It’s another lovely sunny day today, and warm too.
If only I could get out and enjoy the outdoors.
Maybe go sailing or hire a boat and get off land and enjoy the freedom of the open sea.
But how can I do this? The police would be all over me. The press and government would denounce me. The authorities would say I was risking the spread of Coronavirus. Charities would say I was irresponsible. I could end up with a criminal conviction.
If only there was a way to do this and yet be fully supported by the authorities and intelligentsia.
No social distancing issues for some……and an unlimited amount of taxpayers money to be claimed…..
Perhaps they’re fleeing the French covid 19 pandemic. Must offer a sure fire legitimate asylum claim. Any yuman rights immigration lawyers on furlough? No, thought not.
“Maybe go sailing or hire a boat and get off land and enjoy the freedom of the open sea.
But how can I do this? The police would be all over me.”
Don’t use a rubber boat, ‘Where do you want to go Sir?’ anywhere near Dover to be sure of being left alone………….
63 invaders on Tuesday, 57 yesterday – that we are told about. How many more this week? Lay your bets ladies and gentlemen. New opportunities for the bookies in the absence of horse racing.
The Border Force has an over-complicated history which partly explains why it is not working properly. (See the two wikipedia articles below – obviously to be used with caution as a guide only!) It is now a ‘law-enforcement command’ of the Home Office overseen by an Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration – currently David Bolt, who reports directly to the Home Secretary.
Bolt and Priti do not seem concerned about the scores of illegals arriving daily and especially during clement weather. Stop consulting with left wing activists and writing reports, and instruct HO operatives to send them all packing back from whence they came.
Covid-19 may be the unseen enemy – but what about the very much visible, physical and continuously invading army?
I just can’t bear listening to many of the BBC outlets these days, so by and large, I tune into one of the classic stations.
This morning, between Beethoven and Bach, a comforting female voice informed me that I was “invited” to show my appreciation of the NHS this evening at eight PM. It was a pleasant voice, soft and warm…
Look, I do appreciate the NHS staff. They’re working hard and doing a sterling job in appalling circumstances. I’m not arguing with that.
It’s this insidious, North Korean, Big Brotherish attitude that has overtaken our country in three short weeks that gives me the shivers.
It was only a few weeks ago that we were “asked” to keep ourselves isolated. That quickly became an instruction…and now we’ve got curtain twitchers the length and breadth of Blighty grassing up neighbours who are taking their dogs for walks.
I just feel there’s something deeply disturbing with this “invitation” to join in the “two minutes of love”. Soon those of us who don’t comply…and yes, I am one of them… will be ostracised. Neighbours will notice that miserable old so an so at number 24, “Why’s he not out clapping?”
How long before those of us that don’t attend these clapping events get a knock on the door?
I never thought I’d see the British police rebuking someone for sunbathing, but it’s happening.
The whole thing is creepy, insidious and it’s sinister.
And the BBC absolutely love it…
Jeff, with all due respect to those on this site who have served in the Police Force (Old Goat + someone else who was in PSNI, sorry forgotten who) there will always be a copper somewhere who charges in without thinking or does something stupid (as seen here – two of them! – fingered by the BBC: pic on News Page also as well as r/h side here) and is caught on camera or voice recorder while so doing.
A wise Chief Superintendent will have a quiet word with such members of his force, I would have thought, to teach them how to police better, police more wisely. I would and do think that. I hope they would, I really do. Honestly.
On the other hand, just the other day I heard the Derbyshire Chief Superintendent – already in a hole because of his droning officers – dig himself in even deeper, courtesy of BBC R4.
You have to accept there will always be idiots who ‘go overboard’ whether wearing a uniform or not.
In my day, intuition, respect and initiative were the by-words. You didn’t generally, have senior officers interfering, unless it was something serious, in which case they stood around doing nothing, slapping their thighs with their brown gloves, and getting in the way, before buggering off back to the factory.
Now, they know it all, are bred for common purpose, issue daft instructions, and meddle.
A quiet “on yer way”, or turning a blind eye doesn’t work any more – everything is done in a cock-eyed mob-handed way, whilst in their parallel world they are poncing around doing little song and dance routines, painting their nails, and adding rainbow accoutrements to their uniforms. In my day, they would be suspended, and possibly required to resign.
Consequently, they have zero respect, and deservedly so.
“I just can’t bear listening to many of the BBC outlets these days, so by and large, I tune into one of the classic stations.”
I did same this morning, only to turn channels and be met with the voice of………………………..Humpreys. Off.
Ahem! How much social distancing is going on here? It will be interesting to see how long this header pic stays up today. The BBC put a new one every day onto this same page with the JohnsHopkins interactive & other stats charts.
Some days – you wake up – take a look at Twitter – and you see some happy news – channel 4 having to make cut backs – perhaps even to their Labour News programme .
And I’m sure the BBC will be wanting a hand out after being ‘forced ‘ not to make Planned cuts Because of the Chinese virus .
I still can’t get that . There are less ‘events ‘ less people around – just less – yet they still need all those journos …..
The BBBC need more people to tell us how badly the government is doing. I have noticed that there are a lot of new reporters reporting on different negative angles. Perhaps all the “regular” ones are self isolating to make way for the new ones.
Fed, need all those journos? Really? On TWatO yesterday, the Montacutie set Part-time off. Our Laura promptly repeated what the Montacutie AND the Newsreader had just said, then rambled a bit more so I hit the OFF-switch.
I’ve had an idea. If Nick Robinson’s lungs & voicebox can stand it, he could go back to being Political Editor. Part-time could be encouraged to go, leave the BBC and trouble us no more. Someone else can be added to the revolving seats on TOADY from all those that have had a go.
Speaking of ‘something fishy’ I cycled into town on Tuesday for some essential supplies and saw my first police car in some time. However, on the way home via a little detour – “My personal exercise, Officer, it’s such a lovely day” – along the coast, no coppers there, I was pondering whether the Covid-19 virus could be airborne.
Then I remembered the spread. That is another reason why cases, not deaths, and national comparisons are important because – if it is a virus that can survive for sometime airborne – you can use that information to test the theory. How?
We know the prevailing winds around the globe tend to run from west to east. And we can track the spread on the JHUni interactive here:
We know, or we think we know how the virus got into northern Italy. But we also know how London and New York were early leaders in Covid-19 patients. If the virus was surviving in cold air, with or without moisture, then the likely spread would have been visible in the other direction, notwithstanding the air passenger traffic through London, New York, Los Angeles, Geneva, Paris, etc..
If it was airborne, you would think so, taffman. We know it washes out heavier particulates.
Or does the virus need moisture to be airborne and survive? Is it too small a particle to be washed? Places to watch for that would be Singapore, where humidity in summer famously reaches 101%. If Covid-19 survives in a moist atmosphere, then it may make a comeback there despite the even higher summer temperatures.
Whether the Government shelve self isolation or not next week, I for one will continue.
I’ve no desire whatever to emulate the work of a canary in a cage for the delectation of ‘statisticians’.
Up2, old thing, I wonder how many of us are waking up every day with a different/new symptom whether its dry throat, bit of a cough, a bit sweaty, groggy head, and wonder whether we’ve caught ‘it’ ! then an hour later we’re fine and realise its either our age or that Southern Comfort or 3 we had the night before !!!
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, we may get a cricket season) I’ve had a suspicion for a long time that my lungs – as a native – are attuned to London’s polluted air. Actually, it’s not that polluted any more, Mayor Sadiq, please take note. Have noticed on trips back to the capital that I am a lot less breathless and feel less chest ‘feelings of something’ while there.
Down in the clean air of Kent meanwhile …. I have wondered whether it is old age. It’s easy to blame that.
Now there’s even less traffic around, I think I have the evidence: Snuffy came into existence in London not long before the first UK Clean Air Act in 1956. It would appear my lungs are happiest with a certain amount of neat petrol – not necessarily of the JD 😉 variety – NOx, N²Ox, CO2 and building dust in them. Not too much. Just a little.
