On @BBCr4today at 8:30am, I discussed Trevor Phillips' ongoing unfounded claims about Muslims that not only align with far-right Islamophobes but are used by far-right Islamophobes to justify their divisive hatefulness and targeting of Muslims. pic.twitter.com/B63p8ZHQuf
Whatever one might think of Paul Golding and Britain First, it’s undeniable that they are brave people.
This short 8 minute video from Telford police station is worth watching if only for the attitude of the jobsworth who came to speak to them admitting they have 40 years of evidence of muslim rape gangs in Telford.
If you thought the police were our enemies, I think this proves it:
John – It seems this video has been removed, but I can guess….
For one thing, a very similar thing is happening in Germany. Gabriele Walter Demolski, AfD representative for Bochum in NRW reports on a video on youtube the degree of threats and violence against her and her colleagues by Antifa, who are powerful and ever present in Germany. That video is still up, but only in German.
Damage to homes, cars and murder threats are a constant, and nothing is done by police or the ‘Justice’ system. The AfD see Antifa as the shock troops of the governing ‘Grand Coalition’, playing a similar role to the SA in Nazi-Germany. It seems that Antifa do not act against representatives of the Merkel-SPD (Socialist) coalition in NRW (or elsewhere, for that matter).
Of course, it is informative that NorthrhineWestphalia has the highest number of resident ‘migrants’, so you can put two and two together.
Much of Germany i.e. the various Federal States, are in the grip of RRG -red/red/green – which means coalitions of Die Linke (The Left), the Socialist SPD and the Greens. And the Greens are actually the WATERMELON party – green on the outside, red on the inside.
Merkel’s CDU sails happily within this alliance. I have reported on the Merkel declaration of the recent election of a FDP (Liberal) PM in Thuringia as null and void. The rerun saw a Communist, Bodo Ramelow, reappointed, as the CDU members of that state’s parliament deliberately abstained, to allow RRG in.
7:30pm Inside Out
Yorks edition “ACN : The Multilevel Marketing scam endorsed by Tump himself”
.. The drivetime radio prog had that same claim that I expect is Fake news
Rather it is common for MLM scammers to claim the endorsement of celebs in their schemes
.. WITHOUT the celeb knowing anything about it
Ah no the prog said Trump was paid $1m
(BTW a suspiciously round number)
It operates in Bradford , Dewsbury , Huddersfield
eh up that seems like a Muslim demographic
Yep “we’ll speak to someone involved, we won’t use her real name , let’s call her Aisha”
Funny how Comrade Corbyn is also bigging it up for Al-Beeb, so the question is are the BBC proud to have these poisonous Socialists fighting for them?
The BBC must be run in the interest of the people of this country.
We must democratise it and defend it.
If we don't the Tories will leave us with a Fox News style media, which will damage our democracy and hand more power to billionaire moguls.https://t.co/SPpqfP7xHH
A report in ‘compact-online’ in Germany, says that the EU has backtracked on a commitment not to take in ‘refugees’ from Lesbos/the Greek border, and decided to take in 1500 ‘children’.
The main mover, unsurprisingly, is Germany.
Norbert Walter-Borjans, of the Socialist SPD, THREATENED other member states with financial sanctions, if they did not participate in this rescue. Of course, for each child, costing 50,000 Euro per year, a family will soon follow.
Main target of this threat was Austria, whose Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, wanted to send troops to defend the border.
I think I did forecast on this site a day or two ago, that Kurz should look over his shoulder, as knives would be sharpened in Germany to stab him in the back. (I was not quite as explicit, but what the heck!)
A few minutes ago I posted on how NRW was a leftist hotbed and seat of violence against the AfD. I had a look on Wiki to see which German Federal State Norbert Walter-Borjans hails from, and guess what?
Yup, you guessed it.
The old West Germany looks, feels, smells and sounds every day ever more like the old East Germany.
Not, surprising really, when you look at the German No1, who was an apparatchik in the former GDR.
A book needs to be written about how she came from NOWHERE in 1989 to wheedle herself into Kohl’s favour in the West German CDU, and then proceeded to take over that CDU and West Germany, slowly DESTROYING both from within.
Now she is really boss of the EU, through her buddy v d Leyen.
A fan of le Carre? Interested in the STASI?
Well, I should mention that the book on Merkel, I mentioned above, HAS ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN. Regrettably, it’s not available in English.
There are gaps and some of the evidence is circumstantial. But Hinrich Rohbohm published in 2017 a work that shows how ‘truth is stranger than fiction’: “Merkel’s Mask: Chancellor of a different Republic”. (My own free translation).
Rohbom shows how Merkel (possibly Ingelore Kastner No 3217 in the STASI file ‘Sommertraum’, but this remains speculative) ‘infiltrated’ the CDU of the old West Germany, bringing with her a number of followers who were carefully placed in the new united Germany, and have since then played significant roles.
The problem is that in the final days of the GDR, the Stasi undertook a massive destruction of files, so conclusive evidence is impossible to come by. If one is to believe it, the conclusion is that the person who runs Germany and -by implication -the EU is a Communist agent.
Whether this happened by careful design or was simply the product of opportunism (or a bit of both?) remains an open question. A great deal revolves around inconclusive dates of past events, but you CAN follow a lead that ends up with something not even le Carre could have dreamt up.
My two posts above re the situation in Germany, which -for financial reasons- carries the real clout in the EU (or IS IT de facto the EU??), show how very, very wise Britain was to get out.
Thank you, David Cameron.
There remains one question, of course: are we really out? The commies who run Germany (under all sorts of other guises) are not going to look kindly on Britain’s departure, whatever Merkel may say in public. Ditto our great friends just across the Channel.
So, what forces are there WITHIN Britain to try to reverse that decision to leave the EU? You can bet your bottom dollar, they ‘ain’t gonna go quietly’. And WHO in the great Franco-German alliance of Lefties will be egging them on (‘international socialism’)? It would take only the Greens to suddenly gain traction and come to resemble the German Greens, join up with Labour, and hey presto! (Red Sky thinking!) Also, watch British universities very carefully…
Beware, Boris. Germany isn’t the only place where the knives of the Left are going to be out…
On Feb 24th She did an eco item for Inside Out London – Tarah Welsh tries to cut her carbon footprint by setting herself ‘going green’ goals for a week.
She speaks to Cli-sci-activist Neil Jennings
She finds her footprint is 14.6 Tonnes/year vs avg Londoner of 8-9
– She stops using the car
– And switches to vegetarian food grown in the UK .. costs a lot more
– Says “less than half of Londoners recycle” .. too wow to be true
Then speaks with Ander Z a guy who obsessively avoids waste by buying from the bring your own container shop
blah blah
– Says she’s not sure she can abandon her family’s annual flight holiday abroad
– In the end in the week she gets her Annual rate down from 14 tonnes to 12
(There was no mention that she would still have a footprint 50% BIGGER than the average Londoner)
and says she will continue
– Ends “I know we have to make big changes to protect future generations“have a BBC platform to preach at me
FFS that her evangelical belief , not mine
so i am not sure she should
Why is it that the BBC always supports w**k**s, and never, ever understands the real reasons why a pure British population despises issues which ignore normal white, British, hard-working gals and guys?
