Far Left Biased BBC ‘education’ begins on 20th April 2020.
Readers will only dream of the propaganda opportunities for the
Broadcaster to indoctrinate kids with its preferred view .
“Researchers in Australia and Europe are testing whether the Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, introduced in the 1920s to fight tuberculosis, might be deployed to combat COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus.”
And funny thing but I was thinking about TB during a bad Sunday night/Monday morning with far too much wheezing! Think my thoughts strayed as to whether there might be a connection to Covid-19? It appears that there might be a higher fatality rate among BAME patients with Covid-19 – ref: NHS deaths.
In tandem with the government and ‘trusted providers’ (one can only speculate depressingly here), the BBC are keen to help educate our children in your home. Never seen to miss an opportunity for cultural indoctrination, they’ve leapt at the opportunity.
https://www.bbc.com/editorialguidelines/guidance/stills Images featuring the following should be selected with special care and with editorial justification.
– Images that could be offensive to ethnic, religious or minority groups.
(OK doesn’t matter if they offend MAJORITY groups)
Sensitivity surrounding the use of an image should be taken into account.
In particular in relation to religion and minority groups. Care should be taken not to reinforce stereotypes.
…. If every couple is mixed race ..isn’t that a stereotype ?
“President Donald Trump has touted the medication form of chloroquine as a possible treatment for the virus.”
“Last week, Mr Trump trumpeted the drug as a potential treatment, writing on Twitter that it had “a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine,” when taken with the antibiotic azithromycin”
1 I’ve been misquoted
2 my words were taken out of context
3 you need to read the whole quote
4 we are all learning as we go
5 this isn’t about me
6 I rely on my officials
7 not the time to talk resignation
8 this is above politics
9 things have changed
10 we re all together .
Ah yep gotcha !
” not the time to talk resignation”
Therefore you have refused to resign
..exactly as I said
“@Fedup2 has has REFUSED to say he will resign ”
SkyAust video clip : Outsiders host Rowan Dean says Australia should be pulling out of the World Health Organisation “tomorrow”
as it has been “actively working against our interests and as a propaganda arm for the Chinese”.
“The Chinese communist dictatorship is a sinister and deeply untrustworthy entity, profiting from this calamity when they should be paying for it.” Rowan Dean https://t.co/Z2JifmkDj2
— Malcolm Roberts ???????? (@MRobertsQLD) March 29, 2020
Is our government going to cancel the Huawei contract?
Surely they have to in light of what the Communist Chinese government has been doing.
Is there a plan to revive our manufacturing industry? Once this virus situation is over many jobs will have been lost never to come back. Wouldn’t an enlarged manufacturing base require a larger workforce? And give all, all, all the jobs to the indigenous peoples of our country.
Sky Aus (and IDS) having a go at the useless corrupt globalist leftist WHO and its useless corrupt leftist head Tedros Adhanom, put in place by the Chinese and now returning the favour by showering the commie regime with praise while criticising the West at every opportunity.
Will the beeb investigate these criticisms?
Rhetorical question. Leftist, globalist, anti-Western and stuffed with diverse 3rd-Worlders? Right up their street.
Vlad ,
The WHO is in the spotlight and it is being revealed as a leftist propaganda outfit rather than a health organisation. But this is the same for most supranational organisations and also for many institutions in the UK. They are run by thousand upon thousand of left leaning liberal Globalists who see their allegiance to the Gobalist elite rather than to the institution that they run or to their own country. They believe their role is to protect and advance Globalism , often by undermining democracy if the people get ideas above their station. This is why delivering Brexit , or draining the Washington swamp , is so difficult . You have to beat a vast army of unelected people who run almost all of the institutions that control government or are supposed to enact its decisions and choices. If the Globalists don’t agree with a government decision they won’t implement it without an almighty energy sapping struggle.In the UK 365 Tory MPs , making the big assumption that they actually want role back globalism. are in effect taking on probably a hundred thousand Globalist placemen , all of whom have power and influence. The situation is similar in the US and elsewhere. I am beginning to think that democracy cannot win in the people’s struggle against Globalism.
Are pharmacies free of the 2 metre distance rule ? On entering my local one, as usual there were more staff behind the counter (7) working cheek by jowl, than in front of it, and as usual all averted their gaze from the customer in case they needed attending to.
Of course there were the usual huge notices about unacceptable staff abuse, but why doesn’t it work the other way ? snotty attitudes towards customers, who daren’t answer back for fear of being thrown out ! Imagine the embarrassment of being ejected from a chemists !!!
Not seeing a taped line 6′ from the counter, (and wearing mask and gloves) I inadvertently went to the counter for prescription pick ups, whereupon I was shouted at to move back by an odious assistant. In front of others waiting, I was again shouted at “NAME ?” upon which I yelled it back. She disappeared then returned and placed my medication on the counter saying “I’ll move back before you pick it up” – as she moved backwards she stumbled into two of her colleagues – it was priceless and worthy of a Hancock sketch.
Well, I don’t know if the BBC have been banging the testing drum again today and holding up Germany as a paragon of all things everywhere for everyone. I resisted the temptation to listen to TWatO ‘as I had the scintillating songage of the birdie garden in my eardrobe’. Having BBC rocks thrown at my head (ie. the ones that overshoot Downing Street & the rest of Westminster) would spoil the effect.
Ah! Peace and quiet.
For the BBC – no peace and quiet. Johns Hopkins Uni has added Germany’s Covid Cases up and come to the conclusion – if you can believe the Chinese numbers – that Germany is now sicker than China.
Germany, officially, has a population larger than the UK’s ‘unofficial figure of about 75m’ but it has getting on for three times as many cases than the UK.
I was up at 10 to 6 for a “Jimmy” this morning and on return switched on R4….first time in months….the “tweet of the day” had some Wokist, Tom Dailey drawing parallels about bird migration and migrants…I was half asleep and did’nt get the full jist …but bu**er me…these just dont give up….the town where I grew up had a column in local paper each April and would print the name of the first personage who heard a cuckoo……cuckoo cuckoo…..This r4 mob would drive you cuckoo…..I switched off..
I don’t listen to talk radio. Did anyone hear this?
BBC accidentally broadcast some news on R4 Today prog this morning. Huge new Nightingale Hospital not opening yet because existing London hospitals are currently coping.
I didn’t hear it on the racist far-left bbc but it was mentioned in the LBC news radio station.
But that doesn’t mean it won’t be needed. From way I’m reading/hearing, the next two weeks are likely to be critical.
What I’m not hearing is whether such mega hospitals are being set-up here, up North.
Though I’d be quite concerned of I was sent to one because the statement was made that up to 20% of those admitted may not leave these hospitals alive.
It is policy in my house to refuse to listen or watch the BBC news. The same I have found with a few neighbours. it is so clearly lowering morale in this country so that it is verging upon treachery.
I personally object to the BBC trying to do this either from stupidity or because it can.
A country that loses morale is in a dangerous place and the BBC should be ashamed of itself.
“Corona calling. Corona calling. Have you lost confidence in the government, (we think you should have!)? Do you think we should have more PPE, ventilators, nursing staff, virus test kits etc.?
Do your bit to spread fear and despondency, email Jeremy Vine now at …”
All these countries held in so much more regard by the BBC than its OWN country are falling off their pedestals one by one.
Looking forward to the BBC letting us know how things haven’t quite worked out. The armchair scientists / reporters at the beeb were so sure Singapore and Germany had this sorted!!!!!
This is worrying. Singapore was held up as one of the models for how to control #COVID19 through a sophisticated programme of testing and tracing without having to resort to the kinds of lockdowns many other countries are going through. https://t.co/6R0LY4IhuO
Contact tracing has its place, but it would have been better by far to have closed the borders to the unquarantined movement of people some weeks ago.
One doesn’t need to have an Eisteinesque intellect to work out that every person who is permitted to enter a country is a potential Trojan horse, yet the doors remain open both at home and abroad.
Covid-19 is not airborne. It cannot spread other than through the droplets exhaled/excreted by a host. The logical – and cheaper in terms of human lives and economic damage – way to have prevented it from being spread was to have sealed off China’s borders, failing which to have sealed off our own borders – to people, but not to goods. Had we done so, we might well have avoided the chaos in which we’re now embroiled.
