Very disappointed with the Home Secretary. Either she agrees with not publishing the report or she cannot force her Home Office staff to release it. If it is the former she belongs with snivelling Hancock who uses his coronavirus platform to grovel to Islam or if it is the latter she ought to have the courage to speak out and damn them.
TOADY Watch #2 – Another bad case of non-compliance
A SAGE Professor, think the name was Simon Harrison but ‘Gravel’ garbled it, so am not sure.
The Labour Party have been sidelined so the BBC want to help them. As the daughter of former Labour Party leader, the late John Smith, ‘Gravel’ wants to get Labour back in the headlines. She asks the Prof whether he thinks it really, really wrong, REALLY WRONG, that a SPAD (that’s SPecial ADvisor, Fed, just in case you start to twitch over an acronym/abreviation) should attend a meeting of a Scientific Advisers. “On which side of the debate do you fall?”
The medical Prof gave a very wise answer and did not commit himself either way. No headlines to attack the PM with there.
Yesterday I posted that Justin, at 7.55 was pushing a member of the opposition (Welsh voice but I don’t known whether Labour or Welsh Nationalist) to say that it was wrong that the attendees at SAGE meetings were not published. The chap hadn’t a clue why Justin was pushing him. I thought it was just to get a headline and predicted it was to attack the scientists present.
It now becomes obvious that the Today team KNEW that Cummings was at those meetings and saw an angle to hit him. Actually if I was in the government, I would want someone at the meeting. The minutes, unless verbatim and perhaps even then, don’t give the nuances of what is said. There may also be things said, that are not minuted (happens all the time).
What is obvious is there is a mole at No 10 deliberately trying to undermine the government and leaking stories directly to the BBC. As yet I cannot be sure whether this was the story of an underling (I know of one there under Boris’ leadership who had joined the Labour Party just when Corbyn was made leader), or whether this is someone more senior trying to delay Brexit.
Sooner or later one of these self regarding fools who think they sound more clever sitting in front of books will get caught out with their bound set of ‘razzle’ or similar publication on display …..
The twitter chatter on this image is quite funny speculating on what those books are – no one – obviously cares a rats for anything this over inflated BBC drone goes on about -( anti Israel as usual I suppose )
A perfect example of how the bBBC uses a seemingly innocent and potentially interesting article on how different states have very different ‘strategies’. ‘Some states Reopen’ lures the reader in to their real agenda. Yep, bashing Trump.
They just have to keep that ball in the air!
It’s not even hidden. Past the Bold title intro’s it takes them 15 words to adroitly Segway into ‘Trump and disinfectant’. They follow up the chronology with a VT where a Thoracic surgeon and colleagues line up to warn people on the corrosive properties of ingesting Bleach.
It is pathetic.
The tragedy of this ‘piece’ is they were potentially on to something, but spectacularly miss the opportunity.
I, and many, would really like to see a divergent approach across our nation (not just Scotland et al). Italy, Spain the US, many countries, have intelligent regional or parochial strategies that fit facts, even down to village level.
We simply have the ‘what’s best for London’ strategy that we all suck up. We are clearly far too centralised. It’s not smart. It’s, patronising, it punishes everyone, losing strategic relevance as time goes on.
The misunderstanding with Trump is, like the UK, he controls every state or district strategy within his nation. He doesn’t. Of course this is never factored in when mistakes happen or he ‘spitballs’ at the press conference.
“Dinghies carrying 76 migrants intercepted in Channel”
“The Home Office said the virus crisis was having no impact on its operational response to the crossings. ”
What “operational response”?
The Border Farce is just a waste of time, money and resources with its “interceptions”. It has become a ferry service. Get the Royal Navy in or get out Ms Home Secretary.
The Tory Party were ‘lent our Vote’ to sort out Immigration.
No excuses this time .
Time for Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party to rise again.
taffman- more than 450 crossed in April? The real figure, the unknown knows (or are they the known unknows?) could be 2,3,4,5,6 or 20 times higher.
Border Farce is depleted. Beaches are empty. Priti is the clearest case of overpromoted you could wish to see.
I’d be surprised if Africans and Middle Easterners in Calais and elsewhere had missed such a golden opportunity! And let’s be honest: the French aren’t going to try too hard to stop them!
This whole issue has become akin to bringing back the Death Penalty. The Government know what the public want yet deny that. Same immigration, that same immigration that provides a ticket to a seat at the UN and the ECHR.
Immigration minister Chris Philp said: “We are continuing to support the French to deploy extra patrols on French beaches, drones, specialist vehicles and detection equipment to stop these boats leaving European shores.”
Civil servants and MPs on both sides are enablers.
We need a war leader!
Why isn’t there someone in the Government that can take control of this huge problem….what’s Priti doing ….is she in hiding ? .
Gun Boats patrolling In the Channel and shooting to sink the dinghys it’s the only rational answer !
” We’ll fight the illegals on the Beaches “….if only
She’s been busy issuing threats of increased police powers targeted at those breaking the lockdown. See today’s Daily Express rag.
Easy to target the generally law abiding peaceful masses in the country isn’t it Priti?
Disgraceful behaviour. Our borders are more porous than a wet sponge and she has the nerve to come out with this shit.
I do hope Cummings reads these posts and realises that the useless spineless ineffectual torys are finished unless individuals like this Priti Patel do the bloody job they were elected to.
Thanks WW,
Reminding me of Nigel, I remembered an email a week / 10 days ago alerting me to my membership having expired. I’ll go right now and renew same.
Times like this you realise that the public should/must take direct action. Sink one or two and the message will get out pretty quickly across the channel. Meanwhile in, ‘goood ol’ Blighty’, the proponents of the UN Migration Compact (like Treezer May) will be out in force demanding justice and admission for any old Tom, Dick or Harry, that fancies a bit of benefit scrounging compliments of the taxpayer. Not to mention their penchant for young white girls.
Boris is letting the voter and country down. Its too long into the future to warn him next election. Clear out Patel and put someone in charge that will wave two fingers at the UN.
This so-called Government at present are enjoying the invocation of the, “War Spirit”, Dunkirk and all that nonsense. But how would they react should a good number of ‘small craft’ put out to sea from the East coast manned by ordinary boat owners en masse to take over from the Border Farce to, ‘welcome’ the invaders?
If you can’t do the job, stand aside for those who can.
Can anyone tell me how a baby who isn’t yet 1 year old can suffer burns on its hands and feet ? report on the news channel about lack of patients in A & E hospitals, shows nurses wrapping the baby’s limbs in cling film, while the mother is trying to calm the screaming babe. Yet no explanation as to how this little mite became burned, because he/she certainly not old enough to be crawling and getting into mischief. Yet a good enough story to show that A & E is rarely being used now.
Depends upon the “community”. Some sit on the floor and have hot metal teapots on the floor which crawling babies tend to find interesting. Saw a clip from one of those lets visit strange lands (I think it was Turkmenistan) travelogues where the mother was continually trying to keep the baby away from the pot.
10am Local Radio news ended with
“and today is the first day of Ramadan , and here is clip of a girl called Nadiya to tell us how hard it is for Muslims this year”
Wake up
switch on the radio & there are the BBC-sh*t-stirrers again
.. Kofi Smiles and Guardian tech writer Mat Ombler
are sneering at Trump
.. “I can’t believe he told people to inject bleach, at first I thought it was a joke , but”
Like playground bullies the wokemob media
MISREPRESENT Trump’s words
so they can score points
I’m quite convinced yesterday’s pile on was coordinated. It was utterly relentless everywhere to the point of drowning out those who pointed out he didn’t say that. All repeating the exact same lie, almost verbatim.
Frankly, my dislike for the media in general is evolving into something stronger than mere dislike.
Roland – I fear you could be right . A lot of restrained anger about . A lot of those journos don’t realise that their conduct can have consequences .
