I’m in a similar situation . I’ve started cycling been addresses as part of the required ‘exercise’ regime .i hadn’t been on a bike for a long time so thought my first outing would lead to a heart attack …
I’m also worried that I might become one of those cycling fascists ….
Do I get a fixed penalty for going out but it’s put aside because it’s ‘exercise ‘?
its hard choice, however i’ve just read a new list of rules that states
Moving Address only were reasonably necessary – I’m a key worker within Food Manufacturing Software. I live with 2 over 60s parents, one who has had prior cancer treatments over a year ago. so mine and there thinking is, get my house finished asap and get me moved in.
Not on the BBC, but useful for comparison purposes:
The provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in February 2020 was 43,653; this represents a decrease of 13,053 deaths in comparison with the previous month and a decrease of 2,143 deaths in comparison with the same month in 2019. So more deaths in Feb 2019 and than Feb 2020.
And there were 56,000 deaths in January in the England and Wales.
Coronavirus deaths so far in England and Wales total around 500.
So coronavirus deaths will account for little more 1% of all deaths in England and Wales during March.
Presumably and sadly, a certain number of these deaths would have occurred any way.
I think understandable ignorance of mortality numbers can help those pushing the panic with their causes – whether it be state intervention , public services , destroying the economy –
But I think the most valuable lesson they’ve relearned is that the public is largely compliant . – so far ….
I’m not sure . I suppose it depends on how bad and how long deaths and restrictions are going to be .
A thing I have learned is that most people can adapt to anything . So I’m sure in a room somewhere there are people planning for ‘ afterward ‘ which may consist of the reduction of the spread of the Chinese virus due to the climate and or a working vaccine .
Taxes will rise to try to get control of finances again – another 2008 job .
Will post virus freedom lead to a resurgence of the individual over the collective ? God I hope so .
People have become self centred as the quality of life -choice – has expanded . So maybe this drive – and it’s downside like self entitlement- might also come back quickly .
If labour had won the election we’d be in a permanent socialist state after this . At least we should be spared that .
The NHS will be seen as great . Instead of being a failed organisation which needed to be bailed out by military logistics .
Yesterday I commented that bbc radio newcastle did not mention that ‘only’ 28 had died in the 24 hours and that they gave out the running total, 465 at the time, (thus obscuring the good news of a significant reduction)
They did say the number of infections but then added the true number would be much higher.
Well, today, the figure is much higher so they mentioned the death numbers in their news headlines.
Hide any good news, push up front any bad news.
It’s true to bbc form isn’t it.
Just like:
Any bad news (since Brexit) any good news (despite Brexit)
EU good, UK bad.
Enrichers good, Brits bad.
A ‘man’, then ‘an asian’ when the terrorist is an enricher (after ages of hiding the event), name and life story within minutes if it’s the rare occasion a whitey or righty does something.
Right bad, left wonderful.
Immigration good, us…all racists and bigots if we dare mention it.
Greta Thunfisch good, us…all deniers etc.
Oh for a neutral public broadcaster.
Has anyone come across a comparison chart of flu deaths and covid deaths.
I suspect there will be many similarities and although covid might be a nasty way to go I reckon the same goes for the flu.
Covid and the flu seem to be doing the same thing, killing those who are very poorly or highly vulnerable (with the occasional exception of a younger person said to be fit although young people do die of unknown reasons such as an undiagnosed heart problem)
If we had a chart to directly compare the two (flu/covid) my guess is they would complement each other and maybe when totalled together might show only a little difference in overall numbers.
How will covid compare with the UK average of 17,000 flu deaths every year.
I wonder if the total of flu/covid deaths this year will be about 17,000 where the virus’ attacks the same group of vulnerable people it does every year.
Another of life’s coincidences again, but deaths of apparently healthy young persons might have another underlying reason. Apparently one of the many side effects of cocaine use is a weakening of the immune system.
I see the Government has given the Fire Service the responsibility of collecting dead bodies from homes. Hopefully they will only work at night in keeping with tradition. Local fire stations where they’re all searching around for that bell they used to use……….
“During London’s Outbreak in 1665, Body Collectors Only Worked At Night.
A deadly outbreak of plague struck London in 1665. By September, the city was drowning under 8,000 new corpses every week.
There were so many bodies accumulating that the city ordered body collectors to only work at night, because the sight of cart after cart piled with corpses terrified those who hadn’t fled the city.
Body collectors would pull “dead-carts” through the streets, ringing a bell and calling out “Bring out your dead!” Family members, who were quarantined with the sick, would lower their dead to the street, sometimes with a hook on a long pole. Diarist Samuel Pepys wrote that he stopped going out at night because of his “great fear of meeting dead corpses.” https://www.ranker.com/list/bubonic-plague-body-collector-facts/genevieve-carlton
Not bbc – but there is a playground in my area called “bury field ‘ named because plague bodies from central London were carried out to the outer London ‘sticks ‘ and put in mass graves .
I don’t think many of the kids using that playground would have a clue – even the few who speak eeenngleeesh
Quick check … yep, Lammy still spouting bitter political bile !!!
So you could implement a brand new system, go through every one of the 5 million applications, examine tax returns etc, work out how much they're entitled to and pay them within weeks? Oh I forgot. Labour would just throw money at them regardless of the economic consequences.
— Emma Louisa J ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (@Emmalouisajones) March 26, 2020
For those poor souls who still watch the biased BBC question time –
Apparently there was a ‘doctor ‘ called Richard Horton on the show doing the required government put down about wasting time and failing to prepare .
Well helpfully – Andrew Neil has found a tweet this doctor put out at the end of January saying fear of the virus was being over done and it won’t be ‘much of a problem ‘…..
Interesting people with interesting judgement the BBC choose to put in front of the British taxpayer .
When you – using suitably imaginative thinking – couple Richard Horton with John Ashton and place both in prime positions on the BBC’s principal political arena, QT, most balanced viewers must ask if there’s some sort of agenda being played out here.
It goes well beyond common decency, let alone common-sense, but if, just say, enough alarm, despondency and anger is generated to cause a government to fall – by being continuously held up to much publicised ridicule by suitable experts – will there be a winner?
Answers on sanitised post-cards please.
Hello BBC
Please abandon your left wing agenda for one minute and think of the country you serve, yes you serve the UK not the world.
Can you start to look at putting programmes together that teach children not currently in school basic maths and English in line with the curriculum. No we don’t need them in twenty languages just English.
So do somthing positive to help this country through this crisis, and no we ain’t interested in who is putting what inside whom………
A slight flaw in the joke:”The Age of Consent in Saint Lucia is 16 years old. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity.”
