Far Left Biased BBC ‘education’ begins on 20th April 2020.
Readers will only dream of the propaganda opportunities for the
Broadcaster to indoctrinate kids with its preferred view .
'The document responding to the government’s consultation on decriminalising the licence fee states that the BBC is massively loved, that its output is exactly what viewers and listeners want and completely impartial . . ' https://t.co/FEIRcluN2o
“Brexit: Spending on UK’s final European elections revealed” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-52150171
Well done Brexit Party I say !
It would be a good bet that Al Beeb wont like it though.
My wife now pays the BBC Telly Tax as I refuse to do so. She watches stuff that I would never watch.
But, the BBC are chasing me night and day for not paying our tax. Let them come, it’s all paid for anyway.
The BBC administration as regards payments is non-existent. The right hand doesn’t know even what the right hand is doing. Typical BBC,really. But in the BBC’s case it would be the LEFT hand.
Panic buying ?
looking at a local facebook community page, noticed someone saying that loads of stuff gone from Tesco only to appear in a local village store with paper labels covering the label price and £1 added to each item
Ah! maxincony we haven’t seen you for some time . Have you got the virus and been self isolating ?
Now then, can we expect to see some posts coming from you about Al Beeb’s Blatant Bias ? After all that’s what this site is all about. You must admit that there is lot of public support for getting rid of the Telly Tax . Do you pay it, no ?
You may find this site of use to you ……………. https://tvlicenceresistance.info
I read it as paper covering the supermarket label
Also when people say “Tesco” they often mean “the suppermarket”
BTW some but not many Tesco items do have price labels on the packet
eg “2 for £6”
Two new gluten free sandwiches in @Tesco for anyone who missed them! ????????????
Remind me, is this the same bunch of racists who will happily have you arrested for saying anything like that about them over here ? but when in the majority are happy to tell racist joke in their bleeding parliament
imagine the outcry the faux outrage from their kommunihi yet this is their real nature
Remind me, is this the same bunch of racists who will happily have you arrested for saying anything like that about them over here ? but when in the majority are happy to tell racist joke in their bleeding parliament
imagine the outcry the faux outrage from their kommunihi yet this is their real nature
I’ve just joined this site. Some of my friends think the BBC is biased in favour of the right and some that it favours the left. Hence my handle confused and sceptical.
I’m not going to take the simple view and assume that it must doing things about right. My question is how has the BBC NOT reported Operation Cygnus which I have seen reported in the rightist Telegraph (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/03/28/exercise-cygnus-uncovered-pandemic-warnings-buried-government/) and the leftist Guardian currently. Cygnus was the formal contingency planning exercise to model what might happen if the UK were hit by a pandemic.
My current position is that this is pro-government which since that is of the right has to be the BBC on the right in this case. I’m happy to be argued out of this initial position.
Welcome sceptical . In the inquiry over the Chinese virus – which I’m sure will be designed to be even longer that the inquiry into the paras actions one Sunday in Northern Ireland – i m sure Cygnus will be covered .
I can guess what the outcome will be – lessons from Cygnus we’re not learned – but will be now ( which I doubt ) . Large numbers of big expensive exercises have Great ‘learning points ‘ but often little is actually ‘learnt’ and so weaknesses remain and mistakes repeated .
As for the current behaviour of the government – well it knows it faces an MSM which is an enemy – not just holding it to account – as well as an NHS / public health England which appears unwilling to think and do things at speed; and – despite a whole army of managers and professors – flounders from day to day with basic stuff – much to the glee – of the MSN – pouring acid on HMG 24/7 and deifying the failed Health system …
I’m not sure if glee is the right word since the failure result in the deaths of NHS troops and civilians .
Long term – we need retribution on the Chinese – maybe a bit like after The Great War . They should pick up the tab .
Actually the New Statesman did an article about it on March 16
No BBC webpage mentions it
Some libmob journos did tweet about it, but not many
BBC journos do usually tweet with the libmob pack, but none tweeted about Cygnus
but I do spot someone on Twitter saying they heard it on the BBC
\\The BBC let this out of the bag tonight.. “Exercise Cygnus!”//
The idea that we don’t have enough ventilators is a narrative
Is it a truth ?
I’m not sure. We have had enough upto now
The government does certainly have a current operation to rush manufacture them
but that might have been part of contingency.
Ah I see some one refers to a Spectator article
The exercise was a WORST CASE scenario
It is wrong to say that we are in a worst case scenario now.
I’m guessing that mostly you don’t spend money based on worst case scenarios, but rather what is more likely.
Until recently John Beatties BBC Radio Scotland show used to have a Media Review segment where him and his lefty mates would sneer at righty media and praise lefty media
They would froth aginst Farage and Trump.
In a previous place of employment, being referred to as engaging in ‘Operation Cygnet’ (or ‘Op Cygnet’) referred to the ruse of swanning about the place with a clipboard as a cover for doing bugger all.
Three jailed for ‘horrific’ rape of schoolgirl after one robbed her with machete and held her captive
Roberto French, 22, Abdisalam Mohamad, 21, and Hilal Mohamed, 22, face a combined prison term of 45 years over the incident which took place in August 2016.
During the trial, which ended on February 6, 2020, jurors heard how the victim had travelled to London from Bristol when French held a machete against her throat while robbing her in front of the other two men.
The 22-year-old then falsely imprisoned her in a residential block in Enfield, where she was forced by the defendants to perform oral sex on each of them.
Eddie Large died on 2 April 2020 at Southmead Hospital in Bristol. He was 78. He had suffered from heart problems for a number of years and while in hospital receiving treatment for heart failure, caught Covid-19 from other patients or NHS staff while in the Hospital. The next day, the daily figures revealed by the Department of Health and NHS England, showed that Eddie was amongst 13 deaths recorded in the past 24 hours at Southmead Hospital. A cock up. In fact, these 13 people died over the past two weeks, and represent all of the hospital’s deaths connected to the pandemic since it first began. But then people like Eddie are going to the hospital because of other health issues, then catching the virus in the hospital, and then they put down Covid-19 on the Death Certificate instead of Heart failure.
Like most people I’d imagine, I’ve been looking at the worldometer site for ongoing coronavirus statistics, and one thing that puzzles me about the U.K. figures is the lack of recoveries so far. Since March 23rd , supposedly, not a single person has recovered as the total has stood at 135 since that date when it increased by 42. And yet, of the 34,428 active cases, 99.53% of them are mild while 0.47% are serious or critical. What is going on?
Chinese figures are declared fantasy
and arrests of citizen journalists cited
.. but then UK also jails bloggers.
Kierran Stevenson, 32, was captured on CCTV at Stoke Mandeville Hospital on 30 March, after posting on social media that he was going to go walk around the hospital to see the extent of the coronavirus pandemic for himself.https://t.co/NqICOaBN5K
Vlad – I expect Aunty will be racking her brains to try and pin Covid somehow on Orange Man.
After all he is a very bad man indeed.
What will be interesting however is whether, after all of this is over Boris continues with his dangerous and foolish decision to push forward with allowing Huawei to take part in our 5G network.
An awful lot of Beeboids hit twitter to say they have no clue.
Why wld the UK order 17 million antibody tests without knowing if they work? I feel like I’m missing something (and no doubt am). How much are they going to cost?
— Victoria Derbyshire (@vicderbyshire) April 3, 2020
Refreshingly honest, but why are they deemed ‘essential’?
Al Beeb is running the headline about two doctors coming 5 thousand miles to die for the NHS . Did they really “come here to die “ or did they come here because there was a good job for them ?
What microscopic strand of UK society would the biased BBC dredge up on Toady this morning with the aim of undermining the evil unthinking Tory government during the Coronavirus crisis?
Step forward Mischal useless Hussein bringing us the appalling story of……errr………a surrogate baby ‘provider’ who has got stranded while giving birth…….in the Ukraine.
Those useless heartless Tories. They just don’t consider the effects of their policies on people.
At the Whitehouse press conference, Trump indicated he would not be complying.
