At the next five o clock Breifing Laura Kuesenberg of the BBC will ask
Secretary of State
How many asylum seekers arrived yesterday and how many were bought in by our patrol vessels or the border force ?
Were they medically examined ? Who examined them ? If it was from the NHS what duties were they taken away from to attend these immigrants ? Did they wear the scarce PPE ? Were these immigrants tested for the Coronavirus ? How many testing kits were used ? Were any of them found to have the virus ? Those that have the virus , where are you taking them to , and who and what facilities will be used to monitor them ? Will these bogus asylum seekers be given a scarce ventilator ? Are you going to have to obtain more ventilators to cope with more clandestines coming in or lower the ration of them to the British people ?
Why don’t you show the British people , the world and these bogus asylum seekers that there is a state of emergency in this country , that everyone has to do their bit and refuse entry to those illegal migrants in Calais and around the world by ;
Telling all asylum seekers that while we have a state of emergency they will not be allowed to settle in Britain , ever .
They will be detained indefinitely , even for the rest of their lives ( unless they fess up and go back / elsewhere ) on redundant cruise ships moored in international waters far from our shores .
They will be under house arrest similar to what the British people are voluntary serving now , but not ever in Britain .
Minister , why don’t you show that this emergency is for real and get a grip on our borders ?
Its a week or so since i lasted posted as I really didnt see the point just lately as the BBC are doing a really good job of destroying themselves in the minds of others without any of us having to lift a finger to our keyboards.
However there had to be a “Here We Go” moment and its come its the to be expected ……..There is “emerging evidence” to suggest coronavirus is having a disproportionate impact on people who are black, Asian and minority ethnic.
So we ask ourselves do the BBC bring this to our attention and not the fact that:
1) A disproportionate amount of BME people are in prison.
2) A disproportionate amount of young BME males are murdered.
3) A disproportionate amount of BME children are not innoculated
May I suggest that a larger than average proportion of the BME community in this country think they are above the law and untouchable and not capable or willing to adhere to or follow orders or act responsibly in our advanced society.
I’m sick to death of the BBC pushing the narrative that its the (white racist) government’s fault, it isn’t, we who live in this country have a duty of care to ourselves and others. It would seem that some “communitys” apply that mantra more than others a fact substantiated by the dispropirtianly higher numbers of deaths within certain “communitys”.
My sympathys however do go out to anyone who has lost a relative or loved one to this terrible disease.
Why is it that whenever that kuentsberg woman refers to our Prime Minister, she calls him Johnson, as though he’s some little scrote who has just been found guilty of some criminal act?
She may not like him but he’s there as our elected Prime Minister and the least that this kuentsberg woman could do is show some respect for the office Mr Johnson holds.
As I come out of BBC distancing – and noting how the numbers are being kicked about each day – I thought I’d share these with you – for a London Borough in the ‘Barts’ region –
Borough cases as of 11am 11th 478
Cumulative number of deaths (associated with ) covid 203
I don’t know whether these people world have died anyway .
As for those who question COVID – I now know directly some who had it , landed up on an ITU ventilator and has survived .
He describes it as being hit by a double decker bus . He is very weak from 3 weeks ago .
The person is someone whose job involves meeting all sorts of people all the time and since it’s London I reckon transmission is growing rapidly – irrespective of what the hospital figures say .
Having now seen – on a screen – the before and after effect – it’s not a breeze to get through .
Having now seen every Government Briefing – they really need to look at the format – and find a way to put the blame for deficiencies in the NHS in the NHS .
Medics are like soldiers – always something to moan about . There’ll never be enough kit – it’ll never all be good enough . All that preferential treatment and freebies don’t to seem to be cheering them up either .
The Tory Party won the last election by a large majority . That’s a lot of Tory voters and supporters. What I am astounded by is the lack of action and protest by the Tory Government in doing anything about Al Beeb ? What is Dominic Cummings doing ? He must watch the biased output coming from the public broadcaster. What does Oliver Dowden do in his working week ? Oh hang on wasn’t he a ‘Remainer’?
Please note I am not a Tory voter or supporter .
The biased BBC plays the race card on the Coronavirus 10 pm news.
The BBC fess up to the fact that 14% of the population are BAME. Not that you’d ever guess it was so low, given their incessant coverage of them or the appeRance of your average BBC presenter.
But BAME are 34% of coronavirus victims. Shock. Horror. Cue indignation. Apparently part of the reason is that they do not speak English!!!! But of course, no eyebrows raised by the BBC.
And interestingly an erudite BAME junior doctor suggests there may be a genetic component to this.
Just imagine if that possibility was considered for certain other behaviours and outcomes.
Surely this just proves that the NHS Diversity and Equality Managers (salary c. £50K p.a.) are doing their job properly and the money not being wasted on PPE.
Coronavirus: Ethnic minorities ‘are a third’ of patients
There is “emerging evidence” to suggest coronavirus is having a disproportionate impact on people who are black, Asian and minority ethnic.
Research suggests that more than a third of patients who are critically ill in hospital with the virus are from these backgrounds.
It comes after Labour called for an urgent investigation into why these communities are more vulnerable.
… Labour said the disproportionate number of doctors from ethnic minority backgrounds who had died from coronavirus was “deeply disturbing”.
yes @Tabs about right but
“1.3 million people make up the NHS workforce”
So 2% of UK population are in the NHS workforce
(assume a UK population of 65 million
So 1% of UK population is 0.65m …. So 2% is 1.3m )
So roughly what happens to 100% of the population 1/50th happens to NHS employees
10,000 UK Covid19 deaths means that if NHS workers died at the same rate as population there’d be 200 NHS workers dead
19 is as you say a tenth of that
However Covid19 only generally kills the very old and weak
So it shouldn’t have killed 200 in a group of 1.3m under 65yo
but those doctors that died were mostly past retirement age.
Philip2 put a link on here to a debate between Boris and Mary Beard debating the Ancient Greek and Roman Empires and which gave the most to modern times. Mary saw the positive in the Romans for them welcoming refugees and asylum speakers. Andrew Marr chaired the meeting and knowing what was to come I could see the seeds of his antagonism towards Boris.
But it provided us with an excellent evening with a lot to think about, at an intellectual level that the BBC would never provide. I could also never imagine Khan (Boris was Mayor at the time this was recorded) or Corbyn have the intellectual ability to undertake this form of debate and take on an academic on her own subject. I would also doubt Sir Keir would be capable either.
Kids you have to understand that the reason why all this is currently happening is because people in a country where it all started have a habit of eating anything whilst still alive. Google: Dogs been cooked alive.
The BBC seems to cuddle up to the Chinese government
maybe so it doesn’t get thrown out
See this BBC tweet from February
The translation
If you think this 200-year-old man with a white beard has nothing to do with you,
you might want to think about it again.
Marx has some ideas that have brought about better changes and influences in our lives.
then after he ignored her and said it anyway she then replied “Let’s talk about the lifting of the bans in Wuhan and does it feel weird to go outside” she didn’t even want to talk about the cover up #BBCNews are frauds
The BBC guy suggested that the cover up was the original LOCAL one
… not a NATIONAL government one.
“Let’s put it in perspective: the #Wuhan Mayor apologised for not releasing information on the potentially-deadly #coronavirus earlier
because he “did not have clearance from above” to do so.
He knew but covered it up because of Communist Party’s governance structure.
“The president clearly switches to speaking about antibiotic resistant bugs analogously, in attempt to make a point about immunology in general.”
but if you are a Trump hater, you can MISREPRESENT what he says
..and the BBC Chief China correspondent will retweet it
to score some points
Rebecca* says “The NHS is rubbish” “more than my job’s worth .. incompetent managers ”
“that is why the ARMY has been given the job of running Nightingales”
*Rebecca Butler : Nurse to barrister to nurse again
who doesn’t like Matt Hancock
Rebecca Butler is somewhat of a TV & Social Media sensation with a viral appearance on Question Time as well as videos on social media slamming the betrayal of our veterans and remainer politicians.
Despite Mueller and zero evidence of this overblown conspiracy theory…still shocking that BBC so-called journalist @BBCJonSopel should be lapping up this stuff.
I saw:
“The WHO v coronavirus: why it can’t handle the pandemic”
and though that Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey are in their mid 70s and the other 2 blokes are are dead so it’s hardly good odds at the best of times if you’re setting them up for a big project.
Its a week or so since i lasted posted as I really didnt see the point just lately as the BBC are doing a really good job of destroying themselves in the minds of others without any of us having to lift a finger to our keyboards.