I almost embarrassed myself today – I coughed in public….fortunately I was to hide it by letting rip an extremely loud fart at the same time, which saved the day…
Mark Kermode, the doyen of Guardianista film critics, with a face more suited to radio than TV as the years roll on, has a series on Al beeb 4, ‘The Secrets of Cinema’, last night ‘British History Movies’.
Kermode, who does know his stuff and can be entertaining, was going ok until he reached the last two centuries, I knew what was coming…
Surprise, surprise, we had the usual BBC political choice cuts on the films selected and snide comments (41m, on if you dare to watch it):-
Belle. (You know why)
Victoria and Abdul . (Again)
Comrades (Tolpuddle martyrs)
Life and death of Colonel Blimp.
Darkest Hour (with compulsory scene in Underground with you know who.)
Billy Elliot (set during the Miner’s strike and Fatcher’s Britain)
Rocket Man ??? (FFS)
Blinded by the light (Directed by Gurinder Charda?) (again set in ‘Fatcherite’s 80’s’)
And Bohemian Rhapsody (the only link to History, Kermode surmises, is that pop stars are new ‘Royalty’)
I‘m surprise he missed out Bloody Sunday!
This is history:-
Battle of Britain, The Damn Busters, Waterloo, Lawrence of Arabia, In Which We Serve etc; please add to the list..
To lighten the mood (but with a twist) here’s an old joke from the 70s which can be re-interpreted to the context of the day.
Picture the scene. The 70s. Miners strikes. Country held to ransom.
So ‘King’ Arthur Scargill stands up at an NUM meeting and he says ‘Comrades, we have just negotiated the best deal for our members in the history of this Union. We have secured a 35% pay rise. The working week will reduce to just 25 hours. We will have 12 weeks fully paid holiday. We will be able to retire on full final salary pension after just 15 years of work. In return for the sake of the overall deal, we have reluctantly accepted the need to work one Saturday morning per month’.
And a guy at the back puts his hand up in apoplexy and shouts ‘What. EVERY month ?’
The guy at the back and the BBC are one and the same. No matter what the story, no matter how good or how positive the news, you can guarantee the BBC will search and search until they can find something with which to find fault and criticise, and then focus only on that.
There is a pattern to both BBC and Ch 4 news on the China Virus. Each programme starts with a brief statement about the Government’s measures, followed by interviews with experts who are egged on by the presenters to outline shortages in equipment etc. Front line, front line blah de blah. Then comes the emotional nurse from the method school of acting, And then more experts on the lack of preparation for the doom of which we are only two weeks behind Italy.
Everyone is programmed to say ‘We are in it together’. Then a visit to the doorsteps of elderly vulnerable people who get a mike on a pole thrust in their faces until they say that we have to cooperate with the restrictions as they are there to protect the Any Chess.
Finally we turn to the US where the crisis is reported as being mismanaged by the bad Trump and a US expert is wheeled on to denounce Trump, with prompts from the presenters.
Apropos of the apparent overly keen willingness of so many otherwise sensible people to not only unquestioningly go along with every superstitious senseless dictat – from standing 2 metres apart in public to idiotically clapping at a given hour – but to then happily police it by ratting out non-compliance…
There was a documentary which in part tried to answer the question of how did a relatively tiny force of Gestapo manage to keep control of a German population of millions. Now I would suggest that given the additional example of the post-war ease with which the Stazi kept a lid on the DDR there might be just a little something in the Teutonic character which tends that way – unpopular as it is these days to point to ‘national characteristics’
However, there was a very memorable scene from the documentary where an elderly German woman was questioned by an interviewer about her wartime experience. Naturally she said she was always opposed to the excesses of the then regime. She was next confronted with a letter retrieved from the archives of the local Gestapo. She had written about the oddity and non-conformity of a neighbour of hers. The suspect woman lived alone, dressed and acted differently, was possibly jewish, maybe lesbian, had visits from unusual friends, etc. The poor woman in question was taken away one day and never seen again.
My old man reckons he got it mid to end of feb, before there saying the first cases were reported.
All the symptoms of Chinese virus he had, it was touch an go, i almost called an ambulance, however a trip to hospital, given 4 weeks of antibiotics didn’t work, so a trip back & Steroid Nasal Spray ended up shifting it….
however none of us know for certain. we need these testing kits to be made public asap as soon as we know they work, mass roll out
Look at this way. The Chinese did not suddenly start eating pangolin’s and bat’s bits in mid-2019. It has therefore been festering away in China, mutating this way and that, until the latest variant got a bit serious in the last couple of months of 2019.
Perhaps there is a Covid-15 and a Covid-16 out there.
I hope Bojo asks Witty and Vallance lots of intelligent questions about air transmission of the Covid-19 virus and not just one about heir transmission.
Working today from the office and now completely boycotting any Anti-BBC rhetoric. It’s beyond a joke and utterly disgusting, it’s been negativity and utter bile since last week.
A few westy observations, No one in my street performed the ‘clap’ last evening. I glanced out to look and confirmed a 100% non-participation.
Among the hardy souls in work today, all were bemoaning the heavy handed approach of the old bill and expressing the same view regarding their thick as mince approach to the situation.
Make no mistake – it won’t last forever and any powers they think have now will quickly be rescinded. The sheer scale of people ignoring them will ultimately make it happen, regardless of the nosey neighbor or local snitch.
Not the bBbc but cheeks of the same well-skelped backside, a fitting description of Fatty Boultons face as he attempts to hide his glee on reporting our PMs positive COVID testing over on Sly Views.
Why do the media have this OBSESSION with over hyping everything ?? We have just seen him on TV, he has a slight sniffle FFS !!!!
I give up !!!
If Boris has a #Coronavirus fever, as he says, then he surely shouldn’t still be trying to run the country? Too many huge, crucial decisions to be made for someone who may be feeling very rough to be at the helm. Who is the designated survivor PM – Raab? Sunak? Gove?
I used to like Piers but he really can’t hide the fact he is upset that Boris and Co have ignored him and his show…so he just continues to make things worse…
Piers ..get back to being an insightful funny journalist or get a job with the BBC
Just back at the keyboard after doing essential estate maintenance on the green and growing stuff. Lovely sunny day and warm, if sheltered from.a cold easterly wind. Lots of signs of wildlife, especially ladybirds.
I therefore certain that in the very near future, I’m going to be told by BBC R4 that the common ladybird is facing extinction in the UK.
Normally the BBC do some shroud waving for something and then one sits on the fence or comes in the house. So this time, I’m getting the beetle boom in, in advance. So there!
Without vital forward planning, which was disgracefully disregarded in February, and suitable protective clothing for the carers involved, tragically his/her demise is almost inevitable.