But more than down here in Kent. Told you Greta and the Mayor would not like it.
Remember when I was kid in the 1960s and on the news, every now and then there’d be world war 2 Japanese soilders found hiding out in some jungle.
Don’t be one of those!
The real bit of interesting news on TWatO, Eddy, was that a city/town up on the Chinese border with Russia has had an outbreak of Covid-19. The Aussie Beeb correspondent said it was being blamed on Russia. The Chinese have closed the border.
If only we could close our borders. Come on Priti. You know it makes sense.
Actually that was another thing of interest: the BBC pointedly ignored the Home Secretary’s equal status with the Chancellor and the Foreign Secretary.
I can imagine how the complaints department at the BBC are going to handle this .
They have a series of drop downs
The defence will be
“ issue of public concern “
She really did go over the line but she thinks she’s running things after getting Andy Windsor’s ‘ scalp – although some might say he handed it to her .
It is because everyone has come out in support of Boris lately. When you have Labour politicians butting their differences aside wishing him well while only the most vile of the hard left are wishing him dead and being exposed it is about time the BBC left put the balance back in.
In other words ‘don’t forget that the Tories are bad so go out and vote for Starmer in the next GE’
The clear implication of this goes along with the lefty press theme about how the Government is mal-functioning without Boris. evident in every press briefing on BBC too.
i.e everything is in turmoil and on hold while he is away so we should get a coalition government to take over…. And also hints that it’s Boris who is preventing the end of the lock-down thus extending the misery.
The Independent joins in with..
Will there be a public inquiry into Britain’s response to coronavirus?
Apparently some “Ministers and Civil Servants” expect this…. Well we know all we need to know about the Civil Service attitude to the government and the betting is that the Ministers are all of a particular hue too…
I seem to remember a few weeks back that the Mirror or the Guardian had claimed that the Boris honey moon was over. I then saw the exact same thing mentioned from a BBC ‘analyst’
The next day an opinion poll had been published showing further support for the Tories and since then the Tories have reached over 50% in public support. Now I know that polls shouldn’t be taken as gospel but they do show patterns as seen in the GE.
It is clear that Johnson has a great deal of public support and it is not easy bringing him down whatsoever. The left (which includes the BBC) need to accept that
Stew, it does appear that ‘affluenza’ is a factor in Covid-19 patients and deaths. Travel by air & ship apart, the racist Mayor of New York yesterday, being racist claimed that it was poverty among the BAME communities of the US Mid-West and West Coast that led to a higher incidence of deaths.
Nothing genetic, Mario? Nothing about being overweight? Higher incidence of diabetes, not generally a disease (Type 2) of the poor but the affluent, I would have thought.
Some publicist has managed to dig up Linda Lusardi and Ozzy Osbourne for one front page and another has dug up Nelson Mandela for his PE tips. No that’s not PG Tips, but if you are making one – ta!
Speaking of interment, old man Bernie Sanders is not looking too happy there in his mansion as he concedes to Joe Biden.
Narrative : Britain is a failure at Covid19
Germany and mask wearing Asian countries like Singpaore are the heroes
Singapore suffered just 6 deaths so far. But a 2nd wave of cases is under way — 142 in last 24 hours. Response? A new month-long lockdown, enforced by heavy fines and jail. No social gatherings of any size in private or public spaces.
(The ECJ) “ruling effectively removes the sovereignty of EU member states to make their own decisions regarding the keeping of public law, order and national security in the case of EU migration policies, if those decisions conflict with EU obligations.”
The stranglehold and, indeed, ‘new EU law’. Did these countries and their peoples sign up to this when the joined up? That’s a daft question G…….
Laura Kuensberg is one helluva sarcastic “lady.” She has
a very responsible job as political editor of a supposed impartial
BBC. But this “lady” just cannot stop her personal political prejudices being exposed in her facetious way of talking
or writing.
We have seen it several times in this present crisis. In her
outright disrespect for the Prime Minister. The negativity laced
with sarcasm when asking questions to government ministers.
And today in her comments ” Does that mean there wont be
review after all ERM, No.”
Actually you may assume that I am a right wing nutter. But
last night , although I find Emily Maitlis to be a liberal bigot
most of the time. I found her opening words on Newsnight
a fair comment. It reminded of Animal Farm. ” All animals are
equal. BUT some animals are more equal than others.
I now see a new trend in BBC coronavirus reporting developing.
It seems the more deprived and ethnic population are suffering coronavirus more then the general population. The hint being that Boris’s Government is responsible.
Could this not in fact be down to their tendency to prefer to cram as many bedrooms as possible into their homes to accommodate the extended and multi-generational occupants they tend to prefer?
Any TV house-buying program demonstrates this frequently with lofts converted to bedrooms and extensions added to create even more. To say nothing of property speculation with HMO’s and immigrant workers from poorer countries often utilising single rooms to create 4 or 5 sleeping places with as many as 20 people living in a single house and often using beds in rotation to accommodate even more.
This is not economics, it’s a lifestyle choice designed to minimise the housing costs for as many of them as possible whilst increasing the take of the house owners and is the most blatantly obvious reason for the extra spread of the virus in their communities.
660 parties shut down by Greater Manchester Police last weekend – including some with DJs, fireworks and bouncy castles
.. 440 house parties
.. 184 street parties etc. they claim
660 parties shut down by Greater Manchester Police last weekend – including some with DJs, fireworks and bouncy castles
The BBC page has a map is it true ?
Let me check for evidence ..unbelievably low for 500 claim
Semms like BBC GMP #FakeNews to me
“Kyle Walker apologises amid reports of ‘sex party’ at Manchester flat ” (him and 2 prostitutes)
Hundreds of tweets about the Sun story
So called “street party” found 2
with you standing outside your own house. eg 2
The last time someone tweeted the GMP about a street party was last August.
..police tweet about families at Stamford Park
A couple of times people tweet the police about cyclists etc.
but there are only 3 in the photo.
Piers Morgan tweets
“This is absolutely *unbelievable* – Manchester cops had to break up 660 parties last weekend ”
Yeh Morgan it is UNBELIEVABLE cos there is no proper evidence
just a claim made by GM Police.
Sure the poor police did break up someparties, but so few of them that footage doesn’t show up on Twitter.
One thing I have noticed about Piers (who I like in general) is that he just says what he sees on twitter and other social media and doesn’t seem to check it. When they want a fact they just google it…
But I suppose his job is to sensationalise and at the moment – there is only one party in town.
I really can’t stand more than 30 secs of any news/breakfast…and I am sure I am not alone…
Can’t wait for R4 5pm news -a new game – BBC first money is on “when will the lock down end – a date and time …” by LK
I don’t get it.
Simply make a note of all the party goers details for ID and advise them that the NHS will not treat them or even send ambulance if their symptoms appear chinese virus related.
Simples! (is it not?)
Off theme, sorry.
Has anyone seen a postman within the last couple of weeks?
No collections from postboxes or lost post.
No letters or anything received.
‘What does the panel think’?
We are having daily postal deliveries here in Plymouth, even second class ones locally are now being delivered the next day. Must admit I am surprised that it has been this reliable so far. If this lock down goes on for a very long period things may change. I did read that the Saturday ones were possibly going to be suspended.
I have been doing a three times weekly shop/walk to the local store. Usually the road I take is very busy. Last week I could have walked down the middle and been perfectly safe. This morning traffic was definitely picking up and there were more people about as well. I think there may be a lot of ‘adapting’ going on.
Yes, G. Delivered letter from Bojo yesterday. I’ve left it on a shelf for 72 hours of isolation before I open it wearing rubber gloves and a B&Q builders mask.
See how the BBC rapidly changed its story to mitigate criticism of the EU’s Covid19 response. ???? 1st version: mentions the chief scientist’s concerns about EU governance. 2nd version: instead of exploring his concerns further, the BBC unquestioningly reflects the EU’s line.