However there had to be a “Here We Go” moment and its come, its the to be expected ……..There is “emerging evidence” to suggest coronavirus is having a disproportionate impact on people who are black, Asian and minority ethnic.
So we ask ourselves why do the BBC bring this to our attention and not the fact that:
1) A disproportionate amount of BME people are in prison.
2) A disproportionate amount of young BME males are murdered.
3) A disproportionate amount of BME children are not innoculated
May I suggest that a larger than average proportion of the BME community in this country think they are above the law and untouchable and not capable or willing to adhere to or follow orders or act responsibly in our advanced society.
I’m sick to death of the BBC pushing the narrative that its the (white racist) government’s fault, it isn’t, we who live in this country have a duty of care to ourselves and others. It would seem that some “communitys” apply that mantra more than others a fact substantiated by the dispropirtianly higher numbers of deaths within certain “communitys”.
My sympathys however do go out to anyone who has lost a relative or loved one to this terrible disease.
I look forward to the media and twitterati ripping themselves part over this in a year or two when this period of time starts to be investigated. The BBC will no doubt blame the deaths on Thatcher and institutional racism rather than the Chinese or people ignoring advice from the department of health.
Ethnic communities have largely ignored warnings and continued about their daily life and the lawlessness has thus been responsible for the virus cutting through families like a scythe. In the US the effect has been equally pronounced with youths continuing to play basketball and groups ‘hanging out’ on the corner. Bringing disease into their homes in order to ‘stick it to the man’
And all the time Calvin the obvious reasons for Covid spread are ignored reasons such as
1 Too many people living too close together
2 Too many people not having respect for sensible rules
3 Police happier going for the “low hanging fruit” such as law abiding people keeping their distance from each other whilst sitting in a park whilst avoiding groups who may give them trouble. Start arresting large groups of ethnics en masse and see what happens. It is why the northern rape gangs were ignored for so long.
The police in so many cases have forgotten about real crime they have become politiscised and have lost the respect of the population at large and are using Covid as an exercise in self justification just like the BBC.
The bBBC state that BAME people make up only 14% of the population, but make up a larger proportion of covid19 deaths, does not make much sense. They appear to be at least half the population when I watch their shows, news reports and NHS stories. Has the bBBC deliberately been over representing the BAME community in it’s programming?
BAME people may comprise 14% of the national population, but in London they are the majority (as far back as the 2011 Census, White Britons in London were below 45% of the population). Most of the UK’s Covid-19 problems have been in London, therefore one would expect that – all things being equal – the number of BAME deaths would be numerically large. A detailed analysis, of the sort that would never be permitted, may reveal a more realistic picture.
Coming soon on the BBC: new tractor production statistics from the Soviet Union in the 1960s revealed.
Just wait until Messrs. Sue, Grabbit and Run and other ambulance chasers swing into action. Accusations and law suits will very much be a feature of post-coronavirus UK life.
And, who knows, perhaps some truths will be revealed as a result of m’learned friends’s zealous desire to line their own pockets by exploiting the misery of others.
Funnily enough, Mrs Voter was talking to our daughter about working at home just now. She manages a department at a northeastern college in Scotland. They all have ergonomic chairs in their offices, but obviously not at home. The daughter got hers from her work and is using it at home. She said that she wondered how long before the bad back claims would take to come rolling in.
For those who believe – happy easter . The boss has risen .
I’ve seen every Government Briefing . We are all witnessing the failure of the MSM to do its job and the government doing the same .
What are these briefings for ? Apart from repeating the ‘ stay in ‘ message what is the benefit . I can’t see one any more .
What do people need from a briefing ?
Reassurance based on useful facts .
We get neither . We get incomplete numbers of ‘ overall ‘ stuff . People want to know by region . I could list a load of relevant questions which deserve answers – where are the ventilators ? How many ? Same for PPE
Instead we get jumbled numbers – medics looking more shifty by the day – or standing like robots .
And then the media ?
The BBC waste the first question on ‘gotcha” – Demand promises of tests which they then use to gotcha the next minister up as a target ,
And more – will the NHS get a medal ?
Home sec – where have you been ?
Will you apologise for this or that – as though it makes any difference .
Anecdotes about shortages and bland replies – we’ve delivered 7 million trillion thousand hundred stuff says A nervous Priti –
We – joe public- deserve more from these characters – government and press – because of the sacrifice we are making .
We won’t be getting it any time soon though .
Worse than all that though – is a report in the telegraph saying the UKs ability to produce vaccine is not much any more .
So even when it comes – unless planning is done now – we will be scraping around for capacity along with lesser countries . There seem only 2 ways out –
1Cross fingers and hope the virus gets killed off by summer
2 A vaccine to protect the population . The delivery process must be planned out by now – including contingencies based on numbers available and means of delivery .
So we are left unreassured or frightened Or fed up and an uninformed public ;a shambolic testing system which doesn’t yet indicate the extent of infection yet alone prospective levels. Let’s all clap .
What’s also needed are the sharpest knives in the box – but on evidence presented this far there are plenty of dullards .
Happy Easter again – and another month of lock down – at least
I think the message that they are trying to give us is that they are in control when it is obvious that they haven’t been in control for quite a few years. If one good thing has come out of this, it is that it might remind a few of the woke progressives of North London that one day even they may die (despite only drinking ethical, skinny soya Lattes with essence of organic Baobub milk )
As for the Bossman – I expect he is looking at this whole man made sh## show and shaking his head.
I doubt whether stinking rich Kensington Emily’s little Virtue signalling exercise on last weeks Newsnight will buy her seat “next to the father” she would probably do just as well buying a few Holy relics complete with a certificate of Authenticity .
To that end – I am selling a number of these if Emily or Anyone else is interested.
A box containing Lord Halls conscience (consists of an empty ping pongball)
A box of Jeremy Corbyns Honesty (consists of a red ping pong ball)
Todays specials are a broken Newtons cradle from a heroic NHS managers desk.
A plastic mac (said to have been worn by saint Greta on her Atlantic crossing) and found on the beach.
A very rare bottle of containing a sample James o Briens humility
(it looks like stomch bile – but dont be fooled)
Keir starmers political and moral Integrity (consists of snakeskin)
A box of Mark Sedwells advice to the PM (consists of two mule ears)
And my star item (said to be the great mans inspiration) A copy of Razzle once owned by Brendan Cox and fished out of the canal, pages appear stuck together, but careful handling will bring this mighty tome back to life.
All of these items are twenty quid a pop and come with a certificate of authenticity. Please make all cheques out to me. Only one item per household.
Sorry fed if i am using your blog to make a few quid – but needs must and all that.
The BBC ticket is saying a third of critically ill covid sufferers are ethnic minorities . And that’s it . Not casual racist – just racism .
This is the trouble when the agenda and illness meet . Why say that ? What does it imply ? Is that a good thing ?
Underneath the numbers the vast majority of cases are in high population densities – cities – and where are the ethnics ? Cities – therefore it’s like it that ethnics will get the illness . So what ?
In fact – in places like London – newham and tower hamlets ethnics are the majority – so the majority of covid sufferers are likely to be non-white .
All in all this means nothing . Unless – of course – the BBC is implying the ethnics get poorer treatment than whitee …..
The commons is to return on 21 April . So at least we know there won’t be any tedious wasted hours with the government briefings – unless people are entertained by ministers not being about to say “167, 456 “ or similar . …. try rehearsing next time Priti you idiot .
One third of victims are ethnic? – just goes to show they are all victims really and really should be allowed to do what they like. Unlike those morons who have for years worked and uncomplainingly paid their tax and stupidly expected the wonderful NHS to also be there for them them rather than those who have come here to just take.
Indeed. It is acceptable to combat a fall in oil demand, but utterly unacceptable to refer to Boris as a fighter in his struggle against the Chinese virus. Whereas fighting against Tory Kutz is a moral imperative.
Getting fed up of it. @BBCRadio4 on Friday morning; every piece was about, “when will we come out of lockdown?” Daily Hate Mail is all, “Boris will decide when you relieve lockdown…”
Buckle up.
We are NOT currently in lockdown. We’re in distancing and isolation.
Turned R4 on this morning 7.45 …someone criticising that Boris has been called a Fighter because he has the Chinese Virus … button again ! . It’s no wonder that most of us avoid the appalling BBC……..Meanwhile back to watching Minder …..happy days
1. Isn’t that what the NHS is supposed to do ? What is the £110bn+ we spend on the NHS otherwise actually for? How grateful should we be for a service we have a right to expect, as we pay for it in the first place?
