Far Left Biased BBC ‘education’ begins on 20th April 2020.
Readers will only dream of the propaganda opportunities for the
Broadcaster to indoctrinate kids with its preferred view .
That is weird that on my screen that tweet CM posted doesn’t auto-embed
Neils tweet says “Man stabs 2 people to death,
injures seven others outside a bakery in France.
Some say he shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’
before knifing at least nine people
queuing to go into the bakery in Romans-sur-Isère, southern France.
Sudanese national in his thirties arrested at the scene.”
BBC webpage : “The motive for the attack is not clear.
Entire text
Two people have been killed and at least four others wounded in a knife attack in south-east France, officials have said.
Initial reports said the attacker entered a tobacconist in the town of Romans-sur-Isère, near Grenoble, and stabbed the owners and a customer.
He then went to a nearby butcher’s shop and attacked more people.
Police said a suspect had been arrested. The motive for the attack is not clear.
One of the wounded is said to be in a critical condition.
France is currently in lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic. People are only allowed out to buy basic necessities or for exercise. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52165522
Actual graphic
Top graph : deaths (blue line) were running below the 5 year average (orange)
, but have recently picked up
Bottom : flu & pnuem deaths (red) were running below average from week 2 until almost touching now
.. grey line right at the bottom is the Covid deaths until March 20 ..which were almost nothing
The graph FOR next week will show that grey line rising to the 5,000 level… maybe
There are 2 other graphs which are complex to interpret
– age death demographics with background population
Basically most of the population are middle aged yet they only have the same Covid19 death rates as other groups
(opposite way round for over 85s)
and the under 14s didn’t die
– region death demographics with background population
For normal deaths London has a much lower rate than the rest of the country (I guess cos many old people have left)
but for Covid19 London has magnitudes more deaths per head of population.
I believe it has always been thus – that the Government is plotting a course between herd immunity and not over loading the NHS (hence the lockdown). Can’t be honest with the plebs otherwise they will all be rushing out to have parties and overload the NHS. If we went for total lockdown we will be buggered without a vaccination and if we have only very little herd immunity. COVID-19 may keep coming (winter ?) and we still probably will be without a vaccine. Those countries with very little population immunity (I know it is still questionable how much immunity having had the virus will give the individual) will be even more buggered. Government are doing a good job – with the exception of not lining medical resources up sufficiently early. Farage was right about getting ‘doers’ on the case early – those who make stuff happen more effectively than politicians and NHS management.
When all this is over the wealth-creating private sector, many of whom will have been on 80% of income or just Universal Credit, will be at a relative disadvantage to the wealth-spending public sector who will suffer no loss of income. And the pensions of the wealth-creating private sector will also suffer, whereas the gold-plated pensions of the public sector will be unaffected (and funded by the taxpayer). There will be hardships to come to plug the gap in public finances. Your question of the day is – who will suffer to pay for this shortfall in public income? Answers on a very small postcard please.
Too true and a fact forgotten when everyone is clapping for the public sector – without a thriving private sector there can be no public sector…..which is why I wonder why much of the public sector hasn’t taken a bigger hit on salaries.
There is no exit strategy except to keep paying the state and quango class their wages while the self employed and the zero hours people and those who will be sacked by failing companies are left to make the best of it. Inevitably we are facing civil unrest. Take that seriously . Especially in the cities. The alleged state money for the self employed and the rest is not going to arrive in time for many people. My three sons have lost all their work. They are now unemployed for the first time in their lives. Millions like them and do you think Boris or the BBC give a toss? They will need to keep paying the police. Hopefully we can pull together and survive. No thanks to the government or the banks. This will make 1929 look like a walk in the park.
The same in the US as well and do not even talk about France or Italy. This is now a situation where the only way is chaos.
It is essential that we all prepare ourselves for this. Whatever you knew or thought you could expect from the future is over. Adapt to survive.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, people are only allowed to leave their houses for limited reasons and must practice social distancing. In addition, all retailers selling non-essential goods and other non-essential premises should now be closed.
If you have concerns that an individual or business has breached the restrictions, report it to us using our online form:
We will use these reports to help build a picture of where breaches are occurring to inform our policing patrols.”
Thanks for calling me those delightful terms as a cyclist. Cars kill often, cyclists very very rarely. Cars believe they own roads, pedestrians rightly have pavements. Cyclists have little space. And they don’t pollute.
This is Cane’s last post since the comments have strayed way beyond criticising Auntie is is becoming just a mouthy site. A great pity.
I am not getting into that argument again, I talk from direct experience, maybe should not have generalised to that extent for which I apologise if you do not behave in the fashion I describe, but nevertheless I and my wife have been verbally abused and intimidated whilst on foot by cyclists in Cambridge and on shared footpaths in St Ives regularly by cyclists who believe they own the path, and a brief sojourn onto youtube will reveal the general disregard by many of that fraternity to all other road and footpath users.
No doubt there are cars that do as you say, but it is strange that “many” not all, cyclists will treat pedestrians with the same contempt.
I vividly remember an ex girlfriends car being kicked and battered by a cyclist in Bedford who decided to undertake her on the inside as she turned left and collided with her leaving her a tearful nervous wreck for the rest of the day he threw his bike onto her car and kicked off the mirrors dented the car terrifying her
Cheering ourselves up by trying to explain the muppets to my non english wife and looking at some of their guests, she still does not get it but I am happy now
I hope you do not mind me sharing these with you in this time of so much negativity, definitely non bbc (ATV) no agenda no desperate diversity and loved by all
it no doubt appeals to your moronic marxist mindset that only one on this site could be in an interracial relationship, we would of course be on a sofa ad or contracted to the bbc but she is not black enough innit
I am absolutely joyous, excited and ecstatic about this result. The election of Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner is fantastic news in very difficult times. Now let's come together to provide the opposition and leadership the country needs. pic.twitter.com/iSYUQYfU7N
Latest news about the surge in Birmingham cases and deaths, Channel 4 news said : evidence is emerging of religious, cultural and extended families as a reason, who could they possibly be referring to, still in a national emergency muslims and other religious minorities will not be referred to directly, unless they are a nurse
Stop press, just watching Celebrity Mastermind. Full house, 2 POC, 1 Gay and a Paralympic skier, all so called celebrities. Surely someone must know who they are, I can’t put a name to any of them!
We thought we would watch The Repair Shop on Saturday night. Not only is it a repeat but it is its second showing as a repeat in the last couple of weeks. We are watching Ashes to Ashes on Drama. Another repeat.
Northern Voter-I believe that on these Celebrity Mastermind’s BIG BROTHER from the diversity department sends out a directive to
the programmes producer that he doesn’t care if the
contestants can’t even answer what their own names are, let alone
what the capitol of France is . As long as he , she or it ticks the
right diversity boxes . Of these, as thick as plank” celebrities”
don’t care about their exposed single digit IQ’S. They have
the publicity of being on TV. I am just waiting for one of them
to name the two times table as the specialists subject , and
still score 1 point or less including the general knowledge round.