Naturally, the media went into meltdown, but what it couldn’t know was –
BREAKING: Trump has fired the intelligence community’s chief watchdog, Michael Atkinson, saying he no longer has confidence in him. He will be removed 30 days from now.
Here we see Trump at his best because –
1. The MSM is now recommending that the public use masks
2. He has highlighted how the MSM has politicised the pandemic
It’s just dawned on me that those of us who criticise Toady are looking at things through the wrong end of the telescope.
What has happened is that, without any fanfare or announcement, ‘Thought for the Day’ has been extended from its normal 2 minute slot to cover the three hours of the whole programme!
That way, instead of worshipping our traditional gods for a couple of minutes, we can worship the one true new God, the NHS, for the whole three hours. For example straight after the news at 0710 we were able to reflect on two recently canonised nurses who had died. Later we hear of all kinds of ways to offer protection to the new deity. Protecting the NHS is all that matters. I tell you, it all fits together.
My problem is that in this new god-fearing age, I’m an atheist. Protection of the NHS from what? Oversight? Accountability?
And after all this, what will we be doing? Still worshipping the NHS. The 8pm Thursday evening communion services are already established. No money will be enough. No criticism allowed. Boris will have a King Jong Un haircut and we will descend, North Korea style, into an enduring age where you are defined by the enthusiasm of your worship for the new central deity. Any opposition or questioning will be ruthlessly suppressed in Labour camps and execution facilities (to be known as Nightingale hospitals). The new system will be kept in place by relentless propaganda and perpetual fear of the external threat (new viruses), which will justify a continuing state emergency footing and cancellation of elections. All economic activity will be controlled by the state with the sole aim of ‘protecting the NHS’.
We’re already well on the way, aren’t we? Any moment now the statue-building will begin.
Sluff – I’m no longer partaking of the Toady programme – I do the music streaming thing instead so i m at a disadvantage . However I am reading Twitter more and there are strong similar opinions that it has reached a new level of bias – coming after the brexit project fear period .
I don’t mind there being a far left biased broadcaster . But there should also be a far right broadcaster to balance . Which there isn’t .
If you notice I use the word ‘far ‘ which is abused by the press and used as an insult – which is why I use the term ‘far left BBC’ .
In current political terminology ‘far right ‘ is anything the wokey snowflakes don’t approve of – it is not the same of waking up dreaming of invading Poland .
I take it that in the current Chinese pandemic the Toady crew are back to normal giving ritualised kickings to enemy government ministers on a daily basis .
As an aside – I wonder why journalism attracts monsters like Robinson , Humphreys, Peston, naughtie ,maitliss, piers Morgan and a long list you can make – who desperately want their image to be bigger than any event or story ? Bullied at school maybe ?
‘That’s all we’ve got time for – and now the weather “
BBC still trying to pretend it’s everyone else who is the problem.
Within minutes, fake news shared on WhatsApp can reach millions.
Think twice before forwarding coronavirus advice. Check – is all of the advice really true, do you trust the ‘friend of a friend’?
Again unreported by UK media is the fact that the head of the WHO Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is suspected of crimes against humanity.
What else might you expect from an Ethipian Muslim living in a country which has routinely practiced atrocities against those of a different religious persuasion?
In this instance it is the Ahamhadi Muslims who are the victims and it isn’t just a single pressure group making the accusations.
Human rights watch, normally a favourite of the BBC when they are accusing the hated white people, are also accusing the government Dr. Ghebreyesus was a member of, yet the the media including the BBC are silent on this most disturbing allegation.
This man is the achitect of our lockdown, potentially a serious criminal, and potentially compromised by large financial interests, and no one in the media says a word.
Being completely unqualified to make a judgement I saw those numbers and had an instant list of reasons for the Engerland stat – I’d even suggest that the mortality rate is even higher for Londonistan hospitals as well ……
That’s a mortality rate for registered cases
Most people don’t have a test
and very few of them die, so they are not in the stats at all, hence the mortality seems way higher than it is.
Even in the most testing times there is always an opportunity to open the popcorn . This time it is at 1045 Saturday morning which comrade Corbyn s successor is appointed .
It seems comrade sir Keir Starmer is to pick up the crown . I’m assuming the true followers of comrade Corbyn will see comrade Starmer as ‘right wing ‘ and then get going on a serious civil war in the Labour Party again .
It will be interesting how the BBC take to him because they’ll only be happy when a black girl is running things . Even then I’m sure she won’t be ‘black ‘enough or ‘girl ‘ enough …
Guest – I’m guessing he’ll not be taking ms Alvarez – the lady wife ? On a 2 week holiday to Israel any time soon – with or without the current version of the Chinese viruses …..?
In any other report, the BBC always would end two positives with a negative.
Funny how a report on Steptoe gets too negatives and ends with a positive.
Somewhat in jest I’ve called for a windfall tax on the supermarkets. Also hereabouts it has been commented that fuel duty will inevitably rise. That’s not even the half of it.
If I may make a dismal small prediction. With public finances shredded at an emergency autumn budget we will be told we have to implement not only the Corbyn proposed tax rises on higher rates but even the Lib Dem notion of a standard rate penny on the pound ‘to pay for the NHS’
However, increasing Fuel Duty too much could be counter-productive to the economy. It’s an inflationary tax, unlike Income Tax. FD is also a dying tax. Increases only hasten its end. In addition to that, people may well have discovered that outdoors and shopping do not necessarily require a car. (Apparently, UK bicycle manufacturers are now enjoying something of a boom.)
There is one other problem with FD. It’s OK when the oil price goes down (although public & media pressure increases if the government is seen as taxing motorists more than Chief Executives) but when the oil price increases, as it inevitably will at some point, it again has a depressive and inflationary effect, thanks to the VAT on top. At least outside the EU we will be able to decide as a nation what VAT is applied to and at what rate.
There will be upward pressure on inflation due to the amount of ‘government money’ that is being spread all over the place, also supermarkets are appearing to be taking advantage of the current situation to cancel discount offers, vouchers, loyalty bonuses. Whether competition will quickly reduce prices again remains to be seen.
Offsetting that will be the likely deflation on things that are no longer quite so marketable. Meat should become much cheaper. It will be interesting see if supermarkets profiteer on lamb prices this Easter.
I think if the Conservative Government are really smart, they will take the opportunity to re-balance and reform the fiscal structure of the UK following this virus. Various groups are showing themselves to be candidates for higher taxes.
You have suggested supermarkets in jest. I would, in all seriousness, suggest Premier League Football Clubs and other sports organisations.
The basic rate of Income Tax is likely to increase but I think where organisations (I include the BBC in this) have not voluntarily stepped up to do their bit and cut top level pay, then the Chancellor may well increase the two higher levels of Income Tax substantially.
AFAIK supermarket cooking oil can go in a diesel engine
especially as a mix.
One country I think Croatia, once put diesel prices up
and people bought supermarket oil instead.
The beeb tells the story of 2 doctors from Sudan who died from Coronavirus under the title “Coming 5,000 miles to die for the NHS”.
Now, we should all grateful for all medical staff who put their health and their lives at risk doing their job.
But the headline is misleading. They did NOT come to die for the NHS. Nor did they and others like them come to serve the NHS, or the community, or to contribute to the UK. They came to escape yet another islamic hellhole and for a better paid job.
Once again, this is not detract in any way from the dedication and selflessness of all medical workers and these two in particular who sound like kind and generous men, but to correct the relentless BBC agenda pushing.
Supermarkets have been unable to get the names of 1.5 million vulnerable people because of EU data protection rules.
Defra said it must act in full compliance with laws.
Isn’t the NHS the ‘government’ agency that is tasked to provide a health service to the UK? Doesn’t it employ lots of professionals on big salaries to do this work?
It reminds me of the ‘railway timetable crisis’ a while back where all those professional railpersons working for Network Rail and the train operating comanies apparently played no part in it, as if the minister had sketched out a few times on the back of an envelope one Monday morning and told them to get on with it.
Besides aren’t we always beeing told that the NHS belongs to the Labour party, so what are they doing about it? (A party that takes months to find a new leader could hardly be expected to provide the 60 million ventilators that the BBC would have us buy in a week!).
