You know when you want to profit from the fear of racialism and find there’s just not enough of it to go round… well then you just have to make it up:
‘Ahmed has also made a separate accompanying short film. It delivers an even bigger jolt than the album.’
‘In it, a British Asian family are preparing for a wedding when they are rounded up by state forces wearing balaclavas and St George’s crosses as white neighbours watch from behind twitching curtains – with clear echoes of the treatment of Jews in Germany in World War Two.’
‘Ahmed says he wants it to “ask questions” of the audience. ‘
And of course the BBC is here not to critique or properly question this chap but to admiringly promote him.
‘He plays at Mayfield Arch 6 in Manchester from 26-28 March.’
‘Riz Ahmed, the London-born, Emmy-winning star of Rogue One and The Night Of, has made an album, short film and live show about being dumped by an abusive lover – his home country.’
Well, toddle along then sir, and don’t bother to come back.
‘Black History Month in the UK is officially in October, but an educational group, The Black Curriculum, is pushing for the British school syllabus to be changed, so that black history is taught throughout the year.’
Reminds me of an amusing tale told to me as a lad by a former teacher of mine. Marking a sociology exam paper by a boy who had clearly not attended to his revision he noticed the short answer to a question – what is deschooling? the wag had written – deschooling is for de west indians.
Why is the BBC so hung up on Transgender? A whole diatribe on it this morning…it is a very very very very small issue for a very very very large number of people ….
Twitter seems to be rattled that the Brexit negotiating group has mentioned that we might pull out of the ECHR. Far better for a new UK. Version to be drafted. The EU is playing the ‘alarmed ‘ game .
Cue the onslaught fromtory grandee traitors like Clarke and Grieve et al shouting about ‘rights’ in in fact the Convention has been a licence for ‘human rights’ lawyers to make money ….
James – they already droned on endlessly about this last night on R4; this is a repeat session, as the beeb are obsessed – it’s after all about their favourite Democrats and Gender ‘equality’/sexism. Killary didn’t make it, so now they’re upset about Warren.
Someone on @instagram is pretending to be me. How screwed up is that?! Whoever it is is sending PMs to followers as though they really are me (my own insta is ‘vicderbyshire’)
— Victoria Derbyshire (@vicderbyshire) March 6, 2020
What would be funny is if they end up with more followers.
You can now hear Polly Toynbee on R4. Of course, you could also push bamboo shoots under your fingernails. Hard to decide….
The other bloke, Mark, presents us with an equal tale of woe, and backs Toynbee, so this is NO discussion between two points of view.
Webb seems to think Boris may be a Toynbeeite!
Polly says building in the North is good, but the ‘poorest’ have been failed yet again. She sounds almost gleeful about Coronavirus, in that it will show government up and force massive investment in Local Councils.
Polly’s glee at the imminent collapse of society via coronavirus was like Eric Hobsbawm’s thoroughly nauseating excitement at the prospect of financial collapse in the west during the banking crisis.
Total insulation from the realities of life makes such attitudes all the more despicable – and yet without the BBC and the Guardian her views would be spoken to an empty room.
Who is Polly Toynbee…really who is she?
And why is she dragged out to pontificate on everything despite having no more knowledge on the subjects than a cockroach on crack?
She is the granddaughter of Arnold Toynbee, a modern historian, prolific writer and one-time darling of the literati – although the popularity of his works has faded somewhat over recent years.
Perhaps history will repeat itself because, other than living a relaxed and financially untroubled existence, our Pol seems to rely on the Guardian, the BBC and inheritance to keep her gin stocks up to scratch.
TOADY Watch #2 – BBC Knowingly or Unknowingly Undermining Women. Again!
Two American woman, Cathy Young and Nancy Soderberg, are brought on to talk about Elizabeth Warren dropping out of the battle to be Democrat Party candidate in the US Presidential Election in November.
Two American women demonstrate their brainless desire to blacken all of the US voting population, not just the Democratic Party who are choosing their candidate – irrespective of gender – as misogynist.
John is correct. We’re not perfect at the BBC but we work very hard to do our best. If you want us to be around in 10 years it’s time to stand up to those who want to do us in.
If one steps into the shoes of the likes of Simpson – the BBC has sent him to play war tourist at various times in his career – enough to place the senior journo role and made a good living doing it .
But his connection. to the people who pay his wages / pension ? Does he travel by bus ? Do anything where the thought of ‘expenses ‘ doesn’t cross his mind ? Paying taxes at Corporation Tax levels ?
Don’t get me wrong – it’s not envy on my part – but these characters are cushioned from ‘ordinary ‘ life and now dictate how we should think and live and express our selves . They are better than you and me
Just end the BBc – there was a survey on Ukpress gazette last night giving options for ‘reform’ of funding – it did not include the ending of the BBC – which I suppose was it’s sign of being part of the ‘bubble’.
The nearest option was ‘voluntary ‘ contribution s….
F2 . I wonder if people like Simpson were, even in his war tourist days, living down and dirty where the trouble is. I have seen with my own eyes (not the BBC but a well known US channel) how they work in crisis areas. I was in Jakarta in 1997 staying at the same hotel as they were. The majority of their time seemed to be spent in the Club lounge getting free food and booze. Our company had pulled the plug on leaving the hotel as it was considered a risk. They were supposedly live reporting the riots.
Remember how I said last Friday that guests on R4 Desert island discs are now essentially wimmin? If men appear at all, they have to be from ‘minority groups’, but straight, white men have virtually vanished.
Today we have Dorothy Bird who was news editor on R4 as Lauren Laverne’s guest! Ticks a lot of boxes, folks!
She is worried about Democracy, because the public have lost trust in journalists and politicians. She has not,needless to say. Except for Boris, who she apparently called a liar at the Edinb. fringe.
We can guess the rest.
I wrote on the website last night some facetious
comments about “noughts and crosses.” But In my opinion
more needs to be said about this load of BBC virtue signalling propaganda .
The more I watch the BBC the more it is becoming the enemy
of the state. The BBC adapted the novel as I said last night to
educate us what racist scum the indigenous population of
the UK are.
They will tell you that they just adapted the book. Yes wan’t it
great for them it was AFRICANS who invaded us. On the BBC
we see a plethora of ethnic presenters and reporters , but very
few from BLACK Africa. You see there are quite a few “entrepreneurial” business men from the likes of Nigeria that
are not considered to be bleeding heart cases. You know
the type that were running the country in Noughts and Crosses.
Can you imagine the BBC adapting the book as they do in
other cases where the much more likely scenario would of
been the Moors invading “Albion” And we had an Islamic
theocracy? Not in a million years.
