On R4, Nick Robinson is getting carried away in his virtue-signalling, revolutionary fervour, in his address on ‘inequality’. He is sounding a bit like Lenin, hoping that the virus will have completely changed society, once it has passed. It will have been a sort of biological version of the Russian revolution. (All it takes is the media to egg it on, presumably with him personally leading the intelligentsia into battle on the airwaves. )
But while Lenin had a plan, centred on turning Marxism into a ruthless sweep across Russia by the Communist Party, Robinson has no such plan. He hopes everyone will have equal access to Eaton etc and this will cause a ‘new society’ to emerge, with all – especially ‘the disadvantaged’, so beloved of the bbc- emerging from education being ‘equal’ after the pandemic. He obviously sees a key role for beeb in general and radio 4, in particular, with himself as Lenin, holding forth from the podium.
But then, I only caught the last five minutes of Toady, so I may have got it wrong.
When someone on the “right” makes a “mistake” the Left bay for blood , they cry racism, sexism, threaten legal action, the media don’t let it lie for weeks ………
However, when it’s a hard leftie that’s in the wrong , it’s a case of , “we all make mistakes” !!!! And on we go …….end of story.
This is why I detest these lefties like never before. The sheer hypocrisy makes my blood boil.
Sorry to read this mark. We all make mistakes and I hope you come back stronger.
“mistake” FFS “mistake”
Who amongst here has not at one time
hacked into the PRIVATE conference call
where newspaper staff are first told of their job losses
.. and live tweeted that private info ?
TOADY Watch #1 – Can’t remember … now it comes back to me.
I listened at 8 a.m. yesterday for the first time in several days. It was just to catch the main news but found myself listening to Rick Nobinson’s appalling interview with Robert Jenrick.
Oh, how are the mighty fallen! ‘Toenails’, not Robert Jenrick who acquitted himself quite well with Rick Nobinson at his worst – ever. ‘Toenails’ should be truly ashamed of himself. I switched off.
This a.m. I started at 7 a.m. exactly, more Mishal & Toenails – oh joy – but as I got past the news, Mishal was taking the next item and it was obvious it was going to be waves of negativity.
Off-switch activated.
I went about three days without any BBC R4 news at all. I hope over the weekend, posters here will stick to the spirit of our Fed’s Thread for alternatives for the BBC and come up with some MW/LW and DAB alternatives to the Beeb.
Up2 – as you know I used to listen to the BBC as a matter of duty in order to report here . But then after probably 40 plus years on and off of Radio 4 – mainly toady – I thought – what it the benefit to me ?
Answer – on balance – far better to avoid the BBC completely . And so very largely I have . And it’s now more than 2 months –
No TV licence for me – and the only guide I get from what the BBC propaganda currently is – is here and Twitter .
Govt Briefing Saturday forcast
– the MSM will care less about numbers dead or infected – it will just be testing .
– if more tests were done yesterday the number will be alleged false
– if more tests – it’s inaccurate
Admission – I don’t think these MSM bods are completely thick – but somewhere in their bubble world they think this gotcha stuff appeals to the public .
Now I’m sure a big segment of the public don’t bother with listening to their ‘ betters ‘ standing at lecterns for 50 minute . ….
But those who can stomach it don’t want to be eating popcorn and seeing it as entertainment .
I’m scared to death of getting covid and want an upbeat story – not gotchas
NE London sit rep
More people about – lots of dumb people who can’t work out what 2 yards is – or don’t care .
Stuff, you ought to play my game (I cannot be bothered to retune and I know I should), so whilst cooking, I switch on Radio 4 and leave the radio on for as long as there isn’t anything that appears anti government, pro Islamic or totally woke. Usually I last less than a minute. This morning switched on to hear the lisping Lord Adonis (and think of 47 million FOs), did actually stay for the headlines until I heard they were still going on about the number of tests…. and switched off. I do sometimes miss the really interesting little programmes that would tell you about coffee growing in the Himalayas (without mentioning climate change) or how children learn to read (without saying it is unfair to BAMEs or children in areas of high deprivation) but I cannot remember the last time I heard a Radio 4 programme without an agenda.
Fed & Debs, I ought to have posted a second TOADY Watch this a.m.
Thought for the Day was really quite good. Well done Rev. Rob Marshall.
Lord Adonis was really quite awful. Well done Andrew Adonis. Not only did you make it very clear that the HS2 thing is a Labour Party political Vanity Project. I think you may have brought the cull of a significant number of political hack Peers from a too large, too expensive House of Lords that little bit closer.
Having gone three days without BBC R4 News, I think I ought to try and go one better. Then I could collect a set of weekdays. They would look nice on a shelf. Then, maybe, a try for the full six? A sort of BBC-less, JustRemainIn-less, Grand Slam as it were.
In 1947, an American systems theorist called Warren Weaver warned that we had 50 years to crack “organised complexity”, through a computer revolution and the deployment of “mixed teams” that bring together experts from various disciplines. Twenty years too late, a Government adviser obsessed with systems theory called Dominic Cummings has failed to realise Weaver’s vision. Today’s tyranny by epidemiologists, at the expense of insights from the likes of economists and psychologists, makes a mockery of Weaver’s vision. So too No10’s enthusiasm for computerised crystal balls that generate projections-on-acid in 1970s programming language, à la Imperial College.
Of course, as we know, there are experts and there are ‘experts’.
“… Kennedy, with Emma Freud, was involved in setting up the kazoo orchestra concert at the Royal Albert Hall,[6] on 14 March 2011, which broke the Guinness World Record for the largest such ensemble”
From her Wiki article, something I wish I had on my CV.
The comments then digressed to the equally lovely Alastair Campbell, my selection for BBBC users.
Agreed. It’s been years since he was able to send hundreds of British troops to die based upon a tissue of lies
Smug Jim The Party Starter
He always gets like that when it’s 45 minutes since he last had a drink.
The Prime Minister of Albania takes advice from him apparently. True!
Howard Johnson Dyer
That’s about right, it used to be Norman Wisdom!
Temisan Oritsejafor, 41, was already on bail for assaulting another officer when police were again called to him at a block of flats in Coventryhttps://t.co/qfsYhmqhcZ
Interesting. If you look at the UK map, set your cursor on the highest number on the scale at the bottom (‘140’) and slowly work down to zero, you start with, not unexpectedly, London. As the map fills, the locations of highest descending is quite revealing.
Em The headline means lowest in Norfolk not lowest in country The map shows South Norfolk (Norwich) at 8.5/deaths per 100,000
Scunthorpe* region has 6.6
but West Lindsey the region to the SE of Scunthorpe has 3.6
(it doesn’t have any hospitals .. I guess data claims hospital as place of death)
East Devon and South Hams are less than 5
in Newham the rate is 144
Of 421 deaths in the period
half 208 were from Covid
But typical towns have Covid deaths accounting for just 10% to 20% of their regions deaths
* regions like Scunthorpe are on the map but are missing from the data table ..maybe some later data is expected.
OK ONS have a thread : deaths involving coronavirus per 100,000 people in England and Wales
AVERAGE 36.3 : “Between 1 March and 17 April there were 36.2 deaths involving COVID-19 per 100,000 people in England and Wales”
London average : 85.7
(The local authorities with the highest mortality rates were all London boroughs.)
They seem to have some data torturing to be able to say ” rate of deaths involving COVID-19 in the most deprived areas of England was more than double that in the least deprived areas”
ie divided the country into 2 parts
Whereas we would look at the map
and say there seems to be a correlation with last 30 year immigration
He was convicted for a vicious high-profile attack on a 16-year-old girl – a video of the attack went viral,
in which he can be seen pouring alcohol onto her face as she was violently beaten by two others …
[Allowing video, that is the mistake, and is regretworthy.]
Throughout the documentary, inmates from Hydebank share details about their difficult upbringings,
including what it was like growing up in a care home and the effects of experiencing sexual abuse at a young age.
[Was everyone brought up in a care home and sexually abused? No, but coached by overpaid hard left lawyers all will claim so. It is never their fault, let’s blame the Tories.]
Some of the men who spoke to the BBC almost casually opened up about attempting suicide while at Hydebank.
[Perhaps they were lying, the BBC would not care.]
Presenter Stephen Nolan investigated life inside the institution
[Photo of Nolan in prison. Sorry “secure training college”. But why is Hannah Price mentioned in the lead?]
Following damming reports, Hydebank was completely overhauled as a prison in 2015 and rebranded as
a “secure training college”. Free movement, education and training were introduced alongside a change in culture. Labels like “prisoners” and “inmates” were replaced with “students” – with both students and staff being called by their first names.
[Why not call it Butlin’s, give everyone a diploma and release them after a week?]
Watch Boys Banged Up on iPlayer from Sunday.
[Boys? They were men five minutes ago when they “casually opened up about attempting suicide”.]
“lashing out” type abuse is often “learned behaviour”
.. so perps have often been victims themselves
However, that’s not an excuse
a lot of victims do not go on to be abusers.
Here’s Hannah Price;s Twitter thread
Her bio : “Write stuff @bbcthree & @bbcnews”
she has been writin about prisons for more than a year
Nolan is definitely the one that went in
So I suppose she is writing up from viewing the video.
