Also BBC Moaning Emole, possibly run through Google BBC to Reality translate….
Why has the bbc used this country reporting no virus cases as a #bbcquestionasaheadline?
While the world battles coronavirus and more and more countries lock down their populations, Stuart Hughes is holding a mass cycling rally to mark World Health Day on Tuesday. The Another part of Asia, not Pakistan country claims it still has zero coronavirus cases. But can we trust the BBC any more than Chi… figures provided by a government renowned for censorship? “Official statistics from W1A are notoriously unreliable,” said Prof Martin McKee from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
A freelance BBC journalist – Andrew Neill – tweeted Last night that he had found out on good authority ‘ that BoJo s chance of survival is 50/50 .
As a result of such a crass and ill considered tweet Mr Neill received a certain amount of online comment .
Mr Neill – up to now – has not named the source of this view but certainly should – shouldn’t he.
Perhaps mr Neill was tired and emotional and lacked clear judgement in making such a comment – or perhaps he lacks the judgement to stay quiet .
There are a number of journalists and tweeters who should be staying quiet about the illness of the PM . And I’m glad that overnight this site hasn’t strayed into non expert assertions .
Unfortunately I think the daily press conferences will be consumed by BoJo and not be about supplies of kit or resources . The role of the PM is important but so is the well-being or medic, carers and the well being of those infected with the Chinese virus .
I think the time is coming when attention should be turned to how the Chinese are going to pay for what they have done . But I fear that the PRC will be on enough levers of power around the world to duck their responsibility .
An Australian Archbishop has had his conviction for various paedophile allegation overturned by the highest court . The BBC news uses ‘interesting ‘ language to report this . I had a look at the judgement – which unfortunately was unanimous – which runs to only 2 pages . I say ‘unfortunately ‘ because any dissenting judgement would explain itself through detail as opposed to a sparse explanation .
What it says is that there was no fair and proper trial and – effectively – the cleric was steamrollered . I think there will be much more on this .
Yesterday morning, the Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported that Boris was signficantly poorer than was being stated and that he would require intensive care and a ventilator. It was on their Russian language website at 06:45 BST (I took a screenshot at the time). Later during the day, Downing Street slammed the Russian ‘disinformation’ – this was on the Sky News website at 16:09 BST.
The Russian website was, in this instance, more accurate and preceded the official UK reports by the best part of a day. They also cited anonymous ‘good authority’, maybe an old communist sympathiser who made it to the top of the Civil Service or NHS. Perhaps they were simply flying a kite or maybe trying to make mischief, which does happen. Mr Neill may or may not be responsible in his speculation. The point is that a degree of scepticism is required when interpreting the official news. Or in the case of the BBC, any ‘news’ whatsover.
I wonder if you miss my point . It was simply a distasteful tweet in the circumstances – maybe he has a bet on with paddy power . Normally I’d say Mr Neil is probably the only proper journo the BBC put before the public.
“I think the time is coming when attention should be turned to how the Chinese are going to pay for what they have done.”
Now would be a perfect opportunity for China to invade Taiwan (or Australia?) for the sake of distraction and in the knowledge that never ever again will China, in its present form, would come anywhere near industrial competitiveness with the rest of the World.
Pearl Harbour
I’m not a great fan of conspiracy theories because in my view there just are not enough clever people around to plot , design and carry them out .
So I’m in the ‘cock Up ‘ theory school most of the time . The Chinese virus may have escaped from a bio research centre of from trans species transmission . Either way China owns it . If it could be shown that the former was the case – even more so .
As an armchair general I can’t see China wanting to rock the boat more than it has already . Internally is going to be stable because it’s really good at repression.
But as I’ve said here before this Chinese virus might have destabilising effects elsewhere on the planet which haven’t been foreseen – depending of course how long lockdowns , deaths , economic destruction continues – when people get hungry the trouble gets going
We’re in one of those situations where the public is fed some stuff and there is ( probably ) an alternative reality going on behind the inner government walls around the world . I’m not defining this as a ‘ conspiracy theory ‘ just how things work .
Another classy piece on the beeb website by Laura Kuenssberg – ‘Power is no protection from harm’ – reads a like a bit of a whine because the bbc weren’t constantly updated on Mr Johnsons condition but more importantly contains this beauty
“He regularly popped up on social media to say that he was suffering mild symptoms and was following advice in customary bombastic tone.”
Now as far as I know, Bombastic means high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated, pompous, blustering, blathering…. you get the idea.
So either that’s her opinion of the PM or she doesn’t know what the word means, either way not very impressive ‘journalism’
Seldom in history do the names of people enter the dictionary.
Captain Boycott , Quisling the Norwegian traitor another.
May I suggest than instead of being considered racist
by the usual suspects ,when we refer to the pandemic as the
China virus. We call it the XI JINPING virus. Xi Jinping
the president of communist China and his government
infer that it was Americans who brought the virus to China.
By referring to the the pandemic as the XI JINPING virus.
Xi Jinping will go down in history for what he is. And in time
his infamous name will be in dictionaries of every language,
even including Chinese ones. And the definition of XI JINPING?
Each and everyone of us I am sure could think of one
derogatory enough.
TOADY earlier. The main post 0800 interview – Gove.
First question out the box for our Justin: “Who is in charge?”.
There is a childlike element to this question because they already know the answer having asked it over and over again. Very young children, faced with a reply they don’t like, often reflect that dislike by continually hoping that the reply will somehow mysteriously and miraculously change. So they repeatedly ask again and again.
Here, let me help you out Black & Asian Broadcasting Corp, the reply you are hoping to hear might be one of three:
‘A Government of National Unity’;
‘Sir Keir Starmer’.
…and actually across the whole of the BBC there is little or no compassion for the plight of Boris and the fact he has a partner who is expecting their child, also has had Covid-19 and is probably worried sick about her other half. Our democratically elected PM is seriously ill; more support please from the BBC. (Wont get it though!)
Boris Johnson is not piloting a commercial plane with passengers while disabled by this illness .
Hes not doing surgery or being a fireman .
I`m not sure how disabled he is by this virus and how it affects whether he can do 100% control of government , 50% or 5% .
But I do know the BBC likes disabled people , wants to normalise them and put them on their shows .
The idea that Boris can run the country from an intensive care unit is preposterous.
Raab and cabinet need to come clean and Raab needs to take hold FIRMLY of those reins.
Then the media won’t be able to exploit any ‘confusion’ and ‘power vacuums’.
I am particularly sick of listening to that beaver, LK, trying o undermine the government, pretending she cares.
I have to admit I may of been wrong about the political
make up of the BBC as being headed by Amarchists, Trotskyists
and liberal bigots.
It looks like to me that there are a fair amount of Maoists in
their support they are giving to China over the XI JINPING virus.
I despise the BBC propaganda and have not consumed it in years either tv or radio…but in this case they might not be entirely wrong. Vitamin D, aka the sunshine vitamin, is a naturally occurring anti viral (sort of), and its created in humans by the interaction of UV-B and cholesterol in our skin to create serum vit D25. There is then another process that binds Vit D25 to a protein to create D125, the active stuff at the cellular level. Plenty of vids on YouTube about this. If one looks at this logically, the darker one’s skin, the more difficult it is to absorb UV-B, QED, higher incidence of chinese virus in darker-skinned people.