It’s a disgrace that there is no outlet for those who do not agree with the far left anti British attitude of the BBC – not any easy way of holding it to account .
Biggest problem of today?
Extraordinarily weak political leadership. Including the current incumbent of No. 10. Take this issue for example. One our china/globalist supporting state broadcaster would not go anywhere near reporting thoroughly.
Absolutely shocking. You get the sense that the chinese intend to see the death of millions potentially in the West. War is the only explanation.
But everyone (except Donald Trump) thinks the Chinese are nice, misunderstood, and doing their best despite the finger pointing. No-one will say “BOO” to a goose – even the EU have backpedalled:
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! All of them BBC/SKY/ITV/CH4/5, sick to death of political agenda pushing,point scoring,misinformation,and F—— lies.We are in the worst crisis since the war,hold the government to account where mistakes have been made.But please stop searching out Labour supporting activists to be given air time.
Also stop these cheerful chirpy celebs/virtue signallers telling me how to enjoy this lockdown.If the MSM want to do something useful, ask why the supermarket giants are still not prioritising elderly and vulnerable people for home deliveries.
Oh dear what a mess the Radio 4 ‘News Quiz’ has become with some humourless but ever so worthy hariden called ‘Angela’ replacing Jack Dee as chair, even the usually hilarious news clippings were so badly delivered they didn’t even raise a flicker of amusement.
Panelists who simply weren’t funny in the remotest sense and who seemed to believe they were there to sound off about their own woke virtues made it an incredibly tedious listening experience.
I can remember Simon Hoggart another Leftie Labourite, but at least he was very funny and irreverent. Toksvig almost killed it dead, now we have a trimuvirate of unfunny but right on leftie presenters such as Angela Barnes, Nish Kumar, and Andy Zaltzman.
I think the BBC are deliberately seeing how far they can push the envelope with the cowardly uselesss incompetent Tories likely to allow them to ape Isvestia or Pravda without any reaction at all.
I cannot see the hopeless leftist Boris ending the licence fee after all every decision he has made up to now has been the wrong one.
A significant reason for the exceptional length of our Queen’s reign can be explained by her very odd son’s latest message of support and ‘heartbreak’. The poor woman must be deeply concerned – as are the rest of us.
Beeb TV have trotted out Philip Hammond. It is a conversation that is needed, the question of how we get out of lockdown, but I was not a Hammond fan. Not that Rishi Sunak inspires huge confidence.
If only we had Gordon Brown, who ‘saved the world’ (or was it the banks?) and who sold our gold reserves at a bargain basement price. (RBS was the key beneficiary of the bank rescue…SURPRISE!)
He could come and save the world, again.
But what would he sell this time? He got rid of our gold so perhaps our souls could be next? He prided himself as a ‘son of the manse’, so maybe he has contacts?
I shall always remember the buddy-buddy system of government he and Tony worked out at the Granita. Sharing out the spoils of victory like two latter-day emperors. And the ‘things can only get better’ Labour BS, everyone seemed to fall for. And Gordon finally, squatting in No10, until the pressure to vacate got too much for him.
But wait: we now have Surkeer and Doreen. I think they’re going to be doing quite a bit of selling out. It took us a long time to cotton on to Tony and Gordon, two treacherous destroyers.
S&D can’t get anywhere near government, but I think they have plans to do some real damage, supported by the bbc. How long before we get rid of Surkeer and Doreen, two more of the same ilk as the bargain basement gold and mass migration into UK, sell outs?
Vigilance friends! And let’s not take the crap they plan, lying down! Taking a pandemic and turning it into a race issue; is that a special kind of evil?
Anybody else recognise the voice (without visual) of Sunak? Reminds me of the voice of one, Tony Bliar all those years ago when he was in his, so called by the MSM at that time, “Bambi” phase.
Washed my hands of the Former UK some years ago. Am tempted to wash my hands of France, too, but there’s a glimmer of hope that Macron won’t be around long, and the rest of the EU will follow suit – perhaps prompted by Poland, Hungary, Italy, et al kicking up, big time.
I admire your optimism, OG, and hope you are right.
But the key economic player are the Germans, and while Merkel is about, with her cheque book out, the whole rotten edifice will continue to be propped up. She has her mate, Ursula, in the top EU post. Believe me, these wimmin are going to spend, spend, spend. And, talking about wimmin, CDU boss and Merkel clone, Annegret KK is waiting in the wings, should her boss fall. After all, Merkel paid the Sultan E6 billion, to ‘hold back’ the migrants. The EU is even more precious to her.
Whether they’re called Eurobonds, or Coronabonds or whatever, money transfers to the Club Mediterranean incl France, to save the EU, will be huge. Merkel’s not hanging in there merely because she likes power. Macron will do what he’s told. ‘Die Welt’ said yesterday they’re running out of food in France.
So that helping hand will be needed.
fnw “If only we had Gordon Brown, who ‘saved the world’ (or was it the banks?) and who sold our gold reserves at a bargain basement price. (RBS was the key beneficiary of the bank rescue…SURPRISE!)” or – do you mean Goldman Sachs?
The gold sale apparently helped keep GS alive and kicking for the crash in 2007-09.
Thank you, Snuff. Shows you how little I know about banks! And the gold sale helped GS as well? Goodness, wonder what the connection between our Gordon and GS really is? Does Queensferry have one very large mansion? (Never been there.)
So Goldman Sachs were the top beneficiary of the bank rescue? Still no surprise, though. Does make one wonder whetehr there is a court case against G Brown in there somewhere? Probably about as much chance of success as a court case against AM by the German people, for giving their wealth away. Did RBS come a close second?
Politicians. Banks. Media. Yup: “Were all in it together”.
Snuff – I think I need to go back and do a little more research on this particular issue. Haven’t thought about it for over a decade. It still sounds to me as if our wee friend from Q should be in jail…
That ain’t gonna happen, of course.
anyone seen the 10 person gatherings/circle of freinds nonsense I couldnt see how this can even be expected to work, I can see my dad and some freinds , but then my freinds cant see their parents etc etc
where has such ill conceived nonsense come from? is it a late april fools?
Old Goat – Yup, there it is, reliable as clockwork: popped over to ‘Die Welt’, and there is Angie, saying Germany will have to pay much, much more.
Germany can only get out of the crisis if the whole of ‘Europe’ gets out of the crisis, so greater solidarity and ever closer union is now required. (When she says ‘Europe’, she means the EU, of course.)
Utterly predictable. Sure the German taxpayer won’t be impressed; but they’re every bit as cowered under the cosh as we are. Probably a bit more, now that ‘Mutti’ has spoken. Her shares are on the up again, as everyone from the NYT to all the German MSM can’t praise her enough.
Along came Coronavirus, and now she is saving the day. Big contrast from detergent-sipping Trump, apparently. A cool head, a soft voice.
We don’t know how this salvation will occur, but the media have been galloping to the rescue for about 15 years, and we don’t know why. So, more of the same.
The rare species are having to keep an ever lower profile so they don’t catch diseases, get trodden on, caught in traps and poked and prodded and micro-chipped or airlifted to a zoo somewhere.
Negative headline after negative headline. The BBC bangs on and on about mental health during this pandemic but trots out nothing but pure negativity.
Mrs Doobster78 dropped a food parcel at her elderly parents. Both mid 70s and both said how they were sick and tired of listening to this constant doom and now don’t watch any news at all . It was beginning to really stress her dad out. Now, he is much more chipper. No coincidence. It’s draining and relentless.
What kind of headline is that
— #SupportWorldDarts #PDC #BullyInSpace (@SupportPDC) April 25, 2020
Absolutely pathetic questions by some junior BBC ‘journalist’ at the news conference. Trying to get a gotcha moment, which can be spotted a mile off.
ITV are just as bad. Asking why Foreign NHS workers should have to pay for their own healthcare, FFS.
