they are most transmittable, eg. common cold, influenza, etc., especially via contact (hand-shake with someone who’d handled hankie in right hand) or close proximity (breath droplets, cough or sneeze but not as symptom).
I caught chicken pox from a child who came up to stand within a foot or two of me while I was seated on a stool behind a drumkit. Could have been purely breath transmission. Or it could be I let the child hold sticks, hit drums & cymbals, and I then handled the sticks again putting them in case. Cannot remember. Child was not symptomatic at that point. VZ virus is highly contagious.
T, think you misunderstand my ‘Skripal’ point further up page. I was refering to that as a really big low point in BBC journalism standards. I hear them making the same mistakes and producing the same lack of considered enquiry as they did after the first week or two of ‘Skripal’ were over.
Up2, the evidence ingathered by the WHO strongly suggests that Covid-19’s principal method of transmission is not through airborne droplets.
As Thoughful says, it’s a progression/variant of an existing virus. That’s largely the reason why Israeli researchers have been able to adapt a vaccine they’d been working on for some time to one that should, touch wood, be effective against Covid-19.
Yes, I’ve heard all that. If it’s related to ‘flu’ it will be transmitted through close respiratory transmission from someone asymptomatic or someone who has the symptoms. It is a respiratory illness.
However, the question I am asking (it was there in my post) is ‘Is Covid-19 breaking the virus rules.’ Could it actually be airborne for several days or weeks beyond the virus normal life outside a host. Science is about asking questions then going looking for the answers.
The answer to your question seems to be ‘no’ in so far as its airborne lifespan is concerned , but more evidence is needed in order to be wholly confident of that. It’s perhaps germane to observe that respiratory viruses typically thrive in cold, dry weather (when they are better able to linger in the air) but die out in warmer, more humid environments when their ability to pass from host to host is greatly reduced. Almost all cases of person-person transmission of Covid-19 have thus far occurred in countries that are still in the midst of flu/RSV season, so it’s quite possible that we’re seeing the virus at its most effective. Time will tell.
VH, Sarah Montague had a great opportunity to pose the question on TWatO but she only had a couple of experts on risk to ask. We really need a thorough BBC R4 interview with an expert virologist but I guess most of them are working their socks off at present. And whether the BBC would ask all the questions is something else.
As to global spread, you hint at a good point. At present, Covid-19 is in the northern hemisphere. A case or cases in Latin America or Oceania (the continent formerly known as Australasia) in relative isolation in the next couple of weeks with no travel contact would be interesting.
The Brazilian cases so far are travel related, I gather.
Up2, there’s quite a lot of information out there (from fairly reputable sources), but the UK media simply isn’t sharing it with us.
It’ll soon be autumn in the SH, so it wouldn’t be a great surprise to see a rise in locally-transmitted cases there.
Both Australia and NZ are home to a significant number of Chinese people. There’s usually a fair amount of movement between those countries and China in December and January, so it’s quite possible that some people who left China before late January have been at large in the Antipodes with undetected (due to the mildness of its symptoms in their cases) Covid-19. If so, the absence of community transmission to any great extent *could* be a hopeful indicator.
Yes, that’s right. In addition, in Brazil & Argentina also there are indigenous with strong links to Europe; Spain, Portugal and elsewhere so travelling is more likely from there as well.
It’s interesting that as the XR protests continue that international travel is being spotlit by Covid-19.
Thoughtful makes an interesting point about the number of people migrating before the existence of Covid-19 was known to the general public.
It so happens that a work colleague of my other half spent some time in Wuhan in late October/November of last year. After returning to the UK in late November, said person became manifestly unwell (he said that he’s never felt so ill in his life) but continued to attend work. A number of people at his workplace then became ill.
The principal symptoms in the only case I can directly speak to lasted a number of days and were as follows: sore throat, coughing, temperature spikes, shortness of breath. I witnessed these symptoms at close hand, though I was lucky enough not to be quite so severely smitten by whatever the bug might have been.
No-one knew of Covid-19 at the time, but the chap who went to Wuhan now wonders if he might have contracted it. For my part, I think it’s possible.
Van, yes, I can believe that. Because it is similar to ‘flu’ and symptoms when they appear are similar, it may have been around for a long, long time. But no questions are asked by the BBC about that.
A few years back there was that strange ‘back to front’ ‘flu’, the one I call ‘ Eric Morecambe ‘flu’ ‘ because the symptoms, when they present, are all the right symptoms but not necessarily in the correct order. Lots of people had it.
It almost always started with a very dry, irritating cough which could last for many days, perhaps weeks. Then the ‘flu’ symptoms would suddenly arrive all jumbled up over a few days but then victims would recover. I had it but managed to badly strain an intercostal muscle which prolonged my discomfort for several months.
Up2, the BBC get very little right. Only this morning the BBC News website said that there had been a rise in cases in Hubei, said observation being diametrically opposed to the actual figures…
I went into a DIY store yesterday and the storeman said that they have sold out of all have masks. Guess who’s been buying them all? Yep, the Chinese. They’re sending them to family in China. Which is ironic because they’re probably being manufactured in China.
As a consequence, when they have any more in store they are limiting people to purchase only five.
Terrible “report” from the beeb, looks like it will all be fine, and nothing to worry about! shame about the mess
“Parts” of a popular green space were turned into a mudbath – then shows a picture of mainly mud, and the beeb promoting a fund to pay for this! Should never have happened in the first place, saint greta we have to thank for this mess
Heat the Wok Watch #1 – with Andrew, can I Mar the Government?
Hilary Mantel was the exclusive guest, to talk about the third book of her Wolf Hall/Thomas Cromwell trilogy. She came out with the really good line – pardon the paraphrase ” People talk to me about current events and I say ‘Sorry, I’ve been away in the middle of the sixteenth century.’. ”
Andrew Marr obvious felt under no restriction so he helpfully bracketed Bojo, Trump and Brexit with a period where ‘ordinary people were powerless and lost their freedom and lives’ or something like that.
I thought she was a full on remainer ? I got suckered into trying ‘wolf hall’ but it rapidly get stopped by page 5 . I’m sure someone found some merit it it apart from the BBC
Fed, Mantel may well be but I liked the point she made: she was so caught up in the research and writing that she had been oblivious to current events. It rather highlighted Marr’s snidey comments.
Wolf Hall (TV version) was one of the last things I watched on iPlayer before the BBC threw a tantrum and took the iPlayer ball away in a huff. Really enjoyed it. If they film Books 2 & 3, I will have to wait for the box set to come out to watch it.
I have to confess I read Wolf Hall to its eventual end – despite finding her use of the third person singular, instead of the more conventional, rational and easily understood given names – juvenile and tedious.
I have not read any more of Ms Mantel’s pieces, nor would I wish to, but it does go to show that by simply conjuring a grammatical gimmick, the luvvies will swoon with excitement at its ‘freshness’ and ‘creativity’ and shower awards so that even this literary absurdity begins to believe herself a writer of some historical worth.
Naturally the BBC find her fascinating, although the irony is that the screen version of Wolf Hall was far better than the book.
Beltane, I have abandoned Book at Bedtime for the same reason: an artifice used by Colum McCann, the author of The Apeirogon, is a barrier to my enjoyment of the work. He jumps around in the time line between two different characters.
BBC Wales Investigates has welcomed Oliver Pritchard to the team as a journalist. Oliver moves from the Daily Star where he was a reporter for the title. Oliver will be focusing on in depth news stories and is happy to hear from PRs who have strong case studies willing to speak on camera about social issues in Wales.
I have been watching with interest how the Coronavirus has been reported by the mainstream media compared to some of the citizen reporters on the alternative media platforms.