2. The understandably very strong emotional response to having one’s life saved, or health condition improved more generally, is exactly why almost no independent, rational, imaginative critique of the NHS is possible. Consequently change is sclerotic at best and deficiencies are never challenged.
What a fine thing it would be if Boris came out and said ‘I am so glad the people treating me did what they are supposed and paid to do’. And how the roof would fall in on his head if he did!
Or as my socially-distanced neighbour put it: “It doesn’t matter how many people the virus kills! The important thing is that we protect our NHS!”
Yes, he reads the Guardian and watches the BBC.
I was thinking of putting up a separate post for the BBC and NHS – but haven’t yet – the posts tend to merge into one .
I see the NHS as a failed organisation – together with the medical profession – in desperate need of a total overhaul .
So much of the nations ‘ resources are sunk into it but when it is pressured it fails and flounders . I’m not talking about individuals – the whole thing .
Fed, I think a serious look should be taken at the Department for Health (and the rest of the Civil Service for that matter) along with a review of all Government spending.
The rumour (possibly well founded) emerged during the Blair/Brown era that taxpayer money for education was reduced by about half before it reached the LEAs (oops, sorry – Local Education Authority) and it was then reduced by half again by the time cash was given to the end recipients – the schools.
That sort of administrative economic burden cannot be tolerated in future, it just will not be affordable post-Covid anyway, especially in the aftermath of the PPE shambles and similar.
I can give an example of this sort of waste. About 15 years ago there was a national shortage of LGV (used to be HGV) drivers so money was made available to train and make up the shortfall. At the time I worked for a firm of training providers (note: we didn’t actually do the training). We bid for the work and I went to a meeting at which were many people in suits. There were people overseeing the scheme; then a local college who would provide NVQ assessors and oversee us. Then us, we would employ LGV trainers to actually do the training. All of course had quality systems to ensure the standard of work being done and were audited by third parties. Now, if I were to introduce such a scheme the criteria would be – trainers recruit candidates, when they pass (the only quality check needed) the trainers get paid. Fraud would be difficult – someone would actually have to get a licence. The cost would be a quarter of that budgeted but of course all those people in suits would have nothing to do (and wouldn’t get paid!)
Paying for the NHS, is a bit like car insurance, you have to have it but you hope that you never do use it. How can something that is paid for in advance be so utterly useless? They know year on year the amount they have to spend, can’t keep to budget and then go to the Government cap in hand for more. Any other business would have gone to the wall years ago. Still we must clap mustn’t we!
BBC making up headlines…”Medics have told us they are running short of essential drugs”
Actual story – some are in short yes that is normal and then they get restocked..
Who are these ‘Medics?’ do they just pick the phone up and have a hot line to the BBC…
And now they have shoehorned the victim BAME story into an Easter message……CV-19 is racist… is affecting them more than white people..
“does that make you angry as a community leader?” was the question…how inflammatory is that…
The BBC just can’t help it can they..
That was a made up headline, James, was just about to post about it. I think it was sheer bunkum from a ‘source’ (anti-Conservative Govt.) to the (anti-Conservative Govt.) BBC who are no doubt delighted to try and make Bojo & Co look bad.
What do we know?
We know that elective surgery has by and large, except in real emergency cases (eg. brain tumour causing fitting and threatening life in the longer term) been postponed. I have a friend waiting for a new hip, for example. Non-essential elective, therefore postponed.
Therefore, there can be no shortage of anaesthetic meds.
Someone just needs to kick someone else’s bum to get stuff shifted from surgery to the IC wards.
Hopefully, Dr boohana, will kick my bum if I’ve got that understanding wrong. If he/she has time to read this post while doing proper caring medicine unlike the ‘spare’ (!) Doc who could instead spend time politically weaponising this ‘supposed’ shortage.
Tackling global plant and animal health risks which threaten global food systems and health – in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
UK Department for International Development
Working in partnership with BMGF to fund a portfolio of agricultural technology investments to secure global food supplies, with a strong focus on tackling global plant health threats through improved data, monitoring and delivery of new technologies in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
We could rely on ‘Broadcasting House’ on R4 to emphasise the message that BAME are really the special victims of the virus; inferred – but never said explicitly (since it would patently be garbage), that whitee is somehow to blame for this.
This started up on R4 last night, where there was so much rambling on about ‘inequality’, that anyone who didn’t conclude that Socialism was the answer, hadn’t been listening.
Conclusion: Easter is a special opportunity for beeb to stir, even more than they usually do!
Happy Easter, everyone!
PS If you feel the need to escape the virus, I am told by beeb that THEY have the only place that is free of it: Ambridge. So hasten there…
It appears that there are far too many folk with XI JINPING virus
from the BAME and other ethnic communities than there should
be, according to the demographics of the UK. The figure is 30%
when there is only 14% of the said community.
BUT wait where by far, are the largest outbreak of the virus?
Yes it’s London . And only around 35% of the population of
the capitol are indigenous.
Others have written about the make up of programmes on the BBC and the diversity make up of the presenters, reporters etc.
Where because of diversity and positive discrimination
percentages of ethnicity , go by the board.
In fact as far as I am concerned as a Londoner the only
programme that reflects the make up of its inhabitants
is the Londonistan programme. We see Riz Lateef, Asad Ahmad,
Alice Bhanhukravi etc presenting. Kurt Barling, Brenda Emmanus,
Alpha Patel etc reporting, and a few whities thrown in. No,
this is OK , because there are less are only 35% of us indigenous
left in London. The dogma of positive discrimination goes by
the board , so far as BIG BROTHER at the diversity dept is
I reiterate on what I wrote a couple of days ago. Emily Maitlis
was not that far wrong when she said that we are not all that
equal when it comes to catching and dying from the virus.
Because of all the illegal immigrants and over crowding there
will be more cases of the virus pro rata amongst certain poorer ethnic communities.
“Because of all the illegal immigrants and over crowding there
will be more cases of the virus pro rata amongst certain poorer ethnic communities………….”
Oh God, wait til Afua Hirsch gets wind of this, she’ll accuse us of virally racially cleansing her lot !
It’s Easter Day. Arguably the most important day of the year to Christians.
So what main final story do we get on the BBC Sunday Toady?
Why, a big feature interview with an activist Muslim, of course!
One thing that has come out of this terrible virus is the performance of Nigel Farage, remember him ??? He has morphed into another government basher he is more interested in looking after his radio career on LBC than asks questions about the dispraportionate numbers of BME infected or the performance of the EU.
Bye bye Nigel it was lovely knowing you.
I have to agree. He has become hysterical regarding the virus and I just can’t listen to him any more.
Which is not to say the Government has got everything right regarding the virus. No one could. But there are quite enough people on the BBC and elsewhere in the MSM willing to tell HM Government how wrong they are, frequently for political reasons of wanting them to be wrong, without him adding his tuppence worth.
turned onto bbc 1 to see their Easter programme a wimmin vicar and a black wimmin, turned back to Minder to recall when people spoke English in London,, gave it 20 minutes and turnedback to bbc 1 again for Easter and a black wimmin choir
So it is bbc black wimmin Easter this year, forget the other 85% of the population
An interesting conversation on Nigel Farage’s LBC show. I’m afraid I only caught the tail end of it, however…
Nigel was chatting to a doctor and asked him why Germany’s coronavirus mortality figures are so much better than ours.
The doctor confirmed something that quite a few of us have suspected. In Britain if you die with corona like symptoms it’s logged as a corona fatality. You might have been suffering with some other terminal disease and were only days away from death, but it’s corona that goes on the death certificate.
In Germany they only log the death as corona if that’s definitely what they’ve died from.
Obviously our figures are going to be much worse than those in Germany.
When I watched Andrew Marr earlier today this fairly obvious point wasn’t raised. It was just another chance to bash the government.
I see the BBC are reporting that Parliament will meet ‘viturally’ on the 21st April. Just enough time to debate lifting some lockdown restrictions for Ramadan starting on the 23rd April.
FFS. I hope those do-gooder idiots on the plane who protested against the deportation of this rapist will still feel all warm and fuzzy about themselves when he’s free to attack another teenage girl. Well done.
Its still staggering that a group of civilians can dictate events against the letter of the law. Had this f…….er been in jail would they have congregated outside demanding his release ? er, no.
