Looking beyond the stats. (Information that is freely available..if you bother to look).
Air pollution is also a factor. (Italy)
PM2. 5 refers to atmospheric particulate matter (PM) that have a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers, which is about 3% the diameter of a human hair.
On maps prepared by the European Environment Agency (EEA), Italy’s Po Valley is covered with a wide, stain-like blotch of air pollution from the Ligurian Sea in the west to the Adriatic, held in place by the towering Alps to the north.
Many cities in the valley have among Europe’s highest concentrations of dangerous microscopic particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter, known as PM2.5.
The WHO says these should not exceed, on average, 10 microgrammes per cubic metre of air (10 mcg/m3) per year.
European Union standards are more lenient at 25 mcg/m3, and still several countries regularly overstep this red line.
PM2.5 is a top cause of premature deaths in the EU, some 391,000 in 2016—60,000 in Italy alone.
Turin and Milan, meanwhile, are also plagued by high levels of ozone and nitrogen oxides, produced mainly by petrol- and diesel-burning engines.
“PM2.5 is a top cause of premature deaths in the EU, some 391,000 ”
That seems fake news to me
typical of what the DieselsRpaedos campaign put out.
I walked across Italy from Napoli to Rome to Switzerland etc.
In the Po valley I didn’t particularly notice pollution
but there were loads of mosquitoes
.. I think it was August.
Journo: “Mr President, it’s racist to refer to ‘foreign/Chinese/Wuhan’
Trump: “No, it’s not racist, I’m being accurate – that’s where it came from
[Is German Measels, Spanish Flu racist?]. Next question”
Can’t believe it – Alex Salmond found NOT GUILTY of every single one of the 13 charges against him…… (actually, NOT GUILTY on 12 charges, Not Proven on the other).
So, I guess the Scottish Judiciary doesn’t think that ‘believe women’ is applicable in certain cases.
I expect that the 80% of BBC TV news presenters who are
women will look physically sick as they have to read out
this news about Alex Salmond being found NOT guilty.
Maybe the BBC will get the 20% of men still left , presenting
the news this evening.Whoever thought that a jury in
this day and age could find a man not guilty of this purported
offence ?
What will the BBC do when all the women are off sick with this Virus? How will they cope-do you think they will entertain the idea of bringing males back into the sanctum, and will they be white Brits or Coloured Brits? I really would not have a problem with not seeing certain wimmin on the screen or over the Radio-shan’t mention any names you understand. Even my wife says there are far too many women being represented amongst Journalists generally and some she feels are quite inappropriate for a particular task such as in War Zones or interviewing male Rugby players-Maybe both sides will enjoy that!
Good point, although the judge can severely influence the jury.
Our local news the BBC reporter said
“Alex Salmond PROVED himself INNOCENT”
#1 actually innocent until proven guilty before trial , does not mean that a NO-guilty verdict PROVES you are innocent
#2 On a last 1 charge the result was NOT-proven, and that is an even lower bar than not-guilty.
Van Helsing – you’re right, of course, the jury is the final arbiter of guilt or innocence….I just can’t believe that they could ignore the testimony of so many women about that creep, and believed that there was basically a conspiracy against him.
I noticed on later data that each of these cases was a majority and not a unanimous verdict, and question what effect, if any, two jurors leaving the case today may have had on these verdicts. Who knows ? The Not Proven verdict on the most serious of the offences (including attempted rape) is effectively an acquital, but is often seen as an easy way out for the jury, rather than reaching a full, guilty, verdict….but I have no idea how the judge may have directed the jury in this case.
I believe that there were originally 13 jury members ( is that the Scottish system?) and that two of them had to be excused, which left 11. But, the jury had to find Mr Salmond guilty by at least 8 (out of the original 13), so 8 out of the remaining 11 jurists had to find him guilty.
There’s maybe nothing suspicious in all of this but it’s curious how the law works sometimes for some people.
BBC Headlines outside a SAINSBURY
…People are being selfish….nine people shown queuing up with trolleys all of whom are white !!! I challenge anyone to show me a picture of nine white people on any other BBC news page…
It’s bloody disgusting and it’s BIAS.
I notice that Mr Corbyn is resisting advice for over-70’s in Parliament to self-isolate.
I can’t wait till someone leads him gently out of Parliament uttering the words that the Labour Party loves to lavish on all of those who don’t like their policies ” ….believe us, this is all for your own good”
Yes – comrade Corbyn and other over 70 politicians are obviously immune to the Chinese bug . I’m waiting for a news source to report on the number of peers turning up to get their £310? And sitting about . In the scheme of things it’s small beer but those who regularly tell us what to think and do deserve extra scrutiny .
Watching the House of Commons and Matthew Hancock trying to get the Chinese virus bill through shows the energy he is having to put into the job . Still sad to see back benchers still grandstanding when they might as well all go home …
India, one of world’s largest manufacturers of Paracetamol, is restriciting the normal source of supply to the UK, apparently, deciding to ‘conserve their assets for their own people’ at this time.
Terrific – wonder when we’ll see the headline “Foreign Aid to India suspended as UK decides it would be better to ‘conserve their assets for their own people’ ” ?
Not any time soon, I suspect, because it might interrupt India’s space programme, whilst its population is reduced to poverty through lack of investment by their own government – relying instead on the British taxpaying ‘saps’ to bail out that part of their economy.
Jesus christ….what is it with the Lib mobs when public sector workers have to do their jobs.. these woke bleeding outpourings
Yes it is hard at the moment but many teachers are off work getting full pay.
..I am more concerned with all the self employed and private sector workers who make the money to pay the taxes to fund the salaries of the teachers…and the BBC staff who get money regardless –
This report by UKColumn is 52 minutes long but it’s worth the time to watch, mainly because it reports on the draconian legislation; they call it the Corona Virus Bill; that effectively introduces martial law without calling it as such. It’s being debated today; all 300 odd pages, for goodness sake, debated in one day; and is expected to receive Royal assent by the end of the week.