Always worth keeping an eye on certain minorities that claim charitable status through their statement “working for the “common good”
Muslim Council of Britain : March 2020
This Month: Bringing unity to Muslim communities’ response to COVID-19, Paying tribute to Muslim Physicians, Statement on Christchurch 1st year anniversary, EHRC submission on Islamophobia and more…
hmm that s an 8 % minority working for the common good I could ask Stew Green for a statistical analysis as what could be termed the “common”
The common good in this country I assume is obvious to most, yet:
Weasel words: we come first
our concerns are taken on board : arent they bloody always?
“The Muslim Council of Britain is supporting the National Burial Council (Muslim) working alongside other faith communities and collaboratively with senior UK Government officials to highlight the absolute importance of burials in our faiths, and how risks can be appropriately mitigated.
“This is not something anyone is taking lightly and we want to reassure the community that we are working hard to ensure that our concerns are taken on board.
“We are hopeful a solution will be found that recognises the challenges in extreme cases, whilst maintaining the importance of certain beliefs that our faith communities hold dear.
What about the absolute importance of keeping the virus at bay by following the government guidlines. This is no surprise to me as they think our laws don’t apply to them only their outdated laws.
“New York State has suffered it’s biggest one day jump in coronavirus deaths so far, the state governor Andrew Cuomo reported 630 new deaths bringing the total to just over 3,500”
The BBC has taken the figure from Cuomo’s press conference https://twitter (dot) com/NYGovCuomo/status/1246452590742630401
That is strange because the Worldometer has +347 with +680 yesterday and a total of 3,565.
The other thing to notice is that ‘flattening the curve’ may not be working very well.
There have been rumors that Cuomo is exaggerating the number of deaths.
Cuomo though appears to be very happy with Federal government help
As a Jewish atheist ,but knowing a bit about my religion and
having gone to scores of funerals over the years. Actually
I have always thought that the plans for the M25 around
London must have had some Jewish influence because all
of the major cemeteries are very near to junctions of the M25 !
However after all this rambling, my point is that even devout
Jews know that huge numbers congregating at lavoyas(funerals)
is not a good thing at the moment. You don’t have to be
an atheist to know that God is not going to protect you. Whatever god that is. But I am not sure that this has got through
to my Muslim brothers. And if Muslim MP’S are encouraging
their fellow worshippers to disregard the government’s edicts.
And the authorities do nothing about it. Go bang your head against a brick wall. Of course the BBC wont condemn it.
Foscari, “You don’t have to be an atheist to know that God is not going to protect you.” …
….. but it helps no end to have an encounter like a particular favourite hero of faith like Isaiah, who met God in a personal way as recounted in chapter 6 of his writings. Verses 9 and 10 are particularly appropriate to our times.
Look I know you’re all banging on about what a superb hack @BBCHughPym is, how he asks the best questions at press conferences, personifies (when horizontal) social distancing etc.
But you forget: he also wrote THE book about the last crisis. Awful title; riveting narrative! pic.twitter.com/xAvscEeric
America owes our very hard working food supply workers so much as they produce and deliver high quality food for us during this horrible COVID-19. Join me in thanking our Farmers, Ranchers, Processors, Distributors and Stores! @JohnBoozman
I know we cannot ignore what is happening in the rest of the world,but both BBC and SKY seem obsessed with Italy.Every time I turn to the news on the hour,they have a long report from there.The cynic in me is wondering if their reporters have a holiday home there!
Sometimes a simple chart can be chillingly effective:
[more people in Britain have died of #Covid19 in three months than died in thirty years in 'The Troubles' in Northern Ireland]. pic.twitter.com/XBFVvbXRdd
And why ‘The Troubles’ quoted with as such? perhaps the skilled practitioner of the 2am keyboard drive by trolling can enlighten us, what say you ‘Maxincontinency’?
The BBC are part of the Virus. The World Agenda of creating a crisis out of this current ‘pandemic’ can be seen in the recent pushes to undermine hard fought democracy (or ‘populism’ as the BBC term it), is on the increase. World globalists look to the UN for a ‘final solution. The answer is (1) Abortion (2) George Sorus (3) Population control (using the Chinese method) and compulsory BBC TV license for life. A short life, preferably. This can be also summed up by the proposed outcomes of the following:
1. The George Soros-funded Open Democracy group called for the abolishment of the institution of the family as a response to the coronavirus pandemic. See their article “The Coronavirus Crisis Shows it’s Time to Abolish the Family.” Open Democracy’s article actually declares that “We deserve better than the family.”
2. UNFPA is seeking $187.5 million to help stop COVID-19. Why is this problematic? Because UNFPA promotes abortion, sex, transgenderism and more to youth across the world under the guise of sexual and reproductive health services, family planning, and comprehensive sexuality education. See Part II of our report on the UNFPA-sponsored Nairobi Summit for more evidence. The U.S. has appropriately withdrawn all donations to UNFPA.
3. Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics are claiming abortion is an “essential service.” They are demanding that they be allowed to provide elective abortions even though doing so requires utilizing scarce essential protective gear needed by health professionals treating coronavirus patients.
The left have an answer, if only you would vote for them and pay the TV license. If they shout more, then (the theory goes) we will become mass educated by Collective R4 ‘thought for the day’.
It took some doing, but I managed to fend off the BBC virus for the past ten years. I never knew I was infected until I stopped listening to the BBC and started to question why BBC (so called) ‘news’ was and still is in ‘crisis’ driven by drivel, sops, twerps and drama queens with added corporate hysteria. I am immune (almost) from it all and yet, looking on I worry what the infection has done to the economy. This is what they want, isn’t it? permanent Global lock-down, zero Co2, No aircraft or airports, zero food grown, no industry, drugs (their own kind of drugs) and children such as Greta having anxious bouts of lunacy, that make the Middle Ages seem quite rational. Oh! how that Karl Marx (living in Hampstead, London at the time) showed us the true meaning and value of the BBC TV license. How everything works as a national and global ‘public service’. Who cares that you are banned from ‘public service’ for not being part of the collective ‘virus’, of mass hysteria.
But it will pass. The BBC will then confirm it has a new Minister to replace Lord Hallway and the license fee will be compulsory even if you don’t a TV set for the next fifty years. All they need is a change of Climate and a New Virus.
There’s an easy solution to the BBC and the climate crisis. The blessed Saint Greta has shown us the light.
As soon as any BBC flies off long haul, we add them to the no fly list. They can swim or walk home.
Smart meters that turn off the electricity when their subsidy free electricity can’t supply.
No fossil fuels, so no gas supply, not cars. Just Teslas.
There’s an easy solution to the BBC and the climate crisis. The blessed Saint Greta has shown us the light.
As soon as any BBC flies off long haul, we add them to the no fly list. They can swim or walk home.
Smart meters that turn off the electricity when their subsidy free electricity can’t supply.
No fossil fuels, so no gas supply, not cars. Just Teslas.
There’s an easy solution to the BBC and the climate crisis. The blessed Saint Greta has shown us the light.
As soon as any BBC flies off long haul, we add them to the no fly list. They can swim or walk home.
Smart meters that turn off the electricity when their subsidy free electricity can’t supply.
No fossil fuels, so no gas supply, not cars. Just Teslas.
