‘I feel like an outsider’
Ruben says some make-up brands are not selling enough foundation shades for people of colour
Great reporting from the beeb!
Meanwhile in the Technology section of the beeb website, they are doing a “report” on the corona virus! I strayed into the Technology sections to get away from the virus!
Former Chancellor Philip Hammond tells Mishal Husain the UK is “extremely nervous about what the immediate future holds” and it’s possible #coronavirus will result in a “significant dip in economic output in the short term”.
These rats can’t just fade away, they have to keep coming out of the sewers to spread their filth around, again and again.
Prime Minister Johnson should have instituted legal proceedings against them, if only to occupy their minds with pending legal matters for a few years while their Remoaner mess is sorted out.
After all it’s the punishment method most favoured by the swamp rats. Tommy Robinson and Julian Assange being two examples of their wicked use of the legal process as punishment.
Two ‘corona-inspired’ attacks recently… BBC duly reports on the Singaporean who was punched in the face in London. Police have now released CCTV pictures of suspects; at least one of the gang is white.
Police have also just released pictures of the suspect in the Birmingham attack on a Chinese woman where her friend was punched in the face. Nothing to find on the BBC site either on the original story or the Police images (below).
Once upon a time the BBC made stuff which didn’t have the propaganda applied to it with a trowel . Amazon Prime has the 5 episodes of ‘how to be a nuclear submarine commander ‘ which was excellent when it first went out and is still a great watch . I get the feeling it was pre – Falklands War but can’t be sure .
When you see something like that you really do notice the absence of the propaganda messages – not a single multi sexual submariner in sight …
Was it not released in 2011 and filmed on HMS Triumph?
There have been other short features on the ‘perisher’ course.
I did see a bit of a documentary about life on one of the ‘new’ Type 45 destroyers recently in which a female officer was being assessed. Somehow she passed although appearing to know few of the answers and certainly not having any ‘gravitas’. We were told how hard it was to manage time-served ‘chiefs’, and I am sure that is true – for a young, wet-behind-the-ears male officer, but it must be instant death for any NCO who doesn’t assist in the advancement of ‘the ladies’.
The captain didn’t have much ‘gravitas’ either as he was more concerned with upsetting the feelings of his crew than taking up his extended tasking. Welcome to the touchy-feely Navy!
Having said that I have worked with female MEO’s and ME artificers with whom I had every confidence, they got ‘stuck in’ and expected to be treated the same as the lads.
Yesterday we mentioned Cat Hobbs the woman who runs the WeOwnIt a save the BBC campaign
It bet that like the Hatey No Hopers
is a Labour front group
… Interesting name that seems indicate that the Labour/metroliberals know they own the BBC
What makes me think that is a Labour front group is that it often retweets stuffs like this
I’m campaigning for reform of the history curriculum so that everyone is taught a fully inclusive version of British history including migration & colonialism. Great to see the excellent work of @CurriculumBlack profiled on the BBC https://t.co/TwqPB2Ilt8pic.twitter.com/tpimSdEZrt
The other day the BBC featured a school where 40 different languages were spoken so to be ‘inclusive’ wouldn’t all immigrants have to have ‘their’ histories told?
We become an ‘inclusive’ society by sharing things in common. When I was in primary school we were taught local history, why had people settled there in the first place, where did certain street names come from and how had the first settlers lived.
I wasn’t born there so in a sense it wasn’t ‘my’ history. But the same was true of just about everyone else in the class as the population numbers had scarcely doubled since ‘Doomsday’, until the city expanded its boundaries leading to a post-war housing boom.
Some here picked up on the woke-style SAS advert, ‘the Scandinavians did nothing original’, and the black lad who spoke about his ‘viking ancestors’, but surely it is better for a society if the incomers ‘celebrate’ the culture of their adopted country than try to hang on to their own?
There is a name for those that take the latter course – ‘coloniser’.
Stew – what an interesting poster THAT is. What an interesting thing language is! How easily it can be employed to deceive!
Look carefully: it does not even claim that e.g. black history IS PART of British history. No, it claims that “black history IS British history”.
If we now think back to the period say 300 -1900, we would be hard-pressed to substantiate that claim. Maybe a handful of black people, at best, maybe some thousands after that?
The sheepish smiles tell you they probably know full well, but the poster is about misinformation, rather than information.
The universities and set ups like the beeb will be at the heart of this re-education/deception.