I’m not a gambling man but I would not hesitate to, if the numbers were eventually available, have a flutter on the fact that those people who flaunt the ‘isolation’ rules are in the main either foreigners or those masquerading as “British Citizens” born elsewhere like Africa, Mid East or from the Former Soviet Union.
I’m also sure that the police repeatedly hear: ‘we no speaka de engleez’. That old chestnut.
I think when the dust settles the numbers of those who are dying in care homes will come as a bit of a shock – not that many would be interested of course . The only ‘good’ would be for elderly social care to be finally resolved an improved . HMG is throwing money around like a drunk in a casino ( done that ) so another 5 billion a year for proper elderly support wouldn’t be noticed .
( by the way this doesn’t affect me ).
But what need, foreign ‘carers’ in the end if there’s no elderly to ‘care’ for?
I guess they will sign on as benefits will be more substantial than what they would get, ‘home’.
What frightens me is those 15 minutes ‘ care’ visits passing infection from one frail person to the next … having seen standards in London I’m fearful for those with no one to speak for them .
I think after watching or rather seeing the bbc 1 black Easter I will start a campaign of complaints, and when the inevitable refusal to apologise or take any blame for the offence caused to the 85% indigenous population from their barrage of black people, refuse to accept and elevate to ofcom although they are just as twisted from what I hear.
Presenters chosen only for the colour of their skin, i.e. black wherever possible, beyond their talents eg the Munchetty monster, allowed to make snidey anti Trump anti Brexit comments and be openly rude and hostile to co presenters with impunity (cos she is black?)
An “asian” channel that is only allowed to promote BLACK asians despite the millions of non black asians in this country
Do the bbc not understand how offensive so many people find THEM ?
Perhaps BoJo will be fit enough in 10 days time to do the first virtual commons – can you imagine how the former speaker would have dealt with that ? He’d be full CGI …
Ha Up2 – I left out the name because I look forward to that character not even being a footnote . At least lockdown has shut him up .
Obviously the MSM haven’t given any attention to the fairly disgraceful shadow cabinet – or the nasty tweet Wrong Bailey sent to her cabinet opposite number .
Sooner or later the report on Labour anti-Semitism will have to be published but I bet it won’t be noticed .
Whereas a cabinet minister taking stuff to his elderly parents gets the full MSM treatment .
Boris it now OUT of hospital and going home. According to some reports in the press he was far far worse than we were told, and his entry into ICU was not ‘routine’, apparently staff were worried for his survival. Amazing what comes to light AFTER the event.
The UK is likely to be among the European countries worst affected by coronavirus, one of the government’s senior scientific advisers has said.
The warning, from Sir Jeremy Farrar, comes as UK deaths from the virus are expected to pass 10,000 on Sunday.
Sir Jeremiah must be right because he has a very large bookcase, which is so full that some books are lying sideways.
Had the same thing on @SkyNews a few days ago; the presenter continually taking the conversation in a negative direction regarding PPE, but the doctor kept positively on track. The disappointment was so obvious, it was laughable!
@BBCNews sat watching an interview with a frontline doctor. Your presenter is trying to create a headline on PPE really the doctor is clear there are only pockets of need, oh and a quick skirt around his hospital being incredibly well protected. You've become a tabloid TV show.
That was what I saw when someone shared it on Britain Elects. Lefties baffled at how the Tories are still miles ahead in the polls while Starmer gains Labour just one point over the previous poll!
For several years now NHS staff have done nothing but get a slot on the BBC to tell us all our problems are solved by electing Corbyn. The BBC never challenged any political motivations and affiliations.
Now shock horror I can’t believe at least some of these claims carry political motive.
“Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor has died at the age of 79”
Hmmm, did the Goodies ride a tandem? Maoist airbrush at work.
So the Tories have 3 cabinet ministers who have some form of Covid19 resistance.
The never infected have no resistance until they get a vaccine in a years time maybe.
Boris statement is on TV specially thanking NZ and Portuguese nurses
who stood by his bedside all night
Meanwhile on Twitter, hundreds of nasty libmob accounts are still tweeting hate against Boris asserting, that he is still in hospital watching movies.
It is hard to find the words to express my debt to the NHS for saving my life.
The efforts of millions of people across this country to stay home are worth it. Together we will overcome this challenge, as we have overcome so many challenges in the past.
— Boris Johnson #StayHomeSaveLives (@BorisJohnson) April 12, 2020
5 minutes of talking – weaker obviously – but on the road to recovery. The BBC will be asking who has authority to launch the nukes again if BoJo is in his jim jams in the country for a bit – in the briefing
As for the Gov briefing – it may well be that the kids will be doing it as the ‘ names ‘ will be doing Easter .
Let’s wait for the BBC hired lefties to get going on their sniping again .
1 o clock news about the muslim kumunihi in DELHI getting blamed for the virus and victims again
I could not find a single mention by the racist bbc about the chinese and indian women abused and attacked in ENGLAND by a black asian male ( from der muslim komunihi ?)
I’ve been issued gloves and alcohol hand gel by my company .
Please use wisely they’ve asked .
A colonel is briefing a squad of soldiers about to go on a mission .
” remember your training and you’ve only got six rounds each ” he reminds them .
Is the company telling me I’m thick and think I’m going to drink the hand gel , is the colonel wrong to reiterate the scarcity of the ammo ?
Of course not . Who would issue scarce resources to anyone without that reminder .?
So lay off the Secretary of State Hancock , BBC and all the faux outraged others . He didn’t say Nurses were abusing them he said a normal reminder and that’s that .
The BBC should be shut down because it is out of control and whilst there should be a free press, the BBC with its vast resources, has become a propaganda machine. Is the BBC is attempting to counter US Executive Orders?
“US-China tensions
One of the reasons behind President Trump’s decision to mine on the Moon could be a lack of access to minerals for the US compared with other parts of the world
“The US has lost the race – other countries are ahead, like China and Russia,” says Benjamin.
Materials mined by China have been made available around the world.
“It will be really attractive to people like President Trump if you are able to get minerals in a place where the Chinese aren’t – like space.”
This paints the US, and Trump in particular, in a bad light
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MSM 8th April
Today, they get their wish. One mistake from Priti and we get this from BBC Jon. DISGUSTING. Pathetic little man.
Would be have tweeted this if it was Diane Abbott ???? No. Not a cat in hells chance.
#bekind hey !!!!!!!
What a hero Jon Sour-bull is
He’s got an incredible 106,000 followers
279 of them liked that SNEERING tweet … that’s 0.26%
Our these accounts that pour out this school bully type snideyness all run out of a big Labour warehouse ?
He’s only a snivelling little git, Stew, just ignore him, like normal people do.
late night typo : *Are* these accounts that pour out this school bully type snideyness
Having given up the BBC for Lent – which is now ending – have I missed anything? ????
At the next five o clock Breifing Laura Kuesenberg of the BBC will ask
Secretary of State
How many asylum seekers arrived yesterday and how many were bought in by our patrol vessels or the border force ?
Were they medically examined ? Who examined them ? If it was from the NHS what duties were they taken away from to attend these immigrants ? Did they wear the scarce PPE ? Were these immigrants tested for the Coronavirus ? How many testing kits were used ? Were any of them found to have the virus ? Those that have the virus , where are you taking them to , and who and what facilities will be used to monitor them ? Will these bogus asylum seekers be given a scarce ventilator ? Are you going to have to obtain more ventilators to cope with more clandestines coming in or lower the ration of them to the British people ?
Why don’t you show the British people , the world and these bogus asylum seekers that there is a state of emergency in this country , that everyone has to do their bit and refuse entry to those illegal migrants in Calais and around the world by ;
Telling all asylum seekers that while we have a state of emergency they will not be allowed to settle in Britain , ever .
They will be detained indefinitely , even for the rest of their lives ( unless they fess up and go back / elsewhere ) on redundant cruise ships moored in international waters far from our shores .
They will be under house arrest similar to what the British people are voluntary serving now , but not ever in Britain .
Minister , why don’t you show that this emergency is for real and get a grip on our borders ?
Or perhaps the BBC won’t ask that .
Its a week or so since i lasted posted as I really didnt see the point just lately as the BBC are doing a really good job of destroying themselves in the minds of others without any of us having to lift a finger to our keyboards.
However there had to be a “Here We Go” moment and its come its the to be expected ……..There is “emerging evidence” to suggest coronavirus is having a disproportionate impact on people who are black, Asian and minority ethnic.
So we ask ourselves do the BBC bring this to our attention and not the fact that:
1) A disproportionate amount of BME people are in prison.