“Romans-sur-Isère: Two killed and others wounded in France knife attack”
A suspect, described in French media as a 33-year-old man from Sudan, has been arrested.
At the time of his arrest, the attacker was “found on his knees on the pavement praying in Arabic”, prosecutors said.
The man was not known to the police or intelligence services, news website France Bleu reported.
The motive for the attack remains unclear, but Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said during a visit to the town:
“This morning, a man embarked on a terrorist journey.”
President Emmanuel Macron described the attack as an “odious” incident that further saddened a country already going through an ordeal.
“My thoughts are with the victims of the Romans-sur-Isère attack – the injured, their families,” he tweeted.
Mr Macron promised that “light will be shed” on the crime.
Light will be shed! No doubt also “lessons will be learnt” and “action will be taken”.
Sorry Mr Micron, you and every other European lefty living under a stone, are the only people who need to see the light.
Every other European has known for 1500 years.
I believe the terrorist journey started at birth.
A journey may be re-traced, in the opposite direction.
Apart from Sir Keeeeer, who needs the [muuuultiple] votes, is there anyone else in Europe with a good reason why these organisms should not be forcibly repatriated?
Then the Second Golden Europe Age could begin, it sure as hell will not start while we are infected with these [insert appropriate description here].
Combat the Koranovirus by all means.
Given Macron’s priorities, his only concern will be to determine whether social distancing rules were violated during the ‘incident’ involving La religion de la paix ™.
WASHINGTON — A commercial aircraft carrying 80 tons of gloves, masks, gowns and other medical supplies from Shanghai touched down in New York on Sunday, the first of 22 scheduled flights that White House officials say will funnel much-needed goods to the United States by early April as it battles the world’s largest coronavirus outbreak.
The plane delivered 130,000 N95 masks, 1.8 million face masks and gowns, 10 million gloves and thousands of thermometers for distribution to New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, said Lizzie Litzow, a spokeswoman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Ms. Litzow said that flights would be arriving in Chicago on Monday and in Ohio on Tuesday, and that supplies would be sent from there to other states using private-sector distribution networks.
I see that the BBC and Keir Starmer were in cahoots in pushing the Jimmy Savile paedophile charges under the rug, back in the day when Starmer was head of the crown prosecution services..
So who owes who for that? Is it Al-Beeb or Starmer.
Has anyone questioned him or the AntiBBC about the result?
Second vote anybody?
A people’s vote?
They didn’t know what they were voting for?
Boris has a majority of over 80, rather than inviting the leaders of the opposition to discuss the issue of the moment, he should be doubling down on this creatures track record and disdain for the democratic process in this country.
The jury is out Boris, stunts like this don’t help the case for your defence.
The campaign to get him in No10 has already started on the BBC.Heard Chris Mason say last night on the Nolan show ‘he looks like a prime minister.’ It came across to me more of a subliminal message to the listeners rather than a dig at the previous Labour leader.
Let them clap for whoever, it’s the morons who whoop for 5 minutes and bang things that are annoying, it has more than a little of the look at me about it.
More than likely the same who let off fireworks from late October onwards.
If I ever see Boris or Prince Charles with a frying pan and a spoon in their hands at 8 pm I will know I am truly in a lost country.
(or the Queen setting light to a rocket in a milk bottle before the 5th)
First time I heard it I genuinely thought someone was having a fit in the street
upon investigating and seeing the person whooping was the white transit driver down the road who regularly puts lives at risk through his parking and driving, I realised that it was not a fit but one with a permanent brain leison,
His alacrity for the NHS probably derives from their life saving skills, his death by dangerous driving charges being reduced somewhat
Open mouth and plant at least one foot firmly therein, although Sir Keir Starmer appears to have managed the gymnastic feat of planting both feet in his mouth. He has now endeared himself to the nation – not – by breaking a golden political rule: ‘if you haven’t anything useful to say, keep silent.’
BBC informs me that Downing Street declined to comment. They appear to follow that rule.
Even the 6.57 & 7.57 a.m. BBC R4 Weather Forecasts with Louise Lear had her adding some propaganda: “Lovely day but best enjoyed at home. Stay in and open a window to get the sunshine.”
Now that I am limiting my BBC exposure to the daily news conference and the weather – I am at the stage of not wanting to Even hear that . Who needs chirpy weather types when 95% of the country is not going out ?-
( the other 5% comprise woke kidults who think its a game and the others are 3rd world Islamic peasants )
Bring back calm weather forcasters – Bert Foord? Was my favourite .
Instead we’ve got the ‘ shafanaker’ show – today Tamas is going to show you some pictures of snowflakes clapping and there’ll be a bit of weather too.
GENERALLY -BY THE WAY . If Anybody puts up a post wishing some one was dead it won’t be there is the morning . If you want someone dead – keep it in your head and don’t publish it here . That’s your free speach limit here .
And if anyone wants to be nasty – go pick a fight on twitter or the Guardian site – not here. Be nice please .
Fed, I’m tempted to join you on your fast but I’m thinking as an alternative to Lent I might try from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. How appropriate when shut indoors? After a couple of weeks following Easter shut up in an upper room or at least indoors, I would then have an excuse to scoot off to a northern lake and go fishing.
That would be quite remarkable as I don’t fish.
I’ve just switched off TWiT although Mardell has been replaced by Jonny Dymond and may not be quite as sneery.
It looked like it would be a Labour / NHS love fest so I thought it unnecessary continue.
And no, I don’t want or wish anyone dead, even MM.
Fed, I’m tempted to join you on your fast but I’m thinking as an alternative to Lent I might try from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. How appropriate when shut indoors? After a few days or couple of weeks following Easter shut up in an upper room or at least indoors, I would then have an excuse to scoot off to a northern lake and go fishing.
That would be quite remarkable as I don’t fish.
I’ve just switched off TWiT although Mardell has been replaced by Jonny Dymond and may not be quite as sneery. It looked like it would be a Labour / NHS love-fest so I thought it unnecessary continue.
And no, I don’t want or wish anyone dead, even MM.
I’m sorry if I might have given the impression That you wished some one dead . Of course it wasn’t you . I had to do a double take before I trashed that comment . I can’t remember who posted it but I think it was troll related .
Anyway – if one has a sick sense of humour like Me watching the scots government press conference was pure popcorn .
The scots press seem to want the CMO to go the way of William Wallace . Ok say the CMO broke her own rules but give the girl a break eh?
That old line about he who hath not sinned caste the first stone . Blimey .
I notice as well that the BBC cut away from the conference to do the 3pm news . They seem fixated about it . There was no pressing new event but they still did it .
I’m gonna put up the new thread soon at the weekend one will creak after 500 . And in my opinion this wasn’t the ‘ nicest ‘ thread we’ve had .
Fed, I see that Catherine Calderwood, the CMO for Scotland, has apologised for her ‘mistake’.
Yeah, right. The only mistake she made was to [perhaps assume that Joe Public would throw garlands of flowers in her path (whilst tugging their forelocks) instead of (rightly) castigating her for breaking rules which she’s not only familiar but also promotes in TV ads.
Oh, and whilst the press up here may have defended her, she’s rather less popular with the public, and not just on account of her rule-breaking exploits.
