You saw it here first (I think), that the BBC are a load of ‘self-sexualators’.
Of course this blasted virus hits all and sundry, just don’t try and make up a non-story, and don’t hang around in empty town centres, gawping at a camera! Use a laptop, and stay at home, preferably with no electricity so we can all get some peace!
And, finally (about time – Ed), why does the blasted BBC still start its news bulletins showing a crowd of kayakers, dog-walkers etc., all in a touchy-feely, gormless group, when they’re supposed to be ‘self-distancing’ by two yards, eight inches!
Jim, takes me back to Infant and Primary School days. Remember having to stand in line, facing front, distance yourself at arms length to a classmate? Then there was ‘Music and Movement’ which your illustration appears to suit (but with a lack of music) …. BBC on the radio … BBC Schools Radio …. back when the BBC was useful and unbiased.
After Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn posted a message wishing Boris a speedy recovery, supporters responded with a series of sickening posts – many wishing death on the PM.
I’ve been busily reporting the ‘hate’ posts to twitter during the day – and I’m sure the forces of law and order will investigate and prosecute …..
From what I gather local businesses like market stalls, gardeners & cleaners etc. are keen to give up work and take the 80%
.. and then use their time to renovate a property, develop their own crops, renovate their equipment , get the accounts done etc.
So they’ll end up being paid 180% for their time.
We all knew that coughing up to pay the wages of the self employed would be open to abuse.
Perhaps they should agree to pay the wages on condition this free time will be used to be nationally conscripted into working with the essential services or the military.
Err no..
I am a self employed sole trader running a small business.
I don’t get sick pay.
I don’t get holiday pay.
I don’t get Bereavement leave.
I never got paternity leave.
I have had to provide for my own pension.
I pay for my own national insurance stamp.
I have to keep records of all my businesses transactions and pay taxes like everyone else.
All of this was my own lifestyle choice so I accept this.
However. Having to cease trading And seeing all the years of hard work in building up a small business to provide for my family being taken away through no fault of my own.
Sadly life aint fair, and at times we all feel we’ve got the rough end of the stick, no matter how old we are.
I too have worked all my life, in fact worked 2 years more than I should (41 as opposed to the required 39) to get my old age pension, but didn’t get any extra. Not having children I never claimed maternity or child benefit. Always at the back of the queue for holidays in preference to those with kids, and having to cover workload when kids were sick. I didn’t get widows bereavement allowance, and now the free tv licence is being snatched away, and will have to sell my home to pay for aged care.
Still this all pales into significance now, at least I’m still here, and fingers crossed will be after all this madness is over, unlike those who have lost their lives in the past month or so.
Yeah, I can also tell of a past littered with that sort of thing, Brissles. A lot of people, like you, get no real advantages but others appear to have things fall into their laps or they make sure they are front of queue for State handouts and then try and dodge the taxes that pays for it.
Yet I often wake up in the morning feeling blessed (esp. if I have slept well and/or had really silly, crazy, dreams) and it stays that way through the day until the head hits the pillow at night. At least we still have our minds, old thing, and can use them unlike that hospital doctor or GP on BBC R4 (was it yesterday?) who complained about the lack of ‘guidance’ from Government on when to use PPE equipment!
Heard online interview regarding covid outbreak in China. Host was explaining that the Chinese didn’t believe the virus was as severe as reported. Logic dictated that for their government to admit something was wrong it must actually be far worse. Consequently they took greater precaution than recommended hence faster recovery, possible?
No blokes stranded then BBC ??? Silly me , of course using pictures of women will carry more “emotional” weight to you’re tweet !!!! Equality hey !!! #whenitsuits
I heard on BBC news this morning that some young women were whining on about being stranded somewhere in Asia
Apparently they left the UK on March 10th.
Doobster-BBC TV is all but a women’s media outlet when it
comes to news and political presentation. 80% of the
news presenters and politcal programme presenters are now
The use of female clergy in the liberal church denominations is resulting in their congregation numbers gradually shrinking. Perhaps a surfeit of ladies at the BBC may have a similar effect. Let us sincerely hope so.
How China enlisted the help of the BBC to (unwittingly) suppress information about the outbreak of the ‘China’ virus –
“There has been speculation on social media about a possible connection to the highly contagious disease.
Wuhan police said eight people had been punished for “publishing or forwarding false information on the internet without verification”
Ok, before our illustrious journalists start criticising the government for failing to churn out testing kits for essential workers, then perhaps they’d like to turn their attention to this……..
” 03/03/2020 · Four illegal immigrants found in lorry in Bedfordshire tested for coronavirus “
How will the BBC twist the story to bring the blame back to Trump?
“Mr Cuomo said a better way forward might be a “get-back-to-work strategy” in tandem with a public health strategy
“The Republican president’s get-back-to-work goal found unexpected support on Thursday from a prominent Democrat.
Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, the current coronavirus epicentre in the US, said statewide quarantine orders may not have been the best approach to coronavirus.”
“Young people then quarantined with older people was probably not the best public health strategy,” he told a news conference, “because the younger people could have been exposing the older people to an infection.”
Hope all the contributors to this site are keeping well,and are not going “stir crazy”.Not sure if the new virtue signalling virus of standing outside and applauding has claimed any victims on this site!We all know what a great job the NHS staff are doing,but this stunt made me cringe.Might be persuaded to change my mind if any of the MSM promise to get me on camera next time.
taffman- There seems to be no logical connection between an epidemic and Brexit, and yet I’ve had a sneaky feeling the Remainers are somehow going to use this as a last chance to reverse the ship when, as far as I’m concerned, we have left and it’s all done and dusted. Why do I have this sneaky feeling? Makes no sense?
Here is something that must not be forgotten and needs attention.
“Even if fisheries talks are delayed by #COVID19 (which is far from certain), they will remain important in their own right and as a key outlier to the future shape of the main talks. The negotiations need to be pursued by the UK with aplomb.” @DrBrexit
I have said so many times…… the fishing rights clearly, according to International Law, belong to the UK. End of story.
The UK will have the right to decide who, when, where, and at what cost to applicants, fishing will be allowed in UK waters. End of next story.
When we’re talking about Trade Agreements, then yes, we can discuss what tariffs may or may not be applied to fish exports or imports – and that can be balanced against other trading tariffs, or the lack of them. But that is for the fish, not the fishing rights.
Why is this so difficult to understand ?
Or is the EU demanding that, as a price to be paid for membership of, or association with, the EU, countries like Denmark, Germany, Holland and Norway will freely donate their oil and gas reserves to the UK ? Thought not.
I wonder if the BBC will acknowledge this now, after the police and CPS agree with his version of events. Or is mentioning Tommy Robinson worse than the coronavirus.
Got into an fairly violent argument with an indoctrinated lefty when visiting the office last week when someone mentioned the “coughing” incident and I pointed out that it was T R who helped out the old couple.
All their argument consisted of was he was a racist and a bigot etc etc. We discontinued the discussion as neither of us would back down and its tempo was going past what is acceptable and we are both grown ups, but what it did do is make me realise who the real bigots are. It is like having a discussion with someone who puts his fingers in his ears and just shouts.
As we know Tommies courageous conduct counts for nothing – he really is in lots of ways the best of British..
I think we may be having lots of similair unpleasant discussions if this subject is raised in front of me again.
Thanks island – I dont enjoy these sort of confrontations much but the media brainwashing that these people seem to absorb sometimes takes my breath away.
They are generally decent people, but seem to have abandoned all judgement and reason when you challenge them on their left wing dogma particularly anything to do with TR and the “Orange Man” who as we all here know is very, very bad indeed.
Oaknash , yes we been there even with normally good people.
Same as we get the pious on Covid19
we get the pious on TR “he is evil they chant” , and then they stop listening, adamant that they are not going to listen to his Oxford Union speech.
… one guy just got really nasty , treating us in the same prejudiced nasty way, that a racist would treat a random black person.
But It wouldn’t surprise me if Stuch bery leans on the police and they come back and charge TR.
Stew – the fact that the Panorama and Sweeney went out of their way to set TR up should be enough evidence of just how disgusting the BBC led MSM media in this country are but in truth it is not.
In effect these people have been brainwashed and I dont even know whether I would want them on “our” side as they seem to lack any sense of discernment.
It was the same with the Holocaust, too many “decent” people buying into the “all Jews are evil” argument as it was easier to go with the crowd than question your own judgement – even in the face of compelling evidence.