2) A disproportionate amount of young BME males are murdered.
3) A disproportionate amount of BME children are not innoculated
May I suggest that a larger than average proportion of the BME community in this country think they are above the law and untouchable and not capable or willing to adhere to or follow orders or act responsibly in our advanced society.
I’m sick to death of the BBC pushing the narrative that its the (white racist) government’s fault, it isn’t, we who live in this country have a duty of care to ourselves and others. It would seem that some “communitys” apply that mantra more than others a fact substantiated by the dispropirtianly higher numbers of deaths within certain “communitys”.
My sympathys however do go out to anyone who has lost a relative or loved one to this terrible disease.
Why is it that whenever that kuentsberg woman refers to our Prime Minister, she calls him Johnson, as though he’s some little scrote who has just been found guilty of some criminal act?
She may not like him but he’s there as our elected Prime Minister and the least that this kuentsberg woman could do is show some respect for the office Mr Johnson holds.
It’s the same when they say “Trump” instead of referring to him as President Trump.
As I come out of BBC distancing – and noting how the numbers are being kicked about each day – I thought I’d share these with you – for a London Borough in the ‘Barts’ region –
Borough cases as of 11am 11th 478
Cumulative number of deaths (associated with ) covid 203
I don’t know whether these people world have died anyway .
As for those who question COVID – I now know directly some who had it , landed up on an ITU ventilator and has survived .
He describes it as being hit by a double decker bus . He is very weak from 3 weeks ago .
What’s the normal flu like being hit by?
Eddy Booth
“What’s the normal flu like being hit by?”
Like being hit by my TV when Al Beeb are broadcasting their childish transparent propaganda .
By the sound of it – eddy – a single decker bus .
Maybe a bendy bus…
Are we allowed to say ‘bent’ these days, or is the BBC banning that nice word as well?
@Fed where did this person catch Covid19 from ?
The person is someone whose job involves meeting all sorts of people all the time and since it’s London I reckon transmission is growing rapidly – irrespective of what the hospital figures say .
Having now seen – on a screen – the before and after effect – it’s not a breeze to get through .
Having now seen every Government Briefing – they really need to look at the format – and find a way to put the blame for deficiencies in the NHS in the NHS .
Medics are like soldiers – always something to moan about . There’ll never be enough kit – it’ll never all be good enough . All that preferential treatment and freebies don’t to seem to be cheering them up either .
The Tory Party won the last election by a large majority . That’s a lot of Tory voters and supporters. What I am astounded by is the lack of action and protest by the Tory Government in doing anything about Al Beeb ? What is Dominic Cummings doing ? He must watch the biased output coming from the public broadcaster. What does Oliver Dowden do in his working week ? Oh hang on wasn’t he a ‘Remainer’?
Please note I am not a Tory voter or supporter .
The biased BBC plays the race card on the Coronavirus 10 pm news.
The BBC fess up to the fact that 14% of the population are BAME. Not that you’d ever guess it was so low, given their incessant coverage of them or the appeRance of your average BBC presenter.
But BAME are 34% of coronavirus victims. Shock. Horror. Cue indignation. Apparently part of the reason is that they do not speak English!!!! But of course, no eyebrows raised by the BBC.
And interestingly an erudite BAME junior doctor suggests there may be a genetic component to this.
Just imagine if that possibility was considered for certain other behaviours and outcomes.
Surely this just proves that the NHS Diversity and Equality Managers (salary c. £50K p.a.) are doing their job properly and the money not being wasted on PPE.
Labour says …
Coronavirus: Ethnic minorities ‘are a third’ of patients
There is “emerging evidence” to suggest coronavirus is having a disproportionate impact on people who are black, Asian and minority ethnic.
Research suggests that more than a third of patients who are critically ill in hospital with the virus are from these backgrounds.
It comes after Labour called for an urgent investigation into why these communities are more vulnerable.
Labour said the disproportionate number of doctors from ethnic minority backgrounds who had died from coronavirus was “deeply disturbing”.
The BBC are making a big thing out of the 19 NHS staff deaths.
Running the numbers (correct me if I am wrong)…
NHS staff: 19 deaths out of 1,500,000 NHS employees. That is one death for every 79,000 employees.
UK national average: 9,875 deaths for 68,000,000 population. That is one death for every 7000 population.
I reckon that makes working for the NHS 10 times safer than not working for the NHS. Looks like the PPE is working, what about the rest of us?
yes @Tabs about right but
“1.3 million people make up the NHS workforce”
So 2% of UK population are in the NHS workforce
(assume a UK population of 65 million
So 1% of UK population is 0.65m …. So 2% is 1.3m )
So roughly what happens to 100% of the population 1/50th happens to NHS employees
10,000 UK Covid19 deaths means that if NHS workers died at the same rate as population there’d be 200 NHS workers dead
19 is as you say a tenth of that
However Covid19 only generally kills the very old and weak
So it shouldn’t have killed 200 in a group of 1.3m under 65yo
but those doctors that died were mostly past retirement age.
New Zealand death toll has doubled again
2 days ago there was 1 death from covid-19 in New Zealand.
Yesterday the toll rose to 2
& now it’s 4.
Philip2 put a link on here to a debate between Boris and Mary Beard debating the Ancient Greek and Roman Empires and which gave the most to modern times. Mary saw the positive in the Romans for them welcoming refugees and asylum speakers. Andrew Marr chaired the meeting and knowing what was to come I could see the seeds of his antagonism towards Boris.
But it provided us with an excellent evening with a lot to think about, at an intellectual level that the BBC would never provide. I could also never imagine Khan (Boris was Mayor at the time this was recorded) or Corbyn have the intellectual ability to undertake this form of debate and take on an academic on her own subject. I would also doubt Sir Keir would be capable either.
Yeah, and look what happened to the Roman Empire…
The BBC seems to cuddle up to the Chinese government
maybe so it doesn’t get thrown out
See this BBC tweet from February
The translation
They’ll be video of this guy somewhere
Must be true if it was on Twitter.
The BBC guy suggested that the cover up was the original LOCAL one
… not a NATIONAL government one.
“Let’s put it in perspective: the #Wuhan Mayor apologised for not releasing information on the potentially-deadly #coronavirus earlier
because he “did not have clearance from above” to do so.
He knew but covered it up because of Communist Party’s governance structure.
“The president clearly switches to speaking about antibiotic resistant bugs analogously, in attempt to make a point about immunology in general.”
but if you are a Trump hater, you can MISREPRESENT what he says
..and the BBC Chief China correspondent will retweet it
to score some points
At the risk of a double post –
I can no longer bear to watch the awful BBC News
Brilliant. Saving that list !!!!! Spot on . All 50 we see daily.
Direct links to that Christmas 2017 post
As the BBC fakes appreciation of the NHS Rebecca is spot on –
Rebecca who ?
Correct. Bravely spoken Rebecca.
(Also IMO the military should be running a lot of things).
Rebecca* says “The NHS is rubbish” “more than my job’s worth .. incompetent managers ”
“that is why the ARMY has been given the job of running Nightingales”
*Rebecca Butler : Nurse to barrister to nurse again
who doesn’t like Matt Hancock
Rebecca Butler is somewhat of a TV & Social Media sensation with a viral appearance on Question Time as well as videos on social media slamming the betrayal of our veterans and remainer politicians.
Somebody wrote on Twitter that Icke has more credibility than the BBC
I saw:
“The WHO v coronavirus: why it can’t handle the pandemic”
and though that Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey are in their mid 70s and the other 2 blokes are are dead so it’s hardly good odds at the best of times if you’re setting them up for a big project.
Doodle and thoughts
Its a week or so since i lasted posted as I really didnt see the point just lately as the BBC are doing a really good job of destroying themselves in the minds of others without any of us having to lift a finger to our keyboards.
However there had to be a “Here We Go” moment and its come, its the to be expected ……..There is “emerging evidence” to suggest coronavirus is having a disproportionate impact on people who are black, Asian and minority ethnic.
So we ask ourselves why do the BBC bring this to our attention and not the fact that:
1) A disproportionate amount of BME people are in prison.
2) A disproportionate amount of young BME males are murdered.
3) A disproportionate amount of BME children are not innoculated
May I suggest that a larger than average proportion of the BME community in this country think they are above the law and untouchable and not capable or willing to adhere to or follow orders or act responsibly in our advanced society.