— Scientists for Britain (@ScienceBritain) April 9, 2020
So the Brussells media department is in full defence mode . . I was surprised the BBC reported his resignation at all .
And since – up to recently – the MSM was fixated with numbers of ventilators delivered I’m sure it will monitor and broadcast the numbers produced in the EU ……
Politicalite one week late with their April fools story ?
COMMENT: BBC News is winning back trust with Brits amid Coronavirus
By Jordan JamesPosted on April 8, 2020
Unlike other outlets such as ITV, Sky News and Channel 4
that continuously attempt to undermine Britain and its Government
at a time of national emergency,
the BBC is providing non-biased, accurate and trusted information and coverage.
I see the bbc has found an “expert” claiming that high infection rates in poor parts of the Bronx is institutional racism, of course nothing to do with the behaviour of certain minorities (cricket mach in uk park yesterday, more than 5 congregating for funerals, Roma communi hi gathering in large groups in Sheffield along side the usual suspects in ghettos around the country NEVER their fault, innit bruv iss racism
And linking it to poverty ? well the benefit family down the road are continuing to receive daily visitors to their property to sit around in the garden, maybe could be linked to either stupidity or just basic hate of any rules or regulations
The bbc really does have a thing about certain countries – it focuses on America – blacks affected by crime or health as though it’s a bit of the UK .
It’s as though whitee guilt within the BBC is so deep that they have to search the world for non white victims . Embarrassing .
When the coming cut backs on public services come after the Chinese bug im sure it can be used to privatise the BBC or at least end so many parts not needed – unless of course it wants to fund itself by advertising or subscription .
We might have to see a real age of austerity …..
Yet when it came to the likes of protests in France – it didn’t report them .
Paul Lambert: Ex-BBC producer who was ‘fixture of politics’ dies
Mr Lambert – who started his working career as an electrician – left the BBC ahead of the 2015 general election to lead communications for the UK Independence Party.
Very sad that Gobby has died. A unique man and great fun to work with.
The Suppression of the HCQ Remedy
Tucker Carlson re the Democrat Congresswoman Saved by HCQ
These items start at 1:20 and 5:58 respectively.
It seems to me that a host of politicians, media people, research scientists and medics will eventually stand guilty of allowing thousands to die from the coronavirus needlessly.
Somebody here was explaining that all police are not bad because there always be a few idiots . Well…. the Chief Constable of Northants ? Made a comment in a press conference that if people don’t obey the ‘rules ‘ his officers will start checking supermarket trolleys and baskets to see if stuff being purchased is necessary .
Is it some sort of Spring madness ? Has he been in lock down for too long ?
I wonder what the list of ‘authorised ‘ items looks like ?
It really shows how quickly any civil freedoms can go out the window – even when the threat is from a virus which 99% of those who get it will survive .
The numbers recorded dead today – Thursday – will be over 1000 if the Scots figures are anything to go by But I can’t see the lock down holding for much longer ….. with nice weather …
There is no concept of ‘necessary’ items within the Coronavirus Act 2020. It defines ‘essential’ stores, such as food shops, pharmacies, pet shops and bicycle shops, but does not specify what they may or may not sell. Plod might be better concentrating on getting rid of unnecessary policing, such as monitoring Twitter and Facebook or pandering to bearded men (both ROPers and men in frocks).
Perhaps the Chief Constable of Northants should be confined to permanent lock down and the key cast into the ocean.
A serious issue is being turned into a farce. How long before people cease to believe? Between the choices of perspective and panic the rainbows in uniform appear to have opted for the latter.
Victoria Derbyshire was not happy about using terms linked to “war” on her show yesterday.
It’s been mentioned a bit now and seems to be the BBC ”s new stick to beat the Government with. It’s gathering traction for reason only the BBC idiots will know !!
Bbc still keeping up with the most pressing issues. I can’t wait til you guys are defunded.
HOWEVER. When the BBC interview anyone from the NHS, 2 things stand out.
1. They ALWAYS refer to it as a war , terms like fighting a war, war zone are used frequently. So , will the BBC pull these “heroic” nurses up ???
2. The NHS staff they interview are always fully kitted out in PPE (despite Boris not ordering any) !!! But again, no mention of this from our trusted broadcaster.
Please do not use fireworks, pots, pans, wildlife are nesting or already have young ones, loud noises / fireworks scare them, which makes them take flight, when they’re scared or threatened can & will abandon their nests/homes which will lead to many young ones starving to death. So while you’re cheering for the heroes for saving lives your actions can & will be killing lives.
I’ll have to work out a less residential route home from my ‘essential shopping’ trip tonight, as there’s one local street in particular that seems very prone to this sad affliction – it’ll undoubtedly take longer but the weather seems ‘set fair’ as they say in the sailing fraternity, which is good news for all those enthusiasts gathered around Calais – not so good for the rest of us.
Paddy O’Connell is in the chair. (Hope Sarah Montague and family are OK. Or maybe they are off to their holiday home for the Easter weekend?)
Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales, is an early contributor. He tells us “I don’t want the people of Wales thinking.” and then goes on to demonstrate how he can not think on behalf of the people of Wales and can probably manage Northern Ireland’s and Scotland’s not thinking for them as well. Maybe England, too?
Is there an Olympic Games for not thinking? Mr Drakeford could represent the whole UK; he might be a Gold Medal winner.
He then goes all big and really bold and shakes a finger at Boris. “Unlike the other Assemblies, the Welsh Assembly has continued to sit through this crisis.” Nah nyah, na na naah!
I feel for the people of Wales. They deserve better.
TWatO Watch #2 – Oh dear, oh dear – Something has drained downhill out of Derbyshire
Chief Constabule of Norffampton on the prog. His men will not be out checking shopping trolleys this Easter weekend. He has scant resources. They are too busy sunbathing in the park.
Afterwards, they will be round to break up parties and barbecues and fine the people involved. The Northamptonshire Police Force is also available for Christenings, Weddings and BarMitzvahs.
Meanwhile the. chief of Manchester has his crew doing maps where the best parties are and helpfully publishing them on the BBC ……
Can’t remember maps of Pakistani. chicken shops being used to groom young girls by Muslim rape gangs. …..
On. Twitter. James. Woods has posted a long. And. Complicated documentary by. ‘The Epoch Times. ‘ investigating the. Origins of the Chinese Virus – suggesting. The virus came out of the Wuhan Laboratory – and those responsible for it .
The Chinese would rather we think that they are evil high tech villans , that the truth: a bunch of 3rd world retards that decide it’s a good idea to eat mangy bats.
The FT tweeted this new government graph
showing that Covid by week 14 certainly dwarfs aregular flue outbreak.
The graph is deaths over time, so the area under the graph represents total of deaths
So it you get a huge uptick followed quickly by a steep fall
then than is way less deaths than i the fall is gradual.
ONS data for week14 isn’t available to us until, April14
I had been expecting weekly deaths not to be at 15K/week until week15
I’ve told you what my “profession ” is before. I make football
odds for bookmakers on matches. I know a bit about
football all over the world and my maths is half decent.
One of my biggest expertise is the CHINESE league. I
work for Chinese bookmakers who work out of Vietnam, Taiwan
and other locations in South East Asia where I have visited on
numerous occasions. It’s a bit like bringing coals to Newcastle.
What I am going to tell you, you know already. The BBC also
know it as well.
The deaths in China are 40 times worse than the official
figures. The Taiwanese knew this very early on , but there was
a complete cover up by the Chinese communist government,
the WHO organization and many other official organizations
who didn’t want us in the west to “upset” the Chinese with anything that originated from Taiwan. They tried their best . They
had been told by their brothers and cousins on the mainland
what was going on, BUT nobody wanted to believe them for
fear of upsetting China. So the Taiwanese said “OK we will just
look after ourselves.”
Donald Trump was mocked asunder by stopping flights from
China but nearly every other country cowered to the Chinese.