Not ONE UK media outlet has given credit to #Tommy for risking his own safety to defend an elderly lady being coughed & spat at by youths
Remember the pile-on after #centreparcs? Where are you all now?
Utter Cowards. All of you
…and this is the standard hatey tweet from the #BeKind libmob
Hopefully #TommyRobinson gets the corona virus then I'm definitely celebrating as that would be karma to bad rubbish. He isn't a human being he Is a low life.
Special news programme at midnight “Breaking news”
Presenter states “In the last hour it has been confirmed that the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has tested positive for Coronavirus…”
Switched on R4 at 6.20 to hear someone British ,who had been to Mecca, praising Islam.
Seems he has been part of a group accompanying Clare Balding on a walk.
Then someone from the Bahai faith.
Wonder if they had a Christian, whom I missed?
And there’s a philosopher who has no religion.
If they did have a Christian, would have been so out of fashion?
I think there is a lady who is a Methodist. That’s about as far as she’ll go.
I respect them all, but I have my own conviction. It involves the person of Jesus. For some, a fairy in the sky.
It appears the group is lost, cos there are so many paths.
The Muslim is holding forth again.
The whole lot illustrate the Tower of Babel.
It was the Herefordshire Interfaith Group, it seems.
Is it just me or is everyday now like the real Sundays I remember from childhood. little traffic and deserted town centres and everything closed except newsagents ?
Long may it continue. And if that sounds heartless then it isn’t meant to be, because as we all know thousands upon thousands die every year due to the common cold, so the number of deaths occuring isn’t really anything out of the ordinary. What *is* out of the ordinary is the scaremongering and hysterical over-reaction.
Darcy3, yes its all so reminiscent of those halcyon (?) days. No planes in the sky, no rumble of traffic from the nearby A1, and only the sound of the birds in the trees. AND BEST OF ALL, no bugger using the front of my house to park their sodding cars when visiting someone up the bloody street !!!
Very sad to report that one week into self-isolation and it’s upsetting to see my wife standing at the window gazing aimlessly into space,tears running down her cheeks.
It breaks my heart to see her like this. I have even considered letting her in.
Dazed – ???? I think you need to find your coat ….
It sounds like dickie Horton – the editor of the medical mafias bible – The Lancet – is trying to get top of the list for the new
‘Told you so’ industry .
After his guest appearance on Question Time this week (didn’t see ) he is doing his ‘told You so ‘ act in print .
In my view there is a time and place for’ told you so ‘ but I think this is not it . Some mistakes will be buried and some will come out . But ‘told you so ‘ doesn’t help much now does it ?
Watching the TR video of the thieving violent drug dealing immigrants in Hitchin, when challenged after they attacked an old lady all they do is moronically repeat “you is racist” over and over as if the have tourettes. Seen this over and over from black criminals, it is about time this term “racist” is classified as a hate crime.
If everyone gets called racist the word becomes meaningless, just a thought. Short changed at shop – racist. Didn’t pick their dog poop up – racist. Didn’t say thanks when held door open – racist. Words can become meaningless e.g. hate crime, phobia, etc.
Listened to whatever on R4 this morning. Something about how wonderful Sweden was with so few Coronavirus cases and how so much of Swedish society/business is open. The presenter did admit that more people live on their own in Sweden than anywhere else in the world (a huge advantage when trying to keep transmission down). They didn’t comment that the crowded densely populated main islands of UK (very bad with 11 deaths per million) was so much worse than Sweden (10 deaths per million). Don’t give the listener any opportunity to join other dots when trying to paint a picture. Motive, agenda ?
I read somewhere (reputable) a week or two ago that Sweden and Denmark have fewer critical care beds per capita than the UK.
Also weird how Sweden’s strategy of aiming for herd immunity through infection of healthy people is a great idea, but when our government merely hinted the same idea (after advice from health advisors) it was utterly ridiculous and the equivalent of genocide.
I see the headline picture on the BBC website is about testing for “Key Workers” it’s of course a picture of a Muslim women wearing a hijab. May I suggest that this is a front to the 95% of Key Workers that ain’t Muslim women !@
Agenda agenda agenda even in these times.
BBC choices very much reflect what the bbc wishes known as opposed to what the facts are.
Imperial and Oxford have produced very diffferent views of Covid – one implying it could be UK’s biggest killer, the other implying it’s a manageable risk. My column on the urgent need for better data:
There’s more Halifax. What a complete joke , woke outfit they are !!!!! It’s just sickening their love for the minorities and disregard for the majority. National broadcaster my arse !!!!!!
I was thinking same, retired from what? His paper round?
I’m assuming the police are exempt from social distancing much like speeding in the course of their duties, is it fair to ask them to risk contracting corona if they absolutely have to feel someones collar though? Stick their heads into stopped vehicles to check ‘fragrance’? Sit in the same patrol vehicle as each other?
Full of questions and no answers I know, need to stop or it’ll be a kill drone for me.
Another example. Their website is carrying an article on the situation in Russia. Most of the problem there is centred on Moscow. Naturally the BBC has used a picture of a Muslim woman in a headscarf as representative of the ‘typical’ Muscovite (third picture). Now, it so happens that the city does have a large Muslim population, but they are well integrated and it is in sharp contrast to, say, London, Brussels or Paris. I stayed for a couple of weeks in such a district and I do not recall seeing a single woman in a headscarf, or men in Islamic clothing, or shops with Arabic writing. Even the nearby largest mosque in the city, the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, (note the inclusive name) blends in seamlessly with the traditional religious architecture.
I’m afraid my resistance to ‘Our Beauty’ and her accelerating drive to exercise her relentless ‘Critical Theory’ on me failed this morning. The item before 0800 of the bin men’s Chinese virus lament did it for me. Off button. Double quick.
I wish, wish, wish (fingers and all crossed) that someone would get into the BBC HQ, maybe masquerading as one of their trusted friends, like OFCOM, and do a TR/Sweeney type exposure (naturally that’s TR aka, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon).
Wouldn’t that be fun?
TOADY Watch #1 – Maybe Covid is Cutting a Path through the Corridors of Power?
Yes, the virus may mean some Beeboids are no longer fit enough to do TOADY. Dominic McConnell has stepped up to fill the gap this morning. Either that or Mishal, Justin and Nick have all popped out together for a pre-Easter hols meal in Copenhagen or Stockholm.
Richard Horton leading on the 8am Radio 4 news complaining that the government hadn’t prepared enough for the virus. But I found this tweet from January. Hat tip to whoever it was who previously highlighted it after Question Time a couple of days ago. But why did the BBC lead with his complaints against the government today?
richard horton
Jan 24
A call for caution please. Media are escalating anxiety by talking of a “killer virus” + “growing fears”. In truth, from what we currently know, 2019-nCoV has moderate transmissibility and relatively low pathogenicity. There is no reason to foster panic with exaggerated language.
Meanwhile, four days before, “the date 20 January 2020 is certain to feature prominently. It was on that day that a 35-year-old man in Washington state, recently returned from visiting family in Wuhan in China,..”
On which basis the BBC’s agenda setters at The Guardian write, “The missing six weeks: how Trump failed the biggest test of his life”.
Perhaps President Trump was reading Richard Horton’s assuring tweet?
Either that, Jim, or the President failed to turn up at the airport to greet that man returning from China and ask him to have a medical.
Except had he done exactly that, checked on the man’s health, the Democrats, the BBC and the rest of the LeftyLibby MSM, would all be screaming that President Trump is a racist and putting up walls and erecting barriers and is a liar and is putting up walls and is a misogynist and is …
Horton’s editorship of the Lancet and his frequent use of the magazine to air his extremist political views is not universally admired throughout the medical profession – and neither was his backing for Wakefield in the MMR scandal, together with his vastly delayed distancing.
With all this baggage together with his clear admiration and promotion of Corbyn, the question to ask is why the BBC think him suitable as a source of unbiased scientific information?
Perhaps another BBC promoted and politically biased sounding board, Prof. Ashton, could explain.
The EU have failed to agree a COVID financial response package. They will meet again in TWO weeks time…..meanwhile the nasty US and UK move on.
I think it’s a bit of a guess as to what will happen to the Franco German pact ( reich EU) after the Chinese virus / bio weapon ….
1 more ‘ unity ‘ an EU NHS
2 badly affected countries say – what did you do for us ? What use are you ,?
