Remember when our reporter, Avi Yemini, captured this desperate plea to President Donald Trump on the streets of Hong Kong?
Now, more than ever, wear his warning everywhere.
**This product is 100% guaranteed NOT made in China.
Typical MSM. Banged on and on, day after day for the Government to shut down schools, bars etc ….now, whatever the Government do next , it will be wrong !!!!
If they relax the lockdown, MSM will say it’s too soon.
Leave the lockdown, they will scream it should be lifted.
There is no way on earth, Boris can win with these scumbags !!!!!
They will be getting their ammunition lined up for either option, depending on which way it goes. Cretins.
You demanded the schools shut, pubs, clubs & restaurants close, for us to be locked down, do not try and distance yourself from this now, they will left it when the time is right.
Looking at Covid19 trends
From April 1-9 there seems to be a flat trend now of about 4,300 daily positives (blue) with 2 blips up
So from April 8th we should be in a flat trend of about 900 daily deaths (green) until the 16th .. with some blips
Today’s new data
had the bad enough for hospital patients, been at 4,400 the trend would be flat
Unfortunately it’s 5,706 today
And that trends to about 1,300 deaths/day in 7 days time
and since today’s is 980 deaths, we have a rise to come .
Clap for Pug is what I say…
the trouble is that if the Govt don’t do what everyone else is doing they will be attacked by the Left and Media as they were in the beginning…more so than they are now at every step –
I am hoping we will see a change when Boris is fit..
I think Starmer is sending a very strong message to all of these “new” Britains in many of the Northern constituencies that they have made their decisions and it will now be “Halal” or bust.
Pity for the useless Tories is that the best they could ,manage is the even more useless Theresa May who was only strong when it came to caving in to the demands of Muslims/MCB over sharia law and “Hate” crime.
Just a little reminder of what we are all missing, though to be honest much of the damage has been done and the almost equally useless Boris seemed rather relaxed about so much of this anti democratic BS.
As for the British Jews. Socialism and the spirit of Cable Street have been very much forgotten and any British Jew that still thinks that the British Labour party still values them is very much a turkey voting for Christmas.
Labour know that they can get away with appointing this probable racist because if they have learnt one thing over the last few years – Aunty will do as little as possible to rock the Labour boat – even if that means supporting shadow Ministers who wishes that Israel was just “moved” and that sexual abuse is acceptable if it is committed by men of a certain religious persuasion.
Councillor Heselwood, replying to a post about Boris going into ICU said “It’s a publicity stunt
– they we’re [sic] doing badly being criticised for their handling of this,
next thing he’s in hospital in ICU-a publicity stunt fir [sic] sympathy and to change the narrative.
Don’t fall for it”
Easter lockdown is necessary as all scientists and BBC activists say.
What is the likelihood that scientists and BBC activists will support the suspension of the lockdown for Ramadamalinglong?
Imagine cops breaking up the Iftar
I was reading The Times today on the (continued) financial and political troubles of the Southern EU states (now in the hour of need) totaly ignored by the EU that cannot agree on a rescue package for the current global pandemic. Italy, Greece and Spain are all in long term terminal decline (ruin) thanks to EU polices that never quite worked out as promised i.e free money if you pay tribute to Brussles. How right was the UK to choose its own path and leave.. And that brings me to this (2015) video which illustrates the Roman Empire (now called the EU) and the struggles of lesser states such as Greece. Ironically Italy, Spain and Greece are all in dire straits and wish to leave the ‘Club of Rome’ and to make their own rules to help the people which the EU still states are still required to ‘forge ever and closer links’ despite total ignorance of the financial, cultural and pandemic problems the ‘southern’ nations face. Its a bit ‘high brow’ but its an education, perhaps more apt now than then. So recommended – if you like a bit of history…
Greece vs Rome, with Boris Johnson and Mary Beard
In tribute to our PM, who I wish a well and speedy recovery, he’s perked up today (good news) the BBC will never air this piece (even though there is a BBC presenter you will recognise and of Mary Beard (another BBC operative). When you think of ‘Rome’ think of the EU now, and it put’s (all) things into current context. There is no doubt the EU sees itself as the ‘new Rome’ (but without the good bits). Hearing Boris support Greece against Rome is a real treat to hear.
(I have never been to Greece, but I am with Boris on this argument). One of the best London Mayors we ever had (and what will surely be the best PM we have had since the last war). And this is a war we must win (primarily against the BBC privilege and control over its ‘citizens’). A world where all rights are effectively ‘null and void’ without the approval of Rome’s great dictator the ECHR and multiple other ‘organs’ of state dictatorship). The BBC is right in there somewhere, its an old argument and it defines which side of the ‘great debate’ going on now. Ultimately the EU will create the ‘great depression’ (again) in Europe as it becomes a dictatorship of the ‘privileged elite’ (read BBC) funded by the ‘poorest’ who have no idea that there vote is pointless. But you do have ‘equal rights’ to abject poverty and standardised ‘bureaucrats’ (one size fits all) in every national situation. I am also reminded that IF we were to ‘remain’ in the EU, there will not be a NHS (in any EU future), its not part of the EU plan at all. Something the BBC never talk about, although a debate would be good on how the NHS should be financed when many do not contribute to the cost (which includes those employed by the BBC who have have enormous private wealth and care and pensions). The debate has just started, and can only start proper when we leave the EU and the BBC are re-utlised for the ‘home front’ rather than the ‘back door’ to Rome.
I’m looking at an article by Christopher Booker in the Sunday Times dated, November 3rd 2002, entitled: “A superstate half a century in the making”. Booker outlines the continual pressure brought to bear from the outset by the likes of, Monnet, Spinelli & Spaak, Communist inspired individuals. The ‘Grandfathers’ so to speak. He outlines the efforts one or more of the trio exerted to create the superstate concluding with the unveiling of the plan by Giscard d’Estaing. The, “secretive process” was planned in the beginning to mid-eighties and it was realised previously that, “in 1944 Spinelli admitted that there was no way the USof Europe could be set up by democratic means”. “….the project would have to be put into place gradually, without the peoples of Europe realising what was afoot until they were presented by a constitution at the end of the process”.
