I believe that defunding the BBC isn’t enough because it might find some other way of existing. The correct solution is to shut the whole thing down and make Channel 4 the sole national broadcaster.
The ‘better half’ here finds more on Channel 4 to keep her occupied such as ‘A place in the Sun’, etc
1. Why does a BBC drama need fully operational ventilators for *pretend* patients and what does that cost licence fee payers?
2. Why has it taken *weeks* for the Holby City producers to deliver those life-saving ventilators to a real life hospital with *real* patients? https://t.co/hdJIO2IiiR
Apparently the greatest concern of Radio 4 listeners is that this dire programme hasn’t covered ‘the virus’ yet. (Without The Archers they don’t know what the official BBC policy (agenda) on the issue is!
Today Watch #1 so called ‘News’ also known as BBC shit stirring at 7am.
Still not enough PPE and over 2k medical professionals have written to their union expressing their fear.
Apparently it’s ALL the government’s fault and not anything to do with the efficient and slick machine that is the international NHS procurement and supply chain.
C’mon HMG, if there is enough kit now and it’s a case of logistical effort, use the RAF and Army, Chinock Helicopers can carry tonnes of payload and deposit it right where it’s required.
Call em out on it, else this BBC stirring is going to get worse and worse.
I haven’t forgotten how political the BMA are. How they voted against charging health tourists, newly arrived immigrants etc for NHS services. Perhaps if they had been willing to support those charges then there would have been more money for the early buying of PPE.
So as soon as Mr D heard the 8am Radio 4 headline, he shouted at the radio and the off button employed.
The BMA is simply a trade union, same as any other. As it says on its website:
“The British Medical Association (BMA) is the trade union and professional body for doctors in the UK.”
It is not a medical organisation as such. It does not, for instance, regulate or certify doctors (this is done by the General Medical Council).
In its own words, this is what it stands for:
“We are committed to promoting equal rights and opportunities, supporting diversity and creating an open and inclusive environment for our members, employees and stakeholders.”
But needing to use the off button as quickly as I do due to the extreme bias of the Toady team and to preserve my sanity, my listening to Toady is limited to bursts measured in seconds.
Amid several paragraphs warning of deaths and continuing infection for at least a year or an indefinite lockdown we get one half of a sentence which mentions “huge disruption, and distress, to lives around the world” (note the implication Britain can’t possibly act alone) and one phrase of reference to “long-term damage to society”.
This just is not good enough. The BBC needs to cover a range of opinion and let us decide for ourselves. What it tends to do is pick and choose which government policies it approves.
Those it dislikes, as measured against its own in-house metro-elite globalist conscience, it boldly campaigns against with vigour. For example we get no end of blasting of the Tories for supposed lack of PPE or testing. Plus today a sob story about the Calais illegal migrants.
But when the BBC approves a government policy, then the corporation goes all in. Hence we get scant coverage of criticism of the lockdown but rather our national broadcaster is happy to enforce lockdown with propaganda-like news coverage.
As I see it, I listened to the BBC propaganda on the wireless for a while earlier, I got as far as the piece on Calais immigrants.
The off button was smashed and as the windows were open this sunny early morning any neighbours would have many expletives and the words ‘I don’t F****ing care about the bloody immigrants BBC they are Frances problems and why are you even sending reporters over their at this time of plague you b******s
US Surgeon General asks BAME to give up the booze fags and drugs as it has a massive impact on Chinese corona virus survival rates amongst that part of the population. Offended many, ‘some say’
Here’s the thing, the Surgeon General is himself black.
Tucked away on Saturday Toady.
A short piece with a couple of doctors who have nothing to do with Covid.
Since the lockdown, cancer referrals are down 50%. How are the surgeons and on oncologists filling their time? A question not asked by Justremainin Webb.
Cardiology is down by 50%. Are heart attacks down by the same? Apparently demand is so low you can see a consultant in 48 hours for a non-emergency. The consultant appeared almost to be pleading for work. ‘Listeners, please come in to our specialist heart centres. We are ready and waiting for you’
Lots of questions are posed by this. Clearly not all the ‘NHS heroes’ are working their socks off and ‘deserve a pay rise’.
But what does it say about real need and demand in normal times? Is the normal NHS underfunded or just needlessly over-used for many trivial things? Where are the statistics for cancer and cardiovascular deaths in the last, say, 8 weeks? Have they gone up, by any chance?
There are some topics about the deity that is the NHS really worth investigating here. But don’t expect the BBC to carry any out. Too busy hunting out nurses missing pairs of gloves and people unable to put in furlough claims.
I wonder what all the gender reassignment doctors are doing. Presume their day to day work is not considered urgent. Perhaps they could all be sent to work in the CoVId wards.
D, regarding the ones experienced in slicing dicks and balls off, I can suggest getting some practice in Rotherham and a few other locations all on here could possibly suggest, and no need to bother with the anaesthetic, rusty scalpels fine with me also
Sluf – and I think they said that A&E visits were down by some colossal percentage as well – a sign, perhaps, that A&E departments are regularly being ‘swamped’ by non-essential visits. Prescribing a couple of paracetamols or a band-aid never was good use of ‘scarce’ A&E resources.
The plea went out because they are seeing people a week to 10 days after their chest pain because the patients “haven’t wanted to worry anyone”, and are presenting more sick with irreversible damage. There is huge concern (the Royal College of Paediatricians has also put something out) that people are dying of non COVID conditions that could have been treated.
I am not aware of anyone sitting around twiddling their thumbs (I’ve just woken up for a night shift). Juniors have all been pulled into medicine and A&E, so the majority of care (from prescribing paracetamol to performing your surgery) is being performed by consultants, consultants with a large reduction in elective work (orthopaedics / ophthalmology / dermatology) are being redeployed to work in junior roles in medicine / ICU / ED. Alongside this we are trying to keep our urgent work going via telephone clinics and some face to face consulting.
We know that deaths from cancer and CVD will go up, there are people whose cancer will become inoperable, and treatment is by no means ideal BUT the expectation is that the risk will be smaller than picking up COVID by attending a hospital.
The Tories may yet pay a heavy price for their refusal to overhaul the NHS in this past decade.
We have a nationalised health service with the bureaucratic, centralised, sclerotic failings that go with such structures.
But we have also had 70 years of propaganda telling us how marvellous it is.
So now we have
All Good news – ALL down to our NHS heroes
All Bad news – ALL down to government failings
The BBC – determined to publicise all events only categorised as above and using a guaranteed £4bn budget to do so.
Agree…what accountability do all the very highly paid people in the various nebulous NHS organisations have?
None apparently besides being wonderful….they have planning teams on planning teams but nothing seems to get done…their top people earn over twice as much as the PM..accountability for not enough disaster planning and PPE – Boris’s
Isn’t that how ‘devolution’ in all its forms works?
I feel though that the NHS ‘brand’ is relatively new. Even now our GPs and dentists don’t work ‘for’ but are contracted ‘by’ the NHS, which, like the EU, sticks their flag on it. It does however mean that bad GPs and dentists can now hide behind the ‘beyond criticism’ label.
The London Olympics should have warned us that the ‘brand’ needed to be taken apart before it took over control, as it has now done. The government isn’t concerned about ‘saving the people’ but ‘saving the NHS’.
The very last piece on the news section of Today – they slipped it in that Holby City have ‘donated’ their fully working respirators to the NHS. What?! They’ve waited this long to do the right thing. And they want to feel good and get a pat on the back?! Oh my word.
Surprised Blue Peter have not weighed in on how to make them out of bog rolls and coat hangers whilst skating on elephant piss with a labrador crapping next to you
Bleeding heart piece from Feral Keane on the plight of migrants in Calais. Segwaying into a N London food bank he laments at the desperate situation faced by so many.
Of course, they could simply register themselves in France, claim asylum and go through due process or return home to their wives and families. Yes, they’re all men.
This type of unbalanced liberal crap has no place anymore.
One could argue, these ‘economic chancers’ now pose a deadly threat to a wider community they infest.
And, given this, one could then argue that courage should now be found to round them up and ship them back to where they came from.
