Not sure which earstwhile poster it was, a while back I think, making mention that often a story appears on these threads only to appear on Anti-BBC a few days later.
Well a quick scan of the ‘nations most trusted’ Chinese corona virus webshite special this evening revealed a nice little piece about why it’s hit the Italians so hard.
Older population,
Social congregation at bars and cafes
Hugs and kisses to greet
Large extended families living together
All the points raised on this site about two days ago. Except the last one…
High air pollution in Northern Italy.
Some are saying ‘you couldn’t make it up’. What say you Maxincontinency old thing?
Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella has suggested residents hug Chinese people to encourage them in the fight against the novel coronavirus. Meanwhile, a member of Associazione Unione Giovani Italo Cinesi, a Chinese society in Italy aimed at promoting friendship between people in the two countries, called for respect for novel coronavirus patients during a street demonstration. “I’m not a virus. I’m a human. Eradicate the prejudice.”
How many were infected by that WOKE behaviour?
Ah, the BBC, will push the WOKE, won’t push the consequences.
The Express is now reporting; if that’s the correct word for it; that the NHS is asking for 250,000 people to volunteer to help them.
My response is this:
If these people want volunteers, let them lead by example.
Every rat in the House of Commons and House of Lords should volunteer to work for free for eight hours a day, seven days a week until this situation is resolved.
The same goes for the Civil Service rats.
These rats have all been sucking on the taxpayers teat for decades, it’s about time they paid some of it back.
There are millions of self employed workers who are now having to subsist on whatever savings they have. But these rats are still getting their salaries, wages, pension contributions, holiday pay, sick pay and expenses. That’s unsustainable, they need to suffer the consequences of their collective irresponsible actions just like the rest of us. If we have no income then neither should they.
Here’s another idea – to put some of the wastrels in the racist far-left bbc to good use, the racist far-left bbc should send in all of its over-manned and over paid employees into the hospitals and do some proper work for a change; emptying bed-pans, cleaning toilets, changing the piss soaked bed sheets, washing elderly patients. It might even give them an insight into the people who pay for their very comfortable lives.
I have been unemployed, self-employed, worked for small companies, worked for large companies and the civil service and all these groups have their slackers and wasters.
That’ll teach me to pay attention … (read last post on previous Thread above mine)
If you want a really good laugh at some complete idiocy then I’m afraid you have missed it. You’ll have to listen again on the Radio iPlayer or BBC Noises.
The Goon Show: The Fireball of Milton Street BBC R4extra 7pm today.
A classic. And rather pertinent to our present situation in the UK as well as the AGW/CC/CE thing.
Also – are people taking notice of the new restrictions? What’s it like where you live? Trying to gauge whether this will be enough to stop more draconian measures being put in place. Put us in the picture @bbc5live 6-10am #coronvirusuk
Tonight’s Horror Channel movie
9.00 PM CABIN FEVER Remake of Eli Roth’s skin-crawling horror.
Fresh out of college, five friends head to a remote cabin for a week-long getaway, only to fall victim to a gruesome flesh-eating virus.
Immigrant MEN using refugee/immigrant WOMEN as slave-brides.
..Last chance to watch this documentary segment
BBC Inside Out NE & Cumbria featured the safety and protection for migrant #women without recourse to funds – includes commentary from Rosie Lewis of @AngelouCentre1 and @ChiOnwurah, Newcastle Central MP.
For me there is a bit of a silver lining in all this madness. I wont have people I have just been introduced to, or those I already know, lunging at me for a bear hug, or a very unwanted mwah on the cheek as a greeting.
And has anyone else noticed, that all these posh people/journalists/scientists/talking heads, and anyone else being interviewed at home, there is always a very full and very high bookcase behind them !!l= I’ve always wondered, why keep them once they’ve been read, unless they’re reference books.
Just remember: [1] Stay inside [2] Stay Safe and [3] Don’t go out.
Coronavirus? Sure, but coincidentally it’s also the same as the advice given to females living in the greater Edinburgh area, now that Salmond’s been released back into the wild.
It’s a new TR video about the Hitchen gang who are causing trouble and the police not taking action.
Youtube have not banned the video, they have put restrictions on it.
There is a tweet with UNVERIFIED story on Twitter
– Police chose to leave the 3 on the estate in Hitchin (correct spelling !)
– At another altercation with a female they made a specific time death threat against her, police said they had no resources.
– 100 locals turned up, 7 police cars turned up
– The 3 seem to have been removed from the estate.
Taken at face value that should mean the community is now safe, unless the 3 or their mates come back.
Tommy very careful not to call these animals muslims.
But he does ask that useless excuse for a policeman why an illegal immigrant, the apparent leader of this pack of hyenas, having been arrested for various violent offences has been released from custody.
Tommy has started a petition to have OMAR deported, which I have signed.
I’ve read some worrying comments about this Mr/Dr Fauci.
Event 201, held in October last year, used a virus epidemic as the subject of their crisis management meeting. Strange that, just like other bad happenings, ‘experts’ game play an event that then becomes reality.
I confess I do wonder at times what Trump is playing at with this virus. Then I realise I’m reading it through the prism of a media which itself has an infection, namely TDS.
I do hope he knows what he’s doing, whatever it actually is. This has huge potential to derail his re-election, and boy, does the BBC know it.
Updating our contrarian virus sidelights
The date must be something like 43rd of Supernumerary in the Diane Abbott calendar.
With toilet roll rationed faster than even Comrade Corbyn could have managed.
The Olympics & Paralympics are postponed at last.
I’m guessing few of us really had that as a red letter event in our diaries – aside perhaps from the battalion of the BBC’s unpopular and/or posh sports presenters who quite fancied a fortnight’s all expenses paid trip to Tokyo. Mind you, the Japanese opening ceremony might actually have been interesting. And ironically enough we are now so damn bored we might well be interested in a bit of wheelchair racing.
There’s a story set in the 1930s that so proud were the French of their great new achievement in defence that they invited a Soviet general to come and take a tour of their Maginot Line. He was duly impressed. But the Red Army had been rather busy of late sharing the latest in new military developments with Germany. So as his guided excursion came to an end Ivan asked a question of his hosts. “These marvellous internal forts you’ve built at huge cost on your territory are truly great, but what will you do when paratroopers drop behind them?”
So it was that we locked ourselves in, cancelled civil liberties and trashed our economy. All to save the face of our dodgy NHS – but for weeks left the airports open and new comers unquarantined.
Expert on the radio just said that sunshine and exercise are important to maintain some resistance against illness.
.. I suspect all those people in the parks on Saturday had that in mind
.. before the chatterati rushed to condemn them as nasty and selfish
BBC last week gleefully telling Boris Johnston that he’d failed by telling people that they could go out for a walk whilst maintaining 2 metre gap… interviewing all and sundry to pile in and tell him how bad he was.
Fast forward to Radio 4 Today programme this morning, just before 08:00, weather man tells everybody what a great day’s weather we have ahead of us – and what a great opportunity for everybody to get out for a walk and enjoy the weather…
Welcome back people
seems we’ve been down for 80 minutes
We do have a Facebook page as an alternative
so I stored some posts there, and will copy them across to here later
Stew – confession – I normally look at comments here and not comments about this site on the Facebook – because I am not and never will be on the Facebook .
But one comment described it as ‘ run by an anti EU Lobbyist ‘ wow – I wish I was a lobbyist because that involves getting paid . ….
Plenty of lefty troll nut jobs making comments about the site – and me calling it ‘far left biased bbc ‘ seems to upset quite a few lefties – which was the intention – as I will never accept the term ‘far right ‘ so readily vomited by BBC journos in response to any one or any thought not approved of .
For me – the site has been unavailable for a couple of hours and I was desperate to find out it my house arrest was over .
Some report is suggesting that upto half the population has already had the Chinese virus in some form – but perhaps when they get a grip with testing ( which they haven’t yet ) them maybe they’ll be able to decide if house arrest is necessary .
The BBC MSM seems more than eager to put ‘NHS’ / labour supporters on the airways to say that the sec state for health should personally deliver rubber gloves .
I’ve seen a couple of jobsworth NHS CEOs (££££££) for outfits like the ‘foundation trust ‘ and others saying ‘not me guv’ I’ve non responsible for supplies and getting away with it .
Does any one know who is responsible – with the NHS DEpt Health – by name – for supplying kit to 1200 hospitals .
I’m willing to ‘volunteer ‘to be paid to do it – but the package needs to be good .
Fed, we have now reached the point with almost everything that people who were not born in the 1930s/40s/50s/early 60s see the State as providing everything, usually ‘for free’.
Example on BBC R4: Dr Paul Evans of Wales ” ‘They’ haven’t given me a laptop.”
