Far Left Biased BBC ‘education’ begins on 20th April 2020.
Readers will only dream of the propaganda opportunities for the
Broadcaster to indoctrinate kids with its preferred view .
Virgin Atlantic A350 from JFK due in to LHR at 10.00hrs. Must be a government funded repatriation flight as AntiBBC keeps telling me Beardy Wierdy Branson is broke.
BA A350 from Washington arriving around 10.05
BA 747 from Dallas due in around 10.15.
And a couple of biggies (747s) enroute from LAX and San Francisco due in the next 30mins.
And AntiBBC ran a story late last week regarding aircrew that were worried they’d caught the Chinese Corona Virus due to the amount of long hauls they were working.
It’s not like a hurricane , than we can hide from for a week untill it passes.. this virus ain’t going away for a good while.
Assuming the government actually has a plan, could it be they want to virus here and want it to spread, but at a slow enough rate that the NHS can cope.?
Only reason I can think of why flights are still landing.
Flights : today’s news was that the government is organising flights for 20,000 people to be flown to the UK from India
I guess they are all wealthy and retired ethnic Indians who are British passport holders & have chosen to live in India cos it is so cheap.
Keeping in touch with friends around the country, as you do, no one knows of anyone who has contracted the chinese virus let alone died of it. Just sayin…….
Yesterdays figure 41.903 known cases and 4,313 deaths, so that’s approximately 1:2,000 of the population. Do you correspond with that many people and what are the chances?
@AWOL if there have been 42,000 registered cases
that should mean there have been about 420,000 actual cases
That is 1 in every 157 people in the UK
I expect that cases are not spread evenly but rather concentrated in certain incidents like one retirement home, one canteen etc.
So people like you I don’t know anyone, who personally knows anybody that has had it.
(apart from guy I know from Twitter)
I reckon if there are 10 cases sick enough to be admitted to hospital and tested, that means there are another 90 cases in the community… so 100 cases
I reckon registered cases lead a death count of 20% in 7 days time.
So after 7 days , 2 of the 10 have died , ie 2 of the 100
So if we have a registered daily case count of 4,000 today , in 7 days time we will have a daily death count of 800
This is from the Vlad Tepes site. It’s quite a long read but it’s real stuff about real research on this China virus and terms to point the finger at it being created rather than occurring naturally:
For the Yorkshire and Humberside region, some radio news channel stated the confimed cases has rose 37 %..
a trick often used to when you want to hide the actual, unimpressive numbers.
Here in North Yorkshire I’m guessing the hospitals have little to do, with A and E cases vastly lower ( due to no pubs, reduced traffic, work injuries } and operations etc cancelled
At yesterdays conference Gove talked about regional patterns from April1-2nd ‘In London the number of hospital admissions has fallen slightly.
In Yorkshire and the North East admissions have increased by 35%
and in the Midlands admissions have increased by 47%’ video
Might be man made who knows.
Kind of makes me sad thought that views like that are more mainstream than what probably happen, ie it crossed species from bats to humans due to idiotic Chinese.
The bat explanation in many circles beong the crazy conspiracy theory..
So we wish Comrade Corbyn a happy and quiet retirement, hoping we never have to hear from him again as he turns his full attention to that allotment.
We’ll have fond thoughts of him with his little red book in one hand and his spade and hoe in the other.
It’s interesting that Labour chose a rich London posh boy as his successor. But one with not an ounce of wit or charisma.
And it is telling that Starmer is a lawyer. The Left now care not a jot for people or commerce or science – none of that matters in their world view, for them all you need to do to reach utopia is simply to pass the right laws.
Asiseeit- if I remember correctly the retired leader of the opposition get the same pension as the PM and Speaker – which I think is 2 thirds of pay .
It is certain that comrade Corbyn will have got a hefty advance for his book . Apparently he doesn’t write much so it will be ghosted bigly.
As for comrade Starmer – interesting that the Labour Party selects barristers – like Blair – whose job qualification includes being amoral and heartless .
