No particular comment here but for those who might want to get a more detailed and reasonable view of the current Coronavirus situation, here is a lecture from Chris Whitty at Gresham College. At 1h 20m + it’s a slow but methodical and pretty comprehensive survey. Perhaps Laura K, Hugh Pym et al could watch and then they’d not need to ask their uninformed, inane, transparently ‘gotcha’ questions – assuming they can grasp the science.
Digg, Apologies
This reply was to the next post but one not to Sluff’s ,
The Globalist elite are in control of the MSM and so it’s only the narrative that suits them that gets released to the public. I expect that the Express , which was taken over by the Mirror group , will slowly conform. The Mail has also been brought to heel and is much less of a thorn in the side of elite than it used to be under the editorship of Dacre. The internet will be increasingly controlled by them in the coming years. It’s truly Orwellian but we do live in a time where we have a Ministry of Truth run by Globalists which disseminates only the narrative it’s wants us to know . It does it via a wide spectrum of outlets of different hues so that we are conned into believing that there is a pluralistic media with a range of opinions when in fact there is only the Globalist narrative approved by the elite.
I can’t help but notice a total lack of reporting from the BBC, Guardian, Channel 4 and the Independent re Arron Banks’s vote leave campaign being cleared by the National Crime Agency of any dirty tricks after being investigated by the Electoral Commission for his part in the Vote Leave campaign.
In the real World, the Electoral Commission should now be subject to a rigorous Parliamentary Investigation to uncover whether the action was driven by partisan members acting politically.
We all need to know who were the prime drivers of this witch-hunt.
Heads should roll over this, it was basically an attack on democracy and a democratic vote disguised as being in the Public interest.
digg- The ‘real world’? That lot and the US Dems on the Left don’t live in the real world. They live in their revolutionary socialist dream bubble world, where Democracy is of no value and truthful reporting even less.
It’s all about overthrowing Trump. And they’ll get to Boris soon, at the mo at little tricky to attack someone describing his near death from Covid.
digg- The ‘real world’? That lot and the US Dems on the Left don’t live in the real world. They live in their revolutionary socialist dream bubble world, where Democracy is of no value and truthful reporting even less.
It’s all about overthrowing Trump. And they’ll get to Boris soon, at the mo at little tricky to attack someone describing his near death from Covid.
Interesting read re #Brexit – “After the referendum, there were endless investigations as the Electoral Commission attempted to punish both Vote Leave &” Remain’s Media-Blob complex | David Scullion | The Critic Magazine
— Iain Duncan Smith MP #StayHomeSaveLives (@MPIainDS) May 2, 2020
Al Beeb is not only taking the ( detected yawn- takes about 20 seconds to write a bad word and about 90 seconds to delete it and another 70 seconds to do this ) , they are ( deleted ) on us!
JugEars Marr opened this morning by telling us Hugh Pym is back on his sofa…“by popular demand”, ffs!!
digg- The ‘real world’? That lot and the US Dems on the Left don’t live in the real world. They live in their revolutionary socialist dream bubble world, where Democracy is of no value and truthful reporting even less.
It’s all about overthrowing Trump. And they’ll get to Boris soon, at the mo at little tricky to attack someone describing his near death from Covid.
Am I psychic? Yesterday I referred to the (deliberately) forgotten Korean war, when I was discussing Communist China.
Paddy tells me on R4 there was an exchange of gunfire across the Korean DMZ last night.
Oh, I forgot to mention two main current Chinese projects, one of them very, very military indeed: the ‘belt and road’ project (allegedly for trade, but who believes that, other than lotsa naive governments?).
And the aggressive CC expansion in the South China Sea, designed to dominate neighbours, and challenge the US there, in order to drive them out.
As I said, the Korean War has not really stopped. Not even literally, by treaty. I have a pretty good idea why the West is so keen not to mention it. If you talk about ‘the war’, you are referring to 1939-45. Strange, isn’t it?
So it’s not only pandemics we should be focusing on, but all the other vital stuff like Chinese IMPERIALISM (imagine if the us turned coral reefs into military bases) and the little boats invading across the Channel.
Andrew Harding (beeb) loves to send us glowing reports about South Africa from Johannesburg, and how they’re an example to us all, (he means the ANC/SACP); and no whites in SA would ever receive coverage, let alone positive comment from beeb; THEY don’t exist. And for beeb, they certainly didn’t build the modern SA.
I read in’ SA News Today’ 1489 about the huge amount of looting that goes on under the cover of ‘lockdown’ there, especially of shops, with the police standing idly by and watching.
The harsh, ill-conceived lockdown, beloved of Harding and beeb, doesn’t mention the hungry people that it has created, not linked them directly anyway. Then again, looting is nothing unusual: witness all the murderous farm attacks since 1994. (Silence from beeb; not part of a narrative.)
Cos for beeb, ANC are long-standing buddies, as is St Mandela.
I apologise for not posting so often but was spurred to do so after reading Oaknash and Siempre’s comments yesterday, who appear to suffer from the same aversion.
I am still residing in a field within a rather pleasant part of Portugal. We have been virtual prisoners here since deciding 46 days ago to shun the urgent call to get back to Blighty. It’s a little surreal. We feel like self-made prisoners of war. Our host shops for us and we have access to basic ‘facilities’.
What we do not have is the ability to get out of our ‘island’. Up until next week, (where we think we can go for a small walk outside the compound), our world has been here and our window to the rest of the world, is the internet.
Therefore, the very last thing I need is to read anything written by that miserable bunch of barsteward posers; the broadcasting wing of the left.
I say that with the exception of the weather report.
I salute those of you who still visit. I’m sure it must be like that bit in the ORIGINAL Magnificent Seven, where the hung dude steals into the bandit camp and listens in to the plans they are concocting. Very brave.
Damn ! I was about to delve into my dusty archive of dvds in the hope of enlivening this afternoon’s viewing ! with a few gingernuts and a cuppa to hand. (giggle)
chancy, good wishes to you and yours for both good health and a little increasing freedom if Portugal follow the steps taken in Spain and Italy.
You may have read of my three day fast from BBC R4 news (not including the website) but I always consider the weather provided on-line by Meteo to be essential for a visit almost every day. Even if Meteo do discriminate against 30mph winds.
No worries, cg. Scorcher in Portugal eh? Lucky you. Tad chilly here today, even in south-east Blighty. Central heating in danger of being turned up a notch or two – in May!
Am I psychic? – part 2: I mentioned yesterday how Europe and the UK are caught between the US and China in the big confrontation.
This morning ‘Die Welt’ carries a lead article saying that THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DECIDE WHOSE SIDE THEY ARE ON.
The short-sighted UK, especially, finds it hard to support the US! We love Huawei and the Chinese building our nuclear power stations. (We should have had Goering in London to advise on British air strategy in 1940!)
Ditto Europe. With operatives like the bbc and itv in the UK, and ard and zdf in Germany, it’s not difficult to make out a pro-Chinese drift. Mustn’t say anything to offend the Communist Chinese…
Wake up now Boris, you’ve had your rest from politics! (Sorry if that sounds a little unsympathetic; it is certainly not meant to be.)
By the way, I don’t mean to sound boastful about my psychic powers – I don’t have any. But, if you don’t blow your own trumpet, someone else is going to use it as a spittoon. A lesson I learnt from a certain President currently in power.
“the UK are caught between the US and China in the big confrontation.”
Just recently, china has stepped up and intensified its harassment of surrounding countries in its efforts to secure the South China Sea. It has become a major threat to the World. Probably in the hope that that will be a distraction from its ever continuing striving for World domination and/or ‘their’ virus.
Life? Means very little to the Chinese Communist Party. They, clearly, believe that to infect over 3 million people and kill almost 2.5 million is par for the course. “Move on, (the World) there’s nothing to see here”…………
Throughout history communist regimes have murdered millions. China is no different.
