BBCNews Charities under threat..
As far as I am aware, BBC charities such as ‘Children in Need, and Sports relief’ etc, are sitting on millions. Perhaps they could help out charities genuinely affected with a shortage.
Instead of squandering huge amounts away on third world countrys where the president and their families cream it off, live in palaces, drive around in the best cars and fly around the world attending parties hosted by global elitist.
Also, they report . St. John ambulance say they will run out of money by august. I bet most of the population sacked or laid off wish they had enough to last till august
The big fundraising campaigns such as Comic Relief and Children in Need tend to provide funds for charities that are favoured by media people but that the general public would not want to fund directly, for example charities that do a lot of lobbying and identity politics. Far better to do your own research and give to a carefully selected small charity.
Pug – I had to smile ( when I know it was naughty ) when I heard that people signing up to claim universal credit had to wait on the phone ‘a long time ‘ .
I wondered what they’d be doing instead of that ? Time is a bit different now …. and if I hear another chirpy weather forecaster mouth the words “if you’re out and about “ I might lose it . …
When this Covid 19 is all done and dusted, i am looking forward to the BBC and Government still maintaining a daily conference to let us know updated deaths in the UK .
Every day at 5pm they could let us know the death toll in the previous 24hrs for ..
Then, they can show everyone, how the media over-hyped all this and show everyone how the likes of Kuntzberg and Beff Rigby were fear mongering, adding to panic for no real reason.
Doobster, you don’t really die from Parkinson’s Disease or any of the dementia, except in very exceptional circumstances. That would be where a large portion of the brain running an essential organ (or organs) shuts down or is badly affected by the dementia as in ‘madness’. Usually, it is a secondary cause – infection – that sees the sufferer die.
I can remember when the BBC routinely announced the death toll from RTA’s every Bank Holiday and over the Christmas season. They stopped doing that, on the whole, some years ago.
The idea that the German’s have a magic bullet with testing.
Paul Cosford, just be on JHB claiming his team have been in charge of patient testing and that they have NEVER HAD a shortage of tests
.. that they have always been able to test the patients they wanted to.
And that testing staff and the general public is a different thing
I think he means that an infection test is that useful test to use on staff cos even if they test negative today , they might test positive tomorrow .. and that the development of the proper antibody test is what they need.
Julia asks Public Health England's Prof. Paul Cosford who is at fault for the delay to coronavirus testing.
Prof. Paul Cosford: Coronavirus testing "is not a simple process."
TOADY Watch #3 – Thank you but did I miss something?
Did not listen to much of the programme this morning but caught the 7.30 a.m. News Bulletin plus the main 8 a.m. News.
I have just checked the Johns Hopkins Uni figures (not easy to do at night because our planet will just not stand still, it keeps rotating – the fidget!) and two notables stand out.
In the last couple of days, China has been re-included on the chart, whether by the BBC or by the Uni, I do not know for certain. As the article text mentioned China’s exclusion, I suspect it was done by the BBC but MR-D applies. (For the benefit of our Fed, that is Mandy Rice-Davies: ‘he would say that wouldn’t he’.)
However, BBC News is totally under BBC control. What is really interesting is the number of new cases in the USA. The BBC have been really very keen, anxious to the point of frantic-ness, over the last few days to highlight how bad the number of Covid-19 infections is becoming in the USA and that they are ‘far worse than China’. Not that we can rely on the numbers from China anyway.* What is significant is that there was a small increase in cases in the US. It may, of course, be a blip.
I do not recall hearing about this on your main News broadcast, BBC.
I wonder why?
* There is a peculiarity occurring in China: the Covid thing does not appear to have spread outside Hubei Province at all. That is most peculiar. Anyone know otherwise or can add info about that?
They also seem to be reporting “record numbers of deaths” in countries such as Italy that now seem to be past the peak of new cases, which is convenient for their fearmongering agenda because deaths will lag new cases by 10-14 days.
10am news, Radio 4. They played a short clip from the grown up son of an Asian doctor who has died in the U.K. of the virus. I think they said the 4th doctor to die.
I always wonder how these things work. Does the son think, ‘oh, my Dad has just died, I must contact the BBC’? Or does the BBC trawl through the tweets and then contact the relatives? However as someone who cannot believe that the first thing a relative does after a family death, is put it up on Facebook or Twitter, I am perhaps behind the times.
A few years ago Jo Coburn played a clip of Trump to her panel on the Daily Politics then told them what he had just said which happened to be quite different from the clip. My response from BBC complaints was verbal incontinence. Such a shame that Jo is white otherwise she would have been hung, drawn and quartered.
Tragic. And I don’t just mean the calibre of media staff.
Just like near every backpacker who pressed on with their gap year dream despite all the warnings seems to have a satellite link straight to W1A to book a flight on the country tab.
All the medical fatalities here seem to be ‘Asian’.
Whether this is a statistical match to civilian fatalities is unlikely, but of the younger ones few seem to have names I could easily pronounce.
A bit like most BBC ‘reporters’ on bylines or airwaves.
There may be a correlation to what is ‘news’, how it gets prioritised, etc.
How old was this doctor ?
He wasn’t a normal doctor, but rather a 68 year old RETIRED doctor who had to come back to volunteer.
I hope they only let him work in the office
If he was working direct with patients that would break H & S
cos surely aged people are a vulnerable category.
Physician Alfa Saadi, 68, came out of retirement (after a 40yr NHS career) to fight the coronavirus pandemic at Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital in Welwyn, Herts. Today, he became the 4th doctor in Britain to die after contracting the infection. What an absolute hero. RIP.
Also, Stew, did those Doctors come originally from countries where the smoking rate for males is close to 50% and did they continue the habit when in the UK? Also, were they practising Muslims (non-drinkers) or alcohol abstaining through choice?
Many people, I have been led to believe, die from undiagnosed cancers. Stroke is also a major killer along with heart disease.
As you (and I) have pointed out, you cannot rely on a statement of “This is a Covid-19 death.” without sight of the person’s medical history, death certificate and – preferably, but difficult at present due to pressure on Lab space – an autopsy.
