8pm Very Soviet tonight
Key state TV channels are going off air tonight
so you can clap the Soviet Army
Don’t forget inform the Stasi if your neighbours if they don’t clap.
5:57pm Radio Humberside played a special advert they have made glorifying the NHS.
.. Then the news was mostly NHS.
then a jingle.
And then presenter Joe Hakim was saying
“Wasn’t it great when we did clap for the NHS last week ..and we are doing it again at 8pm tonight
… blah blah”
Then at 6:20pm ITV local news was instructing us how to hold our phones to make a video to send them of when we all go outside to clap for the NHS.
6:57pm BBC local news
“don’t fogtet to send us your videos of clap for CARERS from tonight”
..They used that as an excuse to play last week’s videos
I wonder when we will get the lefty tossers kicking off that the call to the private sector diagnostics sector to assist with covid testing is “privatising” arrennaitchess?
Oh not another bloody clapping session later tonight – I was walking home with some “essential shopping” last week when I ran into various weirdos at the bottom of their gardens, and I’ll be doing the same tonight – may have to plan a less-residential route this time.
Dont envy you Cooper Man – one of the joys of living out in the sticks is that all I will hear tonight – if I go out of my back door is cows farting and snorting in the farm next door rather than mad cows virtue signalling to each other.
I gave a carer the clap once when I was a young man – she never talked to me again!
I’m currently isolated on a council estate – I reckon 90 % don’t do eenglleesh unless there’s a freebie involved – no clapping last time and none tonight .
Fed – I expect the MSM will try and keep this virtue signalling nonsense going as long as they can.
Of course the unsaid media implication is – is that if you dont join in you are a miserable , ungrateful hater who deserves to get Corvid from the Angel of Death and die.
I think I will take my chances.
It would probably be just my luck if I passed away on a Thursday and on reaching the pearly gates St Peter is at it too, In which case I will go downstairs except that Old Nick is also banging his brazier with his pointy thing AAAAAAAAAAAAAgh!
I’m expecting 5 cops to turn up any time soon requiring me to explain why I didn’t clap . I’ll be invited to the police station to be interviewed . The papers will be sent to the CPS for prosecution under one of the new emergency powers .
FE2 You may get lucky and just get “shamed” with drone footage
“This man was not clapping – we have now broken his legs for him so that he can now appreciate the NHS”
ITV local news : “The government has still not explained the lack of testing, today 10,665 tests were done and that is less than half the 25,000 test per day target for end of this month”
FFS 3 days ago you guys were shouting that the government hadn’t made the 10,000 per day target
.. yet now they have you are still negative.
Then they went on to an emotional blackmail item where they played a video of an NHS worker from Lincoln , from her Covid19 recovery bedwas barely able to speak as she still has sepsis and something else.
“You have to at home so you don’t spread this disease”
… I just wonder if it isn’t magnitudes more likely that her own Covid19 infection was picked up whilst at her NHS job
… than when she was doing her weekly shop in Tescos ?
30 minutes later we got the same item repeated in the local BBC news
Plus help for parents with homeschooling from @kayzer_1 and new BBC educational tv shows, @Ed_Stafford on making the most of outdoor space, @WillGreenwood on losing a family member to #coronavirus, and @josbuttler on auctioning off his World Cup shirt. @bbc5live 6-10am
Lot of noise & heat about lack of testing around. Ministers right to point out that tests are not a cure for coronavirus or an alternative to staying home. Critics right to point out that failure to roll out swab testing is keeping Drs & nurses away from NHS frontline 1/2
Despite all the praise for Germany’s testing regime it doesn’t have a lower death toll than UK at equivalent points in the post-100 deaths cycle. https://t.co/YK5F054LeT
It’s clap for the NHS at 8 pm tonight.
I would join in but the drain outside our kitchen window needs cleaning.
I must have missed my room 101 appointment.
ITV special on now Trump and the Virus: America in Crisis – Tonight
How seriously could the coronavirus pandemic damage President’s Trump’s chances of re-election later this year?
As the United States grapples with a full-blown health crisis,
ITV’s Washington Correspondent Robert Moore asks whether his controversial leadership style has properly addressed or even exacerbated the challenge ahead.
a “hate Trump” prog ?
“#itv doing the hatchet job on trump”
I’m going to call it now Joe Biden is never ever going to be president of the United States. This #ITV piece Trump and the Virus is just a party political broadcast for Joe Biden. It’s embarrassing come on #ITV be better.
— CraiginWalesThankGodWeHaveBorisNotCorbyn. (@ghost_wales) April 2, 2020
Watching ITV programme about Trump and how he’s dealing with the present crisis.I can say that I have never watched a more biased news documentary in all my years.The people who commission these shows are the same left wing liberal clique who attacked Boris and Trump in the past.