As per Pugs post above. Looks like after their relentless moaning about schools shutting, not enough PPE, not enough ventilators, not enough testing, the new BBC stick for having a pop at the Government is …….face masks.
Prepare for your after hour of utter drivel. The scientists at the press conference yesterday gave a FULL, FACT BASED reasoning why we don’t need to wear them.
That won’t stop the BBC tho. They know better and will find ANY angle possible to undermine the Government.
Already we have that the science is at odds with what President Trump is saying.
BBC heaven. Two birds, one stone !!!!!!
Only people causing any confusion and anxiety, are the bbc. They really are a disgrace.
Doobs, unfortunately, on the 8 a.m. R4 News, the BBC played a clip of what President Trump actually said about masks in response to a question. Completely shot themselves in the foot.
The President explained that when he is the Oval Office, behind the desk, in meetings with other Heads of State (and I assume their representatives, together with meetings with his own staff) he will not wear a mask. Not appropriate. Also not needed.
Perhaps we can get Jon to go measure the size of the President’s desk to prove or disprove there will be two metres of social distancing? He should be in there, already. Maybe he could ask a question about it, the next time he’s allowed in to a WH Press Conference?
Someone on here earlier mentioned the old method of sticking a towel over your head while breathing in steam.
I remember my Granny taking charge of my brother when he had Croup (upper respiratory tracht viral infection) when he was little. The bedroom was full of steaming bowls when he was struggling to breathe, sounds primitive (as it was back then just after the war), but it worked. My Dad also would visit the old Turkish steam baths when he had a bad cold, and it soon cleared his airways, and was dealt with pretty quickly. So something to be said for Granny’s remedies.
Guilty as charged, Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it should be the cricket season) I was reminded of it by my GP a few years ago but had it done to me as a kid for bronchitis. My family was a bit medical. GP had offered me an asthma thing for a respiratory problem but was concerned (as I was) about the downsides of those devices.
Told my GP that I had found a sniff of Olbas Oil on a hankie helpful for clearing the old tubes. GP had to look that one up. Later, I discovered Lavender Oil was even better at night time.
Granny? Yes, she was the one who’d been in the medical biz.
As I said in my previous post: DO NOT use these remedies on yourself without checking with your GP (or a pharmacist) first.
I left ms Newman off the list of egomaniac ‘journos’ in my earlier list …. but perhaps the problem is that by being the idiots ( language ) they are – they remain talked about and watched …
Hence retaining the ability to get more money out of their producer bosses .
It’s clear that some of them are not mentally well . Anyone who admitted being so far out of understanding the public mood – as Peston did with brexit – who shut his mouth for a while and maybe spend a bit more explaining like a good journo instead of trying ‘gotchas’ all the time over something so much more personal and affecting than whether the UK is in his favoured EUReich or not .
It reminds me a bit of the race hate industry which is also very competitive and attracts halfwits who have to keep going at whitee more than the competition . There stars ascend – they get a documentary series – appear on chat shows – do one of those dancing shows and they’re made.
Dif subject . I white 7 year old girl was stabbed to death in a ‘random ‘ attack in a park last Sunday . The Female killer Was detained , not named or charged but put in the nut house .
Social media is now saying the killer is a 30 year old Somalian woman who was refused something like asylum so went and took it out on whitee . There is also – allegedly – a muslim angle .
Now this may all be ‘puff ‘ … but if it’s true – we deserve to know more about it .
I would have had a laugh if Becky had won. At least the hard left have had another defeat and I expect the infighting to continue.
One thing I will give Starmer is that at least he had the guts to apologise for the antisemitism which is something that cowardly Corbyn never did but the BBC are already over him like a rash so I expect him to get the same special treatment as Corbyn and any in house disputes would be kept quiet from the BBC
BBC did report the same story on March 25
“A 30-year-old woman arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder has been detained at a secure facility under the Mental Health Act.”
The school of 7 year old Emily Jones who was killed in a park in Bolton last month have paid tribute to her.
"Her smile was infectious and it lit up the room. Emily was bubbly, sociable and a joy to be around. She was a ray of sunshine."https://t.co/Ria8sGa41X
It’s absolutely surreal how how reports focus on the victim and not the perp
Surely everyone in the neighbourhood is talking about the perp
And there was a similarly Mad Muslim woman stabbing people at Barnsley a year ago
The March 22 LBC report
“A 30-year-old woman who was not known to the family was detained by a member of the public and then arrested by the police.
She is currently in custody for murder and it is expected she will be interviewed by detectives later.”
The LBC page is headed by this super stupid video, which is 50 seconds of panning across police tape in a park.
During the Great Plague of London outbreak of 1665, the hysterical ‘elite’ of the day (we’re talking Samuel Pepys and chums) demanded the Government impound VOC (Dutch East India Company) ships carrying cloves, which at the time were considered a panacea for the Bubonic Plague (despite scientific proof they did nothing). The big problem was, apparently, that the city didn’t have enough cloves… not the swarms of big fat, flea infested rats, or filthy, overcrowded slums… no, a lack of cloves people – cloves!
As much as we may have hoped the economy might be reballanced, I’m afraid this new reality is going to make things much worse.
With the public sector the only employer not laying people off and the benefits bill escalating the government dominance of the economy and at the same time dependence on large corporations is greatly exaserbated.
Just as they find after every revolution promising to share out the riches of the rich things never seem to work out. You storm Versailles or the Winter Palace but by the time it’s sharesies time, well, most of you end up queuing for bread and loo rolls. So I’m sure we will see taxe hikes on corporations and high earners – for appearances sake – but the real grind will be on us lot of average earners.
Sunny being the major employer in the country will calculate that whatever pay rises he has to give the public sector (and their unions will be waiting in the wings to mug him with compassion once this emergency is done) he can at least grab back a bit in higher payroll tax.
AISI, guess it depends how many working age people die from Covid-19 in the UK. The plague wiped out so many people here in the 17th century that the poorest workers suddenly found their wages increasing thanks to the law of supply and demand.
Up2snuff, respectfully, you’re sniffing up the wrong tree there. Even were this virus to increase the overall annual death rate by a notch or two our rapid population growth will continue as per the new normal (post-1990s) via that ever reliable apparently uninterruptible method of inward migration and elevated new-arrival birth rates.
AISI, you are absolutely right but only because I do not want that many people to die from Covid-19 which is really, in effect, a dose of the ‘flu’. Was just showing off my armchair expert credentials re the Great Plague.
Shameful, really. :- §
There are going to be all sorts of economic re-sets, some minor, some major, all depending, of course, whether this is ‘last days’ territory or not. If it is then start the clock running, all done and dusted by 2027. Eat your heart out, Greta.
On the other hand, to borrow a phrase from the pro economists, people may well have their consuming habits changed. Was chatting this a.m. with a stranger (at a range of about 2.5 metres) and she was saying how she hasn’t been able to physically give presents to her grandchildren for their birthdays but the kids are loving the attention and time they are getting with both parents at present.
Parents may stay more firmly wed and value home life and family. The divorce rate may take a battering. Bad for lawyers. The abortion rate may take a hammering. Bad for that sector and those who trumpet ‘rights’ and ‘choice’.
The obesity rate may also take a battering (or may get worse) when people scoff all their panic buying in the last week of lockdown. Bad for the NHS either way.
Local authorities may want to attract people to local shops and scrap parking charges and restrictions. People may discover how much they can do locally. Bad for retail park real estate owners – and everyone with a pension!
I would hope that Government and the Chancellor would take a look at 1.3 million unemployed previously and then look at supermarkets where shoppers were allowed in on a ‘One out, One in’ basis and make it a firm rule for migration into the UK.
We will not be able to afford to carry an unnecessary one million unemployed for twenty five years (25 years!) as we have done, after this is over.
We also will not be able to afford tax avoiders like professional footballers, other sports ‘stars’, musicians and actors and media types (BBC, please note) and everyone who earns money in the UK will have to pay some tax on all their income wherever earned or pay full tax on some of their income earned worldwide.
