How dare you spew such disgusting lies about me? I have never 'demonised' Pakistani people, nor any other immigrants to this country, and I am staggered your BBC bosses are letting you race-bait like this on a public forum. cc @markstrippel
Why illustrate a Bangladeshi flag alongside your name if your claim your father is a Pakistani paramedic? Does not make sense. Don’t forget Pakistan and Bangladesh (former East Pakistan) fought a war in, I think, 1971 so not exactly best of chums.
Sage, that was an incredibly bloody war and many died. It preceded or followed or was in the middle of some very severe weather, if I recall correctly. The interesting thing is that the international community (incl. the UN) stepped in very firmly to bring it to an end.
Compare and contrast to 2011-2020 and Syria where NOTHING has been done by the international community (incl. the UN) to bring that war to an end.
Earlier on the radio a social worker explained that he’s been handing out gloves and masks to addicts
and telling them to keep their distance when buying from their dealers
“What else could I do ?”
Yesterday I went for an hour bicycle ride and went through the small town.
I popped into 2 shops .. in each I saw one red-faced alcoholic buying booze, being out of control they came too close to the staff.
FFS what with these police that can spot sunbathers in a park and can’t spot packs of grooming gangs.
Surely there are grades of Covid-risk people ?
0- all the oldies who never leave the house
1- most of us who only leave to shop/exercise
2- someone who often goes to the pharmacy queue
4- people who are working but just around the same 8-10 people
5- normal doctors and pharmacy staff .. possible contacts , but a high degree of precautions
6- Carehome staff
6- people who sit on CROWDED public transport
7- street psychos zero-protection
8- medics in corona wards, high protection/ high risk
10- people from communities that are taking no notice
libmob like Piers Morganand Vine can only see the risk as builders
Yesterday I really checked for reporting of cases in my area
Despite 30 cases in the regional hospital, the ONLY case we know anything about is the first where a pensioner had been in Italy on holiday.
So I checked all the local place names on Twitter
and there was nothing like “Bob Jones of Smith St got Covid”
..the only mention was
.. “blinking heck I just drove through ethnic street and life looked as if there was no Corona lockdown”
A neighbour who isn’t that reliable, did claim 10 days ago “A woman in the village she got it”
.. well she still hasn’t come up with a name.
OK I just scoured local Facebook searches
I found only one mention of a case in our region
.. It was the death of a cafe owner on said ethnic street
..but she is a white pensioner
no age mentioned but could be 70-80 from the photo.
“An unprecedented truce has broken out
in the notorious, gang-infested townships around Cape Town,
as rival gang leaders stop their endless turf wars
and use drug delivery networks
to bring food instead to poor struggling households”
.. Them Kray twins lovely boys,
.. very kind to their mother.
Just listened on TWATO to the Governments Spokesman, Jeremy Hunt explaining everything that his colleagues in the Cabinet have already explained and/or not. Oh! Sorry! I didn’t realise that Jeremy Hunt is not the Government’s Spokesman and neither is he in the Cabinet.
Silly G! Keep up, can’t you………….
Lady Brooke (aka Sarah Montague’ has just been twatting on TWATo about the cost of the lockdown, estimated at £40 billion if workers are furloughed (aka paid by the Government’ for 3 months.
Did Al Beeb’s finest (aka completely clucking useless) interviewers (aka Leftoid shills) interrogate to the same degree the Corbynutta or Mad John McDonnell (aka the Quartermaster to his IRA mates) about the TRILLIONS of cost of their 2017 and 2019 GE manifesto promises?
There are too many men doing the daily government briefings in Englandistan – according to the Twitter snow flakes online .
They’re after Pritti again . But I think it far better if Mr Raab puts on a frock – he might as well put a bit of colour on to satisfy the non white quota –
The MSM is also still fixated about who is in charge – it seems to me – above all else .
Who is going to launch the nukes? I was truly amazed with that one – which I think our Justin asked a government minister .
I never knew the initiation of nuclear warfare preoccupied BBC journos so much .
Maybe in the gap between the flash and the blast we are meant to think “ is Dom Raab gonna press the button of Micky Gove ?” Amazing
Next agenda item – the NHS volunteers – wait for the stories of – bullying – waste – disappointment – mismanagement – abuse – harassment – you know the rest –
If it doesn’t happen they’ll find someone to make up a juicy allegation to act as another distraction for the kidults .
“Who is going to launch the nukes? I was truly amazed with that one – which I think our Justin asked a government minister.”
It is said that if our active SSBN pops its head above water and can no longer receive Radio 4 it is to assume that the UK is no more and that it should execute the default firing command.
There would be a certain poetic justice if incompetence on the part of the BBC led to the end of the world as we know it… (“You did what Mishal?” “I turned off Radio 4 to save money Madam Controller”.)
I wonder if the captain of the boat would save a missile for W1A. ?
I always thought is was Radio 2 – if Steve Wright doesn’t turn up in the afternoon ( is he still doing that ?) . After Brian Matthew R2 wasn’t worth a click …
It looks as if the WAG (that’s Wales’ own white elephant ) is doing its own thing ?……………….
“Coronavirus: Lockdown in Wales to be extended”
there are some free Acronym Finders out there on the Interwebby, folks. Think our Stew would recommend that rather than click on a link following a search, it might be safer to copy the ‘address’ into a secure browser on your computer or tablet.
Tabs… I’m guessing this is a trick question, but is the answer ‘100%’?
In fact, these three black Americans have been really busy recently. Last year they bought a house Stateside. And they are also interested in Cambodian property.
I would doubt that anyone who subscribes to this site would not disagree with the fact that we need far more testing and which should have been in prepaeration long ago. The following is part of an essay which clearly states what most of us think on this issue.
The inbred inertia of the pedantic British Civil Service, including its Medical Mandarins, is disheartening in the extreme. Their insistence that the use of hydroxychloroquine and zinc is forbidden until normal, peacetime, snail-paced regulatory testing has been carried out reminds me of the attitude of our senior officers at the outbreak of WWl.
They refused to accept — or simply did not understand — that the conduct of war had changed since their last outings in the Zulu and Boer wars, and that with the advent and widespread use of highly efficient, belt-fed, water cooled machine guns, cavalry charges or the slowly advancing thin red line of old were no longer a viable strategy.
In this case history is repeating itself, albeit in a different way in a different theatre of war. As in 1914 onwards it is the troops and the junior officers who lead them into battle and the people they are defending who will pay the price resultant from this institutionalized inertia and lack of critical thinking… thus this current demonstration of an innate inability to swift-footedly change standard practices as circumstances change; they seem to not understand that these are very dangerous times indeed.