What on earth is going on, why do we need this totalitarian response to this China virus situation? Or is it in preparation for the inevitable economic collapse and reset?
I’ve looked over the Bill – to me it is necessary to have those powers available -when /if needed. We’ve already witnessed fools going to public places in large numbers – as well as Scotland being unable to shut pubs .
If fatalities are going to increase as predicted closing Petri dishes such as the London Underground can only be a matter of time .
My biggest concern is supermarkets which will remain one of the chief ways of transmitting the Chinese virus . I’m amazed people are still using lifts by choice . I can’t see a remedy to the supermarkets other than some form of rationing of both numbers gaining access and the amount of products they buy .
I don’t want to start a conspiracy theory but it is interesting that the International Olympic Committee are delaying a decision on postponing or cancelling the OLympic Games in the summer.
Here in France, the supermarkets now restrict entry to one person per trolley and sanitise the trolley on the way in and out.There are no restrictions on amount purchased, but then again, around here there is a distinct lack of dusky faces.
Police powers to detain if you’re suspected of carrying Covid19. But I thought it could be asymptomatic?
On the Diamond Princess ship, which was effectively a floating Covid-19 experiment, more than half who tested positive showed no symptoms. So how’s that going to work… are there going to be government medics with magic 8-balls roaming the streets diagnosing ‘difficult’ patients?
TM, sure but the general view is that if you have it, the symptoms appear after five to seven days. Some people develop faster, some slower, hence the 14 day advice from the CMHO Chris Witty. Apparently, some may take as many as 27 days from infection to presenting symptoms but they are outliers.
What was happening in China and elsewhere after they introduced a really strict shutdown was that PPE wearing medics were using ray-gun like digi thermos to check the temperature of people out on the street. It is thought that temperature can be the first symptom to show.
But it is, as you hint a bit, of a lottery but with lousy prizes and with others forced to share the winnings.
That is contradicted by what I heard on radio.
If you live alone then you must isolate for 7 days from symptoms
..cos by then you’ll have been through all the stages and won’t be a carrier
If you are a family one person might infect the second person within 7 days .. then the second person will be through their 7 days later
So as a family you are safe to leave the house 14 days after the first persons symptoms.
Up2, I appreciate the info and especially note the use of italics there.
“a bit of a lottery but with lousy prizes and with others forced to share the winnings.” Brilliant summary — I want to see Patrick Vallance wearing that on a t-shirt at the next presser
Gradually becoming ashamed to be British. Outrageous watching the me me me attitude in food shops, particularly those gate crashing the hours set aside for NHS workers and the elderly, and the idiot f..kwits out in close proximity like nothing’s happening over the weekend, will now result in possible curfews coming in. Serves the bastards right, but will make it difficult for the rest of us.
I do not understand why Alex Salmond walks from court as a free man. The allegations appeared to be exactly the same as those against Harvey Weinstein who was sentenced to 23 years in one of the harshest prisons in the western world.
Could the difference be the media, especially the BBC, who didn’t stop discussing the Weinstein case but were strangely coy about Salmond. Juries arent supposed to follow the cases they judge, but who could stop them?
You know how it works
..They’ll air any voice that carries the narrative.
..say 15 yo Swedish school girl.
Meanwhile they find all kinds of excuses to exclude voices that don’t carry their chosen narrative .
..e.g. the way it bans those opposed to Green dogma.
These photos of people who went to the seaside or parks on Saturday… and banging on about it.
Last Tuesday was the last time I’ve been within 6ft of someone not in my house
Yet when I switch on the media they are continually showing these photos, and encouraging viewers to pick up a stone o throw at these new witches.
FFS people have spent all last week working , spotted Saturday was going to be sunny ..and planned to take their kids out
perhaps anticipating, they’d have to do it while they can before the government made restrictions.
Then on Friday night the gov sudden;y came out with its pub closure rule.
So those people woke up and Saturday and did what they’d planned probably thinking they’d be socially distancing.
Sure when they got on the ground they found that when you use a public toilet you might end up closer than 6 feet.
When something one comes in there are such learning events.
But for the medialand people to wag their fingers and make grand claims like “these people are putting lives at risk” is horrible.
The bottomline is that there is no such thing as zero risk for an action. Everytime the BBC van goes down the road there is a risk that a child might step out in front of it , but balance that against that news is important.
If you run the maths there is an outside chance that a given daytripper might have picked up covid19 but it’s probably like 1 in ten million, from the way it is at the end of a long chain of steps.
Now the supermarket close queues are a different thing
But remember a photo is not the whole day it is just a snapshot of the 10 mins before the store opens
Later on people realise about grabbing a trolley so that they are one trolley distant from the next person.
Agree, Stew, it is over the top. Manipulation by the MSM. A sunny day at the seaside is likely to be accompanied by a breeze, on all but the hottest becalmed days, and all the breeze will do is carry the Covid-19 germs up to a seagull.
Funny thing, same MSM have been telling us to get out from behind our PCs (ooops!), tablets and ‘phones and get some healthy exercise.
Now they moan when it is done.
To be fair, there was some bad behaviour in some places. People jammed in queues to get take away food. Then sitting side by side on benches to eat it. One Local Authority chief said they had to shut their public toilets because people were stealing the toilet rolls and hand sanitiser containers. There are always some who let down the human race.
So @BBCNews, which for decades has told us that unlimited migration, no questions asked, is a good thing, and anyone else who says otherwise is racist, is now salivating over Cornish natives literally saying: ‘we don’t want those diseased Londoners anywhere near us.’ Bloodyhell.
Why on earth does the #BBC always roll out Alistair Campbell? ???? Could it be that whatever the topic they can rely on him to slag off the government…..