Being a born cynic – the political class will be bought off and the ordinary people who want change ( which the lefties call ‘populists ‘)
will be stopped from exiting using a similar model which was deployed against the UK ….
Recall the horror a couple of weeks ago that Boris refused to hold a Cobra late in the week in preference for a relevant one the first Monday following.
What is the reaction of the Euro MSM and the Euro Sheeple?
As I have said before on here, the police response to those travelling to remote spots to execise, as I do every summer anyway, is an abuse of power which serves no purpose, and there is nothing in the new law that specifies distance to travel.
I enjoy walks in the remote country with the wife, every summer spring for years now, but this week while driving in the countryside was absolutely amazed at the amount of people who have suddenly decided that, now they are encouraged to stay indoors, suddenly decide they want to visit the countryside, not seen this in years, people no longer sitting with their playstations or bingeing on boxsets,
Amazingly not the BBC: yesterday morning, having not stood out in the freezing cold at 8pm, I didn’t need to hear on Classic FM that Victoria Beckham and Jamie Oliver had done so. I don’t know where either are living but could guess they are somewhere where no neighbour would hear them applauding. Virtue signalling taken up by the press? Classic FM could have, as the BBC did, shown the Prime Minister – already poorly – giving his thanks.
A nice vignette about the difference between socialism and the market economy.
In the middle of the coronavirus those with imagination are finding ways to do things. The online choirs -and nearer to home Mrs. S’s keep fit class has gone virtual and she is exercising in our front room online with the instructor and other attendees.
In a market economy people find ways to do things, to meet wants and needs, perceived or real.
Now imagine Jezzaworld. Socialism. In Jezzaworld the state is the thing. So we’d all be waiting for the National Choir Collective and the National Exercise Corporation to elect members to their committees. Then there would be several meetings before the national plans were announced. Moribund inactivity.
It would however be a very equal arrangement. No-one would get anything for weeks.
Sluff – the comrades are trying – collective 8pm clapping sessions – I’m waiting for the next one …
… I bet somewhere in the BBC there is planning for a virusaphon night involving virtual this and virtual that after what remaining money people might have .
They’ll pay lineker 50 k in the same way as terry Wogan took cash to present a charity show( still hard to believe )
and they’ll all get a warm feeling . The money -of course- will go to BBC approved groups as always …
Sluff, quite right. The female nurse on the TOADY Prog early in the week who said “We need a training course in how to put on the PPE.”
Training course? Training course!
Then there was the female GP, later in the week: “I need guidelines when to use PPE.”
The Welfare State has truly come home to roost during this Covid thing but the loft appears to have a lot of droppings in it. In fact, it is full to the ceiling with droppings.
Covid19 – The problem is most deaths go to people with 1 or 2 pre-existing conditions
What would be really useful is a separate death count that only lists the previously healthy.
BY Prof Spiegelhalter’s logic for the next year there should be a lots of empty space in the NHS for the next year .
How come ?
Cos the the current pre-infection life expectancy of those that later die of Covid19 is an average one year
ie most of them were expected to die of their existing diseases
If they do catch and die of Covid19 then that means they drawing on the NHS for the next year.
But I guess there might be also NEW patients who are long term damaged by Covid19.
Well, because there are fewer people venturing out (for fear of being shot by a sniper cos they’ve bought too many parsnips) it logically means:-
1) Less patients admitted due to traffic accidents
2) Less patients admitted due to accidents in the workplace
3) Less patients admitted due to sporting injuries
4) Less patients admitted due to “outside” attacks such as mugging, assault and GBH
A lot less workload for the NHS, you might say. Which is why it was a bit weird when all the snowflakes started clapping them the other night.
I’m guessing the number of NHS staff actually dealing with emergency stuff is not the majority but others are benefitting from the various concessions being donated
I’m not sure about the ‘ less road accidents’ . There does seem to a sub species of kidult using roads as race tracks . They obviously have great faith in the NHS when they come unstuck .
It’s vitally important to figure out how many people are actually infected and if there are any easily attributable indicators (beyond pre-existing chronic conditions) to bad outcomes. I note that some some NY front line medics are dosing themselves with fish tank cleaner and observing that there is an apparent bias wrt to blood groups in those succumbing to acute virus impacts.
The constant parade of fashionable lefty minority groups being touted as victims on the BBC webshite is as tiresome as it is predictable. Looks like comrade Horrorbin’s office is also busy dosing the virus story with eco-tosh and apocalyptic icebergs .
I don’t know about fish tank cleaner but I’ve absorbed so much sanitiser, disinfectant and soap just lately that every time I use the toilet it ends up cleaner.
I saw an interview with a senior NY ER doctor (Tucker Carlson program) just come off shift and obviously well stressed out. Beyond volunteering he’s dosing himself with chloroquin as a prophylactic he also said that certain blood groups were subjectively presenting in proportions that didn’t correlate with the normal blood group arithmetic.
Anecdotal – but better than wahhh! I’m quarantined with my trans phobic parents.
Peter Hitchens tweets that it’s the second anniversary of his last appearance on Question Time – with the remark “was it something I said ?”
I think he illustrates the GroupThink from which the BBC so comfortably suffers . Any one not complying with the‘ BBC way ‘Just has no chance – the absence of ‘diversity of thought ‘.
‘The BBC Way’ – Run for Cover Even If You Are There To Serve Her Majesty
Gus O’Donnell tells me on BBC 1pm News that he “stopped attending the House of Lords when the Coronavirus thing started”. “There isn’t room for us all to sit down anyway.”
What a selfless devotion to the Monarch and our nation, eh?
When the PM eventually gets around to thinning the ranks of Peers so that Lord O’Donnell can sit down, I hope Lord O’Donnell (crossbencher) is considered a prime candidate for ‘thinning’. In bringing me this news, the BBC appear to condone if not approve Gus’s behaviour.
What with all the appeals to Rishi Sunak to pay people that can’t get to work I expect the HoL will be putting in a claim for 80% (at least!) of their daily attendance allowance.
Members of the Lords who are not paid a salary may claim a flat rate attendance allowance of £157 or £313 (new rate from the 1st April 2019), or £153 or £305 (old rate up to 31st March 2019), or may choose to make no claim for each sitting day they attend the House.
Hopefully, this will be very well remembered of the Chinese should we see our way out of the current mess.
‘The BBC Way’ – Keep Saying We Are Running Out Of Time
Oh joy! Anita Anand will talk to the nation for one hour at 2p.m..
If Anita was not so bad at compering the Any Answers programme I would definitely support her in having more time, preferably and extra mid-week programme for more listeners’ Answers.
One of the problems is that she insists on taking time to give out the programme number for people to call in just after she has told someone “we have lots of callers waiting”. Another is that close to the end of the programme, after she has spent more time jabbering than anyone else, and having told us “We’ve had lots of calls on that subject, were struggling to get them all in.” she then spends more time jabbering away herself or introducing two callers to each other so they can say “Hello Fred.” “Hello Mary”.
She’s pretty good at telling the people that have managed to get a few words in what they have just said, or more often, what they really meant to have said!
As I was reminded the other day, Marine Le Pen could have been describing all these media women when she said, “Madame, I think you are more interested in your questions than my answers”. After all no-one wins awards for what other people say!
A pre recorded bit on the BBC News channel, about 13:08, showing what “British” people are doing whilst in isolation.
The order of those shown was:
1. Black woman interview/introduction
2. White man running a pub quiz online
3. Muslim man with a black man
4. Another black man
5. Back to the first black woman now talking to black man (#4 above)
6. Black man exercising split screen with a black woman
7. Close up interview with black man (see #6 above)
8. White man Dj’ing
9. white girl dancing
10. I believe it was a BAME girl dancing in ambulance seat whilst driving
11. quick clip of another white woman dancing.
I’ve put in a complaint demanding the BBC edit this footage to remove the excessive white people!
Non – TWatO Watch #1 – Maybe Covid is Cutting a Path through the Corridors of Power?
Arlene Foster or someone with a similar name but only slightly different accent (still had been to the Dame Celia Vowelstrangler School of Pronunciation* though) was reading the 1p.m. News. Have not noticed her reading the news before now, maybe due to a lack of attention to such things.
Perhaps Newsreaders, Journalists, Presenters and Continuity Announcers at the BBC have all been sitting too close together.