And then the Machiavellian Chinese communist president had
a brain wave! If his country was going to have an economic
disaster . The west was going to have one as well . China exports
to the west are gigantic. Lets send them the biggest export
we have ever sent ,
So we got the XI JINPING virus.The corrupt WHO and their
stooge the head of the organization would be their
“look out” for them. The western Media including the
BBC would tell us how wonderful they were fighting the virus
and keeping the deaths at just over 3000 out of a population
1.4 Billion. When in fact the true figure is nearer to 150,000.
Can you believe how the BBC has been duped into accepting
what the Chinese propaganda machine is putting out.
And as for these inane questions being asked ” when is the
lock down going to end? Give us a date. As several hundred
or more die each day.
You may ask what I am doing now? I bet not many of you
know that there are two local derby’s in Bujumbura in Barundi
this weekend. As well as matches in Belarus, Nicaragua, and Tajakistan . But wait to the Chinese season starts again shortly
maybe I will give you some tips!!
Eddy it looks like it’s been cutNpasted from somewhere else
and the old linebreaks have got pasted across.
I stripped them with a removal tool.
And posted the text over on BH
Fos, I quite believe it. It is a standard thing in National Socialist and Communist (ie. Wrongist’) regimes for even the bearer of bad news to those at the top to end up demoted or jobless or in a prison camp or worse.
The film, Death of Stalin, conveys the reality of regimes like that in a chillingly funny way.
Not been to China and don’t really want to go but have been to Singapore and other near places and from that experience can appreciate the distrust those places hold against China. Make no mistake Chinese people will be pushed back into work SAP, all factories going 24 hrs a day to push out, mostly rubbish, for the unsuspecting customers in the West. Of course the West should put an embargo on all goods from China-time for Britain to once again show the world that it can make anything as well if not better than China and most others-Government needs to boost up and encourage the great inventiveness the People of the United Kingdom have. Good luck with those Derby’s Foscari.
Heard Beeboid Clive Myrie on Today, yesterday morning, reading a poem, as beeboids are being asked to do daily, that inspires them.
In the intro to his poem, Mr Myrie gives a huge shout out to Pauline Cafferkey, and her brave trip to Africa some years ago, where, ‘tending the sick in Ebola hospitals’ (Sierra Leone, 2014), she herself contracted the disease, had it twice, and survived….
But hold on there, Mr Myrie – if I remember correctly, she was only out there for a short time, flouted all the rules about partying with potential sources of the disease, flew back to the UK on a busy commercial flight, and knowing full well that she was herself becoming obviously ill with symptoms corresponding to the early stages of Ebola, decided not to declare herself at Heathrow, but fly on a further commercial flight to Glasgow, and basically exposed the public to her transmittable viral infection. Within a matter of a couple of days, she had grown so ill that she had to be transported back to London in a specially adapted aircraft, to reach appropriate isolation and support.
In essence, absolutely knowingly, she personally exposed the UK to a lethal viral disease with no known cure, unnecessarily cost the UK taxpayer a fortune, and almost lost her own life. Gosh, where have we heard recently about behavious necessary to prevent spread of a lethal virus ?
But hey, Mr Myrie – in your view she’s a heroine…..try doing some basic research instead of just looking at the headlines for your information about so-called ‘heroes’.
‘Despicable’ shoppers caught on camera licking their hands and wiping them on food and fridge doors. Two men were caught licking their hands and wiping them over produce in a supermarket.
What should we do with such vile loathsome creatures? Yes of course cut their hands off-OK we know that will not happen, however in some countries it would and even today. We shan’t ask why they did thi foul deed- what was the object of such obnoxious behaviour? What we all ask will be the outcome for these useless individuals? Execution maybe? Blind them with hot coins? or as they might be immigrants, sedn them back to the country of their origin with placards chained around their necks detailing what crime they committed. We can but dream.
Would said “shoppers” just by chance,have been of any particular shade of pale, or could they have been your everyday Tom,Dick or Harry?
I would ask the BBC but they seem so biased against Tom, Dick and Harry – particularly if they happen to be a whiter shade of pale.
Reckon they were of a darker shade of pale-maybe the heat of the fire they are put above will make certain they become much darker-awful arn’t I, but get so mad with this senseless idiocy.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
It’s another lovely sunny day today, and warm too.
If only I could get out and enjoy the outdoors.
Maybe go sailing or hire a boat and get off land and enjoy the freedom of the open sea.
But how can I do this? The police would be all over me. The press and government would denounce me. The authorities would say I was risking the spread of Coronavirus. Charities would say I was irresponsible. I could end up with a criminal conviction.
If only there was a way to do this and yet be fully supported by the authorities and intelligentsia.
‘Border Force intercepts four boats in channel’
No social distancing issues for some……and an unlimited amount of taxpayers money to be claimed…..
Perhaps they’re fleeing the French covid 19 pandemic. Must offer a sure fire legitimate asylum claim. Any yuman rights immigration lawyers on furlough? No, thought not.
“Maybe go sailing or hire a boat and get off land and enjoy the freedom of the open sea.
But how can I do this? The police would be all over me.”
Don’t use a rubber boat, ‘Where do you want to go Sir?’ anywhere near Dover to be sure of being left alone………….
63 invaders on Tuesday, 57 yesterday – that we are told about. How many more this week? Lay your bets ladies and gentlemen. New opportunities for the bookies in the absence of horse racing.
The Border Force has an over-complicated history which partly explains why it is not working properly. (See the two wikipedia articles below – obviously to be used with caution as a guide only!) It is now a ‘law-enforcement command’ of the Home Office overseen by an Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration – currently David Bolt, who reports directly to the Home Secretary.
Bolt and Priti do not seem concerned about the scores of illegals arriving daily and especially during clement weather. Stop consulting with left wing activists and writing reports, and instruct HO operatives to send them all packing back from whence they came.
Covid-19 may be the unseen enemy – but what about the very much visible, physical and continuously invading army?
It is a great pity that all border issues are not dealt with directly by a combined military force (RN, Army and RAF).
Which direction are the four boats going in the channel ?? could be escapees from here going to the continent.
I just can’t bear listening to many of the BBC outlets these days, so by and large, I tune into one of the classic stations.
This morning, between Beethoven and Bach, a comforting female voice informed me that I was “invited” to show my appreciation of the NHS this evening at eight PM. It was a pleasant voice, soft and warm…
Look, I do appreciate the NHS staff. They’re working hard and doing a sterling job in appalling circumstances. I’m not arguing with that.
It’s this insidious, North Korean, Big Brotherish attitude that has overtaken our country in three short weeks that gives me the shivers.
It was only a few weeks ago that we were “asked” to keep ourselves isolated. That quickly became an instruction…and now we’ve got curtain twitchers the length and breadth of Blighty grassing up neighbours who are taking their dogs for walks.
I just feel there’s something deeply disturbing with this “invitation” to join in the “two minutes of love”. Soon those of us who don’t comply…and yes, I am one of them… will be ostracised. Neighbours will notice that miserable old so an so at number 24, “Why’s he not out clapping?”
How long before those of us that don’t attend these clapping events get a knock on the door?
I never thought I’d see the British police rebuking someone for sunbathing, but it’s happening.
The whole thing is creepy, insidious and it’s sinister.
And the BBC absolutely love it…
It began as Clapping for Carers, somehow it has been morphed into Clapping for the NHS.
Kudos the NHS for reclaiming the rainbow ???? from homosexuals.
How about clapping for the clap clinic?
Jeff, with all due respect to those on this site who have served in the Police Force (Old Goat + someone else who was in PSNI, sorry forgotten who) there will always be a copper somewhere who charges in without thinking or does something stupid (as seen here – two of them! – fingered by the BBC: pic on News Page also as well as r/h side here) and is caught on camera or voice recorder while so doing.
A wise Chief Superintendent will have a quiet word with such members of his force, I would have thought, to teach them how to police better, police more wisely. I would and do think that. I hope they would, I really do. Honestly.
