You and Yours Monday lunch time, Radio 4. Winifred Robinson asked if this was a good time to adopt a dog, seeing as every one is home there is plenty of time for training etc. She interviewed a young woman who had just acquired her new pet. Winifred asks her about the advantages of adopting when staying in. Turns out the young lady and her partner are key workers and out most of the day. Winifred hadn’t a clue what to ask next. This was boring radio (even if she had been indoors all the time) and badly researched. The BBC said it was keeping the 450 news people it had originally said it was going to lay off. I cannot imagine more dire CoVId 19 stories than they are producing at the moment.
Peston really isn’t mentally ok . Maybe he’s on the marching powder or something . His behaviour is – odd. Can’t blame ITV to keep him as ‘entertainment ‘ though ….
Aren’t they all using the Columbian powder? I thought it’s use was rife amongst journos.
Pressed-ons questions at the 5pm briefing were pointless. I believe he thinks he’s part of the content, rather than actually just a conduit the s*** flows through.
I’m told in olden times people exhibiting his mannerisms and strange behaviours would be locked away for their own good. And ours.
It’s better to play ‘spot the BBC truth’ as they are harder to find.
Another lie in a different article: Airbnb hosts defy lockdown laws with ‘Covid-19 retreats’ “New coronavirus laws say holiday accommodation should be provided only to keyworkers needing to self-isolate.”
“The second notice was under the Health Protection Regulations 2020, which comes with a £60 fine. It came into force last month to give police powers to punish anyone flouting lockdown restrictions.“
I’m only pointing this out now to save giving Maxincontinence aka Piku ammunition for his 2am drive by sniping.
Ok – so David Lammy is now ‘shadow justice secretary ‘ – I was predicting shadow home sec . Richard Burgon – whom he replaced – has gone away ‘to finish his colouring in book ‘ as someone on twitter said .
Elsewhere someone predicted Jess Phillips as ‘shadow culture sec’ but that turned out to be too good to be true …..
Given Starmer’s past ‘collaborations’ with the Ministry of Justice he needed to appoint someone suitably gullible to that position.
Also Ed Miliband appointed Shadow Business, Energy and Industrial Secretary – brother David is Starmer’s fellow member of the internationalist Trilateral Commission (Europe division).
Cheers all round from Soros, Bliar, Campbell and the bBC.
2pm Lincs News : Lincolnshire Police were called to 3 house parties and illegal gathering this weekend.
I haven’t found any details yet
I wonder what type of people ? gypsies, farmworkers
I suspect it was at a foreign seasonal workers hostel
Started my shift at 1500 ????????♂️ So far I have been to & closed down 3 house parties, all with upto 15 people present including young children ????????♂️
In Nottinghamshire there is this about a party in the street
“While we appreciate that the weather has been a little warmer this weekend, we did not expect to come across a street gathering in Retford where people were drinking and gathered around a fire in the middle of the road.
“On seeing the smoke from the road and going to investigate, numerous people ran off into nearby houses”
I think this is a good logical point
“I don’t understand the medical or scientific reasoning that running about is safer
.. than laying down?
18th family birthday party of 25 people in Newham that police broke up Newham MPS @MPSNewham
After a day of stop and search and foot chases, Newham’s NTT have been called to clear a house party in Central Park Road.
This family thought law relating to social distancing shouldn’t apply to 18th birthday parties. 25 guests moved on.
..again I suspect they were Nigerian or something
We are only 2 weeks in and those with itchy feet are starting to perform. Just wait for 5 or 6 weeks in, the police will not be able to contain them and they will be seeking increased powers to physically detain.
Could be G, only I don’t think they have enough of the right sort of lads for it anymore. Local bobby never tried to be anyones best friend in the past, certainly had respect for sure and maybe a little fear too. A recent post on the forum shared a video of a parking altercation, police turned up and one of them was practically leaning on a wall while ‘dealing’ with the situation. Five turned up I think, all a little scruffy, totally failed to take control of the situation. Heaven help us.
And amongst all this women are still producing children-a mother of 21 children has just produced her 22nd – now how much state benefit do you imagine she gets for her family? All too easy if you ask me-after a 4th child I don’t think those parents should be given any benefits-if it was their decision to have 5 children then they should take the responsibility for the total maintenance of that 5th child not you and I. Being personal don’t those parents of the 22 children know about contraception?
This family aren’t actually on benefits (yet! That could all change, but then it could for loads of us now).
They own a bakery.
They now have 12 girls and 10 boys. Perhaps they were hoping for 11 of each to get 2 football teams, or perhaps they will try for another girl to make a baker’s dozen.
I don’t have a problem with indigenous Brits who fund their own families of 22 kids rather than gimmigrants with 6-8 kids on full stay at home benefits.
I caught that well-fed BBC ‘big beast’ John Simpson on Radio 4’s ‘Today’, just before the headlines at 7 a.m., bashing Fox News and other “Right-wing” US media sources. Not that Simpson has any ulterior motive, of course, such as legacy media like the BBC and CNN struggling to keep their control of the narrative – perish the thought!
Pie-eater Simpson accused Fox’s Sean Hannity of having denied that Covid-19 was serious, only for Hannity to change his position and claim that Fox had said all along that it was serious. My reading of the Fox coverage that I saw was that they, like some Left- and Right-leaning libertarians in the UK, wanted to put the other side and argue that some of the restrictions might be too severe and come at too high an economic price. Fox also pointed to the China / Wuhan connection more than some, which the BBC doesn’t like because it’s “racist” (obviously).
Laura K_Berg first question to question – Which I paraphrase- how can the Prime Minister still be running the country when he is in hospital….WTF is it with the BBC trying to get Boris out of picture?
And now Peston asking the same bloody question… and Tom Dunn from the Sun.
Maybe if Boris and other sufferers were treated with chloroquine they would recover quicker. Shame that Dr Whitty has banned its use in England. Even more ironic that he too has the virus.
I’m just wondering who made him god, and why doctors are not allowed to make their own clinical judgments any more?
As far as I can see the BBC has been running the country since the pandemic began.The Government Ministers just appear each day to report to their bosses on how they are carrying out the orders.
JA, the Left are terrified of Boris Johnson. They’ve seen how he can win a majority last December. They know they have no-one on their side with that ability.
BBC = the Left. The Left = the BBC.
Much of the MSM = the Left. And vice versa.
When I say Left I mean various shades of National Socialism and Communism. Conservatism does not = the Right, it just tends to be right. I think I may start to refer to the Left as the Wrong.
“Tom Newton Dunn, Beth Rigby, Robert Peston and Laura Kuensbuerg using a time of national crisis to have their own little competition of who can ask the most stupid question in a presser. Have to love them”
Newton Dunns' Father is a Lib Dem MP…so he'll be biased like the rest of them… When is anyone going to go onto the subject of "the source" of the virus cos' half of us do not believe it came from "batsoup" !!!!!!
James -very sad that the BBC ITV and sky put their political journos up to try ‘ got cha’ questions when people – me – want facts about the effect of the Chinese virus .
They might as well go off and do the “ and now the weather “ nonsense .
I’d like to know about the arrangements to produce one once an effective one is found . Can’t be long because every country with research capability is pushing for a vaccine .
The Chinese may well have one if their virus came out of a military research lab ….
Fed, oh for someone like the 1960s James Burke on the BBC, every day and all day, with all of the Licence Fee payers support/resources behind him. Sadly those days are gone.
The BBC is a mere shadow of its former glorious self.
Up2- I was a great fan of James Burke – the days of someone like him informing , challenging and encouraging thought are long gone . I think he and the BBC fell out and he went to the States .
We are being managed – maybe deceived – with data purposely obscure and partial – I think for the purpose of keeping us indoors .
The BBC is too busy in its comfort zone of blaming than asking questions to inform us .
I’m trying to think through either the collapse or managed reduction in the stay indoors mantra but the clue will come from countries ahead of us . But that – I think – is a minimum of 2 weeks away …..
Fed, have a notion that James Burke was not a full-on enthusiast for Global Warming and Climate Change and that could be why he and the Beeb no longer get on. He wouldn’t be the only one ….