Far better for a controlled release of information rather than the MSM scoring points and trying to get scalps . I wonder if POTUS will do the same ?
Meanwhile back on the parliament channel MPs are wasting their time ‘ putting stuff on record ‘ . Jeremy Hunt spoke powerfully earlier suggesting that testing is not sufficient and really needs a lot more effort
Latest stats up to Sunday are out
54 new deaths …. that is a touch lower than Saturday
and lower than my projected trend of 84
Daily tests 5605, positives 967 today (Sat was 665, Fri was 1035, Wed was 643)
.. that is a rise from Saturday BUT lower than Friday
So Saturdays 12% of tests being positive was a blip,
Friday and Sunday it was 17% of tests came back positive
The running total is 6,650 ..multiply by 10 to get the approx true community rate
Deaths/Day tend to 150% of 2 days earlier
That Trends to coming week
: Tuesday 81, Thursday 120 new deaths per day
Fed the previous trend meant a 84 death forecast for Sunday
Sunday 84 … Tuesday 126, Thursday 189 new deaths per day
That didn’t happen
So recalculated it comes as 81 Tuesday
daily death trend NOT exponential
growth in positive tests NOT exponential
Of course we don’t know if someone took Covid19 to a boy scout or mosque camp last week
So they might well go back to exponential
It is suspicious that details of recent death case infection circumstances haven’t been released.
Like do some trace back to a church or old folks home etc. ?
Thank you Stew – I saw something about half of the residents of a care home becoming infected ..
I fear that the restrictions being put in place tonight will not work in cities because of the number of ferals
There are .
This will be the next layer of attack against the government . It seems that the number of ventilators has gone from 5000 to 12000 and the likes of Gtech saying that if current evaluation of their product is approved ( Tuesday ?) then they can produce a thousand a day .
Plenty of conspiracy theory stuff going on – which keeps people occupied and – thankfully – twitter has plenty of humour – particularly the ‘donut ‘ and ‘cookie ‘ stuff showing up …. sorry if this is a mystery to non twitter readers….
“Hearing from Whitehall sources that there’s been a flurry of activity today to ensure civil servants have IT they need to work from home. Read into that what you will…”
Sources… who say. Appears Gov CivServs don’t get to ‘lose’ iPads pre-Xmas like BBC staff.
7:30pm Last minute change of schedule
Inside Out has gone , it’s been replaced by Panoroma Covid19 special moved to earlier cos its slot has been taken by live coverage of bumbling Boris’s hesitating live speech
BBCnews story :”Coronavirus: The rough sleepers who can’t self-isolate”
.. the text of course doesn’t explain the title
Cos the rough sleepers are on their own
and don’t NEED to be in the centre of big city
..rather they have chosen to be . https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51950920
So I think I can shed some light on why Muslims are so casual about the issues with the coronavius:
“Allah’s Apostle said, “Five are regarded as martyrs: They are those who die because of plague, abdominal disease, drowning or a falling building etc., and the martyrs in Allah’s cause”
So if they die as a result of catching the coronavirus they acheive the same end as if they had blown themselves up in a suicide attack.
Well let them get on with it then. Keep the mosques open and let them go back to their communities and die happy in the knowledge that their 72 virgins await them.
And just when you thought it couldn’t get any more sick, the local mosque has found that by setting up as a feeding centre for the homeless it can qualify as an emergency operation and remain open, despite the fact that so far as I know there aren’t any actual homeless people around !
Well everything David Icke said about them taking away our rights, crashing the economy, enforcement is coming true. Might also be right about the financial system reset. Welcome to the totalitarian, Orwellian future!
I reckon today their could 66,000 real cases in the community
Most of them will have symptoms so be in isolation or hospital
Lets imagine 20K are on the streets
Lets say 12K are in London,
So 8K are in the provinces with 57m of us
ie 8 through 57,000
ie 1 infected person for 8,000 of us
Note at the beginning each infected person wasn’t infecting that many people per week and now everyone is a bit paranoid the risk should be pretty low
In an average day I’m not going to run into and get coughed on by that 1 in 8,000 person
Dover – strictly – none – because everyone died because they were ill ….. but I know what you mean ( pre existing conditions ).
I think that number be best not made public because one mistake on groups affected has already had adverse consequences – namely the early information that ‘it’s mainly over 70s ‘ being seriously affected . Which gave the idiot kidults an excuse to carry on their hedonism and which might land up killing off a fair few of them too .
I wonder why we never had a lockdown against norovirus ?
“Norovirus results in about 685 million cases of disease and 200,000 deaths globally a year. It is common both in the developed and developing world.”
Last year the neighbour and her sister both got it.
I’d been around them a few days before
and after I never got it.
We just live with the idea that it breaks out it pockets every so often.
I wonder if I’ve had it before and not known. I did have a 36 hour thing in Taiwan.
Dover – I think there is a thing about certain people who are carriers but don’t get the illness – so passing it on to those who are affected by it – potentially killing some …
I’m sure that the planners have done the sums on the effect of a number of people not following the restrictions and what that effect will be …. as well as the attrition rate for those who cannot adapt to being ‘at home ‘/ ‘in doors ‘ for the coming weeks .
But if the percentage of the population who die is 0.7% without restrictions, we are getting into marginal territory where it can be asked who would have died anyway from other causes?
In other words, I’m asking that if nothing had been done, what difference would it have made?
The reason that all this effort is taking place, is perhaps to save the NHS?
I realise that this sounds like a heartless point of view. But democracy allows us to discuss..so far.
Tonight I received a text from the NHS telling me that I am at high risk for being seriously ill if I contract the virus and to remain indoors for 12 weeks. I would be contacted later regarding delivery of food info. An hour later I received another text telling me that friends/family/neighbours should collect my prescriptions and leave them at the gate.
I live in the country, so have been walking my dog across the fields without seeing another soul – except at the weekend when I’ve seen more joggers than anything.