“Absolutely disgraceful #fakenews , clumsily editing a quote to spread the lie that POTUS45 called cov19 a hoax. Shame on you, already debunked even by Trump haters. “
The useless Beeb have got everything wrong for years: Trump, Brexit, 2 general elections, Corbyn, Boris, Farage, the rise of the ‘Populists’, etc.
Scrap the Tax.
Yesterday Channel now
History : the whole abandoned town in Turkey from when 1.5 million ethnic Greeks were purged and sent to Greece
and 300,000 Turks returned from Greece https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/kayakoy-turkey
Oh I just opened the door t 8:01pm and heard nothing
What will be amusing is when every one has lost interest in this latest virtue signalling fad and there are just one or two very self consciously doing it – feeling for all the world like they have just let a very loud fart go at the committal part of a funeral service but have no option but to front it out.
BBC News sparks outrage as they CUT OFF No10’s coronavirus briefing – ‘Seriously!?’
BBC News sparked outrage on Thursday after cutting off the Government’s daily coronavirus press briefing to give a UK weather update.
“EU court rules against three states over refugees”
This should be interesting: either the EUSSR impose real fines with bite, thereby further alienating countries already deeply disillusioned with the EU, or they impose token slaps on the wrist, thereby revealing their impotence to all, and setting a precedent for member states to ignore their diktats.
Lose-lose. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52133906
Johns Hopkins Uni has added another 20,000 to the US Covid–19 numbers. Things are not looking good for Germany; the BBC’s favourite benchmark for excellence this week has now passed China’s tally. If the Chinese figures can be believed, that is.
All the demographic stats show the preponderance of ‘migrants’ to be male adults.
But what picture does Al-beeb choose to illustrate their story on those heartless Visegrad countries?
COW ! Laura Kuennsberg’s comments on the podcast….. “Boris Johnson in his own little self isolation bunker”, jesus wonder how she’d feel if someone took the piss out of her if she was poorly.
I saw a report that Gary Lineker is giving two months’s salary to the NHS, (all down to Scrobs), and that Harry Ginger might rejoin the army to actually do something! Thought about once, so that counts doesn’t it…
Remember folks, Scrobs has ears in places where nobody ever dreamed about…
Myself-meself also predicted that Nicholas Lyndhurst would join ‘New Tricks’, and if you don’t believe me, just check it all out via the usual channels…
2025 – the 5th year of lockdown . The daily 5pm briefing continues but no one watches.every evening we all stand at the door and clap for 5 minutes . Nobody can remember why .
Elections have been suspended under the lock down regulations . Ocado and amazon have now perfected delivery so there Is never a need to go out again . The population is falling because of the social separation rules . ONS reckons there won’t be a population at all in a few years time and the pandemic will be over . The TV licence is now Only £500 a year .
The government reckons that enough PPE will be delivered in a month or two – same with the testing – and the vaccine .
And there are rumours of a “covid 20 “ but the chinese aren’t saying anything…….
The latest Left wing propaganda found on Facebook and cleverly blames all on Boris. Copied and pasted by me:
“” As this crisis deepens and the death toll mounts, a narrative is going to emerge that will be very seductive to many of us. It will all be the fault of “the people.”
The people who failed to practice social distancing.
The people who hoarded.
The people who didn’t listen to the government.
The people who didn’t listen to the science.
The people. Those selfish people. Look at them in their parks.
The government will start trotting this out. Right wing media will push it hard.
Many of us will feel the tug of this seductive reasoning. Our brains will be tempted to lash out at “the people.” When we do, we must remember some things:
– The government had 3 months to prepare. This was a train coming down the tracks.
– At first we were told the plan was herd immunity. Then it wasn’t.
– As the first few people started to die, Boris Johnson boasting of shaking the hands of hospitalised coronavirus patients. This was a week before the lockdown.
– Why weren’t we in lockdown like other European countries, some asked. Trust us, they said.
– Then we got the lockdown order. What did they say? The initial government advice was only “essential workers could travel to work”. A day later this was changed to “essential travel for work.” See the difference? There are screenshots of this.
– They told us to practice social distancing as MPs crowded around each other in the House of Commons.
– They said the NHS could cope, then they started building field hospitals in stadiums.
– They said the NHS had the protective equipment it needed, then we logged on to social media.
– They said we were in it together, then they got tested before the frontline workers.
– They clapped when they voted against a pay-rise for NHS nurses in 2017, then they clapped for the NHS.
– They spent a decade telling us cuts were needed to save the economy, then they said the only way to save the economy was to spend trillions.
– They spent a decade insisting £94 was enough to live on, then admitted it wasn’t.
– They got us to vote for Brexit by rubbishing “experts,” then told us to trust experts.
– They told us retail workers were low skilled, then said they were key workers.
– They said homelessness was sad but inevitable, then they order it ended overnight.
So yes, “the people” ended up a little fucking confused.
Because our so-called leaders have utterly failed to lead.