In January I took the advice to do some basic preparation with supplies in case of panic buying. At the time the MSM were almost ignoring and dismissing this type of advice as over reaction. Today we have a chorus of panic , blame and advice given too late to really benefit and will likely cause panic buying. It seems to me the MSM is more interested in blaming rather than helping.
The remit in the BBC charter to educate and inform impartially is showing how hollow it really is.
BBC Charter DEC 2016: “The Mission of the BBC is to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain. “
I did the same prep and I’m glad to report the concrete making up my bunker in the garden has dried out nicely ( kidding ) .
But amazon has a distinct lack of face masks now – which I don’t think adds up to much …
Last night I accidentally channel hopped into Dr Who, probably about 10 minutes into it. I had Bradley Walsh and a strong and brave ‘wamin’ being praised to the hilt as being the ‘bestest’ and most ‘wonderfulest’ person in the world . That was 30 seconds of my life squandered before I managed to change channels. What a destruction of a once loved TV series.
Black people don’t swim. Its not in their culture – according to the spokeswoman at the Black Swimming Association. (a news titbit on Sky this morning)
Only a black person can answer that. But the Black Swimming Association is trying to get more non-whites to splash about. When I heard the report, I wondered about all those on the African coastline who are normally frolicking in the sea ! So I was trying to get my head around it too.
However, when watching swimming championships or games on the box, I can only recall seeing a couple of non-whites at most participating. As a girl I remember asking my Dad about this, and his reply ? “its not in their make-up”. Make of that what you will .
It didn’t tell that the current lady dr who featured in a film about the SS called ‘good’ in which she gets on her knees and engages in close quarters with her hubby when he was wearing an SS uniform…..
Can’t picture the pre woke doctor who s getting up to that – even that sly Macoy….
I thought I bit before posting those details. I’d seen the film before she got the Dr Who gig so was surprised how easy going the BBC vetting process was .
I’m sorry for any ‘ distress ‘ caused . I’m also sorry for Dr Who and anyone still suffering it . Terry Nation must be spinning …
Sunlight is fantastic for killing bugs
..hence less flu in summer
but after one Italian doctor carried it to Tenerife another 5 there have got it
The latest being an Italian from his group
Also a Derbyshire teacher came back from Tenerife with it
So that means there is not zero spread in a sunny place.
But then the virus might spread in a swimming pool .. water might protest the virus from sun, but it shouldn’t withstand chlorine.
I think I’ll take my own flask to the coffee morning tomorrow
… a thing that I was already planning cos damn tea gets too cold anyway.
And I’ll know no one has coughed into it
And it would be a precaution to to think about hand to hand contact like trying to avoid touching too many door handles
and I’ve put some hand wipes in my bag. ..and some tissues so I don’t need to touch my nose with my hands.
Bugs can still spread via surfaces (door handles, stair rails etc.) in warmer climes. This is more true of interior surfaces than exterior ones.
Transmission via droplets remains possible in warmer, more humid environments, though the ability of most RSVs to transmit via droplets ejected by coughing, sneezing etc. is significantly reduced.
Do any of you know or remember the BBC series The Survivors from the seventies ?
It’s based around a Chinese scientist releasing a virus the spreads throughout the world killing everyone except one person in every 10 000 .
// oh dear , the BBC prejudging ( prejudice ) a situation .
Yes it was in my formative years and pushed me towards a career in microbiology – which never happened although I did have a job cleaning school toilets once ..
I’m guessing the BBC will be re making it using a variety of multi sexual multi colours to tick all the boxes .
The cause will be a visit by President Trump ….
Talking of which – the 5 white rich democrats trying to take the White House will have their work cut out as the bug spreads . Bet they try and impeach POTUS again on the strength of it .
I understand the gay one has dropped out …
Fed, Naughtie made the point on TWatO that Buttigieg could enter every US Presidential Election for the next 32 years and still be younger than the current age of the four white males still in the running.
I hope Naughtie is not flying back & forth across the US and is using a bicycle to travel between Primaries and hustings.
Yep, I remember that – everyone was heading for the countryside, raiding empty houses for supplies and being confronted by big men with rifles riding around in land rovers.
Ironically I watched ‘Outbreak’ last night, about a virus that started as a host in a small monkey. With Dustin Hoffman and Donald Sutherland. It was made in 1995, but seemed relevant today.
UK Covid19 map
Just for info
I’m not sure how reliable this map is
and it certainly doesn’t mean an area is particularly dangerous/safe.
Like if a yellow dot is your mother in Derby and she comes across to Grimsby she brings the danger with her.
A short while ago the BBC brought on a totally impartial media expert clawed Claire Enders to opine about where the BBC finds itself. She was, of course, as all BBC experts are, especially about BBC impartiality, impartial.
This is the latest impartial ‘analysis’ from her company::
Chart of the month: Spend on first-run, UK-originated programming, 2018
A diminished BBC would result in diminished spend on local content, a diminished shop window and brand that independent producers can leverage to sell to the world, and a diminished television ecosystem, with fewer reasons to enter the medium and sample any of the broadcasters’ offerings. Rising local content expenditure from foreign streaming services may fill a gap at a base level but none have Terms of Trade with producers.
Subscription BBC?
The Government appears set on reducing the scale and scope of the BBC by dismantling the licence fee, and in its place pushing for subscription or making payment voluntary, without any evidence of the likely impact. DTT – the UK’s largest TV platform – has no conditional access capability, and so implementation would require another costly and long-term switchover. A voluntary licence fee would inevitably lead to a huge reduction in income. If just those on income-related benefits were not to pay, the shortfall would be over £500 million – in addition to the £250 million the BBC will be funding for over-75s receiving Pension Credit.
The BBC: Benefiting the UK creative economy
A monolith within the broadcasting landscape and the greater UK creative economy, the BBC, instructed by its Charter, is a guaranteed leader of investment in local and quality content, tech, regionality, and diversity. The sector’s balance results in skills, intellectual property and talent naturally flowing from the Corporation to private companies, incentivising ambition and success while allowing the wider environment to flourish. Those that would fill its void offer few of these guaranteed benefits. The efficacy by which the BBC achieves its required objectives is and should be open to questioning and review, however it nevertheless stands as a major and essential contributor to the creative sector, one of Britain’s greatest achievements.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Stop foreign aid .. oh wait … that’s 8 billion leaving the UK! HA HA HAH AHAH AH A “Migrant…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:38 Midweek 12th March 2025 Canada’s Justin Trudeau cannot say how often he wore blackface [img][/img]
vladMar 12, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 If any of you deplorables enjoy seeing leftist terrorists accidentally setting themselves on fire while trying to arsonise Tesla, then…
JohnCMar 12, 11:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 ‘City of culture’ rapidly became ‘biggest shithole we want to try and rejuvinate’. The only culture Bradford has is the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:14 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Bangladesh Court Seizes Tulip Siddiq’s Properties and Imposes Travel Ban” – Minister of …………………….. She served as Economic Secretary…
markhMar 12, 11:12 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s bad enough that the dire Comic Relief is heading our way again. What makes it infinitely worse is that…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:51 Midweek 12th March 2025 The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act: From Propaganda to Censorship to Tyranny by Laurie Calhoun | May 18, 2022 (seen on…
StewGreenMar 12, 10:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 elsewhere “They’re filming a propaganda piece about last summer’s civil unrest, directed by Rizwan Wadan. The “heroic” Imam Adam Kelwick—who…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:37 Midweek 12th March 2025 UK riots: Police officer filmed telling men ‘stash weapons in mosque’ The officer was filmed in a video, which was…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:34 Midweek 12th March 2025 Pipa Doubtfire Former Head of Revenue Management Roles and responsibilities Pipa Doubtfire is Head of Revenue Management. She leads a…
2020. A year that will be remembered.
The end of the BBC.