“Malaysia has recorded 17 virus deaths so far.
Most of the positive tests have been linked to a religious gathering in February, which had more than 16,000 people attending.”
Somewhere in the house ‘Woman’s World’ is droning on. ‘Windrush’ was being mentioned. Seems somebody wrote a book about it.
Can’t wait!
This is going to be exploited till the cows come home. I can still hear the conversation, and it’s still all about ‘racism’.
Jane Garvey, or whatever her name is, needs to retire.
One of those heartwarming moments on BBC news this morning. Our Louise was having a vicious go at the Conservative housing minister about allowing all those hairy arsed builders go to work…
He came back with “some construction projects can be critical, for instance removing cladding on high-rise blocks of flats…”
Grenfell trumped Coronavirus so our Louise quickly moved on….
A lovely moment and since then they have been repeating the interview WITHOUT the cladding comment.
Oh what a loveable (and totally predictable) bunch they are at W1!!!
Peter Hitchens is having a Twitter row with JHB of TalkRadio
says it is important to open a debate on whether the government has gone too draconian
But that she is banning him from air
She replies that she won’t cos it will be boring radio cos he doesn’t generally stick to the point.
He replies that she is acting like a government stooge.
News : “some people were excluded from using the tube this morning”
With any problem a part is the planning before hand
#1 The gov let so much business centralise in London
#2 The gov allowed a culture in London of living one side of the city and working in the other
.. If at the beginning jobs had been spread through the UK then you wouldn’t have all the eggs in that one London basket
Instead of subsidising London public transport , the money should have been spent supporting employment in the rest of the non-metropolitan country
Up2 ha ha – I was fast asleep in The Biased BBC Emergency bunker here in New Zealand and realised that I’d forgot to put a shilling in the Meter before going bye byes and dreaming of football again ….
In answer to your question – like the labour front bench – I haven’t got a clue …
Stew, as a Londoner (albeit in exile) I don’t disagree with that because it makes sense economically and socially and politically. Even to big ‘C’ and small ‘c’ Conservatives.
However, London only gets a fraction of its earnings for UK PLC spent, relative to its population, on itself.
In addition, there are other factors – some that Government should have clamped down on years ago – that have helped make and keep London dominant. Remember, London is the No.1 city in the world. That tends to influence all sorts of things including transport.
Listening to LBC early this morning, fat Nickiknownowt was interviewing a doctor. At one point fat Nicky asked the doctor ” I can tell by your accent you’re not from London, where are you from?”
That typifies the mindset of these people. They have no saving graces, their minds are so corrupted I doubt they can be saved. That goes for all of them whether it’s the racist far-left bbc, LBC, TalkRadio, Sky, ITV or the lying press. They are all tarred with the same disgusting brush.
Stew – I don’t accept your ‘2’ . I’d love to be able to afford to live in central London . But it’s market forces . Me and millions like me live around the outskirts and drag themselves in to town each day – for me it used to be 2 hours each way .
I’m sure it’s ever thus …and we’d have to wait for the Luftwaffe to have another go at London before doing serious redesign …
@Fed I disagree with you saying doesn’t get enough money
Most people in my area and the UK can’t practically use a train, cos you’d have to drive to a station and pay a ridiculous price for a ticket.
So the majority of us in the UK are PAYING the £5bn for YOUR Crossrail which we will never use.
Across the world trains raely make enough money through ticket sales to pay for their own running and infrastructure
For 50 years it’s been the era of the car.
The thing in London is that trains projects are a way of increasing nearby land value by billions.
I used to work for the internet corp in Hatton Garden
We needed to be close to the BT internet base
.. but that is no longer true.
I think most corps and government offices should leave London.
I’d like to shift Parliament out to the middle of the UK instead of spending vast sums on bringing up to late 20th century standard. Instead, it could be turned into a hotel and big money spinner earning foreign revenues from tourists.
I’d stick the Houses of Parliament somewhere between Coventry and Warwick, close to the geographical centre of the UK.
Your post plus the 5 minutes of Toady that I could stand this morning with Nob Rickinson and Useless Hussein simply confirms the observation that BBC News are focussed only in anti-government shit-stirring.
You know the stuff. ‘Let’s hear about 86 year old Ada Mctavish. She lives wheel-chair bound on a remote Scottish isle with no shops and can no longer get the 24 hour support from her team of carers she needs and deserves. Minister, how are you going to look after Mrs. Mctavish ( subtext – heartless Tories not ‘fully funding’ care and policies not fully worked through)?
They’re quite good at it, well they get enough practice, but their problem is that we have them sussed and can see them for what they are.
Too right – Louise Munchin was at it this morning…where is the – they are doing good job in a difficult situation.. news?
TBH I am not sure if it is just me but is anyone else fed up with seeing people on TV moaning about being having to self isolate or whinging on about how they are soooo ill with it….if you are that ill you don’t do TV interviews
Personally I think there should be a ban on anything that isn’t actually news and Sluff that would include the Ada McTavish’s : -)
I can’t watch TV anymore not even ITV….it is as bad as BBC at the moment..
Yep, Sluff. The government are in the process of trying to combat this Chinese virus and work to protect, as far as possible, some 66 million people….i.e. you write the rules to cover 99.99% of the population, because you can then get things moving.
The BBC, however, exerts every sinew to deliberately search out and ‘big up’ any individual who does not happen to fit, for some reason, within the rules that will work for the close-on-66-million – and proceeds to lambast any government minister they can get in front of a microphone, for whom this is probably the first time such an issue has been mentioned.
If that’s the way the BBC wants us to deal with real ‘crises’ (i.e. not the trumped-up weekly glitch the BBC continually elevates to ‘crisis’ level), then let the BBC tell its audience that’s what they would like to see happen, and that they don’t mind that it might take 12 months at breakneck speed for every public servant to be involved in every decision about every possible eventuality – and even then, it would not suffice for absolutely everyone anyway, ‘cos something new would have arisen in the previous hour.
But hey – if there isn’t any ‘news’ the BBC will find some way of fabricating a bit – in order that they can stay on their high horse about everything. That, and the fact that they hate any government that does not conform to their mindset.
Not sure if mentioned or not but just seen on the BBC website playwright Terence McNally 81 has died due to Coronavirus complications.I’m sure they could have found a different image to use under the circumstances?They just can’t help themselves.
They can’t stop it . There was also some meaningless nonsense about an American slave which for the life of me doesn’t qualify as news . Maybe they should gone to abbot about her violent criminal son after last weeks very quiet guilty plea …
Heard that snippet on Today – did you notice that they first of all talked about some young girl and her mother in the middle of darkest Africa, who magically found themselves as slaves in SouthEastern USA.
No mention of how they actually wound up as slaves in the first place…e.g. black slavers, similar to the ones that exist today.
BBC then mentioned their US slave-owner, whose name sounded suspiciously like a former slave’s name…… but I am sure they would have mentioned that if it were the case.
Richard – as my distancing from the BBC continues – I picked it up from their website .. I was imaging what it would be like if the current traitor BBC was transferred back to 1939/1940 – that Mr Hitler isn’t too bad is he ? Everyone is working and he has justifiable grievances doesn’t he ? Some say~?
“ That nice mr chamberlain is much better than the thugs like Churchill in the nasty party “ I can hear Tourette’s Robinson et al saying it now — cabin fever …
Presenters are interpreting “essential work” differently to many people
As ever they have picked the extreme end
saying only KEY WORKERS are allowed to work
whereas some biz are saying this job is “essential work” cos it’s no extra danger to the team and otherwise the whole company will collapse If the team is just two plasterers who have always worked together, then there is not much risk of them cross contaminating each other .. it’s just as if they are one family living in the same house.
Piers Morgan was a good example this morning before I had to switch off..banging on about construction work not being essential, criticising the Govt ( still peed cos Boris won’t go on his show )
And who is still in the studio ( the weathergirl, or Meteorologist as she prefers).. not needed..not a key worker and could do a voice over to a chart….
For political anoraks this is one of ‘those ‘ days –
1 tearful farewell from comrade Corbyn at PMQs
2 parliament being closed . That’s not important – but what is – is what announcements will be made once the wasters have gone .- and whether Richy actually does something for the self employed or keeps on saying ‘we will do every thing necessary ‘ ……
Perhaps the BBC and in particular our European friends should understand, when they are critical of what action the UK is taking against this coronavirus, is that we have the greatest populace of people relative to our land mass in Europe around 70 million+. France is a far larger country with a population of around 62 million and Spain again a much larger country its population about 47 million. Germany has a greater population c85 million but has a greater land mass than us, same with Poland. This therefore with the overwhelming population the UK has, is bound to push its health services and other relative organisations into a very tight corner. The BBC plus, should just shut their mouths and get out and help-we don’t need to hear gobbledigook coming out their mouths and certainly stop those silly morning shows, pathetic interviews with uninteresting people-the only information needed appertaining to the Covid19 issue is every 2 hours, that would quite enough.