Not the BBC but simla (as a Londoner might say): much fuss was made of Lucy Kellaway when she gave up her job as an extremely well paid Financial Times journalist to train as a teacher. Not least in the fussing dept. were the BBC on R4. Lucy quickly discovered while on TP and when qualified that she couldn’t cut it in the classroom, so she founded a private company to encourage others to switch careers in mid-life and train as teachers.
I think I became aware that the FT masthead recently featured her name occasionally, but the lure of Grub Street’s cash seems to have become overwhelming. Bit like the lesser Maltby, there’s no such thing as bad publicity.
A mate of mine owns a small engineering business and recently quoted for supplying some items for the new nightingale hospital in Manchester. Obviously a rush job and he quoted 7 day delivery for the items which would normally take 14 days for any other customer. He committed to having his employees on shifts and working over the Easter weekend to ensure they were all delivered by Tuesday. His employees all agreed to work shifts to make sure they were supplied by then.
He then tapped his fingers on his desk for 5 days to receive an order from are anychess and this apparently was them using their expedited procurement process.
Lions led by donkeys was his comment.
Add to that the lack of logistical organisation with PPE which ended up with the army being brought in to do the job for them and we are getting a picture of p**s poor management and lack of organisation at middle manager level.
I’ve said constantly that most of the middle management is not manned by those who have experience in business, but are ok on the wards. During these days its inconceivable to outright criticise the anychess, so the target is the government who are supposed to conjure up equipment at the click of the fingers, so the institution are now reaping what they have sowed.
\\Coronavirus: Teacher, 35, dies ‘after contracting virus’//
“A teacher has died at the age of 35 after it is believed she contracted Covid-19, the school’s principal has said in a letter to parents.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-52248927
Roland, thank you. 😉
My grandson believes in Father Christmas while my granddaughter believes in fairies.
Wait! , I am am just checking the bottom of my garden now 😀 …………….
Thanks Where_Theres_a_Will 😉
I checked the bottom of my garden , no fairies, couple of sheep and goats. I also checked the link and Al Beeb still have “Believed”?
All these heartbreaking (NOT) stories of these migrants doing the rounds, wonder if it will stir Gary, Lilly Allen etc to take even mor of them into their homes ?
Just remind me again, how many did they take in last time ???
Times of crisis bring out the best and worst in people. But those prominent individuals are always worth watching to see how they react. Take Brendan O’Neill for example. Level headed guy, balanced reporting and normally honest. Worth listening to I suggest. Then comes what I received today, his, ‘Spiked’ Newsletter effectively condemning isolation and business close downs. Best part about this form of criticism, they don’t provide any workable options. Noise for the sake of making noise.
‘Fraid I cannot get a working link to insert and its too long to copy & paste but I imagine most here will receive his ‘Spiked’.
Why didn’t the BBC use the massive resources available to them to make some fake generators for Holby City?
In days of yore they could have gone to the Blue Peter team who could have conjured one up using some cardboard boxes, string, poster paint and some loo roll tubes (difficult to find these days but substitutes are available). The old Dr Who team also were adept at making Daleks , space ships etc. Ingenuity seems to be missing from the beeb these days.
If you want to, ‘do your bit’ to penalise China (‘cos Governments eventually won’t) familiarise yourself with Barcodes.
I for one will be avoiding Barcodes which start with 690 through to 695 inclusive, dare I say, ‘like the plague’ when we have some sort of normality again. However, the numbers above are at face value but its near enough for me, being a ‘Joe Bloggs’.
Seems the system of Barcodes has been abused over the years to distort country locations for where the product actually comes from. The first three numbers represent, ‘the location for the masterminding’ of the product (my expression). http://www.adams1.com/faq.html#upccountry
The BBC has, this morning, dropped all pretence at being a news provider. The 08:10 long interview by Mishal Husain on the Today programme was nothing short of a co-ordinated lynching party for Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary.
There was not one question asked by Husain which was used to solicit information to help the audience understand anything about the Chinese virus, nor the response by our government.
Every single tactic was deployed, and every single question put to him, was trying to lead to wrong-footing the Minister, or put him in an impossible position. For instance, she pulled up an interview sequence about someone’s father, a medic, who had died – and basically asked him to comment on a specific case he probably knew very little about, and if he did, probably could not comment on in any case.
She pulled up a quote from a nursing union rep, who basically accused the minister of putting equipment cost before the health of nurses – which he had not done. She pulled up comments from the head of the Medical Union and accused the MInister of failing to get PPE to every single location – without concrete evidence, of course – only reporting on calls said to have been received by Union rep.
She then went on to ask the most outrageous question of all, by posing a hypothetical position – demanding to know what advice he would give a doctor who was missing a bit of PPE and he had in front of him a very ill person – should he abandon the patient or put himself at risk ? Damned if he answers either way. Disgusting. So Mishal, have you stopped being unfaithful to your partner yet – yes or no ?
In the end, and clearly to the exasperation of Mr Hancock, who, by now had obviously had enough of this ‘interview’ – she persistently repeated some allegations that he personally was hypocritically breaching the ‘distancing’ rules…..despite clearly knowing he had refuted this before. For God’s sake – the guy is doing (to use the BBC phrase of the year) a job of unprecedented difficulty – faced with an intransigent set of unions, and a sclerotic orgasnisation – the NHS – which couldn’t manage a whelk stall, because they are in the grip of the hospital consultants who refuse to let good managers manage (which is why most NHS managers who wind up in the NHS are second rate – and why so many Health Authorities the length and breadth of the UK cannot make and keep to a budget, year in and year out).
Forget, for the moment, the building of the NIghtingale hospital – which has really very little to do with the medical profession at all, despite the constant interviewing by the BBC of medics who patted themselves on the back at every opportunity, and forgot to mention the real people doing all the work to make it happen) ….just ask yourself, how has the NHS managed to almost double critical care places, when they have never taken any such initiative in the past – simply bleated that they never had enough money.
It must have been fairly straightforward, because otherwise, given the management skill levels in the NHS, it could never have happened. But, of course, the BBC never looks beyond the ‘hero and heroine’ status of NHS employess, and asks them why, given they could have done similarly focussed work in the past, they never did, but simply screamed ‘lack of funds’.
Mishal Husain, her scriptwriter, and her editor, are a disgrace to the so-called ‘profession’ of reporters/journalists. But then, she’s in very good company at the BBC.
I heard that during the ‘questions‘ it was asked why plane loads were still arriving from covid hot spots and no checks were happening.
The answer was something like they posed no threat.
So how did the virus get here if not at the legal entry points.
Could it have arrived in a rubber dinghy crossing the channel or maybe in the back of a lorry.
Perhaps Greek mythology is no longer taught at the public schools attended by our politicians and their scientific advisers? Or is there some other reason why they’re unaware that every person they permit to enter the country is potentially the 21st century equivalent of a certain large wooden horse?
I thought it was the ‘super spreader’ who lives in Bristol. Didn’t he visit Wuhan and on his way back decided to go skiing in France, and then visited Spain before heading back to the UK ? and now we’re all paying for it.
B Brighton guy had been to a Singapore conference where there was a delegate from China who developed Convid 19 a few days after conference finished . Then he wento meet his relatives in France for skiing.
“On 6 February, a third confirmed case, a man who had recently travelled to Singapore
and then France, was reported in Brighton.
He had been the source of infection to six of his relatives in France, before returning to the UK on 28 January.
Meanwhile a doctor from Italy infected that hotel in Tenerife.
Richard – I think it has long ago become clear that the bbc are enlisting this virus to undermine government. To them it is a ‘Godsend’ although the ammo for their treachery certainly does not come from God.
In this scenario, someone like Mishal has the perfect setting to polish her own image in the competition for top ‘interviewer’.
The only strategy here is to meet aggression with aggression, and show her up for what she is: a glory-seeking nonentity with a strong political agenda, masquarading as concern for the health of the nation.
Hancock needs to get tough with the Mishals of this world, and either just walk out or call them out very explicitly. When it becomes clear that the purpose of the ‘interview’ is no longer to elicit information, or even have an exchange of ideas, but to administer a flogging, someone like Mishal needs to be stopped in her self-righteous superior tracks.