Remind me again Gary. How many refugees did you and Lilly Allen take in in the end ????
The immigrants people are sick to the back teeth of are the gangs of Eastern Europeans who sit outside Costa coffee all day , deciding who to pic pocket next whilst refreshing their latest i phone to see if their benefits have been paid yet !!!!!
Think most people welcome fully trained,, highly skilled professionals , just not all the other dregs that flow through a open door unchecked to pilfer all our services.
I agree with your sentiment, much more should and could be done by government to meet the staffing demands of the NHS by training those born here to become the doctors and nurses of the future.
I agree to a point but just sheer numbers void any benefit, and unfortunately Polish people often have a puppy dog, eager to please the boss attitude: resulting in them working overtime for flat rate, to the point that’s now become the norm in many industries.
Also the huge shift to agency work and zero hours contracts has been facilitated by their utter docileness.
Yes, Tabs, after frequently hearing the platitude that the coronavirus does not discriminate, we now get that BBC article saying that this submicroscopic infective particle is in fact a right-wing racist. But tucked away at the very end of the article, we find an alternative explanation for the racial disparity in vulnerability to the infection.
“Alderman Jason Ervin, who chairs Chicago council’s black caucus, told the Chicago Tribune that “rates of non-compliance in some parts of the city with the stay-at-home orders” might also be contributing to the statistics.”
9am Red-io Humberside news
Boris news led of course then something else
.. Then local LABOUR MP Emma Hardy, giving her spiel about Boris
Then item about special help should be given to people who live in flats, cos they don’t have gardens.
That last bit seems to be organised by Emma Hardy
so I guess the reason why they played her Boris sympathy must be cos they have already on to speak about her campaign.
Going forward the AntiBBC need to be reminded that-
This virus came from China, fact. Likely originated in one of their infamous wet markets. The dirty stinking foul practices in this country need to stop. End of. When we get the other side of this pandemic there needs sanctions, boycotts in place until they reform.
We do not need a Govenrment of national unity. End of. The tories have a large majority and God forbid should the worst happen there are many able and capable waiting in the wings, Rabb (very pro Brexit), Patel (pro Brexit, pro tighter borders) be afraid AntiBBC I suspect their more hardline views are currently in check because of Boris more liberal approach.
Kier Starmer. The true ‘heir to to Blair’ and just unfit to hold high office. End of. We just need to take a look at this snakes track record over the last 4 years including unsanctioned travel to the EUSSR to ‘negotiate’ with no authority, calling on a democratic vote to be overturned and to ignore the will of the British people. A liar and charlatan qualified only in selling his own snake oil and that’s before we explore his record as Bliars Lawyer.
Starmer has already refused a national government – easy to see why . If it all goes bandy in the NHS their managers stand aside and let the government take direct blame –
Labour can shout From the sidelines
If it goes well and the recovery is sooner rather than later Starmer will claim the glory for ‘ being involved and supportive ‘
I realise I use the term ‘ bandy’ in a cavalier way when we could be talking about many more thousands of deaths but it’s kind of short hand
Whatever happens the BBC will take hindsight to a new height – and Blame brexit .
BBC’s Sam McAlister, Newshite Planning Producer, is doing a bit of vitue signalling and lecturing everyone else all in one tweet:
Managed to get a food delivery — so thrilled. Left a £10 tip in an envelope for the driver and he sent me a heartbreaking message saying people aren’t even thanking him and he’s exhausted and that he’s so so grateful. What is wrong with people. Do better ????????
I know a 93 year old lady who has been giving “gift packs” of bottles of chilled water , snack bars and fruit to courier drivers whatever their nationality or status for at least two years when they deliver to her .
That`s out in the sticks , away from the Londonistan hellhole .
If you read on through the comments she goes on to say she needs a gardener and shows a photo of her garden overgrown with weeds.
Why doesn’t the lazy bitch A) Do her own shopping. B) Do her own weeding?
She is clearly an entitled bitch who expects others to work on her behalf while she sits at home on full pay funded by the tv tax payer.
I wonder if she would be willing to advocate a wage decrease to fund a free tv license for all those ‘poor’ delivery drivers?
So, he’s taking up a valuable delivery that could be given to someone who is elderly or vulnerable. Nice One ! I take it with a ‘young’ name like Sam, that he’s probably under 40 and able to shop himself. Or is it a ‘she’ ?
Halifax – it would be useful to know what proportion of those those sales are subscription funded using taxpayers’ money . I’d bet at least two thirds – of which a big proportion are BBC related .
Little Ms Irrelevant Lucas obviously fancies herself as the omnipotent ‘Commissioner for Future Generations’.
(But will there be EU-style perks and goody bags?)
Second reading of the Bill on Friday 11 September.
new Week13 ONS graph of weekly deaths to March 27th
Bottom right : grey line shows Covid19 deaths kicking in 539
Top right : blue line Covid19/lockdown push All deaths up by 1,011 above average (yellow)
Bottom left : navy line shows flu/pneumonia deaths is up 107 above average (light blue)
Why ?
Cos about 107 of the deaths already in the grey line
are ALSO included … cos the patient had both Covid19 +flu/pneu
Even the ‘reported cases’ have to have question marks added afterward: the test may not be reliable, it may not be processed carefully right from the beginning, there may be other unknown factors with the patient.
As things stand, reported cases are the best guide going so they are the ones to look at.
@UptoSnuff On the contrary the “Show me the bodies rule applies”
and there are REAL bodies to show
Weekly deaths were, 1,011 above average now
so there has been an impact on society
Where there is a question is over the 539 patients whose death certificate says Covid
#1 Some of them might have died of other things anyway
#2 Brissles suggested above that Covid19 was sometimes written on the death certificate even though the patient didn’t have it
I can just about imagine a hospital gets some advantages for booking Covid19 deaths, like cash grants etc.
“reported cases are the best guide going ”
.. Rubbish, cos tested cases are dependent on the number of people you test .. we know most cases are not tested.
“actual self reported cases” most of them turn out to just be a cold.
Bring out the bodies only if you have a signed death cert, deceased’s medical notes and preferably an autopsy report pinned to the corpse. Until you have all that, a death report is not worth a statistical candle, Stew.
The graph is until March 27th all those deaths are confirmed
It would be a big thing for the government to be logging death certificates without the bodies existing.
Stew, you need the deceased’s medical notes and an autopsy as well.
The best numbers to go on are symptoms told to a nurse or doctor (preferably) who does or is doing a full work up on the patient – plus – using the available test.
Deaths are an inaccurate measurement. Too many complicating factors.
The media love the body count. They can create hysteria around that. They can influence policy … for good …. or for ill. They can attack Governments they do not like with a body count. They can support a Government that they like but that is taking a wrong approach.
Up2Stuff I have never said the number of “Covid deaths” represents the actual people who died of Covid
So don’t get bogged down.
But the Covid death stat is useful for spotting the trend.
…. When you do money spending or policy one should NOT use raw deaths one should use QALYs
Now the “total death count” and the QALYs based on it are the important thing
And that is above normal now and will be revealed to be quite a lot above normal in the next weeks .
The idea that flu is as important as Covid19 this week has been blown out of the water.
Will the eventual Covid19 death tally be higher than the 27K of a bad flu outbreak
Well even in this lockdown phase it will be pretty high
and then after lockdown, who knows ??
