The new Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden has said that the BBC needs ‘diversity of Thinking ‘ – the softest of criticism of the Far Left monster that is the Biased BBC .
How will it react ? Will it suddenly turn ‘ pro Britain ‘ ?or continue to pour out crude propaganda supporting its selected favourite groups and ideas whilst ignoring issues of great concern to those who are forced to pay for it – such as the mass rape of children or the majority’s belief in Brexit ?
Maybe this virus will spell the end of the bleeding awful practise of hot desking all over the place now whereby you turn up to work and find someone coughing all over the place you usually work at and food all over the keyboard, this practise is invading all workplaces as it “saves money” but is a great way of spreading dirt and all kinds of infections
I have found my usual keyboard covered in hair and food particles and grease
But what do you actually do at your ‘hot desk’?
I once worked for an organisation that had built a new set of offices that everyone had to travel miles to get to as there was no local housing. The travelling was awful but fortunately the organisation had ’embraced’ flexible working, the staff could turn up and leave any time they liked.
Some arrived at 5 a.m., some at 11 a.m. As a result it was virtually impossible to hold a meeting of more than two people – ‘not in yet’, ‘already gone home’. In the ‘old’ days there were few phones and they got answered by anyone around. Everyone knew what everyone else was doing. The new offices gave everyone a phone and email address. Now no-one answered anyone elses’s phones, nobody could see anyone else’s emails so nobody knew what anyone else was doing. Everyone had ‘voice mail’ too. That meant that a post might be vacant for a year or more and ‘urgent’ messages were left on the system unanswered.
Fortunately I left just before ‘hot desking’ came in. I am inclined to think that if ‘hot desking’ can work the computers could have done the job without people anyway!
I remember when ‘hot’ desking first reared its head – back in the mid 90’s, and everyone said “what the hell ?”. A desk and a landline telephone – mobiles were non existent. It was soon discovered (like said above), that the phone would ring and ring, and no-one would pick up because they knew it wouldn’t be for them, so enquiries were lost.
If you have a laptop and a mobile, then a ‘hot’ desk is redundant, and you might as well sit in a local Costa’s !
I love all that consultancy management stuff . I remember an outfit being paid huge wads of cash to come around , tell us how to do it better after 2 weeks ‘in-house ‘ and then clear off .
The bid idea was to put up proper notice boards instead of the blue tacked to the wall stuff which worked perfectly well.
So the big expensive notice boards went up . The trouble was the keys got lost and there were no spares so people blue tacked posters on the front of the notice boards ….
Management consultancy …. glad I work for me now ..
We had a ‘facilitator’ come in to carry out a ‘brown paper exercise’. The room that they were given had white boards on three walls, the fourth wall being all windows.
The ‘facilitator’, who wanted us to ‘think outside’ the box, took the brown (yes really) paper out of her ‘box of ideas’ and used it to cover up all the white boards.
Bit like going on a ‘team building’ event and stripping a car down to make a rickshaw, rather than just loading it up and switching the engine on!
Oh, yes, THAT word – ‘facilitator’, just the sound of it brings back dreaded memories of the workplace.
The poor sod who’s up against it the moment they walk through the door ! Mostly telling the workforce (who sit rolling their eyes) how to do the job better than they’ve been doing it for 20 years – but with exactly the same results ! ha ! ha ! I remember them well.
I blame the idiot company managers who waste big bucks on employing these ‘snake oil salesmen’ .
I’ve got a better one than ‘facilitator ‘ – ‘change manager ‘…. I had a job teaching grown ups once and had to teach ‘change management ‘ .
I am usually quite good at covering up what I really belief but when I was delivering the ‘change management ‘ stuff a more astute member of the class asked me ‘ do you really belief this stuff ?’ – sometimes silence says so much more ……
Darcy – another effect might be a reconfiguration of Parliament – some SNP type said last week that the commons was a good national vector for diseases so maybe switch to electronic debates and votes .
Imagine the reduction in expenses …. they could cut the size and pay at the same time .
I know – won’t happen – to many snouts in the trough .
Darcy3, cheap mouthwash is quite good on cleaning and sterilising telephones and keyboards.
BBC News
“It’s not just black people’s history — it’s British history.”
Lavinya Stennett is leading a campaign to have British black history taught in England’s schools all year round.
And there, beside, if not ahead of her, is the entire BBC.