All the illegals and criminally convicted ethnics must be deported.
If the swamp rats can put us in eyewatering debt to manage the economic collapse and the China virus situation, which debt we will be liable for them I fail to understand why we can’t use some of this car amount of debt to get rid of the millions of unwanted, unneeded ethnics who are such a drain on our country.
So Charles has it….mild symptoms but got tested. I know a dozen people in bed with cough fever and they haven’t been tested……how come he gets preference is it because he is 71 ????
Of course massive resources are used to protect the head of state yes he gets the test.
But why were the same resources not used properly to protect him these past weeks.
For the last 7 days most us have kept our distance in public
Yet video of Charles from last week shows him avoiding shaking hands but still standing 2 feet away from dozens of different people, in the middle of London.
10 March – WaterAid event at Kings Place Charles sat opposite Prince Albert of Monaco
11 March – At the Prince’s Trust Awards at the London Palladium
12 March – Prince Charles at a fundraising dinner for the Australian bushfires at Mansion House
19 March news released that Prince Albert of Monaco tested positive
Some good science. Or at least the chance to link up to some good science. Prof. Roger Highfield (I missed the start of his interview but think he’s at Imperial College – must Google him) was interviewed by Mishal. Am detecting a hint of a technique possibly being used by some interviewees, now, when on N&CA at BBC R4: talking fast and continuously.
Mishal found it hard to interrupt and go govt. bashing. She got questions in after her little splutters. Either that or she didn’t understand what Prof Highfield was saying.
Whatever. Real gold nugget that dropped out of it all is that Prof Highfield has a Blog hosted by the Science Museum and there’s lots of stuff on there about Covid-19. Three cheers for the Prof.
Roger Highfield’s blog
The idea that the pandemic can be contained and ‘will go away…does not strike me as plausible,’ says Prof Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England (CMO).
Why do scientists seem to be arguing about how to curb the pandemic?
That’s the way science works – theory and ideas are endlessly challenged by data, new ideas and the results of experiments. When there is a conflict between evidence and theory, a new, better theory results.
Prof Roger Highfield is nothing to do with Imperial (college or he is Science Director at the Science Museum in London. His wiki is interesting (usual disclaimers) but reading it might leave you feeling a bit tired.
Trouble is Up2Snuff, that I don’t trust any one in a senior position at for example the The Science Museum or Imperial or many other government institutions. So many are Common Purpose, Left wing, Pro Man Made Climate Change, they have killed science. To much science is done and ‘tweaked’ to prove a theory, the science becomes unreliable.
Updating our contrarian virus sidelights
The date must be something like the 43rd of Supernumerary – in the Diane Abbott revolutionary calendar.
With toilet roll rationed, Brexit put ice and the economy tanked faster than even Comrade Corbyn could have managed.
Social distancing
This is getting silly. Reaching the level of superstition. The local Coop staff are hiding in the stock room leaving customers to ponder 2 metre distance posters and self-service tills – but no matter, there’s nothing on the shelves anyway. You start with a corporate culture of risk aversion, liability fear and virtue signalling and this what you get.
There’ll be no vaccine for a year – so kids, healthy adults, elderly, infirm… we’re all going to get this thing eventually. What we’re doing is what they term Kabuki Theatre. (a synonym for political posturing.. In the common English usage a kabuki play is an activity or drama carried out in real life in a predictable or stylized fashion)
The Olympics & Paralympics are postponed at last.
I’m guessing few of us really had that as a red-letter event in our diaries – aside perhaps from the battalion of the BBC’s unpopular and/or posh sports presenters who quite fancied a fortnight’s all expenses paid trip to Tokyo. Mind you, the Japanese opening ceremony might actually have been interesting (see above Kabuki – unlike Danny Boyle those guys actually love their own culture). And ironically enough we are now so damn bored we might well be interested in a bit of wheelchair racing.
There’s a story set in the 1930s that so proud were the French of their great new achievement in defence that they invited a Soviet general to come and take a tour of their Maginot Line. He was duly impressed. But the Red Army had been rather busy of late sharing the latest in new military developments with Germany. So as his guided excursion came to an end Ivan asked a question of his hosts. “These marvellous internal forts you’ve built at huge cost on your territory are truly great, but what will you do when paratroopers drop behind them?”
So it was that we locked ourselves in, cancelled civil liberties and trashed our economy. All to save face (which is a rather Oriental notion) of our dodgy NHS – but for week after week we left the airports open and newcomers unquarantined.
AISI, “So it was that we locked ourselves in, cancelled civil liberties and trashed our economy. All to save face (which is a rather Oriental notion) of our dodgy NHS – but for week after week we left the airports open and newcomers unquarantined.”
You have to remember that the NHS is one of our gods of this age.
However, unlike the one true Living God, the NHS is totally feeble, so those that worship it have instructed the rest of us (who may be dependent on its services) to make a sacrifice to save the NHS.
[ I typed sacrifice originally as scarifice but corrected the typo. Maybe I should say ‘to make a sacrifice which is also a scarifice to save the NHS. 😉 ]
AISI, oops – I forgot open borders – yes, for some (many?) also another ‘god of this age’.
I think most in this country wish to be open for 1. tourism, and, 2. the genuine refugee in a time of a major military conflict. Certainly I would. But certainly not flinging the doors of the nation open to all and sundry, as Mutti has done for the EU and its member States.
The connection with his Brexit stance is telling as is the fact that each reporter is situated in places also suffering major coronavirus outbreaks as well.
Boris has closed restaurants, pubs, sent millions home from work, issued stringent isolation mandates and promises more to come if needed recruited 150,000 returning NHS workers, I could go on. Yep a breezy response indeed.
This is not reporting, it’s lying and propaganda for political ends.
The acid Crace column – which I can’t get past the first bitter sentences ever – was pouring acid on the health Secretary too – joined by a choir of frankly rabid lefties chirping acid …. but I suppose since they can’t all meet up for the daily winge now they’ll transfer it to online .
The ‘bulldog biting on wasp’ look must joyfully apply to all the Guardianistas and Interdependents having to see the on-line response to Boris which has seen his popularity rocketing.
Though not yet a modern Churchill, I can’t see another politician, of any country, coping as well as he is under the most unique and stressful circumstances, ever.
I just wish he’d start his next press conference by saying that attempts to undermine, diminish and deride the government will be treated as treason against the state and any organisation or media outlet involved will be closed in the interest of public order.
There’s some really good spoof stuff on the twitter – an Italian mayor taking the EU flag off display , rolling it up and replacing it with a Russian Flag ( new version ) . Heartwarming for putin fans .
Has Greta taken up the torch as a guru for young people on how to respond to the coronavirus?
Front page of today’s Daily Mail:
“Greta: I fear I’ve caught the virus”
More like – “Greta: I fear I’m becoming irrelevant”
Also BBC Newsround:
TC, I wonder if 20,000 delegates plus thousands of media types will now do Cop Out 21 via Skype & other video conferencing instead of racking up the air miles to get to Glasgow next winter?
Why can’t they do that in normal times.If people can travel all the way from Eastern Europe to pick crops in places like Herefordshire why can’t those in nearby unemployment blackspots such as the Welsh Valleys do it? To answer my own question probably more profitable to be on the dole!
Also to do with the exchange rate of the pound v their own currencies .
Which is 7 to 1 or higher .
In other words English people would do the jobs if the wages were increases five times over .
Is there anything more agonising than watching a government review committee asking questions of their ‘victim’. This morning it was the turn of a Professor who specialises in tropical diseases on video calling, and it was like pulling teeth. Slow questions, even slow umming and aaaaahring answers. And yet the news channels love to fill airtime with them.
And then there are the endless viewers questions, who surely must now know what to do. And of course the now normal conversations with everyone outside the studio on skype links, where the connections are always breaking down.
We’re all going to be certifiable after a fortnight let alone when this is over.
Yes I agree, sometimes I think they are trying to justify their positions. What annoyed me last night just before I turned TV off, It was Sky but could have been any of the useless channels.There was a “journalist” in some town, I didn’t get which one went up to 2 painter and decorators in their overalls getting out of their car about to go on a job. The sky idiot was berating them for working. They said we have families to support and have to work. If I had been them the air would have been blue,I would have asked why the hell are you mooching around looking for people to harass , ah but he was being paid shed loads just to get in the way. I wouldn’t have answered any questions just would have told him to f**k off back to London. I wish I would get stopped by one of these f***wit brain dead idiots.