Here’s a scenario what if racial-genes do make a difference
and that ON AVERAGE East Asians and blond Europeans like many Germans are very resistant
and that dark haired Italians and people with middle-eastern genes are much less resistant.
Do you think Big Brother would tell us ?
Stew, male : female do, so there can be racial differences I guess. For the male : female thing you have to get down to chromasonal level plus, perhaps, a bit of natural conditioning built in by a wise Creator God, if you believe, and pure accident or by evolution, if you don’t.
Pug – perhaps the muppet who can’t find Ikea does not do engleeeshh…….the vetting of NHS staff has always avoided being racist . … but like it’s refusal to charge overseas health tourists for exploiting it in ‘better ‘ times ….
Well, aside from all the statistics that are beginning to fog my brain, there is a silver lining ……. no reality shows, particularly the mindless Britains Got noTalent, which means no magazine photo shoots of Ambitious Holden and her ilk draped in little more than a handkerchief.
That may be true but what we have now is wall to wall poor quality videos up somebody’s nose with them being
1. a celebrity who can’t stand not being seen/heard
2. a medic saying nothing of use and/or being terrified
3. a subgroup of humanity desperate to show off a useless talent
4. anyone in the media with no talent but suffering from point 1
I really can’t stand more than 2 minutes of any news / breakfast programme at the moment
Silly me, I should have realised that blokes just love a hanky !!!!
And James, you’re so right, every sleb has to ‘do their bit’ and show off on YouTube. Wow ! even Carol Vorderman has forgone her £2 fee to teach the kids maths.
With people facing hardship in these unprecedented times, wouldn’t it be nice if the BBC took a reduced salary to fund a license fee payment holiday. After all, they are always banging on about poverty and hardship.
BBC, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.
The first thing to do would be to cancel the increase in the cost of the fee.
Okay now, don’t forget, 8 o’clock this evening I expect to see all of you outside in a completely voluntary and spontaneous display of applause for the NHS.
I’m sending drones over just to make sure, so if you’re not…
And tomorrow morning at 9 am we’ll have a nationwide clap for the binmen.
And at half 11 we’ll all be out applauding the postie.
Next week it will be for the tube workers, who haven’t gone sick…that’s about fifteen of them…
And coming shortly those brave souls who are (wo)manning the tills at our supermarkets.
Any resemblance to North Korea is purely coincidental…
The newsreader on TalkRadio was just promoting it.
.. this type of zombyism spreads through the media-people very easily
Last nights local radio quiz was actually sneering and nasty
but the zombies all loved it cos the victim was OrangeMan
.. and he’d made a mistake when explaining that Seoul is a special place cos it is so packed-in.
FFS The beeboid presenter just blocked me on Twitter
had I insulted him ?
No after hearing him and thought he sounded quite bullying
I tweeted and said
“When I listened I thought @AndyComfort sounded quite bullying”
as you do when you want some one not to sound bullying
Then I spot I cannot see the debate
So I had to look it up from another account “I’m sorry you find me a bully on the radio.
To resolve this I suggest you block me
and I shall do the same. Blocked.
The paradox is if you kick someone out of the room
just cos they disagree with you
.. that IS bullying.
Seems to me if you agree with BBC bubbleworld that’s OK
but if you dare to publicly politely disagree with them
they will cut you off from debate, but still expect you to pay their wages.
@Eddy, Considering, on a number of occasions
I have heard misinformation on the the BBC ,
then tweeted the presenter and got the misinformation corrected on air before the end of the show.
* I am not going to agree with you.*
Whereas people who write long complaint letters routinely get nowhere.
‘Oh the SNP are playing politics by naming the Glasgow hospital Louisa Jordan after a Scottish nurse’
… Well it’s none of England’s business what Scotland names its hospitals, but I guess people will call it the Glasgow Covid hospital.
And resources shouldn’t be wasted on names.
As a rule I think it is bad to name anything after a person, cos it brings in politics.
She’s always been a good critical thinker .and anti-mask
The guy before warned “A mask is a VIRUS-COLLECTOR strapped to the front of your face
.. you then spend more time exposed cos you think you have protection
… you then touch your face to take it off there is a risk of putting virus int your nose”
Jarvis said that she does change her mind when evidence changes
and “wearing a mask may help you from spreading it to others
..and signals to people to keep their distance
blah, blah”
Vine then does his 2+2 =6 thinking
“We’ll consider whether mask wearing should be COMPULSORY”
Then Vine had a caller who is now making HOMEMADE masks to send out
‘Oh I put a piece of plastic in the middle use ballet elastic, and I use steam iron to sterilise it before I send one out’
FFS a mask is a piece of SAFETY equipment
that is why manufacturers have to be certified
and why there is a limited supply.
You can’t go around manufacturing homemade safety equipment.
Nither Vine nor Jarvis pointed this out.
Now Radio Lincolnshire is plugging the same or another woman “16,000 homemade masks”
The Great British Public are showing their entreprenarial skills by applying for universal credit in the hundreds of thousands.
Just had a ‘Yodel’ delivery and am told that there was a couple of days when they stopped getting customers to sign for delivery. As a result they have had 250,000 claims for non-delivery.
Good, they can find out for themselves how little a safety net UC really is, and suffer the red tape ineptitude, and bullying themselves first hand.
Then in the future they won’t be riding such a high horse.
Perhaps a story the biased BBC won’t carry ? The Reich Top Court has ruled that three EU mini states broke the law by not taking in enough of Merkels Muslims – Poland Hungary Czech Republic – another dispute to add to that of the southern mini states Italy and Spain on the Chinese virus and Greece trying to stop another Muslim invasion ….
Plenty there to undermine the EU …..
Norman like all at the BBC and general gutter MSM and bubble dwellers , still banging on about testing. Yet still i get the sense that the general British public don’t really think its that much of a big deal.
Polls show a clear liking for Boris’s handling of this and show a increased lead in the polls.
Not like the BBC to be so out of touch with the country is it. They really do live in a completely different world.
Generally whats really important to the BBC, means its of no interest at all to the 99% of “normal” Brits
So….if mass testing is not Govt exit strategy only plausible alternatives are 1. Waiting for a vaccine 2.Herd Immunity . Am I missing something ????