Meanwhile, how about asking this.
Where did the 5000 people representing new C19 cases today actually catch it from, especially given that we’ve now been in lockdown for much longer and we’ve stopped using transport for much longer than the incubation period of the virus.
For discussion.
The 5000 new daily cases are from the people not in lockdown, mainly public sector, but some shops and a little industry.
Most people have been cooped up at home and not travelling so have minimal contact time with others for longer than the virus incubation period.
So the current level must represent an ongoing minimal level until herd immunity is gained (if immunity can be gained) by that non-lockdown section of the population. The death rate will continue at about the current level.
Are we in a vicious circle where a predominantly public sector class are allowed out, giving each other the virus, and then keeping their jobs as essential workers? I accept some of them are under some risk.
Meanwhile the private sector are on furlough or universal credit, seeing their jobs disappear, while being forced to stay at home, some in total isolation, with little prospect of early release.
Not exactly the class divide the Far Left like to advertise.
“Where did the 5000 people representing new C19 cases today actually come from?”, a better question!
We know that there aren’t enough people in the UK to build houses, run care homes, pick fruit, play football, act in adverts etc. and the same must apply to C19 victims. Without ‘free movement’ our ‘leaders’ will lose face at the WHO.
Doobster- I cut out BBC news for Lent but I’ve carried on beyond it and feel I have lost nothing – I stream music instead of taking the Toady programme .
Once upon a time the likes of R4 or R4x was my go to’ but I don’t even look at the listings any more because I know it will be mainly tailored to lefties and ethnics as well as a lot of ‘Wimmins’ stuff which I can’t stomach ….
… while I write this the home sec is doing the daily tedious briefing . The sky rep is a woman asking a question whilst sitting in a car ?! I didn’t listen but I think we need to know if she is driving ? Is she going somewhere ? Is she stuck on the M25?
The BBC droid asked the medic bloke about the number of deaths exceeding 20000. Apparently the medics said it would be good if less than 20000 people died . The intellectual level of these questions are as dire as the bland noises the government puts up each day .
Finally the medical bloke touted for work for hospitals as the BBC have frightened customers away . On the upside – he said – NHS staff dance moves have improved greatly and thanks for the freebies.
R4 11:20am Alstair effing Campbell was brought on to press briefing journos were too soft
presenterThe FT’s @GeorgeWParker:
“The Daily Briefing, but have we journos being doing our jobs ?
.. There has been some criticism that we haven’t been asking the right questions”
… Oh good here we go
GP ” .. that we have let ministers off the hook, that we have been too soft”
.. “Here leading the case for the prosecution is Alistair Campbell”
“@GeorgeWParker demonstrates his amorality by lapping up Campbell’s advice to journalists.”
“I just heard Alastair Campbell on The Week in Westminster talking about honesty.
Blood boiling enough to poach an egg.”
I listened, it was awful. Campbell just seems to have no idea what people think of his hypocrisy
The BBC turns to the likes of moral voids like Campbell so very often – it has a whole harem of lefties to call on . It’s lazy – doesn’t seek out fresh views and is thankfully repelling more and more people .
Darcy – my pleasure – I’m no longer exposed to the racial chip industry as exemplified by the logically names ‘alibi brown ‘ who apparently still hasn’t gone home – or that other tart – the ‘ash ‘ kid .
The MSM have got it in for Dominic Cummings – no concern that he and his family have had the Chinese virus . They just want him politically or physically dead .
Andrew Harding of the bbc tv sends a very positive report from South Africa. He says they’re coping extremely well with the virus and “screening millions”. Very tough lockdown.
His is the only pale face we get to see, so this glossy success story is virtually 100% African, with a dash of Asian heritage. Read the SA papers, and you realise a lot stays well hidden from the Harding report.
The ANC and its partner and ally, the South African Communist Party, will be extremely pleased with him.
I am amazed by people suggesting only the "hive mind" would appreciate my criticising drinking bleach as dangerous. Drinking bleach will kill you. It's not a partisan concept. It's just a fact.
OK Kumar (the BBC’s gay-dad man) quoted the New York Times
they have since deleted that tweet
cos showing any fairness to Trump is #WrongThink
Big-Woke-Brother says that it is forbidden to say anything other than “Trump said you should inject bleach”
I don’t know what he means by the “hive mind” comment
I don’t see a tweet to him with those words
perhaps it was deleted.
Few people paid any attention to him.
And what’s the point ?, when someone is so far off in the fake woke-world sane discussion isn’t going to reach them.
As the young lady says, this is an astonishing story in 2020 England.
An astonishing story.
Milton Keynes couple called 'Nazis' and had 50 bags of dog poo thrown in their garden for celebrating St George's Day and putting up a mascot supporting St George and the NHS.
OK, not related to bbbc but in a way to ANZAC day at the top of the thread. Would like to throw this out there regarding being under house arrest and in no way want to equate this with the plight of POWs
Americast – Bleach Body Ready – BBC Sounds – we’re back! Georgia’s governor opens up Georgia – against the presidents advice , Biden edges a lead in three swing states and Trump gives *that* press conference. @BBCJonSopel @adamfleming
The BBC still seems to think it is part of the journalistic bubble of America . I don’t get why they are allowed into White House briefings . The Federal Government may as well treat them as equal to the Chinese of RT …
Priti Patel tells us that criminals are exploiting the
XI JINGPIN virus. It isn’t just criminals . The Media is as
well. And we all know who is winning Lord Haw Haw prize
for this. I wonder whom in the hierarchy in the
media organization who tell us that we can trust them is
getting their “instructions” from Moscow and Beijing to
do as much damage to the government as they can. But to
be fair , they are not the only ones. The populist newspapers
are just in business to sell newspapers. They may of supported
fascism in the 1930’S because it was popular for a while. Today
if they think it is populist to attack the government when they
were screaming for a lockdown in early March, they will.
A leopard does not change its spots.
As for the BBC whom I haven’t mentioned. Do you think that
one of their fair minded political staff might mention the
fact that China cancelled all internal flights from Wuhan. But
let international flights go to all corners of the western economic
world. To achieve their largest export they have sent to the west.
And will most likely turn out to be their most lucrative economic
“trade” they ever made. Machiavelli would of been proud of
Thought for the day. The conronavirus crisis is just too serious to be used to pick yet another fight with those you fell out with during the EU referendum #giveitarest
Today is my first ever fast, I'll be doing so in solidarity with the millions of Muslims throughout the world doing Ramadan during isolation. Remember: you are not alone and we will get through this together. Thanks so much to @HinaBokhariLD for the great idea! #LibDemIftar
Ever had sex outside marriage ? a whipping for you in solidarity with the millions of muslims, not covered up ? damn another beating, adultry ? a stoney end for you
I am really, really not a Cummings fan. I have written and spoken about my concerns about him at length. But there is a *massive* difference between being “on” a committee and just listening in on meetings. You’d have thought someone at the Guardian might have realised that
“If it is true that Dominic Cummings attended meetings of Sage, then the government led by Boris Johnson has utterly corrupted independent scientific advice.”
they are champing at the bit to find the scientific advisors then, cue the lefty attack dogs (you know the be kind bunch) to find ANYTHING one or more of them may have said in the past that could be used to denigrate them, libel and slander them
this is the most disgusting behaviour in a national emergency, by all means question the government but to politicise it to the extent that you call a bloody virus racist ..FFS
For our government to THANK bloody muslims who form an absolute minority (what about the gypsys who are flouting lockdown regularly ?)
But you feel qualified to criticise those whose qualifications and experience in these matters far outweigh anything you could imagine to achieve, and the Government for having the gall to listen to them rather than you with your second class meeja degree ?
For what purpose do you criticise them ? you are academically a complete ignoramus for being unable to separate fact from opinion, so there seems only one purpose, as you are intellectually unable to peer review their findings
I repeat, I call her Carlsberg cos she is two cans short of a six pack
Philip Hammond – the man who insisted we should take the advice of government experts now questions government policy because it’s following expert advice.