Considering every celebrity from Greta Thunderberg to Prince Charles via Harvey Weinstein and Angela Merkel who has somehow manged to get a test is found positive, I’m guessing half of us now either have it or have had it – right?
Here’s a puzzle: why are there so many photos of famous people, including the Queen, Prince Philip, the Pope, former American presidents, singers, actors etc, with a black eye; I think it’s always their left eye?
Idris Elba claimed to have tested positive for it last week, despite not having any symptoms. But then, like any celebrity narcissist worth his salt, he’s never backward in coming forward, is he?
Idris: “What’s this gadget, Dr Q?”
Dr Q: “That, double-oh-seven, is your virus test kit. Be careful with it, it’s very rare, very expensive and not generally available”
Idris: “Oh really, I hear Greta the Swede has one just like it”
Dr Q: “Get a move on double-oh-seven, I hear she’s coming for your Aston Martin. Are you familiar with our new machine gun armed, ejector seat Brompton Bike – bring it back in one piece, won’t you?”
The Brompton folder, the expensive status symbol of every right-on Greenie commuter, as a 007 gadget? The owners would wet themselves with excitement, please don’t give Eon Productions/MGM ideas!
The World Service news decided that the heir to the British throne testing positive for Wuhan flu ranked third place, behind Trump and a G7 conference call.
Thank you for answering my question.
But when, when not if, I turn into a hybrid from Cape Fear, Nightmare on Elm Street and Jack the Ripper.
When I stalk the streets at night, with my ROP Islamic machete, sparing none, the BBC will blame Boris.
Scrob – that wasn’t aimed at you or anyone individually – it’s just a fact . I used to be a bit of a purist and (hope ) this site concentrated solely on the bias of the BBC but I realised the second doesn’t work like that and it’s not might site – I only sort of vet it .
Whilst it was broken early Wednesday I read some of the comments about the site which are on the face book site which can be seen without being a ‘member ‘ and I’m pleased that people know about it .
One character said that ‘support ‘ for TR invalidated the aims of the site but mr Mohammed didn’t say anything about Islamic racist paedo gangs corrupting white girls . I wonder if the chicken shops are closed – I’m guessing those places are fairly lawless so they’ll still be after children …..
As was reported yesterday Greta believes she has the virus and has thoughtfully put herself into isolation.
I wish the young lass a full, though perhaps not too speedy, recovery.
She came out with (what I thought was a real peach) “Sadly you may not hear from me for a while.”
Oh dear!
For me there can only be one winner for the most biased
presenter on BBC and that is Emily Maitlis. Maitlis
is ” qwelling” ( getting extreme satisfaction) in the discomfort
the government is in over the CHINESE virus pandemic. Which is becoming the
Chinese top export of all time. Even outdoing Asian Flu and SARS!
” We could not get a government spokesman on to
make any comment” Why should anybody from the government
want to be interviewed by you Emily Maitlis knowing what
your personal politics are? You go out of your way to belittle
anybody that doesn’t agree with your liberal bigot politics.
I’m not a viewer of ‘newsnight ‘ any more – but in the good old days it was informative as opposed to propaganda made flesh .having seen Maitliss during brexit I think I agree with you – fos – that Maitliss would win the ‘most biased presenter’ .
She has become the embodiment of so much wrong with the BBC . Mutton dressed up a multi sexual multi coloured multi national – er – lamb … or maybe a wolf in sheep’s clothing
No longer to be known as Coronavirus but renamed the Chinese Coronavirus. A loby by MP’s to sue China should be put forward immediately-as soon as they China imagine they are clear of the virus they will start their factories working 24 hrs per day, their container shipping dock yards will be piled high with goods to send across the oceans-they will swamp the internet with illustrations they want to sell to the West, they will seek out every issue where the West is low on stock-such a Paracetamol, sanatizers and all such. The West and particularly the UK should put an embargo on all container shipping/air shipments from China-of course this might cause a problem to those retail outlets in the UK, nevertheless a stand has to be taken against this unspeakably selfish attitude by China. It is just a pity that their Ping pong was not infected.
Side order of pickle, mayo, 1000 Isle dressing, the works for President Trump’s partially or incorrectly quoted statement that ‘the Covid thing will be over by Easter’ (my paraphrase) repeated many times by the programme presenters and newsreader this morning.
Dishonest, deceptive and disgraceful.
I hold no brief for the President, am not a fan, but the bias and deception was plain to me, especially when a contributor via telecoms from the US put the BBC straight. I wonder if they will repeat the farrago at 1pm?
Remember the 11-0 Spider Woman led anti brexit treason ruling?
The so-called “Supreme Court” should already be on your “little list”.
And stop calling us Shirley.
A Home Office spokesperson said: “The government’s priority has always been to maintain national security and to deliver justice for the victims and their families. This has not changed. We are clearly very disappointed with today’s judgment and are carefully considering next steps.”
A test for Priti.
(Sorry digg – just noticed you already posted this).
The BBC have won the prestigious “Most Gratuitous Photo of BAMEs by a Media Organisation for the Last Wednesday in March 2020″ award. The stunning photo has been used previously by The Phone Coop, The Manhattan Institute, The Citizen Newspaper, Pestana Hotel Miami South Beach and Kim Komando (‘America’s Digital Goddess’).
A BBC spokesperson said: ‘We are fully committed to illustrating diversity in all aspects of British life. And there is no better way of doing so than by ensuring we only use photographs of cheerful, smiling BAMEs. Especially if we can use old cliched photos obtained on the cheap from our partners at Getty Images”
Formerly known as Crimewatch Most Wanted.
The UK, enriched to death by the dregs of planet Earth.
Our ancestors would have taken action to prevent the current situation.
Time for us to emulate our forebears.
Wow, get around don’t they?
Strange that they’re such well-used photos – the man looks to me (with his chunky bracelets and many piercings) more like the woman’s G.B.F. than the father of her children.
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
tomoMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black? Politicians have rounded on…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Uk gov to create a new team of 1000 people to look at how to make 100 cuts! HA HA…
Ahhh first..?
Backlinks to last thread
– page 4 stated Tue 5pm
– page 3 stated Tue 7:30am
Not sure which earstwhile poster it was, a while back I think, making mention that often a story appears on these threads only to appear on Anti-BBC a few days later.
Well a quick scan of the ‘nations most trusted’ Chinese corona virus webshite special this evening revealed a nice little piece about why it’s hit the Italians so hard.
Older population,
Social congregation at bars and cafes
Hugs and kisses to greet
Large extended families living together
All the points raised on this site about two days ago. Except the last one…
High air pollution in Northern Italy.
Some are saying ‘you couldn’t make it up’. What say you Maxincontinency old thing?
What about Italy having the largest Chinese population in Europe?
Curious that we’re not told the ethnicity of those affected by this virus.
Or the Mayor of Florence.
Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella has suggested residents hug Chinese people to encourage them in the fight against the novel coronavirus. Meanwhile, a member of Associazione Unione Giovani Italo Cinesi, a Chinese society in Italy aimed at promoting friendship between people in the two countries, called for respect for novel coronavirus patients during a street demonstration. “I’m not a virus. I’m a human. Eradicate the prejudice.”
How many were infected by that WOKE behaviour?
Ah, the BBC, will push the WOKE, won’t push the consequences.
The Express is now reporting; if that’s the correct word for it; that the NHS is asking for 250,000 people to volunteer to help them.
My response is this:
If these people want volunteers, let them lead by example.
Every rat in the House of Commons and House of Lords should volunteer to work for free for eight hours a day, seven days a week until this situation is resolved.
The same goes for the Civil Service rats.
These rats have all been sucking on the taxpayers teat for decades, it’s about time they paid some of it back.
There are millions of self employed workers who are now having to subsist on whatever savings they have. But these rats are still getting their salaries, wages, pension contributions, holiday pay, sick pay and expenses. That’s unsustainable, they need to suffer the consequences of their collective irresponsible actions just like the rest of us. If we have no income then neither should they.
Here’s another idea – to put some of the wastrels in the racist far-left bbc to good use, the racist far-left bbc should send in all of its over-manned and over paid employees into the hospitals and do some proper work for a change; emptying bed-pans, cleaning toilets, changing the piss soaked bed sheets, washing elderly patients. It might even give them an insight into the people who pay for their very comfortable lives.
John in Cheshire
Well said. If only it could be enforced.
Perhaps the BBC can take a haircut.
Perhaps deploy a maximum wage because all its presenters aren’t in it for the money, they see themselves as public servants.
I have been unemployed, self-employed, worked for small companies, worked for large companies and the civil service and all these groups have their slackers and wasters.
They all also have their share of ‘heroes’.