G, indeed so – Mao killed hundreds of thousands and also let millions starve in his wonderful utopia. Just like Stalin. And Hitler, but he did not go large on starvation, just the killing. And Venezuela. What news is there, BBC, of Venezuela? Surely all those correspondents around the world can be reporting from the lockdown, if any, in their apartments and houses, if not the streets.
The most read story on the BBC news website is about “Coronavirus Lockdown Breakers” confessing their sins to the Beeb, I suppose in an effort to dissuade others.
The “criminals” the BBC have found are Sarah, Jeremy and Matt.
Funny that they can’t for the life of them find a Mohammed, Jamal or Shaniqwa to interview when it comes to portraying the population in a negative light. Muppets.
I just had to turn LBC off
when that offensive ShelaghFogarty trailer came on
making the extraordinary claim that Trump suggested injecting & drinking bleach
Having been the most overcrowded EU country, are the UK’s deaths surprising?
Half of the EU’s 100 most densely-populated regions have been in the UK
Most of the mainstream media seem to have been obsessed for weeks with trying to catch out the Government on a variety of questions related to the Coronavirus. One of the latest narratives is that the UK is doing worse than other countries in dealing with this virus.
We really wish that these journalists would do some research and start to ask some different questions.
The irony is of course that those self same journalists were and are still red hot for mass migration which has seen the population of the country increase by 20% in the past two decades.
Not sure how long the BBC News self promoting trailer, about reporting Covid19, has been running for but the one I saw recently had the tag line “BBC, bringing the country together”.
I heard a while back that they had to “bring the country back together” after Brexit and therefore still need the TV license fee in place.
BBC rebranded?
Just imagine Sopel taking up a new role in Beijing and reporting on the chinese communist party in a similar way to his reporting on the US…………………….
A loquacious WHO american virology doctor told us
on the Andrew Marr show that the virus did not originate from
the Wuhan virolgy institute. And the ex trotskyist newspaper
seller Andrew Marr confirms this forcefully.
So that’s OK then. You know you can trust the WHO and the
The simple coincidence of the Institute of Virology being based in Wuhan is on a par with Ms Chakrabarti gaining a peerage for her report into anti-Semitism.
Yes. Continuous attacks on Western culture using any means available. This article by American Daniel Pipes, however, is fairly optimistic about the rise of those he calls “civilizationists” in Europe (though not necessarily in the UK!).
WATO 1pm Sunday. Just before as well as after the headlines in those rhetorical questions the BBC do so well, asking why people in poorer areas are more likely to die than the wealthy. The DM online (so on the Left these days) have a link to an interactive map of who is dying where of or with Covid. The article mentioned there were 3 areas of London where there had been no deaths. Newham was one, not exactly Hampstead or Mayfair. I have forgotten the other two but certainly one of them was ‘inner city ‘. Here in my rural county there were 91 deaths. This really doesn’t fit the BBCs narrative, but why let the facts get in the way of a good story?
In response to the questioning from Oliver Dowden the Culture Secretary, the BBC simply refused to acknowledge his complaints.
So the Guardian wheel out a couple of tweets from their doyens.
The first from that lovable James O’ Brian of LBC who says….
“I read this twice and can’t see a single reference to, never mind refutation of, the testimony given by the medics on the programme. It’s the starkest example yet that the Vote Leave government is trying to make confected tribal allegiance more important than evidence. Again.”
WHY THE REFERENCE TO VOTE LEAVE??? pretty revealing!
The second from Alan Rusbridger (Former Editor of the Guardian) who says….
“It’s really not the job of the culture secretary to bollock the BBC for what your govt regards as bias, @OliverDowden Leave that to @Ofcom.”
The answer to that is the BBC and Ofcom are mirror-images so it needed an outside party to intervene.
What a pit of absolute slime these press people inhabit!
I did ask for someone with technical ability to copy the letter onto the site ….. but it’s scraping the barrel a bit to have a failed ex bbc radio Lefty journo And the former editor of the BBC’s newspaper to defend it .
I think the biggest fault – which I repeat again – is that those appearing on the public airways should be introduced with a bit of background – particularly those with contrary views to the government – .
I’d have this written into the required operating procedures of all publicly funded broadcasters …..
Since the minister has short circuited OFCOM i wonder if those lefties will start thinking about their next Quango – there’s always another one on the circuit .
And maybe if BoJo Cummings are looking at OFCOM they can all be given their marching orders …
And on marching orders – the longer the so called upper house is out of action – with the country going on – it gives evidence needed for its reform or end or downsizing and the over 70s ( many peers ) sent on their way.
Fed – You can cut out 500 and there’ll still be enough to ‘scrutinise’ the government’s work.
Age shouldn’t come into it. Bet there are lotsa youngish pals of Tony, Gordon, Jeremy and call me Dave, who have nothing of substance to contribute. I suspect a few of Theresa’s as well.
The whole thing is an undemocratic con job, worthy of…oh well, I’d better not go there.
If you would like a moment of genuine humour to lighten the mood, do please click on the Guardian link above.
Disregard the predictable self-indulgent navel-gazing and scroll down to the box-out headed ‘News under threat….’ which goes on to tell us that it is ‘….just when you need it most. Millions of readers round the world are flocking to the Guardian in search of honest, authoritative fact-based reporting…’
Which only goes to show that telling monumentally transparent porkies – or in more factual terms ‘downright lies’ – is fine if you’re an organisation based on the distortion truth to provide a living. And they have the temerity to regard themselves as the bastion of democracy.
Have I got something wrong?
Peter Hitchins: “….When did you last hear an anti-government voice on the BBC…”.
I don’t like the bloke but, has he taken up drugs or something?
I thought that myself when I read it in the paper.
I don’t think Hitchens is anywhere near as coherent or consistent in his opinions as he thinks. Now someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t he advocated a compromise version of Brexit since the referendum, when for years he was telling us in his MoS column we could leave the EU with just a morning’s worth of legislation?
Last week’s Countryfile viewers saw a farmer pouring away milk, cos of coronavirus
.. From Twitter I saw they think that most farmers are pouring away all their milk.
.. Is that they case ?
Nope, not even close ..92 to 98% is going to the market OK
I conclude that BBC are constructing exciting narratives in their normal tricky way.
Countryfile CHERRYPICKED a sad case of a farmer & dairy company :
Farmer Ed that farmer had an exclusive contract with Freshways
which exclusively supplies pubs/cafes
not any cheese makers
They’d both put all their eggs in the same basket.
* but that is not the reason why he poured milk away *
Tom Heap “Ed had to pour milk away
when the tanker didn’t turn up to collect it”
Why’s that ??
Freshways said they had cashflow problems
as some of their customers had not paid them
So his buyer hadn’t made enough contingencies.
Another dairy may well have been covered by their own bank and insurance.
Tom Heap switched to the NFU
“gov must step in cos furlough doesn’t help
want a gov support scheme to reduce supply
citing 8% reduction in demand”
Defra say’s not 8%, it’s only 2%
Heap switched to farmer with onfarm milk vending machines who’s doing well..
FFS it’s not that vending machines are the answer
It’s that the example farmer and his buyer
had NOT made contingencies
Coping with bad stuff is about PREPARATION
not putting all your eggs in one basket in the first place.
#1 Farmer Ed should have had a second backup contract
#2 Freshways dairy should have had a backup of contracts with cheese/yogurt makers.
.. and had systems to deal with buyers who don’t pay.
Some of us on this site watch the app which show comings and goings at airports . Upto now the government has allowed unrestricted unchecked access to the UK from anywhere – no health checks , no quarantine , nothing – not even a hand cleanser at Heathrow .
Now it seems people coming into the country are to be required to do 14 days quarantine . If this is true – what a joke .
And I can’t wait to hear the ‘science ‘ on that one …..
Declaration – I have overseas property and would like to go see it – coming back I’d get off the plane , get on public transport – the London tube and go 32 stops to my nearest station – and then be in quarantine for 14 days ? !