Or, to put it another way, this virus is like a fire, and the best way to fight a fire is to fight it at its source and prevent it from spreading. No one in their right mind would allow embers of that fire to spread and start further conflagrations in other places, but that’s exactly what happened with Covid-19. The WHO, China and some tuppence ha’penny experts all ranted about the need to keep borders open, thereby allowing said embers to spread far and wide. And we’re all now paying the price.
I’ll finish on a question: will the utility of the current lockdown be helped or hindered by allowing people (many of whom may be carrying the virus) to enter the country at liberty? Answers to 10 Downing Street, if you please.
Van, pardon me for correcting your science but we currently think it is not airborne beyond normal cough/sneeze/touch range, but we do not know that it is not ‘globally’ airborne.
A subtle difference. Of course, if instead of just trying to demean the Government of the day or undermine the Secretary of State for Health, the BBC were instead inviting on air the virologists currently working on live Covid-19 samples and asking them sensible questions, we might be better informed.
I will not hold my breath waiting for the BBC to do that.
Yes MedCram is very good, John Campbell and Chris Martinson (Peak Prosperity) worth looking at too.
Now there is info overload and I am amazed at the guff the MSM keeps coming out with. It also seems that any opinion critical to WHO now gets the person de moniterised!
Maybe the government want the virus here, as its gonna come one day anyhow, and this lockdown lark is just so the hospitals can cope by flattening the curve for the rate of infections.
“CBBC presenter Karim Zeroual told BBC Breakfast: “Lots of people will be enjoying being home with their children, but… parents are trying to build different roles – the mum and dad and the teacher – and that’s really tough.
“I know my sister is struggling with that, ”
WHAT ? Isn’t that what happens when you have kids ? that you have different roles . Your a provider of food, a protector, a guider of morals, a money lender and a taxi driver. Don’t have kids if you have to ‘struggle’. Jeezzus.
My 14 year-old son has been working online from home, with his normal syllabus each day, for the last two weeks or so. He gets his next day’s work by email the evening before. This will continue after the Easter break, if necessary. The BBC’s bite-size brainwashing is surplus to requirements.
Vlad – Bearing in mind this is a BBC picture is that a bloke on the right an ugly bird or one of them tharr cissygender things?
Or is that a before and after picture with skin bleaching and an adams apple created by fat and skin taken from the belly button and Ahole?
It’s possible that by mistake, and I just give the communist
government of China the benefit of the doubt that they have
gone to war with the west using biological weapons and may
have at least economically won. Using THEIR funded WHO organization
as their “look out.” This virus started in one of two places
it’s about 50-50 that some of the BATS got into Wet market
from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan . Or the virus CAME
from the Institute itself!
Now the Chinese have even got some of the western media
such as the BBC to be duped in their duplicity. Come on
Laura Kuensberg keep on being facetious about the prime
minister Boris Johnson. How about some
sarcasm, aimed at the Chinese president
XI Jinping. I will give you a start. In
Puccini’s final masterpiece Turandot
the Chinese official PING at least mixes
some sarcastic comedy with his acquiescent of Turandot’s cruelty! This
latter day PING is an out and out evil
Machiavellian in every decision he makes
against the west with no humour involved!
If your scenario is correct the Chinese have made one hell of a mistake. The USA is not the sort of country you risk upsetting.It is capable of unbelievable industrial effort and focus. A free people unlike any other who will do what it takes and do it without being coerced. When they have recovered from this disaster we will see and be amazed.
Even if it was simply human stupidity it makes little difference now. China has blown it. That is actually a cause for some sadness as the people of that country deserved better than the CCP.
China is very vulnerable. Massive debts, mostly internal. They are now screwed even more on that front. But they can always print cash and throw money at it.
Their real vulnerability is Trump in the US. He hasn’t done it yet, but he can easily say, no cheap goods [high labour value] from China.
Bang – millions unemployed – millions angry in China.
short term them can surpress and blame the Yankee. Problem is, that doesn’t get their jobs back.
Pissing off the people you need to change their minds doesn’t work. Look at the average remainer.
Quite right, Dave. The BBC have gone a bit hyperbole over the US redundancies but have forgotten that they have very different employment laws in the USA. People quickly laid off, will just as quickly be re-hired when life starts to return to normal.
Or those laid off may well start ‘garage’ businesses of their own. They do have a recent history of that. And how!
M’Lud Blagger, you are right up to a point but forget that the US are in hock to China. That is what is – in part – behind President Trump’s trade war with China. Sure, he wants jobs back in the US economy but he also wants to sort out the balance of payments deficit. Think the last time I heard, they reckoned all the gold in Fort Knox belonged to China, and then some.
They don’t have to get the gold, LB. They have enough US currency on their books and probably a bit more down the back of their sofas. Think also, that the Chinese like buying the stuff, the real thing, as do people in India.
Think the last time I heard, they reckoned all the gold in Fort Knox belonged to China, and then some.
This is what you posted. So the Chinese ‘own’ it, and its in a US vault.
So how again are the going to get their hands on the gold?
Now think about China. Massive increases in buildings, everything railways. How did they do this with out debts?
Same with the stock market? Another work of fiction.
So even with 500 million workers, 10% lose their jobs because the US says, we aren’t buying your cheap stuff. That’s a disaster for the communist party of China.
Oh, but the US owes them money you say. And? How are they going to get it back. It’s subject to US law, and the US can and will change their laws if they deem it fit to get out of their debts. Same as the UK government defaulted on some of its debts. More than once.
LB, it’s because the Chinese economy has been in catch-up to the biggest economy in the world. When you make masses of stuff and flog it abroad you earn everyone elses’ debts as assets. When you make nothing and flog it all to your own people, you earn your own indebtedness to China.
That’s what Gordon Brown could not understand or chose not to understand because he and Blair were in favour of globalism, not globalisation.
The Chinese have globalised and made lots at home wealthier but some have had to become poorer: the UK, the USA among them.
Think the last time I heard, they reckoned all the gold in Fort Knox belonged to China, and then some.
This is what you posted. So the Chinese ‘own’ it, and its in a US vault.
So how again are the going to get their hands on the gold?
Now think about China. Massive increases in buildings, everything railways. How did they do this with out debts?
Same with the stock market? Another work of fiction.
So even with 500 million workers, 10% lose their jobs because the US says, we aren’t buying your cheap stuff. That’s a disaster for the communist party of China.
Oh, but the US owes them money you say. And? How are they going to get it back. It’s subject to US law, and the US can and will change their laws if they deem it fit to get out of their debts. Same as the UK government defaulted on some of its debts. More than once.
Sgt Al Cromwell has been checking in on key workers & cheering up our community. Here's a tribute to all the key workers, especially the fantastic NHS staff, who continue to look after us during these uncertain times. Feel free to join in! #DanceForNHS#ThankYou#DancingPolicemanpic.twitter.com/RxZzUdtQ7z
Watched a few minutes of the midday news earlier on the IPlayer it was all I could mange! Before the news there was a trailer for a BBC app aimed at children called ‘own it’
Somebody mentioned earlier that on the BBC website they would illustrate a story of somebody doing good with a picture of somebody from the BAME community and I commentated that when it was a baddie or somebody stupid they would show a white male.Well this video is a perfect example it shows a chain of events which goes something like this.
Asian girl sends nice text to friend who looks a bit oriental saying how nice she looks (friend has strange haircut) friend posts a nice review and the white hairdresser who looks very SJW texts her white boyfriend who’s trying to take a selfie whilst on a Segway and wearing wellies!!! very strange but look kids at that stupid white man! I get a bit confused at this point but seems he takes a picture of a missing cat which Doris an old white lady sees so she texts her black grandson to tell him to stop looking for the feline.
So not only do we have the stupid white bloke we also have that new phenomena that seems to have been appearing in a number of adverts lately of white grandparents with coloured grandkids!