They don’t know what they stand for; they couldn’t believe the world could change so quickly; they resisted “alarmism” when the only proper response was to be alarmed; they had no idea how to use the power of the state, having spent a decade dismantling it; they were arrogant and complacent, wallowing in privilege. The fundamental duty of government is to keep us safe. That’s what we pay them to do. They have failed.
As the death toll mounts, remember that our leaders are to blame, not “the people,” and we must resist the temptation to blame each other.””
If Lord Haw- Haw was to reappear from 1939 -1945. He wouldn’t
have to send his reports from Berlin. Anyone of a half a dozen
“top” media outlets in the UK would make him,their top presenter. Although it
would probably be a her, on you know where ,reporting from
The only losers are the police. Surely they should back off at this time. People will remember who behaved well or badly. They really look an unimpressive bunch.
Don’t they appear to be scruffy and slovenly these days ? I had a job to distinguish them from the traffic wardens .
I suppose its all down to the modern Police Commissioners we have in charge?
Perhaps the chappie should have worn a Rainbow or Extinction Rebellion badge, or maybe worn a tea towel on his head ?
7:43pm BBC2 “whitey-man bad he enslaved blacks”
It was a repeat of the history prog about Sunderland Point in Cumbria
10 minutes of interesting history about the port building
then ‘but the trade had a dark side
Tadaa here is black Robert Beckford Professor of BLACK theology to explain”
Actually he wasn’t that bad, he didn’t lay it on too thick
& he did let on that slaves were sold by other black tribes.
‘The ships carried a lot of guns to trade, cos the captains would play division by arming one tribe so they would capture members of another tribe to sell’
Yep, I can believe that some devious merchants did that.
but that it’s likely, that Arab traders had started tricks that many years s before.
Hello hello, what is going on here?
Licence please.
Doing zero MPH Mr Sentry.
I note that you committed a similar offence five times yesterday.
In exactly the same location.
Once for nine hours.
This “I was stationary on my drive” nonsense is not a justification.
Such callous lack of consideration for other motorists is unacceptable.
“OK Cressida, it’s a fair cop.”
“… most of you are political junkies. Most of the country isn’t.” – Starkey includes David Dimbleby!@3:20 “…there are only two (out of 6) here you came up from nowt, Justine and me, and we’re both on the right.”@3:31 “…if you’re also pretending to be a democracy. Then this sort of cozy,inbreed, liberal, pat on the back it’s all right. The Ken Clarke remark – the contempt for the mere orders you know.”
– David Starkyhttps://youtu.be/WOuBRMKtM1g?t=10m20s
I often comment on the BBC’s house rag the Guardian. I am always polite and take a lot of abuse which I relish. Recently I am getting moderated. There seem to be a pattern . Insulting Boris and the Tories is fine but if you mention the WHO , China, the failures in continental Europe (women’ marches in Spain March 8th ) and particularly if you mention key facts and dates involving the WHO and China you will find yourself moderated.
The herd mentality is clear. They are desperate to use this disaster for political ends. It will backfire big time but along the way they will do real damage to morale and to my country. The BBC is the same. it is not to be forgiven.
I’ve been studying the raw data on the woldometer website. No-one, beeb or otherwise, seems willing (or permitted?) to mention the harsher data.
The generally touted data is that the chance of dying, after contracting the disease, is around 3%. This figure lumps in contracted cases, recovered and died.
However, if you compare recovered against died only, deaths amount to around 20% of the whole. This is a much more alarming and I would say ‘honest’ way of presenting the figures.
I suggest you look again. Look at S. Korea which i consider the most reliable. The active cases are much less and the recovered much higher. In addition most countries have no way of including those who contact the virus but show no or minor symptoms. I suspect these are very many and if we had some way of knowing the numbers would make the fatality rate per 1000 people much much lower.
For me the main problem is that this virus is very very contagious and spreads like wildfire. This makes it a real threat in that it can overwhelm any health service for a time. Hence the lockdowns. It would not necessarily mean that it is more likely to kill . The virus seems to almost explode into a population when it reaches a critical mass. This seems to have happened in Italy for reasons yet to be determind and in Spain where maybe the marches on 8th March for woman’s day involved thousands. We might be lucky . I hope so, I was very opposed to the Cheltenham festival going ahead. That has no doubt led to many more cases than at present we know about.
Posted at 13:2513:25
Sporting classics to fill summer void
Wondering how you’re going to fill the void created by the lack of sport this summer?
Don’t worry, the BBC has a plan (for audiences in the UK).
With the likes of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, the Euro 2020 football tournament and the Wimbledon tennis championships called off, a host of memorable sporting moments will be shown in their place.
These include:
The London 2012 opening ceremony and key highlights of the Games
Matches from Euro 96, where England reached the semi-finals on home soil
Andy Murray winning Wimbledon in 2013, becoming the first British men’s champion in 77 years
The exact scheduling will be announced soon. In the meantime, you can whet your appetite by seeing which classics are going to be aired.
“Singing along with the BBC” ?