There still is no vaccine nor magic treatment so deaths will probably be in thousands for each of the coming months
whether that will be another 20K, 30K, 50K, 100K I don’t know.
“…….lockdown push All deaths up by 1,011 above average (yellow)”
I’m happy to be on, ‘lockdown’ that way, no (hopefully) chance of joining your lines in future graphs.
In fact, the only way for one with numerous medical vulnerabilities, is to go further and say, ‘I ain’t coming out until science finds an antidote’.
On switch, fraction late @ 6.03 a.m.. Rest of news, weather, first newspaper review. First item: PM in hospital, who is running country, can country function? …. with Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg who is annoyingly full-time at present.
Get Well SOON Boris – I can’t take any more of this from ‘Part-time’.
OFF SWITCH 6.14 a.m..
Goon Show on R4e instead @ 8 a.m. – an all time classic, one of the best scripts evva. Catch it on repeat @ 12 noon or 7 p.m. tonight.
Europe is going, going, going, broke. Anyone who advances the notion of the UK rejoining needs to be ‘Sectioned’. In that regard, lets start with Sir K……
G, just pondering the afterwards I wonder whether an expanded G20 may just float the idea of a global pandemic debt write-off. Re-set all the counters to as before or to zero. It may be tied to a threat to China that post-pandemic reparations will be required.
“Hydroxychloroquine: India agrees to release drug after Trump retaliation threat”
“Despite the fact trials are yet to conclude, people have begun to self-medicate – with sometimes disastrous consequences.
There have been numerous reports in Nigeria of people being poisoned from overdoses after people were reportedly inspired by Mr Trump’s enthusiastic endorsement of the drug.”
That Mister is getting the blame again, this time for making helpful suggestions..
Readers wanting to cheer themselves up could do worse than to read some of the top rated comments on the bBBC webshite story ‘Coronavirus-warning over daily death figures’
Oh dear – that learned lady Alibi Brown has twittered and upset our Justin Webb – who apparently asked Mickey Gove ( on Toady ) who’s got the keys to the nukes if we are attacked – alibi said it wasn’t a nice question
And delightfully our Justin has bit back .
I find it heartwarming to witness bubble dwellers turning on each other . I presume Alibi was tweeting from Uganda since she promised to go home if BoJo became PM …..
As I didn’t listen to much of TOADY today, can anyone tell me did they mention the lower rate of increase in USA cases or the fact that Germany has gone over the 100,000 case mark?
There was. A glimpse on Monday night. – of the way the BBC once was . Jane Corbyns documentary on the islamic terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka last Easter Sunday murdering over 250 people – many of them in church .
The role of the Sri Lankan police in the attacks – which they knew were being planned – isn’t explained .if you get a chance – it is worth the watch . It’s beyond virtue signaling and very sad.and very upsetting .
I’m very grateful and disgusted at the same time .
In more ‘normal’ times this would cause outrage but I suppose at the moment it won’t raise any disgust – I feel awful for those who suffered directly by what republican and unionist terrorists did . I hope those in Northern Ireland see it .
You really couldn’t make it up – but in this case the BBC did .
It’s a glimpse into BBC world- the quality of the staff ( I won’t call them journos ) – I am wondering how long before the cease fire in the war between Northern Ireland and ‘Britain ‘ is expected to last ?
I’m guessing the IRA will claim victory since so many of their killers were allowed to walk out of prison or otherwise be given a nice letter by T. Blair .
Sometimes it is as noticeable when silence prevails as much as noise . characters like Toynbee , O. jones and the industry which makes a living from Left wing hate go quiet about events such as the condition of the UK PM ……
\\ Nurses, doctors and other staff on the frontline of tackling the coronavirus in Nuneaton have sent their best wishes to the Prime Minister.
They did so in style, by spelling out: “Get well soon Boris”.//
Some good news.
Except for Boris, it appears white British people do not get coronavirus !!!!!
No, honestly. On the BBC1 1 pm news, they interviewed two patients who had experience of intensive care. And both of them were, ahem, non-white of Middle East or Indian subcontinent appearance, and could well be adherents of the ‘Religion of Peace’.
“Good ol BBC selecting imagery for this story that’s completely unrepresentative of the UK demographic as always, and even less so in Wales. Just can’t help themselves. ”
“It changed its rules after the BBC asked why it had not taken action earlier”
I wasn’t aware that the censorship and policing of YouTube was within BBC remit. This is really sinister activity. I’ve little interest in ex bbc Icke and I would doubt he’s much of an expert in the virus field. I do defend his right to free speach however.
Coronavirus: YouTube tightens rules after David Icke 5G interview
Mr Icke also falsely claimed that a coronavirus vaccine, when one is developed, will include “nanotechnology microchips” that would allow humans to be controlled. He added that Bill Gates – who is helping fund Covid-19 vaccine research – should be jailed. His views went unchallenged for much of the two-and-a-half-hour show.
Now where have we seen that done before…views going unchallenged?
The interview was watched by about 65,000 people as it was streamed, some of whom clicked an on-screen button to trigger payments to make their live chat reactions stand out.
YouTube only deleted the content after the session had ended, despite being aware of the broadcast while it was ongoing.
It changed its rules after the BBC asked why it had not taken action earlier.
What business is it of yours BBC to tell others what and how to broadcast? Scared of losing viewers?
I was going to comment on this too. David Icke May well have some odd ideas/theories but I think there are obvious questions to be asked about 5G technology and the people who control the BBC clearly do not want those questions asked. This is just another example of the left deplatforming views they disagree with and a further step towards state control of the internet.
If the BBC had anything about them, they would be the ones asking the questions and debating/challenging the arguments with facts. Unfortunately the biased bbc don’t do facts.
Great minds ????, finally found the funny face feature. Bat soup crazy or not people should have a voice. Most of the ‘out there’ content is harder to find on YouTube now and been replaced by msm blurb. Consequently the view count has fallen off a cliff, good business model eh.
Nodding Dog
Scared of losing viewers? 😀
They are haemorrhaging them! They have treated the viewing population of Britain with contempt . Instead of adopting British views and values they have , like some alien broadcaster tried to brainwash the proud peoples of this nation with foreign propaganda. Childish propaganda at that.
The sooner the government scrapped the unfair and unjust telly tax the better.
Bill Gates wants to give us all a vaccine to get rid of this nasty virus, but he couldn’t even come up with a version of windows that was immune from viruses!
In the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, the Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust is hiring a new ‘Diversity and Inclusion Manager’. The lucky applicant will play a vital role in “developing and delivering a key programme of work to drive the Trust’s ambition and vision of being committed to inclusion in everything we do.” Wokery is not the most important priority during a pandemic…
They’ll be very lucky indeed, because the salary for the role starts at £44,606 to £50,819 a year. That’s money that could cover the wages of two new nurses. What’s the NHS playing at?
As usual, wasting taxpayers money. Get rid of the Trusts . Overpaid ‘Trustees’ and admin . More admin than ever despite the advent of modern computers and so called ‘paperless offices’ .
\\Lord Heseltine, who served as deputy prime minister under John Major, said it will be a “very difficult personal position” for Mr Raab, who “will be tested by the loneliness of the job”.//
BBC like to dig him up every so often don’t they ? Even Gordon Brown ( he apparently was an unelected PM ) has turned up to talk global this and that again – no mention of the NHS being crippled by his PFI schemes though …
Not the same financial whizz who had a fire sale on Bullion? A commodity now akin to hens teeth? Now we’re borrowing from the future to pay for the present, least I think that’s how it’s going to work.