Which makes them ideal for politics .
I don’t think there’s too much of a need to think much about Starmer as he is only a caretaker for the next four years until he is replaced by another comrade corbyn derivative .
However I think today – Sunday – he will be announcing shadow jobs and my money is on happy Lammy as shadow home sec . Popcorn time .
Muslim girls will also be in favour on the front bench too …..
What about a Jewish front bench? You can’t be serious about Lammy??
You can be sure the BBC will be highly supportive of the newbies and they will all be regulars on Marr for the next few weeks/years
If you look at the ‘ quality ‘ of the Corbyn front bench anyone can be dropped in – particularly if they can play the gender race or religion card . He ll also want to promote yoof .
I like the line about Lammy having gone to Harvard – well I went to oxford Cambridge ucl qmc and then I came back .
Having angie Rayner sniping from the sidelines will be something to watch but with a bit of luck the parliamentary pantomime will be parked for a good few weeks yet .
Do you remember, Fedup2, Jeffrey Archer claimed to have gone to Oxford University. It came to light that he’d been to Oxford college.
The psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists who swim in the swamp that governs us, lie as easily as they breathe. In fact it seems they don’t even know when they are lying, they do it so often.
What’s the betting that the BBC will show no deference what so ever to Her Majesty The Queen by running their stupid ticker tape at the bottom of the screen during her address to the Nation and the Commonwealth this evening ?
Well, the news channels are already giving out the main gist of the message and are reporting verbatim what she is going to say.
Surely this is wrong, as the message will have better impact kept under wraps until its aired. If we all know what she’s going to say then there’s little point in watching.
There is a CNN story that says a UK DNA firm is selling PRIVATE Covid19 testing kits for £200
Yet the UK government is saying that no private tests are authorised
cos it only wants reliable tests, not tests that might give false results.
The firm says it uses private labs.
But surely if a lab is working but not doing government tests only
then the work is NON-ESSENTIAL and therefore illegal ?
The theory that the Coronavirus originated from the biological warfare research lab in Wuhan was first met with much tut-tutting and poo-pooing, and dismissed as conspiracy theory.
Now it seems to be gaining at least some traction.
If it’s true, we can expect colossal amounts of indignant denial and misinformation from China and her many agents of influence worldwide.
DM: ‘Did coronavirus leak from a research lab in Wuhan? Startling new theory is ‘no longer being discounted’ amid claims staff ‘got infected after being sprayed with blood’
“Coronavirus: China’s Great Cover-up” https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/15844/coronavirus-china-cover-up
Bit by bit, the truth will out.
But, does the name, General Galtieri ring any bells?
To divert attention from national and international problems for their public, he had a wonderful idea……….
This will take years to recover from. It can only be led by the private sector. Already Keir Smarmer on the Big Lugs show is preparing the way for large public sector pay awards, no reform of the NHS system even talked about.
The beginnings of a recovery must not be ploughed back into a failed NHS. The front line services should have a pay increase, but paid for by cutting managers/consultants numbers, or by redistributing their pay.
Friend of China, Andy, not asking Keir Charmer about their role in all this. Oh, and our human rights champion thinks plod has got it right about not being over-zealous.
bBBC leading the way by questioning the date of the transition period, soon to be Lord Keir of Old Holborn and Pancreas delightedly running with Andy’s helpful suggestions, no tough questions, no gotcha moments, no bloody good.
IMHO Starmer is going to be a more formidable opposition leader than Corbyn ever was, Boris has got his work cut out . You can bet Al Beeb will go for the jugular now. Boris and his advisor, Dominic Cummings should work to end the decrepit Biased Al Beeb. But they have their work cut out, see ……
Damian Green and Huw Merriman -“‘Tory MPs” , What Tory MPs ? …………………………………….. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-51530752
I don’t watch Al Beeb, why should I pay for it ? Its “state aided ‘daylight robbery’ !
\\Key workers have been “overlooked and underpaid” and there will have to be a “reckoning” after the coronavirus crisis, the new Labour leader has said./
Threats are coming from “Sir” Kier already ?