The whole lot of the subversive crowd in W11AA need to be taken to one side and told the facts!
They’re not wanted! They’re irrelevant! Nobody likes them!
Today’s London Inside Out began with item about depromming UK jihadis
Presented by an ex-extremist Hanif Qadir
… who went to Afghanistan to become a jihadi
but changed his mind when he met the Taliban and became anti-jihadi https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000g17n/inside-out-london-09032020
Spoke about how he thinks Home Office programmes are failing are wrong & potential terrorists are slipping through the net.
– “3 years ago progs that were working were cut”
– African guy said progs need to be led by community groups
Hanif ended his lecture by reiniforcing that message.
Hmm many other people would want the clock wound back, so that they or their parents had never brought their ways to the UK in the first place .. and I guess would think DEPORT them
(BTW I personally don’t agree .. but it’s not a good idea to keep letting more into the UK)
On the flip side, there were only 19 new cases in China (plus, I think, one in Hong Kong) yesterday. The situation there has improved to such an extent that the temporary facilities opened in indoor stadia etc. are now being closed.
A brighter picture is also emerging from South Korea, which has seen the number of new cases per day drop by around 75% in the last week or so. Moreover, 99.5% of existing cases are reported to be mild.
The lesson: take the right measures (albeit belatedly) and COVID-19 can be brought to heel. That said, HMG continues to get it woefully wrong, at least for the time being.
"I feel a mixture of disappointment and anger. I was basically told, ‘you don’t fit our profile’. There are new people in favour. They match the requirements in terms of ‘bantz’,” Alan Green on being phased out by the BBC. https://t.co/JnHvsQqoF4
Guest – admission – at the moment the Radio 5 footy commentaries are the only BBC product I take at the moment having given every thing else up for Lent .
It’s really sad that very experienced pundits and commentators are being dumped off for lightweight kidults who can never match the ‘being there ‘ experience of those who can draw on decades of games ….
…. however ….. I dipped into the BT Saturday afternoon footy thing whilst recently overseas and that truly is a horror show which is so bad it’s funny . It is ‘hosted ‘ by a girl whose footy experience must be that of a WAG .
On the upside – anything which further weakens the BBC can only be a good thing .
On a separate note – I got into Heathrow late last night on a long haul and we all got free bottles of hand cleaner and face masks and leaflets about the bug and plastic gloves and offers of ‘health checks ‘ – instead there was nothing …..
So if I got the bug I wonder if it was the plane or the Piccadilly line wot did it . Must book a cruise ….
Such diversity must surely please all at the state broadcaster.
These are the top Civil Service at the Home office who are refusing to publish the Rape Grooming Gang report. I think it is obvious why, don't you? The UK Host community totally under-represented here, don't you think?
I bet Priti made them do some work..that’s why they took against her..
If this picture is true and this is Home office group then it is a disgrace – if it were all white people or worse all white men there would be an outcry….
FFS I already said the pic is NOT true
The initial tweeter is lying when he said
“These are the top Civil Service at the Home office”
.. most are OUTSIDERS from MosaicNetwork, a branch of the Princes Trust made up of mentors
Next week
– Catalytic converter theft ..now a 2 month wait for parts
– Danger to truckers from trafficking gangsters at Calais
– London’s Latin-American market to close
Oddly none of those accused are listed, but two mins spent at a proper news agency rather than the comic at bbc.co.uk comes up with the following. BBC once again unjoining the dots.
Haroon Hussain
Hadir Ali
Mubasher Khan
Atiq Urrehman
Faraz Ahmed
Majid Khan
Salman Ahmed
Mohammed Zeeshauan Khan
Kamran Ali
Abdul Nazir
Rahim Ahmed
Amann Ul Haq
Mikail Ahmed
Matthew Henry
Dillan Simpson
Jayden Mack
Duane Coleman
Luke Tucker
(+ two 16-year-olds who cannot be named for legal reasons)
“Hens that lay white eggs, not brown, are reportedly less likely to attack each other”.
‘Some say’ the same applies to people.
Once upon a time white eggs were very common. The BBC cook Delia Smith happened to remark that she thought brown eggs tasted better and within a couple of weeks that was all the supermarkets sold. (Perhaps they should have got her in pre-referendum? – “Take two eggs, personally I think staying in the EU brown eggs taste better, and whisk well.”)
You never see a brown egg in American films, only white.
You also never see the characters use an electric toothbrush, even the most wealthiest.
Electric kettles don’t appear either, just kettles for hobs.
Aside from Pizza, Chinese food is the only takeaway which is always eaten out of a box, they clearly don’t believe in plates !!
And the habit of eating ice cream straight from the tub leaves me cold (hic).
35 years ago I was at a university lecture where I was told Americans prefer white eggs because they perceive them as sterile/cleaner, Uk housewives prefer brown eggs because they perceive them as more homely/wholesome. Jewish housewives, prefer white eggs, because blood spots can be identified before cracking them open. Actually colour is dependent on breed.
Meanwhile, don’t ask awkward questions like why are the yolks of most eggs a virulent orange colour when their natural colour is a lemon yellow (it is due to dye in their manufactured foodstuffs). I once asked the Egg Marketing Board about this and was told it was “because it’s what consumers want”.
Why are all face masks white ? A special report to be shown tonight on Channel 4 shows the work being done in Croydon to produce masks in a range of skin tones not previously available.
Message to Cat Hobbs and maxincony, if you watch Al Beeb and want to keep it – you pay for it .
Because I shop in Aldis, why should I pay Tesco for the privilege ?
I think Taffman , one or two of Boris,s friends either have a lot of money invested in contracts to do with Huawei or promises to “sit on boards” As you say it makes no sense, especially when those most opposed to Huawei will be our main business partners after brexit.
It wont be the first time a Tory Prime Minister has put the interests of a few of his already stinking rich friends before the needs of the country.
My biggest fear about this virus isn’t the illness itself but the globalist left’s head in the sand approach that it isn’t anything to do with race. The Italians have it bad as Venice and Milan are some of the most visited city’s on the Chinese Tourist map, couple that with the links to the garment industry and poow you’ve got a pandemic.
Any viroligist would have said as soon as the data came out of China is that the only way to stop the spread is to contain, and how best would that be achieved, well ban all movement into Europe by persons who have visited China in x number of days. Imagine the leftys with that one and the BBC headlines “My husband won’t be able to witness the birth of our first child” due to travel ban, says Paul from Islington.etc etc. So if anything or anyone is to blame for the spread it’s the lefty MSM, they would rather show pictures of empty shelves (of course with BME customer in the back ground) instead of championing the ban of people travelling from the epicentre. It will happen again and probably start in the middle East at which point you’ll have even less chance of travel bans after all the BBC love a middle eastern or South Asian infected or not infected.
And it’s also worthy of note that all the pictures relating to storys on the virus don’t show any white middle aged men infected, or working on antidotes or even organising measures to contain it’s all being done by BME women.