Brexit fulfilled.
The Civil Service cowed.
Climate Change exposed as a myth.
Anything else?
Linaker catches potato blight.
President Trump re elected .
The Emir of Londonistan loses
Harry and wife appear in ‘ The Crown ‘
French fishing fleet sunk in harbour by the Royal Navy as recompense for both over fishing and being French.
Large privet hedge planted in mid English Channel.
All German assets in the UK seized as war reparations.
Back links to previous thread
Jeez we only had 2 pages
– page 2 started 4am Sunday
DS, I would swap the privet hedge for an extensive holly bush – lots of leaves that are capable of puncturing.
The BBC seem to get worse and worse with everything they do – in their efforts to be woke. I can only assume that they think that the people of the UK voted for Brexit, voted for Boris, etc because we haven’t been educated enough. What will it take for the BBC to realise that the more they push woke issues , the more people switch off.
They are behaving in that manner because they know its literally their swansong.
As discussed on the video segment toward the end of the previous thread – those who have taken over the BBC are either so detached from everyday common sense that they don’t realise the effect they are having or believe the British Public is Just Wrong . Their epitaph
Notice how those civil service mandarins think so highly of themselves that they call their trade union the First Division Association .*
It should really be called Fived Column , the amount of damage they do to our interests .
* they haven’t noticed weve got a premier league .
Absolutely not should the Home Secretary resign or step-aside on this recent issue-that Civil Servant, goodness I can’t recall his name, simply pathetic. I cannot really believe that this individual who is apparently thought of so highly by the Civil Service, was unable to cope with a strong-minded detremined lady, whose job is under immense pressure from all quarters just now. One word Pathetic- surely he could have arranged an appointment with the PM inclusive of the Home Secretary to sort it out rather than going public. Oh but don’t the BBC enjoy this predilection.
Katie on Sky News Australia (17 mins). She talks about South Africa at around 8 mins.
She has also tweeted the following beside a photo of Rutnam:
“He oozes disdain like a corpse, softly leaking its faecal load”
That description fits many other people and organisations.
“Katie on Sky News Australia (17 mins). She talks about South Africa at around 8 mins…
‘There is no freedom of speech in Australia or the UK.’ ”
Yeah right; here’s Katie on Sky News Australia saying whatever she wants whilst claiming there’s no freedom of speech.
As usual, she is high on rhetoric and low on facts. But to be fair, that’s how she generates income; got to make a living from the dupes somehow…
Hello maxincony, who rattled your cage ?
Have you got any Al Beeb bias to post or are you back to trolling again?
Pretty good going using a near two year-old Guardian article to counter a story from this year!
I guess if enough farmers get murdered there comes a point when the number of new deaths becomes minimal?
Free speech, such as remains, increasingly comes with losing one’s job it seems.
Katie Hopkins is brave enough to give her own opinions under her own name, unlike the cowards at the BBC who re-tweet, push propaganda as questions, (“Should the age of consent be lowered to 4?”), and quote the anonymous ‘some say’, (i.e. them and their mates in the BBC pub).
hello maxi, you know what I’m going to ask you, don’t you? Yes, where’s that apology you owe me?
She’s correct. A South African white family has just moved next door to my sister. They have 3 boys and the oldest about 8 or 9 looked in amazment that the back doors are not locked during the day, and there are no electric fences and rolling shutters for the windows. After speaking to the parents they only got 5% of there house value because they are white and told me some horror stories. So I rather trust them than the Guardian any day. Ohhh remember how crime in this country kept dropping the the safe levels now…
@Maxi said Re: No freedom of speech
“Yeah right; here’s Katie on Sky News Australia ”
She was on a prog which is rather special, it’s called OUTSIDERS
..cos it airs voices that are normally kept on the outside.
Freedom of speech means having fair access, not just niche
.. and we know that Rachel Riley and a Muslim activist group just got major restrictions placed on Hopkins Twitter account, tweets were deleted and she was locked out for a while.
Also as we discussed, in OZ a feminist academic just received an MBE eqt for a lifetimes work , yet when she sent one tweet quoting a policeman most politicians said her award should be removed.
That is a message to Australians that they must self censor or the Wokemob will get you.
This week on Countryfile Adam took us back to see the flooded fields of Lincolnshire. Fortunately the waters had receded enough for them to walk the field margins and for the farmer to start clearing a drainage ditch.
So far so good.
Except now that there wasn’t water everwhere it was possible to see the river, ‘that had broken its banks’ , was ten foot or so up the hillside on the left while to the right, ‘as far as the eye could see’ was a flat-bottomed valley. I wonder what had created that valley in the past? How was it possible to have a river on the side of a hill and not down in the valley?
I don’t suppose that historically the river had formed an alluvial flood plain but the hand of man had canalised it and created an artificial bank.
Probably not, I expect ‘climate change’ is making water run down hills.
The farm is named Shortferry Yard
.. that implies that historically it was not such a dry place
Exactly what I shouted at the TV before my wife got the straight jacket out again..
I have had a whole week away from BBC – oh so delightful
but back and nothing changes – Marr this morning taking digs at Dominic Cummings and predictable
A lot of the people in Snaith who have been flooded out feel that the flood prevention measures that were brought into use in Leeds contributed greatly to the floods downstream.
Just a wird if advice to readers as the coronavirus scare spreads.
It really has nothing to do with the virus, but please note the propaganda of the MSM in terrifying the public over something which is inevitably going to spread like well – the plague.
The point is though that people are going to react to the scare stories by emptying the supermarket shelves.
Several weeks ago I saw a cash and carry emptied of FFP3 masks and a case of 30 was selling on Ebay for over £400 !
The government is advising people to stock up, and this is probably good advice (for a change). While I’m not advocating panic buying, a few extra toilet rolls, UHT milk and tinned food would be a wise precaution against the loons who will strip those shelves bare based on the medias scare stories.
It’s already happened in Italy and there are food shortages, so a few precautions would be wise indeed.
Thoughtful – yes – wise words – I’ve already noticed depletion of cold type remedy stuff in local supermarkets . Another hummus or avocado shortage will be just too much for many snowflakes . The Guardian will run a series on ‘alt organic-Dairy Free -fair trade – super foods -without allergies ….
Thoughtful and Fed, was in a crowded supermarket (no-one wearing masks) on Saturday and the honey stock was all gone, set and runny. I did wonder if people had been stocking up for medicinal reasons.
The advice you give is wise and good.
The BBC N&CA need to be advised to ask better questions of invited contributors.
I’ve been looking at the issue of hand gel. Confusing: Non-alcohol or alcohol versions? Both apparently doing the job. But no. World Service during the small hours, I just caught some ‘expert’ saying that the alcohol version should be the only one but, > 60% alc content. Seems the Corona virus has a fatty exterior which is the infectious part. Alcohol hand gel will erase/destroy the fatty exterior if it comes into contact. Ebay 303500120385 best deal
most medical voices on the radio have said soap and hot water do a good job.
Thanks – maybe muslims will have a higher level of infection due to the use of non alcohol based disinfectants – and if I recall that’s the stuff the NHS has in hospitals so as not to upset the muzzies .
I’ll switch to using cheap vodka when my cleaner stuff runs out next year – makes a change from drinking ….
\\A 16-year-old boy has died in a stabbing after a large house party “got out of hand”.//
“Two 17-year-old boys have been arrested on suspicion of murder.”
And the Liblabs want to give “16 Old Boys” the vote.
One minute they are “boys” when it suits them and the next minute they are old enough to vote . You can’t make it up .