The endless expansion of certain sectors of the economy may have to end, no more State constantly being asked for handouts. Good for the private sector.
More people may start to save more in case there are crises ahead, because Government bailouts may be restricted. That may spill over into pensions savings. Good for investment industry and brokers.
On the other, other hand, nothing may change much at all, just like after 2007-2009 where we have carried on doing the same old same-oh after the ripples had faded away in 2011.
Are we sure Starmer is real? He looks like one of those Auton dummies that DR Who and Rose were battling in the first of the new DR Who series. You know the one that hadn’t been wokified.
smoogie – on that you can bet your bottom dollar. Beeb will be pushing Starmer for all they are worth (and they’re not really worth a lot), as he has a halfway presentable CV.
Concurrently, look for attacks on Boris to increase exponentially.
“Sir” Keir Starmer, if you don’t mind
“Shadow Brexit secretary”, now there is a misnomer if there ever was one ? Starmer was a supporter of a second referendum on Brexit. He is probably a Rejoiner .
Beware! Al Beeb and the Rejoiners will weaponise this Cova Pandemic as an excuse to rejoin the EU when this is all over !
Made his loot out of being an “equalities” lawyer hmm but still does not acknowledge that racism againt jews is racism, the left inventing another word for their endemic racism does not alter that
Laura and the BBC already excited and planning the PR campaign for 2024.
Follow his 4 year long Party Political Broadcast aided by our trusted impartial friends at the BBC for just £157.50 per year.
Remember too in Dec, many voters we talked to expressed no particular affection for Johnson or the Tories, but they were unimpressed with Labour on Brexit and simply couldn't imagine Corbyn on the steps of Downing Street – nothing is inevitable about the 2024 election
George Galloway has penned a piece – obituary – for comrade Corbyn which is on Twitter . It actually feels quite honest and although I’m no fan of Mr Galloway he does bang those nails in .
When Parliament does sit again it will be interesting to see who clusters around comrade Corbyn- his surrogate daughter – wrong bailey And abbot I guess ….
I think Lammy has been promised a shadow cabinet post – my sick sense of humour thinks Home Office …..
It’s a sobering thought that R4 Today now represents the ‘best’ of the BBC
However, by chance, I caught the slot where Fergus was interviewed
1. We will reach a peak in a week to 10 days and can consider the possibility of relaxing SD and opening up of the economy
2. Rapid testing ie 50,000/day with fast results is key to getting people back to work
3. It was only when the data from Italy started to come in that the numbers could be estimated (hence the turnaround in UK and US)
The FT to their credit is the only media to have printed that Trump knew the numbers –
“But yeah, Donald Trump’s idea about everyone getting back to work by Easter might not have that much scientific basis to it. Which is weird, because he told the White House briefing room, on his reason for proposing that festive date:
I just thought it was a beautiful time, a beautiful timeline, it’s a great day…
It’s funny that the Labour Politician who could have really challenged the Tories – Caroline Flint – spent Saturday morning putting up curtains when she could have been a tough brexiter labour leader .
The morons are gathering again today ensuring we will get even tighter restrictions…
Will they NEVER learn? Cyclists ride close together through Regents Park in London despite Boris Johnson telling Britain it is essential to stay indoors this weekend and maintain coronavirus lockdown
How do cyclists spread the virus?
Or someone walking in a national park?
How about Outrage at people still smoking during the lockdown, they’re the ones likey to be prime spreaders of c19 if they catch it, as smoking is an underlying health condition.
Round my way, the LycraLouts or MaMiLs, as they are known ie. weekend not regular cyclists, like to behave as though they are on the Tour de France. Three and four abreast, even though the road is not suitable, and slipstreaming with passing and re-passing. Someone who spends any time at the front with Covid-19 will have infected the whole peloton by the time they stop for lunch.
Darcy- Not only do they ride close together,but they seem to want to
get as close to pedestrians as they can. We live next to the Dollis
Valley Walk which stretches through the borough of Barnet
in North London all the way into central London.
There are parts where there is NO cycling permitted . But
this does not stop the cyclists using them.
I am not a killjoy . I just wouldn’t mind if they rung their bells as
they sped past . I used to run a lot up to 40 miles a week.
There are also a lot of people running now, good for them . I wish
I could do the same. However they need to keep a wide berth
of us oldies walking , now. Am I asking too much?
They are a bunch of antsocial, gobby bullying ( word removed by Fedup2 moderator ) , I also use a shared cycle / pedestrian path and constantly being badgered to get out of their way, yet if cars dared to do that…also in Cambridge on a bridge over the Cam where many pose for photos they come over the blind summit at 20 mph regularly ploughing into pedestrians
Let’s spare a moment of sympathy for our marxist-leaning friends who have lost their out and proud leader and find him replaced with another Blair-like closet marxist who is distinctly marx-curious but will happily do his thing under cover for fear of frightening the horses.
On the subject of our marvelously daft ever constant leftward ratchet of a society, I read with amusement the other day that 60% of Labour Party membership were in favour of the Corbynite policy of the four day week. I also recall that a sizable section of their membership are teachers. Who, we note, by downing chalk, were crucial in the early stages of the lock down cascade. Just saying.
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
…and on that note….
Let us remind ourselves.
Lord Hall, boss of the BBC, earns more than twice that of Boris.
Does that really make any sense?
Its up to Boris to remedy that.
End the Telly Tax.
Lord Hall, boss of the BBC, is PAID more than twice that of Boris.
“Brexit: Spending on UK’s final European elections revealed”
Well done Brexit Party I say !
It would be a good bet that Al Beeb wont like it though.
My wife now pays the BBC Telly Tax as I refuse to do so. She watches stuff that I would never watch.
But, the BBC are chasing me night and day for not paying our tax. Let them come, it’s all paid for anyway.
The BBC administration as regards payments is non-existent. The right hand doesn’t know even what the right hand is doing. Typical BBC,really. But in the BBC’s case it would be the LEFT hand.
“Coronavirus outbreak eats into EU unity”
Oh dear, all is not sweetness and light in the beeb’s favourite EUtopia.
And our Katya is especially worried about Hungary and that horrible Viktor Orban who’s not playing ball at all.
Panic buying ?
looking at a local facebook community page, noticed someone saying that loads of stuff gone from Tesco only to appear in a local village store with paper labels covering the label price and £1 added to each item
“…stuff gone from Tesco only to appear in a local village store with paper labels covering the label price and £1 added to each item”
Tesco (like all other major supermarkets) displays prices on the shelf – not the item.
Ah! maxincony we haven’t seen you for some time . Have you got the virus and been self isolating ?
Now then, can we expect to see some posts coming from you about Al Beeb’s Blatant Bias ? After all that’s what this site is all about. You must admit that there is lot of public support for getting rid of the Telly Tax . Do you pay it, no ?
You may find this site of use to you …………….
maxi, when did you last shop in Tesco’s? If you did, you will know that some goods are priced on the item, especially some ‘fresh’ goods.
Oh, and while you are here, where’s that apology you owe me?
I read it as paper covering the supermarket label
Also when people say “Tesco” they often mean “the suppermarket”
BTW some but not many Tesco items do have price labels on the packet
eg “2 for £6”
“I read it as paper covering the supermarket label”
Course you did, Stewart; because “label price” doesn’t actually mean, “label price”.
Remind me, is this the same bunch of racists who will happily have you arrested for saying anything like that about them over here ? but when in the majority are happy to tell racist joke in their bleeding parliament
imagine the outcry the faux outrage from their kommunihi yet this is their real nature
Remind me, is this the same bunch of racists who will happily have you arrested for saying anything like that about them over here ? but when in the majority are happy to tell racist joke in their bleeding parliament
imagine the outcry the faux outrage from their kommunihi yet this is their real nature
I’ve just joined this site. Some of my friends think the BBC is biased in favour of the right and some that it favours the left. Hence my handle confused and sceptical.