Beltane the point is if you are 102 the chance of reaching 103 is quite small anyway.
BTW you have no knowledge that her carers have a lack of PPE
I expect there was forward planning, as the NHS will surely have a system. It doesn’t just nip to the shops and buy some the same day it needs to use them.
Of course in any system with millions of elements there will be an error in a fraction of cases.
If the centenarian has had a life long exposure to the BBC and lived to 102 then the chance of seeing off Covid-19 and reaching 103 or 104 might be quite good.
Morgan – A Suitable Case for Treatment, but probably not a treatable case.
Who is ..
You are supposed to be the expert informing we virusfodder.
This money grabbing cow Carrie Gracie presenting on the BBC right now is bang out of order. It really is like a far left propaganda channel.
She is not happy at all the PM can be tested when front line NHS staff are still waiting (allegedly). She simply CANNOT hide her disgusting usual BBC lefty bias.
He is the PM for crying out loud, running the country at this time of National Emergency, of course he will be tested you dumb cow.
Meanwhile 769 dead in Spain in the last 24 hours . ….. their last big number was 738 in one day .
As for the kidults celebrating the PM having the Chinese Virus ….. I wonder if twitter will remove their accounts ?
I was going to write “ what are they thinking publishing such a thing “ but then I realised that really with such comment there is no “ thinking “ involved in such hate . Stay frosty …..
Ah Jezza and Laura. You remind me of the scenes in Iraq when the Iraqi Information Minister was proudly declaring victory to an adoring press corps (that’s why Saddam let them in) as the US tanks and Bradleys rolled past in the background.
Boris has contracted the Chinese virus. He’s sent a message out to all his hardworking team and anybody else involved thanking them for their efforts.
I trust he put xi Jinping on his mailing list.
Why I suspect that the ‘scientific’ paper Boris followed is a scam –
1. The study made a number of ‘projections’ if we don’t do this, this and this.
2. Now that this, this and this has been done there is no way to confirm the accuracy of the original predictions if we had not done this, this and this
3. The projections for having done this, this and this are –
Total deaths were between 5,600 and 48,000
Peak ICU beds were between 920 and 5,600
I haven’t seen any revised figures?
If anyone has these I stand corrected
Not sure that necessarily follows, Pippa. Germany, I'm told, records as cause of death any underlying condition (if there is one) even if they had coronavirus. We record it as CV death if they had virus regardless of underlying conditions. See Prof Lee in The Spectator. https://t.co/YL4GnKHJ2X
Yes I just looked at her bio – Miror and Guardian. it is hilarious how thick some of these ‘political’ people are
but then again most seem to be stuck in the unconscious incompetent window of learning
I just saw Boris’s tweet where he and Sunak are outside #10 clapping the NHS
… It’s kinda weird that not once have I heard the BBC mention that Boris did the 8pm thing
A bit like when they didn’t transmit Boris’s speech to the nation on Brexit day. The BBC editors have difficult decisions when it comes to selecting which news to show etc.
Interesting that so many of those who are in a position to obtain testing, test positive, yet only ever suffer a mild form of the affliction (if they suffer anything at all), take to their self-isolation, and miraculously recover a short time later.
It begs the question, do these tests actually test for the virus, and nothing else, or do they indicate positive for all manner of lesser things, as well?
Why hasn’t there been any condemnation of China from any nation for allowing this to happen ? Regardless of where it emanated from, a) a laboratory in Wuhan (most likely), or b) a bat in a live market, the international community should demand a full inquiry as to the whys and wherefores.
War criminals have been put on trial for wholesale murder of peoples, yet the same thing is happening now, courtesy of the Chinese. So why isn’t there worldwide condemnation of that country ?
The media are not following this up at all. They only care to report about numbers of infected and deaths, with an almost lassez faire attitude.
A man in the French city of Loire has been sent to prison by a judge after he repeatedly violated lockdown measures meant to halt the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.
The 35-year-old was on parole at the time of his arrest and according to prosecutors had 16 prior convictions for a
number of offences including drug use, contempt of court, theft, and travelling on public transport without a ticket.
The man is not the first person in the area to be handed down a prison term for violating the nationwide lockdown measures put in place by President Emmanuel Macron.
A 19-year-old, who had violated the measures ten times in only a few days, was also handed down a four-month prison sentence — although in his case it was suspended.
Men again, the Breitbart article does not hazard any guesses as to the origin of these, err, umm, men.
Those commenting BTL are using that letter which does not exist on keyboards purchased by the extreme far left StaliMist BBC.
checking current stats , another big blip up
released 27 March so actually really collected on 26th
Daily DEATHS 181
Pattern last Wed 40, Thu 33, Fri 56 , Sat 48, Sun 54, Mon 87, Tue 43, Wed 113 ( also a blip up)
OK I haven’t seen the case count that should be released today
(Oh got it 2921 a 33% rise on yesterday)
stats released YESTERDAY Thursday DAILY positives +2129 vs previous +1452, so that is quite a blip up a 27% rise in a day wow
pattern…Fri 1035, Sat 665, Sun 967, Mon 1427, Tue 1452,
Tests made 11658 (+2129) Daily Positivity Rate: 18.3%
That’s about normal with the vast majority of suspected actually testing negative
Well Fed next it will be 300/day deaths in a few days, then 500/day a few days after that
unless the effect of increased isolation that has been taken to kicks in.
The people who died might have had contracted it 10 days or 15 days ago, and it’s only 7 days since the pubs and schools shut.
The idea is that the isolation phase should have slowed the growth so we might him a plateau of 400 deaths/day
Today’s death rate might tell us some things
If on average today’s 181 dead represent the people who got it 7 days ago and the death rate is 5%
Then the total number who got that day tested and untested was 3,620
We know actually 1035 tested positive total 7 days ago
… and the theory is only 1 in 10 cases are properly registered so the true tally was 10,350
181/10350 = 0.00175 making a fatality rate of 1.75%
That extrapolates
So in 1 million people17,500 people die
If 10m get it thats 175,000 deaths
if 20m get it 350K deaths etc.
As Andrew Neil says..stats don’t tell you that Covid actually killed people, but rather that most mostly they had Covid and some other thing when they died
Stew – thank you . Suitably grim . I worry that certain people will not put up with the restrictions for the suggested period and that the London tube will continue to spread the infection at a level which just should not be happening now .
Which Labour MP is going to win the award for crass comment about members of the government getting the Chinese Virus / bio weapon .
The experts prove that anyone can spread corona-virus ..especially people around them.
The last man standing is Sir Vallance.
Whitty, Hancock, PM Johnson have all tested positive today.