Essentially, we are at the beginning of a different war and on a different front. Even if this particular treatment turns out not to work, little or nothing will be lost and the search for a viable form of counterattack will continue unabated.
There are times, and this is one, when career self-serving risk-aversion is dangerously counterproductive, so start field testing now. There will be no shortage of willing volunteers who have nothing to lose either way, and perhaps a life to gain.
Tarien, That describes exactly the problem in the UK. I would also add there is something we often accuse the Germans of, a “not invented here” attitude. Studies have been carried out on s medicines and practices that have worked. These tend to be ignored or downplayed because of a bureaucratic response that we have to study it as well rather than rely on “Johnny foreigner’s” data. If we accredit overseas bodies such as the US or French institutes as being peers we should take note of their results.
Why the testing mania?
To think we’re making a difference..
What we going to do test everyone every few days in case they caught it since thier last test.
The interesting test would be an antibody test, to see who has already had the disease and what percentage of the population has had it. That test should only need to be done once.
“Coronavirus: What is the risk to men over 50?”
“Death rates go up with age in both men and women, but men tend to outstrip women across the ages.”
“”It is becoming increasingly recognised that there are substantial differences in the immune system between males and females””
The graph only shows two genders as well, someone get a grievance in quickly. At times of crisis I’m not interested in really real facts, I want to know the important stuff, how are fairy tale reading drag queens going to be affected?
There have been a whole lot of senior ladies from the NHS and Civil Service speaking with the government representatives. Perhaps we should complain that there are not enough men represented!!
Also this virus disproportionately affects men 3 to 1.
Riby is just a vile, snarlin(g) left-win(g) (g)nome and (g)ar(g)oyle..
Here I am thinkin’, Demon, if I jus’ start talkin’ jus’ like William Brown, could I have gone an’ caught the Virus an’ all? An’ what about Ginger an’ Douglas an’ Henry, could they have gorn an’ caught it an’ all, jus’ like me? Cor!
There’s talk today about how invisible women are at the top of govt atm. But at the front line, they’re anything but absent. I’ve spent the day at a hospice-here’s a meeting I’m at of medical/nursing/care staff. Women dominate in care and are carrying us through the crisis.
I see in The Express that meddling Laura K. fancies herself as the guardian of British politics and public life.
She reckons there may be a ‘coup’ on the go, so it seems she has no idea of the principle of deputyship taking over in an acting capacity, whatever the walk of life.
Why does the government always give the enemy of
the state broadcaster the BBC the first question at
the XI JINPING virus news conference each evening?
As an analogy, it’s like asking Lord Haw Haw to ask the first question at a war news conference in 1940.
I immediately switch off the moment the questions begin. These people are not true journalists, seeking to elucidate further information, they are simply political activists trying to score cheap points against their political enemies. The BBC should not be present at all, as it gives it a spurious air of respectability that it does not warrant.
This report by Church Militant is about 3 minutes long and covers reports from China and the horrific treatment virus victims have received from the commie Chinese government.
If the reports are true the treatment of these victims is demonic:
John – If true, are we horrified? Yes. Are we surprised? No.
About half a century ago I recall reading a book, probably titled: “You can trust a Communist”. I think the subtitle continued: “…to be a Communist”.
Despite economic reforms, likely not much else has changed over that period…
“The whole point of the book was that a communist
will Say Anything, Do Anything or Pretend to be anything,
if it will promote the cause of communism”
by Fred Schwartz and David Noebel
Around 32:40 things get heated during a discussion Fred Schwartz, the organizer of the Anti-Communist Crusades that were a huge thing in 1966. The far right loved these events. WFB is a fan of Schwartz's.
He’s not really a “BBC guy”
FT media guy, then Channel 4 prog, then did BBC News Newswatch
.. then went a bit mad with his anti-Brexit anti-Trump cultism.
I’ve been doing lockdown drawings and once this nightmare is over, I’d like to sell them to raise cash for NHS and care home charities. Anyone wanting to look should try
I’ve been doing lockdown drawings and once this nightmare is over, I’d like to sell them to raise cash for NHS and care home charities. Take a look:
– trains 90% doen ..I never use them anyway
– New cases are not rising fast … hmm after 2 days of fall we are back at the old level
– graphs of hospital adms not rising steeply
– Critical care flat rate in number in patients
..that is a little strange
Not really, most vulnerable people have been self isolating for 3 WEEKS, so presumably the latest people with symptoms are younger fitter people, more likely NOT to require hospitalisation or critical care?
BBC News
4 hrs · “I hope other people can learn from Wuhan.”
Residents of Wuhan, the Chinese city where the coronavirus pandemic originated, have been sharing lessons as they emerge from nearly three months of lockdown.
Can the Lobby please make up their minds as to whether they want Priti Patel addressing the nation because she’s a brilliant woman who we need to see more of, or sacked because she’s inept and the wrong kind of woman?
Yes, but the strange thing is even the police, who are querying the social distancing of these Roma types, are standing far too close to one another.
That is unless they’re married to each other.
Well, these days…
Kuensberg talks of a coup against BoJo on some online anorak blog . I wonder is wandering around empty streets in Westminster turns a journalists ‘ head .
Perhaps her giddy brexit days have caused memory loss for the popularity of BoJo during the election . Anyone trying to usurp his position would be toast .
IIRC a Beeboid, possibly Jez, bragged before about his personal attention from the NHS.
Here in the UK we’re very lucky to have the NHS. I’ve just been phoned from an NHS helpline to see if I’m ok, as I’ve had cancer and asthma. I am in fact fine, but good to know that they’re out there if any of us are not.
Ha, earlier I mentioned local alcoholics being an obvious weak-link in the war against CV spreading
New local news : Homelessness charity delivers alcohol to people withdrawing from substance abuse while in lockdown
Tonight I took part in an online ‘pub quiz’, organised by a friend of a friend.
The question master is someone I have never met before and know nothing about.
As he introduced the evening, he casually said that he appreciated the support for the quiz, as instead we could be ‘watching something on Netflix, or SOMETHING DEPRESSING ON THE BBC’ !!!!!!!!
Not quite ‘Out of the mouths of children’ but near enough. Always good to see that the realisation of the BBC’s massive bias goes way beyond this website’s active contributors.
European finance ministers were close to a deal, but after 16 hours the talks broke down amid a dispute between Italy and the Netherlands over how to apply the recovery fund.
Sweet the BBC remains so optimistic. Unusually so. They were close, you see.
It looks like our cross channel ferry is working well despite the rest of the nation being in lockdown. “All were taken to Dover where they underwent medical checks and were passed to immigration officials, a government spokesman said.”
At a time when our NHS is under great strain?………………..