FAO Lara Carsberg et al these are the questions one should be asking, but your education would not be sufficient
A classic in epidemiology: John Snow and Cholera (which was not racist)
Snow was a skeptic of the then-dominant miasma theory that stated that diseases such as cholera and bubonic plague were caused by pollution or a noxious form of “bad air”. The germ theory of disease had not yet been developed, so Snow did not understand the mechanism by which the disease was transmitted. His observation of the evidence led him to discount the theory of foul air. He first published his theory in an 1849 essay, On the Mode of Communication of Cholera,[20] followed by a more detailed treatise in 1855 incorporating the results of his investigation of the role of the water supply in the Soho epidemic of 1854.[21][22]
By talking to local residents (with the help of Reverend Henry Whitehead), he identified the source of the outbreak as the public water pump on Broad Street (now Broadwick Street). Although Snow’s chemical and microscope examination of a water sample from the Broad Street pump did not conclusively prove its danger, his studies of the pattern of the disease were convincing enough to persuade the local council to disable the well pump by removing its handle (force rod). This action has been commonly credited as ending the outbreak, but Snow observed that the epidemic may have already been in rapid decline:
There is no doubt that the mortality was much diminished, as I said before, by the flight of the population, which commenced soon after the outbreak; but the attacks had so far diminished before the use of the water was stopped, that it is impossible to decide whether the well still contained the cholera poison in an active state, or whether, from some cause, the water had become free from it.
Snow later used a dot map to illustrate the cluster of cholera cases around the pump. He also used statistics to illustrate the connection between the quality of the water source and cholera cases. He showed that the Southwark and Vauxhall Waterworks Company was taking water from sewage-polluted sections of the Thames and delivering the water to homes, leading to an increased incidence of cholera. Snow’s study was a major event in the history of public health and geography. It is regarded as the founding event of the science of epidemiology.[citation needed]
Snow wrote:
On proceeding to the spot, I found that nearly all the deaths had taken place within a short distance of the [Broad Street] pump. There were only ten deaths in houses situated decidedly nearer to another street-pump. In five of these cases the families of the deceased persons informed me that they always sent to the pump in Broad Street, as they preferred the water to that of the pumps which were nearer. In three other cases, the deceased were children who went to school near the pump in Broad Street…
With regard to the deaths occurring in the locality belonging to the pump, there were 61 instances in which I was informed that the deceased persons used to drink the pump water from Broad Street, either constantly or occasionally…
The result of the inquiry, then, is, that there has been no particular outbreak or prevalence of cholera in this part of London except among the persons who were in the habit of drinking the water of the above-mentioned pump well.
I had an interview with the Board of Guardians of St James’s parish, on the evening of the 7th inst [7 September], and represented the above circumstances to them. In consequence of what I said, the handle of the pump was removed on the following day.
— John Snow, letter to the editor of the Medical Times and Gazette[23]
John Snow memorial and public house on Broadwick Street, Soho
Researchers later discovered that this public well had been dug only 3 feet (0.9 m) from an old cesspit, which had begun to leak faecal bacteria. The cloth nappy of a baby, who had contracted cholera from another source, had been washed into this cesspit. Its opening was originally under a nearby house, which had been rebuilt farther away after a fire. The city had widened the street and the cesspit was lost. It was common at the time to have a cesspit under most homes. Most families tried to have their raw sewage collected and dumped in the Thames to prevent their cesspit from filling faster than the sewage could decompose into the soil.[24]
Thomas Shapter had conducted similar studies and used a point-based map for the study of cholera in Exeter, seven years before John Snow, although this did not identify the water supply problem that was later held responsible.
Sit-rep I went to town at 11:30am thinking I’d miss the crowds
Nope it was pretty busy, I couldn’t get into the supermarkets.
I met 3 people involved in volunteering in the pensioners group.
One of the pensioners has become so frightened by the medias campaigning, she is too scared to go up to bed
and instead sits there watching the news channel to 4am.
My friend has told her to just cut out TV news like the rest of us.
One of the other pensioners was there and he’s been brainwashed
He told me he’d watched Trump on TV saying you should inject yourself with bleach.
I asked “did he actually say “bleach ?”
… He replied “Yes he said bleach, I heard it myself”
OK there is one we’ve lost to Lalaland
One of the volunteers told me that her friend has got over Corona.
I asked if that was true and tested.
‘Yes she was in hospital for 6 weeks’
OK how did she get it
“Well she’d been in and out of hospital for pneumonia treatment, she didn’t have it before she went back in”
.. OK so this continues the pattern
That most cases of Covid19 seem to originate FROM the care system
..then the same care system claims great credit for treating it.
SG I would refer you to my above post there is the meeja and there is science and the science does not recognise trump and boris or sociology or the nhs, facts is facts, unfortunately we cannot trust a national broadcaster to disseminate facts anymore, thus this site
The most important thing in a national emergency is facts, and in the absence of clear facts, then clear science based opinions without bloody muslims and blacks opening their ever open gobs
Given clear advice as to how this country has to operate so many have decided not to comply to the extent that the government mentioned one minority in particular
“Coronavirus: WHO says no evidence that recovery prevents second infection”
If that were true then surely we’d have a large number of example cases where someone had got it a second time.
.. but we are not seeing that
.. is there some great cover up ?
The one thing I have noticed is “no underlying health problem” which is not true, most are obese
but of course I forgot, the latest bbc thing as many middle aged BAME females are grossly overweight .. its OK and now there is a fat shaming thing equivalent to hate crime..
Told ya … WHO have now deleted the tweet with that claim
and replaced it with this :
What we don't yet know is the level of protection or how long it will last. We are working with scientists around the world to better understand the body's response to #COVID19 infection. So far, no studies have answered these important questions.
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
#CCBGB doesn’t even begin to describe the replies to Mr Nawaz.
It really isn’t necessary to agree with Tommy Robinson to find deeply sinister the extent to which the State and media will go to shut him up.
Interesting timing from the House journal.
Attack of conscience?
Interesting image of a tv that would surely not work now?
Is that a variation of the tree falling in a forest with no-one to hear?
“Do I need a licence to watch an analogue TV that has no channels to receive?”
Government (useless Home Office) ‘response’ to Release the Home Office’s Grooming Gang Review in full petition.
Very disappointed with the Home Secretary. Either she agrees with not publishing the report or she cannot force her Home Office staff to release it. If it is the former she belongs with snivelling Hancock who uses his coronavirus platform to grovel to Islam or if it is the latter she ought to have the courage to speak out and damn them.
No mention of islam or the nationality of the perps.
So, the abuse by the Government of the public’s common sense goes on.
TOADY Watch #2 – Another bad case of non-compliance
A SAGE Professor, think the name was Simon Harrison but ‘Gravel’ garbled it, so am not sure.
The Labour Party have been sidelined so the BBC want to help them. As the daughter of former Labour Party leader, the late John Smith, ‘Gravel’ wants to get Labour back in the headlines. She asks the Prof whether he thinks it really, really wrong, REALLY WRONG, that a SPAD (that’s SPecial ADvisor, Fed, just in case you start to twitch over an acronym/abreviation) should attend a meeting of a Scientific Advisers. “On which side of the debate do you fall?”
The medical Prof gave a very wise answer and did not commit himself either way. No headlines to attack the PM with there.
Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.
Yesterday I posted that Justin, at 7.55 was pushing a member of the opposition (Welsh voice but I don’t known whether Labour or Welsh Nationalist) to say that it was wrong that the attendees at SAGE meetings were not published. The chap hadn’t a clue why Justin was pushing him. I thought it was just to get a headline and predicted it was to attack the scientists present.