IMHO its all about promoting Al Beeb because it knows its under threat of extinction. Hence all the opposition headlines and comments against the present government .
There is a propaganda war being waged against Bo Jo and his cabinet. Presumably Dominic Mckenzie Cummings is aware of this .
FFS!Now have to put up with this lot of virtue signalling snowflakes applauding the NHS every week.If modern technology had existed during the war, maybe instead of fighting Hitler, we could have just sent this to him,#Stop making war on us!Thank God my parent’s generation was made of sterner stuff than this Lib Mob crowd.
The Lifestyle editor of the Metro freepaper vs Maajid Nawaz
Hi Faima, roughly 82% of the UK is white, so it is expected that 80-90% of Type I (individual) child sex abuse will be by white perpetrators. BUT, only 5% of UK is Muslim, so it is alarming that above 80% of Type 2 (open &collective) child abuse is by Muslim, mostly Pakistani men
If that’s really Nawaz, hats off to him for speaking truth to powerful lie factories like the beeb and taking flak from both sides, and precious little support from anywhere.
It is hugely disrespectful to characterise care for injustice about 5,000+ groomed/raped/pimped/traded CHILDREN
with perhaps 100,000 rape events as “bleating”
Oh don’t worry , it’s only a few
and the media overreports
I quote
“a FEW high-profile cases
and the media’s penchant to OVERREPORT certain types of stories.” screenshots of tweet and article
BBC local radio stations to broadcast Islamic prayers from tomorrow morning.
Chris Burns, head of BBC Local Radio, said: “Many Muslims will feel a void in their lives where prayers used to be – a feeling the will be magnified as we approach Ramadan.”
Seems a genuine BBC tweet, Second part of tweet
“And to those complaining about / questioning this,
just a reminder that a Christian service is broadcast
each Sunday at 8am on all 39 BBC local radio stations.”
Mahgrib the second to final prayer is around 19:41 , 19:50
so that is going to conflict with the enforced NHS worship time at 20:00
Today on the radio, tomorrow from minarets, the next day it’s compulsory, then churches closed, finally sharia law, the Caliphate, stonings and dhimmitude.
Well done beeb, I hope you’re proud of yourselves.
I don’t know why militants bother murdering us, they could just sit back and let the treacherous BBC convert us for them.
TONIGHT: Matt Hancock has pledged 100,000 #Covid19 tests a day by the end of April, as part of the govt's new "five-pillar" testing plan. But is it enough?
Scotland's National Clinical Director Prof @jasonleitch & Global Public Health Prof David McCoy join us
There’s something so symbolic about this man who lied his way to the top being condemned to applaud alone, like a confused, abandoned seal, during a crisis he’s completely unable to handle. pic.twitter.com/ekyaptY2el
The hospital capacity issues in Spain are not new; their ICUs routinely overflow during the flu season. What’s new, as with Lombardy, is the international reporting, together with dislocations due to the lockdown, for example medical staff in quarantine. Examples from past years (there are many more):
El Mundo, January 2017 Flu Collapses Hospitals in half of Spain The flu is collapsing hospital facilities in almost all of Spain. The Influenza Surveillance System of the Carlos III Institute of Madrid has explained in a document that hospital incidents have reached almost 100 cases for every 100,000 inhabitants during the first week of January
Of course I thank every GOOD public servant for their service
I see that noise has been made about doctors who have died
but what about the other NHS frontline staff , paramedics, nurses ?
I started checking
#1 Areema Nasreen died shortly after midnight in the ICU at the Walsall Manor Hospital in West Midlands.
36-year-old NHS nurse, who was believed to have no underlying health issues, has died after contracting #COVID19
“having treated patients suspected of having the deadly bug. ”
#2 Thomas Harvey (healthcare assistant)
“died of coronavirus after being denied hospital treatment.” says TalkRadio
Coronavirus: NHS nurse who died 'would still be alive if given proper protective equipment' | UK News | Sky News https://t.co/B2lU6vcZbp
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Fedup2Mar 6, 20:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 His principles seem pretty flexible . No politician has anything to say about the torture of Tommy Robinson – agreeing…
tomoMar 6, 19:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 The wacky twits (of any stripe) don’t seemed to be challenged much over there at GBNews… I don’t understand why…
When did Clap for Carers become clap for the NHS?
8pm Very Soviet tonight
Key state TV channels are going off air tonight
so you can clap the Soviet Army
Don’t forget inform the Stasi if your neighbours if they don’t clap.
5:57pm Radio Humberside played a special advert they have made glorifying the NHS.
.. Then the news was mostly NHS.
then a jingle.
And then presenter Joe Hakim was saying
“Wasn’t it great when we did clap for the NHS last week ..and we are doing it again at 8pm tonight
… blah blah”
Then at 6:20pm ITV local news was instructing us how to hold our phones to make a video to send them of when we all go outside to clap for the NHS.