So the BBC are able to get away with a double whammy. We
the indigenous racist white scum. AND inverted racism towards
Foscari – As I have said before, you need look no further than South Africa to see WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS when power passes from whites, who have developed a sophisticated, modern state, with a 1st world infrastructure on the African continent, to blacks (in particular black ‘socialists’ – i.e. looters). Within 25 years they have managed through corruption, incompetence, RACIST LEGISLATION, and mismanagement to create a crime-ridden, largely third-world state, in which power, water, financial, medical and other infrastructure has collapsed.
Appeals to kill whites are perferctly in order, even in parliament. The ANC ‘Government’ actually has no problem with this, and has introduced EWC (expropriation without compensation) to grab white farms. Hundreds of white farmers have been brutally murdered in those twenty-five years, their wives and children often raped and tortured.
A similar story in Zimbabwe, but that was an essentially rural country. It was once ‘the breadbasket of Africa’. Today there is NO FOOD for the vast majority of the population, let alone medical services and infrastructure development. again, LOOTING was the pattern, except that it was Mugabe’s ZANU-PF buddies who benefitted, while in SA it’s Mandela’s ANC cadres.
I specifically mention Mandela, and not the far more catastrophic Zuma or Ramaphosa, because the West (with the beeb in the forefront) conjured up an iconic status for this former terrorist, raising him to a saint. They had chosen to look away from what they didn’t want to see, showing that self-delusion is perhaps the worst kind of delusion.
Forgive me if I don’t watch ‘noughts and crosses’ tonight, it promises to be more self-delusional BS.
I overheard R4 announce Tonite’s ‘Any Questions?’ guests and an emphasis on Coronavirus (needless to say). It started off promisingly, with the first two names of guests being medical specialists, on what is usually a lefty-dominated propaganda exercise!
Oh good, I thought, at last something neutral and informative. Quite a pleasant surprise.
Then guest 3 was announced – Diane Abbot. She will have NOTHING to bring to the table except propaganda and misinformation. If she is going to mention figures and statistics, I hope she does some homework during today, to get her facts straight. Big attack on government cuts, I dare say.
Bbc just can’t help themselves, it would appear. Nil points, Chris Mason.
fnw, that presents me with a bit of a Di di di dilemma. (Pardon the stammer.) Having her, poor dear, on the AQ Panel is rather a turn off but I had thought prior to knowing who was on the programme tonight it might be extra interesting just concentrating, as it may, on a ‘matter du jour’.
I caught a bit of Doctor Karl on BBC Hospital Radio Five during the week. Doctor Karl is a raving warmist who justifies his world travels because his income lets him put solar panels on his house.
In one of his rants he told us that back in the 1970s Exxon had experts that predicted the present ‘climate emergency’ but rather than devolp carbon-free hydocarbons the company developed automatic Twitter feeds that make Twitter twits believe that they are in good company when they ‘deny the science’.
Towards the end of the programme a caller gave an example of local cooling. He claimed that adding a teaspoon of whisky to his tea converted it from being too hot to ‘just right’, as well as tasting nice.
Doctor Carl was ecstatic! Latent heat of vaporisation! He was going to do the experiment with his cheap infra-red thermometer! Well ‘doing the science’ and assuming the tea was hotter than they said and the teaspoon was more like a tablespoon I reckon he would be lucky to get 2.4° of cooling, but then that wasn’t ‘peer-reviewed’. (He thinks peer-reviewed is a measure of quality when in fact it is a device used by arts-graduate magazine editors to make sure they aren’t publishing total tosh).
I should have added that ‘heat of vaporisation’ makes 0.07% of a difference. Sort of obvious, blow on your hands and alcohol rub vanishes whereas a watched kettle never boils.
Honey is remarkable stuff, especially when mixed with a little hot water and Scotch whisky. As a remedy, it’s arguably bettered only by the legendary wire brush and Dettol…
Oh that’s nice of them. No doubt they’ll be using some of the £300+ they’ve taken off me for my return ticket to That London to attend a meeting which has now been cancelled due to coronavirus to fund this change. Don’t worry about me, the company paid for the ticket so I’m not out of pocket, but it’s a bit rich that because I bought an advance ticket at what they probably class as a lower price that I forego the ability to obtain a refund.
Re the exercise itself, yes, why not urinate all over a piece of rail history that has nothing to do with gender really in order to gain kudos points from the small but vocal minority that all of us find ourselves bending over backwards to these days. I’ve got no way of telling but I’d be willing to bet big money that more people sigh and roll their eyes when hearing about this than are filled with some form of whatever joy that type of idiot craves.
Health sec Hancock says “”Crucially, we are working with the supermarkets to make sure that, if people are self-isolating, then we will be able to get the food and supplies that they need.”
In order to make out the government is telling lies (again)
the BBC claim to have found an unnamed retail executive Who said: “Matt Hancock has totally made up what he said about working with supermarkets.”
“We haven’t heard anything from government directly.”He went on to say sales of cupboard basics like pasta and tinned goods have “gone through the roof”.
While the supermarket was largely keeping up with demand, teams are working “round the clock” to keep shelves stocked.”
Well I have just returned from a visit to Tesco, where the number of shoppers is about the same as normal & the only surprising purchase I noted was a fella with several lettuces. The only evidence of items in demand were a few of the things that Tesco have labelled “Aldi price match”
Mark Stone (Hawtreys School, Cheltenham College, ABC, Sky) gets asked the question why migrants illegally breaking into Greece are shouting Allah Akbar. His reply: “Because they have a faith and believe that god is helping them. ‘God is great’”.
I don’t know what’s more disturbing — that he knows what’s up but won’t risk his career by being honest on Twitter… or that he (and the bulk of the media class) have actually convinced themselves that such cultural-relativistic interpretations are correct.
Either way we end up with a Middle East Correspondent for a global news agency who can’t report the reality.
Because they have a faith and believe that god is helping them. “God is great”.
If he had been in Lebanon, prior to the 70s S***holing, he would have been saying the same things with the same predictable results. Paris of the Middle East to hell hole.
I think e-bay is going to be very busy once people realize 350000 years supply of sanitizer, toilet paper, Paracetamol, and misc. others are no longer needed.
I switch onto R4 and what do I hear – ballet shoes are racist..apparently…because they are pink…does that mean my black shoes are racist and I should be wearing white ones?
Don’t they realise most people think these conversations are bloody ridiculous and not worthy of debate – if a company wants to produce brown or tan shoes for ballet – good on them if they can make any money…
Is there nothing they can’t find that is racist on BBC~?