Van – I got the impression that the press want to hang draw and quarter the lady – and it seemed a bit ‘gotcha’ for so many questions going on about her and crankies’conduct when stuff about elderly people dying in care homes was skimmed over ….
No Lara carlsberg asking why no more searchlights, no muslims asking why they cannot have their funerals the way they like it, no labour leaders offering opposition
Mr Habib added: It is something we’ve not negotiated away as part of the Withdrawal Agreement.
Nice idea @DCBMEP but under terms of the WA we’re liable for €30bn callable capital at any time. And ultimately on the hook for the €500bn loan book (joint and several liability). We’ve been banging this particular drum for 9 months but no one in govt seems to know or care. https://t.co/HIcKM9JiRy
No time for Carswell. I remember when he was a UK MP and advocated buying an American product over a British alternative but I wonder where Jake thinks the money would come from, or for that matter how the EUSSR would obtain it in the event we were on ‘the hook’ for anything.
If the UK government can write off billions of NHS debt they sure as hell can cock a snoot to the EUSSR bumblers.
The Chinese corona virus has shown the the EUSSR parliament to be incapable of anything like taking a desicion when the chips are down, and the nation states (Italy, Spain, Deutcshland) haven’t listened anyway.
Starmer is keen for maintaining freedom of movement. one of my main objections to the EU freedom to beg and shoplift, without the requirement to even learn our language
The charity broadcast by Kate Humble was to support agricultural training for women in……….remote villages in Nepal!!!!!!!!!
I would have thought the absolutely last thing anyone in a remote village in Nepal would want just now is a load of sanctimonious Brits arriving and bringing Coronavirus with them.
But then engaging brain is never the strong point in irony-blind BBC la la land.
Plenty of anger about . And a lot more on this site than usual . I’m editing bad words out but if I get fedup doing the editing – which takes a bit of effort I’m going to delete the whole post and if it turns up again I’ll do it one more time and then get the poster taken off the site to go play with the kids on Twitter . No debate on this
Fedup2 my post was as it is was not deleted a little joke, I have seen the abuse of a national broadcaster in the time of a national emergency, yet restrain myself and fully understand your need for moderation which is why I posted as seen
On Channel 5 last night was a fairly light documentary about the Queen Mother out and about touring the war torn UK during WW2 and generally trying to cheer people up and show concern. It helped that Buckingham Palace had been bombed while they were all there. But a good morale-booster and well-fitting the current crisis.
Turning over to the BBC 10 pm news and what a contrast. It was doom-and-gloom from the start. A 5 year old has died. Is this really news and even if so in whose mind is it the first item? Followed by the usual stream of thinly-veiled carping criticisms.
The government and especially I suspect it’s quangos are not covering themselves in glory but since when has it been in the BBC’s remit to only be seditious and s*** – stirring?
Very strange. The BBC appears to be broadcasting what I vaguely remember used to be called religious programming today (Sunday).
Surely this is a mistake.
I thought we were meant to worship the new God, the NHS, at all times every day, and the main communion service is not on a Sunday but on a Thursday evening at 8pm ?
Born in Wimbledon, London,[citation needed] to IBM employee[6][7] Nick Humble and Diana (née Carter), she is the granddaughter of Bill Humble, a well-known pre-Second World War aviator. She is also the great-great-great granddaughter of Joseph Humble, colliery manager of Hartley Colliery at the time of the Hartley Colliery Disaster. She grew up in Bray in Berkshire and attended the Abbey School in Reading.[8] She later said of her schooling:
I was a very bad student. I had a fantastic Latin teacher which did mean I did Latin A-Level but other than that my school career wasn’t something to be proud of.[9]
After leaving school she travelled through Africa from Cape Town to Cairo, doing various jobs including waitressing, driving safari trucks and working on a crocodile farm. She has returned to Africa many times since. In 1994, she travelled around Madagascar, the subject of her first article for The Daily Telegraph travel section. Since then she has written articles about diving and cycling in Cuba, an ‘exploding’ lake in Cameroon and hippopotamus conservation work in Ghana.
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Fedup2Mar 6, 20:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 His principles seem pretty flexible . No politician has anything to say about the torture of Tommy Robinson – agreeing…
tomoMar 6, 19:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 The wacky twits (of any stripe) don’t seemed to be challenged much over there at GBNews… I don’t understand why…
moggiemooMar 6, 19:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why bother getting an actor to play a lunatic when you can just get in a leftie who actually is…
ScrobleneMar 6, 19:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 The leftie independent radio stations have their fair share of lefties, so it’s easy for me to avoid their ridiculous…
tomoMar 6, 19:44 Midweek 5th March 2025 If rumours are true, amyl nitrate seems a possible starmer stimulant?
StewGreenMar 6, 19:34 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Im surprised TTK hasn’t passed a law that coloured folk charged with crimes can never be named” Oh he could…
Breaking –
That is weird that on my screen that tweet CM posted doesn’t auto-embed
Neils tweet says
“Man stabs 2 people to death,
injures seven others outside a bakery in France.
Some say he shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’
before knifing at least nine people
queuing to go into the bakery in Romans-sur-Isère, southern France.
Sudanese national in his thirties arrested at the scene.”
BBC webpage : “The motive for the attack is not clear.
Entire text
This doesn’t appear on the main BBC website – it’s under ‘ world ‘ ‘Europe’ and says the motive of the Sudanese murderer is ‘ unknown ‘
This maybe the moment that such attacks arnt considered serious enough to warrant ‘page 1’ the creep of Islam controlling the BBC continues …..
But let’s hope it’s not an Islamic terrorist but just a Norwegian with mental health issues eh?
The Islamovirus strikes again. What are we going to do about it? – because we shall have to do something.
It took Spain 700 years to get rid of them.
I suspect they behaved the same then as they behave today. Lies, deceit, violence and playing the victim card.
They all must be deported from our country because they can never be trusted and none of us is safe while they are here.
I hope it’s not going to take 700 years before reality sinks in with our fellow countrymen.
The BBC say no motive yet and no description of the attacker !!!
No doubt mental health issues !!!
bbc wurld klass gernaliss at it again, I see their investigative powers desert them at convenient moments in time
An interesting chart.
Actual graphic
Top graph : deaths (blue line) were running below the 5 year average (orange)
, but have recently picked up
Bottom : flu & pnuem deaths (red) were running below average from week 2 until almost touching now
.. grey line right at the bottom is the Covid deaths until March 20 ..which were almost nothing
The graph FOR next week will show that grey line rising to the 5,000 level… maybe
The graph is formally “reported deaths”
so it lags the daily death toll
(by about 5 days)
Graph includes all Covid19 deaths IN/OUTSIDE hospitals
A particular Covid death in the grey line might ALSO be included in the red line also if both causes are on the death certificate.
There are 2 other graphs which are complex to interpret
– age death demographics with background population
Basically most of the population are middle aged yet they only have the same Covid19 death rates as other groups
(opposite way round for over 85s)
and the under 14s didn’t die
– region death demographics with background population
For normal deaths London has a much lower rate than the rest of the country (I guess cos many old people have left)
but for Covid19 London has magnitudes more deaths per head of population.