Nodding Dog-During this crisis I have given up on this topic
although of course you are right. I am afraid if that’s the word
that BIG BROTHER at the diversity dept at the BBC who rules
the roost . Is going to make sure that he, she or it educates us
that the natural face of a citizen of the UK is not white anymore.
I think what they call E MOLES. You know mock up pictures for
the Covid 19 pandemic says it all. But right now there are more
things to be worried about.
Finding myself confused,had enough of MSM on the telly with their endless bias against the government.I could stop watching, but it’s a bit like driving past a road crash and trying not to look,very difficult!
Does anyone have a statistic on the percent of people on ventilators who get better?
A friend of a friend (so not a totally proven line of validation) is a consultant in a London hospital and they put the survival rate at under 20%. If true, has the government mentioned building any mortuaries next to the Nightingale hospitals?
And should the emphasis be even more on prevention than cure, of which there is none under than self-repair?
I read comment somewhere from an Italian doctor who said that if a patient has to be on a ventilator for any length of time, there’s the likelihood that they won’t come off it – do, yes, our efforts should definitely be looking at prevention of the deleterious effects of this virus, which makes our reluctance to look at the various drugs touted as being useful in that regard all the more curious.
I heard,
Of those that reach the ventilator ward half die
And when I looked a hospital deaths
I saw that their deaths on a a Wednesday corresponded to 50% of their critical count for Monday.
In addition a fraction of people had already died.
Sluff, Cooper & Stew, I seem to recall it is down to how people are ventilated and the ‘gas’ used. Seem to recall some facts lurking at the back of my mind that years ago, this started to be studied seriously somewhere in the UK, due to a higher than expected mortality rate.
If I recall correctly, the variables/choices are face-mask, slim tube into nose and down throat, full intubation & ventilator, oxygen, oxygen plus other gases or ‘washed’ (clean) air.
I dimly recall that a finger of suspicion was pointing at oxygen use and that it was having a deleterious effect on the lungs of patients who might otherwise be expected to recover, especially when combined with the slim tube delivery. Am way out of date on this and where the research has since led.
Anyone on here help further?
Have nurse friends that I will ask but they might be a bit busy at present.
a PS to the above: if I was in hospital with Covid-19 or regular ‘flu’, while still able I would be trying to convince the Doctors and Nurses to not use any of the above methods but to assist my breathing with a nebuliser and to add a few drops of lavender oil or olbas oil to the water being turned into steam. Am sure there would be a battle royal over the request; “It’s not in the guidelines.” or “It’s not approved NHS practice.” or “We don’t have any lavender oil.” or “The lavender oil is not sterile and approved by NICE.”
I effectively have to do that at home at times with a saucepan of boiling water and something floating on the surface to which the lavender oil or olbas oil has been added. A towel over the head (not needed with a proper nebuliser) completes the kit.
It works for me.
DO NOT try this yourself without checking with your GP first.
We used Friar’s Balsam with Up2’s method above .. worked for me when I had whooping cough seriously as a child. Still have some .. love the smell but admit it’s a bit like Marmite for some.
The Church of England has closed all the churches, so presumably Justin Welby has little to do.
Why not make him the Archbishop of the NHS?
Think of the benefits.
Then our worship of the saintly NHS can be formalised.
Currently communion services are at 8 pm on Thursday evenings but this could be increased significantly.
He can visit his new churches – NHS hospitals. And he can give all his old churches to the local NHSes to be used as clinics and GP surgeries.
And the BBC is bigging up the deaths of two nurses. So there are two new candidates for sainthood right there.
No bibles needed. Just listen to the outpourings of the BBC instead.
Questions at the end were the usual mixture of various shades of shite, Hugh Pym from the bbbc asked when this is going to be over, Robert Pissedon asked about 3 questions but took about two minutes to do it.
The real star of the show though was some absolute weapons grade weapon from the daily mirror. “It’s going to be nice weather this weekend and lots of families don’t have gardens so is it ok if they go for a picnic?”.
The tool was reading the question out off a sheet of paper so he’d had ample opportunity to have a word with himself and conclude that “actually, now I’ve written it down, this is a really f*****g stupid question” .
Let me see if I’ve got this straight…
Most of the private sector is earning nothing until further notice & most non-front line public sector workers are doing nothing – but the Government is going to pay us all with…?
Those non-working public sector workers are getting 100% pay, not 80% AND gaining full salary related pension benefits. Those retired are on rock solid taxpayer funded pensions.
Has anyone asked whether private workers’ pension rights are being protected?
Meanwhile private workers relying on a pension pot have seen them fall through the floor, by say 30% in the last month.
My council tax bill arrived already. I have to pay plod an extra 4% for them to tell me where I can’t go and buy Easter eggs and not to come out when I get burgled.
Overall I have to pay nearly 5% more…for what?
Has anyone considered what 80% of current earnings are actually going to be worth when all this is over.
I’m reminded of that rather eerie scene in the movie Shallow Grave when Christopher Eccleston demands of his friends who have been shopping with the stolen loot, which they had agreed not to spend – “What has it cost us?”
They cannot understand his meaning, being hung up on the cash cost of their spending spree, rather than the real consequence of their actions.
I think many of us are disturbingly aware of the links between the WHO and China by now.
The cowardly incompetent useless Tories proved the perjoritives correct yet again by refusing to buy testing kits from UK suppliers, their craven money grubbing minds thought it would be cheaper to buy them from China, and then guess what, they didn’t work!
In a more sinister twist the Chinese supplied kits were contaminated with Covid 19 and would have resulted in false positives.
Makes you wonder if that isn’t the Chinese ulterior motive though, a means to destroy Western economies by isolation. Doesn’t matter to a Communist government with the largest population on the planet, a few million less is probably a benefit to them and certainly won’t be missed.
Here the liberal idiocy means someone deprived of a second of life is a ‘victim’, and the greedy weasels begin to circle.
What an amazing re-enactment of the art of war
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Sun Tzu
That is exactly what the Chinese are doing and the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are too dim to notice.
It’s not the BBC – but straight up – piers Morgan – whose ego seems bigger than space – thinks the government is “overwhelmed “ by the current pandemic .
His solution – an ‘ advisory panel ‘ composed or all the previous Prime Ministers – don’t laugh at the back
It’s almost as good as the ‘ government of national unity ‘
I suppose one of the side effects of pandemics is for fools to come up with such ideas.
A test for you – which PM had dealt with a global pandemic ? Marks will be deducted for anyone drawing parallels with the finance crisis of 2008 .
Whilst I write of idiots – Friday night marks the end of ‘Labour – the Corbyn Years ‘ . I’m sure the IRA and the many terrorist gangs he supported will be sad .
It’s like the airwaves are main body of the school
and the common room is where the discussions take place.
..And then the bully boys like Boulton say you can’t come in the common room,
only people who agree with his mob can.
My latest piece for the @NewStatesman: the BBC has rediscovered the seriousness of its mission, and the government should recognise that. https://t.co/pNZ0gL2XDi
Yes, bubbleworld, but be assured that the beeb will milk that line for all its worth, during and after Coronavirus: “In times of crisis the nation turns to the BBC for factual reporting, national treasure, bla bla.”
The worse case scenario no deal Brexit is going to look like a disabled ramp at the library, compared to this (for real) cliff edge shutdown/ lockdown.
Wonder how the suicide rates are trending,
Divorce rates.
Domestic abuse too.
It’s all bound to end badly..
Something mentioned by a n other to points I’d raised elsewhere, concerning the corrupt mainstream media in the UK especially the BBC.
The EU has effectively ceased to exist. Its laws where they are not overturned by individual countries as they see fit are still extant, but as an organisation the EU is defunct.
It’s not being reported on, simply because far too many metropolitan remainers are heading up the media and there is no pressure group to drive them back towards the centre ground.
Our media isn’t reporting this at all, and when the dust settles they will present it all as a bolt from the blue and act all surprised. Wouldn’t surprise me if they suggest it’s the work of some sinister ‘right wing’ conspiracy.
Nation states within the EU have resorted to national self interest, in some cases in a jaw droppingly selfish manner, with Germany even stopping a truck load of medical supplies bound for Italy at the German border, and France doing the same with supplies bound for the UK – again unreported.