Two more boats carrying migrants have been picked up off Dover this morning. Yesterday, 72 people attempted to cross the world's busiest shipping lane in five small boats.
And here comes the oh so predictable BBC anti Priti Patel onslaught.
Could sense this was en route .
We are sooo lucky to have the fabulous, No agenda or bias BBC to help us through the this crisis…..with helpful insight and devoid of gutter-style gotcha journalism ????????
It’s rarely mentioned in such terms but dementia is a nasty, evil, inexorable, terminal illness. You never get better and there is no cure and little treatment. If you’re really lucky, you’ll die of something else before you lose all quality of life. It’s what in other contexts might be called an ‘inconvenient truth’.
So what pray do we hope to get from tanking the economy, putting millions on short time work, reduced pay, or universal benefit, so that people in care homes with dementia can live for a few extra weeks? Many are already on DNR notices (that’s Do Not Resuscitate) so their condition is explicitly understood and agreed by their relatives. Has anyone out there got the bottle for this?
Heartless? Or just compassionate in a non-groupthink way, informed by fourteen years of relevant relatives care experience?
As you might know I’ve personally wrestled with this . As far as care homes are concerned I think too many people in care homes are dying because they are not being protected properly – whether they have dementia or not .
The quality of life issue is a tricky one as we know . But once the question is raised about whether people with dementia have a quality of life so poor that their continued existence is ‘questioned’ we start down a dangerous roads .
If you remember – the national socialists had a ‘three doctor ‘ test to kill the disabled – this dropped to one doctor ticking a box .
So my bottom line- currently – to to make sure the old are properly looked after .
Peston interviews the ex Prime Minister of Denmark, Helle Thorning Schmidt, to discuss the difficulties of running government while Boris is in intensive care.
Why of all people to interview about this topic choose the ex Prime Minister of Denmark?
Strangely, not mentioned is that she is the wife of Steven Kinnock, daughter in law of Neil ‘Lord Windbag’ Kinnock, and member of the UK Labour Party.
You can take Peston out of the BBC but clearly you can’t take the BBC out of Peston.
Did Peston how she and her husband ran their family for years
when his tax declaration said he was always in Switzerland and she and the kids were always in Denmark ?
Remember Stephen Kinnock’s tax evasion scandal when he got caught out in an interview when he said how much time he spent in Denmark when he was supposed to be based in Switzerland
Stew , when the election came I was deeply saddened that this man kept his seat . Perhaps he is a great constituency MP – living shoulder to shoulder with his constituency and knowing all their problems . Or maybe he lives in Copenhagen .
It’s a bugbear of mine – but one of my rules – when I’m running the world – is that all MPs must live in their constituency when not at the parliament – which I’d place in the middle of the country .
I hope that Dominic Cummings visits this website . He may have a word or two with Boris when he recovers.” Now then Borris we need to do something about this opposition party , Al Beeb, we need to take away their funding ………”
He doesn’t need to visit this site to know the BBC’s outlook needs to be addressed.
The BBC represents Mr Cummings as the second biggest stupidest, most evil villain in the UK after Boris. There then follows the remaining members of the Tory cabinet, Trump, everyone outside the BBC/Guardian bubble and Telegraph and Daily Mail readers.
Oddly, in the BBC’s eyes, Stalin, Lenin, Chavez, Mugabe, Castro and other mass murders are heroes, who are often misunderstood.
At the end of Newsnight they paid tribute to “ordinary members of public who lost their lives serving the public”.
They then showed photos of:
1. BAME pharmacist (photo shown of both BAME male and BAME female)
2. BAME male bus driver
3. white female teacher
4. white female nurse
5. BAME male nurse
6. BAME male transplant specialist
7. BAME male nurse
8. white female school principle
9. BAME female nurse
10. BAME male doctor
Considering the virus attacks mostly males (and mostly white in the UK) I’m surprised the BBC couldn’t find any white male victims to show.
Economics – 1 {Not a science and not strictly a Nobel prize}
Literature – 3 {Add your own comments}
Peace – 12 {A political award, eg Obama, EU, several other Grade A ****s}
Physics – 0
Chemistry – 0
Physiology or Medicine – 0
The number of ethnic minority deaths is shocking. The pandemic is exacerbating inequalities
If coronavirus doesn’t discriminate, how come black people are bearing the brunt?
Afua Hirsch
The far left perpetual white hater crawls out from under her stone.
Blacks have poor diets, they do take enough exercise, they are frequently grossly obese.
Blacks take contra-indicated substances eg cigarettes, narcotics.
Blacks create slums out of decent housing.
Blacks ignore health warnings.
All discussed by the BBC, very recently.
Naturally this dim witted organism is unconcerned by the excess number of males dying from THE CHINESE CREATED PANDEMIC.
US election 2020: Bernie Sanders suspends presidential campaign
Senator Bernie Sanders has ended his presidential campaign, clearing the way for former Vice-President
Joe Biden to become the Democratic party’s nominee.
Mr Sanders, an Independent, had sought the Democratic presidential nomination before, losing out in 2016 to Hillary Clinton.
He won endorsements from a number of celebrities, including Cardi B, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Mark Ruffalo and Dick Van Dyke.
Mr Sanders failed to win key African-American voters across the southern states, who largely went for Mr Biden.
Mr Biden, 77, is now expected to be crowned the Democratic presidential nominee at the party’s convention in August.
He will then face off against President Donald Trump during the November general election.
[Biden is older than Saint Donald. Biden has dementia, sorry alleged dementia.]
[Biden is likely to have the Ukranian rug pulled from under his, elderly, unsteady feet anytime Putinleaks decides
to spill the beans (I believe I am getting the hang of ‘murricanese) about Biden Jr.]
[I predict a Saint Donald victory.]
[What is this November election? Surely, like the Brexit withdral negotiations, during the CHINESE COMMUNIST CREATED PANDEMIC, this election needs to be postponed. So AlBeeb states, for public health reasons, possibly for 200 years with Saint Donald in charge.]
[Apologies for calling BBBC contributors Shirley,]
Coronavirus: Trump attacks ‘China-centric’ WHO over global pandemic
Live Trump renews his attack on WHO over coronavirus
I’ve noticed that when it’s somebody on the right like trump who disagrees with something or somebody then its an ‘attack’ but when its somebody from the left they use a much less harsher word such as Jeremy Corbyn ‘criticized’ the govenrment.
The Beeb know very well what they’re doing.Attack is a very strong word and conjures up an image of violence or aggression whereas words like criticism and criticized are much more refrained and dignified.
Leave it to Emily to make the Pms illness an opportunity to bang on about class division – cheap shot using an ill man as an opportunity to further her agenda
— Badsport PlagueDodger ☠️☠️ (@EssendeeC) April 8, 2020
I didn’t realise comrade £££ Emily has been elected the leader of the Corbyn Party . I’m sure at the end of her little speech she announced that she would donate her pay to charities helping with the Chinese virus .