Self-harm in prisons and young offenders' institutions is at a record high – figures released this week show. The scars up the arms of young offenders tell part of their story. New from me ???? https://t.co/SVFf3wtenx
This morning on @StephenNolan Governor of @NIPrisons Hydebank Wood College Gary Milling talks about 'Nolan Inside Hydebank' – the 1st episode aired on @BBCnireland last night.
One comment discussion to Nolan Did I hear correctly – one of the offenders you interviewed
stated that he would not be looking for a job because he was getting £2000 per month from the state????
Where is the routine and re-integration into society in that approach?
Not on the beeb: The Big Brother thought police at YouTube slavishly toe the Chinese WHO line on the Chinese virus and censor alternative opinions – in this case the data-based questions raised by highly qualified and experienced American doctors.
The host makes some interesting points on how medical science progresses, and the need for free speech.
(The vid might not start at the beginning and might need ‘rewinding’ with the scroll bar.)
1pm changed to “The man in chage says he makes NO APOLOGY for including home swab kits
.. allowing minister to meet their target yesterday”
“Prof John Newton said every test counted
and each one was only counted once”
“Chris Simpson who runs care homes complains about testing”
.. they play CS clip
This is a pattern : The headline make a big claim about what someone said
but we don’t get to hear a clip of that person
Instead BBC rushes on to a claim made by the someone against the government
and we do get to hear that voice.
Any scientists the Government put up, even if they have decades of specialist knowledge, always have their views questioned and investigated by the BBC .
However, any scientists the BBC put up, are ALWAYS correct, ALWAYS unchallenged and ALWAYS have a different view on how things should be done . But it’s taken as gospel that theirs is the right way.
Take the Maitliss tweet for example. She retweeted this
“I don’t quite understand why… we had four weeks of everybody shrugging their shoulders.”
Famed surgeon Dr David Nott says governments were warned about coronavirus at the end of January and he doesn’t understand “why there seemed to be nobody that picked up this”#Newsnightpic.twitter.com/5xUkQmBIrw
This video is an hour and a half long. The subject is vaccines and includes Dr. Judy Mikovits, who had her research on HIV/AIDS stolen by Mr Fauci; she was also imprisoned for at least 5 days because she refused to hand over her work. Mr Fauci then had her papers withdrawn from publication and proceeded to pass her work off as his own.
The panel is primarily expressing concern over the use of vaccines. I believe they have to be heard because they appear very credible witnesses to what is being planned.
Bottomline with conspiracy theories
is that the proponents need to properly show evidence of a conspiracy.
She made a paper, that didn’t stand up and was retracted.
At some point her lab fired her.
And got a court order cos she hadn’t returned equipment.
She was arrested
but then charges were dropped
Her counter sue failed
It’s a long story
I’d look for errors in the Snopes version https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/scientist-vaccine-jailed/
On Twitter has a list of the earning ‘ leading ‘ BBC staff get . I’d be grateful if someone could put it on here . It will be useful when tied up to the research I am doing on how much these creatures get doing conference and after dinner work using the name they have got through the taxpayers ‘ dime –
And then avoiding income tax through using production companies …
#BBC Salaries, sorry to repeat this folks but I just cant get over how they are allowed to get away with squandering such amounts of public taxes on these salaries that are paid into tax dodging sheltered companies. pic.twitter.com/DOrODS2zh2
— John Richards ???????? (@AWordIfIMay) May 1, 2020
I can put a face to nine of the above named instantly, possibly two more. Of the nine I wonder how many would publicly stray from the agenda if asked questions on hot topics, immigration , abortion etc.
How many would express support for Trump, Boris or Brexit? Although the topics are usually out of their professional remit some aren’t shy on twitter. Regardless of personal opinion I’d just like to hear some honest respectful debate from opposing sides on the bbc.
Not likely is it.
Guest – yes that’s the list . Thank you . Sadly it’s not divided into the number of TV licenses used to pay these people – many of whom are employees of their own production company .
I’m the last OFCOM annual report it called on the BBC to be more transparent – perhaps it can justify these payments – but I think most right thinking people would subtract a nought .
Guest – at least one benefit of the ‘numbers being tested game ‘ is that the true coloured of even the higher caste foreign correspondents such as Hughie’ comes out from under their tax payer provided Stone .
He doesn’t wonder at how many more or fewer poor souls have died .
Having just finished watching the PBS reshowing of ‘ Vietnam’ the msm remind me of those repulsive American media fixated on ‘ body counts’ which meant nothing when the war was being lost ….
As most on this forum would probably agree, the mainstream media are effectively one homogenous heap of crap when it comes to impartiality with the news. I wouldn’t put the BBC at the top, but they would be second behind C4 news, which I now watch for entertainment purposes only (if it weren’t so serious).
Radio is the same. I used to listen to LBC, which has now gone off the rails. James O’Brien is the main reason. I think Nigel should jump ship as its not suited to his views. Katie Hopkins is a bit off with the fairies, but she was driven off the station by the Woke Nazi’s a while ago. So much for free speech.
I no longer watch any mainstream news channel except in a dire emergency and will immediately be challenging the “interpretation” of events, as I know they will be twisted to suit their agenda.
Anyway, I used to live and work in Australia a while back. When I arrived, their Sky News was as I remembered in the early days here in the UK. Sky News was ok when it fist started here – not any more!
However Sky New Oz and in particular the Outsiders / Outsider presenters actually have helped explain in better language than our own media what is going on in the UK. Sad you have to rely on a foreign news channel to get an unbiased view of things. I would recommend viewing their output via YouTube.
I also listen to Spiked On-line podcasts which provide some challenging discussions. Talk Radio is ok, but you can see where its going as it gets more popular and will end up as another LBC.
Twitter is barking (and should be removed as it is damaging our society).
Therefore any suggestions as to alternative web based sources of good news information and honest challenging debate on issues which have no particular bias?
Hi StewGreen, apologies I missed the link. Thanks and will delve into the alternatives! Sadly tuned into Talk Radio this afternoon, whilst doing some lockdown painting – dire!
You are right about Sky Oz. How have they managed to keep their integrity? You would not guess that Sky here was coonected with it in ny way; and, as you say, better analysis of British news than you find on any British TV channel.
Actually it was Goebbels digg, though Alistair Campbell probably learned more and put into practice the most of his political beliefs and advice – which he continues today, thanks to the BBC.
@digg no big conspiracy
A newspaper creates a story and then put links to its own stories on its own pages
So each article is linked to on multiple pages
They seem to be very finicky about a few thousand tests don’t they? On the other hand, they totally failed to appreciate or understand the difference between 17,410,742 and 16,141,241.
Bit of light relief…………………..
Lockdown lingo – are you fully conversant with the new terminology?
The ups and downs of your mood during the pandemic. You’re loving lockdown one minute but suddenly weepy with anxiety the next. It truly is “an emotional coronacoaster”.
Experimental cocktails mixed from whatever random ingredients you have left in the house. The boozy equivalent of a store cupboard supper. Southern Comfort and Ribena quarantini with a glacé cherry garnish, anyone? These are sipped at “locktail hour”, ie. wine o’clock during lockdown, which seems to be creeping earlier with each passing week.
*Blue Skype thinking*
A work brainstorming session which takes place over a videoconferencing app. Such meetings might also be termed a “Zoomposium”. Naturally, they are to be avoided if at all possible.
*Le Creuset wrist*
It’s the new “avocado hand” – an aching arm after taking one’s best saucepan outside to bang during the weekly ‘Clap For Carers.’ It might be heavy but you’re keen to impress the neighbours with your high-quality kitchenware.
As opposed to millennials, this refers to the future generation of babies conceived or born during coronavirus quarantine. They might also become known as “Generation C” or, more spookily, “Children of the Quarn”.
*Furlough Merlot*
Wine consumed in an attempt to relieve the frustration of not working. Also known as “bored-eaux” or “cabernet tedium”.
An overdose of bad news from consuming too much media during a time of crisis. Can result in a panicdemic.
*The elephant in the Zoom*
The glaring issue during a videoconferencing call that nobody feels able to mention. E.g. one participant has dramatically put on weight, suddenly sprouted terrible facial hair or has a worryingly messy house visible in the background.
*Quentin Quarantino*
An attention-seeker using their time in lockdown to make amateur films which they’re convinced are funnier and cleverer than they actually are.
*Covidiot* or *Wuhan-ker*
One who ignores public health advice or behaves with reckless disregard for the safety of others can be said to display “covidiocy” or be “covidiotic”. Also called a “lockclown” or even a “Wuhan-ker”.
The sudden fear that you’ve consumed so much wine, cheese, home-made cake and Easter chocolate in lockdown that your ankles are swelling up like a medieval king’s.
*Antisocial distancing*
Using health precautions as an excuse for snubbing neighbours and generally ignoring people you find irritating.
*Coughin’ dodger*
Someone so alarmed by an innocuous splutter or throat-clear that they back away in terror.
Extra make-up applied to “make one’s eyes pop” before venturing out in public wearing a face mask.
The 10lbs in weight that we’re all gaining from comfort-eating and comfort-drinking. Also known as “fattening the curve”.
…and finally, finally: One sentence to sum up 2020, so far: At one point this week, 1 loo roll was worth more than a barrel of crude oil!