Are we after all then some kind of immune super race?…ill bet no one called Colin has ever been infected
Susceptibility to certain diseases and conditions has a genetic component, for instance diabetes in South Asian communities, sickle cell anaemia in African populations, certain cancer types in Europeans and so on. Many of the world’s military powers have conducted research into biological weapons that would target specific racial and ethnic groups. It would not be surprising if susceptibility to infection by Covid-19 coronavirus and subsequent mortality rates vary by populations, although considerable research would be required to determine this and it is unlikely to be forthcoming. Unfortunately, someone forgot to inform Covid-19, Ebola, SARS and other pathogens that race is only a ‘social construct’…
“It would not be surprising if susceptibility to infection by Covid-19 coronavirus and subsequent mortality rates vary by populations, although considerable research would be required to determine this and it is unlikely to be forthcoming.”
However and by whatever means you size up the Covid problem, fact is (stats), it likes killing older people. Indeed, generally > 60 years. But it just loves those even weaker than the norm.
On what I understand of it and the dearth of vaccines or treatment, we are all destined to catch it even if one shuts oneself off from humanity for 9 months or a year. Emerging you will be just as susceptible if no cure is found.
In between whiles, should we agree to ‘spread our (inevitable) infection’ out to assist the NHS? Seems to me the only ones to prof will be a Government wishing to avoid the handcarts going round with the 14th Century call, “Bring out your dead”.
“The transport minister has commissioned an independent review that will look at options such as distance charging, congestion charging, workplace and retail parking levies.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-51802244
There should be an independent review to look at abolishing the useless Assembly.
Are the useless EU once again flooding the European continent with ‘refugees’ , after a visit to Brussels by the Sultan (out came v.d.Leyen cheque book) and the visit of the Greek PM to Berlin (out came the Merkel cheque book)?
It seems now 1500 ‘ children’ will be taken, when previously the EU was going to ‘stand firm’ and take no more ‘refugees’. Now the families of these 1500 children will magically pop-up. The EU states browbeaten by Berlin into sharing this burden, won’t be happy.
The spider at the middle of this web of surrender to the Sultan is non other than Comrade Merkel. Ably assisted by her failed defence minister and now EU chief, Ursula vd. Leyen. Why are these two wimmin so keen to undermine/subvert Europe?
Are the useless EU once again flooding the European continent with ‘refugees’ , after a visit to Brussels by the Sultan (out came v.d.Leyen cheque book) and the visit of the Greek PM to Berlin (out came the Merkel cheque book)?
It seems now 1500 ‘ children’ will be taken, when previously the EU was going to ‘stand firm’ and take no more ‘refugees’. Now the families of these 1500 children will eventually magically pop-up. The EU states browbeaten by Berlin into sharing this burden, won’t be happy.
The spider at the middle of this web of surrender to the Sultan is non other than Comrade Merkel. Ably assisted by her failed defence minister and now EU chief, Ursula vd. Leyen. Why are these two wimmin so keen to undermine/subvert Europe?
Answers on a postcard, please: a very small one will do.
Radio host Dan Bongino, speaking to the Trump Club, says seeing the crowd gives him a sense of optimism, “given all the dour news.” He adds that media give Obama credit form Trump’s stock market boom, but now they’re blaming Trump for recent losses pic.twitter.com/UnPzN8noJ8
Working and switched on R4 world service first programme South African Black photographer photographing Black LGBT people – a whole program followed by another talking about Trans or some other discrimination.
Now more hysteria about corona virus and an opportunity to knock POTUS….
The sooner the BBC are disbanded the better
@JA The first prog was this
What BBC idiot uses radio to make progs about visuals arts ?
The other trans prog is mentioned on our next page, page 3
"We want to occupy the public sphere… the public space is ours"- Zanele Muholi on making Black Queer & Trans lives visible. Always we are making our lives visible. So much power in this archiving work.https://t.co/6GFVoahvcP
Just caught a bit of Farming Today. I usually avoid like the plague and its seems nothing changes.
An interview with someone from ‘Eden research’ discussing plastics used in fertilisers and the like.
The listener was told EU are banning it’s use from this year and phasing out wider implementation across the next 5 years, and alternatives were being sought, but it was expected the ‘regulator’ would allow a grace period.
Not any mention that we have left the EUSSR and that their rules won’t be ours any longer, not even a passing remark about UK regulation or rules.
The Anti-BBC, in total denial, still, and in urgent need of a) medical help for BDS and b) closing down.
Ah, but you know that Boris and Co. will be kowtowing quietly to the EU, and following their every edict to the letter, whilst insisting that any similarities are pure coincidence.
Why on the 6am news headlines did the Anti-BBC see fit to say that Italy ‘founder members of the European Union’… when reporting the latest restrictions regarding COVID19 ? What’s that EU lot got to do with a worldwide respiratory virus?
Now Harrabinger of Doom on facing disappointment that the UK carbon neutral dream of all lefties will be difficult to implement…according to research, no s*** Sherlock, anyone with half a brain could have deduced that one…
Papers review on Toady.
Serious voices about the stock market crash, yesterday’s news. Making it sound like the end of the world.
Only 30mins earlier the World Service News reporting the Far East markets much better, today stability and rising, President Trump announced measures overnight etc….
The Biden video was manipulated so the tag is OK
as it was clipped to cut off the ironical ending
… but of course people have done the same to Trump videos
Coronation Street has been praised for its “really powerful” storyline about gay footballer James Bailey. The plot sees James balance being gay with sporting ambitions after coming out to his family. It all comes to a head this week, when rumours about James’s sexuality spread on social media, forcing his club to confront him about how he’ll respond. LGBT charity Stonewall tells Radio 1 Newsbeat it hopes the storyline will help “moving national conversations on” about being gay in football. And actor Nathan Graham, who plays James, says he hopes the story might encourage young viewers who are LGBT and involved in football to come out.
Read full analysis >
Michael Baggs
BBC Newsbeat reporter
Quite what the ‘full analysis’ could offer was not tempting enough to discover.
Hi Faiza – as you know (because you have been on) Politics Live panels are booked in advance and have a range of opinions, not just one. Fraser Nelson was supportive of Trevor Philips, other guests like Sonia Sodha were not. Whole show available on iPlayer. https://t.co/GgVnpMwSFN
I’m such a lucky hick – Fizza could have been my MP after her Momentum backed aggressive campaign in Chingfordistan .but luckily it failed this time …
In other news the Dragon running Channel 4 News is ‘stepping down ‘ after 17 wonderful years of lefty propaganda and anti brexit project fear .
She is off to do ‘podcasts for channel 4’ … don’t worry about the vacancy in Noos- it will be filled by a clone – probably with a bit of colour .
What with PMQs and The Budget – the opportunity for the bug to infect politicians has never been greater … I’m waiting for the first one to be wearing a face mask in the chamber – I’m betting on the SNP turning up wearing them mob handed …
Keep those cards and letters rolling in folks, even though we’ve reached our target. If 102K can reach 202K, it will become ever more difficult for parliament to think up an excuse for not debating this and giving us feedback! They may have to turn to the virus, and shut the whole place down.