There are spoof Guardian headlines on social media, but it gets harder and harder these days to tell the real from the fake.
I wouldn’t bother reading this article — the gist is promoting self-sacrifice for the good of the party err… I mean public health. Bit of respect shown for the brutal quarantine methods in China (harsh but fair) but while “the concept of collective sacrifice for the communal good is drummed in from childhood, [it] won’t translate easily to European democracies.”
Lashings of Guardian sauce on everything… nasty Brits, their lack of community spirit engendering a pandemic, plus a thumbs up for totalitarianism.
TM, “There are spoof Guardian headlines on social media, but it gets harder and harder these days to tell the real from the fake.”
Chuckle. So true, so very true.
10pm news Sunday night BBC1 and Orla showing us film of refugees trying to get into Greece. Two of the families she highlighted were Afghans. One family had Dad being carried on his son’s back. How far is it from Afghanistan to Greece? It is too far for google maps to measure, it cannot find a route. People would have to travel through Iraq, Iran and Turkey at the very least. The old man could not have been carried that distance. Nor did Orla explain why refugees from Afghanistan should go through the hell that the BBC tells us that Syria is.
Afghanis travel into Pakistan
Then into Iran
Then right across Iran into Turkey
I lived near the Syrian border and never met an Afghani that came that way, just Syrians
The ones I knew actually tended to moved gently over the years living in each country for a while..
And wanted to move to a western dream country.
Have Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan got something in common ?
Oh one extra thing there was hospitality but those countries want to preserve their own ethnic groups so asylum seekers are treated as second class.
Can one ask as to why these fleeing Syrians do not track towards countries who are of their own faith/Islam-what about Saudi Arabia, who have adequate facilities to accom, further why don’t they move to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and all the other Stans-plenty of room, good weather and all followers of Islam? We all know quite well the result of what upwards of 4 million immigrants would do to Europe-the results would I suspect cause Civil Strife turning much nastier as the full force of the invasion falls upon the unsuspecting. One has to wonder as to what on earth are those Bureaucrats in Brussels thinking, or are they just mesmerised by it all?
why these fleeing Syrians do not track towards countries who are of their own faith/Islam
I think vast majority do stay in Lebanon and Turkey
Europe gets a fraction who are economic migrants
-what about Saudi Arabia
It’s a special case cos it limits refugees severely
otherwise pilgrims would never go home.
Bureaucrats want to continue going to dinner parties with their woke friends, instead of properly policing these queue jumpers and prioritising honest refugees.
Still appears to be a mighty big ‘fraction” Stew Green. Spot on about the Bureaucrats, afterall they have got to spend their expense accounts somehow.
Also hard to believe it’s real — while the MSM report softly on the situation in Greece — this from Oulu, Finland where migrant rapes have included one girl aged 10 and one who committed suicide.
This apparently part of a campaign by the city in response. According to the poster “The woman in glasses in the front is a former social democrat candidate who [previously] denied such problem even existed and claimed migrant rape gangs are just a lie made up by racists.
Helsinki syndrome ?
Yeah, that should work.
The collective I.Q in that room would double if a dog walked in.
Trump, the most powerful man in the world, is still having problems draining the swamp in his country even after four years.
Boris is just beginning his task. Good luck.
Comparable to Hercules’ fifth labour, ‘cleaning the Augean Stables’.
LOL, well spotted, taffman! Oh, and belated happy St David’s Day for yesterday.
Has anyone noticed the propensity that Al Beeb has for using the Royal “We” in the last year or two.
Ie. “what we know”…..
“Where are we” …….
“what we should do…… Etc .
Its as if they are on our political side, when its clear to all that they are Not.
That’s because they are not talking to you and me and other normal people.
#WeFiles = The BBC propensity for claiming their ‘metropolitan liberal bubbleworld view’ is the view of the UK
@JunkkMale has been logging it on Twitter on a daily basis for MORE THAN 7 years
‘This is a warning to anyone who has the temerity to challenge the action of the BBC – you will pay for it.’
is effectively what the judge said
StewGreen, 4:43 PM:
“SkyNewsAust host speaks about the ‘offence industry’ “
StewGreen, 9:02 PM:
“very deep voiced ‘lady’ with a model canal boat on Antiques Road Show”
@Maxi I merely commented about the “very deep voiced ‘lady’ with a model canal boat on Antiques Road Show”
… I didn’t say I was offended
.. I wasn’t
”..When women explode and do violence against their own family
people often ask ‘was she driven too far ?’ “
Not when they murder their own children; what a ridiculous thing to say.
“So when an Australian father killed his family
a police officer asked that question.”
Your initial proposition is patently false, therefore there is no; “so…”.
“Trouble is the wokemob were already looking for something to beat her with cos she’d just won an MBE for her lifetime of equality work and she is not a lefty. ”
Another ridiculous statement. The opposition to Bettina Arndt receiving an MBE is nothing to do with her, *not being a lefty*; it’s because of her repeated victim blaming of women and children who have been raped, as well her attempts to justify the crimes of convicted paedophiles.
“And they were the only ones who voted that her tweet was free speech.”
Stripping Bettina Arndt of her MBE doesn’t take away her freedom of speech; it just means she can continue to spout whatever nonsense she wants without a few extra initials after her name. But such tiny details would interrupt the myth of your own permanent victimhood.
What motivates you to troll ?
Lack of customers.
Paying ones, especially.
Al Keyhole after closing time?
I imagine somebody pays him.
Haven’t you got a bridge to repair post all the floods dear troll?
@Maxicony I already answered your point above when I answered, your first comment/
We already know it is quite common for women to be treated lightly for killing their partners , citing coercion.
Killing their own children as well is less common
but the policeman though it was a point worth considering
And Arndt quoted him
.. that is free speech
and hitting her causes future people to self censor
..and that is a loss of free speech.
Greta is slamming white men with physics degrees who deny her beliefs in the Climate. Piers Corbyn has just been slammed for comparing her to Hilda Goebbels. But we have hope. Naomi Seibt to the rescue. She graduated school with a first place in Physics and second in Mathematics. Greta has no known achievements due to going on school strikes against those who deny climate science. But has been given many honorary qualifications for which they have waived all of the usual requirements, such as knowledge, education, attendance, course credits, a dissertation, and the passing of examinations.
So the future of Western Civilisation could either be with thousands of ignorant morons like Greta with honorary Physics and Mathematics qualifications who think they do not deny the science, even though they are to thick to be interested in the science, or with intelligent people like Naomi with real Physics and Mathematics qualifications, who Greta thinks do deny the science.

Acthung Acthung, der spitfiure, schnell, schnell!
I bet Sir Calamity and the Civil Service will lose due to a calamitous incompetence. Then incompetent Civil servants will either go on strike with Greta or if they accidentally sack themselves due to a moment of calamitous misjudgement, join the calamitous LibDems with Sir Calamity. “Carry on Calamity (2017)” A pantomime with cross dressing Civil Servants.
These creatures wouldn’t have got to the top unless they knew the laws of self preservation – so it is unlikely to see the First Division Association resign En mass to be replaced by Even slightly brexit / right sympathetic types yet alone Cummings approved ‘radicals ‘ .
47? Years of incest between the EU and UK civil service coupled with the Snowflake Deep State will lead to a battle to disable the new governments .
Plenty more leaks on the way with Labour as accomplice . All that stuff about about a neutral professional civil service . What a lie .
By the way – isn’t it nice to see Maxi back – spitting from the sidelines as usual with no original thought but skilled in ‘cut and paste’. ?
I’ve posted before of my many years in private industry but having to work closely with the so called civil servants in a certain branch of ‘government’. I never met a more self entitled, lazy, lefty, jobs for the boys, militant bunch.