It now becomes obvious that the Today team KNEW that Cummings was at those meetings and saw an angle to hit him. Actually if I was in the government, I would want someone at the meeting. The minutes, unless verbatim and perhaps even then, don’t give the nuances of what is said. There may also be things said, that are not minuted (happens all the time).
What is obvious is there is a mole at No 10 deliberately trying to undermine the government and leaking stories directly to the BBC. As yet I cannot be sure whether this was the story of an underling (I know of one there under Boris’ leadership who had joined the Labour Party just when Corbyn was made leader), or whether this is someone more senior trying to delay Brexit.
Jez does realise, modestly, this guy is also an Oxford Uni inmate?
Sooner or later one of these self regarding fools who think they sound more clever sitting in front of books will get caught out with their bound set of ‘razzle’ or similar publication on display …..
The twitter chatter on this image is quite funny speculating on what those books are – no one – obviously cares a rats for anything this over inflated BBC drone goes on about -( anti Israel as usual I suppose )
I think the book we were supposed to note was this:

Which is ‘Ambassador’ Fletcher’s own book.
‘Self-praise is no recommendation’.
Up2 LoL
The guardian article got hold of some retired CMO( chief medical officer ) / sage member whose best quote was ‘it’s never been done before ‘ .
Never thought the guardian would take such a conservative approach to things since it supports hairbrained lefty snowflake causes through routine .
I’m surprised there wasn’t more in tweet world From the ‘love and respect ‘ lefties wishing that mr Cummings would die from his covid
Lucy Pevensey – Are you doing the UK version?
Lucy – thanks for sharing – I saw it on the twitter and the responses were as funny as the video .
At least Australian rebellion is still alive .
On a more serious note – do you notice that it you are looking for something funny you don’t go to the BBC any more ….?
TR banned from TikTok (courtesy of Labour?)
Other Doreens are available – (Warning: a couple of naughty words)
thirstypak – not enough naughty words
A perfect example of how the bBBC uses a seemingly innocent and potentially interesting article on how different states have very different ‘strategies’. ‘Some states Reopen’ lures the reader in to their real agenda. Yep, bashing Trump.
They just have to keep that ball in the air!
It’s not even hidden. Past the Bold title intro’s it takes them 15 words to adroitly Segway into ‘Trump and disinfectant’. They follow up the chronology with a VT where a Thoracic surgeon and colleagues line up to warn people on the corrosive properties of ingesting Bleach.
It is pathetic.
The tragedy of this ‘piece’ is they were potentially on to something, but spectacularly miss the opportunity.
I, and many, would really like to see a divergent approach across our nation (not just Scotland et al). Italy, Spain the US, many countries, have intelligent regional or parochial strategies that fit facts, even down to village level.
We simply have the ‘what’s best for London’ strategy that we all suck up. We are clearly far too centralised. It’s not smart. It’s, patronising, it punishes everyone, losing strategic relevance as time goes on.
The misunderstanding with Trump is, like the UK, he controls every state or district strategy within his nation. He doesn’t. Of course this is never factored in when mistakes happen or he ‘spitballs’ at the press conference.
Once again BBC you fail.
“Dinghies carrying 76 migrants intercepted in Channel”
“The Home Office said the virus crisis was having no impact on its operational response to the crossings. ”
What “operational response”?
The Border Farce is just a waste of time, money and resources with its “interceptions”. It has become a ferry service. Get the Royal Navy in or get out Ms Home Secretary.
The Tory Party were ‘lent our Vote’ to sort out Immigration.
No excuses this time .
Time for Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party to rise again.
taffman- more than 450 crossed in April? The real figure, the unknown knows (or are they the known unknows?) could be 2,3,4,5,6 or 20 times higher.
Border Farce is depleted. Beaches are empty. Priti is the clearest case of overpromoted you could wish to see.
I’d be surprised if Africans and Middle Easterners in Calais and elsewhere had missed such a golden opportunity! And let’s be honest: the French aren’t going to try too hard to stop them!
This whole issue has become akin to bringing back the Death Penalty. The Government know what the public want yet deny that. Same immigration, that same immigration that provides a ticket to a seat at the UN and the ECHR.
Immigration minister Chris Philp said: “We are continuing to support the French to deploy extra patrols on French beaches, drones, specialist vehicles and detection equipment to stop these boats leaving European shores.”
Civil servants and MPs on both sides are enablers.
We need a war leader!
Why isn’t there someone in the Government that can take control of this huge problem….what’s Priti doing ….is she in hiding ? .
Gun Boats patrolling In the Channel and shooting to sink the dinghys it’s the only rational answer !
” We’ll fight the illegals on the Beaches “….if only
She’s been busy issuing threats of increased police powers targeted at those breaking the lockdown. See today’s Daily Express rag.
Easy to target the generally law abiding peaceful masses in the country isn’t it Priti?
Disgraceful behaviour. Our borders are more porous than a wet sponge and she has the nerve to come out with this shit.
I do hope Cummings reads these posts and realises that the useless spineless ineffectual torys are finished unless individuals like this Priti Patel do the bloody job they were elected to.
C’mon Nige. Start the mobilisation.
Thanks WW,
Reminding me of Nigel, I remembered an email a week / 10 days ago alerting me to my membership having expired. I’ll go right now and renew same.
Times like this you realise that the public should/must take direct action. Sink one or two and the message will get out pretty quickly across the channel. Meanwhile in, ‘goood ol’ Blighty’, the proponents of the UN Migration Compact (like Treezer May) will be out in force demanding justice and admission for any old Tom, Dick or Harry, that fancies a bit of benefit scrounging compliments of the taxpayer. Not to mention their penchant for young white girls.
Boris is letting the voter and country down. Its too long into the future to warn him next election. Clear out Patel and put someone in charge that will wave two fingers at the UN.
This so-called Government at present are enjoying the invocation of the, “War Spirit”, Dunkirk and all that nonsense. But how would they react should a good number of ‘small craft’ put out to sea from the East coast manned by ordinary boat owners en masse to take over from the Border Farce to, ‘welcome’ the invaders?
If you can’t do the job, stand aside for those who can.
Can anyone tell me how a baby who isn’t yet 1 year old can suffer burns on its hands and feet ? report on the news channel about lack of patients in A & E hospitals, shows nurses wrapping the baby’s limbs in cling film, while the mother is trying to calm the screaming babe. Yet no explanation as to how this little mite became burned, because he/she certainly not old enough to be crawling and getting into mischief. Yet a good enough story to show that A & E is rarely being used now.
Depends upon the “community”. Some sit on the floor and have hot metal teapots on the floor which crawling babies tend to find interesting. Saw a clip from one of those lets visit strange lands (I think it was Turkmenistan) travelogues where the mother was continually trying to keep the baby away from the pot.
10am Local Radio news ended with
“and today is the first day of Ramadan , and here is clip of a girl called Nadiya to tell us how hard it is for Muslims this year”
Wake up
switch on the radio & there are the BBC-sh*t-stirrers again
.. Kofi Smiles and Guardian tech writer Mat Ombler
are sneering at Trump
.. “I can’t believe he told people to inject bleach, at first I thought it was a joke , but”
Like playground bullies the wokemob media
MISREPRESENT Trump’s words
so they can score points
It is relentless and disgusting.
I’m quite convinced yesterday’s pile on was coordinated. It was utterly relentless everywhere to the point of drowning out those who pointed out he didn’t say that. All repeating the exact same lie, almost verbatim.
Frankly, my dislike for the media in general is evolving into something stronger than mere dislike.
Yes, RD, far more dangerous than cancer.
It has infected the Democratic Party and most of/almost all of the US MSM plus the many of the big corporates and multi-billionaires.
Individuals, tragically, die from cancer. Whole nations will die when democracy is killed.
Roland – I fear you could be right . A lot of restrained anger about . A lot of those journos don’t realise that their conduct can have consequences .