JimS – Tell us the ratio of heroes to villains in each group.
That’ll teach me to pay attention … (read last post on previous Thread above mine)
If you want a really good laugh at some complete idiocy then I’m afraid you have missed it. You’ll have to listen again on the Radio iPlayer or BBC Noises.
The Goon Show: The Fireball of Milton Street BBC R4extra 7pm today.
A classic. And rather pertinent to our present situation in the UK as well as the AGW/CC/CE thing.
That the bbc thinks it gets a gauge on anything based on who tweets her, much is explained.
Lucy Bronze gets gold
83 thousand likes is a lot
Stock markets having record daily gains I hear . Quick look at the BBC to read all about it . NOTHING. Not a sausage.
Strange !!! They are quick enough to ram their fear mongering down our throats when it drops .
It’s almost as if they don’t like any half decent news.
Weird bunch !!!!!
Tonight’s Horror Channel movie
Remake of Eli Roth’s skin-crawling horror.
Fresh out of college, five friends head to a remote cabin for a week-long getaway, only to fall victim to a gruesome flesh-eating virus.
Immigrant MEN using refugee/immigrant WOMEN as slave-brides.
..Last chance to watch this documentary segment
Greta wouldn’t go to China to attack China’s emissions
.. Now China’s emissions have come to Sweden and attacked her
For me there is a bit of a silver lining in all this madness. I wont have people I have just been introduced to, or those I already know, lunging at me for a bear hug, or a very unwanted mwah on the cheek as a greeting.
And has anyone else noticed, that all these posh people/journalists/scientists/talking heads, and anyone else being interviewed at home, there is always a very full and very high bookcase behind them !!l= I’ve always wondered, why keep them once they’ve been read, unless they’re reference books.
“Bookcase behind them” ?
Because they think makes them look intelligent.
They are not .
Just remember: [1] Stay inside [2] Stay Safe and [3] Don’t go out.
Coronavirus? Sure, but coincidentally it’s also the same as the advice given to females living in the greater Edinburgh area, now that Salmond’s been released back into the wild.
Are we allowed to open the windows?
Maybe even looking through the window is forbidden in case it triggers a negative reaction in an illegal passerby. Death by staring?
It’s a new TR video about the Hitchen gang who are causing trouble and the police not taking action.
Youtube have not banned the video, they have put restrictions on it.
It’s here direct on Youtube
The 18 min vid includes footage of gang members encouraging each other to get violent to “shank him brother” etc.
There is a tweet with UNVERIFIED story on Twitter
– Police chose to leave the 3 on the estate in Hitchin (correct spelling !)
– At another altercation with a female they made a specific time death threat against her, police said they had no resources.
– 100 locals turned up, 7 police cars turned up
– The 3 seem to have been removed from the estate.
Taken at face value that should mean the community is now safe, unless the 3 or their mates come back.
Tommy very careful not to call these animals muslims.
But he does ask that useless excuse for a policeman why an illegal immigrant, the apparent leader of this pack of hyenas, having been arrested for various violent offences has been released from custody.
Tommy has started a petition to have OMAR deported, which I have signed.
The ‘cream’ of the BBC
Jon Sopel Retweeted
I’ve read some worrying comments about this Mr/Dr Fauci.
Event 201, held in October last year, used a virus epidemic as the subject of their crisis management meeting. Strange that, just like other bad happenings, ‘experts’ game play an event that then becomes reality.
I confess I do wonder at times what Trump is playing at with this virus. Then I realise I’m reading it through the prism of a media which itself has an infection, namely TDS.
I do hope he knows what he’s doing, whatever it actually is. This has huge potential to derail his re-election, and boy, does the BBC know it.
Impeachment was a failure so they are trying a virus instead?
The BBC acro… at the bottom of the pond…
“I must be missing something”
Ignoring facts, well done, that is what the BBC pay you for.
Updating our contrarian virus sidelights
The date must be something like 43rd of Supernumerary in the Diane Abbott calendar.
With toilet roll rationed faster than even Comrade Corbyn could have managed.
The Olympics & Paralympics are postponed at last.
I’m guessing few of us really had that as a red letter event in our diaries – aside perhaps from the battalion of the BBC’s unpopular and/or posh sports presenters who quite fancied a fortnight’s all expenses paid trip to Tokyo. Mind you, the Japanese opening ceremony might actually have been interesting. And ironically enough we are now so damn bored we might well be interested in a bit of wheelchair racing.
There’s a story set in the 1930s that so proud were the French of their great new achievement in defence that they invited a Soviet general to come and take a tour of their Maginot Line. He was duly impressed. But the Red Army had been rather busy of late sharing the latest in new military developments with Germany. So as his guided excursion came to an end Ivan asked a question of his hosts. “These marvellous internal forts you’ve built at huge cost on your territory are truly great, but what will you do when paratroopers drop behind them?”
So it was that we locked ourselves in, cancelled civil liberties and trashed our economy. All to save the face of our dodgy NHS – but for weeks left the airports open and new comers unquarantined.
Expert on the radio just said that sunshine and exercise are important to maintain some resistance against illness.
.. I suspect all those people in the parks on Saturday had that in mind
.. before the chatterati rushed to condemn them as nasty and selfish
BBC last week gleefully telling Boris Johnston that he’d failed by telling people that they could go out for a walk whilst maintaining 2 metre gap… interviewing all and sundry to pile in and tell him how bad he was.
Fast forward to Radio 4 Today programme this morning, just before 08:00, weather man tells everybody what a great day’s weather we have ahead of us – and what a great opportunity for everybody to get out for a walk and enjoy the weather…
Welcome back people
seems we’ve been down for 80 minutes
We do have a Facebook page as an alternative
so I stored some posts there, and will copy them across to here later
News : MOT test rules suspended for 6 months
Thanks Stew, again.
MOT extensions you say , that will ease the worry in Bradford, Leicester …
Stew – confession – I normally look at comments here and not comments about this site on the Facebook – because I am not and never will be on the Facebook .
But one comment described it as ‘ run by an anti EU Lobbyist ‘ wow – I wish I was a lobbyist because that involves getting paid . ….
Plenty of lefty troll nut jobs making comments about the site – and me calling it ‘far left biased bbc ‘ seems to upset quite a few lefties – which was the intention – as I will never accept the term ‘far right ‘ so readily vomited by BBC journos in response to any one or any thought not approved of .
I see you reeled one in by calling it the Chinese virus. ????
“because that involves getting paid . ….” And having a disproportional influence.
For me – the site has been unavailable for a couple of hours and I was desperate to find out it my house arrest was over .
Some report is suggesting that upto half the population has already had the Chinese virus in some form – but perhaps when they get a grip with testing ( which they haven’t yet ) them maybe they’ll be able to decide if house arrest is necessary .
The BBC MSM seems more than eager to put ‘NHS’ / labour supporters on the airways to say that the sec state for health should personally deliver rubber gloves .
I’ve seen a couple of jobsworth NHS CEOs (££££££) for outfits like the ‘foundation trust ‘ and others saying ‘not me guv’ I’ve non responsible for supplies and getting away with it .
Does any one know who is responsible – with the NHS DEpt Health – by name – for supplying kit to 1200 hospitals .
I’m willing to ‘volunteer ‘to be paid to do it – but the package needs to be good .
Fed, we have now reached the point with almost everything that people who were not born in the 1930s/40s/50s/early 60s see the State as providing everything, usually ‘for free’.
Example on BBC R4: Dr Paul Evans of Wales ” ‘They’ haven’t given me a laptop.”
“Malaysia has recorded 17 virus deaths so far.
Most of the positive tests have been linked to a religious gathering in February, which had more than 16,000 people attending.”
More men?
Somewhere in the house ‘Woman’s World’ is droning on. ‘Windrush’ was being mentioned. Seems somebody wrote a book about it.
Can’t wait!
This is going to be exploited till the cows come home. I can still hear the conversation, and it’s still all about ‘racism’.
Jane Garvey, or whatever her name is, needs to retire.
One of those heartwarming moments on BBC news this morning. Our Louise was having a vicious go at the Conservative housing minister about allowing all those hairy arsed builders go to work…
He came back with “some construction projects can be critical, for instance removing cladding on high-rise blocks of flats…”
Grenfell trumped Coronavirus so our Louise quickly moved on….
A lovely moment and since then they have been repeating the interview WITHOUT the cladding comment.
Oh what a loveable (and totally predictable) bunch they are at W1!!!
Peter Hitchens is having a Twitter row with JHB of TalkRadio
says it is important to open a debate on whether the government has gone too draconian
But that she is banning him from air
She replies that she won’t cos it will be boring radio cos he doesn’t generally stick to the point.