Anyone know why why the coverage of Alex Salmond’s rape and sexual assault trial is experiencing quiet reporting? There are no hysterical women outside the court who know he’s guilty, no shouty women being interviewed by other women on the BBC about this is just the tip of the iceberg in Scottish politics. No placards or idiotic chanting.
In fact even The Times comments section has been locked down.
Just noticed the case doesn’t make the main page of The Guardian news site.
“She told the court that Mr Salmond said he wanted to show her something on his phone before touching her “inappropriately”.
She said: “I was sat next to him on the floor and he was putting his hand down my top and kissing my face and neck and touching my legs.
“He was just groping me, basically, there isn’t another word for it. He was touching my legs and working his left hand up and touching my chest and kissing my face and my neck. He went in between my bra and touched my boobs.”
Woman H was then asked if she had given consent, and she replied: “I didn’t ask for any of it to happen. I wasn’t asked.”
Imagine if this had been President Trump or Boris. Endless screaming hysterical headlines. Me Too marches. Endless Vox pops asking members of the public if they thought he was a pervert.
These perverts are always lefties.
#Holyrude #McWeinstein
You’re right, T.
Had it been Trump or Boris, Scotland would have been a seething, boiling cauldron of outrage.
In the case of Boris, I’d hate to think of the ferocity of the SNP attack on him in parliament. A half-hour Blackford speech at least…
Could anybody help me out here? I would dearly like to find a particular scene on YT.
Many years ago on the Bremner, Bird & Fortune programme, the two Johns produced a hilarious short scene where they, as members of the elite team of top civil servants had a internal meeting to discuss the problem with OAP’s there being too many of them. The little one, had a brilliant idea which he asserted as the solution: “Bingo Halls” blurted he. The incredulous meeting demanded he explain. Well, said he, “If someone is up on the roof of the Bingo Halls, they could sprinkle cyanide crystals on the gathering below”……..
I often think of that scene particularly now with the incessant, ‘washing hands’.
G, I presume Bremner Bird and Fortune was BBC rather than Channel 4? There used to be a clip from Victoria Wood I enjoyed which I would watch on YT. It is no longer available, I cannot remember the message but it lead me to think they were all removed because of copyright and Britbox.
Whilst the clip you describe may seem funny as you watch it, from how you describe it, it reminds me of the concentration camps gas chambers, so perhaps somebody on reflection may have thought it in bad taste? Although if it were the BBC that is perhaps unlikely.
Wimmins hour
Talking to a lady (Sunday Times Correspondent) who has written a book about rape in wars…she talks a lot about militia, ISIS, Nigeria
So Martha or whoever it is says and ” What about the British Army?”
The lady then mumbles stumbles etc but doesn’t just come out and say actually I couldn’t find anything – which she clearly couldn’t.
Martha specifically asks about the British army – but didn’t ask about religious element ….wonder why?
The BBC’S latest obsession along with Diversity, Positive
Discrimination ,is just really another stage with their
diversity ” project” It’s transgender. Nearly every day on
their internet front page there is a feature on transgender.
It might take second place to the pandemic , but not by much.
Being in the gambling business I would like to bet that
the next news presenter or major political presenter won’t
just be a women or more likely an ethnic women. It will be a
transgender women. Of course all in the name of the diversity.
Or as Julia Hartley Brewer , Boris Johnson and millions more
call” BBC clap-trap. Or what I would tell BIG BROTHER in charge
of the BBC ‘S diversity dept , just plain CRAP!!
‘Upwards of twenty activists stage ‘Save Our BBC’ protest outside Broadcasting House…..’
Pathetic. Truly pathetic. But expect rather more coverage than Rotherham, or indeed Edinburgh.
Clive thinks the bBC has “a massive role to play in taking down fake news”.
(The sad thing is he probably DOES really believe that).
The BBC is not perfect, but the solution is not abolition, it is reform. For that to happen, the BBC must stay a publicly owned, fairly funded public service broadcaster & we must work together to ensure it enshrines greater transparency, accountability & independence #OurBBChttps://t.co/CDHazaPnZ3
Isn’t it funny how the type of character testifying to ‘how wonderful the BBC is ‘ gives away the lie that the BBC is biased toward the Right – a lie the Left rolls out as a ‘false news’ chip ….
BTW as we know Trust Pilot gives BBC close to the lowest rating
1.1 star average over 5,567 reviews
Fox News has
3.3 average over 137 reviews .. of course that is a small sample size
“Home of Fake News.
Sky News is incapable of reporting the truth.
Thoroughly anti British and ultra Left.”
Average Rating 1.5 ….. from 39 reviews
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC. https://www.euronews.com/business/2025/03/10/china-to-impose-retaliatory-tariffs-on-certain-canadian-imports-as-trade-war-intensifies
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60383385
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cx2gprz84rlt “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
tomoMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/CliffCliffybabe/status/1899783365584150847
Al-beeb report on Trevor Phillips’ suspension from Labour over Islamophobia – or ‘telling the truth’ as it’s sometimes called.
I notice they refer to ‘Pakistani Muslim men sexually abusing children in northern British towns’.
Would that be far-Northern places like Oxford, High Wycombe, Aylesbury, Luton, Ilford, Barnet etc?
That would explain the polar bears I spotted last time I was in Oxford.
But then, to the metropolitan elites in Islington, those places might as well be the Arctic.
Latest from Anne Marie Waters (For Britain)
Well, he found the perfect place for it.
Whatever one might think of Paul Golding and Britain First, it’s undeniable that they are brave people.
This short 8 minute video from Telford police station is worth watching if only for the attitude of the jobsworth who came to speak to them admitting they have 40 years of evidence of muslim rape gangs in Telford.
If you thought the police were our enemies, I think this proves it:
John – It seems this video has been removed, but I can guess….
For one thing, a very similar thing is happening in Germany. Gabriele Walter Demolski, AfD representative for Bochum in NRW reports on a video on youtube the degree of threats and violence against her and her colleagues by Antifa, who are powerful and ever present in Germany. That video is still up, but only in German.
Damage to homes, cars and murder threats are a constant, and nothing is done by police or the ‘Justice’ system. The AfD see Antifa as the shock troops of the governing ‘Grand Coalition’, playing a similar role to the SA in Nazi-Germany. It seems that Antifa do not act against representatives of the Merkel-SPD (Socialist) coalition in NRW (or elsewhere, for that matter).
Of course, it is informative that NorthrhineWestphalia has the highest number of resident ‘migrants’, so you can put two and two together.
Much of Germany i.e. the various Federal States, are in the grip of RRG -red/red/green – which means coalitions of Die Linke (The Left), the Socialist SPD and the Greens. And the Greens are actually the WATERMELON party – green on the outside, red on the inside.
Merkel’s CDU sails happily within this alliance. I have reported on the Merkel declaration of the recent election of a FDP (Liberal) PM in Thuringia as null and void. The rerun saw a Communist, Bodo Ramelow, reappointed, as the CDU members of that state’s parliament deliberately abstained, to allow RRG in.
I bet that superintendent will be using that to demonstrate how he dealt with the Far Right in his next promotion £.
Jobsworths …
So far, no one appears to care.