If she didn’t she might as well stay quiet and be a journalist instead of a Far Left campaigner .
From the Emily Maitllis link above “The WTO warns the pandemic could provoke the deepest economic downturn of our lifetime”. How about the deepest economic downturn of our lifetime with covid 19, not provoked by. Nice bit of distraction for when the economic reset switch is hit though, now you see all the money, now you don’t.
Should a BBC newsreader be calling for a “social settlement” to “stop inequality becoming even more stark”? Or having a go at Raab for using the phrase “Boris is a fighter”
Regardless of the arguments themselves (and I mostly agree) this seems like blatant editorialising
So what Emily is saying is that we all should live in large spacious healthy environments. No-one needs to do manual work where we come into contact with others. No-one should be homeless on these crowded islands. Emily – join the dots! With a continuous flow of migrants coming from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, .via France……. . Can we house them next to you, can they work in the studio next to you? Hopefully they will be safe and have no agenda. Maybe we could drop your salary and have them compete for your job – no? What are you racist ? How much are you prepared to sacrifice – your job, your salary, your identity, the impact this would have on your family, your safety, ….. ? These are all questions the BBC do not ask and certainly can not answer. Yet you (BBC) are happy to impose the same on the people of the UK knowing the impact it has on many good people, their families and their futures.
I’ve often thought about how people can suffer the consequences of their work – some jobs are described as ‘ high risk ‘ from the start but others might equally considered hazardous – like travelling into London on the tube any time ….
The bus drivers son who runs TFL ( the emir of Londonistan)should be ashamed the the over used ‘ front line ‘ workers haven’t been looked after with PPE but I suppose his budget went on media advice ….
Sky, but she seems to spend more time in the bbc green rooms than her surgery.
"At a time like this, it is an outrage that people cannot be sympathetic."@DrRosena says three junior doctors were asked to leave their property after they told their landlord they couldn't afford to pay the full rent. #KayBurley
I recall when junior doctors were stressed and making mistakes at being made to work so hard, so long, she seemed able to cope with two full time jobs.
This story is doing me head in. Piers Morgan started it yesterday.
One of the Doctors, knew EXACTLY what he was trying to achieve in all this …. media outrage. More than likely a lefty activist type.
He tweeted this and copied in Sadiq Khan, Piers Morgan, Gary Neville amongst others
3 junior doctors working at St George’s Hospital in Tooting. Landlord not happy to let us stay and tenancy runs out start of May. Does anyone know of any 3 beds in the tooting area to rent? #nhs#tooting@piersmorgan@Carra23@GNev2
Don’t get me wrong, i think the NHS do a great job …. BUT, it seems that in this current environment, the liberal lefties seem to think any NHS worker shoudn’t have to pay rent, water, tax, loans, credit cards, broadband …. its beyond a joke now.
They train for years for this job, it was what they CHOSE to do. And, believe it or not, they are getting paid !!!!!!!!
Reading through the twitter replies is interesting. A lot giving advice about staying put, don’t pay rent and the landlord cannot evict you i.e. live there for free.
Whether it is an election, climate change or Covid19, the socialists answer to everything is always to sieze assets from someone else.
Some landlords provide valuable housing options and depend on rental for income. Often from people earning more than them.
So the notion of others being given a pass, and the costs passed on to others to bear, might be a dubious precedent to set.
Surprised the BBC has declared it has a bit of a cough and told the guys who own Salford Quays that they are taking a window from stumping up to prop up Botney’s £6,000,000 and Ems’ peroxide bowser bill.
Junior Doctors on good salaries will probably be house owners in a few years(maybe more than 1 property each). Landlords?
Law of supply and demand. Too many people crammed in London and not enough housing. Let’s just keep building more and more and more and increasing the population more and more and more. What could go wrong? High population density brings with it many problems, some of which are beginning to become ever more apparent.
How do people with this attitude qualify to become become doctors? She doesn’t appear to be a token. But there’s something not fully developed in her mental capacity.
The whole story as presented by Dr Rosena has more holes in it then my knitting (I was always hopeless at needlework) but just one small example is when Dr Rosena says that she just happens to work the partner of one of those in the house. A coincidence she suggests? But the list of things that didn’t tie up are just like my knitting.
Why are we not surprised that the EU ventilator scheme was not a worthwhile project for the UK. ???? To this day, no-one is reporting that it is very small, overly bureaucratic and highly centralised.
— Scientists for Britain (@ScienceBritain) April 8, 2020
You can bet the minutes of the EU ventilator colour scheme sub committee will have a recommendation for the colour of the machines by this time in 2021 .
The outsides made by the Germans , the insides by the French
“Coronavirus: WHO chief urges end to ‘politicisation’ of virus”
Translation: “How dare you question my corrupt and politicised leadership of a corrupt and politicised organisation!
Ain’t that right Xi Jinping? Now about your – ahem – ‘investments’ in Ethiopia…”
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
BBC employees showing their TRUE colours.
Why illustrate a Bangladeshi flag alongside your name if your claim your father is a Pakistani paramedic? Does not make sense. Don’t forget Pakistan and Bangladesh (former East Pakistan) fought a war in, I think, 1971 so not exactly best of chums.
Sage, that was an incredibly bloody war and many died. It preceded or followed or was in the middle of some very severe weather, if I recall correctly. The interesting thing is that the international community (incl. the UN) stepped in very firmly to bring it to an end.
Compare and contrast to 2011-2020 and Syria where NOTHING has been done by the international community (incl. the UN) to bring that war to an end.
Most peculiar.
Just watched a report on BBC News showing South African drug gangs in Cape Town apparently finding their angel’s wings and delivering food to the needy. (White) Councillor JP Smith seemed to be the lone sceptical voice in the report.
How coronavirus inspired a gangland truce in South Africa
Blacks being congratulated for stopping killing each other and delivering food instead.
Edit: Sorry to TrickCyclist who had already posted this above.
They will in Londistan soon at ” Alan’s Snackbar ” handing you a sandwich with a machete !
Where I live I wonder if the delivery bikes are for drugs with pizza or pizza with drugs ….
Earlier on the radio a social worker explained that he’s been handing out gloves and masks to addicts
and telling them to keep their distance when buying from their dealers
“What else could I do ?”
Yesterday I went for an hour bicycle ride and went through the small town.
I popped into 2 shops .. in each I saw one red-faced alcoholic buying booze, being out of control they came too close to the staff.
FFS what with these police that can spot sunbathers in a park and can’t spot packs of grooming gangs.