Hi James, please could you comment on the Gates Foundation’s funding of the BBC, and whether that and big pharma had any influence on your decision to ignore/sneer at cheaper generic #Hydroxycloroquine? #HCQ#Qanon#QanonUK
Alice Roberts has joined the #GotchaGang
saying “It’s about being precise. People tested (which was the original unit) ” tweet
‘look here’s a Downing St tweet from 6th of April saying the target was 100K PEOPLE’ here
.. @DixieDean69 replies ‘Here’s the actual April 3 video where
Matt Hancock says the target is 100K TESTS’ here
April 3 is before April 6
… so it’s TESTS which was the original unit
Yes, quite right Stew. It would have been helpful – and rather more honest of Alice Roberts if she had asked how many were processed through the National Testing Centre in Milton Keynes that was set up at great cost to the taxpayer.
But then Alice Roberts would not ask that. There are question marks over the quality of her scientific and enquiring mind, not least when she implied on air on BBC R4 a few years ago (may have been on Any Questions programme) that a locomotive and coaches create no CO2 and use no fossil fuel. Her implication was that ‘trains run on air but cars use petrol and/or oil and are therefore bad.’
Nigel is also wading in to Hancock here. He doesn’t like Hancock. Neither do I, but NF is not being helpful. There are plenty of of other far more pressing and worse things/people to criticise.
The new ‘at home covid game – make up your own BBC headline ………
“Hancock fails to turn up for government briefing “
“Government fails the test – less done today than yesterday “
“BoJo names baby instead of fighting covid “
“Racist government treats black NHS staff differently sez union
“Too many ventilators going unused warns NHS staff “
“Empty Nightingales disgrace says NHS union rep”
“No evidence of NHS staff nicking PPE kit – official “
It seems likely they will succeed and she is apparently disgusted by it …
However, one of the university’s own professors reacted with dread to the idea of the UK discovering a vaccine, admitting to being “worried” Britons will be proud of their country.
“If my University is the first to develop the vaccine, I’m worried that it will be used as it has been in the past, to fulfil its political, patriotic function as proof of British excellence.
“The story will be clear: China, once again, has unleashed a threat to civilisation. But the best brains of the UK have saved the world.”
In what Universe are people like this produced?
She would quite obviously prefer that more humans die before accepting that Britain had produced a cure just to prevent anyone from being proud of that!
In fact Britain and all love (and patriotism) for it must be smashed within the British population to further the Global Agenda rather than allow it to be what it always has been, a leader in the advancement of civilisation.
It also makes me wonder who the hell she thinks funds her comfortable job at Oxford Brookes?
Twisted people who live in a parallel World and the mindset displayed says much about the many people especially in the media made in her mould!
Ah, another product of our marvellous education system who lacks the intelligence and will to break her programming. If my memory serves me right (I could look it up, but she’s not worthy of my time), she’s an ‘expert’ in that most vital of fields: Gender Studies.
I expect that she’ll be a BBC regular for years and years. Well, at least until we have a government with the gumption to force the Beeb to stand on its own rather shaky pins.
It’s Cousens, she has form and family.
Previously raised here and dissected by Guido.
Guido continues to impress me, operating on a shoestring.
Or is it that he ploughs a lonely, truthful, furrow which none of the MSM wish to traverse.
I’ve fallen in love.
The lady in question I have never met nor are likely to. Her name is Clare Foges and she’s married. But we see eye to eye. She writes in the Times as follows today.
‘Last week a woman took to Mumsnet to describe her anguish at being outed as a no-show for her street’s Clap for Carers. …..the shaming of this mumsnetter captures something beyond gratitude to doctors and nurses, a reverence of the organisation itself that is cult-like. How feverish our nation’s devotion to the NHS has become, and how far we are from the possibility of rational debate on its future………
I share the pride but am uneasy with the zealotry. This religion allows no doubters. Criticising the NHS is blasphemy, criticising the way it is run heresy. ……..Faced with such devotion, politicians are left with little choice but to mouth platitudes. Those who attempt reform are attacked. A sensible conversation about improving the NHS is all but impossible.
All this was before the pandemic. Cornonavirus will only deepen the adoration and make rational debate more difficult’.
There’s much more.
Does this lady read this website? She’s so on the money and so close to the independent thinking this website so often demonstrates.
This Corbett Report at about half an hour long, goes some way to answer that question. Watch out for about 8 mins and 20 secs to see who are included in the Gates Foundation largesse. Spoiler alert, it’s the racist far-left bbc:
I always recall somebody describing ‘surrogate grief ‘ where one can switch on the TV news – hear and watch about someone’s tragedy and distress – who you do not know and never will – and emote about it – until there is something better on another channel .
What does witnessing the anguish of someone else’s loss achieve ? I don’t know – but I’m sure the amoral heartless bubble types would describe it as ‘good TV’
– award fodder .
Jess Phillips, Labour, on beeb (intl.) news: predictable phrases roll from her tongue in an seemingly endless ramble, from behind her fringe. Another MP who makes you realise how catastrophic the opposition would be in power, despite the unimpressive government we currently have.
Could she get a ministerial post, along with the likes of Surkeer, Abbott and Longbailey? Turns the blood cold. Shadow Minister for domestic safeguarding and a few other things. (The wife is sometimes after me with a rolling pin, so I wonder..?)
Reminds me of last night when ‘Great Lives’ had Matthew Parris interviewing a ‘Professor of Slavery’ from some US uni.
Whatever next?
Fake – I like Jess because she performs a function – if you have doubt about the ability of the current government – she would be the alternative – there’s a whole gaggle of them – and some can even string a Few words together . – she’s like a political bin liner – just full of rubbish …
Fed- Yup, just saw something on ‘Spiked’ about “The hollowness of Jess Phillips”. A good match for Surkeer, I should say…
Do two hollows make Holloween?
Fake – for the BBC she fulfills an ethnic tick box because of the brummie accent – which as foreign to west London as a third world Pakistani rapist . And forgive me for being an equally exotic East Londoner not from Walford e20
Snuff – Gotcha.
Re the bracketed content: no, I wouldn’t say ‘useless’ at all. I said ‘unimpressive’, which -at least to my mind- is a somewhat different assessment. We need a much longer view to make an adequate one, which will take time. For instance, if they manage to pull off the economic rescue of this country ‘after COVID’ (?) which will be a huge task, to say the least, they may well impress greatly.
In fact, I should be VERY impressed.
Fed – brings to mind something said by someone on beeb R4 in an interview a year or two ago, stuck in my mind: “…accents are like gold dust…”
Still trying to figure out what that was all about? Speaking proper like is so like yesterday?
I don’t imagine that urgent tests are done via red post boxes
Surely your test is delivered by courier and the same courier picks it up ?
Oh look someone says hers is collected by courier
We have just done our tests. They get collected by courier tomorrow. I hope OH has virus left ???? Lots of sneezing after the mouth gagging and sticking thing up nose. Results in about 3-4 days.
Tut tut tut …those naughty lefties spreading fake news ……who’d have thunk it !!!!
And the msm fall for it , hook , line and sinker . Maybe they could “fact check” these claims before publishing ? ? Then again, it’s anti government, so no need for any of that nonsense !!!!
She found “Home test kit arrived.
Step 1 is to book the courier to pick it up the day after the night you do the test.
But service to book courier” was marked ‘closed open at 8am’
So she ended up getting a test kit on Thursday but the courier didn’t come till Saturday
She just told me that the kit has a label that identifies the returned swab
But the point is your original parcel has a bar code on
and odds on the same driver picks up the completed swab from you
The system is dumbly set up
Cos actually the system should be that the courier simply waits for 5 mins while you do the test, instead of making 2 visits.
SKY HEADLINES: “Tens of thousands of key workers, didn’t tell us they got their tests, and they figured out how to return it without contacting our journalists”.
em you could read the article “After calling the helpline to see if he could print one at home,
he was told to bin the test and wait for another to arrive – in around a week’s time.”
As a taxpayer I appalled that a call centre worker said “Computer says no”
This is not acceptable
Some NHS office A sent out the kit and each person’s swab just needs to get to a lab, any lab !
why can’t they just email the courier authorisation to do this ?
Meanwhile, Sky News running a special programme as I type letting us know the problems with Covid in the USA.
Lot’s of concern about PPE, hospital capacity and medic safety.
Several interviews with desperate people with no jobs, no money and massive queues for charity food supplies. From what I see, the people of the UK are being supported far better than in the USA, doubt that’ll be said.
EUTV – I should hope so, as the UK is a ‘social welfare’ state, and the US is not.
This may well change.
Foretelling the future now about ANYTHING, anywhere, is difficult, as we have entered unknown territory.
There are so many conflicting reports, worldwide: does anyone have any understanding about the virus? About the political, economic and social consequences of ‘lockdown’? Whether it will work? Whether it was necessary in the first place? Whether it was largely a media-inspired/driven mass panic etc
Behind an attack on the US, however, could be an anti-Trump sentiment. The Chinese Communists will be pleased. Sleepy Joe and St Barack too.
EUTV – I understand exactly what you mean.
Still, we need to be cautious not to only see the surface; what we are meant to see. Merely one example of many: behind much of this panic wave there could be a much larger scenario being played out: a battle between the US and Communist China for world supremacy, in which the EU and the UK are merely small, bit players? So, a continuation of 1953 by other means? Or is it really only about viruses in bats?