Could be wrong on that.
I’m hoping for a slowdown in UK cases this week. Dept of Health (all four regions) meanwhile are claiming a big jump again: 3,802. Germany is in a far worse position; population officially larger by about 16m approximately but twice the number of cases, near enough. Wonder if the BBC will report that tomorrow on TOADY? Won’t hold my breath.
I’ve listened and grown increasingly disinterestedly for the majority of the briefings.
10 days ago, we were told it was too early to tell.
To tell of what I’m really not sure anymore, the rate of infection, the amount of recoverers, the amount of death, the amount of tests, the amount of masks, the amount of PPE, the amount of travel, the amount of park visits, I really don’t know.
Today we are still told it’s too early to tell.
I suspect this time next week, it will still be too early to tell.
We were told absolutely nothing new or revealing today. It’s just babble and waffle and misleading information spun and fudged. No clarity or conciseness.
These muppets would not last 10mins in private industry, the whole approach is amateurish and shoddy.
Add to that the thicko journalists of the AntiBBC, SLY TV and that Pressed-on idiot along with print media, all asking basically the same questions everyday. It’s a circus of calamity and farce.
West – I’m coming to the same view – the numbers seem pretty meaningless if there is a lag in reporting as well as no separation of those who died of a variety of ailments .
But whatever they say – the household isolation can only persist for so long before a sizeable percentage stops listening any more . The State will be well up against any attempt to ban more activities such as exercise- however much the government propaganda machine tries to keep support for the failed NHS at the ‘clapping ‘ level After turning failure into heroics .
Agree Fed, I was at my place of work today along with others who are beginning to drift back intermittently. The novelty is wearing thin and the propaganda is beginning to be questioned, along with the science ‘facts’ that are being presented.
Easter is looming and I think we will see a watershed in the public approach to the lockdown after this particular holiday period finishes.
Just had an email from NatWest with the new interest rates.
My isa interest rate is now 0.01%
For my £1,000 I will get 10p after a year or 0.83p a month.
How much interest do they charge on credit cards, is it 39.9%
There’s a program you could make bbc – ‘Why does the government want us to stop saving’
I doubt if they will be making it though.
Maybe if Der Stuermer puts it into the labour manifesto they will do something.
BBC News have decided to show us how other working people in the community are contributing during these trying times.
Today they’ve been following a postman on his round in north London.
Now, I am not for one second criticising the young bloke they’ve chosen. He seems a genuinely decent chap and a credit to Royal Mail.
No, it’s the Beeb that worry me…
The postie I have now is called Bob. The previous chap was called Tom. And the young lad I had when i first moved to my present hovel went by the name of Ian. Good memory, eh?
Clearly none of these blokes were available…
Of all the postal workers in all of London the BBC had to pick this particular fellow.
The Beeb’s postie is called Ali…
Watched the same news. Its all so subtle, but underscores the narrative. There was also the community worker who did so much for her neighbourhood, who happened to be black, but the woman who was suffering abuse from her other half was white (not that we know the colour of her partner). I had a lot of sympathy for the family of the community worker and her friends and family, no one would wish that on anyone. The same for the poor lady who was suffering abuse at home. Its just the BBC seem to just “happened” to pick the appropriate people to match their “script”. Two other items caught my eye as well:
The wonders of local radio. I help out with a voluntary community radio station and if nothing else we are trying to help provide at the very least some morale support to the listeners. However the BBC have used it to plug THEIR local radio stations.
Finally, I now see the BBC ALWAYS show a cut away shot of a reporter holding along boom microphone as if to prove they are socially distancing themselves. They came a cropper on the “local radio” report above, when they cut away and showed the reporter holding his mic boom. Basically it was vertical to interview a punter who was at his first floor flat window overlooking the presented – any spittle would be straight down on his face. Well done BBC H&S!
Good news from Kent: only 36 new cases today. That’s the lowest increase for just over one week.
Meanwhile, following comments above on this page about BBC truth and lies:
It appears Johns Hopkins Uni adjusts its figures. I have previously mentioned the difficulty of three different timelines just in the USA but I am wondering whether the much decried testing claimed by President Trump to be done in the USA is actually leading to greater accuracy of diagnosis and knowledge of the cases – hence the adjustment.
Will the BBC therefore report a downward adjustment to the US Covid-19 cases?
I wonder ….
And will the BBC be reporting that the wonderful Germany, that they were so anxious to tell us about and compare to the UK, has now joined the ‘100’ Club?
Some years ago I read somewhere the words, said to have been uttered by a CIA Director: ” When everything the American people believe is a lie, we have won”. It’s bothered me for a long time that I couldn’t verify it. Just now I found this article which some might enjoy reading; it appears that it was said by someone working for the CIA:
I think it’s racist far-left bbc relevant because if they were a legitimate reporter of news and they really wanted to educate us, this would have been investigated by them years ago.
Also, it goes to the heart of all those ‘narratives’ ( stories in other words) that are fed to us on a daily basis here in the UK, in the USA and all over the Western world.
Not strictly BBC but certainly statist and entitled.
The dIly news conference was held by the Foreign Secreatary and two senior health officials.
It occurred to me that it does not matter to some of these officials how long the lockdown goes on for. They still get paid 100% plus pension benefits and arguably the longer it goes on, the more their public profile increases, which is usually a good career move.
Meanwhile the economy tanks and millions are on benefits and may lose their jobs permanently. But the officials will not feel this pain.
So who exactly in this process is representing the private sector, workers, businesses, and for that matter voluntary groups and charities as well ?
Giving unelected health officials the power to unilaterally shut down the economy indefinitely does not sound like a good move to me. But as we worship the new God that is the NHS on a daily basis, has anyone got the guts to say anything?
Sir Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party, has today appointed Ed Miliband as Shadow Business Secretary. The headstone for Der Starmer’s time as Party Leader is now being selected prior to engraving by the stonemason.
Dear me, has he really?
Sir Kweer Charmers actions are even more ridiculous than his appearance, but hey I guess the talent pool he has to chose from is pretty shallow.
On another note, who on earth elected the Millipead as an MP?
Better still, TWW, Rebecca Wrong-Daily has been appointed as Shadow Education Minister. Of course, Diane Abbott would have been better for that role but ….
I actually thought that Milipead Minor had lost his seat. But no. He has just been very, very quiet on the backbenches. A fact for which I am profoundly grateful.
Shadow edukayshun minister, really? Abbot was over qualified I imagine.
However RWD will strive to become the poster girl of lefty staff rooms up and down the land, apart of course from those ‘religious’ type establishments in certain parts of the country that don’t permit certain types of teaching (or teachers) on grounds of their traditions and beliefs.
Maybe she got the job thanks to those glasses? She can talk a lot at fairly high volume so I can see her on school visits giving youngsters an introduction to hectoring polite politics.
9pm BBC 2 Last Easter eight men triggered huge bombs in churches and tourist hotels across Sri Lanka, killing more than 270 people in one of the worst Islamist terror attacks since 9/11.
Jane Corbin talks to survivors and those who came face to face with the killers
Last April, a group of suicide bombers inspired by Islamic State targeted churches and hotels in Sri Lanka, causing hundreds of deaths. Here, Jane Corbin talks to survivors and those who came into proximity with the killers before they struck, as well as looking at first-hand evidence of how the attacks were carried out.
Corbin also looks into the backgrounds of the culprits, finding that they don’t fit the stereotype of the vulnerable loser who succumbs to brainwashing having nothing else to lose. More importantly, could they have been stopped? Questions have been asked about how many warnings the Sri Lankan government ignored
It’s pathetic. Someone asked this at the 5pm briefing.
Theses journos really are thick as mince.
Do they really think the inner workings of government,are going to go ‘open kimono’ for them and potentially display weakness and possible lack of cohesion either to internal watchers or the wider world, where our enemies could use such information to their advantage?
Instead we now need to ask:
‘Should all journos who keep asking the same questions over and over be hospitalised for exhibiting signs of madness’
8pm R4 Iranian-born Hossein Ahmadi (Kurdish) came to the UK illegally in the back of a lorry in order to seek asylum.