854 New daily death count ..a huge blip UP from yesterday
… as expected yesterday was the anomaly
… and the upward trend has resumed
I guess some deaths that would have been expected yesterday got logged on to today
1st Apr…563
2nd Apr..569
3rd Apr…694
4th Apr…712
5th Apr…621
6th Apr…439
7th Apr…854
In a couple of hours the graph page will update
The weekend figures from Scotland, respectively reported on Sunday and yesterday, amounted to four in total because the Records office isn’t yet operating 7/7, meaning that X number of deaths would appear in figures for today and tomorrow.
And guess what? Today’s figure for Scotland, which includes some of those weekend deaths, is a new high of 74. That will only account for a small part of today’s uplift in the UK figures, but I wonder if some of the weekend deaths in the rest of the UK are also only appearing in today’s figures. If that’s the case then it may be Thursday before we get a more representative picture of the actual daily toll, subject of course to the usual caveats.
AFP Factcheck
“A study reported by AFP found that the novel coronavirus can survive for various lengths of time on some surfaces.
BUT medical experts and health organisations here, here and here said there is NO evidence of food or food packaging being associated with transmission of COVID-19.”
The same way they did when Thatcher, Blair, Major and Brown were in hospital. The same way we did in the war when Churchill suffered pneumonia and a heart attack. We have a government not a President. ????♂️
— ???????????????????? (@FoxxysTweets) April 7, 2020
Slightly dreading the daily Chinese virus briefing which will be continually interrupted against by senior medics and a cabinet minister.
As a bubble dweller – is Peston really that thick that he cannot distinguish between The presidential and PM/cabinet System ?
Or is it that he just needs attention . ?
Meanwhile the number of reported deaths per day is heading for 1000…. ?
And Sweden -the alternative way of dealing with the Chinese Virus reports 111 dead from Chinese related deaths – although of course the method of counting may render sensible comparison meaningless .
Anyone who watches BBC 4’s ‘scandinoir’ series will know that most deaths in Sweden involve chain saws, dropping down wells, stuffing in freezers etc.
Cases of corana flu probably go unnoticed.
Visiting Italian pathologist: “He has corona antigens, he must have died of the virus!”
Resident Swedish pathologist: “You don’t think being found in a block of concrete in a deep freezer with his head missing might have played a part?”
Fed, most of us on this site, if not all, are here because we are critical of the BBC. It is not often that you can find BBC programmes, and comedy programmes at that, that poke fun at the BBC itself although the past series or two of Dead Ringers have had quite a good go at that. “Oh hallo, Walnut One, didn’t see you lurking wraith like in the shadows there.”
It is with great pleasure and yes, hello, maybe, from me, that the Round the Horne episode (last in series) that followed today’s Goon Show repeat on R4e, opened with a funny Bond/Len Deighton spoof that took a pop at some media peeps as well as the BBC.
If you need cheering up then I recommend a listen, next repeat on radio tonight: “Aachh! Votts on der telly?” on R4extra @ 7.30 p.m. tonight. They don’t make comedy like that any more.
Most of them are dead. But not from a Coronavirus.
Thanks – fortunately I’ve discovered Netflix and am trawling through box sets of ‘House of cards ‘ And there is a long list of non BBC stuff after that .
I used to use 4x a lot but something happened with listings and for a long time was like a ‘Wimmins hour’ lasting all day – just like R4.
As for humour – there is a lot on Twitter – mixed in nicely with the brutal hatred .
“Coronavirus: Ferries need financial help to survive pandemic, says trade association”
Me thinks our so called ‘Border Force’ have taken all their business ?
Is the Royal Navy in charge of Border Force ?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Also BBC Moaning Emole, possibly run through Google BBC to Reality translate….
Why has the bbc used this country reporting no virus cases as a #bbcquestionasaheadline?
While the world battles coronavirus and more and more countries lock down their populations, Stuart Hughes is holding a mass cycling rally to mark World Health Day on Tuesday. The Another part of Asia, not Pakistan country claims it still has zero coronavirus cases. But can we trust the BBC any more than Chi… figures provided by a government renowned for censorship? “Official statistics from W1A are notoriously unreliable,” said Prof Martin McKee from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Read full analysis >
The Dr. Shipman Clinic has sent Dr. Andreas Niederbichler to the studios but they thought he was a taxi driver.
If you are a journalist, stop giving us your own opinion and just report the news.
Digging for victory.
Meanwhile, renowned ex-home of Amol the Pervasive has…
OT, but as essential journalism goes, hard to beat. Ben Hunte got it on Ceebeebies yet?
BBC livid because US blacks have more cononavirus cases that their numbers might indicate.
Dim, fat, criminal, unemployed, narcotic abusing etc, blacks.
The BBC loves them all, and hates us.
**** the BBC, its employees, and the non whites who receive preferential treatment 24/7/365.
A freelance BBC journalist – Andrew Neill – tweeted Last night that he had found out on good authority ‘ that BoJo s chance of survival is 50/50 .
As a result of such a crass and ill considered tweet Mr Neill received a certain amount of online comment .
Mr Neill – up to now – has not named the source of this view but certainly should – shouldn’t he.
Perhaps mr Neill was tired and emotional and lacked clear judgement in making such a comment – or perhaps he lacks the judgement to stay quiet .
There are a number of journalists and tweeters who should be staying quiet about the illness of the PM . And I’m glad that overnight this site hasn’t strayed into non expert assertions .
Unfortunately I think the daily press conferences will be consumed by BoJo and not be about supplies of kit or resources . The role of the PM is important but so is the well-being or medic, carers and the well being of those infected with the Chinese virus .
I think the time is coming when attention should be turned to how the Chinese are going to pay for what they have done . But I fear that the PRC will be on enough levers of power around the world to duck their responsibility .
An Australian Archbishop has had his conviction for various paedophile allegation overturned by the highest court . The BBC news uses ‘interesting ‘ language to report this . I had a look at the judgement – which unfortunately was unanimous – which runs to only 2 pages . I say ‘unfortunately ‘ because any dissenting judgement would explain itself through detail as opposed to a sparse explanation .
What it says is that there was no fair and proper trial and – effectively – the cleric was steamrollered . I think there will be much more on this .
Yesterday morning, the Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported that Boris was signficantly poorer than was being stated and that he would require intensive care and a ventilator. It was on their Russian language website at 06:45 BST (I took a screenshot at the time). Later during the day, Downing Street slammed the Russian ‘disinformation’ – this was on the Sky News website at 16:09 BST.
The Russian website was, in this instance, more accurate and preceded the official UK reports by the best part of a day. They also cited anonymous ‘good authority’, maybe an old communist sympathiser who made it to the top of the Civil Service or NHS. Perhaps they were simply flying a kite or maybe trying to make mischief, which does happen. Mr Neill may or may not be responsible in his speculation. The point is that a degree of scepticism is required when interpreting the official news. Or in the case of the BBC, any ‘news’ whatsover.
I wonder if you miss my point . It was simply a distasteful tweet in the circumstances – maybe he has a bet on with paddy power . Normally I’d say Mr Neil is probably the only proper journo the BBC put before the public.