Fed, It’s the same science that says wearing a mask may help…..but also that the same mask harbours the germs and encourages the wearer to touch their face more…
I’m a bit biased because i ve always kept PPE And medical kit – i had a bit of paramedic training a long time ago . So i wear gloves and a mask knowing about their limitations .
But I think they send a psychological sign reminding the thicker amongst us about distancing .
I dread public transport and supermarkets where the risk of infection is greatest and people’s behaviour tends to revert to peacetime
I see the BBC reporter on Twitter asserted “More than 1 million litres of milk poured down the drain since the start of the #Coronavirus outbreak – latest figures @theRABDF survey.”
It was made 5.5 weeks from the start of lockdown.
say 5
UK annual milk production is 1,300 million litres
= 25 million per week
So in 5 weeks 125mn was produced & 1mn poured away
… that’s 0.8%
The last 4 para’s of your post struck a chord with me. I have been convinced of a “conspiracy” since the beginning of this emergency. I base this pet theory on the following timeline:- December 2019, the WHO announce that a new virus has been causing pneumonia in Wuhan, China. On January 30 2020, the WHO declare this to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, and by February 10th, the UK Government has already introduced Regulations relating to the new disease.
What happened during that timeline? Well, from the 20th to the 24th January 2020, there was a certain economic “gathering” at a little place called Davos…..coincidence?
I tend to keep my views, especially my political views to myself especially to people I know or certain members of my extended family many of whom are quite educated and normal.
This is because I have noticed a phenomenon which I term auto-hate-spit.
For instance, a bit of video of Trump speaking on TV will often within a nano-second illicit an immediate reaction of “He’s horrible isn’t he?” to a greater or lesser extend this also applies to any appearance or mention of Boris or Brexit… “Doesn’t he look an idiot?” etc.
There is never any context or any follow-up or reasons for the reaction, it’s almost instinctive and knee-jerk.
At first I used to respond back “What makes you think that?” etc. only to be met with a glare and a snarl and a feeling that I had committed some sort of cardinal sin asking the question and needed to go wash my mouth out.
I cannot understand why these individuals are incapable of a discussion or expanding their reasoning it’s just appears to be involuntary and not based on any logic.
Thus any further discussion is pointless.
I would be interested if anyone else on here experiences this from people you know who otherwise seem quite normal?
Is it down to the Education they had etc.? Any ideas welcome!
On a wider perspective I think this same affliction is rife within the MSM and especially the BBC.
Digg -I think it is a side effect of more and more age groups having grown up on the internet
– which encourages trench ware fare – and has spread into universities and people being ‘non platformed ‘ or having to sign agreements about what they can and cannot say .
The ‘blame game ‘ and ‘offence game ‘ both so loved by the media also contribute to this .
If you notice – the media doesn’t do competing views any more – it just imports someone from the left to say their bit and get nodded at .
If a person from the Right is brought on – it is just to challenge , interrupt , prevent them from expressing or developing their view / argument and go for the ‘gotcha’ approach – often digging up comments or views from many years before in order to undermine them .
All of this transmits to the ordinary daily domain . I can’t discuss my views – even here – because they are beyond accepted liberal views – eg dismantling and total reforming of the NHS which is a forbidden debate now – drowned out by all that clapping ….
digg, you only have to look at any BBC web-site article on the pandemic and UK lockdown that is open to comment to see how easily some people are conditioned to believe and repeat the pre-conditioned line. We know this happened and witnessed the effects (not good) from 1930-1990 in mainland Europe. The group think is totalitarian at its core.
On here, if someone registered to post who was pro-EU or pro-Labour Party, or any political view, if they were prepared to debate and tolerate opposing views, then I would hope that they would contribute items of BBC bias and stay and join in any of the discussions. After all, we don’t see completely eye-to-eye on here anyway. It may be an echo (bell) chamber but it rings with different notes.
After all, it’d only maxi and piku (and one other?) who don’t contribute and just merely snipe at someone else’s posts.
Up2 i was hoping to argue you to prove a point but i can’t. I’d be really glad for pro BBC types to come here are prove the BBC unbiased or even biased to the Right – (with worked examples )
I was thinking back to brexit and the often asked question about 1 pro brexit programme the BBC did – or one story against the EU …..
…. that is echoed now with Covid … is there one pro government story about the pandemic ? Perhaps there is – but the whole narrative has been on constant failure – and A kind of mindset which says U.K. caused the pandemic – when in fact it was China
Just had a spat with a friend I have known for 40 years. She told me Trump was an idiot because he had told people to inject disinfectant. I asked her if she had seen the medical presentation he was responding to and did she know the film had been spliced. After stuttering for a minute or two she declared it didn’t matter what the circumstances were but she wished he would inject himself with disinfectant and die. I responded that she shouldn’t wish anyone dead. She said she didn’t with one exception and that was Trump. She then said he was so nasty to the press.
Needless to say a Remainer. But what makes people on the Left so full of bile? As I said a few days ago I could have said the same about Derek Draper (in intensive care at the moment), Jeremy Corbyn or indeed Tony Blair or Alistair Campbell. But I don’t. I might make an exception for Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin but as they are dead already it may be wasted breath.
If you hear someone on the Left mention Boris, they usually call him a liar. When I ask ‘what lies?’ again splutter and they mention the bus. Wasn’t it shown to be true in court?
Digg – this is a common experience for me and I expect most of us who post on this site. I am fortunate in that I have two members of my family who tend to share my views on Trump but my extended family, all my friends and all my work colleagues (with one exception) do not. It’s lonely a lot of the time.
Why is this? Many of these people, like the people you know, are apparently educated and smart. Here is my own take though about why they hate Trump. It is because he is transparent. Yes, transparent. It is not primarily because they hate his policies, even though they do. It is because he is lowbrow and crude and doesn’t try to hide it. He does not disguise his hatred of the media. He doesn’t care about being somewhat inarticulate. He just says what he thinks and he does not change his accent to fit in with different constituencies. Trump-haters, whether it’s the Beltway Establishment or our friends and relatives, don’t understand how such a figure can connect with ordinary voters. (They don’t understand ordinary voters either, or how their concerns and anger are finding expression through Trump.) Their minds are blown by the phenomenon of Trump. All their lives they have believed that politicians needed to have a certain smooth style – temporizing, platitudinous, full of nostrums and bromides – in order to persuade the public to vote for them. But Trump – he’s obviously a lout, how can he possibly be popular? He doesn’t fit their preconception of what a politician actually is. By winning the presidency, he’s proved that none of them know anything about politics. Rather than analyse that disturbing possibility further, it is so much easier to condemn Trump and all his supporters as fascists and racists and give people like you and me dirty looks.
Good analysis. (The case of Tommy Robinson – although very different – has some similarities. He is despised for snobbish reasons: somebody like him simply cannot be right,)
I have a Canadian aunt and uncle who come over fairly regularly. I have a lot of time for both, but they become quite apoplectic when talking about Trump. To the “eyes popping out of his head” point.
I never respond, though am sorely tempted to do so, because it would just cause an atmosphere. This is something I have noted about those on the ‘left’ (for want of a better term, because that’s rather simplistic). They are so sure of their own moral rectitude, they never consider others might not agree with them. It never crosses their mind that they may cause an atmosphere at a family gathering.
Not really connected to the BBC but to the wider issue of our freedoms of speech being taken away by the Fascist Left.
Most of us are probably only too well aware that the charity sector has been infiltrated by the Fascist Left and have been causing mayhem there for some time now. This today however is a whole different ball game.
David Icke – regard him as a fantasist or a visionary it’s up to you has had all his online content removed for comments he has made about the still being installed 5G network. Icke clearly hasn’t broken any laws or he would have been prosecuted, but a little but of digging reveals a far leftist group was behind this.
The Center for Countering Digital Hate Ltd
They have a web page in which they describe themselves as being dedicated to deplatforming people with views they disapprove of.