I’m sick to death of the BBC pushing the narrative that its the (white racist) government’s fault, it isn’t, we who live in this country have a duty of care to ourselves and others. It would seem that some “communitys” apply that mantra more than others a fact substantiated by the dispropirtianly higher numbers of deaths within certain “communitys”.
My sympathys however do go out to anyone who has lost a relative or loved one to this terrible disease.
I look forward to the media and twitterati ripping themselves part over this in a year or two when this period of time starts to be investigated. The BBC will no doubt blame the deaths on Thatcher and institutional racism rather than the Chinese or people ignoring advice from the department of health.
Ethnic communities have largely ignored warnings and continued about their daily life and the lawlessness has thus been responsible for the virus cutting through families like a scythe. In the US the effect has been equally pronounced with youths continuing to play basketball and groups ‘hanging out’ on the corner. Bringing disease into their homes in order to ‘stick it to the man’
And all the time Calvin the obvious reasons for Covid spread are ignored reasons such as
1 Too many people living too close together
2 Too many people not having respect for sensible rules
3 Police happier going for the “low hanging fruit” such as law abiding people keeping their distance from each other whilst sitting in a park whilst avoiding groups who may give them trouble. Start arresting large groups of ethnics en masse and see what happens. It is why the northern rape gangs were ignored for so long.
The police in so many cases have forgotten about real crime they have become politiscised and have lost the respect of the population at large and are using Covid as an exercise in self justification just like the BBC.
The bBBC state that BAME people make up only 14% of the population, but make up a larger proportion of covid19 deaths, does not make much sense. They appear to be at least half the population when I watch their shows, news reports and NHS stories. Has the bBBC deliberately been over representing the BAME community in it’s programming?
BAME people may comprise 14% of the national population, but in London they are the majority (as far back as the 2011 Census, White Britons in London were below 45% of the population). Most of the UK’s Covid-19 problems have been in London, therefore one would expect that – all things being equal – the number of BAME deaths would be numerically large. A detailed analysis, of the sort that would never be permitted, may reveal a more realistic picture.
Coming soon on the BBC: new tractor production statistics from the Soviet Union in the 1960s revealed.
I wonder if we’ll see a reduction in the number of adverts featuring BAMES seeing as how most ads are made in London.
Just wait until Messrs. Sue, Grabbit and Run and other ambulance chasers swing into action. Accusations and law suits will very much be a feature of post-coronavirus UK life.
And, who knows, perhaps some truths will be revealed as a result of m’learned friends’s zealous desire to line their own pockets by exploiting the misery of others.
Funnily enough, Mrs Voter was talking to our daughter about working at home just now. She manages a department at a northeastern college in Scotland. They all have ergonomic chairs in their offices, but obviously not at home. The daughter got hers from her work and is using it at home. She said that she wondered how long before the bad back claims would take to come rolling in.
When are they not?
Context it’s an old Oct 2019 story
Try arresting a muslim in one of their ghettos they all run out like rats and surround as seen on so many videos
For those who believe – happy easter . The boss has risen .
I’ve seen every Government Briefing . We are all witnessing the failure of the MSM to do its job and the government doing the same .
What are these briefings for ? Apart from repeating the ‘ stay in ‘ message what is the benefit . I can’t see one any more .
What do people need from a briefing ?
Reassurance based on useful facts .
We get neither . We get incomplete numbers of ‘ overall ‘ stuff . People want to know by region . I could list a load of relevant questions which deserve answers – where are the ventilators ? How many ? Same for PPE
Instead we get jumbled numbers – medics looking more shifty by the day – or standing like robots .
And then the media ?
The BBC waste the first question on ‘gotcha” – Demand promises of tests which they then use to gotcha the next minister up as a target ,
And more – will the NHS get a medal ?
Home sec – where have you been ?
Will you apologise for this or that – as though it makes any difference .
Anecdotes about shortages and bland replies – we’ve delivered 7 million trillion thousand hundred stuff says A nervous Priti –
We – joe public- deserve more from these characters – government and press – because of the sacrifice we are making .
We won’t be getting it any time soon though .
Worse than all that though – is a report in the telegraph saying the UKs ability to produce vaccine is not much any more .
So even when it comes – unless planning is done now – we will be scraping around for capacity along with lesser countries . There seem only 2 ways out –
1Cross fingers and hope the virus gets killed off by summer
2 A vaccine to protect the population . The delivery process must be planned out by now – including contingencies based on numbers available and means of delivery .
So we are left unreassured or frightened Or fed up and an uninformed public ;a shambolic testing system which doesn’t yet indicate the extent of infection yet alone prospective levels. Let’s all clap .
What’s also needed are the sharpest knives in the box – but on evidence presented this far there are plenty of dullards .
Happy Easter again – and another month of lock down – at least
Same to you Fed and everyone else on this site.
I think the message that they are trying to give us is that they are in control when it is obvious that they haven’t been in control for quite a few years. If one good thing has come out of this, it is that it might remind a few of the woke progressives of North London that one day even they may die (despite only drinking ethical, skinny soya Lattes with essence of organic Baobub milk )
As for the Bossman – I expect he is looking at this whole man made sh## show and shaking his head.
I doubt whether stinking rich Kensington Emily’s little Virtue signalling exercise on last weeks Newsnight will buy her seat “next to the father” she would probably do just as well buying a few Holy relics complete with a certificate of Authenticity .
To that end – I am selling a number of these if Emily or Anyone else is interested.
A box containing Lord Halls conscience (consists of an empty ping pongball)
A box of Jeremy Corbyns Honesty (consists of a red ping pong ball)
Todays specials are a broken Newtons cradle from a heroic NHS managers desk.
A plastic mac (said to have been worn by saint Greta on her Atlantic crossing) and found on the beach.
A very rare bottle of containing a sample James o Briens humility
(it looks like stomch bile – but dont be fooled)
Keir starmers political and moral Integrity (consists of snakeskin)
A box of Mark Sedwells advice to the PM (consists of two mule ears)
And my star item (said to be the great mans inspiration) A copy of Razzle once owned by Brendan Cox and fished out of the canal, pages appear stuck together, but careful handling will bring this mighty tome back to life.
All of these items are twenty quid a pop and come with a certificate of authenticity. Please make all cheques out to me. Only one item per household.
Sorry fed if i am using your blog to make a few quid – but needs must and all that.
Pay – no worry as long as I get my 5% …..
The BBC ticket is saying a third of critically ill covid sufferers are ethnic minorities . And that’s it . Not casual racist – just racism .
This is the trouble when the agenda and illness meet . Why say that ? What does it imply ? Is that a good thing ?
Underneath the numbers the vast majority of cases are in high population densities – cities – and where are the ethnics ? Cities – therefore it’s like it that ethnics will get the illness . So what ?
In fact – in places like London – newham and tower hamlets ethnics are the majority – so the majority of covid sufferers are likely to be non-white .
All in all this means nothing . Unless – of course – the BBC is implying the ethnics get poorer treatment than whitee …..
The commons is to return on 21 April . So at least we know there won’t be any tedious wasted hours with the government briefings – unless people are entertained by ministers not being about to say “167, 456 “ or similar . …. try rehearsing next time Priti you idiot .
They always seem to get jobs on countryfile, Springwatch etc and now a gardening prog this morning though
wonder why that is, I have never seen in years of country walks any of the above BAMES, but not according to the bbc
One third of victims are ethnic? – just goes to show they are all victims really and really should be allowed to do what they like. Unlike those morons who have for years worked and uncomplainingly paid their tax and stupidly expected the wonderful NHS to also be there for them them rather than those who have come here to just take.
Context : a year old story dated Jan 2019
BBC News
Opec producers and allies will cut production by 10 million barrels a day from May to combat a fall in demand.
Bizarre phrasing.
Indeed. It is acceptable to combat a fall in oil demand, but utterly unacceptable to refer to Boris as a fighter in his struggle against the Chinese virus. Whereas fighting against Tory Kutz is a moral imperative.
Likely on the same edit suite floor as Boris being moved to another ward.
Turned R4 on this morning 7.45 …someone criticising that Boris has been called a Fighter because he has the Chinese Virus … button again ! . It’s no wonder that most of us avoid the appalling BBC……..Meanwhile back to watching Minder …..happy days
‘Unity News Network’? A new one on me.
Seems to be making all the ‘right’ noises.
The BBC are, to be fair, probably not alone in reporting Boris’s gratitude to the NHS for saving his life.
But two points emerge.