“It is now clear from official documents that, when Harold Macmillan applied for British Membership of the, ‘Common Market’ in 1961 he had been made aware of this political agenda. As was Ted Heath.
Almost 18 years on, the deceit and subterfuge still makes interesting reading.
The news appears to be London centric reporting about lack of parks open and lack of ‘space’ for the population to take exercise and getting fresh air. There’s already a white flight from the capital, but I predict that in another 50 years inside the M25 will be a no go area for living and working. Reminds me of the film Escape from New York.
The pro United States of Europe BBC showed their hand on the 1 pm news.
They were reporting on the smoke-filled rooms stitch up to create a Euro coronavirus fighting fund.
Why the difficulties?
Because, shock, horror, some countries are prioritising their own nations ahead of the greater European project !!!!!!
How dare they! From the words and intonation Katcha Adler and her editors clearly want such countries to be put on the naughty step.
Larah Bross, 42, runs the Bross Bagels shops in Portabello, Edinburgh
She has been forced to close five shops and furlough 39 of her 47 staff
But her landlord Mario Aydemir Demirezen rejected her request to delay her rent
He described it as ‘typical Jewish behaviour’ but claimed this was a compliment
If you read the article it says New York State (very different from New York) in the opening paragraph but in the fifth para they conflate City with State again. And back it up with alleged City photos.
This strikes me as a blatant attempt to deceive or really bad journalism. Either way, a disciplinary or sackable offence for someone high up in BBC News & Current Affairs.
More nail-biting stuff. But, why-oh-why do we get to learn about the critical nature of the UN only when there’s a major issue?
I posted a video link on the Midweek blog to the Epoch Times. Almost an hour of outlining the dangers of China. In that video, it is explained that the UN has 15 divisions, the WHO is but one. Apparently China now controls 5. Believe it or not, it’s about to become 6: China is about to take over control of the committee on patents and intellectual property law would you believe.
The worst thieves imaginable but on their way to World domination (as they see it). Time to get out the UN.
The BBC inadvertently let slip that women do not like doing hard, energetic, dirty jobs – note the words ‘Pembrokeshire’s first’. They are much happier in a TV studio, just like the Walnut One, telling us all how to live, vote and organise the country.
Twitter video of that same clip of the female waste collector.
Among all the daily changes we're making to our lives right now, it's still great to hear barrier breaking stories, like lifeguard Zoe Coleman becoming Pembrokeshire's first female waste collector after her Leisure centre closed:
We’ve had all sorts of views about this virus and how it is spreading, the curve, the origin and so on.
When discussing the spread in England people are told to stay in and observe social distancing.
One thing I’ve not heard anybody on tv mention is about how overcrowded or overpopulated we are in England.
This must be making a huge contribution to the spreading of the virus.
When France, for example, has something like three times more space per person than we have in England then it should follow that spreading this virus here will be much more likely because of the sheer number of people.
And we get 300,000 more squashed in every year.
I wonder why nobody (on tv) has picked up on this.
The Wuhan Virus is performing the task of population reduction. Care homes are one source and the daily promotion of ‘serious conversations ‘ regarding the possible accelerated death of our loved ones is preparing the elderly for removal.
I did mention this in an earlier post EG but didn’t get much of a response. People don’t seem to want to talk about. Is it because it is too hard? Or possibly too controversial? I’ve wondered about this for ages. When will the Uk say “Halt! our population density will go no higher than ‘x’.” I remember reading the ‘the Economist’ in the 1990’s which was looking forward to the Uk population becoming over 250 million. Is that what people want. Back in the eighties before Green parties were captured by Left loonies the ecologist party called for gradually reducing the population to 30 million.
Propositions like these always bring up the angry retort ” What are you going to do, kill people off!!!” and it is a real conservation stopper. One has to go on the defensive to assure everybody that one is not actually suggesting concentration camps, forced euthanasia, annexing the Sudetenland etc etc. All it takes is a managed policy of direction involving incentives and rewards to achieve a lower birthrate to stabilise the population. No need for death camps or even reeducation camps. That’s what you will get eventually if you keep on a with a pressure cooker immigration policy.
Why can’t Brits call for a sensible population policy?
The BBC will be unlikely to come on board I should add (and enter that line in the understatement of the year award).So what?!
I have never understood the craving for mass immigration or the supine acceptance of it by the British public. How much longer can you bear to see your beautiful green spots shrink and disappear. Talk about squandering an inheritance!
Perhaps it is me who is the oddball? Possibly!
Exit Yasser singing, “Give me land, lots of land and the starry skies above, don’t fence me in.’..
“I have never understood the craving for mass immigration or the supine acceptance of it by the British public.”
Well one major political party has factored in that immigrants are more likely to vote for them. They have also made immigration one of those issues that are ‘unacceptable’ to even discuss, as Gillian Duffy amongst many others has found out, so most people are loath to speak out in public.
This technique has been very successful on a whole range of issues so every public figure is now ‘fighting’ on the ground chosen by the far-left. I say ‘fighting’, in truth that just means declaring that one is also ‘of the left’, but perhaps not as ‘left’ as the far-left.
The result is that 90% of the people who voted in Clement Attlee would now be considered ‘far-right’ by the BBC et al.
Dover getting more crowded by the day, and Channel 4 delighting in showing a big metal “4” bringing in illegal immigrants and depositing them on the white cliffs between every programme, with no objections it seems
May they will update it with some muslims “grooming” (i.e. raping) schoolgirls, held down by a big metal “4” next ?
Every patriotic Brit should boycott 4 until they stop their propaganda for the invaders. That would very quickly bring them to their senses as advertising revenue plummets.