Which makes the investment questionable.
What’s wrong with France, Italy, Greece, Turkey etc.?
Perhaps David and Yasmin should be telling them not to bother?
7:30pm Inside Out
Yorks edition “ACN : The Multilevel Marketing scam endorsed by Tump himself”
.. The drivetime radio prog had that same claim that I expect is Fake news
Rather it is common for MLM scammers to claim the endorsement of celebs in their schemes
.. WITHOUT the celeb knowing anything about it
Ah no the prog said Trump was paid $1m
(BTW a suspiciously round number)
It operates in Bradford , Dewsbury , Huddersfield
eh up that seems like a Muslim demographic
Yep “we’ll speak to someone involved, we won’t use her real name , let’s call her Aisha”
Ah yes Trump did do speeches for ACN , but it was way back in 2014
… Still in appalling that he would agree to do speeches for a MLM.
and he was involved for quite a few years.
A day old, but the BBC jumping on this daft punt is… unsurprising.
They have found another one.
I think this character is signed up to the RNIB
Funny how Comrade Corbyn is also bigging it up for Al-Beeb, so the question is are the BBC proud to have these poisonous Socialists fighting for them?
Oh for a Fox News style media!
And with 20,000 staff at the bbc, getting a third of that in signatories is impressive.
A report in ‘compact-online’ in Germany, says that the EU has backtracked on a commitment not to take in ‘refugees’ from Lesbos/the Greek border, and decided to take in 1500 ‘children’.
The main mover, unsurprisingly, is Germany.
Norbert Walter-Borjans, of the Socialist SPD, THREATENED other member states with financial sanctions, if they did not participate in this rescue. Of course, for each child, costing 50,000 Euro per year, a family will soon follow.
Main target of this threat was Austria, whose Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, wanted to send troops to defend the border.
I think I did forecast on this site a day or two ago, that Kurz should look over his shoulder, as knives would be sharpened in Germany to stab him in the back. (I was not quite as explicit, but what the heck!)
A few minutes ago I posted on how NRW was a leftist hotbed and seat of violence against the AfD. I had a look on Wiki to see which German Federal State Norbert Walter-Borjans hails from, and guess what?
Yup, you guessed it.
The old West Germany looks, feels, smells and sounds every day ever more like the old East Germany.
Not, surprising really, when you look at the German No1, who was an apparatchik in the former GDR.
A book needs to be written about how she came from NOWHERE in 1989 to wheedle herself into Kohl’s favour in the West German CDU, and then proceeded to take over that CDU and West Germany, slowly DESTROYING both from within.
Now she is really boss of the EU, through her buddy v d Leyen.
A fan of le Carre? Interested in the STASI?
Well, I should mention that the book on Merkel, I mentioned above, HAS ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN. Regrettably, it’s not available in English.
There are gaps and some of the evidence is circumstantial. But Hinrich Rohbohm published in 2017 a work that shows how ‘truth is stranger than fiction’: “Merkel’s Mask: Chancellor of a different Republic”. (My own free translation).
Rohbom shows how Merkel (possibly Ingelore Kastner No 3217 in the STASI file ‘Sommertraum’, but this remains speculative) ‘infiltrated’ the CDU of the old West Germany, bringing with her a number of followers who were carefully placed in the new united Germany, and have since then played significant roles.
The problem is that in the final days of the GDR, the Stasi undertook a massive destruction of files, so conclusive evidence is impossible to come by. If one is to believe it, the conclusion is that the person who runs Germany and -by implication -the EU is a Communist agent.
Whether this happened by careful design or was simply the product of opportunism (or a bit of both?) remains an open question. A great deal revolves around inconclusive dates of past events, but you CAN follow a lead that ends up with something not even le Carre could have dreamt up.
My two posts above re the situation in Germany, which -for financial reasons- carries the real clout in the EU (or IS IT de facto the EU??), show how very, very wise Britain was to get out.
Thank you, David Cameron.
There remains one question, of course: are we really out? The commies who run Germany (under all sorts of other guises) are not going to look kindly on Britain’s departure, whatever Merkel may say in public. Ditto our great friends just across the Channel.
So, what forces are there WITHIN Britain to try to reverse that decision to leave the EU? You can bet your bottom dollar, they ‘ain’t gonna go quietly’. And WHO in the great Franco-German alliance of Lefties will be egging them on (‘international socialism’)? It would take only the Greens to suddenly gain traction and come to resemble the German Greens, join up with Labour, and hey presto! (Red Sky thinking!) Also, watch British universities very carefully…
Beware, Boris. Germany isn’t the only place where the knives of the Left are going to be out…
Bio of @TootingPaul:
“Tooting ward Labour councillor,
proponent of sustainable and equitable future in Tooting and Wandsworth.”
TaraWalsh BBC journo tweets
“Hey Paul. I’m a journalist for the BBC. Could you follow so I can send you a msg? Thank you”
Tarah’s on the job…
On Feb 24th She did an eco item for Inside Out London
– Tarah Welsh tries to cut her carbon footprint by setting herself ‘going green’ goals for a week.
She speaks to Cli-sci-activist Neil Jennings
She finds her footprint is 14.6 Tonnes/year vs avg Londoner of 8-9
– She stops using the car
– And switches to vegetarian food grown in the UK .. costs a lot more
– Says “less than half of Londoners recycle” .. too wow to be true
Then speaks with Ander Z a guy who obsessively avoids waste by buying from the bring your own container shop
blah blah
– Says she’s not sure she can abandon her family’s annual flight holiday abroad
– In the end in the week she gets her Annual rate down from 14 tonnes to 12
(There was no mention that she would still have a footprint 50% BIGGER than the average Londoner)
and says she will continue
– Ends “I know we have to make big changes to protect future generations“have a BBC platform to preach at me
FFS that her evangelical belief , not mine
so i am not sure she should
oops typo there
– Ends “I know we have to make big changes to protect future generations“
FFS that her evangelical belief , not mine
so I am not sure she should have a BBC platform to preach at me
Actually, I am sure she should have an *UNOPPOSED* BBC platform to preach at me
Why is it that the BBC always supports w**k**s, and never, ever understands the real reasons why a pure British population despises issues which ignore normal white, British, hard-working gals and guys?
The whole lot of the subversive crowd in W11AA need to be taken to one side and told the facts!
They’re not wanted! They’re irrelevant! Nobody likes them!
Today’s London Inside Out began with item about depromming UK jihadis
Presented by an ex-extremist Hanif Qadir
… who went to Afghanistan to become a jihadi
but changed his mind when he met the Taliban and became anti-jihadi
Spoke about how he thinks Home Office programmes are failing are wrong & potential terrorists are slipping through the net.
– “3 years ago progs that were working were cut”
– African guy said progs need to be led by community groups
Hanif ended his lecture by reiniforcing that message.