We are probably only seeing the start of this; prepare yourself for a BIG rewrite of history. I can already see Henry VIII looking rather different on that famous poster!
… Major drama on the increasingly woke Archers
..Someone has burnt down The Grey Gables with Linda Snell inside, not breathing as the ambulance arrives
“bad news for Robert”
… oh well that’s one way of getting ride of those nasty whiteys.
Adrian Goldberg doco tonight.
He’s been inside the deradicalisation programmes. The programme hears from a serving prisoner in a maximum security jail who says convicted terrorists are “gaming” the system by pretending to comply with “de-radicalisation” courses
– and he warns that non terrorist offenders are being dangerously radicalised
UK Corona virus stats
54 new cases today… that’s a slight incremental rise.
Death count up from 3 to 6
.. I guess deaths come 2 weeks after contact
so daily deaths should be much bigger in weeks time.
Dr Who rating stats
Series 12 has become the lowest viewed series of modern-who, with an average *consolidated figure* of 5.4m
This is a 2.5m decrease from series 11.
on average
“Countryfile aired before Doctor Who.
After it finished, a million+ people turned off.
Once Doctor Who had finished, 2m+ turned back on to watch Call the Midwife”
On the night stats
Countryfile: 5.07 million
Doctor Who: 3.97 million
Call The Midwife: 6.15 million
As an illustration of bubbleworld
, page 3 of yesterday’s Yorkshire Posthad an item about this Black Female Professors
.. only in the last sentence did it mention that it is nowhere near Yorkshire …as it’s in London
BBC News – Phenomenal Women: Portraits of UK Black Female Professors, features portraits of 40 professors across a broad range of subjects including law, medicine, creative writing and sociology https://t.co/n2NRtO2eI4#PhenomenalWomen
Her mother Pirani Ameena Begum was of Indian and Americandecent
In the Wikipedia Talk page an editor says he is not happy about Noor being called a Muslim on the tenuous extension that her father was from a Sufi family, and he asks for evidence of her religious practice.. No one gave him any.
Jee , I hadn’t realise that Dr Who appropriated her on Jan 5th
The series has been using the excuse of having a female doctor to stuff in references to historical female characters.
… that looks like rewriting history to me.
I don't usually object to fictional interpretations of historical characters, but the inclusion of Noor Inayat Khan – gratuitously – in tonight’s Dr Who, with no reference to her history is simply offensive. She was one of the bravest women who ever lived. https://t.co/UPKvhEGNbE
I see that Martin Freeman is starring in a new comedy show – Breeders, on Sky. May give it a go, as the trailers indicate that his family is free from diversity, so there are no mixed race children or a wife of a different ethnicity. Rare in tv land.
Take care Bris. IIRC, Martin Freeman played the ‘woke’ card a few years ago when in Sherlock. Something to do with his wife and an Awards show. Im sure somebody will jog my memory.
Before you read them you may need to make sure you are seated comfortably and have some drinks and snack and possibly some paracetamol as well as it gets very long with many twists and turns.
Two young women (or was it men?) decide to transition then as things move along they get together and decide for some obscure reason to de-transition so now are both men (or women?).
So it appears you can now decide what sex you are every day when you get up and before you pop out clubbing etc. You will therefore be able to dress to attract whatever the opposite sex happen to be to you that day.
Of course you may not want to attract the opposite sex but this matters not as you can transition to somewhere half-way so you have a full choice available.
Digg – not BBC – but ITV with Piers Morgan rinsing Lisa Nandi over these chaps pretending to be girls in sport nonsense – this morning – it’s bad enough to be on YouTube
I originally thought Ms Nandi might be the non Corbyn leadership candidate but somehow she has got stuck on a trivial trans issue and will lose for that reason . Mad times we live in …
she has also found trevor phillips “words” troubling, seems to me she is at best another fence sitter unwilling to go a millimeter against the woke orthodoxy.
It’s strange the way that those working on Newsnight seem to move effortlessly between the Guardian and the BBC and vice versa:
(Neither Nick Hopkins, who is now The Guardian’s executive editor for news, nor his producer at Newsnight, wanted to speak to me about the story. A spokesperson for the BBC said: “Newsnight has seen no evidence which would cause us to doubt sources or contributors in this report.”)