The ‘history’ that I was taught at school was something like, Stone Age and Bronze age, no specific places, races or colours. Ancient Eygpt, presumably about Eygptians. Ancient Rome, about ‘Romans’, races, colours not specified. A king called Alfred who wasn’t very good at cooking. A bit about Plantagenents, Stuarts and Tudors, a few powerful people, race and colour not specified. English economic history. Corn Laws and stuff. Angry peasants and politicians, race and colour not specified. Can’t say that I particulary ‘identified’ personally with any of it!
We clearly had the same curriculum Jim, and in Geography we learned about the capitals of the world, Gouchos and pampas in Argentina, where the St Laurence River was, and contour lines on maps !
Nothing that really helped me in my later career paths, but it was information that stuck with me all through my life, and having watched the low intelligence of many Pointless contestants, made me realise that I ain’t so dumb after all !
Brissells, didn’t you learn about ox-bow lakes. I thought we all had to know about them. I have never seen one, though.
Anyone watch BBC News watch today..first time for ages for me…
main story was the media creating hysteria about corona virus with too much time spent on it….a couple of good public videos that presented logical arguments…then interview with the BBC medical correspondent who has degree in english literature…he waffled and clearly had nothing to say …ignored questions…
Then to prove the point the whole of the next section was about coronavirus.. the BBC don’t do irony…
Cynic in me says follow the money, my inner conspiracy nut says it all seems very well rehearsed while at the same time hoping it’s not actually being played down. Media doing it’s job then, I’ll stop reading bbc reports about it and see if that helps. Anyone out there know whats really going on?
Oldspeaker – I know no more than the next man, but found Beltane’s old Dettol bottle of great interest. ‘Follow the money’ is usually a good start, and boy, are the media making money out of this lot!
For conspiracy theories (and there are potentially many lurking here) it had even occurred to me that there is a sort of ‘psychological war’ against the aged? If you’re over 70, apparently you can’t go to footie any more, is the latest twist. Apparently it’s all for our own good!
But we aged are disliked and resented because according to beeb et. al. we prevent the yoof from buying houses, we hog all the goodies, we are hospital bed-blockers, etc etc.
Never mind the half a century of hard work it took for most of us to pay off our mortgages etc, beeb -for one- thinks the yoof should have it all NOW. IF this is driven by ‘the young’, it seems to have escaped them that they too will be old one day, much sooner than they imagine.
I’d love to blame a lot of this on Jeremy Corbyn, but -for self-evident reasons- this is problematic…
Ironically, what the yoof seem to take for granted in our throw-away society, from a constant mobile updates to a constant Nike updates, would have been a miraculous luxury way beyond my pocket for my first twenty working years, at least! Or is it simply that greed and awareness created by ‘social media’ has created what, back in my uni days, was called ‘relative deprivation’ in my politics courses?
Anyway, beeb seem to be enjoying themselves, with almost non-stop coverage. And they are not alone. It could -of course- be well justified, although being told to wash your hands etc for the 728th time is annoying.
It’s going pretty much as I would expect, though that’s far from the way that it should be going.
COVID-19 isn’t the flu. It’s nastier but can be contained (and presumably eradicated) if the right measures are taken, and that means being pro-active rather than reactive. As a nation (and this also applies to the EU States), we’ve become too fond of discussing things to death, holding a never-ending cycle of meetings, pre-meetings, informal chats and such like rather than getting off our arses and taking action now. And when action is taken, it’s usually either inadequate or just plain wrong.
On the positive side, we should be grateful that COVID-19 is reaching us now (with warmer weather only a little way over the horizon) rather than in November or December. That, plus the application of common sense and good hygiene, *should* mitigate the size of the outbreak.
How long before Al Beeb convolutes Coronavirus with Brexit ?
Which places are enriched with Covi19 ??
(Obviously some countries in the Soviet bloc might have underdetection, and deliberate under-reporting, but I’d expect Poland etc. to be straight)
Pray for Sky’s Ed Conway …. he’s a victim
As the second tweeter points out The London media lot make a living out of misquoting people and stirring outrage
This is his tweet where he promoted the article
It doesn’t look ironic, does it ?
He only got 43 likes
You can click through to the article .. it’s not now paywalled
(it might be my once a week free article)
I’ve scanned it ..and I don’t spot the ironic twist
It’s just like a normal XR article.
Wow no one in the 387 comments takes it as ironic
Will this coronavirus end when the weather gets warmer?
I’m asking (I don’t know the answer) because I keep hearing that it should go away when it warms up.