As an analogy looking at these press conferences , this evening’s
being headed by Michael Gove. One can imagine Sir Winston
Churchill heading a media conference in 1940 and asking
the first question to be put by the BERLINER ZEITUNG !!
Strange that the MSM was trying to label the PM as ‘ part time ‘ and is now being critical that he allowed himself to get the Chinese virus / biological weapon – along with other key government staff .
I bet the BBC is leading this too – I will not partake
I heard 5 seconds of that after Gove had finished , Disgusting BBC straight into criticism mode , they really are the lowest form of SCUM ! …..off switch
Just to vary the subject matter, I’ve noticed that for the past few days, perhaps most of this week, the skies above chez moi have been beautifully clear and blue. Even when the odd plane passes by.
That is, an absence of, in the vernacular, chemtrails. For ages now, we seem to have been encased in an envelope of milky grey skies, that never end and stretch as far as the eye can see.
But this week, it’s all changed; the sky looks normal, the birds are singing and the temperature has been comfortably higher. Long may it continue, says I.
My puzzlement is why have they stopped pumping chemicals into the atmosphere; what’s changed that might cause them to stop? Could it be the virus, could it be that they know sunlight and higher temperatures will probably kill it off much quicker? Maybe all the flight crews have been brought low by the virus; some sort of divine retribution perhaps?
It can’t be a lack of currency that’s stopped them because our chancellor has demonstrated he’ll produce as much of it out of thin air as and when needed.
I wish there was a credible news organisation in our country that would consider such matters and give us the truth, even if it means my dark thoughts are baseless. But I suppose Boris and Trump baiting and arranging for photos of the gullible shouting and clapping people who are just doing their jobs are more important.
beeb news at 6 criticising Trump for not taking action when China was the centre of epidemic. But then, no one else was – certainly not the UK.
Hypocritical beeb; Trump-haters!
Nick Bryant on the BBC 6 o clock news. Never will you see a more biased, anti Trump piece of BBC rubbish.
Not remotely interested in just reporting the FACTS of the virus in the USA. Oh no !!!! Nick let his own / BBC biased opinions run wild ……
Nick thinks Trump didn’t take it seriously, Nick thinks Trump lost valuable time, Nick thinks Trump still doesn’t get, Nick thinks this could be Trumps undoing in the election ….and so on and so on …………..
Impartial !!!!! Utter joke. Disgraceful. How the hell do they get away with it ???
Boris Bashing Corp: The host on Radio Humberside late this afternoon saying Boris and Matt getting the virus wasn’t just carelessness…he went on to suggest it was negligent!! Disgusting filth from a ‘world class beauty’.
Not the BBC – the Mail reports an incident where plod fined a baker spraying distance markings on the ground outside his shop to help customers distance themselves . Non permanent marker is apparently ‘criminal damage ‘ and the plod in question has sergeants ‘ stripes .
This comes after drone surveillance of people walking their dogs in the Peak District . This morning the London chief cop was calling on retired cops to return to the colours – to do more
‘Big brother ‘damnright nasty work like that .
Funny how some people get the full law and order menu and other groups /types get fully ignored …..
And how quickly everyone has taken to it, both those enforcing and those (most) compliant. Makes one understand how fragile and easily usurped, ‘normal’ life is.
No police in my shire town yet. Not that we ever see them now. No doubt some will turn up tomorrow and start being useful. My town is self policing as it should be. Hazard a guess as to our ethnic makeup.
It is a legitimate worry that when this is over the police will be reluctant to give up their new powers. I for one am concerned. This concern is caused by the documented behaviour of our police over the last 20 years or so.
Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought this when watching that conference. She asked why they weren’t better protected, but CAN YOU IMAGINE the outcry, and questioning by Beth Rigby, if the PM and his government were actually having regular testing when NHS workers weren’t protected ????
As you say Doob, damned if they do and damned if they don’t.
The journalists will always find a sore to pick, even if everything was going swimmingly.
I ve just had a visit from plod . I went outside at 8pm and clapped as instructed tonight . I don’t know what for but knew I’d get a fixed penalty if I didn’t do it . It seems I got grassed up for anti social conduct …the drone footage may appear on PlodTV soon…
…….the above may be an untrue story ….
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
I’m in a similar situation . I’ve started cycling been addresses as part of the required ‘exercise’ regime .i hadn’t been on a bike for a long time so thought my first outing would lead to a heart attack …
I’m also worried that I might become one of those cycling fascists ….
Do I get a fixed penalty for going out but it’s put aside because it’s ‘exercise ‘?
its hard choice, however i’ve just read a new list of rules that states
Moving Address only were reasonably necessary – I’m a key worker within Food Manufacturing Software. I live with 2 over 60s parents, one who has had prior cancer treatments over a year ago. so mine and there thinking is, get my house finished asap and get me moved in.
Not on the BBC, but useful for comparison purposes:
The provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in February 2020 was 43,653; this represents a decrease of 13,053 deaths in comparison with the previous month and a decrease of 2,143 deaths in comparison with the same month in 2019. So more deaths in Feb 2019 and than Feb 2020.
And there were 56,000 deaths in January in the England and Wales.
Coronavirus deaths so far in England and Wales total around 500.
So coronavirus deaths will account for little more 1% of all deaths in England and Wales during March.
Presumably and sadly, a certain number of these deaths would have occurred any way.
I think understandable ignorance of mortality numbers can help those pushing the panic with their causes – whether it be state intervention , public services , destroying the economy –
But I think the most valuable lesson they’ve relearned is that the public is largely compliant . – so far ….
Will this compliancy be extended to cover restrictions required to save the world from the climate after the China Virus pandemic is over?
I’m not sure . I suppose it depends on how bad and how long deaths and restrictions are going to be .
A thing I have learned is that most people can adapt to anything . So I’m sure in a room somewhere there are people planning for ‘ afterward ‘ which may consist of the reduction of the spread of the Chinese virus due to the climate and or a working vaccine .
Taxes will rise to try to get control of finances again – another 2008 job .
Will post virus freedom lead to a resurgence of the individual over the collective ? God I hope so .
People have become self centred as the quality of life -choice – has expanded . So maybe this drive – and it’s downside like self entitlement- might also come back quickly .
If labour had won the election we’d be in a permanent socialist state after this . At least we should be spared that .
The NHS will be seen as great . Instead of being a failed organisation which needed to be bailed out by military logistics .
How so?
All those bodies decomposing and, importantly, giving off Methane…….
Let’s ask Greta what to do.
An interesting set of numbers – you won’t see on BBC
Yesterday I commented that bbc radio newcastle did not mention that ‘only’ 28 had died in the 24 hours and that they gave out the running total, 465 at the time, (thus obscuring the good news of a significant reduction)
They did say the number of infections but then added the true number would be much higher.