Dropped in in passing on BBC lunchtime TV news: 25% of doctors and 20% of nurses are off work with Coronavirus-like symptoms.
Current estimates suggest that c. 10% of the population is likely to have been affected by coronavirus (although it looks at present unlikely that the UK has reached this level), but only half experienced symptoms. This suggests that the sanctified doctors are exempting themselves from work at 5X the rate of people likely experiencing the virus. How odd.
I read on Breitbart the multi faceted failing state organ has come up with a ruse…to replace their unique licence tax by dropping it and instead attach it to the Council Tax bill or utility/broadband bill…or some kind of internet tax……………..typical bBC …come up with options that would be totally unjustified to preserve the obnoxious and unfair status quo.
Now I reside(for now) in Glasgow……….our Council Tax bill is going up by 4.5%…… service is improving……….and I have it on good order that 50% of this “poll Tax” goes to pay for unfunded pensions for local authority staff…..and the bBC can FU** rigfht off if they think they can attach Lineker’s Gravy train to the council bil!
I am pleased that so many of you are deriving pleasure from the way that Jonathan Van Tam slapped down my question about whether a Chinese test for antibodies – which the government has spent millions of pounds buying – could detect live #Covid19 virus, as its makers claim…
That’s using the zoom lens trick, ie it flattens the depth of vision so it looks like everyone is shoulder to shoulder. They usually use it on beaches in the summer to suggest there isn’t an inch of space free.
From the BBC news site
Don’t send rainbow pictures to the Nightingale hospital the NHS says
Better still stop bloody painting them and sticking them in your front windows! Have no idea what it’s all about is it an LGBTQZX thing to show support for all those cancelled lesbian weddings that the Beeb were reporting on last week?
Is nothing else happening in the world right now? Or just nothing we should be looking at? There are some wild stories on the fringe out there ranging from the asteroids coming to mass arrests/internet shutdown and bio weapons, I haven’t posted links because that stuff although entertaining is rarely helpful. But something else must be happening in the world somewhere, Yemen maybe? How would we know because our trusted world respected state broadcaster has moved from 24/7 impeachment obsession to 24/7 that other thing obsession.
Yes, lots of wild stories out there. But most of us are locked in our homes, with cops patrolling to make sure we only have limited access to outside and checking to see if we buy other than essential goods when allowed out to shop.
So what do we do? We take the piss out of conspiracy theories.
Not as easy to find these days, I could easily have 20 mins YouTube r&r watching funny bear falls of tree then straight onto man in Arkansas demonstrates how earth is flat using only two planks a piece of string and an old coke bottle. Where have they all gone? My concern now is that we are in one and the conspiracy nuts are laughing at us.
Gary Lineker , reckons footballers should still be paid
..cos then they might donate some money to charity Gary Lineker has donated 2 months of his million dollar BBC salary
around £450K to the Red Cross
Players ultimately work for the fans
so their charity is keeping their club alive
and that may well mean DELAYING taking their wages
if the club is at risk of folding.
Match of the Day presenter Gary Lineker says he will donate two months’ salary to the British Red Cross to help in their work in the fight against the coronavirus.
The former England international, who currently works for both the BBC and BT Sport, recently served a period of isolation after his son George showed symptoms of the virus.
“The British Red Cross are on the front line trying to help in all sorts of different ways with the coronavirus,” Lineker told World At One.
“Hopefully lots of other people that are in a position of relative wealth can do something similar and I am sure many will.” BBCNews Live page
All these slebs are making a big thing out of self isolating (or staying in as it used to be called), because honestly ? there are no parties/red carpets/award ceremonies to attend, so what else is there to do but ‘stay in’ !
Pug – with the current isolation the number of political memoirs being produced for the 2020 Christmas market fills one with dread ..
For those who still watch the Biased BBC Question Time ritual – for some reason Matt Hancock is doing it tonight .
I would have thought if the daily government briefings were doing their job it wouldn’t be necessary for the Health Sec to be wasting an hour being kicked about by a panel of lefties .
But there again – I’m of the view that the daily briefs are a waste of effort .
R4 Science prog
“There have been suggestions that the government was 3 weeks late in implementing the lock down
.. We asked the governments Chief Scientist to come on ..cos we know he’d be too busy to come on
We didn’t bother to ask anyone lower down“
Presenter “There was an expert on Twitter and he was roundly taken down ..ha ha”
Epidemiologist “Actually the start is like a viral marketing campaign, but his aim is to make it bigger and ours is to make it smaller”
The BRITISH broadcasting corporation seems more interested
in whats going on in the USA than the UK. As I wrote yesterday
I expect it has something to do with schadenfreud. Or
maybe the Maoist hierarchy at the BBC are taking their instructions from China.
Stew – yes looking at it – whoever is running it is ‘ not quite right ‘ and it doesn’t have much – if anything – about the Biased Far Left BBC -.someone with time could do a psych profile on who it is pushing out strong anti Israel messages
As I write this the BBC has cut away from the daily briefing to do the weather and 6pm news . I fear Matt Hancock has been doing a better job than the BBC wanted ….
He’s even doing follow up questions which the likes of brillo advocated . I think he’ll give the muppets of QT today a run for their money .
I know this sounds like a game but the BBC is reporting on this horror with its full propaganda techniques last fully tried out during brexit .
Goodall setting the agenda on behalf of the bBC. Mateless nods.
#BBCNewsnight’s policy editor says “Speaking a lot of Whitehall officials, across different departments, over the last week, it's clear they’re pencilling in an extension to the transition period. Of course, it's something they've got to wait to have political authorisation for”
BBC at 5pm.
Lots of ‘little ships’ i.e small laboratories such as at Francis Crick are apparently coming on stream to improve testing.
But if the problem is reagent availability, how will this help? The labs can test but still need the testing kits.
Does the government- politicians actually place reagent orders? Do civil servants? Or do NHS staff? All reasonable questions but from the BBC ‘investigative journalists’, silence.
I think we know why.