On a different subject, the Dem primary in the USA. I can’t remember where I saw a meme which pointed out Michael Bloomberg spent $500 million on his campaign which was enough to give every person in the USA $1miilion and still have change. It is quite a sobering thought. If politicians and billionaires really wanted to benefit the people they could do that and be far more beneficial to the world. That would be a good BBC thought for the day.
I think someone worked out that it actually meant he could only have given them less than $2 each.
A simple bit of logic would have told the TV plonkers debating this that with only $500 million, the maximum number of people he could have given $1 million would have been 500 – not quite anywhere near the 300 million plus people in the US….. but hey, who said most of the MSM reporters in the USA actually had more than one brain cell each ? So how many does that add up to ? Nowhere bloody near enough !
Is Abbotapotomus writing the new maths curriculum for the US ?
More bad lazy reporting from the breakfast couch this morning.
Some historian guy has found some old cine tape from WW1.
Anyway it is a really good find showing scenes from North Shields and Scarborough after shells were fired from German ships into the towns.
No doubt viewers not from the NE would not be aware that these serious attacks on towns had ever taken place, but the BBC woman candidly announced, “ these bombings”
With very little further information about the attack.
So. The BBC rewrites history again. Don’t know the difference between ships and aircraft.
R4 You and Yours seem to be well in their Guardianlalaland bubbleword.
Going on about how we need to physical activity to stay healthy, they started to say EXERCISE was not necessary or done in olden days ‘cos humans got enough physical activity from work’
Expert “Exercise never existed before rich Greeks”
Doh !
AFAIK most mammals PLAY
so most mammals do EXERCISE
as part of their natural existence
…. look at monkeys, dolphins, dogs, cats etc.
R4 You and Yours were doing their ‘non-whites are always VICTIMS’ trope
..Those nasty white people have been oppressing BLACK people by only selling plasters that are pink skin colour.
FFS that colour is a light colour
so if you were bothered about matching it to your skin tone
you’d just take out a marker pen.
And there has been no law banning black entrepreneurs from selling black plasters
I bet they’ve doing that in the black newspapers for years.
Ah , By the mid-1980s, Johnson & Johson developed the “invisible” or clear bandage that could be marketed to both white and non-white consumers without mentioning skin color at all.
Then in 1970s someone created a company called Soul Aid.
Then in 1998 New York entrepreneur, Michael Panayiotis, invented Ebon-Aide.
The first aid strips were made especially for African Americans.
Unfortunately, Ebon-Aides were not on the market long.
Panayiotis manufactured one million boxes of bandages. By 2002, he had sold only about 20,000 boxes.
After such a major loss, Panayiotis gave up trying to sell his brand.
“But supermarket sources said that while they have had general talks about security of food supplies, they have not discussed getting food to homes.
One executive said he was “baffled” by the suggestions…”
A lot being said by unnamed bbc ‘sources’… who say.
Guest, I’m making a wild speculative guess here but I wonder if Matt Hancock asked his senior Civil Servant several days ago to take steps to ensure that supermarkets would be able to get food to people who were self isolating due to suspected Coronavirus or a possible contact with an infected person.
Said Civil Servant then went away and scheduled a meeting for the morrow to draw up plans for what would be needed. The next day, the meeting takes place. At that meeting various Civil Servants, probably all paid £86,363 per annum, sat around and came up with all the possible complications and difficulties that could arise. The most senior then raised doubts about whether it could be done but said he or she would raise it with the Minister tomorrow.
That tomorrow would be today, Friday.
Meanwhile Matt Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health, had made the reasonable assumption that his instructions were being followed.
Avoid visiting elderly relatives’ – Macron
On Friday, the French president called on people in France to limit trips to homes for the elderly.
“We must avoid visiting our elderly relatives as much as possible,” Emmanuel Macron said on a visit to a retirement home in Paris.
Does this mean he should not visit his wife?
The Law of Delay Mass Market Paperback – March 12, 1972
by C. Northcote Parkinson (Author)
Parkinson’s Third Law If there is a way to delay an important decision the good bureaucracy, public or private, will find it.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson pursued a distinguished academic career on both sides of the Atlantic and first became famous for “Parkinson’s Law” — work expands to fill the time allotted to it. Parkinson wrote many books on British politics and economics.
Fourteen “”Interviews and Outerviews”” in which Mr. Parkinson formulates the new law (delay is the “”deadliest form of denial””) but also reviews his prophetic older one finding that while Britain has cut its fleet from 308 to 114 in thirty years, its Admiralty officials and staff have zoomed from 11,270 to 33,574, “”barely sufficient to administer the navy we no longer possess.”” Mr. Parkinson awards “”The Parkinson Prize”” to the Netherlands for their efficiency, sharpened by the constant of danger, after reviewing some marginal figures on crime and mental good health (as you know he can really plot curves and kid the pants off a postulate with a statistic). Several of these return him to his ideological home country with discussions of the stratifications of class and power and authority and costive monopolies, etc. Sometimes he is just Potter-ing around in the pieces on passing the “”Buckmastership”” and “”The Abominable No-Man.”” Always there are the charming if captious assumptions and reductions (the beard is a facial characteristic of our “”periods of decline and uncertainty””), the epigrams and equivocations (cf. the piece on youth) and of course the happy turn of phrase which, in terms of that assured readership, will controvert the title.
I think these are worth linking here because the MSM ( mendacious story manipulators), especially the racist far-left bbc, won’t tell anyone the truth:
Thanks -the vladtepes blog is interesting, especially the essay on Eurabia, and the role played by de Gaulle, of which I was only partially aware (I remember him being about, but -at the time- didn’t understand fully what he was actually about) not to mention Chirac etc.
Some detailed Bat Ye’or reading is obviously essential for me to catch up on.
Illuminating is the Franco-German axis in the EU; it seems French political leadership (especially on foreign policy) is supplemented by German financial clout, although Merkel has tried hard to play political catch-up. One now wonders whether her dealings with the Sultan are her own initiative, or simply the provision of the cheque book on instruction from Paris?
Jeremy Vine was giving Lord Dubs a free ride today. He ‘escaped’ Europe during WW2 as a child and now thinks we should operate an open-door policy for all child refugees.
He was allowed to get away with using the fake ‘Alan’, child on a beach, drowned by his father seeking free dental care, as an example – we saw the (faked) pictures and we did something about it.
So our ancestors generously allowed him in and he repays them by holding the door open to those that hate us, (and Jews even more so!).
Of course once the children are in their parents and other relatives will use that as a reason to enter too. No doubt as they grow older they too will do a ‘Dubs’ and insist on even more foreigners being let it.
The BBC’s journalism, the actual writing of words and then reading them on air or putting them on the web-site, gets worse by the day. The R4 News this morning, both main news on the hour and half hour bulletins, were full of bits in the wrong order, scrambling their meaning or making for a jumble of information the listener then had to re-arrange.