Surely there are grades of Covid-risk people ?
0- all the oldies who never leave the house
1- most of us who only leave to shop/exercise
2- someone who often goes to the pharmacy queue
4- people who are working but just around the same 8-10 people
5- normal doctors and pharmacy staff .. possible contacts , but a high degree of precautions
6- Carehome staff
6- people who sit on CROWDED public transport
7- street psychos zero-protection
8- medics in corona wards, high protection/ high risk
10- people from communities that are taking no notice
libmob like Piers Morganand Vine can only see the risk as builders
Yesterday I really checked for reporting of cases in my area
Despite 30 cases in the regional hospital, the ONLY case we know anything about is the first where a pensioner had been in Italy on holiday.
So I checked all the local place names on Twitter
and there was nothing like “Bob Jones of Smith St got Covid”
..the only mention was
.. “blinking heck I just drove through ethnic street and life looked as if there was no Corona lockdown”
A neighbour who isn’t that reliable, did claim 10 days ago “A woman in the village she got it”
.. well she still hasn’t come up with a name.
OK I just scoured local Facebook searches
I found only one mention of a case in our region
.. It was the death of a cafe owner on said ethnic street
..but she is a white pensioner
no age mentioned but could be 70-80 from the photo.
Pointless lockdown in your area to flatten a curve that isn’t even there
“An unprecedented truce has broken out
in the notorious, gang-infested townships around Cape Town,
as rival gang leaders stop their endless turf wars
and use drug delivery networks
to bring food instead to poor struggling households”
.. Them Kray twins lovely boys,
.. very kind to their mother.
Just listened on TWATO to the Governments Spokesman, Jeremy Hunt explaining everything that his colleagues in the Cabinet have already explained and/or not. Oh! Sorry! I didn’t realise that Jeremy Hunt is not the Government’s Spokesman and neither is he in the Cabinet.
Silly G! Keep up, can’t you………….
Lady Brooke (aka Sarah Montague’ has just been twatting on TWATo about the cost of the lockdown, estimated at £40 billion if workers are furloughed (aka paid by the Government’ for 3 months.
Did Al Beeb’s finest (aka completely clucking useless) interviewers (aka Leftoid shills) interrogate to the same degree the Corbynutta or Mad John McDonnell (aka the Quartermaster to his IRA mates) about the TRILLIONS of cost of their 2017 and 2019 GE manifesto promises?
Vital, as well as essential. Apparently.
There are too many men doing the daily government briefings in Englandistan – according to the Twitter snow flakes online .
They’re after Pritti again . But I think it far better if Mr Raab puts on a frock – he might as well put a bit of colour on to satisfy the non white quota –
The MSM is also still fixated about who is in charge – it seems to me – above all else .
Who is going to launch the nukes? I was truly amazed with that one – which I think our Justin asked a government minister .
I never knew the initiation of nuclear warfare preoccupied BBC journos so much .
Maybe in the gap between the flash and the blast we are meant to think “ is Dom Raab gonna press the button of Micky Gove ?” Amazing
Next agenda item – the NHS volunteers – wait for the stories of – bullying – waste – disappointment – mismanagement – abuse – harassment – you know the rest –
If it doesn’t happen they’ll find someone to make up a juicy allegation to act as another distraction for the kidults .
“Who is going to launch the nukes? I was truly amazed with that one – which I think our Justin asked a government minister.”
It is said that if our active SSBN pops its head above water and can no longer receive Radio 4 it is to assume that the UK is no more and that it should execute the default firing command.
There would be a certain poetic justice if incompetence on the part of the BBC led to the end of the world as we know it… (“You did what Mishal?” “I turned off Radio 4 to save money Madam Controller”.)
I wonder if the captain of the boat would save a missile for W1A. ?
I always thought is was Radio 2 – if Steve Wright doesn’t turn up in the afternoon ( is he still doing that ?) . After Brian Matthew R2 wasn’t worth a click …
#covid19UK celebrity deaths
This Wikipedia list
comprises <1% that are celebs & reported in news
Not quite in date order, cos alphabetical by place name
Some of those poor people barely made it to 90.
It looks as if the WAG (that’s Wales’ own white elephant ) is doing its own thing ?……………….
“Coronavirus: Lockdown in Wales to be extended”
Hi Could someone tell me what CCBGB means please
Comments Could Be Going Better
CCBGB = Comments Could Be Going Better.
Do you know – I’ve always wondered what that meant ta.
Also – that AF… ? One
thanks for that
Fed – AF ? Autofocus?
~ or ~
there are some free Acronym Finders out there on the Interwebby, folks. Think our Stew would recommend that rather than click on a link following a search, it might be safer to copy the ‘address’ into a secure browser on your computer or tablet.
Normally you use your mouse to highlight a word
.. then rightclick
.. select the option websearch
..but in this case it doesn’t work
CCBGB seems to be limited to skeptical people like us
As far as I know.
Only sensible black people are getting wills signed.
What is the chance the BBC just happen to find photos of black people 75% of the time?
BBC Policy and has been for at least 10 years. Don’t look now but we might have a coloured Director General of the BBC ?
Tabs… I’m guessing this is a trick question, but is the answer ‘100%’?
In fact, these three black Americans have been really busy recently. Last year they bought a house Stateside. And they are also interested in Cambodian property.
Hope they riot soon I’m sick of this House arrest.
I would doubt that anyone who subscribes to this site would not disagree with the fact that we need far more testing and which should have been in prepaeration long ago. The following is part of an essay which clearly states what most of us think on this issue.
The inbred inertia of the pedantic British Civil Service, including its Medical Mandarins, is disheartening in the extreme. Their insistence that the use of hydroxychloroquine and zinc is forbidden until normal, peacetime, snail-paced regulatory testing has been carried out reminds me of the attitude of our senior officers at the outbreak of WWl.
They refused to accept — or simply did not understand — that the conduct of war had changed since their last outings in the Zulu and Boer wars, and that with the advent and widespread use of highly efficient, belt-fed, water cooled machine guns, cavalry charges or the slowly advancing thin red line of old were no longer a viable strategy.
In this case history is repeating itself, albeit in a different way in a different theatre of war. As in 1914 onwards it is the troops and the junior officers who lead them into battle and the people they are defending who will pay the price resultant from this institutionalized inertia and lack of critical thinking… thus this current demonstration of an innate inability to swift-footedly change standard practices as circumstances change; they seem to not understand that these are very dangerous times indeed.
Essentially, we are at the beginning of a different war and on a different front. Even if this particular treatment turns out not to work, little or nothing will be lost and the search for a viable form of counterattack will continue unabated.