He replies that she is acting like a government stooge.
News : “some people were excluded from using the tube this morning”
With any problem a part is the planning before hand
#1 The gov let so much business centralise in London
#2 The gov allowed a culture in London of living one side of the city and working in the other
.. If at the beginning jobs had been spread through the UK then you wouldn’t have all the eggs in that one London basket
Instead of subsidising London public transport , the money should have been spent supporting employment in the rest of the non-metropolitan country
Some people were excluded from using this site this morning. Have been rattling away at various times, struggling to connect.
What happened to the servers, Fed?
Up2 ha ha – I was fast asleep in The Biased BBC Emergency bunker here in New Zealand and realised that I’d forgot to put a shilling in the Meter before going bye byes and dreaming of football again ….
In answer to your question – like the labour front bench – I haven’t got a clue …
LOL x 10, Fed. Brilliant. Who needs the BBC for comedy when you can have it here?
That said, Monday 6.30pm R4 ‘Thanks a Lot, Milton Jones!’ was very good if you like his sort of silliness & puns.
Stew, as a Londoner (albeit in exile) I don’t disagree with that because it makes sense economically and socially and politically. Even to big ‘C’ and small ‘c’ Conservatives.
However, London only gets a fraction of its earnings for UK PLC spent, relative to its population, on itself.
In addition, there are other factors – some that Government should have clamped down on years ago – that have helped make and keep London dominant. Remember, London is the No.1 city in the world. That tends to influence all sorts of things including transport.
Listening to LBC early this morning, fat Nickiknownowt was interviewing a doctor. At one point fat Nicky asked the doctor ” I can tell by your accent you’re not from London, where are you from?”
That typifies the mindset of these people. They have no saving graces, their minds are so corrupted I doubt they can be saved. That goes for all of them whether it’s the racist far-left bbc, LBC, TalkRadio, Sky, ITV or the lying press. They are all tarred with the same disgusting brush.
Stew – I don’t accept your ‘2’ . I’d love to be able to afford to live in central London . But it’s market forces . Me and millions like me live around the outskirts and drag themselves in to town each day – for me it used to be 2 hours each way .
I’m sure it’s ever thus …and we’d have to wait for the Luftwaffe to have another go at London before doing serious redesign …
The rest of your points I’m with …
@Fed I disagree with you saying doesn’t get enough money
Most people in my area and the UK can’t practically use a train, cos you’d have to drive to a station and pay a ridiculous price for a ticket.
So the majority of us in the UK are PAYING the £5bn for YOUR Crossrail which we will never use.
Across the world trains raely make enough money through ticket sales to pay for their own running and infrastructure
For 50 years it’s been the era of the car.
The thing in London is that trains projects are a way of increasing nearby land value by billions.
I used to work for the internet corp in Hatton Garden
We needed to be close to the BT internet base
.. but that is no longer true.
I think most corps and government offices should leave London.
I’d like to shift Parliament out to the middle of the UK instead of spending vast sums on bringing up to late 20th century standard. Instead, it could be turned into a hotel and big money spinner earning foreign revenues from tourists.
I’d stick the Houses of Parliament somewhere between Coventry and Warwick, close to the geographical centre of the UK.
Your post plus the 5 minutes of Toady that I could stand this morning with Nob Rickinson and Useless Hussein simply confirms the observation that BBC News are focussed only in anti-government shit-stirring.
You know the stuff. ‘Let’s hear about 86 year old Ada Mctavish. She lives wheel-chair bound on a remote Scottish isle with no shops and can no longer get the 24 hour support from her team of carers she needs and deserves. Minister, how are you going to look after Mrs. Mctavish ( subtext – heartless Tories not ‘fully funding’ care and policies not fully worked through)?
They’re quite good at it, well they get enough practice, but their problem is that we have them sussed and can see them for what they are.
Too right – Louise Munchin was at it this morning…where is the – they are doing good job in a difficult situation.. news?
TBH I am not sure if it is just me but is anyone else fed up with seeing people on TV moaning about being having to self isolate or whinging on about how they are soooo ill with it….if you are that ill you don’t do TV interviews
Personally I think there should be a ban on anything that isn’t actually news and Sluff that would include the Ada McTavish’s : -)
I can’t watch TV anymore not even ITV….it is as bad as BBC at the moment..
Yep, Sluff. The government are in the process of trying to combat this Chinese virus and work to protect, as far as possible, some 66 million people….i.e. you write the rules to cover 99.99% of the population, because you can then get things moving.
The BBC, however, exerts every sinew to deliberately search out and ‘big up’ any individual who does not happen to fit, for some reason, within the rules that will work for the close-on-66-million – and proceeds to lambast any government minister they can get in front of a microphone, for whom this is probably the first time such an issue has been mentioned.
If that’s the way the BBC wants us to deal with real ‘crises’ (i.e. not the trumped-up weekly glitch the BBC continually elevates to ‘crisis’ level), then let the BBC tell its audience that’s what they would like to see happen, and that they don’t mind that it might take 12 months at breakneck speed for every public servant to be involved in every decision about every possible eventuality – and even then, it would not suffice for absolutely everyone anyway, ‘cos something new would have arisen in the previous hour.
But hey – if there isn’t any ‘news’ the BBC will find some way of fabricating a bit – in order that they can stay on their high horse about everything. That, and the fact that they hate any government that does not conform to their mindset.
Not sure if mentioned or not but just seen on the BBC website playwright Terence McNally 81 has died due to Coronavirus complications.I’m sure they could have found a different image to use under the circumstances?They just can’t help themselves.
Disgusting …….get rid of the BBC now.
They can’t stop it . There was also some meaningless nonsense about an American slave which for the life of me doesn’t qualify as news . Maybe they should gone to abbot about her violent criminal son after last weeks very quiet guilty plea …
Heard that snippet on Today – did you notice that they first of all talked about some young girl and her mother in the middle of darkest Africa, who magically found themselves as slaves in SouthEastern USA.
No mention of how they actually wound up as slaves in the first place…e.g. black slavers, similar to the ones that exist today.
BBC then mentioned their US slave-owner, whose name sounded suspiciously like a former slave’s name…… but I am sure they would have mentioned that if it were the case.
Richard – as my distancing from the BBC continues – I picked it up from their website .. I was imaging what it would be like if the current traitor BBC was transferred back to 1939/1940 – that Mr Hitler isn’t too bad is he ? Everyone is working and he has justifiable grievances doesn’t he ? Some say~?
“ That nice mr chamberlain is much better than the thugs like Churchill in the nasty party “ I can hear Tourette’s Robinson et al saying it now — cabin fever …
Well at least gay men makes a change from the stream of Lesbian coronavirus ‘victims’ on the BBC in preceding days.
Try at 2m 25s.
Judging by their coverage, I, as a practicing heterosexual, am beginning to feel the Coronavirus might not affect me after all …………
Presenters are interpreting “essential work” differently to many people
As ever they have picked the extreme end
saying only KEY WORKERS are allowed to work
whereas some biz are saying this job is “essential work” cos it’s no extra danger to the team and otherwise the whole company will collapse If the team is just two plasterers who have always worked together, then there is not much risk of them cross contaminating each other .. it’s just as if they are one family living in the same house.
Piers Morgan was a good example this morning before I had to switch off..banging on about construction work not being essential, criticising the Govt ( still peed cos Boris won’t go on his show )
And who is still in the studio ( the weathergirl, or Meteorologist as she prefers).. not needed..not a key worker and could do a voice over to a chart….
For political anoraks this is one of ‘those ‘ days –
1 tearful farewell from comrade Corbyn at PMQs
2 parliament being closed . That’s not important – but what is – is what announcements will be made once the wasters have gone .- and whether Richy actually does something for the self employed or keeps on saying ‘we will do every thing necessary ‘ ……
Perhaps the BBC and in particular our European friends should understand, when they are critical of what action the UK is taking against this coronavirus, is that we have the greatest populace of people relative to our land mass in Europe around 70 million+. France is a far larger country with a population of around 62 million and Spain again a much larger country its population about 47 million. Germany has a greater population c85 million but has a greater land mass than us, same with Poland. This therefore with the overwhelming population the UK has, is bound to push its health services and other relative organisations into a very tight corner. The BBC plus, should just shut their mouths and get out and help-we don’t need to hear gobbledigook coming out their mouths and certainly stop those silly morning shows, pathetic interviews with uninteresting people-the only information needed appertaining to the Covid19 issue is every 2 hours, that would quite enough.
All the illegals and criminally convicted ethnics must be deported.
If the swamp rats can put us in eyewatering debt to manage the economic collapse and the China virus situation, which debt we will be liable for them I fail to understand why we can’t use some of this car amount of debt to get rid of the millions of unwanted, unneeded ethnics who are such a drain on our country.