They’d spend all their time moaning about the private sector, working out best how to claim yet more travel expenses, attending diversity workshops and union gathering. The office dress code was appaling with some looking like they were attempting to keep the local rag n bone man employed and others fitted out for a trek around the Lake District whilst sat at a desk.
Most used our facilities as a convenient bolt hole because their actual place of work was an hour plus drive from their residence but would then moan to the leadership because we hadn’t provided enough desk space for them.
I have no time or sympathy for them at any level. My old boss described them as unemployable in any other walk of life.
Liz Truss very much up in my estimation this morning facing. Desperate Dan on BBC news..
Dan tried…
EU trade deal collapse?
French Fishermen Calais Blockade if not allowed in UK waters?
Chlorinated chicken from the USA?
NHS sold to USA?
Coronavirus to run amok?
Head honcho at civil service faux fury – does this mean things have gone wrong?
She batted Dan away like a mosquito…
Good to see!
Block Calais. Please do. It may stop the boat loads of invaders from mainland Europe.
BBC News subbing is funny…
Around 15,000 people are believed to have attended Friday’s Bristol Youth Strike 4 Climate rally, damaging green space and angering many.
I wonder why Mark Sedwell hasn’t been booted out of the building? Will he just hang around like a serpent, whispering dissent into every ear and slither under a rock and watch the discord he’s created?
Or will Dominic Cummings focus his fire on him once and for all?
Oh, and how’s commie Robbins doing these days?
Has Chanel 4 news ground to a halt since his absence?
Maybe he’s not as important as he thinks he is.
The civil service broadcaster.
What about the Berk-Cow and the ongoing ‘bullying’ issues and allegations against that odious little twerp.
Why doesn’t ‘Danny’ get into the middle of that BIG story?
BBC/Civil Service set it up, then ‘report’ their set up.
Good on you Priti, go for it, shake the up the lazy buggers, make them work harder for their money and tolerate no CS who is still with a remainer stance-oust him or her. Take no prisnoners girl.
A bit messy
Greece Suspends Asylum as Turkey Opens Gates for Migrants..
At last someone is taking a stand, unlike what Merkel did and opening the doors!
I`m getting on a bit, but I have an idea for a smashing new Christmas gift which the BBC long suffering public are well overdue to enjoy from their grandchildren. I will register it as “Oh no not another one – turn them off !” Simply put, it will require dexterity to access the remote control, point it at any BBC television output and press MUTE. Bonus points if you get a lunatic BBC favourite professor, emeritus, dead or otherwise. Price ? Well it will be a hell of a lot less than a TV licence.
Capstan – I got one of those new fangled amazon dot things and wondered if it could be wired into the TV to automatically edit out the long list of stuff I neither want to see or hear . ….
Some one could make a fortune – jeff bezos – perhaps …?
Capstan, I think you have the makings of an idea there that would sell. It needs a clever young person who can do computer stuff and another clever young person who can make computer games.
Between them they could turn any TV programme into a computer game. So, when for example Jon (eff the Tories) Snow is back at work, we could turn his puerile interpretation of a news programme into a shoot-em-up game. It could be a team game with competitions on who zaps the highest number of talking heads.
BBC Online News Video:
“The UK’s first climate change refugees?”
“The residents of Fairbourne, a village in Gwynedd, have been labelled as such after the government announced they would have to leave their homes.”
“They’ve been told the area – 450 houses, a pub, post office and several shops – will be decommissioned by 2054 because of the threat of sea-level rise and coastal flooding linked to climate change.”
“It’s been seven years, and house prices in the area have plummeted. Residents don’t know when or where they will have to move, who will pay, and they haven’t been offered any compensation.”
Nah, the first is our very own Max Incontinency. Now looking for a new bridge to live under after his last one was washed away in the weekend storms.
The list lengthens daily.
“Our survey said…”
No, it’s not Family Fortunes.
Danny Shaw, BBC Home Affairs correspondent wants to tell us about research that says:
‘”Equally it is evident that British Muslims appear to be just as willing to step up and report concerns about an individual at risk of being radicalised as everybody else.”
‘The research was funded by a charitable trust with an interest in policing and crime reduction which for security reasons does not wish to be identified. ‘
Confused? You will be. The BBC article first dutifully lays out the happy clappy steady as we go research about the Government’s Prevent thing then our Danny quotes the Muslim Brotherhood – sorry the Muslim Council of Britain – telling us pretty much the opposite. I’m none the wiser.
Surveys are notoriously loaded so as to prove what their authors want them to prove. And then there’s that Taqiya thing.
Actions speak louder than words. You just can’t trust what people say.
My favourite Family Fortunes moment was when Les Denis (I think) asked a contestant to name something green. The answer she gave – my cardigan.
Something I meant to post yesterday, but didn’t have the time.
Compare and contrast.
Roland, maybe Diane Abbott did the maths for the beeb 🙂
It’s not so much the maths that concerns me, it’s the picture. One of them is highly misleading.
Yes, look at the proportion of children/young men of fighting age.
Economic migrants, pest and disease carriers and male combatants.
All wish to turn Europe into a version of the Middle East s*** holes from which they came.
They are making a pretty good fist of it, too…
In the second photo, I’ve never seen so many school age children in one place. Is it a little miss muffet climate rally?
He does look ill.
From my research it’s fatal among the older generations.
I hope Hesseltine, Cable and Major are taking the necessary precautions.
Great message Pug thank you
Why is it that on R4? Every bloody story/book is about Muslim /Islamic society…..what is it with them? Can they not find anything else to talk about…how about Buddhism?
TOADY Watch #1 – Some ‘signs’ (Melvin Bragg pronunciation) matter, others do not
There’s a distinct whiff of Skripal emerging around the BBC with this Coronovirus/Covid-19 thing. Our Mishal spoke with an expert and was amazingly unquestioning. I’m developing a list of questions as the outbreak goes on but the supposed journalists and journalist/presenters at the BBC don’t do science and are obviously not at all curious about it.
But then, finding out more about the science would get in the way of The Agenda. The Agenda is finding something to attack Bojo and the Government with.
If some academics do some research into ‘Why dogs have cold noses’ at a Scandinavian University – yes, honestly – Mishal is suddenly very interested in the so called ‘signs'(Melvin Bragg pronunciation) and has all sorts of questions for the contributor. But not on Covid-19. Hhmmmnnn.
So, Last Tango In Halifax watch, don’t worry it’ll be a one off post.
We got round to watching the first episode of Last Tango In Halifax last night, it’s a show that despite its’ obvious BBC agenda we did used to enjoy, not essential viewing but watchable. Not any more.
The first or second scene in the first episode was in Sarah Lancashire’s (Racquel off Coronation Street) kitchen. She’s a lesbian headmistress (strong female character) living with her young daughter who at first I thought was black or mixed race but might actually be South East Asian. So a normal BBC family group then.
She was in discussion with her mother. Helpfully the pre credit sequence had shown a scene from an earlier series where her mother admitted to her shocked husband Derek Jacobi that she had voted Conservative. Credit where credit’s due, her follow up line of “who did you expect me to vote for? Michael Foot?” was a good one. However this set up was there to explain how her character has gone from being a bit overbearing, to now being thoroughly unlikable and money obsessed, unlike fluffy hubby Derek Jacobi who rescued a young boy who had shoplifted (no doubt anyone who continues to watch will find that he has a disabled mother he’s caring for) and is generally nice. So more of the BBC approved line of Socialist=Nice, Conservative = Bad.