The temperature in Tehran today is a typical UK summers day temperature, 20 degrees, yet I think they have had loads of cases. Same with Morocco. Italy is surely quite warm as well.
If it is active in these places are we falsely pinning our hopes on it ending when it warms up.
Flu count this year up to 5March, 5,676 cases. Covid, 164 (last I heard)
Respiratory viruses tend to hate warm, humid conditions. Warm weather on its own isn’t usually enough to reduce transmission rates to a point at which a virus starts to die out.
Respiratory viruses tend to hate warm, humid conditions. Warm weather on its own isn’t usually enough to reduce transmission rates to a point at which a virus starts to die out.
VH, what about humidity aiding droplet spreading from sneezes, coughs and talking?
Stew posted the Covid-19 case numbers from Eastern Europe above and aside from possible under-reporting, my thought is that it could be due to dryness in the atmosphere in the extreme cold likely to be experienced in central and eastern Europe in winter.
The Guardian has a cartoon of Mohammed in it today – oh – my mistake – it’s Pritti Patel and BoJo .
Nice to see the paper of Liberty dropping so low – but then again democracy has put in its coffin for 4 years – hopefully sharing a grave with the BBC .
Just mentioned this myself lol
Just waiting for the BBC silence…
I wonder if the BBC would call out the Guardian on their recent ‘cartoon’ of Priti Patel which actually looks racist?
Now imagine if ‘The Sun’ had done that to someone from Labour?
Change of mind, anti-Brexit Airbus to stay in the UK
Fourteen months ago Airbus was threatening “potentially very harmful decisions” if Britain crashed out of the European Union without a deal. Tom Enders, its chief executive at the time, called ministers’ failure to provide clarity on Brexit “a disgrace”.
A lot can change in a year. The video warning has since been scrubbed from the company’s online platforms.
Under new management, Airbus now believes that it has an “extremely strong” future in Britain. Its sprawling site in Broughton, north Wales, run by Paul McKinlay, is on track to manufacture about 800 pairs of wings this year, but executives are looking much further down the line.
Similar thing happening with Nissan in Sunderland Stew.
Big investment (£38 million I think) despite all the scare stories if we Brexited.
I’ve just seen that the real Nissan investment sums are £400 million starting with a new production line which cost £52 million.
Not the £38 million I put earlier.
This would actually be interesting, if it wasn’t for the constant, unrelenting bias which permeates EVERYTHING the BBC touch.
As it is, interested as I am, I can’t be sure if any of it’s true, or it’s just more (relentless) propaganda?
At the end of the day the BBC really are their own worst enemy.
AFAIK Indonesia is a new country
hundreds of years ago it was regional sultanates.
So it is not a case of Indonesians went to Australia
“The name Indonesia dates to the 18th century (during Dutch colonial times) , far predating the formation of independent Indonesia.”
The Chinese landed in Australia before in around 1491/2 .
but they aint muslims so no mention on the racist bbc
My question is so F***king what? What is it with the BBC and Muslims/Islam
we know other people arrived in Australia before Cook – they just couldn’t survive so traded and left
Wikipedia confirms my history book that the Dutch were first to land on Australia on 26 February 1606. It also says that the “nice Hindus” of the Majapahit Empire got very close, extending to Timor and New Guinea, but with no evidence of landing in Australia. So it seems BBC News about “nasty Muslim” voyages to Australia is Fake News.
“BBC News” equals “Fake News”, so after watching modern BBC dramas, you would conclude that the first Blacks in Australia where transported from London to Sidney in 1788. Presumably due to knife crime by the highly educated working class black people you see in BBC dramas set in that period?
Er, Richard, what about the Tongans, Samoans, Fijians, Papuans and the Maori ie. the canoeing and sailing islanders of Oceania?
“Recreating Muslim sailors’ first voyages to Australia.
Indigenous Australians had contact with Indonesian sailors long before the first European settlers arrived in Australia in the 18th Century.
The Muslim Makassans traded with the local Yolngu people as early as the 1500s, some experts believe.
Now the sea voyage has been recreated, aiming to help young Muslim Australians feel a better sense of belonging.”
Translation for muslims: Australia is ours, like the rest of the world soon will be.
they were slave traders amongst other things
I think every ones wrong about the first to land in Australia – it was actually ‘ travellers ‘ or pikeys as we call them in my area –
They found a council car park and proceeded to built a tip comprised of hard core and broken fridges . …..