People need to treat each other with courtesy and mutual respect, whatever the issue of disagreement. If bbc ‘interviewers’ are incapable of doing this, and seek to promote a political agenda, sinking even low enough to enlist the virus to achieve this, they have no role to play.
Like many I’m highly sceptical of the BBC’s claim to have been using real ventilators on the set of Holby City. Surely things only have to look convincing for the TV cameras? In film and TV productions vacuform replicas and plywood scenery are the norm.
Spanish film director Pedro Almodovar was once asked by Empire magazine (apologies in advance for this), about a scene from one of his films (don’t ask me which, I’ve only seen one Almodovar film and it was rubbish) in which a woman looks up and the ejaculate of a young man on a balcony above her falls on her face. The Empire interviewer wondered if Almodovar used real semen for the scene. He replied, Of course not, EVERYTHING in movies is fake.
Likewise, I’m inclined to believe that this highly publicised story is a load of old BBC w**k.
It never occurred to me until now that these sorts of props might be real.
This has opened up huge possibilities. Perhaps they can use a genuine working Tardis to go back and persuade Mr Wu not to partake of that fine plump-breasted bat.
Can I just wish every one on here a very happy Easter.
Fed, thank you for your effort and patience with our outpourings. Without this site we would be short of honest reporting. Thank you all for your efforts in keeping us all updated with news we never see on Bbbc. Enjoy your Eastsr eggs!
If Tommy Robinson set up a parody account using a BBC journos name
..how long do you think it would last ?
Yet this hatey libmob account seems to have been running unhindered for some time.
Watch my jaw-dropping Covid-19 report on the BBC tonight where I expose what Boris Johnson had for dinner, what book he's reading & what his favourite TV show is.
(Just don't expect me to mention doctors & nurses being forced to work while symptomatic. I'm a genocide apologist!)
— Laura Kuenssberg @ CCHQ Propaganda Dept ᵖᵃʳᵒᵈʸ (@LKTranslator) April 11, 2020
Last year it called itself IAlibrary (Independent Authors)*
Since it calls the BBC a Tory front
..do you think that it itself looks like a Labour Party PR account ?
Labour has breathtaking policies to transform the lives of ordinary people, ending poverty & inequality & creating a Utopian society where no one is left behind.
Rest assured, the BBC won't mention a single one of them. We'll just tell you Labour's Brexit position is confusing.
— Laura Kuenssberg @ CCHQ Propaganda Dept ᵖᵃʳᵒᵈʸ (@LKTranslator) October 10, 2019
* They’ve had a Twitter account and their Facebook banned before
3pm just starting, a repeat of their 2018 Syrian Drama
'A Tale of Two Cities: Aleppo and London' by Ayeesha Menon after Charles Dickens on @BBCRadio4 at 15:00:https://t.co/vb8HpYkYOl Featuring Fatima Adoum, Lara Sawalha, Phil Davis,Khalid Abdalla,Shaun Parkes,Nadim Sawalha,Shiv Grewal,Raad Rawi. Directed by Polly Thomas. #AudioDrama
It’s an epic fail for the comms team at that hospital. It’s disgraceful that he’s let into ICU when relatives are not. We’ve already seen the BBC footage of ICU. It’s grim.
“If you don’t wear PPE correctly then you are wasting it.
A face mask taken off under your neck and then touching it with your hands, defeats the purpose of it.
Please use PPE correctly – especially if you are broadcasting to wider audiences”
I assume that when a ventilator is moved from one COVID-19 patient who has probably been coughing, sneezing, spluttering and puking in it’s vicinity, over to a different patient (who doesn’t specifically have COVID-19 symptoms) then it’s given a thorough clean and disinfected first?
You can probably see where I’m going with this. Especially bearing in mind the ever-increasing number of instances where people are admitted to hospitals with non-COVID issues but end up still catching the virus.
I haven’t yet seen any programmes or discussions on the bBBC talking about the long-term economic effects of the ridiculous lockdown.
In fact, a sensible discussion is about as likely as a pro-Brexit documentary so I won’t hold my breath.
All we seem to get is the same trained-monkey mantra about how the lockdown is 100% justified.
The lockdown itself seems to have been “inspired” by the ridiculously over-estimated and flawed death-rate figures which were being bandied around several weeks ago. And we’ve seen plenty of evidence lately where the current death-rate figures are being artificially increased (by several means) to try to justify bringing this country to it’s knees.
Financially, we’re going to be paying for this for many years.
Your brilliant comment at:
“Tucked away on Saturday Toady”,
brings me out of retirement before handing over to my Cagna Guardia.
Not hearing any BBC “News” since blissfully R3 has cut down on it’s agitprop bulletins, I pricked up my ears at your report. Last year I felt pressurised into having a major op. Cagna Guardia who once ran a London isolation hospital when they existed, felt it was makework. I declined the oncology and am back on my bike (always considerately Darcy). All makes you think.
BTW, I know a recently retired GP who offered to volunteer. He was turned down
Ben at the bBBC said deaths were ‘rocketing, but were a bit lower than yesterday’ this is what we get from the most trusted broadcaster…..unbelievable.
The BBC “gotcha” is recognised by the BBC as an essential (but controversial) news item – however, so ‘desperate’ is the BBC to improve its public ‘rating’ for the young (who don’t happen watch much BBC TV) as ‘yoof’ prefer ‘facebook’ highlights and ‘twitter’ feeds. The BBC target the young (16 to 24) audience above all. And its all about ‘in your face’ politics of the current juvenile kind that gets the BBC mileage in ‘Twitter’ responses. Its gutter juvenile Journalism, but then working for the BBC – even though this the lowest form of ‘journalism’ in this country you can ever sink too. Its also why many of us choose to ‘leave the BBC’ entirely as it cannot claim to be ‘impartial’ – when it clearly is run by political appointees of the worst liberal grandees and hard left mascots who supported EU dogma over national interests. Traitors would be too kind, but that is what they. As Quentin Letts said in his book ‘how the elites betrayed Britain’ called ‘Patronising *astards*’. Indeed they all are, and they (BBC) think its all a HUGE sign of success! Every time we complain, they take it as a compliment. They think this is BROADCASTING to the nation! To get the top ‘twitter’ response (or even one of the faux BBC ‘journalist’ to respond with a ‘facebook’ quip), that gets a bit more mileage out of a provoked ‘gotcha’ moment the BBC treasure as ‘proof’ of its independence. It really is trivial but the BBC think it marvelous and ‘responsive’ journalism. They really do think they ‘own’ the news headlines they create for themselves. They have your TV license fee money to prove it and can totally ignore YOUR protests (other than OFCOM comments) which may force change on the BBC. How they now squirm at the prospect of ‘subscription’.
So what does OFCOM have to say about the BBC? This is from 26th October 2019. Printed in The Times.
BBC at risk as exodus of younger viewers erodes license fee support
Main points in this OFCOM report: The BBC is not sustainable in it current form!
The BBC offers only a “white, middle-class London centric point of view”
The BBC “lack of transparency over complaints”, highlighting the mishandling of BBC presenter Naga Munchetty (as an example).
The BBC was not being “open’ about its plans to undermine commercial rivals
The BBC expenditure had fallen 7% on the total number of new content being shown and an increase in ‘repeat’ content being shown (about 40% of all content already).
The BBC should provide more ‘links’ to other news organizations and providers. Ofcom has said.
The BBC failed to respond to Rival media outlets claiming that the corporation was ’ripping off’ their own exclusive material (i.e, copying it) without due credit. Ironically not mentioned this is almost exclusively ‘The Guardian’ but they hardly ever complain.
The BBC in a separate REVIEW (by OFCOM) found the BBC guilty of news coverage programming which raised concerns giving extreme views over moderate voices and airing arguments that lacked a strong factual basis…
I could go on.
The BBC in response (who they argue are not restricted to what OFCOM ‘thinks’ or does) said that it has already ‘links’ to ‘outside content’ and claims that its ‘young’ vibrant ‘diverse’ audience is now focussed on the BBC iPlayer and BBC SOUNDs app (which it is claimed – by the BBC only- is a huge success, over the past year)…and then again, it clearly is not that ‘popular’.
If the BBC was such a “huge success” it could make a lot of money if it went ‘pay to view’ for those people that want to watch it.