Apologies if this point has been made (many times) before. On the BBC’s TV News this evening (~ 6 pm) we had a report by the often emotional Fergal Keane from Calais. He referred as always to asylum-seekers and refugees, who he said were suffering because of travel restrictions due to Covid-19; i.e. they can’t get across to Britain as easily as before.
Why can’t the biased, useless and anti-British BBC ask the obvious question: WHAT persecution are these people suffering from in France / Calais? Even assuming that they are asylum-seekers (and not economic migrants with no right to be there, as the EU’s own Mr Timmermans said of 60% of the 2015 “Syrian” influx) they are required by the UN to seek asylum in the FIRST SAFE COUNTRY after the one where they claim to be persecuted.
They therefore have NO RIGHT of entry into the UK, unless they were being persecuted in adjacent countries (so, in theory, Eire / Ireland, Iceland or northern France). The BBC is yet again deliberately misrepresenting this issue. It refuses to call them what most of them are – illegal economic migrants. These people are breaking the law, however hard the circumstances they find themselves in in Calais, when they try to move to Britain.
vlad, the question might then be “the truth about the EU: it’s not a real union” will someone try and ramp it up to the next level, much closer to a EU State?
Don’t think Merkel will be able (or fit enough) to take that on but Macron might. After all it would present a neat distraction from events at home (terrorism, Gilet Jaunes) and give him (if such were needed) a reason to clamp down on protests.
Hospital admissions and critical care occupancy in London appears to be peaking.
The Midlands too.
What’s the Nightingale Hospital going to be used for?
And will they be needed everywhere else?
I understand the need for ICU overcapacity but not why future Nightingale hospitals are needed?
Well, the government have been slaughtered (through no fault of their own) for not having enough respirators, despite the fact that an over expenditure of ‘just in case’ equipment is unrealistic. So they cant be blamed for overstocking hospitals if they’re needed.
Get out the hankies.
On the 6pm tv news, the BBC go big on one of their favourite topics- the so-called migrant camp in Calais.
There is a 200m queue for free food. No social distancing there.
But wait. It turns out that children and women do not need food!
In the entire queue there was not a single woman or child. Young males made up the entire line.
How amazing and just what this country wants so badly. Not.
I can understand women and children running away from their country and not fighting for it, although ours did not, neither did the french, but the so called male asylum seekers who should be fighting for their country ?
Rather pop over here to claim benefits, and why seek asylum from France ?
New stats
Britain records Europe’s highest single-day death toll: Coronavirus deaths jump by 980 to
– surpassing Italy and Spain’s worst days
New positive tests 5,706 more patients test positive
but note 19,000 tests were run so might be including milder cases which were previously not likely to get tested
People are confused as to why the grand total had a mysterious extra 3,000 positives added to it
Pillar 2 positive cases data (those taken through swab testing for key workers and their households) for the last 2 weeks can be found here:
— Department of Health and Social Care (@DHSCgovuk) April 10, 2020
UK COVID-19 data for 10th April 2020: Total positive patients 73758, Hospital inpatients 19304, Total deaths 8958. In last 24 hours new cases 5195 and new deaths reported 980. Because of the way deaths are reported, not all occurred in the last 24 hours.
When asked by the LBC reporter, “Why have planes from infected countries continued and continue to land in the UK with no checks”, Matt Hankcock and the deputy chief medical officer, Jonathan Van-Tam both said ‘there was no scientific reason to stop them…..’
I have to say I was F@**ing speechless.
We have a very infectious coronovirous transferable from person to person on surfaces and aerobically. Furthermore, the evidence points to many ‘unknown asymptomatics’, who theoretically, walk through airports infecting whoever they contact beyond; the cycle goes on from there.
You don’t need to be an epidemiologist to see that flights from infected countries simply feed a raging fire. Nor does one need qualifications to also see coronavirus did not leap across the English Channel. Guess what? It bloody flew here on a human being.
I have said it on here repeatedly for a month now, the government have messed up big time. They dithered at the beginning. I actually laughed out loud when the scientists first talked about herd immunity. I telephone and spoke with several colleagues of mine in the industry, and we were all aghast (I have worked on the pharmaceutical arm of immunology and allergy for nearly 20 years).
The same Politicians now hide behind lab scientists who lack common sense and are too blinkered by modelling to stick their head out of the window and see reality.
Worse than this, the journalists and the BBC also lack the courage to put clear logic to them and demand answers. So we all just clap on a Thursday and hope it will go away.
Our death rate and infection rate is at or worse than Italy. We had 3 weeks on them!! It is a catastrophe.
There are answers to this, but not with this lot in charge. My advice: wear a mask (even though they say don’t) & sunglasses everywhere, wash your hands, socially distance and start growing vegetables.
Whilst in Marseille Les Flics fine the occupants of a private jet arrived from the UK expecting to transfer by waiting helo to Cannes and send them home.
It is beginning to look, with the social controls in force, that we are edging towards a final solution of the ageing population problem. And in comes the new population, easily ruled by a government that works in tandem with the Moslem Council who will see that the new population are not inflicted with British awkwardness.
Filghts are arriving to to stop the curve getting too flat, I guess…
If the idea is to spread the virus at a controlled rate.
. Hiding wont help, it’s not going to just disappear anytime soon.
Venutius, do you remember when the big ebola epidemic was fast gathering pace, Sally Davies CMHO England, refused to make the F&CO test people in Africa before they boarded flights to the UK. She was more concerned with running an event in Trafalgar Square to have smoking (smoking!) banned in the open air in England.
We were so lucky that ebola did not get a foothold here in the UK with that level of incompetence.
“Empty non-coronavirus beds raise fears that sickest are avoiding NHS
Hospitals report steep drop in attendances for life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks.
The PR Industry is gearing up to get manic if this lockdown continues. Celebs catching Covid-19 left right and centre. ‘Artistes’ coming over all creative. Everyone doing their bit, WW2-stylee for the enaichhess.