The top row, middle item conveys misleading info on the Home Page. They were not racing drivers at all. Then the left hand item for sport is headlined with gibberish: ‘Wolves striker hosts gender reveal at home stadium’. What does that mean?
Snuff -it means a ‘reveal’ of the gender of your new baby, so meaningless ‘celebrity’ trivia of the kind that keeps many people from focusing on real and significant issues…
Rebecca Long Bailey does herself no favours. I should have posted yesterday as I think it was then that our Becky made an appearance on R4 TWatO. The Montacutie asked her what she as Shadow Business Secretary would have done about Flybe & its failure. Becky launched into a rant about what the Government had done. Sarah tried again. “But what would you have done?” Becky continued in the same vein. Almost plaintively, the Montacutie tried one more time but no Labour Party alternative was forthcoming from Becky.
Rachel ‘Foghorn’ Reeves has a new rival in the Labour Party. Ol’ Becky was rattlin’ ma windows with her personal volume turned up to 11. I could see into the depths of the vast cavernous mouth and I was listening on radio. Oooh! Scareee!!
Labour will be fun with our Becky leading it. It will be back to the 1980s and “If they are for it, then this Party is agin it.” all over again. I have an uncomfortable feeling that Rebecca Long Bailey may come third in the race to be Labour Leader.
Up2 – please leave Becky alone – her great leadership might well lead to a proper Right Wing government with something called ‘ law and order ‘ instead of the hater Stasi – and maybe even steps to deport people who should nt be in the UK because the Law ….
I jest a bit but I really hope Becky is supported in the socialist leadership by Dawn Butler – who somehow makes Ms Abbot look smart ….
Trouble is, Fed, against a Becky-led Labour, Bojo could be as liberal and lefty as he likes and might still win a 100 seat majority in 2024, esp. with Dawn Butler as No.2 in Labour.
Think if you want a ‘Big C’ Conservative Government, you might have to hunt hard and long for a suitable candidate to replace the current PM. You might have to stand as a candidate yourself.
BBC South Today just had item about anniversary of sailing of the Mayflower and showing a 50-strong choir of children. I took a picture of the front row of the choir. EVERY child in the front was a BAME. What are the chances of that when they only represent 83% of the population? Do not tell me that the BBC did not arrange the placings, I wouldn’t believe you. Agenda? What agenda?
No thought at all for the other kids losing their chance to appear on telly just because they’re white and must be put in their place
Popeye your typo you said BAME represent 83%
AFAIK whites make up 87%
but I can believe that at school age it’s only 83%
So BAME kids make up 17% of an AVERAGE school
say aside from London/metropolitan ghettos
British universities are leading the world into a new Dark Age, reversing the Enlightenment and its values. The scientific establishment has been colluding in this counter-Enlightenment attempts to shut down freedom of speech in the name of ‘consensus’
CM- The clue is probably that the ‘no-platforming’ was the initiative of the OxUni branch of the UK’s UN wimmin set-up.
So, a dash of Feminism, probably accompanied by a sprinkle of ‘decolonisation’ is essential in the recipe. In other words, another blow against the “patriarchy” and “racism”? When issues as vital as this come up, let’s forget about that quaint ‘free speech’ stuff? Maybe Afua Hirsh could come instead?
(I could imagine some MEN though, who might have been welcome : Abbas, Maduro, Malema, even Lammy or Bernie Sanders? Anyone else who could speak to ‘decolonising’ the UK?)
Apologies all as I feel I am interrupting the flow of excellent posts but as a bit of admin – it’s time for new thread as I notice the site creaks when a thread gets over 300 sometimes .
May well be worth re posting some in case weekend watchers miss this one …..
Orla Guerin on Syria. She claims yet again that the Assad troops and the Russians are bombing civilians and hospitals with barrel bombs. (As I understand it, a barrel bomb is an improvised bomb and is dropped from things like helicopters and light aircraft rather than bombers/fighter bombers. Do correct me if I have got that wrong.)
Orla never, ever, explains why the Syrian Army (supplied by Russia) and the Russians, would improvise possibly unreliable bombs and drop them in imprecise fashion when they, especially the Russians, have all sorts of sophisticated kit, munitions and the means of targeting with precision.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
You know when you want to profit from the fear of racialism and find there’s just not enough of it to go round… well then you just have to make it up:
‘Ahmed has also made a separate accompanying short film. It delivers an even bigger jolt than the album.’
‘In it, a British Asian family are preparing for a wedding when they are rounded up by state forces wearing balaclavas and St George’s crosses as white neighbours watch from behind twitching curtains – with clear echoes of the treatment of Jews in Germany in World War Two.’
‘Ahmed says he wants it to “ask questions” of the audience. ‘
And of course the BBC is here not to critique or properly question this chap but to admiringly promote him.
‘He plays at Mayfield Arch 6 in Manchester from 26-28 March.’
‘Riz Ahmed, the London-born, Emmy-winning star of Rogue One and The Night Of, has made an album, short film and live show about being dumped by an abusive lover – his home country.’
Well, toddle along then sir, and don’t bother to come back.
‘Black History Month in the UK is officially in October, but an educational group, The Black Curriculum, is pushing for the British school syllabus to be changed, so that black history is taught throughout the year.’
Reminds me of an amusing tale told to me as a lad by a former teacher of mine. Marking a sociology exam paper by a boy who had clearly not attended to his revision he noticed the short answer to a question – what is deschooling? the wag had written – deschooling is for de west indians.
White house acknowledges coronavirus test kit shortage
and click on the link it changes the title to:-
Coronavirus: White House concedes US lacks enough test kits
It is not ground breaking “reporting” it is Irresponsible reporting from the beeb
Hopefully this does not cause wide spread worry in the US!
Why is the BBC so hung up on Transgender? A whole diatribe on it this morning…it is a very very very very small issue for a very very very large number of people ….
Because it has brought major changes to the way society is allowed to speak and organise itself.
The term ‘sex’ has virtually disappeared from use. Birth and medical records are now a matter of personal post-opinion, rather than objective reality.
The people behind this nonsense want to destroy all societal norms so as to create a new ‘utopia’ where, naturally, they will be in charge.
Twitter seems to be rattled that the Brexit negotiating group has mentioned that we might pull out of the ECHR. Far better for a new UK. Version to be drafted. The EU is playing the ‘alarmed ‘ game .
Cue the onslaught fromtory grandee traitors like Clarke and Grieve et al shouting about ‘rights’ in in fact the Convention has been a licence for ‘human rights’ lawyers to make money ….
Oh my god
Elizabeth Warren pulls out and the BBC immediately – did sexism play a role?