Get rid of the Telly Tax !
Well, how are my chain-smoking Lithuanian neighbours coping with the lock down?’ Well, since you ask, very well thank you. Life goes on as normal: people coming and going children coming and going and indeed last night, partying. Just now, receiving visitors. Best part is, she is a self-declared, “Carer”. Why do we not just **ck these ‘caring’ people off back where they came from?
Every day we here these sad, pathetic, journalists at the press conference trying to make a name for themselves.
Same crap, over and over about PPE and how THEY are being contacted by doctors and nurses on the front line (but the BBC don’t like language linked to war!!) telling them that there isn’t enough PPE.
I would like the Government to return a question for once. Along the lines of ……
Thank you for your question regarding PPE. Can I ask what due diligence, if any, you as journalists are undertaking on these claims ?
Can any tom, dick, Harry or left leaning window cleaner , teacher , contact you and make these claims ?
We know you are a hard left broadcaster and the BMA are very much far left, so how can the public trust your allegations of these shortages without thinking it’s pure, left wing BBC driven activism ? (Which we know it is )
Can you catch it passing someone in the street ?
…very low risk cos you are not in the same air bubble for long. The real risk is from being in the same room as an infected person for a long time
However if you kept walking behind someone for a while then you are in their slipstream so potentially breathing some of their droplets.
Can I get it from driving my son home from his hospital catering job ?
… Your son is working in the green-zone so will have a low chance of exposure.
But even if he was working he was working in the red zone .. he would have enough PPE
… You could consider changing clothes and keeping work clothes at work.
When will see a downturn ?
For bad infections it can take a whole months from contracting it, to detectable infection to recovery or death
so a lot of current cases started before the lock down 18 days ago.
Any day now I’m expecting to see wind socks placed outside Tesco so people who are queuing can see which direction the wind is blowing all of those virus bubbles, whilst they all stand the requisite 2 metres behind the gullible scaremongered idiot that’s in front of them (wearing their masks of course).
The alternative to a wind sock is of course licking a finger on your tongue and holding it in the air. However this is now probably a criminal offence.
Time to celebrate
Tom Barton
Political correspondent
After questions from some over whether the UK home secretary had been sufficiently visible during the coronavirus crisis, this was likely to be a difficult news conference for Priti Patel.
But the most striking moment came not from a question about her own areas of responsibility – including how police are using new powers during the coronavirus lockdown – but from a Channel 4 News reporter asking, three times, if she would apologise for the shortages on protective equipment being reported by doctors and nurses at the frontline.
Her answer: that she was “sorry if people feel there have been failings”.
Later when the BBC interviewed another BBCer the man was almost beside himself with glee.
Like millions of other people I turned my TV on to find out news about the virus and witnessed these BBC graduates from their yoonie Soc Socs. playing politics.
This chief pig (Martin Hewitt, National Police Chiefs’ Council chairman) keeps popping up in the media, sky, BBC etc and warning that the police will prosecute you.
“Coronavirus: Domestic abuse services to get £2m amid lockdown https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52255092
Mr Hewitt added: “To abusers, do not think that this is a time where you can get away with this. We will still arrest, we will still bring people into custody and we will still prosecute.”
Hang on
Isn’t it solely the job of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to prosecute?
….And the job of real journalists to ask why the police are boasting about powers they don’t have?
“real journalists”
I think we will have to assume this responsibility.
Real journalists are as rare as real senior police officers.
“Isn’t it solely the job of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to prosecute?”
Have you heard of Ofcom, the Electoral Commission, the Charity Commission, etc, etc.
They all have “jobs”, jobs for the boys/girls, for which they are paid, but do not perform.
I believe them term is leftycure.
A very serious situation.
All possible steps must be taken to permanently extirpate this dangerous disease from the UK.
Then, when the BBC has been closed, attention can be given to coronavirus!
The way the BBC is presenting the XI JINPING virus reminds
of a sketch from ” Not the nine o’clock news” When there
was a hospital bed vacant , and it was being bid for by a
group of patients , with different illnesses .
If memory serves me right the auctioneer was Rowan Atkinson.
” Ok we will start over there with the gentleman with pneumonia,
any advance on pneumonia? Double pneumonia. Going going
gone to the lady with deep depression. No wait the lady has
just jumped out of the window. So we will start again.”
The analogy and similarity is the way how many deaths are being reported. “500, any advance on 500 , 700, 800. 900, 2000
in the USA ! Almost said with a schadenfreud attitude.
Breaking news at the bottom of the screen as ministers and
“experts” are talking to us , and the breaking news goes on for
half an hour or more. 930 dead, 40 in Scotland, 20 in Wales
5 in Northern Ireland . All I expect to see are the bonus numbers.
Just lets give up and surrender to the Chinese communist
government who started this war . And have all but won.
Sopel re-tweeting another lefty journo’s thoughts. Like peas in a pod !!! Happily, Emma knows the score.
What’s wrong with just laying off the Government attacks every fricking briefing and try and pull together on this ! MSM & those ruddy journalists not in touch with the general feeling that we are ALL doing our best! Finger pointing can come later!!!
Saturday night and watching Soap Box Challenge on the TV. One of the things I have enjoyed about it over the years is that it is just fun with no agenda. But one of the presenters has been changed and is now a female BAME. Her interviews are just short of ‘how do you feel?’. Pity.
It might be good for some to spend less time moaning that LadBible were allowed to ask a question at today’s briefing and more time reflecting on the fact that theirs was a better question than any posed by the “mainstream” journalists.
Good on them.
— Bruges Group ???????? #StayHomeSaveLives (@BrugesGroup) April 11, 2020
“We called 7 major police forces across the UK to ask for and understand the figures around dispersals, and fines last weekend, in order to get an understanding of whether people were listening to government guidance.
Only one, Greater Manchester [Police], shared the fact that they’d been involved in over 1,100 coronavirus breaches; that was between the 25th March and 7th April.
It’s appreciated that you shared the number of fines handed out today. #1 Does the government or the NPCC know the national figure for breaches for arrests, and for the average size fine?
#2 Can you share those now?
#3 And also, would there be a stronger, further support for the Police to help them tackle this continuing problem if the numbers go up rather than down in the first two weeks of reporting and collating that data you mentioned previously?
It’s said that one demographic the government needs to reach is young males ..that’s why you’d include a lad’s mag site in the press conference.
Surely the Nigerian Times and Romanian Express should have been there as well.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
I believe that defunding the BBC isn’t enough because it might find some other way of existing. The correct solution is to shut the whole thing down and make Channel 4 the sole national broadcaster.
The ‘better half’ here finds more on Channel 4 to keep her occupied such as ‘A place in the Sun’, etc
I guess this exposes the politics –
Tucker Carlson: The Sworn Enemy of Lying, Pomposity, Smugness & Groupthink
Trump and Brexit must be a BBC nightmare
If you didn’t watch last night’s Whitehouse press
It’s rather interesting what Trump said about WHO and China
The BBC falsely reported that Trump had dropped the WHO cover up
The BBC took a 15 sec clip to completely misrepresent Trump, it wasn’t even as fair as this one –
If Fox News was still on Sky the public would get whole different perspective
Does the Press Rabble not stand up these days as the President enters?
Doesn’t the Press Secretary not announce “Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States of America.” anymore?
Standards are slipping!
I blame Soapy.
Someone at Perfect Curve may have mistimed this…
Surely they are needed for The Archers?
Apparently the greatest concern of Radio 4 listeners is that this dire programme hasn’t covered ‘the virus’ yet. (Without The Archers they don’t know what the official BBC policy (agenda) on the issue is!
I’ll just leave this here.
BBC News
Rising unemployment in the US has lead to increased demand for food banks – with a car queue that stretched over a mile long (1.6km) in Los Angeles.
Or 160 metres if they were on foot?
Oh, Carole, you are such a….
Today Watch #1 so called ‘News’ also known as BBC shit stirring at 7am.
Still not enough PPE and over 2k medical professionals have written to their union expressing their fear.
Apparently it’s ALL the government’s fault and not anything to do with the efficient and slick machine that is the international NHS procurement and supply chain.