In all of this the EU could have ben providing some leadership, voincing concern at what was going on, but they have remained silent, and when hard hit countries like Italy have asked for financial help the EU yet again has been silent.
Don’t think it isn’t being noticed in Europe because it most certainly is, and the situation is so critical that the EU will be lucky to survive. The beleagured Euro is almost certain to be a casualty.
One of the most important developing stories this century is being ignored by the UK media simply because it is still in love with the concept of the EU and cannot believe it will ever fail.
The only rehearsal it’s for, is the pandemonium, panic,and economic disaster we’ll experience with “them” trying to tinker with the climate, and a “problem” which doesn’t exist. Can’t blame them for attempting to jump on the Armageddon bandwagon, though.
OG, wouldn’t it be strange if the globe suddenly cooled dramatically. I know ‘some scientists’ (apols!) claim that a new ice age is a real threat.
Wouldn’t it be even stranger, even more weird, if after several months of lockdown worldwide, the Horror Bin comes on our radios and screens to tell us that 2020 was ‘the wamest year evva and more CO2 and methane was produced than evva’.
There’s is TVland , real Britain and the real rest of the world.
On Channel 5 Tony Robinson is traveling South America
and it’s so different from the real world
I know cos I have been to most of the places these TV progs go to.
Journeys that take a week take Tony a few minutes on the screen and everyone speaks English.
He was in Buenos Aires, then half way across Argentina up to 4000m near the Bolivian border.
Then the next moment he’s leapt over the entire country of Bolivia and the Andes and he’s at the coast in Peru
Saw his programme last week, when he miraculously boarded a train at St. Pancras, and within minutes was in Madrid, with bugger all scenery or interesting facts on the way. And why is it necessary to “help” locals “do something” in the odd place that he spent some time in?
I don’t like the man at the best of times (other than as Baldrick, which suited him). There’s something phoney about him. Anyway, unlike Michael Palin and Michael Portillo, who make their trips interesting, this was, by comparison, a joke. didn’t watch it this week, and shan’t watch any further episodes, either.
Time team was obsessed with roman mosaics , saxon swords and iron age kilns. I would ask tony robinson and his archaelogical friends why they never ventured to find out any truths in the biblical stories.Ron wyatt’s presentation of discoveries youtube. 1 hr 20 min long in the 1980’s is very revealing.
Fos, I worked when much younger, with a military man of some rank, who’d retired from the Army. He had a firm view of such things as duty, loyalty, service, authority and so on.
He may well be no longer alive as he would have been in his mid-50s in the mid-70s but if he is, I can imagine him listening to the BBC or watching the BBC and spluttering “That’s mootineee! They should be put on a charge. That’s mutinous talk. If this was WW2, they’d be taken outside and shot!”
We’ve got 29 for about 175K people
that’s up to 1 in every 6,000
Though I’ve never heard of anyone who knows anyone who has been diagnosed with it.
3 deaths ..though the NHS kept them secret a couple of days
I just had a thought
In a normal year 1% of your town will die normally
If the fatality rate of Covid is like 2%
and it takes a lot of the very weakest people anyway
Your towns population isn’t going to be that different next year
(birth rate is probably higher than 1%)
Stew, have not ONS admitted that they have no true idea what the UK population is? And the Home Office concurred? Officially, last year it was 66.5m and is estimated at 67pointsomething for this year.
Reckon closer to 75m would be more accurate. May put up my sums for that sometime.
Population density obviously increases risk of contracting Covid-19 as well as ordinary ‘flu’ and colds. See NYC, London, etc.. (Peculiar that Hong Kong seems to be an ‘outlier’.) Think the figures on things like TB also support that. Am still amazed that Kent could have 1.5m residents. This w-s claims even more: https://countrydigest.org/english-counties-by-population-and-area/
@Foscari mentioned a vid, they have a number of China expose video
This is the latest.
China’s Dr Ai Fen has gone missing in China. She is the director of the emergency unit at Wuhan Central Hospital.
Her disappearance is a result of CCP’s antediluvian machinations against her.
(The clip contains no hard evidence AFAIK)
WION (World is One News) is an International news channel owned by Essel Group.
The channel reports global news and issues from the Indian subcontinent
Zee TV is under the same umbrella
I think it’s like aljazeera A billionaire buys in a few American professionals to front the network
Gravitas is WION’s prime time show which brings to you news and discussions on concurrent issues from India and across the globe.
An earlier video says “China took no steps to stop the export of this virus”
.. Em that sounds like rubbish
They locked Wuhan down and stopped people leaving.
The recoveries from the virus are never mentioned by the BBC.
Over 180,000 worldwide have recovered so far. And far, far more have either had mild or no symptoms that are not included in this figure.
This is the BBC strategy: Let’s concentrate on news that damages the government and could result both in a Labour Government and the halt of Brexit. This would create a Bliss Broadcasting Corporation.
The UK had a cout for recovered , but they never updated it for 2 weeks
and said they were trying to come up with a new data system.
IMHO they didn’t have enough staff testing until now.
If medics from Corona wards were tested and found to be infected
then you could pretty much send them back into the wards after recovery
.. as supermen, who won’t get infected again . (theoretically)
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume…. https://twitter.com/truckdriverpleb/status/1899844358599311702
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699 [img]https://i.ibb.co/XxHFRP5W/chrome-lvnbs-Ino-Da.png[/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtS14ZO8Q-E&ab_channel=CBNNews
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/patcondell/status/1900096045696122976
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/bitcloud/status/1899839906123522127
“Researchers in Australia and Europe are testing whether the Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, introduced in the 1920s to fight tuberculosis, might be deployed to combat COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus.”
Just FYI. I got TB from the BCG vaccination.
And funny thing but I was thinking about TB during a bad Sunday night/Monday morning with far too much wheezing! Think my thoughts strayed as to whether there might be a connection to Covid-19? It appears that there might be a higher fatality rate among BAME patients with Covid-19 – ref: NHS deaths.
So the bbc loves china and hates america,lightbulb moment to the tories,time to get rid of the enemy ie bbc for good.
In tandem with the government and ‘trusted providers’ (one can only speculate depressingly here), the BBC are keen to help educate our children in your home. Never seen to miss an opportunity for cultural indoctrination, they’ve leapt at the opportunity.
The link is self explanatory.
How do they do it ? How many pictures do they discard to find the “right” one ?
Images featuring the following should be selected with special care and with editorial justification.
– Images that could be offensive to ethnic, religious or minority groups.
(OK doesn’t matter if they offend MAJORITY groups)
Sensitivity surrounding the use of an image should be taken into account.
In particular in relation to religion and minority groups.
Care should be taken not to reinforce stereotypes.
…. If every couple is mixed race ..isn’t that a stereotype ?
“After mocking Trump for promoting hydroxychloroquine, journalists acknowledge it might treat coronavirus“
Headline from Fox News report today.
Then go back to March 24th and read this BBC report.
“President Donald Trump has touted the medication form of chloroquine as a possible treatment for the virus.”
“Last week, Mr Trump trumpeted the drug as a potential treatment, writing on Twitter that it had “a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine,” when taken with the antibiotic azithromycin”
“Touted.. Trumpeted..”
Creating news :
“@Fedup2 has REFUSED to say he will resign if we don’t hit his target of 50 posts per day here by the end of April”
A news creation technique as used by LBC’s senior reporter Matthew Thompson
if anyone cares to check his Tweet
Nice reply. One of many like it .
“The MSM have no idea, from inside their “bubble” of how angry they are making people”
1 I’ve been misquoted
2 my words were taken out of context
3 you need to read the whole quote
4 we are all learning as we go
5 this isn’t about me
6 I rely on my officials
7 not the time to talk resignation
8 this is above politics
9 things have changed
10 we re all together .
Ah yep gotcha !
” not the time to talk resignation”
Therefore you have refused to resign
..exactly as I said
“@Fedup2 has has REFUSED to say he will resign ”
See I am journalist now
You won’t see this on the BBC –
SkyAust video clip : Outsiders host Rowan Dean says Australia should be pulling out of the World Health Organisation “tomorrow”
as it has been “actively working against our interests and as a propaganda arm for the Chinese”.