I believe it has always been thus – that the Government is plotting a course between herd immunity and not over loading the NHS (hence the lockdown). Can’t be honest with the plebs otherwise they will all be rushing out to have parties and overload the NHS. If we went for total lockdown we will be buggered without a vaccination and if we have only very little herd immunity. COVID-19 may keep coming (winter ?) and we still probably will be without a vaccine. Those countries with very little population immunity (I know it is still questionable how much immunity having had the virus will give the individual) will be even more buggered. Government are doing a good job – with the exception of not lining medical resources up sufficiently early. Farage was right about getting ‘doers’ on the case early – those who make stuff happen more effectively than politicians and NHS management.
BBC Vicky Pollard journalism …A quick video of Lara Carlsberg at No 10 briefing:
When all this is over the wealth-creating private sector, many of whom will have been on 80% of income or just Universal Credit, will be at a relative disadvantage to the wealth-spending public sector who will suffer no loss of income. And the pensions of the wealth-creating private sector will also suffer, whereas the gold-plated pensions of the public sector will be unaffected (and funded by the taxpayer). There will be hardships to come to plug the gap in public finances. Your question of the day is – who will suffer to pay for this shortfall in public income? Answers on a very small postcard please.
Too true and a fact forgotten when everyone is clapping for the public sector – without a thriving private sector there can be no public sector…..which is why I wonder why much of the public sector hasn’t taken a bigger hit on salaries.
There is no exit strategy except to keep paying the state and quango class their wages while the self employed and the zero hours people and those who will be sacked by failing companies are left to make the best of it. Inevitably we are facing civil unrest. Take that seriously . Especially in the cities. The alleged state money for the self employed and the rest is not going to arrive in time for many people. My three sons have lost all their work. They are now unemployed for the first time in their lives. Millions like them and do you think Boris or the BBC give a toss? They will need to keep paying the police. Hopefully we can pull together and survive. No thanks to the government or the banks. This will make 1929 look like a walk in the park.
The same in the US as well and do not even talk about France or Italy. This is now a situation where the only way is chaos.
It is essential that we all prepare ourselves for this. Whatever you knew or thought you could expect from the future is over. Adapt to survive.
“New public health regulations have granted police additional powers to enforce the Government’s guidance around COVID-19.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, people are only allowed to leave their houses for limited reasons and must practice social distancing. In addition, all retailers selling non-essential goods and other non-essential premises should now be closed.
If you have concerns that an individual or business has breached the restrictions, report it to us using our online form:
We will use these reports to help build a picture of where breaches are occurring to inform our policing patrols.”
[PS this does not apply to the rapist religion.]
An uptick for ” Sopelian path”. Very Classical.
Thanks for calling me those delightful terms as a cyclist. Cars kill often, cyclists very very rarely. Cars believe they own roads, pedestrians rightly have pavements. Cyclists have little space. And they don’t pollute.
This is Cane’s last post since the comments have strayed way beyond criticising Auntie is is becoming just a mouthy site. A great pity.
I am not getting into that argument again, I talk from direct experience, maybe should not have generalised to that extent for which I apologise if you do not behave in the fashion I describe, but nevertheless I and my wife have been verbally abused and intimidated whilst on foot by cyclists in Cambridge and on shared footpaths in St Ives regularly by cyclists who believe they own the path, and a brief sojourn onto youtube will reveal the general disregard by many of that fraternity to all other road and footpath users.
No doubt there are cars that do as you say, but it is strange that “many” not all, cyclists will treat pedestrians with the same contempt.
I vividly remember an ex girlfriends car being kicked and battered by a cyclist in Bedford who decided to undertake her on the inside as she turned left and collided with her leaving her a tearful nervous wreck for the rest of the day he threw his bike onto her car and kicked off the mirrors dented the car terrifying her
See what happens when this site doesn’t stick the the issue of the BBC ?
Yes, maybe a chain reaction
AFAIK Darcy didn’t call all cyclists pests
but rather listed some problems he’d had.
In the social media age, people say thing.
.. One has a choice to NOT take offence.
Not to be on the BBC news website for long but they have actually reported a terror attack in the south of France today.
Of course no mention that it is an Islamic terror attack.
Already covered above at 1;25pm
Friday Death count +708
Pattern – Tue 563 Wed 569, Thu 684
Daily case count +3735 20% drop but 10% less tests (9406 )
Pattern : Tue 4324, Wed 4244, Thu +4450 (off 10590 tests )
Will we hit 1,000 deaths/day on Tuesday ?
Inevitably. The deaths will rise for at least a few days after that.
Cheering ourselves up by trying to explain the muppets to my non english wife and looking at some of their guests, she still does not get it but I am happy now
I hope you do not mind me sharing these with you in this time of so much negativity, definitely non bbc (ATV) no agenda no desperate diversity and loved by all
“Cheering ourselves up by trying to explain the muppets to my non english wife…”
You used to refer to her as your “Chinese wife”, Annunaki. Why the change?
it no doubt appeals to your moronic marxist mindset that only one on this site could be in an interracial relationship, we would of course be on a sofa ad or contracted to the bbc but she is not black enough innit
Shirley Bassey
Elton John
Bohemian Rhapsody
And for comment, who does the bbc go to? Why yes…
Latest news about the surge in Birmingham cases and deaths, Channel 4 news said : evidence is emerging of religious, cultural and extended families as a reason, who could they possibly be referring to, still in a national emergency muslims and other religious minorities will not be referred to directly, unless they are a nurse
“…Channel 4 news said : evidence is emerging of religious, cultural and extended families as a reason…”
C4 news actually said the complete opposite: that some people were ‘speculating’ such a reason but it wasn’t supported by the current evidence.
“some people being the majority, and current evidence being what ch4 decides to notice when it suits their agenda
Inclusive and diverse, come together and oppose. Do modern politicians ever read their own rhetoric?
As noted above, we already have a leader and as for ‘opposition’ whichever direction our leader heads we can be sure the BBC will oppose him.
I practice “Socialist Distancing”
… by keeping well apart from people like Lammy and Starmer
Stop press, just watching Celebrity Mastermind. Full house, 2 POC, 1 Gay and a Paralympic skier, all so called celebrities. Surely someone must know who they are, I can’t put a name to any of them!
R4 Tonight
-19:15 Grayson Perry : Reith Lecture
20:00 The St Paul’s Riots in Bristol in 1980 remembered by those who took part. (ie it will be pretty black)
21:00 Lenny Henry drama
23:30 lesbian muslim poets
66.6% of Radio 4’s output tonight between 18.00hrs and 0.00hrs are repeats. That is not counting the News programmes which are part repeats, anyway.
Key? No.
Essential? No way.
We thought we would watch The Repair Shop on Saturday night. Not only is it a repeat but it is its second showing as a repeat in the last couple of weeks. We are watching Ashes to Ashes on Drama. Another repeat.