Problem is that Labour’s view of key workers is ‘public sector’ and we all know they are not the endangered species – until all the ‘ over looked’ private sector and self employed stop paying taxes…
I would like to see the public sector work without power (private) and sewage (private) and food (private)..
Wonder if the BBC will bother to pronounce his name properly?
I was informed by a Scot of more direct descent ie. first generation born in England – after I had called him ‘Kier’ – that Keir is pronounced Kare and is not to be confused with Kia which is a make of car.
How reassuring that in these uncertain times our muslim friends can be relied on to continue their relentless worldwide campaign of murder and mayhem. It brings an air of business-as-usual normality to the current crazy situation, doesn’t it?
Below are just a few of the latest offerings by the Religion Of Terror (I’m sure there’s an acronym in there somewhere).
Not much about them on the beeb.
– UK: Muslim migrant stabs 7-year-old girl to death, media never mentions nationality of murderer
– France: Muslim migrant with “jihadist motive” goes on stabbing spree, two dead, several wounded
– Muslim cleric: “May Allah send such a terrible virus to India that 100 to 200 to 500 million people die in India”
– India: Muslim licks currency notes and wipes nose with them, says “Coronavirus is Allah’s punishment to you”
– Germany: Muslim migrant randomly attacks two people with machete and axe, police say it’s “mental illness”
You know, when they say it’s mental illness, I’m starting to think they’re right. Maybe it should be called the Koranovirus.
Wonder if the “mental illness” excuse will back fire. Will even BBC viewers and Guardian readers eventually say, “hey! if so many Muslims suffer from mental illness that leads them to murder people, then maybe we should ask them to leave.”
I was making my morning cuppa when I heard a “journalist” , cant remember which one was enquiring just how ill is Boris Johnson, I think we need to know. FFS leave the man alone to be ill and recover. They are desperate for any news to justify their jobs and to make trouble as a side issue. How I detest them all.
Best case scenario for a vaccine seems to be at least a year away, so I’m not sure what the lockdown plan is … Infections will surge when we’re let out on probation, or the economy will collapse if we’re kept incarcerated.
Guess it’s impolite to ask, just clap the NHS.
Yes, I realised that months ago and stated that here. Fact is, you and I and the rest of the PoW’s are destined to catch it anyway, in due course. October, December, March 2021: it’ll still be about. But for the Government, they’re hoping for low numbers of fatalities. All to do with ‘image’ if I’m honest.
Not according to BAT (a.k.a. British American Tobacco), Eddy.
They reckon they could have a vaccine in mass production in June if the authorities remove the usual bureaucratic hurdles.
I’d best add, for the avoidance of doubt, that they do have a specialist offshoot that’s dedicated to vaccine research and production, so they’re not new to this particular field.
Not according to BAT (a.k.a. British American Tobacco), Eddy.
They reckon they could have a vaccine in mass production in June if the authorities remove the usual bureaucratic hurdles.
I’d best add, for the avoidance of doubt, that they have a specialist offshoot that’s dedicated to vaccine research and production, so they’re not new to this particular field.
I dunno if the BBCorona will show this but we are supposed to go out and clap for the kids (the yang people of St Greta’s generation) at 3pm.
Darlings. Please stop clapping at the sky. Britain is becoming a nation of sky-clappers. We look like North Koreans on Xanax. #skyclapperspic.twitter.com/hZScItc3UB
Surely we could consolidate all our clapping into say, 5 prayers a day instead. We could all meet in a dedicated building to do this. Perhaps have a man on a loudspeaker calling us when it is praying time.
Reports are that we currently have about 12000 to 13000 ventilators with many more on order. Media and Left constantly complaining we should have had several times this amount on standby for this sort of event.
I cannot find out anywhere how many of the 12000 or so are actually being used at the moment or how many seriously ill patients are waiting for one to become available.
Is there a possibility that they are not all being used at the moment and to report that fact if that were the case, would not fit the agenda.