There are times, and this is one, when career self-serving risk-aversion is dangerously counterproductive, so start field testing now. There will be no shortage of willing volunteers who have nothing to lose either way, and perhaps a life to gain.
Tarien, That describes exactly the problem in the UK. I would also add there is something we often accuse the Germans of, a “not invented here” attitude. Studies have been carried out on s medicines and practices that have worked. These tend to be ignored or downplayed because of a bureaucratic response that we have to study it as well rather than rely on “Johnny foreigner’s” data. If we accredit overseas bodies such as the US or French institutes as being peers we should take note of their results.
Why the testing mania?
To think we’re making a difference..
What we going to do test everyone every few days in case they caught it since thier last test.
The interesting test would be an antibody test, to see who has already had the disease and what percentage of the population has had it. That test should only need to be done once.
“Coronavirus: What is the risk to men over 50?”
“Death rates go up with age in both men and women, but men tend to outstrip women across the ages.”
“”It is becoming increasingly recognised that there are substantial differences in the immune system between males and females””
The graph only shows two genders as well, someone get a grievance in quickly. At times of crisis I’m not interested in really real facts, I want to know the important stuff, how are fairy tale reading drag queens going to be affected?
Fed mention this earlier …. this need from the Liberal , Me Too brigade to hear from a woman and not a man. Joke.
The replies have her measure. Silly cow .
and …. heres Beth
As pointed out by a reply. We all know Beth is just a Lefty activist, but now ALOT more people see it.
There have been a whole lot of senior ladies from the NHS and Civil Service speaking with the government representatives. Perhaps we should complain that there are not enough men represented!!
Also this virus disproportionately affects men 3 to 1.
Riby is just a vile, snarlin(g) left-win(g) (g)nome and (g)ar(g)oyle..
Here I am thinkin’, Demon, if I jus’ start talkin’ jus’ like William Brown, could I have gone an’ caught the Virus an’ all? An’ what about Ginger an’ Douglas an’ Henry, could they have gorn an’ caught it an’ all, jus’ like me? Cor!
That’ll be richmal, all over, like.
Lewis has heard ‘talk’.
Why do office workers need constant refreshments?
“Well top women try to be INVISIBLE
.. when they are visiting their holiday home 40 miles away”
PS Why are the Queen’s speeches always fronted by a woman ?
I see in The Express that meddling Laura K. fancies herself as the guardian of British politics and public life.
She reckons there may be a ‘coup’ on the go, so it seems she has no idea of the principle of deputyship taking over in an acting capacity, whatever the walk of life.
Why does the government always give the enemy of
the state broadcaster the BBC the first question at
the XI JINPING virus news conference each evening?
As an analogy, it’s like asking Lord Haw Haw to ask the first question at a war news conference in 1940.
I immediately switch off the moment the questions begin. These people are not true journalists, seeking to elucidate further information, they are simply political activists trying to score cheap points against their political enemies. The BBC should not be present at all, as it gives it a spurious air of respectability that it does not warrant.
This report by Church Militant is about 3 minutes long and covers reports from China and the horrific treatment virus victims have received from the commie Chinese government.
If the reports are true the treatment of these victims is demonic:
John – If true, are we horrified? Yes. Are we surprised? No.
About half a century ago I recall reading a book, probably titled: “You can trust a Communist”. I think the subtitle continued: “…to be a Communist”.
Despite economic reforms, likely not much else has changed over that period…
“The whole point of the book was that a communist
will Say Anything, Do Anything or Pretend to be anything,
if it will promote the cause of communism”
by Fred Schwartz and David Noebel
You can take the guy out of the bbc…
He’s not really a “BBC guy”
FT media guy, then Channel 4 prog, then did BBC News Newswatch
.. then went a bit mad with his anti-Brexit anti-Trump cultism.
At least Groper isn’t offering to sell kisses.
Clearly going through his shyte period.
If Mr Marr produced that and if he thinks it’s worth showing to other people, it’s quite possible he needs to seek psychiatric help.
Does the racist far-left bbc attract people like him or does it turn its drones into people like him?
IMHO his Spirograph is somewhat faulty .
Marr’s tweet ratio-ed 2 to 1
Perhaps every one using the site should post a piece of their own artwork ( but no sniggering ) – here is mine
Fed, am glad to see that you, as Moderator, are on it.
Needs his eyebrows clipped, before starting the next masterpiece
It actually is quite inspired. Especially given Groper’s… habits.
I’ve used this one before. But it shows Marr has some real competition.

My god it even looks like he signed it ! Trash .
Looks like the matted contents from Laura’s plughole.
Rishi “For the BBC’s charity night the GOVERNMENT will match every pound donate
.. it’s not the government’s money it’s the taxpayers.
– trains 90% doen ..I never use them anyway
– New cases are not rising fast … hmm after 2 days of fall we are back at the old level
– graphs of hospital adms not rising steeply
– Critical care flat rate in number in patients
..that is a little strange
Not really, most vulnerable people have been self isolating for 3 WEEKS, so presumably the latest people with symptoms are younger fitter people, more likely NOT to require hospitalisation or critical care?
All donations will go toward the Indian Space Programme..
Tedros the new DG?
BBC News
4 hrs ·
“I hope other people can learn from Wuhan.”
Residents of Wuhan, the Chinese city where the coronavirus pandemic originated, have been sharing lessons as they emerge from nearly three months of lockdown.
Glad they aint sharing bat soup
Fair question !!!
Answer :
She cant, she’s busy sorting out the ‘Cross Channel Ferries’ …………………
I loved all the replies to her tweet. The nation seems to be as one in their thinking at the stupidity of the questions asked by overpaid journalists.
The BBC give a platform to David Lammy and what do you know, he says something stupid…
BBC Radio 4
Anthony Fauci is an immunologist and a lead member of the White House coronavirus task force.
What kind of person is he?
Profile on BBC Sounds
The BBC asks the questions.
BBC have just reported a story we gave them yesterday
re Sheffield Roma suburb non-lockdown
Plod ain’t social distancing, and he’s unnecessarily touching..
Yes, but the strange thing is even the police, who are querying the social distancing of these Roma types, are standing far too close to one another.
That is unless they’re married to each other.
Well, these days…
Proof again that this esteemed website seems increasingly to provide source material for lazy journalists in well-funded corporations.
OTish, but need to find out what Newsnight alumnus Jimbo has come out with now.
Kuensberg talks of a coup against BoJo on some online anorak blog . I wonder is wandering around empty streets in Westminster turns a journalists ‘ head .
Perhaps her giddy brexit days have caused memory loss for the popularity of BoJo during the election . Anyone trying to usurp his position would be toast .
IIRC a Beeboid, possibly Jez, bragged before about his personal attention from the NHS.