Couldn’t it just be she was useless and nobody liked her…and an apparently Donald Trump won by demeaning Hillary Clinton…
What a crock of s**t
James – they already droned on endlessly about this last night on R4; this is a repeat session, as the beeb are obsessed – it’s after all about their favourite Democrats and Gender ‘equality’/sexism. Killary didn’t make it, so now they’re upset about Warren.
What would be funny is if they end up with more followers.
You can now hear Polly Toynbee on R4. Of course, you could also push bamboo shoots under your fingernails. Hard to decide….
The other bloke, Mark, presents us with an equal tale of woe, and backs Toynbee, so this is NO discussion between two points of view.
Webb seems to think Boris may be a Toynbeeite!
Polly says building in the North is good, but the ‘poorest’ have been failed yet again. She sounds almost gleeful about Coronavirus, in that it will show government up and force massive investment in Local Councils.
Polly’s glee at the imminent collapse of society via coronavirus was like Eric Hobsbawm’s thoroughly nauseating excitement at the prospect of financial collapse in the west during the banking crisis.
Total insulation from the realities of life makes such attitudes all the more despicable – and yet without the BBC and the Guardian her views would be spoken to an empty room.
Who is Polly Toynbee…really who is she?
And why is she dragged out to pontificate on everything despite having no more knowledge on the subjects than a cockroach on crack?
She is the granddaughter of Arnold Toynbee, a modern historian, prolific writer and one-time darling of the literati – although the popularity of his works has faded somewhat over recent years.
Perhaps history will repeat itself because, other than living a relaxed and financially untroubled existence, our Pol seems to rely on the Guardian, the BBC and inheritance to keep her gin stocks up to scratch.
Likewise Yasmin Alibhai Brown.
TOADY Watch #2 – BBC Knowingly or Unknowingly Undermining Women. Again!
Two American woman, Cathy Young and Nancy Soderberg, are brought on to talk about Elizabeth Warren dropping out of the battle to be Democrat Party candidate in the US Presidential Election in November.
Two American women demonstrate their brainless desire to blacken all of the US voting population, not just the Democratic Party who are choosing their candidate – irrespective of gender – as misogynist.
Oh dear, BBC.
That worked well, did it? Or not.
It’s what they do.
Next up on Ceebeebies, Mark Kermode with David Lammy, Dawn Butler and Champion Ash to discuss it.
Desperate much?
No sign of ‘ diversity of thinking ‘ with these Royal BBC droids – but don’t worry boys – the pension is intact and paid for with the TV licence tax.
John Simpson: If you want the BBC to go under, now’s the time to speak up.
Simpson: “unthinkingly”. Just about sums up their ‘public’.
If one steps into the shoes of the likes of Simpson – the BBC has sent him to play war tourist at various times in his career – enough to place the senior journo role and made a good living doing it .
But his connection. to the people who pay his wages / pension ? Does he travel by bus ? Do anything where the thought of ‘expenses ‘ doesn’t cross his mind ? Paying taxes at Corporation Tax levels ?
Don’t get me wrong – it’s not envy on my part – but these characters are cushioned from ‘ordinary ‘ life and now dictate how we should think and live and express our selves . They are better than you and me
Just end the BBc – there was a survey on Ukpress gazette last night giving options for ‘reform’ of funding – it did not include the ending of the BBC – which I suppose was it’s sign of being part of the ‘bubble’.
The nearest option was ‘voluntary ‘ contribution s….
F2 . I wonder if people like Simpson were, even in his war tourist days, living down and dirty where the trouble is. I have seen with my own eyes (not the BBC but a well known US channel) how they work in crisis areas. I was in Jakarta in 1997 staying at the same hotel as they were. The majority of their time seemed to be spent in the Club lounge getting free food and booze. Our company had pulled the plug on leaving the hotel as it was considered a risk. They were supposedly live reporting the riots.
I’ve seen the blessed saint Katherine Adey in the same situation – and indeed – ‘trouble ‘went off when the camera light came on . …
Sorry Jeremy you may be doing your best which just goes to show how crap you are when nobody agrees with you
I am sure those civil servants Priti ticked off said they were doing their best…doesn’t mean it was good…
BBC News and Current Affairs Watch #1
Lettuce grown in space is just as healthy, just as nutritious, as lettuce grown on Earth.
What CO2?
Remember how I said last Friday that guests on R4 Desert island discs are now essentially wimmin? If men appear at all, they have to be from ‘minority groups’, but straight, white men have virtually vanished.
Today we have Dorothy Bird who was news editor on R4 as Lauren Laverne’s guest! Ticks a lot of boxes, folks!
She is worried about Democracy, because the public have lost trust in journalists and politicians. She has not,needless to say. Except for Boris, who she apparently called a liar at the Edinb. fringe.
We can guess the rest.
I wrote on the website last night some facetious
comments about “noughts and crosses.” But In my opinion
more needs to be said about this load of BBC virtue signalling propaganda .
The more I watch the BBC the more it is becoming the enemy
of the state. The BBC adapted the novel as I said last night to
educate us what racist scum the indigenous population of
the UK are.
They will tell you that they just adapted the book. Yes wan’t it
great for them it was AFRICANS who invaded us. On the BBC
we see a plethora of ethnic presenters and reporters , but very
few from BLACK Africa. You see there are quite a few “entrepreneurial” business men from the likes of Nigeria that
are not considered to be bleeding heart cases. You know
the type that were running the country in Noughts and Crosses.
Can you imagine the BBC adapting the book as they do in
other cases where the much more likely scenario would of
been the Moors invading “Albion” And we had an Islamic
theocracy? Not in a million years.
So the BBC are able to get away with a double whammy. We
the indigenous racist white scum. AND inverted racism towards
Foscari – As I have said before, you need look no further than South Africa to see WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS when power passes from whites, who have developed a sophisticated, modern state, with a 1st world infrastructure on the African continent, to blacks (in particular black ‘socialists’ – i.e. looters). Within 25 years they have managed through corruption, incompetence, RACIST LEGISLATION, and mismanagement to create a crime-ridden, largely third-world state, in which power, water, financial, medical and other infrastructure has collapsed.
Appeals to kill whites are perferctly in order, even in parliament. The ANC ‘Government’ actually has no problem with this, and has introduced EWC (expropriation without compensation) to grab white farms. Hundreds of white farmers have been brutally murdered in those twenty-five years, their wives and children often raped and tortured.
A similar story in Zimbabwe, but that was an essentially rural country. It was once ‘the breadbasket of Africa’. Today there is NO FOOD for the vast majority of the population, let alone medical services and infrastructure development. again, LOOTING was the pattern, except that it was Mugabe’s ZANU-PF buddies who benefitted, while in SA it’s Mandela’s ANC cadres.