Now with leave to remain, he uses his British travel document to return to the Calais Jungle, the refugee camp in northern France where he lived for nearly a year as he tried again and again to find a way of entering the UK.
Hossein finds out what has changed and what has stayed the same in the Calais Jungle. Including interviews with Clare Moseley of Care 4 Calais and Beth Gardiner-Smith of Safe Passage International, as well as with many refugees from the Middle East and Africa
BBC NEWS REPORTER ASKS HOSPITAL DOCTOR: Do you have all the kit you need? DR ANSWERS: Yes. We do now. Everything, thanks. BBC: Great. (halfheartedly). But it must have been dreadful not having the kit. DR: Not really. We got around it.
— Michael Fabricant ???????? (@Mike_Fabricant) April 6, 2020
Doesn’t look like it . First line of her piece.
“After very, very little information was shared today, the prime minister was taken into intensive care at around 19:00 BST (18:00 GMT) tonight.” Rest in similar tone.
Desp – notice there isn’t any reference to the Labour slur that he was the ‘part time prime minister ‘. The BBC doesn’t mention it any more .
. I was surprised that Comrade Corbyn wished him a recovery at all – like quite a few of his disciples on Twitter – one of whom twittered ‘DNR‘. I just hope reporting it has some effect . I’m sure I wasn’t the only one .
Well looks like Boris is seeing first hand that the NHS isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. All this worshipping and protecting the NHS lets see if they can protect him.
Why are they not using HCQ as per the POTUS he has apparently ordered 29 million doses for the American people.
It’s clear then that the symptoms don’t just last 7 days and then back to work. Boris has had symptoms for over 10 days and has worsened. When are they going to stop lying to us and tell us the truth about this virus. Or do they think we can’t handle the truth?
Just caught a few minutes of newshite. My God.
Maitlis is the pits, positively rejoicing in the uncertainty caused by Boris’s hospitalisation.
S***stirring has rarely been so brazen or so disagreeable.
I just watched the start of Newshite on iPlayer. Maitlis is definitely smiling annoucing the news. Even when she stops talking a smile remains.
All the other times she presents the programme I have never seen her smile. I previously thought she was physically incapable of being happy but this news has cheered her up.
They really are now working against us and our country. That cannot be forgiven. These are critical days and people need to keep up morale. I try my best with all as we all should. I have nothing but contempt for the BBC journalists.
Compare and contrast the fine words of our Queen .
Al Beeb eg …………………
“There are 200 confirmed cases in Cheshire West and Chester, out of a local population of 340,502”
“Note: Not all those with the virus will have been tested”
If they haven’t been tested how do they know they have the virus ?
@Taffman on Mar 12
In an address at Downing Street, the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance warned virus *modelling* suggests between 5,000 and 10,000 people in the UK currently have Covid-19 but most are unaware they have contracted it.
At the same time he explained video
#1 “Most people are unaware they’ve got it
they get a mild flu which clears up after 5 days”
#2 “For a certain amount of people there is a phase 2
with a much stronger reaction
we think this is due to an immune response
These people will need hospitalisation
..and that is why we seek to delay so we can prepare the NHS” See Boris is in Phase 2
New stats
Daily deaths 439 a huge blip down .. trend graph
Daily positives 3802 a big blip down also
Especially since they did a lot more tests 13, 313
My guess is more negatives means more tests, cos they do another test to be sure
Yesterday : 621 dead, 5903 positives from 12,334 tests
My theory is that #Covid19UK Daily Death stats
actually trail the graph of registered Daily Positive Tests
by about 8 days
Here’s a graph of them both
with the latter moved 8 days to the left
The original deaths graph used a different scale so I had to squash it less compressed graph
Since rising deaths are already built into the system
at the rate of about 20% of the daily-positive tally 8 days prior
we should get 6,000+ deaths in the next 7 days
Dominic Raab !
This is why Al Beeb are afraid, very afraid and could be the reason for the bias to a ‘government of unity’ …………..
“The staunch Brexiteer ran for the Conservative Party leadership last year but he was knocked out in the second round of voting by MPs.”
“Prior to that he had run-ins with Mr Johnson’s predecessor, Theresa May, quitting her cabinet after just over four months as Brexit secretary.”
Boris now in intensive care,Laura K. and Beth Rigby almost crying crocodile tears, and showing fake concern.Keir Starmer stating yesterday he would be working with the government in this crisis time,and not trying to score political points.Then in his next breath proceeds to score a political point!MSM and opposition party truly have no decency.
Thinking about the park sunbathing, the Scottish Chief Medic, and policing beaches
And the the people shouting “Stay home, saves lives, morons”
.. When have that kind of absolute certainty and jab their fingers me that is a sign that they have a black and white picture of a full colour world
.. and as ever what labels they throw out like “moron” is a projection of themselves.
Social isolation does two things
#1 Stops you spreading Covid19
#2 Provides for a much easier trace pattern of who you were in contact with.
That Scottish med always impressed me with her clear explanations
AFAIK she went to her second home cos she knew it was a pretty safe thing to do. It’s no different than going upstairs or driving to the supermarket.
Sure there is an outside chance of a traffic accident, but so is crossing the road to the supermarket.
Ultimately she wasn’t going against the spirit of the law.
And neither were the 2 guys who drove to a remote field for metal detecting .
On the otherhand having 25 people at a house party or in the same tube compartment is a whole different level of risk.
Never mind that Sheffield suburb that is out of control.
The other part of the law is the signal you send, and her driving, might encourage those people who drive to parties.
Seems to me the police are harsh on minor risks, and turn a blind eye to major risks.
That could fit. I think the virus was out there much earlier but that does not implicate the Wuhan lab. Only that they might have known this and advertised for the experts in order to deal with the outbreak.
The 98 year old mother of a friend of mine passed away on Sunday. Up until being taken into hospital last week, she independently lived on her own but was deemed unsafe. She displayed no symptoms of the virus. Her daughter was told that Covid19 was the cause of death. My friend is struggling to believe this, unless she caught it in hospital, but there was not much time to be infected between her arrival and death.
She suspects that what is more likely, it is easier to put Covid19 on a death certificate than anything else. Her family (all of whom are of high intellect) are also of the same belief. If this is happening throughout the country when deaths are occurring every days from a variety of reasons, yet being recorded as a virus death, then the figures are widely distorted as to the true numbers of Covid19 deaths.
It’s remorseless, even now. The Government draws up a list of vulnerable people at short notice and is expected by the BBC to get every one right the first time.
I often pop in to this site but rarely make a comment, I did once when I posted first ! Anyway, just want to say all the best and thanks for your insight. Wishing you all the best of health and stay in fine fettle and being fit as a fiddle.
Professor Ferguson has condemned critics of his work. He said “It is ludicrous, frankly, to suggest that the severity of this virus is comparable to seasonal flu — ludicrous and dangerous” he said.
Initial evidence shows that as with seasonal flue, its not common for someone to die if they are not ill, frail, fat and short of breath due to Asthma, Anaemia (low blood oxygen), Lung Cancer, Heart Failure (Eddie Large), Cystic Fibrosis, Smoking, Tuberculosis (Illegal Immigrants) and drugs such as Adenosine, Beta Blockers, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and Aspirin. So if these people were going to die within nine months, anyway, then its possible that the death rate for 2020 isn’t going to be much different from 2019, even if the death rate peaks at 600 per day.
Death rates are (1) Asian Flue (1958) up to 4 Million. (2) Hong Kong Flue (1969) up to 4 Million (3) Seasonal Flue for the financial year (2019/20) up to 1.2 Million (4) Average Typical Seasonal Flue is around 470,000 (5) Chinese Flue (Covid-19) is now at 74,500, looking at China this seems to be the peak for the World. The final death tally is usually three times this. So that makes a final death toll of 447,000 or about the same as seasonal flue.