They list on their webpage the organisations who fund them:
Barrow Cadbury Trust
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
Laura Kinsella Foundation
The Pears Foundation
Unbound Philanthropy
It seems they might have duped these funders, because they started off by attempting to stop abusive trolls attacking election candidates at the last general election, but since then they have gone away from that ideal massively.
We should perhaps be contacting these foundations making them aware of how their money is being misused in the furtherance of censorship and denial of freedom of speech.
bbc did have a hand in Ickes YouTube demise, the purge on YouTube against the fringe has been relentless lately. As a result views have plummeted, suggesting YouTube is more about agenda promotion than money.
Today’s press conference seems based on far higher than usual readings from prepared scripts and reveals an even more lethal and insidious virus – Gove-id-19 – which physically saps the will to live.
I thought that was very good question – but the reply should have been “ yes – it was a mistake – because without then you lot could have got all those pictures of bodies lined Up on hospital corridor floors and blubbing nurse screaming in distress …..
I wonder if Priti will do the Monday brief and get the question about why hard working plod has time to rehearse and do online dance videos …..
….there are going to be an extra 20000 to do the same —- but at least while they’re doing that they’re not searching out so called’ hate crime ‘ Or ‘ checking my thinking “ …..
Plod is “meant to reflect the ‘comoonitee’ it serves – so if they have various colours and gendas why not have kiddie cops to represent kiddie interests … only fair ….
… I wonder if I’d get a promotion with an excellent idea – unless they’ve nicked it first …
.. at least it would keep the kids off the streets ….
“Can I ask where you are going sir?”
“I’m sorry sir, the Channel is one-way now. Please clear the beach as the Border Force ferry is due any minute and we don’t want you to pass any virus onto any of the passengers do we?”
“I’m sorry miss, I shall go back home and clap for Our NHS”.
Marr: “It sounds to me from what you’re saying that we’re heading for the worst death toll in Europe.”
Expert: “I wouldn’t say that all.”
Watch as UK National Statistiician Prof Ian Diamond politely rubbishes the constant MSM mantra about the UK’s record compared to Europe.
Groper can’t even do a Cathy Newman without fouling up.
Why the government think the British people should be compelled to pay hundreds or thousands of pounds a year to oafs such as this is hard to reconcile.
What a thoroughly decent chap – but giving honest answers like that to vermin like marr means he won’t be getting any appearance fees from the BBC in the future .
Per the boxed-in tweet from Redmite, it’s perhaps trite to observe that Marr invariably looks like he’s been slapped with a wet fish. One expects that the fishmonger’s bill is covered by the licence payer….
7 mins into Countryfile and they are well into praising the entirely East European workforce at the huge glasshouse salad farm near London.
Lea Valley which I think is inside the M25 and 10 miles north of Liverpool St.
Todays latest Labour development: Emma Thompson has become the partys official key advisor for the environment and transportation services.
The woman who decided to defect from the UK following Brexit to the socialist workers paradise of Italy – oops run by the right wing Lega and Matteo Salvini – an odd choice you might think for such a right on lunatic like Thompson.
Then again though as soon as she gained Italian citizenship the Coronavirus lockdown happened and poor Emma in her massive wealth driven hypocrisy fled the country and came back to the UK – to spend the Italian lockdown at her Scottish home instead, and potentially burdening the NHS if she becomes ill.
Perhaps the message of green she wants to send is that air travel needs to be reduced to only a few wealthy elites such as her and the plebs prevented from soiling the cabin air she has to breathe.
Antiques Roadshow the bus that brings the black actors must have not got to the Botanical Gardens of Wales.
.. only at one point there was a black grandfather placed one row back, but often in shot.
Heard on bbc news Belarus still have football matches because vodka kills the virus according to the president.
Will Hugh Pimms please ask why the government hasn’t provided care homes and all medical staff with vodka as “experts”
say vodka kills covid19
Nowt to do w’BBC but a similar political viewpoint, perhaps?
The Sunday People are gunning for the Government today, claiming that old people have died needlessly from Covid-19 infections. The SP blame the Government. I wonder if they know who runs care homes in the UK and is responsible for residents’ safety? Yes, nothing to do with the Government but everything to do with Civil Servants and a Quango, the Care Quality Commission.
Now there’s a surprise. Nowt to do w’Government, everything to do with Civil Servants.
I would not buy a rag like the SP but I wonder if inside, away from the front page, they asked the $64,000 question: are old people being deliberately infected in care homes and by who?
Why wasn’t vodka used before ?
Is there a vodka shortage ?
Why hasn’t everyone got vodka
What about alcohol godless muslims ?
Is russia involved?
Will it be free?
Will sweeney Kia royales work ?
Following on from the last post I made about the attack on freedom of speech by the Fascist Left David Icke was this evening supposed to be giving an interview on internet TV ‘London Real’ which has its own servers and is not connected to big internet companies nor the MSM.
Except the servers were hack by persons unknown and the webcast hasn’t taken place.
Try the twitter page
We are aware of some technical issues with the ROSE/ICKE page on our website, we are working to get this updated as fast as we can so we can get this content to you! Stay patient and we will be ready as soon as possible! Thanks
Doesn’t matter if you like Icke or not.nor if you believe what he has to say (I don’t believe half of it) but this is a real time attack on freedom of speech by persons unknown, but apparantly persons sanctioned by the cowardly useless incompetent Tories now in power who are doing what they do best to defend our freedoms – absolutely nothing!
Ian RushlowFeb 5, 16:57 Midweek 5th February 2025 If one didn’t know better, one might think there is some sort of plan to make the UK and Europe…
MarkyMarkFeb 5, 16:56 Midweek 5th February 2025 Keir Starmer says we should empty all jails around the world …. “More than 100 women raped and burned alive…
ZephirFeb 5, 16:55 Midweek 5th February 2025 On the basis that it’s more dangerous than Cuba for the USA and it’s interests … Loaded with anti west…
MarkyMarkFeb 5, 16:53 Midweek 5th February 2025 “If Sadiq Khan has his way, drivers of old cars will soon be stumping up £12.50 every time they get…
MarkyMarkFeb 5, 16:47 Midweek 5th February 2025 “Reham explains that her dad is Syrian and her mum is Palestinian but for her Sweden is home. She’s has…
vladFeb 5, 16:46 Midweek 5th February 2025 Maybe once he’s annexed Greenland and Canada, he’ll do the same for the UK.
vladFeb 5, 16:42 Midweek 5th February 2025 BBC correspondent: Do you agree that there was a racial element to the shooting? Ismail: Sorry, I no speak English.…
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 5, 16:42 Midweek 5th February 2025 After getting away with another Covid situation Starmer can get back to what he does best. First, negotiating with Argentine…
ZephirFeb 5, 16:42 Midweek 5th February 2025 Forget the mass rapes, assaults and murders by immigrants of course…. she was happy with that…
No particular comment here but for those who might want to get a more detailed and reasonable view of the current Coronavirus situation, here is a lecture from Chris Whitty at Gresham College. At 1h 20m + it’s a slow but methodical and pretty comprehensive survey. Perhaps Laura K, Hugh Pym et al could watch and then they’d not need to ask their uninformed, inane, transparently ‘gotcha’ questions – assuming they can grasp the science.
Digg, Apologies
This reply was to the next post but one not to Sluff’s ,
The Globalist elite are in control of the MSM and so it’s only the narrative that suits them that gets released to the public. I expect that the Express , which was taken over by the Mirror group , will slowly conform. The Mail has also been brought to heel and is much less of a thorn in the side of elite than it used to be under the editorship of Dacre. The internet will be increasingly controlled by them in the coming years. It’s truly Orwellian but we do live in a time where we have a Ministry of Truth run by Globalists which disseminates only the narrative it’s wants us to know . It does it via a wide spectrum of outlets of different hues so that we are conned into believing that there is a pluralistic media with a range of opinions when in fact there is only the Globalist narrative approved by the elite.