Northern Voter-I believe that on these Celebrity Mastermind’s BIG BROTHER from the diversity department sends out a directive to
the programmes producer that he doesn’t care if the
contestants can’t even answer what their own names are, let alone
what the capitol of France is . As long as he , she or it ticks the
right diversity boxes . Of these, as thick as plank” celebrities”
don’t care about their exposed single digit IQ’S. They have
the publicity of being on TV. I am just waiting for one of them
to name the two times table as the specialists subject , and
still score 1 point or less including the general knowledge round.
libmob policy “No, we won’t accept any of those American facemasks cleaned in chlorine
… we want ours dirty, no to cholrinated face masks”
Assume they never enter a swimming pool ?
Always worth keeping an eye on certain minorities that claim charitable status through their statement “working for the “common good”
Muslim Council of Britain : March 2020
This Month: Bringing unity to Muslim communities’ response to COVID-19, Paying tribute to Muslim Physicians, Statement on Christchurch 1st year anniversary, EHRC submission on Islamophobia and more…
hmm that s an 8 % minority working for the common good I could ask Stew Green for a statistical analysis as what could be termed the “common”
The common good in this country I assume is obvious to most, yet:
Weasel words: we come first
our concerns are taken on board : arent they bloody always?
“The Muslim Council of Britain is supporting the National Burial Council (Muslim) working alongside other faith communities and collaboratively with senior UK Government officials to highlight the absolute importance of burials in our faiths, and how risks can be appropriately mitigated.
“This is not something anyone is taking lightly and we want to reassure the community that we are working hard to ensure that our concerns are taken on board.
“We are hopeful a solution will be found that recognises the challenges in extreme cases, whilst maintaining the importance of certain beliefs that our faith communities hold dear.
What about the absolute importance of keeping the virus at bay by following the government guidlines. This is no surprise to me as they think our laws don’t apply to them only their outdated laws.
The BBC reported –
“New York State has suffered it’s biggest one day jump in coronavirus deaths so far, the state governor Andrew Cuomo reported 630 new deaths bringing the total to just over 3,500”
The BBC has taken the figure from Cuomo’s press conference
https://twitter (dot) com/NYGovCuomo/status/1246452590742630401
That is strange because the Worldometer has +347 with +680 yesterday and a total of 3,565.
The number of ‘predicted’ deaths for April 2 is +469 and April 3 is +538
The other thing to notice is that ‘flattening the curve’ may not be working very well.
There have been rumors that Cuomo is exaggerating the number of deaths.
Cuomo though appears to be very happy with Federal government help
Don’t even begin to read the Guardian –
So ? Worldometer is not an official source
It just scrapes data from other sources
@Celtic_Mist Worldometer later updated itself to also say 630 for death data that was released on Saturday
BBC box ticking in full flow again !!! Amazing how they manage to recruit “one of each” in so many departments.
It’s almost as if box ticking, quota filling and virtue signalling take priority over the actual ability to do said job regardless of qualifications.
As a Jewish atheist ,but knowing a bit about my religion and
having gone to scores of funerals over the years. Actually
I have always thought that the plans for the M25 around
London must have had some Jewish influence because all
of the major cemeteries are very near to junctions of the M25 !
However after all this rambling, my point is that even devout
Jews know that huge numbers congregating at lavoyas(funerals)
is not a good thing at the moment. You don’t have to be
an atheist to know that God is not going to protect you. Whatever god that is. But I am not sure that this has got through
to my Muslim brothers. And if Muslim MP’S are encouraging
their fellow worshippers to disregard the government’s edicts.
And the authorities do nothing about it. Go bang your head against a brick wall. Of course the BBC wont condemn it.
Foscari, “You don’t have to be an atheist to know that God is not going to protect you.” …
….. but it helps no end to have an encounter like a particular favourite hero of faith like Isaiah, who met God in a personal way as recounted in chapter 6 of his writings. Verses 9 and 10 are particularly appropriate to our times.
We are all banging on about him.
That would be all who responded.
Can’t report the whole story on the above stabbing in France, how can they be trusted to report the whole story on corona? Or anything else.
Someone is thinking a little broader
I know we cannot ignore what is happening in the rest of the world,but both BBC and SKY seem obsessed with Italy.Every time I turn to the news on the hour,they have a long report from there.The cynic in me is wondering if their reporters have a holiday home there!
Hugh needs a hobby.
In what way is this stat of value?
Or would half fill Trafford Park?
Or twice the number that work for the BBC?
Another Irish Republician sympathiser perhaps?
I find it a strange comparison to be making.
And why ‘The Troubles’ quoted with as such? perhaps the skilled practitioner of the 2am keyboard drive by trolling can enlighten us, what say you ‘Maxincontinency’?
The BBC are part of the Virus. The World Agenda of creating a crisis out of this current ‘pandemic’ can be seen in the recent pushes to undermine hard fought democracy (or ‘populism’ as the BBC term it), is on the increase. World globalists look to the UN for a ‘final solution. The answer is (1) Abortion (2) George Sorus (3) Population control (using the Chinese method) and compulsory BBC TV license for life. A short life, preferably. This can be also summed up by the proposed outcomes of the following:
1. The George Soros-funded Open Democracy group called for the abolishment of the institution of the family as a response to the coronavirus pandemic. See their article “The Coronavirus Crisis Shows it’s Time to Abolish the Family.” Open Democracy’s article actually declares that “We deserve better than the family.”
2. UNFPA is seeking $187.5 million to help stop COVID-19. Why is this problematic? Because UNFPA promotes abortion, sex, transgenderism and more to youth across the world under the guise of sexual and reproductive health services, family planning, and comprehensive sexuality education. See Part II of our report on the UNFPA-sponsored Nairobi Summit for more evidence. The U.S. has appropriately withdrawn all donations to UNFPA.
3. Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics are claiming abortion is an “essential service.” They are demanding that they be allowed to provide elective abortions even though doing so requires utilizing scarce essential protective gear needed by health professionals treating coronavirus patients.
The left have an answer, if only you would vote for them and pay the TV license. If they shout more, then (the theory goes) we will become mass educated by Collective R4 ‘thought for the day’.
It took some doing, but I managed to fend off the BBC virus for the past ten years. I never knew I was infected until I stopped listening to the BBC and started to question why BBC (so called) ‘news’ was and still is in ‘crisis’ driven by drivel, sops, twerps and drama queens with added corporate hysteria. I am immune (almost) from it all and yet, looking on I worry what the infection has done to the economy. This is what they want, isn’t it? permanent Global lock-down, zero Co2, No aircraft or airports, zero food grown, no industry, drugs (their own kind of drugs) and children such as Greta having anxious bouts of lunacy, that make the Middle Ages seem quite rational. Oh! how that Karl Marx (living in Hampstead, London at the time) showed us the true meaning and value of the BBC TV license. How everything works as a national and global ‘public service’. Who cares that you are banned from ‘public service’ for not being part of the collective ‘virus’, of mass hysteria.
But it will pass. The BBC will then confirm it has a new Minister to replace Lord Hallway and the license fee will be compulsory even if you don’t a TV set for the next fifty years. All they need is a change of Climate and a New Virus.
There’s an easy solution to the BBC and the climate crisis. The blessed Saint Greta has shown us the light.
As soon as any BBC flies off long haul, we add them to the no fly list. They can swim or walk home.