If there’s hopefully one thing to come out of this madness, its the unacceptability of the supremely wealthy flaunting their riches. Perhaps no more shall we see the likes of the Beckhams, pop and reality stars,and their ilk showing off their lifestyle on Instagram.
We shall be entering a world where money will be tight, some companies may bounce back, new restaurants etc will open, but many more businesses will have gone under for good, and the population will be hammered with more income tax to pay for the government bail outs, so I’d be happy for the super rich to go shelter in their Soho Warehouses Farmhouses or whatever, because seeing their designer clad faces plastered all over the media will be rubbing salt in the wound of those who have to work all God’s hours just to survive.
pug, small problem for g**gle: how do they do it? Drones? Embedded chips in pets? Tracking mobile phones that people leave at home, lose or drop down toilets. Credit cards that are wedged between the sofa cushions?
BBC correspondent takes Labour word as gospel. (Insert shocked face).
Shadow Health Sec Jon Ashworth: “This isn’t the first time ministers have given NHS and social care staff big promises on PPE. But there has been a mismatch between statements at Downing Street Press Conferences and the realities facing health and care staff on the ground."
Shadow Health Sec Jon Ashworth: “This isn’t the first time ministers have given NHS and social care staff big promises on PPE. But there has been a mismatch between statements at Downing Street Press Conferences and the realities facing the far left activists in the health and care staff on the ground who are trying to make political gain out of this current situation by contacting the hard left media at every opportunity , knowing full well the libtards will lap up every chance to further their anti government agenda.
So the dood ars man, the head of the WHO has got new
instructions from China. Tell the western democracies to
keep the lockdowns going ,until their economies are completely
destroyed. Maybe somebody can think up a better anagram ?
Not bbc but on itv Prof John Newton is quoted as saying that on testing, we have lagged behind other countries ‘for structural reasons’.
I don’t suppose anyone official is going to tell us what these structural reasons might be?
It couldn’t be the monolithic, nationalised NHS working in a country that despises private sector health care, versus other countries with tolerant and flexible, even welcoming, attitudes to the private healthcare sector. Like Germany with all its private laboratories and……..far, far lower pro rata death rate.
Or South Korea, with its world leading health system, where 77% have social and private health insurance?
70 years of political propaganda about the NHS, an indoctrinated, gullible public, brainwashed and unable to think critically. And 1000 coronavirus deaths a day.
Join the dots.
I hate to see the hashtag on this, however, the BBC is probably in part responsible. The ‘impartiality’ varies from day to day, some say the BBC bashes both sides equally. All anybody would wish for is a national broadcaster who reported the news accurately. Instead, for whatever reason, it sows a lot of division
Anyway, that was about the hashtag, this is about the BBC bias towards China. ‘China centric’ one could say –
It's nice of #BBCNews, the rest our media, @Peston & @bbclaurak to talk about the current mood of our heroic, indefatigable, supreme leader, but maybe they should focus more on today's horrendous death figures, & how we seemed to learn nothing from Italy's disaster
Am I being dense here ? but how can you die from economic misery ? Are they saying over 100,000 will die of suicide ? that sounds a bit extreme to say for instance the number of people like the population of say Cambridge or Basildon are going to die.
There will be suicides but also deaths from:
Stress & depression (real things for some people)
Malnutrition, starvation even
Postponed surguries and other treatments
Treatable accidental drug overdoses
People die from the darndest things (not meant in a disparaging way).
I’m confused. The first spoken line in the video says “Hundreds of men all standing close together…”. I thought the Calais Jungle had lots of women and children?!?
“The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a British public service broadcaster. Its headquarters are at Broadcasting House in Westminster, London. It is the world’s oldest national broadcaster,[3] and the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees.[4] It employs over 22,000 staff in total, more than 16,000 of whom are in public sector broadcasting.[5][6][7][8] The total number of staff is 35,402 when part-time, flexible, and fixed-contract staff are included.[9]”
980 people dead, still no PPE or ventilators. The government got the policy wrong but the f***ing BBC are so far up the Govt’s arse that they refuse to report the facts or the truth @carolecadwalla points out. @BBCNews you should be ashamed!
— Andy #FBPE #ClimateCrisis #NHS (@andycorneys) April 10, 2020
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
Remember when our reporter, Avi Yemini, captured this desperate plea to President Donald Trump on the streets of Hong Kong?
Now, more than ever, wear his warning everywhere.
**This product is 100% guaranteed NOT made in China.
Typical MSM. Banged on and on, day after day for the Government to shut down schools, bars etc ….now, whatever the Government do next , it will be wrong !!!!
If they relax the lockdown, MSM will say it’s too soon.
Leave the lockdown, they will scream it should be lifted.
There is no way on earth, Boris can win with these scumbags !!!!!
They will be getting their ammunition lined up for either option, depending on which way it goes. Cretins.
Who are those people you’re quoting ?
Looking at Covid19 trends
From April 1-9 there seems to be a flat trend now of about 4,300 daily positives (blue) with 2 blips up
So from April 8th we should be in a flat trend of about 900 daily deaths (green) until the 16th .. with some blips
London weekly stats from ONS data table
Week 13 : Weekly deaths of ALL causes
last year – 910
2020 – 1,297
That’s a 43% RISE
Today’s new data
had the bad enough for hospital patients, been at 4,400 the trend would be flat
Unfortunately it’s 5,706 today
And that trends to about 1,300 deaths/day in 7 days time
and since today’s is 980 deaths, we have a rise to come .
Meanwhile, in Wales, “Poll shows support for tightening lockdown in Wales”.
I would have added, “….shows overwhelming support…..” if the status quo numbers are added to the ‘tightening’.
Clap for Pug is what I say…
the trouble is that if the Govt don’t do what everyone else is doing they will be attacked by the Left and Media as they were in the beginning…more so than they are now at every step –
I am hoping we will see a change when Boris is fit..
How does Sweden and Belarus get away without martial law, I wonder.