The BBC have a transparent policy of looking to blame the government for any failings and absolve the NHS of any responsibility. So awkward questions are asked with…ahem…great selectivity.
Disappointing news if true – guido reports that Starmer -Corbyn is the new leader of the Labour Party and Rayner- Corbyn is the new Deputy …..
Nice to have some proper hard core lefties instead of outgoing Comrade – who might even go off and isolate himself as suggested to the over 70s …..
Self-serving internationalist Starmer fits the definition of a ‘political shark’* signalling his virtue whilst playing the long game and stuffing his team with compliant rejoiners posing as working class heroes. The successor to Blair/Brown and beloved of the establishment, the EU and George Osborne. Why Conservative MPs are fooled by him is a mystery. Probably the same reason they are so easily manipulated by their civil servants. Or perhaps it is because most of them are desirous of the same global order which promises unlimited personal ‘advantages’ if they manage to curry favour with the right backers.
A small laboratory in Cambridge have found a new way to do coronavirus testing with an answer in 90 minutes.
Addenbrooke’s Hospital are now using it.
I’m sure the National Testing Collective at Public Health England will find all kinds of reasons why this non-NHS independent innovation cannot possibly be used.
The problem I see with all the testing is what you do with the results. In the early stages the idea is to identify clusters, trace and isolate contacts and quarantine them. For this you need infrastructure and a process. Later on the idea is to investigate the spread and lethality and eliminate the threat as much as possible. I am not sure we have the process and infrastructure fully determined and are working on management by knee jerk.
We also have problem of worshiping the NHS god rather than providing a health care solution. If you look a the examples used such as Germany and Singapore there is a close link between private and public health provision. In Singapore they are using the private hospitals to provide isolation. They move stable patients from the public facilities, with Covid-19 , to make the final recovery rather them leaving them in the public hospitals, freeing them to act as the front line. We don’t have that infrastructure which means the NHS is over stretched from the outset. Maybe after this is over, a proper disaster plan can be put in place using all facilities.
Also, some information management planning would be helpful to stop the sensationalising from the media. They seem to want cause panic rather than help calm people.
In your excellent post you write..
‘Maybe after this is over, a proper disaster plan can be put in place using all facilities’.
Agree. But what’s the betting there will instead be an avalanche of Leftist/BBC/ Guardianista propaganda and the ‘answer’ will be to ‘call an end to austerity and fully fund the NHS’.
Which of course would be the reverse of the independent thinking required,
Typical BBC solution to the ‘Coronavirus testing problems’
Tonight on the news they report a new machine that can get results of tests in just 90 minutes.
This machine costs just £20,000 (thousand)
And can test a whopping 15-18 patients per day..
Problem solved BBC style….
Spend someone else’s money for very little in return…
What the BBC could do to show support is ask it’s highly paid employees who are under worked at the moment to give a proportion of their pay to contribute for a couple of these machines. They wouldn’t even miss the money. They are quick to criticise but not so quick to put their money where their mouth is. Still it cost nothing to virtue signal and tell everyone to clap. Greedy idiots.
R4.. pushing the fast tracking of of refugee Medics to help with CV19
I am sorry – how does throwing a small bunch of unqualified (UK) medics who might not speak English to the right level really help. They don’t understand the NHS systems and procedures – and would have to be trained…
And just for interest – Eritrea, that was mentioned a lot, is suffering from a lack of medics….go figure…
BBC R4 – FFS get off your bloody propaganda wagon for once..
Daily Briefing
Gotta to hand it to Matt Hancock – puts a much better story out about the fight to deal with the Chinese virus than some of the drips – sharma – Gove in explaining and sounding as though he ( HMG ) is getting on top of matters
The enemy BBC will put the full negative spin on it of course
Hancock announces a big new target of 100k tests a day by the end of the month – that’s quite some goal – Govt record on testing so far suggests that is a massive stretch
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FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Fedup2Mar 6, 20:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 His principles seem pretty flexible . No politician has anything to say about the torture of Tommy Robinson – agreeing…
tomoMar 6, 19:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 The wacky twits (of any stripe) don’t seemed to be challenged much over there at GBNews… I don’t understand why…
moggiemooMar 6, 19:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why bother getting an actor to play a lunatic when you can just get in a leftie who actually is…
ScrobleneMar 6, 19:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 The leftie independent radio stations have their fair share of lefties, so it’s easy for me to avoid their ridiculous…
tomoMar 6, 19:44 Midweek 5th March 2025 If rumours are true, amyl nitrate seems a possible starmer stimulant?
BBCNews Charities under threat..
As far as I am aware, BBC charities such as ‘Children in Need, and Sports relief’ etc, are sitting on millions. Perhaps they could help out charities genuinely affected with a shortage.
Instead of squandering huge amounts away on third world countrys where the president and their families cream it off, live in palaces, drive around in the best cars and fly around the world attending parties hosted by global elitist.
Also, they report . St. John ambulance say they will run out of money by august. I bet most of the population sacked or laid off wish they had enough to last till august
The big fundraising campaigns such as Comic Relief and Children in Need tend to provide funds for charities that are favoured by media people but that the general public would not want to fund directly, for example charities that do a lot of lobbying and identity politics. Far better to do your own research and give to a carefully selected small charity.
Pug – I had to smile ( when I know it was naughty ) when I heard that people signing up to claim universal credit had to wait on the phone ‘a long time ‘ .
I wondered what they’d be doing instead of that ? Time is a bit different now …. and if I hear another chirpy weather forecaster mouth the words “if you’re out and about “ I might lose it . …
BBC-local-radio writing about themselves in the NUJ mgazine
… I haven’t had chance to read it.
oops corrected link
corrected link
When this Covid 19 is all done and dusted, i am looking forward to the BBC and Government still maintaining a daily conference to let us know updated deaths in the UK .
Every day at 5pm they could let us know the death toll in the previous 24hrs for ..
Road accidents
Industrial accidents
Heart Attack
Food poisoning
Etc Etc
Then, they can show everyone, how the media over-hyped all this and show everyone how the likes of Kuntzberg and Beff Rigby were fear mongering, adding to panic for no real reason.