Covid19 : 29th Feb Italian newspaper
“He tested positive for the coronavirus test but instead of staying in quarantine at home, as expected in these cases – that is, when there are no obvious symptoms that require hospitalization
– he went to work regularly in the Chinese restaurant in Pavia where he is an employee and also delivers food to his home.
The police of Pavia stopped the man of Pakistani origin. ”
“the man has been reported and must answer for “non-compliance with the provisions of the authority”, an offense punished with arrest for up to three months or a maximum fine of 206 euros.”
PJW seems to base his article on this
I think this Italy Pakistani story is a bit of a red herring
like a lot of stories it invites a lot of assuming
like you imagine this guy is one of the first and was busy infecting people.
but he wasn’t near patient zero ..2 people had already died
and he wasn’t working for days, the police police stopped him.
Immigration/Coronavirus-We People who want to see a reduction in immigration are racist’
It’s outrageous that some deploy this vile slander to describe tens of millions of people who simply believe that it is not sustainable to push up the population by a million every three years-while massively dividing our community, with historically unprecedented levels of immigration to which voters never even gave their consent.
Sceptical views towards large-scale immigration are legitimate and rooted in real concerns about a UK population that is expanding much too quickly for public services, the NHS, the job market, housing and schools to cope. Now we shall have to contend with the added challenge of fighting all immigrants whether legal or illegal that might carry this nasty virus further into our fold. The media /BBc just love the sensationalism of it all-afterall it sells.
‘Should all children learn sign language?’
There it is again, there’s that extra busy BBC word – should.
‘Black history: Should it be part of the wider curriculum?’
Gosh, there it is again!
‘According to a new report published by MPs, all state primary and secondary schools in England should teach sex education.’
And again.
‘All children should learn foreign languages, say peers’
Come on now, this is getting silly.
‘Religious education ‘vital for diversity”
Well, I suppose at least we dropped the word should for something a bit more definite. And who would have guessed it would take diversity to up the stakes to vital?
‘School leaving age should rise to ‘improve prospects’, report says’
Well, I guess the school leaving age will need to rise if we are going to fit in all this extra stuff over and above the 3 Rs.
Best not mention an English friend of mine whose kids came home from school singing in Urdu then .
After that he joined the white flight , upped sticks and moved his family out of Londonistan and found somewhere British ….. using the ‘ how far away is the nearest mosque ?’ Test
Is that racism ? Who gives damn ? And I didn’t think so . Poor old Blighty . Maybe after brexit there’ll be some – or a lot – of push back and less beating up of whitee
Very little to watch on the box last night, so resorted to The Pledge. Discussing one subject on racism and the rest, Greg Dyke spoke of how there was a huge backlash against him when he referred to the BBC being ‘hideously white”, and then he said “it was the usual crowd who maintain that the UK is white” – I thought, ‘well you a…….e, it bloody well is the last time I looked “.
This was the guy who also brought up the subject of Boris Johnson having umpteen children some in wedlock some out, and about his moral standards as Prime Minister, when Dyke himself admitted to having children out of wedlock and 2 sons who have also spawned kids whilst unwed !!!! Hypocrisy or what ?
(my immediate thought was, who the hell would want to slip between the sheets with Dyke anyway ??)
Returning to the BBC’s fawning article on the work of Riz Ahmed, minor actor, rapper and film maker.
His work is ‘about being dumped by an abusive lover – his home country. “Britain’s broken up with me.”‘
‘The first song, titled The Breakup (Shikwa), is delivered from the perspective of a person and a people who are so let down that they feel like their own country has ditched them.’
The BBC treats us to this description of his recent short film:
‘In it, a British Asian family are preparing for a wedding when they are rounded up by state forces wearing balaclavas and St George’s crosses as white neighbours watch from behind twitching curtains – with clear echoes of the treatment of Jews in Germany in World War Two.’
Now, keeping it edgy and a tad more contemporary in its references, and by simply rearranging a couple of elements, how do we reckon this elevator pitch to the BBC might go down?
In it, young white British girls are on their way to school when they are rounded up by immigrant men wearing tracksuits and arabic-lettered jewelry as Asian neighbours watch from behind twitching curtains – with clear echoes of the treatment of children in Northern towns for the last couple of decades.
He sounds like a moaning sod with very little to moan about.
According to IMDb, the film you refer to, Mogul Mowgli, is 90 minutes, so not actually a short. One of the production companies listed for it is. . . BBC Films.