Naz is not divisive at all
so good at uniting communities
Oh look she is supported by ever so IMPARTIAL BBC staff
Katherine O’Donnell @bbcankat
Bio : I’m involved in the making of radio & online content at BBC Asian Network.
I think Starmer is sending a very strong message to all of these “new” Britains in many of the Northern constituencies that they have made their decisions and it will now be “Halal” or bust.
Pity for the useless Tories is that the best they could ,manage is the even more useless Theresa May who was only strong when it came to caving in to the demands of Muslims/MCB over sharia law and “Hate” crime.
Just a little reminder of what we are all missing, though to be honest much of the damage has been done and the almost equally useless Boris seemed rather relaxed about so much of this anti democratic BS.
As for the British Jews. Socialism and the spirit of Cable Street have been very much forgotten and any British Jew that still thinks that the British Labour party still values them is very much a turkey voting for Christmas.
Labour know that they can get away with appointing this probable racist because if they have learnt one thing over the last few years – Aunty will do as little as possible to rock the Labour boat – even if that means supporting shadow Ministers who wishes that Israel was just “moved” and that sexual abuse is acceptable if it is committed by men of a certain religious persuasion.
libmob gotcha journo Peston ratio-ed again
7 to 1
The #BeKind party
Councillor Heselwood, replying to a post about Boris going into ICU said
“It’s a publicity stunt
– they we’re [sic] doing badly being criticised for their handling of this,
next thing he’s in hospital in ICU-a publicity stunt fir [sic] sympathy and to change the narrative.
Don’t fall for it”
Easter lockdown is necessary as all scientists and BBC activists say.
What is the likelihood that scientists and BBC activists will support the suspension of the lockdown for Ramadamalinglong?
Imagine cops breaking up the Iftar
US doctor : video saying he was told not to just include the normal FACTS on a death certificate , but to add Covid19 , based purely on speculation.
As ever WM Briggs is the man for US stats
latest blog
@RockboltG Journalism I saw today
BBC: it’s offensive to call someone a ‘fighter’
Sky: it’s sexist to have female experts at the briefings but not politicians
Independent: it’s racist to fancy the chancellor
Guardian: a cabinet minister should be sacked for delivering medicine.
VD complained that the use of war-like terms to describe the Kung flu and the havoc it is wreaking was offensive and unnecessary.
She then went on to talk about all those heroic efforts made by the wonderful people on the “front line”…
Am puzzled, where does she think the term “front line” comes from?
I was reading The Times today on the (continued) financial and political troubles of the Southern EU states (now in the hour of need) totaly ignored by the EU that cannot agree on a rescue package for the current global pandemic. Italy, Greece and Spain are all in long term terminal decline (ruin) thanks to EU polices that never quite worked out as promised i.e free money if you pay tribute to Brussles. How right was the UK to choose its own path and leave.. And that brings me to this (2015) video which illustrates the Roman Empire (now called the EU) and the struggles of lesser states such as Greece. Ironically Italy, Spain and Greece are all in dire straits and wish to leave the ‘Club of Rome’ and to make their own rules to help the people which the EU still states are still required to ‘forge ever and closer links’ despite total ignorance of the financial, cultural and pandemic problems the ‘southern’ nations face. Its a bit ‘high brow’ but its an education, perhaps more apt now than then. So recommended – if you like a bit of history…
Greece vs Rome, with Boris Johnson and Mary Beard
In tribute to our PM, who I wish a well and speedy recovery, he’s perked up today (good news) the BBC will never air this piece (even though there is a BBC presenter you will recognise and of Mary Beard (another BBC operative). When you think of ‘Rome’ think of the EU now, and it put’s (all) things into current context. There is no doubt the EU sees itself as the ‘new Rome’ (but without the good bits). Hearing Boris support Greece against Rome is a real treat to hear.
(I have never been to Greece, but I am with Boris on this argument). One of the best London Mayors we ever had (and what will surely be the best PM we have had since the last war). And this is a war we must win (primarily against the BBC privilege and control over its ‘citizens’). A world where all rights are effectively ‘null and void’ without the approval of Rome’s great dictator the ECHR and multiple other ‘organs’ of state dictatorship). The BBC is right in there somewhere, its an old argument and it defines which side of the ‘great debate’ going on now. Ultimately the EU will create the ‘great depression’ (again) in Europe as it becomes a dictatorship of the ‘privileged elite’ (read BBC) funded by the ‘poorest’ who have no idea that there vote is pointless. But you do have ‘equal rights’ to abject poverty and standardised ‘bureaucrats’ (one size fits all) in every national situation. I am also reminded that IF we were to ‘remain’ in the EU, there will not be a NHS (in any EU future), its not part of the EU plan at all. Something the BBC never talk about, although a debate would be good on how the NHS should be financed when many do not contribute to the cost (which includes those employed by the BBC who have have enormous private wealth and care and pensions). The debate has just started, and can only start proper when we leave the EU and the BBC are re-utlised for the ‘home front’ rather than the ‘back door’ to Rome.
I’m looking at an article by Christopher Booker in the Sunday Times dated, November 3rd 2002, entitled: “A superstate half a century in the making”. Booker outlines the continual pressure brought to bear from the outset by the likes of, Monnet, Spinelli & Spaak, Communist inspired individuals. The ‘Grandfathers’ so to speak. He outlines the efforts one or more of the trio exerted to create the superstate concluding with the unveiling of the plan by Giscard d’Estaing. The, “secretive process” was planned in the beginning to mid-eighties and it was realised previously that, “in 1944 Spinelli admitted that there was no way the USof Europe could be set up by democratic means”. “….the project would have to be put into place gradually, without the peoples of Europe realising what was afoot until they were presented by a constitution at the end of the process”.
“It is now clear from official documents that, when Harold Macmillan applied for British Membership of the, ‘Common Market’ in 1961 he had been made aware of this political agenda. As was Ted Heath.
Almost 18 years on, the deceit and subterfuge still makes interesting reading.