6:57pm BBC local news
“don’t fogtet to send us your videos of clap for CARERS from tonight”
..They used that as an excuse to play last week’s videos
Just like rebranding of:
Global warming -> Climate change -> 7 years until extinction -> only socialism/Corbyn can save us
The clapping is going down the same path:
Clap for carers -> clap for NHS -> 7 month until extinction -> only socialism/Corbyn can save us
I don’t wish a dose of clap on anybody.
BBC news asking all the questions.
Did we do enough to prepare us for a pandemic?
I am asking this question..
Are we doing enough to prepare us if the earth gets hit by a large meteorite?
Isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing….
I wonder when we will get the lefty tossers kicking off that the call to the private sector diagnostics sector to assist with covid testing is “privatising” arrennaitchess?
Not heard much noise yet…
The daily press con was 1hour 20 plus minutes long . The BBC cut away from it after 34 minutes .
If I didn’t know how biased the BBC against the current government I d be sitting there wondering why something so important was ignored .
Sky has run with it all through the questions – including the idiot journo who asked about footballers -.trivia in the scheme of things .
PJW .. It’s getting a bit like the 2 minutes of hate in 1984
Oh not another bloody clapping session later tonight – I was walking home with some “essential shopping” last week when I ran into various weirdos at the bottom of their gardens, and I’ll be doing the same tonight – may have to plan a less-residential route this time.
Dont envy you Cooper Man – one of the joys of living out in the sticks is that all I will hear tonight – if I go out of my back door is cows farting and snorting in the farm next door rather than mad cows virtue signalling to each other.
I gave a carer the clap once when I was a young man – she never talked to me again!
I’m currently isolated on a council estate – I reckon 90 % don’t do eenglleesh unless there’s a freebie involved – no clapping last time and none tonight .
Fed – I expect the MSM will try and keep this virtue signalling nonsense going as long as they can.
Of course the unsaid media implication is – is that if you dont join in you are a miserable , ungrateful hater who deserves to get Corvid from the Angel of Death and die.
I think I will take my chances.
It would probably be just my luck if I passed away on a Thursday and on reaching the pearly gates St Peter is at it too, In which case I will go downstairs except that Old Nick is also banging his brazier with his pointy thing AAAAAAAAAAAAAgh!
I’m expecting 5 cops to turn up any time soon requiring me to explain why I didn’t clap . I’ll be invited to the police station to be interviewed . The papers will be sent to the CPS for prosecution under one of the new emergency powers .
FE2 You may get lucky and just get “shamed” with drone footage
“This man was not clapping – we have now broken his legs for him so that he can now appreciate the NHS”
This piece is good for a chuckle if you are keeping a low profile at 8 p.m.: https://conservativewoman.co.uk/this-beastly-lockdown/
Usual apols if I’m repeating the post of someone else from earlier in the day.
ITV local news : “The government has still not explained the lack of testing, today 10,665 tests were done and that is less than half the 25,000 test per day target for end of this month”
FFS 3 days ago you guys were shouting that the government hadn’t made the 10,000 per day target
.. yet now they have you are still negative.
Then they went on to an emotional blackmail item where they played a video of an NHS worker from Lincoln , from her Covid19 recovery bedwas barely able to speak as she still has sepsis and something else.
“You have to at home so you don’t spread this disease”
… I just wonder if it isn’t magnitudes more likely that her own Covid19 infection was picked up whilst at her NHS job
… than when she was doing her weekly shop in Tescos ?
30 minutes later we got the same item repeated in the local BBC news
Me either.
This incoherent bint is ‘essential’?
Wh… what?
It’s clap for the NHS at 8 pm tonight.
I would join in but the drain outside our kitchen window needs cleaning.
I must have missed my room 101 appointment.
ITV special on now
Trump and the Virus: America in Crisis – Tonight
How seriously could the coronavirus pandemic damage President’s Trump’s chances of re-election later this year?
As the United States grapples with a full-blown health crisis,
ITV’s Washington Correspondent Robert Moore asks whether his controversial leadership style has properly addressed or even exacerbated the challenge ahead.
a “hate Trump” prog ?
“#itv doing the hatchet job on trump”
“Absolutely disgraceful #fakenews , clumsily editing a quote to spread the lie that POTUS45 called cov19 a hoax. Shame on you, already debunked even by Trump haters. “
The BBC and other bubble dwellers will NOT be able to comprehend !!!
Laura, Beth, Robert , will never be able to understand this , they will be completely stumped, cos they speak for the nation, right ?
The useless Beeb have got everything wrong for years: Trump, Brexit, 2 general elections, Corbyn, Boris, Farage, the rise of the ‘Populists’, etc.
Scrap the Tax.
Yesterday Channel now
History : the whole abandoned town in Turkey from when 1.5 million ethnic Greeks were purged and sent to Greece
and 300,000 Turks returned from Greece
Oh I just opened the door t 8:01pm and heard nothing
I thought this was an april fools at first
but the irony of Bat Flu being cured by BAT
My God, I thought I was living amongst sensible, grounded neighbours but I’ve just noticed that some of them are outside clapping and cheering!