On to Sarah Lancashire’s school. The scenario being that she books inspirational, empowering women to give talks there. I think it’s a mixed school so why she doesn’t book men too is an odd one but hey ho, BBC line and all that. Anyway her ex husband (weak male character) is now living with comedienne Ronni Ancona who plays a successful and rich authoress of teen fiction about a character called Ruth, one of Robin Hood’s Merry Women (strong female character). There’s talk of getting Ronni in as their next guest but Sarah is worried that she won’t live up to the previous speakers Michelle Obama and Baroness Chakrabarti. I actually laughed at this point.
But there’s more. The teacher Sarah was talking to is a female in her late 20s or early 30s and is doe eyed over her 50+ year old Head. As the discussion ended she said that her husband was “still in the spare room”. And from the advertising for the show I know (and even if I hadn’t seen it it’s obvious) that the two will soon be in a physical relationship. Which had me thinking, if I pitched a story about a Headmaster in his mid 50s taking advantage of the marital difficulties of an adoring vulnerable female teacher 20ish years his junior, then it would get written as a psychological crime drama not a lovely Sunday evening romance.
There was other stuff I think but basically it was more of the same. The thing is though, this wasn’t the worst of it. Yes it was primarily lefty liberal LGBT London Bubble Dwelling Elite Colour Blind Virtue Signalling, but ‘twas ever thus and I was expecting it. The problem was that the programme was just very badly made. Most of the scenes simply went on too long, I’m no expert but I could just “tell” that scenes were badly written clunky and carried on when a judicious edit should have been in place. Furthermore, most of the scenes were discussions between only two people. On the occasions a third person was involved they were there merely as scenery. Lots of set up to events which probably won’t amount to much anyway and no forward motion in the narratives.
A half hour in my wife said that the trouble was that there was just too much happening between pairs of characters. But in contradiction to that, even though there were all of these story arcs (and I’m being more than fair in using that term) nothing was actually happening. So a programme we’d invested time in over several series plus 30 minutes last night is now dead to us, bizarrely not because of its BBC political stance but just because it was so so so badly made and scripted. And I’m glad because if I was called out by a lefty liberal LGBT London Bubble Dwelling Elite Colour Blind Virtue Signalling type, I could look them in the eye and say that I reached for the off button not because of political beliefs and my bias………but because put simply the once irreproachable BBC are making shows that are bad on a technical level, something that despite their other faults they didn’t used to do.
I’m so glad I don’t do telly, Woolwich.
But thanks for putting yourself through all that to provide us with a good read. Plus an incentive to carry on not doing telly.
I’d say that annoying ‘ditto’ thing because it’s annoying . I’ve given up most of the BBC and most MSM for Lent and no `toady ‘. I’ve even left the country so have joined the ranks of those finding out what’s going on through this site . …..
I thought you were supposed to give up things you liked for Lent?
Well said Wooly ! I was also staggered at the size of Sarah Lancashire ! When I saw her play the part of Home Secretary in a tv drama starring (gorgeous) Richard Gere some time ago, I thought she had been padded out for the part. Clearly not. Sadly us females can become broad of beam in middle age, but remembering a much slender Sarah – as she was in earlier series of Tango, and seeing her now came as a bit of a shock (and her severe hairstyle doesn’t help either).
Brissles, we both noticed too especially in the scene where she was full in shot in the school. My wife commented on how she wears big clothing to disguise her size, but which actually only draws attention to it, and then I noticed her face and head too.
The only reason I left it out of my post was because I was digging at the poor scriptwriting, but I did metaphorically bite my tongue when writing so didn’t say what if her part was played by a 50+ obese man taking advantage of a vulnerable female 20 years his junior.
Brissles, I have to say Priti is another Priti in a tight head shot but she looks very mumsy in three-quarter length shots wearing winter overcoats. Age happens but the trick as Sir Rod sang is to ‘wear it well’. 😉
Yes, she’s another case in point. I agree with Mrs Woolwich, and say that a half decent stylist can work wonders on redefining a body.
Cracking views of the Calder Valley don’t you think.
And he drove a Lexus…..only so much ridicule about my home town I can take.
No comment.
Ergo: The Guardian does not represent Great Britain.
We already knew that but nice of them to confirm the fact – not least by the omission of ‘Great’ from the quote.
Another point on the Covid 19 cornavirus pandemic.
When visiting the cash and carry last time I noticed far more ‘Chinese’ / Far Eastern people shopping there than normal. It was a puzzling nagging thought as to why there were such unusual numbers, but coronavirus hadn’t really risen to the front of the mind at that point.
It turns out that around December January as it became known in China, thousands fled the country and the majority came to England. This has been suppressed by the MSM and the government, both China and Britain.
We are being told now that we can expect the figures in the UK to rise into the thousands in the next couple of weeks and after that it will become very widespread.
There are a couple of issues here. Workers will be forced to take at least a couple of weeks off work affecting every industry in the country. Supply chains will be pressured like never before and certain supermarkets might be forced to close store because of staff illnesses.
Then there is the massive over reliance by UK companies on Chinese production, we haven’t really noticed the coming issues because good are in the pipeline, but soon those will run out and will not be replaced. China is apparantly on lockdown with many factories not producing anything, add into that the shipping times needed and it could be months before certain products come back onto the shelves.
Companies like Amazon are really going to suffer as the stock shortages hit their warehouses.
Many of these products are unlikely to be life and death, and a little unfulfilled desire might be no bad thing, but some are food stuffs, shipped to the UK frozen. Thailand is one of the worlds biggest producers of chicken, and most canned Tuna originates there too.
We know the UK has not been able to feed itself for centuries and has always relied on imported food, if that chain from farm to home cupboard is affected in any way people will inevitably starve.
With more and more companies operating ship to stock policies there is little resilience in the system, and the only way the government might have to prevent a ridiculously over sized populace from starving is rations set aside for times of war.
Thoughtful, one of the questions that is nagging me is that this might not be an ordinary virus. As I understand it, normally cold and influenza type-viruses (as Covid-19 was originally stated to be) cannot exist outside of a host for any length of time. They need a human or animal to occupy and mutate in or they fade away. Think the maximum life was up to three days outside a host (any medics on here to confirm or correct, please?) and transmission has to be by close proximity or by contact.
I’m starting to wonder, especially as this Covid-19 mimics full ‘flu’, whether the inevitable under-reporting at first means this virus can last outside a host much longer than typical ‘flu’ viruses and possibly survive in the atmosphere for a long time and therefore move worldwide on air currents. In other words, Covid-19 breaks the usual rules.
Obviously, this has not occurred to the Beeboid journalists as I have heard no questions to that effect. No, not a single one. Pretty pathetic.
Thoughtful, your penultimate paragraph raises an interesting thought in my mind: it will be important for people to look out for their neighbours and be ready to share supplies if necessary, if that stage in the outbreak is reached.
From the talk a virologist gave it is a progression of a known virus, and not something engineered in a lab.
The biggest issue though is that people become infectious prior to any symptoms, and therefore are unaware of any illness.
Sure, I heard that, too.
Most viruses do not present immediately (as I understand it) and that is often when they are most transmittable, eg. common cold, influenza, etc., especially via contact (hand-shake with someone who’d handled hankie in right hand) or close proximity (breath droplets, cough or sneeze but not as symptom).
I caught chicken pox from a child who came up to stand within a foot or two of me while I was seated on a stool behind a drumkit. Could have been purely breath transmission. Or it could be I let the child hold sticks, hit drums & cymbals, and I then handled the sticks again putting them in case. Cannot remember. Child was not symptomatic at that point. VZ virus is highly contagious.
T, think you misunderstand my ‘Skripal’ point further up page. I was refering to that as a really big low point in BBC journalism standards. I hear them making the same mistakes and producing the same lack of considered enquiry as they did after the first week or two of ‘Skripal’ were over.