I’d like to know what criteria the NHS are using to identify the ‘vulnerable’. I don’t have cancer, nor had a transplant, nor any of the other problems that were listed at the weekend. I do have a weak immune system, am around 70, and take daily medication, but wonder if hey are blanket covering everyone on the local hospital list that is over 70 and are on ‘their books’ !
I’m sensible in not mixing, and keep a safe distance from others when shopping, but sods law a problem arose with my car today, and have it booked in for Wednesday, so unless I get a police car following me then it will go ahead and the house arrest will begin after that, and after my dog is walked. I don’t intend to put myself purposely in the way of anyone else for my sake or others, but I have common sense whereas others don’t !
Well at least that shows that the promised warnings to 1.5 million people is starting . I guess the support package is aimed at people where the population is of higher density – or just dense .
Thanks for this post Briss. Both me and Mrs Lars ( over 60) have had medical issues and were sort of waiting for some information from the government, but not sure if, how and when we would get this information. Anyway, with your input, it would appear we don’t meet this criteria.
We also have a 14 year old golden retriever, with medical issues who is also not on the list.
Are vets and pet food suppliers considered to be critical workers?
Brissles, last para first: a little inadvertent hint was dropped on R4 this a.m. that the new measures are a panic response to media pressure a.k.a. a MSM distorted flap over people enjoying healthy open air and sunshine. Unfortunately, a few brainless folk got carried away and did silly or selfish or criminal things like stealing toilet rolls from public toilets.
You carry on being sensible as you clearly are. Unfortunately, the media ignore sensible people. Shame. Keep well.
The criteria for those deemed to be vulnerable can be found under ‘NHS Coronavirus Letter’ . It lists several medical conditions including impaired immune system and a list of drugs associated with this condition . If you are taking any of these you are regarded as vulnerable .
My wife is taking one of the drugs listed but we haven’t yet received the letter. We have been locked up tight for over a week .
The packing is a lung in traditional Haggis, Stew, but I don’t know how much that is used these days, especially in more commercial versions. It is cooked at a high temperature, too.
Have a tin somewhere. (Yeah, some Scots will be horrified. Tinned?!!! Eeeeek!)
BBC News – Coronavirus: Trump wants US open for business amid pandemic No what Trump said was he wants to level off -like South Korea & develop treatments for the Virus & then reopen before any vaccination appaears over the next two yrs. That's reality speaking.
Another piece by Reuters – likely, the BBC will use it
I asked current and former officials how they read this mega-popular story, and they cautioned: While this person was a key mentor to Chinese epidemiologists, an important role to help fight their outbreak, it wasn’t a job intended to feed info to the U.S. https://t.co/zY4C8cf9i1
I notice these third rate propagandists never bother to investigate why President Trump has decided to choose down parts, if not all, of the CDC.
From what I’ve read there are valid reasons.
Whether you love @BorisJohnson or loathe him I recommend you watch his address to the nation at 8.30 pm on @BBCOne. I suspect it’ll mark a moment you’ll talk about for years to come and will tell your children & grandchildren about
Funny, I spotted that one too, Celtic. Can’t remember the Beeboids name – which of the many thousands of so-called ‘essentials’ – but does he have yellow hair? The Snuffy household doesn’t do TV.
This is without doubt a terrible day. It shouldn’t have been allowed to get this stage.
As soon as it became apparent there was a virus epidemic in China and other countries the borders should have been closed completely, with a very strict quarantine regime for people wishing to return to the UK. Then it would have been extremely difficult for the virus to spread.
James-Yes-We always hear these experts say “in hindsight” after
the biggest cock up of all time in not checking on people coming
back to the UK. Then there is the term” You don’t have to be a brain
surgeon.” Maybe the problem was, that this ISLAND uses” brain
surgeons” that in the logic department are as thick as planks!
Labour Leader for Life, Jeremy Corbyn, supports the measures taken by the Conservative Government yesterday but wants greater clarity. That I can, helpfully, provide.
Stay at home Jeremy. Keep well. You are in a high risk category.
You are at considerable risk of being seen as a chump and unemployed.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
Radio4 was down for 10 mins
The YouAndYours studio wasn’t working so they had to keep playing trailers.
Looking beyond the stats. (Information that is freely available..if you bother to look).
Air pollution is also a factor. (Italy)
PM2. 5 refers to atmospheric particulate matter (PM) that have a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers, which is about 3% the diameter of a human hair.
On maps prepared by the European Environment Agency (EEA), Italy’s Po Valley is covered with a wide, stain-like blotch of air pollution from the Ligurian Sea in the west to the Adriatic, held in place by the towering Alps to the north.
Many cities in the valley have among Europe’s highest concentrations of dangerous microscopic particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter, known as PM2.5.
The WHO says these should not exceed, on average, 10 microgrammes per cubic metre of air (10 mcg/m3) per year.
European Union standards are more lenient at 25 mcg/m3, and still several countries regularly overstep this red line.
PM2.5 is a top cause of premature deaths in the EU, some 391,000 in 2016—60,000 in Italy alone.
Turin and Milan, meanwhile, are also plagued by high levels of ozone and nitrogen oxides, produced mainly by petrol- and diesel-burning engines.
“PM2.5 is a top cause of premature deaths in the EU, some 391,000 ”
That seems fake news to me
typical of what the DieselsRpaedos campaign put out.
I walked across Italy from Napoli to Rome to Switzerland etc.
In the Po valley I didn’t particularly notice pollution
but there were loads of mosquitoes
.. I think it was August.
Journo: “Mr President, it’s racist to refer to ‘foreign/Chinese/Wuhan’
Trump: “No, it’s not racist, I’m being accurate – that’s where it came from
[Is German Measels, Spanish Flu racist?]. Next question”
Can’t believe it – Alex Salmond found NOT GUILTY of every single one of the 13 charges against him…… (actually, NOT GUILTY on 12 charges, Not Proven on the other).