Well, today, the figure is much higher so they mentioned the death numbers in their news headlines.
Hide any good news, push up front any bad news.
It’s true to bbc form isn’t it.
Just like:
Any bad news (since Brexit) any good news (despite Brexit)
EU good, UK bad.
Enrichers good, Brits bad.
A ‘man’, then ‘an asian’ when the terrorist is an enricher (after ages of hiding the event), name and life story within minutes if it’s the rare occasion a whitey or righty does something.
Right bad, left wonderful.
Immigration good, us…all racists and bigots if we dare mention it.
Greta Thunfisch good, us…all deniers etc.
Oh for a neutral public broadcaster.
Has anyone come across a comparison chart of flu deaths and covid deaths.
I suspect there will be many similarities and although covid might be a nasty way to go I reckon the same goes for the flu.
Covid and the flu seem to be doing the same thing, killing those who are very poorly or highly vulnerable (with the occasional exception of a younger person said to be fit although young people do die of unknown reasons such as an undiagnosed heart problem)
If we had a chart to directly compare the two (flu/covid) my guess is they would complement each other and maybe when totalled together might show only a little difference in overall numbers.
How will covid compare with the UK average of 17,000 flu deaths every year.
I wonder if the total of flu/covid deaths this year will be about 17,000 where the virus’ attacks the same group of vulnerable people it does every year.
Another of life’s coincidences again, but deaths of apparently healthy young persons might have another underlying reason. Apparently one of the many side effects of cocaine use is a weakening of the immune system.
I see the Government has given the Fire Service the responsibility of collecting dead bodies from homes. Hopefully they will only work at night in keeping with tradition. Local fire stations where they’re all searching around for that bell they used to use……….
“During London’s Outbreak in 1665, Body Collectors Only Worked At Night.
A deadly outbreak of plague struck London in 1665. By September, the city was drowning under 8,000 new corpses every week.
There were so many bodies accumulating that the city ordered body collectors to only work at night, because the sight of cart after cart piled with corpses terrified those who hadn’t fled the city.
Body collectors would pull “dead-carts” through the streets, ringing a bell and calling out “Bring out your dead!” Family members, who were quarantined with the sick, would lower their dead to the street, sometimes with a hook on a long pole. Diarist Samuel Pepys wrote that he stopped going out at night because of his “great fear of meeting dead corpses.”
Not bbc – but there is a playground in my area called “bury field ‘ named because plague bodies from central London were carried out to the outer London ‘sticks ‘ and put in mass graves .
I don’t think many of the kids using that playground would have a clue – even the few who speak eeenngleeesh
All that Methane?
Give me a horse and cart, I’ll collect then up , reasonable price too
Dear Boris
I realise that you are very busy but please read this, every day.
Please email it to every freedom loving world leader.
Quick check … yep, Lammy still spouting bitter political bile !!!
Lammy has a superior IQ to a COVID19 virus only because the latter is not currently recognised by most virologists as being alive.
Should that change the ranking would be Virus, Black Chair, Abbott, Lammy.
For those poor souls who still watch the biased BBC question time –
Apparently there was a ‘doctor ‘ called Richard Horton on the show doing the required government put down about wasting time and failing to prepare .
Well helpfully – Andrew Neil has found a tweet this doctor put out at the end of January saying fear of the virus was being over done and it won’t be ‘much of a problem ‘…..
Interesting people with interesting judgement the BBC choose to put in front of the British taxpayer .
I’m sure someone can put said tweet up …..
When you – using suitably imaginative thinking – couple Richard Horton with John Ashton and place both in prime positions on the BBC’s principal political arena, QT, most balanced viewers must ask if there’s some sort of agenda being played out here.
It goes well beyond common decency, let alone common-sense, but if, just say, enough alarm, despondency and anger is generated to cause a government to fall – by being continuously held up to much publicised ridicule by suitable experts – will there be a winner?
Answers on sanitised post-cards please.
Hello BBC
Please abandon your left wing agenda for one minute and think of the country you serve, yes you serve the UK not the world.
Can you start to look at putting programmes together that teach children not currently in school basic maths and English in line with the curriculum. No we don’t need them in twenty languages just English.
So do somthing positive to help this country through this crisis, and no we ain’t interested in who is putting what inside whom………
H – And some fell on stony ground.
A mate sent me a text, so if you don’t like this joke blame Lee, not me!
Prince Charles is at Windsor Castle… self isolating with Covid 19.
Prince Andrew is in St Lucia… self isolating with Karina 16…
Where’s me coat?
A slight flaw in the joke:”The Age of Consent in Saint Lucia is 16 years old. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity.”
I almost embarrassed myself today – I coughed in public….fortunately I was to hide it by letting rip an extremely loud fart at the same time, which saved the day…
Thanks Eddy, that made me laugh!
We all need cheering up.
Next time I sneeze…
Not about the Chinese virus for once, but film.
Mark Kermode, the doyen of Guardianista film critics, with a face more suited to radio than TV as the years roll on, has a series on Al beeb 4, ‘The Secrets of Cinema’, last night ‘British History Movies’.
Kermode, who does know his stuff and can be entertaining, was going ok until he reached the last two centuries, I knew what was coming…
Surprise, surprise, we had the usual BBC political choice cuts on the films selected and snide comments (41m, on if you dare to watch it):-
Belle. (You know why)
Victoria and Abdul . (Again)
Comrades (Tolpuddle martyrs)
Life and death of Colonel Blimp.
Darkest Hour (with compulsory scene in Underground with you know who.)
Billy Elliot (set during the Miner’s strike and Fatcher’s Britain)
Rocket Man ??? (FFS)
Blinded by the light (Directed by Gurinder Charda?) (again set in ‘Fatcherite’s 80’s’)
And Bohemian Rhapsody (the only link to History, Kermode surmises, is that pop stars are new ‘Royalty’)
I‘m surprise he missed out Bloody Sunday!
This is history:-
Battle of Britain, The Damn Busters, Waterloo, Lawrence of Arabia, In Which We Serve etc; please add to the list..
This Happy Breed (in a similar vein to The Huggets (great film Brissles)
Dr Zhivago and What’s Up Doc?
Just keeping the medical thing going ……
I laughed so much at the latter one, that I strained something and ached for three days afterward.
Then, still appropriate in our present times ‘I’m all right, Jack’ .
The Huggets – social history of family life just after ww2. (hideously white).
To lighten the mood (but with a twist) here’s an old joke from the 70s which can be re-interpreted to the context of the day.
Picture the scene. The 70s. Miners strikes. Country held to ransom.
