Not sure about the Twitter lark so copy and past is all I can do.
Mr Jake Zuckerman is one of my local BBC Look North presenters. Why Twitter cam up and told me he follows
Lucinda Preston
Mum; teacher; NASUWT/GMB; charity trustee; Co-Vice Chair of Lincoln Labour Party. Love the arts. My councillor account is
Views own.
Perhaps Jake also follows David Davis and Andrew Pierce (two local Conservative MP’s) or the Chairman of East Riding Council. I could be pleasantly surprised.
Andrew Pierce is an LBC presenter
Maybe you meant Andrew Percy ..the Goole MP .. he doesn’t have a Twitter account now, cos he ran away
I can’t tell the Zuckerman’s politics from his following of 338 people
but he does say he’s the NUJ rep
Thanks Stew re Mr Percy. It is exhausting self isolating and then the brain doesn’t work so well! But I still wonder whether this BBC man follows on Twitter all our local minor politicians or just Labour ones.
I nipped to my local supermarket for some “essential shopping” just before they closed at 8pm and was nipping through a cul-de-sac when I noticed a woman at the end of her front garden clapping. Crossed over the road to avoid them, as you would, and noticed a woman from the house opposite doing the same. Had no idea what the hell was going on, as haven’t seen any news all day, but I’m not sure who looked the more embarrassed – them or me!
Clapping?? Are you sure that your spelling is correct?? Are these ladies of Chinese descent by any chance, which might explain this strange behaviour? Very odd.
Lefty – every one – 8pm is to become clap time. Tonight we will be clapping for BBC staff , Saturday it will be supermarket staff and by April 30 it will be traffic wardens .
A fixed penalty will be issued to anyone failing to clap in time . Community Drones will be used to ensure compliance and those found not clapping will be named and shamed .
How did you miss it?
They were clapping because the NHS has managed to enrol 500,000 people to work for nothing.
The kind of economic stimulus the rich love .
Um, the film Contagion currently on ITV2< I mentioned in the last thread, is spookily true to current life !!! rapidly spreading throughout the world Cough, fever, highly contagious, thought to start by Bats in a live market. This film was made in 2011.
“We shouldn’t be in this position. We knew in the last week of January that this was coming.” The nerve of this guy! Did anyone call him out on it? (1/2)
For years you call and explain the issue to reception, and then a Doc calls back.
My Doctor rang to check how I was just as I was standing on the doorstep clapping people like him & all the others who are working to care for us all. He sounded amazed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you ???? #ClapForCarers ????
ITV News London just showed video of the NHS clap. One shot was of two terraced houses whose front doors adjoined. The occupants of both houses (about 6 or 7 people) were standing on their front paths, clapping right next to each other. WTF?
China covered up about Coronavirus with the complicity of the WHO and its useless head Tedros Adhanom (an Ethiopian whom China helped get the job).
As usual Trump was right about the ghastly Chinese regime.
Details of the crooked nomination to the crooked organisation of the crooked ‘doctor’ from the crooked country in the crooked continent by the crooked Chinese in the article below:
It’s only a coincidence I’m sure but I wonder why the BBC chose lefty Richard Horton, editor of the lefty Lancet, lefty BMA house journal to push the panic button for Cor19! on QT?
Announcing the level of outrage caused by our dilaTory government in ‘wasting’ the whole of February was his moment of fame, no question – though it might also have raised the question as to why the populations of Spain, Italy, France and the US are currently dropping like flies, since they were, unlike us, so evidently fully and enviably prepared?
I wish to appologise to everyone else on this thread, because I now struggle to watch anything the BBC do, for longer than perhaps five whole minutes, hence I can’t really make comment on small snippits
D&C This is why I no longer comment so much on the projectile vomitings of this ghastly organisation.Its a bit like wading through a sewer – you can dip your toe in occasionally but come out feeling unclean and disheartened.
D&C This is why I no longer comment so much on the projectile vomitings of this ghastly organisation.Its a bit like wading through a sewer – you can dip your toe in occasionally but come out feeling unclean and disheartened.
Never mind people dying, the real tragedy in Beebland is a gay dancer (surely not) forced to isolate with his parents. Oh the pity!
But it gets worse: horror of horrors, his parents are… I can barely bring myself to say it… Christian!!
”I’m stuck in isolation with my homophobic parents’
With the UK on coronavirus lockdown, some young people have been forced to isolate alongside parents who don’t accept their sexuality.’
(And i just found out the beeb has an LGBT Correspondent, below. His name is Ben Hunte, which must be an anagram or rhyming slang for something. Good to know our LF is being well spent on LGBT correspondents who tick at least 2 boxes.)
Thankfully the Irish gay couple living in my road don’t have that problem…Michael Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzmichael.
The Beeb do seem concerned about that community.Just before the lockdown Midlands today were reporting from the gay quarter in Birmingham the next morning when the pubs were ordered to close BBC Breakfast had a reporter in a gay bar in London not forgetting all those lesbian couples they’ve featured who’s weddings have been put on hold.
John in cheshire
Don’t forget another old classic ” Ella Fitz Gerald ”
We still need humour in these trying times until that is the PC brigade ban that as well
Am I biased ? Or is Al Beeb the main critic of Boris ?
They appear to be aiming more flak at the government than the opposition ?
Time to end the oppressive telly tax.
The BBC are the main cheerleader for the opposition at the moment. If Rishi S had announced that everyone in the country was getting a £1milion pounds a week they would still have found a way to say – ah yes but what about……
I really hope the Govt are taking notice
Add it to the drone footage of people daring to socially distance in the countryside, and there are clearly many police unsuited to the job. While the sheep clap like seals because they’re told to.
I do hope no irresponsible people make false complaints on there. Or use a VPN to hide their location.
It is interesting with the help of “the worlds most trusted broadcaster” we seem to be slowly being converted into a nation of performing seals. Think the right the thing, “clap” when told to and now with the help of the plods any criminals who “dare” to go for a walk in remote countryside will be “dealt with”
The BBC is trying to kick up a fuss about us missing out on an EU-wide procurement scheme for ventilators, ‘Brexit Bad’ , ‘Boris Incompetent’ etc.
There is a myth that large organisations have ‘clout’ when it comes to procurement – big orders need big suppliers, which basically creates a monopoly customer buying from a monopoly supplier, neither side innovate.
I saw a good example that with a government contract for hiring cars. The number of companies that can suply enough cars to satisfy the needs of government is pretty low, they need to have branches in every town and spare capacity. Up until that time we had a local deal with a local company. Because they needed the business they gave us a better price and a better service than the ‘nationals’. I am sure the same is true for medical equipment suppliers, even if it is easier to give the lot to the likes of Siemens.
That Ursula was in charge of German Defence procurement – the results of her tenure are to be seen in the amount of Bundeswehr kit that is unserviceable…
Brussels is getting a bit snippy about “members” doing their own thing.
If only we had a Fox News channel here to counter the media misinformation. The mayor of New York was given huge exposure yesterday on the BBC! Thank you for posting this.
Could it be that a) a lot of people live in the USA and b) they have probably done a lot more than most countries to provide ‘the test’?
(Here, of course, if you are a ‘celebrity’ who is only seen indirectly by people it is good to have a test but if you are royalty and might actually have had contact with lots of people it is bad).
The easiest statement for any lazy journo to get a grip on (*) is to suggest that our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, “Should have done more at the end of January, as he knew what the problem was and didn’t act”.