Pug -One cannot help wondering, given what you have said above, why this is such a HUGE story? Sure, it’s bad news and people need to be informed, but it seems out of all proportion. Beeb delight in LARGE, COLOURFUL graphics of this virus, often many, which look like they’re from the planet Zog, and they’re gonna get you.
So, if we play at conspiracy theory, what could really be hiding behind it all? Big migrant invasion No2? Going on hardly noticed, in Greece. No little boats any more, arriving in the UK daily from France it seems? Must be a 100% Border Force success story! Not a whisper of anyone crossing the Med.
On the ‘Moral Maze’ on R4, beeb debated whether the ‘elderly’ should be sacrificed if there was a shortage of NHS beds? We have gathered previously that the ‘elderly’ are pretty much in the way, so perhaps all this fuss underlines that it might be beneficial if they weren’t around? They are usually ‘wealthy’ compared to the youth; the Left in the German Thuringian parliament actually suggested SHOOTING the wealthy, only last week. I kid you not.
There are lots of ‘migrant children’ coming into the EU and the UK, perhaps they could take over the places of the unwanted elderly?
Soros is pretty elderly. I wonder if…
If they are going to ‘kill’ all us elderly off because we are getting in the way, then they should be mindful of the fact that the Geriatric Wards in hospital will be full of a much lower age group then !!
Maybe we already have queer footballers but perhaps they just don’t see the sense of informing the punters that they prefer entering via the tradesman’s entrance.
Rejoiner LimpDems are beginning to use coronavirus in an attempt to block and stop Brexit. Its time that party was consigned to the dustbin.
Anything on Al Beeb yet ?
If you are currently believing the propaganda lies which the media are spreading then this is a wake up call! Italy is currently experiencing a mortality rate of 39% !
The media are knowingly including the Chinese figures which have been falsified. Reports coming out of the country suggest the number of deaths may be as high as 250 000 !
And don’t believe that this only affects the elderly, Korea lost nearly 200 soldiers to it, and United States Marines have also lost soldiers to it. No one can suggest that these are anything other than young fit healthy men.
Imagine a situation where there are ten houses on a street and in four of them all the occupants have perished, that’s the true scale of this.
I’m hearing and reading on the media things I know to be false, or distorted to take on a different meaning.
If this virus only killed the 3% the media were talking about there is no way the government would be considering the almost total cesation of an economy.
People have been talking about the ulterior motivation of the government, they clearly have no knowledge of just how utterly clueless useless and incompetents the Tories really are. Nothing is done by design, it’s all by accident, and inspite of them, rather than a planned action.
What happens is dead people appear on the outcome list as soon as they have died,
If 10 people catch Covid this week
The weak one might be dead by the end of the week
but the recovering 9 don’t appear on the recovered list until about 2 weeks later
Since cases grow
The next week might have 100 cases
So at the end of week 2, then 2 of those 100 will be dead
Making a total of 3 dead
Week3 1000 cases
by week 4 20 of them are dead
So who is on the week4 outcome list
Dead 1 +2 +20 =23
Recovered just the 9 from the first week ..the rest from week2,3 would not be certified recovered
“So why the fuss about the Coronavirus? Worldwide there have been under 120,000 cases and around 4,000 deaths…most of these in China. ”
You really do need to stop swallowing the BBC propaganda and associated MSM ! China has seen closer to 250 000 cases and they are clearly and provably falsifying their data !
Covid 19 has spread to infect more people in a few weeks than SARS did in 8 years ! The current Italian mortality rate is a jaw dropping 39% !
Of course the government don’t want the public to know this or they’d be running round like headless chickens screaming “we’re all going to die” !
No, I never said I had access to the true figures, but the fact that their figures are so wildely different to everyone elses provides the proof of what they are going.
This is a country which told officials to turn on the lights in empty factories in order to claim a widespread recovery.
The WHO can’t even take account of these ‘discrepancies’ without calling the Chinese liars, and risking them withdrawing altogether.
Same with Iran also falsifying their figures, which wouldn’t be surprising.
Thoughtful – where does the 39% mortality rate for Italy come from ? Surely you mean 3.9%? I’ve looked on the worldometer site referenced further down the site and can’t see the 39% rate
If it’s true we’re all doomed and if it is not it should not be on this site ….
There was talk of mutation of the virus which could send it either way – more harmful or harmless – is that why you’re claim over 1 in 3 dying ?