Smart meters that turn off the electricity when their subsidy free electricity can’t supply.
No fossil fuels, so no gas supply, not cars. Just Teslas.
There’s an easy solution to the BBC and the climate crisis. The blessed Saint Greta has shown us the light.
As soon as any BBC flies off long haul, we add them to the no fly list. They can swim or walk home.
Smart meters that turn off the electricity when their subsidy free electricity can’t supply.
No fossil fuels, so no gas supply, not cars. Just Teslas.
There’s an easy solution to the BBC and the climate crisis. The blessed Saint Greta has shown us the light.
As soon as any BBC flies off long haul, we add them to the no fly list. They can swim or walk home.
Smart meters that turn off the electricity when their subsidy free electricity can’t supply.
No fossil fuels, so no gas supply, not cars. Just Teslas.
Maxi is back , he’s sneaking up the back again when no one is watching .
I hear ‘some say’ (see what I did there) that the Chinese corona virus is very virulent and almost always deadly amongst the troll population.
Maxincontinency/Piku et al beware.
Doodle for the week
Relax everyone, Dr Keir Starmer will sort it all out.
“Coronavirus: ‘Serious mistakes’ made, says Starmer”
Already noted by pug above.
2020-04-05 00:00
“Romans-sur-Isère: Two killed and others wounded in France knife attack”
A suspect, described in French media as a 33-year-old man from Sudan, has been arrested.
At the time of his arrest, the attacker was “found on his knees on the pavement praying in Arabic”, prosecutors said.
The man was not known to the police or intelligence services, news website France Bleu reported.
The motive for the attack remains unclear, but Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said during a visit to the town:
“This morning, a man embarked on a terrorist journey.”
President Emmanuel Macron described the attack as an “odious” incident that further saddened a country already going through an ordeal.
“My thoughts are with the victims of the Romans-sur-Isère attack – the injured, their families,” he tweeted.
Mr Macron promised that “light will be shed” on the crime.
Light will be shed! No doubt also “lessons will be learnt” and “action will be taken”.
Sorry Mr Micron, you and every other European lefty living under a stone, are the only people who need to see the light.
Every other European has known for 1500 years.
I believe the terrorist journey started at birth.
A journey may be re-traced, in the opposite direction.
Apart from Sir Keeeeer, who needs the [muuuultiple] votes, is there anyone else in Europe with a good reason why these organisms should not be forcibly repatriated?
Then the Second Golden Europe Age could begin, it sure as hell will not start while we are infected with these [insert appropriate description here].
Combat the Koranovirus by all means.
Given Macron’s priorities, his only concern will be to determine whether social distancing rules were violated during the ‘incident’ involving La religion de la paix ™.
Yep, guaranteed ticket to paradise for ‘martyrs’.
I don’t believe the BBC reported this
The follow up to that is –
WASHINGTON — A commercial aircraft carrying 80 tons of gloves, masks, gowns and other medical supplies from Shanghai touched down in New York on Sunday, the first of 22 scheduled flights that White House officials say will funnel much-needed goods to the United States by early April as it battles the world’s largest coronavirus outbreak.
The plane delivered 130,000 N95 masks, 1.8 million face masks and gowns, 10 million gloves and thousands of thermometers for distribution to New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, said Lizzie Litzow, a spokeswoman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Ms. Litzow said that flights would be arriving in Chicago on Monday and in Ohio on Tuesday, and that supplies would be sent from there to other states using private-sector distribution networks.
This is CNN
I just noticed CNN have a ‘United Kindom’ section – scary
I see that the BBC and Keir Starmer were in cahoots in pushing the Jimmy Savile paedophile charges under the rug, back in the day when Starmer was head of the crown prosecution services..
So who owes who for that? Is it Al-Beeb or Starmer.
The BBC are back in a happy place.
Check out the @BBCPolitics feed; it is an impressive obsession trail.
Has anyone questioned him or the AntiBBC about the result?
Second vote anybody?
A people’s vote?
They didn’t know what they were voting for?
Boris has a majority of over 80, rather than inviting the leaders of the opposition to discuss the issue of the moment, he should be doubling down on this creatures track record and disdain for the democratic process in this country.
The jury is out Boris, stunts like this don’t help the case for your defence.
The campaign to get him in No10 has already started on the BBC.Heard Chris Mason say last night on the Nolan show ‘he looks like a prime minister.’ It came across to me more of a subliminal message to the listeners rather than a dig at the previous Labour leader.
Nodding Dog,
Starmer certainly looks like a prime something, but decorum forbids me from elaborating…
It is not just the bBC that Starmer is in cahoots with.
There are quite a few cover ups.
He is the ‘friend’ of senior civil servants.
I haven’t heard the BBC calling for a ‘Clap for Chemists’ yet.
More front-line than many, and having to put up with all sorts of challenges, moans and groans – but without very much protection too.
‘Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap’, (for five minutes).
I’d say sewage plant workers and water treatment plant workers are the most important. Maybe the bin men in second place.
Let them clap for whoever, it’s the morons who whoop for 5 minutes and bang things that are annoying, it has more than a little of the look at me about it.
More than likely the same who let off fireworks from late October onwards.
If I ever see Boris or Prince Charles with a frying pan and a spoon in their hands at 8 pm I will know I am truly in a lost country.
(or the Queen setting light to a rocket in a milk bottle before the 5th)
First time I heard it I genuinely thought someone was having a fit in the street
upon investigating and seeing the person whooping was the white transit driver down the road who regularly puts lives at risk through his parking and driving, I realised that it was not a fit but one with a permanent brain leison,
His alacrity for the NHS probably derives from their life saving skills, his death by dangerous driving charges being reduced somewhat
The bbc would report this as ‘views were split’ and query the sample size.
If it gets some of the twatterati debating our favourite topic then maybe it’s not a bad thing per se.
Wow over 10000 votes 93% yes to switch off … but a couple of commenters are worried that they want to keep their Babestation and Netflix !
Just don’t pay the telly tax it’s far more effective . Those online polls are next to useless.
How to Get Off to a Good Start #1
Open mouth and plant at least one foot firmly therein, although Sir Keir Starmer appears to have managed the gymnastic feat of planting both feet in his mouth. He has now endeared himself to the nation – not – by breaking a golden political rule: ‘if you haven’t anything useful to say, keep silent.’
BBC informs me that Downing Street declined to comment. They appear to follow that rule.
How to Get Off to a Good Start #2
Even the 6.57 & 7.57 a.m. BBC R4 Weather Forecasts with Louise Lear had her adding some propaganda: “Lovely day but best enjoyed at home. Stay in and open a window to get the sunshine.”
It is a little surprising then to find this on the BBC web-site this morning with a bunch of Antarctic explorers demonstrating that they know all about social distancing and are eager to comply: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/science-environment-52070786/learning-how-to-make-an-igloo-in-the-antarctic
Now that I am limiting my BBC exposure to the daily news conference and the weather – I am at the stage of not wanting to Even hear that . Who needs chirpy weather types when 95% of the country is not going out ?-
( the other 5% comprise woke kidults who think its a game and the others are 3rd world Islamic peasants )
Bring back calm weather forcasters – Bert Foord? Was my favourite .
