Midweek Thread 13 May 2020

A highly skilled BBC autocue reader called Fiona Bruce read out that a whole range of workers are ‘low skilled’. She has done a public service by showing a glimpse at what they think of the millions of people who pay their wages through the TV licence.

If you feel like cancelling yours – here is the link –


Please practice distancing from the Biased BBC and wash your hands after having watched or listened to it . Over to you .

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437 Responses to Midweek Thread 13 May 2020

  1. JamesArthur says:

    Sorry to hog this morning..but R4 presenter (is it Nick or Justin) talking to Brandon Lewis
    Banging on aggressively about the Kier Starmer letter and trying to make out KS was right and Boris was wrong and everything was ‘chaotic’..Brandon not biting..BBC presenter getting more aggressive

    and now a ‘should you have known?’…talking about Mark Sedwill having CV19….aggressive again..interrupting.. Brandon not biting, but you can bet he has noted the T**t’s attitude


    • Up2snuff says:

      It was Justin, second in command to Mishal Husain. It is interesting how she has come to dominate TOADY. Her voice grates on me. Notable how she did not harass or interrupt Dr Navarro. She didn’t ask any good questions about the science of Covid-19 either. She is really not up to the job, imv.

      Brandon stood his ground – he was sticking too closely to Parliamentary tradition and not (correctly) stating that the Government was taking Civil Service and scientific advice and acted accordingly.

      I think Brandon missed a couple of other tricks. One would have been to point out that the UK has probably done better than some countries but all nations have had to deal with a fast changing scenario without really knowing exactly what they were dealing with.

      Had JustRemainIn persisted, I would have hoped Brandon would say that in the West, especially in the UK and USA, the Governments have had to deal with a continually interfering and unhelpful media, constantly criticising what ever choice a Government made. No names of MSM but just leave that hanging, perhaps, just before “Thank you, Justin, I have to go now, bye bye.”


  2. AsISeeIt says:

    What are the chances of that?

    Having speculated hereabouts that the public sector loving love hangout that was the Guardian dating app soul train has hit the buffers due to a lack of men I have now paused for thought…

    I leapt to the assumption that Soul Mates may have been something of a female only safe space – nice, but not ideal for regular coupling – for the reason that the BBC report on its demise came up with four Twitter farewells – all female. Pippa, Bekki and two Elizabeths.

    What are the chances of 4 female and no male responses (assuming a 50/50 population?) well, I make that 6.25% chance.

    No wonder Soul Mates failed.

    But wait, who does the Huffpost find on Twitter regretting the demise of this right-on romantic hangout?


    Five of each by my reckoning. Perfectly harmonious.

    Oh BBC, where’s your balance?

    Our Pippa turns out to be a British comedian. Our Bekki’s profile reveals her to be a Film/TV producer. Our first Elizabeth is a novelist and our second Elizabeth is a sporty journo.

    Ever decreasing circles. No wonder the BBC is getting more and more out of touch.


    • Harry of Sussex says:

      AslSeelt – I can understand men not using the site. Given that most of the women are Guardian types, the odds of a visit from the Police for ‘inappropriate…’ would be pretty good!


    • Up2snuff says:

      AISI, great spot, post and love those last two sentences. So true.


    • StewGreen says:

      WTF who heard of a dating site where women don’t get 50 times more replies than men do ?
      And the messages we men get are from some fat bloke in Moscow in charge of 1,000 female scam accounts.


  3. digg says:

    I sense a new BBC trend getting underway… get behind the Teaching Unions to tarnish the Government re returning to school…

    I fully expect this to mushroom now!


    • AsISeeIt says:

      Prior to the Corbyn ascendancy it was revealed that near fifty per cent of Labour Party card carrying membership were teachers.

      The teaching unions are inevitably going to be the muscle of anti-Boris anti-Brexit action.