I’m old enough to remember the Korean war. Largely forgotten now. The Communists in China are still the same Communists who fought in Korea. Their goals haven’t changed. I’m not a great friend of conspiracy theories, but I do know a wee bit about politics. Put nothing past them. And be careful: this is NOT about the Chinese people, as such. This is about ideology and -more important- power..
It may be primarily all about a pandemic which will change the world. Then again, it may not.
I’ve read a couple of reports that the Demonrats want the US lockdown to continue until after the Presidential election so they can justify widespread use of postal voting.
In that way it would be easier for them to rig the vote. It’s probably one reason too that President Trump wants to unlockdown the country at the earliest opportunity.
“CCDH a UK-based think tank”
FFS they are no more credible than Icke
AFAIK it’s just Imran Ahmed and Rachel Riley
Why is the BBC awarding them authority ??
Anyway isn’t all organised religion a “Conspiracy theory” ?
MOST of them are prejudiced
ie treat people of the book as a special group
most are sexist and elitist
And some stir violence
eg by saying that the punishment for apostasy is death.
Actually, in the Bible Stew – if you read it fully and not totally selectively – you discover that JudaoChristianity is not exclusive but inclusive: God calls on everyone to repent and receive His blessings of love, joy, peace and much more including freedom from guilt and the power of sin and death.
A Pilgrim’s Progress was repeated on BBC R4 Extra last week. I listened and enjoyed the tale of Christian and his travel and travails. Highly recommended. Available on BBC Sounds (aka Noises) but you will have to sign in so the Beeboids can control and watch you.
On radio 4 Ms Lang will now scare the h…. out of you if you want to be scared. You have to be quick.
Will it be more narrative-driven beeb propaganda, or genuine scientific insight?
Just watching Flight Radar 24 (62 single live alone) and there is only ONE aircraft over the UK @ 00:58.
ECO loons would have us believe that we are benefiting from the reduction in emmisions, we’ll if so why have we just had the warmest April on record ??? And why have I had to put my heating back on tonight in May ???…….???
As COVID -19 shows nature is bigger than any of us and its nature that ultimately calls the shots.
Maybe QT can be mashed up with University Challenge, and a bunch of competing ‘experts’ can be ranged either side of Fi to field questions from an audience of MSM loons whose minds are made up… on just who they don’t like?
Doctors and Oxford University researchers believe ministers have become overly reliant on worst-case-scenarios from Imperial College https://t.co/6TCs2ZkGGX
“The former Noble Peace Prize winner said the inaction had handicapped the NHS during the coronavirus outbreak.
Nurse told Question Time viewers: “We were totally unprepared for it and we should have been totally prepared for it. The fact was there was a review of the NHS and how it would work in a pandemic – an influenza one – it was never published – it happened three years ago – and we didn’t do well. In fact we failed.”
He said the NHS has had to play “catch up” since the virus arrived in the country and that a review of the government’s response to it will show that “we did not do very well.”
Operation Cygnus was a simulated exercise to assess how the UK’s main health infrastructure would cope during a global influenza pandemic. Results of the 2016 exercise were never released.
Nurse also criticised Matt Hancock’s 100,000-a-day coronavirus testing target, calling it a “PR stunt” which he claims lacked a “visible strategy”. He said the health department could have slowed the spread of covid-19 in care homes by testing patients returning from hospital as well as staff sooner.
“If we had had local testing connected to local hospitals, we could have made hospitals a safe place,“ he said, “(Instead) what we had is the potential for having care workers working on the wards, working with sick patients who were carrying the disease and weren’t being tested.”
Nurse acknowledged the country did not have the capacity to carry out mass testing back in March.
Dr Joe Pajak welcomed Nurse’s comments: “At last some balance #BBCQT. Paul Nurse speaks with authority and common sense; a renowned scientist whose expertise and assessment of this #Covid-19 crisis, should make even the most avid supporter of the government, stop, look, and listen. Because. It’s not looking good.”
Others agreed. One stressed it was a “matter of human rights law” the government not deliberately expose people to policies that could cost lives: “The government is under an express obligation to protect life – they cannot pursue a course of action that knowingly puts lives at risk.”
Ian Stenhouse, hinting at the fact Michael Gove had only read the entire report of Operation Cygnus last week, joked: “It appears that the only people in the entire country not to have heard of the 2016 Exercise Cygnus, that highlighted the risks of a pandemic, are the entire government frontbench.”
John disagreed: “Nothing the government could have done. The virus is going to continue to spread regardless and people are inevitably going to die. The government could order a permanent lockdown for the regular flu, ban roofing, cars etc. it might be over reaction but it would save lives….”
Michael Gove admitted on Tuesday during a meeting of a Commons select committee that the government had not planned for a pandemic like the coronavirus, as it was focused on a response to a global influenza.
“Science is crucial to developing sound public policy to manage the pandemic, but it is important to recognise that at this stage scientific knowledge of the virus is still tentative. Scientists can only give the best advice available at the time, but some of that advice will turn out to be incorrect. It is only through sustained quality research that clarity will emerge and advice will become increasingly reliable and that will take time.
There has also been a sea change in the relationship between politicians and scientists. This is important because as well as high-quality scientists, we need high-quality political leadership to guide us through this pandemic. The political populists, so vocal at the election and before, have gone strangely silent.”
He admits the science was wrong, and is also living in cloud cuckoo land?
Maybe if Sir Paul Nurse had been a good democrat and accepted the decision of the UK to leave the EU and not been so occupied since June 2016 trying to overturn that decision, he could have led the NHS to be ready for the pandemic.
Especially so, as the existence of the Covid virus was known about at the end of 2019 and the NHS had at the very least a whole month to prepare. The NHS wasted January 2020, as well as February, so by the middle of the fourth week in March the Prime Minister has to ask the nation and pass legislation, for the people to save the NHS!
Why is it that every single one of the women who Trump hires looks like one of any of Trump's ex-wives, or women he has had affairs with. Looks suspiciously telling to me, like a pattern!
Sarah Sanders is quite a lot overweight and has dark hair
So of course looks nothing like Melania
… when I searched for full photos on Twitter
there were hundreds of nasty images made up by libmob,
mocking her appearance comparing her to Miss Piggy etc.
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything yet?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/ace/standard/976/cpsprodpb/ac6e/live/c2564f90-ff8e-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpg.webp[/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy5ng663d1wo “The…
On R4, Nick Robinson is getting carried away in his virtue-signalling, revolutionary fervour, in his address on ‘inequality’. He is sounding a bit like Lenin, hoping that the virus will have completely changed society, once it has passed. It will have been a sort of biological version of the Russian revolution. (All it takes is the media to egg it on, presumably with him personally leading the intelligentsia into battle on the airwaves. )
But while Lenin had a plan, centred on turning Marxism into a ruthless sweep across Russia by the Communist Party, Robinson has no such plan. He hopes everyone will have equal access to Eaton etc and this will cause a ‘new society’ to emerge, with all – especially ‘the disadvantaged’, so beloved of the bbc- emerging from education being ‘equal’ after the pandemic. He obviously sees a key role for beeb in general and radio 4, in particular, with himself as Lenin, holding forth from the podium.
But then, I only caught the last five minutes of Toady, so I may have got it wrong.
When someone on the “right” makes a “mistake” the Left bay for blood , they cry racism, sexism, threaten legal action, the media don’t let it lie for weeks ………
However, when it’s a hard leftie that’s in the wrong , it’s a case of , “we all make mistakes” !!!! And on we go …….end of story.
This is why I detest these lefties like never before. The sheer hypocrisy makes my blood boil.
“We all make mistakes”
Being caught red handed is a mistake?
“I hope you come back stronger.”
Please continue lying, only improve.
The virus is at least of some Darwinian use.
The Lefties, best to eliminate them all.
“mistake” FFS “mistake”
Who amongst here has not at one time
hacked into the PRIVATE conference call
where newspaper staff are first told of their job losses
.. and live tweeted that private info ?
TOADY Watch #1 – Can’t remember … now it comes back to me.
I listened at 8 a.m. yesterday for the first time in several days. It was just to catch the main news but found myself listening to Rick Nobinson’s appalling interview with Robert Jenrick.
Oh, how are the mighty fallen! ‘Toenails’, not Robert Jenrick who acquitted himself quite well with Rick Nobinson at his worst – ever. ‘Toenails’ should be truly ashamed of himself. I switched off.
This a.m. I started at 7 a.m. exactly, more Mishal & Toenails – oh joy – but as I got past the news, Mishal was taking the next item and it was obvious it was going to be waves of negativity.
Off-switch activated.
I went about three days without any BBC R4 news at all. I hope over the weekend, posters here will stick to the spirit of our Fed’s Thread for alternatives for the BBC and come up with some MW/LW and DAB alternatives to the Beeb.
Up2 – as you know I used to listen to the BBC as a matter of duty in order to report here . But then after probably 40 plus years on and off of Radio 4 – mainly toady – I thought – what it the benefit to me ?
Answer – on balance – far better to avoid the BBC completely . And so very largely I have . And it’s now more than 2 months –
No TV licence for me – and the only guide I get from what the BBC propaganda currently is – is here and Twitter .
Govt Briefing Saturday forcast
– the MSM will care less about numbers dead or infected – it will just be testing .
– if more tests were done yesterday the number will be alleged false
– if more tests – it’s inaccurate
Admission – I don’t think these MSM bods are completely thick – but somewhere in their bubble world they think this gotcha stuff appeals to the public .