(* How I miss the good old days: Alvar Lidell, Wallace Greenslade, John Snagge, Derek McCulloch)
Good news and bad news…bad news first
Daily DEATHS 260 ..that’s another big blip up to now more than 1,000 dead ..actually 1019
Pattern last Thu 181, Wed 40, Thu 33, Fri 56 , Sat 48, Sun 54, Mon 87, Tue 43, Wed 113 ( also a blip up)
Tests : 2546 Friday DAILY positive ..Hey that is a **FALL**
but then for some reason the number of tests also was less cos
pattern…Fri 1035, Sat 665, Sun 967, Mon 1427, Tue 1452, Wed : 2129 Thu : 2921
Tests made 6999 Confirmed rate is 36.38%.
Oh well that is also a change as if they are learning to dismiss more people who don’t need testing
They made a lot more tests the day before … 9,000 but so many were negatives
Future : theoretically when you get days with less positive tests, then 5-7 days later the daily death rate should also fall, from the previous day.
Thursday’s positive test rate is 3 times higher than 5 days previous
By rough maths that means in 5 days time the death rate should be 3 times higher
If those 1035 cases resulted in 260 deaths
then 3,000 cases makes 780 daily/deaths
and then possible falling death rate after then.
Remember the number positives is not ALL positives but rather a proxy
If a day has 300 positive tests , that probably means that day there was another 3,000 cases
…. Spurious events could throw the pattern out of kilter tho.
More Bad News Dept but that you will not hear on the BBC because they have TDS*: Germany with a population of 83 million approx. has half as many cases 56,000 as the USA – 112,000 – with a population of over 330 million.
Source: Johns Hopkins University
(* Trump Derangement Syndrome for those not in membership of The Acronym Society.)
3pm R4 News keeps to the BBC regulation that a Trump-hater must be aired
The audio featured a voice saying that
“On Corona there has been a COMPLETE LACK OF LEADERSHIP from the president”
It was Dennis Carroll, former director of @USAID’s emerging threats division.
The internet found him on a January 25th Netfix doco
For 15 years the United States ran a research program called PREDICT to identify & stop pandemics. It was shut down in October.
The next great pandemic will come from a virus that leaps from animals to humans. This is a mistake 1/????
@nytimes on Oct 25, 2019
The federal government is quietly shutting down a surveillance program for dangerous animal viruses that someday may infect humans, in a move that worries many public health experts
PREDICT was inspired by the 2005 H5N1 bird flu scare & found more than a thousand new viruses ????
The administrations of George W. Bush & Barack Obama provided robust funding for PREDICT, but things changed in 2017, according to Dennis Carroll, who helped design the program.
But on Feb 26th Carroll wasn’t saying the PREDICT programme would have stopped the virus, so Trump could have saved the world
… rather he was saying : sometimes viruses go wild and that is what had happened
Dennis Carroll
.. credited China’s “extraordinary control measures” with delaying the spread of the virus, but he said avoiding a pandemic is “very unlikely.”
“The dramatic uptick of cases in South Korea, Iran and Italy are reflective of a self-sustaining spreading of the virus and a clear message that the horse is out of the barn,”
‘ “Dennis Carroll
.. credited China’s “extraordinary control measures” ‘
Otherwise known as covering up the problem, Chernobyl style and disgustingly allowing Wuhan’s infected leather workers to return to northern Italy after thier Chinese new year holidays.
John – I lost the will to live after 5 minutes . I take it your video was paid for by the People’s Republic of China to muddy the waters of blame ?
I do love those conspiracy theories which suggest individuals destroyed lives and economies across the planet to make a few billion by betting on crashing stock markets ….
…. I’ve got a generally poor view of certain bits of human kind but would not take that one – I supposed the virus will be followed by a complementary nuclear attack just to tick the conspiracy rubbish .
I was with this video about Bill Gates until the narrator was linking him about 12 generations back to the Rockefeller’s and then 23 generations back with the queen.
I too have a similar link with the Rockefeller’s but I can be sure they will have never heard of me and nor do I have any connection to their wealth.
What started as an interesting conspiracy theory with possibly a grain of truth, soon outed itself.
We must be due a Rothschild did it conspiracy nonsense anytime soon linking the virus to `UFOs JFK and The NRA as well as the acronym society ( TAS)
It only the chicken had been chlorinated …
And maybe it wasn’t billy gates but that Steve Jobs – who is not really dead of course but got out of the bunker before the Russians arrived and now lives in Argie land with Speer and Goebells
Halfway down
Pathetic Indian cop wearing a coronavirus hat… the eager British police who go full transvestite etc for any reason must be stamping their high heels that didn’t think of it first..
Talking to an elderly friend who has no idea about this website.
This morning, quite unsolicited he said that he had been watching Boris’s daily news conference.
But he then commented that he had noticed when he then watched the BBC news straight afterwards, the reporting was so slanted that it was as if he had been watching a quite different news conference !!!!!!!!
Always good to see the bias of the BBC becoming apparent to more and more people.
A CHARITY ? for fruit pickers ?? Some weird definition..
Also we could let market force just work, ie wages rise in that sector, and then people might want to work there, and ban agencies and gang masters taking a huge cut.
“But yeah, Donald Trump’s idea about everyone getting back to work by Easter might not have that much scientific basis to it. Which is weird, because he told the White House briefing room, on his reason for proposing that festive date –
“I just thought it was a beautiful time, a beautiful timeline, it’s a great day”
Lurch and Katty feeling another’s pain. Plus, narrative.
Sadly this isn’t unusual. Another friend of mine was told she’d probably be better or in the ER before she gets her test results back.
That lady Sam Granville must be very very sick
… practically at deaths door … NOT
In the last 2 hours she has left a trail on Twitter
She has clicked like on 7 tweets and retweeted Katty once.
No news is GOOD news
Why ??
if a test petri dish quickly grows that’s they tell you POSITIVE
BUT if it doesn’t grow
.. they want to double check
so they keep waiting for it to grow
only when they are sure it won’t grow do they tell you it’s a NEGATIVE
The subtweet there mentions a WSJ journaist who was tested on March 17th
Well how sick is Peggynoonannyc today ?
So sick that she has posted 3 tweets in the last few hours.
(same logic applies ..her petri dish sample probably didn’t grow.. ultimately showing she probably didn’t have Covid )
The guy tweeting is “Chief White House Correspondent for The New York Times and MSNBC analyst.”
Sick with fever, a dry cough and other symptoms, @Peggynoonannyc got a coronavirus test on March 17. She still hasn't received the results. "If this is happening to me, it's happening to others."
That is why I get a half million dollar salary
.. and they get zero.
… Oh hang on it’s the other way round isn’t it ?
i’m the one that works for nothing.
I noticed that they also emphasised that you couldn’t really believe the actual figures of infections stated by Russia. This when they broadcast ludicrously low infection figures given by China on a daily basis with no comment at all!
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
You saw it here first (I think), that the BBC are a load of ‘self-sexualators’.
Of course this blasted virus hits all and sundry, just don’t try and make up a non-story, and don’t hang around in empty town centres, gawping at a camera! Use a laptop, and stay at home, preferably with no electricity so we can all get some peace!
And, finally (about time – Ed), why does the blasted BBC still start its news bulletins showing a crowd of kayakers, dog-walkers etc., all in a touchy-feely, gormless group, when they’re supposed to be ‘self-distancing’ by two yards, eight inches!
Just another “untouchable” lefty who can say what the f* *k they like !!!!! #bekind
To say ccbgb is a understatement !!!
Oh dear ….still a half arsed apology tho !!!
How come we have to keep two metres apart but the lower standard EU member France opts for one metre?

Jim, takes me back to Infant and Primary School days. Remember having to stand in line, facing front, distance yourself at arms length to a classmate? Then there was ‘Music and Movement’ which your illustration appears to suit (but with a lack of music) …. BBC on the radio … BBC Schools Radio …. back when the BBC was useful and unbiased.
After Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn posted a message wishing Boris a speedy recovery, supporters responded with a series of sickening posts – many wishing death on the PM.
One Corbyn supporter wrote: “I hope he dies slowly.”
Another added: “You can laugh Jezza we won’t tell him, promise.”
Replying to the Labour leader on Twitter, another follower said: “Our thoughts and prayers go to the virus at this difficult time.”
Another fan wrote: “No one cares about Boris stay safe king”.
I’ve been busily reporting the ‘hate’ posts to twitter during the day – and I’m sure the forces of law and order will investigate and prosecute …..
From what I gather local businesses like market stalls, gardeners & cleaners etc. are keen to give up work and take the 80%
.. and then use their time to renovate a property, develop their own crops, renovate their equipment , get the accounts done etc.