Nurses having to hold their breath while treating patients due to unavailability of face masks ??????? Really ????
Surely it would not be difficult to use bandages combined with tissues to provide a similar amount of protection.
confirmed 5,903 new coronavirus cases
and 621 new deaths (not confirmed yet)
Pattern – Tue 563 Wed 569, Thu 684, Fri 708
Cases 5,903 That’s a very big blip up ..50% up in one day
That trends to 1,200 deaths per day in 7 days time
I wonder if they are just testing more and mopping up less serious cases now ?
Yes tests were 12,334 in one day so that might account for a lot
Test Pattern : Tue 4324, Wed 4244, Thu +4450 (off 10590 tests ), Fri 3735 (off 10,984 t)
Stew, sometimes they have not been available until 9 or 10 p.m.. Perhaps that is dependent on a Beeboid pushing the computer buttons to input the data?
There has been a downward blip in Kent, 51 new cases after increases of 83, 90, 76 and 72 on 1 April. I hope that a downward trend can be maintained.
Keir Starmer was on the Marr show. I would have watched but decided to cut my toenails instead.
However the BBC are reporting he is saying that ‘those with more will have to contribute more’ yet also by implication that a big fat pay rise will be awarded to the hard working public sector.
Clearly he has chosen not to consider these papers produced by the ONS.
If he had, he would realise that the main group who ‘have more’ is the public sector, who already have typically higher pay (around 20%) than those in the private sector, not to mention unrivalled job security, and rock solid pensions with guaranteed income funded by the taxes of future generations, and immune to the ups and downs of the stock market.
And that was before Caronavirus. Now many in the public sector don’t even need to work, and still get all these benefits. No 80% for them ! And, since there is nothing to actually spend money on just now, public sector workers are putting money in the bank like never before.
The private sector is absolutely stuffed and to be fair, many have chosen to bury their heads in the sand on the matter for years.
Seems to me that in a time when supplies are under immense pressure and in the total absence of aprons in any hospital, a bin bag would be a very effective substitute to prevent the virus contaminating clothing.
Here’s another Covid-19 puzzle: of the Top Ten Covid Nations at #10, little Switzerland has an infection rate of approximately 0.0025%. Much higher than other countries, the second highest in the Top Ten after Spain if my calculator button pushing is correct. Why?
And why so high in Spain, too?
OK, Switzerland is the crossroads of Europe and, to an extent, the world. Swissair is or was a successful airline. Many goods on trucks pass from Italy into Switzerland and vice versa. But the Italian infection rate is 20% lower than that of Switzerland.
I wonder what the infection rate is in the immediate surroundings of Davos?
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Fedup2Mar 6, 20:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 His principles seem pretty flexible . No politician has anything to say about the torture of Tommy Robinson – agreeing…
tomoMar 6, 19:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 The wacky twits (of any stripe) don’t seemed to be challenged much over there at GBNews… I don’t understand why…
moggiemooMar 6, 19:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why bother getting an actor to play a lunatic when you can just get in a leftie who actually is…
ScrobleneMar 6, 19:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 The leftie independent radio stations have their fair share of lefties, so it’s easy for me to avoid their ridiculous…
Westys airport watch as the lockdown continues.
All Pax flights:
Virgin Atlantic A350 from JFK due in to LHR at 10.00hrs. Must be a government funded repatriation flight as AntiBBC keeps telling me Beardy Wierdy Branson is broke.
BA A350 from Washington arriving around 10.05
BA 747 from Dallas due in around 10.15.
And a couple of biggies (747s) enroute from LAX and San Francisco due in the next 30mins.
And AntiBBC ran a story late last week regarding aircrew that were worried they’d caught the Chinese Corona Virus due to the amount of long hauls they were working.
It’s not like a hurricane , than we can hide from for a week untill it passes.. this virus ain’t going away for a good while.
Assuming the government actually has a plan, could it be they want to virus here and want it to spread, but at a slow enough rate that the NHS can cope.?