Is it me that’s out of synch?
I mean, who’s benefiting from this, because the only people taking any notice, as far as I can see are the clapper/cheerers themselves.
What will be amusing is when every one has lost interest in this latest virtue signalling fad and there are just one or two very self consciously doing it – feeling for all the world like they have just let a very loud fart go at the committal part of a funeral service but have no option but to front it out.
Fireworks and banging pots and pans in Glossop !!!! All very odd .
a few very large bangs and rockets in new mills odd indeed organised perhaps, hey doobster fancy a pint when the kung flu has gone away 🙂
Blimey. Basically a neighbour ????. Will fancy about 10 when this is all over.
BBC News sparks outrage as they CUT OFF No10’s coronavirus briefing – ‘Seriously!?’
BBC News sparked outrage on Thursday after cutting off the Government’s daily coronavirus press briefing to give a UK weather update.
Conspiracy nutters
video : See how Matt Hancock answers the idiotic question quickly and properly
Channel 4 Victoria McDonald
“You know you are like HEAD of the UK campaign to fight Covid19
.. well how come you got to have a test so quickly ?”
“EU court rules against three states over refugees”
This should be interesting: either the EUSSR impose real fines with bite, thereby further alienating countries already deeply disillusioned with the EU, or they impose token slaps on the wrist, thereby revealing their impotence to all, and setting a precedent for member states to ignore their diktats.
vlad, Mutti breached EU rules when she unilaterally threw open the doors of the EU to all and sundry around the world.
No action was taken against her at all.
All I can say to the EU is – Please please please tell us what we have to do to get instant dismissal from the Reich and we will comply.
Johns Hopkins Uni has added another 20,000 to the US Covid–19 numbers. Things are not looking good for Germany; the BBC’s favourite benchmark for excellence this week has now passed China’s tally. If the Chinese figures can be believed, that is.
chinese figures lol lmao rotfl
All the demographic stats show the preponderance of ‘migrants’ to be male adults.
But what picture does Al-beeb choose to illustrate their story on those heartless Visegrad countries?
It’s almost as if they had an agenda.
The bias is in every picture.
COW ! Laura Kuennsberg’s comments on the podcast….. “Boris Johnson in his own little self isolation bunker”, jesus wonder how she’d feel if someone took the piss out of her if she was poorly.
Well buqqer me!
I saw a report that Gary Lineker is giving two months’s salary to the NHS, (all down to Scrobs), and that Harry Ginger might rejoin the army to actually do something! Thought about once, so that counts doesn’t it…
Remember folks, Scrobs has ears in places where nobody ever dreamed about…
Myself-meself also predicted that Nicholas Lyndhurst would join ‘New Tricks’, and if you don’t believe me, just check it all out via the usual channels…
or here…
2025 – the 5th year of lockdown . The daily 5pm briefing continues but no one watches.every evening we all stand at the door and clap for 5 minutes . Nobody can remember why .
Elections have been suspended under the lock down regulations . Ocado and amazon have now perfected delivery so there Is never a need to go out again . The population is falling because of the social separation rules . ONS reckons there won’t be a population at all in a few years time and the pandemic will be over . The TV licence is now Only £500 a year .
The government reckons that enough PPE will be delivered in a month or two – same with the testing – and the vaccine .
And there are rumours of a “covid 20 “ but the chinese aren’t saying anything…….
The latest Left wing propaganda found on Facebook and cleverly blames all on Boris. Copied and pasted by me:
“” As this crisis deepens and the death toll mounts, a narrative is going to emerge that will be very seductive to many of us. It will all be the fault of “the people.”
The people who failed to practice social distancing.
The people who hoarded.
The people who didn’t listen to the government.
The people who didn’t listen to the science.
The people. Those selfish people. Look at them in their parks.
The government will start trotting this out. Right wing media will push it hard.
Many of us will feel the tug of this seductive reasoning. Our brains will be tempted to lash out at “the people.” When we do, we must remember some things:
– The government had 3 months to prepare. This was a train coming down the tracks.
– At first we were told the plan was herd immunity. Then it wasn’t.
– As the first few people started to die, Boris Johnson boasting of shaking the hands of hospitalised coronavirus patients. This was a week before the lockdown.
– Why weren’t we in lockdown like other European countries, some asked. Trust us, they said.
– Then we got the lockdown order. What did they say? The initial government advice was only “essential workers could travel to work”. A day later this was changed to “essential travel for work.” See the difference? There are screenshots of this.
– They told us to practice social distancing as MPs crowded around each other in the House of Commons.
– They said the NHS could cope, then they started building field hospitals in stadiums.
– They said the NHS had the protective equipment it needed, then we logged on to social media.
– They said we were in it together, then they got tested before the frontline workers.