Remember when bbc Glasgee decided to do crowd shots out the window a few years ago?
Remember last week when libmob went crazy against the Express
claiming they used a photo from last year.
..Then the Express proved the photo was a genuine photo from last week
.. same trick of pointing a telephoto lens directly down the street.
I can’t help but notice a total lack of reporting from the BBC, Guardian, Channel 4 and the Independent re Arron Banks’s vote leave campaign being cleared by the National Crime Agency of any dirty tricks after being investigated by the Electoral Commission for his part in the Vote Leave campaign.
In the real World, the Electoral Commission should now be subject to a rigorous Parliamentary Investigation to uncover whether the action was driven by partisan members acting politically.
We all need to know who were the prime drivers of this witch-hunt.
Heads should roll over this, it was basically an attack on democracy and a democratic vote disguised as being in the Public interest.
Only the Express has the balls to air the story.
As for the rest of the media silence, this is typical bias by omission.
digg- The ‘real world’? That lot and the US Dems on the Left don’t live in the real world. They live in their revolutionary socialist dream bubble world, where Democracy is of no value and truthful reporting even less.
It’s all about overthrowing Trump. And they’ll get to Boris soon, at the mo at little tricky to attack someone describing his near death from Covid.
digg- The ‘real world’? That lot and the US Dems on the Left don’t live in the real world. They live in their revolutionary socialist dream bubble world, where Democracy is of no value and truthful reporting even less.
It’s all about overthrowing Trump. And they’ll get to Boris soon, at the mo at little tricky to attack someone describing his near death from Covid.
I agree, especially after the way Darren Grimes was persecuted by the electoral commission Inquisitors.
Al Beeb is not only taking the ( detected yawn- takes about 20 seconds to write a bad word and about 90 seconds to delete it and another 70 seconds to do this ) , they are ( deleted ) on us!
JugEars Marr opened this morning by telling us Hugh Pym is back on his sofa…“by popular demand”, ffs!!
digg- The ‘real world’? That lot and the US Dems on the Left don’t live in the real world. They live in their revolutionary socialist dream bubble world, where Democracy is of no value and truthful reporting even less.
It’s all about overthrowing Trump. And they’ll get to Boris soon, at the mo at little tricky to attack someone describing his near death from Covid.
Am I psychic? Yesterday I referred to the (deliberately) forgotten Korean war, when I was discussing Communist China.
Paddy tells me on R4 there was an exchange of gunfire across the Korean DMZ last night.
Oh, I forgot to mention two main current Chinese projects, one of them very, very military indeed: the ‘belt and road’ project (allegedly for trade, but who believes that, other than lotsa naive governments?).
And the aggressive CC expansion in the South China Sea, designed to dominate neighbours, and challenge the US there, in order to drive them out.
As I said, the Korean War has not really stopped. Not even literally, by treaty. I have a pretty good idea why the West is so keen not to mention it. If you talk about ‘the war’, you are referring to 1939-45. Strange, isn’t it?
So it’s not only pandemics we should be focusing on, but all the other vital stuff like Chinese IMPERIALISM (imagine if the us turned coral reefs into military bases) and the little boats invading across the Channel.
Twitter has copy of the letter sent from the minister at DCMS ( culture ) in charge of the BBC to Lord Hall .
The letter is a complaint about the Panorama Propaganda show Last week and make precise criticisms .
I think it’s all in the Mail .
Naughty step for the BBC – can’t see anything but a hands up from them – however slippery they may be
Let’s hope Panorama makes similar shows to hasten the demise of the BBC ….
Precisely. I don’t want the beeb to ‘reform’ (ie make a few cosmetic changes) – I want it utterly demolished.
Andrew Harding (beeb) loves to send us glowing reports about South Africa from Johannesburg, and how they’re an example to us all, (he means the ANC/SACP); and no whites in SA would ever receive coverage, let alone positive comment from beeb; THEY don’t exist. And for beeb, they certainly didn’t build the modern SA.
I read in’ SA News Today’ 1489 about the huge amount of looting that goes on under the cover of ‘lockdown’ there, especially of shops, with the police standing idly by and watching.
The harsh, ill-conceived lockdown, beloved of Harding and beeb, doesn’t mention the hungry people that it has created, not linked them directly anyway. Then again, looting is nothing unusual: witness all the murderous farm attacks since 1994. (Silence from beeb; not part of a narrative.)
Cos for beeb, ANC are long-standing buddies, as is St Mandela.
I apologise for not posting so often but was spurred to do so after reading Oaknash and Siempre’s comments yesterday, who appear to suffer from the same aversion.
I am still residing in a field within a rather pleasant part of Portugal. We have been virtual prisoners here since deciding 46 days ago to shun the urgent call to get back to Blighty. It’s a little surreal. We feel like self-made prisoners of war. Our host shops for us and we have access to basic ‘facilities’.
What we do not have is the ability to get out of our ‘island’. Up until next week, (where we think we can go for a small walk outside the compound), our world has been here and our window to the rest of the world, is the internet.
Therefore, the very last thing I need is to read anything written by that miserable bunch of barsteward posers; the broadcasting wing of the left.
I say that with the exception of the weather report.
I salute those of you who still visit. I’m sure it must be like that bit in the ORIGINAL Magnificent Seven, where the hung dude steals into the bandit camp and listens in to the plans they are concocting. Very brave.
Haha…I didn’t type ‘hung’ dude did I !??!! I meant ‘young’. I don’t want Brissles watching a two hour film for just that moment.
Damn ! I was about to delve into my dusty archive of dvds in the hope of enlivening this afternoon’s viewing ! with a few gingernuts and a cuppa to hand. (giggle)
chancy, good wishes to you and yours for both good health and a little increasing freedom if Portugal follow the steps taken in Spain and Italy.
You may have read of my three day fast from BBC R4 news (not including the website) but I always consider the weather provided on-line by Meteo to be essential for a visit almost every day. Even if Meteo do discriminate against 30mph winds.
Thank you Fedup and the same to you of course.
Hmm..I have had a look at Meteo and it looks like we are going to have scorchio for the next fortnight. Excellentio!
I do apologise Up2snuff. I thanked the wrong person. I’m so out of practice my brain has gone all befuddled!
No worries, cg. Scorcher in Portugal eh? Lucky you. Tad chilly here today, even in south-east Blighty. Central heating in danger of being turned up a notch or two – in May!
Am I psychic? – part 2: I mentioned yesterday how Europe and the UK are caught between the US and China in the big confrontation.
This morning ‘Die Welt’ carries a lead article saying that THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DECIDE WHOSE SIDE THEY ARE ON.
The short-sighted UK, especially, finds it hard to support the US! We love Huawei and the Chinese building our nuclear power stations. (We should have had Goering in London to advise on British air strategy in 1940!)
Ditto Europe. With operatives like the bbc and itv in the UK, and ard and zdf in Germany, it’s not difficult to make out a pro-Chinese drift. Mustn’t say anything to offend the Communist Chinese…
Wake up now Boris, you’ve had your rest from politics! (Sorry if that sounds a little unsympathetic; it is certainly not meant to be.)
By the way, I don’t mean to sound boastful about my psychic powers – I don’t have any. But, if you don’t blow your own trumpet, someone else is going to use it as a spittoon. A lesson I learnt from a certain President currently in power.
“the UK are caught between the US and China in the big confrontation.”
Just recently, china has stepped up and intensified its harassment of surrounding countries in its efforts to secure the South China Sea. It has become a major threat to the World. Probably in the hope that that will be a distraction from its ever continuing striving for World domination and/or ‘their’ virus.
Life? Means very little to the Chinese Communist Party. They, clearly, believe that to infect over 3 million people and kill almost 2.5 million is par for the course. “Move on, (the World) there’s nothing to see here”…………
Throughout history communist regimes have murdered millions. China is no different.