    • StewGreen says:

      “Clap for teachers who stay at home”


  4. theisland says:


    Common sense is a much underrated value. It is sneered at by the intellectual priesthood, which venerates abstract theorising divorced from reality and how people actually behave.


    • Beltane says:

      Not quite sure when intelligence became rated higher than wisdom – though it has certainly taken off with the young, who know all the answers anyway, always have.
      Wisdom accrued by the elderly through experience is of little significance of late – and that’s another BBC achievement, catalysed by Janet Street-Walker’s ‘yoof’ movement.


      • JamesArthur says:

        a partial quote (not in a Kier S way) from a reference in Wiki..
        “Wisdom is associated with attributes such as unbiased judgment,”

        Which explains why there is none at the BBC


  5. theisland says:

    Further to a post by Celtic_Mist yesterday.

    The British government can leave the transition period at the end of this year, ignore all and any summons it receives to the ECJ and demands for money, and let the EU seek remedies under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties at the International Court, under international law. Even were a judgment there to go against us, forcing us to pay any unreasonable demands for money would be another battle entirely. The cost of giving in, when we have to reboot our own economy from the coronavirus pandemic, would be too great, both economically and politically.

    Therefore, yesterday’s ECJ judgement, if correctly handled by the government, could be the secret weapon which blows the whole disastrous Withdrawal Agreement sky high.

    However, we can imagine all the EUrophiles in the HoC saying how we must, must, must give the EU more money, money, money – ‘because it’s the LAW’. Perhaps they will start another UK court battle to force the government to pay their masters? Cue the fox killer and lady tarantula.


  6. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 but brief

    re digg’s post above really: I switched on to listen to weather forecast and 8a.m. news plus prime interview and Brandon Lewis follow-up with JustRemainIn Webb. Interesting that either Mishal or JustRemainIn made reference to the fact that the public thought that ‘the teaching unions were being obstructive’. Can’t remember who said it.

    I hope that the UK population is becoming increasingly aware of the opposition to legitimate democratically elected government in the UK and USA, especially in the media and among state employees and institutions, and are heading in the opposite direction.

    We could be standing on the edge of losing democracy.


    • Doobster78 says:

      We could be standing on the edge of losing democracy.

      AGAIN !!!

      Been on the edge for years now, a cause certainly NOT helped by having a National Broadcaster seemingly so against its OWN country !!!!

      Just imagine the different mood if they decided to get behind the UK for once. They could have a real positive impact but they just are not interested.

      Only interested in causing division, whether it be racial, gender, political , social etc etc

      Only interested in negative angles.

      They are a biased, anti British , pro Muslim , propaganda outfit.

      Basically rancid , rotten and shameless !!!!!!


      • Up2snuff says:

        Doobs, we keep getting taken back to the edge. Yes, the Beeb are dragging us there. Again.

        At JustRemainIn’s second or third attempt to get Brandon Lewis to say “Yes, it was chaotic.” I could not listen anymore and switched off.

        When I think about BBC N&CA output I come over all a bit ‘William Archibald’ these days and think of them as Knaves of Wegativity.

        I’m too young to drown!


  7. Square-Eyed says:

    Obama Swampgate

    There was a time when not only the BBC but the rest of the British mainstream media could faithfully report to us every apparent new crack in the Trump edifice. Of course now we have covid-19 with us, but other “stuff” is still happening. Why then do we not hear or read anywhere but what we glean from the Internet of the great conspiracy against Trump as it is gradually revealed? Are the folk in the media complicit or just ashamed that they were duped?


    • StewGreen says:

      It’s stunning
      Top voices screamed RussianCollusion on TV for 3 years
      But now admit on oath they never had evidence.

      Interesting that libmob sneer at Fox News
      as if it couldn’t possibly have someone like Andrew Neil who properly researches stuff
      Tucker Carlson does seem like he does.


  8. Tabs says:

    The BBC News website has become the Socialist Worker newspaper. Three separate articles mentioning Unions, two more articles about workers rights/PTSD.

    They used to be subtle!