C’mon HMG, if there is enough kit now and it’s a case of logistical effort, use the RAF and Army, Chinock Helicopers can carry tonnes of payload and deposit it right where it’s required.
Call em out on it, else this BBC stirring is going to get worse and worse.
I haven’t forgotten how political the BMA are. How they voted against charging health tourists, newly arrived immigrants etc for NHS services. Perhaps if they had been willing to support those charges then there would have been more money for the early buying of PPE.
So as soon as Mr D heard the 8am Radio 4 headline, he shouted at the radio and the off button employed.
The BMA is simply a trade union, same as any other. As it says on its website:
“The British Medical Association (BMA) is the trade union and professional body for doctors in the UK.”
It is not a medical organisation as such. It does not, for instance, regulate or certify doctors (this is done by the General Medical Council).
In its own words, this is what it stands for:
“We are committed to promoting equal rights and opportunities, supporting diversity and creating an open and inclusive environment for our members, employees and stakeholders.”
Well done, WW,
You’ve got the job, too.
Deborah as deputy. 🙂
But needing to use the off button as quickly as I do due to the extreme bias of the Toady team and to preserve my sanity, my listening to Toady is limited to bursts measured in seconds.
The miserablist BBC at last post a report asking:
“Coronivisus Lockdown: How can we lift restrictions?”
Amid several paragraphs warning of deaths and continuing infection for at least a year or an indefinite lockdown we get one half of a sentence which mentions “huge disruption, and distress, to lives around the world” (note the implication Britain can’t possibly act alone) and one phrase of reference to “long-term damage to society”.
This just is not good enough. The BBC needs to cover a range of opinion and let us decide for ourselves. What it tends to do is pick and choose which government policies it approves.
Those it dislikes, as measured against its own in-house metro-elite globalist conscience, it boldly campaigns against with vigour. For example we get no end of blasting of the Tories for supposed lack of PPE or testing. Plus today a sob story about the Calais illegal migrants.
But when the BBC approves a government policy, then the corporation goes all in. Hence we get scant coverage of criticism of the lockdown but rather our national broadcaster is happy to enforce lockdown with propaganda-like news coverage.
As I see it, I listened to the BBC propaganda on the wireless for a while earlier, I got as far as the piece on Calais immigrants.
The off button was smashed and as the windows were open this sunny early morning any neighbours would have many expletives and the words ‘I don’t F****ing care about the bloody immigrants BBC they are Frances problems and why are you even sending reporters over their at this time of plague you b******s
Sorry, but they really got my goat on this one.
Also , why is our Border Force ferrying in people carrying a deadly contagious virus ?
Do you mean MALE Calais illegal migrants?
I’m sure many Northern police forces would welcome them into their towns with open arms.
Drip, drip, drip
Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.
Today Watch #2.
BBC race baiting dept. unsure on this one.
US Surgeon General asks BAME to give up the booze fags and drugs as it has a massive impact on Chinese corona virus survival rates amongst that part of the population. Offended many, ‘some say’
Here’s the thing, the Surgeon General is himself black.
Oh dear BBC what to make of that?
Call him racist anyway?
Uncle Tom!
Tucked away on Saturday Toady.
A short piece with a couple of doctors who have nothing to do with Covid.
Since the lockdown, cancer referrals are down 50%. How are the surgeons and on oncologists filling their time? A question not asked by Justremainin Webb.
Cardiology is down by 50%. Are heart attacks down by the same? Apparently demand is so low you can see a consultant in 48 hours for a non-emergency. The consultant appeared almost to be pleading for work. ‘Listeners, please come in to our specialist heart centres. We are ready and waiting for you’
Lots of questions are posed by this. Clearly not all the ‘NHS heroes’ are working their socks off and ‘deserve a pay rise’.
But what does it say about real need and demand in normal times? Is the normal NHS underfunded or just needlessly over-used for many trivial things? Where are the statistics for cancer and cardiovascular deaths in the last, say, 8 weeks? Have they gone up, by any chance?
There are some topics about the deity that is the NHS really worth investigating here. But don’t expect the BBC to carry any out. Too busy hunting out nurses missing pairs of gloves and people unable to put in furlough claims.
I wonder what all the gender reassignment doctors are doing. Presume their day to day work is not considered urgent. Perhaps they could all be sent to work in the CoVId wards.
D, regarding the ones experienced in slicing dicks and balls off, I can suggest getting some practice in Rotherham and a few other locations all on here could possibly suggest, and no need to bother with the anaesthetic, rusty scalpels fine with me also
Well done, Sluff.
You’ve got the job.
Sluf – and I think they said that A&E visits were down by some colossal percentage as well – a sign, perhaps, that A&E departments are regularly being ‘swamped’ by non-essential visits. Prescribing a couple of paracetamols or a band-aid never was good use of ‘scarce’ A&E resources.
Keep Quiet on that one.
Sturgeon already hinted reduction in A&E was because the pubs were shut.
The plea went out because they are seeing people a week to 10 days after their chest pain because the patients “haven’t wanted to worry anyone”, and are presenting more sick with irreversible damage. There is huge concern (the Royal College of Paediatricians has also put something out) that people are dying of non COVID conditions that could have been treated.
I am not aware of anyone sitting around twiddling their thumbs (I’ve just woken up for a night shift). Juniors have all been pulled into medicine and A&E, so the majority of care (from prescribing paracetamol to performing your surgery) is being performed by consultants, consultants with a large reduction in elective work (orthopaedics / ophthalmology / dermatology) are being redeployed to work in junior roles in medicine / ICU / ED. Alongside this we are trying to keep our urgent work going via telephone clinics and some face to face consulting.
We know that deaths from cancer and CVD will go up, there are people whose cancer will become inoperable, and treatment is by no means ideal BUT the expectation is that the risk will be smaller than picking up COVID by attending a hospital.
The Tories may yet pay a heavy price for their refusal to overhaul the NHS in this past decade.
We have a nationalised health service with the bureaucratic, centralised, sclerotic failings that go with such structures.
But we have also had 70 years of propaganda telling us how marvellous it is.
So now we have
All Good news – ALL down to our NHS heroes
All Bad news – ALL down to government failings
The BBC – determined to publicise all events only categorised as above and using a guaranteed £4bn budget to do so.
Doesn’t sound ‘healthy’ to me.
Agree…what accountability do all the very highly paid people in the various nebulous NHS organisations have?
None apparently besides being wonderful….they have planning teams on planning teams but nothing seems to get done…their top people earn over twice as much as the PM..accountability for not enough disaster planning and PPE – Boris’s
Isn’t that how ‘devolution’ in all its forms works?
I feel though that the NHS ‘brand’ is relatively new. Even now our GPs and dentists don’t work ‘for’ but are contracted ‘by’ the NHS, which, like the EU, sticks their flag on it. It does however mean that bad GPs and dentists can now hide behind the ‘beyond criticism’ label.
The London Olympics should have warned us that the ‘brand’ needed to be taken apart before it took over control, as it has now done. The government isn’t concerned about ‘saving the people’ but ‘saving the NHS’.
The very last piece on the news section of Today – they slipped it in that Holby City have ‘donated’ their fully working respirators to the NHS. What?! They’ve waited this long to do the right thing. And they want to feel good and get a pat on the back?! Oh my word.
Surprised Blue Peter have not weighed in on how to make them out of bog rolls and coat hangers whilst skating on elephant piss with a labrador crapping next to you
Bleeding heart piece from Feral Keane on the plight of migrants in Calais. Segwaying into a N London food bank he laments at the desperate situation faced by so many.
Of course, they could simply register themselves in France, claim asylum and go through due process or return home to their wives and families. Yes, they’re all men.
This type of unbalanced liberal crap has no place anymore.
One could argue, these ‘economic chancers’ now pose a deadly threat to a wider community they infest.
And, given this, one could then argue that courage should now be found to round them up and ship them back to where they came from.
Why would a drama series about a hospital need fully functioning ventilators?
How much did the publicly-funded BBC spend on said apparatus, and who sanctioned this expenditure?
Why wait till now to make them available to the NHS, when the need for them has been obvious for some weeks?