Now I’m sure a big segment of the public don’t bother with listening to their ‘ betters ‘ standing at lecterns for 50 minute . ….
But those who can stomach it don’t want to be eating popcorn and seeing it as entertainment .
I’m scared to death of getting covid and want an upbeat story – not gotchas
NE London sit rep
More people about – lots of dumb people who can’t work out what 2 yards is – or don’t care .
Stuff, you ought to play my game (I cannot be bothered to retune and I know I should), so whilst cooking, I switch on Radio 4 and leave the radio on for as long as there isn’t anything that appears anti government, pro Islamic or totally woke. Usually I last less than a minute. This morning switched on to hear the lisping Lord Adonis (and think of 47 million FOs), did actually stay for the headlines until I heard they were still going on about the number of tests…. and switched off. I do sometimes miss the really interesting little programmes that would tell you about coffee growing in the Himalayas (without mentioning climate change) or how children learn to read (without saying it is unfair to BAMEs or children in areas of high deprivation) but I cannot remember the last time I heard a Radio 4 programme without an agenda.
Fed & Debs, I ought to have posted a second TOADY Watch this a.m.
Thought for the Day was really quite good. Well done Rev. Rob Marshall.
Lord Adonis was really quite awful. Well done Andrew Adonis. Not only did you make it very clear that the HS2 thing is a Labour Party political Vanity Project. I think you may have brought the cull of a significant number of political hack Peers from a too large, too expensive House of Lords that little bit closer.
Having gone three days without BBC R4 News, I think I ought to try and go one better. Then I could collect a set of weekdays. They would look nice on a shelf. Then, maybe, a try for the full six? A sort of BBC-less, JustRemainIn-less, Grand Slam as it were.
“We didn’t ask who we can blame, we asked, how we can fix it”. Matt Hancock takes a swipe at the media in yesterday’s briefing.
Watch from 12:03 for the later part of the build up and then at 12:40 comes the passage above.
Speaking of collaboration to ‘fix’ things, this article from Sherelle Jacobs in the DT on 30 April was insightful (imo).
In 1947, an American systems theorist called Warren Weaver warned that we had 50 years to crack “organised complexity”, through a computer revolution and the deployment of “mixed teams” that bring together experts from various disciplines. Twenty years too late, a Government adviser obsessed with systems theory called Dominic Cummings has failed to realise Weaver’s vision. Today’s tyranny by epidemiologists, at the expense of insights from the likes of economists and psychologists, makes a mockery of Weaver’s vision. So too No10’s enthusiasm for computerised crystal balls that generate projections-on-acid in 1970s programming language, à la Imperial College.
Of course, as we know, there are experts and there are ‘experts’.
Interesting. Matt Hancock seems to be spending a lot of time around Bill Gates also lately. Could it be anything to do with his 75% stake in pharma?
Please take the time to watch this about the BBC…
“… Kennedy, with Emma Freud, was involved in setting up the kazoo orchestra concert at the Royal Albert Hall,[6] on 14 March 2011, which broke the Guinness World Record for the largest such ensemble”
From her Wiki article, something I wish I had on my CV.
The comments then digressed to the equally lovely Alastair Campbell, my selection for BBBC users.
Agreed. It’s been years since he was able to send hundreds of British troops to die based upon a tissue of lies
Smug Jim The Party Starter
He always gets like that when it’s 45 minutes since he last had a drink.
The Prime Minister of Albania takes advice from him apparently. True!
Howard Johnson Dyer
That’s about right, it used to be Norman Wisdom!
May 1
“Man spat blood in West Midlands Police officer’s eye”
“Temisan Oritsejafor …”
Probably mistaken identity, some minorities have a penchant for spitting, and doing little else.
Brenda Hale would declare his innocence and award zillions in compensation.
Without leaving her keyboard.
Brenda Hale = head Brexit betryal judge
in the proroguing of parliament case.
The BBC page opens with a big pic of the female officer
but not of Temisan Oritsejafor
LBC gives pics of both
Nigerian newspaper also cover it
Interesting. If you look at the UK map, set your cursor on the highest number on the scale at the bottom (‘140’) and slowly work down to zero, you start with, not unexpectedly, London. As the map fills, the locations of highest descending is quite revealing.
Em The headline means lowest in Norfolk not lowest in country The map shows South Norfolk (Norwich) at 8.5/deaths per 100,000
Scunthorpe* region has 6.6
but West Lindsey the region to the SE of Scunthorpe has 3.6
(it doesn’t have any hospitals .. I guess data claims hospital as place of death)
East Devon and South Hams are less than 5
in Newham the rate is 144
Of 421 deaths in the period
half 208 were from Covid
But typical towns have Covid deaths accounting for just 10% to 20% of their regions deaths
* regions like Scunthorpe are on the map but are missing from the data table ..maybe some later data is expected.
Knowing newham very well it must be stat comparable to any lower table third world country city …
The hospital is famous for only having an entrance ….
OK ONS have a thread : deaths involving coronavirus per 100,000 people in England and Wales
AVERAGE 36.3 : “Between 1 March and 17 April there were 36.2 deaths involving COVID-19 per 100,000 people in England and Wales”
London average : 85.7
(The local authorities with the highest mortality rates were all London boroughs.)
They seem to have some data torturing to be able to say ” rate of deaths involving COVID-19 in the most deprived areas of England was more than double that in the least deprived areas”
ie divided the country into 2 parts
Whereas we would look at the map
and say there seems to be a correlation with last 30 year immigration
Re up2 at 0938 and many others over time.
I’ve just noticed that the letters in the words Nick Robinson can be re-arranged to form Knobs on Ricin.
A fitting description of this particular interviewer’s consistently toxic approach.
@Sluff anagram tool
Young offender: ‘My mistake will haunt me for the rest of my life’
He was convicted for a vicious high-profile attack on a 16-year-old girl – a video of the attack went viral,
in which he can be seen pouring alcohol onto her face as she was violently beaten by two others …
[Allowing video, that is the mistake, and is regretworthy.]
Throughout the documentary, inmates from Hydebank share details about their difficult upbringings,
including what it was like growing up in a care home and the effects of experiencing sexual abuse at a young age.
[Was everyone brought up in a care home and sexually abused? No, but coached by overpaid hard left lawyers all will claim so. It is never their fault, let’s blame the Tories.]
Some of the men who spoke to the BBC almost casually opened up about attempting suicide while at Hydebank.
[Perhaps they were lying, the BBC would not care.]
Presenter Stephen Nolan investigated life inside the institution
[Photo of Nolan in prison. Sorry “secure training college”. But why is Hannah Price mentioned in the lead?]
Following damming reports, Hydebank was completely overhauled as a prison in 2015 and rebranded as
a “secure training college”. Free movement, education and training were introduced alongside a change in culture. Labels like “prisoners” and “inmates” were replaced with “students” – with both students and staff being called by their first names.
[Why not call it Butlin’s, give everyone a diploma and release them after a week?]
Watch Boys Banged Up on iPlayer from Sunday.
[Boys? They were men five minutes ago when they “casually opened up about attempting suicide”.]
“lashing out” type abuse is often “learned behaviour”
.. so perps have often been victims themselves
However, that’s not an excuse
a lot of victims do not go on to be abusers.
Here’s Hannah Price;s Twitter thread
Her bio : “Write stuff @bbcthree & @bbcnews”
she has been writin about prisons for more than a year
Nolan is definitely the one that went in
So I suppose she is writing up from viewing the video.
The NI Justice Minister praised Nolan and retweeted this
Nolan opened a thread here
Nolan opnened loads of previous threads
One comment discussion to Nolan
Did I hear correctly – one of the offenders you interviewed
stated that he would not be looking for a job because he was getting £2000 per month from the state????
Where is the routine and re-integration into society in that approach?
Second tweeter : You heard correct!
Not on the beeb: The Big Brother thought police at YouTube slavishly toe the Chinese WHO line on the Chinese virus and censor alternative opinions – in this case the data-based questions raised by highly qualified and experienced American doctors.
The host makes some interesting points on how medical science progresses, and the need for free speech.
(The vid might not start at the beginning and might need ‘rewinding’ with the scroll bar.)
11am local news : “Government expert DEFENDS tests figures”
.. to me that is a flag of a FakeNews headline
by 12pm they’d changed it to
“Government expert says tests figures are legitimate
..someone else says they not”
1pm changed to “The man in chage says he makes NO APOLOGY for including home swab kits
.. allowing minister to meet their target yesterday”
“Prof John Newton said every test counted
and each one was only counted once”
“Chris Simpson who runs care homes complains about testing”
.. they play CS clip
This is a pattern : The headline make a big claim about what someone said
but we don’t get to hear a clip of that person
Instead BBC rushes on to a claim made by the someone against the government
and we do get to hear that voice.
SPOT ON !!!!!!
The lefty media circus with Brett Cavanaugh was 24/7 for weeks on end. The “#metoo” brigade were lining up to spout their hateful bile . Now ?????
Any scientists the Government put up, even if they have decades of specialist knowledge, always have their views questioned and investigated by the BBC .
However, any scientists the BBC put up, are ALWAYS correct, ALWAYS unchallenged and ALWAYS have a different view on how things should be done . But it’s taken as gospel that theirs is the right way.
Take the Maitliss tweet for example. She retweeted this
Everything he says …… Correct.