“I think the time is coming when attention should be turned to how the Chinese are going to pay for what they have done.”
Now would be a perfect opportunity for China to invade Taiwan (or Australia?) for the sake of distraction and in the knowledge that never ever again will China, in its present form, would come anywhere near industrial competitiveness with the rest of the World.
Pearl Harbour
I’m not a great fan of conspiracy theories because in my view there just are not enough clever people around to plot , design and carry them out .
So I’m in the ‘cock Up ‘ theory school most of the time . The Chinese virus may have escaped from a bio research centre of from trans species transmission . Either way China owns it . If it could be shown that the former was the case – even more so .
As an armchair general I can’t see China wanting to rock the boat more than it has already . Internally is going to be stable because it’s really good at repression.
But as I’ve said here before this Chinese virus might have destabilising effects elsewhere on the planet which haven’t been foreseen – depending of course how long lockdowns , deaths , economic destruction continues – when people get hungry the trouble gets going
We’re in one of those situations where the public is fed some stuff and there is ( probably ) an alternative reality going on behind the inner government walls around the world . I’m not defining this as a ‘ conspiracy theory ‘ just how things work .
““Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” – the American philosopher George Santayana.
Another classy piece on the beeb website by Laura Kuenssberg – ‘Power is no protection from harm’ – reads a like a bit of a whine because the bbc weren’t constantly updated on Mr Johnsons condition but more importantly contains this beauty
“He regularly popped up on social media to say that he was suffering mild symptoms and was following advice in customary bombastic tone.”
Now as far as I know, Bombastic means high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated, pompous, blustering, blathering…. you get the idea.
So either that’s her opinion of the PM or she doesn’t know what the word means, either way not very impressive ‘journalism’
Seldom in history do the names of people enter the dictionary.
Captain Boycott , Quisling the Norwegian traitor another.
May I suggest than instead of being considered racist
by the usual suspects ,when we refer to the pandemic as the
China virus. We call it the XI JINPING virus. Xi Jinping
the president of communist China and his government
infer that it was Americans who brought the virus to China.
By referring to the the pandemic as the XI JINPING virus.
Xi Jinping will go down in history for what he is. And in time
his infamous name will be in dictionaries of every language,
even including Chinese ones. And the definition of XI JINPING?
Each and everyone of us I am sure could think of one
derogatory enough.
TOADY earlier. The main post 0800 interview – Gove.
First question out the box for our Justin: “Who is in charge?”.
There is a childlike element to this question because they already know the answer having asked it over and over again. Very young children, faced with a reply they don’t like, often reflect that dislike by continually hoping that the reply will somehow mysteriously and miraculously change. So they repeatedly ask again and again.
Here, let me help you out Black & Asian Broadcasting Corp, the reply you are hoping to hear might be one of three:
‘A Government of National Unity’;
‘Sir Keir Starmer’.
…and actually across the whole of the BBC there is little or no compassion for the plight of Boris and the fact he has a partner who is expecting their child, also has had Covid-19 and is probably worried sick about her other half. Our democratically elected PM is seriously ill; more support please from the BBC. (Wont get it though!)
Boris Johnson is not piloting a commercial plane with passengers while disabled by this illness .
Hes not doing surgery or being a fireman .
I`m not sure how disabled he is by this virus and how it affects whether he can do 100% control of government , 50% or 5% .
But I do know the BBC likes disabled people , wants to normalise them and put them on their shows .
Not sure what all the fuss is about. My impression was that Boris was a passenger anyway and our top public health experts were running the country.
The idea that Boris can run the country from an intensive care unit is preposterous.
Raab and cabinet need to come clean and Raab needs to take hold FIRMLY of those reins.
Then the media won’t be able to exploit any ‘confusion’ and ‘power vacuums’.
I am particularly sick of listening to that beaver, LK, trying o undermine the government, pretending she cares.
I have to admit I may of been wrong about the political
make up of the BBC as being headed by Amarchists, Trotskyists
and liberal bigots.
It looks like to me that there are a fair amount of Maoists in
their support they are giving to China over the XI JINPING virus.
I guess it was only a matter of time…
“Coronavirus wreaks havoc in African American neighbourhoods”
So, let me guess, the virus is in some way racialist?
‘Black Chicagoans account for half of all coronavirus cases in the city and more than 70% of deaths, despite making up 30% of the population.’
‘Other cities with large black populations, including Detroit, Milwaukee, New Orleans and New York, have become coronavirus hotspots.’
But wait a minute, Boris Johnson has it.
I despise the BBC propaganda and have not consumed it in years either tv or radio…but in this case they might not be entirely wrong. Vitamin D, aka the sunshine vitamin, is a naturally occurring anti viral (sort of), and its created in humans by the interaction of UV-B and cholesterol in our skin to create serum vit D25. There is then another process that binds Vit D25 to a protein to create D125, the active stuff at the cellular level. Plenty of vids on YouTube about this. If one looks at this logically, the darker one’s skin, the more difficult it is to absorb UV-B, QED, higher incidence of chinese virus in darker-skinned people.
This might also be of interest,
So we should be out sunbathing then?
I think so.
This too, especially @6.30 mins about correct levels of serum vit-D. The chaps presentation is pants but the message comes through.
I don’t think we’ll be seeing your explanation on the MSM anytime soon ! Strange times …
That’s is probably the best reason to look outside MSM sources…as many of the contributors here do.
‘Other cities with large black populations, including Detroit, Milwaukee, New Orleans and New York, have become coronavirus hotspots.’
But wait a minute, Boris Johnson has it.
Cultural appropriation?
Remind me again Gary. How many refugees did you and Lilly Allen take in in the end ????
The immigrants people are sick to the back teeth of are the gangs of Eastern Europeans who sit outside Costa coffee all day , deciding who to pic pocket next whilst refreshing their latest i phone to see if their benefits have been paid yet !!!!!
Think most people welcome fully trained,, highly skilled professionals , just not all the other dregs that flow through a open door unchecked to pilfer all our services.
Not sur who is the bigger t***** out of Linekar and Morgan sadly.
Immigrant health workers we shamelessly poached from much poorer countries.
I agree with your sentiment, much more should and could be done by government to meet the staffing demands of the NHS by training those born here to become the doctors and nurses of the future.
Don’t know if you’ve seen these or not.
Lots of workers from overseas in the NHS but not just as many as the media would have us believe.
I would exempt Poles who, in my experience, integrate well and contribute well.
I agree to a point but just sheer numbers void any benefit, and unfortunately Polish people often have a puppy dog, eager to please the boss attitude: resulting in them working overtime for flat rate, to the point that’s now become the norm in many industries.
Also the huge shift to agency work and zero hours contracts has been facilitated by their utter docileness.
BBC going full steam getting BAME into victimhood articles today:
Coronavirus: ‘I’m a frontline carer but feel undervalued’
Coronavirus: ‘I was asked for £430 a month for my shut nursery’
Coronavirus wreaks havoc in African American neighbourhoods
Coronavirus is racist!!!
Yes, Tabs, after frequently hearing the platitude that the coronavirus does not discriminate, we now get that BBC article saying that this submicroscopic infective particle is in fact a right-wing racist. But tucked away at the very end of the article, we find an alternative explanation for the racial disparity in vulnerability to the infection.