On the other hand, just the other day I heard the Derbyshire Chief Superintendent – already in a hole because of his droning officers – dig himself in even deeper, courtesy of BBC R4.
You have to accept there will always be idiots who ‘go overboard’ whether wearing a uniform or not.
In my day, intuition, respect and initiative were the by-words. You didn’t generally, have senior officers interfering, unless it was something serious, in which case they stood around doing nothing, slapping their thighs with their brown gloves, and getting in the way, before buggering off back to the factory.
Now, they know it all, are bred for common purpose, issue daft instructions, and meddle.
A quiet “on yer way”, or turning a blind eye doesn’t work any more – everything is done in a cock-eyed mob-handed way, whilst in their parallel world they are poncing around doing little song and dance routines, painting their nails, and adding rainbow accoutrements to their uniforms. In my day, they would be suspended, and possibly required to resign.
Consequently, they have zero respect, and deservedly so.
Old Goat
Today they wear suspenders and are required to recline.Arse upwards of course.
“I just can’t bear listening to many of the BBC outlets these days, so by and large, I tune into one of the classic stations.”
I did same this morning, only to turn channels and be met with the voice of………………………..Humpreys. Off.
“and now we’ve got curtain twitchers the length and breadth of Blighty grassing up neighbours who are taking their dogs for walks.”
It’s merely the Beeboid-approved version of a well-known New Orleans festival: Mardy Grass.
Van, very mardy, that.
What a great excuse, all I need:
Mass virtue signalling on Classic FM. The warm voice was probably the Humphrys lad, or even the Suchet chap.
Freddie Starr shows us how the pros work the crowd.
I don’t think we are far from ‘clapping for the BBC ‘ ……
“Something is fishy”
I turned on R4 at 0505 this morning. A black person, “Alan”. I could only understand a little of what he said. 0508 off.
BBC trying to divide again. White family , £17k holiday !!!! How dare they .
Especially when the minorities are being hit hardest by coronavirus !!!!!
Agenda you say ? What agenda ???
They could always move to a country where they won’t be a minority.
The BBC must have been watching Trump’s press conference
Ooooops Department of the BBC – on the subject of giving clap to the NHS
Ahem! How much social distancing is going on here? It will be interesting to see how long this header pic stays up today. The BBC put a new one every day onto this same page with the JohnsHopkins interactive & other stats charts.
Some days – you wake up – take a look at Twitter – and you see some happy news – channel 4 having to make cut backs – perhaps even to their Labour News programme .
And I’m sure the BBC will be wanting a hand out after being ‘forced ‘ not to make Planned cuts Because of the Chinese virus .
I still can’t get that . There are less ‘events ‘ less people around – just less – yet they still need all those journos …..
The BBBC need more people to tell us how badly the government is doing. I have noticed that there are a lot of new reporters reporting on different negative angles. Perhaps all the “regular” ones are self isolating to make way for the new ones.
Fed, need all those journos? Really? On TWatO yesterday, the Montacutie set Part-time off. Our Laura promptly repeated what the Montacutie AND the Newsreader had just said, then rambled a bit more so I hit the OFF-switch.
I’ve had an idea. If Nick Robinson’s lungs & voicebox can stand it, he could go back to being Political Editor. Part-time could be encouraged to go, leave the BBC and trouble us no more. Someone else can be added to the revolving seats on TOADY from all those that have had a go.
Speaking of ‘something fishy’ I cycled into town on Tuesday for some essential supplies and saw my first police car in some time. However, on the way home via a little detour – “My personal exercise, Officer, it’s such a lovely day” – along the coast, no coppers there, I was pondering whether the Covid-19 virus could be airborne.
Then I remembered the spread. That is another reason why cases, not deaths, and national comparisons are important because – if it is a virus that can survive for sometime airborne – you can use that information to test the theory. How?
We know the prevailing winds around the globe tend to run from west to east. And we can track the spread on the JHUni interactive here:
We know, or we think we know how the virus got into northern Italy. But we also know how London and New York were early leaders in Covid-19 patients. If the virus was surviving in cold air, with or without moisture, then the likely spread would have been visible in the other direction, notwithstanding the air passenger traffic through London, New York, Los Angeles, Geneva, Paris, etc..
Discuss. Pull apart. Re-configure. Thoughts, anyone?
Does heavy rainfall diminish the spread of the virus ?
If it was airborne, you would think so, taffman. We know it washes out heavier particulates.
Or does the virus need moisture to be airborne and survive? Is it too small a particle to be washed? Places to watch for that would be Singapore, where humidity in summer famously reaches 101%. If Covid-19 survives in a moist atmosphere, then it may make a comeback there despite the even higher summer temperatures.
You probably know this link already for Wales.
Whether the Government shelve self isolation or not next week, I for one will continue.
I’ve no desire whatever to emulate the work of a canary in a cage for the delectation of ‘statisticians’.
Me too, G, well … I’ll just be extra cautious for some while; not masks and gloves – at least in summer – but just ‘careful’, as Sgt Phil would order.
I think I’m learning something about my lungs through this. Greta (and the current Mayor of London) will not be pleased with the conclusion.
Up2, old thing, I wonder how many of us are waking up every day with a different/new symptom whether its dry throat, bit of a cough, a bit sweaty, groggy head, and wonder whether we’ve caught ‘it’ ! then an hour later we’re fine and realise its either our age or that Southern Comfort or 3 we had the night before !!!
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, we may get a cricket season) I’ve had a suspicion for a long time that my lungs – as a native – are attuned to London’s polluted air. Actually, it’s not that polluted any more, Mayor Sadiq, please take note. Have noticed on trips back to the capital that I am a lot less breathless and feel less chest ‘feelings of something’ while there.
Down in the clean air of Kent meanwhile …. I have wondered whether it is old age. It’s easy to blame that.
Now there’s even less traffic around, I think I have the evidence: Snuffy came into existence in London not long before the first UK Clean Air Act in 1956. It would appear my lungs are happiest with a certain amount of neat petrol – not necessarily of the JD 😉 variety – NOx, N²Ox, CO2 and building dust in them. Not too much. Just a little.
But more than down here in Kent. Told you Greta and the Mayor would not like it.
With the three weeks review, one things for sure, just like the Queen’s speech – live surprises arnt allowed.
What if a 2nd worse wave hits just paroled Wuhan..
Will they abandon the house arrest strategy, or just keep us incarcerated for years?
Remember when I was kid in the 1960s and on the news, every now and then there’d be world war 2 Japanese soilders found hiding out in some jungle.
Don’t be one of those!
The real bit of interesting news on TWatO, Eddy, was that a city/town up on the Chinese border with Russia has had an outbreak of Covid-19. The Aussie Beeb correspondent said it was being blamed on Russia. The Chinese have closed the border.
If only we could close our borders. Come on Priti. You know it makes sense.
Actually that was another thing of interest: the BBC pointedly ignored the Home Secretary’s equal status with the Chancellor and the Foreign Secretary.
Very interesting …..
How much do LF payers get gouged for this?
The BBC have slipped up. Maitlis has all the left rallying around her!
I can imagine how the complaints department at the BBC are going to handle this .
They have a series of drop downs
The defence will be
“ issue of public concern “
She really did go over the line but she thinks she’s running things after getting Andy Windsor’s ‘ scalp – although some might say he handed it to her .
It is because everyone has come out in support of Boris lately. When you have Labour politicians butting their differences aside wishing him well while only the most vile of the hard left are wishing him dead and being exposed it is about time the BBC left put the balance back in.
In other words ‘don’t forget that the Tories are bad so go out and vote for Starmer in the next GE’
smoogie, what did the Walnut One say? Cannot play the embedded vid.
It is on a few sites. Try Evening Standard:
Thanks. Nothing remarkably good about what she said; certain amount of liberalised opinion and denial of some medical realities.
So that’s a ‘meh’ from me for the Walnut One.