Hmm many other people would want the clock wound back, so that they or their parents had never brought their ways to the UK in the first place .. and I guess would think DEPORT them
(BTW I personally don’t agree .. but it’s not a good idea to keep letting more into the UK)
CoronuVirusUK stats of daily positives
9 March up 46
8 March up 67
7 March up 43
6 March up 47
Next totals 9am Tuesday
..Who’s knows ?? cos of long incubation time and poor reporting it could be anything
On the flip side, there were only 19 new cases in China (plus, I think, one in Hong Kong) yesterday. The situation there has improved to such an extent that the temporary facilities opened in indoor stadia etc. are now being closed.
A brighter picture is also emerging from South Korea, which has seen the number of new cases per day drop by around 75% in the last week or so. Moreover, 99.5% of existing cases are reported to be mild.
The lesson: take the right measures (albeit belatedly) and COVID-19 can be brought to heel. That said, HMG continues to get it woefully wrong, at least for the time being.
Frankly I have little confidence in anything the state touches, elected, or ‘professional’.
Looks like Jez may see his good friend Champion in the commentary box soon.
Guest – admission – at the moment the Radio 5 footy commentaries are the only BBC product I take at the moment having given every thing else up for Lent .
It’s really sad that very experienced pundits and commentators are being dumped off for lightweight kidults who can never match the ‘being there ‘ experience of those who can draw on decades of games ….
…. however ….. I dipped into the BT Saturday afternoon footy thing whilst recently overseas and that truly is a horror show which is so bad it’s funny . It is ‘hosted ‘ by a girl whose footy experience must be that of a WAG .
On the upside – anything which further weakens the BBC can only be a good thing .
On a separate note – I got into Heathrow late last night on a long haul and we all got free bottles of hand cleaner and face masks and leaflets about the bug and plastic gloves and offers of ‘health checks ‘ – instead there was nothing …..
So if I got the bug I wonder if it was the plane or the Piccadilly line wot did it . Must book a cruise ….
Such diversity must surely please all at the state broadcaster.
That is too wow to be true
The centre is Sir PhilipRutnam
Many of the other people seem to be Princes Trust mentors for most the most deprived communities
The Camel Corps have long taken over the Foreign Office, now it seems they’ve infiltrated the Home Office too.
I bet Priti made them do some work..that’s why they took against her..
If this picture is true and this is Home office group then it is a disgrace – if it were all white people or worse all white men there would be an outcry….
FFS I already said the pic is NOT true
The initial tweeter is lying when he said
“These are the top Civil Service at the Home office”
.. most are OUTSIDERS from MosaicNetwork, a branch of the Princes Trust made up of mentors
More from Inside Out London
– why a Brixton horse club is riding high.
Next week
– Catalytic converter theft ..now a 2 month wait for parts
– Danger to truckers from trafficking gangsters at Calais
– London’s Latin-American market to close
From a a few days ago, apologies if this has already been posted: “Twenty people have been charged after violence broke out during a Tommy Robinson campaign event” with nothing in the article to suggest it was anything other than Tommy’s supporters in trouble after the Oldham event last year.
Oddly none of those accused are listed, but two mins spent at a proper news agency rather than the comic at bbc.co.uk comes up with the following. BBC once again unjoining the dots.
Haroon Hussain
Hadir Ali
Mubasher Khan
Atiq Urrehman
Faraz Ahmed
Majid Khan
Salman Ahmed
Mohammed Zeeshauan Khan
Kamran Ali
Abdul Nazir
Rahim Ahmed
Amann Ul Haq
Mikail Ahmed
Matthew Henry
Dillan Simpson
Jayden Mack
Duane Coleman
Luke Tucker
(+ two 16-year-olds who cannot be named for legal reasons)
Apparently his real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.
Thanks vlad, I’d heard rumours of such things but had dismissed it as a myth
The beeb says so, it must be true.
Jeremy Vine today, “Should we buy white eggs for welfare reasons?”
“Hens that lay white eggs, not brown, are reportedly less likely to attack each other”.
‘Some say’ the same applies to people.
Once upon a time white eggs were very common. The BBC cook Delia Smith happened to remark that she thought brown eggs tasted better and within a couple of weeks that was all the supermarkets sold. (Perhaps they should have got her in pre-referendum? – “Take two eggs, personally I think staying in the EU brown eggs taste better, and whisk well.”)
You never see a brown egg in American films, only white.
You also never see the characters use an electric toothbrush, even the most wealthiest.
Electric kettles don’t appear either, just kettles for hobs.
Aside from Pizza, Chinese food is the only takeaway which is always eaten out of a box, they clearly don’t believe in plates !!
And the habit of eating ice cream straight from the tub leaves me cold (hic).
Does drinking in US streets from a bottle wrapped in brown paper give immunity from arrest? (Why don’t their paper ‘sacks’ have handles?)
American airlines definitely don’t give out as much cutlery as British.
White eggs are best for producing pace eggs.
35 years ago I was at a university lecture where I was told Americans prefer white eggs because they perceive them as sterile/cleaner, Uk housewives prefer brown eggs because they perceive them as more homely/wholesome. Jewish housewives, prefer white eggs, because blood spots can be identified before cracking them open. Actually colour is dependent on breed.
Meanwhile, don’t ask awkward questions like why are the yolks of most eggs a virulent orange colour when their natural colour is a lemon yellow (it is due to dye in their manufactured foodstuffs). I once asked the Egg Marketing Board about this and was told it was “because it’s what consumers want”.
No, I don’t remember being asked either.
“Croydon bus fatal stabbing: Damani Mauge named as victim”
And the stabbing goes on. Mr Mayor, Mr Mayor, Ms Dick, Ms Dick ! …………………..
“Coronavirus: Unit set up to counter false claims”
First query : Except for mugging and robbing banks, do face masks work ?
Why are all face masks white ? A special report to be shown tonight on Channel 4 shows the work being done in Croydon to produce masks in a range of skin tones not previously available.
A possible news headline:
Women wear burka to avoid catching Corona virus. A ‘source’ recommends men to wear one too.
Isn’t there a clothing manufacturer called ‘Burkatex’?
I only ask, because I really don’t know, but there again, don’t really care either…
Ha! ha ! love the play on words. yep an old world old school fashion house, Berketex, along with Windsmoor and Jacques Vert. Long gone now I think.
“Brexit: UK ‘must consider deal trade-offs’, says von der Leyen”
Top HYS comment ……………
“No, other countries have trade deals without agreeing to your rules or giving up fishing resources or historical artifacts. We want the same”
Message to Cat Hobbs and maxincony, if you watch Al Beeb and want to keep it – you pay for it .
Because I shop in Aldis, why should I pay Tesco for the privilege ?
Why is Boris obsessed with Huawei?
Our allies are not .
I think Taffman , one or two of Boris,s friends either have a lot of money invested in contracts to do with Huawei or promises to “sit on boards” As you say it makes no sense, especially when those most opposed to Huawei will be our main business partners after brexit.
It wont be the first time a Tory Prime Minister has put the interests of a few of his already stinking rich friends before the needs of the country.
My biggest fear about this virus isn’t the illness itself but the globalist left’s head in the sand approach that it isn’t anything to do with race. The Italians have it bad as Venice and Milan are some of the most visited city’s on the Chinese Tourist map, couple that with the links to the garment industry and poow you’ve got a pandemic.