“Alderman Jason Ervin, who chairs Chicago council’s black caucus, told the Chicago Tribune that “rates of non-compliance in some parts of the city with the stay-at-home orders” might also be contributing to the statistics.”
9am Red-io Humberside news
Boris news led of course then something else
.. Then local LABOUR MP Emma Hardy, giving her spiel about Boris
Then item about special help should be given to people who live in flats, cos they don’t have gardens.
That last bit seems to be organised by Emma Hardy
so I guess the reason why they played her Boris sympathy must be cos they have already on to speak about her campaign.
Going forward the AntiBBC need to be reminded that-
This virus came from China, fact. Likely originated in one of their infamous wet markets. The dirty stinking foul practices in this country need to stop. End of. When we get the other side of this pandemic there needs sanctions, boycotts in place until they reform.
We do not need a Govenrment of national unity. End of. The tories have a large majority and God forbid should the worst happen there are many able and capable waiting in the wings, Rabb (very pro Brexit), Patel (pro Brexit, pro tighter borders) be afraid AntiBBC I suspect their more hardline views are currently in check because of Boris more liberal approach.
Kier Starmer. The true ‘heir to to Blair’ and just unfit to hold high office. End of. We just need to take a look at this snakes track record over the last 4 years including unsanctioned travel to the EUSSR to ‘negotiate’ with no authority, calling on a democratic vote to be overturned and to ignore the will of the British people. A liar and charlatan qualified only in selling his own snake oil and that’s before we explore his record as Bliars Lawyer.
Starmer has already refused a national government – easy to see why . If it all goes bandy in the NHS their managers stand aside and let the government take direct blame –
Labour can shout From the sidelines
If it goes well and the recovery is sooner rather than later Starmer will claim the glory for ‘ being involved and supportive ‘
I realise I use the term ‘ bandy’ in a cavalier way when we could be talking about many more thousands of deaths but it’s kind of short hand
Whatever happens the BBC will take hindsight to a new height – and Blame brexit .
BBC’s Sam McAlister, Newshite Planning Producer, is doing a bit of vitue signalling and lecturing everyone else all in one tweet:
All the bubble luvvies replies are truly skin crawling. It’s like a virtue signalling convention. All trying to out do each other .
Different world in that bubble. Really is
I know a 93 year old lady who has been giving “gift packs” of bottles of chilled water , snack bars and fruit to courier drivers whatever their nationality or status for at least two years when they deliver to her .
That`s out in the sticks , away from the Londonistan hellhole .
If you read on through the comments she goes on to say she needs a gardener and shows a photo of her garden overgrown with weeds.
Why doesn’t the lazy bitch A) Do her own shopping. B) Do her own weeding?
She is clearly an entitled bitch who expects others to work on her behalf while she sits at home on full pay funded by the tv tax payer.
I wonder if she would be willing to advocate a wage decrease to fund a free tv license for all those ‘poor’ delivery drivers?
So, he’s taking up a valuable delivery that could be given to someone who is elderly or vulnerable. Nice One ! I take it with a ‘young’ name like Sam, that he’s probably under 40 and able to shop himself. Or is it a ‘she’ ?
She is a ‘she’ and her Twitter quano suggests that she has ‘the symptoms’ and is ‘self-isolating’ with her three year-old.
I think it’s a she but you never know these days.
Observer circulation down to 62000 a day…..won’t be long now boys.
That many. Must be Beeboids and other misguided souls.
Does that mean we wont be seeing Sonia Sodha – Lead Writer, on the press review anymore ????? (sigh of relief)
Halifax – it would be useful to know what proportion of those those sales are subscription funded using taxpayers’ money . I’d bet at least two thirds – of which a big proportion are BBC related .
I suppose a freedom.of information request to the BBC might not go amiss.
What’s the other Garden Gnome been up to lately?
It reads like the Human Rights Act 1998.
Little Ms Irrelevant Lucas obviously fancies herself as the omnipotent ‘Commissioner for Future Generations’.
(But will there be EU-style perks and goody bags?)
Second reading of the Bill on Friday 11 September.
I wonder if RT is now giving the most accurate version of what’s happening in the UK these days .
RT Reports it’s the 70th anniversary of the WHO . I wonder if it will make 71?
new Week13 ONS graph of weekly deaths to March 27th
Bottom right : grey line shows Covid19 deaths kicking in 539
Top right : blue line Covid19/lockdown push All deaths up by 1,011 above average (yellow)
Bottom left : navy line shows flu/pneumonia deaths is up 107 above average (light blue)
Why ?
Cos about 107 of the deaths already in the grey line
are ALSO included … cos the patient had both Covid19 +flu/pneu
(so DO NOT add the grey line and navy line together)
source :
Do not rely on deaths as a stat!
Even the ‘reported cases’ have to have question marks added afterward: the test may not be reliable, it may not be processed carefully right from the beginning, there may be other unknown factors with the patient.
As things stand, reported cases are the best guide going so they are the ones to look at.
@UptoSnuff On the contrary the “Show me the bodies rule applies”
and there are REAL bodies to show
Weekly deaths were, 1,011 above average now
so there has been an impact on society
Where there is a question is over the 539 patients whose death certificate says Covid
#1 Some of them might have died of other things anyway
#2 Brissles suggested above that Covid19 was sometimes written on the death certificate even though the patient didn’t have it
I can just about imagine a hospital gets some advantages for booking Covid19 deaths, like cash grants etc.
“reported cases are the best guide going ”
.. Rubbish, cos tested cases are dependent on the number of people you test .. we know most cases are not tested.
“actual self reported cases” most of them turn out to just be a cold.
Bring out the bodies only if you have a signed death cert, deceased’s medical notes and preferably an autopsy report pinned to the corpse. Until you have all that, a death report is not worth a statistical candle, Stew.
The graph is until March 27th all those deaths are confirmed
It would be a big thing for the government to be logging death certificates without the bodies existing.
Stew, you need the deceased’s medical notes and an autopsy as well.
The best numbers to go on are symptoms told to a nurse or doctor (preferably) who does or is doing a full work up on the patient – plus – using the available test.
Deaths are an inaccurate measurement. Too many complicating factors.
The media love the body count. They can create hysteria around that. They can influence policy … for good …. or for ill. They can attack Governments they do not like with a body count. They can support a Government that they like but that is taking a wrong approach.
Best by far is to stay away from the death count.
Up2Stuff I have never said the number of “Covid deaths” represents the actual people who died of Covid
So don’t get bogged down.
But the Covid death stat is useful for spotting the trend.
…. When you do money spending or policy one should NOT use raw deaths one should use QALYs
Now the “total death count” and the QALYs based on it are the important thing
And that is above normal now and will be revealed to be quite a lot above normal in the next weeks .
The idea that flu is as important as Covid19 this week has been blown out of the water.
Will the eventual Covid19 death tally be higher than the 27K of a bad flu outbreak
Well even in this lockdown phase it will be pretty high
and then after lockdown, who knows ??
There still is no vaccine nor magic treatment so deaths will probably be in thousands for each of the coming months
whether that will be another 20K, 30K, 50K, 100K I don’t know.
“…….lockdown push All deaths up by 1,011 above average (yellow)”
I’m happy to be on, ‘lockdown’ that way, no (hopefully) chance of joining your lines in future graphs.