G, indeed so – Mao killed hundreds of thousands and also let millions starve in his wonderful utopia. Just like Stalin. And Hitler, but he did not go large on starvation, just the killing. And Venezuela. What news is there, BBC, of Venezuela? Surely all those correspondents around the world can be reporting from the lockdown, if any, in their apartments and houses, if not the streets.
A good source of interesting info. on china.
And, for the chinese naval fleet using technology stolen from elsewhere (including Russia!)
Speaking of Mao..
Question: does the bbc have a micro aggression editor yet?
And in line with their diversity logic, would they have to be a person on shortage?
If so, why is their Greta Editor not a small weird girl with no science qualifications, rather than a man… with no…
The most read story on the BBC news website is about “Coronavirus Lockdown Breakers” confessing their sins to the Beeb, I suppose in an effort to dissuade others.
The “criminals” the BBC have found are Sarah, Jeremy and Matt.
Funny that they can’t for the life of them find a Mohammed, Jamal or Shaniqwa to interview when it comes to portraying the population in a negative light. Muppets.
So-called, “Democracy” in the West needs a total overhaul.
I just had to turn LBC off
when that offensive ShelaghFogarty trailer came on
making the extraordinary claim that Trump suggested injecting & drinking bleach
Having been the most overcrowded EU country, are the UK’s deaths surprising?
Half of the EU’s 100 most densely-populated regions have been in the UK
Most of the mainstream media seem to have been obsessed for weeks with trying to catch out the Government on a variety of questions related to the Coronavirus. One of the latest narratives is that the UK is doing worse than other countries in dealing with this virus.
We really wish that these journalists would do some research and start to ask some different questions.
The irony is of course that those self same journalists were and are still red hot for mass migration which has seen the population of the country increase by 20% in the past two decades.
BBC rebranded?!?
Not sure how long the BBC News self promoting trailer, about reporting Covid19, has been running for but the one I saw recently had the tag line “BBC, bringing the country together”.
I heard a while back that they had to “bring the country back together” after Brexit and therefore still need the TV license fee in place.
Totally delusional.
BBC rebranded?
Just imagine Sopel taking up a new role in Beijing and reporting on the chinese communist party in a similar way to his reporting on the US…………………….
A loquacious WHO american virology doctor told us
on the Andrew Marr show that the virus did not originate from
the Wuhan virolgy institute. And the ex trotskyist newspaper
seller Andrew Marr confirms this forcefully.
So that’s OK then. You know you can trust the WHO and the
The simple coincidence of the Institute of Virology being based in Wuhan is on a par with Ms Chakrabarti gaining a peerage for her report into anti-Semitism.
This is a read rather than a watch. It’s by Seneca III, on the Gates of Vienna website.
It’s interesting and might help us understand what is being done to us.
I think the bottom line is that our country must resist the plans:
Oh and as an after thought, how much does George Soros give to the low circulation, loss making guardian?
Yes. Continuous attacks on Western culture using any means available.
This article by American Daniel Pipes, however, is fairly optimistic about the rise of those he calls “civilizationists” in Europe (though not necessarily in the UK!).
John you’ll be getting that piku the troll having a pop at you -,maxi in the daytime – interesting …
I know but to quote Catherine Tate’s character, Lauren, ” am I bovvered?”.
But you’ve given me an opportunity to repeat something that has been said many times by many others, reportedly first said by Mark Twain:
” Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference”.
WATO 1pm Sunday. Just before as well as after the headlines in those rhetorical questions the BBC do so well, asking why people in poorer areas are more likely to die than the wealthy. The DM online (so on the Left these days) have a link to an interactive map of who is dying where of or with Covid. The article mentioned there were 3 areas of London where there had been no deaths. Newham was one, not exactly Hampstead or Mayfair. I have forgotten the other two but certainly one of them was ‘inner city ‘. Here in my rural county there were 91 deaths. This really doesn’t fit the BBCs narrative, but why let the facts get in the way of a good story?
The Guardian comes out to defend it’s co-habitation partner The BBC over the Panorama backlash.
In response to the questioning from Oliver Dowden the Culture Secretary, the BBC simply refused to acknowledge his complaints.
So the Guardian wheel out a couple of tweets from their doyens.
The first from that lovable James O’ Brian of LBC who says….
“I read this twice and can’t see a single reference to, never mind refutation of, the testimony given by the medics on the programme. It’s the starkest example yet that the Vote Leave government is trying to make confected tribal allegiance more important than evidence. Again.”
WHY THE REFERENCE TO VOTE LEAVE??? pretty revealing!
The second from Alan Rusbridger (Former Editor of the Guardian) who says….
“It’s really not the job of the culture secretary to bollock the BBC for what your govt regards as bias, @OliverDowden Leave that to @Ofcom.”
The answer to that is the BBC and Ofcom are mirror-images so it needed an outside party to intervene.
What a pit of absolute slime these press people inhabit!
I did ask for someone with technical ability to copy the letter onto the site ….. but it’s scraping the barrel a bit to have a failed ex bbc radio Lefty journo And the former editor of the BBC’s newspaper to defend it .
I think the biggest fault – which I repeat again – is that those appearing on the public airways should be introduced with a bit of background – particularly those with contrary views to the government – .
I’d have this written into the required operating procedures of all publicly funded broadcasters …..
Snippets from the letter in
Thankyou Theisland
Since the minister has short circuited OFCOM i wonder if those lefties will start thinking about their next Quango – there’s always another one on the circuit .
And maybe if BoJo Cummings are looking at OFCOM they can all be given their marching orders …
And on marching orders – the longer the so called upper house is out of action – with the country going on – it gives evidence needed for its reform or end or downsizing and the over 70s ( many peers ) sent on their way.
Fed – You can cut out 500 and there’ll still be enough to ‘scrutinise’ the government’s work.
Age shouldn’t come into it. Bet there are lotsa youngish pals of Tony, Gordon, Jeremy and call me Dave, who have nothing of substance to contribute. I suspect a few of Theresa’s as well.
The whole thing is an undemocratic con job, worthy of…oh well, I’d better not go there.
Fake – I think age is an excellent mechanism to get rid of them . I’m not sure how many are over 70 but I would guess at 70 per cent .
It will never happen because it is to useful for PMs to despatch people there for various purposes .
Perhaps a maximum of 5 years should be brought it as well – if it is to be there any more.
Will this get them banned from Facebook and YouTube ?
If you would like a moment of genuine humour to lighten the mood, do please click on the Guardian link above.
Disregard the predictable self-indulgent navel-gazing and scroll down to the box-out headed ‘News under threat….’ which goes on to tell us that it is ‘….just when you need it most. Millions of readers round the world are flocking to the Guardian in search of honest, authoritative fact-based reporting…’
Which only goes to show that telling monumentally transparent porkies – or in more factual terms ‘downright lies’ – is fine if you’re an organisation based on the distortion truth to provide a living. And they have the temerity to regard themselves as the bastion of democracy.
Haven’t looked but would be surprised to see this on BBC
I thought so too
Have I got something wrong?
Peter Hitchins: “….When did you last hear an anti-government voice on the BBC…”.
I don’t like the bloke but, has he taken up drugs or something?
I thought that myself when I read it in the paper.
I don’t think Hitchens is anywhere near as coherent or consistent in his opinions as he thinks. Now someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t he advocated a compromise version of Brexit since the referendum, when for years he was telling us in his MoS column we could leave the EU with just a morning’s worth of legislation?
Last week’s Countryfile viewers saw a farmer pouring away milk, cos of coronavirus
.. From Twitter I saw they think that most farmers are pouring away all their milk.
.. Is that they case ?
Nope, not even close ..92 to 98% is going to the market OK
I conclude that BBC are constructing exciting narratives in their normal tricky way.
Countryfile CHERRYPICKED a sad case of a farmer & dairy company :
Farmer Ed that farmer had an exclusive contract with Freshways
which exclusively supplies pubs/cafes
not any cheese makers
They’d both put all their eggs in the same basket.