It was used in the 6:00pm news, when an old guy who used to lead a depleting Labour party to oblivion was droning on, and then the first question used on R5’s odd late-night version of QT had a Dr Adam Booth asking the inevitable for Fi to plug in her fave respondent, Mr Horton, to do exactly the same thing.
Dr Booth seems to be an expert climber, so good for him, but somehow this whole set-up doesn’t quite ring true…
* check the real reason why blokes are told to ‘get a grip’….
Scrob, as I wrote at the end of the last , BBC 1 News at 6pm also had a clip from an Italian Mayor of a small town saying that Boris wasted February. I don’t suppose Boris shares with minor mayors everything he does. I know the NHS was doing massive preparations but I presume also didn’t want to scare people too soon. We have seen what panic buying does.
But ‘wasted February ‘ was obviously the BBC meme of the day. Friday, I wonder what today’s angle to attack Boris will be?
I think our Prime Minister would rather take advice from proper experts, not thick, jumped up miniature Mussolinis.
The BBC are failing miserably in their sloppy reporting and appalling use of ‘statistics’, which no doubt are the brainchildren of some lazy twonk in the LSE.
And another thing – as there’s no sport, is the Linekar lot getting their pay cut and the balance offered to the NHS?
“Coronavirus: Jeremy Corbyn says he was proved “right” on public spending.”
Corbyn pleased to politicise and weaponise Coronavirus.
BBC pleased to give him a platform: a nice warm, uninterrupted, friendly, unchallenged interview by Kuenssberg in which Uncle Joe – sorry, Uncle Jez – explains that he was right all along and the Coronavirus situation proves it.
All helpfully broken up into bite-size sections and transcripts for easy absorption – a bit like suppositories, some might say.
“In an interview with BBC’s Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg, Mr Corbyn said that the country had been “ill-prepared” for the coronavirus pandemic because of “10 years of austerity, of underfunding the National Health Service and underfunding our benefit system”
what country is “prepared” for the coronavirus pandemic Mr Corbyn.
pathetic attempt at point scoring from a pathetic man.
Been seeing it from them for years. They might have had their doubts at first but after the 2017 election they really did start to back him. They became fascinated with him and even obsessed with him. I have never known such an admiration for an opposition leader. Did Milliband get such treatment or Cameron when he was in opposition?
It was frightening actually. To think that communist Corbyn was being pushed for leader. That made a lot of people easy and was when I really started to notice the bias at the BBC.
EU leaders meeting on Thursday – by socially-distant video conference – glaringly failed to agree to share the debt they are all racking up fighting Covid-19. From her flat in Berlin, where she is self-isolating after her doctor tested positive for the virus, German Chancellor Angela Merkel openly admitted to the disharmony over financial instruments.
What leaders did agree on was asking Eurogroup finance ministers to explore the subject further, reporting back in two weeks’ time. The EU is famous for kicking difficult decisions down the road but in coronavirus terms, with spiralling infection and death rates, two weeks feels like an eternity.
Read full analysis >
Katya Adler
Quite a few phrases in there the bbc usually propel to headline status or wheel out vocal gobs on panel shows to highlight.
Maybe the BBC is planning to ‘explore the subject further’?
I watched EU parliament last night to see what the enemy is doing . I know I shouldn’t say it but I have to say that those in charge of the ReichEU are on the receiving end of Southern European countries – Italy Spain Greece who are suffering and dying .
The open border principle trumps health in the EU world . In an unbiased BBC the failure of the EU to help and co ordinate the worst affected would be fully and properly reported .
But it is not reported . The BBC is too busy undermining the government and frightening the life out of people .
With a fair wind both the EU and BBC will suffer at the end …
They interviewed………wait for it…….a self-employed Candle Maker !!!!!!!! She only started the business last September so has no accounts and will not be able to claim the new benefit. Doom. Gloom. Cue outrage. Incredible isn’t it. 65 million people and the BBC find this person to feature.
No bailouts for new self-employed candle makers. Those heartless Tories. Just can’t or won’t devise helpful policies. That’s the biased BBC line.
Good spot and post, Sluff. I’ve hit the OFF-switch at least three times since 6.30am so I missed that bit. Think if I keep listening to BBC N&CA I will seriously lose the will to live.
Just hit the OFF button again. Justin has rolled onto the prog a s/e painter & decorator to express his ‘concerns’ about the Government support package.
No real need for candles…or indeed teddy bears, at the moment. We can just clap our hands. Whatever happened to the wokist narrative that clapping hands was too aggressive and we should all do ‘jazz hands’ ?
Maybe the snowflakes will make a claim against the clappers.
Sluff – I heard a story so very eerily similar to this the other day on BBC Today programme, did a quick double-take, and thought – “Nah – even the BBC wouldn’t be so stupid….”
Seems I was wrong.
I remember, because, at the time, I said to my wife “Butcher, Baker, Candle-stick maker….. why the hell do we have so much difficulty in deciding which one of these really shouldn’t be opening for business today….”
The BBC really doesn’t like common sense being used as a yard-stick for simple decision-making, instead it heads off into flights of fancy as to why our government is clearly getting it wrong on every decision, and obviously the government is confusing everyone as to what they should do….. and then heading out to find the one individual in the UK who should be an exception to the rule, and thus trying to destroy the rule on that basis.
These beeboids are degenerate Trots – and you can interpret that last word any damn way you like, BBC.
Odds of her being invited on VD? Or, indeed, any bbc rampathon?
What my last shifts working with Covid 19 patients has shown me is that if you follow strict PPE guidelines, work calmly & precisely its not as scary as you think its going to be. Media hysteria raises anxieties but as nurses we are used to working under pressure. We've got this.
— Ramblings of a Lady ????️???? (@rantingsofalady) March 26, 2020
The weather forecast looks distinctly wintry in the week ahead.
So let’s clap for…………rotating equipment maintenance engineers !!!!!!!!???????
Well, do you want the gas for your gas central heating or not ? And I’m not talking about gas fitters or central heating mIntenance, I’m talking about getting the gas from the gas field to the home. Imagine the frail, elderly, freezing to death in their own homes. The BBC would be all over it.
‘Essential’ has many implications. The biased BBC’s default focus is solely on those connected with statist institutions.
If Cambridge is anything to go by – not even the Lefties could be bothered to Clap last night…but the BBC managed to get videos of Jeremy Corbyn..and I am sure some of their videos this morning were old ones from Spain (might be wrong)
@JamesArthur Yep around 8:06am after the news our BBC local radio station went into a fawning long item about the NHSclap
so I switched to the other station, only to find it was doing the same, then switched again to R Leeds ..same, then R Sheffield …same
I’ve been running to work this week – through the eerily quiet streets in London. Every so often I stop and just listen. No people, virtually no traffic, no planes. It is extraordinary.
Nice work if you can get it.
A shame though because my old newsroom spy tells me Sophie is/was one of the nicer ones.
PS given that most BBC presenters moonlight to host conferences and awards ceremonies- now cancelled- will they qualify for the new self-employed support?
On top of their £300k plus for reading the autocue, naturally.
BBC going big on the news that ‘guidance is needed’ for doctors and other healthcare workers in dealing with patients that may have Covid-19. Their own ‘in house’ GP (they have several!) said this is needed.