So, I guess the Scottish Judiciary doesn’t think that ‘believe women’ is applicable in certain cases.
Tricky one for the BBC which
Loves the SNP
Hates (white Judeo Christian straight) Men
Loves Wimmin as victims
So is it a bad day for cranky ?
I expect that the 80% of BBC TV news presenters who are
women will look physically sick as they have to read out
this news about Alex Salmond being found NOT guilty.
Maybe the BBC will get the 20% of men still left , presenting
the news this evening.Whoever thought that a jury in
this day and age could find a man not guilty of this purported
offence ?
What will the BBC do when all the women are off sick with this Virus? How will they cope-do you think they will entertain the idea of bringing males back into the sanctum, and will they be white Brits or Coloured Brits? I really would not have a problem with not seeing certain wimmin on the screen or over the Radio-shan’t mention any names you understand. Even my wife says there are far too many women being represented amongst Journalists generally and some she feels are quite inappropriate for a particular task such as in War Zones or interviewing male Rugby players-Maybe both sides will enjoy that!
Richard, I’m no great fan of the judiciary, but the verdict in the Salmond case was delivered by a jury.
Good point, although the judge can severely influence the jury.
Our local news the BBC reporter said
“Alex Salmond PROVED himself INNOCENT”
#1 actually innocent until proven guilty before trial , does not mean that a NO-guilty verdict PROVES you are innocent
#2 On a last 1 charge the result was NOT-proven, and that is an even lower bar than not-guilty.
Van Helsing – you’re right, of course, the jury is the final arbiter of guilt or innocence….I just can’t believe that they could ignore the testimony of so many women about that creep, and believed that there was basically a conspiracy against him.
I noticed on later data that each of these cases was a majority and not a unanimous verdict, and question what effect, if any, two jurors leaving the case today may have had on these verdicts. Who knows ? The Not Proven verdict on the most serious of the offences (including attempted rape) is effectively an acquital, but is often seen as an easy way out for the jury, rather than reaching a full, guilty, verdict….but I have no idea how the judge may have directed the jury in this case.
I believe that there were originally 13 jury members ( is that the Scottish system?) and that two of them had to be excused, which left 11. But, the jury had to find Mr Salmond guilty by at least 8 (out of the original 13), so 8 out of the remaining 11 jurists had to find him guilty.
There’s maybe nothing suspicious in all of this but it’s curious how the law works sometimes for some people.
BBC Headlines outside a SAINSBURY
…People are being selfish….nine people shown queuing up with trolleys all of whom are white !!! I challenge anyone to show me a picture of nine white people on any other BBC news page…
It’s bloody disgusting and it’s BIAS.
Hope I’ve typed this in correctly – livestock theft.
Ramdamn starts on 23rd. April, let’s see how many sheep are stolen this year and illegally slaughtered in gardens and parks.
The BBC forced to admit bias over pro-abortion stance.
This article outlines the BBC bias machine working in all it’s ugly glory…
I don’t think this will show up on the 6 o’clock news tonight though!
Bias by omission.
Thieves snatch food from Tesco delivery van.
I notice that Mr Corbyn is resisting advice for over-70’s in Parliament to self-isolate.
I can’t wait till someone leads him gently out of Parliament uttering the words that the Labour Party loves to lavish on all of those who don’t like their policies ” ….believe us, this is all for your own good”
Yes – comrade Corbyn and other over 70 politicians are obviously immune to the Chinese bug . I’m waiting for a news source to report on the number of peers turning up to get their £310? And sitting about . In the scheme of things it’s small beer but those who regularly tell us what to think and do deserve extra scrutiny .
Watching the House of Commons and Matthew Hancock trying to get the Chinese virus bill through shows the energy he is having to put into the job . Still sad to see back benchers still grandstanding when they might as well all go home …
BBC London keeping up the high standards.
“Petticoate Lane” [sic]
Jeez they can’t even spell the name of the famous street right
It would look like a souk or a bazaar nowadays!
India, one of world’s largest manufacturers of Paracetamol, is restriciting the normal source of supply to the UK, apparently, deciding to ‘conserve their assets for their own people’ at this time.
Terrific – wonder when we’ll see the headline “Foreign Aid to India suspended as UK decides it would be better to ‘conserve their assets for their own people’ ” ?
Not any time soon, I suspect, because it might interrupt India’s space programme, whilst its population is reduced to poverty through lack of investment by their own government – relying instead on the British taxpaying ‘saps’ to bail out that part of their economy.
He’s ‘working’ from home, on about that.
Jesus christ….what is it with the Lib mobs when public sector workers have to do their jobs.. these woke bleeding outpourings
Yes it is hard at the moment but many teachers are off work getting full pay.
..I am more concerned with all the self employed and private sector workers who make the money to pay the taxes to fund the salaries of the teachers…and the BBC staff who get money regardless –
I think he is making a joke about looking after his own kids.
Context is all but humour can fill the gaps.
“earn about 500k a year”
dunno but I think many BBC staff don’t EARN £5K a year even …. though they are paid £50K, £100K, £200K etc.
There’s a thing.
The hero passer by was… Tommy Robinson.
This report by UKColumn is 52 minutes long but it’s worth the time to watch, mainly because it reports on the draconian legislation; they call it the Corona Virus Bill; that effectively introduces martial law without calling it as such. It’s being debated today; all 300 odd pages, for goodness sake, debated in one day; and is expected to receive Royal assent by the end of the week.
What on earth is going on, why do we need this totalitarian response to this China virus situation? Or is it in preparation for the inevitable economic collapse and reset?
I’ve looked over the Bill – to me it is necessary to have those powers available -when /if needed. We’ve already witnessed fools going to public places in large numbers – as well as Scotland being unable to shut pubs .