Unless of course, it’s by design.
So Charles has it….mild symptoms but got tested. I know a dozen people in bed with cough fever and they haven’t been tested……how come he gets preference is it because he is 71 ????
Of course massive resources are used to protect the head of state yes he gets the test.
But why were the same resources not used properly to protect him these past weeks.
For the last 7 days most us have kept our distance in public
Yet video of Charles from last week shows him avoiding shaking hands but still standing 2 feet away from dozens of different people, in the middle of London.
10 March – WaterAid event at Kings Place Charles sat opposite Prince Albert of Monaco
11 March – At the Prince’s Trust Awards at the London Palladium
12 March – Prince Charles at a fundraising dinner for the Australian bushfires at Mansion House
19 March news released that Prince Albert of Monaco tested positive
Wonder how many hands he shakes in a day …. there was stuff last week about still being in the habit of hand on hand action .
Halifax- I’m surprised you need to ask !
TOADY Watch #1 – At last!
Some good science. Or at least the chance to link up to some good science. Prof. Roger Highfield (I missed the start of his interview but think he’s at Imperial College – must Google him) was interviewed by Mishal. Am detecting a hint of a technique possibly being used by some interviewees, now, when on N&CA at BBC R4: talking fast and continuously.
Mishal found it hard to interrupt and go govt. bashing. She got questions in after her little splutters. Either that or she didn’t understand what Prof Highfield was saying.
Whatever. Real gold nugget that dropped out of it all is that Prof Highfield has a Blog hosted by the Science Museum and there’s lots of stuff on there about Covid-19. Three cheers for the Prof.
Found it – haven’t read it yet but lots of info:
Roger Highfield’s blog
The idea that the pandemic can be contained and ‘will go away…does not strike me as plausible,’ says Prof Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England (CMO).
Why do scientists seem to be arguing about how to curb the pandemic?
That’s the way science works – theory and ideas are endlessly challenged by data, new ideas and the results of experiments. When there is a conflict between evidence and theory, a new, better theory results.
Prof Roger Highfield is nothing to do with Imperial (college or he is Science Director at the Science Museum in London. His wiki is interesting (usual disclaimers) but reading it might leave you feeling a bit tired.
Trouble is Up2Snuff, that I don’t trust any one in a senior position at for example the The Science Museum or Imperial or many other government institutions. So many are Common Purpose, Left wing, Pro Man Made Climate Change, they have killed science. To much science is done and ‘tweaked’ to prove a theory, the science becomes unreliable.
Updating our contrarian virus sidelights
The date must be something like the 43rd of Supernumerary – in the Diane Abbott revolutionary calendar.
With toilet roll rationed, Brexit put ice and the economy tanked faster than even Comrade Corbyn could have managed.
Social distancing
This is getting silly. Reaching the level of superstition. The local Coop staff are hiding in the stock room leaving customers to ponder 2 metre distance posters and self-service tills – but no matter, there’s nothing on the shelves anyway. You start with a corporate culture of risk aversion, liability fear and virtue signalling and this what you get.
There’ll be no vaccine for a year – so kids, healthy adults, elderly, infirm… we’re all going to get this thing eventually. What we’re doing is what they term Kabuki Theatre. (a synonym for political posturing.. In the common English usage a kabuki play is an activity or drama carried out in real life in a predictable or stylized fashion)
The Olympics & Paralympics are postponed at last.
I’m guessing few of us really had that as a red-letter event in our diaries – aside perhaps from the battalion of the BBC’s unpopular and/or posh sports presenters who quite fancied a fortnight’s all expenses paid trip to Tokyo. Mind you, the Japanese opening ceremony might actually have been interesting (see above Kabuki – unlike Danny Boyle those guys actually love their own culture). And ironically enough we are now so damn bored we might well be interested in a bit of wheelchair racing.
There’s a story set in the 1930s that so proud were the French of their great new achievement in defence that they invited a Soviet general to come and take a tour of their Maginot Line. He was duly impressed. But the Red Army had been rather busy of late sharing the latest in new military developments with Germany. So as his guided excursion came to an end Ivan asked a question of his hosts. “These marvellous internal forts you’ve built at huge cost on your territory are truly great, but what will you do when paratroopers drop behind them?”
So it was that we locked ourselves in, cancelled civil liberties and trashed our economy. All to save face (which is a rather Oriental notion) of our dodgy NHS – but for week after week we left the airports open and newcomers unquarantined.
AISI, “So it was that we locked ourselves in, cancelled civil liberties and trashed our economy. All to save face (which is a rather Oriental notion) of our dodgy NHS – but for week after week we left the airports open and newcomers unquarantined.”
You have to remember that the NHS is one of our gods of this age.
However, unlike the one true Living God, the NHS is totally feeble, so those that worship it have instructed the rest of us (who may be dependent on its services) to make a sacrifice to save the NHS.
[ I typed sacrifice originally as scarifice but corrected the typo. Maybe I should say ‘to make a sacrifice which is also a scarifice to save the NHS. 😉 ]
Up2snuff, agreed. All this economic disruption and widespread inconvenience… all for the sake of open borders and to save NHS embarrassment.
AISI, oops – I forgot open borders – yes, for some (many?) also another ‘god of this age’.
I think most in this country wish to be open for 1. tourism, and, 2. the genuine refugee in a time of a major military conflict. Certainly I would. But certainly not flinging the doors of the nation open to all and sundry, as Mutti has done for the EU and its member States.
The Guardian trying to ramp up the Boris is dangerous theme..
‘Confused, dangerous, flippant’: rest of world pans PM’s handling of coronavirus
Boris Johnson’s breezy and contradictory declarations, similar to those on Brexit, have observers wincing”
The Observers?
Reporters in Dublin, Athens and Rio de Janeiro….
The connection with his Brexit stance is telling as is the fact that each reporter is situated in places also suffering major coronavirus outbreaks as well.
Boris has closed restaurants, pubs, sent millions home from work, issued stringent isolation mandates and promises more to come if needed recruited 150,000 returning NHS workers, I could go on. Yep a breezy response indeed.
This is not reporting, it’s lying and propaganda for political ends.
The acid Crace column – which I can’t get past the first bitter sentences ever – was pouring acid on the health Secretary too – joined by a choir of frankly rabid lefties chirping acid …. but I suppose since they can’t all meet up for the daily winge now they’ll transfer it to online .
The ‘bulldog biting on wasp’ look must joyfully apply to all the Guardianistas and Interdependents having to see the on-line response to Boris which has seen his popularity rocketing.
Though not yet a modern Churchill, I can’t see another politician, of any country, coping as well as he is under the most unique and stressful circumstances, ever.
I just wish he’d start his next press conference by saying that attempts to undermine, diminish and deride the government will be treated as treason against the state and any organisation or media outlet involved will be closed in the interest of public order.
There’s some really good spoof stuff on the twitter – an Italian mayor taking the EU flag off display , rolling it up and replacing it with a Russian Flag ( new version ) . Heartwarming for putin fans .
Has Greta taken up the torch as a guru for young people on how to respond to the coronavirus?
Front page of today’s Daily Mail:
“Greta: I fear I’ve caught the virus”
More like – “Greta: I fear I’m becoming irrelevant”
Also BBC Newsround:
TC, I wonder if 20,000 delegates plus thousands of media types will now do Cop Out 21 via Skype & other video conferencing instead of racking up the air miles to get to Glasgow next winter?
Sure to be reported on Countryfile.
Why can’t they do that in normal times.If people can travel all the way from Eastern Europe to pick crops in places like Herefordshire why can’t those in nearby unemployment blackspots such as the Welsh Valleys do it? To answer my own question probably more profitable to be on the dole!
Also to do with the exchange rate of the pound v their own currencies .
Which is 7 to 1 or higher .
In other words English people would do the jobs if the wages were increases five times over .
Is there anything more agonising than watching a government review committee asking questions of their ‘victim’. This morning it was the turn of a Professor who specialises in tropical diseases on video calling, and it was like pulling teeth. Slow questions, even slow umming and aaaaahring answers. And yet the news channels love to fill airtime with them.
And then there are the endless viewers questions, who surely must now know what to do. And of course the now normal conversations with everyone outside the studio on skype links, where the connections are always breaking down.
We’re all going to be certifiable after a fortnight let alone when this is over.
Yes I agree, sometimes I think they are trying to justify their positions. What annoyed me last night just before I turned TV off, It was Sky but could have been any of the useless channels.There was a “journalist” in some town, I didn’t get which one went up to 2 painter and decorators in their overalls getting out of their car about to go on a job. The sky idiot was berating them for working. They said we have families to support and have to work. If I had been them the air would have been blue,I would have asked why the hell are you mooching around looking for people to harass , ah but he was being paid shed loads just to get in the way. I wouldn’t have answered any questions just would have told him to f**k off back to London. I wish I would get stopped by one of these f***wit brain dead idiots.