Snuffy is staggered. I would have thought that if you are good enough in the leeetle grey zells area to become a Doc or a nurse, then you can surely work out ‘risk’ and use some brain power for ‘initiative’ as to whether you should cover up or not.
Just what have we become as a nation when we have to wait around for Government guidance to be provided before we do something? It staggers belief in human capability.
“Dr. Jeffrey Feldman, a member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee on Equipment and Facilities, said there are about 40,000 anesthesia machines in hospital operating rooms in the United States that could potentially be moved to intensive care units.
But Feldman warned those machines are not enough on their own to address the need, particularly given that they are spaced out all across the country. Cuomo said New York has a “couple of thousand” of the machines it is looking to convert.”
So, my wife can’t breathe and wants to go to the hospital but I tell the paramedics she said she prefers to stay (die) at home among her loved ones
This is an example of the argument against euthanasia (how it can be abused) that many activists are promoting – same mob that are pushing for ‘infanticide’
The NHS practices euthanasia – the problem being that the medical professional mafia keeps knowledge of the practice ‘in house ‘ . I’ve witnessed it more than once. Nothing written down . Done with nods and sometimes through the administration of meds which they all know could lead to a bed space but not subject to detailed clinical examination where someone is frail .
I’ve gone through the die at home die in hospital debate as well . As a result I’m not as confident that ‘paliative care nurses ‘ are as ‘good ‘ as many would hope .
The BBC are apparently still puzzled about the panic buying of loo rolls. Their Lefty brains have obviously erased all memories of, and references to, recent news of econo-political happenings in Venezuela. Instead, they carry news of Jeremy Corbyn (needing some self acclamation but not loo rolls) who if PM for a Labour Government may well have turned the UK into another Venezuela but without the oil.
Simples. ‘Some’ people get through a loo roll a month or more, using it in place of facial tissues, because it is cheaper.
Economic water always runs downhill.
BBC: go on-line, choose a supermarket (any supermarket but I’m sure you may choose Waitrose) and compare the price of boxed facial tissues to toilet tissue. OK, got it now?
In addition, in London of all places, it is important to not flush a manky facial tissue, full of Covid or other cold & ‘flu’ catarrh, down the toilet but it is OK to flush toilet tissue used for the same purpose. Facial tissues can jam up the sewerage system because they do not break down like toilet tissue.
Sky is still wheeling out sad old farts for ratings. And John.
"Someone's blundered somewhere."
Shadow Chancellor @johnmcdonnellMP says he is "at a complete loss" to explain how Britain was apparently left out of an EU scheme to bulk buy ventilators.
Turns out that the armchair generals trying to turn the ventilator issue into the latest interminable chapter in the Brexit war were wrong. Hard-pressed officials working on the crisis missed the EU emails. Well there you go. Worst crisis in a century is hard.
As we resignedly tot up the number of days by scratching another five bar gate into the kitchen wall because, basically, the Chinese like to eat live bat soup (as they’ve always done) and gave us all a bad flu, meanwhile our greedy globalist elite have tied them inextricably into our economy to the extent of our dependency on them (which they never used to be).
The BBC home page in its wisdom screeches the following top headline:
“US overtakes China with most coronavirus cases”
There are so many problems with this example of Licence Payer funded journalism that one scarcely knows where to start.
Well, since time seems to be on our side, let’s have a go.
Firstly that popular current notion of fact checking.
Let’s drop a whopping great chiche – are we comparing apples and oranges with the US and China figures? Or let’s say – are we comparing apple pie with raw orangutan pie, with rice?
Can we even trust the raw (pangolin soup) figures coming out of Red China – I doubt any rational balanced commentator would trust them – at least not with their own health or wealth.
And then there’s the effect the journalist writing that headline hopes or intends to make on their reader. Authoritarian one party state China good, free market Trump-electing US bad.
Cultural differences, eh? Those Chinese so like us liberal europeans in their habits and outlook and lack of democracy, but those crazy yanks, so weird and so very different from us doing their mad things like voting Trump.
There are some chillingly puritanical elements coming to the fore as we battle this virus.
On the BBC breakfast prog’ the two presenters (a couple of insipid halfwits) were “outraged” as they showed us images of a solitary bloke walking his dog on a deserted piece of countryside.
Parks officials and police were interviewed and we were told that we all had to behave responsibly…I’m surprised they didn’t warn us “parts of this film may cause offence”.
On social media there are pictures of a bloke flying a kite in a field and once again some folk are up in arms. There’s no one near him…just the snotty pillock who ventured out with his cam-corder, took the film and grassed him up.
And what about all those twerps out applauding last night? They’re standing cheek by jowl with neighbours and clapping like performing seals in a circus. How can that possibly be social isolation? How is that not more “dangerous” than some geezer walking his dog on an empty hillside or a fellow flying a kite in deserted field?
One of the jobsworth coppers interviewed this morning told us that they were now intercepting motorists to find out if their journey was “necessary”. He actually said “We don’t know if we’ve got the virus, or you’ve got it, so this action could spread it…” And he said it as though there was no way of avoiding this calamity…other than (I’d have thought) not stopping the innocent drivers in the first place…
I think we’ve gone mad.
Jeff, the Police Forces haven’t got enough to do, because everyone is staying home so the burglaries, which the Police don’t investigate anyway, are not happening.
Jeff, totally agree. Getting into your car and driving to a remote spot for fresh air and a walk should be ok. Its only problematic when the world and his wife do the same. I’m high risk, but putting the dog in the car and driving to a field 2 mins away for a solitary walk is no different to being solitary in the garden. I think we’ve all ‘got the message’ now to treat everyone as though they’re plague ridden – probably the older generation mostly. And yes, it was jaw dropping to see neighbours with only a small wall between them, and much less than a foot, let alone 2 metres , out clapping and cheering. WTF ???
Jeff – those programmes on the rise of the nazi party – and the public complying with what is done ‘in their interest ‘ is starting to have similarities here which may well be being triggered by anxiety and fear and the sudden government driven requirement for behaviour change .
I was always struck by the fact that the gestapo didn’t have to go and detect dissenters because a neighbour would happily grass them up – often for personal reasons – being aware- deep down – that they’d be ‘taken away ‘ and not come back.
There are parallels with this now . It’s a new branch of ‘we need to check your thinking ‘….
By the way – I wonder if this time will land up with a designation like ‘pre corvid’ PC and ‘after corvid ‘ AC ?
Something we can do during lockdown to help the nation. Watch through your window for evidence of non compliance and record it with your camera. For example Mr A in 146 has been washing his car for over an hour, his wife went out shopping this morning and then again this afternoon. Mrs B from 144 took the dog for a walk at 8am and again later that evening. The students who live in 142 went out jogging in a group, all of them close together. Then they sat together on the front wall drinking beer. Numerous people visit their house, non of them wear face masks.
They should be described and labelled as ‘Non Coms’ (Non Compliers) and reported. It may be tempting to indulge in seeking revenge on neighbours with whom you have had past difficulties. This could be your chance to be rid of them. Repeated reports could get them arrested for aggravated non compliance. After all, it is our duty to help enforce compliance. .
We are all in it together.
Wir sind alle zusammen dabei
Perhaps Non Coms should be required to wear clothing which identifies them
@Jeff “chillingly puritanical elements”
I wasn’t on the blog yesterday morning
I’d normally do a bit and then go down the weekly market and help the fruitnveg stall holder pack up, then I tidy up and distribute the left over stuff to pensioner neighbours etc.