It’s a disgrace that there is no outlet for those who do not agree with the far left anti British attitude of the BBC – not any easy way of holding it to account .
Biggest problem of today?
Extraordinarily weak political leadership. Including the current incumbent of No. 10. Take this issue for example. One our china/globalist supporting state broadcaster would not go anywhere near reporting thoroughly.
Absolutely shocking. You get the sense that the chinese intend to see the death of millions potentially in the West. War is the only explanation.
But everyone (except Donald Trump) thinks the Chinese are nice, misunderstood, and doing their best despite the finger pointing. No-one will say “BOO” to a goose – even the EU have backpedalled:
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! All of them BBC/SKY/ITV/CH4/5, sick to death of political agenda pushing,point scoring,misinformation,and F—— lies.We are in the worst crisis since the war,hold the government to account where mistakes have been made.But please stop searching out Labour supporting activists to be given air time.
Also stop these cheerful chirpy celebs/virtue signallers telling me how to enjoy this lockdown.If the MSM want to do something useful, ask why the supermarket giants are still not prioritising elderly and vulnerable people for home deliveries.
From Our Correspondent in America
Starts at 1:07.
Oh dear what a mess the Radio 4 ‘News Quiz’ has become with some humourless but ever so worthy hariden called ‘Angela’ replacing Jack Dee as chair, even the usually hilarious news clippings were so badly delivered they didn’t even raise a flicker of amusement.
Panelists who simply weren’t funny in the remotest sense and who seemed to believe they were there to sound off about their own woke virtues made it an incredibly tedious listening experience.
I can remember Simon Hoggart another Leftie Labourite, but at least he was very funny and irreverent. Toksvig almost killed it dead, now we have a trimuvirate of unfunny but right on leftie presenters such as Angela Barnes, Nish Kumar, and Andy Zaltzman.
I think the BBC are deliberately seeing how far they can push the envelope with the cowardly uselesss incompetent Tories likely to allow them to ape Isvestia or Pravda without any reaction at all.
I cannot see the hopeless leftist Boris ending the licence fee after all every decision he has made up to now has been the wrong one.
A significant reason for the exceptional length of our Queen’s reign can be explained by her very odd son’s latest message of support and ‘heartbreak’. The poor woman must be deeply concerned – as are the rest of us.
Beeb TV have trotted out Philip Hammond. It is a conversation that is needed, the question of how we get out of lockdown, but I was not a Hammond fan. Not that Rishi Sunak inspires huge confidence.
If only we had Gordon Brown, who ‘saved the world’ (or was it the banks?) and who sold our gold reserves at a bargain basement price. (RBS was the key beneficiary of the bank rescue…SURPRISE!)
He could come and save the world, again.
But what would he sell this time? He got rid of our gold so perhaps our souls could be next? He prided himself as a ‘son of the manse’, so maybe he has contacts?
I shall always remember the buddy-buddy system of government he and Tony worked out at the Granita. Sharing out the spoils of victory like two latter-day emperors. And the ‘things can only get better’ Labour BS, everyone seemed to fall for. And Gordon finally, squatting in No10, until the pressure to vacate got too much for him.
But wait: we now have Surkeer and Doreen. I think they’re going to be doing quite a bit of selling out. It took us a long time to cotton on to Tony and Gordon, two treacherous destroyers.
S&D can’t get anywhere near government, but I think they have plans to do some real damage, supported by the bbc. How long before we get rid of Surkeer and Doreen, two more of the same ilk as the bargain basement gold and mass migration into UK, sell outs?
Vigilance friends! And let’s not take the crap they plan, lying down! Taking a pandemic and turning it into a race issue; is that a special kind of evil?
Anybody else recognise the voice (without visual) of Sunak? Reminds me of the voice of one, Tony Bliar all those years ago when he was in his, so called by the MSM at that time, “Bambi” phase.
Washed my hands of the Former UK some years ago. Am tempted to wash my hands of France, too, but there’s a glimmer of hope that Macron won’t be around long, and the rest of the EU will follow suit – perhaps prompted by Poland, Hungary, Italy, et al kicking up, big time.
I admire your optimism, OG, and hope you are right.
But the key economic player are the Germans, and while Merkel is about, with her cheque book out, the whole rotten edifice will continue to be propped up. She has her mate, Ursula, in the top EU post. Believe me, these wimmin are going to spend, spend, spend. And, talking about wimmin, CDU boss and Merkel clone, Annegret KK is waiting in the wings, should her boss fall. After all, Merkel paid the Sultan E6 billion, to ‘hold back’ the migrants. The EU is even more precious to her.
Whether they’re called Eurobonds, or Coronabonds or whatever, money transfers to the Club Mediterranean incl France, to save the EU, will be huge. Merkel’s not hanging in there merely because she likes power. Macron will do what he’s told. ‘Die Welt’ said yesterday they’re running out of food in France.
So that helping hand will be needed.
Only meagre reports emerging of the muslims rioting in Paris in accordance with the MSM conspiracy. Have you heard anything more?
They’re always rioting in Paris. It tends not to be reported here, for different reasons though – mainly tedium.
fnw “If only we had Gordon Brown, who ‘saved the world’ (or was it the banks?) and who sold our gold reserves at a bargain basement price. (RBS was the key beneficiary of the bank rescue…SURPRISE!)” or – do you mean Goldman Sachs?
The gold sale apparently helped keep GS alive and kicking for the crash in 2007-09.
Thank you, Snuff. Shows you how little I know about banks! And the gold sale helped GS as well? Goodness, wonder what the connection between our Gordon and GS really is? Does Queensferry have one very large mansion? (Never been there.)
So Goldman Sachs were the top beneficiary of the bank rescue? Still no surprise, though. Does make one wonder whetehr there is a court case against G Brown in there somewhere? Probably about as much chance of success as a court case against AM by the German people, for giving their wealth away. Did RBS come a close second?
Politicians. Banks. Media. Yup: “Were all in it together”.
fnw, “So Goldman Sachs were the top beneficiary of the bank rescue?” nope, they were saved by the gold sale.
Snuff – I think I need to go back and do a little more research on this particular issue. Haven’t thought about it for over a decade. It still sounds to me as if our wee friend from Q should be in jail…
That ain’t gonna happen, of course.
You sure it’s tedium, and not the same self-censoring thought police as we have here in Blighty?
anyone seen the 10 person gatherings/circle of freinds nonsense I couldnt see how this can even be expected to work, I can see my dad and some freinds , but then my freinds cant see their parents etc etc
where has such ill conceived nonsense come from? is it a late april fools?
ahhh its rama…
Well, I’m hard pushed to think of 5 who I’d want to be in a gathering with ! and I’m not joking.
Old Goat – Yup, there it is, reliable as clockwork: popped over to ‘Die Welt’, and there is Angie, saying Germany will have to pay much, much more.
Germany can only get out of the crisis if the whole of ‘Europe’ gets out of the crisis, so greater solidarity and ever closer union is now required. (When she says ‘Europe’, she means the EU, of course.)
Utterly predictable. Sure the German taxpayer won’t be impressed; but they’re every bit as cowered under the cosh as we are. Probably a bit more, now that ‘Mutti’ has spoken. Her shares are on the up again, as everyone from the NYT to all the German MSM can’t praise her enough.
Along came Coronavirus, and now she is saving the day. Big contrast from detergent-sipping Trump, apparently. A cool head, a soft voice.
We don’t know how this salvation will occur, but the media have been galloping to the rescue for about 15 years, and we don’t know why. So, more of the same.
President Vs Press.
I can’t believe the Grauniad posted this. The President is fabulous!!
Boris needs to step up his game when he is fully recovered.
If only Bojo would tell BBC sjw ‘journos’ (hecklers) to shut tf up!
Bojo won’t. He is afraid of them. And this means that the media are driving the bus.
Tricia Takanawa in action.