The verve, bitter sweet symphony video returning to your street in 6 months time.
The verve, bitter sweet symphony video returning to your street in 6 months time. haha
The verve , bitter sweet symphony video a thing of the past, not for another six months.
Is our government going to cancel the Huawei contract?
Surely they have to in light of what the Communist Chinese government has been doing.
Is there a plan to revive our manufacturing industry? Once this virus situation is over many jobs will have been lost never to come back. Wouldn’t an enlarged manufacturing base require a larger workforce? And give all, all, all the jobs to the indigenous peoples of our country.
UK telephone exchanges have been the home to Huawei equipment for some time. The damage is already done.
Is Your Journey Really Neccessary ?
I bet the bogus asylum seekers aren’t asked that .
Sky Aus (and IDS) having a go at the useless corrupt globalist leftist WHO and its useless corrupt leftist head Tedros Adhanom, put in place by the Chinese and now returning the favour by showering the commie regime with praise while criticising the West at every opportunity.
Will the beeb investigate these criticisms?
Rhetorical question. Leftist, globalist, anti-Western and stuffed with diverse 3rd-Worlders? Right up their street.
Vlad ,
The WHO is in the spotlight and it is being revealed as a leftist propaganda outfit rather than a health organisation. But this is the same for most supranational organisations and also for many institutions in the UK. They are run by thousand upon thousand of left leaning liberal Globalists who see their allegiance to the Gobalist elite rather than to the institution that they run or to their own country. They believe their role is to protect and advance Globalism , often by undermining democracy if the people get ideas above their station. This is why delivering Brexit , or draining the Washington swamp , is so difficult . You have to beat a vast army of unelected people who run almost all of the institutions that control government or are supposed to enact its decisions and choices. If the Globalists don’t agree with a government decision they won’t implement it without an almighty energy sapping struggle.In the UK 365 Tory MPs , making the big assumption that they actually want role back globalism. are in effect taking on probably a hundred thousand Globalist placemen , all of whom have power and influence. The situation is similar in the US and elsewhere. I am beginning to think that democracy cannot win in the people’s struggle against Globalism.
Apropos my earlier post – visit to surgery.
Are pharmacies free of the 2 metre distance rule ? On entering my local one, as usual there were more staff behind the counter (7) working cheek by jowl, than in front of it, and as usual all averted their gaze from the customer in case they needed attending to.
Of course there were the usual huge notices about unacceptable staff abuse, but why doesn’t it work the other way ? snotty attitudes towards customers, who daren’t answer back for fear of being thrown out ! Imagine the embarrassment of being ejected from a chemists !!!
Not seeing a taped line 6′ from the counter, (and wearing mask and gloves) I inadvertently went to the counter for prescription pick ups, whereupon I was shouted at to move back by an odious assistant. In front of others waiting, I was again shouted at “NAME ?” upon which I yelled it back. She disappeared then returned and placed my medication on the counter saying “I’ll move back before you pick it up” – as she moved backwards she stumbled into two of her colleagues – it was priceless and worthy of a Hancock sketch.
Well, I don’t know if the BBC have been banging the testing drum again today and holding up Germany as a paragon of all things everywhere for everyone. I resisted the temptation to listen to TWatO ‘as I had the scintillating songage of the birdie garden in my eardrobe’. Having BBC rocks thrown at my head (ie. the ones that overshoot Downing Street & the rest of Westminster) would spoil the effect.
Ah! Peace and quiet.
For the BBC – no peace and quiet. Johns Hopkins Uni has added Germany’s Covid Cases up and come to the conclusion – if you can believe the Chinese numbers – that Germany is now sicker than China.
Germany, officially, has a population larger than the UK’s ‘unofficial figure of about 75m’ but it has getting on for three times as many cases than the UK.
What do you say to that, BBC?
I was up at 10 to 6 for a “Jimmy” this morning and on return switched on R4….first time in months….the “tweet of the day” had some Wokist, Tom Dailey drawing parallels about bird migration and migrants…I was half asleep and did’nt get the full jist …but bu**er me…these just dont give up….the town where I grew up had a column in local paper each April and would print the name of the first personage who heard a cuckoo……cuckoo cuckoo…..This r4 mob would drive you cuckoo…..I switched off..
Yeah, s., I heard that too. It was one of the less inspiring ones this week.
I don’t listen to talk radio. Did anyone hear this?
I didn’t hear it on the racist far-left bbc but it was mentioned in the LBC news radio station.
But that doesn’t mean it won’t be needed. From way I’m reading/hearing, the next two weeks are likely to be critical.
What I’m not hearing is whether such mega hospitals are being set-up here, up North.
Though I’d be quite concerned of I was sent to one because the statement was made that up to 20% of those admitted may not leave these hospitals alive.
“What I’m not hearing is whether such mega hospitals are being set-up here, up North”
Yes, apparently they have converted the exhibition centre in Harrogate (HIC) into a hospital.
Why are they called ‘Nightingale’ hospitals?
Surely it should be ‘Seacole’ hospitals.
I am a horrible person.
It is policy in my house to refuse to listen or watch the BBC news. The same I have found with a few neighbours. it is so clearly lowering morale in this country so that it is verging upon treachery.
I personally object to the BBC trying to do this either from stupidity or because it can.
A country that loses morale is in a dangerous place and the BBC should be ashamed of itself.
“Corona calling. Corona calling. Have you lost confidence in the government, (we think you should have!)? Do you think we should have more PPE, ventilators, nursing staff, virus test kits etc.?
Do your bit to spread fear and despondency, email Jeremy Vine now at …”
All these countries held in so much more regard by the BBC than its OWN country are falling off their pedestals one by one.
Looking forward to the BBC letting us know how things haven’t quite worked out. The armchair scientists / reporters at the beeb were so sure Singapore and Germany had this sorted!!!!!
Contact tracing has its place, but it would have been better by far to have closed the borders to the unquarantined movement of people some weeks ago.
One doesn’t need to have an Eisteinesque intellect to work out that every person who is permitted to enter a country is a potential Trojan horse, yet the doors remain open both at home and abroad.
The same argument then says you need internal borders.
Then lock whole cities down.
Then neighbourhoods.
Then streets,
Then houses. …
Covid-19 is not airborne. It cannot spread other than through the droplets exhaled/excreted by a host. The logical – and cheaper in terms of human lives and economic damage – way to have prevented it from being spread was to have sealed off China’s borders, failing which to have sealed off our own borders – to people, but not to goods. Had we done so, we might well have avoided the chaos in which we’re now embroiled.
Or, to put it another way, this virus is like a fire, and the best way to fight a fire is to fight it at its source and prevent it from spreading. No one in their right mind would allow embers of that fire to spread and start further conflagrations in other places, but that’s exactly what happened with Covid-19. The WHO, China and some tuppence ha’penny experts all ranted about the need to keep borders open, thereby allowing said embers to spread far and wide. And we’re all now paying the price.
I’ll finish on a question: will the utility of the current lockdown be helped or hindered by allowing people (many of whom may be carrying the virus) to enter the country at liberty? Answers to 10 Downing Street, if you please.
Van, pardon me for correcting your science but we currently think it is not airborne beyond normal cough/sneeze/touch range, but we do not know that it is not ‘globally’ airborne.
A subtle difference. Of course, if instead of just trying to demean the Government of the day or undermine the Secretary of State for Health, the BBC were instead inviting on air the virologists currently working on live Covid-19 samples and asking them sensible questions, we might be better informed.
I will not hold my breath waiting for the BBC to do that.
MedCram on YT is the very best for info.
Yes MedCram is very good, John Campbell and Chris Martinson (Peak Prosperity) worth looking at too.
Now there is info overload and I am amazed at the guff the MSM keeps coming out with. It also seems that any opinion critical to WHO now gets the person de moniterised!
Check it out but there are arguments that it is airborne.
Nightmare scenario if it is: will be a first, perhaps?
The same argument then says you need internal borders.
Then lock whole cities down.
Then neighbourhoods.
Then streets,
Then houses. …
Maybe the government want the virus here, as its gonna come one day anyhow, and this lockdown lark is just so the hospitals can cope by flattening the curve for the rate of infections.