I specifically mention Mandela, and not the far more catastrophic Zuma or Ramaphosa, because the West (with the beeb in the forefront) conjured up an iconic status for this former terrorist, raising him to a saint. They had chosen to look away from what they didn’t want to see, showing that self-delusion is perhaps the worst kind of delusion.
Forgive me if I don’t watch ‘noughts and crosses’ tonight, it promises to be more self-delusional BS.
I overheard R4 announce Tonite’s ‘Any Questions?’ guests and an emphasis on Coronavirus (needless to say). It started off promisingly, with the first two names of guests being medical specialists, on what is usually a lefty-dominated propaganda exercise!
Oh good, I thought, at last something neutral and informative. Quite a pleasant surprise.
Then guest 3 was announced – Diane Abbot. She will have NOTHING to bring to the table except propaganda and misinformation. If she is going to mention figures and statistics, I hope she does some homework during today, to get her facts straight. Big attack on government cuts, I dare say.
Bbc just can’t help themselves, it would appear. Nil points, Chris Mason.
fnw, that presents me with a bit of a Di di di dilemma. (Pardon the stammer.) Having her, poor dear, on the AQ Panel is rather a turn off but I had thought prior to knowing who was on the programme tonight it might be extra interesting just concentrating, as it may, on a ‘matter du jour’.
I caught a bit of Doctor Karl on BBC Hospital Radio Five during the week. Doctor Karl is a raving warmist who justifies his world travels because his income lets him put solar panels on his house.
In one of his rants he told us that back in the 1970s Exxon had experts that predicted the present ‘climate emergency’ but rather than devolp carbon-free hydocarbons the company developed automatic Twitter feeds that make Twitter twits believe that they are in good company when they ‘deny the science’.
Towards the end of the programme a caller gave an example of local cooling. He claimed that adding a teaspoon of whisky to his tea converted it from being too hot to ‘just right’, as well as tasting nice.
Doctor Carl was ecstatic! Latent heat of vaporisation! He was going to do the experiment with his cheap infra-red thermometer! Well ‘doing the science’ and assuming the tea was hotter than they said and the teaspoon was more like a tablespoon I reckon he would be lucky to get 2.4° of cooling, but then that wasn’t ‘peer-reviewed’. (He thinks peer-reviewed is a measure of quality when in fact it is a device used by arts-graduate magazine editors to make sure they aren’t publishing total tosh).
I should have added that ‘heat of vaporisation’ makes 0.07% of a difference. Sort of obvious, blow on your hands and alcohol rub vanishes whereas a watched kettle never boils.
Libmob complain the Tories are terrible, cos they won’t appear on Biased R4Today and Biased C4 News
… Sadiq always refuses to appear on the NIck Ferrari show on LBC
.. and libmob say nothing.
People saying they can’t afford to give up work for 2 weeks to self isolate if they have Corona Virus.
If you don’t have at least 2 or 3 weeks savings , you are living well beyond you means.
I bet the SAME people DO afford to go on 2 week holidays abroad.
a serbian and a kosovan
“A fierce history of conflict between the Serbs and ethnic Albanians in the past have kept the two communities apart”
now lets see what example the bbc can find of trying to fix that
Kaiser, those lgbt activists obviously know what goes down well in their own cultures not a lot, as the late Paul Daniels would have said.
More and more resembling Teen Vogue meets Viz comic
Back from the supermarket and I’m happy to report that there is still a run on honey but that stocks are good.
As a cure for the dreaded lurgi, colds and ‘flu’, I’ll stick to it.
I’ll get my coat ……
Honey is remarkable stuff, especially when mixed with a little hot water and Scotch whisky. As a remedy, it’s arguably bettered only by the legendary wire brush and Dettol…
LNER Train rebranded as “The Flying Scots Woman ”
In IWD PR exercise
Mother Earth, and Pacha Mama, Britannia to receive similar rebrand for International men’s day ??
Oh that’s nice of them. No doubt they’ll be using some of the £300+ they’ve taken off me for my return ticket to That London to attend a meeting which has now been cancelled due to coronavirus to fund this change. Don’t worry about me, the company paid for the ticket so I’m not out of pocket, but it’s a bit rich that because I bought an advance ticket at what they probably class as a lower price that I forego the ability to obtain a refund.
Re the exercise itself, yes, why not urinate all over a piece of rail history that has nothing to do with gender really in order to gain kudos points from the small but vocal minority that all of us find ourselves bending over backwards to these days. I’ve got no way of telling but I’d be willing to bet big money that more people sigh and roll their eyes when hearing about this than are filled with some form of whatever joy that type of idiot craves.
Health sec Hancock says “”Crucially, we are working with the supermarkets to make sure that, if people are self-isolating, then we will be able to get the food and supplies that they need.”
In order to make out the government is telling lies (again)
the BBC claim to have found an unnamed retail executive Who said: “Matt Hancock has totally made up what he said about working with supermarkets.”
“We haven’t heard anything from government directly.”He went on to say sales of cupboard basics like pasta and tinned goods have “gone through the roof”.
While the supermarket was largely keeping up with demand, teams are working “round the clock” to keep shelves stocked.”
Well I have just returned from a visit to Tesco, where the number of shoppers is about the same as normal & the only surprising purchase I noted was a fella with several lettuces. The only evidence of items in demand were a few of the things that Tesco have labelled “Aldi price match”
NISA, was the guy with lettuces from NASA?
I’m on my way to the cloakroom, honest ….
But, note, “….directly…..”.
It seems tha Poland might be sending help …. wonder if it’s true ?
Not BBC but Sky reporter on Twitter —
Mark Stone (Hawtreys School, Cheltenham College, ABC, Sky) gets asked the question why migrants illegally breaking into Greece are shouting Allah Akbar. His reply: “Because they have a faith and believe that god is helping them. ‘God is great’”.
I don’t know what’s more disturbing — that he knows what’s up but won’t risk his career by being honest on Twitter… or that he (and the bulk of the media class) have actually convinced themselves that such cultural-relativistic interpretations are correct.
Either way we end up with a Middle East Correspondent for a global news agency who can’t report the reality.
Funny no women or children in the twitter video??
Maybe the women are burning the children like in recent videos to then blame the security forces for their actions
If he had been in Lebanon, prior to the 70s S***holing, he would have been saying the same things with the same predictable results. Paris of the Middle East to hell hole.
UK News : There is no paracetamol on SOME supermarket shelves cos people are panic buying it cos of Covid10
I doubt that idea
NZ news last week : Pharmacies to limit paracetamol due to Chinese factory closures
Shops I pass seem to have enough paracetamol to fill a room
and it is dirt cheap
so I cannot imagine the UK would run out.