Not a service accorded any in my circle.
Al Beeb reporting that the top EU scientist was ‘forced’ out
Ha, earlier I mentioned local alcoholics being an obvious weak-link in the war against CV spreading
New local news : Homelessness charity delivers alcohol to people withdrawing from substance abuse while in lockdown
Here’s an unexpected but pleasing vignette.
Tonight I took part in an online ‘pub quiz’, organised by a friend of a friend.
The question master is someone I have never met before and know nothing about.
As he introduced the evening, he casually said that he appreciated the support for the quiz, as instead we could be ‘watching something on Netflix, or SOMETHING DEPRESSING ON THE BBC’ !!!!!!!!
Not quite ‘Out of the mouths of children’ but near enough. Always good to see that the realisation of the BBC’s massive bias goes way beyond this website’s active contributors.
BBC News
European finance ministers were close to a deal, but after 16 hours the talks broke down amid a dispute between Italy and the Netherlands over how to apply the recovery fund.
Sweet the BBC remains so optimistic. Unusually so. They were close, you see.
Feels Familiar?
Might be the hit for Christmas 2020 …
It looks like our cross channel ferry is working well despite the rest of the nation being in lockdown. “All were taken to Dover where they underwent medical checks and were passed to immigration officials, a government spokesman said.”
At a time when our NHS is under great strain?………………..
Bio says BBC reporter
He noticed
“Apologies to those who do not think I should be reporting on this.”
And here comes the oh so predictable BBC anti Priti Patel onslaught.
Could sense this was en route .
It’s rarely mentioned in such terms but dementia is a nasty, evil, inexorable, terminal illness. You never get better and there is no cure and little treatment. If you’re really lucky, you’ll die of something else before you lose all quality of life. It’s what in other contexts might be called an ‘inconvenient truth’.
So what pray do we hope to get from tanking the economy, putting millions on short time work, reduced pay, or universal benefit, so that people in care homes with dementia can live for a few extra weeks? Many are already on DNR notices (that’s Do Not Resuscitate) so their condition is explicitly understood and agreed by their relatives. Has anyone out there got the bottle for this?
Heartless? Or just compassionate in a non-groupthink way, informed by fourteen years of relevant relatives care experience?
As you might know I’ve personally wrestled with this . As far as care homes are concerned I think too many people in care homes are dying because they are not being protected properly – whether they have dementia or not .
The quality of life issue is a tricky one as we know . But once the question is raised about whether people with dementia have a quality of life so poor that their continued existence is ‘questioned’ we start down a dangerous roads .
If you remember – the national socialists had a ‘three doctor ‘ test to kill the disabled – this dropped to one doctor ticking a box .
So my bottom line- currently – to to make sure the old are properly looked after .
Cambridgeshire residents are being urged to report breaches of the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions through a new web page.
Not BBC but sad to say biased ITV.
Peston interviews the ex Prime Minister of Denmark, Helle Thorning Schmidt, to discuss the difficulties of running government while Boris is in intensive care.
Why of all people to interview about this topic choose the ex Prime Minister of Denmark?
Strangely, not mentioned is that she is the wife of Steven Kinnock, daughter in law of Neil ‘Lord Windbag’ Kinnock, and member of the UK Labour Party.
You can take Peston out of the BBC but clearly you can’t take the BBC out of Peston.
Kinnocks – Wealthy ‘Socialists’ .
An oxymoron like many in the Labour Party ?
Did Peston how she and her husband ran their family for years
when his tax declaration said he was always in Switzerland and she and the kids were always in Denmark ?
Stew , when the election came I was deeply saddened that this man kept his seat . Perhaps he is a great constituency MP – living shoulder to shoulder with his constituency and knowing all their problems . Or maybe he lives in Copenhagen .
It’s a bugbear of mine – but one of my rules – when I’m running the world – is that all MPs must live in their constituency when not at the parliament – which I’d place in the middle of the country .
I hope that Dominic Cummings visits this website . He may have a word or two with Boris when he recovers.” Now then Borris we need to do something about this opposition party , Al Beeb, we need to take away their funding ………”
“I hope that Dominic Cummings visits this website”
I hope so too, but perhaps we’re not ‘unusual’ enough for him.
He doesn’t need to visit this site to know the BBC’s outlook needs to be addressed.
The BBC represents Mr Cummings as the second biggest stupidest, most evil villain in the UK after Boris. There then follows the remaining members of the Tory cabinet, Trump, everyone outside the BBC/Guardian bubble and Telegraph and Daily Mail readers.
Oddly, in the BBC’s eyes, Stalin, Lenin, Chavez, Mugabe, Castro and other mass murders are heroes, who are often misunderstood.
At the end of Newsnight they paid tribute to “ordinary members of public who lost their lives serving the public”.
They then showed photos of:
1. BAME pharmacist (photo shown of both BAME male and BAME female)
2. BAME male bus driver
3. white female teacher
4. white female nurse
5. BAME male nurse
6. BAME male transplant specialist
7. BAME male nurse
8. white female school principle
9. BAME female nurse
10. BAME male doctor
Considering the virus attacks mostly males (and mostly white in the UK) I’m surprised the BBC couldn’t find any white male victims to show.
Economics – 1 {Not a science and not strictly a Nobel prize}
Literature – 3 {Add your own comments}
Peace – 12 {A political award, eg Obama, EU, several other Grade A ****s}
Physics – 0
Chemistry – 0
Physiology or Medicine – 0
Total – 16
Coronavirus – latest updates
See all our coronavirus coverage
Wed 8 Apr 2020 14.01 BST
The number of ethnic minority deaths is shocking. The pandemic is exacerbating inequalities
If coronavirus doesn’t discriminate, how come black people are bearing the brunt?
Afua Hirsch
The far left perpetual white hater crawls out from under her stone.
Blacks have poor diets, they do take enough exercise, they are frequently grossly obese.
Blacks take contra-indicated substances eg cigarettes, narcotics.
Blacks create slums out of decent housing.
Blacks ignore health warnings.
All discussed by the BBC, very recently.
Naturally this dim witted organism is unconcerned by the excess number of males dying from THE CHINESE CREATED PANDEMIC.
BBC NEWS World US & Canada
2020-04-08 21:00
US election 2020: Bernie Sanders suspends presidential campaign
Senator Bernie Sanders has ended his presidential campaign, clearing the way for former Vice-President
Joe Biden to become the Democratic party’s nominee.
Mr Sanders, an Independent, had sought the Democratic presidential nomination before, losing out in 2016 to Hillary Clinton.
He won endorsements from a number of celebrities, including Cardi B, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Mark Ruffalo and Dick Van Dyke.
Mr Sanders failed to win key African-American voters across the southern states, who largely went for Mr Biden.