I’m not going to take the simple view and assume that it must doing things about right. My question is how has the BBC NOT reported Operation Cygnus which I have seen reported in the rightist Telegraph (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/03/28/exercise-cygnus-uncovered-pandemic-warnings-buried-government/) and the leftist Guardian currently. Cygnus was the formal contingency planning exercise to model what might happen if the UK were hit by a pandemic.
My current position is that this is pro-government which since that is of the right has to be the BBC on the right in this case. I’m happy to be argued out of this initial position.
Welcome. And good that you are not going to take a simple view.
Interesting to be at the centre of the ‘must be getting it about right’ group by saying you are not.
I find the bbc unfit for purpose and have done so for years. Hence I legally follow procedure not paying the TVL.
If someone wishes to support the bbc, then they can pay for it.
This seems to have freaked out a large chunk of the bubble, with Jeremy Bowen citing Polly Toynbee in defence, intriguingly.
So, rather than simplistic single issue exchanges, where do you stand on this basic right of choice?
Welcome sceptical . In the inquiry over the Chinese virus – which I’m sure will be designed to be even longer that the inquiry into the paras actions one Sunday in Northern Ireland – i m sure Cygnus will be covered .
I can guess what the outcome will be – lessons from Cygnus we’re not learned – but will be now ( which I doubt ) . Large numbers of big expensive exercises have Great ‘learning points ‘ but often little is actually ‘learnt’ and so weaknesses remain and mistakes repeated .
As for the current behaviour of the government – well it knows it faces an MSM which is an enemy – not just holding it to account – as well as an NHS / public health England which appears unwilling to think and do things at speed; and – despite a whole army of managers and professors – flounders from day to day with basic stuff – much to the glee – of the MSN – pouring acid on HMG 24/7 and deifying the failed Health system …
I’m not sure if glee is the right word since the failure result in the deaths of NHS troops and civilians .
Long term – we need retribution on the Chinese – maybe a bit like after The Great War . They should pick up the tab .
@C&S it’s not called “Operation Cygnus”
It’s called Exercise Cygnus, it’s on Wikipedia but not much
Actually the New Statesman did an article about it on March 16
No BBC webpage mentions it
Some libmob journos did tweet about it, but not many
BBC journos do usually tweet with the libmob pack, but none tweeted about Cygnus
but I do spot someone on Twitter saying they heard it on the BBC
\\The BBC let this out of the bag tonight.. “Exercise Cygnus!”//
The idea that we don’t have enough ventilators is a narrative
Is it a truth ?
I’m not sure. We have had enough upto now
The government does certainly have a current operation to rush manufacture them
but that might have been part of contingency.
Ah I see some one refers to a Spectator article
The exercise was a WORST CASE scenario
It is wrong to say that we are in a worst case scenario now.
I’m guessing that mostly you don’t spend money based on worst case scenarios, but rather what is more likely.
Until recently John Beatties BBC Radio Scotland show used to have a Media Review segment where him and his lefty mates would sneer at righty media and praise lefty media
They would froth aginst Farage and Trump.
Here is him tweeting the New Statesman article
As an aside regarding Exercise Cygnus:
In a previous place of employment, being referred to as engaging in ‘Operation Cygnet’ (or ‘Op Cygnet’) referred to the ruse of swanning about the place with a clipboard as a cover for doing bugger all.
Meanwhile back to normality:
Three jailed for ‘horrific’ rape of schoolgirl after one robbed her with machete and held her captive
Roberto French, 22, Abdisalam Mohamad, 21, and Hilal Mohamed, 22, face a combined prison term of 45 years over the incident which took place in August 2016.
During the trial, which ended on February 6, 2020, jurors heard how the victim had travelled to London from Bristol when French held a machete against her throat while robbing her in front of the other two men.
The 22-year-old then falsely imprisoned her in a residential block in Enfield, where she was forced by the defendants to perform oral sex on each of them.
How come it took 3.5 years to come to trial
… had they been on trial for other offences in the meantime ?
Eddie Large died on 2 April 2020 at Southmead Hospital in Bristol. He was 78. He had suffered from heart problems for a number of years and while in hospital receiving treatment for heart failure, caught Covid-19 from other patients or NHS staff while in the Hospital. The next day, the daily figures revealed by the Department of Health and NHS England, showed that Eddie was amongst 13 deaths recorded in the past 24 hours at Southmead Hospital. A cock up. In fact, these 13 people died over the past two weeks, and represent all of the hospital’s deaths connected to the pandemic since it first began. But then people like Eddie are going to the hospital because of other health issues, then catching the virus in the hospital, and then they put down Covid-19 on the Death Certificate instead of Heart failure.
Like most people I’d imagine, I’ve been looking at the worldometer site for ongoing coronavirus statistics, and one thing that puzzles me about the U.K. figures is the lack of recoveries so far. Since March 23rd , supposedly, not a single person has recovered as the total has stood at 135 since that date when it increased by 42. And yet, of the 34,428 active cases, 99.53% of them are mild while 0.47% are serious or critical. What is going on?
@Cooper I already answered a few hours ago
see post APRIL 3, 2020 AT 10:45 PM
from thei NHS data page
“A new process for collecting numbers of recovered patients is in development: the figure shown is for 22/03/2020.”
BBC clap-zombies in the US
Chinese figures are declared fantasy
and arrests of citizen journalists cited
.. but then UK also jails bloggers.
Shame they didn’t jail the previous man who wandered freely around the wards of Stoke Mandeville!!
“Coronavirus exposes ‘inherent problems’ with globalisation”
I’m sure the beeb will air this view?
Vlad – I expect Aunty will be racking her brains to try and pin Covid somehow on Orange Man.
After all he is a very bad man indeed.
What will be interesting however is whether, after all of this is over Boris continues with his dangerous and foolish decision to push forward with allowing Huawei to take part in our 5G network.
“The importance of nation states”
More common sense from Australia.
Boris take note.
An awful lot of Beeboids hit twitter to say they have no clue.
Refreshingly honest, but why are they deemed ‘essential’?
Al Beeb is running the headline about two doctors coming 5 thousand miles to die for the NHS . Did they really “come here to die “ or did they come here because there was a good job for them ?
Ask Amol, who is ‘BBC News’…
Ever wondered how the news is still made, despite coronavirus restrictions in place?
The BBC’s media editor Amol Rajan explains.
Poor old beeb are much too busy with the Coronavirus to find the time or the space to report the small matter of a violent rape in the capital.
So allow me:
“Three jailed for ‘horrific’ rape of schoolgirl after one robbed her with machete and held her captive”
What microscopic strand of UK society would the biased BBC dredge up on Toady this morning with the aim of undermining the evil unthinking Tory government during the Coronavirus crisis?
Step forward Mischal useless Hussein bringing us the appalling story of……errr………a surrogate baby ‘provider’ who has got stranded while giving birth…….in the Ukraine.
Those useless heartless Tories. They just don’t consider the effects of their policies on people.
Yesterday, the US CDC –
“Recommendation Regarding the Use of Cloth Face Coverings, Especially in Areas of Significant Community”
At the Whitehouse press conference, Trump indicated he would not be complying.
Naturally, the media went into meltdown, but what it couldn’t know was –
BREAKING: Trump has fired the intelligence community’s chief watchdog, Michael Atkinson, saying he no longer has confidence in him. He will be removed 30 days from now.
Here we see Trump at his best because –
1. The MSM is now recommending that the public use masks
2. He has highlighted how the MSM has politicised the pandemic
It’s just dawned on me that those of us who criticise Toady are looking at things through the wrong end of the telescope.
What has happened is that, without any fanfare or announcement, ‘Thought for the Day’ has been extended from its normal 2 minute slot to cover the three hours of the whole programme!
That way, instead of worshipping our traditional gods for a couple of minutes, we can worship the one true new God, the NHS, for the whole three hours. For example straight after the news at 0710 we were able to reflect on two recently canonised nurses who had died. Later we hear of all kinds of ways to offer protection to the new deity. Protecting the NHS is all that matters. I tell you, it all fits together.
My problem is that in this new god-fearing age, I’m an atheist. Protection of the NHS from what? Oversight? Accountability?