I wasn’t sure if the market would run yesterday but the then stall holder phoned me at 7am to come down cos her normal worker had’t come.
I checked local facebook and the pious there were outraged
“How dare the market run ..they’ll be crowds it’s risking lives, this is war”
.. a few people disagreed
Then it became apparent the original poster lives in a different area of the country.
If she lived local she’d would have known that our market is not actually a busy moneyspinner , there are rarely crowds on a normal day.
And sure enough we obeyed the new rules gloves, so we weren’t touching our faces
and the punters were sensible one stood to get served whilst others stood back.
I only once had to tell a customer off for going to touch the oranges with her hands.
It turns out there is a complete working food chain
that the farmers are harvesting stuff. It’s going to the wholesalers warehouse along with the imported deliveries
If the market traders don’t buy it, it would rot in that warehouse.
Also turned out that instead of 3 neighbours coming down
one person was typically coming down and buying for all 3.
If the market wasn’t running there’d have been even more people in the Tescos queue which at some points was half the way around the block.
Well, the ‘east’ is gonna get really short of money soon, compounded by many Western businesses vacating post-haste. So, the ‘West’ must step in…………………
The Chinese-backed (and China backing) head of the WHO said in an interview that the pandemic showed the need for the West to give more financial support to under-developed countries (above our £14B obviously). The Chairman of the IPCC said something similar re Climate Change, both reflecting the UN Agenda 21. The Common Purpose lot will use every means to propagate their plans. I ask my liberal-luvvie friends if they really want to live at the world-average standard; this would probably consist something nearer a shanty town than Islington.
Hypothetically imagine I own a 75% renovated empty house.
also imagine i live in a house with both parents, one of those parents being a jack of all trades. as its possible to still order online & get delivered, all if not most parts to finish the renovation, which i express would be an internal renovation completed by myself & parent whom im living with.
Would this be breaking the lock-down rules, as im travelling to a second home, thats empty & im not coming into contact with any persons as id be driving from DRIVEWAY to DRIVEWAY………..discuss 😛
@Vonbedda We wondered where the pious get their ideas from
and this morning someone explained there is a Jackyll and Hyde game going on.
#1 The government spokesman says “Stay at home, only essential journeys, lives are at risk”
#2 then the guidelines come out and make it clear that many things are classed as essential like keeping your business alive and if you can follow isolation safety rules you can carry on”
e.g. Someone with a sole or family wedding dress business might travel to his/her workshop to work.
Our local hardware store is open for supplies
Yesterday the coastguard helicopter guy asked me where he could get his smashed phone screen repaired.
I told him to get hold of the repair shop guy by Facebook to see he could make an arrangement.
The hardware store is open cos buildings need to be kept safe and secure people’s taps might go wrong etc.
I imagine in my area that the store workers are following handwash glove guidelines so tha materials will almost certainly be safe to handle.
Can they , the Powers That Be who run the thing , not improvise and innovate until enough come onto line ?
How about cutting up
the worn out uniforms , shirts , lab coats etc , boiling them to within a inch of their lives , soaking them with Dettol or whatever and making temporary face masks ?
I know this might not be feasible – fumes knocking out the staff but I’m sure the great and the good could come up with something if they concentrated on this rather than complaining about austerity .
But note, some leading light in the ‘Supermarket’ business told Toady that right now they could not obtain the right protective gear for their staff, ‘due to World shortages’. Regrettably, our ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ did not decide to continue hammering the Gvt on lack of NHS protective gear contemporaneously with the supermarket item. ‘No’ to have done so, would have provoked even the dimmest to have said to themselves, ‘Well if the supermarkets can’t get the stuff what hope the Government?’
My wife works in theatres and said would do something similar to your suggestion if it came to it…
The problem we have is twofold : more than one generation that have lost any idea of self sufficiency and practical skills and a society in which many people see everything is a ‘right’
Last weekend there were two incidents of note in my home town, one of the largest in Northern Ireland.
A local businessman, basically a slum-landlord, was stabbed to death by one of his scum-clients, and a Nationalist thug, who also happened to be staying in a property owned by the murdered businessman, set fire to some wreaths at our Cenotaph. The one directly opposite our police station. An act he filmed and posted on social media.
In fact both incidents happened within 100 yards of our police station and were carried out by persons attracted to our town by the accommodation provided by the murdered man, once grand Victorian townhouses converted into “hostels” and “halfway-houses”. In reality hotbeds of petty crime, drug and alcohol abuse and anti-social behaviour.
I knew from a local Facebook site who was stabbed and under what circumstances about 3 hours after the incident. The story had accompanying photos and interviews with people who knew the victim. The bBBC eventually provided the same information 2 days later.
The same website identified the poppy-burning prick the next day. Despite the poppy-wreaths burning being recorded by the PSNI as a sectarian hate crime and the offender having been apprehended and charged almost immediately, with these types of crimes usually routinely reported on our local bBbc news, the bBbc have still not mentioned it.
Wrong sort of hate-crime? The murdered landlord was one of “the -only-Muslims-in-our-village”. Surely there was an angle there. Obviously/ unfortunately not.
Meanwhile I’m glad to see that an Antrim man hopes to get home from Peru soon. Thanks for that bBbc.
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First? Maybe I had time to spot that a new thread had gone up because I was NOT stamping up and down outside on a cold night cheering the NHS.
catchup with the Previous thread
– page4 started at 2pm Thursday
– page 3 started at 3am Thursday .. ….. page 2
Not sure about the Twitter lark so copy and past is all I can do.
Mr Jake Zuckerman is one of my local BBC Look North presenters. Why Twitter cam up and told me he follows
Lucinda Preston
Mum; teacher; NASUWT/GMB; charity trustee; Co-Vice Chair of Lincoln Labour Party. Love the arts. My councillor account is
Views own.
Perhaps Jake also follows David Davis and Andrew Pierce (two local Conservative MP’s) or the Chairman of East Riding Council. I could be pleasantly surprised.
Andrew Pierce is an LBC presenter
Maybe you meant Andrew Percy ..the Goole MP .. he doesn’t have a Twitter account now, cos he ran away
I can’t tell the Zuckerman’s politics from his following of 338 people
but he does say he’s the NUJ rep
Thanks Stew re Mr Percy. It is exhausting self isolating and then the brain doesn’t work so well! But I still wonder whether this BBC man follows on Twitter all our local minor politicians or just Labour ones.
Well done Debs yer jammy cow ????
I nipped to my local supermarket for some “essential shopping” just before they closed at 8pm and was nipping through a cul-de-sac when I noticed a woman at the end of her front garden clapping. Crossed over the road to avoid them, as you would, and noticed a woman from the house opposite doing the same. Had no idea what the hell was going on, as haven’t seen any news all day, but I’m not sure who looked the more embarrassed – them or me!
Clapping?? Are you sure that your spelling is correct?? Are these ladies of Chinese descent by any chance, which might explain this strange behaviour? Very odd.
Lefty – every one – 8pm is to become clap time. Tonight we will be clapping for BBC staff , Saturday it will be supermarket staff and by April 30 it will be traffic wardens .
A fixed penalty will be issued to anyone failing to clap in time . Community Drones will be used to ensure compliance and those found not clapping will be named and shamed .
Except of course certain imported religion types.
How did you miss it?
They were clapping because the NHS has managed to enrol 500,000 people to work for nothing.