It is on a few sites. Try Evening Standard:
The Mirror seem to approve:
‘Emily Maitlis’ powerful words on surviving coronavirus met with widespread praise’
Will the Bronzed Strumpet now start working for train announcer’s wages?
I would love to see this BBC list of who should earn more and crucially who should earn less
While our economy ‘tanks’, the BBC asks that most important question….. Are minorities being hit hardest by Kung flu?
Ironically, the answer is probably yes, but not because of their ethnicity, I suspect.
As expected, the real answer is deliberately avoided.
I have seen this a few times. This virus is apparently racist. Clearly invented by the big bad Tories to get the left
Thats the way we do it!
From the Guardian.
UK coronavirus live: lockdown likely to be extended as Boris Johnson remains in hospital
The clear implication of this goes along with the lefty press theme about how the Government is mal-functioning without Boris. evident in every press briefing on BBC too.
i.e everything is in turmoil and on hold while he is away so we should get a coalition government to take over…. And also hints that it’s Boris who is preventing the end of the lock-down thus extending the misery.
The Independent joins in with..
Will there be a public inquiry into Britain’s response to coronavirus?
Apparently some “Ministers and Civil Servants” expect this…. Well we know all we need to know about the Civil Service attitude to the government and the betting is that the Ministers are all of a particular hue too…
They really are devious sewer rats!
I seem to remember a few weeks back that the Mirror or the Guardian had claimed that the Boris honey moon was over. I then saw the exact same thing mentioned from a BBC ‘analyst’
The next day an opinion poll had been published showing further support for the Tories and since then the Tories have reached over 50% in public support. Now I know that polls shouldn’t be taken as gospel but they do show patterns as seen in the GE.
It is clear that Johnson has a great deal of public support and it is not easy bringing him down whatsoever. The left (which includes the BBC) need to accept that
Them deck chairs need a coordinator.
EB, maybe some guidance notes … or .. possibly a two-day training course on how to re-arrange?
LBC just had item about a nurse that died
Not a frontline nurse but 111 call centre nurse
Northumberland nurse Rebecca Mack
“She had been on a training course 3 weeks before and fell ill on returning home.
She said she was feeling better to her mum on the morning before she died.”
Someone on the training course wasa known carrier.
She was only 29yr old, but in the charity appeal photo she seems very over weight.
Stew, it does appear that ‘affluenza’ is a factor in Covid-19 patients and deaths. Travel by air & ship apart, the racist Mayor of New York yesterday, being racist claimed that it was poverty among the BAME communities of the US Mid-West and West Coast that led to a higher incidence of deaths.
Nothing genetic, Mario? Nothing about being overweight? Higher incidence of diabetes, not generally a disease (Type 2) of the poor but the affluent, I would have thought.
Just going by the newspaper front pages, the old PR Industry is not suffering too much from the Covid-19 virus.
Some publicist has managed to dig up Linda Lusardi and Ozzy Osbourne for one front page and another has dug up Nelson Mandela for his PE tips. No that’s not PG Tips, but if you are making one – ta!
Speaking of interment, old man Bernie Sanders is not looking too happy there in his mansion as he concedes to Joe Biden.
Coronavirus: Will summer make a difference?
There is a Have Your Say
Narrative : Britain is a failure at Covid19
Germany and mask wearing Asian countries like Singpaore are the heroes
(The ECJ) “ruling effectively removes the sovereignty of EU member states to make their own decisions regarding the keeping of public law, order and national security in the case of EU migration policies, if those decisions conflict with EU obligations.”
The stranglehold and, indeed, ‘new EU law’. Did these countries and their peoples sign up to this when the joined up? That’s a daft question G…….
Laura Kuensberg is one helluva sarcastic “lady.” She has
a very responsible job as political editor of a supposed impartial
BBC. But this “lady” just cannot stop her personal political prejudices being exposed in her facetious way of talking
or writing.
We have seen it several times in this present crisis. In her
outright disrespect for the Prime Minister. The negativity laced
with sarcasm when asking questions to government ministers.
And today in her comments ” Does that mean there wont be
review after all ERM, No.”
Actually you may assume that I am a right wing nutter. But
last night , although I find Emily Maitlis to be a liberal bigot
most of the time. I found her opening words on Newsnight
a fair comment. It reminded of Animal Farm. ” All animals are
equal. BUT some animals are more equal than others.
“Coronavirus: Arrests after men lick hands and wipe supermarket food”
Those “Men” again ?
I now see a new trend in BBC coronavirus reporting developing.
It seems the more deprived and ethnic population are suffering coronavirus more then the general population. The hint being that Boris’s Government is responsible.
Could this not in fact be down to their tendency to prefer to cram as many bedrooms as possible into their homes to accommodate the extended and multi-generational occupants they tend to prefer?
Any TV house-buying program demonstrates this frequently with lofts converted to bedrooms and extensions added to create even more. To say nothing of property speculation with HMO’s and immigrant workers from poorer countries often utilising single rooms to create 4 or 5 sleeping places with as many as 20 people living in a single house and often using beds in rotation to accommodate even more.
This is not economics, it’s a lifestyle choice designed to minimise the housing costs for as many of them as possible whilst increasing the take of the house owners and is the most blatantly obvious reason for the extra spread of the virus in their communities.
700 specially selected small businesses have been awarded a £10,000 grant to enable their teams to do online working etc during Corona.
And it is definitely not going to end up funding establishment political parties.
Yes, and some charities to receive money. But which, I wonder. Surely not the Muslim Council et al……………………….
660 parties shut down by Greater Manchester Police last weekend – including some with DJs, fireworks and bouncy castles
.. 440 house parties
.. 184 street parties etc. they claim
Local paper
They have lost one officer
The female staff officer, who had worked in the force’s intelligence bureau for many years, died earlier this week,
Better to die on your feet than live on your knees!
Lets party,????
Happy Birthday, Eddy!
(Jack Smethurst, 88 today)
Eddie, please.
Really not good.
I realise it’s gallows humour, but…
Tough one Eddy – I suppose it depends on whether someone wants to transfer the Chinese virus to someone who doesn’t really want it or not .
I was told today of an elderly neighbour who is Dying and whom I can’t say ‘good bye ‘ too after knowing them my whole life …. party on right ?
Stew, all those parties in a city the size of Manchester with very little traffic, no aircraft overhead …..
….. how come the racket wasn’t heard in Birmingham or even further afield?
(The Manchester force has approx 8,000 officers for three shifts. As you might suggest ‘Too WOW to be true?’)
The BBC page has a map is it true ?
Let me check for evidence ..unbelievably low for 500 claim
Semms like BBC GMP #FakeNews to me
“Kyle Walker apologises amid reports of ‘sex party’ at Manchester flat ” (him and 2 prostitutes)
Hundreds of tweets about the Sun story
So called “street party” found 2
with you standing outside your own house.
eg 2
The last time someone tweeted the GMP about a street party was last August.
..police tweet about families at Stamford Park
A couple of times people tweet the police about cyclists etc.
but there are only 3 in the photo.
Piers Morgan tweets
“This is absolutely *unbelievable* – Manchester cops had to break up 660 parties last weekend ”
Yeh Morgan it is UNBELIEVABLE cos there is no proper evidence
just a claim made by GM Police.
Sure the poor police did break up someparties, but so few of them that footage doesn’t show up on Twitter.
One thing I have noticed about Piers (who I like in general) is that he just says what he sees on twitter and other social media and doesn’t seem to check it. When they want a fact they just google it…
But I suppose his job is to sensationalise and at the moment – there is only one party in town.
I really can’t stand more than 30 secs of any news/breakfast…and I am sure I am not alone…
Can’t wait for R4 5pm news -a new game – BBC first money is on “when will the lock down end – a date and time …” by LK
I don’t get it.
Simply make a note of all the party goers details for ID and advise them that the NHS will not treat them or even send ambulance if their symptoms appear chinese virus related.