And after all this, what will we be doing? Still worshipping the NHS. The 8pm Thursday evening communion services are already established. No money will be enough. No criticism allowed. Boris will have a King Jong Un haircut and we will descend, North Korea style, into an enduring age where you are defined by the enthusiasm of your worship for the new central deity. Any opposition or questioning will be ruthlessly suppressed in Labour camps and execution facilities (to be known as Nightingale hospitals). The new system will be kept in place by relentless propaganda and perpetual fear of the external threat (new viruses), which will justify a continuing state emergency footing and cancellation of elections. All economic activity will be controlled by the state with the sole aim of ‘protecting the NHS’.
We’re already well on the way, aren’t we? Any moment now the statue-building will begin.
Sluff – I’m no longer partaking of the Toady programme – I do the music streaming thing instead so i m at a disadvantage . However I am reading Twitter more and there are strong similar opinions that it has reached a new level of bias – coming after the brexit project fear period .
I don’t mind there being a far left biased broadcaster . But there should also be a far right broadcaster to balance . Which there isn’t .
If you notice I use the word ‘far ‘ which is abused by the press and used as an insult – which is why I use the term ‘far left BBC’ .
In current political terminology ‘far right ‘ is anything the wokey snowflakes don’t approve of – it is not the same of waking up dreaming of invading Poland .
I take it that in the current Chinese pandemic the Toady crew are back to normal giving ritualised kickings to enemy government ministers on a daily basis .
As an aside – I wonder why journalism attracts monsters like Robinson , Humphreys, Peston, naughtie ,maitliss, piers Morgan and a long list you can make – who desperately want their image to be bigger than any event or story ? Bullied at school maybe ?
‘That’s all we’ve got time for – and now the weather “
I’d prefer a simply factual, accurate broadcaster.
I might even voluntarily pay for it.
I watched 1:05hr of television during the last 24
In the five minute slot I learned that 9 (of colour) out of 10 children will be disappointed – assessed exam grades
Fox’s Hannity 1hr show is essential viewing because he set out the Chinese cover up date line and that the US will demand reparations.
The second isn’t frivolous..
OT, but who decides the MSM gets ‘essential service’ status?
Unless to comedy.
Kevin surely assured QT residency on this one.
What he meant to say was that by leaving Labour it’s in a better position to win the next election.
BBC still trying to pretend it’s everyone else who is the problem.
Within minutes, fake news shared on WhatsApp can reach millions.
Think twice before forwarding coronavirus advice. Check – is all of the advice really true, do you trust the ‘friend of a friend’?
Again unreported by UK media is the fact that the head of the WHO Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is suspected of crimes against humanity.
What else might you expect from an Ethipian Muslim living in a country which has routinely practiced atrocities against those of a different religious persuasion?
In this instance it is the Ahamhadi Muslims who are the victims and it isn’t just a single pressure group making the accusations.
Human rights watch, normally a favourite of the BBC when they are accusing the hated white people, are also accusing the government Dr. Ghebreyesus was a member of, yet the the media including the BBC are silent on this most disturbing allegation.
This man is the achitect of our lockdown, potentially a serious criminal, and potentially compromised by large financial interests, and no one in the media says a word.
What a surprise.
Cooperman, Stew, and probably others, further up the thread, discuss the worldometer statistics.
A statistic not commented on is the disparity between survival rates across the UK.
With a little rounding up, we have…
England 3300 deaths, 32000 cases (mortality rate over 10%)
Wales 140 deaths, 2500 cases ( 6%j
Scotland 130 deaths, 3000 cases (4%)
Northern Ireland 36 deaths 900 cases ( 4%)
That’s quite a discrepancy. What is happening? Surely one of the BBC’s journalists could get on the case?
Being completely unqualified to make a judgement I saw those numbers and had an instant list of reasons for the Engerland stat – I’d even suggest that the mortality rate is even higher for Londonistan hospitals as well ……
Is saying ‘Bless you’ risking a phobia accusation?
That’s a mortality rate for registered cases
Most people don’t have a test
and very few of them die, so they are not in the stats at all, hence the mortality seems way higher than it is.
BBC News, via ‘quotes’
The UK’s largest council has warned the government’s plan to feed the “shielded vulnerable” during the coronavirus pandemic is putting lives at risk.
I wonder if the bbc got in touch with them, or they got in touch with the bbc?
Guest – perhaps one from each labour organisation isn’t practicing ‘social distancing ‘ and it was just ‘pillow Talk’.
Even in the most testing times there is always an opportunity to open the popcorn . This time it is at 1045 Saturday morning which comrade Corbyn s successor is appointed .
It seems comrade sir Keir Starmer is to pick up the crown . I’m assuming the true followers of comrade Corbyn will see comrade Starmer as ‘right wing ‘ and then get going on a serious civil war in the Labour Party again .
It will be interesting how the BBC take to him because they’ll only be happy when a black girl is running things . Even then I’m sure she won’t be ‘black ‘enough or ‘girl ‘ enough …
Certainly still galvanises the BBC.
As did Gina, Adonis, Femi, Ken, etc on Brexit.
Guest – I’m guessing he’ll not be taking ms Alvarez – the lady wife ? On a 2 week holiday to Israel any time soon – with or without the current version of the Chinese viruses …..?
Bye Jeremy –
Guest, they took two minutes to cover Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party? Two WHOLE minutes? Incredible!
Reckon 30 seconds max would cover it.
In any other report, the BBC always would end two positives with a negative.
Funny how a report on Steptoe gets too negatives and ends with a positive.
The Rainbow (Tax) Coalition
Somewhat in jest I’ve called for a windfall tax on the supermarkets. Also hereabouts it has been commented that fuel duty will inevitably rise. That’s not even the half of it.
If I may make a dismal small prediction. With public finances shredded at an emergency autumn budget we will be told we have to implement not only the Corbyn proposed tax rises on higher rates but even the Lib Dem notion of a standard rate penny on the pound ‘to pay for the NHS’
AISI, think you could be right.
However, increasing Fuel Duty too much could be counter-productive to the economy. It’s an inflationary tax, unlike Income Tax. FD is also a dying tax. Increases only hasten its end. In addition to that, people may well have discovered that outdoors and shopping do not necessarily require a car. (Apparently, UK bicycle manufacturers are now enjoying something of a boom.)
There is one other problem with FD. It’s OK when the oil price goes down (although public & media pressure increases if the government is seen as taxing motorists more than Chief Executives) but when the oil price increases, as it inevitably will at some point, it again has a depressive and inflationary effect, thanks to the VAT on top. At least outside the EU we will be able to decide as a nation what VAT is applied to and at what rate.
There will be upward pressure on inflation due to the amount of ‘government money’ that is being spread all over the place, also supermarkets are appearing to be taking advantage of the current situation to cancel discount offers, vouchers, loyalty bonuses. Whether competition will quickly reduce prices again remains to be seen.
Offsetting that will be the likely deflation on things that are no longer quite so marketable. Meat should become much cheaper. It will be interesting see if supermarkets profiteer on lamb prices this Easter.
I think if the Conservative Government are really smart, they will take the opportunity to re-balance and reform the fiscal structure of the UK following this virus. Various groups are showing themselves to be candidates for higher taxes.
You have suggested supermarkets in jest. I would, in all seriousness, suggest Premier League Football Clubs and other sports organisations.
The basic rate of Income Tax is likely to increase but I think where organisations (I include the BBC in this) have not voluntarily stepped up to do their bit and cut top level pay, then the Chancellor may well increase the two higher levels of Income Tax substantially.
AFAIK supermarket cooking oil can go in a diesel engine
especially as a mix.
One country I think Croatia, once put diesel prices up
and people bought supermarket oil instead.
Stew, happened here in the UK, too, and a friend tried it. Worked OK although a fuel ‘supplement’ is recommended.
The beeb tells the story of 2 doctors from Sudan who died from Coronavirus under the title “Coming 5,000 miles to die for the NHS”.
Now, we should all grateful for all medical staff who put their health and their lives at risk doing their job.