It’s on the right of the page ‘closed cases’, those who recovered vs those who didn’t:
Cases which had an outcome:
1,004 (61%)
Recovered / Discharged
631 (39%)
The other figure which the media are using is not statistically sound because it gives no indication as to how far their illness has progressed, nor the fact that many of them are going to die which is of course not included in any statistic.
The only safe measure is the ratio when the desease has run its course, either to recovery, or death.
Italy BTW is actually pretty good! In France and the USA, the death rate is higher than the rate of recovery !
Once in a blue moon the bbc will make a human interest story that doesn’t have a victim.
There’s no bullshit about gender, race, black hair care products, women’s football or any privelige I’m supposed to have for being a white person in a white country.
It’s a little story of a little girl who embraces what she is.
So the rest of the bbc, take note, people are not victims, we get on and make the best of what we’ve got, we don’t wallow in self pity, we don’t need you to tell us the state should wipe our arse.
On @BBCNewsnight tonight we've been in Lancashire looking at #coronavirus contingency planning in an area with a higher than average older population. One GP surgery has already brought in telephone triage: no patients in without an invitation from the doctor. @sallyches
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC. https://www.euronews.com/business/2025/03/10/china-to-impose-retaliatory-tariffs-on-certain-canadian-imports-as-trade-war-intensifies
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60383385
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cx2gprz84rlt “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
‘I feel like an outsider’
Ruben says some make-up brands are not selling enough foundation shades for people of colour
Great reporting from the beeb!
Meanwhile in the Technology section of the beeb website, they are doing a “report” on the corona virus! I strayed into the Technology sections to get away from the virus!
BBC News
Former Chancellor Philip Hammond tells Mishal Husain the UK is “extremely nervous about what the immediate future holds” and it’s possible #coronavirus will result in a “significant dip in economic output in the short term”.
Read more: https://bbc.in/336Qnps
Which is the sole reason to get him in.
Oo, guess what…
“Personally I think Sajid Javid made the right call.” Being asked to get rid of his advisers was a “step too far”.
Former Chancellor Philip Hammond
Read more: https://bbc.in/2PZSYfG
This is how Labour gets a mensh.
These rats can’t just fade away, they have to keep coming out of the sewers to spread their filth around, again and again.
Prime Minister Johnson should have instituted legal proceedings against them, if only to occupy their minds with pending legal matters for a few years while their Remoaner mess is sorted out.
After all it’s the punishment method most favoured by the swamp rats. Tommy Robinson and Julian Assange being two examples of their wicked use of the legal process as punishment.
That gal from Pakistan retweeting social media like a pro.
BBC News
“Did you just cough at me?”
A woman’s cough on a train in Sydney sparks a row over etiquette
Bizarre focus.
Egypt surely?
Some racism is more equal than others.
Two ‘corona-inspired’ attacks recently… BBC duly reports on the Singaporean who was punched in the face in London. Police have now released CCTV pictures of suspects; at least one of the gang is white.
Police have also just released pictures of the suspect in the Birmingham attack on a Chinese woman where her friend was punched in the face. Nothing to find on the BBC site either on the original story or the Police images (below).
Once upon a time the BBC made stuff which didn’t have the propaganda applied to it with a trowel . Amazon Prime has the 5 episodes of ‘how to be a nuclear submarine commander ‘ which was excellent when it first went out and is still a great watch . I get the feeling it was pre – Falklands War but can’t be sure .
When you see something like that you really do notice the absence of the propaganda messages – not a single multi sexual submariner in sight …
Was it not released in 2011 and filmed on HMS Triumph?
There have been other short features on the ‘perisher’ course.
I did see a bit of a documentary about life on one of the ‘new’ Type 45 destroyers recently in which a female officer was being assessed. Somehow she passed although appearing to know few of the answers and certainly not having any ‘gravitas’. We were told how hard it was to manage time-served ‘chiefs’, and I am sure that is true – for a young, wet-behind-the-ears male officer, but it must be instant death for any NCO who doesn’t assist in the advancement of ‘the ladies’.
The captain didn’t have much ‘gravitas’ either as he was more concerned with upsetting the feelings of his crew than taking up his extended tasking. Welcome to the touchy-feely Navy!
Having said that I have worked with female MEO’s and ME artificers with whom I had every confidence, they got ‘stuck in’ and expected to be treated the same as the lads.