If fatalities are going to increase as predicted closing Petri dishes such as the London Underground can only be a matter of time .
My biggest concern is supermarkets which will remain one of the chief ways of transmitting the Chinese virus . I’m amazed people are still using lifts by choice . I can’t see a remedy to the supermarkets other than some form of rationing of both numbers gaining access and the amount of products they buy .
I don’t want to start a conspiracy theory but it is interesting that the International Olympic Committee are delaying a decision on postponing or cancelling the OLympic Games in the summer.
Here in France, the supermarkets now restrict entry to one person per trolley and sanitise the trolley on the way in and out.There are no restrictions on amount purchased, but then again, around here there is a distinct lack of dusky faces.
Police powers to detain if you’re suspected of carrying Covid19. But I thought it could be asymptomatic?
On the Diamond Princess ship, which was effectively a floating Covid-19 experiment, more than half who tested positive showed no symptoms. So how’s that going to work… are there going to be government medics with magic 8-balls roaming the streets diagnosing ‘difficult’ patients?
Totalitarian response it is looking like.
TM, sure but the general view is that if you have it, the symptoms appear after five to seven days. Some people develop faster, some slower, hence the 14 day advice from the CMHO Chris Witty. Apparently, some may take as many as 27 days from infection to presenting symptoms but they are outliers.
What was happening in China and elsewhere after they introduced a really strict shutdown was that PPE wearing medics were using ray-gun like digi thermos to check the temperature of people out on the street. It is thought that temperature can be the first symptom to show.
But it is, as you hint a bit, of a lottery but with lousy prizes and with others forced to share the winnings.
That is contradicted by what I heard on radio.
If you live alone then you must isolate for 7 days from symptoms
..cos by then you’ll have been through all the stages and won’t be a carrier
If you are a family one person might infect the second person within 7 days .. then the second person will be through their 7 days later
So as a family you are safe to leave the house 14 days after the first persons symptoms.
Up2, I appreciate the info and especially note the use of italics there.
“a bit of a lottery but with lousy prizes and with others forced to share the winnings.” Brilliant summary — I want to see Patrick Vallance wearing that on a t-shirt at the next presser
Gradually becoming ashamed to be British. Outrageous watching the me me me attitude in food shops, particularly those gate crashing the hours set aside for NHS workers and the elderly, and the idiot f..kwits out in close proximity like nothing’s happening over the weekend, will now result in possible curfews coming in. Serves the bastards right, but will make it difficult for the rest of us.
I do not understand why Alex Salmond walks from court as a free man. The allegations appeared to be exactly the same as those against Harvey Weinstein who was sentenced to 23 years in one of the harshest prisons in the western world.
Could the difference be the media, especially the BBC, who didn’t stop discussing the Weinstein case but were strangely coy about Salmond. Juries arent supposed to follow the cases they judge, but who could stop them?
Why is the BBC News channel interviewing a Cornish holiday blogger for medical advice on why not to travel to a second home in Cornwall?!?
Perhaps the BBC can follow this up with an interview with a NHS doctor for their advice on the best places to visit in Cornwall.
You know how it works
..They’ll air any voice that carries the narrative.
..say 15 yo Swedish school girl.
Meanwhile they find all kinds of excuses to exclude voices that don’t carry their chosen narrative .
..e.g. the way it bans those opposed to Green dogma.
These photos of people who went to the seaside or parks on Saturday… and banging on about it.
Last Tuesday was the last time I’ve been within 6ft of someone not in my house
Yet when I switch on the media they are continually showing these photos, and encouraging viewers to pick up a stone o throw at these new witches.
FFS people have spent all last week working , spotted Saturday was going to be sunny ..and planned to take their kids out
perhaps anticipating, they’d have to do it while they can before the government made restrictions.
Then on Friday night the gov sudden;y came out with its pub closure rule.
So those people woke up and Saturday and did what they’d planned probably thinking they’d be socially distancing.
Sure when they got on the ground they found that when you use a public toilet you might end up closer than 6 feet.
When something one comes in there are such learning events.
But for the medialand people to wag their fingers and make grand claims like “these people are putting lives at risk” is horrible.
The bottomline is that there is no such thing as zero risk for an action. Everytime the BBC van goes down the road there is a risk that a child might step out in front of it , but balance that against that news is important.
If you run the maths there is an outside chance that a given daytripper might have picked up covid19 but it’s probably like 1 in ten million, from the way it is at the end of a long chain of steps.
Now the supermarket close queues are a different thing
But remember a photo is not the whole day it is just a snapshot of the 10 mins before the store opens
Later on people realise about grabbing a trolley so that they are one trolley distant from the next person.
Agree, Stew, it is over the top. Manipulation by the MSM. A sunny day at the seaside is likely to be accompanied by a breeze, on all but the hottest becalmed days, and all the breeze will do is carry the Covid-19 germs up to a seagull.
Funny thing, same MSM have been telling us to get out from behind our PCs (ooops!), tablets and ‘phones and get some healthy exercise.
Now they moan when it is done.
To be fair, there was some bad behaviour in some places. People jammed in queues to get take away food. Then sitting side by side on benches to eat it. One Local Authority chief said they had to shut their public toilets because people were stealing the toilet rolls and hand sanitiser containers. There are always some who let down the human race.
im told similar signs are appearing in north wales as the english try to decamp to their caravans
It’s a mystery.
Guest, nah. After a dose of AlCa, Covi seems far less worse.
PM to address the nation at 8.30 p.m. tonight.
Far better for a controlled release of information rather than the MSM scoring points and trying to get scalps . I wonder if POTUS will do the same ?
Meanwhile back on the parliament channel MPs are wasting their time ‘ putting stuff on record ‘ . Jeremy Hunt spoke powerfully earlier suggesting that testing is not sufficient and really needs a lot more effort
Which seems sensible .