Any viroligist would have said as soon as the data came out of China is that the only way to stop the spread is to contain, and how best would that be achieved, well ban all movement into Europe by persons who have visited China in x number of days. Imagine the leftys with that one and the BBC headlines “My husband won’t be able to witness the birth of our first child” due to travel ban, says Paul from Islington.etc etc. So if anything or anyone is to blame for the spread it’s the lefty MSM, they would rather show pictures of empty shelves (of course with BME customer in the back ground) instead of championing the ban of people travelling from the epicentre. It will happen again and probably start in the middle East at which point you’ll have even less chance of travel bans after all the BBC love a middle eastern or South Asian infected or not infected.
And it’s also worthy of note that all the pictures relating to storys on the virus don’t show any white middle aged men infected, or working on antidotes or even organising measures to contain it’s all being done by BME women.
Are we after all then some kind of immune super race?…ill bet no one called Colin has ever been infected
Susceptibility to certain diseases and conditions has a genetic component, for instance diabetes in South Asian communities, sickle cell anaemia in African populations, certain cancer types in Europeans and so on. Many of the world’s military powers have conducted research into biological weapons that would target specific racial and ethnic groups. It would not be surprising if susceptibility to infection by Covid-19 coronavirus and subsequent mortality rates vary by populations, although considerable research would be required to determine this and it is unlikely to be forthcoming. Unfortunately, someone forgot to inform Covid-19, Ebola, SARS and other pathogens that race is only a ‘social construct’…
“It would not be surprising if susceptibility to infection by Covid-19 coronavirus and subsequent mortality rates vary by populations, although considerable research would be required to determine this and it is unlikely to be forthcoming.”
However and by whatever means you size up the Covid problem, fact is (stats), it likes killing older people. Indeed, generally > 60 years. But it just loves those even weaker than the norm.
On what I understand of it and the dearth of vaccines or treatment, we are all destined to catch it even if one shuts oneself off from humanity for 9 months or a year. Emerging you will be just as susceptible if no cure is found.
In between whiles, should we agree to ‘spread our (inevitable) infection’ out to assist the NHS? Seems to me the only ones to prof will be a Government wishing to avoid the handcarts going round with the 14th Century call, “Bring out your dead”.
It would help considerably if we knew the racial makeup and immediate travel history of victims. This deliberate obfuscation is dangerous.
“The transport minister has commissioned an independent review that will look at options such as distance charging, congestion charging, workplace and retail parking levies.”
There should be an independent review to look at abolishing the useless Assembly.
Are the useless EU once again flooding the European continent with ‘refugees’ , after a visit to Brussels by the Sultan (out came v.d.Leyen cheque book) and the visit of the Greek PM to Berlin (out came the Merkel cheque book)?
It seems now 1500 ‘ children’ will be taken, when previously the EU was going to ‘stand firm’ and take no more ‘refugees’. Now the families of these 1500 children will magically pop-up. The EU states browbeaten by Berlin into sharing this burden, won’t be happy.
The spider at the middle of this web of surrender to the Sultan is non other than Comrade Merkel. Ably assisted by her failed defence minister and now EU chief, Ursula vd. Leyen. Why are these two wimmin so keen to undermine/subvert Europe?
Are the useless EU once again flooding the European continent with ‘refugees’ , after a visit to Brussels by the Sultan (out came v.d.Leyen cheque book) and the visit of the Greek PM to Berlin (out came the Merkel cheque book)?
It seems now 1500 ‘ children’ will be taken, when previously the EU was going to ‘stand firm’ and take no more ‘refugees’. Now the families of these 1500 children will eventually magically pop-up. The EU states browbeaten by Berlin into sharing this burden, won’t be happy.
The spider at the middle of this web of surrender to the Sultan is non other than Comrade Merkel. Ably assisted by her failed defence minister and now EU chief, Ursula vd. Leyen. Why are these two wimmin so keen to undermine/subvert Europe?
Answers on a postcard, please: a very small one will do.
Meanwhile Sopel finds hope in the Coronavirus outbreak: with a bit of luck it will bring down Trump.
In an overlong article – aren’t they all? – he can barely contain his glee.
Here Soapy henchman Anthony shows his form.
One might note that his series has attracted as many comments (if they can be so described) as posts.
Working and switched on R4 world service first programme South African Black photographer photographing Black LGBT people – a whole program followed by another talking about Trans or some other discrimination.
Now more hysteria about corona virus and an opportunity to knock POTUS….
The sooner the BBC are disbanded the better
@JA The first prog was this
What BBC idiot uses radio to make progs about visuals arts ?
The other trans prog is mentioned on our next page, page 3
Just caught a bit of Farming Today. I usually avoid like the plague and its seems nothing changes.
An interview with someone from ‘Eden research’ discussing plastics used in fertilisers and the like.
The listener was told EU are banning it’s use from this year and phasing out wider implementation across the next 5 years, and alternatives were being sought, but it was expected the ‘regulator’ would allow a grace period.
Not any mention that we have left the EUSSR and that their rules won’t be ours any longer, not even a passing remark about UK regulation or rules.
The Anti-BBC, in total denial, still, and in urgent need of a) medical help for BDS and b) closing down.
Ah, but you know that Boris and Co. will be kowtowing quietly to the EU, and following their every edict to the letter, whilst insisting that any similarities are pure coincidence.
Why on the 6am news headlines did the Anti-BBC see fit to say that Italy ‘founder members of the European Union’… when reporting the latest restrictions regarding COVID19 ? What’s that EU lot got to do with a worldwide respiratory virus?
Now Harrabinger of Doom on facing disappointment that the UK carbon neutral dream of all lefties will be difficult to implement…according to research, no s*** Sherlock, anyone with half a brain could have deduced that one…
Off button hit.
Papers review on Toady.
Serious voices about the stock market crash, yesterday’s news. Making it sound like the end of the world.
Only 30mins earlier the World Service News reporting the Far East markets much better, today stability and rising, President Trump announced measures overnight etc….
World. Class. Journalism. Some say.
BBC News
Bernie Sanders has created a movement of young people who are ready for a presidential candidate that calls himself a socialist.
The BBC’s other ‘news’ from the USA is the President is worried about the bug thing. Bernie of course is well known to laugh such things off.
BBC News
Twitter tagged a misleading video of Joe Biden, which was retweeted twice by President Trump, as “manipulated media”.
Just slap ‘views my own’ on anything, like bbc staff. All good.
The Biden video was manipulated so the tag is OK
as it was clipped to cut off the ironical ending
… but of course people have done the same to Trump videos
BBC Moaning Emole has the top story, as ever…
‘Football is ready to have a gay player’
Coronation Street has been praised for its “really powerful” storyline about gay footballer James Bailey. The plot sees James balance being gay with sporting ambitions after coming out to his family. It all comes to a head this week, when rumours about James’s sexuality spread on social media, forcing his club to confront him about how he’ll respond. LGBT charity Stonewall tells Radio 1 Newsbeat it hopes the storyline will help “moving national conversations on” about being gay in football. And actor Nathan Graham, who plays James, says he hopes the story might encourage young viewers who are LGBT and involved in football to come out.