1. Isn’t that what the NHS is supposed to do ? What is the £110bn+ we spend on the NHS otherwise actually for? How grateful should we be for a service we have a right to expect, as we pay for it in the first place?
2. The understandably very strong emotional response to having one’s life saved, or health condition improved more generally, is exactly why almost no independent, rational, imaginative critique of the NHS is possible. Consequently change is sclerotic at best and deficiencies are never challenged.
What a fine thing it would be if Boris came out and said ‘I am so glad the people treating me did what they are supposed and paid to do’. And how the roof would fall in on his head if he did!
Or as my socially-distanced neighbour put it: “It doesn’t matter how many people the virus kills! The important thing is that we protect our NHS!”
Yes, he reads the Guardian and watches the BBC.
I was thinking of putting up a separate post for the BBC and NHS – but haven’t yet – the posts tend to merge into one .
I see the NHS as a failed organisation – together with the medical profession – in desperate need of a total overhaul .
So much of the nations ‘ resources are sunk into it but when it is pressured it fails and flounders . I’m not talking about individuals – the whole thing .
I have heard that doctors are much better than civil engineers as they only kill in ones
How I wish Boris slotted that into a briefing
I think the liberal left would be wiped out in one collective apoplectic fit, including Corbyn,the bbc and grauniad turning purple and having siezures
Fed, I think a serious look should be taken at the Department for Health (and the rest of the Civil Service for that matter) along with a review of all Government spending.
The rumour (possibly well founded) emerged during the Blair/Brown era that taxpayer money for education was reduced by about half before it reached the LEAs (oops, sorry – Local Education Authority) and it was then reduced by half again by the time cash was given to the end recipients – the schools.
That sort of administrative economic burden cannot be tolerated in future, it just will not be affordable post-Covid anyway, especially in the aftermath of the PPE shambles and similar.
I can give an example of this sort of waste. About 15 years ago there was a national shortage of LGV (used to be HGV) drivers so money was made available to train and make up the shortfall. At the time I worked for a firm of training providers (note: we didn’t actually do the training). We bid for the work and I went to a meeting at which were many people in suits. There were people overseeing the scheme; then a local college who would provide NVQ assessors and oversee us. Then us, we would employ LGV trainers to actually do the training. All of course had quality systems to ensure the standard of work being done and were audited by third parties. Now, if I were to introduce such a scheme the criteria would be – trainers recruit candidates, when they pass (the only quality check needed) the trainers get paid. Fraud would be difficult – someone would actually have to get a licence. The cost would be a quarter of that budgeted but of course all those people in suits would have nothing to do (and wouldn’t get paid!)
What was the ‘treatment’?
Oxygen and paracetamol? The gas we normally breathe and one of the cheapest pills going and the NHS costs how much?
Paying for the NHS, is a bit like car insurance, you have to have it but you hope that you never do use it. How can something that is paid for in advance be so utterly useless? They know year on year the amount they have to spend, can’t keep to budget and then go to the Government cap in hand for more. Any other business would have gone to the wall years ago. Still we must clap mustn’t we!
Northern Voter
That’s a description of the BBC as well…but we don’t need them…just stuck with them !
Charlie Farley
Be like taff.
Don’t watch don’t pay . Hit em where it hurts.
BBC making up headlines…”Medics have told us they are running short of essential drugs”
Actual story – some are in short yes that is normal and then they get restocked..
Who are these ‘Medics?’ do they just pick the phone up and have a hot line to the BBC…
And now they have shoehorned the victim BAME story into an Easter message……CV-19 is racist… is affecting them more than white people..
“does that make you angry as a community leader?” was the question…how inflammatory is that…
The BBC just can’t help it can they..
#2 Nurses union head doing BBC right-speak
That was a made up headline, James, was just about to post about it. I think it was sheer bunkum from a ‘source’ (anti-Conservative Govt.) to the (anti-Conservative Govt.) BBC who are no doubt delighted to try and make Bojo & Co look bad.
What do we know?
We know that elective surgery has by and large, except in real emergency cases (eg. brain tumour causing fitting and threatening life in the longer term) been postponed. I have a friend waiting for a new hip, for example. Non-essential elective, therefore postponed.
Therefore, there can be no shortage of anaesthetic meds.
Someone just needs to kick someone else’s bum to get stuff shifted from surgery to the IC wards.
Hopefully, Dr boohana, will kick my bum if I’ve got that understanding wrong. If he/she has time to read this post while doing proper caring medicine unlike the ‘spare’ (!) Doc who could instead spend time politically weaponising this ‘supposed’ shortage.
Question for the BBC… do you think media types only viewing their own miss out on alternative input?
Poor Bill. His memory – both RAM and hard disk – must be failing. He did, after all, finance the ‘simulation’ at John Hopkins just 6 months ago:
Tackling global plant and animal health risks which threaten global food systems and health – in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
UK Department for International Development
Working in partnership with BMGF to fund a portfolio of agricultural technology investments to secure global food supplies, with a strong focus on tackling global plant health threats through improved data, monitoring and delivery of new technologies in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
Project Identifier: GB-GOV-1-300728
Activity Status: Implementation
Start Date: 23-10-2019
Total Budget: £38,000,000
We could rely on ‘Broadcasting House’ on R4 to emphasise the message that BAME are really the special victims of the virus; inferred – but never said explicitly (since it would patently be garbage), that whitee is somehow to blame for this.
This started up on R4 last night, where there was so much rambling on about ‘inequality’, that anyone who didn’t conclude that Socialism was the answer, hadn’t been listening.
Conclusion: Easter is a special opportunity for beeb to stir, even more than they usually do!
Happy Easter, everyone!
PS If you feel the need to escape the virus, I am told by beeb that THEY have the only place that is free of it: Ambridge. So hasten there…
It appears that there are far too many folk with XI JINPING virus
from the BAME and other ethnic communities than there should
be, according to the demographics of the UK. The figure is 30%
when there is only 14% of the said community.
BUT wait where by far, are the largest outbreak of the virus?
Yes it’s London . And only around 35% of the population of
the capitol are indigenous.
Others have written about the make up of programmes on the BBC and the diversity make up of the presenters, reporters etc.
Where because of diversity and positive discrimination
percentages of ethnicity , go by the board.
In fact as far as I am concerned as a Londoner the only
programme that reflects the make up of its inhabitants
is the Londonistan programme. We see Riz Lateef, Asad Ahmad,
Alice Bhanhukravi etc presenting. Kurt Barling, Brenda Emmanus,
Alpha Patel etc reporting, and a few whities thrown in. No,
this is OK , because there are less are only 35% of us indigenous
left in London. The dogma of positive discrimination goes by
the board , so far as BIG BROTHER at the diversity dept is
I reiterate on what I wrote a couple of days ago. Emily Maitlis
was not that far wrong when she said that we are not all that
equal when it comes to catching and dying from the virus.
Because of all the illegal immigrants and over crowding there
will be more cases of the virus pro rata amongst certain poorer ethnic communities.
“Because of all the illegal immigrants and over crowding there
will be more cases of the virus pro rata amongst certain poorer ethnic communities………….”
Oh God, wait til Afua Hirsch gets wind of this, she’ll accuse us of virally racially cleansing her lot !
BBC don’t like the Government using terms linked with war. Indeed, Victoria Derbyshire found it quite “disturbing ‘.
But hey ho, it’s only offending the BBC when the Government use it.
It’s Easter Day. Arguably the most important day of the year to Christians.
So what main final story do we get on the BBC Sunday Toady?
Why, a big feature interview with an activist Muslim, of course!
One thing that has come out of this terrible virus is the performance of Nigel Farage, remember him ??? He has morphed into another government basher he is more interested in looking after his radio career on LBC than asks questions about the dispraportionate numbers of BME infected or the performance of the EU.
Bye bye Nigel it was lovely knowing you.
I have to agree. He has become hysterical regarding the virus and I just can’t listen to him any more.
Which is not to say the Government has got everything right regarding the virus. No one could. But there are quite enough people on the BBC and elsewhere in the MSM willing to tell HM Government how wrong they are, frequently for political reasons of wanting them to be wrong, without him adding his tuppence worth.
Additionally, NF appears to have taken his eye off those calling for an extension to the transition period.