So they’ll end up being paid 180% for their time.
We all knew that coughing up to pay the wages of the self employed would be open to abuse.
Perhaps they should agree to pay the wages on condition this free time will be used to be nationally conscripted into working with the essential services or the military.
Err no..
I am a self employed sole trader running a small business.
I don’t get sick pay.
I don’t get holiday pay.
I don’t get Bereavement leave.
I never got paternity leave.
I have had to provide for my own pension.
I pay for my own national insurance stamp.
I have to keep records of all my businesses transactions and pay taxes like everyone else.
All of this was my own lifestyle choice so I accept this.
However. Having to cease trading And seeing all the years of hard work in building up a small business to provide for my family being taken away through no fault of my own.
I think you are being a bit harsh..
Don’t we deserve some help.
Sadly life aint fair, and at times we all feel we’ve got the rough end of the stick, no matter how old we are.
I too have worked all my life, in fact worked 2 years more than I should (41 as opposed to the required 39) to get my old age pension, but didn’t get any extra. Not having children I never claimed maternity or child benefit. Always at the back of the queue for holidays in preference to those with kids, and having to cover workload when kids were sick. I didn’t get widows bereavement allowance, and now the free tv licence is being snatched away, and will have to sell my home to pay for aged care.
Still this all pales into significance now, at least I’m still here, and fingers crossed will be after all this madness is over, unlike those who have lost their lives in the past month or so.
Yeah, I can also tell of a past littered with that sort of thing, Brissles. A lot of people, like you, get no real advantages but others appear to have things fall into their laps or they make sure they are front of queue for State handouts and then try and dodge the taxes that pays for it.
Yet I often wake up in the morning feeling blessed (esp. if I have slept well and/or had really silly, crazy, dreams) and it stays that way through the day until the head hits the pillow at night. At least we still have our minds, old thing, and can use them unlike that hospital doctor or GP on BBC R4 (was it yesterday?) who complained about the lack of ‘guidance’ from Government on when to use PPE equipment!
@davylars I didn’t mean you
I meant some of the people I had run into
sorry I left out the words *some*
Thanks Stew..
Heard online interview regarding covid outbreak in China. Host was explaining that the Chinese didn’t believe the virus was as severe as reported. Logic dictated that for their government to admit something was wrong it must actually be far worse. Consequently they took greater precaution than recommended hence faster recovery, possible?
No blokes stranded then BBC ??? Silly me , of course using pictures of women will carry more “emotional” weight to you’re tweet !!!! Equality hey !!! #whenitsuits
And the Government not doing enough !!!!!! Turn it in ffs !!! Think they’ve got a lot on at the moment
I heard on BBC news this morning that some young women were whining on about being stranded somewhere in Asia
Apparently they left the UK on March 10th.
Doobster-BBC TV is all but a women’s media outlet when it
comes to news and political presentation. 80% of the
news presenters and politcal programme presenters are now
The use of female clergy in the liberal church denominations is resulting in their congregation numbers gradually shrinking. Perhaps a surfeit of ladies at the BBC may have a similar effect. Let us sincerely hope so.
3 Jan 2020
How China enlisted the help of the BBC to (unwittingly) suppress information about the outbreak of the ‘China’ virus –
“There has been speculation on social media about a possible connection to the highly contagious disease.
Wuhan police said eight people had been punished for “publishing or forwarding false information on the internet without verification”
The BBC and/or JohnsHopkins Uni ‘helpfully’ excluded the Chines numbers from their interactive chart here.
Why does the BBC and the MSM instinctively believe the Chinese numbers?
Total cases : China – 81,340, USA – 96,968
The BBC is now screaming that the US is the epicentre
Ok, before our illustrious journalists start criticising the government for failing to churn out testing kits for essential workers, then perhaps they’d like to turn their attention to this……..
” 03/03/2020 · Four illegal immigrants found in lorry in Bedfordshire tested for coronavirus “
How will the BBC twist the story to bring the blame back to Trump?
“Mr Cuomo said a better way forward might be a “get-back-to-work strategy” in tandem with a public health strategy
“The Republican president’s get-back-to-work goal found unexpected support on Thursday from a prominent Democrat.
Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, the current coronavirus epicentre in the US, said statewide quarantine orders may not have been the best approach to coronavirus.”
“Young people then quarantined with older people was probably not the best public health strategy,” he told a news conference, “because the younger people could have been exposing the older people to an infection.”
PS This sort of information is never reported at 10 pm
How many in the UK have died of Seasonal Flu? It can often be over 20,000. No figures yet.
How many Corona deaths linked with other conditions such as Seasonal Flu?
Did they die with or from Corona/Covid 19?
Hope all the contributors to this site are keeping well,and are not going “stir crazy”.Not sure if the new virtue signalling virus of standing outside and applauding has claimed any victims on this site!We all know what a great job the NHS staff are doing,but this stunt made me cringe.Might be persuaded to change my mind if any of the MSM promise to get me on camera next time.
lordelpus, Martin Wroe described it as a ‘Religious Event’ on ThoughtftDay this a.m..
Says it all.
“Brexit: EU-UK meeting to go ahead via video link”
What’s the odds that Al Beeb and the LimpDems will use the present pandemic to try and prevent Brexit succeeding ?
taffman- There seems to be no logical connection between an epidemic and Brexit, and yet I’ve had a sneaky feeling the Remainers are somehow going to use this as a last chance to reverse the ship when, as far as I’m concerned, we have left and it’s all done and dusted. Why do I have this sneaky feeling? Makes no sense?
Here is something that must not be forgotten and needs attention.
Click to access net_worth_-_fisheries.pdf
I have said so many times…… the fishing rights clearly, according to International Law, belong to the UK. End of story.
The UK will have the right to decide who, when, where, and at what cost to applicants, fishing will be allowed in UK waters. End of next story.
When we’re talking about Trade Agreements, then yes, we can discuss what tariffs may or may not be applied to fish exports or imports – and that can be balanced against other trading tariffs, or the lack of them. But that is for the fish, not the fishing rights.
Why is this so difficult to understand ?
Or is the EU demanding that, as a price to be paid for membership of, or association with, the EU, countries like Denmark, Germany, Holland and Norway will freely donate their oil and gas reserves to the UK ? Thought not.
1/10 taffman or there or thereabouts ????
???? Gesundheit!
Bias ? , what bias ?
Would Boris have got the same treatment with her?
I wonder if the BBC will acknowledge this now, after the police and CPS agree with his version of events. Or is mentioning Tommy Robinson worse than the coronavirus.
Got into an fairly violent argument with an indoctrinated lefty when visiting the office last week when someone mentioned the “coughing” incident and I pointed out that it was T R who helped out the old couple.
All their argument consisted of was he was a racist and a bigot etc etc. We discontinued the discussion as neither of us would back down and its tempo was going past what is acceptable and we are both grown ups, but what it did do is make me realise who the real bigots are. It is like having a discussion with someone who puts his fingers in his ears and just shouts.
As we know Tommies courageous conduct counts for nothing – he really is in lots of ways the best of British..
I think we may be having lots of similair unpleasant discussions if this subject is raised in front of me again.
Well done for standing up for truth and justice.
Thanks island – I dont enjoy these sort of confrontations much but the media brainwashing that these people seem to absorb sometimes takes my breath away.
They are generally decent people, but seem to have abandoned all judgement and reason when you challenge them on their left wing dogma particularly anything to do with TR and the “Orange Man” who as we all here know is very, very bad indeed.
(Unsurprisingly) it’s the first I’m hearing about this story ????
Oaknash , yes we been there even with normally good people.
Same as we get the pious on Covid19
we get the pious on TR “he is evil they chant” , and then they stop listening, adamant that they are not going to listen to his Oxford Union speech.
… one guy just got really nasty , treating us in the same prejudiced nasty way, that a racist would treat a random black person.
But It wouldn’t surprise me if Stuch bery leans on the police and they come back and charge TR.
Stew – the fact that the Panorama and Sweeney went out of their way to set TR up should be enough evidence of just how disgusting the BBC led MSM media in this country are but in truth it is not.
In effect these people have been brainwashed and I dont even know whether I would want them on “our” side as they seem to lack any sense of discernment.
It was the same with the Holocaust, too many “decent” people buying into the “all Jews are evil” argument as it was easier to go with the crowd than question your own judgement – even in the face of compelling evidence.