Simples! (is it not?)
Naughty London Live
The UK’s media watchdog is looking into a TV network’s broadcast of an interview with conspiracy theorist David Icke about coronavirus.
Ofcom said it was “assessing this programme as a priority”, following London Live’s screening of the programme on Wednesday evening.
It has received 19 complaints.
Ofcom says During the current pandemic, it’s important that potentially misleading information about the coronavirus is not broadcast on radio or TV.
Off theme, sorry.
Has anyone seen a postman within the last couple of weeks?
No collections from postboxes or lost post.
No letters or anything received.
‘What does the panel think’?
We are having daily postal deliveries here in Plymouth, even second class ones locally are now being delivered the next day. Must admit I am surprised that it has been this reliable so far. If this lock down goes on for a very long period things may change. I did read that the Saturday ones were possibly going to be suspended.
I have been doing a three times weekly shop/walk to the local store. Usually the road I take is very busy. Last week I could have walked down the middle and been perfectly safe. This morning traffic was definitely picking up and there were more people about as well. I think there may be a lot of ‘adapting’ going on.
Yes, G. Delivered letter from Bojo yesterday. I’ve left it on a shelf for 72 hours of isolation before I open it wearing rubber gloves and a B&Q builders mask.
Screenshot of those edits
…. further screenshots
So the Brussells media department is in full defence mode . . I was surprised the BBC reported his resignation at all .
And since – up to recently – the MSM was fixated with numbers of ventilators delivered I’m sure it will monitor and broadcast the numbers produced in the EU ……
I was wondering if 2020 should just be renamed 2019a and 2020 is next year .
Politicalite one week late with their April fools story ?
COMMENT: BBC News is winning back trust with Brits amid Coronavirus
By Jordan JamesPosted on April 8, 2020
Unlike other outlets such as ITV, Sky News and Channel 4
that continuously attempt to undermine Britain and its Government
at a time of national emergency,
the BBC is providing non-biased, accurate and trusted information and coverage.
I see the bbc has found an “expert” claiming that high infection rates in poor parts of the Bronx is institutional racism, of course nothing to do with the behaviour of certain minorities (cricket mach in uk park yesterday, more than 5 congregating for funerals, Roma communi hi gathering in large groups in Sheffield along side the usual suspects in ghettos around the country NEVER their fault, innit bruv iss racism
And linking it to poverty ? well the benefit family down the road are continuing to receive daily visitors to their property to sit around in the garden, maybe could be linked to either stupidity or just basic hate of any rules or regulations
The bbc really does have a thing about certain countries – it focuses on America – blacks affected by crime or health as though it’s a bit of the UK .
It’s as though whitee guilt within the BBC is so deep that they have to search the world for non white victims . Embarrassing .
When the coming cut backs on public services come after the Chinese bug im sure it can be used to privatise the BBC or at least end so many parts not needed – unless of course it wants to fund itself by advertising or subscription .
We might have to see a real age of austerity …..
Yet when it came to the likes of protests in France – it didn’t report them .
to para-phrase a comment I saw online
the same people that like to ignore crime statistics
now want to weaponise health statistics
Paul Lambert: Ex-BBC producer who was ‘fixture of politics’ dies
Mr Lambert – who started his working career as an electrician – left the BBC ahead of the 2015 general election to lead communications for the UK Independence Party.
Kate and Prince William carry out surprise “virtual school visit”
amid the coronavirus crisis and chat to “key workers” children
Imagine the savings we’d have for a ‘ virtual ‘ monarchy . …..
To the virtual tower with him, off with his router !!
Nothing from the BBC
My point exactly (above)
Covid-19: Two Stories in One
The Suppression of the HCQ Remedy
Tucker Carlson re the Democrat Congresswoman Saved by HCQ
These items start at 1:20 and 5:58 respectively.
It seems to me that a host of politicians, media people, research scientists and medics will eventually stand guilty of allowing thousands to die from the coronavirus needlessly.
Somebody here was explaining that all police are not bad because there always be a few idiots . Well…. the Chief Constable of Northants ? Made a comment in a press conference that if people don’t obey the ‘rules ‘ his officers will start checking supermarket trolleys and baskets to see if stuff being purchased is necessary .
Is it some sort of Spring madness ? Has he been in lock down for too long ?
I wonder what the list of ‘authorised ‘ items looks like ?
It really shows how quickly any civil freedoms can go out the window – even when the threat is from a virus which 99% of those who get it will survive .
The numbers recorded dead today – Thursday – will be over 1000 if the Scots figures are anything to go by But I can’t see the lock down holding for much longer ….. with nice weather …
….his officers will start checking supermarket trolleys …..
Wot, like they do at Costco on the way out ????
There is no concept of ‘necessary’ items within the Coronavirus Act 2020. It defines ‘essential’ stores, such as food shops, pharmacies, pet shops and bicycle shops, but does not specify what they may or may not sell. Plod might be better concentrating on getting rid of unnecessary policing, such as monitoring Twitter and Facebook or pandering to bearded men (both ROPers and men in frocks).
Perhaps the Chief Constable of Northants should be confined to permanent lock down and the key cast into the ocean.
A serious issue is being turned into a farce. How long before people cease to believe? Between the choices of perspective and panic the rainbows in uniform appear to have opted for the latter.
Might just be a coincidence
Victoria Derbyshire was not happy about using terms linked to “war” on her show yesterday.
It’s been mentioned a bit now and seems to be the BBC ”s new stick to beat the Government with. It’s gathering traction for reason only the BBC idiots will know !!
HOWEVER. When the BBC interview anyone from the NHS, 2 things stand out.
1. They ALWAYS refer to it as a war , terms like fighting a war, war zone are used frequently. So , will the BBC pull these “heroic” nurses up ???
2. The NHS staff they interview are always fully kitted out in PPE (despite Boris not ordering any) !!! But again, no mention of this from our trusted broadcaster.
Just a quick reminder for all adherents of the New Religion.
The next Communion Service is at 8pm tonight and will take place outside your dwelling.
For those unable to attend, it will be shown live on the BBC.
The religious text to be used is ‘Clap for the NHS’
Sluff, don’t forget the Alternative Service Book, containing all the other Communicable diseases. A choice! Aren’t we blessed?
Clap for the Any Chess. But but…
Please do not use fireworks, pots, pans, wildlife are nesting or already have young ones, loud noises / fireworks scare them, which makes them take flight, when they’re scared or threatened can & will abandon their nests/homes which will lead to many young ones starving to death. So while you’re cheering for the heroes for saving lives your actions can & will be killing lives.
Spot on. And due to all the snowflakes suffering from their many anxiety disorders, I will do “jazz hands” instead from the sofa.
I’ll have to work out a less residential route home from my ‘essential shopping’ trip tonight, as there’s one local street in particular that seems very prone to this sad affliction – it’ll undoubtedly take longer but the weather seems ‘set fair’ as they say in the sailing fraternity, which is good news for all those enthusiasts gathered around Calais – not so good for the rest of us.
You forgot the Chinese virus lanterns …
TWatO Watch #1 – Oh dear
Paddy O’Connell is in the chair. (Hope Sarah Montague and family are OK. Or maybe they are off to their holiday home for the Easter weekend?)
Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales, is an early contributor. He tells us “I don’t want the people of Wales thinking.” and then goes on to demonstrate how he can not think on behalf of the people of Wales and can probably manage Northern Ireland’s and Scotland’s not thinking for them as well. Maybe England, too?
Is there an Olympic Games for not thinking? Mr Drakeford could represent the whole UK; he might be a Gold Medal winner.
He then goes all big and really bold and shakes a finger at Boris. “Unlike the other Assemblies, the Welsh Assembly has continued to sit through this crisis.” Nah nyah, na na naah!
I feel for the people of Wales. They deserve better.