In fact, the only way for one with numerous medical vulnerabilities, is to go further and say, ‘I ain’t coming out until science finds an antidote’.
G The interesting thing is that ALL deaths went above average by 1,011 yet only 539 were booked as Covid and much of them would have died anyway
That suggests to me that about 500, 600, 700 people died from purely lockdown effects operations being delayed, anxiety etc.
Week 13 includes data to March 27th
Week 14 to April 3rd
by Week 15 to April 10th I expect that grey line will be smashing up to 5,000+ deaths/week
providing the same proportion of current patients are weak
.. and that we haven’t got a magic treatment
TOADY Watch #1 – Get Well Soon Boris
On switch, fraction late @ 6.03 a.m.. Rest of news, weather, first newspaper review. First item: PM in hospital, who is running country, can country function? …. with Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg who is annoyingly full-time at present.
Get Well SOON Boris – I can’t take any more of this from ‘Part-time’.
OFF SWITCH 6.14 a.m..
Goon Show on R4e instead @ 8 a.m. – an all time classic, one of the best scripts evva. Catch it on repeat @ 12 noon or 7 p.m. tonight.
Europe is going, going, going, broke. Anyone who advances the notion of the UK rejoining needs to be ‘Sectioned’. In that regard, lets start with Sir K……
[But don’t let’s forget Caroline’s, ‘Well being of Future Generations’ Bill]
G, just pondering the afterwards I wonder whether an expanded G20 may just float the idea of a global pandemic debt write-off. Re-set all the counters to as before or to zero. It may be tied to a threat to China that post-pandemic reparations will be required.
Yes, absolutely, has to be the next step when its all sorted. Excluding china of course.
“Hydroxychloroquine: India agrees to release drug after Trump retaliation threat”
“Despite the fact trials are yet to conclude, people have begun to self-medicate – with sometimes disastrous consequences.
There have been numerous reports in Nigeria of people being poisoned from overdoses after people were reportedly inspired by Mr Trump’s enthusiastic endorsement of the drug.”
That Mister is getting the blame again, this time for making helpful suggestions..
“Nigeria”? Their Hydroxychloroquine is probably manufactured around the back of a dirty shed with water from………….
Readers wanting to cheer themselves up could do worse than to read some of the top rated comments on the bBBC webshite story ‘Coronavirus-warning over daily death figures’
Three of the top rated comments would not look out of place on this esteemed site.
The realisation is spreading……..
@Sluff the #1 and #5 comments come from the hatey libmobbers
The lowest rated comments are from anti-Tory commenters
Twitter watch
Oh dear – that learned lady Alibi Brown has twittered and upset our Justin Webb – who apparently asked Mickey Gove ( on Toady ) who’s got the keys to the nukes if we are attacked – alibi said it wasn’t a nice question
And delightfully our Justin has bit back .
I find it heartwarming to witness bubble dwellers turning on each other . I presume Alibi was tweeting from Uganda since she promised to go home if BoJo became PM …..
As I didn’t listen to much of TOADY today, can anyone tell me did they mention the lower rate of increase in USA cases or the fact that Germany has gone over the 100,000 case mark?
There’s a surprise!
The Sun Political correspondent tweets that Sun/Times newspapers are trusted
.. It’s been ratio-ed 5:1 , 2,200 replies vs 400 likes
John Sweeney admits that he didn’t vote for Boris shocker. Has any BBC employee ever done so?
There was. A glimpse on Monday night. – of the way the BBC once was . Jane Corbyns documentary on the islamic terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka last Easter Sunday murdering over 250 people – many of them in church .
The role of the Sri Lankan police in the attacks – which they knew were being planned – isn’t explained .if you get a chance – it is worth the watch . It’s beyond virtue signaling and very sad.and very upsetting .
I’m very grateful and disgusted at the same time .
In more ‘normal’ times this would cause outrage but I suppose at the moment it won’t raise any disgust – I feel awful for those who suffered directly by what republican and unionist terrorists did . I hope those in Northern Ireland see it .
You really couldn’t make it up – but in this case the BBC did .
They have now changed the caption to:
‘1998 – A political deal is reached in Northern Ireland after nearly two years of talks’
See at 00:27 on
The original error (stll shot) can still be found at
It’s a glimpse into BBC world- the quality of the staff ( I won’t call them journos ) – I am wondering how long before the cease fire in the war between Northern Ireland and ‘Britain ‘ is expected to last ?
I’m guessing the IRA will claim victory since so many of their killers were allowed to walk out of prison or otherwise be given a nice letter by T. Blair .
The BBC gives far too much freedom to its editors. In this case whoever wrote that is plainly ignorant
Sometimes it is as noticeable when silence prevails as much as noise . characters like Toynbee , O. jones and the industry which makes a living from Left wing hate go quiet about events such as the condition of the UK PM ……
Silence is usually when they can’t say anything nasty.
For the bbc, it is when editorial integrity does not fit the narrative.
Extraordinary claim
Yet the tweet photo has no provenance
Is it fake ?
Seems not it’s in the Coventry Evening Telegraph
\\ Nurses, doctors and other staff on the frontline of tackling the coronavirus in Nuneaton have sent their best wishes to the Prime Minister.
They did so in style, by spelling out: “Get well soon Boris”.//
Some good news.
Except for Boris, it appears white British people do not get coronavirus !!!!!
No, honestly. On the BBC1 1 pm news, they interviewed two patients who had experience of intensive care. And both of them were, ahem, non-white of Middle East or Indian subcontinent appearance, and could well be adherents of the ‘Religion of Peace’.
Fancy that.
‘What you need to know’ about Sopel
Someone in Wales is not happy . See HYS Comments – Highest Rated, Posted by ‘Will Fox’ ……………..
“Good ol BBC selecting imagery for this story that’s completely unrepresentative of the UK demographic as always, and even less so in Wales. Just can’t help themselves. ”
Comments “closed” after only 32 ?
The Getty Image is tagged Multi-racial, African ethnicity, African-American etc.
So they are not even from Taffland ?
Lazy B@s7@rds !
Perhaps our special Al Beeb correspondent maxincony will enlighten us why ?
interestingly having just looked its no longer highest cos 16 is bigger than 19 , perhaps Abbot is doing the beebs maths for them nowadays
The comment has 19 upvotes, 11 downvotes
So BBC rank it as 8 points overall
The “16” comment has 16 upvotes, 5 downvotes
So BBC rank it as 11 points overall
BBC News – Coronavirus: YouTube tightens rules after David Icke 5G interview
“It changed its rules after the BBC asked why it had not taken action earlier”
I wasn’t aware that the censorship and policing of YouTube was within BBC remit. This is really sinister activity. I’ve little interest in ex bbc Icke and I would doubt he’s much of an expert in the virus field. I do defend his right to free speach however.
Speech even.
Coronavirus: YouTube tightens rules after David Icke 5G interview
Mr Icke also falsely claimed that a coronavirus vaccine, when one is developed, will include “nanotechnology microchips” that would allow humans to be controlled. He added that Bill Gates – who is helping fund Covid-19 vaccine research – should be jailed. His views went unchallenged for much of the two-and-a-half-hour show.
Now where have we seen that done before…views going unchallenged?
The interview was watched by about 65,000 people as it was streamed, some of whom clicked an on-screen button to trigger payments to make their live chat reactions stand out.