‘BBC offers biggest online education push ‘in its history”.
Before Operation Brainwashing has even begun, the diversity agenda-pushing has already kicked off:
“CBBC presenter Karim Zeroual told BBC Breakfast: “Lots of people will be enjoying being home with their children, but… parents are trying to build different roles – the mum and dad and the teacher – and that’s really tough.
“I know my sister is struggling with that, ”
WHAT ? Isn’t that what happens when you have kids ? that you have different roles . Your a provider of food, a protector, a guider of morals, a money lender and a taxi driver. Don’t have kids if you have to ‘struggle’. Jeezzus.
My 14 year-old son has been working online from home, with his normal syllabus each day, for the last two weeks or so. He gets his next day’s work by email the evening before. This will continue after the Easter break, if necessary. The BBC’s bite-size brainwashing is surplus to requirements.
Vlad – Bearing in mind this is a BBC picture is that a bloke on the right an ugly bird or one of them tharr cissygender things?
Or is that a before and after picture with skin bleaching and an adams apple created by fat and skin taken from the belly button and Ahole?
It’s possible that by mistake, and I just give the communist
government of China the benefit of the doubt that they have
gone to war with the west using biological weapons and may
have at least economically won. Using THEIR funded WHO organization
as their “look out.” This virus started in one of two places
it’s about 50-50 that some of the BATS got into Wet market
from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan . Or the virus CAME
from the Institute itself!
Now the Chinese have even got some of the western media
such as the BBC to be duped in their duplicity. Come on
Laura Kuensberg keep on being facetious about the prime
minister Boris Johnson. How about some
sarcasm, aimed at the Chinese president
XI Jinping. I will give you a start. In
Puccini’s final masterpiece Turandot
the Chinese official PING at least mixes
some sarcastic comedy with his acquiescent of Turandot’s cruelty! This
latter day PING is an out and out evil
Machiavellian in every decision he makes
against the west with no humour involved!
If your scenario is correct the Chinese have made one hell of a mistake. The USA is not the sort of country you risk upsetting.It is capable of unbelievable industrial effort and focus. A free people unlike any other who will do what it takes and do it without being coerced. When they have recovered from this disaster we will see and be amazed.
Even if it was simply human stupidity it makes little difference now. China has blown it. That is actually a cause for some sadness as the people of that country deserved better than the CCP.
China is very vulnerable. Massive debts, mostly internal. They are now screwed even more on that front. But they can always print cash and throw money at it.
Their real vulnerability is Trump in the US. He hasn’t done it yet, but he can easily say, no cheap goods [high labour value] from China.
Bang – millions unemployed – millions angry in China.
short term them can surpress and blame the Yankee. Problem is, that doesn’t get their jobs back.
Pissing off the people you need to change their minds doesn’t work. Look at the average remainer.
Quite right, Dave. The BBC have gone a bit hyperbole over the US redundancies but have forgotten that they have very different employment laws in the USA. People quickly laid off, will just as quickly be re-hired when life starts to return to normal.
Or those laid off may well start ‘garage’ businesses of their own. They do have a recent history of that. And how!
M’Lud Blagger, you are right up to a point but forget that the US are in hock to China. That is what is – in part – behind President Trump’s trade war with China. Sure, he wants jobs back in the US economy but he also wants to sort out the balance of payments deficit. Think the last time I heard, they reckoned all the gold in Fort Knox belonged to China, and then some.
When you owe trillions and have nukes what is China going to do about?
He does want jobs back, he does want to sort out China’s China first policy.
If the gold is in Fort Knox, what happens now? How’s China going to get it?
it’s very easy for Trump to create another 50 million unemployed in China, and for China and the CCP that’s very damaging.
All Trump does is stop the imports of tat. High labour content items sold at low prices.
They don’t have to get the gold, LB. They have enough US currency on their books and probably a bit more down the back of their sofas. Think also, that the Chinese like buying the stuff, the real thing, as do people in India.
Think the last time I heard, they reckoned all the gold in Fort Knox belonged to China, and then some.
This is what you posted. So the Chinese ‘own’ it, and its in a US vault.
So how again are the going to get their hands on the gold?
Now think about China. Massive increases in buildings, everything railways. How did they do this with out debts?
Same with the stock market? Another work of fiction.
So even with 500 million workers, 10% lose their jobs because the US says, we aren’t buying your cheap stuff. That’s a disaster for the communist party of China.
Oh, but the US owes them money you say. And? How are they going to get it back. It’s subject to US law, and the US can and will change their laws if they deem it fit to get out of their debts. Same as the UK government defaulted on some of its debts. More than once.
It’s not a strong hand.
LB, it’s because the Chinese economy has been in catch-up to the biggest economy in the world. When you make masses of stuff and flog it abroad you earn everyone elses’ debts as assets. When you make nothing and flog it all to your own people, you earn your own indebtedness to China.
That’s what Gordon Brown could not understand or chose not to understand because he and Blair were in favour of globalism, not globalisation.
The Chinese have globalised and made lots at home wealthier but some have had to become poorer: the UK, the USA among them.
Think the last time I heard, they reckoned all the gold in Fort Knox belonged to China, and then some.
This is what you posted. So the Chinese ‘own’ it, and its in a US vault.
So how again are the going to get their hands on the gold?
Now think about China. Massive increases in buildings, everything railways. How did they do this with out debts?
Same with the stock market? Another work of fiction.
So even with 500 million workers, 10% lose their jobs because the US says, we aren’t buying your cheap stuff. That’s a disaster for the communist party of China.
Oh, but the US owes them money you say. And? How are they going to get it back. It’s subject to US law, and the US can and will change their laws if they deem it fit to get out of their debts. Same as the UK government defaulted on some of its debts. More than once.
It’s not a strong hand.
Or the virus CAME
from the Institute itself!
You will never know will you.
Or the virus CAME
from the Institute itself!
You will never know will you.
What a dickhead!
are we cheered up by a endless stream of “funny” clips?
no – give a rest MSM please.
Watched a few minutes of the midday news earlier on the IPlayer it was all I could mange! Before the news there was a trailer for a BBC app aimed at children called ‘own it’
Somebody mentioned earlier that on the BBC website they would illustrate a story of somebody doing good with a picture of somebody from the BAME community and I commentated that when it was a baddie or somebody stupid they would show a white male.Well this video is a perfect example it shows a chain of events which goes something like this.
Asian girl sends nice text to friend who looks a bit oriental saying how nice she looks (friend has strange haircut) friend posts a nice review and the white hairdresser who looks very SJW texts her white boyfriend who’s trying to take a selfie whilst on a Segway and wearing wellies!!! very strange but look kids at that stupid white man! I get a bit confused at this point but seems he takes a picture of a missing cat which Doris an old white lady sees so she texts her black grandson to tell him to stop looking for the feline.
So not only do we have the stupid white bloke we also have that new phenomena that seems to have been appearing in a number of adverts lately of white grandparents with coloured grandkids!

Nodding Dog-During this crisis I have given up on this topic
although of course you are right. I am afraid if that’s the word
that BIG BROTHER at the diversity dept at the BBC who rules
the roost . Is going to make sure that he, she or it educates us
that the natural face of a citizen of the UK is not white anymore.
I think what they call E MOLES. You know mock up pictures for
the Covid 19 pandemic says it all. But right now there are more
things to be worried about.
Finding myself confused,had enough of MSM on the telly with their endless bias against the government.I could stop watching, but it’s a bit like driving past a road crash and trying not to look,very difficult!
Does anyone have a statistic on the percent of people on ventilators who get better?
A friend of a friend (so not a totally proven line of validation) is a consultant in a London hospital and they put the survival rate at under 20%. If true, has the government mentioned building any mortuaries next to the Nightingale hospitals?
And should the emphasis be even more on prevention than cure, of which there is none under than self-repair?
I read comment somewhere from an Italian doctor who said that if a patient has to be on a ventilator for any length of time, there’s the likelihood that they won’t come off it – do, yes, our efforts should definitely be looking at prevention of the deleterious effects of this virus, which makes our reluctance to look at the various drugs touted as being useful in that regard all the more curious.