Not the BBC but simla (as a Londoner might say): much fuss was made of Lucy Kellaway when she gave up her job as an extremely well paid Financial Times journalist to train as a teacher. Not least in the fussing dept. were the BBC on R4. Lucy quickly discovered while on TP and when qualified that she couldn’t cut it in the classroom, so she founded a private company to encourage others to switch careers in mid-life and train as teachers.
I think I became aware that the FT masthead recently featured her name occasionally, but the lure of Grub Street’s cash seems to have become overwhelming. Bit like the lesser Maltby, there’s no such thing as bad publicity.
@Up2snuff she was a good journo
· Apr 10
Lucy Kellaway: Is it OK to be happy in lockdown?
So long as I don’t look at the news, my stress levels are as low as I can remember
– March 19
Lucy Kellaway: tackling coronavirus in the classroom
The FT columnist turned teacher is trying to keep a cool head — but it gets harder by the day
https://ft.com/content/642edb5c-690d-11ea-800d-da70cff6e4d3 via
previous article Jan 2
Just on the management of are anychess.
A mate of mine owns a small engineering business and recently quoted for supplying some items for the new nightingale hospital in Manchester. Obviously a rush job and he quoted 7 day delivery for the items which would normally take 14 days for any other customer. He committed to having his employees on shifts and working over the Easter weekend to ensure they were all delivered by Tuesday. His employees all agreed to work shifts to make sure they were supplied by then.
He then tapped his fingers on his desk for 5 days to receive an order from are anychess and this apparently was them using their expedited procurement process.
Lions led by donkeys was his comment.
Add to that the lack of logistical organisation with PPE which ended up with the army being brought in to do the job for them and we are getting a picture of p**s poor management and lack of organisation at middle manager level.
Needs dealing with when this is all over.
Andy, “Needs dealing with when this is all over.”
Amen, baby, and thrice Amen!
I’ve said constantly that most of the middle management is not manned by those who have experience in business, but are ok on the wards. During these days its inconceivable to outright criticise the anychess, so the target is the government who are supposed to conjure up equipment at the click of the fingers, so the institution are now reaping what they have sowed.
\\Coronavirus: Teacher, 35, dies ‘after contracting virus’//
“A teacher has died at the age of 35 after it is believed she contracted Covid-19, the school’s principal has said in a letter to parents.”
Belief trumps facts these days. Didn’t you know that?
Roland, thank you. 😉
My grandson believes in Father Christmas while my granddaughter believes in fairies.
Wait! , I am am just checking the bottom of my garden now 😀 …………….
Taff, Check the roof as well. He may be early.
tm Here is the local press coverage.
Thanks Where_Theres_a_Will 😉
I checked the bottom of my garden , no fairies, couple of sheep and goats. I also checked the link and Al Beeb still have “Believed”?
The 29yo nurse looked very overweight
Is the 35 yo teacher the same ?
Who would have ever had guessed Gary “all views my own, not the BBC” Lineker is a reader of the Guardian !!
All these heartbreaking (NOT) stories of these migrants doing the rounds, wonder if it will stir Gary, Lilly Allen etc to take even mor of them into their homes ?
Just remind me again, how many did they take in last time ???
“Just remind me again, how many did they take in last time ???”. Yes, thats the wonder of pure altruism………..
Referring also to Taffman above.
It is believed Gary Linneker and Lily Allen took in lots of migrants last time.
Times of crisis bring out the best and worst in people. But those prominent individuals are always worth watching to see how they react. Take Brendan O’Neill for example. Level headed guy, balanced reporting and normally honest. Worth listening to I suggest. Then comes what I received today, his, ‘Spiked’ Newsletter effectively condemning isolation and business close downs. Best part about this form of criticism, they don’t provide any workable options. Noise for the sake of making noise.
‘Fraid I cannot get a working link to insert and its too long to copy & paste but I imagine most here will receive his ‘Spiked’.
Why didn’t the BBC use the massive resources available to them to make some fake generators for Holby City?
In days of yore they could have gone to the Blue Peter team who could have conjured one up using some cardboard boxes, string, poster paint and some loo roll tubes (difficult to find these days but substitutes are available). The old Dr Who team also were adept at making Daleks , space ships etc. Ingenuity seems to be missing from the beeb these days.
I would like to think that, ‘flattening the NHS curve’ by imposed isolation was also designed to avoid allowing the elderly to die in the UK.
But, as always, its mostly to do with appearances.
If you want to, ‘do your bit’ to penalise China (‘cos Governments eventually won’t) familiarise yourself with Barcodes.
I for one will be avoiding Barcodes which start with 690 through to 695 inclusive, dare I say, ‘like the plague’ when we have some sort of normality again. However, the numbers above are at face value but its near enough for me, being a ‘Joe Bloggs’.
Seems the system of Barcodes has been abused over the years to distort country locations for where the product actually comes from. The first three numbers represent, ‘the location for the masterminding’ of the product (my expression).
BBC News channel at 11:10am had a lady saying/supporting Keir Starmer’s point that it is “outragious to suggest NHS staff are wasting PPE”.
BBC News channel at bit earlier at 10:50am had “Your questions answered” with a NHS doctor wearing an NHS scrub!
Oh the irony!
How much PPE is currently being wasted on the set of ‘Holby’?
The BBC has, this morning, dropped all pretence at being a news provider. The 08:10 long interview by Mishal Husain on the Today programme was nothing short of a co-ordinated lynching party for Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary.
There was not one question asked by Husain which was used to solicit information to help the audience understand anything about the Chinese virus, nor the response by our government.
Every single tactic was deployed, and every single question put to him, was trying to lead to wrong-footing the Minister, or put him in an impossible position. For instance, she pulled up an interview sequence about someone’s father, a medic, who had died – and basically asked him to comment on a specific case he probably knew very little about, and if he did, probably could not comment on in any case.
She pulled up a quote from a nursing union rep, who basically accused the minister of putting equipment cost before the health of nurses – which he had not done. She pulled up comments from the head of the Medical Union and accused the MInister of failing to get PPE to every single location – without concrete evidence, of course – only reporting on calls said to have been received by Union rep.
She then went on to ask the most outrageous question of all, by posing a hypothetical position – demanding to know what advice he would give a doctor who was missing a bit of PPE and he had in front of him a very ill person – should he abandon the patient or put himself at risk ? Damned if he answers either way. Disgusting. So Mishal, have you stopped being unfaithful to your partner yet – yes or no ?
In the end, and clearly to the exasperation of Mr Hancock, who, by now had obviously had enough of this ‘interview’ – she persistently repeated some allegations that he personally was hypocritically breaching the ‘distancing’ rules…..despite clearly knowing he had refuted this before. For God’s sake – the guy is doing (to use the BBC phrase of the year) a job of unprecedented difficulty – faced with an intransigent set of unions, and a sclerotic orgasnisation – the NHS – which couldn’t manage a whelk stall, because they are in the grip of the hospital consultants who refuse to let good managers manage (which is why most NHS managers who wind up in the NHS are second rate – and why so many Health Authorities the length and breadth of the UK cannot make and keep to a budget, year in and year out).
Forget, for the moment, the building of the NIghtingale hospital – which has really very little to do with the medical profession at all, despite the constant interviewing by the BBC of medics who patted themselves on the back at every opportunity, and forgot to mention the real people doing all the work to make it happen) ….just ask yourself, how has the NHS managed to almost double critical care places, when they have never taken any such initiative in the past – simply bleated that they never had enough money.
It must have been fairly straightforward, because otherwise, given the management skill levels in the NHS, it could never have happened. But, of course, the BBC never looks beyond the ‘hero and heroine’ status of NHS employess, and asks them why, given they could have done similarly focussed work in the past, they never did, but simply screamed ‘lack of funds’.
Mishal Husain, her scriptwriter, and her editor, are a disgrace to the so-called ‘profession’ of reporters/journalists. But then, she’s in very good company at the BBC.
Its everyone in the BBC news department. They all seek ‘gotcha’ moments rather than calm examination of facts.
Richard D, these people are not really journalists or reporters, they are ‘activists’ ????
I heard that during the ‘questions‘ it was asked why plane loads were still arriving from covid hot spots and no checks were happening.
The answer was something like they posed no threat.
So how did the virus get here if not at the legal entry points.