But the headline is misleading. They did NOT come to die for the NHS. Nor did they and others like them come to serve the NHS, or the community, or to contribute to the UK. They came to escape yet another islamic hellhole and for a better paid job.
Once again, this is not detract in any way from the dedication and selflessness of all medical workers and these two in particular who sound like kind and generous men, but to correct the relentless BBC agenda pushing.
Lots more taking the risk still, albeit via the medium of rubber rib.
Odd direction to take given how great the EU is vs. here.
Odd how they don’t mention just how far the virus came (well, was brought) to kill…
Supermarkets have been unable to get the names of 1.5 million vulnerable people because of EU data protection rules.
Defra said it must act in full compliance with laws.
‘Defra said it must act in full compliance with laws.’
Obviously not such a serious emergency that we can break EU rules then.
Much to be proud of in this country. The jobsworthery of the civil service, especially gold-plating EU turds, is not one of them.
I see a derogation for public safety . The need is greater than a prosecution by the failing EU to disclose this information
I smell jobsworth in bad times
Isn’t the NHS the ‘government’ agency that is tasked to provide a health service to the UK? Doesn’t it employ lots of professionals on big salaries to do this work?
It reminds me of the ‘railway timetable crisis’ a while back where all those professional railpersons working for Network Rail and the train operating comanies apparently played no part in it, as if the minister had sketched out a few times on the back of an envelope one Monday morning and told them to get on with it.
Besides aren’t we always beeing told that the NHS belongs to the Labour party, so what are they doing about it? (A party that takes months to find a new leader could hardly be expected to provide the 60 million ventilators that the BBC would have us buy in a week!).
As per Pugs post above. Looks like after their relentless moaning about schools shutting, not enough PPE, not enough ventilators, not enough testing, the new BBC stick for having a pop at the Government is …….face masks.
Prepare for your after hour of utter drivel. The scientists at the press conference yesterday gave a FULL, FACT BASED reasoning why we don’t need to wear them.
That won’t stop the BBC tho. They know better and will find ANY angle possible to undermine the Government.
Already we have that the science is at odds with what President Trump is saying.
BBC heaven. Two birds, one stone !!!!!!
Only people causing any confusion and anxiety, are the bbc. They really are a disgrace.
Doobs, unfortunately, on the 8 a.m. R4 News, the BBC played a clip of what President Trump actually said about masks in response to a question. Completely shot themselves in the foot.
The President explained that when he is the Oval Office, behind the desk, in meetings with other Heads of State (and I assume their representatives, together with meetings with his own staff) he will not wear a mask. Not appropriate. Also not needed.
Perhaps we can get Jon to go measure the size of the President’s desk to prove or disprove there will be two metres of social distancing? He should be in there, already. Maybe he could ask a question about it, the next time he’s allowed in to a WH Press Conference?
The ever readable Douglas Murray nails it:
“We don’t need ‘gotcha’ journalism now”
He singles out Catty Newman, Robert Peston and Piers Morgan, but of course his critique holds true of the BBC look-at-me reporters too.
Well worth a read: https://unherd.com/2020/04/we-dont-need-gotcha-journalism-now/
As I said to the fireman working on my loft extention – all this fuss about our healthworkers, they’re only doing the job they signed up to do.
Apologies if this has already been mentioned.
Another possible new treatment has emerged in the form of Invermectin, an an anti-parasite treatment that’s already licensed for human use.
The initial test results look promising. Further tests are being conducted, so it could be a few weeks yet before it’s introduced as a treatment.
Oh, and we can thank the Aussies for coming up with this one.
Someone on here earlier mentioned the old method of sticking a towel over your head while breathing in steam.
I remember my Granny taking charge of my brother when he had Croup (upper respiratory tracht viral infection) when he was little. The bedroom was full of steaming bowls when he was struggling to breathe, sounds primitive (as it was back then just after the war), but it worked. My Dad also would visit the old Turkish steam baths when he had a bad cold, and it soon cleared his airways, and was dealt with pretty quickly. So something to be said for Granny’s remedies.
Guilty as charged, Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it should be the cricket season) I was reminded of it by my GP a few years ago but had it done to me as a kid for bronchitis. My family was a bit medical. GP had offered me an asthma thing for a respiratory problem but was concerned (as I was) about the downsides of those devices.
Told my GP that I had found a sniff of Olbas Oil on a hankie helpful for clearing the old tubes. GP had to look that one up. Later, I discovered Lavender Oil was even better at night time.
Granny? Yes, she was the one who’d been in the medical biz.
As I said in my previous post: DO NOT use these remedies on yourself without checking with your GP (or a pharmacist) first.
I left ms Newman off the list of egomaniac ‘journos’ in my earlier list …. but perhaps the problem is that by being the idiots ( language ) they are – they remain talked about and watched …
Hence retaining the ability to get more money out of their producer bosses .
It’s clear that some of them are not mentally well . Anyone who admitted being so far out of understanding the public mood – as Peston did with brexit – who shut his mouth for a while and maybe spend a bit more explaining like a good journo instead of trying ‘gotchas’ all the time over something so much more personal and affecting than whether the UK is in his favoured EUReich or not .
It reminds me a bit of the race hate industry which is also very competitive and attracts halfwits who have to keep going at whitee more than the competition . There stars ascend – they get a documentary series – appear on chat shows – do one of those dancing shows and they’re made.
Dif subject . I white 7 year old girl was stabbed to death in a ‘random ‘ attack in a park last Sunday . The Female killer Was detained , not named or charged but put in the nut house .
Social media is now saying the killer is a 30 year old Somalian woman who was refused something like asylum so went and took it out on whitee . There is also – allegedly – a muslim angle .
Now this may all be ‘puff ‘ … but if it’s true – we deserve to know more about it .
Bad news about the labour leadership – Starmer as leader and Angie ‘ I don’t do numbers ‘ Raynor as deputy .
I was hoping for Wrong Daily and Dawn Butler as the ‘nightmare ‘ team . ….
I would have had a laugh if Becky had won. At least the hard left have had another defeat and I expect the infighting to continue.
One thing I will give Starmer is that at least he had the guts to apologise for the antisemitism which is something that cowardly Corbyn never did but the BBC are already over him like a rash so I expect him to get the same special treatment as Corbyn and any in house disputes would be kept quiet from the BBC
BBC did report the same story on March 25
“A 30-year-old woman arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder has been detained at a secure facility under the Mental Health Act.”
They don’t say Somalian
but police sources don’t seem to have denied that claim.
It’s absolutely surreal how how reports focus on the victim and not the perp
Surely everyone in the neighbourhood is talking about the perp
And there was a similarly Mad Muslim woman stabbing people at Barnsley a year ago
The March 22 LBC report
“A 30-year-old woman who was not known to the family was detained by a member of the public and then arrested by the police.
She is currently in custody for murder and it is expected she will be interviewed by detectives later.”
The LBC page is headed by this super stupid video, which is 50 seconds of panning across police tape in a park.
Mainstream metro people picking it up
During the Great Plague of London outbreak of 1665, the hysterical ‘elite’ of the day (we’re talking Samuel Pepys and chums) demanded the Government impound VOC (Dutch East India Company) ships carrying cloves, which at the time were considered a panacea for the Bubonic Plague (despite scientific proof they did nothing). The big problem was, apparently, that the city didn’t have enough cloves… not the swarms of big fat, flea infested rats, or filthy, overcrowded slums… no, a lack of cloves people – cloves!
As much as we may have hoped the economy might be reballanced, I’m afraid this new reality is going to make things much worse.
With the public sector the only employer not laying people off and the benefits bill escalating the government dominance of the economy and at the same time dependence on large corporations is greatly exaserbated.
Just as they find after every revolution promising to share out the riches of the rich things never seem to work out. You storm Versailles or the Winter Palace but by the time it’s sharesies time, well, most of you end up queuing for bread and loo rolls. So I’m sure we will see taxe hikes on corporations and high earners – for appearances sake – but the real grind will be on us lot of average earners.