Doobster, you don’t really die from Parkinson’s Disease or any of the dementia, except in very exceptional circumstances. That would be where a large portion of the brain running an essential organ (or organs) shuts down or is badly affected by the dementia as in ‘madness’. Usually, it is a secondary cause – infection – that sees the sufferer die.
I can remember when the BBC routinely announced the death toll from RTA’s every Bank Holiday and over the Christmas season. They stopped doing that, on the whole, some years ago.
Yes Up2. They stopped doing that when it came to light that the number of deaths were no different than any ordinary weekend.
@TalkRadio now, Mike Graham is ripping into the 3 little monkeys* and their gotcha questions at the daily press conference.
* Kuenessberg, Peston and Rigby
Like others, i have gone right off Piers these last few weeks.
Live cam Trafalgar Square
5 minute snapshots for today
If you look here you can see traffic is well below normal
I’m guessing by writing “Met officer wife reports”
Kevin Schofield meant “my wife who is a Met officer told me”
If so she shouldn’t be talking about things like that to him ,the public

Tom Tom, London congestion stats
red-line : the last 48 hours
compared to blue-line : 2019
Traffic looks WAY DOWN during daytime hours
The idea that the German’s have a magic bullet with testing.
Paul Cosford, just be on JHB claiming his team have been in charge of patient testing and that they have NEVER HAD a shortage of tests
.. that they have always been able to test the patients they wanted to.
And that testing staff and the general public is a different thing
I think he means that an infection test is that useful test to use on staff cos even if they test negative today , they might test positive tomorrow .. and that the development of the proper antibody test is what they need.
TOADY Watch #3 – Thank you but did I miss something?
Did not listen to much of the programme this morning but caught the 7.30 a.m. News Bulletin plus the main 8 a.m. News.
I have just checked the Johns Hopkins Uni figures (not easy to do at night because our planet will just not stand still, it keeps rotating – the fidget!) and two notables stand out.
In the last couple of days, China has been re-included on the chart, whether by the BBC or by the Uni, I do not know for certain. As the article text mentioned China’s exclusion, I suspect it was done by the BBC but MR-D applies. (For the benefit of our Fed, that is Mandy Rice-Davies: ‘he would say that wouldn’t he’.)
However, BBC News is totally under BBC control. What is really interesting is the number of new cases in the USA. The BBC have been really very keen, anxious to the point of frantic-ness, over the last few days to highlight how bad the number of Covid-19 infections is becoming in the USA and that they are ‘far worse than China’. Not that we can rely on the numbers from China anyway.* What is significant is that there was a small increase in cases in the US. It may, of course, be a blip.
I do not recall hearing about this on your main News broadcast, BBC.
I wonder why?
* There is a peculiarity occurring in China: the Covid thing does not appear to have spread outside Hubei Province at all. That is most peculiar. Anyone know otherwise or can add info about that?
They also seem to be reporting “record numbers of deaths” in countries such as Italy that now seem to be past the peak of new cases, which is convenient for their fearmongering agenda because deaths will lag new cases by 10-14 days.
10am news, Radio 4. They played a short clip from the grown up son of an Asian doctor who has died in the U.K. of the virus. I think they said the 4th doctor to die.
I always wonder how these things work. Does the son think, ‘oh, my Dad has just died, I must contact the BBC’? Or does the BBC trawl through the tweets and then contact the relatives? However as someone who cannot believe that the first thing a relative does after a family death, is put it up on Facebook or Twitter, I am perhaps behind the times.
In the spirit of ‘sources close have learned’….
Zeb Mason
A few years ago Jo Coburn played a clip of Trump to her panel on the Daily Politics then told them what he had just said which happened to be quite different from the clip. My response from BBC complaints was verbal incontinence. Such a shame that Jo is white otherwise she would have been hung, drawn and quartered.
Tragic. And I don’t just mean the calibre of media staff.
Just like near every backpacker who pressed on with their gap year dream despite all the warnings seems to have a satellite link straight to W1A to book a flight on the country tab.
All the medical fatalities here seem to be ‘Asian’.
Whether this is a statistical match to civilian fatalities is unlikely, but of the younger ones few seem to have names I could easily pronounce.
A bit like most BBC ‘reporters’ on bylines or airwaves.
There may be a correlation to what is ‘news’, how it gets prioritised, etc.
How old was this doctor ?
He wasn’t a normal doctor, but rather a 68 year old RETIRED doctor who had to come back to volunteer.
I hope they only let him work in the office
If he was working direct with patients that would break H & S
cos surely aged people are a vulnerable category.
Note that Al Jazeera use a different image and form of the name : Dr Alfa Sa’adu in their tweet
BTW when the Tory Press Office changed their Twitter name to “Fact Check” for one hour as a kind of joke
.. people like Piers screamed like crazy.
Also, Stew, did those Doctors come originally from countries where the smoking rate for males is close to 50% and did they continue the habit when in the UK? Also, were they practising Muslims (non-drinkers) or alcohol abstaining through choice?
Many people, I have been led to believe, die from undiagnosed cancers. Stroke is also a major killer along with heart disease.
As you (and I) have pointed out, you cannot rely on a statement of “This is a Covid-19 death.” without sight of the person’s medical history, death certificate and – preferably, but difficult at present due to pressure on Lab space – an autopsy.
@Up2Snuff ‘Resistance varies by blood group’
Here’s a scenario what if racial-genes do make a difference
and that ON AVERAGE East Asians and blond Europeans like many Germans are very resistant
and that dark haired Italians and people with middle-eastern genes are much less resistant.
Do you think Big Brother would tell us ?
Stew, male : female do, so there can be racial differences I guess. For the male : female thing you have to get down to chromasonal level plus, perhaps, a bit of natural conditioning built in by a wise Creator God, if you believe, and pure accident or by evolution, if you don’t.
Pug – perhaps the muppet who can’t find Ikea does not do engleeeshh…….the vetting of NHS staff has always avoided being racist . … but like it’s refusal to charge overseas health tourists for exploiting it in ‘better ‘ times ….