BREAKING: Sir Stirling Moss has passed away aged 90 after a long illness
.. as his wife Lady Moss reveals the British racing legend ‘died as he lived,
looking wonderful’
What is WRONG with the bbc ?
turned onto bbc 1 to see their Easter programme a wimmin vicar and a black wimmin, turned back to Minder to recall when people spoke English in London,, gave it 20 minutes and turnedback to bbc 1 again for Easter and a black wimmin choir
So it is bbc black wimmin Easter this year, forget the other 85% of the population
An interesting conversation on Nigel Farage’s LBC show. I’m afraid I only caught the tail end of it, however…
Nigel was chatting to a doctor and asked him why Germany’s coronavirus mortality figures are so much better than ours.
The doctor confirmed something that quite a few of us have suspected. In Britain if you die with corona like symptoms it’s logged as a corona fatality. You might have been suffering with some other terminal disease and were only days away from death, but it’s corona that goes on the death certificate.
In Germany they only log the death as corona if that’s definitely what they’ve died from.
Obviously our figures are going to be much worse than those in Germany.
When I watched Andrew Marr earlier today this fairly obvious point wasn’t raised. It was just another chance to bash the government.
I suspected that, Jeff. We cannot rely on the mortality figures.
The BBC will . . .
. . . . . . . and blame the Government of the day.
I see the BBC are reporting that Parliament will meet ‘viturally’ on the 21st April. Just enough time to debate lifting some lockdown restrictions for Ramadan starting on the 23rd April.
‘Infuriating’. But only to be expected. Law and justice are both evaporating before our very eyes. Got a way to go yet.
Its still staggering that a group of civilians can dictate events against the letter of the law. Had this f…….er been in jail would they have congregated outside demanding his release ? er, no.
Well said , pity the plane hadn’t taken off….he could have been released at 20,000 feet over the sea …fish food !
I’m not a gambling man but I would not hesitate to, if the numbers were eventually available, have a flutter on the fact that those people who flaunt the ‘isolation’ rules are in the main either foreigners or those masquerading as “British Citizens” born elsewhere like Africa, Mid East or from the Former Soviet Union.
I’m also sure that the police repeatedly hear: ‘we no speaka de engleez’. That old chestnut.
I think when the dust settles the numbers of those who are dying in care homes will come as a bit of a shock – not that many would be interested of course . The only ‘good’ would be for elderly social care to be finally resolved an improved . HMG is throwing money around like a drunk in a casino ( done that ) so another 5 billion a year for proper elderly support wouldn’t be noticed .
( by the way this doesn’t affect me ).
But what need, foreign ‘carers’ in the end if there’s no elderly to ‘care’ for?
I guess they will sign on as benefits will be more substantial than what they would get, ‘home’.
What frightens me is those 15 minutes ‘ care’ visits passing infection from one frail person to the next … having seen standards in London I’m fearful for those with no one to speak for them .
I think after watching or rather seeing the bbc 1 black Easter I will start a campaign of complaints, and when the inevitable refusal to apologise or take any blame for the offence caused to the 85% indigenous population from their barrage of black people, refuse to accept and elevate to ofcom although they are just as twisted from what I hear.
Presenters chosen only for the colour of their skin, i.e. black wherever possible, beyond their talents eg the Munchetty monster, allowed to make snidey anti Trump anti Brexit comments and be openly rude and hostile to co presenters with impunity (cos she is black?)
An “asian” channel that is only allowed to promote BLACK asians despite the millions of non black asians in this country
Do the bbc not understand how offensive so many people find THEM ?
Boris. “The nhs saved my life”
And on the third day he rose.
Also sprache Boris.
Good to have you back.
Perhaps BoJo will be fit enough in 10 days time to do the first virtual commons – can you imagine how the former speaker would have dealt with that ? He’d be full CGI …
Fed, the former speaker, now … who was that … ummmh … Betty Boothroyd? Er, no … George Thomas? Have I forgotten somebody?
Ha Up2 – I left out the name because I look forward to that character not even being a footnote . At least lockdown has shut him up .
Obviously the MSM haven’t given any attention to the fairly disgraceful shadow cabinet – or the nasty tweet Wrong Bailey sent to her cabinet opposite number .
Sooner or later the report on Labour anti-Semitism will have to be published but I bet it won’t be noticed .
Whereas a cabinet minister taking stuff to his elderly parents gets the full MSM treatment .
Boris it now OUT of hospital and going home. According to some reports in the press he was far far worse than we were told, and his entry into ICU was not ‘routine’, apparently staff were worried for his survival. Amazing what comes to light AFTER the event.
6:19am Radio Leeds repeated this week’s new BBC show :
Islamic Reflections by Dr Musharraf Hussain 12 mins
.. doesn’t sound so much different to the Christian priest.
At 6:48am had “Sikh reflections” with Ms Pakoor
for 90 seconds
The presenter mentioned a Hindu was also on earlier
it must have been a very short item
The UK is likely to be among the European countries worst affected by coronavirus, one of the government’s senior scientific advisers has said.
The warning, from Sir Jeremy Farrar, comes as UK deaths from the virus are expected to pass 10,000 on Sunday.
Sir Jeremiah must be right because he has a very large bookcase, which is so full that some books are lying sideways.
Has anyone seen an interview with an ICU doctor where he mentioned that they do have enough PPE?
I cannot find the interview anywhere but have heard it mentioned. He apparently was being pressed for negative answers from the BBC
Yes I saw a still this morning
Must have been at 8:20am
But earlier the BBC had the BBC-RIGHTSPEAK @DrAmirKhanGP being interviewed by Sima Kotecha
That was what I saw when someone shared it on Britain Elects. Lefties baffled at how the Tories are still miles ahead in the polls while Starmer gains Labour just one point over the previous poll!
For several years now NHS staff have done nothing but get a slot on the BBC to tell us all our problems are solved by electing Corbyn. The BBC never challenged any political motivations and affiliations.
Now shock horror I can’t believe at least some of these claims carry political motive.
Good work BBC, I don’t trust you.
The boy who cried wolf comes to mind.
“Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor has died at the age of 79”
Hmmm, did the Goodies ride a tandem? Maoist airbrush at work.
Covid19 said LBC
“with” ?
breaking : Boris is OUT of hospital
So the Tories have 3 cabinet ministers who have some form of Covid19 resistance.
The never infected have no resistance until they get a vaccine in a years time maybe.
Boris statement is on TV specially thanking NZ and Portuguese nurses
who stood by his bedside all night
Meanwhile on Twitter, hundreds of nasty libmob accounts are still tweeting hate against Boris asserting, that he is still in hospital watching movies.
5 minutes of talking – weaker obviously – but on the road to recovery. The BBC will be asking who has authority to launch the nukes again if BoJo is in his jim jams in the country for a bit – in the briefing
As for the Gov briefing – it may well be that the kids will be doing it as the ‘ names ‘ will be doing Easter .
Let’s wait for the BBC hired lefties to get going on their sniping again .
Did the same trolls the other day who wished him death also claim that he was faking the whole thing and it was a stunt?
Right, bbc complaint No 2 today :
1 o clock news about the muslim kumunihi in DELHI getting blamed for the virus and victims again
I could not find a single mention by the racist bbc about the chinese and indian women abused and attacked in ENGLAND by a black asian male ( from der muslim komunihi ?)
Widely reported eleswhere
No results found for “Meera Solanki”
March 8th : Even the Muslim activist group TellMama carried it
I’ve been issued gloves and alcohol hand gel by my company .
Please use wisely they’ve asked .
A colonel is briefing a squad of soldiers about to go on a mission .
” remember your training and you’ve only got six rounds each ” he reminds them .
Is the company telling me I’m thick and think I’m going to drink the hand gel , is the colonel wrong to reiterate the scarcity of the ammo ?
Of course not . Who would issue scarce resources to anyone without that reminder .?
So lay off the Secretary of State Hancock , BBC and all the faux outraged others . He didn’t say Nurses were abusing them he said a normal reminder and that’s that .
The BBC should be shut down because it is out of control and whilst there should be a free press, the BBC with its vast resources, has become a propaganda machine. Is the BBC is attempting to counter US Executive Orders?
The BBC caused quite a stir on Twitter with this –
“US-China tensions
One of the reasons behind President Trump’s decision to mine on the Moon could be a lack of access to minerals for the US compared with other parts of the world
“The US has lost the race – other countries are ahead, like China and Russia,” says Benjamin.
Materials mined by China have been made available around the world.
“It will be really attractive to people like President Trump if you are able to get minerals in a place where the Chinese aren’t – like space.”
This paints the US, and Trump in particular, in a bad light
Reaction on Twitter –
https://twitter dot com/search?q=bbc%20moon%20trump&src=typed_query
To cover themselves the BBC included a link outside the site
And the truth