The message from Wuhan is:
Please remember: a puppy (or kitten) is NOT just for Xmas
You can have it cold on Boxing Day
TWatO Watch #2 – Oh dear, oh dear – Something has drained downhill out of Derbyshire
Chief Constabule of Norffampton on the prog. His men will not be out checking shopping trolleys this Easter weekend. He has scant resources. They are too busy sunbathing in the park.
Afterwards, they will be round to break up parties and barbecues and fine the people involved. The Northamptonshire Police Force is also available for Christenings, Weddings and BarMitzvahs.
Meanwhile the. chief of Manchester has his crew doing maps where the best parties are and helpfully publishing them on the BBC ……
Can’t remember maps of Pakistani. chicken shops being used to groom young girls by Muslim rape gangs. …..
Not. BBC – never will be ..
On. Twitter. James. Woods has posted a long. And. Complicated documentary by. ‘The Epoch Times. ‘ investigating the. Origins of the Chinese Virus – suggesting. The virus came out of the Wuhan Laboratory – and those responsible for it .
The Chinese would rather we think that they are evil high tech villans , that the truth: a bunch of 3rd world retards that decide it’s a good idea to eat mangy bats.
At 55 mins, its admittedly long but, believe me, its well worth a watch. One of the best videos I’ve seen on YT: American Thought Leaders.
Now you know the world is really going insane:
What is it?
Eddy, it’s an online queue – for B&Q!
The FT tweeted this new government graph
showing that Covid by week 14 certainly dwarfs aregular flue outbreak.
The graph is deaths over time, so the area under the graph represents total of deaths
So it you get a huge uptick followed quickly by a steep fall
then than is way less deaths than i the fall is gradual.
ONS data for week14 isn’t available to us until, April14
I had been expecting weekly deaths not to be at 15K/week until week15
Listen….there is only one way to get this clap nonsense gone.
A one minute continuous clap for BORIS JOHNSON…to be televised live by the bBC led by Hall – Britains glue….or is he more like Gum!
I’ve told you what my “profession ” is before. I make football
odds for bookmakers on matches. I know a bit about
football all over the world and my maths is half decent.
One of my biggest expertise is the CHINESE league. I
work for Chinese bookmakers who work out of Vietnam, Taiwan
and other locations in South East Asia where I have visited on
numerous occasions. It’s a bit like bringing coals to Newcastle.
What I am going to tell you, you know already. The BBC also
know it as well.
The deaths in China are 40 times worse than the official
figures. The Taiwanese knew this very early on , but there was
a complete cover up by the Chinese communist government,
the WHO organization and many other official organizations
who didn’t want us in the west to “upset” the Chinese with anything that originated from Taiwan. They tried their best . They
had been told by their brothers and cousins on the mainland
what was going on, BUT nobody wanted to believe them for
fear of upsetting China. So the Taiwanese said “OK we will just
look after ourselves.”
Donald Trump was mocked asunder by stopping flights from
China but nearly every other country cowered to the Chinese.
And then the Machiavellian Chinese communist president had
a brain wave! If his country was going to have an economic
disaster . The west was going to have one as well . China exports
to the west are gigantic. Lets send them the biggest export
we have ever sent ,
So we got the XI JINPING virus.The corrupt WHO and their
stooge the head of the organization would be their
“look out” for them. The western Media including the
BBC would tell us how wonderful they were fighting the virus
and keeping the deaths at just over 3000 out of a population
1.4 Billion. When in fact the true figure is nearer to 150,000.
Can you believe how the BBC has been duped into accepting
what the Chinese propaganda machine is putting out.
And as for these inane questions being asked ” when is the
lock down going to end? Give us a date. As several hundred
or more die each day.
You may ask what I am doing now? I bet not many of you
know that there are two local derby’s in Bujumbura in Barundi
this weekend. As well as matches in Belarus, Nicaragua, and Tajakistan . But wait to the Chinese season starts again shortly
maybe I will give you some tips!!
I wished you’d type properly so it’d be readable..
Eddy it looks like it’s been cutNpasted from somewhere else
and the old linebreaks have got pasted across.
I stripped them with a removal tool.
And posted the text over on BH
Fos, I quite believe it. It is a standard thing in National Socialist and Communist (ie. Wrongist’) regimes for even the bearer of bad news to those at the top to end up demoted or jobless or in a prison camp or worse.
The film, Death of Stalin, conveys the reality of regimes like that in a chillingly funny way.
Not been to China and don’t really want to go but have been to Singapore and other near places and from that experience can appreciate the distrust those places hold against China. Make no mistake Chinese people will be pushed back into work SAP, all factories going 24 hrs a day to push out, mostly rubbish, for the unsuspecting customers in the West. Of course the West should put an embargo on all goods from China-time for Britain to once again show the world that it can make anything as well if not better than China and most others-Government needs to boost up and encourage the great inventiveness the People of the United Kingdom have. Good luck with those Derby’s Foscari.
Rita chakribati, on BBc1 at 5pm
‘Millions of US will be clapping…………’
So, totally impartial as usual.
Chakrabati is a high caste Indian name, they seem to have all got themselves cushy non-jobs over here..
If this 8pm clapping stupidity turns into a tradition, I wonder if the bBBC may try to expand it out, with an 8pm clap *every* night for:
Monday 8pm – Victims of Grenfell
Tuesday 8pm – Windrush
Wednesday 8pm – The LGBTQDANGERUXB community
Thursday 8pm – NHS
Friday 8pm – BAME’s
Saturday 8pm – Remainers
Sunday 8pm – Muslims
It would of course mean that I’d have to turn up the volume on Talking Pictures each night at 7.59pm but I can cope with that.
Heard Beeboid Clive Myrie on Today, yesterday morning, reading a poem, as beeboids are being asked to do daily, that inspires them.
In the intro to his poem, Mr Myrie gives a huge shout out to Pauline Cafferkey, and her brave trip to Africa some years ago, where, ‘tending the sick in Ebola hospitals’ (Sierra Leone, 2014), she herself contracted the disease, had it twice, and survived….
But hold on there, Mr Myrie – if I remember correctly, she was only out there for a short time, flouted all the rules about partying with potential sources of the disease, flew back to the UK on a busy commercial flight, and knowing full well that she was herself becoming obviously ill with symptoms corresponding to the early stages of Ebola, decided not to declare herself at Heathrow, but fly on a further commercial flight to Glasgow, and basically exposed the public to her transmittable viral infection. Within a matter of a couple of days, she had grown so ill that she had to be transported back to London in a specially adapted aircraft, to reach appropriate isolation and support.
In essence, absolutely knowingly, she personally exposed the UK to a lethal viral disease with no known cure, unnecessarily cost the UK taxpayer a fortune, and almost lost her own life. Gosh, where have we heard recently about behavious necessary to prevent spread of a lethal virus ?
But hey, Mr Myrie – in your view she’s a heroine…..try doing some basic research instead of just looking at the headlines for your information about so-called ‘heroes’.
Will the beeb be telling us this?
‘Despicable’ shoppers caught on camera licking their hands and wiping them on food and fridge doors. Two men were caught licking their hands and wiping them over produce in a supermarket.
What should we do with such vile loathsome creatures? Yes of course cut their hands off-OK we know that will not happen, however in some countries it would and even today. We shan’t ask why they did thi foul deed- what was the object of such obnoxious behaviour? What we all ask will be the outcome for these useless individuals? Execution maybe? Blind them with hot coins? or as they might be immigrants, sedn them back to the country of their origin with placards chained around their necks detailing what crime they committed. We can but dream.
Would said “shoppers” just by chance,have been of any particular shade of pale, or could they have been your everyday Tom,Dick or Harry?
I would ask the BBC but they seem so biased against Tom, Dick and Harry – particularly if they happen to be a whiter shade of pale.
Reckon they were of a darker shade of pale-maybe the heat of the fire they are put above will make certain they become much darker-awful arn’t I, but get so mad with this senseless idiocy.
Easy, just tag them with a ‘Do not treat for covid19’ label/marker.