Everything government scientists say …….Wrong.
It’s nothing at all to do with the science for people like Maitliss, it’s just all about bashing the Government, no matter what. At every opportunity.
Perhaps a new inscription above the BBC doors?
‘We didn’t ask who we could blame, we asked how we could fix it’
Perhaps Emily, Laura and Hugh could pool resources and etch it with home-made acid.
Yes they probably will, unfortunately just like Eric Morecambe, they will use the right words, only in a different order…
‘We didn’t ask how we could fix it, we asked who we could blame’
This video is an hour and a half long. The subject is vaccines and includes Dr. Judy Mikovits, who had her research on HIV/AIDS stolen by Mr Fauci; she was also imprisoned for at least 5 days because she refused to hand over her work. Mr Fauci then had her papers withdrawn from publication and proceeded to pass her work off as his own.
The panel is primarily expressing concern over the use of vaccines. I believe they have to be heard because they appear very credible witnesses to what is being planned.
john in cheshire
Is there any conspiracy theory you don’t subscribe to?
Is there any bias on Al Beeb that you can post about ?
Why do you visit this site ?
Bottomline with conspiracy theories
is that the proponents need to properly show evidence of a conspiracy.
She made a paper, that didn’t stand up and was retracted.
At some point her lab fired her.
And got a court order cos she hadn’t returned equipment.
She was arrested
but then charges were dropped
Her counter sue failed
It’s a long story
I’d look for errors in the Snopes version
BTW I actually wrote my post there before I’d seen Piku’s post
There is nothing wrong with evidenced-conspiracy theory
so I was way checking for evidence.
On Twitter has a list of the earning ‘ leading ‘ BBC staff get . I’d be grateful if someone could put it on here . It will be useful when tied up to the research I am doing on how much these creatures get doing conference and after dinner work using the name they have got through the taxpayers ‘ dime –
And then avoiding income tax through using production companies …
Purely and simply …..utterly DISGUSTING !!!!
And to think Maitliss thinks she is the voice of the poor !!!!!! As many of those above do in fact …
They should be embarrassed and ashamed !!!
What does Gary Lineker actually do for all that money?
He sells gambling advertising which makes the FA hundreds of millions .
Look at all the adverts around the hoardings on the show he presents.
His cheques might be signed by the BBC
but if the BBC used a presenter with less of a clean cut profile that GL then the FA would charge the BBC more.
I can put a face to nine of the above named instantly, possibly two more. Of the nine I wonder how many would publicly stray from the agenda if asked questions on hot topics, immigration , abortion etc.
How many would express support for Trump, Boris or Brexit? Although the topics are usually out of their professional remit some aren’t shy on twitter. Regardless of personal opinion I’d just like to hear some honest respectful debate from opposing sides on the bbc.
Not likely is it.
Guest – yes that’s the list . Thank you . Sadly it’s not divided into the number of TV licenses used to pay these people – many of whom are employees of their own production company .
I’m the last OFCOM annual report it called on the BBC to be more transparent – perhaps it can justify these payments – but I think most right thinking people would subtract a nought .
Hugh has turned up.
Guest – at least one benefit of the ‘numbers being tested game ‘ is that the true coloured of even the higher caste foreign correspondents such as Hughie’ comes out from under their tax payer provided Stone .
He doesn’t wonder at how many more or fewer poor souls have died .
Having just finished watching the PBS reshowing of ‘ Vietnam’ the msm remind me of those repulsive American media fixated on ‘ body counts’ which meant nothing when the war was being lost ….
Hi all,
Some feedback and advice please.
As most on this forum would probably agree, the mainstream media are effectively one homogenous heap of crap when it comes to impartiality with the news. I wouldn’t put the BBC at the top, but they would be second behind C4 news, which I now watch for entertainment purposes only (if it weren’t so serious).
Radio is the same. I used to listen to LBC, which has now gone off the rails. James O’Brien is the main reason. I think Nigel should jump ship as its not suited to his views. Katie Hopkins is a bit off with the fairies, but she was driven off the station by the Woke Nazi’s a while ago. So much for free speech.
I no longer watch any mainstream news channel except in a dire emergency and will immediately be challenging the “interpretation” of events, as I know they will be twisted to suit their agenda.
Anyway, I used to live and work in Australia a while back. When I arrived, their Sky News was as I remembered in the early days here in the UK. Sky News was ok when it fist started here – not any more!
However Sky New Oz and in particular the Outsiders / Outsider presenters actually have helped explain in better language than our own media what is going on in the UK. Sad you have to rely on a foreign news channel to get an unbiased view of things. I would recommend viewing their output via YouTube.
I also listen to Spiked On-line podcasts which provide some challenging discussions. Talk Radio is ok, but you can see where its going as it gets more popular and will end up as another LBC.
Twitter is barking (and should be removed as it is damaging our society).
Therefore any suggestions as to alternative web based sources of good news information and honest challenging debate on issues which have no particular bias?
May be too much to ask?!
@Burgsey, welcome
.. We actually have different threads running here at the same time
There is an active thread : Alternatives to the BBC & chums
I did link to it at the start of this thread on page 1
Hi StewGreen, apologies I missed the link. Thanks and will delve into the alternatives! Sadly tuned into Talk Radio this afternoon, whilst doing some lockdown painting – dire!
You are right about Sky Oz. How have they managed to keep their integrity? You would not guess that Sky here was coonected with it in ny way; and, as you say, better analysis of British news than you find on any British TV channel.
@Banania They are NOT connected
SkyNews UK was sold to US liberals Comcast (CommieCast)
SkyNewsAust is owned by Murdoch
The Independent carries at least 5 story links on it’s home page to different aspects of the Covid situation.
Click on any one and they have something in common.
They all include in the headline the words….
“Government accused of ‘massaging’ testing statistics”
A lie told often enough becomes the truth…
It could of been Hitler who first said this….
Actually it was Goebbels digg, though Alistair Campbell probably learned more and put into practice the most of his political beliefs and advice – which he continues today, thanks to the BBC.
@digg no big conspiracy
A newspaper creates a story and then put links to its own stories on its own pages
So each article is linked to on multiple pages
Government accused of ‘misleading the public’ over coronavirus testing amid criticism over figures
They seem to be very finicky about a few thousand tests don’t they? On the other hand, they totally failed to appreciate or understand the difference between 17,410,742 and 16,141,241.
Bit of light relief…………………..
Lockdown lingo – are you fully conversant with the new terminology?
The ups and downs of your mood during the pandemic. You’re loving lockdown one minute but suddenly weepy with anxiety the next. It truly is “an emotional coronacoaster”.
Experimental cocktails mixed from whatever random ingredients you have left in the house. The boozy equivalent of a store cupboard supper. Southern Comfort and Ribena quarantini with a glacé cherry garnish, anyone? These are sipped at “locktail hour”, ie. wine o’clock during lockdown, which seems to be creeping earlier with each passing week.
*Blue Skype thinking*
A work brainstorming session which takes place over a videoconferencing app. Such meetings might also be termed a “Zoomposium”. Naturally, they are to be avoided if at all possible.
*Le Creuset wrist*
It’s the new “avocado hand” – an aching arm after taking one’s best saucepan outside to bang during the weekly ‘Clap For Carers.’ It might be heavy but you’re keen to impress the neighbours with your high-quality kitchenware.
As opposed to millennials, this refers to the future generation of babies conceived or born during coronavirus quarantine. They might also become known as “Generation C” or, more spookily, “Children of the Quarn”.
*Furlough Merlot*
Wine consumed in an attempt to relieve the frustration of not working. Also known as “bored-eaux” or “cabernet tedium”.
An overdose of bad news from consuming too much media during a time of crisis. Can result in a panicdemic.
*The elephant in the Zoom*
The glaring issue during a videoconferencing call that nobody feels able to mention. E.g. one participant has dramatically put on weight, suddenly sprouted terrible facial hair or has a worryingly messy house visible in the background.
*Quentin Quarantino*
An attention-seeker using their time in lockdown to make amateur films which they’re convinced are funnier and cleverer than they actually are.
*Covidiot* or *Wuhan-ker*
One who ignores public health advice or behaves with reckless disregard for the safety of others can be said to display “covidiocy” or be “covidiotic”. Also called a “lockclown” or even a “Wuhan-ker”.
The sudden fear that you’ve consumed so much wine, cheese, home-made cake and Easter chocolate in lockdown that your ankles are swelling up like a medieval king’s.
*Antisocial distancing*
Using health precautions as an excuse for snubbing neighbours and generally ignoring people you find irritating.
*Coughin’ dodger*
Someone so alarmed by an innocuous splutter or throat-clear that they back away in terror.
Extra make-up applied to “make one’s eyes pop” before venturing out in public wearing a face mask.
The 10lbs in weight that we’re all gaining from comfort-eating and comfort-drinking. Also known as “fattening the curve”.
…and finally, finally: One sentence to sum up 2020, so far: At one point this week, 1 loo roll was worth more than a barrel of crude oil!
Fabulous Brissles!
Now with all the chums in the village!
Alice Roberts has joined the #GotchaGang
saying “It’s about being precise. People tested (which was the original unit) ” tweet
‘look here’s a Downing St tweet from 6th of April saying the target was 100K PEOPLE’ here
.. @DixieDean69 replies ‘Here’s the actual April 3 video where
Matt Hancock says the target is 100K TESTS’ here
April 3 is before April 6
… so it’s TESTS which was the original unit
Yes, quite right Stew. It would have been helpful – and rather more honest of Alice Roberts if she had asked how many were processed through the National Testing Centre in Milton Keynes that was set up at great cost to the taxpayer.