The kind of economic stimulus the rich love .
It should have been them ????
Um, the film Contagion currently on ITV2< I mentioned in the last thread, is spookily true to current life !!! rapidly spreading throughout the world Cough, fever, highly contagious, thought to start by Bats in a live market. This film was made in 2011.
In 2003 / 2004 public ‘elfs in E Asia were predicting exactly that after SARS …. not like the cocaine tooters of Hollywood were particularly original.
Well spotted
The Chinese never honour copywrite
Bloody Tories selling out the NHS to America. Oh that’s different
“And once the crisis is over, it is committed to destroying all the records.”
We believe you..
First Miracle of Saint Greta
Well, at least they didn’t get in Owen or Ash.
Our GP surgery is great.
For years you call and explain the issue to reception, and then a Doc calls back.
A spontaneous surprise catch-up call during a pandemic… not so much.
ITV News London just showed video of the NHS clap. One shot was of two terraced houses whose front doors adjoined. The occupants of both houses (about 6 or 7 people) were standing on their front paths, clapping right next to each other. WTF?
Were there any police drones taking footage of them to wag the finger of disapproval on tomorrow’s Twitter page?
China covered up about Coronavirus with the complicity of the WHO and its useless head Tedros Adhanom (an Ethiopian whom China helped get the job).
As usual Trump was right about the ghastly Chinese regime.
Details of the crooked nomination to the crooked organisation of the crooked ‘doctor’ from the crooked country in the crooked continent by the crooked Chinese in the article below:
Btw, why can’t we have a Sky News Aus instead of our wretched beeb?
Katty Kay is, if it is possible, currently out-RTing Sweeney!
Of course he loses pace by adding gratuitous swearing.
It’s only a coincidence I’m sure but I wonder why the BBC chose lefty Richard Horton, editor of the lefty Lancet, lefty BMA house journal to push the panic button for Cor19! on QT?
Announcing the level of outrage caused by our dilaTory government in ‘wasting’ the whole of February was his moment of fame, no question – though it might also have raised the question as to why the populations of Spain, Italy, France and the US are currently dropping like flies, since they were, unlike us, so evidently fully and enviably prepared?
I wish to appologise to everyone else on this thread, because I now struggle to watch anything the BBC do, for longer than perhaps five whole minutes, hence I can’t really make comment on small snippits
So, Meanwhile in Sutton.
D&C This is why I no longer comment so much on the projectile vomitings of this ghastly organisation.Its a bit like wading through a sewer – you can dip your toe in occasionally but come out feeling unclean and disheartened.
D&C This is why I no longer comment so much on the projectile vomitings of this ghastly organisation.Its a bit like wading through a sewer – you can dip your toe in occasionally but come out feeling unclean and disheartened.
You don’t need to apologise . I’d encourage people to say what they think even if they are lucky enough to be able to avoid the BBC .
Never mind people dying, the real tragedy in Beebland is a gay dancer (surely not) forced to isolate with his parents. Oh the pity!
But it gets worse: horror of horrors, his parents are… I can barely bring myself to say it… Christian!!
”I’m stuck in isolation with my homophobic parents’
With the UK on coronavirus lockdown, some young people have been forced to isolate alongside parents who don’t accept their sexuality.’
(And i just found out the beeb has an LGBT Correspondent, below. His name is Ben Hunte, which must be an anagram or rhyming slang for something. Good to know our LF is being well spent on LGBT correspondents who tick at least 2 boxes.)
It will only be 2 boxes, he’s not a female, Muslim with disabilities (which is the mythical “Royal Flush”).
I wonder if he’s friends with Ben Doon and Phil McCavity?
They were quite popular many years ago in our school yard jokes.
Thankfully the Irish gay couple living in my road don’t have that problem…Michael Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzmichael.
The Beeb do seem concerned about that community.Just before the lockdown Midlands today were reporting from the gay quarter in Birmingham the next morning when the pubs were ordered to close BBC Breakfast had a reporter in a gay bar in London not forgetting all those lesbian couples they’ve featured who’s weddings have been put on hold.
John in cheshire
Don’t forget another old classic ” Ella Fitz Gerald ”
We still need humour in these trying times until that is the PC brigade ban that as well
Does it ever occur to the BBC to write the article from the point of view of Christian parents forced to isolate with an aggressively gay son?
What a bummer..
Matching tie
Am I biased ? Or is Al Beeb the main critic of Boris ?
They appear to be aiming more flak at the government than the opposition ?
Time to end the oppressive telly tax.
The BBC are the main cheerleader for the opposition at the moment. If Rishi S had announced that everyone in the country was getting a £1milion pounds a week they would still have found a way to say – ah yes but what about……
I really hope the Govt are taking notice
Yes the treacherous Al Beeb need to be looked at very soon,long overdue !!
They still seem to be backing Corbyn on everything. It is like they forgot that he caused Labour their worst defeat since 1935!
I am not sure if this link is true, but if so, has anyone seen the Beeb announce it?
I am not sure if this link is true, but if so, has anyone seen the Beeb announce it?
There are rather too many in the police far too eager to put into practice their new-found powers of control.

That actually isn’t a spoof.
Add it to the drone footage of people daring to socially distance in the countryside, and there are clearly many police unsuited to the job. While the sheep clap like seals because they’re told to.
I do hope no irresponsible people make false complaints on there. Or use a VPN to hide their location.
It is interesting with the help of “the worlds most trusted broadcaster” we seem to be slowly being converted into a nation of performing seals. Think the right the thing, “clap” when told to and now with the help of the plods any criminals who “dare” to go for a walk in remote countryside will be “dealt with”
Some people call this totalitarianism.
The BBC is trying to kick up a fuss about us missing out on an EU-wide procurement scheme for ventilators, ‘Brexit Bad’ , ‘Boris Incompetent’ etc.
There is a myth that large organisations have ‘clout’ when it comes to procurement – big orders need big suppliers, which basically creates a monopoly customer buying from a monopoly supplier, neither side innovate.
I saw a good example that with a government contract for hiring cars. The number of companies that can suply enough cars to satisfy the needs of government is pretty low, they need to have branches in every town and spare capacity. Up until that time we had a local deal with a local company. Because they needed the business they gave us a better price and a better service than the ‘nationals’. I am sure the same is true for medical equipment suppliers, even if it is easier to give the lot to the likes of Siemens.
That Ursula was in charge of German Defence procurement – the results of her tenure are to be seen in the amount of Bundeswehr kit that is unserviceable…
Brussels is getting a bit snippy about “members” doing their own thing.
Maybe this is why BBC (has an unfair advantage) hates Fox News
“Fox News broke records in February, averaging 3.53 million total viewers in prime time — the highest ratings in its 23-year history.
It was also its 44th consecutive month that it was the most-watched channel on basic cable.
The channel steamrolled its news competitors, with MSNBC averaging 1.78 million and CNN hitting 1.05 million.
Trump was on Hannity tonight – it’s certain that BBC was glued to it
If only we had a Fox News channel here to counter the media misinformation. The mayor of New York was given huge exposure yesterday on the BBC! Thank you for posting this.
We need a Fox News UK here, to offer real choice, as opposed to the identikit broadcasters we currently have.
Doctor Who failing in America
The comments are quite revealing –
on February 25, 2020 12:58 am
Its because the beeb have simply put their usual leftist spin on it and made it dire…
Oh dear, is the unwritten alliance between the far left and islam creaking ????