  9. Absolute Shower says:

    I’m not touting for them but just putting this here for interest. This small run news network is attempting to make a documentary later this year. There was a picture but I can’t copy it.

    Dear Supporter,

    For months UNN has been reporting on the illegal immigrants crossing the English Channel. We had Elaine Renton of The South East Coastal Defence Force on last year talking about this!

    As if that wasn’t bad enough a flight came today from Greece carrying ‘vulnerable children & adults’ with over 50 people to be resettled in the UK as part of the Dublin regulations we have been exposing.

    The overwhelming majority of people in the country are against mass illegal immigration into the UK as well as resettlement when our veterans are on the streets as well as people using foodbanks. Many are asking what are the Tories playing at?

    To that end we want to create a documentary called ‘The Silent Invasion?’ to find out what is really going on. This isn’t just going to be an MSM style piece of propaganda but we will listen to all sides of the debate and argument in order to get to the truth of the situation.

    We are preparing to crack on with this once lockdown restrictions are eased and we estimate that it will cost around £10,000 to make it professionally with the UNN team heading to the South Coast and hopefully over to France.

    We just need an indication of whether it is feasible or not so from now on any extra donations we receive will go into a separate pot to make sure we can get this made.

    If you are interested in us making a proper documentary and speaking to real people around one of the most important issues in Britain today click below and support the truth.

    Kind Regards,

    David Clews
    UNN Lead Correspondent


  10. StewGreen says:

    Nothing happens in Sweden
    “..the boyfriend of 17 year-old Wilma Andersson has been charged for her murder in November 2019
    The 23 year-old XXXXX man had decapitated the girl and carried around a suitcase with the girl’s head and some of her underwear in it.”
    XXXXX could mean native Swedish man, I’m sure there have been such psychos in the past
    but not in this case.



  11. StewGreen says:

    Facebook launched “Hateful Memes Challenge” this week, in which researchers will compete for a $100,000 prize pool by developing artificial intelligence that can identify “hate speech” in memes.

    But Facebook, Social media and even MSM is full of
    … HATE speech towards Trump, Brexiteers, non-libmob voices like Katy Hopkins etc even death threats
    but that is not taken down
    Maybe that’s why Facebook needs such high level artificial intelligence, cos it must identify Lefty-hatespeech as OK



  12. Guest Who says:

    Tower Hamlets has forty alone.


    • gb123 says:

      Hackney North and Stoke Newington have forty million and umpty dozen according to the local MP.


    • Harry of Sussex says:

      Guest – Helpful insight from the Guardian, next they’ll suggest each one has it’s own devolved powers!


  13. G says:

    So, we have all been listening to our, Worlds Most Trusted, daily, referring to other countries and what they are doing to combat the chinese virus. Most people will be left with, as the BBC would hope, the idea that everyone else: Good, UK: Bad.
    ‘So why did we not do what xyz did?’ is the mantra.
    Makes it even more interesting that Germany’s younger school children resumed their schooling in April and when we want to do similar, there’s apparently, every reason in the book why the UK should not.
    One wonders what is behind this resistance…………….
    (Over to you my shadow)


  14. JamesArthur says:

    I do not believe it…just caught end R4. BAME and CV19….

    Apparently racial inequalities are to blame for the theorised increased proportion of BAME getting/dying from CV19- I say theorised increased because the evidence is still lacking and maybe, just maybe, there is a genetic and not racial reason.
    Why can’t these people just put racism to one side for a while….

    So BBC today from my limited listening:
    Tories are in chaos
    Trump caused increased deaths (CV19)…and repeating Trump said ingest bleach (which he did not)..now doing a hate piece on Trump wrt to science
    CV19 is racist
    Teachers are great and shouldn’t have to go to work

    Bias all the way…no news in the 1pm news – just propaganda


  15. Fedup2 says:

    As our Thread creaks past 400 posts I feel it’s time for the Weekend one to arrive ….. thank you for the comments ……