Up2, the evidence ingathered by the WHO strongly suggests that Covid-19’s principal method of transmission is not through airborne droplets.
As Thoughful says, it’s a progression/variant of an existing virus. That’s largely the reason why Israeli researchers have been able to adapt a vaccine they’d been working on for some time to one that should, touch wood, be effective against Covid-19.
Yes, I’ve heard all that. If it’s related to ‘flu’ it will be transmitted through close respiratory transmission from someone asymptomatic or someone who has the symptoms. It is a respiratory illness.
However, the question I am asking (it was there in my post) is ‘Is Covid-19 breaking the virus rules.’ Could it actually be airborne for several days or weeks beyond the virus normal life outside a host. Science is about asking questions then going looking for the answers.
Journalism is that as well, BBC please note.
Up2, I agree re. science and journalism.
The answer to your question seems to be ‘no’ in so far as its airborne lifespan is concerned , but more evidence is needed in order to be wholly confident of that. It’s perhaps germane to observe that respiratory viruses typically thrive in cold, dry weather (when they are better able to linger in the air) but die out in warmer, more humid environments when their ability to pass from host to host is greatly reduced. Almost all cases of person-person transmission of Covid-19 have thus far occurred in countries that are still in the midst of flu/RSV season, so it’s quite possible that we’re seeing the virus at its most effective. Time will tell.
VH, Sarah Montague had a great opportunity to pose the question on TWatO but she only had a couple of experts on risk to ask. We really need a thorough BBC R4 interview with an expert virologist but I guess most of them are working their socks off at present. And whether the BBC would ask all the questions is something else.
As to global spread, you hint at a good point. At present, Covid-19 is in the northern hemisphere. A case or cases in Latin America or Oceania (the continent formerly known as Australasia) in relative isolation in the next couple of weeks with no travel contact would be interesting.
The Brazilian cases so far are travel related, I gather.
Up2, there’s quite a lot of information out there (from fairly reputable sources), but the UK media simply isn’t sharing it with us.
It’ll soon be autumn in the SH, so it wouldn’t be a great surprise to see a rise in locally-transmitted cases there.
Both Australia and NZ are home to a significant number of Chinese people. There’s usually a fair amount of movement between those countries and China in December and January, so it’s quite possible that some people who left China before late January have been at large in the Antipodes with undetected (due to the mildness of its symptoms in their cases) Covid-19. If so, the absence of community transmission to any great extent *could* be a hopeful indicator.
Yes, that’s right. In addition, in Brazil & Argentina also there are indigenous with strong links to Europe; Spain, Portugal and elsewhere so travelling is more likely from there as well.
It’s interesting that as the XR protests continue that international travel is being spotlit by Covid-19.
Thoughtful makes an interesting point about the number of people migrating before the existence of Covid-19 was known to the general public.
It so happens that a work colleague of my other half spent some time in Wuhan in late October/November of last year. After returning to the UK in late November, said person became manifestly unwell (he said that he’s never felt so ill in his life) but continued to attend work. A number of people at his workplace then became ill.
The principal symptoms in the only case I can directly speak to lasted a number of days and were as follows: sore throat, coughing, temperature spikes, shortness of breath. I witnessed these symptoms at close hand, though I was lucky enough not to be quite so severely smitten by whatever the bug might have been.
No-one knew of Covid-19 at the time, but the chap who went to Wuhan now wonders if he might have contracted it. For my part, I think it’s possible.
Van, yes, I can believe that. Because it is similar to ‘flu’ and symptoms when they appear are similar, it may have been around for a long, long time. But no questions are asked by the BBC about that.
A few years back there was that strange ‘back to front’ ‘flu’, the one I call ‘ Eric Morecambe ‘flu’ ‘ because the symptoms, when they present, are all the right symptoms but not necessarily in the correct order. Lots of people had it.
It almost always started with a very dry, irritating cough which could last for many days, perhaps weeks. Then the ‘flu’ symptoms would suddenly arrive all jumbled up over a few days but then victims would recover. I had it but managed to badly strain an intercostal muscle which prolonged my discomfort for several months.
Up2, the BBC get very little right. Only this morning the BBC News website said that there had been a rise in cases in Hubei, said observation being diametrically opposed to the actual figures…
I went into a DIY store yesterday and the storeman said that they have sold out of all have masks. Guess who’s been buying them all? Yep, the Chinese. They’re sending them to family in China. Which is ironic because they’re probably being manufactured in China.
As a consequence, when they have any more in store they are limiting people to purchase only five.
Greta Thunberg Bristol strike: Row over College Green damage
Terrible “report” from the beeb, looks like it will all be fine, and nothing to worry about! shame about the mess
“Parts” of a popular green space were turned into a mudbath – then shows a picture of mainly mud, and the beeb promoting a fund to pay for this! Should never have happened in the first place, saint greta we have to thank for this mess
Heat the Wok Watch #1 – with Andrew, can I Mar the Government?
Hilary Mantel was the exclusive guest, to talk about the third book of her Wolf Hall/Thomas Cromwell trilogy. She came out with the really good line – pardon the paraphrase ” People talk to me about current events and I say ‘Sorry, I’ve been away in the middle of the sixteenth century.’. ”
Andrew Marr obvious felt under no restriction so he helpfully bracketed Bojo, Trump and Brexit with a period where ‘ordinary people were powerless and lost their freedom and lives’ or something like that.
Yeaher, roighht!
I thought she was a full on remainer ? I got suckered into trying ‘wolf hall’ but it rapidly get stopped by page 5 . I’m sure someone found some merit it it apart from the BBC
Fed, Mantel may well be but I liked the point she made: she was so caught up in the research and writing that she had been oblivious to current events. It rather highlighted Marr’s snidey comments.
Wolf Hall (TV version) was one of the last things I watched on iPlayer before the BBC threw a tantrum and took the iPlayer ball away in a huff. Really enjoyed it. If they film Books 2 & 3, I will have to wait for the box set to come out to watch it.
I have to confess I read Wolf Hall to its eventual end – despite finding her use of the third person singular, instead of the more conventional, rational and easily understood given names – juvenile and tedious.
I have not read any more of Ms Mantel’s pieces, nor would I wish to, but it does go to show that by simply conjuring a grammatical gimmick, the luvvies will swoon with excitement at its ‘freshness’ and ‘creativity’ and shower awards so that even this literary absurdity begins to believe herself a writer of some historical worth.
Naturally the BBC find her fascinating, although the irony is that the screen version of Wolf Hall was far better than the book.
Beltane, I have abandoned Book at Bedtime for the same reason: an artifice used by Colum McCann, the author of The Apeirogon, is a barrier to my enjoyment of the work. He jumps around in the time line between two different characters.
Off switch activated.
Well, Henry VIII was a Leaver, and Hilary Mantel couldn’t do anything about that. (I thought the first two books were wonderfu.)
I follow media blogs.
Often you learn interesting insights.
BBC Wales Investigates has welcomed Oliver Pritchard to the team as a journalist. Oliver moves from the Daily Star where he was a reporter for the title. Oliver will be focusing on in depth news stories and is happy to hear from PRs who have strong case studies willing to speak on camera about social issues in Wales.
So… ‘reporting’ based on PR on ‘social issues’?
I have been watching with interest how the Coronavirus has been reported by the mainstream media compared to some of the citizen reporters on the alternative media platforms.
In January I took the advice to do some basic preparation with supplies in case of panic buying. At the time the MSM were almost ignoring and dismissing this type of advice as over reaction. Today we have a chorus of panic , blame and advice given too late to really benefit and will likely cause panic buying. It seems to me the MSM is more interested in blaming rather than helping.