YouTube only deleted the content after the session had ended, despite being aware of the broadcast while it was ongoing.
It changed its rules after the BBC asked why it had not taken action earlier.
What business is it of yours BBC to tell others what and how to broadcast? Scared of losing viewers?
Oldspeaker posted whilst I was typing lol so didn’t see their post.
I was going to comment on this too. David Icke May well have some odd ideas/theories but I think there are obvious questions to be asked about 5G technology and the people who control the BBC clearly do not want those questions asked. This is just another example of the left deplatforming views they disagree with and a further step towards state control of the internet.
If the BBC had anything about them, they would be the ones asking the questions and debating/challenging the arguments with facts. Unfortunately the biased bbc don’t do facts.
And here they are complaining about censorship in China. How hypocritical!
Story about 2 reporters disappearing in China after their YouTube channels were closed down.
Well it looks like the bbbc learn from the best of them.
“The censorship is very strict and people’s accounts are being closed down if they share my content,” he said.
Great minds ????, finally found the funny face feature. Bat soup crazy or not people should have a voice. Most of the ‘out there’ content is harder to find on YouTube now and been replaced by msm blurb. Consequently the view count has fallen off a cliff, good business model eh.
Nodding Dog
Scared of losing viewers? 😀
They are haemorrhaging them! They have treated the viewing population of Britain with contempt . Instead of adopting British views and values they have , like some alien broadcaster tried to brainwash the proud peoples of this nation with foreign propaganda. Childish propaganda at that.
The sooner the government scrapped the unfair and unjust telly tax the better.
Bill Gates wants to give us all a vaccine to get rid of this nasty virus, but he couldn’t even come up with a version of windows that was immune from viruses!
This lot are a little more msm.
Nah we can’t trust the Chinese; but let’s copy and champion their house arrest / lockdown plan anyway, as they said it worked.
Key workers … claptrap … err clap clap.
In the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, the Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust is hiring a new ‘Diversity and Inclusion Manager’. The lucky applicant will play a vital role in “developing and delivering a key programme of work to drive the Trust’s ambition and vision of being committed to inclusion in everything we do.” Wokery is not the most important priority during a pandemic…
They’ll be very lucky indeed, because the salary for the role starts at £44,606 to £50,819 a year. That’s money that could cover the wages of two new nurses. What’s the NHS playing at?
“What’s the NHS playing at?”
As usual, wasting taxpayers money. Get rid of the Trusts . Overpaid ‘Trustees’ and admin . More admin than ever despite the advent of modern computers and so called ‘paperless offices’ .
Meanwhile 750,000 volunteers start work..
Is this to make sure that white people are included on the NHS payroll?
\\Lord Heseltine, who served as deputy prime minister under John Major, said it will be a “very difficult personal position” for Mr Raab, who “will be tested by the loneliness of the job”.//
How does he know , he’s never been PM ?
BBC like to dig him up every so often don’t they ? Even Gordon Brown ( he apparently was an unelected PM ) has turned up to talk global this and that again – no mention of the NHS being crippled by his PFI schemes though …
Not the same financial whizz who had a fire sale on Bullion? A commodity now akin to hens teeth? Now we’re borrowing from the future to pay for the present, least I think that’s how it’s going to work.
We – and those yet to be born – are already paying for Gordon Clown’s incompetence deep into the future. Some of the loans taken out during his regime to
help banking buddiesresolve the financial crisis of 2008 have 50 year payment periods on them. And still the traitors are doing their masters’ biddings:
taffman “How does he know , he’s never been PM?”
Eccles voice: “No, but in his time he’s done some testing. Ooh haha ha!”
854 New daily death count ..a huge blip UP from yesterday
… as expected yesterday was the anomaly
… and the upward trend has resumed
I guess some deaths that would have been expected yesterday got logged on to today
1st Apr…563
2nd Apr..569
3rd Apr…694
4th Apr…712
5th Apr…621
6th Apr…439
7th Apr…854
In a couple of hours the graph page will update
The weekend figures from Scotland, respectively reported on Sunday and yesterday, amounted to four in total because the Records office isn’t yet operating 7/7, meaning that X number of deaths would appear in figures for today and tomorrow.
And guess what? Today’s figure for Scotland, which includes some of those weekend deaths, is a new high of 74. That will only account for a small part of today’s uplift in the UK figures, but I wonder if some of the weekend deaths in the rest of the UK are also only appearing in today’s figures. If that’s the case then it may be Thursday before we get a more representative picture of the actual daily toll, subject of course to the usual caveats.
And yet AGAIN … look who the BBC have found to do a glowing report on !!! Amazing how many of the BBC’s heroes in all this are BAME.
There’s just NO let up for the agenda pushing.
How may care workers, how may NHS workers combined and how many are BAME ? Well 99% if you trust the BBC.
AFP Factcheck
“A study reported by AFP found that the novel coronavirus can survive for various lengths of time on some surfaces.
BUT medical experts and health organisations here, here and here said there is NO evidence of food or food packaging being associated with transmission of COVID-19.”
Doom-monger Peston ratio-ed 8 to one
CCBGB indeed Stew … LOL
Slightly dreading the daily Chinese virus briefing which will be continually interrupted against by senior medics and a cabinet minister.
As a bubble dweller – is Peston really that thick that he cannot distinguish between The presidential and PM/cabinet System ?
Or is it that he just needs attention . ?
Meanwhile the number of reported deaths per day is heading for 1000…. ?
And Sweden -the alternative way of dealing with the Chinese Virus reports 111 dead from Chinese related deaths – although of course the method of counting may render sensible comparison meaningless .
Anyone who watches BBC 4’s ‘scandinoir’ series will know that most deaths in Sweden involve chain saws, dropping down wells, stuffing in freezers etc.
Cases of corana flu probably go unnoticed.
Visiting Italian pathologist: “He has corona antigens, he must have died of the virus!”
Resident Swedish pathologist: “You don’t think being found in a block of concrete in a deep freezer with his head missing might have played a part?”
Fed, most of us on this site, if not all, are here because we are critical of the BBC. It is not often that you can find BBC programmes, and comedy programmes at that, that poke fun at the BBC itself although the past series or two of Dead Ringers have had quite a good go at that. “Oh hallo, Walnut One, didn’t see you lurking wraith like in the shadows there.”
It is with great pleasure and yes, hello, maybe, from me, that the Round the Horne episode (last in series) that followed today’s Goon Show repeat on R4e, opened with a funny Bond/Len Deighton spoof that took a pop at some media peeps as well as the BBC.
If you need cheering up then I recommend a listen, next repeat on radio tonight: “Aachh! Votts on der telly?” on R4extra @ 7.30 p.m. tonight. They don’t make comedy like that any more.
Most of them are dead. But not from a Coronavirus.
Oh, hello Stew …….
Thanks – fortunately I’ve discovered Netflix and am trawling through box sets of ‘House of cards ‘ And there is a long list of non BBC stuff after that .
I used to use 4x a lot but something happened with listings and for a long time was like a ‘Wimmins hour’ lasting all day – just like R4.
As for humour – there is a lot on Twitter – mixed in nicely with the brutal hatred .
“Coronavirus: Ferries need financial help to survive pandemic, says trade association”
Me thinks our so called ‘Border Force’ have taken all their business ?
Is the Royal Navy in charge of Border Force ?