Jim – yes I’ve done the wiki now and it’s as recent as 2011 although it seems much older to me .
Phew… real news.
Yesterday we mentioned Cat Hobbs the woman who runs the WeOwnIt a save the BBC campaign
It bet that like the Hatey No Hopers
is a Labour front group
… Interesting name that seems indicate that the Labour/metroliberals know they own the BBC
What makes me think that is a Labour front group is that it often retweets stuffs like this
The other day the BBC featured a school where 40 different languages were spoken so to be ‘inclusive’ wouldn’t all immigrants have to have ‘their’ histories told?
We become an ‘inclusive’ society by sharing things in common. When I was in primary school we were taught local history, why had people settled there in the first place, where did certain street names come from and how had the first settlers lived.
I wasn’t born there so in a sense it wasn’t ‘my’ history. But the same was true of just about everyone else in the class as the population numbers had scarcely doubled since ‘Doomsday’, until the city expanded its boundaries leading to a post-war housing boom.
Some here picked up on the woke-style SAS advert, ‘the Scandinavians did nothing original’, and the black lad who spoke about his ‘viking ancestors’, but surely it is better for a society if the incomers ‘celebrate’ the culture of their adopted country than try to hang on to their own?
There is a name for those that take the latter course – ‘coloniser’.
Stew – what an interesting poster THAT is. What an interesting thing language is! How easily it can be employed to deceive!
Look carefully: it does not even claim that e.g. black history IS PART of British history. No, it claims that “black history IS British history”.
If we now think back to the period say 300 -1900, we would be hard-pressed to substantiate that claim. Maybe a handful of black people, at best, maybe some thousands after that?
The sheepish smiles tell you they probably know full well, but the poster is about misinformation, rather than information.
The universities and set ups like the beeb will be at the heart of this re-education/deception.
We are probably only seeing the start of this; prepare yourself for a BIG rewrite of history. I can already see Henry VIII looking rather different on that famous poster!
Archers plot spoiler
… Major drama on the increasingly woke Archers
..Someone has burnt down The Grey Gables with Linda Snell inside, not breathing as the ambulance arrives
“bad news for Robert”
… oh well that’s one way of getting ride of those nasty whiteys.
They should all have been burnt, along with Grace in 1955, and the Borchester Motorway Spur driven through the village!
Adrian Goldberg doco tonight.
He’s been inside the deradicalisation programmes.
The programme hears from a serving prisoner in a maximum security jail who says convicted terrorists are “gaming” the system by pretending to comply with “de-radicalisation” courses
– and he warns that non terrorist offenders are being dangerously radicalised
UK Corona virus stats
54 new cases today… that’s a slight incremental rise.
Death count up from 3 to 6
.. I guess deaths come 2 weeks after contact
so daily deaths should be much bigger in weeks time.
Dr Who rating stats
Series 12 has become the lowest viewed series of modern-who, with an average *consolidated figure* of 5.4m
This is a 2.5m decrease from series 11.
on average
“Countryfile aired before Doctor Who.
After it finished, a million+ people turned off.
Once Doctor Who had finished, 2m+ turned back on to watch Call the Midwife”
On the night stats
Countryfile: 5.07 million
Doctor Who: 3.97 million
Call The Midwife: 6.15 million
For the actual final episode only 4.6m watched
As an illustration of bubbleworld
, page 3 of yesterday’s Yorkshire Posthad an item about this Black Female Professors
.. only in the last sentence did it mention that it is nowhere near Yorkshire …as it’s in London
beneath it the YP has an article about the women’s march
again not in Yorkshire, but in Whitehall
Then another article
‘Exhibition about Muslim war hero’ :“Noor Inayat-Khan: A Woman of Conspicuous Courage”
Is that in Yorkshire ?
Nope, at Runnymede Air Forces Memorial in Surrey
Tell-Mama have been busy highlighting it on Twitter
but I suspect there is a strong chance, that she was of Muslim parents, but not very Muslim.
Old tweet from DV
Ah she wasn’t in any way British .. she grew up in France
and was a refugee who fled to Britain when the Germans invaded France, so she more of a French agent directed out of Britain
– Her mother was American
– Her Indian father became an Islamic preacher
Her mother Pirani Ameena Begum was of Indian and Americandecent
In the Wikipedia Talk page an editor says he is not happy about Noor being called a Muslim on the tenuous extension that her father was from a Sufi family, and he asks for evidence of her religious practice.. No one gave him any.