Only reason I can think of why flights are still landing.
Flights : today’s news was that the government is organising flights for 20,000 people to be flown to the UK from India
I guess they are all wealthy and retired ethnic Indians who are British passport holders & have chosen to live in India cos it is so cheap.
Keeping in touch with friends around the country, as you do, no one knows of anyone who has contracted the chinese virus let alone died of it. Just sayin…….
Yesterdays figure 41.903 known cases and 4,313 deaths, so that’s approximately 1:2,000 of the population. Do you correspond with that many people and what are the chances?
No I don’t. But they do.
@AWOL if there have been 42,000 registered cases
that should mean there have been about 420,000 actual cases
That is 1 in every 157 people in the UK
I expect that cases are not spread evenly but rather concentrated in certain incidents like one retirement home, one canteen etc.
So people like you I don’t know anyone, who personally knows anybody that has had it.
(apart from guy I know from Twitter)
I reckon if there are 10 cases sick enough to be admitted to hospital and tested, that means there are another 90 cases in the community… so 100 cases
I reckon registered cases lead a death count of 20% in 7 days time.
So after 7 days , 2 of the 10 have died , ie 2 of the 100
So if we have a registered daily case count of 4,000 today , in 7 days time we will have a daily death count of 800
Stay objective. Someone had the insight to write the script to the film, ‘The Live’ all those years ago.
Now, where’s them sunglasses?
This is from the Vlad Tepes site. It’s quite a long read but it’s real stuff about real research on this China virus and terms to point the finger at it being created rather than occurring naturally:
For the Yorkshire and Humberside region, some radio news channel stated the confimed cases has rose 37 %..
a trick often used to when you want to hide the actual, unimpressive numbers.
Here in North Yorkshire I’m guessing the hospitals have little to do, with A and E cases vastly lower ( due to no pubs, reduced traffic, work injuries } and operations etc cancelled
Ah just ” Yorkshire and Humberside region”
So they have cherrypicked one region, one day
At yesterdays conference Gove talked about regional patterns from April1-2nd
‘In London the number of hospital admissions has fallen slightly.
In Yorkshire and the North East admissions have increased by 35%
and in the Midlands admissions have increased by 47%’
Might be man made who knows.
Kind of makes me sad thought that views like that are more mainstream than what probably happen, ie it crossed species from bats to humans due to idiotic Chinese.
The bat explanation in many circles beong the crazy conspiracy theory..
So we wish Comrade Corbyn a happy and quiet retirement, hoping we never have to hear from him again as he turns his full attention to that allotment.
We’ll have fond thoughts of him with his little red book in one hand and his spade and hoe in the other.
It’s interesting that Labour chose a rich London posh boy as his successor. But one with not an ounce of wit or charisma.
And it is telling that Starmer is a lawyer. The Left now care not a jot for people or commerce or science – none of that matters in their world view, for them all you need to do to reach utopia is simply to pass the right laws.
Asiseeit- if I remember correctly the retired leader of the opposition get the same pension as the PM and Speaker – which I think is 2 thirds of pay .
It is certain that comrade Corbyn will have got a hefty advance for his book . Apparently he doesn’t write much so it will be ghosted bigly.
As for comrade Starmer – interesting that the Labour Party selects barristers – like Blair – whose job qualification includes being amoral and heartless .
Which makes them ideal for politics .
I don’t think there’s too much of a need to think much about Starmer as he is only a caretaker for the next four years until he is replaced by another comrade corbyn derivative .
However I think today – Sunday – he will be announcing shadow jobs and my money is on happy Lammy as shadow home sec . Popcorn time .
Muslim girls will also be in favour on the front bench too …..
What about a Jewish front bench? You can’t be serious about Lammy??
You can be sure the BBC will be highly supportive of the newbies and they will all be regulars on Marr for the next few weeks/years
If you look at the ‘ quality ‘ of the Corbyn front bench anyone can be dropped in – particularly if they can play the gender race or religion card . He ll also want to promote yoof .