The news appears to be London centric reporting about lack of parks open and lack of ‘space’ for the population to take exercise and getting fresh air. There’s already a white flight from the capital, but I predict that in another 50 years inside the M25 will be a no go area for living and working. Reminds me of the film Escape from New York.
The pro United States of Europe BBC showed their hand on the 1 pm news.
They were reporting on the smoke-filled rooms stitch up to create a Euro coronavirus fighting fund.
Why the difficulties?
Because, shock, horror, some countries are prioritising their own nations ahead of the greater European project !!!!!!
How dare they! From the words and intonation Katcha Adler and her editors clearly want such countries to be put on the naughty step.
Stunning silence on the bbc website on certain subjects regarding labour politicians hate crimes this week and the following:
Landlord accuses stunned bagel shop owner of ‘typical Jewish behaviour’ when she asks for three-month rent break to get through coronavirus crisis
Larah Bross, 42, runs the Bross Bagels shops in Portabello, Edinburgh
She has been forced to close five shops and furlough 39 of her 47 staff
But her landlord Mario Aydemir Demirezen rejected her request to delay her rent
He described it as ‘typical Jewish behaviour’ but claimed this was a compliment
Turkish….go figure as they say
Not BBC but worth knowing
Not Ok to sit and play with your kids in your own back garden, but obviously ok for “asian” men to rape and abuse underage females in Rotherham.
Dontcha just lurv South Yorkshire plods.
Talk about not fit for purpose.!
Naughty BBC. Deliberately misleading the public with this headline “Coronavirus: New York has more cases than any other country.”
If you read the article it says New York State (very different from New York) in the opening paragraph but in the fifth para they conflate City with State again. And back it up with alleged City photos.
This strikes me as a blatant attempt to deceive or really bad journalism. Either way, a disciplinary or sackable offence for someone high up in BBC News & Current Affairs.
“It Is Time for the WHO’s Pro-China Chief to Resign”
More nail-biting stuff. But, why-oh-why do we get to learn about the critical nature of the UN only when there’s a major issue?
I posted a video link on the Midweek blog to the Epoch Times. Almost an hour of outlining the dangers of China. In that video, it is explained that the UN has 15 divisions, the WHO is but one. Apparently China now controls 5. Believe it or not, it’s about to become 6: China is about to take over control of the committee on patents and intellectual property law would you believe.
The worst thieves imaginable but on their way to World domination (as they see it). Time to get out the UN.
Oh dear and Ooops!
The BBC inadvertently let slip that women do not like doing hard, energetic, dirty jobs – note the words ‘Pembrokeshire’s first’. They are much happier in a TV studio, just like the Walnut One, telling us all how to live, vote and organise the country.
Twitter video of that same clip of the female waste collector.
Nice to know the BBC’s staff are keeping busy’ whilst on a full paid holiday.
We’ve had all sorts of views about this virus and how it is spreading, the curve, the origin and so on.
When discussing the spread in England people are told to stay in and observe social distancing.
One thing I’ve not heard anybody on tv mention is about how overcrowded or overpopulated we are in England.
This must be making a huge contribution to the spreading of the virus.
When France, for example, has something like three times more space per person than we have in England then it should follow that spreading this virus here will be much more likely because of the sheer number of people.
And we get 300,000 more squashed in every year.
I wonder why nobody (on tv) has picked up on this.
Emmanuel Goldstein
The Wuhan Virus is performing the task of population reduction. Care homes are one source and the daily promotion of ‘serious conversations ‘ regarding the possible accelerated death of our loved ones is preparing the elderly for removal.
I did mention this in an earlier post EG but didn’t get much of a response. People don’t seem to want to talk about. Is it because it is too hard? Or possibly too controversial? I’ve wondered about this for ages. When will the Uk say “Halt! our population density will go no higher than ‘x’.” I remember reading the ‘the Economist’ in the 1990’s which was looking forward to the Uk population becoming over 250 million. Is that what people want. Back in the eighties before Green parties were captured by Left loonies the ecologist party called for gradually reducing the population to 30 million.
Propositions like these always bring up the angry retort ” What are you going to do, kill people off!!!” and it is a real conservation stopper. One has to go on the defensive to assure everybody that one is not actually suggesting concentration camps, forced euthanasia, annexing the Sudetenland etc etc. All it takes is a managed policy of direction involving incentives and rewards to achieve a lower birthrate to stabilise the population. No need for death camps or even reeducation camps. That’s what you will get eventually if you keep on a with a pressure cooker immigration policy.
Why can’t Brits call for a sensible population policy?
The BBC will be unlikely to come on board I should add (and enter that line in the understatement of the year award).So what?!
I have never understood the craving for mass immigration or the supine acceptance of it by the British public. How much longer can you bear to see your beautiful green spots shrink and disappear. Talk about squandering an inheritance!
Perhaps it is me who is the oddball? Possibly!
Exit Yasser singing, “Give me land, lots of land and the starry skies above, don’t fence me in.’..
“I have never understood the craving for mass immigration or the supine acceptance of it by the British public.”
Well one major political party has factored in that immigrants are more likely to vote for them. They have also made immigration one of those issues that are ‘unacceptable’ to even discuss, as Gillian Duffy amongst many others has found out, so most people are loath to speak out in public.
This technique has been very successful on a whole range of issues so every public figure is now ‘fighting’ on the ground chosen by the far-left. I say ‘fighting’, in truth that just means declaring that one is also ‘of the left’, but perhaps not as ‘left’ as the far-left.
The result is that 90% of the people who voted in Clement Attlee would now be considered ‘far-right’ by the BBC et al.
Dover getting more crowded by the day, and Channel 4 delighting in showing a big metal “4” bringing in illegal immigrants and depositing them on the white cliffs between every programme, with no objections it seems
May they will update it with some muslims “grooming” (i.e. raping) schoolgirls, held down by a big metal “4” next ?