So ‘King’ Arthur Scargill stands up at an NUM meeting and he says ‘Comrades, we have just negotiated the best deal for our members in the history of this Union. We have secured a 35% pay rise. The working week will reduce to just 25 hours. We will have 12 weeks fully paid holiday. We will be able to retire on full final salary pension after just 15 years of work. In return for the sake of the overall deal, we have reluctantly accepted the need to work one Saturday morning per month’.
And a guy at the back puts his hand up in apoplexy and shouts ‘What. EVERY month ?’
The guy at the back and the BBC are one and the same. No matter what the story, no matter how good or how positive the news, you can guarantee the BBC will search and search until they can find something with which to find fault and criticise, and then focus only on that.
Marxism. Plain and simple.
Plain, simple and wrong.
Still the historically second most deadly virus affecting the minds of those inheriting the low IQ gene.
There is a pattern to both BBC and Ch 4 news on the China Virus. Each programme starts with a brief statement about the Government’s measures, followed by interviews with experts who are egged on by the presenters to outline shortages in equipment etc. Front line, front line blah de blah. Then comes the emotional nurse from the method school of acting, And then more experts on the lack of preparation for the doom of which we are only two weeks behind Italy.
Everyone is programmed to say ‘We are in it together’. Then a visit to the doorsteps of elderly vulnerable people who get a mike on a pole thrust in their faces until they say that we have to cooperate with the restrictions as they are there to protect the Any Chess.
Finally we turn to the US where the crisis is reported as being mismanaged by the bad Trump and a US expert is wheeled on to denounce Trump, with prompts from the presenters.
Apropos of the apparent overly keen willingness of so many otherwise sensible people to not only unquestioningly go along with every superstitious senseless dictat – from standing 2 metres apart in public to idiotically clapping at a given hour – but to then happily police it by ratting out non-compliance…
There was a documentary which in part tried to answer the question of how did a relatively tiny force of Gestapo manage to keep control of a German population of millions. Now I would suggest that given the additional example of the post-war ease with which the Stazi kept a lid on the DDR there might be just a little something in the Teutonic character which tends that way – unpopular as it is these days to point to ‘national characteristics’
However, there was a very memorable scene from the documentary where an elderly German woman was questioned by an interviewer about her wartime experience. Naturally she said she was always opposed to the excesses of the then regime. She was next confronted with a letter retrieved from the archives of the local Gestapo. She had written about the oddity and non-conformity of a neighbour of hers. The suspect woman lived alone, dressed and acted differently, was possibly jewish, maybe lesbian, had visits from unusual friends, etc. The poor woman in question was taken away one day and never seen again.
Boris is self isolating ….positive Covid 19 test .
BBC not happy he has been tested when shortage of kits !!! GIVE IT A REST BBC !!!
I’ve a hunch more than half of us have either already had it or have got it now.
My old man reckons he got it mid to end of feb, before there saying the first cases were reported.
All the symptoms of Chinese virus he had, it was touch an go, i almost called an ambulance, however a trip to hospital, given 4 weeks of antibiotics didn’t work, so a trip back & Steroid Nasal Spray ended up shifting it….
however none of us know for certain. we need these testing kits to be made public asap as soon as we know they work, mass roll out
AISI, and I have a hunch we may have had it for four or five years, too.
Look at this way. The Chinese did not suddenly start eating pangolin’s and bat’s bits in mid-2019. It has therefore been festering away in China, mutating this way and that, until the latest variant got a bit serious in the last couple of months of 2019.
Perhaps there is a Covid-15 and a Covid-16 out there.
If BoJo gets over it, then actually he is in a strong position
cos he’ll be free to go/do anything.
Like now theoretically Nadine Dories can meet anyone , cos she knows she can’t catch it.
I hope Bojo asks Witty and Vallance lots of intelligent questions about air transmission of the Covid-19 virus and not just one about heir transmission.
In England is there a correlation between Covid19 positive tests
and Remain voting constituencies ?
Yes, it’s a form of EUthenasia.
Working today from the office and now completely boycotting any Anti-BBC rhetoric. It’s beyond a joke and utterly disgusting, it’s been negativity and utter bile since last week.
A few westy observations, No one in my street performed the ‘clap’ last evening. I glanced out to look and confirmed a 100% non-participation.
Among the hardy souls in work today, all were bemoaning the heavy handed approach of the old bill and expressing the same view regarding their thick as mince approach to the situation.
Make no mistake – it won’t last forever and any powers they think have now will quickly be rescinded. The sheer scale of people ignoring them will ultimately make it happen, regardless of the nosey neighbor or local snitch.
Keep the faith. We shall be victorious!
Not the bBbc but cheeks of the same well-skelped backside, a fitting description of Fatty Boultons face as he attempts to hide his glee on reporting our PMs positive COVID testing over on Sly Views.
Arrogant, ignorant clown.
Why do the media have this OBSESSION with over hyping everything ?? We have just seen him on TV, he has a slight sniffle FFS !!!!
I give up !!!
medialand habitual thinking “So what you are saying… is we have 2+2
.. and in my thinking that makes 6”
I used to like Piers but he really can’t hide the fact he is upset that Boris and Co have ignored him and his show…so he just continues to make things worse…
Piers ..get back to being an insightful funny journalist or get a job with the BBC
Just back at the keyboard after doing essential estate maintenance on the green and growing stuff. Lovely sunny day and warm, if sheltered from.a cold easterly wind. Lots of signs of wildlife, especially ladybirds.
I therefore certain that in the very near future, I’m going to be told by BBC R4 that the common ladybird is facing extinction in the UK.
Normally the BBC do some shroud waving for something and then one sits on the fence or comes in the house. So this time, I’m getting the beetle boom in, in advance. So there!
Now 8 positive tests in my region of half a million people
One of them is 102
do you think he/she is at risk of dying ?
oh latest stats are in up from 8 to 11 now
Without vital forward planning, which was disgracefully disregarded in February, and suitable protective clothing for the carers involved, tragically his/her demise is almost inevitable.
Beltane the point is if you are 102 the chance of reaching 103 is quite small anyway.
BTW you have no knowledge that her carers have a lack of PPE
I expect there was forward planning, as the NHS will surely have a system. It doesn’t just nip to the shops and buy some the same day it needs to use them.
Of course in any system with millions of elements there will be an error in a fraction of cases.
Indeed Stew. And I also appreciate that my use of irony is not universally approved.
Too subtle mate
You didn’t add the normal frothing that the libmob use.
If the centenarian has had a life long exposure to the BBC and lived to 102 then the chance of seeing off Covid-19 and reaching 103 or 104 might be quite good.
Give him or her a spot of encouragement. 🙂
Morgan – A Suitable Case for Treatment, but probably not a treatable case.