I think e-bay is going to be very busy once people realize 350000 years supply of sanitizer, toilet paper, Paracetamol, and misc. others are no longer needed.
…. and runny honey ……..
I switch onto R4 and what do I hear – ballet shoes are racist..apparently…because they are pink…does that mean my black shoes are racist and I should be wearing white ones?
Don’t they realise most people think these conversations are bloody ridiculous and not worthy of debate – if a company wants to produce brown or tan shoes for ballet – good on them if they can make any money…
Is there nothing they can’t find that is racist on BBC~?
On a different subject, the Dem primary in the USA. I can’t remember where I saw a meme which pointed out Michael Bloomberg spent $500 million on his campaign which was enough to give every person in the USA $1miilion and still have change. It is quite a sobering thought. If politicians and billionaires really wanted to benefit the people they could do that and be far more beneficial to the world. That would be a good BBC thought for the day.
I think someone worked out that it actually meant he could only have given them less than $2 each.
A simple bit of logic would have told the TV plonkers debating this that with only $500 million, the maximum number of people he could have given $1 million would have been 500 – not quite anywhere near the 300 million plus people in the US….. but hey, who said most of the MSM reporters in the USA actually had more than one brain cell each ? So how many does that add up to ? Nowhere bloody near enough !
Is Abbotapotomus writing the new maths curriculum for the US ?
More bad lazy reporting from the breakfast couch this morning.
Some historian guy has found some old cine tape from WW1.
Anyway it is a really good find showing scenes from North Shields and Scarborough after shells were fired from German ships into the towns.
No doubt viewers not from the NE would not be aware that these serious attacks on towns had ever taken place, but the BBC woman candidly announced, “ these bombings”
With very little further information about the attack.
So. The BBC rewrites history again. Don’t know the difference between ships and aircraft.
R4 You and Yours seem to be well in their Guardianlalaland bubbleword.
Going on about how we need to physical activity to stay healthy, they started to say EXERCISE was not necessary or done in olden days ‘cos humans got enough physical activity from work’
Expert “Exercise never existed before rich Greeks”
Doh !
AFAIK most mammals PLAY
so most mammals do EXERCISE
as part of their natural existence
…. look at monkeys, dolphins, dogs, cats etc.
R4 You and Yours were doing their ‘non-whites are always VICTIMS’ trope
..Those nasty white people have been oppressing BLACK people by only selling plasters that are pink skin colour.
FFS that colour is a light colour
so if you were bothered about matching it to your skin tone
you’d just take out a marker pen.
And there has been no law banning black entrepreneurs from selling black plasters
I bet they’ve doing that in the black newspapers for years.
Ah , By the mid-1980s, Johnson & Johson developed the “invisible” or clear bandage that could be marketed to both white and non-white consumers without mentioning skin color at all.
Then in 1970s someone created a company called Soul Aid.

Then in 1998 New York entrepreneur, Michael Panayiotis, invented Ebon-Aide.
The first aid strips were made especially for African Americans.
Unfortunately, Ebon-Aides were not on the market long.
Panayiotis manufactured one million boxes of bandages. By 2002, he had sold only about 20,000 boxes.
After such a major loss, Panayiotis gave up trying to sell his brand.
In the so-called ‘Best of Today’ (low bar) they have this “quote” as a headline:
“This hypersensitive politics that we are in right now in the United States, Americans just don’t want to take a chance on a woman”
???? Listen to the Today Programme podcast
Followed by asking if sexism played a part in a lying, confused ditz blowing a bunch of gullible folks’ wads to fail in a competition.
“ Supermarkets reject minister’s food supply claim”
“But supermarket sources said that while they have had general talks about security of food supplies, they have not discussed getting food to homes.
One executive said he was “baffled” by the suggestions…”
A lot being said by unnamed bbc ‘sources’… who say.
Guest, I’m making a wild speculative guess here but I wonder if Matt Hancock asked his senior Civil Servant several days ago to take steps to ensure that supermarkets would be able to get food to people who were self isolating due to suspected Coronavirus or a possible contact with an infected person.
Said Civil Servant then went away and scheduled a meeting for the morrow to draw up plans for what would be needed. The next day, the meeting takes place. At that meeting various Civil Servants, probably all paid £86,363 per annum, sat around and came up with all the possible complications and difficulties that could arise. The most senior then raised doubts about whether it could be done but said he or she would raise it with the Minister tomorrow.
That tomorrow would be today, Friday.
Meanwhile Matt Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health, had made the reasonable assumption that his instructions were being followed.
Avoid visiting elderly relatives’ – Macron
On Friday, the French president called on people in France to limit trips to homes for the elderly.
“We must avoid visiting our elderly relatives as much as possible,” Emmanuel Macron said on a visit to a retirement home in Paris.
Does this mean he should not visit his wife?
RE Civil service, 1972 book:
The Law of Delay Mass Market Paperback – March 12, 1972
by C. Northcote Parkinson (Author)
Parkinson’s Third Law If there is a way to delay an important decision the good bureaucracy, public or private, will find it.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson pursued a distinguished academic career on both sides of the Atlantic and first became famous for “Parkinson’s Law” — work expands to fill the time allotted to it. Parkinson wrote many books on British politics and economics.
Fourteen “”Interviews and Outerviews”” in which Mr. Parkinson formulates the new law (delay is the “”deadliest form of denial””) but also reviews his prophetic older one finding that while Britain has cut its fleet from 308 to 114 in thirty years, its Admiralty officials and staff have zoomed from 11,270 to 33,574, “”barely sufficient to administer the navy we no longer possess.”” Mr. Parkinson awards “”The Parkinson Prize”” to the Netherlands for their efficiency, sharpened by the constant of danger, after reviewing some marginal figures on crime and mental good health (as you know he can really plot curves and kid the pants off a postulate with a statistic). Several of these return him to his ideological home country with discussions of the stratifications of class and power and authority and costive monopolies, etc. Sometimes he is just Potter-ing around in the pieces on passing the “”Buckmastership”” and “”The Abominable No-Man.”” Always there are the charming if captious assumptions and reductions (the beard is a facial characteristic of our “”periods of decline and uncertainty””), the epigrams and equivocations (cf. the piece on youth) and of course the happy turn of phrase which, in terms of that assured readership, will controvert the title.
I think these are worth linking here because the MSM ( mendacious story manipulators), especially the racist far-left bbc, won’t tell anyone the truth:
And this 10 minute video which corrects the story about those invaders from Turkey and their enablers
Mark Collett has a knack of exposing the lying bastards. I’m surprised YouTube hasn’t banned him.