But then Alice Roberts would not ask that. There are question marks over the quality of her scientific and enquiring mind, not least when she implied on air on BBC R4 a few years ago (may have been on Any Questions programme) that a locomotive and coaches create no CO2 and use no fossil fuel. Her implication was that ‘trains run on air but cars use petrol and/or oil and are therefore bad.’
Go to number 1
Nigel is also wading in to Hancock here. He doesn’t like Hancock. Neither do I, but NF is not being helpful. There are plenty of of other far more pressing and worse things/people to criticise.
The new ‘at home covid game – make up your own BBC headline ………
“Hancock fails to turn up for government briefing “
“Government fails the test – less done today than yesterday “
“BoJo names baby instead of fighting covid “
“Racist government treats black NHS staff differently sez union
“Too many ventilators going unused warns NHS staff “
“Empty Nightingales disgrace says NHS union rep”
“No evidence of NHS staff nicking PPE kit – official “
An interesting fake headline:
Christopher Steel says on oath that his Russia document didn’t include anything about the Corona virus – Trump refuses to disavow Putin.
’Do we need a General Election to get us out of this mess?’….some people say we do. Special report by Mo Mentum.
Asteroid misses Earth, BAME communities most affected, sources tell BBC.
Our own BBC newsroom Poll shows massive trust in tv journalists, casting a huge shadow of doubt over polling done elsewhere.
Two months into the Coronavirus pandemic and still no sign of the death toll falling.
Latest report on those rocket attacks on Tel Aviv earlier today, no Muslims reported injured.
“a cure at what cost ?” Only one thing to say to that, FFS !
Boris Johnson and his fiancee Carrie Symonds have named their baby boy Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas Yaxley Lennon Johnson.
G.W.F., isn’t it a good job that the PM wasn’t nursed back to health by a trio of nurses with the surnames Norman, Stanley and Fletcher?
Dr. Emily Cousins a researcher at Oxford Brookes University rubbishes the UK attempts to develop a Covid vaccine…
It seems likely they will succeed and she is apparently disgusted by it …
However, one of the university’s own professors reacted with dread to the idea of the UK discovering a vaccine, admitting to being “worried” Britons will be proud of their country.
“If my University is the first to develop the vaccine, I’m worried that it will be used as it has been in the past, to fulfil its political, patriotic function as proof of British excellence.
“The story will be clear: China, once again, has unleashed a threat to civilisation. But the best brains of the UK have saved the world.”
In what Universe are people like this produced?
She would quite obviously prefer that more humans die before accepting that Britain had produced a cure just to prevent anyone from being proud of that!
In fact Britain and all love (and patriotism) for it must be smashed within the British population to further the Global Agenda rather than allow it to be what it always has been, a leader in the advancement of civilisation.
It also makes me wonder who the hell she thinks funds her comfortable job at Oxford Brookes?
Twisted people who live in a parallel World and the mindset displayed says much about the many people especially in the media made in her mould!
Ah, another product of our marvellous education system who lacks the intelligence and will to break her programming. If my memory serves me right (I could look it up, but she’s not worthy of my time), she’s an ‘expert’ in that most vital of fields: Gender Studies.
I expect that she’ll be a BBC regular for years and years. Well, at least until we have a government with the gumption to force the Beeb to stand on its own rather shaky pins.
“Dr. Emily Cousins a researcher at Oxford Brookes University rubbishes the UK attempts to develop a Covid vaccine…”
It’s Cousens, she has form and family.
Previously raised here and dissected by Guido.
Guido continues to impress me, operating on a shoestring.
Or is it that he ploughs a lonely, truthful, furrow which none of the MSM wish to traverse.
She probably has 6 cats.
I’ve fallen in love.
The lady in question I have never met nor are likely to. Her name is Clare Foges and she’s married. But we see eye to eye. She writes in the Times as follows today.
‘Last week a woman took to Mumsnet to describe her anguish at being outed as a no-show for her street’s Clap for Carers. …..the shaming of this mumsnetter captures something beyond gratitude to doctors and nurses, a reverence of the organisation itself that is cult-like. How feverish our nation’s devotion to the NHS has become, and how far we are from the possibility of rational debate on its future………
I share the pride but am uneasy with the zealotry. This religion allows no doubters. Criticising the NHS is blasphemy, criticising the way it is run heresy. ……..Faced with such devotion, politicians are left with little choice but to mouth platitudes. Those who attempt reform are attacked. A sensible conversation about improving the NHS is all but impossible.
All this was before the pandemic. Cornonavirus will only deepen the adoration and make rational debate more difficult’.
There’s much more.
Does this lady read this website? She’s so on the money and so close to the independent thinking this website so often demonstrates.
Here’s to you, Clare.
Who ( pun intended) is Bill Gates?
This Corbett Report at about half an hour long, goes some way to answer that question. Watch out for about 8 mins and 20 secs to see who are included in the Gates Foundation largesse. Spoiler alert, it’s the racist far-left bbc:
Imperial College is mentioned. The Fauci person also has his relationship with Mr Gates explained.
Nice to see someone with sense. Saying what everyone else feels..
“Judy Finnigan says TV news is ‘wallowing in tragedy’ in coronavirus reporting”
I always recall somebody describing ‘surrogate grief ‘ where one can switch on the TV news – hear and watch about someone’s tragedy and distress – who you do not know and never will – and emote about it – until there is something better on another channel .
What does witnessing the anguish of someone else’s loss achieve ? I don’t know – but I’m sure the amoral heartless bubble types would describe it as ‘good TV’
– award fodder .
Jess Phillips, Labour, on beeb (intl.) news: predictable phrases roll from her tongue in an seemingly endless ramble, from behind her fringe. Another MP who makes you realise how catastrophic the opposition would be in power, despite the unimpressive government we currently have.
Could she get a ministerial post, along with the likes of Surkeer, Abbott and Longbailey? Turns the blood cold. Shadow Minister for domestic safeguarding and a few other things. (The wife is sometimes after me with a rolling pin, so I wonder..?)
Reminds me of last night when ‘Great Lives’ had Matthew Parris interviewing a ‘Professor of Slavery’ from some US uni.
Whatever next?
Fake – I like Jess because she performs a function – if you have doubt about the ability of the current government – she would be the alternative – there’s a whole gaggle of them – and some can even string a Few words together . – she’s like a political bin liner – just full of rubbish …
Fed- Yup, just saw something on ‘Spiked’ about “The hollowness of Jess Phillips”. A good match for Surkeer, I should say…
Do two hollows make Holloween?
Fake – for the BBC she fulfills an ethnic tick box because of the brummie accent – which as foreign to west London as a third world Pakistani rapist . And forgive me for being an equally exotic East Londoner not from Walford e20
fnw, stay right where you are – do not go near the cloakroom!
(Although I disagree with you about the level of uselessness of the present Government.)
Snuff – Gotcha.
Re the bracketed content: no, I wouldn’t say ‘useless’ at all. I said ‘unimpressive’, which -at least to my mind- is a somewhat different assessment. We need a much longer view to make an adequate one, which will take time. For instance, if they manage to pull off the economic rescue of this country ‘after COVID’ (?) which will be a huge task, to say the least, they may well impress greatly.
In fact, I should be VERY impressed.
Fed – brings to mind something said by someone on beeb R4 in an interview a year or two ago, stuck in my mind: “…accents are like gold dust…”
Still trying to figure out what that was all about? Speaking proper like is so like yesterday?
No coincidence that BBC, ITV and Sky put out their reserve team today and the briefing was a bit more constructive and informative.
So the ones who have been in touch …..wild guess …..lefty activists ?????
I don’t imagine that urgent tests are done via red post boxes
Surely your test is delivered by courier and the same courier picks it up ?
Oh look someone says hers is collected by courier
Tut tut tut …those naughty lefties spreading fake news ……who’d have thunk it !!!!
And the msm fall for it , hook , line and sinker . Maybe they could “fact check” these claims before publishing ? ? Then again, it’s anti government, so no need for any of that nonsense !!!!
She found
“Home test kit arrived.
Step 1 is to book the courier to pick it up the day after the night you do the test.
But service to book courier” was marked ‘closed open at 8am’
So she ended up getting a test kit on Thursday but the courier didn’t come till Saturday
She just told me that the kit has a label that identifies the returned swab
But the point is your original parcel has a bar code on
and odds on the same driver picks up the completed swab from you
The system is dumbly set up
Cos actually the system should be that the courier simply waits for 5 mins while you do the test, instead of making 2 visits.
SKY HEADLINES: “Tens of thousands of key workers, didn’t tell us they got their tests, and they figured out how to return it without contacting our journalists”.
Doobster – Stew Green – They didn’t think to ask for a label then, I’m sure they could have asked someone, other than a TV network.
em you could read the article
“After calling the helpline to see if he could print one at home,
he was told to bin the test and wait for another to arrive – in around a week’s time.”
As a taxpayer I appalled that a call centre worker said “Computer says no”
This is not acceptable
Some NHS office A sent out the kit and each person’s swab just needs to get to a lab, any lab !
why can’t they just email the courier authorisation to do this ?