In olden days before Liberal Fascist lockdowns and BBC fake scientists. Real scientifically qualified scientists used something called the “Scientific Method”. Different teams of experts would come up with predictions of their own and challenge their rivals. Today we have two teams, that at Oxford and that at Imperial. As with Global Warming, the most alarmist model (Imperial) wins the attention of the BBC. While the not so alarmist model (Oxford) is criticised as “dangerous” and “irresponsible” by expressing dissent from the preferred alarmist orthodoxy set by Imperial.
As Sir Karl Popper said: “The point is that whenever we propose a solution to a problem, we ought to try as hard as we can to overthrow our solution, rather than defend it”
I think the BBC will put Sir Karl Popper on its “Banned” list with Professor Richard Lindzen. While “Frightful Ferguson” will be making fake BBC science documentaries with that “Terrible Hockey stick Mann” and that “Dreadful Greta girl”.
It used to be that if you didn’t feel well you went ‘to the doctor’ and if it was more serious ‘to hospital’.
Some have said that ‘the NHS’ has become a religion and they are probably right.
(GP’s premises and hospitals didn’t used to have ‘NHS’ plastered all over them, they do now so ‘someone’ is definitely pushing a brand. Why has the ExCel centre been labelled ‘NHS’, was that a ‘key’ task?).
In other matters, Sir Keir Starmer tells us that ‘key’ workers should get paid more. That means that those who have been allowed to work and who have been paid get more and the rest of you ‘sent home’ get nothing! Genius Sir K! (Maybe his hearing isn’t too good and he thought they were ‘Keir’ workers?)
Jim – Just another bribe from a long standing proponent of the magic money tree who thinks that we are all as vacuous and greedy as he is.
I am a key worker and I do have to meet the public – though thank God I am not shackled to a till having people cough over me. I also appreciate that to keep the country going and society running (which I am also part of) certain things have to be done – come what may. And sometimes in a national emergency you just have to get on with it. I am just thankful that I am not forced to stay at home racking up debt to a landlord or a credit card firm, All of which will eventually have to be paid for – somehow. Of course I would like more money , but not like this when people who have worked for years to build up a succesful business, suddenly face ruin due to the stupidity of some nations and media inspired hysteria.
It is just the way it is.
So p### off Starmer, crawl back under your stone and shut your unwholsome, deceitful, silken, poisonous mouth – I dont need a man who spent the last four years working against democracy to now pretend that suddenly he is on my side – I dont believe you.
Like you Oaknash I`m working .
I`m not a martyr , not a saint , I dont hate my job , I get out and about the UK .
I`m lucky , feel privileged as my house arrest is no longer than two days .
The roads are lovely , even the M25 and Dartford crossing .
Its you who have to stay at home I`m thinking of .
The approaches to dealing with coronavirus across the world have been varied to say the least. Our visual journalism team has put together a guide. The impact of those lockdowns has been wide-ranging too. Some people have found themselves struggling to get essential items, and the BBC has spent time with one mother going from house to house delivering nappies to families in need. Others are feeling the economic effects, including sex workers, some of whom are attempting to shift online. However, not all businesses are suffering – in the US gun sales appear to be at a record high. Here we look at why.
They have a ‘visual journalism team’ who essentially follow the bbc following people door to door.
Is there a screenshot or similar of this line ? Even I, as someone with the lowest opinion of the BBC, find it difficult to accept that a BBC employee could write and publish something as wrong and offensive as this . Have you complained – will you do so ? Is it up on a site or their iPlayer or similar ?
@CM Was that written in a newspaper ?
I don’t spot it online
I do spot this
BBC World Service News TV
This prog is still being repeated.. it’s on today
The schedule shows 21 broadcasts since February
Journey to the Doomsday Glacier
Antarctica is one of the most remote and inhospitable places on earth.
Reporter Justin Rowlatt joins an international team of scientists travelling to Thwaites, the so-called Doomsday Glacier.
The team wants to discover why it is melting so quickly – science with implications for us all.
But during the trip the weather closes in, playing havoc with their plans.
Will the expedition succeed in unlocking the secrets of the glacier?
And just how hard is it to live and work in such an extreme environment at the end of the world?
“Things seem to be moving in this direction today. Leaders with nationalist leanings are more frequently taking centre stage around the world, from the US, to Brazil, to India. In the UK, figures such as Nigel Farage, posted this tweet about the 2020 coronavirus outbreak: “It really is about time we all said it. China caused this nightmare. Period.”
The gospel according to the BBC: Now more than ever BEWARE OF RACISM… Farage, Trump, Modi and Bolsonaro "stoke the flames of bigotry." Oh and err climate change.
C Mist
Good to know that Aunty is really concerned about some of the more important parts of our economy. I think that the fact that the BBC even bothered to report on this at this time, says an awful lot about the morality, peccadilloes and priorities of the “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”
Do you think that the inference that the poor “sex workers forced to start again” means that they might have to get a real job.
I hear that my local Morrisons has vacancies at the moment.
Does the team think that the use of webcams for journos to ask questions, is actually dumbing down their actual skills – whatever they are?
Some journalists are pretty damn good at getting to the bottom of a problem with politicians, slebs etc, but others are just failing in their duty to elicit news, and a good, proper story.
Excessive soundbites via laptops don’t constitute ‘news’, and it’s all very well for the BBC to carry on this sort of ‘reporting’, but it just seems so fake, as there’s absolutely nobody anywhere, who knows how to sort this Covid 19 problem.
Unhelpful sneers, innuendo, and, unfortunately, from past experience, a sour reputation for being anti-Conservative, the BBC people are doing nothing to relieve a tiring population, with their endless triviality and weak inquiry.
With all the modern technology, why can’t journos just get on their Ipads and GET A STORY! Find out why eating bats may be the cause, challenge the lies properly, not squeal ‘unreliable sources say’!
Get online and do your job – you’re getting paid enough!
(And don’t stand in the blasted street either, you look ridiculous).
Thus ends another extraordinary, harrowing and difficult day in journalism. All of us working on newspapers at the moment are doing our level best to provide trusted information about the #covid19 crisis. Please support our industry and #buyapaper.
Roland That is lefty journo Nick Beddows stoking a pile on against Tom Newton Dunn
.. but he comes with the angle, opposite to ours
He said
..”We see you, Tom, the reasonable face of corrupt government propaganda.”
FFS Dunn just insulted Boris’s govt
It is normal for people to follow their opposition
but the Momentum lot lead a lefty zombie army in pile ons
to intimidate their opposition.
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Fedup2Mar 6, 20:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 His principles seem pretty flexible . No politician has anything to say about the torture of Tommy Robinson – agreeing…
tomoMar 6, 19:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 The wacky twits (of any stripe) don’t seemed to be challenged much over there at GBNews… I don’t understand why…
You and Yours Monday lunch time, Radio 4. Winifred Robinson asked if this was a good time to adopt a dog, seeing as every one is home there is plenty of time for training etc. She interviewed a young woman who had just acquired her new pet. Winifred asks her about the advantages of adopting when staying in. Turns out the young lady and her partner are key workers and out most of the day. Winifred hadn’t a clue what to ask next. This was boring radio (even if she had been indoors all the time) and badly researched. The BBC said it was keeping the 450 news people it had originally said it was going to lay off. I cannot imagine more dire CoVId 19 stories than they are producing at the moment.
Media blue ticks are in apoplexy cos Peston said “inmates”
So, Mr Peston.
Care home residents are ‘inmates’ are they?
How very revealing.
Peston really isn’t mentally ok . Maybe he’s on the marching powder or something . His behaviour is – odd. Can’t blame ITV to keep him as ‘entertainment ‘ though ….
Aren’t they all using the Columbian powder? I thought it’s use was rife amongst journos.
Pressed-ons questions at the 5pm briefing were pointless. I believe he thinks he’s part of the content, rather than actually just a conduit the s*** flows through.
I’m told in olden times people exhibiting his mannerisms and strange behaviours would be locked away for their own good. And ours.
Spot the BBC lie. I’m sure you can all spot it very quickly
It’s better to play ‘spot the BBC truth’ as they are harder to find.
Another lie in a different article:
Airbnb hosts defy lockdown laws with ‘Covid-19 retreats’
“New coronavirus laws say holiday accommodation should be provided only to keyworkers needing to self-isolate.”