Thanks -the vladtepes blog is interesting, especially the essay on Eurabia, and the role played by de Gaulle, of which I was only partially aware (I remember him being about, but -at the time- didn’t understand fully what he was actually about) not to mention Chirac etc.
Some detailed Bat Ye’or reading is obviously essential for me to catch up on.
Illuminating is the Franco-German axis in the EU; it seems French political leadership (especially on foreign policy) is supplemented by German financial clout, although Merkel has tried hard to play political catch-up. One now wonders whether her dealings with the Sultan are her own initiative, or simply the provision of the cheque book on instruction from Paris?
Jeremy Vine was giving Lord Dubs a free ride today. He ‘escaped’ Europe during WW2 as a child and now thinks we should operate an open-door policy for all child refugees.
He was allowed to get away with using the fake ‘Alan’, child on a beach, drowned by his father seeking free dental care, as an example – we saw the (faked) pictures and we did something about it.
So our ancestors generously allowed him in and he repays them by holding the door open to those that hate us, (and Jews even more so!).
Of course once the children are in their parents and other relatives will use that as a reason to enter too. No doubt as they grow older they too will do a ‘Dubs’ and insist on even more foreigners being let it.
Yorkshire Post headlines
– Equalities watchdog is urged to probe Tory Party Islamophobia
… that’s a loaded headline like “Trump defends”
– BBC has run down music coverage says legendary director Tony Palmer 10 hours ago
– BBC Look North mysteriously cancel Big Summit Sofa Challenge charity event 5 hours ago
“More than £50m has been invested in the Nissan plant in Sunderland as the firm gears up to build the new Qashqai.”
Dare I say it , despite BREXIT !
The BBC’s journalism, the actual writing of words and then reading them on air or putting them on the web-site, gets worse by the day. The R4 News this morning, both main news on the hour and half hour bulletins, were full of bits in the wrong order, scrambling their meaning or making for a jumble of information the listener then had to re-arrange.
The top row, middle item conveys misleading info on the Home Page. They were not racing drivers at all. Then the left hand item for sport is headlined with gibberish: ‘Wolves striker hosts gender reveal at home stadium’. What does that mean?
Snuff -it means a ‘reveal’ of the gender of your new baby, so meaningless ‘celebrity’ trivia of the kind that keeps many people from focusing on real and significant issues…
Thanks, fnw. I didn’t have a clue. Hmmnn, could that be a panel game? For TV? I assumed it was click-bait but I refused to be baited.
Rebecca Long Bailey does herself no favours. I should have posted yesterday as I think it was then that our Becky made an appearance on R4 TWatO. The Montacutie asked her what she as Shadow Business Secretary would have done about Flybe & its failure. Becky launched into a rant about what the Government had done. Sarah tried again. “But what would you have done?” Becky continued in the same vein. Almost plaintively, the Montacutie tried one more time but no Labour Party alternative was forthcoming from Becky.
Rachel ‘Foghorn’ Reeves has a new rival in the Labour Party. Ol’ Becky was rattlin’ ma windows with her personal volume turned up to 11. I could see into the depths of the vast cavernous mouth and I was listening on radio. Oooh! Scareee!!
Labour will be fun with our Becky leading it. It will be back to the 1980s and “If they are for it, then this Party is agin it.” all over again. I have an uncomfortable feeling that Rebecca Long Bailey may come third in the race to be Labour Leader.
Up2 – please leave Becky alone – her great leadership might well lead to a proper Right Wing government with something called ‘ law and order ‘ instead of the hater Stasi – and maybe even steps to deport people who should nt be in the UK because the Law ….
I jest a bit but I really hope Becky is supported in the socialist leadership by Dawn Butler – who somehow makes Ms Abbot look smart ….
Trouble is, Fed, against a Becky-led Labour, Bojo could be as liberal and lefty as he likes and might still win a 100 seat majority in 2024, esp. with Dawn Butler as No.2 in Labour.
Think if you want a ‘Big C’ Conservative Government, you might have to hunt hard and long for a suitable candidate to replace the current PM. You might have to stand as a candidate yourself.
Point taken Up2 .
BBC South Today just had item about anniversary of sailing of the Mayflower and showing a 50-strong choir of children. I took a picture of the front row of the choir. EVERY child in the front was a BAME. What are the chances of that when they only represent 83% of the population? Do not tell me that the BBC did not arrange the placings, I wouldn’t believe you. Agenda? What agenda?
No thought at all for the other kids losing their chance to appear on telly just because they’re white and must be put in their place
Yeah but the Mayflower was a slave ship right ? In that Vietnam war and stuff . Cool .
Popeye your typo you said BAME represent 83%
AFAIK whites make up 87%
but I can believe that at school age it’s only 83%
So BAME kids make up 17% of an AVERAGE school
say aside from London/metropolitan ghettos
Here’s a video clip
Not climate but
The hypocrisy of the BBC weighing in on the value of different views
Prof Selina Todd: “In democracy you debate, you don’t seek to close down the other side”
Oxford was a Royalist redoubt in the Civil War. A dumb place if you ask me. If it is taking tax money then we need to defund ( I like that word!) it.
CM- The clue is probably that the ‘no-platforming’ was the initiative of the OxUni branch of the UK’s UN wimmin set-up.
So, a dash of Feminism, probably accompanied by a sprinkle of ‘decolonisation’ is essential in the recipe. In other words, another blow against the “patriarchy” and “racism”? When issues as vital as this come up, let’s forget about that quaint ‘free speech’ stuff? Maybe Afua Hirsh could come instead?
(I could imagine some MEN though, who might have been welcome : Abbas, Maduro, Malema, even Lammy or Bernie Sanders? Anyone else who could speak to ‘decolonising’ the UK?)
Apologies all as I feel I am interrupting the flow of excellent posts but as a bit of admin – it’s time for new thread as I notice the site creaks when a thread gets over 300 sometimes .
May well be worth re posting some in case weekend watchers miss this one …..
Orla Guerin on Syria. She claims yet again that the Assad troops and the Russians are bombing civilians and hospitals with barrel bombs. (As I understand it, a barrel bomb is an improvised bomb and is dropped from things like helicopters and light aircraft rather than bombers/fighter bombers. Do correct me if I have got that wrong.)
Orla never, ever, explains why the Syrian Army (supplied by Russia) and the Russians, would improvise possibly unreliable bombs and drop them in imprecise fashion when they, especially the Russians, have all sorts of sophisticated kit, munitions and the means of targeting with precision.
Orla knows what goes down well at beeb HQ?
Mebbe, mebbe.
Acid killer sentenced