Every patriotic Brit should boycott 4 until they stop their propaganda for the invaders. That would very quickly bring them to their senses as advertising revenue plummets.
Apologies if this point has been made (many times) before. On the BBC’s TV News this evening (~ 6 pm) we had a report by the often emotional Fergal Keane from Calais. He referred as always to asylum-seekers and refugees, who he said were suffering because of travel restrictions due to Covid-19; i.e. they can’t get across to Britain as easily as before.
Why can’t the biased, useless and anti-British BBC ask the obvious question: WHAT persecution are these people suffering from in France / Calais? Even assuming that they are asylum-seekers (and not economic migrants with no right to be there, as the EU’s own Mr Timmermans said of 60% of the 2015 “Syrian” influx) they are required by the UN to seek asylum in the FIRST SAFE COUNTRY after the one where they claim to be persecuted.
They therefore have NO RIGHT of entry into the UK, unless they were being persecuted in adjacent countries (so, in theory, Eire / Ireland, Iceland or northern France). The BBC is yet again deliberately misrepresenting this issue. It refuses to call them what most of them are – illegal economic migrants. These people are breaking the law, however hard the circumstances they find themselves in in Calais, when they try to move to Britain.
A half decent article in the Grauniad (even a broken clock gets it right sometimes) on the shambles that is the EUSSR.
“The coronavirus crisis has exposed the truth about the EU: it’s not a real union”
vlad, the question might then be “the truth about the EU: it’s not a real union” will someone try and ramp it up to the next level, much closer to a EU State?
Don’t think Merkel will be able (or fit enough) to take that on but Macron might. After all it would present a neat distraction from events at home (terrorism, Gilet Jaunes) and give him (if such were needed) a reason to clamp down on protests.
Shock. Horror.
It’s been announced that our ‘NHS heroes’ are going to work over the Easter weekend !!!!!!!!
Aren’t 97% of them Muslim, or is that Climate Scientists or BBC approval ratings?
I can’t say I believe anything they tell me now!
Hospital admissions and critical care occupancy in London appears to be peaking.
The Midlands too.
What’s the Nightingale Hospital going to be used for?
And will they be needed everywhere else?
I understand the need for ICU overcapacity but not why future Nightingale hospitals are needed?
Well, the government have been slaughtered (through no fault of their own) for not having enough respirators, despite the fact that an over expenditure of ‘just in case’ equipment is unrealistic. So they cant be blamed for overstocking hospitals if they’re needed.
Get out the hankies.
On the 6pm tv news, the BBC go big on one of their favourite topics- the so-called migrant camp in Calais.
There is a 200m queue for free food. No social distancing there.
But wait. It turns out that children and women do not need food!
In the entire queue there was not a single woman or child. Young males made up the entire line.
How amazing and just what this country wants so badly. Not.
I can understand women and children running away from their country and not fighting for it, although ours did not, neither did the french, but the so called male asylum seekers who should be fighting for their country ?
Rather pop over here to claim benefits, and why seek asylum from France ?
Today’s press briefing cut short during possibly the last journalist’s question. The reason was to cut to the 6pm news.
We then got two BBC adverts for upcoming programs, both repeats!
No but in Rotherham the Police apparently are suspicious of families being together in their own gardens!
So much easier than investigating Pakistani grooming gangs raping young white girls.
Advice, make grannie lie on the floor and cover her with a blanket.
New stats
Britain records Europe’s highest single-day death toll: Coronavirus deaths jump by 980 to
– surpassing Italy and Spain’s worst days
New positive tests 5,706 more patients test positive
but note 19,000 tests were run so might be including milder cases which were previously not likely to get tested
People are confused as to why the grand total had a mysterious extra 3,000 positives added to it
Someone graphs both pillars of test
When asked by the LBC reporter, “Why have planes from infected countries continued and continue to land in the UK with no checks”, Matt Hankcock and the deputy chief medical officer, Jonathan Van-Tam both said ‘there was no scientific reason to stop them…..’
I have to say I was F@**ing speechless.
We have a very infectious coronovirous transferable from person to person on surfaces and aerobically. Furthermore, the evidence points to many ‘unknown asymptomatics’, who theoretically, walk through airports infecting whoever they contact beyond; the cycle goes on from there.
You don’t need to be an epidemiologist to see that flights from infected countries simply feed a raging fire. Nor does one need qualifications to also see coronavirus did not leap across the English Channel. Guess what? It bloody flew here on a human being.
I have said it on here repeatedly for a month now, the government have messed up big time. They dithered at the beginning. I actually laughed out loud when the scientists first talked about herd immunity. I telephone and spoke with several colleagues of mine in the industry, and we were all aghast (I have worked on the pharmaceutical arm of immunology and allergy for nearly 20 years).
The same Politicians now hide behind lab scientists who lack common sense and are too blinkered by modelling to stick their head out of the window and see reality.
Worse than this, the journalists and the BBC also lack the courage to put clear logic to them and demand answers. So we all just clap on a Thursday and hope it will go away.
Our death rate and infection rate is at or worse than Italy. We had 3 weeks on them!! It is a catastrophe.
There are answers to this, but not with this lot in charge. My advice: wear a mask (even though they say don’t) & sunglasses everywhere, wash your hands, socially distance and start growing vegetables.
This is now just going to play out.
Whilst in Marseille Les Flics fine the occupants of a private jet arrived from the UK expecting to transfer by waiting helo to Cannes and send them home.
Pity we don’t do that in reverse across the Sleeve!
It is beginning to look, with the social controls in force, that we are edging towards a final solution of the ageing population problem. And in comes the new population, easily ruled by a government that works in tandem with the Moslem Council who will see that the new population are not inflicted with British awkwardness.
GWF and with the moslem council in control we will see what proper religious intolerance, homophobia, hate crime and sexism REALLY looks like
The far left will not know what has hit them until they are walking towards the gibbet, if the are not wiped out in the streets beforehand
Filghts are arriving to to stop the curve getting too flat, I guess…
If the idea is to spread the virus at a controlled rate.