I like the line about Lammy having gone to Harvard – well I went to oxford Cambridge ucl qmc and then I came back .
Having angie Rayner sniping from the sidelines will be something to watch but with a bit of luck the parliamentary pantomime will be parked for a good few weeks yet .
Do you remember, Fedup2, Jeffrey Archer claimed to have gone to Oxford University. It came to light that he’d been to Oxford college.
The psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists who swim in the swamp that governs us, lie as easily as they breathe. In fact it seems they don’t even know when they are lying, they do it so often.
Ex Lawyer or career politician…
Same as always
What’s the betting that the BBC will show no deference what so ever to Her Majesty The Queen by running their stupid ticker tape at the bottom of the screen during her address to the Nation and the Commonwealth this evening ?
Surely that’s surtitles for the non-English speaking…………….
Well, the news channels are already giving out the main gist of the message and are reporting verbatim what she is going to say.
Surely this is wrong, as the message will have better impact kept under wraps until its aired. If we all know what she’s going to say then there’s little point in watching.
Bad form I say.
Why bother watching it, we were virtually told what she was going to say last night.
Seems the norn these days with speeches
I think they might cut away to do the weather ….
I wonder if they’ll have a BBC droid doing that ever so helpful ‘ interpretation ‘ of what the lady just said …..
There is a CNN story that says a UK DNA firm is selling PRIVATE Covid19 testing kits for £200
Yet the UK government is saying that no private tests are authorised
cos it only wants reliable tests, not tests that might give false results.
The firm says it uses private labs.
But surely if a lab is working but not doing government tests only
then the work is NON-ESSENTIAL and therefore illegal ?
The theory that the Coronavirus originated from the biological warfare research lab in Wuhan was first met with much tut-tutting and poo-pooing, and dismissed as conspiracy theory.
Now it seems to be gaining at least some traction.
If it’s true, we can expect colossal amounts of indignant denial and misinformation from China and her many agents of influence worldwide.
DM: ‘Did coronavirus leak from a research lab in Wuhan? Startling new theory is ‘no longer being discounted’ amid claims staff ‘got infected after being sprayed with blood’
Surely that’s surtitles for the non-English speaking…………….
“Coronavirus: China’s Great Cover-up”
Bit by bit, the truth will out.
But, does the name, General Galtieri ring any bells?
To divert attention from national and international problems for their public, he had a wonderful idea……….
Good quality info on the Wuhan research lab theory …
Local government workers:
we will shut down shops where we can
we will stilli issue parking tickets
We will stay at home and use this as an excuse for not responding to any enquiries
This will take years to recover from. It can only be led by the private sector. Already Keir Smarmer on the Big Lugs show is preparing the way for large public sector pay awards, no reform of the NHS system even talked about.
The beginnings of a recovery must not be ploughed back into a failed NHS. The front line services should have a pay increase, but paid for by cutting managers/consultants numbers, or by redistributing their pay.
Friend of China, Andy, not asking Keir Charmer about their role in all this. Oh, and our human rights champion thinks plod has got it right about not being over-zealous.
bBBC leading the way by questioning the date of the transition period, soon to be Lord Keir of Old Holborn and Pancreas delightedly running with Andy’s helpful suggestions, no tough questions, no gotcha moments, no bloody good.
IMHO Starmer is going to be a more formidable opposition leader than Corbyn ever was, Boris has got his work cut out . You can bet Al Beeb will go for the jugular now. Boris and his advisor, Dominic Cummings should work to end the decrepit Biased Al Beeb. But they have their work cut out, see ……
Damian Green and Huw Merriman -“‘Tory MPs” , What Tory MPs ? ……………………………………..
I don’t watch Al Beeb, why should I pay for it ? Its “state aided ‘daylight robbery’ !
\\Key workers have been “overlooked and underpaid” and there will have to be a “reckoning” after the coronavirus crisis, the new Labour leader has said./
Threats are coming from “Sir” Kier already ?