Who is ..
You are supposed to be the expert informing we virusfodder.
Now that BoJo has the virus is must be time for the BBC to campaign for a general election – any excuse .
The BBC has a thing about turning the PM into a president on the American model when constitutionally its not like that .
Doesn’t seem to be much news about the G7 yesterday …. or am I missing it .
BBC-ENEMY OF THE STATE-That says it all !!!!!
They are disgusting at the minute.
This money grabbing cow Carrie Gracie presenting on the BBC right now is bang out of order. It really is like a far left propaganda channel.
She is not happy at all the PM can be tested when front line NHS staff are still waiting (allegedly). She simply CANNOT hide her disgusting usual BBC lefty bias.
He is the PM for crying out loud, running the country at this time of National Emergency, of course he will be tested you dumb cow.
Foscari, small correction: BBC enema of the State.
Sad to hear that Johnson has caught the virus.
Even more sad are some of the insensitive comments from the left.
The left …surely not ?? The #bekind left ????
I actually want to punch them
Me too.
And why do these hateful retards persist in using the word ‘ rammed’, when the correct word is ‘ crammed’?
Meanwhile 769 dead in Spain in the last 24 hours . ….. their last big number was 738 in one day .
As for the kidults celebrating the PM having the Chinese Virus ….. I wonder if twitter will remove their accounts ?
I was going to write “ what are they thinking publishing such a thing “ but then I realised that really with such comment there is no “ thinking “ involved in such hate . Stay frosty …..
Katie Hopkins is trending cos so many hatey libmob
.. are tweeting that Boris should give it to her
By, “left” I presume you refer to the BBC?
Staff at that, ‘Beauty’ must be jumping for joy.
Seems convient, him and Charlie,,
I’m calling it propoganda
Laura still ever hopeful. Apparently.
Ah Jezza and Laura. You remind me of the scenes in Iraq when the Iraqi Information Minister was proudly declaring victory to an adoring press corps (that’s why Saddam let them in) as the US tanks and Bradleys rolled past in the background.
If Boris has Covid19 then chances are so does Corbyn… and soon Kuenssberg so she will be off the TV for a while.
Every cloud…
Boris has contracted the Chinese virus. He’s sent a message out to all his hardworking team and anybody else involved thanking them for their efforts.
I trust he put xi Jinping on his mailing list.
Why I suspect that the ‘scientific’ paper Boris followed is a scam –
1. The study made a number of ‘projections’ if we don’t do this, this and this.
2. Now that this, this and this has been done there is no way to confirm the accuracy of the original predictions if we had not done this, this and this
3. The projections for having done this, this and this are –
Total deaths were between 5,600 and 48,000
Peak ICU beds were between 920 and 5,600
I haven’t seen any revised figures?
If anyone has these I stand corrected
Click to access Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf
“The NHS is aiming to get up to 12,000 intensive care beds in total by sourcing extra ventilators.”
All they have done is implement common sense measures which is laudable
The NHS is sourcing over twice the projected number of ICU beds.
Correction – as many beds as they can
Her bio explains much.
Yes I just looked at her bio – Miror and Guardian. it is hilarious how thick some of these ‘political’ people are
but then again most seem to be stuck in the unconscious incompetent window of learning
I just saw Boris’s tweet where he and Sunak are outside #10 clapping the NHS
… It’s kinda weird that not once have I heard the BBC mention that Boris did the 8pm thing
A bit like when they didn’t transmit Boris’s speech to the nation on Brexit day. The BBC editors have difficult decisions when it comes to selecting which news to show etc.
They seem to only go by their ‘no positive news for Boris’ mindset
Interesting that so many of those who are in a position to obtain testing, test positive, yet only ever suffer a mild form of the affliction (if they suffer anything at all), take to their self-isolation, and miraculously recover a short time later.
It begs the question, do these tests actually test for the virus, and nothing else, or do they indicate positive for all manner of lesser things, as well?
Maybe it’s just way less deadly than touted.
Steady Eddy, that’s very nearly a question and questions don’t appear popular these days. I believe there’s a drone for people like you.
We will end up with a press conference of four TV screens talking to each other
I am told by The Sun that Harry & Meghan have moved to LA.
Er, isn’t California in lockdown? The first US State to do so?
To enter the warm embrace of Meghan’s family and friends. He’ll be out of there within two years.
181 UK dead in the last 24 hours . Would be interesting to know the regions with most victims – in my view .
Why hasn’t there been any condemnation of China from any nation for allowing this to happen ? Regardless of where it emanated from, a) a laboratory in Wuhan (most likely), or b) a bat in a live market, the international community should demand a full inquiry as to the whys and wherefores.
War criminals have been put on trial for wholesale murder of peoples, yet the same thing is happening now, courtesy of the Chinese. So why isn’t there worldwide condemnation of that country ?
The media are not following this up at all. They only care to report about numbers of infected and deaths, with an almost lassez faire attitude.
Bris – the call for ‘reparations ‘ gonna be loud ….
Gays got a total pass for starting and spreading AIDS.
Maybe the Chinese hired the same lawyer or something..
A man in the French city of Loire has been sent to prison by a judge after he repeatedly violated lockdown measures meant to halt the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.
The 35-year-old was on parole at the time of his arrest and according to prosecutors had 16 prior convictions for a
number of offences including drug use, contempt of court, theft, and travelling on public transport without a ticket.
The man is not the first person in the area to be handed down a prison term for violating the nationwide lockdown measures put in place by President Emmanuel Macron.
A 19-year-old, who had violated the measures ten times in only a few days, was also handed down a four-month prison sentence — although in his case it was suspended.
Men again, the Breitbart article does not hazard any guesses as to the origin of these, err, umm, men.
Those commenting BTL are using that letter which does not exist on keyboards purchased by the extreme far left StaliMist BBC.
checking current stats , another big blip up
released 27 March so actually really collected on 26th
Daily DEATHS 181
Pattern last Wed 40, Thu 33, Fri 56 , Sat 48, Sun 54, Mon 87, Tue 43, Wed 113 ( also a blip up)
OK I haven’t seen the case count that should be released today
(Oh got it 2921 a 33% rise on yesterday)
stats released YESTERDAY Thursday DAILY positives +2129 vs previous +1452, so that is quite a blip up a 27% rise in a day wow
pattern…Fri 1035, Sat 665, Sun 967, Mon 1427, Tue 1452,
Tests made 11658 (+2129) Daily Positivity Rate: 18.3%
That’s about normal with the vast majority of suspected actually testing negative
Stew – excellent as always – based on this – and that the weather across UK is about to worsen – is there a projection for coming days ?
I understand that outer London hospitals are straining already . The excel centre in the dock lands might be needed rather soon ?