Stuff you won’t see on the BBC
French high tech drone coronavirus policing version 2.0 is what you want
The second clip, harsh but fair.
The BBC is trying to gain influence in the US
This tweet links to a FB page –
Why would the BBC want to talk to US citizens about their economy?
The BBC is too busy trying to be a ‘global’ player. From there it’s a small step to a globalist agenda.
“The US has become the centre of virus pandemic” says the ‘impartial’ BBC.
I wonder who is their president?
Could it be that a) a lot of people live in the USA and b) they have probably done a lot more than most countries to provide ‘the test’?
(Here, of course, if you are a ‘celebrity’ who is only seen indirectly by people it is good to have a test but if you are royalty and might actually have had contact with lots of people it is bad).
The easiest statement for any lazy journo to get a grip on (*) is to suggest that our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, “Should have done more at the end of January, as he knew what the problem was and didn’t act”.
It was used in the 6:00pm news, when an old guy who used to lead a depleting Labour party to oblivion was droning on, and then the first question used on R5’s odd late-night version of QT had a Dr Adam Booth asking the inevitable for Fi to plug in her fave respondent, Mr Horton, to do exactly the same thing.
Dr Booth seems to be an expert climber, so good for him, but somehow this whole set-up doesn’t quite ring true…
* check the real reason why blokes are told to ‘get a grip’….
Scrob, as I wrote at the end of the last , BBC 1 News at 6pm also had a clip from an Italian Mayor of a small town saying that Boris wasted February. I don’t suppose Boris shares with minor mayors everything he does. I know the NHS was doing massive preparations but I presume also didn’t want to scare people too soon. We have seen what panic buying does.
But ‘wasted February ‘ was obviously the BBC meme of the day. Friday, I wonder what today’s angle to attack Boris will be?
Yes we saw that too, Debs.
I think our Prime Minister would rather take advice from proper experts, not thick, jumped up miniature Mussolinis.
The BBC are failing miserably in their sloppy reporting and appalling use of ‘statistics’, which no doubt are the brainchildren of some lazy twonk in the LSE.
And another thing – as there’s no sport, is the Linekar lot getting their pay cut and the balance offered to the NHS?
Hi Deb
wish Boris would take a leaf out of trumps book & just not answer the Beeb (or most UK TV reporters) as he will never get a fair/unbiased hearing.
“Coronavirus: Jeremy Corbyn says he was proved “right” on public spending.”
Corbyn pleased to politicise and weaponise Coronavirus.
BBC pleased to give him a platform: a nice warm, uninterrupted, friendly, unchallenged interview by Kuenssberg in which Uncle Joe – sorry, Uncle Jez – explains that he was right all along and the Coronavirus situation proves it.
All helpfully broken up into bite-size sections and transcripts for easy absorption – a bit like suppositories, some might say.
“In an interview with BBC’s Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg, Mr Corbyn said that the country had been “ill-prepared” for the coronavirus pandemic because of “10 years of austerity, of underfunding the National Health Service and underfunding our benefit system”
what country is “prepared” for the coronavirus pandemic Mr Corbyn.
pathetic attempt at point scoring from a pathetic man.
piss off.
And the platform afforded is…
I think he is pretending that he won the election!
They love him; they really love him.
‘Corbyn is right, everyone else is wrong!’
Been seeing it from them for years. They might have had their doubts at first but after the 2017 election they really did start to back him. They became fascinated with him and even obsessed with him. I have never known such an admiration for an opposition leader. Did Milliband get such treatment or Cameron when he was in opposition?
It was frightening actually. To think that communist Corbyn was being pushed for leader. That made a lot of people easy and was when I really started to notice the bias at the BBC.
Socialism is in the BBC’s DNA: spending other people’s money to feel good about yourself – it’s all they’ve ever known.
Another afforded a platform by the BBC.
@GH – take it you have seen this post
Lads are out. Clapping.
I haven’t heard the BBC saying not to trust ‘China’
Because the bbc exists to sow discord.
BBC Moaning Emole.
Can the EU get a grip on the virus?
EU leaders meeting on Thursday – by socially-distant video conference – glaringly failed to agree to share the debt they are all racking up fighting Covid-19. From her flat in Berlin, where she is self-isolating after her doctor tested positive for the virus, German Chancellor Angela Merkel openly admitted to the disharmony over financial instruments.
What leaders did agree on was asking Eurogroup finance ministers to explore the subject further, reporting back in two weeks’ time. The EU is famous for kicking difficult decisions down the road but in coronavirus terms, with spiralling infection and death rates, two weeks feels like an eternity.
Read full analysis >
Katya Adler
Quite a few phrases in there the bbc usually propel to headline status or wheel out vocal gobs on panel shows to highlight.
Maybe the BBC is planning to ‘explore the subject further’?
I watched EU parliament last night to see what the enemy is doing . I know I shouldn’t say it but I have to say that those in charge of the ReichEU are on the receiving end of Southern European countries – Italy Spain Greece who are suffering and dying .
The open border principle trumps health in the EU world . In an unbiased BBC the failure of the EU to help and co ordinate the worst affected would be fully and properly reported .
But it is not reported . The BBC is too busy undermining the government and frightening the life out of people .
With a fair wind both the EU and BBC will suffer at the end …
On Toady shit-stirring today.
They interviewed………wait for it…….a self-employed Candle Maker !!!!!!!! She only started the business last September so has no accounts and will not be able to claim the new benefit. Doom. Gloom. Cue outrage. Incredible isn’t it. 65 million people and the BBC find this person to feature.
No bailouts for new self-employed candle makers. Those heartless Tories. Just can’t or won’t devise helpful policies. That’s the biased BBC line.
Good spot and post, Sluff. I’ve hit the OFF-switch at least three times since 6.30am so I missed that bit. Think if I keep listening to BBC N&CA I will seriously lose the will to live.
Just hit the OFF button again. Justin has rolled onto the prog a s/e painter & decorator to express his ‘concerns’ about the Government support package.
No real need for candles…or indeed teddy bears, at the moment. We can just clap our hands. Whatever happened to the wokist narrative that clapping hands was too aggressive and we should all do ‘jazz hands’ ?
Maybe the snowflakes will make a claim against the clappers.
Sluff – I heard a story so very eerily similar to this the other day on BBC Today programme, did a quick double-take, and thought – “Nah – even the BBC wouldn’t be so stupid….”
Seems I was wrong.
I remember, because, at the time, I said to my wife “Butcher, Baker, Candle-stick maker….. why the hell do we have so much difficulty in deciding which one of these really shouldn’t be opening for business today….”
The BBC really doesn’t like common sense being used as a yard-stick for simple decision-making, instead it heads off into flights of fancy as to why our government is clearly getting it wrong on every decision, and obviously the government is confusing everyone as to what they should do….. and then heading out to find the one individual in the UK who should be an exception to the rule, and thus trying to destroy the rule on that basis.
These beeboids are degenerate Trots – and you can interpret that last word any damn way you like, BBC.
Odds of her being invited on VD? Or, indeed, any bbc rampathon?
Now that sort of NHS professional I would applaud, Guest.
Seems Amy Rutland read something on The Graun about bugs ‘an stuff and is now a QT guest expert next week.
Sources close to me have learned.
The weather forecast looks distinctly wintry in the week ahead.
So let’s clap for…………rotating equipment maintenance engineers !!!!!!!!???????