Yesterday Breitbart reported on the building of a new morgue in Newham – https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/04/02/temporary-morgue-size-two-football-pitches-london/
I heard,
Of those that reach the ventilator ward half die
And when I looked a hospital deaths
I saw that their deaths on a a Wednesday corresponded to 50% of their critical count for Monday.
In addition a fraction of people had already died.
Sluff, Cooper & Stew, I seem to recall it is down to how people are ventilated and the ‘gas’ used. Seem to recall some facts lurking at the back of my mind that years ago, this started to be studied seriously somewhere in the UK, due to a higher than expected mortality rate.
If I recall correctly, the variables/choices are face-mask, slim tube into nose and down throat, full intubation & ventilator, oxygen, oxygen plus other gases or ‘washed’ (clean) air.
I dimly recall that a finger of suspicion was pointing at oxygen use and that it was having a deleterious effect on the lungs of patients who might otherwise be expected to recover, especially when combined with the slim tube delivery. Am way out of date on this and where the research has since led.
Anyone on here help further?
Have nurse friends that I will ask but they might be a bit busy at present.
a PS to the above: if I was in hospital with Covid-19 or regular ‘flu’, while still able I would be trying to convince the Doctors and Nurses to not use any of the above methods but to assist my breathing with a nebuliser and to add a few drops of lavender oil or olbas oil to the water being turned into steam. Am sure there would be a battle royal over the request; “It’s not in the guidelines.” or “It’s not approved NHS practice.” or “We don’t have any lavender oil.” or “The lavender oil is not sterile and approved by NICE.”
I effectively have to do that at home at times with a saucepan of boiling water and something floating on the surface to which the lavender oil or olbas oil has been added. A towel over the head (not needed with a proper nebuliser) completes the kit.
It works for me.
DO NOT try this yourself without checking with your GP first.
We used Friar’s Balsam with Up2’s method above .. worked for me when I had whooping cough seriously as a child. Still have some .. love the smell but admit it’s a bit like Marmite for some.
Remember that, too – was ‘treated’ to it. Wonderful label on those bottles.
The Church of England has closed all the churches, so presumably Justin Welby has little to do.
Why not make him the Archbishop of the NHS?
Think of the benefits.
Then our worship of the saintly NHS can be formalised.
Currently communion services are at 8 pm on Thursday evenings but this could be increased significantly.
He can visit his new churches – NHS hospitals. And he can give all his old churches to the local NHSes to be used as clinics and GP surgeries.
And the BBC is bigging up the deaths of two nurses. So there are two new candidates for sainthood right there.
No bibles needed. Just listen to the outpourings of the BBC instead.
It all fits perfectly.
5:50pm local radio news
A Hull councillor has just said he is coming off Facebook
.. cos their is too much Fakenews
No surprise that the FakeNews BBC rushed to give him a platform.
Did anyone see today’s press briefing?
Questions at the end were the usual mixture of various shades of shite, Hugh Pym from the bbbc asked when this is going to be over, Robert Pissedon asked about 3 questions but took about two minutes to do it.
The real star of the show though was some absolute weapons grade weapon from the daily mirror. “It’s going to be nice weather this weekend and lots of families don’t have gardens so is it ok if they go for a picnic?”.
The tool was reading the question out off a sheet of paper so he’d had ample opportunity to have a word with himself and conclude that “actually, now I’ve written it down, this is a really f*****g stupid question” .
Typical daily mirror.
It is the funniest tab on twitter though.
Think there may be something wrong with this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-52134369
The BBC don’t do maths, do they? Either that, or someone is getting very rich on the back of the taxpayer.
Wow they even managed to shoe horn in a couple of queers as well as bames.
The 400 rooms must all be in Mayfair or up on the Heath at Hampstead or The Bishops Avenue. Average monthly rent of £3,000!
I bet you London beeboids will be staring at you puzzled
and saying “but isn’t £3,000/month a normal rent ?”
For a 2 or 3 bed apartment maybe.
A single room?
Bill’s withered.
I’ll get me coat.
Let me see if I’ve got this straight…
Most of the private sector is earning nothing until further notice & most non-front line public sector workers are doing nothing – but the Government is going to pay us all with…?
Most of the factories and farmers are still working.
Those non-working public sector workers are getting 100% pay, not 80% AND gaining full salary related pension benefits. Those retired are on rock solid taxpayer funded pensions.
Has anyone asked whether private workers’ pension rights are being protected?
Meanwhile private workers relying on a pension pot have seen them fall through the floor, by say 30% in the last month.
Let’s clap for private sector workers!
My council tax bill arrived already. I have to pay plod an extra 4% for them to tell me where I can’t go and buy Easter eggs and not to come out when I get burgled.
Overall I have to pay nearly 5% more…for what?
Rainbow paint?
“Mum, Dad, I’ve got some news, now don’t freak out… my new boyfriend is a black man”
“That’s wonderful, darling. Now you’ll be able to sell sofas, sell wifi, shop at M&S, you’ll get a mortgage, appear endlessly on the BBC…”
Has anyone considered what 80% of current earnings are actually going to be worth when all this is over.
I’m reminded of that rather eerie scene in the movie Shallow Grave when Christopher Eccleston demands of his friends who have been shopping with the stolen loot, which they had agreed not to spend – “What has it cost us?”
They cannot understand his meaning, being hung up on the cash cost of their spending spree, rather than the real consequence of their actions.
I think many of us are disturbingly aware of the links between the WHO and China by now.
The cowardly incompetent useless Tories proved the perjoritives correct yet again by refusing to buy testing kits from UK suppliers, their craven money grubbing minds thought it would be cheaper to buy them from China, and then guess what, they didn’t work!
In a more sinister twist the Chinese supplied kits were contaminated with Covid 19 and would have resulted in false positives.
Makes you wonder if that isn’t the Chinese ulterior motive though, a means to destroy Western economies by isolation. Doesn’t matter to a Communist government with the largest population on the planet, a few million less is probably a benefit to them and certainly won’t be missed.
Here the liberal idiocy means someone deprived of a second of life is a ‘victim’, and the greedy weasels begin to circle.
What an amazing re-enactment of the art of war
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Sun Tzu
That is exactly what the Chinese are doing and the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are too dim to notice.
It’s not the BBC – but straight up – piers Morgan – whose ego seems bigger than space – thinks the government is “overwhelmed “ by the current pandemic .
His solution – an ‘ advisory panel ‘ composed or all the previous Prime Ministers – don’t laugh at the back
It’s almost as good as the ‘ government of national unity ‘
I suppose one of the side effects of pandemics is for fools to come up with such ideas.
A test for you – which PM had dealt with a global pandemic ? Marks will be deducted for anyone drawing parallels with the finance crisis of 2008 .
Whilst I write of idiots – Friday night marks the end of ‘Labour – the Corbyn Years ‘ . I’m sure the IRA and the many terrorist gangs he supported will be sad .
Fed, sorry.
Read this too late: “don’t laugh at the back.”
I’ve been trying to remember how much one of those recent PMs blew on Mexican Swine ‘Flu’ vaccines that were not needed. Was it £4bn? Or £8bn?
Josh has a cartoon of the press conference.
The blonde with the pointy finger and screwed up face must be Kuntsburg?
Bunter handling the spiralling rep well.
Cancel-culture is a kind of bullying
It’s like the airwaves are main body of the school
and the common room is where the discussions take place.
..And then the bully boys like Boulton say you can’t come in the common room,
only people who agree with his mob can.
Libmob bubbleworld
“So this is in @NewStatesman
written by a former BBC head.
I guess he’ll be recommending
that the people will be forced to carry on paying….”
“BREAKING: BBC pension recipient
still really, really, really believes you need to be forced to pay for it shocker !”
Guess who liked it ??? Yep. Our Jon.
Yes, bubbleworld, but be assured that the beeb will milk that line for all its worth, during and after Coronavirus: “In times of crisis the nation turns to the BBC for factual reporting, national treasure, bla bla.”