BBC using it’s News website to promote it’s own products?
My mistake, the description you quote is from an “accompanying short film.”
This part of the article caught my attention:
‘What is his experience of being “on the front line” of the “new reality”?
“It’s very clear isn’t it? Hate crime is spiking across the world,” he replies.
He also talks about the treatment of minorities in India or China, and in European countries where the far right is on the rise.’
Goodness me, of which “minorities” could Ahmed be referring to?
Still no mention by the racist bbc of asians racially abusing and attacking an indian and chinese girl in Birmingham, so much for their racially divisive agenda, and of course the gobshite council of Britain, sorry muslim CB continue to train their members in how to complain to the media and encourage them to complain and report any incidences of racism towards their members whilst completely ignoring multiple attacks and rapes of 12 year old white schoolgirls and racist attacks against indians and chinese by muslims, yet claim to be “working for the common good” yeh right…
that phrase is used to unlock taxpayers money:
In 2005, the MCB received £150,000 of public money from the Government for a number of specific projects. These were: the MCB leadership development programme; the MCB leadership mentoring programme; MCB direct, a web portal for information on Islam and Muslims; a British citizenship programme, and the British Muslim Equality Programme. The MCB had requested £500,000
Between 2001 and 2007, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) expressed its unwillingness to attend the Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony and associated events
The MCB opposed the repeal of Section 28 on the grounds that presenting “homosexual practice as equivalent to marriage or in a morally neutral way is deeply offensive to Muslims” and that a repeal “undermines the institution of the family and will damage the fabric of our society”
Schools and education
MCB guidance for schools says that parents of Muslim children should be allowed to withdraw their children from school activities involving mixed swimming, dance, sex and relationship education, music, drama, and figurative drawing on religious grounds. On farm visits, touching or feeding pigs should be prohibited. It also warns that pupils and parents may refuse to shake hands with the opposite sex during prize-giving ceremonies.The Daily Express newspaper referred to the publication as demanding “Taleban-style” conditions It said music lessons were unacceptable to around 10% of Muslim pupils.
Based on information from the MCB, Stoke-on-Trent City Council issued a Ramadan guide to all schools. The document said schools should reschedule swimming lessons, sex education and exams so they are outside the month of Ramadan.
Seeing some of the responses that various Countries are taking over covid, China quarantining whole cities, Russia banning visitors from certain Countries or putting them in quarantine for 14 days, it’s somehow reassuring that our response is to wash our hands and sing God save the Queen.
Close the borders?
British government acting on behalf of the British people?
Israel will do it, but Britain?
Collapse of Tourism, transport etc leading to a new banking crisis? Shaun Ley last night implied on R4 that we needed Gordon Brown. Oh dear!
How many little boats arrived from France today, I wonder? It’s gone awfully quiet on the Border Force front of late. The silence is deafening. It’s all coronavirus ad nauseum. Can’t imagine the ‘migrants’ have suddenly stopped coming.
Ask the Greeks.
lefty wokesupremacist justice
“Some animals are more equal than others”
.. (I’m quoting Orwell not saying that non-whites are animals.)
Lisa Nandy : “excellent piece” ?
Looks like 6 pages of cutNpaste from Labour PR material, to me.
In the first 2 lines we have sexism, racism, Marxism.
Oh the beeb are gonna love her.
You can take the Nigerian out of Africa but……
news : Tampon tax to be eradicated.
The BBC says that a lower rate of tax on RedDiesel is a subsidy.
So to be consistent they should say that zero VAT on tampons is also a subsidy.
Tampon tax ? trying to get blood out of a …oh, cancel that thought, yet another trip to the cloakroom
Beeboid makes reasonable point
about the same police that spend all their time on the internet looking for hatey tweets.
“…..makes you wonder who put the glitch there!”
Got to be the Russians……………
Language policing.
BTW that their gas staff are probably technicians rather than actually qualified to engineer level
and what about midwife ? seamtress, matron, etc etc
For all of my working life the professional engineering institutions have claimed that the low status of engineering in the UK versus, say, that in Germany, is down to everyone who is able to pick up a screwdriver by the handle being called an ‘engineer’.
British Gas don’t seem to understands how the OED works either. It considers itself as being a book of record, ‘English As She Is Spoke’, not an arm of Momentum or a British Académie Française. (The British can do anything they like, unless it is legal, the continentals are supposed to only do what has been prescribed).
no comment needed apart from the undeniable fact that all could do with a two week fast
Do the obese need that much toilet roll?