The remit in the BBC charter to educate and inform impartially is showing how hollow it really is.
I include a link of the advice I took in January. There were many others offering similar advice at the same time.
BBC Charter DEC 2016: “The Mission of the BBC is to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain. “
I did the same prep and I’m glad to report the concrete making up my bunker in the garden has dried out nicely ( kidding ) .
But amazon has a distinct lack of face masks now – which I don’t think adds up to much …
Morrisons Retford has run out of soap!
Last night I accidentally channel hopped into Dr Who, probably about 10 minutes into it. I had Bradley Walsh and a strong and brave ‘wamin’ being praised to the hilt as being the ‘bestest’ and most ‘wonderfulest’ person in the world . That was 30 seconds of my life squandered before I managed to change channels. What a destruction of a once loved TV series.
Black people don’t swim. Its not in their culture – according to the spokeswoman at the Black Swimming Association. (a news titbit on Sky this morning)
How does black swimming differ from other kinds? (Similarly black mathematics.)
Only a black person can answer that. But the Black Swimming Association is trying to get more non-whites to splash about. When I heard the report, I wondered about all those on the African coastline who are normally frolicking in the sea ! So I was trying to get my head around it too.
However, when watching swimming championships or games on the box, I can only recall seeing a couple of non-whites at most participating. As a girl I remember asking my Dad about this, and his reply ? “its not in their make-up”. Make of that what you will .
It didn’t tell that the current lady dr who featured in a film about the SS called ‘good’ in which she gets on her knees and engages in close quarters with her hubby when he was wearing an SS uniform…..
Can’t picture the pre woke doctor who s getting up to that – even that sly Macoy….
Fed , I was about to make lunch. Now I will have to go to my safe space!
I thought I bit before posting those details. I’d seen the film before she got the Dr Who gig so was surprised how easy going the BBC vetting process was .
I’m sorry for any ‘ distress ‘ caused . I’m also sorry for Dr Who and anyone still suffering it . Terry Nation must be spinning …
It seems that Coronavirus discriminates against males and the elderly.
It should be renamed the BBC-virus, surely.
If you want a fair idea of the more deranged bbc reporters unleashed by head office, you simply need to follow Nick Bryant and see who he air kisses.
BBC local radio news this morning
..“Corona virus has now spread to all PARTS of the country”
..em that is #FakeNews I can guarantee that it hasn’t touched most villages
I switched to LBC news who said “Corona virus has now spread to all 4 countries in the UK with a new case in Wales”
.. ah well that makes more sense
Sunlight is fantastic for killing bugs
..hence less flu in summer
but after one Italian doctor carried it to Tenerife another 5 there have got it
The latest being an Italian from his group
Also a Derbyshire teacher came back from Tenerife with it
So that means there is not zero spread in a sunny place.
But then the virus might spread in a swimming pool .. water might protest the virus from sun, but it shouldn’t withstand chlorine.
I think I’ll take my own flask to the coffee morning tomorrow
… a thing that I was already planning cos damn tea gets too cold anyway.
And I’ll know no one has coughed into it
And it would be a precaution to to think about hand to hand contact like trying to avoid touching too many door handles
and I’ve put some hand wipes in my bag. ..and some tissues so I don’t need to touch my nose with my hands.
Bugs can still spread via surfaces (door handles, stair rails etc.) in warmer climes. This is more true of interior surfaces than exterior ones.
Transmission via droplets remains possible in warmer, more humid environments, though the ability of most RSVs to transmit via droplets ejected by coughing, sneezing etc. is significantly reduced.
Stew, as there is a distinct shortage of handgel, invest in some disposable rubber gloves.
It’s possible to make your own alcohol-based hand sanitiser, as set out here:
Don’t float over the Air con vents bbc drone . ….
And what exactly was the point of this?
Were they expecting to see Cliff Richard?
Another waste of taxpayers money….
Do any of you know or remember the BBC series The Survivors from the seventies ?
It’s based around a Chinese scientist releasing a virus the spreads throughout the world killing everyone except one person in every 10 000 .
// oh dear , the BBC prejudging ( prejudice ) a situation .
Yes it was in my formative years and pushed me towards a career in microbiology – which never happened although I did have a job cleaning school toilets once ..
I’m guessing the BBC will be re making it using a variety of multi sexual multi colours to tick all the boxes .
The cause will be a visit by President Trump ….
Talking of which – the 5 white rich democrats trying to take the White House will have their work cut out as the bug spreads . Bet they try and impeach POTUS again on the strength of it .
I understand the gay one has dropped out …
Fed, Naughtie made the point on TWatO that Buttigieg could enter every US Presidential Election for the next 32 years and still be younger than the current age of the four white males still in the running.
I hope Naughtie is not flying back & forth across the US and is using a bicycle to travel between Primaries and hustings.
I shared the title sequence from YouTube with friends just last week
Yep, I remember that – everyone was heading for the countryside, raiding empty houses for supplies and being confronted by big men with rifles riding around in land rovers.
Ironically I watched ‘Outbreak’ last night, about a virus that started as a host in a small monkey. With Dustin Hoffman and Donald Sutherland. It was made in 1995, but seemed relevant today.
Irony : Uk government
” the over 60s have the highest risk of death from coronavirus “
Also uk government “
we might call for all retired nurses and doctors to come back to work to help with the coronavirus pandemic “
Ah well, that’s me finished off then ! Might as well enjoy it and settle down with the vintage Port and go with a smile on my face 🙂
If you subscribe to the adage “any port in a storm” you should have had some enjoyable weekends last few weeks, and another one to come possibly
UK Covid19 map
Just for info
I’m not sure how reliable this map is
and it certainly doesn’t mean an area is particularly dangerous/safe.
Like if a yellow dot is your mother in Derby and she comes across to Grimsby she brings the danger with her.
His corona map is inaccurate
maybe he relies on BBC
A short while ago the BBC brought on a totally impartial media expert clawed Claire Enders to opine about where the BBC finds itself. She was, of course, as all BBC experts are, especially about BBC impartiality, impartial.
This is the latest impartial ‘analysis’ from her company::
Chart of the month: Spend on first-run, UK-originated programming, 2018
A diminished BBC would result in diminished spend on local content, a diminished shop window and brand that independent producers can leverage to sell to the world, and a diminished television ecosystem, with fewer reasons to enter the medium and sample any of the broadcasters’ offerings. Rising local content expenditure from foreign streaming services may fill a gap at a base level but none have Terms of Trade with producers.
Subscription BBC?
The Government appears set on reducing the scale and scope of the BBC by dismantling the licence fee, and in its place pushing for subscription or making payment voluntary, without any evidence of the likely impact. DTT – the UK’s largest TV platform – has no conditional access capability, and so implementation would require another costly and long-term switchover. A voluntary licence fee would inevitably lead to a huge reduction in income. If just those on income-related benefits were not to pay, the shortfall would be over £500 million – in addition to the £250 million the BBC will be funding for over-75s receiving Pension Credit.
The BBC: Benefiting the UK creative economy
A monolith within the broadcasting landscape and the greater UK creative economy, the BBC, instructed by its Charter, is a guaranteed leader of investment in local and quality content, tech, regionality, and diversity. The sector’s balance results in skills, intellectual property and talent naturally flowing from the Corporation to private companies, incentivising ambition and success while allowing the wider environment to flourish. Those that would fill its void offer few of these guaranteed benefits. The efficacy by which the BBC achieves its required objectives is and should be open to questioning and review, however it nevertheless stands as a major and essential contributor to the creative sector, one of Britain’s greatest achievements.
Did I mention how impartial she is?