KT Hopkins tweeted
…and this is the standard hatey tweet from the #BeKind libmob
Special news programme at midnight “Breaking news”
Presenter states “In the last hour it has been confirmed that the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has tested positive for Coronavirus…”
What? Breaking news? I knew that this afternoon!
BBC LIARS and not fit for purpose.
Dys – this is now about as much of a scoop as me “breaking” wind.
Talk about good value for money!
Another week, another doodle and thoughts on the Covid
Switched on R4 at 6.20 to hear someone British ,who had been to Mecca, praising Islam.
Seems he has been part of a group accompanying Clare Balding on a walk.
Then someone from the Bahai faith.
Wonder if they had a Christian, whom I missed?
And there’s a philosopher who has no religion.
If they did have a Christian, would have been so out of fashion?
I think there is a lady who is a Methodist. That’s about as far as she’ll go.
I respect them all, but I have my own conviction. It involves the person of Jesus. For some, a fairy in the sky.
It appears the group is lost, cos there are so many paths.
The Muslim is holding forth again.
The whole lot illustrate the Tower of Babel.
It was the Herefordshire Interfaith Group, it seems.
Interfaith groups are set up by people whose own faith is weak or non-existent.
Is it just me or is everyday now like the real Sundays I remember from childhood. little traffic and deserted town centres and everything closed except newsagents ?
Long may it continue. And if that sounds heartless then it isn’t meant to be, because as we all know thousands upon thousands die every year due to the common cold, so the number of deaths occuring isn’t really anything out of the ordinary. What *is* out of the ordinary is the scaremongering and hysterical over-reaction.
Darcy3, yes its all so reminiscent of those halcyon (?) days. No planes in the sky, no rumble of traffic from the nearby A1, and only the sound of the birds in the trees. AND BEST OF ALL, no bugger using the front of my house to park their sodding cars when visiting someone up the bloody street !!!
Very sad to report that one week into self-isolation and it’s upsetting to see my wife standing at the window gazing aimlessly into space,tears running down her cheeks.
It breaks my heart to see her like this. I have even considered letting her in.
But rules are rules
Dazed – ???? I think you need to find your coat ….
It sounds like dickie Horton – the editor of the medical mafias bible – The Lancet – is trying to get top of the list for the new
‘Told you so’ industry .
After his guest appearance on Question Time this week (didn’t see ) he is doing his ‘told You so ‘ act in print .
In my view there is a time and place for’ told you so ‘ but I think this is not it . Some mistakes will be buried and some will come out . But ‘told you so ‘ doesn’t help much now does it ?
And Greta Garbo at the window ???
Watching the TR video of the thieving violent drug dealing immigrants in Hitchin, when challenged after they attacked an old lady all they do is moronically repeat “you is racist” over and over as if the have tourettes. Seen this over and over from black criminals, it is about time this term “racist” is classified as a hate crime.
If everyone gets called racist the word becomes meaningless, just a thought. Short changed at shop – racist. Didn’t pick their dog poop up – racist. Didn’t say thanks when held door open – racist. Words can become meaningless e.g. hate crime, phobia, etc.
And “nazi”
Listened to whatever on R4 this morning. Something about how wonderful Sweden was with so few Coronavirus cases and how so much of Swedish society/business is open. The presenter did admit that more people live on their own in Sweden than anywhere else in the world (a huge advantage when trying to keep transmission down). They didn’t comment that the crowded densely populated main islands of UK (very bad with 11 deaths per million) was so much worse than Sweden (10 deaths per million). Don’t give the listener any opportunity to join other dots when trying to paint a picture. Motive, agenda ?
I read somewhere (reputable) a week or two ago that Sweden and Denmark have fewer critical care beds per capita than the UK.
Also weird how Sweden’s strategy of aiming for herd immunity through infection of healthy people is a great idea, but when our government merely hinted the same idea (after advice from health advisors) it was utterly ridiculous and the equivalent of genocide.
I see the headline picture on the BBC website is about testing for “Key Workers” it’s of course a picture of a Muslim women wearing a hijab. May I suggest that this is a front to the 95% of Key Workers that ain’t Muslim women !@
Agenda agenda agenda even in these times.
BBC choices very much reflect what the bbc wishes known as opposed to what the facts are.
H, are you sure they are not surgeons or theatre nurses ‘in cover-up’?
There’s more Halifax. What a complete joke , woke outfit they are !!!!! It’s just sickening their love for the minorities and disregard for the majority. National broadcaster my arse !!!!!!
No other pictures available hey ??
It’s surprising how young these “retired” police officers are……..
I was thinking same, retired from what? His paper round?
I’m assuming the police are exempt from social distancing much like speeding in the course of their duties, is it fair to ask them to risk contracting corona if they absolutely have to feel someones collar though? Stick their heads into stopped vehicles to check ‘fragrance’? Sit in the same patrol vehicle as each other?
Full of questions and no answers I know, need to stop or it’ll be a kill drone for me.
I expect Amjad Ditta – one of “Yorkshires Finest” is now looking forward to being back on the beat.
Another example. Their website is carrying an article on the situation in Russia. Most of the problem there is centred on Moscow. Naturally the BBC has used a picture of a Muslim woman in a headscarf as representative of the ‘typical’ Muscovite (third picture). Now, it so happens that the city does have a large Muslim population, but they are well integrated and it is in sharp contrast to, say, London, Brussels or Paris. I stayed for a couple of weeks in such a district and I do not recall seeing a single woman in a headscarf, or men in Islamic clothing, or shops with Arabic writing. Even the nearby largest mosque in the city, the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, (note the inclusive name) blends in seamlessly with the traditional religious architecture.
I’m afraid my resistance to ‘Our Beauty’ and her accelerating drive to exercise her relentless ‘Critical Theory’ on me failed this morning. The item before 0800 of the bin men’s Chinese virus lament did it for me. Off button. Double quick.
I wish, wish, wish (fingers and all crossed) that someone would get into the BBC HQ, maybe masquerading as one of their trusted friends, like OFCOM, and do a TR/Sweeney type exposure (naturally that’s TR aka, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon).
Wouldn’t that be fun?
TOADY Watch #1 – Maybe Covid is Cutting a Path through the Corridors of Power?
Yes, the virus may mean some Beeboids are no longer fit enough to do TOADY. Dominic McConnell has stepped up to fill the gap this morning. Either that or Mishal, Justin and Nick have all popped out together for a pre-Easter hols meal in Copenhagen or Stockholm.
Richard Horton leading on the 8am Radio 4 news complaining that the government hadn’t prepared enough for the virus. But I found this tweet from January. Hat tip to whoever it was who previously highlighted it after Question Time a couple of days ago. But why did the BBC lead with his complaints against the government today?
richard horton
Jan 24
A call for caution please. Media are escalating anxiety by talking of a “killer virus” + “growing fears”. In truth, from what we currently know, 2019-nCoV has moderate transmissibility and relatively low pathogenicity. There is no reason to foster panic with exaggerated language.
Indeed and Horton not only published in his Lancet magazine, Andrew Wakefield’s nonsense about MMR, but he did all he could to defend Wakefield.
Guido had some fun at Horton’s expense, detailing his views on the virus right up until the start of March.
Only the BBC would allow a lefty nutter to run down the government.
Meanwhile, four days before, “the date 20 January 2020 is certain to feature prominently. It was on that day that a 35-year-old man in Washington state, recently returned from visiting family in Wuhan in China,..”
On which basis the BBC’s agenda setters at The Guardian write, “The missing six weeks: how Trump failed the biggest test of his life”.
Perhaps President Trump was reading Richard Horton’s assuring tweet?
Either that, Jim, or the President failed to turn up at the airport to greet that man returning from China and ask him to have a medical.
Except had he done exactly that, checked on the man’s health, the Democrats, the BBC and the rest of the LeftyLibby MSM, would all be screaming that President Trump is a racist and putting up walls and erecting barriers and is a liar and is putting up walls and is a misogynist and is …
Horton’s editorship of the Lancet and his frequent use of the magazine to air his extremist political views is not universally admired throughout the medical profession – and neither was his backing for Wakefield in the MMR scandal, together with his vastly delayed distancing.
With all this baggage together with his clear admiration and promotion of Corbyn, the question to ask is why the BBC think him suitable as a source of unbiased scientific information?
Perhaps another BBC promoted and politically biased sounding board, Prof. Ashton, could explain.