Well, aside from all the statistics that are beginning to fog my brain, there is a silver lining ……. no reality shows, particularly the mindless Britains Got noTalent, which means no magazine photo shoots of Ambitious Holden and her ilk draped in little more than a handkerchief.
Oh come on, Brissles. I need cheering up. That image is the only good thing about the show that I would look forward to!
That may be true but what we have now is wall to wall poor quality videos up somebody’s nose with them being
1. a celebrity who can’t stand not being seen/heard
2. a medic saying nothing of use and/or being terrified
3. a subgroup of humanity desperate to show off a useless talent
4. anyone in the media with no talent but suffering from point 1
I really can’t stand more than 2 minutes of any news / breakfast programme at the moment
Silly me, I should have realised that blokes just love a hanky !!!!
And James, you’re so right, every sleb has to ‘do their bit’ and show off on YouTube. Wow ! even Carol Vorderman has forgone her £2 fee to teach the kids maths.
Glad to say all this passes me by.
With people facing hardship in these unprecedented times, wouldn’t it be nice if the BBC took a reduced salary to fund a license fee payment holiday. After all, they are always banging on about poverty and hardship.
BBC, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.
The first thing to do would be to cancel the increase in the cost of the fee.
Okay now, don’t forget, 8 o’clock this evening I expect to see all of you outside in a completely voluntary and spontaneous display of applause for the NHS.
I’m sending drones over just to make sure, so if you’re not…
And tomorrow morning at 9 am we’ll have a nationwide clap for the binmen.
And at half 11 we’ll all be out applauding the postie.
Next week it will be for the tube workers, who haven’t gone sick…that’s about fifteen of them…
And coming shortly those brave souls who are (wo)manning the tills at our supermarkets.
Any resemblance to North Korea is purely coincidental…
The newsreader on TalkRadio was just promoting it.
.. this type of zombyism spreads through the media-people very easily
Last nights local radio quiz was actually sneering and nasty
but the zombies all loved it cos the victim was OrangeMan
.. and he’d made a mistake when explaining that Seoul is a special place cos it is so packed-in.
FFS The beeboid presenter just blocked me on Twitter
had I insulted him ?
No after hearing him and thought he sounded quite bullying
I tweeted and said
“When I listened I thought @AndyComfort sounded quite bullying”
as you do when you want some one not to sound bullying
Then I spot I cannot see the debate
So I had to look it up from another account
“I’m sorry you find me a bully on the radio.
To resolve this I suggest you block me
and I shall do the same. Blocked.
The paradox is if you kick someone out of the room
just cos they disagree with you
.. that IS bullying.
Seems to me if you agree with BBC bubbleworld that’s OK
but if you dare to publicly politely disagree with them
they will cut you off from debate, but still expect you to pay their wages.
Too many bbc snowflakes hide behind #viewsmyown yet tweet as the BbC.
Then block the second they are called out, no matter how factually and politely.
They deserve what’s coming.
Bunch of lady bits.
Less Twitter the better.
This place gets spamed with tweets
@Eddy, Considering, on a number of occasions
I have heard misinformation on the the BBC ,
then tweeted the presenter and got the misinformation corrected on air before the end of the show.
* I am not going to agree with you.*
Whereas people who write long complaint letters routinely get nowhere.
‘Oh the SNP are playing politics by naming the Glasgow hospital Louisa Jordan after a Scottish nurse’
… Well it’s none of England’s business what Scotland names its hospitals, but I guess people will call it the Glasgow Covid hospital.
And resources shouldn’t be wasted on names.
As a rule I think it is bad to name anything after a person, cos it brings in politics.
To recognised a whole group of people we owe
they could have called it Scottish Nursing Pioneers hospital
..bit long, so abbreviate it
The Krankie Ego Massage Centre?
Jeremy Vine goes from bad to worse, ‘Should we all be wearing masks outside? Some experts say… What does Sarah Jarvis think?’
For crying out loud she is a part-time GP, a medical technician, they only know what they have been told.
She’s always been a good critical thinker .and anti-mask
The guy before warned “A mask is a VIRUS-COLLECTOR strapped to the front of your face
.. you then spend more time exposed cos you think you have protection
… you then touch your face to take it off there is a risk of putting virus int your nose”
Jarvis said that she does change her mind when evidence changes
and “wearing a mask may help you from spreading it to others
..and signals to people to keep their distance
blah, blah”
Vine then does his 2+2 =6 thinking
“We’ll consider whether mask wearing should be COMPULSORY”
Then Vine had a caller who is now making HOMEMADE masks to send out
‘Oh I put a piece of plastic in the middle use ballet elastic, and I use steam iron to sterilise it before I send one out’
FFS a mask is a piece of SAFETY equipment
that is why manufacturers have to be certified
and why there is a limited supply.
You can’t go around manufacturing homemade safety equipment.
Nither Vine nor Jarvis pointed this out.
Now Radio Lincolnshire is plugging the same or another woman “16,000 homemade masks”
if I could show hands clapping I would 🙂
The Great British Public are showing their entreprenarial skills by applying for universal credit in the hundreds of thousands.
Just had a ‘Yodel’ delivery and am told that there was a couple of days when they stopped getting customers to sign for delivery. As a result they have had 250,000 claims for non-delivery.
We are all in it together, some more than most.
Good, they can find out for themselves how little a safety net UC really is, and suffer the red tape ineptitude, and bullying themselves first hand.
Then in the future they won’t be riding such a high horse.
FREE libertarian PDF books for people to download
via anti-lefty news source The Continental Telegraph founded by Tim Worstall
Perhaps a story the biased BBC won’t carry ? The Reich Top Court has ruled that three EU mini states broke the law by not taking in enough of Merkels Muslims – Poland Hungary Czech Republic – another dispute to add to that of the southern mini states Italy and Spain on the Chinese virus and Greece trying to stop another Muslim invasion ….
Plenty there to undermine the EU …..
Norman like all at the BBC and general gutter MSM and bubble dwellers , still banging on about testing. Yet still i get the sense that the general British public don’t really think its that much of a big deal.
Polls show a clear liking for Boris’s handling of this and show a increased lead in the polls.