Sunny being the major employer in the country will calculate that whatever pay rises he has to give the public sector (and their unions will be waiting in the wings to mug him with compassion once this emergency is done) he can at least grab back a bit in higher payroll tax.
AISI, guess it depends how many working age people die from Covid-19 in the UK. The plague wiped out so many people here in the 17th century that the poorest workers suddenly found their wages increasing thanks to the law of supply and demand.
Up2snuff, respectfully, you’re sniffing up the wrong tree there. Even were this virus to increase the overall annual death rate by a notch or two our rapid population growth will continue as per the new normal (post-1990s) via that ever reliable apparently uninterruptible method of inward migration and elevated new-arrival birth rates.
AISI, you are absolutely right but only because I do not want that many people to die from Covid-19 which is really, in effect, a dose of the ‘flu’. Was just showing off my armchair expert credentials re the Great Plague.
Shameful, really. :- §
There are going to be all sorts of economic re-sets, some minor, some major, all depending, of course, whether this is ‘last days’ territory or not. If it is then start the clock running, all done and dusted by 2027. Eat your heart out, Greta.
On the other hand, to borrow a phrase from the pro economists, people may well have their consuming habits changed. Was chatting this a.m. with a stranger (at a range of about 2.5 metres) and she was saying how she hasn’t been able to physically give presents to her grandchildren for their birthdays but the kids are loving the attention and time they are getting with both parents at present.
Parents may stay more firmly wed and value home life and family. The divorce rate may take a battering. Bad for lawyers. The abortion rate may take a hammering. Bad for that sector and those who trumpet ‘rights’ and ‘choice’.
The obesity rate may also take a battering (or may get worse) when people scoff all their panic buying in the last week of lockdown. Bad for the NHS either way.
Local authorities may want to attract people to local shops and scrap parking charges and restrictions. People may discover how much they can do locally. Bad for retail park real estate owners – and everyone with a pension!
I would hope that Government and the Chancellor would take a look at 1.3 million unemployed previously and then look at supermarkets where shoppers were allowed in on a ‘One out, One in’ basis and make it a firm rule for migration into the UK.
We will not be able to afford to carry an unnecessary one million unemployed for twenty five years (25 years!) as we have done, after this is over.
We also will not be able to afford tax avoiders like professional footballers, other sports ‘stars’, musicians and actors and media types (BBC, please note) and everyone who earns money in the UK will have to pay some tax on all their income wherever earned or pay full tax on some of their income earned worldwide.
The endless expansion of certain sectors of the economy may have to end, no more State constantly being asked for handouts. Good for the private sector.
More people may start to save more in case there are crises ahead, because Government bailouts may be restricted. That may spill over into pensions savings. Good for investment industry and brokers.
On the other, other hand, nothing may change much at all, just like after 2007-2009 where we have carried on doing the same old same-oh after the ripples had faded away in 2011.
Sadly EU workers will dilute that effect as we’re still on that club
Keir Starmer is now Labour leader.
The BBC must be rubbing their hands with glee that they have a new Tony Blair to back.
Are we sure Starmer is real? He looks like one of those Auton dummies that DR Who and Rose were battling in the first of the new DR Who series. You know the one that hadn’t been wokified.
smoogie – on that you can bet your bottom dollar. Beeb will be pushing Starmer for all they are worth (and they’re not really worth a lot), as he has a halfway presentable CV.
Concurrently, look for attacks on Boris to increase exponentially.
“Sir” Keir Starmer, if you don’t mind
“Shadow Brexit secretary”, now there is a misnomer if there ever was one ? Starmer was a supporter of a second referendum on Brexit. He is probably a Rejoiner .
Beware! Al Beeb and the Rejoiners will weaponise this Cova Pandemic as an excuse to rejoin the EU when this is all over !
Made his loot out of being an “equalities” lawyer hmm but still does not acknowledge that racism againt jews is racism, the left inventing another word for their endemic racism does not alter that
Darcy, all the more surprising when his wife and children are jewish !
Laura and the BBC already excited and planning the PR campaign for 2024.
Follow his 4 year long Party Political Broadcast aided by our trusted impartial friends at the BBC for just £157.50 per year.
George Galloway has penned a piece – obituary – for comrade Corbyn which is on Twitter . It actually feels quite honest and although I’m no fan of Mr Galloway he does bang those nails in .
When Parliament does sit again it will be interesting to see who clusters around comrade Corbyn- his surrogate daughter – wrong bailey And abbot I guess ….
I think Lammy has been promised a shadow cabinet post – my sick sense of humour thinks Home Office …..
Looking forward to Easter.
I tried listening to the BBC for five minutes
It’s a sobering thought that R4 Today now represents the ‘best’ of the BBC
However, by chance, I caught the slot where Fergus was interviewed
1. We will reach a peak in a week to 10 days and can consider the possibility of relaxing SD and opening up of the economy
2. Rapid testing ie 50,000/day with fast results is key to getting people back to work
3. It was only when the data from Italy started to come in that the numbers could be estimated (hence the turnaround in UK and US)
The FT to their credit is the only media to have printed that Trump knew the numbers –
“But yeah, Donald Trump’s idea about everyone getting back to work by Easter might not have that much scientific basis to it. Which is weird, because he told the White House briefing room, on his reason for proposing that festive date:
I just thought it was a beautiful time, a beautiful timeline, it’s a great day…
It’s funny that the Labour Politician who could have really challenged the Tories – Caroline Flint – spent Saturday morning putting up curtains when she could have been a tough brexiter labour leader .
Another picture randomly chosen by Al-beeb webshite.
What a coincidence, given that
“White staff made up 79.2% of the NHS workforce, followed by Asian staff (10.0%), Black staff (6.1%)”
The morons are gathering again today ensuring we will get even tighter restrictions…
Will they NEVER learn? Cyclists ride close together through Regents Park in London despite Boris Johnson telling Britain it is essential to stay indoors this weekend and maintain coronavirus lockdown
How do cyclists spread the virus?
Or someone walking in a national park?
How about Outrage at people still smoking during the lockdown, they’re the ones likey to be prime spreaders of c19 if they catch it, as smoking is an underlying health condition.
Read the article not just cyclists, photos showing groups gathering in parks
Round my way, the LycraLouts or MaMiLs, as they are known ie. weekend not regular cyclists, like to behave as though they are on the Tour de France. Three and four abreast, even though the road is not suitable, and slipstreaming with passing and re-passing. Someone who spends any time at the front with Covid-19 will have infected the whole peloton by the time they stop for lunch.
Darcy- Not only do they ride close together,but they seem to want to
get as close to pedestrians as they can. We live next to the Dollis
Valley Walk which stretches through the borough of Barnet
in North London all the way into central London.
There are parts where there is NO cycling permitted . But
this does not stop the cyclists using them.
I am not a killjoy . I just wouldn’t mind if they rung their bells as
they sped past . I used to run a lot up to 40 miles a week.
There are also a lot of people running now, good for them . I wish
I could do the same. However they need to keep a wide berth
of us oldies walking , now. Am I asking too much?
They are a bunch of antsocial, gobby bullying ( word removed by Fedup2 moderator ) , I also use a shared cycle / pedestrian path and constantly being badgered to get out of their way, yet if cars dared to do that…also in Cambridge on a bridge over the Cam where many pose for photos they come over the blind summit at 20 mph regularly ploughing into pedestrians
2019: “During this time period, there were 1755 Islamic attacks in 54 countries, in which 10412 people were killed and 10696 injured.” –
Whilst, the other international virus, the chinese virus, has killed > 60,000. –
Let’s spare a moment of sympathy for our marxist-leaning friends who have lost their out and proud leader and find him replaced with another Blair-like closet marxist who is distinctly marx-curious but will happily do his thing under cover for fear of frightening the horses.
On the subject of our marvelously daft ever constant leftward ratchet of a society, I read with amusement the other day that 60% of Labour Party membership were in favour of the Corbynite policy of the four day week. I also recall that a sizable section of their membership are teachers. Who, we note, by downing chalk, were crucial in the early stages of the lock down cascade. Just saying.