QT is always a setup and the BBC new fine well about his tweet on the 24 Jan but didn’t give a ‘heads up’ for him to be called out on it
Nigel’s message is clear on the need for testing
The BBC article, for whatever reason, just muddies the water
The antibody test is still be tested
There is no point in rushing out an unproven test.
Meanwhile the infection test only shows positive if you started and haven’t got over the sickness.
Sky News said that the antibody test was starting next week?
The EU have failed to agree a COVID financial response package. They will meet again in TWO weeks time…..meanwhile the nasty US and UK move on.
I think it’s a bit of a guess as to what will happen to the Franco German pact ( reich EU) after the Chinese virus / bio weapon ….
1 more ‘ unity ‘ an EU NHS
2 badly affected countries say – what did you do for us ? What use are you ,?
Being a born cynic – the political class will be bought off and the ordinary people who want change ( which the lefties call ‘populists ‘)
will be stopped from exiting using a similar model which was deployed against the UK ….
Recall the horror a couple of weeks ago that Boris refused to hold a Cobra late in the week in preference for a relevant one the first Monday following.
What is the reaction of the Euro MSM and the Euro Sheeple?
As I have said before on here, the police response to those travelling to remote spots to execise, as I do every summer anyway, is an abuse of power which serves no purpose, and there is nothing in the new law that specifies distance to travel.
I enjoy walks in the remote country with the wife, every summer spring for years now, but this week while driving in the countryside was absolutely amazed at the amount of people who have suddenly decided that, now they are encouraged to stay indoors, suddenly decide they want to visit the countryside, not seen this in years, people no longer sitting with their playstations or bingeing on boxsets,
Amazingly not the BBC: yesterday morning, having not stood out in the freezing cold at 8pm, I didn’t need to hear on Classic FM that Victoria Beckham and Jamie Oliver had done so. I don’t know where either are living but could guess they are somewhere where no neighbour would hear them applauding. Virtue signalling taken up by the press? Classic FM could have, as the BBC did, shown the Prime Minister – already poorly – giving his thanks.
A nice vignette about the difference between socialism and the market economy.
In the middle of the coronavirus those with imagination are finding ways to do things. The online choirs -and nearer to home Mrs. S’s keep fit class has gone virtual and she is exercising in our front room online with the instructor and other attendees.
In a market economy people find ways to do things, to meet wants and needs, perceived or real.
Now imagine Jezzaworld. Socialism. In Jezzaworld the state is the thing. So we’d all be waiting for the National Choir Collective and the National Exercise Corporation to elect members to their committees. Then there would be several meetings before the national plans were announced. Moribund inactivity.
It would however be a very equal arrangement. No-one would get anything for weeks.
Sluff – the comrades are trying – collective 8pm clapping sessions – I’m waiting for the next one …
… I bet somewhere in the BBC there is planning for a virusaphon night involving virtual this and virtual that after what remaining money people might have .
They’ll pay lineker 50 k in the same way as terry Wogan took cash to present a charity show( still hard to believe )
and they’ll all get a warm feeling . The money -of course- will go to BBC approved groups as always …
Children In Need, Comic Relief, Sports Relief, the ‘collective’ in action, where the ‘leaders’ get paid to take money from ‘the people’.
Sluff, quite right. The female nurse on the TOADY Prog early in the week who said “We need a training course in how to put on the PPE.”
Training course? Training course!
Then there was the female GP, later in the week: “I need guidelines when to use PPE.”
The Welfare State has truly come home to roost during this Covid thing but the loft appears to have a lot of droppings in it. In fact, it is full to the ceiling with droppings.
Covid19 – The problem is most deaths go to people with 1 or 2 pre-existing conditions
What would be really useful is a separate death count that only lists the previously healthy.
BY Prof Spiegelhalter’s logic for the next year there should be a lots of empty space in the NHS for the next year .
How come ?
Cos the the current pre-infection life expectancy of those that later die of Covid19 is an average one year
ie most of them were expected to die of their existing diseases
If they do catch and die of Covid19 then that means they drawing on the NHS for the next year.
But I guess there might be also NEW patients who are long term damaged by Covid19.
Well, because there are fewer people venturing out (for fear of being shot by a sniper cos they’ve bought too many parsnips) it logically means:-
1) Less patients admitted due to traffic accidents
2) Less patients admitted due to accidents in the workplace
3) Less patients admitted due to sporting injuries
4) Less patients admitted due to “outside” attacks such as mugging, assault and GBH
A lot less workload for the NHS, you might say. Which is why it was a bit weird when all the snowflakes started clapping them the other night.
I’m guessing the number of NHS staff actually dealing with emergency stuff is not the majority but others are benefitting from the various concessions being donated
I’m not sure about the ‘ less road accidents’ . There does seem to a sub species of kidult using roads as race tracks . They obviously have great faith in the NHS when they come unstuck .
Clapping you say?
It’s vitally important to figure out how many people are actually infected and if there are any easily attributable indicators (beyond pre-existing chronic conditions) to bad outcomes. I note that some some NY front line medics are dosing themselves with fish tank cleaner and observing that there is an apparent bias wrt to blood groups in those succumbing to acute virus impacts.
The constant parade of fashionable lefty minority groups being touted as victims on the BBC webshite is as tiresome as it is predictable. Looks like comrade Horrorbin’s office is also busy dosing the virus story with eco-tosh and apocalyptic icebergs .
I don’t know about fish tank cleaner but I’ve absorbed so much sanitiser, disinfectant and soap just lately that every time I use the toilet it ends up cleaner.
I saw an interview with a senior NY ER doctor (Tucker Carlson program) just come off shift and obviously well stressed out. Beyond volunteering he’s dosing himself with chloroquin as a prophylactic he also said that certain blood groups were subjectively presenting in proportions that didn’t correlate with the normal blood group arithmetic.
Anecdotal – but better than wahhh! I’m quarantined with my trans phobic parents.
WRT = With respect to.
“But I guess there might be also NEW patients who are long term damaged by Covid19.”
And the foramaldehyde, radon, dust mites, lack of exercise etc.
darn typo “If they do catch and die of Covid19 then that means they ARE NOT drawing on the NHS for the next year.
Peter Hitchens tweets that it’s the second anniversary of his last appearance on Question Time – with the remark “was it something I said ?”
I think he illustrates the GroupThink from which the BBC so comfortably suffers . Any one not complying with the‘ BBC way ‘Just has no chance – the absence of ‘diversity of thought ‘.
‘The BBC Way’ – Run for Cover Even If You Are There To Serve Her Majesty
Gus O’Donnell tells me on BBC 1pm News that he “stopped attending the House of Lords when the Coronavirus thing started”. “There isn’t room for us all to sit down anyway.”
What a selfless devotion to the Monarch and our nation, eh?
When the PM eventually gets around to thinning the ranks of Peers so that Lord O’Donnell can sit down, I hope Lord O’Donnell (crossbencher) is considered a prime candidate for ‘thinning’. In bringing me this news, the BBC appear to condone if not approve Gus’s behaviour.
What with all the appeals to Rishi Sunak to pay people that can’t get to work I expect the HoL will be putting in a claim for 80% (at least!) of their daily attendance allowance.
“stopped attending the House of Lords when the Coronavirus thing started”
erm…. are they being paid an attendance allowance ? Seems like the sort of malarkey that some would sign up for…..
Members of the Lords who are not paid a salary may claim a flat rate attendance allowance of £157 or £313 (new rate from the 1st April 2019), or £153 or £305 (old rate up to 31st March 2019), or may choose to make no claim for each sitting day they attend the House.
– House of Lords Allowances
Hopefully, this will be very well remembered of the Chinese should we see our way out of the current mess.
‘The BBC Way’ – Keep Saying We Are Running Out Of Time
Oh joy! Anita Anand will talk to the nation for one hour at 2p.m..
If Anita was not so bad at compering the Any Answers programme I would definitely support her in having more time, preferably and extra mid-week programme for more listeners’ Answers.
One of the problems is that she insists on taking time to give out the programme number for people to call in just after she has told someone “we have lots of callers waiting”. Another is that close to the end of the programme, after she has spent more time jabbering than anyone else, and having told us “We’ve had lots of calls on that subject, were struggling to get them all in.” she then spends more time jabbering away herself or introducing two callers to each other so they can say “Hello Fred.” “Hello Mary”.
She’s pretty good at telling the people that have managed to get a few words in what they have just said, or more often, what they really meant to have said!