Mr Biden, 77, is now expected to be crowned the Democratic presidential nominee at the party’s convention in August.
He will then face off against President Donald Trump during the November general election.
[Biden is older than Saint Donald. Biden has dementia, sorry alleged dementia.]
[Biden is likely to have the Ukranian rug pulled from under his, elderly, unsteady feet anytime Putinleaks decides
to spill the beans (I believe I am getting the hang of ‘murricanese) about Biden Jr.]
[I predict a Saint Donald victory.]
[What is this November election? Surely, like the Brexit withdral negotiations, during the CHINESE COMMUNIST CREATED PANDEMIC, this election needs to be postponed. So AlBeeb states, for public health reasons, possibly for 200 years with Saint Donald in charge.]
[Apologies for calling BBBC contributors Shirley,]
Two headlines from the BBC website.
Coronavirus: Trump attacks ‘China-centric’ WHO over global pandemic
Live Trump renews his attack on WHO over coronavirus
I’ve noticed that when it’s somebody on the right like trump who disagrees with something or somebody then its an ‘attack’ but when its somebody from the left they use a much less harsher word such as Jeremy Corbyn ‘criticized’ the govenrment.
The Beeb know very well what they’re doing.Attack is a very strong word and conjures up an image of violence or aggression whereas words like criticism and criticized are much more refrained and dignified.
Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
[Exercise withdrawn from the Gulag rights! What next?]
The BBC were celebrating the re-opening of Wuhan yesterday
“we ask what kind of social settlement might need to be put in place to stop the inequality becoming even more stark”
Now let me see … that wouldn’t by any chance be Sir Starmer’s ‘new social democratic settlement’ would it?
Says Emily, on upwards of £230,000.
A classic example of a “champagne socialist”, like most media luvvies . The stage and screen is full of them.
I didn’t realise comrade £££ Emily has been elected the leader of the Corbyn Party . I’m sure at the end of her little speech she announced that she would donate her pay to charities helping with the Chinese virus .
If she didn’t she might as well stay quiet and be a journalist instead of a Far Left campaigner .
From the Emily Maitllis link above “The WTO warns the pandemic could provoke the deepest economic downturn of our lifetime”. How about the deepest economic downturn of our lifetime with covid 19, not provoked by. Nice bit of distraction for when the economic reset switch is hit though, now you see all the money, now you don’t.
So what Emily is saying is that we all should live in large spacious healthy environments. No-one needs to do manual work where we come into contact with others. No-one should be homeless on these crowded islands. Emily – join the dots! With a continuous flow of migrants coming from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, .via France……. . Can we house them next to you, can they work in the studio next to you? Hopefully they will be safe and have no agenda. Maybe we could drop your salary and have them compete for your job – no? What are you racist ? How much are you prepared to sacrifice – your job, your salary, your identity, the impact this would have on your family, your safety, ….. ? These are all questions the BBC do not ask and certainly can not answer. Yet you (BBC) are happy to impose the same on the people of the UK knowing the impact it has on many good people, their families and their futures.
Pretty much everything seems to get her astonished.
I’ve often thought about how people can suffer the consequences of their work – some jobs are described as ‘ high risk ‘ from the start but others might equally considered hazardous – like travelling into London on the tube any time ….
The bus drivers son who runs TFL ( the emir of Londonistan)should be ashamed the the over used ‘ front line ‘ workers haven’t been looked after with PPE but I suppose his budget went on media advice ….
Sky, but she seems to spend more time in the bbc green rooms than her surgery.
Some questions need asking, and points need making. Luckily, twitter at least sees people able to do that.
She’s organising a pile on.
I recall when junior doctors were stressed and making mistakes at being made to work so hard, so long, she seemed able to cope with two full time jobs.
And the MSM was unconcerned.
This story is doing me head in. Piers Morgan started it yesterday.
One of the Doctors, knew EXACTLY what he was trying to achieve in all this …. media outrage. More than likely a lefty activist type.
He tweeted this and copied in Sadiq Khan, Piers Morgan, Gary Neville amongst others
Now, tell me why you would do that ??????
Don’t get me wrong, i think the NHS do a great job …. BUT, it seems that in this current environment, the liberal lefties seem to think any NHS worker shoudn’t have to pay rent, water, tax, loans, credit cards, broadband …. its beyond a joke now.
They train for years for this job, it was what they CHOSE to do. And, believe it or not, they are getting paid !!!!!!!!
Its all getting a bit OTT now.
Reading through the twitter replies is interesting. A lot giving advice about staying put, don’t pay rent and the landlord cannot evict you i.e. live there for free.
Whether it is an election, climate change or Covid19, the socialists answer to everything is always to sieze assets from someone else.
Buy to let landlords getting screwed!
Ain’t Karma a bitch!!
Some landlords provide valuable housing options and depend on rental for income. Often from people earning more than them.
So the notion of others being given a pass, and the costs passed on to others to bear, might be a dubious precedent to set.
Surprised the BBC has declared it has a bit of a cough and told the guys who own Salford Quays that they are taking a window from stumping up to prop up Botney’s £6,000,000 and Ems’ peroxide bowser bill.
Junior Doctors on good salaries will probably be house owners in a few years(maybe more than 1 property each). Landlords?
Law of supply and demand. Too many people crammed in London and not enough housing. Let’s just keep building more and more and more and increasing the population more and more and more. What could go wrong? High population density brings with it many problems, some of which are beginning to become ever more apparent.
“The landlord will need to come through me first”
Blimey! It’s Rambo with a stethoscope…
How do people with this attitude qualify to become become doctors? She doesn’t appear to be a token. But there’s something not fully developed in her mental capacity.
BBC going with health route.
In all cases, eviction is not AFAIAA that easy or fast.
Guest – what does that AFA thing mean ?. Is it As Far As I…. ?
( don’t arf get confused with achronims).
Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
That explains it . TEI
I think acronyms are lazy
It simply marks the point in a comment where adults stop reading and move on to the next one.
The whole story as presented by Dr Rosena has more holes in it then my knitting (I was always hopeless at needlework) but just one small example is when Dr Rosena says that she just happens to work the partner of one of those in the house. A coincidence she suggests? But the list of things that didn’t tie up are just like my knitting.
You can bet the minutes of the EU ventilator colour scheme sub committee will have a recommendation for the colour of the machines by this time in 2021 .
The outsides made by the Germans , the insides by the French
“Coronavirus: WHO chief urges end to ‘politicisation’ of virus”
Translation: “How dare you question my corrupt and politicised leadership of a corrupt and politicised organisation!
Ain’t that right Xi Jinping? Now about your – ahem – ‘investments’ in Ethiopia…”