Could it have arrived in a rubber dinghy crossing the channel or maybe in the back of a lorry.
Perhaps Greek mythology is no longer taught at the public schools attended by our politicians and their scientific advisers? Or is there some other reason why they’re unaware that every person they permit to enter the country is potentially the 21st century equivalent of a certain large wooden horse?
People carrying a “deadly contagious virus” not a threat ?
Our so called “Border Force” is shipping them in .
I thought it was the ‘super spreader’ who lives in Bristol. Didn’t he visit Wuhan and on his way back decided to go skiing in France, and then visited Spain before heading back to the UK ? and now we’re all paying for it.
B Brighton guy had been to a Singapore conference where there was a delegate from China who developed Convid 19 a few days after conference finished . Then he wento meet his relatives in France for skiing.
“On 6 February, a third confirmed case, a man who had recently travelled to Singapore
and then France, was reported in Brighton.
He had been the source of infection to six of his relatives in France, before returning to the UK on 28 January.
Meanwhile a doctor from Italy infected that hotel in Tenerife.
Stew, I was nearly right then !!!
Richard – I think it has long ago become clear that the bbc are enlisting this virus to undermine government. To them it is a ‘Godsend’ although the ammo for their treachery certainly does not come from God.
In this scenario, someone like Mishal has the perfect setting to polish her own image in the competition for top ‘interviewer’.
The only strategy here is to meet aggression with aggression, and show her up for what she is: a glory-seeking nonentity with a strong political agenda, masquarading as concern for the health of the nation.
Hancock needs to get tough with the Mishals of this world, and either just walk out or call them out very explicitly. When it becomes clear that the purpose of the ‘interview’ is no longer to elicit information, or even have an exchange of ideas, but to administer a flogging, someone like Mishal needs to be stopped in her self-righteous superior tracks.
People need to treat each other with courtesy and mutual respect, whatever the issue of disagreement. If bbc ‘interviewers’ are incapable of doing this, and seek to promote a political agenda, sinking even low enough to enlist the virus to achieve this, they have no role to play.
Well, if they’d stop calling the BBC first at every press briefing, it might be a start.
What happened about the 400 BBC staff who were being laid off for financial savings?
Guess what? They are still fully employed and supporting attacks on Boris, Trump and Brexit !!
Like many I’m highly sceptical of the BBC’s claim to have been using real ventilators on the set of Holby City. Surely things only have to look convincing for the TV cameras? In film and TV productions vacuform replicas and plywood scenery are the norm.
Spanish film director Pedro Almodovar was once asked by Empire magazine (apologies in advance for this), about a scene from one of his films (don’t ask me which, I’ve only seen one Almodovar film and it was rubbish) in which a woman looks up and the ejaculate of a young man on a balcony above her falls on her face. The Empire interviewer wondered if Almodovar used real semen for the scene. He replied, Of course not, EVERYTHING in movies is fake.
Likewise, I’m inclined to believe that this highly publicised story is a load of old BBC w**k.
It never occurred to me until now that these sorts of props might be real.
This has opened up huge possibilities. Perhaps they can use a genuine working Tardis to go back and persuade Mr Wu not to partake of that fine plump-breasted bat.
Were they both self isolating?
Can I just wish every one on here a very happy Easter.
Fed, thank you for your effort and patience with our outpourings. Without this site we would be short of honest reporting. Thank you all for your efforts in keeping us all updated with news we never see on Bbbc. Enjoy your Eastsr eggs!
If Tommy Robinson set up a parody account using a BBC journos name
..how long do you think it would last ?
Yet this hatey libmob account seems to have been running unhindered for some time.
Last year it called itself IAlibrary (Independent Authors)*
Since it calls the BBC a Tory front
..do you think that it itself looks like a Labour Party PR account ?
* They’ve had a Twitter account and their Facebook banned before
Any agenda pushing on R4 today ?
3pm just starting, a repeat of their 2018 Syrian Drama
Turned it off and put “Carry on Cleo” on the telly.
At about the same time, I started watching (again) my DVD of The Andromeda Strain.
Yep. Forget the rest !!!!!
Ross Kemp is more essential than relatives
A medic comments
“If you don’t wear PPE correctly then you are wasting it.
A face mask taken off under your neck and then touching it with your hands, defeats the purpose of it.
Please use PPE correctly – especially if you are broadcasting to wider audiences”
And he’s got PPE !!! Yet the BBC tell us EVERY DAY there isn’t any !!!! It’s almost as if the BBC and the BMA have some sort of political agenda !!!
I assume that when a ventilator is moved from one COVID-19 patient who has probably been coughing, sneezing, spluttering and puking in it’s vicinity, over to a different patient (who doesn’t specifically have COVID-19 symptoms) then it’s given a thorough clean and disinfected first?
You can probably see where I’m going with this. Especially bearing in mind the ever-increasing number of instances where people are admitted to hospitals with non-COVID issues but end up still catching the virus.
I haven’t yet seen any programmes or discussions on the bBBC talking about the long-term economic effects of the ridiculous lockdown.
In fact, a sensible discussion is about as likely as a pro-Brexit documentary so I won’t hold my breath.
All we seem to get is the same trained-monkey mantra about how the lockdown is 100% justified.
The lockdown itself seems to have been “inspired” by the ridiculously over-estimated and flawed death-rate figures which were being bandied around several weeks ago. And we’ve seen plenty of evidence lately where the current death-rate figures are being artificially increased (by several means) to try to justify bringing this country to it’s knees.
Financially, we’re going to be paying for this for many years.
Your brilliant comment at:
“Tucked away on Saturday Toady”,
brings me out of retirement before handing over to my Cagna Guardia.
Not hearing any BBC “News” since blissfully R3 has cut down on it’s agitprop bulletins, I pricked up my ears at your report. Last year I felt pressurised into having a major op. Cagna Guardia who once ran a London isolation hospital when they existed, felt it was makework. I declined the oncology and am back on my bike (always considerately Darcy). All makes you think.
BTW, I know a recently retired GP who offered to volunteer. He was turned down
So it was’t you I saw doing wheelies whilst texting this afternoon then, 🙂
New stats
Deaths haven’t exploded .. they are a bit down on yesterday
5233 new positives from 18K tests on 13K people
so daily positives are slightly down
To me the curves are flattening and we are not heading to 2,000 deaths per day or even 1,500 in the near term
Ben at the bBBC said deaths were ‘rocketing, but were a bit lower than yesterday’ this is what we get from the most trusted broadcaster…..unbelievable.
The BBC “gotcha” is recognised by the BBC as an essential (but controversial) news item – however, so ‘desperate’ is the BBC to improve its public ‘rating’ for the young (who don’t happen watch much BBC TV) as ‘yoof’ prefer ‘facebook’ highlights and ‘twitter’ feeds. The BBC target the young (16 to 24) audience above all. And its all about ‘in your face’ politics of the current juvenile kind that gets the BBC mileage in ‘Twitter’ responses. Its gutter juvenile Journalism, but then working for the BBC – even though this the lowest form of ‘journalism’ in this country you can ever sink too. Its also why many of us choose to ‘leave the BBC’ entirely as it cannot claim to be ‘impartial’ – when it clearly is run by political appointees of the worst liberal grandees and hard left mascots who supported EU dogma over national interests. Traitors would be too kind, but that is what they. As Quentin Letts said in his book ‘how the elites betrayed Britain’ called ‘Patronising *astards*’. Indeed they all are, and they (BBC) think its all a HUGE sign of success! Every time we complain, they take it as a compliment. They think this is BROADCASTING to the nation! To get the top ‘twitter’ response (or even one of the faux BBC ‘journalist’ to respond with a ‘facebook’ quip), that gets a bit more mileage out of a provoked ‘gotcha’ moment the BBC treasure as ‘proof’ of its independence. It really is trivial but the BBC think it marvelous and ‘responsive’ journalism. They really do think they ‘own’ the news headlines they create for themselves. They have your TV license fee money to prove it and can totally ignore YOUR protests (other than OFCOM comments) which may force change on the BBC. How they now squirm at the prospect of ‘subscription’.
So what does OFCOM have to say about the BBC?
This is from 26th October 2019. Printed in The Times.