Problem is that Labour’s view of key workers is ‘public sector’ and we all know they are not the endangered species – until all the ‘ over looked’ private sector and self employed stop paying taxes…
I would like to see the public sector work without power (private) and sewage (private) and food (private)..
All the Zero Hours contact workers now getting zero pay..
Starmer! Its Sir Kier Starmer innit.
Wonder if the BBC will bother to pronounce his name properly?
I was informed by a Scot of more direct descent ie. first generation born in England – after I had called him ‘Kier’ – that Keir is pronounced Kare and is not to be confused with Kia which is a make of car.
Up2 – Kia is not Just a make car – it is – in fact – type of alcoholic drink preferred by for BBC ‘journalists who got caught out ….. ????
Sorry Fed, first thing that came to mind. Had a school buddy called Kerr and I had to learn to say that as Carr.
Ain’t life difficult at times …. 🙂
How reassuring that in these uncertain times our muslim friends can be relied on to continue their relentless worldwide campaign of murder and mayhem. It brings an air of business-as-usual normality to the current crazy situation, doesn’t it?
Below are just a few of the latest offerings by the Religion Of Terror (I’m sure there’s an acronym in there somewhere).
Not much about them on the beeb.
– UK: Muslim migrant stabs 7-year-old girl to death, media never mentions nationality of murderer
– France: Muslim migrant with “jihadist motive” goes on stabbing spree, two dead, several wounded
– Muslim cleric: “May Allah send such a terrible virus to India that 100 to 200 to 500 million people die in India”
– India: Muslim licks currency notes and wipes nose with them, says “Coronavirus is Allah’s punishment to you”
– Germany: Muslim migrant randomly attacks two people with machete and axe, police say it’s “mental illness”
You know, when they say it’s mental illness, I’m starting to think they’re right. Maybe it should be called the Koranovirus.
Wonder if the “mental illness” excuse will back fire. Will even BBC viewers and Guardian readers eventually say, “hey! if so many Muslims suffer from mental illness that leads them to murder people, then maybe we should ask them to leave.”
I was making my morning cuppa when I heard a “journalist” , cant remember which one was enquiring just how ill is Boris Johnson, I think we need to know. FFS leave the man alone to be ill and recover. They are desperate for any news to justify their jobs and to make trouble as a side issue. How I detest them all.
Best case scenario for a vaccine seems to be at least a year away, so I’m not sure what the lockdown plan is … Infections will surge when we’re let out on probation, or the economy will collapse if we’re kept incarcerated.
Guess it’s impolite to ask, just clap the NHS.
Yes, I realised that months ago and stated that here. Fact is, you and I and the rest of the PoW’s are destined to catch it anyway, in due course. October, December, March 2021: it’ll still be about. But for the Government, they’re hoping for low numbers of fatalities. All to do with ‘image’ if I’m honest.
G, government by media headlines.
Not according to BAT (a.k.a. British American Tobacco), Eddy.
They reckon they could have a vaccine in mass production in June if the authorities remove the usual bureaucratic hurdles.
I’d best add, for the avoidance of doubt, that they do have a specialist offshoot that’s dedicated to vaccine research and production, so they’re not new to this particular field.
Not according to BAT (a.k.a. British American Tobacco), Eddy.
They reckon they could have a vaccine in mass production in June if the authorities remove the usual bureaucratic hurdles.
I’d best add, for the avoidance of doubt, that they have a specialist offshoot that’s dedicated to vaccine research and production, so they’re not new to this particular field.
I dunno if the BBCorona will show this but we are supposed to go out and clap for the kids (the yang people of St Greta’s generation) at 3pm.
Surely we could consolidate all our clapping into say, 5 prayers a day instead. We could all meet in a dedicated building to do this. Perhaps have a man on a loudspeaker calling us when it is praying time.
Reports are that we currently have about 12000 to 13000 ventilators with many more on order. Media and Left constantly complaining we should have had several times this amount on standby for this sort of event.