* but that is not the reason why he poured milk away *
Tom Heap “Ed had to pour milk away
when the tanker didn’t turn up to collect it”
Why’s that ??
Freshways said they had cashflow problems
as some of their customers had not paid them
So his buyer hadn’t made enough contingencies.
Another dairy may well have been covered by their own bank and insurance.
Tom Heap switched to the NFU
“gov must step in cos furlough doesn’t help
want a gov support scheme to reduce supply
citing 8% reduction in demand”
Defra say’s not 8%, it’s only 2%
Heap switched to farmer with onfarm milk vending machines who’s doing well..
FFS it’s not that vending machines are the answer
It’s that the example farmer and his buyer
had NOT made contingencies
Coping with bad stuff is about PREPARATION
not putting all your eggs in one basket in the first place.
#1 Farmer Ed should have had a second backup contract
#2 Freshways dairy should have had a backup of contracts with cheese/yogurt makers.
.. and had systems to deal with buyers who don’t pay.
Some of us on this site watch the app which show comings and goings at airports . Upto now the government has allowed unrestricted unchecked access to the UK from anywhere – no health checks , no quarantine , nothing – not even a hand cleanser at Heathrow .
Now it seems people coming into the country are to be required to do 14 days quarantine . If this is true – what a joke .
And I can’t wait to hear the ‘science ‘ on that one …..
Declaration – I have overseas property and would like to go see it – coming back I’d get off the plane , get on public transport – the London tube and go 32 stops to my nearest station – and then be in quarantine for 14 days ? !
Fed, It’s the same science that says wearing a mask may help…..but also that the same mask harbours the germs and encourages the wearer to touch their face more…
I’m a bit biased because i ve always kept PPE And medical kit – i had a bit of paramedic training a long time ago . So i wear gloves and a mask knowing about their limitations .
But I think they send a psychological sign reminding the thicker amongst us about distancing .
I dread public transport and supermarkets where the risk of infection is greatest and people’s behaviour tends to revert to peacetime
I see the BBC reporter on Twitter asserted
“More than 1 million litres of milk poured down the drain since the start of the #Coronavirus outbreak – latest figures @theRABDF survey.”
It was made 5.5 weeks from the start of lockdown.
say 5
UK annual milk production is 1,300 million litres
= 25 million per week
So in 5 weeks 125mn was produced & 1mn poured away
… that’s 0.8%
Pug, if I may be so bold,
The last 4 para’s of your post struck a chord with me. I have been convinced of a “conspiracy” since the beginning of this emergency. I base this pet theory on the following timeline:- December 2019, the WHO announce that a new virus has been causing pneumonia in Wuhan, China. On January 30 2020, the WHO declare this to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, and by February 10th, the UK Government has already introduced Regulations relating to the new disease.
What happened during that timeline? Well, from the 20th to the 24th January 2020, there was a certain economic “gathering” at a little place called Davos…..coincidence?
I tend to keep my views, especially my political views to myself especially to people I know or certain members of my extended family many of whom are quite educated and normal.
This is because I have noticed a phenomenon which I term auto-hate-spit.
For instance, a bit of video of Trump speaking on TV will often within a nano-second illicit an immediate reaction of “He’s horrible isn’t he?” to a greater or lesser extend this also applies to any appearance or mention of Boris or Brexit… “Doesn’t he look an idiot?” etc.
There is never any context or any follow-up or reasons for the reaction, it’s almost instinctive and knee-jerk.
At first I used to respond back “What makes you think that?” etc. only to be met with a glare and a snarl and a feeling that I had committed some sort of cardinal sin asking the question and needed to go wash my mouth out.
I cannot understand why these individuals are incapable of a discussion or expanding their reasoning it’s just appears to be involuntary and not based on any logic.
Thus any further discussion is pointless.
I would be interested if anyone else on here experiences this from people you know who otherwise seem quite normal?
Is it down to the Education they had etc.? Any ideas welcome!
On a wider perspective I think this same affliction is rife within the MSM and especially the BBC.
Digg -I think it is a side effect of more and more age groups having grown up on the internet
– which encourages trench ware fare – and has spread into universities and people being ‘non platformed ‘ or having to sign agreements about what they can and cannot say .
The ‘blame game ‘ and ‘offence game ‘ both so loved by the media also contribute to this .
If you notice – the media doesn’t do competing views any more – it just imports someone from the left to say their bit and get nodded at .
If a person from the Right is brought on – it is just to challenge , interrupt , prevent them from expressing or developing their view / argument and go for the ‘gotcha’ approach – often digging up comments or views from many years before in order to undermine them .
All of this transmits to the ordinary daily domain . I can’t discuss my views – even here – because they are beyond accepted liberal views – eg dismantling and total reforming of the NHS which is a forbidden debate now – drowned out by all that clapping ….
digg, you only have to look at any BBC web-site article on the pandemic and UK lockdown that is open to comment to see how easily some people are conditioned to believe and repeat the pre-conditioned line. We know this happened and witnessed the effects (not good) from 1930-1990 in mainland Europe. The group think is totalitarian at its core.
On here, if someone registered to post who was pro-EU or pro-Labour Party, or any political view, if they were prepared to debate and tolerate opposing views, then I would hope that they would contribute items of BBC bias and stay and join in any of the discussions. After all, we don’t see completely eye-to-eye on here anyway. It may be an echo (bell) chamber but it rings with different notes.
After all, it’d only maxi and piku (and one other?) who don’t contribute and just merely snipe at someone else’s posts.
Up2 i was hoping to argue you to prove a point but i can’t. I’d be really glad for pro BBC types to come here are prove the BBC unbiased or even biased to the Right – (with worked examples )
I was thinking back to brexit and the often asked question about 1 pro brexit programme the BBC did – or one story against the EU …..
…. that is echoed now with Covid … is there one pro government story about the pandemic ? Perhaps there is – but the whole narrative has been on constant failure – and A kind of mindset which says U.K. caused the pandemic – when in fact it was China
Just had a spat with a friend I have known for 40 years. She told me Trump was an idiot because he had told people to inject disinfectant. I asked her if she had seen the medical presentation he was responding to and did she know the film had been spliced. After stuttering for a minute or two she declared it didn’t matter what the circumstances were but she wished he would inject himself with disinfectant and die. I responded that she shouldn’t wish anyone dead. She said she didn’t with one exception and that was Trump. She then said he was so nasty to the press.
Needless to say a Remainer. But what makes people on the Left so full of bile? As I said a few days ago I could have said the same about Derek Draper (in intensive care at the moment), Jeremy Corbyn or indeed Tony Blair or Alistair Campbell. But I don’t. I might make an exception for Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin but as they are dead already it may be wasted breath.
If you hear someone on the Left mention Boris, they usually call him a liar. When I ask ‘what lies?’ again splutter and they mention the bus. Wasn’t it shown to be true in court?
Deborah – not worth the argument- when is a mind ever changed .?
How often do you hear some one say
“ yes you are right and i got it wrong “
Digg – this is a common experience for me and I expect most of us who post on this site. I am fortunate in that I have two members of my family who tend to share my views on Trump but my extended family, all my friends and all my work colleagues (with one exception) do not. It’s lonely a lot of the time.
Why is this? Many of these people, like the people you know, are apparently educated and smart. Here is my own take though about why they hate Trump. It is because he is transparent. Yes, transparent. It is not primarily because they hate his policies, even though they do. It is because he is lowbrow and crude and doesn’t try to hide it. He does not disguise his hatred of the media. He doesn’t care about being somewhat inarticulate. He just says what he thinks and he does not change his accent to fit in with different constituencies. Trump-haters, whether it’s the Beltway Establishment or our friends and relatives, don’t understand how such a figure can connect with ordinary voters. (They don’t understand ordinary voters either, or how their concerns and anger are finding expression through Trump.) Their minds are blown by the phenomenon of Trump. All their lives they have believed that politicians needed to have a certain smooth style – temporizing, platitudinous, full of nostrums and bromides – in order to persuade the public to vote for them. But Trump – he’s obviously a lout, how can he possibly be popular? He doesn’t fit their preconception of what a politician actually is. By winning the presidency, he’s proved that none of them know anything about politics. Rather than analyse that disturbing possibility further, it is so much easier to condemn Trump and all his supporters as fascists and racists and give people like you and me dirty looks.