. Hiding wont help, it’s not going to just disappear anytime soon.
Venutius, do you remember when the big ebola epidemic was fast gathering pace, Sally Davies CMHO England, refused to make the F&CO test people in Africa before they boarded flights to the UK. She was more concerned with running an event in Trafalgar Square to have smoking (smoking!) banned in the open air in England.
We were so lucky that ebola did not get a foothold here in the UK with that level of incompetence.
I would say don’t be so ignorant and do some research
Not one person has died from the mythical corona virus.
Good point
“Empty non-coronavirus beds raise fears that sickest are avoiding NHS
Hospitals report steep drop in attendances for life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks.
NHS England said that across the country, about 60 per cent of beds in acute hospitals were currently occupied. A year ago the equivalent figure was a little over 90 per cent.”
Another unitended consequence of the current situation..
The PR Industry is gearing up to get manic if this lockdown continues. Celebs catching Covid-19 left right and centre. ‘Artistes’ coming over all creative. Everyone doing their bit, WW2-stylee for the enaichhess.
If there’s hopefully one thing to come out of this madness, its the unacceptability of the supremely wealthy flaunting their riches. Perhaps no more shall we see the likes of the Beckhams, pop and reality stars,and their ilk showing off their lifestyle on Instagram.
We shall be entering a world where money will be tight, some companies may bounce back, new restaurants etc will open, but many more businesses will have gone under for good, and the population will be hammered with more income tax to pay for the government bail outs, so I’d be happy for the super rich to go shelter in their Soho Warehouses Farmhouses or whatever, because seeing their designer clad faces plastered all over the media will be rubbing salt in the wound of those who have to work all God’s hours just to survive.
pug, small problem for g**gle: how do they do it? Drones? Embedded chips in pets? Tracking mobile phones that people leave at home, lose or drop down toilets. Credit cards that are wedged between the sofa cushions?
BBC correspondent takes Labour word as gospel. (Insert shocked face).
Or, alternatively,
Shadow Health Sec Jon Ashworth: “This isn’t the first time ministers have given NHS and social care staff big promises on PPE. But there has been a mismatch between statements at Downing Street Press Conferences and the realities facing the far left activists in the health and care staff on the ground who are trying to make political gain out of this current situation by contacting the hard left media at every opportunity , knowing full well the libtards will lap up every chance to further their anti government agenda.
He also blocks those that don’t serve his ambitions.
So the dood ars man, the head of the WHO has got new
instructions from China. Tell the western democracies to
keep the lockdowns going ,until their economies are completely
destroyed. Maybe somebody can think up a better anagram ?
Not bbc but on itv Prof John Newton is quoted as saying that on testing, we have lagged behind other countries ‘for structural reasons’.
I don’t suppose anyone official is going to tell us what these structural reasons might be?
It couldn’t be the monolithic, nationalised NHS working in a country that despises private sector health care, versus other countries with tolerant and flexible, even welcoming, attitudes to the private healthcare sector. Like Germany with all its private laboratories and……..far, far lower pro rata death rate.
Or South Korea, with its world leading health system, where 77% have social and private health insurance?
70 years of political propaganda about the NHS, an indoctrinated, gullible public, brainwashed and unable to think critically. And 1000 coronavirus deaths a day.
Join the dots.
Not sure how accurate this article is but I doubt we will ever see the BBC report similar findings.
Only 150 Americans to Date With No Pre-Existing Conditions Have Died From the Coronavirus or 0.9%
How’s about this then said the necophiliac to the satanist:
It’s about 15 minutes long.
I hate to see the hashtag on this, however, the BBC is probably in part responsible. The ‘impartiality’ varies from day to day, some say the BBC bashes both sides equally. All anybody would wish for is a national broadcaster who reported the news accurately. Instead, for whatever reason, it sows a lot of division
Anyway, that was about the hashtag, this is about the BBC bias towards China. ‘China centric’ one could say –
I thought Hancock was Secretary of State for Health of the United Kingdom since 2018?
On the BBC website, Handcock is ‘England’s SOS?
AFAIK NHS is devolved so Matt Hancock only has responsibility for England
.. which is 84% of UK population.
Am I being dense here ? but how can you die from economic misery ? Are they saying over 100,000 will die of suicide ? that sounds a bit extreme to say for instance the number of people like the population of say Cambridge or Basildon are going to die.
There will be suicides but also deaths from:
Stress & depression (real things for some people)
Malnutrition, starvation even
Postponed surguries and other treatments
Treatable accidental drug overdoses
People die from the darndest things (not meant in a disparaging way).
Did you know that WHO head ‘Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’ is an anagram for “I’m in the pay of the Chinese”?
Sort of.
Maybe this is why some in the country hate Boris –
I don’t know whether or not this is only on the website?
It’s tragic but is aimed at both the UK and French governments
I’m confused. The first spoken line in the video says “Hundreds of men all standing close together…”. I thought the Calais Jungle had lots of women and children?!?
“BBC’s so ‘hot’ now – BBC on YouTube
This is quite astonishing –
“The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a British public service broadcaster. Its headquarters are at Broadcasting House in Westminster, London. It is the world’s oldest national broadcaster,[3] and the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees.[4] It employs over 22,000 staff in total, more than 16,000 of whom are in public sector broadcasting.[5][6][7][8] The total number of staff is 35,402 when part-time, flexible, and fixed-contract staff are included.[9]”
Does it need 35,000 staff?
The BBC is also the largest propaganda machine on the Planet!
C_M, it needs drastic pruning; a major re-organisation.
If the new DG refuses, it should be privatised. The UK will need the money anyway to pay the Covid bills.
The BBC were too quick use the propaganda machine against the government?
Now with Boris recovering the BBC’s fear of being defunded has returned –
The BBC is mostly funded by –
“The total income generated from licence fees was £3.8302 billion in 2017–18.[3]”