Latest stats up to Sunday are out
54 new deaths …. that is a touch lower than Saturday
and lower than my projected trend of 84
Daily tests 5605, positives 967 today (Sat was 665, Fri was 1035, Wed was 643)
.. that is a rise from Saturday BUT lower than Friday
So Saturdays 12% of tests being positive was a blip,
Friday and Sunday it was 17% of tests came back positive
The running total is 6,650 ..multiply by 10 to get the approx true community rate
Deaths/Day tend to 150% of 2 days earlier
That Trends to coming week
: Tuesday 81, Thursday 120 new deaths per day
Stew – so what you’re saying is … predicted deaths for today Tuesday 81 – then 120 on Thursday …
Which presumably infers an ongoing increase thereafter
– subject to reduced spread – is that right ?
Fed the previous trend meant a 84 death forecast for Sunday
Sunday 84 … Tuesday 126, Thursday 189 new deaths per day
That didn’t happen
So recalculated it comes as 81 Tuesday
daily death trend NOT exponential
growth in positive tests NOT exponential
Of course we don’t know if someone took Covid19 to a boy scout or mosque camp last week
So they might well go back to exponential
It is suspicious that details of recent death case infection circumstances haven’t been released.
Like do some trace back to a church or old folks home etc. ?
Thank you Stew – I saw something about half of the residents of a care home becoming infected ..
I fear that the restrictions being put in place tonight will not work in cities because of the number of ferals
There are .
This will be the next layer of attack against the government . It seems that the number of ventilators has gone from 5000 to 12000 and the likes of Gtech saying that if current evaluation of their product is approved ( Tuesday ?) then they can produce a thousand a day .
Plenty of conspiracy theory stuff going on – which keeps people occupied and – thankfully – twitter has plenty of humour – particularly the ‘donut ‘ and ‘cookie ‘ stuff showing up …. sorry if this is a mystery to non twitter readers….
Many years ago I worked from home using a PC on dial up. Now my freekin IMac second guesses my thoughts a day in advance.
deleted ..I wonder what he said
“Hearing from Whitehall sources that there’s been a flurry of activity today to ensure civil servants have IT they need to work from home. Read into that what you will…”
Sources… who say. Appears Gov CivServs don’t get to ‘lose’ iPads pre-Xmas like BBC staff.
7:30pm Last minute change of schedule
Inside Out has gone , it’s been replaced by Panoroma Covid19 special moved to earlier cos its slot has been taken by live coverage of bumbling Boris’s hesitating live speech
A midnight there is a repeat of the BBC police series #LondonKills
cos the new series is coming soon
From the still shots, the London police seem mostly black and the crims are all white
BBCnews story :”Coronavirus: The rough sleepers who can’t self-isolate”
.. the text of course doesn’t explain the title
Cos the rough sleepers are on their own
and don’t NEED to be in the centre of big city
..rather they have chosen to be .
Priceless. …..
So I think I can shed some light on why Muslims are so casual about the issues with the coronavius:
“Allah’s Apostle said, “Five are regarded as martyrs: They are those who die because of plague, abdominal disease, drowning or a falling building etc., and the martyrs in Allah’s cause”
So if they die as a result of catching the coronavirus they acheive the same end as if they had blown themselves up in a suicide attack.
What a sick religion !
Well let them get on with it then. Keep the mosques open and let them go back to their communities and die happy in the knowledge that their 72 virgins await them.
And just when you thought it couldn’t get any more sick, the local mosque has found that by setting up as a feeding centre for the homeless it can qualify as an emergency operation and remain open, despite the fact that so far as I know there aren’t any actual homeless people around !
Well everything David Icke said about them taking away our rights, crashing the economy, enforcement is coming true. Might also be right about the financial system reset. Welcome to the totalitarian, Orwellian future!
33% increase in cases in Kent today, subject to the rider that not all cases may have been tested.
Apparently the IOC have stopped doing a Corbyn, have made up their minds, and postponed the Olympics until next year.
Something that confuses me about this virus.
How many healthy people have died so far in the UK?
How many in Europe?
How many people actually know someone who has it?
It’s like these lottery winners you see on tv. Are they even real people?
Name which celebrity has died
I reckon today their could 66,000 real cases in the community
Most of them will have symptoms so be in isolation or hospital
Lets imagine 20K are on the streets
Lets say 12K are in London,
So 8K are in the provinces with 57m of us
ie 8 through 57,000
ie 1 infected person for 8,000 of us
Note at the beginning each infected person wasn’t infecting that many people per week and now everyone is a bit paranoid the risk should be pretty low
In an average day I’m not going to run into and get coughed on by that 1 in 8,000 person
Dover – strictly – none – because everyone died because they were ill ….. but I know what you mean ( pre existing conditions ).
I think that number be best not made public because one mistake on groups affected has already had adverse consequences – namely the early information that ‘it’s mainly over 70s ‘ being seriously affected . Which gave the idiot kidults an excuse to carry on their hedonism and which might land up killing off a fair few of them too .
Indeed Fed. I understand that. I’m just trying to see the wood for the trees 🙂
We could end up with two parallel societies. One section in lock down and the other going about life as normal.
My parents are in lock-down and have almost been enjoying it with food brought to their door.
The alternative scenario is that only those in lock-down survive. Which makes no sense considering that nobody healthy has yet died.
I know that the governments thrust is to protect the NHS, but are we missing something?
I wonder why we never had a lockdown against norovirus ?
“Norovirus results in about 685 million cases of disease and 200,000 deaths globally a year. It is common both in the developed and developing world.”
Last year the neighbour and her sister both got it.
I’d been around them a few days before
and after I never got it.
We just live with the idea that it breaks out it pockets every so often.
I wonder if I’ve had it before and not known. I did have a 36 hour thing in Taiwan.