Another complaint gone in.
Another complaint gone in.
No didn’t spot it. Please elaborate.
The title says “Coronavirus: Man fined for 240-mile round trip ‘to buy bread'”
I guess that is the lie
..cos he was FINED for doing 110mph
Yes Stew, but it then goes on to say
“The second notice was under the Health Protection Regulations 2020, which comes with a £60 fine. It came into force last month to give police powers to punish anyone flouting lockdown restrictions.“
I’m only pointing this out now to save giving Maxincontinence aka Piku ammunition for his 2am drive by sniping.
Spot the BBC lie. I’m sure you can all spot it very quickly
Ok – so David Lammy is now ‘shadow justice secretary ‘ – I was predicting shadow home sec . Richard Burgon – whom he replaced – has gone away ‘to finish his colouring in book ‘ as someone on twitter said .
Elsewhere someone predicted Jess Phillips as ‘shadow culture sec’ but that turned out to be too good to be true …..
Given Starmer’s past ‘collaborations’ with the Ministry of Justice he needed to appoint someone suitably gullible to that position.
Also Ed Miliband appointed Shadow Business, Energy and Industrial Secretary – brother David is Starmer’s fellow member of the internationalist Trilateral Commission (Europe division).
Cheers all round from Soros, Bliar, Campbell and the bBC.
2pm Lincs News : Lincolnshire Police were called to 3 house parties and illegal gathering this weekend.
I haven’t found any details yet
I wonder what type of people ? gypsies, farmworkers
I suspect it was at a foreign seasonal workers hostel
In Nottinghamshire there is this about a party in the street
“While we appreciate that the weather has been a little warmer this weekend, we did not expect to come across a street gathering in Retford where people were drinking and gathered around a fire in the middle of the road.
“On seeing the smoke from the road and going to investigate, numerous people ran off into nearby houses”
I think this is a good logical point
“I don’t understand the medical or scientific reasoning that running about is safer
.. than laying down?
18th family birthday party of 25 people in Newham that police broke up
Newham MPS @MPSNewham
After a day of stop and search and foot chases, Newham’s NTT have been called to clear a house party in Central Park Road.
This family thought law relating to social distancing shouldn’t apply to 18th birthday parties. 25 guests moved on.
..again I suspect they were Nigerian or something
We are only 2 weeks in and those with itchy feet are starting to perform. Just wait for 5 or 6 weeks in, the police will not be able to contain them and they will be seeking increased powers to physically detain.
Could be G, only I don’t think they have enough of the right sort of lads for it anymore. Local bobby never tried to be anyones best friend in the past, certainly had respect for sure and maybe a little fear too. A recent post on the forum shared a video of a parking altercation, police turned up and one of them was practically leaning on a wall while ‘dealing’ with the situation. Five turned up I think, all a little scruffy, totally failed to take control of the situation. Heaven help us.
And amongst all this women are still producing children-a mother of 21 children has just produced her 22nd – now how much state benefit do you imagine she gets for her family? All too easy if you ask me-after a 4th child I don’t think those parents should be given any benefits-if it was their decision to have 5 children then they should take the responsibility for the total maintenance of that 5th child not you and I. Being personal don’t those parents of the 22 children know about contraception?
This family aren’t actually on benefits (yet! That could all change, but then it could for loads of us now).
They own a bakery.
They now have 12 girls and 10 boys. Perhaps they were hoping for 11 of each to get 2 football teams, or perhaps they will try for another girl to make a baker’s dozen.
I don’t have a problem with indigenous Brits who fund their own families of 22 kids rather than gimmigrants with 6-8 kids on full stay at home benefits.
Buns are really in the oven.
Al of of people don’t consider themselves on benefits, though still raking in various tax credits , allowances etc..????
I caught that well-fed BBC ‘big beast’ John Simpson on Radio 4’s ‘Today’, just before the headlines at 7 a.m., bashing Fox News and other “Right-wing” US media sources. Not that Simpson has any ulterior motive, of course, such as legacy media like the BBC and CNN struggling to keep their control of the narrative – perish the thought!
Pie-eater Simpson accused Fox’s Sean Hannity of having denied that Covid-19 was serious, only for Hannity to change his position and claim that Fox had said all along that it was serious. My reading of the Fox coverage that I saw was that they, like some Left- and Right-leaning libertarians in the UK, wanted to put the other side and argue that some of the restrictions might be too severe and come at too high an economic price. Fox also pointed to the China / Wuhan connection more than some, which the BBC doesn’t like because it’s “racist” (obviously).
BBC Farming progs are all about pushing the agendas of Global Warming , and the dream of organic farming
But there is a commercial radio farming prog
Laura K_Berg first question to question – Which I paraphrase- how can the Prime Minister still be running the country when he is in hospital….WTF is it with the BBC trying to get Boris out of picture?
And now Peston asking the same bloody question… and Tom Dunn from the Sun.
Is it the whole of MSM?
Maybe if Boris and other sufferers were treated with chloroquine they would recover quicker. Shame that Dr Whitty has banned its use in England. Even more ironic that he too has the virus.
I’m just wondering who made him god, and why doctors are not allowed to make their own clinical judgments any more?
As far as I can see the BBC has been running the country since the pandemic began.The Government Ministers just appear each day to report to their bosses on how they are carrying out the orders.
JA, the Left are terrified of Boris Johnson. They’ve seen how he can win a majority last December. They know they have no-one on their side with that ability.
BBC = the Left. The Left = the BBC.
Much of the MSM = the Left. And vice versa.
When I say Left I mean various shades of National Socialism and Communism. Conservatism does not = the Right, it just tends to be right. I think I may start to refer to the Left as the Wrong.
“Tom Newton Dunn, Beth Rigby, Robert Peston and Laura Kuensbuerg using a time of national crisis to have their own little competition of who can ask the most stupid question in a presser. Have to love them”
I just checked actually it’s MEP
Newton Dunns’ Father is a Lib Dem MP
James -very sad that the BBC ITV and sky put their political journos up to try ‘ got cha’ questions when people – me – want facts about the effect of the Chinese virus .
They might as well go off and do the “ and now the weather “ nonsense .
I’d like to know about the arrangements to produce one once an effective one is found . Can’t be long because every country with research capability is pushing for a vaccine .
The Chinese may well have one if their virus came out of a military research lab ….
Fed, oh for someone like the 1960s James Burke on the BBC, every day and all day, with all of the Licence Fee payers support/resources behind him. Sadly those days are gone.
The BBC is a mere shadow of its former glorious self.
Up2- I was a great fan of James Burke – the days of someone like him informing , challenging and encouraging thought are long gone . I think he and the BBC fell out and he went to the States .
We are being managed – maybe deceived – with data purposely obscure and partial – I think for the purpose of keeping us indoors .
The BBC is too busy in its comfort zone of blaming than asking questions to inform us .
I’m trying to think through either the collapse or managed reduction in the stay indoors mantra but the clue will come from countries ahead of us . But that – I think – is a minimum of 2 weeks away …..
Fed, have a notion that James Burke was not a full-on enthusiast for Global Warming and Climate Change and that could be why he and the Beeb no longer get on. He wouldn’t be the only one ….
Could be wrong on that.
I’m hoping for a slowdown in UK cases this week. Dept of Health (all four regions) meanwhile are claiming a big jump again: 3,802. Germany is in a far worse position; population officially larger by about 16m approximately but twice the number of cases, near enough. Wonder if the BBC will report that tomorrow on TOADY? Won’t hold my breath.
I’ve listened and grown increasingly disinterestedly for the majority of the briefings.
10 days ago, we were told it was too early to tell.
To tell of what I’m really not sure anymore, the rate of infection, the amount of recoverers, the amount of death, the amount of tests, the amount of masks, the amount of PPE, the amount of travel, the amount of park visits, I really don’t know.
Today we are still told it’s too early to tell.
I suspect this time next week, it will still be too early to tell.
We were told absolutely nothing new or revealing today. It’s just babble and waffle and misleading information spun and fudged. No clarity or conciseness.