I cannot find out anywhere how many of the 12000 or so are actually being used at the moment or how many seriously ill patients are waiting for one to become available.
Is there a possibility that they are not all being used at the moment and to report that fact if that were the case, would not fit the agenda.
Nurses having to hold their breath while treating patients due to unavailability of face masks ??????? Really ????
Surely it would not be difficult to use bandages combined with tissues to provide a similar amount of protection.
Hidden away, see our “cross channel ferry” is running and working ok …………
Expect more as the weather improves and the message goes back that the UK is a “soft touch”, while the rest of the EU close their borders ?
The Home Office said the
invasionsincidents were beingfacilitatedinvestigated.They ain’t going back. Not with Boris and Priti at the helm
confirmed 5,903 new coronavirus cases
and 621 new deaths (not confirmed yet)
Pattern – Tue 563 Wed 569, Thu 684, Fri 708
Cases 5,903 That’s a very big blip up ..50% up in one day
That trends to 1,200 deaths per day in 7 days time
I wonder if they are just testing more and mopping up less serious cases now ?
Yes tests were 12,334 in one day so that might account for a lot
Test Pattern : Tue 4324, Wed 4244, Thu +4450 (off 10590 tests ), Fri 3735 (off 10,984 t)
Will we hit 1,000 deaths/day on Tuesday ?
Mmmm, they don’t usually put out the stats as early as 2.40 pm.
Could this be a novel way of ‘flattening the curve?
The stats about tests are done 9am to 9am and tweeted out after 1pm
..and have been officially tweeted
Daily death stats are done 1pm to 1pm and usually released at 5pm
but the media seem to have them now (Reuters)
They add
“including 29 patients with no underlying health conditions:”
I think yesterdays number of positives being low was an anomaly to the trend,
today is back on trend.
Stew, sometimes they have not been available until 9 or 10 p.m.. Perhaps that is dependent on a Beeboid pushing the computer buttons to input the data?
There has been a downward blip in Kent, 51 new cases after increases of 83, 90, 76 and 72 on 1 April. I hope that a downward trend can be maintained.
Keir Starmer was on the Marr show. I would have watched but decided to cut my toenails instead.
However the BBC are reporting he is saying that ‘those with more will have to contribute more’ yet also by implication that a big fat pay rise will be awarded to the hard working public sector.
Clearly he has chosen not to consider these papers produced by the ONS.
If he had, he would realise that the main group who ‘have more’ is the public sector, who already have typically higher pay (around 20%) than those in the private sector, not to mention unrivalled job security, and rock solid pensions with guaranteed income funded by the taxes of future generations, and immune to the ups and downs of the stock market.
And that was before Caronavirus. Now many in the public sector don’t even need to work, and still get all these benefits. No 80% for them ! And, since there is nothing to actually spend money on just now, public sector workers are putting money in the bank like never before.
The private sector is absolutely stuffed and to be fair, many have chosen to bury their heads in the sand on the matter for years.
Good old BBC. Keeping up the constant negativity towards the Government, whilst giving Mr Starmer a nice , easy, cosy introduction.
How come tho, every interview I see with a NHS worker, every tweet, every video they produce, they are ALWAYS fully kitted out in PPE ??????
Seems to me that in a time when supplies are under immense pressure and in the total absence of aprons in any hospital, a bin bag would be a very effective substitute to prevent the virus contaminating clothing.
Pug, This isn’t anti-Trump but looks at economic theory –
Here’s another Covid-19 puzzle: of the Top Ten Covid Nations at #10, little Switzerland has an infection rate of approximately 0.0025%. Much higher than other countries, the second highest in the Top Ten after Spain if my calculator button pushing is correct. Why?
And why so high in Spain, too?
OK, Switzerland is the crossroads of Europe and, to an extent, the world. Swissair is or was a successful airline. Many goods on trucks pass from Italy into Switzerland and vice versa. But the Italian infection rate is 20% lower than that of Switzerland.
I wonder what the infection rate is in the immediate surroundings of Davos?