Instead we’ve got the ‘ shafanaker’ show – today Tamas is going to show you some pictures of snowflakes clapping and there’ll be a bit of weather too.
GENERALLY -BY THE WAY . If Anybody puts up a post wishing some one was dead it won’t be there is the morning . If you want someone dead – keep it in your head and don’t publish it here . That’s your free speach limit here .
And if anyone wants to be nasty – go pick a fight on twitter or the Guardian site – not here. Be nice please .
Fed, I’m tempted to join you on your fast but I’m thinking as an alternative to Lent I might try from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. How appropriate when shut indoors? After a couple of weeks following Easter shut up in an upper room or at least indoors, I would then have an excuse to scoot off to a northern lake and go fishing.
That would be quite remarkable as I don’t fish.
I’ve just switched off TWiT although Mardell has been replaced by Jonny Dymond and may not be quite as sneery.
It looked like it would be a Labour / NHS love fest so I thought it unnecessary continue.
And no, I don’t want or wish anyone dead, even MM.
Fed, I’m tempted to join you on your fast but I’m thinking as an alternative to Lent I might try from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. How appropriate when shut indoors? After a few days or couple of weeks following Easter shut up in an upper room or at least indoors, I would then have an excuse to scoot off to a northern lake and go fishing.
That would be quite remarkable as I don’t fish.
I’ve just switched off TWiT although Mardell has been replaced by Jonny Dymond and may not be quite as sneery. It looked like it would be a Labour / NHS love-fest so I thought it unnecessary continue.
And no, I don’t want or wish anyone dead, even MM.
I’m sorry if I might have given the impression That you wished some one dead . Of course it wasn’t you . I had to do a double take before I trashed that comment . I can’t remember who posted it but I think it was troll related .
Anyway – if one has a sick sense of humour like Me watching the scots government press conference was pure popcorn .
The scots press seem to want the CMO to go the way of William Wallace . Ok say the CMO broke her own rules but give the girl a break eh?
That old line about he who hath not sinned caste the first stone . Blimey .
I notice as well that the BBC cut away from the conference to do the 3pm news . They seem fixated about it . There was no pressing new event but they still did it .
I’m gonna put up the new thread soon at the weekend one will creak after 500 . And in my opinion this wasn’t the ‘ nicest ‘ thread we’ve had .
Fed, I see that Catherine Calderwood, the CMO for Scotland, has apologised for her ‘mistake’.
Yeah, right. The only mistake she made was to [perhaps assume that Joe Public would throw garlands of flowers in her path (whilst tugging their forelocks) instead of (rightly) castigating her for breaking rules which she’s not only familiar but also promotes in TV ads.
Oh, and whilst the press up here may have defended her, she’s rather less popular with the public, and not just on account of her rule-breaking exploits.
Van – I got the impression that the press want to hang draw and quarter the lady – and it seemed a bit ‘gotcha’ for so many questions going on about her and crankies’conduct when stuff about elderly people dying in care homes was skimmed over ….
No Lara carlsberg asking why no more searchlights, no muslims asking why they cannot have their funerals the way they like it, no labour leaders offering opposition
We must not extend Brexit!
Apart from big business we all know who will be calling for it over the next few months.
Ben Habib explains the UK must continue to distance itself from the EU to avoid being dragged into the looming Eurozone financial crunch via liabilities of around £439 billion to the European Investment Bank and other agreements with Brussels.
Mr Habib added: It is something we’ve not negotiated away as part of the Withdrawal Agreement.
No time for Carswell. I remember when he was a UK MP and advocated buying an American product over a British alternative but I wonder where Jake thinks the money would come from, or for that matter how the EUSSR would obtain it in the event we were on ‘the hook’ for anything.
If the UK government can write off billions of NHS debt they sure as hell can cock a snoot to the EUSSR bumblers.
The Chinese corona virus has shown the the EUSSR parliament to be incapable of anything like taking a desicion when the chips are down, and the nation states (Italy, Spain, Deutcshland) haven’t listened anyway.
Starmer is keen for maintaining freedom of movement. one of my main objections to the EU freedom to beg and shoplift, without the requirement to even learn our language
Hilarious moment at the end of Toady on Sunday.
The charity broadcast by Kate Humble was to support agricultural training for women in……….remote villages in Nepal!!!!!!!!!
I would have thought the absolutely last thing anyone in a remote village in Nepal would want just now is a load of sanctimonious Brits arriving and bringing Coronavirus with them.
But then engaging brain is never the strong point in irony-blind BBC la la land.
I do get tired of the over abuse of superlatives and adverbs etc. despite using them myself but, on this occasion, Kate Humble
sorry deleted
Plenty of anger about . And a lot more on this site than usual . I’m editing bad words out but if I get fedup doing the editing – which takes a bit of effort I’m going to delete the whole post and if it turns up again I’ll do it one more time and then get the poster taken off the site to go play with the kids on Twitter . No debate on this
Fedup2 my post was as it is was not deleted a little joke, I have seen the abuse of a national broadcaster in the time of a national emergency, yet restrain myself and fully understand your need for moderation which is why I posted as seen
Appropos of nothing, I see both Koreas have few infections they are also editing bad words
It does beg the question what makes a word bad
Oh, the contrast.
On Channel 5 last night was a fairly light documentary about the Queen Mother out and about touring the war torn UK during WW2 and generally trying to cheer people up and show concern. It helped that Buckingham Palace had been bombed while they were all there. But a good morale-booster and well-fitting the current crisis.
Turning over to the BBC 10 pm news and what a contrast. It was doom-and-gloom from the start. A 5 year old has died. Is this really news and even if so in whose mind is it the first item? Followed by the usual stream of thinly-veiled carping criticisms.
The government and especially I suspect it’s quangos are not covering themselves in glory but since when has it been in the BBC’s remit to only be seditious and s*** – stirring?
Very strange. The BBC appears to be broadcasting what I vaguely remember used to be called religious programming today (Sunday).
Surely this is a mistake.
I thought we were meant to worship the new God, the NHS, at all times every day, and the main communion service is not on a Sunday but on a Thursday evening at 8pm ?
Born in Wimbledon, London,[citation needed] to IBM employee[6][7] Nick Humble and Diana (née Carter), she is the granddaughter of Bill Humble, a well-known pre-Second World War aviator. She is also the great-great-great granddaughter of Joseph Humble, colliery manager of Hartley Colliery at the time of the Hartley Colliery Disaster. She grew up in Bray in Berkshire and attended the Abbey School in Reading.[8] She later said of her schooling:
I was a very bad student. I had a fantastic Latin teacher which did mean I did Latin A-Level but other than that my school career wasn’t something to be proud of.[9]
After leaving school she travelled through Africa from Cape Town to Cairo, doing various jobs including waitressing, driving safari trucks and working on a crocodile farm. She has returned to Africa many times since. In 1994, she travelled around Madagascar, the subject of her first article for The Daily Telegraph travel section. Since then she has written articles about diving and cycling in Cuba, an ‘exploding’ lake in Cameroon and hippopotamus conservation work in Ghana.