I’ve taken up eating hard toffees and boiled sweets to pass away the time. Not Werthers, obviously.
Considering every celebrity from Greta Thunderberg to Prince Charles via Harvey Weinstein and Angela Merkel who has somehow manged to get a test is found positive, I’m guessing half of us now either have it or have had it – right?
Here’s a puzzle: why are there so many photos of famous people, including the Queen, Prince Philip, the Pope, former American presidents, singers, actors etc, with a black eye; I think it’s always their left eye?
Idris Elba claimed to have tested positive for it last week, despite not having any symptoms. But then, like any celebrity narcissist worth his salt, he’s never backward in coming forward, is he?
I’m impressed that our Idris found his local NHS GP surgery still open to walk in patients. Must find out where he lives.
Celebrities, eh? Frankly, I would exile them all to the Island of Idris Elba.
Idris: “What’s this gadget, Dr Q?”
Dr Q: “That, double-oh-seven, is your virus test kit. Be careful with it, it’s very rare, very expensive and not generally available”
Idris: “Oh really, I hear Greta the Swede has one just like it”
Dr Q: “Get a move on double-oh-seven, I hear she’s coming for your Aston Martin. Are you familiar with our new machine gun armed, ejector seat Brompton Bike – bring it back in one piece, won’t you?”
Idris Elba. Yes another one who is so far up his own a……e !
The Brompton folder, the expensive status symbol of every right-on Greenie commuter, as a 007 gadget? The owners would wet themselves with excitement, please don’t give Eon Productions/MGM ideas!
The green version of James Bond:
M: Here’s your new vehicle, Bond, look after it and return in good condition.
B: What do you call that, M?
M: it’s a Sinclair C5, Bond. Just remember, when you’re in a car chase, you can go faster if you pedal.
Of course, it’s Q not M. Which is appropriate I suppose, given the QAnon messages.
Pay attention, 007. . !

AISI, that’s yet another of the questions I’d love to ask a virologist. Especially in connection with influenza mutations.
The World Service news decided that the heir to the British throne testing positive for Wuhan flu ranked third place, behind Trump and a G7 conference call.
Digression – no BBC content.
Two, apolitical, websites that I use daily have each started a new thread with the same intent.
“Please suggest some interesting websites that I can visit to stop me becoming insanely bored to death by stopping at home.”
Would this work on BBBC?
Separate threads on this site don’t work . Some people don’t read the content – post – and then go away .
It’s just the way it is . If you look at the thread I put up asking for programme suggestions – non BBC – last weekend – you will see the evidence .
Others with ‘ write ‘ capability might want to but not me any more .
Thank you for answering my question.
But when, when not if, I turn into a hybrid from Cape Fear, Nightmare on Elm Street and Jack the Ripper.
When I stalk the streets at night, with my ROP Islamic machete, sparing none, the BBC will blame Boris.
Fed, I did apologise, so that’s not fair..:0(
I’m going into the garden to eat worms now…
Scrob – that wasn’t aimed at you or anyone individually – it’s just a fact . I used to be a bit of a purist and (hope ) this site concentrated solely on the bias of the BBC but I realised the second doesn’t work like that and it’s not might site – I only sort of vet it .
Whilst it was broken early Wednesday I read some of the comments about the site which are on the face book site which can be seen without being a ‘member ‘ and I’m pleased that people know about it .
One character said that ‘support ‘ for TR invalidated the aims of the site but mr Mohammed didn’t say anything about Islamic racist paedo gangs corrupting white girls . I wonder if the chicken shops are closed – I’m guessing those places are fairly lawless so they’ll still be after children …..
Aw Fed, thank you for this!
Like many Gals and Guys, this site is pretty well the best place for discussion, as so many different people read it and comment!
I suppose I’m a bit of a charlatan, as we rarely watch the BBBC much except the early evening news, so can’t comment too much on stuff!
As was reported yesterday Greta believes she has the virus and has thoughtfully put herself into isolation.
I wish the young lass a full, though perhaps not too speedy, recovery.
She came out with (what I thought was a real peach) “Sadly you may not hear from me for a while.”
Oh dear!
Every cloud…
For me there can only be one winner for the most biased
presenter on BBC and that is Emily Maitlis. Maitlis
is ” qwelling” ( getting extreme satisfaction) in the discomfort
the government is in over the CHINESE virus pandemic. Which is becoming the
Chinese top export of all time. Even outdoing Asian Flu and SARS!
” We could not get a government spokesman on to
make any comment” Why should anybody from the government
want to be interviewed by you Emily Maitlis knowing what
your personal politics are? You go out of your way to belittle
anybody that doesn’t agree with your liberal bigot politics.
I’m not a viewer of ‘newsnight ‘ any more – but in the good old days it was informative as opposed to propaganda made flesh .having seen Maitliss during brexit I think I agree with you – fos – that Maitliss would win the ‘most biased presenter’ .
She has become the embodiment of so much wrong with the BBC . Mutton dressed up a multi sexual multi coloured multi national – er – lamb … or maybe a wolf in sheep’s clothing
No longer to be known as Coronavirus but renamed the Chinese Coronavirus. A loby by MP’s to sue China should be put forward immediately-as soon as they China imagine they are clear of the virus they will start their factories working 24 hrs per day, their container shipping dock yards will be piled high with goods to send across the oceans-they will swamp the internet with illustrations they want to sell to the West, they will seek out every issue where the West is low on stock-such a Paracetamol, sanatizers and all such. The West and particularly the UK should put an embargo on all container shipping/air shipments from China-of course this might cause a problem to those retail outlets in the UK, nevertheless a stand has to be taken against this unspeakably selfish attitude by China. It is just a pity that their Ping pong was not infected.
As my old Dad used to say about the Chinese when he was based in Hong Kong ” Who Flung Dung ” !
“They eat everything on two legs except ladders, everything on four legs except tables, everything that flies except aeroplanes.”
TOADY Watch #2 – Repeat partial quote with relish
Side order of pickle, mayo, 1000 Isle dressing, the works for President Trump’s partially or incorrectly quoted statement that ‘the Covid thing will be over by Easter’ (my paraphrase) repeated many times by the programme presenters and newsreader this morning.
Dishonest, deceptive and disgraceful.
I hold no brief for the President, am not a fan, but the bias and deception was plain to me, especially when a contributor via telecoms from the US put the BBC straight. I wonder if they will repeat the farrago at 1pm?
WTF is happening to the UK Justice system?
The UK Supreme court has ruled that the UK were wrong to pass information to the US on the evil, murdering, butchering ISIS “Beatles”.
There cannot be any defendable UK Supreme Court “protection” for these animals surely?
Who the hell is really pulling their strings?
Remember the 11-0 Spider Woman led anti brexit treason ruling?
The so-called “Supreme Court” should already be on your “little list”.
And stop calling us Shirley.
bBC (Casciani) and the Supreme Court want to protect our cuddly terrorists from the nasty US death penalty.
A Home Office spokesperson said: “The government’s priority has always been to maintain national security and to deliver justice for the victims and their families. This has not changed. We are clearly very disappointed with today’s judgment and are carefully considering next steps.”
A test for Priti.
(Sorry digg – just noticed you already posted this).
No pleasing some people.
You would have thought they would be pleased that may finally be getting their 74 virgins.
The BBC have won the prestigious “Most Gratuitous Photo of BAMEs by a Media Organisation for the Last Wednesday in March 2020″ award. The stunning photo has been used previously by The Phone Coop, The Manhattan Institute, The Citizen Newspaper, Pestana Hotel Miami South Beach and Kim Komando (‘America’s Digital Goddess’).
A BBC spokesperson said: ‘We are fully committed to illustrating diversity in all aspects of British life. And there is no better way of doing so than by ensuring we only use photographs of cheerful, smiling BAMEs. Especially if we can use old cliched photos obtained on the cheap from our partners at Getty Images”
Formerly known as Crimewatch Most Wanted.
The UK, enriched to death by the dregs of planet Earth.
Our ancestors would have taken action to prevent the current situation.
Time for us to emulate our forebears.
Wow, get around don’t they?
Strange that they’re such well-used photos – the man looks to me (with his chunky bracelets and many piercings) more like the woman’s G.B.F. than the father of her children.
Ian , useful info on that page, cos I use the internet and microwave simultaneously about 15 hours each day ../NOT
The photolibrary tag describes it as
“African family and kids using different gadgets sitting on couch”