Well, do you want the gas for your gas central heating or not ? And I’m not talking about gas fitters or central heating mIntenance, I’m talking about getting the gas from the gas field to the home. Imagine the frail, elderly, freezing to death in their own homes. The BBC would be all over it.
‘Essential’ has many implications. The biased BBC’s default focus is solely on those connected with statist institutions.
Agree Sluff
If Cambridge is anything to go by – not even the Lefties could be bothered to Clap last night…but the BBC managed to get videos of Jeremy Corbyn..and I am sure some of their videos this morning were old ones from Spain (might be wrong)
R4 bigging the Clap up at the moment….FFS
@JamesArthur Yep around 8:06am after the news our BBC local radio station went into a fawning long item about the NHSclap
so I switched to the other station, only to find it was doing the same, then switched again to R Leeds ..same, then R Sheffield …same
Nice to live near ‘work’.
And be ‘essential’.
Nice work if you can get it.
A shame though because my old newsroom spy tells me Sophie is/was one of the nicer ones.
PS given that most BBC presenters moonlight to host conferences and awards ceremonies- now cancelled- will they qualify for the new self-employed support?
On top of their £300k plus for reading the autocue, naturally.
Did you stop off at your local hospital and empty any bedpans, by any chance, dear?
And, hell no.
R4 8.02 BBC reported what the ‘China’ Leader said to Trump on last night’s telephone call
That of course is what the ‘China’ leader claims he said
TOADY Watch #1 – Initiative wanted (badly needed – please help)
BBC going big on the news that ‘guidance is needed’ for doctors and other healthcare workers in dealing with patients that may have Covid-19. Their own ‘in house’ GP (they have several!) said this is needed.
Snuffy is staggered. I would have thought that if you are good enough in the leeetle grey zells area to become a Doc or a nurse, then you can surely work out ‘risk’ and use some brain power for ‘initiative’ as to whether you should cover up or not.
Just what have we become as a nation when we have to wait around for Government guidance to be provided before we do something? It staggers belief in human capability.
I haven’t heard this from the BBC
“Dr. Jeffrey Feldman, a member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee on Equipment and Facilities, said there are about 40,000 anesthesia machines in hospital operating rooms in the United States that could potentially be moved to intensive care units.
But Feldman warned those machines are not enough on their own to address the need, particularly given that they are spaced out all across the country. Cuomo said New York has a “couple of thousand” of the machines it is looking to convert.”
R4 08.23 BBC suggests it might be better for ‘oldies’ to die at home ie no hospital, no ventilator
Relatives should have “that difficult conversation” before the disease strikes
So, my wife can’t breathe and wants to go to the hospital but I tell the paramedics she said she prefers to stay (die) at home among her loved ones
This is an example of the argument against euthanasia (how it can be abused) that many activists are promoting – same mob that are pushing for ‘infanticide’
The NHS practices euthanasia – the problem being that the medical professional mafia keeps knowledge of the practice ‘in house ‘ . I’ve witnessed it more than once. Nothing written down . Done with nods and sometimes through the administration of meds which they all know could lead to a bed space but not subject to detailed clinical examination where someone is frail .
I’ve gone through the die at home die in hospital debate as well . As a result I’m not as confident that ‘paliative care nurses ‘ are as ‘good ‘ as many would hope .
TOADY Watch #2 – Understanding required (badly needed – please help)
The BBC are apparently still puzzled about the panic buying of loo rolls. Their Lefty brains have obviously erased all memories of, and references to, recent news of econo-political happenings in Venezuela. Instead, they carry news of Jeremy Corbyn (needing some self acclamation but not loo rolls) who if PM for a Labour Government may well have turned the UK into another Venezuela but without the oil.
Simples. ‘Some’ people get through a loo roll a month or more, using it in place of facial tissues, because it is cheaper.
Economic water always runs downhill.
BBC: go on-line, choose a supermarket (any supermarket but I’m sure you may choose Waitrose) and compare the price of boxed facial tissues to toilet tissue. OK, got it now?
In addition, in London of all places, it is important to not flush a manky facial tissue, full of Covid or other cold & ‘flu’ catarrh, down the toilet but it is OK to flush toilet tissue used for the same purpose. Facial tissues can jam up the sewerage system because they do not break down like toilet tissue.
Got it now, BBC?
Sky is still wheeling out sad old farts for ratings. And John.
As we resignedly tot up the number of days by scratching another five bar gate into the kitchen wall because, basically, the Chinese like to eat live bat soup (as they’ve always done) and gave us all a bad flu, meanwhile our greedy globalist elite have tied them inextricably into our economy to the extent of our dependency on them (which they never used to be).
The BBC home page in its wisdom screeches the following top headline:
“US overtakes China with most coronavirus cases”
There are so many problems with this example of Licence Payer funded journalism that one scarcely knows where to start.
Well, since time seems to be on our side, let’s have a go.
Firstly that popular current notion of fact checking.
Let’s drop a whopping great chiche – are we comparing apples and oranges with the US and China figures? Or let’s say – are we comparing apple pie with raw orangutan pie, with rice?
Can we even trust the raw (pangolin soup) figures coming out of Red China – I doubt any rational balanced commentator would trust them – at least not with their own health or wealth.
And then there’s the effect the journalist writing that headline hopes or intends to make on their reader. Authoritarian one party state China good, free market Trump-electing US bad.
Cultural differences, eh? Those Chinese so like us liberal europeans in their habits and outlook and lack of democracy, but those crazy yanks, so weird and so very different from us doing their mad things like voting Trump.
There are some chillingly puritanical elements coming to the fore as we battle this virus.
On the BBC breakfast prog’ the two presenters (a couple of insipid halfwits) were “outraged” as they showed us images of a solitary bloke walking his dog on a deserted piece of countryside.
Parks officials and police were interviewed and we were told that we all had to behave responsibly…I’m surprised they didn’t warn us “parts of this film may cause offence”.
On social media there are pictures of a bloke flying a kite in a field and once again some folk are up in arms. There’s no one near him…just the snotty pillock who ventured out with his cam-corder, took the film and grassed him up.
And what about all those twerps out applauding last night? They’re standing cheek by jowl with neighbours and clapping like performing seals in a circus. How can that possibly be social isolation? How is that not more “dangerous” than some geezer walking his dog on an empty hillside or a fellow flying a kite in deserted field?
One of the jobsworth coppers interviewed this morning told us that they were now intercepting motorists to find out if their journey was “necessary”. He actually said “We don’t know if we’ve got the virus, or you’ve got it, so this action could spread it…” And he said it as though there was no way of avoiding this calamity…other than (I’d have thought) not stopping the innocent drivers in the first place…
I think we’ve gone mad.
Jeff, the Police Forces haven’t got enough to do, because everyone is staying home so the burglaries, which the Police don’t investigate anyway, are not happening.
Jeff, totally agree. Getting into your car and driving to a remote spot for fresh air and a walk should be ok. Its only problematic when the world and his wife do the same. I’m high risk, but putting the dog in the car and driving to a field 2 mins away for a solitary walk is no different to being solitary in the garden. I think we’ve all ‘got the message’ now to treat everyone as though they’re plague ridden – probably the older generation mostly. And yes, it was jaw dropping to see neighbours with only a small wall between them, and much less than a foot, let alone 2 metres , out clapping and cheering. WTF ???