The BBC are covering an attempt to find species in Columbian forests that are threatened with extinction.
The rare species are having to keep an ever lower profile so they don’t catch diseases, get trodden on, caught in traps and poked and prodded and micro-chipped or airlifted to a zoo somewhere.
Negative headline after negative headline. The BBC bangs on and on about mental health during this pandemic but trots out nothing but pure negativity.
Mrs Doobster78 dropped a food parcel at her elderly parents. Both mid 70s and both said how they were sick and tired of listening to this constant doom and now don’t watch any news at all . It was beginning to really stress her dad out. Now, he is much more chipper. No coincidence. It’s draining and relentless.
Wrong picture: Surely ‘oor’ (Nicola’s) NHS as opposed to Der Starmer’s.
Absolutely pathetic questions by some junior BBC ‘journalist’ at the news conference. Trying to get a gotcha moment, which can be spotted a mile off.
ITV are just as bad. Asking why Foreign NHS workers should have to pay for their own healthcare, FFS.
Meanwhile, how about asking this.
Where did the 5000 people representing new C19 cases today actually catch it from, especially given that we’ve now been in lockdown for much longer and we’ve stopped using transport for much longer than the incubation period of the virus.
For discussion.
The 5000 new daily cases are from the people not in lockdown, mainly public sector, but some shops and a little industry.
Most people have been cooped up at home and not travelling so have minimal contact time with others for longer than the virus incubation period.
So the current level must represent an ongoing minimal level until herd immunity is gained (if immunity can be gained) by that non-lockdown section of the population. The death rate will continue at about the current level.
Are we in a vicious circle where a predominantly public sector class are allowed out, giving each other the virus, and then keeping their jobs as essential workers? I accept some of them are under some risk.
Meanwhile the private sector are on furlough or universal credit, seeing their jobs disappear, while being forced to stay at home, some in total isolation, with little prospect of early release.
Not exactly the class divide the Far Left like to advertise.
“Where did the 5000 people representing new C19 cases today actually come from?”, a better question!
We know that there aren’t enough people in the UK to build houses, run care homes, pick fruit, play football, act in adverts etc. and the same must apply to C19 victims. Without ‘free movement’ our ‘leaders’ will lose face at the WHO.
Doobster- I cut out BBC news for Lent but I’ve carried on beyond it and feel I have lost nothing – I stream music instead of taking the Toady programme .
Once upon a time the likes of R4 or R4x was my go to’ but I don’t even look at the listings any more because I know it will be mainly tailored to lefties and ethnics as well as a lot of ‘Wimmins’ stuff which I can’t stomach ….
… while I write this the home sec is doing the daily tedious briefing . The sky rep is a woman asking a question whilst sitting in a car ?! I didn’t listen but I think we need to know if she is driving ? Is she going somewhere ? Is she stuck on the M25?
The BBC droid asked the medic bloke about the number of deaths exceeding 20000. Apparently the medics said it would be good if less than 20000 people died . The intellectual level of these questions are as dire as the bland noises the government puts up each day .
Finally the medical bloke touted for work for hospitals as the BBC have frightened customers away . On the upside – he said – NHS staff dance moves have improved greatly and thanks for the freebies.
R4 11:20am Alstair effing Campbell was brought on to press briefing journos were too soft
presenterThe FT’s @GeorgeWParker:
“The Daily Briefing, but have we journos being doing our jobs ?
.. There has been some criticism that we haven’t been asking the right questions”
… Oh good here we go
GP ” .. that we have let ministers off the hook, that we have been too soft”
.. “Here leading the case for the prosecution is Alistair Campbell”
“@GeorgeWParker demonstrates his amorality by lapping up Campbell’s advice to journalists.”
“I just heard Alastair Campbell on The Week in Westminster talking about honesty.
Blood boiling enough to poach an egg.”
The BBC turns to the likes of moral voids like Campbell so very often – it has a whole harem of lefties to call on . It’s lazy – doesn’t seek out fresh views and is thankfully repelling more and more people .
Two words……………………….
“Dodgy Dossier”
F2 thanks so much…now cannot get the image of a “harem of lefies” out of my mind, as good as a cold shower
purple haired fatsos with piercings and tattoos in see through gossamer with doc martin boots
Darcy – my pleasure – I’m no longer exposed to the racial chip industry as exemplified by the logically names ‘alibi brown ‘ who apparently still hasn’t gone home – or that other tart – the ‘ash ‘ kid .
The MSM have got it in for Dominic Cummings – no concern that he and his family have had the Chinese virus . They just want him politically or physically dead .
Andrew Harding of the bbc tv sends a very positive report from South Africa. He says they’re coping extremely well with the virus and “screening millions”. Very tough lockdown.
His is the only pale face we get to see, so this glossy success story is virtually 100% African, with a dash of Asian heritage. Read the SA papers, and you realise a lot stays well hidden from the Harding report.
The ANC and its partner and ally, the South African Communist Party, will be extremely pleased with him.
No doubt with the help of Idi Amin’s Ugandan Navy
He can’t believe it, but ploughs on regardless, assured of hive love.
Men of straw, rejoice.
OK Kumar (the BBC’s gay-dad man) quoted the New York Times
they have since deleted that tweet
cos showing any fairness to Trump is #WrongThink
Big-Woke-Brother says that it is forbidden to say anything other than “Trump said you should inject bleach”
I don’t know what he means by the “hive mind” comment
I don’t see a tweet to him with those words
perhaps it was deleted.
Few people paid any attention to him.
And what’s the point ?, when someone is so far off in the fake woke-world sane discussion isn’t going to reach them.
As the young lady says, this is an astonishing story in 2020 England.
OK, not related to bbbc but in a way to ANZAC day at the top of the thread. Would like to throw this out there regarding being under house arrest and in no way want to equate this with the plight of POWs
BS from the BS.
The BBC still seems to think it is part of the journalistic bubble of America . I don’t get why they are allowed into White House briefings . The Federal Government may as well treat them as equal to the Chinese of RT …
Trump certainly profits from the media showing themselves to school bullies.
showing themselves to be school bullies.
Priti Patel tells us that criminals are exploiting the
XI JINGPIN virus. It isn’t just criminals . The Media is as
well. And we all know who is winning Lord Haw Haw prize
for this. I wonder whom in the hierarchy in the
media organization who tell us that we can trust them is
getting their “instructions” from Moscow and Beijing to
do as much damage to the government as they can. But to
be fair , they are not the only ones. The populist newspapers
are just in business to sell newspapers. They may of supported
fascism in the 1930’S because it was popular for a while. Today
if they think it is populist to attack the government when they
were screaming for a lockdown in early March, they will.
A leopard does not change its spots.
As for the BBC whom I haven’t mentioned. Do you think that
one of their fair minded political staff might mention the
fact that China cancelled all internal flights from Wuhan. But
let international flights go to all corners of the western economic
world. To achieve their largest export they have sent to the west.
And will most likely turn out to be their most lucrative economic
“trade” they ever made. Machiavelli would of been proud of
Toenails truly is the knob’s knob.
What is it with media folk and claiming stuff so gobsmackingly insincere, hypocritical and clearly daft on a ‘tell it often enough basis’?
Somebody on twitter has repeated this stat from the Daily Mail in 2017 –
‘BBC admits it spends £139,000 a year on buying the Guardian – that’s 1,300 copies a week’
A bet that’s not changed for the better – just added thousands of online contracts ….
But its the taxpayer who are paying for it. Perhaps I’ll parcel up all my old D/Mails and send them off to BBC HQ.
RE Ed Davey, join us above a chicken shop in Rotherham later for some fun….
I bet he went straight back to bed after the video stopped
He was canvassing for votes ,
Remember, you are not alone.
Well, you are if you’re a Limp and not shacked up with the leader.
I bet she didn’t show solidarity with anyone on St Georges Day.