I buy hand sanitiser regularly because of the poor facilities at my workplace. When I tried to buy some at Boots two weeks ago the girl told me it was selling out as soon as it came in. I didn’t even make the connection to coronavirus then.
What a-holes.
they have that much more area to cover…as for hand sanitiser just go to your local hardware store and get some IPA (isopropyl alcohol) and add to any hand gel at 60% if you require any, the morons have not caught onto that yet
I use it all the time on commute after seeing the results of swabs taken from the London underground hand rails containing significant amounts of faeces amongst other charming ingredients and as mentioned before having to hot desk with anyone using keyboards and desks
I also had to have a word with our local GP who have touch screens to register all the sick people as you arrive with no method of sanitising which they took onboard, BTW I always only use a knuckle where possible rather than fingertip to open train doors etc as a normal precaution from all the crap around
And use a tissue on the handle of a supermarket basket.
“Please hold the handrail. Please stand on the right.”
Maybe they should add, “Now wash your hands.”
I am always on the right, except when I was an idealistic teenager .. sod the handrail I dont want ebola
Just revealed that the police screwed up 2 Brighton drugs trials last year.
21 yo policeman arrested over swastika graffiti inside police station.
The report says they think he could be a member of a right wing terrorist group.
.. but in the past such incidents have turned out to be trivial
(Paula Sherif case)
Eton master charged with pupil sex assault named as Matthew Mowbray | The Times
Not a mohammed for a change so bound to be featured by bbc
The EU has demanded that any trade deal with the UK be contingent on the UK making a commitment in the new trade treaty to abide by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).
On Thursday, the EU’s Chief Negotiator Monsieur Michel Barnier got very exercised about this subject in his long statement in French following the first round of UK-EU trade talks this week. …
Sadly Mister Barnier seems to have forgotten one very crucial point: The EU has not signed nor ratified the European Convention on Human Rights.
The bBC do not seem to know about this.
2 more Grenfell fraudsters jailed
another guy had also been charged
I expect they are Irish
and maybe travellers
Ah that third guy has already been jailed
one on the left looks like an extra from a lord of the rings battle,
pretty sure I saw the one on the right tarmacking a pensioners drive and charging £10,000
So much for sport:
I ain’t playing if I ain’t got the fans in the crowd’: Basketball icon LeBron James says he won’t play in an empty stadium after NBA issues warning to teams to prepare for games without spectators due to coronavirus crisis
The NBA wants its teams to prepare to play games without fans if necessary
The league had already sent a memo to clubs offering recommendations
LA Lakers’ LeBron James said it’s not possible to play in an empty arena
The star claimed he would not play if he turned up to find no spectators
A bit like our new dusky Royal Family member Wass innit for me ??
Social responsibilty, duty, loyalty, team pride, family honour, nope dat aint puttin bread on de table now gimmee a big trolley and the bog roll aisle I’s looking for a fight
Thu Times opinion said that charity sector is full of mentality of protecting the charities
rather than the victims of abusem
Looking at the news this afternoon there is one thing that really annoys me:
I am British not a Brit, it is not too much of an imposition to use two syllables
whereas, if I were to use the word paki instead of a four syllable word that would seem in the normal world quite acceptable but ..apparently not
it seems our reality has shifted to a strange world maybe the parallel universe theory is true and I have ended up in the shit one or maybe a consequence of blairs education policy
The devil is in the detail and when he said education three times no one was looking at the kind of education that has produced the XR morons etc
the kind of morons that listen to a rich untalented black rappist rapping about racism and ignore the biggest racially motivated mass rape of hundreds of white schoolchildren in our countries history commited by black immigrants
So, a few score more hired back on?
BBC Radio 4
“I was like 1 in 4 black people in the entire school.”
Appreciating the BBC exists only to sample quotes, you might imagine they would choose one that made sense.
I have had my umpteenth red letter today from the tv Tellygoons telling me that the may visit my house to investigate me for watching tv. Well If they call, I shall tell them they cannot come in as I am “self isolating” …………………………..