Jeff – those programmes on the rise of the nazi party – and the public complying with what is done ‘in their interest ‘ is starting to have similarities here which may well be being triggered by anxiety and fear and the sudden government driven requirement for behaviour change .
I was always struck by the fact that the gestapo didn’t have to go and detect dissenters because a neighbour would happily grass them up – often for personal reasons – being aware- deep down – that they’d be ‘taken away ‘ and not come back.
There are parallels with this now . It’s a new branch of ‘we need to check your thinking ‘….
By the way – I wonder if this time will land up with a designation like ‘pre corvid’ PC and ‘after corvid ‘ AC ?
Report Non Coms.
Something we can do during lockdown to help the nation. Watch through your window for evidence of non compliance and record it with your camera. For example Mr A in 146 has been washing his car for over an hour, his wife went out shopping this morning and then again this afternoon. Mrs B from 144 took the dog for a walk at 8am and again later that evening. The students who live in 142 went out jogging in a group, all of them close together. Then they sat together on the front wall drinking beer. Numerous people visit their house, non of them wear face masks.
They should be described and labelled as ‘Non Coms’ (Non Compliers) and reported. It may be tempting to indulge in seeking revenge on neighbours with whom you have had past difficulties. This could be your chance to be rid of them. Repeated reports could get them arrested for aggravated non compliance. After all, it is our duty to help enforce compliance. .
We are all in it together.
Wir sind alle zusammen dabei
Perhaps Non Coms should be required to wear clothing which identifies them
@Jeff “chillingly puritanical elements”
I wasn’t on the blog yesterday morning
I’d normally do a bit and then go down the weekly market and help the fruitnveg stall holder pack up, then I tidy up and distribute the left over stuff to pensioner neighbours etc.
I wasn’t sure if the market would run yesterday but the then stall holder phoned me at 7am to come down cos her normal worker had’t come.
I checked local facebook and the pious there were outraged
“How dare the market run ..they’ll be crowds it’s risking lives, this is war”
.. a few people disagreed
Then it became apparent the original poster lives in a different area of the country.
If she lived local she’d would have known that our market is not actually a busy moneyspinner , there are rarely crowds on a normal day.
And sure enough we obeyed the new rules gloves, so we weren’t touching our faces
and the punters were sensible one stood to get served whilst others stood back.
I only once had to tell a customer off for going to touch the oranges with her hands.
It turns out there is a complete working food chain
that the farmers are harvesting stuff. It’s going to the wholesalers warehouse along with the imported deliveries
If the market traders don’t buy it, it would rot in that warehouse.
Also turned out that instead of 3 neighbours coming down
one person was typically coming down and buying for all 3.
If the market wasn’t running there’d have been even more people in the Tescos queue which at some points was half the way around the block.
The bit I saw had the police heads down at windows talking to people in car – no masks or anything…Duh!
They’d be checking for drink-drivers. They never llet an easy collar pass them by.
House journal.
Note key word: ‘must’.
Also ‘West’.
Probably just the porridge but my spidey senses are on edge, large scale wealth redistribution is one possible outcome of our current situation.
Well, the ‘east’ is gonna get really short of money soon, compounded by many Western businesses vacating post-haste. So, the ‘West’ must step in…………………
The Chinese-backed (and China backing) head of the WHO said in an interview that the pandemic showed the need for the West to give more financial support to under-developed countries (above our £14B obviously). The Chairman of the IPCC said something similar re Climate Change, both reflecting the UN Agenda 21. The Common Purpose lot will use every means to propagate their plans. I ask my liberal-luvvie friends if they really want to live at the world-average standard; this would probably consist something nearer a shanty town than Islington.
How much is the guardian contributing from its trust fund? Or has it already spent the lot on itself and its commie mates?
I have a question for this Group:
Hypothetically imagine I own a 75% renovated empty house.
also imagine i live in a house with both parents, one of those parents being a jack of all trades. as its possible to still order online & get delivered, all if not most parts to finish the renovation, which i express would be an internal renovation completed by myself & parent whom im living with.
Would this be breaking the lock-down rules, as im travelling to a second home, thats empty & im not coming into contact with any persons as id be driving from DRIVEWAY to DRIVEWAY………..discuss 😛
@Vonbedda We wondered where the pious get their ideas from
and this morning someone explained there is a Jackyll and Hyde game going on.
#1 The government spokesman says “Stay at home, only essential journeys, lives are at risk”
#2 then the guidelines come out and make it clear that many things are classed as essential like keeping your business alive and if you can follow isolation safety rules you can carry on”
e.g. Someone with a sole or family wedding dress business might travel to his/her workshop to work.
Our local hardware store is open for supplies
Yesterday the coastguard helicopter guy asked me where he could get his smashed phone screen repaired.
I told him to get hold of the repair shop guy by Facebook to see he could make an arrangement.
The hardware store is open cos buildings need to be kept safe and secure people’s taps might go wrong etc.
I imagine in my area that the store workers are following handwash glove guidelines so tha materials will almost certainly be safe to handle.
In Re lack of face masks for NHS .
Can they , the Powers That Be who run the thing , not improvise and innovate until enough come onto line ?
How about cutting up
the worn out uniforms , shirts , lab coats etc , boiling them to within a inch of their lives , soaking them with Dettol or whatever and making temporary face masks ?
I know this might not be feasible – fumes knocking out the staff but I’m sure the great and the good could come up with something if they concentrated on this rather than complaining about austerity .
But note, some leading light in the ‘Supermarket’ business told Toady that right now they could not obtain the right protective gear for their staff, ‘due to World shortages’. Regrettably, our ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ did not decide to continue hammering the Gvt on lack of NHS protective gear contemporaneously with the supermarket item. ‘No’ to have done so, would have provoked even the dimmest to have said to themselves, ‘Well if the supermarkets can’t get the stuff what hope the Government?’
My wife works in theatres and said would do something similar to your suggestion if it came to it…
The problem we have is twofold : more than one generation that have lost any idea of self sufficiency and practical skills and a society in which many people see everything is a ‘right’
Will anyone notice?
Last weekend there were two incidents of note in my home town, one of the largest in Northern Ireland.
A local businessman, basically a slum-landlord, was stabbed to death by one of his scum-clients, and a Nationalist thug, who also happened to be staying in a property owned by the murdered businessman, set fire to some wreaths at our Cenotaph. The one directly opposite our police station. An act he filmed and posted on social media.
In fact both incidents happened within 100 yards of our police station and were carried out by persons attracted to our town by the accommodation provided by the murdered man, once grand Victorian townhouses converted into “hostels” and “halfway-houses”. In reality hotbeds of petty crime, drug and alcohol abuse and anti-social behaviour.
I knew from a local Facebook site who was stabbed and under what circumstances about 3 hours after the incident. The story had accompanying photos and interviews with people who knew the victim. The bBBC eventually provided the same information 2 days later.
The same website identified the poppy-burning prick the next day. Despite the poppy-wreaths burning being recorded by the PSNI as a sectarian hate crime and the offender having been apprehended and charged almost immediately, with these types of crimes usually routinely reported on our local bBbc news, the bBbc have still not mentioned it.
Wrong sort of hate-crime? The murdered landlord was one of “the -only-Muslims-in-our-village”. Surely there was an angle there. Obviously/ unfortunately not.
Meanwhile I’m glad to see that an Antrim man hopes to get home from Peru soon. Thanks for that bBbc.
Local “News” my arse.