Something like that.
Good analysis. (The case of Tommy Robinson – although very different – has some similarities. He is despised for snobbish reasons: somebody like him simply cannot be right,)
I have a Canadian aunt and uncle who come over fairly regularly. I have a lot of time for both, but they become quite apoplectic when talking about Trump. To the “eyes popping out of his head” point.
I never respond, though am sorely tempted to do so, because it would just cause an atmosphere. This is something I have noted about those on the ‘left’ (for want of a better term, because that’s rather simplistic). They are so sure of their own moral rectitude, they never consider others might not agree with them. It never crosses their mind that they may cause an atmosphere at a family gathering.
I echo that. You can’t disagree without showing yourself to be a bad person.
Not really connected to the BBC but to the wider issue of our freedoms of speech being taken away by the Fascist Left.
Most of us are probably only too well aware that the charity sector has been infiltrated by the Fascist Left and have been causing mayhem there for some time now. This today however is a whole different ball game.
David Icke – regard him as a fantasist or a visionary it’s up to you has had all his online content removed for comments he has made about the still being installed 5G network. Icke clearly hasn’t broken any laws or he would have been prosecuted, but a little but of digging reveals a far leftist group was behind this.
The Center for Countering Digital Hate Ltd
They have a web page in which they describe themselves as being dedicated to deplatforming people with views they disapprove of.
They list on their webpage the organisations who fund them:
Barrow Cadbury Trust
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
Laura Kinsella Foundation
The Pears Foundation
Unbound Philanthropy
It seems they might have duped these funders, because they started off by attempting to stop abusive trolls attacking election candidates at the last general election, but since then they have gone away from that ideal massively.
We should perhaps be contacting these foundations making them aware of how their money is being misused in the furtherance of censorship and denial of freedom of speech.
bbc did have a hand in Ickes YouTube demise, the purge on YouTube against the fringe has been relentless lately. As a result views have plummeted, suggesting YouTube is more about agenda promotion than money.
Today’s press conference seems based on far higher than usual readings from prepared scripts and reveals an even more lethal and insidious virus – Gove-id-19 – which physically saps the will to live.
Jesus wept. These journo’s make my blood boil !!!!!!
Doobster- Ok Kuenssberg asks sarcastic questions. BUT this
question about the Nightingale hospitals is just about
the daftest I have heard up to now.
I thought that was very good question – but the reply should have been “ yes – it was a mistake – because without then you lot could have got all those pictures of bodies lined Up on hospital corridor floors and blubbing nurse screaming in distress …..
I wonder if Priti will do the Monday brief and get the question about why hard working plod has time to rehearse and do online dance videos …..
….there are going to be an extra 20000 to do the same —- but at least while they’re doing that they’re not searching out so called’ hate crime ‘ Or ‘ checking my thinking “ …..
The phenomena of postal voting as a block may be relevant.
I can’t put my finger on it but is there something odd about the photograph used here ?
Get ’em while they are young.
Plod is “meant to reflect the ‘comoonitee’ it serves – so if they have various colours and gendas why not have kiddie cops to represent kiddie interests … only fair ….
… I wonder if I’d get a promotion with an excellent idea – unless they’ve nicked it first …
.. at least it would keep the kids off the streets ….
whitey-bad as usual
Getty image info
One label says Beach at Brighton
“Can I ask where you are going sir?”
“I’m sorry sir, the Channel is one-way now. Please clear the beach as the Border Force ferry is due any minute and we don’t want you to pass any virus onto any of the passengers do we?”
“I’m sorry miss, I shall go back home and clap for Our NHS”.
Very good @JimS
BTW BBC images don’t normally work here
but I see that one does
We won’t be paying Getty.
Been clocked.
Groper can’t even do a Cathy Newman without fouling up.
Why the government think the British people should be compelled to pay hundreds or thousands of pounds a year to oafs such as this is hard to reconcile.
““It sounds to me from what you’re saying”
= “So what you are saying is”
What a thoroughly decent chap – but giving honest answers like that to vermin like marr means he won’t be getting any appearance fees from the BBC in the future .
Per the boxed-in tweet from Redmite, it’s perhaps trite to observe that Marr invariably looks like he’s been slapped with a wet fish. One expects that the fishmonger’s bill is covered by the licence payer….
7 mins into Countryfile and they are well into praising the entirely East European workforce at the huge glasshouse salad farm near London.
Lea Valley which I think is inside the M25 and 10 miles north of Liverpool St.
A once decent programme. RIP Countryfile.
Another inspired appointment from Surkeer.
Now Greta can insist only her chums in the BBC studios.
The woman who decided to defect from the UK following Brexit to the socialist workers paradise of Italy – oops run by the right wing Lega and Matteo Salvini – an odd choice you might think for such a right on lunatic like Thompson.
Then again though as soon as she gained Italian citizenship the Coronavirus lockdown happened and poor Emma in her massive wealth driven hypocrisy fled the country and came back to the UK – to spend the Italian lockdown at her Scottish home instead, and potentially burdening the NHS if she becomes ill.
Perhaps the message of green she wants to send is that air travel needs to be reduced to only a few wealthy elites such as her and the plebs prevented from soiling the cabin air she has to breathe.
The man down the virtual pub has explained to me how Thompson qualifies as an expert.
Environment: she plants lots of trees (or, more likely, gets some poor sod working for minimum wage to do it for her); and
Transportation services: she’s utterly familiar with the First Class section of transatlantic jets (hence all the tree-planting).
The Tories are no great shakes, but Labour redefine the concept of stupidity.
Weren’t a bunch of Beeboids there recently.
Antiques Roadshow the bus that brings the black actors must have not got to the Botanical Gardens of Wales.
.. only at one point there was a black grandfather placed one row back, but often in shot.
Heard on bbc news Belarus still have football matches because vodka kills the virus according to the president.
Will Hugh Pimms please ask why the government hasn’t provided care homes and all medical staff with vodka as “experts”
say vodka kills covid19
Nowt to do w’BBC but a similar political viewpoint, perhaps?
The Sunday People are gunning for the Government today, claiming that old people have died needlessly from Covid-19 infections. The SP blame the Government. I wonder if they know who runs care homes in the UK and is responsible for residents’ safety? Yes, nothing to do with the Government but everything to do with Civil Servants and a Quango, the Care Quality Commission.
Now there’s a surprise. Nowt to do w’Government, everything to do with Civil Servants.
I would not buy a rag like the SP but I wonder if inside, away from the front page, they asked the $64,000 question: are old people being deliberately infected in care homes and by who?
Why wasn’t vodka used before ?
Is there a vodka shortage ?
Why hasn’t everyone got vodka
What about alcohol godless muslims ?
Is russia involved?
Will it be free?
Will sweeney Kia royales work ?
On behalf of the over 60s it should be prescription 1 litre bottles only
Following on from the last post I made about the attack on freedom of speech by the Fascist Left David Icke was this evening supposed to be giving an interview on internet TV ‘London Real’ which has its own servers and is not connected to big internet companies nor the MSM.
Except the servers were hack by persons unknown and the webcast hasn’t taken place.
Try the twitter page
Doesn’t matter if you like Icke or not.nor if you believe what he has to say (I don’t believe half of it) but this is a real time attack on freedom of speech by persons unknown, but apparantly persons sanctioned by the cowardly useless incompetent Tories now in power who are doing what they do best to defend our freedoms – absolutely nothing!
Time for the New Thread ….