The worse case scenario no deal Brexit is going to look like a disabled ramp at the library, compared to this (for real) cliff edge shutdown/ lockdown.
Wonder how the suicide rates are trending,
Divorce rates.
Domestic abuse too.
It’s all bound to end badly..
Something mentioned by a n other to points I’d raised elsewhere, concerning the corrupt mainstream media in the UK especially the BBC.
The EU has effectively ceased to exist. Its laws where they are not overturned by individual countries as they see fit are still extant, but as an organisation the EU is defunct.
It’s not being reported on, simply because far too many metropolitan remainers are heading up the media and there is no pressure group to drive them back towards the centre ground.
Our media isn’t reporting this at all, and when the dust settles they will present it all as a bolt from the blue and act all surprised. Wouldn’t surprise me if they suggest it’s the work of some sinister ‘right wing’ conspiracy.
Nation states within the EU have resorted to national self interest, in some cases in a jaw droppingly selfish manner, with Germany even stopping a truck load of medical supplies bound for Italy at the German border, and France doing the same with supplies bound for the UK – again unreported.
In all of this the EU could have ben providing some leadership, voincing concern at what was going on, but they have remained silent, and when hard hit countries like Italy have asked for financial help the EU yet again has been silent.
Don’t think it isn’t being noticed in Europe because it most certainly is, and the situation is so critical that the EU will be lucky to survive. The beleagured Euro is almost certain to be a casualty.
One of the most important developing stories this century is being ignored by the UK media simply because it is still in love with the concept of the EU and cannot believe it will ever fail.
Watch this space.
This could just be a rehearsal for the end time ~ or ~ it could be the real thing.
Interesting times, I agree.
I also agree: watch ….. watch and pray.
According to the ex-Ed of the house journal, it is a rehearsal for Greta’s great comeback!
The only rehearsal it’s for, is the pandemonium, panic,and economic disaster we’ll experience with “them” trying to tinker with the climate, and a “problem” which doesn’t exist. Can’t blame them for attempting to jump on the Armageddon bandwagon, though.
OG, wouldn’t it be strange if the globe suddenly cooled dramatically. I know ‘some scientists’ (apols!) claim that a new ice age is a real threat.
Wouldn’t it be even stranger, even more weird, if after several months of lockdown worldwide, the Horror Bin comes on our radios and screens to tell us that 2020 was ‘the wamest year evva and more CO2 and methane was produced than evva’.
There’s is TVland , real Britain and the real rest of the world.
On Channel 5 Tony Robinson is traveling South America
and it’s so different from the real world
I know cos I have been to most of the places these TV progs go to.
Journeys that take a week take Tony a few minutes on the screen and everyone speaks English.
He was in Buenos Aires, then half way across Argentina up to 4000m near the Bolivian border.
Then the next moment he’s leapt over the entire country of Bolivia and the Andes and he’s at the coast in Peru
That’s why we need to fix climate change. We should follow the guide lines of the blessed Saint Greta.
So as soon as Tony jets off to Patagonia, we add him to the terrorist no fly list, as a Green.
He can walk or swim home.
There you go, an easy solution to climate change.
We do the same with all BBC staff, and solve the BBC problem too.
Saw his programme last week, when he miraculously boarded a train at St. Pancras, and within minutes was in Madrid, with bugger all scenery or interesting facts on the way. And why is it necessary to “help” locals “do something” in the odd place that he spent some time in?
I don’t like the man at the best of times (other than as Baldrick, which suited him). There’s something phoney about him. Anyway, unlike Michael Palin and Michael Portillo, who make their trips interesting, this was, by comparison, a joke. didn’t watch it this week, and shan’t watch any further episodes, either.
Time team was obsessed with roman mosaics , saxon swords and iron age kilns. I would ask tony robinson and his archaelogical friends why they never ventured to find out any truths in the biblical stories.Ron wyatt’s presentation of discoveries youtube. 1 hr 20 min long in the 1980’s is very revealing.
Fos, I worked when much younger, with a military man of some rank, who’d retired from the Army. He had a firm view of such things as duty, loyalty, service, authority and so on.
He may well be no longer alive as he would have been in his mid-50s in the mid-70s but if he is, I can imagine him listening to the BBC or watching the BBC and spluttering “That’s mootineee! They should be put on a charge. That’s mutinous talk. If this was WW2, they’d be taken outside and shot!”
(Where has Foscari’s post gone?)
What I really came to post was the latest numbers for Covid-19 in Kent. A jump of 90 today, the highest ever by 3, 76 yesterday.
Total is now 621 out of 1.5m but not all cases may have been tested.
G’night all, sleep tight, don’t let the bug bite.
We’ve got 29 for about 175K people
that’s up to 1 in every 6,000
Though I’ve never heard of anyone who knows anyone who has been diagnosed with it.
3 deaths ..though the NHS kept them secret a couple of days
UK population is 66m and in a normal day 2,000 people die /day
so in a town of 66K 2 die /day
So in my region that’s 6 people
Covid could reach that same level or more
that would be in 60 days that’s 360 people in my area
That doesn’t seem a catastrophe
I just had a thought
In a normal year 1% of your town will die normally
If the fatality rate of Covid is like 2%
and it takes a lot of the very weakest people anyway
Your towns population isn’t going to be that different next year
(birth rate is probably higher than 1%)
Stew, have not ONS admitted that they have no true idea what the UK population is? And the Home Office concurred? Officially, last year it was 66.5m and is estimated at 67pointsomething for this year.
Reckon closer to 75m would be more accurate. May put up my sums for that sometime.
Population density obviously increases risk of contracting Covid-19 as well as ordinary ‘flu’ and colds. See NYC, London, etc.. (Peculiar that Hong Kong seems to be an ‘outlier’.) Think the figures on things like TB also support that. Am still amazed that Kent could have 1.5m residents. This w-s claims even more: https://countrydigest.org/english-counties-by-population-and-area/
I’d take the official figure as the total just for England and then add about 10 million for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
@Foscari mentioned a vid, they have a number of China expose video
This is the latest.
China’s Dr Ai Fen has gone missing in China. She is the director of the emergency unit at Wuhan Central Hospital.
Her disappearance is a result of CCP’s antediluvian machinations against her.
(The clip contains no hard evidence AFAIK)
WION (World is One News) is an International news channel owned by Essel Group.
The channel reports global news and issues from the Indian subcontinent
Zee TV is under the same umbrella
I think it’s like aljazeera A billionaire buys in a few American professionals to front the network
Gravitas is WION’s prime time show which brings to you news and discussions on concurrent issues from India and across the globe.
An earlier video says “China took no steps to stop the export of this virus”
.. Em that sounds like rubbish
They locked Wuhan down and stopped people leaving.
Australia @60Mins did a similar doco
a Chinese guy on Twitter
says “it’s all lies she is till working at the hospital
If you’re lucky enough to be allowed to travel you will see the motorway signs saying ;
Yes quite good . To the point . Why not put a sign at the Calais bogus refugee camps and transit routes ;
Alternative to bbc, not sure I’d trust him with the delete button.
The recoveries from the virus are never mentioned by the BBC.
Over 180,000 worldwide have recovered so far. And far, far more have either had mild or no symptoms that are not included in this figure.
This is the BBC strategy: Let’s concentrate on news that damages the government and could result both in a Labour Government and the halt of Brexit. This would create a Bliss Broadcasting Corporation.
The UK had a cout for recovered , but they never updated it for 2 weeks
and said they were trying to come up with a new data system.
IMHO they didn’t have enough staff testing until now.
If medics from Corona wards were tested and found to be infected
then you could pretty much send them back into the wards after recovery
.. as supermen, who won’t get infected again . (theoretically)
I don’t how the BBC have managed it, perhaps the TV license fee increase has helped them….
…the Mash Report is even more crap than before.
As the previous series was totally unfunny I thought it would be impossible to produce something less funny but they managed it.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
John knows who to rely upon.
Does a graph of deaths so far prove future trend ?
The first thing to look at is the graph of new cases
cos that is the one that dictates deaths 7 days later.
Sweeney as per beeboid programming exhibits “2+2 = 6” thinking as he rushes to reduce complex systems to simplicity.