If you want the full stats each day for any country (just in case the BBC decide not to report a reduction in the death rate) then this link has all the info you need:
Note WHO say 41 died in the UK yesterday quite a bit different to the BBC reporting.
Or you can use the other WHO site:
Not every country is linked, but many are. You might also note that you don’t stand much chance of surviving if you are taken into hospital in the UK.
Well Fed next it will be 300/day deaths in a few days, then 500/day a few days after that
unless the effect of increased isolation that has been taken to kicks in.
The people who died might have had contracted it 10 days or 15 days ago, and it’s only 7 days since the pubs and schools shut.
The idea is that the isolation phase should have slowed the growth so we might him a plateau of 400 deaths/day
Today’s death rate might tell us some things
If on average today’s 181 dead represent the people who got it 7 days ago and the death rate is 5%
Then the total number who got that day tested and untested was 3,620
We know actually 1035 tested positive total 7 days ago
… and the theory is only 1 in 10 cases are properly registered so the true tally was 10,350
181/10350 = 0.00175 making a fatality rate of 1.75%
That extrapolates
So in 1 million people17,500 people die
If 10m get it thats 175,000 deaths
if 20m get it 350K deaths etc.
As Andrew Neil says..stats don’t tell you that Covid actually killed people, but rather that most mostly they had Covid and some other thing when they died
Stew – thank you . Suitably grim . I worry that certain people will not put up with the restrictions for the suggested period and that the London tube will continue to spread the infection at a level which just should not be happening now .
Which Labour MP is going to win the award for crass comment about members of the government getting the Chinese Virus / bio weapon .
Telling it like it is on the Chinese Virus, Biden, the Vatican and more.
Chinese quality?
EU standards?
Price gouging, Cash Upfront
this one
The experts prove that anyone can spread corona-virus ..especially people around them.
The last man standing is Sir Vallance.
Whitty, Hancock, PM Johnson have all tested positive today.
As an analogy looking at these press conferences , this evening’s
being headed by Michael Gove. One can imagine Sir Winston
Churchill heading a media conference in 1940 and asking
the first question to be put by the BERLINER ZEITUNG !!
Strange that the MSM was trying to label the PM as ‘ part time ‘ and is now being critical that he allowed himself to get the Chinese virus / biological weapon – along with other key government staff .
I bet the BBC is leading this too – I will not partake
I heard 5 seconds of that after Gove had finished , Disgusting BBC straight into criticism mode , they really are the lowest form of SCUM ! …..off switch
Just to vary the subject matter, I’ve noticed that for the past few days, perhaps most of this week, the skies above chez moi have been beautifully clear and blue. Even when the odd plane passes by.
That is, an absence of, in the vernacular, chemtrails. For ages now, we seem to have been encased in an envelope of milky grey skies, that never end and stretch as far as the eye can see.
But this week, it’s all changed; the sky looks normal, the birds are singing and the temperature has been comfortably higher. Long may it continue, says I.
My puzzlement is why have they stopped pumping chemicals into the atmosphere; what’s changed that might cause them to stop? Could it be the virus, could it be that they know sunlight and higher temperatures will probably kill it off much quicker? Maybe all the flight crews have been brought low by the virus; some sort of divine retribution perhaps?
It can’t be a lack of currency that’s stopped them because our chancellor has demonstrated he’ll produce as much of it out of thin air as and when needed.
I wish there was a credible news organisation in our country that would consider such matters and give us the truth, even if it means my dark thoughts are baseless. But I suppose Boris and Trump baiting and arranging for photos of the gullible shouting and clapping people who are just doing their jobs are more important.
Chemtrails? Seriously?
This has got to be a Poe.
J-i-C, the Chancellor can push high spending into the economy but he cannot push high barometric pressure over the UK. 😉
beeb news at 6 criticising Trump for not taking action when China was the centre of epidemic. But then, no one else was – certainly not the UK.
Hypocritical beeb; Trump-haters!
Nick Bryant on the BBC 6 o clock news. Never will you see a more biased, anti Trump piece of BBC rubbish.
Not remotely interested in just reporting the FACTS of the virus in the USA. Oh no !!!! Nick let his own / BBC biased opinions run wild ……
Nick thinks Trump didn’t take it seriously, Nick thinks Trump lost valuable time, Nick thinks Trump still doesn’t get, Nick thinks this could be Trumps undoing in the election ….and so on and so on …………..
Impartial !!!!! Utter joke. Disgraceful. How the hell do they get away with it ???
Admit it; this is worth the annual tvl.
Boris Bashing Corp: The host on Radio Humberside late this afternoon saying Boris and Matt getting the virus wasn’t just carelessness…he went on to suggest it was negligent!! Disgusting filth from a ‘world class beauty’.
I would dearly love to know why what Allie does is considered ‘essential’.
Not the BBC – the Mail reports an incident where plod fined a baker spraying distance markings on the ground outside his shop to help customers distance themselves . Non permanent marker is apparently ‘criminal damage ‘ and the plod in question has sergeants ‘ stripes .
This comes after drone surveillance of people walking their dogs in the Peak District . This morning the London chief cop was calling on retired cops to return to the colours – to do more
‘Big brother ‘damnright nasty work like that .
Funny how some people get the full law and order menu and other groups /types get fully ignored …..
And how quickly everyone has taken to it, both those enforcing and those (most) compliant. Makes one understand how fragile and easily usurped, ‘normal’ life is.
No police in my shire town yet. Not that we ever see them now. No doubt some will turn up tomorrow and start being useful. My town is self policing as it should be. Hazard a guess as to our ethnic makeup.
It is a legitimate worry that when this is over the police will be reluctant to give up their new powers. I for one am concerned. This concern is caused by the documented behaviour of our police over the last 20 years or so.
Beth Rigby showing the scum these msm are and that no matter what the Government do, they are damned if they do, and damned if they don’t !!!!!!
Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought this when watching that conference. She asked why they weren’t better protected, but CAN YOU IMAGINE the outcry, and questioning by Beth Rigby, if the PM and his government were actually having regular testing when NHS workers weren’t protected ????
As you say Doob, damned if they do and damned if they don’t.
The journalists will always find a sore to pick, even if everything was going swimmingly.
Belarus hasn’t cancelled it’s football season, or much else, much to the ire of the world’s shut-downers.
Seems a happy country.????
“coronavirus party in Belarus”
I ve just had a visit from plod . I went outside at 8pm and clapped as instructed tonight . I don’t know what for but knew I’d get a fixed penalty if I didn’t do it . It seems I got grassed up for anti social conduct …the drone footage may appear on PlodTV soon…
…….the above may be an untrue story ….