Dover – I think there is a thing about certain people who are carriers but don’t get the illness – so passing it on to those who are affected by it – potentially killing some …
I’m sure that the planners have done the sums on the effect of a number of people not following the restrictions and what that effect will be …. as well as the attrition rate for those who cannot adapt to being ‘at home ‘/ ‘in doors ‘ for the coming weeks .
But if the percentage of the population who die is 0.7% without restrictions, we are getting into marginal territory where it can be asked who would have died anyway from other causes?
In other words, I’m asking that if nothing had been done, what difference would it have made?
The reason that all this effort is taking place, is perhaps to save the NHS?
I realise that this sounds like a heartless point of view. But democracy allows us to discuss..so far.
Exactly it is a bit like stress, the wife rarely suffers from it but is a carrier
Tonight I received a text from the NHS telling me that I am at high risk for being seriously ill if I contract the virus and to remain indoors for 12 weeks. I would be contacted later regarding delivery of food info. An hour later I received another text telling me that friends/family/neighbours should collect my prescriptions and leave them at the gate.
I live in the country, so have been walking my dog across the fields without seeing another soul – except at the weekend when I’ve seen more joggers than anything.
I’d like to know what criteria the NHS are using to identify the ‘vulnerable’. I don’t have cancer, nor had a transplant, nor any of the other problems that were listed at the weekend. I do have a weak immune system, am around 70, and take daily medication, but wonder if hey are blanket covering everyone on the local hospital list that is over 70 and are on ‘their books’ !
I’m sensible in not mixing, and keep a safe distance from others when shopping, but sods law a problem arose with my car today, and have it booked in for Wednesday, so unless I get a police car following me then it will go ahead and the house arrest will begin after that, and after my dog is walked. I don’t intend to put myself purposely in the way of anyone else for my sake or others, but I have common sense whereas others don’t !
Well at least that shows that the promised warnings to 1.5 million people is starting . I guess the support package is aimed at people where the population is of higher density – or just dense .
Thanks for this post Briss. Both me and Mrs Lars ( over 60) have had medical issues and were sort of waiting for some information from the government, but not sure if, how and when we would get this information. Anyway, with your input, it would appear we don’t meet this criteria.
We also have a 14 year old golden retriever, with medical issues who is also not on the list.
Are vets and pet food suppliers considered to be critical workers?
Brissles, last para first: a little inadvertent hint was dropped on R4 this a.m. that the new measures are a panic response to media pressure a.k.a. a MSM distorted flap over people enjoying healthy open air and sunshine. Unfortunately, a few brainless folk got carried away and did silly or selfish or criminal things like stealing toilet rolls from public toilets.
You carry on being sensible as you clearly are. Unfortunately, the media ignore sensible people. Shame. Keep well.
The criteria for those deemed to be vulnerable can be found under ‘NHS Coronavirus Letter’ . It lists several medical conditions including impaired immune system and a list of drugs associated with this condition . If you are taking any of these you are regarded as vulnerable .
My wife is taking one of the drugs listed but we haven’t yet received the letter. We have been locked up tight for over a week .
Argyll plagued by second homers using up local resources
NHS ventilator manufacturer said we need to import electronic components to make ventilators.
G-tech says they can make one with medical syringes.
Chlorinated chicken
Interesting that US FDA 49 years ago banned humans from eating lungs
cos of the phlegm might be harmful
haggis is sheep’s lungs
The packing is a lung in traditional Haggis, Stew, but I don’t know how much that is used these days, especially in more commercial versions. It is cooked at a high temperature, too.
Have a tin somewhere. (Yeah, some Scots will be horrified. Tinned?!!! Eeeeek!)
May save it for my last meal.
@Up2Snuff actually haggis can be dangerous
There was a recall in 2017
Al-beeb are pleased to remind us of ‘The workers braving coronavirus in shops and pharmacies’.
Step forward Mehfuz and Jade, chosen completely at random among millions. No agenda there.
I didn’t realise that the PPE crisis was so bad! Perhaps she could wear a bin liner as a skirt?
BBC tagged this “US Election 2020” –
I’ve changed my mind about Reuters – expect to see this parroted by the BBC –
Another piece by Reuters – likely, the BBC will use it
I notice these third rate propagandists never bother to investigate why President Trump has decided to choose down parts, if not all, of the CDC.
From what I’ve read there are valid reasons.
Nick going stir crazy in the basement?
When Benny asked Paul.
Hey everyone…. Ben has a husband.
If someone else said anything like this –
R4 6.35 am Nick – “Italy, little ‘chinks’ of light at the end of the tunnel”
Funny, I spotted that one too, Celtic. Can’t remember the Beeboids name – which of the many thousands of so-called ‘essentials’ – but does he have yellow hair? The Snuffy household doesn’t do TV.
I’ll call the police this very moment………….
This is without doubt a terrible day. It shouldn’t have been allowed to get this stage.
As soon as it became apparent there was a virus epidemic in China and other countries the borders should have been closed completely, with a very strict quarantine regime for people wishing to return to the UK. Then it would have been extremely difficult for the virus to spread.
James-Yes-We always hear these experts say “in hindsight” after
the biggest cock up of all time in not checking on people coming
back to the UK. Then there is the term” You don’t have to be a brain
surgeon.” Maybe the problem was, that this ISLAND uses” brain
surgeons” that in the logic department are as thick as planks!
TOADY Watch #1 – You can depend on this
Labour Leader for Life, Jeremy Corbyn, supports the measures taken by the Conservative Government yesterday but wants greater clarity. That I can, helpfully, provide.
Stay at home Jeremy. Keep well. You are in a high risk category.
You are at considerable risk of being seen as a chump and unemployed.
How to catch VD.
Just answer her questions in ways she likes.
Guest, catch VD?
No. That would make me an unnecessary burden on the NHS.
I thought she’d been given the boot.
Here’s an idea, why didn’t she team up with John Sweeney.