Jee , I hadn’t realise that Dr Who appropriated her on Jan 5th
The series has been using the excuse of having a female doctor to stuff in references to historical female characters.
… that looks like rewriting history to me.
I see that Martin Freeman is starring in a new comedy show – Breeders, on Sky. May give it a go, as the trailers indicate that his family is free from diversity, so there are no mixed race children or a wife of a different ethnicity. Rare in tv land.
Take care Bris. IIRC, Martin Freeman played the ‘woke’ card a few years ago when in Sherlock. Something to do with his wife and an Awards show. Im sure somebody will jog my memory.
The BBC website has gone transition bonkers today.
See this story which is one of half a dozen or so transitioning stories from their home page…
Before you read them you may need to make sure you are seated comfortably and have some drinks and snack and possibly some paracetamol as well as it gets very long with many twists and turns.
Two young women (or was it men?) decide to transition then as things move along they get together and decide for some obscure reason to de-transition so now are both men (or women?).
So it appears you can now decide what sex you are every day when you get up and before you pop out clubbing etc. You will therefore be able to dress to attract whatever the opposite sex happen to be to you that day.
Of course you may not want to attract the opposite sex but this matters not as you can transition to somewhere half-way so you have a full choice available.
When will this madness end?
Digg – not BBC – but ITV with Piers Morgan rinsing Lisa Nandi over these chaps pretending to be girls in sport nonsense – this morning – it’s bad enough to be on YouTube
I originally thought Ms Nandi might be the non Corbyn leadership candidate but somehow she has got stuck on a trivial trans issue and will lose for that reason . Mad times we live in …
she has also found trevor phillips “words” troubling, seems to me she is at best another fence sitter unwilling to go a millimeter against the woke orthodoxy.
Nightmare for insurance companies … or maybe the easiest way ever of swerving a claim …
The BBC WS Radio doco
It’s strange the way that those working on Newsnight seem to move effortlessly between the Guardian and the BBC and vice versa:
(Neither Nick Hopkins, who is now The Guardian’s executive editor for news, nor his producer at Newsnight, wanted to speak to me about the story. A spokesperson for the BBC said: “Newsnight has seen no evidence which would cause us to doubt sources or contributors in this report.”)
Pug -One cannot help wondering, given what you have said above, why this is such a HUGE story? Sure, it’s bad news and people need to be informed, but it seems out of all proportion. Beeb delight in LARGE, COLOURFUL graphics of this virus, often many, which look like they’re from the planet Zog, and they’re gonna get you.
So, if we play at conspiracy theory, what could really be hiding behind it all? Big migrant invasion No2? Going on hardly noticed, in Greece. No little boats any more, arriving in the UK daily from France it seems? Must be a 100% Border Force success story! Not a whisper of anyone crossing the Med.
On the ‘Moral Maze’ on R4, beeb debated whether the ‘elderly’ should be sacrificed if there was a shortage of NHS beds? We have gathered previously that the ‘elderly’ are pretty much in the way, so perhaps all this fuss underlines that it might be beneficial if they weren’t around? They are usually ‘wealthy’ compared to the youth; the Left in the German Thuringian parliament actually suggested SHOOTING the wealthy, only last week. I kid you not.
There are lots of ‘migrant children’ coming into the EU and the UK, perhaps they could take over the places of the unwanted elderly?
Soros is pretty elderly. I wonder if…
If they are going to ‘kill’ all us elderly off because we are getting in the way, then they should be mindful of the fact that the Geriatric Wards in hospital will be full of a much lower age group then !!
\\’Football is ready to have a gay player’//
Why is Al Beeb so obsessed with homosexuality ?
Maybe we already have queer footballers but perhaps they just don’t see the sense of informing the punters that they prefer entering via the tradesman’s entrance.
Rejoiner LimpDems are beginning to use coronavirus in an attempt to block and stop Brexit. Its time that party was consigned to the dustbin.
Anything on Al Beeb yet ?
For those who want an authoritative source of figures on the coronavirus I suggest this site:
If you are currently believing the propaganda lies which the media are spreading then this is a wake up call! Italy is currently experiencing a mortality rate of 39% !
The media are knowingly including the Chinese figures which have been falsified. Reports coming out of the country suggest the number of deaths may be as high as 250 000 !