BBC at risk as exodus of younger viewers erodes license fee support
Main points in this OFCOM report:
The BBC is not sustainable in it current form!
The BBC offers only a “white, middle-class London centric point of view”
The BBC “lack of transparency over complaints”, highlighting the mishandling of BBC presenter Naga Munchetty (as an example).
The BBC was not being “open’ about its plans to undermine commercial rivals
The BBC expenditure had fallen 7% on the total number of new content being shown and an increase in ‘repeat’ content being shown (about 40% of all content already).
The BBC should provide more ‘links’ to other news organizations and providers. Ofcom has said.
The BBC failed to respond to Rival media outlets claiming that the corporation was ’ripping off’ their own exclusive material (i.e, copying it) without due credit. Ironically not mentioned this is almost exclusively ‘The Guardian’ but they hardly ever complain.
The BBC in a separate REVIEW (by OFCOM) found the BBC guilty of news coverage programming which raised concerns giving extreme views over moderate voices and airing arguments that lacked a strong factual basis…
I could go on.
The BBC in response (who they argue are not restricted to what OFCOM ‘thinks’ or does) said that it has already ‘links’ to ‘outside content’ and claims that its ‘young’ vibrant ‘diverse’ audience is now focussed on the BBC iPlayer and BBC SOUNDs app (which it is claimed – by the BBC only- is a huge success, over the past year)…and then again, it clearly is not that ‘popular’.
Lord Hall has since resigned.
Is it any wonder that the BBC are in such a mess?
If the BBC was such a “huge success” it could make a lot of money if it went ‘pay to view’ for those people that want to watch it.
Get rid of the Telly Tax !
Well, how are my chain-smoking Lithuanian neighbours coping with the lock down?’ Well, since you ask, very well thank you. Life goes on as normal: people coming and going children coming and going and indeed last night, partying. Just now, receiving visitors. Best part is, she is a self-declared, “Carer”. Why do we not just **ck these ‘caring’ people off back where they came from?
Every day we here these sad, pathetic, journalists at the press conference trying to make a name for themselves.
Same crap, over and over about PPE and how THEY are being contacted by doctors and nurses on the front line (but the BBC don’t like language linked to war!!) telling them that there isn’t enough PPE.
I would like the Government to return a question for once. Along the lines of ……
Thank you for your question regarding PPE. Can I ask what due diligence, if any, you as journalists are undertaking on these claims ?
Can any tom, dick, Harry or left leaning window cleaner , teacher , contact you and make these claims ?
We know you are a hard left broadcaster and the BMA are very much far left, so how can the public trust your allegations of these shortages without thinking it’s pure, left wing BBC driven activism ? (Which we know it is )
You mustn’t give ministers a hard time.
5Live is OK now
Chris Smith of NakedScientists Q & A phone-in
is doing good mythbusting
with good context and proportion
Can you catch it passing someone in the street ?
…very low risk cos you are not in the same air bubble for long. The real risk is from being in the same room as an infected person for a long time
However if you kept walking behind someone for a while then you are in their slipstream so potentially breathing some of their droplets.
Can I get it from driving my son home from his hospital catering job ?
… Your son is working in the green-zone so will have a low chance of exposure.
But even if he was working he was working in the red zone .. he would have enough PPE
… You could consider changing clothes and keeping work clothes at work.
When will see a downturn ?
For bad infections it can take a whole months from contracting it, to detectable infection to recovery or death
so a lot of current cases started before the lock down 18 days ago.
Any day now I’m expecting to see wind socks placed outside Tesco so people who are queuing can see which direction the wind is blowing all of those virus bubbles, whilst they all stand the requisite 2 metres behind the gullible scaremongered idiot that’s in front of them (wearing their masks of course).
The alternative to a wind sock is of course licking a finger on your tongue and holding it in the air. However this is now probably a criminal offence.
BAME news item started with emotional blackmail
Then they represent 35% of hospitalised cases.
First thing is the bulk of early cases were in London so should represent London demographic.
Beware most BAME are young
you’d expect hospital admissions to reflect the over 65 Demographic not the general one.
Dear bBBC, why are crimes and people sent to prison disproportionately from the BAME community?
They don’t seem to be all that bothered about this.
Time to celebrate
Tom Barton
Political correspondent
After questions from some over whether the UK home secretary had been sufficiently visible during the coronavirus crisis, this was likely to be a difficult news conference for Priti Patel.
But the most striking moment came not from a question about her own areas of responsibility – including how police are using new powers during the coronavirus lockdown – but from a Channel 4 News reporter asking, three times, if she would apologise for the shortages on protective equipment being reported by doctors and nurses at the frontline.
Her answer: that she was “sorry if people feel there have been failings”.
Later when the BBC interviewed another BBCer the man was almost beside himself with glee.
Like millions of other people I turned my TV on to find out news about the virus and witnessed these BBC graduates from their yoonie Soc Socs. playing politics.
How about this one….maybe tomorrow….
Minister, the number of people who have died from Covid19 isn’t going down, would you care to apologise?
This chief pig (Martin Hewitt, National Police Chiefs’ Council chairman) keeps popping up in the media, sky, BBC etc and warning that the police will prosecute you.
“Coronavirus: Domestic abuse services to get £2m amid lockdown
Mr Hewitt added: “To abusers, do not think that this is a time where you can get away with this. We will still arrest, we will still bring people into custody and we will still prosecute.”
Hang on
Isn’t it solely the job of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to prosecute?
….And the job of real journalists to ask why the police are boasting about powers they don’t have?
“real journalists”
I think we will have to assume this responsibility.
Real journalists are as rare as real senior police officers.
“Isn’t it solely the job of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to prosecute?”
Have you heard of Ofcom, the Electoral Commission, the Charity Commission, etc, etc.
They all have “jobs”, jobs for the boys/girls, for which they are paid, but do not perform.
I believe them term is leftycure.
A very serious situation.
All possible steps must be taken to permanently extirpate this dangerous disease from the UK.
Then, when the BBC has been closed, attention can be given to coronavirus!
The way the BBC is presenting the XI JINPING virus reminds
of a sketch from ” Not the nine o’clock news” When there
was a hospital bed vacant , and it was being bid for by a
group of patients , with different illnesses .
If memory serves me right the auctioneer was Rowan Atkinson.
” Ok we will start over there with the gentleman with pneumonia,
any advance on pneumonia? Double pneumonia. Going going
gone to the lady with deep depression. No wait the lady has
just jumped out of the window. So we will start again.”
The analogy and similarity is the way how many deaths are being reported. “500, any advance on 500 , 700, 800. 900, 2000
in the USA ! Almost said with a schadenfreud attitude.
Breaking news at the bottom of the screen as ministers and
“experts” are talking to us , and the breaking news goes on for
half an hour or more. 930 dead, 40 in Scotland, 20 in Wales
5 in Northern Ireland . All I expect to see are the bonus numbers.
Just lets give up and surrender to the Chinese communist
government who started this war . And have all but won.
When virtue signalling goes bad. Like, really bad.
BBC PR is the best.
Sopel re-tweeting another lefty journo’s thoughts. Like peas in a pod !!! Happily, Emma knows the score.
Saturday night and watching Soap Box Challenge on the TV. One of the things I have enjoyed about it over the years is that it is just fun with no agenda. But one of the presenters has been changed and is now a female BAME. Her interviews are just short of ‘how do you feel?’. Pity.
I agree this was a reasonable question.
“We called 7 major police forces across the UK to ask for and understand the figures around dispersals, and fines last weekend, in order to get an understanding of whether people were listening to government guidance.
Only one, Greater Manchester [Police], shared the fact that they’d been involved in over 1,100 coronavirus breaches; that was between the 25th March and 7th April.
It’s appreciated that you shared the number of fines handed out today.
#1 Does the government or the NPCC know the national figure for breaches for arrests, and for the average size fine?
#2 Can you share those now?
#3 And also, would there be a stronger, further support for the Police to help them tackle this continuing problem if the numbers go up rather than down in the first two weeks of reporting and collating that data you mentioned previously?
It’s said that one demographic the government needs to reach is young males ..that’s why you’d include a lad’s mag site in the press conference.
Surely the Nigerian Times and Romanian Express should have been there as well.