As I was reminded the other day, Marine Le Pen could have been describing all these media women when she said, “Madame, I think you are more interested in your questions than my answers”. After all no-one wins awards for what other people say!
A pre recorded bit on the BBC News channel, about 13:08, showing what “British” people are doing whilst in isolation.
The order of those shown was:
1. Black woman interview/introduction
2. White man running a pub quiz online
3. Muslim man with a black man
4. Another black man
5. Back to the first black woman now talking to black man (#4 above)
6. Black man exercising split screen with a black woman
7. Close up interview with black man (see #6 above)
8. White man Dj’ing
9. white girl dancing
10. I believe it was a BAME girl dancing in ambulance seat whilst driving
11. quick clip of another white woman dancing.
I’ve put in a complaint demanding the BBC edit this footage to remove the excessive white people!
Non – TWatO Watch #1 – Maybe Covid is Cutting a Path through the Corridors of Power?
Arlene Foster or someone with a similar name but only slightly different accent (still had been to the Dame Celia Vowelstrangler School of Pronunciation* though) was reading the 1p.m. News. Have not noticed her reading the news before now, maybe due to a lack of attention to such things.
Perhaps Newsreaders, Journalists, Presenters and Continuity Announcers at the BBC have all been sitting too close together.
(* How I miss the good old days: Alvar Lidell, Wallace Greenslade, John Snagge, Derek McCulloch)
260 dead in the last 24 hours. 13 of those poor souls did not have underlying health issues . Wide age range .
“13 of those poor souls did not have underlying health issues”
Unverified in most cases.
Good news and bad news…bad news first
Daily DEATHS 260 ..that’s another big blip up to now more than 1,000 dead ..actually 1019
Pattern last Thu 181, Wed 40, Thu 33, Fri 56 , Sat 48, Sun 54, Mon 87, Tue 43, Wed 113 ( also a blip up)
Tests : 2546 Friday DAILY positive ..Hey that is a **FALL**
but then for some reason the number of tests also was less cos
pattern…Fri 1035, Sat 665, Sun 967, Mon 1427, Tue 1452, Wed : 2129 Thu : 2921
Tests made 6999 Confirmed rate is 36.38%.
Oh well that is also a change as if they are learning to dismiss more people who don’t need testing
They made a lot more tests the day before … 9,000 but so many were negatives
Future : theoretically when you get days with less positive tests, then 5-7 days later the daily death rate should also fall, from the previous day.
Thursday’s positive test rate is 3 times higher than 5 days previous
By rough maths that means in 5 days time the death rate should be 3 times higher
If those 1035 cases resulted in 260 deaths
then 3,000 cases makes 780 daily/deaths
and then possible falling death rate after then.
Remember the number positives is not ALL positives but rather a proxy
If a day has 300 positive tests , that probably means that day there was another 3,000 cases
…. Spurious events could throw the pattern out of kilter tho.
More Bad News Dept but that you will not hear on the BBC because they have TDS*: Germany with a population of 83 million approx. has half as many cases 56,000 as the USA – 112,000 – with a population of over 330 million.
Source: Johns Hopkins University
(* Trump Derangement Syndrome for those not in membership of The Acronym Society.)
correction in layout
Pattern :
last Wed 40, Thu 33, Fri 56 , Sat 48, Sun 54, Mon 87, Tue 43, Wed 113 ( also a blip up) Thu 181,
3pm R4 News keeps to the BBC regulation that a Trump-hater must be aired
The audio featured a voice saying that
“On Corona there has been a COMPLETE LACK OF LEADERSHIP from the president”
It was Dennis Carroll, former director of @USAID’s emerging threats division.
The internet found him on a January 25th Netfix doco
They may or may not be right , but 4 years of crying wolf means no ones listening ????
Feb 8th people pointed out
But on Feb 26th Carroll wasn’t saying the PREDICT programme would have stopped the virus, so Trump could have saved the world
… rather he was saying : sometimes viruses go wild and that is what had happened
The article continues by quoting other *UN* officials saying that one should be prepared to care for lots of patients , but not declare a pandemic too early cos that causes harmful panic.
That seems to be the advice Trump followed.
‘ “Dennis Carroll
.. credited China’s “extraordinary control measures” ‘
Otherwise known as covering up the problem, Chernobyl style and disgustingly allowing Wuhan’s infected leather workers to return to northern Italy after thier Chinese new year holidays.
Here’s a video to while away 17 minutes of lockdown time.
It provides an interesting insight into Bill Gates of Microsoft fame. He of worldwide vaccination programmes:
John – I lost the will to live after 5 minutes . I take it your video was paid for by the People’s Republic of China to muddy the waters of blame ?
I do love those conspiracy theories which suggest individuals destroyed lives and economies across the planet to make a few billion by betting on crashing stock markets ….
…. I’ve got a generally poor view of certain bits of human kind but would not take that one – I supposed the virus will be followed by a complementary nuclear attack just to tick the conspiracy rubbish .
I was with this video about Bill Gates until the narrator was linking him about 12 generations back to the Rockefeller’s and then 23 generations back with the queen.
I too have a similar link with the Rockefeller’s but I can be sure they will have never heard of me and nor do I have any connection to their wealth.
What started as an interesting conspiracy theory with possibly a grain of truth, soon outed itself.
Great stuff John. Another crazy conspiracy theory. I’m confused though. I thought it was the chemtrails.
We must be due a Rothschild did it conspiracy nonsense anytime soon linking the virus to `UFOs JFK and The NRA as well as the acronym society ( TAS)
It only the chicken had been chlorinated …
And maybe it wasn’t billy gates but that Steve Jobs – who is not really dead of course but got out of the bunker before the Russians arrived and now lives in Argie land with Speer and Goebells
Halfway down
Pathetic Indian cop wearing a coronavirus hat… the eager British police who go full transvestite etc for any reason must be stamping their high heels that didn’t think of it first..
Talking to an elderly friend who has no idea about this website.
This morning, quite unsolicited he said that he had been watching Boris’s daily news conference.
But he then commented that he had noticed when he then watched the BBC news straight afterwards, the reporting was so slanted that it was as if he had been watching a quite different news conference !!!!!!!!
Always good to see the bias of the BBC becoming apparent to more and more people.
Reckon Rog Harrabilis would be conflicted?
A CHARITY ? for fruit pickers ?? Some weird definition..
Also we could let market force just work, ie wages rise in that sector, and then people might want to work there, and ban agencies and gang masters taking a huge cut.
The slightly leftist FT writes –
“But yeah, Donald Trump’s idea about everyone getting back to work by Easter might not have that much scientific basis to it. Which is weird, because he told the White House briefing room, on his reason for proposing that festive date –
“I just thought it was a beautiful time, a beautiful timeline, it’s a great day”
BTW, the BBC would be fully aware of this and as we all have noticed it has one way or another tried to rubbish Trump.
as in here –
How dare Trump be positive ????
Dear BBC
White men work for the NHS.
Lurch and Katty feeling another’s pain. Plus, narrative.
That lady Sam Granville must be very very sick
… practically at deaths door … NOT
In the last 2 hours she has left a trail on Twitter
She has clicked like on 7 tweets and retweeted Katty once.
No news is GOOD news
Why ??
if a test petri dish quickly grows that’s they tell you POSITIVE
BUT if it doesn’t grow
.. they want to double check
so they keep waiting for it to grow
only when they are sure it won’t grow do they tell you it’s a NEGATIVE
Maybe it is more mental?
The subtweet there mentions a WSJ journaist who was tested on March 17th
Well how sick is Peggynoonannyc today ?
So sick that she has posted 3 tweets in the last few hours.
(same logic applies ..her petri dish sample probably didn’t grow.. ultimately showing she probably didn’t have Covid )
The guy tweeting is “Chief White House Correspondent for The New York Times and MSNBC analyst.”
Tru storees from meedyah folk is so cred.
That is why I get a half million dollar salary
.. and they get zero.
… Oh hang on it’s the other way round isn’t it ?
i’m the one that works for nothing.
BBC news tonight.
BBC castigates Russia’s TV broadcaster for using Coronavirus for entertainment..
I noticed that they also emphasised that you couldn’t really believe the actual figures of infections stated by Russia. This when they broadcast ludicrously low infection figures given by China on a daily basis with no comment at all!
Who to believe? A corrupt commie state or a kleptocracy – tough call.
Must. Resist. Making. Any. Regal. Comment.