And don’t believe that this only affects the elderly, Korea lost nearly 200 soldiers to it, and United States Marines have also lost soldiers to it. No one can suggest that these are anything other than young fit healthy men.
Imagine a situation where there are ten houses on a street and in four of them all the occupants have perished, that’s the true scale of this.
I’m hearing and reading on the media things I know to be false, or distorted to take on a different meaning.
If this virus only killed the 3% the media were talking about there is no way the government would be considering the almost total cesation of an economy.
People have been talking about the ulterior motivation of the government, they clearly have no knowledge of just how utterly clueless useless and incompetents the Tories really are. Nothing is done by design, it’s all by accident, and inspite of them, rather than a planned action.
Thoughtful The Italy death rate is NOT 39%
What happens is dead people appear on the outcome list as soon as they have died,
If 10 people catch Covid this week
The weak one might be dead by the end of the week
but the recovering 9 don’t appear on the recovered list until about 2 weeks later
Since cases grow
The next week might have 100 cases
So at the end of week 2, then 2 of those 100 will be dead
Making a total of 3 dead
Week3 1000 cases
by week 4 20 of them are dead
So who is on the week4 outcome list
Dead 1 +2 +20 =23
Recovered just the 9 from the first week ..the rest from week2,3 would not be certified recovered
“So why the fuss about the Coronavirus? Worldwide there have been under 120,000 cases and around 4,000 deaths…most of these in China. ”
You really do need to stop swallowing the BBC propaganda and associated MSM ! China has seen closer to 250 000 cases and they are clearly and provably falsifying their data !
Covid 19 has spread to infect more people in a few weeks than SARS did in 8 years ! The current Italian mortality rate is a jaw dropping 39% !
Of course the government don’t want the public to know this or they’d be running round like headless chickens screaming “we’re all going to die” !
No, I never said I had access to the true figures, but the fact that their figures are so wildely different to everyone elses provides the proof of what they are going.
This is a country which told officials to turn on the lights in empty factories in order to claim a widespread recovery.
The WHO can’t even take account of these ‘discrepancies’ without calling the Chinese liars, and risking them withdrawing altogether.
Same with Iran also falsifying their figures, which wouldn’t be surprising.
Thoughtful – where does the 39% mortality rate for Italy come from ? Surely you mean 3.9%? I’ve looked on the worldometer site referenced further down the site and can’t see the 39% rate
If it’s true we’re all doomed and if it is not it should not be on this site ….
There was talk of mutation of the virus which could send it either way – more harmful or harmless – is that why you’re claim over 1 in 3 dying ?
It’s on the right of the page ‘closed cases’, those who recovered vs those who didn’t:
Cases which had an outcome:
1,004 (61%)
Recovered / Discharged
631 (39%)
The other figure which the media are using is not statistically sound because it gives no indication as to how far their illness has progressed, nor the fact that many of them are going to die which is of course not included in any statistic.
The only safe measure is the ratio when the desease has run its course, either to recovery, or death.
Italy BTW is actually pretty good! In France and the USA, the death rate is higher than the rate of recovery !
12 recovered in France 33 dead
8 recovered in USA 28 dead
Shocking figures.
Once in a blue moon the bbc will make a human interest story that doesn’t have a victim.
There’s no bullshit about gender, race, black hair care products, women’s football or any privelige I’m supposed to have for being a white person in a white country.
It’s a little story of a little girl who embraces what she is.
Whoever wrote this piece please take a bow.
So the rest of the bbc, take note, people are not victims, we get on and make the best of what we’ve got, we don’t wallow in self pity, we don’t need you to tell us the state should wipe our arse.
About to watch ‘Ian Hislop’s olden days’ on bbc4.
I’ll watch it with an open mind.
Let’s how it goes.
This is the culture channel of the bbc.
There explaining the history of my country, my culture with shite monty python cutaways.
Dear oh dear.
Well, they found a Druid who managed to get a pop at Margaret Thatcher and the governments austerity program..
Gets a bit much when people are faking news from a fake news organisation.
If it’s fake news reporting on a fake news organisation does that make it true?
The coronavirus has just announced that having met Jeremy Corbyn it is going to self isolate for 14 days !
Coronavirus meets the leader of the labour party and wants nothing to do with him.
My kind of virus.
Rob decries partisan media.
Our local GP has had ‘telephone triage’ for years.