– They clapped when they voted against a pay-rise for NHS nurses in 2017, then they clapped for the NHS.
– They spent a decade telling us cuts were needed to save the economy, then they said the only way to save the economy was to spend trillions.
– They spent a decade insisting £94 was enough to live on, then admitted it wasn’t.
– They got us to vote for Brexit by rubbishing “experts,” then told us to trust experts.
– They told us retail workers were low skilled, then said they were key workers.
– They said homelessness was sad but inevitable, then they order it ended overnight.
So yes, “the people” ended up a little fucking confused.
Because our so-called leaders have utterly failed to lead.
They don’t know what they stand for; they couldn’t believe the world could change so quickly; they resisted “alarmism” when the only proper response was to be alarmed; they had no idea how to use the power of the state, having spent a decade dismantling it; they were arrogant and complacent, wallowing in privilege. The fundamental duty of government is to keep us safe. That’s what we pay them to do. They have failed.
As the death toll mounts, remember that our leaders are to blame, not “the people,” and we must resist the temptation to blame each other.””
That’s what we’re up against 🙁
Talk about a Beeboid-girls bubbleworld
Could it be that VD needs to find a new job?
If Lord Haw- Haw was to reappear from 1939 -1945. He wouldn’t
have to send his reports from Berlin. Anyone of a half a dozen
“top” media outlets in the UK would make him,their top presenter. Although it
would probably be a her, on you know where ,reporting from
Time to clap more ”key workers?”
The only losers are the police. Surely they should back off at this time. People will remember who behaved well or badly. They really look an unimpressive bunch.
Don’t they appear to be scruffy and slovenly these days ? I had a job to distinguish them from the traffic wardens .
I suppose its all down to the modern Police Commissioners we have in charge?
Perhaps the chappie should have worn a Rainbow or Extinction Rebellion badge, or maybe worn a tea towel on his head ?
7:43pm BBC2 “whitey-man bad he enslaved blacks”
It was a repeat of the history prog about Sunderland Point in Cumbria
10 minutes of interesting history about the port building
then ‘but the trade had a dark side
Tadaa here is black Robert Beckford Professor of BLACK theology to explain”
Actually he wasn’t that bad, he didn’t lay it on too thick
& he did let on that slaves were sold by other black tribes.
‘The ships carried a lot of guns to trade, cos the captains would play division by arming one tribe so they would capture members of another tribe to sell’
Yep, I can believe that some devious merchants did that.
but that it’s likely, that Arab traders had started tricks that many years s before.
Speaking as a white man who has never owned a black slave, the BBC expects me to pay reparations to black men who has never been slaves.
Rather like being given a speeding fine when your car is parked.
Hello hello, what is going on here?
Licence please.
Doing zero MPH Mr Sentry.
I note that you committed a similar offence five times yesterday.
In exactly the same location.
Once for nine hours.
This “I was stationary on my drive” nonsense is not a justification.
Such callous lack of consideration for other motorists is unacceptable.
“OK Cressida, it’s a fair cop.”
“… most of you are political junkies. Most of the country isn’t.” – Starkey includes David Dimbleby!@3:20 “…there are only two (out of 6) here you came up from nowt, Justine and me, and we’re both on the right.”@3:31 “…if you’re also pretending to be a democracy. Then this sort of cozy,inbreed, liberal, pat on the back it’s all right. The Ken Clarke remark – the contempt for the mere orders you know.”
– David Starkyhttps://youtu.be/WOuBRMKtM1g?t=10m20s
I often comment on the BBC’s house rag the Guardian. I am always polite and take a lot of abuse which I relish. Recently I am getting moderated. There seem to be a pattern . Insulting Boris and the Tories is fine but if you mention the WHO , China, the failures in continental Europe (women’ marches in Spain March 8th ) and particularly if you mention key facts and dates involving the WHO and China you will find yourself moderated.
The herd mentality is clear. They are desperate to use this disaster for political ends. It will backfire big time but along the way they will do real damage to morale and to my country. The BBC is the same. it is not to be forgiven.
I’ve been studying the raw data on the woldometer website. No-one, beeb or otherwise, seems willing (or permitted?) to mention the harsher data.
The generally touted data is that the chance of dying, after contracting the disease, is around 3%. This figure lumps in contracted cases, recovered and died.
However, if you compare recovered against died only, deaths amount to around 20% of the whole. This is a much more alarming and I would say ‘honest’ way of presenting the figures.
I suggest you look again. Look at S. Korea which i consider the most reliable. The active cases are much less and the recovered much higher. In addition most countries have no way of including those who contact the virus but show no or minor symptoms. I suspect these are very many and if we had some way of knowing the numbers would make the fatality rate per 1000 people much much lower.