These muppets would not last 10mins in private industry, the whole approach is amateurish and shoddy.
Add to that the thicko journalists of the AntiBBC, SLY TV and that Pressed-on idiot along with print media, all asking basically the same questions everyday. It’s a circus of calamity and farce.
West – I’m coming to the same view – the numbers seem pretty meaningless if there is a lag in reporting as well as no separation of those who died of a variety of ailments .
But whatever they say – the household isolation can only persist for so long before a sizeable percentage stops listening any more . The State will be well up against any attempt to ban more activities such as exercise- however much the government propaganda machine tries to keep support for the failed NHS at the ‘clapping ‘ level After turning failure into heroics .
Agree Fed, I was at my place of work today along with others who are beginning to drift back intermittently. The novelty is wearing thin and the propaganda is beginning to be questioned, along with the science ‘facts’ that are being presented.
Easter is looming and I think we will see a watershed in the public approach to the lockdown after this particular holiday period finishes.
Just had an email from NatWest with the new interest rates.
My isa interest rate is now 0.01%
For my £1,000 I will get 10p after a year or 0.83p a month.
How much interest do they charge on credit cards, is it 39.9%
There’s a program you could make bbc – ‘Why does the government want us to stop saving’
I doubt if they will be making it though.
Maybe if Der Stuermer puts it into the labour manifesto they will do something.
BBC News have decided to show us how other working people in the community are contributing during these trying times.
Today they’ve been following a postman on his round in north London.
Now, I am not for one second criticising the young bloke they’ve chosen. He seems a genuinely decent chap and a credit to Royal Mail.
No, it’s the Beeb that worry me…
The postie I have now is called Bob. The previous chap was called Tom. And the young lad I had when i first moved to my present hovel went by the name of Ian. Good memory, eh?
Clearly none of these blokes were available…
Of all the postal workers in all of London the BBC had to pick this particular fellow.
The Beeb’s postie is called Ali…
Hi Jeff,
Watched the same news. Its all so subtle, but underscores the narrative. There was also the community worker who did so much for her neighbourhood, who happened to be black, but the woman who was suffering abuse from her other half was white (not that we know the colour of her partner). I had a lot of sympathy for the family of the community worker and her friends and family, no one would wish that on anyone. The same for the poor lady who was suffering abuse at home. Its just the BBC seem to just “happened” to pick the appropriate people to match their “script”. Two other items caught my eye as well:
The wonders of local radio. I help out with a voluntary community radio station and if nothing else we are trying to help provide at the very least some morale support to the listeners. However the BBC have used it to plug THEIR local radio stations.
Finally, I now see the BBC ALWAYS show a cut away shot of a reporter holding along boom microphone as if to prove they are socially distancing themselves. They came a cropper on the “local radio” report above, when they cut away and showed the reporter holding his mic boom. Basically it was vertical to interview a punter who was at his first floor flat window overlooking the presented – any spittle would be straight down on his face. Well done BBC H&S!
I’m worried about the number of posties I see recently wearing shorts , whatever the weather.
Maybe they are robots from central casting
It’s a macho thing, Eddy.
Posties all seem to do it here in Kent, and on the colder days, they do look a bit odd, but there again, they’re doing their job…
I asked our long-trousered postman what he saw in the idea, and his answer was a duo syllabic, ‘b****cks’…
Good news from Kent: only 36 new cases today. That’s the lowest increase for just over one week.
Meanwhile, following comments above on this page about BBC truth and lies:
It appears Johns Hopkins Uni adjusts its figures. I have previously mentioned the difficulty of three different timelines just in the USA but I am wondering whether the much decried testing claimed by President Trump to be done in the USA is actually leading to greater accuracy of diagnosis and knowledge of the cases – hence the adjustment.
Will the BBC therefore report a downward adjustment to the US Covid-19 cases?
I wonder ….
And will the BBC be reporting that the wonderful Germany, that they were so anxious to tell us about and compare to the UK, has now joined the ‘100’ Club?
I wonder ……..
Some years ago I read somewhere the words, said to have been uttered by a CIA Director: ” When everything the American people believe is a lie, we have won”. It’s bothered me for a long time that I couldn’t verify it. Just now I found this article which some might enjoy reading; it appears that it was said by someone working for the CIA:
I think it’s racist far-left bbc relevant because if they were a legitimate reporter of news and they really wanted to educate us, this would have been investigated by them years ago.
Also, it goes to the heart of all those ‘narratives’ ( stories in other words) that are fed to us on a daily basis here in the UK, in the USA and all over the Western world.
Not strictly BBC but certainly statist and entitled.
The dIly news conference was held by the Foreign Secreatary and two senior health officials.
It occurred to me that it does not matter to some of these officials how long the lockdown goes on for. They still get paid 100% plus pension benefits and arguably the longer it goes on, the more their public profile increases, which is usually a good career move.
Meanwhile the economy tanks and millions are on benefits and may lose their jobs permanently. But the officials will not feel this pain.
So who exactly in this process is representing the private sector, workers, businesses, and for that matter voluntary groups and charities as well ?
Giving unelected health officials the power to unilaterally shut down the economy indefinitely does not sound like a good move to me. But as we worship the new God that is the NHS on a daily basis, has anyone got the guts to say anything?
Jeff Taylor has just put this 4 minute video on YouTube.
The lockdown is costing us £2.4 billion per day.
The UK has 24 million households
Divide by 1 million
£2,400 between 24 households
£100/day or £700/week each household
That’s the maths if his guess is right
How to Get Off to a Good Start #1.1
Sir Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party, has today appointed Ed Miliband as Shadow Business Secretary. The headstone for Der Starmer’s time as Party Leader is now being selected prior to engraving by the stonemason.
Dear me, has he really?
Sir Kweer Charmers actions are even more ridiculous than his appearance, but hey I guess the talent pool he has to chose from is pretty shallow.
On another note, who on earth elected the Millipead as an MP?
Ed Miliband has been reelected in Doncaster North with a massively reduced majority of just 2,370. (down 10,000)
A Brexit Party surge in the constituency — with its candidate taking more than 8,000 votes — saved the former Labour leader.
Thanks Stew, interesting.
I’m sure AntiBBC will welcome him back like the prodigal son.
The rest of us will be reminded of another bullet dodged.
Better still, TWW, Rebecca Wrong-Daily has been appointed as Shadow Education Minister. Of course, Diane Abbott would have been better for that role but ….
I actually thought that Milipead Minor had lost his seat. But no. He has just been very, very quiet on the backbenches. A fact for which I am profoundly grateful.
Shadow edukayshun minister, really? Abbot was over qualified I imagine.
However RWD will strive to become the poster girl of lefty staff rooms up and down the land, apart of course from those ‘religious’ type establishments in certain parts of the country that don’t permit certain types of teaching (or teachers) on grounds of their traditions and beliefs.
Maybe she got the job thanks to those glasses? She can talk a lot at fairly high volume so I can see her on school visits giving youngsters an introduction to
hectoringpolite politics.Looks like it is not just the Public Sector that may have a problem with ‘sickies’:
9pm BBC 2
Last Easter eight men triggered huge bombs in churches and tourist hotels across Sri Lanka, killing more than 270 people in one of the worst Islamist terror attacks since 9/11.
Jane Corbin talks to survivors and those who came face to face with the killers
Last April, a group of suicide bombers inspired by Islamic State targeted churches and hotels in Sri Lanka, causing hundreds of deaths. Here, Jane Corbin talks to survivors and those who came into proximity with the killers before they struck, as well as looking at first-hand evidence of how the attacks were carried out.
Corbin also looks into the backgrounds of the culprits, finding that they don’t fit the stereotype of the vulnerable loser who succumbs to brainwashing having nothing else to lose. More importantly, could they have been stopped? Questions have been asked about how many warnings the Sri Lankan government ignored
9pm BBC 4 China’s Shakespeare
Newsnight is going to be predictably tedious.
It’s pathetic. Someone asked this at the 5pm briefing.
Theses journos really are thick as mince.