Ever had sex outside marriage ? a whipping for you in solidarity with the millions of muslims, not covered up ? damn another beating, adultry ? a stoney end for you
Do the 2 Liberal MP Virtue Signallers care about ex-Muslims ?
I Twitter searched
.. nothing of course
Also nothing from the LibDems account
BBC application form:
1) are you not white AND male ?
2) Can you find the Grauniad website
3) do you know how to cut and paste
BBC Wales
I did like this comment from the above:
“Grant Shapps doing the press conference. This is like when they let Ringo do the vocals.”
Or when Brian Robertson left Thin Lizzy
Not to mention the bronzed strumpet’s toy boy.
So cue Ali Cami on every bbc ‘news’ show….
they are champing at the bit to find the scientific advisors then, cue the lefty attack dogs (you know the be kind bunch) to find ANYTHING one or more of them may have said in the past that could be used to denigrate them, libel and slander them
this is the most disgusting behaviour in a national emergency, by all means question the government but to politicise it to the extent that you call a bloody virus racist ..FFS
For our government to THANK bloody muslims who form an absolute minority (what about the gypsys who are flouting lockdown regularly ?)
I no longer recognise this country
The BBC getting excited about science discussions in secret after 28Gate seems… brave.
At least this involved mostly actual scientists.
Oh yes, the bbc and Lara Carlsberg asking questions about epidemiology, popcorn time
“did you get a GCSE in biology, chemistry or physics or anything apart from psychology, sociology or art ?”
But you feel qualified to criticise those whose qualifications and experience in these matters far outweigh anything you could imagine to achieve, and the Government for having the gall to listen to them rather than you with your second class meeja degree ?
For what purpose do you criticise them ? you are academically a complete ignoramus for being unable to separate fact from opinion, so there seems only one purpose, as you are intellectually unable to peer review their findings
I repeat, I call her Carlsberg cos she is two cans short of a six pack
The wisdom of Twitter crowds.
Comments are… mixed.
But those supporting the bbc are really not helping.
Philip Hammond – the man who insisted we should take the advice of government experts now questions government policy because it’s following expert advice.
FAO Lara Carsberg et al these are the questions one should be asking, but your education would not be sufficient
A classic in epidemiology: John Snow and Cholera (which was not racist)
Snow was a skeptic of the then-dominant miasma theory that stated that diseases such as cholera and bubonic plague were caused by pollution or a noxious form of “bad air”. The germ theory of disease had not yet been developed, so Snow did not understand the mechanism by which the disease was transmitted. His observation of the evidence led him to discount the theory of foul air. He first published his theory in an 1849 essay, On the Mode of Communication of Cholera,[20] followed by a more detailed treatise in 1855 incorporating the results of his investigation of the role of the water supply in the Soho epidemic of 1854.[21][22]
By talking to local residents (with the help of Reverend Henry Whitehead), he identified the source of the outbreak as the public water pump on Broad Street (now Broadwick Street). Although Snow’s chemical and microscope examination of a water sample from the Broad Street pump did not conclusively prove its danger, his studies of the pattern of the disease were convincing enough to persuade the local council to disable the well pump by removing its handle (force rod). This action has been commonly credited as ending the outbreak, but Snow observed that the epidemic may have already been in rapid decline:
There is no doubt that the mortality was much diminished, as I said before, by the flight of the population, which commenced soon after the outbreak; but the attacks had so far diminished before the use of the water was stopped, that it is impossible to decide whether the well still contained the cholera poison in an active state, or whether, from some cause, the water had become free from it.
Snow later used a dot map to illustrate the cluster of cholera cases around the pump. He also used statistics to illustrate the connection between the quality of the water source and cholera cases. He showed that the Southwark and Vauxhall Waterworks Company was taking water from sewage-polluted sections of the Thames and delivering the water to homes, leading to an increased incidence of cholera. Snow’s study was a major event in the history of public health and geography. It is regarded as the founding event of the science of epidemiology.[citation needed]
Snow wrote:
On proceeding to the spot, I found that nearly all the deaths had taken place within a short distance of the [Broad Street] pump. There were only ten deaths in houses situated decidedly nearer to another street-pump. In five of these cases the families of the deceased persons informed me that they always sent to the pump in Broad Street, as they preferred the water to that of the pumps which were nearer. In three other cases, the deceased were children who went to school near the pump in Broad Street…
With regard to the deaths occurring in the locality belonging to the pump, there were 61 instances in which I was informed that the deceased persons used to drink the pump water from Broad Street, either constantly or occasionally…
The result of the inquiry, then, is, that there has been no particular outbreak or prevalence of cholera in this part of London except among the persons who were in the habit of drinking the water of the above-mentioned pump well.
I had an interview with the Board of Guardians of St James’s parish, on the evening of the 7th inst [7 September], and represented the above circumstances to them. In consequence of what I said, the handle of the pump was removed on the following day.
— John Snow, letter to the editor of the Medical Times and Gazette[23]
John Snow memorial and public house on Broadwick Street, Soho
Researchers later discovered that this public well had been dug only 3 feet (0.9 m) from an old cesspit, which had begun to leak faecal bacteria. The cloth nappy of a baby, who had contracted cholera from another source, had been washed into this cesspit. Its opening was originally under a nearby house, which had been rebuilt farther away after a fire. The city had widened the street and the cesspit was lost. It was common at the time to have a cesspit under most homes. Most families tried to have their raw sewage collected and dumped in the Thames to prevent their cesspit from filling faster than the sewage could decompose into the soil.[24]
Thomas Shapter had conducted similar studies and used a point-based map for the study of cholera in Exeter, seven years before John Snow, although this did not identify the water supply problem that was later held responsible.
Origins of Coronavirus
Apologies if this has already been posted.
Sit-rep I went to town at 11:30am thinking I’d miss the crowds
Nope it was pretty busy, I couldn’t get into the supermarkets.
I met 3 people involved in volunteering in the pensioners group.
One of the pensioners has become so frightened by the medias campaigning, she is too scared to go up to bed
and instead sits there watching the news channel to 4am.
My friend has told her to just cut out TV news like the rest of us.
One of the other pensioners was there and he’s been brainwashed
He told me he’d watched Trump on TV saying you should inject yourself with bleach.
I asked “did he actually say “bleach ?”
… He replied “Yes he said bleach, I heard it myself”
OK there is one we’ve lost to Lalaland
One of the volunteers told me that her friend has got over Corona.
I asked if that was true and tested.
‘Yes she was in hospital for 6 weeks’
OK how did she get it
“Well she’d been in and out of hospital for pneumonia treatment, she didn’t have it before she went back in”
.. OK so this continues the pattern
That most cases of Covid19 seem to originate FROM the care system
..then the same care system claims great credit for treating it.
SG I would refer you to my above post there is the meeja and there is science and the science does not recognise trump and boris or sociology or the nhs, facts is facts, unfortunately we cannot trust a national broadcaster to disseminate facts anymore, thus this site
The most important thing in a national emergency is facts, and in the absence of clear facts, then clear science based opinions without bloody muslims and blacks opening their ever open gobs
Given clear advice as to how this country has to operate so many have decided not to comply to the extent that the government mentioned one minority in particular
@Darcy3 Yep there is ONE full-colour-complex REAL-world
… vs the Lalaland black-and-white narratives we get from the media
“Coronavirus: WHO says no evidence that recovery prevents second infection”
If that were true then surely we’d have a large number of example cases where someone had got it a second time.
.. but we are not seeing that
.. is there some great cover up ?
The one thing I have noticed is “no underlying health problem” which is not true, most are obese
but of course I forgot, the latest bbc thing as many middle aged BAME females are grossly overweight .. its OK and now there is a fat shaming thing equivalent to hate crime..
mixed massages there
Must be some bizarre reason they want us to believe you can’t get immunity
Told ya … WHO have now deleted the tweet with that claim
and replaced it with this :