For me the main problem is that this virus is very very contagious and spreads like wildfire. This makes it a real threat in that it can overwhelm any health service for a time. Hence the lockdowns. It would not necessarily mean that it is more likely to kill . The virus seems to almost explode into a population when it reaches a critical mass. This seems to have happened in Italy for reasons yet to be determind and in Spain where maybe the marches on 8th March for woman’s day involved thousands. We might be lucky . I hope so, I was very opposed to the Cheltenham festival going ahead. That has no doubt led to many more cases than at present we know about.
Posted at 13:2513:25
Sporting classics to fill summer void
Wondering how you’re going to fill the void created by the lack of sport this summer?
Don’t worry, the BBC has a plan (for audiences in the UK).
With the likes of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, the Euro 2020 football tournament and the Wimbledon tennis championships called off, a host of memorable sporting moments will be shown in their place.
These include:
The London 2012 opening ceremony and key highlights of the Games
Matches from Euro 96, where England reached the semi-finals on home soil
Andy Murray winning Wimbledon in 2013, becoming the first British men’s champion in 77 years
The exact scheduling will be announced soon. In the meantime, you can whet your appetite by seeing which classics are going to be aired.
“Singing along with the BBC” ?
IMHO its all about promoting Al Beeb because it knows its under threat of extinction. Hence all the opposition headlines and comments against the present government .
There is a propaganda war being waged against Bo Jo and his cabinet. Presumably Dominic Mckenzie Cummings is aware of this .
FFS!Now have to put up with this lot of virtue signalling snowflakes applauding the NHS every week.If modern technology had existed during the war, maybe instead of fighting Hitler, we could have just sent this to him,#Stop making war on us!Thank God my parent’s generation was made of sterner stuff than this Lib Mob crowd.
The Lifestyle editor of the Metro freepaper vs Maajid Nawaz
He corrects “oops I mean Type 1 : group or open offences,
(Type 2 is individual or hidden offences)”
If that’s really Nawaz, hats off to him for speaking truth to powerful lie factories like the beeb and taking flak from both sides, and precious little support from anywhere.
Someone should get #StopBleating trending
It is hugely disrespectful to characterise care for injustice about 5,000+ groomed/raped/pimped/traded CHILDREN
with perhaps 100,000 rape events as “bleating”
Surely Constant bleating about ‘Islamophobia’
is specifically being used to SHUT DOWN
important discussions about “Muslim grooming gangs”
Oh don’t worry , it’s only a few
and the media overreports
I quote
“a FEW high-profile cases
and the media’s penchant to OVERREPORT certain types of stories.”
screenshots of tweet and article
Seems a genuine BBC tweet, Second part of tweet
“And to those complaining about / questioning this,
just a reminder that a Christian service is broadcast
each Sunday at 8am on all 39 BBC local radio stations.”
Mahgrib the second to final prayer is around 19:41 , 19:50
so that is going to conflict with the enforced NHS worship time at 20:00
Today on the radio, tomorrow from minarets, the next day it’s compulsory, then churches closed, finally sharia law, the Caliphate, stonings and dhimmitude.
Well done beeb, I hope you’re proud of yourselves.
I don’t know why militants bother murdering us, they could just sit back and let the treacherous BBC convert us for them.
How does the BBC know that ‘many Muslims will feel a void in their lives where prayers used to be?”
Muslims haven’t raised this as an issue. But the BBC has to create the issue to be Woke. 🙁
WHY this minority ? how many different religions in this country ?
none of the others are demanding and intolerant gobshites
Newsnight chimes in as expected.
The media are not having a good time.
Luvvies. Especially bbc ones. Gotta love them.
Shots fired.
Mask down. Not 2 metres. Exceptional.
And surely, now, it is ‘line of color’?
Meanwhile, the bbc works its magic overseas…
The hospital capacity issues in Spain are not new; their ICUs routinely overflow during the flu season. What’s new, as with Lombardy, is the international reporting, together with dislocations due to the lockdown, for example medical staff in quarantine. Examples from past years (there are many more):
El Español, January, 2019
Emergency patients in the corridors: a week of collapse in Madrid hospital
In some corridors there have only been two nurses for thirty patients. Jiménez Díaz, the most efficient public hospital in Madrid is on the list
El Mundo, January 2017
Flu Collapses Hospitals in half of Spain
The flu is collapsing hospital facilities in almost all of Spain. The Influenza Surveillance System of the Carlos III Institute of Madrid has explained in a document that hospital incidents have reached almost 100 cases for every 100,000 inhabitants during the first week of January
Of course I thank every GOOD public servant for their service
I see that noise has been made about doctors who have died
but what about the other NHS frontline staff , paramedics, nurses ?
I started checking
#1 Areema Nasreen died shortly after midnight in the ICU at the Walsall Manor Hospital in West Midlands.
36-year-old NHS nurse, who was believed to have no underlying health issues, has died after contracting #COVID19
“having treated patients suspected of having the deadly bug. ”
#2 Thomas Harvey (healthcare assistant)
“died of coronavirus after being denied hospital treatment.” says TalkRadio