Not like the BBC to be so out of touch with the country is it. They really do live in a completely different world.
Generally whats really important to the BBC, means its of no interest at all to the 99% of “normal” Brits
Norman Smith is missing something
– quite a few brain cells apparently
Dropped in in passing on BBC lunchtime TV news: 25% of doctors and 20% of nurses are off work with Coronavirus-like symptoms.
Current estimates suggest that c. 10% of the population is likely to have been affected by coronavirus (although it looks at present unlikely that the UK has reached this level), but only half experienced symptoms. This suggests that the sanctified doctors are exempting themselves from work at 5X the rate of people likely experiencing the virus. How odd.
A strong correlation between the powerful union membership jobs and thier members absence rates.
New York cops , London underground workers etc
Shots fired.
Dark looks at the alumni Easter drinks.
I read on Breitbart the multi faceted failing state organ has come up with a ruse…to replace their unique licence tax by dropping it and instead attach it to the Council Tax bill or utility/broadband bill…or some kind of internet tax……………..typical bBC …come up with options that would be totally unjustified to preserve the obnoxious and unfair status quo.
Now I reside(for now) in Glasgow……….our Council Tax bill is going up by 4.5%…… service is improving……….and I have it on good order that 50% of this “poll Tax” goes to pay for unfunded pensions for local authority staff…..and the bBC can FU** rigfht off if they think they can attach Lineker’s Gravy train to the council bil!
I think there might some considerable pressure for a UK-wide Referendum on the subject ….
…… resisted, of course.
When in hole, hire JCB.
Emily retweeted this.
Guess she liked the hyperbole? Boom!
News claim : Eddy Large has died from Covid19 that he picked up in hospital whilst being treated for long term heart problems.
That’s using the zoom lens trick, ie it flattens the depth of vision so it looks like everyone is shoulder to shoulder. They usually use it on beaches in the summer to suggest there isn’t an inch of space free.
The BBC use this randomly chosen pic to illustrate our heroic health workers on their home page.
Pandemic or not, the agenda must go on.
From the BBC news site
Don’t send rainbow pictures to the Nightingale hospital the NHS says
Better still stop bloody painting them and sticking them in your front windows! Have no idea what it’s all about is it an LGBTQZX thing to show support for all those cancelled lesbian weddings that the Beeb were reporting on last week?
Apparently it is a symbol of hope. I’m just glad that it has been stolen back from the LGBTXYZ’s who had no right to steal it from Zippy and Bungle!
Let’s look on the bright side; if the lockdown continues, maybe people won’t be able to afford TV licences.
Would have looked different while she was rehearsing in front of the bathroom mirror, opening night, not so good.
Has Al Beeb covered this news ?
“Euro Hammered by Pound and Dollar, as Markets Demand Coronabonds …………….
Is nothing else happening in the world right now? Or just nothing we should be looking at? There are some wild stories on the fringe out there ranging from the asteroids coming to mass arrests/internet shutdown and bio weapons, I haven’t posted links because that stuff although entertaining is rarely helpful. But something else must be happening in the world somewhere, Yemen maybe? How would we know because our trusted world respected state broadcaster has moved from 24/7 impeachment obsession to 24/7 that other thing obsession.
Yes, lots of wild stories out there. But most of us are locked in our homes, with cops patrolling to make sure we only have limited access to outside and checking to see if we buy other than essential goods when allowed out to shop.
So what do we do? We take the piss out of conspiracy theories.
Not as easy to find these days, I could easily have 20 mins YouTube r&r watching funny bear falls of tree then straight onto man in Arkansas demonstrates how earth is flat using only two planks a piece of string and an old coke bottle. Where have they all gone? My concern now is that we are in one and the conspiracy nuts are laughing at us.
Ufc 249 is on and off etc etc again
Even in wartime they had an entertainment industry to keep up morale.
Gary Lineker , reckons footballers should still be paid
..cos then they might donate some money to charity
Gary Lineker has donated 2 months of his million dollar BBC salary
around £450K to the Red Cross
Players ultimately work for the fans
so their charity is keeping their club alive
and that may well mean DELAYING taking their wages
if the club is at risk of folding.
I bet his accountant had advised him that donations are tax deductible so he can get £100k- £200K back.
My wish would be Gary uses the ‘help’ of Dianne Abbot to transfer the money. One hundred billion trillion via a Nigerian prince.
All these slebs are making a big thing out of self isolating (or staying in as it used to be called), because honestly ? there are no parties/red carpets/award ceremonies to attend, so what else is there to do but ‘stay in’ !
Pug – with the current isolation the number of political memoirs being produced for the 2020 Christmas market fills one with dread ..
For those who still watch the Biased BBC Question Time ritual – for some reason Matt Hancock is doing it tonight .
I would have thought if the daily government briefings were doing their job it wouldn’t be necessary for the Health Sec to be wasting an hour being kicked about by a panel of lefties .
But there again – I’m of the view that the daily briefs are a waste of effort .
R4 Science prog
“There have been suggestions that the government was 3 weeks late in implementing the lock down
.. We asked the governments Chief Scientist to come on
..cos we know he’d be too busy to come on
We didn’t bother to ask anyone lower down“
Presenter “There was an expert on Twitter and he was roundly taken down ..ha ha”
Epidemiologist “Actually the start is like a viral marketing campaign, but his aim is to make it bigger and ours is to make it smaller”
We’ve had that tweet before
.. it’s dated March 26th
On DesertIslandDiscs last week,
did they have a righty actor ?
Nope, famously lefty actor Brian Cox was the guest
This looks a bit bubbleworldy
The BRITISH broadcasting corporation seems more interested
in whats going on in the USA than the UK. As I wrote yesterday
I expect it has something to do with schadenfreud. Or
maybe the Maoist hierarchy at the BBC are taking their instructions from China.
Someone has started a @BBCScum Twitter account
.. but it is full of anti-Israel and anti-righty tweets
Stew – yes looking at it – whoever is running it is ‘ not quite right ‘ and it doesn’t have much – if anything – about the Biased Far Left BBC -.someone with time could do a psych profile on who it is pushing out strong anti Israel messages
As I write this the BBC has cut away from the daily briefing to do the weather and 6pm news . I fear Matt Hancock has been doing a better job than the BBC wanted ….