EUTV – standard lefty practice. Any phone numbers etc, ring BBC /SKY !!!!
Meanwhile, Sky News running a special programme as I type letting us know the problems with Covid in the USA.
Lot’s of concern about PPE, hospital capacity and medic safety.
Several interviews with desperate people with no jobs, no money and massive queues for charity food supplies. From what I see, the people of the UK are being supported far better than in the USA, doubt that’ll be said.
” desperate people with no jobs, no money and massive queues for charity food supplies”
And no citizenship.
EUTV – I should hope so, as the UK is a ‘social welfare’ state, and the US is not.
This may well change.
Foretelling the future now about ANYTHING, anywhere, is difficult, as we have entered unknown territory.
There are so many conflicting reports, worldwide: does anyone have any understanding about the virus? About the political, economic and social consequences of ‘lockdown’? Whether it will work? Whether it was necessary in the first place? Whether it was largely a media-inspired/driven mass panic etc
Behind an attack on the US, however, could be an anti-Trump sentiment. The Chinese Communists will be pleased. Sleepy Joe and St Barack too.
fakenewswatcher – As much as I love the USA and it’s individual responsibility culture, it does have consequences for millions of it’s citizens.
I wish they could be a little more like us and I wish we could be a lot more like them.
EUTV – I understand exactly what you mean.
Still, we need to be cautious not to only see the surface; what we are meant to see. Merely one example of many: behind much of this panic wave there could be a much larger scenario being played out: a battle between the US and Communist China for world supremacy, in which the EU and the UK are merely small, bit players? So, a continuation of 1953 by other means? Or is it really only about viruses in bats?
I’m old enough to remember the Korean war. Largely forgotten now. The Communists in China are still the same Communists who fought in Korea. Their goals haven’t changed. I’m not a great friend of conspiracy theories, but I do know a wee bit about politics. Put nothing past them. And be careful: this is NOT about the Chinese people, as such. This is about ideology and -more important- power..
It may be primarily all about a pandemic which will change the world. Then again, it may not.
I’ve read a couple of reports that the Demonrats want the US lockdown to continue until after the Presidential election so they can justify widespread use of postal voting.
In that way it would be easier for them to rig the vote. It’s probably one reason too that President Trump wants to unlockdown the country at the earliest opportunity.
“English conspiracy theorist David Icke has had his official channel deleted from YouTube…”. Interesting how they identify as English.
Voltaire rule applies surely ?
unless Icke has broken the rule about inciting violence
People die, cos they take homeopathic medicines or useless-herbal remedies instead of proper medicine
should the promoters of them also be banned ?
Stew, people also die because the media deliberately misreport what a President says.
BBC news story
“CCDH a UK-based think tank”
FFS they are no more credible than Icke
AFAIK it’s just Imran Ahmed and Rachel Riley
Why is the BBC awarding them authority ??
Anyway isn’t all organised religion a “Conspiracy theory” ?
MOST of them are prejudiced
ie treat people of the book as a special group
most are sexist and elitist
And some stir violence
eg by saying that the punishment for apostasy is death.
Is CCDH acting to distract away from Islam ?
Actually, in the Bible Stew – if you read it fully and not totally selectively – you discover that JudaoChristianity is not exclusive but inclusive: God calls on everyone to repent and receive His blessings of love, joy, peace and much more including freedom from guilt and the power of sin and death.
A Pilgrim’s Progress was repeated on BBC R4 Extra last week. I listened and enjoyed the tale of Christian and his travel and travails. Highly recommended. Available on BBC Sounds (aka Noises) but you will have to sign in so the Beeboids can control and watch you.
‘Anyway isn’t all organised religion a “Conspiracy theory” ?’
Some is, some isn’t.
AltNet news have an article about CCDH
A BBC Spokeswoman…….what happens to Spokesperson???
On radio 4 Ms Lang will now scare the h…. out of you if you want to be scared. You have to be quick.
Will it be more narrative-driven beeb propaganda, or genuine scientific insight?
This is where stuff is at now.
Just watching Flight Radar 24 (62 single live alone) and there is only ONE aircraft over the UK @ 00:58.
ECO loons would have us believe that we are benefiting from the reduction in emmisions, we’ll if so why have we just had the warmest April on record ??? And why have I had to put my heating back on tonight in May ???…….???
As COVID -19 shows nature is bigger than any of us and its nature that ultimately calls the shots.
Aircraft.contrails help seed clouds.
So maybe we are getting more sunshine but less heat trapped?
Scientists are too busy being media stars to notice.
Yeah, right. How did clouds manage before the jet engine?
Or did JMW just imagine them from his Margate window?
Maybe QT can be mashed up with University Challenge, and a bunch of competing ‘experts’ can be ranged either side of Fi to field questions from an audience of MSM loons whose minds are made up… on just who they don’t like?
Will AlBeeb get banned from YouTube and Facebook for broadcasting fake news? Re. the PPE scandal?
There can only be one!
“Ben Shapiro Tells Congress THE TRUTH About Leftist Insanity on College Campuses”
Shapiro telling it like it is. It’s perhaps not quite so bad in UK academe, but we’re not far behind…
The problem is made worse when Colleges (Universities) become businesses. We are increasingly seeing that in the UK following the end of grants.
Scribbling and musings for the week
Just a question, but have bbc staff ever referred to this publication?
Lying BBC caught deceiving yet again. Stop funding the lies.
Courtesy of the BBC, the embedded video is the first of a series which the ‘New European’ presents without showing the other side of the argument.
That China may have been the real culprit wasn’t mentioned?
“The former Noble Peace Prize winner said the inaction had handicapped the NHS during the coronavirus outbreak.
Nurse told Question Time viewers: “We were totally unprepared for it and we should have been totally prepared for it. The fact was there was a review of the NHS and how it would work in a pandemic – an influenza one – it was never published – it happened three years ago – and we didn’t do well. In fact we failed.”
He said the NHS has had to play “catch up” since the virus arrived in the country and that a review of the government’s response to it will show that “we did not do very well.”
Operation Cygnus was a simulated exercise to assess how the UK’s main health infrastructure would cope during a global influenza pandemic. Results of the 2016 exercise were never released.
Nurse also criticised Matt Hancock’s 100,000-a-day coronavirus testing target, calling it a “PR stunt” which he claims lacked a “visible strategy”. He said the health department could have slowed the spread of covid-19 in care homes by testing patients returning from hospital as well as staff sooner.
“If we had had local testing connected to local hospitals, we could have made hospitals a safe place,“ he said, “(Instead) what we had is the potential for having care workers working on the wards, working with sick patients who were carrying the disease and weren’t being tested.”
Nurse acknowledged the country did not have the capacity to carry out mass testing back in March.
Dr Joe Pajak welcomed Nurse’s comments: “At last some balance #BBCQT. Paul Nurse speaks with authority and common sense; a renowned scientist whose expertise and assessment of this #Covid-19 crisis, should make even the most avid supporter of the government, stop, look, and listen. Because. It’s not looking good.”
Others agreed. One stressed it was a “matter of human rights law” the government not deliberately expose people to policies that could cost lives: “The government is under an express obligation to protect life – they cannot pursue a course of action that knowingly puts lives at risk.”
Ian Stenhouse, hinting at the fact Michael Gove had only read the entire report of Operation Cygnus last week, joked: “It appears that the only people in the entire country not to have heard of the 2016 Exercise Cygnus, that highlighted the risks of a pandemic, are the entire government frontbench.”
John disagreed: “Nothing the government could have done. The virus is going to continue to spread regardless and people are inevitably going to die. The government could order a permanent lockdown for the regular flu, ban roofing, cars etc. it might be over reaction but it would save lives….”
Michael Gove admitted on Tuesday during a meeting of a Commons select committee that the government had not planned for a pandemic like the coronavirus, as it was focused on a response to a global influenza.
Yet here is (the same) Paul Nurse, the Nobel prize-winning scientist, saying how wonderful science could be –
“Science is crucial to developing sound public policy to manage the pandemic, but it is important to recognise that at this stage scientific knowledge of the virus is still tentative. Scientists can only give the best advice available at the time, but some of that advice will turn out to be incorrect. It is only through sustained quality research that clarity will emerge and advice will become increasingly reliable and that will take time.
There has also been a sea change in the relationship between politicians and scientists. This is important because as well as high-quality scientists, we need high-quality political leadership to guide us through this pandemic. The political populists, so vocal at the election and before, have gone strangely silent.”
He admits the science was wrong, and is also living in cloud cuckoo land?
Maybe if Sir Paul Nurse had been a good democrat and accepted the decision of the UK to leave the EU and not been so occupied since June 2016 trying to overturn that decision, he could have led the NHS to be ready for the pandemic.
Especially so, as the existence of the Covid virus was known about at the end of 2019 and the NHS had at the very least a whole month to prepare. The NHS wasted January 2020, as well as February, so by the middle of the fourth week in March the Prime Minister has to ask the nation and pass legislation, for the people to save the NHS!
This guy needs to replace Fran ASAP.
In other news…
Maybe even DG?
Sarah Sanders is quite a lot overweight and has dark hair
So of course looks nothing like Melania
… when I searched for full photos on Twitter
there were hundreds of nasty images made up by libmob,
mocking her appearance comparing her to Miss Piggy etc.