Do they really think the inner workings of government,are going to go ‘open kimono’ for them and potentially display weakness and possible lack of cohesion either to internal watchers or the wider world, where our enemies could use such information to their advantage?
Instead we now need to ask:
‘Should all journos who keep asking the same questions over and over be hospitalised for exhibiting signs of madness’
What about:
Should hive employees who have nothing useful to say and nothing worthwhile to contribute, be allowed to continue on air?
8pm R4 Iranian-born Hossein Ahmadi (Kurdish) came to the UK illegally in the back of a lorry in order to seek asylum.
Now with leave to remain, he uses his British travel document to return to the Calais Jungle, the refugee camp in northern France where he lived for nearly a year as he tried again and again to find a way of entering the UK.
Hossein finds out what has changed and what has stayed the same in the Calais Jungle. Including interviews with Clare Moseley of Care 4 Calais and Beth Gardiner-Smith of Safe Passage International, as well as with many refugees from the Middle East and Africa
BbC News
To cope with bad news, radio presenter Iain Lee sometimes switches his radio off. ????
Boat long sailed, bbc…. boat long sailed.
Boris in intensive care now
… kinda expected that.
Let’s see if Laura Kuensberg lays off him now with her
Doesn’t look like it . First line of her piece.
“After very, very little information was shared today, the prime minister was taken into intensive care at around 19:00 BST (18:00 GMT) tonight.” Rest in similar tone.
Why Boris?
The Gods are cruel and mischievous.
Desp – notice there isn’t any reference to the Labour slur that he was the ‘part time prime minister ‘. The BBC doesn’t mention it any more .
. I was surprised that Comrade Corbyn wished him a recovery at all – like quite a few of his disciples on Twitter – one of whom twittered ‘DNR‘. I just hope reporting it has some effect . I’m sure I wasn’t the only one .
Here we go . As predicted, BBC already had someone on saying a Government of national unity is the call now.
BBC would love it. Expect a further push now from our trusted broadcaster.
Well looks like Boris is seeing first hand that the NHS isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. All this worshipping and protecting the NHS lets see if they can protect him.
Why are they not using HCQ as per the POTUS he has apparently ordered 29 million doses for the American people.
“Why are they not using HCQ as per the POTUS he has apparently ordered 29 million doses for the American people.”
Nice to know this is the probably reason for my little village chemist not being able to get any .
BBC news 24 …..still so anti Boris with him really ill ….they are so appalling ….scum the lot of them
It’s clear then that the symptoms don’t just last 7 days and then back to work. Boris has had symptoms for over 10 days and has worsened. When are they going to stop lying to us and tell us the truth about this virus. Or do they think we can’t handle the truth?
If you get over it within 7 days you are no longer infectious and can go back to work.
If you aren’t over it, then you are still infectious whether it’s 7, 14, 21 days etc.
CBS found a nurse who fitted their bash Trump agenda
..promoted her tearful video
It all unravelled quickly
Laura K should be sacked. Her spiteful remarks are a product of her politics not relevant to reporting news.
Just caught a few minutes of newshite. My God.
Maitlis is the pits, positively rejoicing in the uncertainty caused by Boris’s hospitalisation.
S***stirring has rarely been so brazen or so disagreeable.
I just watched the start of Newshite on iPlayer. Maitlis is definitely smiling annoucing the news. Even when she stops talking a smile remains.
All the other times she presents the programme I have never seen her smile. I previously thought she was physically incapable of being happy but this news has cheered her up.
They really are now working against us and our country. That cannot be forgiven. These are critical days and people need to keep up morale. I try my best with all as we all should. I have nothing but contempt for the BBC journalists.
Compare and contrast the fine words of our Queen .
Al Beeb eg …………………
“There are 200 confirmed cases in Cheshire West and Chester, out of a local population of 340,502”
“Note: Not all those with the virus will have been tested”
If they haven’t been tested how do they know they have the virus ?
@Taffman on Mar 12
In an address at Downing Street, the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance warned virus *modelling* suggests between 5,000 and 10,000 people in the UK currently have Covid-19 but most are unaware they have contracted it.
At the same time he explained video
#1 “Most people are unaware they’ve got it
they get a mild flu which clears up after 5 days”
#2 “For a certain amount of people there is a phase 2
with a much stronger reaction
we think this is due to an immune response
These people will need hospitalisation
..and that is why we seek to delay so we can prepare the NHS”
See Boris is in Phase 2
New stats
Daily deaths 439 a huge blip down .. trend graph
Daily positives 3802 a big blip down also
Especially since they did a lot more tests 13, 313
My guess is more negatives means more tests, cos they do another test to be sure
Yesterday : 621 dead, 5903 positives from 12,334 tests
My theory is that #Covid19UK Daily Death stats
actually trail the graph of registered Daily Positive Tests
by about 8 days
Here’s a graph of them both
with the latter moved 8 days to the left
The original deaths graph used a different scale so I had to squash it less compressed graph
Since rising deaths are already built into the system
at the rate of about 20% of the daily-positive tally 8 days prior
we should get 6,000+ deaths in the next 7 days
Dominic Raab !
This is why Al Beeb are afraid, very afraid and could be the reason for the bias to a ‘government of unity’ …………..
“The staunch Brexiteer ran for the Conservative Party leadership last year but he was knocked out in the second round of voting by MPs.”
“Prior to that he had run-ins with Mr Johnson’s predecessor, Theresa May, quitting her cabinet after just over four months as Brexit secretary.”
Boris now in intensive care,Laura K. and Beth Rigby almost crying crocodile tears, and showing fake concern.Keir Starmer stating yesterday he would be working with the government in this crisis time,and not trying to score political points.Then in his next breath proceeds to score a political point!MSM and opposition party truly have no decency.
Thinking about the park sunbathing, the Scottish Chief Medic, and policing beaches
And the the people shouting “Stay home, saves lives, morons”
.. When have that kind of absolute certainty and jab their fingers me that is a sign that they have a black and white picture of a full colour world
.. and as ever what labels they throw out like “moron” is a projection of themselves.
Social isolation does two things
#1 Stops you spreading Covid19
#2 Provides for a much easier trace pattern of who you were in contact with.
That Scottish med always impressed me with her clear explanations
AFAIK she went to her second home cos she knew it was a pretty safe thing to do. It’s no different than going upstairs or driving to the supermarket.
Sure there is an outside chance of a traffic accident, but so is crossing the road to the supermarket.
Ultimately she wasn’t going against the spirit of the law.
And neither were the 2 guys who drove to a remote field for metal detecting .
On the otherhand having 25 people at a house party or in the same tube compartment is a whole different level of risk.
Never mind that Sheffield suburb that is out of control.
The other part of the law is the signal you send, and her driving, might encourage those people who drive to parties.
Seems to me the police are harsh on minor risks, and turn a blind eye to major risks.
Is the conspiracy theory about the Wuhan lab going mainstream ?
That could fit. I think the virus was out there much earlier but that does not implicate the Wuhan lab. Only that they might have known this and advertised for the experts in order to deal with the outbreak.
Buzzfeed editor has just tweeted that she is only interested in hearing from black people who have Covid19
The 98 year old mother of a friend of mine passed away on Sunday. Up until being taken into hospital last week, she independently lived on her own but was deemed unsafe. She displayed no symptoms of the virus. Her daughter was told that Covid19 was the cause of death. My friend is struggling to believe this, unless she caught it in hospital, but there was not much time to be infected between her arrival and death.
She suspects that what is more likely, it is easier to put Covid19 on a death certificate than anything else. Her family (all of whom are of high intellect) are also of the same belief. If this is happening throughout the country when deaths are occurring every days from a variety of reasons, yet being recorded as a virus death, then the figures are widely distorted as to the true numbers of Covid19 deaths.
It’s remorseless, even now. The Government draws up a list of vulnerable people at short notice and is expected by the BBC to get every one right the first time.
Should they have waited weeks to be sure they’d got it spot on?
I often pop in to this site but rarely make a comment, I did once when I posted first ! Anyway, just want to say all the best and thanks for your insight. Wishing you all the best of health and stay in fine fettle and being fit as a fiddle.