He’s even doing follow up questions which the likes of brillo advocated . I think he’ll give the muppets of QT today a run for their money .
I know this sounds like a game but the BBC is reporting on this horror with its full propaganda techniques last fully tried out during brexit .
What can’t you do with something Radio4 describes as
“ a whole series of the original Boosh radio series for you to *download* on BBCsounds” ?
em,, you can’t DOWNLOAD them, cos they are just a listening stream
… thus the file cannot be saved to your device.
If it comes from a ‘big’ computer to a ‘small’ computer then technically the data is downloaded.
I have many MP3 files that I have produced from ‘live’ radio streams, long before the BBC got into ‘podcasts’.
You can bet your boots that any data that comes ‘down the wire’ to your PC can be copied and saved, given the right software tools.
Goodall setting the agenda on behalf of the bBC. Mateless nods.
BBC at 5pm.
Lots of ‘little ships’ i.e small laboratories such as at Francis Crick are apparently coming on stream to improve testing.
But if the problem is reagent availability, how will this help? The labs can test but still need the testing kits.
Does the government- politicians actually place reagent orders? Do civil servants? Or do NHS staff? All reasonable questions but from the BBC ‘investigative journalists’, silence.
I think we know why.
The BBC have a transparent policy of looking to blame the government for any failings and absolve the NHS of any responsibility. So awkward questions are asked with…ahem…great selectivity.
Disappointing news if true – guido reports that Starmer -Corbyn is the new leader of the Labour Party and Rayner- Corbyn is the new Deputy …..
Nice to have some proper hard core lefties instead of outgoing Comrade – who might even go off and isolate himself as suggested to the over 70s …..
Self-serving internationalistStarmer fits the definition of a ‘political shark’* signalling his virtue whilst playing the long game and stuffing his team with compliant rejoiners posing as working class heroes. The successor to Blair/Brown and beloved of the establishment, the EU and George Osborne. Why Conservative MPs are fooled by him is a mystery. Probably the same reason they are so easily manipulated by their civil servants. Or perhaps it is because most of them are desirous of the same global order which promises unlimited personal ‘advantages’ if they manage to curry favour with the right backers.*
Portsmouth NHS has 7,200 employees
Portsmouth NHS has 1,200 beds
Portsmouth NHS has cancelled all elective procedures (Ask two of my mates!)
Portsmouth has 79 cases of Covid-19 (Portsmouth News, April 2nd)
Average length of stay in hospital less than 1 week, emergency has lasted 2 weeks
My maths:
Each case of Covid-19 can occupy 15 beds with 90 employees looking after them
No doubt BBC South will be all over this.
A small laboratory in Cambridge have found a new way to do coronavirus testing with an answer in 90 minutes.
Addenbrooke’s Hospital are now using it.
I’m sure the National Testing Collective at Public Health England will find all kinds of reasons why this non-NHS independent innovation cannot possibly be used.
The problem I see with all the testing is what you do with the results. In the early stages the idea is to identify clusters, trace and isolate contacts and quarantine them. For this you need infrastructure and a process. Later on the idea is to investigate the spread and lethality and eliminate the threat as much as possible. I am not sure we have the process and infrastructure fully determined and are working on management by knee jerk.
We also have problem of worshiping the NHS god rather than providing a health care solution. If you look a the examples used such as Germany and Singapore there is a close link between private and public health provision. In Singapore they are using the private hospitals to provide isolation. They move stable patients from the public facilities, with Covid-19 , to make the final recovery rather them leaving them in the public hospitals, freeing them to act as the front line. We don’t have that infrastructure which means the NHS is over stretched from the outset. Maybe after this is over, a proper disaster plan can be put in place using all facilities.
Also, some information management planning would be helpful to stop the sensationalising from the media. They seem to want cause panic rather than help calm people.
Excellent post, gb.
In your excellent post you write..
‘Maybe after this is over, a proper disaster plan can be put in place using all facilities’.
Agree. But what’s the betting there will instead be an avalanche of Leftist/BBC/ Guardianista propaganda and the ‘answer’ will be to ‘call an end to austerity and fully fund the NHS’.
Which of course would be the reverse of the independent thinking required,
Typical BBC solution to the ‘Coronavirus testing problems’
Tonight on the news they report a new machine that can get results of tests in just 90 minutes.
This machine costs just £20,000 (thousand)
And can test a whopping 15-18 patients per day..
Problem solved BBC style….
Spend someone else’s money for very little in return…
What the BBC could do to show support is ask it’s highly paid employees who are under worked at the moment to give a proportion of their pay to contribute for a couple of these machines. They wouldn’t even miss the money. They are quick to criticise but not so quick to put their money where their mouth is. Still it cost nothing to virtue signal and tell everyone to clap. Greedy idiots.
R4.. pushing the fast tracking of of refugee Medics to help with CV19
I am sorry – how does throwing a small bunch of unqualified (UK) medics who might not speak English to the right level really help. They don’t understand the NHS systems and procedures – and would have to be trained…
And just for interest – Eritrea, that was mentioned a lot, is suffering from a lack of medics….go figure…
BBC R4 – FFS get off your bloody propaganda wagon for once..
Daily Briefing
Gotta to hand it to Matt Hancock – puts a much better story out about the fight to deal with the Chinese virus than some of the drips – sharma – Gove in explaining and sounding as though he ( HMG ) is getting on top of matters
The enemy BBC will put the full negative spin on it of course
However, he ‘loves’ the bBC.
Hansard, 9 Jan 2018.
No ambitious politician is going to have a public pop at the BBC … which is much of the problem .
Laura put into her box by demanding a test that isn’t needed yet as no one is at the required point of the disease yet.. “antibodies”
Laura needs putting in something.
Interestingly, Beff has stuck with the facts as known.
Meanwhile Pesto has crashed, burned and self-salted the site.
You can bet scores of ‘essential’ drones are surfing away seeking the next idiotic gotcha that nobody outside their pathetic bubble cares about.