Must. Resist. Answering…
The BBC wants to “Change the World” through a left-wing Revolution, using the remnants of the power of liberal left-wing authority, in the Civil Service, to eliminate its enemies and use its power to force the peasants to pay the licence fee under threat of imprisonment. The power to brainwash children to take action against adults who are not so brainwashed, especially those adults with scientific qualifications. The BBC hopes for a revolution against the British people by the metropolitan elite, a revolution between low IQ environmental activists, politicians and young main stream media morons. Versus, the scientifically educated middle classes, intelligent working classes and those experienced middle-aged journalists with contacts with scientists who say it’s a hoax.
So if I was a Global Leader for a day I would destroy the BBC.
That’s why the commies murder all the intelligentsia when they take over a country. They did it in the Soviet Union, they did it in China, they did it in Cambodia, for example.
In so doing, the commies seem to secure some time when the remaining populace is so ignorant, so cowed and ill-educated that the commies have the upper hand.
What these commie zealots never factor in though is the resilience of human nature. People eventually start to think for themselves, they circulate samizdata, they teach each other, they organise and they resist and fight back.
The only way the commies could retain control of a country in perpetuity is if they murder each generation of the adult population. Come to think of it, perhaps that’s their plan.
Unfortunately, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were so unbelievably successful in Cambodia – killing virtually every intelligent person in the country (engineers, scientists, academics, teachers, medics… name it, plus all of their families and children, friends, associates – names tortured out of all of these people) that he basically eradicated the intelligence gene pool of the country. It has still not recovered, and with China’s economic invasion of the country – there must be serious doubts that it really ever will.
Make it illegal to add ‘backing tracks’ whenever someone gets to speak?
agree must resist, fish in a barrel
You want to improve the world?
Scrap the beeb.
Meanwhile Jon’s cracked team of market rate talents fly around the USA, and world, RTing ‘The Hill’.
Seems the BBC’s go-to gal is ruffling a few feathers.
If I was UK leader for a week, forget global many of them are so corrupt they are beyond redemption, I would require every school in the country to ban the word “like” I am sick to the back teeth of sitting in trains and other places listening to blue and purple haired kids mauling the english language
EVEN in Cambridge so like i was like taking to him and like it was like awful and like…..
Darcy what really grinds my gears is starting every sentence with the word “So” Everytime the BBC seems to interview anyone who is some sort of health “expert” and generally female the word “So” comes first, and the second thing is that I then hit the “off” switch
I am wondering if use of the word the word “so” is now formally taught as essential these days to get any sort of doctorate.
any ideas where this comes from ? starts with a Blai and ends with an R complete ignorance of science, geography and history and english literature culture and heritage, but full knowledge of your “human rights” cause his wife is one of those blood sucking lawyers
and both of them living far away from the ghettos created by their immigrants invited for their election votes,
Looks like HR had a wee word.
BBC ‘News’ uses its fave word from one of many ‘bodies’.
“An aerospace trade body has said the move could put high-skilled jobs at risk.”
When you have more money than you know what to do with.
fondue, that is a great way of sharing viruses
… you dip the stick in the cheese
.. then in your mouth
.. then back in the cheese
This had me intrigued as to what a ‘U.K. correspondent’ is.
I don’t know who Mr Shriver is , and don’t watch Question Time. But he doesn’t sound that Right Wing to me . Sensitive souls these bubble dwellers …
Fed, Lionel is a lady, a writer from the USA living in the UK. Major/best known work: ‘We need to talk about Kevin’. [ How do they do that? I would like to have gone in the opposite direction but Barack, George Jnr, Bill, George Snr and Ronnie would not let me. 🙁 ] I seem to recall that she may be an enthusiast for Brexit.
One inch, one degree to the right of politically correct wokeness puts you in the category of moral and social pariah. You become an untouchable to the bien-pensants, you will be un-platformed and banished to outer darkness.
The permanently offended are just looking for an excuse for righteous indignation to virtue signal their superiority.
BBC2 now “Wild Cuba: A Caribbean Journey” has an infuriating commentary by Colin Stafford-Johnson. When he is not lecturing the audience on climate change & modern living in general he turns to criticising whitey.
We had just been told that the biggest iguana gets the girl, but when it comes to the more advanced Europeans arriving in the 15th century & becoming dominant, Colin can’t stop his lip curling in disgust at the “arrogance” of the newcomers
The future of the bbc.
You can take the unique funding addict out of the bbc, but…
BBC News quotes Bubba.
“You feel like… you’ve been in a 15-round prize-fight that was extended to 30 rounds, and here’s something that’ll take your mind off it for a while.”
That ‘something’ being using an intern as a humidor as the Presidential chinos are round his ankles.
Very bbc.