Professor Ferguson has condemned critics of his work. He said “It is ludicrous, frankly, to suggest that the severity of this virus is comparable to seasonal flu — ludicrous and dangerous” he said.
Initial evidence shows that as with seasonal flue, its not common for someone to die if they are not ill, frail, fat and short of breath due to Asthma, Anaemia (low blood oxygen), Lung Cancer, Heart Failure (Eddie Large), Cystic Fibrosis, Smoking, Tuberculosis (Illegal Immigrants) and drugs such as Adenosine, Beta Blockers, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and Aspirin. So if these people were going to die within nine months, anyway, then its possible that the death rate for 2020 isn’t going to be much different from 2019, even if the death rate peaks at 600 per day.
Death rates are (1) Asian Flue (1958) up to 4 Million. (2) Hong Kong Flue (1969) up to 4 Million (3) Seasonal Flue for the financial year (2019/20) up to 1.2 Million (4) Average Typical Seasonal Flue is around 470,000 (5) Chinese Flue (Covid-19) is now at 74,500, looking at China this seems to be the peak for the World. The final death tally is usually three times this. So that makes a final death toll of 447,000 or about the same as seasonal flue.
In olden days before Liberal Fascist lockdowns and BBC fake scientists. Real scientifically qualified scientists used something called the “Scientific Method”. Different teams of experts would come up with predictions of their own and challenge their rivals. Today we have two teams, that at Oxford and that at Imperial. As with Global Warming, the most alarmist model (Imperial) wins the attention of the BBC. While the not so alarmist model (Oxford) is criticised as “dangerous” and “irresponsible” by expressing dissent from the preferred alarmist orthodoxy set by Imperial.
As Sir Karl Popper said: “The point is that whenever we propose a solution to a problem, we ought to try as hard as we can to overthrow our solution, rather than defend it”
I think the BBC will put Sir Karl Popper on its “Banned” list with Professor Richard Lindzen. While “Frightful Ferguson” will be making fake BBC science documentaries with that “Terrible Hockey stick Mann” and that “Dreadful Greta girl”.
When and why did ‘the NHS’ become a thing?
It used to be that if you didn’t feel well you went ‘to the doctor’ and if it was more serious ‘to hospital’.
Some have said that ‘the NHS’ has become a religion and they are probably right.
(GP’s premises and hospitals didn’t used to have ‘NHS’ plastered all over them, they do now so ‘someone’ is definitely pushing a brand. Why has the ExCel centre been labelled ‘NHS’, was that a ‘key’ task?).
In other matters, Sir Keir Starmer tells us that ‘key’ workers should get paid more. That means that those who have been allowed to work and who have been paid get more and the rest of you ‘sent home’ get nothing! Genius Sir K! (Maybe his hearing isn’t too good and he thought they were ‘Keir’ workers?)
Jim – Just another bribe from a long standing proponent of the magic money tree who thinks that we are all as vacuous and greedy as he is.
I am a key worker and I do have to meet the public – though thank God I am not shackled to a till having people cough over me. I also appreciate that to keep the country going and society running (which I am also part of) certain things have to be done – come what may. And sometimes in a national emergency you just have to get on with it. I am just thankful that I am not forced to stay at home racking up debt to a landlord or a credit card firm, All of which will eventually have to be paid for – somehow. Of course I would like more money , but not like this when people who have worked for years to build up a succesful business, suddenly face ruin due to the stupidity of some nations and media inspired hysteria.
It is just the way it is.
So p### off Starmer, crawl back under your stone and shut your unwholsome, deceitful, silken, poisonous mouth – I dont need a man who spent the last four years working against democracy to now pretend that suddenly he is on my side – I dont believe you.
Like you Oaknash I`m working .
I`m not a martyr , not a saint , I dont hate my job , I get out and about the UK .
I`m lucky , feel privileged as my house arrest is no longer than two days .
The roads are lovely , even the M25 and Dartford crossing .
Its you who have to stay at home I`m thinking of .
This is in ‘Technology’!
BBC Moaning Emole also concerned…
Life in lockdown
The approaches to dealing with coronavirus across the world have been varied to say the least. Our visual journalism team has put together a guide. The impact of those lockdowns has been wide-ranging too. Some people have found themselves struggling to get essential items, and the BBC has spent time with one mother going from house to house delivering nappies to families in need. Others are feeling the economic effects, including sex workers, some of whom are attempting to shift online. However, not all businesses are suffering – in the US gun sales appear to be at a record high. Here we look at why.
They have a ‘visual journalism team’ who essentially follow the bbc following people door to door.
Just noticed on BBC World News Television
[03.15 am (ish)] This Week in History –
“1998 After 30 years of conflict, a peace deal is reached between Britain and Northern Ireland”
Somebody better tell David Vance!
Is there a screenshot or similar of this line ? Even I, as someone with the lowest opinion of the BBC, find it difficult to accept that a BBC employee could write and publish something as wrong and offensive as this . Have you complained – will you do so ? Is it up on a site or their iPlayer or similar ?
Seems Nish and Frankie Boyle and Terry Christian were in the bunker for some reason and got locked in with Emily and Norm.
Speak of the…
Newsnight or QT booked him yet? And Femi. And Champion.
@CM Was that written in a newspaper ?
I don’t spot it online
I do spot this
BBC World Service News TV
This prog is still being repeated.. it’s on today
The schedule shows 21 broadcasts since February
Journey to the Doomsday Glacier
Antarctica is one of the most remote and inhospitable places on earth.
Reporter Justin Rowlatt joins an international team of scientists travelling to Thwaites, the so-called Doomsday Glacier.
The team wants to discover why it is melting so quickly – science with implications for us all.
But during the trip the weather closes in, playing havoc with their plans.
Will the expedition succeed in unlocking the secrets of the glacier?
And just how hard is it to live and work in such an extreme environment at the end of the world?
This beauty –
“Things seem to be moving in this direction today. Leaders with nationalist leanings are more frequently taking centre stage around the world, from the US, to Brazil, to India. In the UK, figures such as Nigel Farage, posted this tweet about the 2020 coronavirus outbreak: “It really is about time we all said it. China caused this nightmare. Period.”
How is it the BBC manage to write white men out of any conversation/image? – except when they want to say some thing bad?
C Mist
Good to know that Aunty is really concerned about some of the more important parts of our economy. I think that the fact that the BBC even bothered to report on this at this time, says an awful lot about the morality, peccadilloes and priorities of the “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”
Do you think that the inference that the poor “sex workers forced to start again” means that they might have to get a real job.
I hear that my local Morrisons has vacancies at the moment.
Does the team think that the use of webcams for journos to ask questions, is actually dumbing down their actual skills – whatever they are?
Some journalists are pretty damn good at getting to the bottom of a problem with politicians, slebs etc, but others are just failing in their duty to elicit news, and a good, proper story.
Excessive soundbites via laptops don’t constitute ‘news’, and it’s all very well for the BBC to carry on this sort of ‘reporting’, but it just seems so fake, as there’s absolutely nobody anywhere, who knows how to sort this Covid 19 problem.
Unhelpful sneers, innuendo, and, unfortunately, from past experience, a sour reputation for being anti-Conservative, the BBC people are doing nothing to relieve a tiring population, with their endless triviality and weak inquiry.
With all the modern technology, why can’t journos just get on their Ipads and GET A STORY! Find out why eating bats may be the cause, challenge the lies properly, not squeal ‘unreliable sources say’!
Get online and do your job – you’re getting paid enough!
(And don’t stand in the blasted street either, you look ridiculous).
This was a mistake.
Wait until the blocking starts.
And Amol ‘analyses’. Mate.
Roland That is lefty journo Nick Beddows stoking a pile on against Tom Newton Dunn
.. but he comes with the angle, opposite to ours
He said
..”We see you, Tom, the reasonable face of corrupt government propaganda.”
FFS Dunn just insulted Boris’s govt
It is normal for people to follow their opposition
but the Momentum lot lead a lefty zombie army in pile ons
to intimidate their opposition.
The bbc creating trends now?
There’s a thing.