Read full analysis >
Michael Baggs
BBC Newsbeat reporter
Quite what the ‘full analysis’ could offer was not tempting enough to discover.
Rob’s back and swinging.
I’m such a lucky hick – Fizza could have been my MP after her Momentum backed aggressive campaign in Chingfordistan .but luckily it failed this time …
In other news the Dragon running Channel 4 News is ‘stepping down ‘ after 17 wonderful years of lefty propaganda and anti brexit project fear .
She is off to do ‘podcasts for channel 4’ … don’t worry about the vacancy in Noos- it will be filled by a clone – probably with a bit of colour .
Girls! Girls! Girls!
The ‘analysis’ of this from Jon, Anthony, Katty and Nick should be worth it.
Unless… they steer clear.
Trump’s demise by coronavirus is now on the Independent wish list…
Bet they have their fingers crossed!
What with PMQs and The Budget – the opportunity for the bug to infect politicians has never been greater … I’m waiting for the first one to be wearing a face mask in the chamber – I’m betting on the SNP turning up wearing them mob handed …
This goes on a bit, but I am sure you will want to read it lol
Ellie and Nele: From she to he – and back to she again
PS can’t the bbc just do news, and ONLY report news, forget all the other bits it feels is important
Oh joy! A whole new cause for the beeb to champion: Detransitioning. And one day, who knows – Retransitioning?
Aren’t you glad your extortion tax is being well spent?
Grooming Gang Review petition
Nearly up to 102K signatures.
“Waiting for 5 days for a government response”
“Waiting for less than a day for a debate date”
Following the ‘usual’ pattern.
Keep those cards and letters rolling in folks, even though we’ve reached our target. If 102K can reach 202K, it will become ever more difficult for parliament to think up an excuse for not debating this and giving us feedback! They may have to turn to the virus, and shut the whole place down.
Anyone know why why the coverage of Alex Salmond’s rape and sexual assault trial is experiencing quiet reporting? There are no hysterical women outside the court who know he’s guilty, no shouty women being interviewed by other women on the BBC about this is just the tip of the iceberg in Scottish politics. No placards or idiotic chanting.
In fact even The Times comments section has been locked down.
Just noticed the case doesn’t make the main page of The Guardian news site.
“She told the court that Mr Salmond said he wanted to show her something on his phone before touching her “inappropriately”.
She said: “I was sat next to him on the floor and he was putting his hand down my top and kissing my face and neck and touching my legs.
“He was just groping me, basically, there isn’t another word for it. He was touching my legs and working his left hand up and touching my chest and kissing my face and my neck. He went in between my bra and touched my boobs.”
Woman H was then asked if she had given consent, and she replied: “I didn’t ask for any of it to happen. I wasn’t asked.”
Imagine if this had been President Trump or Boris. Endless screaming hysterical headlines. Me Too marches. Endless Vox pops asking members of the public if they thought he was a pervert.
These perverts are always lefties.
#Holyrude #McWeinstein
You’re right, T.
Had it been Trump or Boris, Scotland would have been a seething, boiling cauldron of outrage.
In the case of Boris, I’d hate to think of the ferocity of the SNP attack on him in parliament. A half-hour Blackford speech at least…
No Prince Andrew character I fear.
Could anybody help me out here? I would dearly like to find a particular scene on YT.
Many years ago on the Bremner, Bird & Fortune programme, the two Johns produced a hilarious short scene where they, as members of the elite team of top civil servants had a internal meeting to discuss the problem with OAP’s there being too many of them. The little one, had a brilliant idea which he asserted as the solution: “Bingo Halls” blurted he. The incredulous meeting demanded he explain. Well, said he, “If someone is up on the roof of the Bingo Halls, they could sprinkle cyanide crystals on the gathering below”……..
I often think of that scene particularly now with the incessant, ‘washing hands’.
G, I presume Bremner Bird and Fortune was BBC rather than Channel 4? There used to be a clip from Victoria Wood I enjoyed which I would watch on YT. It is no longer available, I cannot remember the message but it lead me to think they were all removed because of copyright and Britbox.
Whilst the clip you describe may seem funny as you watch it, from how you describe it, it reminds me of the concentration camps gas chambers, so perhaps somebody on reflection may have thought it in bad taste? Although if it were the BBC that is perhaps unlikely.
Yes, at the time, it was intended that the viewer made that connection I have no doubt.
@G The only thing the internet throws up is you asking about that “Bremner Bird & Fortune” episode before
try this list massive on Youtube
…or top 5 in the Guardian
You said the keywords : Bingo Halls, cyanide crystals, “old people” “civil servants”
but nothing comes up
Usually IMDB, Wiki , or C4 list what is on each episode
but nope not this prog
If you find a superfan, they might know
No one said anything on the FB fanclub for a while
Wimmins hour
Talking to a lady (Sunday Times Correspondent) who has written a book about rape in wars…she talks a lot about militia, ISIS, Nigeria
So Martha or whoever it is says and ” What about the British Army?”
The lady then mumbles stumbles etc but doesn’t just come out and say actually I couldn’t find anything – which she clearly couldn’t.
Martha specifically asks about the British army – but didn’t ask about religious element ….wonder why?
BBC Wimmin against Britain?
The BBC’S latest obsession along with Diversity, Positive
Discrimination ,is just really another stage with their
diversity ” project” It’s transgender. Nearly every day on
their internet front page there is a feature on transgender.
It might take second place to the pandemic , but not by much.
Being in the gambling business I would like to bet that
the next news presenter or major political presenter won’t
just be a women or more likely an ethnic women. It will be a
transgender women. Of course all in the name of the diversity.
Or as Julia Hartley Brewer , Boris Johnson and millions more
call” BBC clap-trap. Or what I would tell BIG BROTHER in charge
of the BBC ‘S diversity dept , just plain CRAP!!
‘Upwards of twenty activists stage ‘Save Our BBC’ protest outside Broadcasting House…..’
Pathetic. Truly pathetic. But expect rather more coverage than Rotherham, or indeed Edinburgh.
Clive thinks the bBC has “a massive role to play in taking down fake news”.
(The sad thing is he probably DOES really believe that).
Isn’t it funny how the type of character testifying to ‘how wonderful the BBC is ‘ gives away the lie that the BBC is biased toward the Right – a lie the Left rolls out as a ‘false news’ chip ….
BTW as we know Trust Pilot gives BBC close to the lowest rating
1.1 star average over 5,567 reviews
Fox News has
3.3 average over 137 reviews .. of course that is a small sample size
“Home of Fake News.
Sky News is incapable of reporting the truth.
Thoroughly anti British and ultra Left.”
Average Rating 1.5 ….. from 39 reviews
Channel4 News 1.3 average from 225 reviews
This man’s logic is impeccable! No, that’s not the word in looking for; the word is ‘crap’.
If he wants to reform the racist far-left bbc, he can do it once it’s been sold off. But he’d better hurry along before it goes bankrupt.
The BBC is not perfect, but the solution is not abolition, it is reform.
where have we heard this clap trap before oh yeah
The EU is not perfect, but blah blah blah